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‘How could you do this to us? How?’ Molly asked in despair.

‘I don’t know.’ Matt replied. ‘I’m so sorry…’

‘You don’t know? YOU DON’T KNOW?’

‘It just happened…’

‘Matt, I thought we had something good. I thought you wanted a family. I feel so stupid. I can’t believe I trusted you.’

‘I don’t know what to say…I love you, Molly…’

‘Do you love our children, too?’

‘Of course I do. More than anything.’

‘Then why do this? Why? We’re supposed to be a team. Raising our children. Being a family. You can’t do that if you’re out with another woman.’

‘I know…I know…can you forgive me?’

‘I don’t know. It’s too soon. This hurts too much and I can’t think.’

The argument continued until Matt left for the day. Molly was left at home.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

I sat down to breakfast and poured myself a bowl of jelly beans. This might sound like a very peculiar thing to do, but breakfast cereal is mostly sugar anyway. I just eliminated the pretense.

My personal data assistant activated in a series of beeps, indicating that my services were needed. I downloaded the relevant information about Molly and her family and began to read.

My job is simple. I try to help people. While time literally stands still, I can show a person events in their past, present and future. Well, not technically the future, but one of many possible futures. It can be very confusing.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Molly sat on the floor of her kitchen, clutching a dishtowel, while water ran continuously in the sink above her. Dirty dishes waited to be cleaned, but Molly could not bring herself to do them. Her eight-year old daughter was at school and her two year-old son was napping. Her husband, Matt, left for the day after their argument. With the entire house to herself, she collapsed. She buried her face in the dishtowel and sobbed.

Forty-five minutes later, Molly heard the sound of squealing brakes. She recognized right away that the mailman had pulled up in front of the house. The doorbell rang. She thought her signature was probably needed for a package. She was still in tears, still upset, and the doorbell rang again. She sighed and pulled herself up from the floor. After a few hurried moments of straightening her clothes and wiping the tears from her eyes, she answered the door.

There I was, a frail old man in a mailman’s uniform. Never mind how I got the uniform, let’s just say that when you have the ability to stop time, you can borrow things from people without consequence. Okay, I’ll come clean. I froze time and borrowed the mailman’s uniform and truck. You might think this constitutes improper conduct, but if I borrow something and return it before any time has elapsed, then it’s not really borrowing, is it?

‘Hello,’ Molly said politely. If I hadn’t known, I would not have guessed that she had just spent the better part of an hour crying.

‘You probably think I have a package for you, but I don’t. I need to show you some things.’

‘Oh god, I’m calling the police…’

‘No, that’s not what I meant. Oh, no.’

She ran to the phone, but it wasn’t working. I had stopped time, so there was no way a call was going to be answered. Everyone, except the two of us, was frozen in place. She screamed and mumbled something about getting a frying pan. Stopping time wouldn’t help me deal with a scared woman attacking me with a frying pan. I cursed myself for my incompetent introduction. A white light appeared from above and brightened, blinding the both of us. We were gone from her house, just in the nick of time.

The blinding light faded. Molly was thrown off-guard by the light, but I waited patiently for her to calm down. Molly was having a very traumatic day, and that was before an old man showed up in a postal uniform and sent her halfway across the country in a flash of light.

‘I’m sorry about that,’ I said. ‘I always mess up my dramatic entrances. Can I start again?’

Molly didn’t say anything. She looked around cautiously, taking in the surroundings, like a cat exploring new territory.

‘You’re in no danger. I just froze everything. Mind if I smoke?’ I took a cigar from the pocket of my postal uniform. Molly watched me light the cigar and didn’t respond. She looked dazed.

‘I’m here to help you. You’re husband is having an affair.’

Molly turned and looked me over carefully. I was, thankfully, a non-threatening, weak old man. However, I seemed to know things I shouldn’t know.

‘What, are you my guardian angel?’ she finally asked.

‘I don’t think so. Do angels smoke?’

‘Maybe I’m dreaming.’

I shrugged. ‘You’re not dreaming, but I can’t really prove it.’

She considered my answer for awhile and sat down on the hilltop, looking out over the vast, flat plain below.

‘I recognize this place,’ she said. ‘That’s Death Valley down there.’

‘Yep, that’s Death Valley. I love it. It’s a great place to escape for awhile.’

For a long time, we sat and looked at the salt flats below. I puffed on my cigar, coughing furiously at times, but Molly was lost in thought and ignored me.

‘This is called Dante’s View,’ I said, in my most friendly manner. ‘We’re more than five thousand feet above the valley floor.’

‘My kids…where are my kids?’ she said in a sudden fit of a panic.

‘They’re fine,’ I responded quickly. ‘The world is standing still while we talk. Everyone is healthy and will be okay.’

‘How do you know about my husband’s affair?’

I pulled my personal data assistant from my pocket and an entire package of jelly beans fell out and emptied to the ground. Molly laughed and shook her head. A few of them rolled down the side of the hill, barreling toward the valley below, but I was able to rescue most of them from the dirt.

‘Jelly bean?’ I offered to Molly. I rubbed the jelly bean on my clothes to make sure it was clean.

‘Er, no,’ she responded. ‘Thank you.’

I ate the jelly bean. When you can stop time, there is no ten-second rule. I put the rest back in my pocket. I showed Molly my personal data assistant, but she wasn’t impressed.

‘I get all of my information from this machine. It allows me to help people. Now, I’m helping you.’

‘I don’t see how you can help me. Unless you can turn back time. Then we can find the other woman and set her on fire before she meets my husband.’

‘Nope, can’t do that,’ I said.

‘Shoot,’ she responded.

‘Everyone is free to make their own choices in life, even when they hurt other people.’

‘I’ll never be able to trust him again.’

‘This must be so hard. I’m sorry.’

‘What am I supposed to do? Just forgive and forget? Dump him?’

‘I have no idea.’



‘You’re machine can’t tell you what I should do?’

‘Nope. Life is like a road with many forks. Every decision sends you down a new road, with intended and unintended consequences. Here, let me show you something. Cover your eyes.’

The bright light appeared again from above, blinding them. Molly covered her face defensively.

When the light faded, we were standing in the pediatric unit of a hospital. Down the hall, a doctor was talking to a nurse in hushed whispers. Molly was shocked again by our sudden change in locale. She was tempted to yell out something, but she quickly covered her mouth to keep from alarming everyone in the hospital.

‘Don’t worry, kiddo. Nobody can hear us,’ I told her.


Molly relaxed and looked around. A large pane of glass separated us from a group of newborns, all nestled softly in their individual cribs. All of the babies appeared to be sleeping peacefully. A nurse was in the room, moving from baby to baby, checking on each one.

‘That’s you, the one on
the far right,’ I told Molly, tapping the glass. I began another coughing attack, something that happened often when I had gone awhile without a cigar. Molly panicked, thinking I would wake up every single baby. I waved her off. Nobody could hear me. Molly remembered and smiled, then turned her attention back to the babies.

‘That’s me over there, huh?’


‘I was pudgy.’

‘All babies are pudgy.’

To Molly’s great surprise, her parents entered from the doorway down the hall and walked toward them. Her mother wore a traditional light blue hospital gown and a plastic white wristband. She looked tired and stepped lightly, still recovering from the delivery. Her father was with her mother, holding her hand.

‘Oh my god, those are my parents,’ Molly said. ‘They look so young.’

I didn’t say anything. I ate another jelly bean, hoping it would serve as a cough drop. Molly’s parents searched through the glass for a couple of seconds before identifying their baby girl. Her mother pressed her nose to the glass and smiled. Her father stood behind her mother and wrapped his strong arms around her. He kissed her on the neck, then whispered to her.

‘I don’t want to take the job. I think we should stay right here.’

‘Really?’ her mother answered with a weary smile.

‘Yeah, your parents are here. Our friends our here. This isn’t the time to move across the country.’

They hugged and enjoyed the moment, watching their new baby girl sleep peacefully in the hospital crib.

Molly turned to me. ‘My parents were going to move? I never knew that.’

‘Yeah, to Pittsburgh,’ I answered. ‘Your dad was offered a job there. It would have been a considerable raise. He turned it down.’

‘I never knew. My life might have been a lot different.’

‘That’s an understatement. Want to see?’

‘Huh. Does that mean I have to be blinded again…?’

‘Yeah. Sorry, kiddo, that’s just how it works.’

‘Can we stay here for a little while longer? It’s not every day you get to see your parents like this…’

‘Sure, just let me know.’

Molly’s attention switched from her parents back to herself as a baby. She remembered how she felt when her own children were born, and it seemed to fascinate her that her own parents felt the same way about her. When her parents left the hallway and returned to her mother’s hospital room, she took one last look at herself as a newborn baby.

‘Okay, I’m ready.’

Another bright light. Molly was prepared and covered her eyes.

They stood in the entryway of a very large, ornate mansion. A gold chandelier with hundreds of dangling crystals hung above their heads. Expensive paintings hung on every wall. The next room over was filled with fancy, antique furniture that appeared unused. Through the front window, there was an incredible green garden that led to a large gate. Gardeners were hard at work in various flower beds.

‘This place is enormous,’ Molly said in awe. ‘The people who live here must be very rich.’

‘This is your house. Well, it would have been your house if your parents had moved to Pittsburgh.’

‘You’re kidding.’

‘I am way too old to kid you.’

‘I’m rich? Really? How did this happen?’

‘Your husband in this life is a well-known surgeon. The point is, one tiny decision a person makes effects many things. We don’t usually see what happens when different choices are made, so we don’t even think about it. Do you remember how you met your husband?’

‘Of course. Matt and I were in the same chemistry class together at UCLA.’

‘Where would you be now if you had registered for a different section of this chemistry class? Do you remember?’

Molly sat down on a chair in the lobby area of the house and considered. ‘You know, I remember that I was going to take either chemistry or biology that semester. I just chose chemistry and I can’t remember why. I was late for registration and couldn’t get into the section I wanted, and ended up in the section Matt was in.’

‘So, if you had taken biology, you wouldn’t have met Matt. Or, if you had shown up on time for registration, you wouldn’t have met Matt.’

‘Oh man,’ she said, shaking her head. ‘If I had gone to a different college, or majored in something else, then I wouldn’t have met him, either. That’s wild to think about.’

‘For most people, a lot of strange things have fallen into place to create the world they now occupy.’

‘That’s kind of amazing.’

‘One minor change can lead to a completely different life.’

‘So, if my dad accepted that job in Pittsburgh, then I’d be married and wealthy? Am I happy in this life?’

I checked my personal data assistant. ‘Do you really want to know?’

Molly chewed this over. ‘It’s probably better that I don’t know. It would piss me off right now if I would have been happy in Pittsburgh.’

‘This life would have come with its own challenges, kiddo.’

I put the machine back in my pocket. I noticed a dish of fancy chocolate candies sitting on a table in the next room. I couldn’t resist.

‘You eat too much,’ Molly scolded me. ‘You’re going to get diabetes or have a heart attack.’

I shook my head as I bit into one of the candies. ‘Nope, my health doesn’t change. That’s a perk of my job.’

‘Is that why you smoke so much? You can’t get cancer?’

‘I smoke because it makes my breath smell like fresh flowers. Now, watch for the bright light.’

‘Oh god, here we go…’

The bright light returned and again diminished. Molly covered her eyes, but tried to peek to see exactly what was going on.

‘What happens when the light appears?’

‘We travel.’

Molly rolled her eyes. She was about to respond, but she recognized the new environment immediately. They stood in the living room of her parents’ house, the same house where she grew up. The living room was furnished the way it had been when she was in high school, walls painted a dull brown that would be repainted blue in the coming years. Molly immediately went to the box-shaped piano sitting in the corner of the living room and laid her hand upon it. I knew from my personal data assistant that Molly loved music and was a decent piano player.

The front door opened and Molly watched the high school version of herself run past. She had just retrieved a letter from the mailbox. She screamed out to anyone within listening distance.

‘That’s me when I was eighteen?’ the modern Molly said to me. ‘Oh, this is cruel.’

‘Sorry,’ I responded. I didn’t really mean it.

‘I was such a dork,’ she said, shaking her head in embarrassment. I licked my fingers clean of the chocolate candy I had taken from the other house. Her father walked into the room.

‘Well, open it. I can’t wait,’ her father said anxiously.

The eighteen year-old Molly opened it, then stopped to read the letter. After about ten seconds of scanning, she jumped up and down, elated.

‘I got in!’ she exclaimed. She danced around and around. Her father smiled and told her he was proud of her.

‘Yeah,’ the modern Molly said to me. ‘That was when I got my acceptance letter to UCLA. I was so happy.’

‘I can tell. You did very well there, too.’

Molly smiled, watching the scene play out in front of her. The high school version of herself hugged her father, then ran to find her mother.

‘I was a really good student,’ the modern Molly said. ‘I worked hard to get in there.’

‘My machine says you had a 3.5 grade point average in college.’

‘I wanted to be a veterinarian so much. I love animals. There’s nothing better than taking care of animals. Dogs are my favorite…’

‘Do you plan to be a vet again someday?’

‘I hope so. I would love to work in a clinic, or perhaps open my own facility.’

Silence ensued for awhile as her family celebrated the acceptance le
tter. The modern Molly turned to me, looking a little confused.

‘I don’t understand. Matt has another woman. My childhood and where I went to college have no bearing on my marriage today, does it?’

‘Well, kiddo, sometimes you need to remember where you came from to see where you are going.’

‘That makes no sense.’

‘Okay,’ I sighed. ‘Let’s go somewhere else.’

‘Bright light?’

‘You got it.’

The light returned to blind them, then disappeared again. They were sitting in a restaurant booth. Molly looked around and recognized it as a McDonald’s, but she didn’t know which city they were in. The restaurant was full of people, mostly older folks enjoying nothing more than a cup of coffee.

‘Oh no, I hate McDonalds,’ Molly said. ‘Why the hell are we here?’

‘Listen to those women sitting in the booth behind me. I’ll be right back.’

Molly listened to the women chattering away. They were holding an animated conversation, but one woman in particular stood out. Her voice was raised and she often slammed her fist on the table when she talked.

‘All men are cheaters. Every last stinking one of them,’ she said.

‘I’m not sure Earl is cheating, though. He’s been out late…’

‘Wake up! He’s cheating, that lying bastard,’ she spat out.

‘Some guys don’t cheat,’ another woman said.

‘The only reason a guy wouldn’t cheat is if he’s just too damn ugly to find another woman.’

The women laughed nervously. She continued her verbal assault.

‘My husband, that jerk, cheated on me with that bitch at the bakery. I worked my ass off for him and he threw it all away. My life was never the same. My son started in on the drugs and wrecked his life. I got depressed and lost my job. I’ll never forgive him for what he did. Never. He destroyed my life.’

I returned and sat down with three cheeseburgers and a shake. ‘Have you been listening to those women?’

‘Yeah, that one lady, wow, she’s so angry. I can’t blame her. I feel like MY husband threw us all over a bridge.’

‘That woman,’ I said, gesturing. ‘She was a little like you. Happy, confident, ambitious. That was many, many years ago.’

‘So, this is what I have to look forward to? Great…that’s just great…’

‘No. The woman behind you made a conscious choice.’

‘No, she didn’t choose to have her husband cheat. That’s not right.’

‘Her husband made a choice that hurt her, but she chose to stay angry and bitter.’

‘I know what you’re saying, but that’s so hard. I am really, REALLY angry right now. My husband is such a shit. He is so pathetic.’

‘I’m sorry, kiddo,’ I said regretfully. ‘I know its painful. I wish it would go away soon, but it won’t.’

‘Can you do your light thing? Let’s get out of here,’ she said. The bitterness of the old woman had taken its toll.

‘Sure,’ I said. I picked up my cheeseburgers and tried to find enough pocket space for them. I discovered that mailmen don’t have very large pockets in their uniforms. Unfortunately, only two burgers fit in my pocket, so I held the remaining cheeseburger in one hand and the shake in the other. The bright light appeared.

‘Uh oh, I forgot a straw,’ I said when the light was near maximum intensity.

The light diminished this time, and we found ourselves in front of the chemistry building on the UCLA campus. Crowds of students hustled to get to the next class. Right in front of us, the college version of Molly walked past, carrying a backpack over her right shoulder. She was clearly a confident, bright young woman. A young man ran up to her from behind and tapped her on the shoulder. Meanwhile, I tried to figure out how I was going to drink my shake without a straw.

‘That’s my husband,’ the modern Molly told me. ‘This is when we met for the first time.’

I knew that, of course. I decided that I would drink my shake from the cup. The scene unfolding in front of us was fascinating.

‘Hey, I saw you in Chem 2100,’ the man said to the college version of Molly. ‘You sit in the row in front of me.’

‘Yeah, hi there. I’m Molly.’

‘Matt. Nice to meet you. I was just, you know, sick last week and missed a few classes…’

‘Do you want to borrow my notes?’

‘Well, I was actually wondering if you wanted to…study together?’

‘I’ll let you borrow my notes, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?’

‘Oh, okay,’ Matt responded. He looked disappointed. ‘Thanks.’

Matt watched Molly walk away. Of course, we know that the two of them would someday be married and have children together, but it was amusing to observe how deftly Molly handled him that day.

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I met Tony Bennadetto on my seventeenth birthday. He and my brother introduced me to their gang as related in an earlier chapter. The next year I was a senior with a work-study job in the principal’s office. Halfway through the semester we hired a temporary substitute teacher for English and homeroom. Her name was Katherine Cartridge. She came with a good resume from a couple of high schools in Nevada. She was an immediate hit with the students. Besides being a fair and talented teacher,...

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When I started my job about five years ago, I was initially working first shift. I would be over at about 3:30-4.00 pm every day, and it was predictable. On occasion I'd get asked to stay over and pull a double shift. I didn't mind it. The money was good, I liked the work I do, and I loved the environment. After about three years, my supervisor asked if I'd be open to changing shifts and modifying my schedule. I wasn't too keen on working second shift, but I agreed to change on occasion. I...

Office Sex
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My House Mate Bridget

When I was younger, I needed a place to stay after my first house mate Dave decided to get married, and Bridget a good friend I had known since school said I could crash at hers.She had a house in a nice neighbourhood that she had inherited from her parents, after they had died a few years earlier in a car crash, and was more than happy to let me rent a room."Are you sure?" I asked as I carried my boxes in the front door on that first day."Yes, of course dumbass, or I wouldn't have offered!"...

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Discovered by Bridget

I realize that this is not one of my best stories, but I had a couple of free hours a few days ago and decided to write a quick story. I am still working on the next chapters for "My life in a Cage" and "Dana's Revenge". I apologize for how long it is between postings but it takes me quite a while to write those stories. Thank you for all the encouragement and support you have shown me. Discovered by Bridget By Tweak My name is John and I am a 32 year...

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AntonioChapter 7 Bridget

“When you get your pure-as-pure girlfriend into bed, will you wait for her?” Bridget asked. “Or will you take her without a thought for anything but your own lust? I wouldn’t advise that. I’ll tell you why.” And this is the story she told: The reception finally over, they fled together under a shower of rice. Jim handed her into the passenger seat of the Reo and climbed into the driver’s seat. Fred already had the crank in his hand. At the third rotation, the engine caught. Fred threw the...

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I started watching zoo porn and reading stories about human's and dog's as well as humans with other animals not that long ago. My cock gets incredibly hard when I see or read about a woman sucking or fucking a horse, or getting fucked or sucking off a dog. Tho I have seen a guy fuck a chicken and laughed my ass off. I remember thinking, how small is his dick that he could fuck a hen. So like I said, I recently started watching zooporn and liking it. I don't know how many load's of cum I...

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Sunset followed as the Juniors of Ridgecrest High School where about to embark on the last summer before their Senior year and everyone of them was glad, well all except me. Let me introduce myself, I'm Alexander Jamison McBride, I go by Jamie, I'm 18 years old, I'm 6'2 inches tall, I weigh 195 lbs, I have dirty blonde hair, I have heterochromia eyes (meaning my eyes have two diferent colors) sterling silver iris' with baby blue section's, I'm slightly tan due to living near the beaches, my...

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A Tale Of IIT Cock And Virgin Cunt Unabridged

Hi friends! I hope you all are doing well in your lives. By the way, I’m Ricky (my nick name) Mehra. As a matter of fact, I live in Belapur, Navi Mumbai and did my schoolings from Don Bosco School and St. Xavier College. After scrapping my ass off by serious studies; my fate landed me on my dreamland- IIT (Delhi). Currently, I’m in 3rd year pursuing Computer Science. To be brutally honest, I’m a diehard fan of ISS from my early school days! But, unfortunately, I’m not a regular reader, neither...

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In the NavyChapter 20 Bridgetown

Bridgetown was lying in the sunshine of the late spring day afternoon when they approached the harbour, beating up against the prevailing south-eastern trade wind. Harriet watched as Asia drew nearer with each tack, the silhouette of the city growing steadily. Amanda Fallon was standing beside her, also curious to see their home for the next three years. “Mr. Dougherty, kindly have the gunner ready for the salute!” Tony’s order cut through Harriet’s musing. “Prepare for the gunfire,...

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Jenny and JohnChapter 14 We Confront Mrs Breckinridge

Jenny discreetly followed Mrs. Breckinridge for a few days. She went to the basketball court once, but Jenny didn’t follow her. We already knew what we wanted from there. Jenny noticed that she went to Anton’s Café around noon every other day for lunch. I did not have any classes this afternoon, so Jenny and I went downtown and staked out the Café. A little before noon Mrs. Breckinridge entered the Café and took her usual seat in a booth near the window. We waited until the waitress...

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Jasons TaleChapter 23 Bridgetown

Exactly what the fuck was I supposed to do with a Cassandran Damsel? I certainly couldn’t rescue her, I wasn’t a Hero and didn’t have that ring I needed to use the portals even if there was a bank handy. Although ... mental note to look through all the jewelry we took off the pirates and see if there were any rings that looked like Eric’s. Meanwhile, I was already planning on going to Bridgetown and Small Cove. I had originally wanted to go just to see what was available there. Small Cove...

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The RescueChapter 5 Back to Bridgetown

At lunch the disposition of the Meredith family was decided. While they could be bunked onboard the cutter until they could be put ashore by helicopter, this might take several days. Malcolm and Caroline volunteered to run them back to Bridgetown, in Barbados, where they could decide what they wanted to do. Captain Potter agreed, with a warning to stay away from Maggie’s ex. Once back on the Bottoms Up, Captain Jimmy set course back to Bridgetown and Phoebe served drinks to the Jensons,...

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BridgettebyPatrick©Being an English teacher in a Junior College wasn't the hardest job in the world, but it sure wasn't the easiest either. The amount of work necessary in lesson preparation and marking took huge chunks of time out of my family life, and when my wife died three years ago and left me with a 15 year old girl to look after, that family time became more and more precious. It helped a little that I'd made the decision to home school my daughter Bridgitte, as at least we got to spend...

4 years ago
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Glory hole for my Wife Bridget

Introduction: Not your typical glory hole Glory hole for my Wife Bridget Bridget lay on the sliding bed. She was fully clothed with a long skirt and some white Keds tennis shoes. She loved to wear those white sneakers with knee-high white socks under her long black skirts. My Wife Bridget is simple. She has long brown hair that is thick and wavy and big almond eyes. She is half Italian and half Greek and reminds me of a young Julia Roberts, with a gentle voice and big brown, long eyelashes. The...

2 years ago
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Glory hole for my Wife Bridget

Introduction: Not your typical glory hole Glory hole for my Wife Bridget Bridget lay on the sliding bed. She was fully clothed with a long skirt and some white Keds tennis shoes. She loved to wear those white sneakers with knee-high white socks under her long black skirts. My Wife Bridget is simple. She has long brown hair that is thick and wavy and big almond eyes. She is half Italian and half Greek and reminds me of a young Julia Roberts, with a gentle voice and big brown, long eyelashes. The...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E10 Faye Nickson 38 from Cambridge

We open this week’s show with an establishing shot of a large, rectangular hotel. Five floors high, wrapping around our camera position on two sides, it’s orange/red brick walls surrounding perfectly spaced square windows. It’s all straight lines and right-angles... And then we cut to a shot of our host, walking toward us through the car park – short and fat, balding on top but hairy everywhere else. He’s casually dressed in a claret and blue West Ham football shirt, and a pair of baggy...

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Ruffles Has Ridges

About a decade and a half ago, my wife Harriett sent for tickets to a popular television show produced locally and syndicated across the country. Every parent yearned to accompany their child to The Ruffles The Clown Show. Ruffles, whose outfit matched his name, wore a multi-tiered ruffled shirt in bright white, baggy blue ruffled pants, and wavy wild hair, plastic nose and artificial lips, all bright red. Patriotic and comical all rolled into one. Viewers were probably tempted to salute. Oh,...

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Endless Impossibilities Bridget

"Hey, Bridge," Dex says from the backseat of Scott's car, when you're about a half hour from the lake. "Can I have a drink of your Sprite?" You pass it back to him and he takes a long, grateful drink. "You guys are gross," Scott tells you both cheerfully. "Sharing stuff like that is how people get herpes." "You'd be the resident expert on that," Dex says, and you shoot him a look that means, please don't be shitty. You're determined not to let anything spoil this trip. The prospect of this...

2 years ago
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An Afternoon of Bridge

DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. Specifically, it is a FANTASY involving mother/son incest, brother/sister incest, and underage sex! If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, or if the content offends you...DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age, eighteen (18) or older, and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The locations and characters in...

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The Bridge

The Bridge By Daphne Xu An old wooden bridge built across a narrow ravine provided a short cut for generations of schoolchildren walking to school. But at the time of this story, the bridge was so rickety and rotten that children were warned in no uncertain terms to stay away from that bridge. Of course, such warnings couldn't keep certain children away, even to save their lives. So far, the bridge has stood the ravages of time. There was talk...

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Stripping on a Bridge

This little adventure James and I had was about a year ago. It was autumn and we had one random very warm day. James and I had a day off so we decided to go out flashing. At the time this event took place I was twenty. I was my usual 50-52kgs (approx 110-114 pounds), slim waist, incredibly perky B cup breasts with prominent nipples and juicy ass. I had a bright pink skirt that I had cut short for the purpose of flashing so given it was such a warm day, I decided it was the a perfect opportunity...

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It Was Just Bridge

The class work at the junior college was much less than stimulating, so there I was again, at the student union, playing bridge.  But this time I was playing with three really beautiful women.  How lucky was that?  Ann, on my left, was a woman I knew as a bridge player and classmate.  I'd met my partner for the first time and Ann's partner was a beautiful, tall, black woman whom I  had seen in school but not met. As my partner and I won the hand I said, "Come on Ann, concentrate, you should...

Group Sex
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The Bridge

She was looking forward to seeing him again. Their last meet up at the bar had been a success. They had chatted over drinks for hours and had really hit it off. It was surprising really because the friend that had set them up was notorious for getting it wrong every time. But the hopefulness inside her proved that maybe this time was the exception. He was tall and blond. His blue eyes pierced right through her when he turned his gaze on her. But his personality was what really won her over. He...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 56 On the Bridge

The passage only went a few meters past the trio of doors before abruptly making a left turn. The passage straightened out again with single doors appearing on both walls. Beyond that I could see another sharp turn to the left. “Two doors?” Miki asked. I walked up to the doors and looked. The one to my left had a placard reading “Captain Mark Parker” centered at about eye level. I pointed to it. “I think this one leads to my quarters.” “Ohh, let’s look at that first!” Miki said. “I want to...

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The Bridge

The Bridge Author's note: This story contains frank discussion of suicide. Please read with care. From the moment I saw the bridge, I knew it was destined to be an important part of my life. It dominated the area, so everytime I went for a walk around my neighborhood I found myself looking in awe at it, Then I would shake my head, to try and get on with my life. Unfortunately, that was becoming much harder than I would have liked. Mostly because of a struggle I'd dealt with...

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Near The River And Under The Bridge

Hi, I am Usha a primary school teacher. I have come once again with a story. I am a primary teacher working in a very small village. You already knew my figure. I am 6 feet in height. I am whitish and 30 years old. I am very slim. I always wore a sari and blouse.My chest is 34 and the bottom is 36. And my ass is projected backward. I always make such a zigzag movement of my ass that young boys’ penises give me salute when they saw my ass. And the waist is 32 which is very slim.I am working in a...

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At the Bridge

Later, when I was ready for another stretch break, there was a thirty-something man who looked to be enjoying the view down from the creek bridge. I probably spent 15 minutes there, we talked a bit about his favorite sport and team, he's a big Eagles fan. He was very friendly, very animated, and was very polite. He called me Sir a couple of times, and he wasn't even raised in the South. I introduced myself and he said his name was Michael; on parting he said he'd see me again on the...

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Boy From Under the Bridge

“So, you thought at fourteen you could just waltz into Los Angeles and become a star.” “I don’t want to be a star, Larry,” fourteen-year-old Sandy Ashley said. “I want a star to be my sugar daddy. Being a star is hard work. Being the boy he comes home to and has to keep secret is a piece of cake.” “As long as you let him fuck you whenever he wants,” Duane said. “Don’t crowd him, Duane. Boy’s got a right to do what he wants.” “Got that all figured out, then,” Duane, the other homeless guy...

4 years ago
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Another Place View from a Bridge

Immediately I could tell she was thinking of jumping, you don’t stand on the outside of the bridge rail to look at the view. I thought it would be a waste if she did, she looked very pretty: A natural redhead with nice long legs. ‘You’re not thinking of letting go are you?’ I asked. ‘It’ll make a terrible mess for someone to clear up.’ ‘What’s it to you?’ Her head jerked around, revealing flashing green eyes. ‘I’m one of those who has to clean it up.’ I shrugged. ‘Oh! I’m soooo sorry for...

3 years ago
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Wizards Apprentice 1 Warmuth Bridge

The color of magic was what started it all. I was only a boy of three, so I did not know that it was the year 381 Regus Cani, the 381st year in the reign of King Canilus the Eternal. Not that I knew that either, nor did I know that it was the year that would come to be known as 'The Red Death'. I did not know that half the world was ablaze and the half that wasn't was quickly dying. As a boy of three I watched with my parents as the wizard Belmont of Archille razed the slums of Mardain...

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The Bridge

The bridge was neither long nor wide. A simple wooden structure spanning the narrow but deep gap between the disappointments of the past and the uncertain future. To introduce myself, I am Lyle Jedermann, now thirty-eight years of age. A man formerly distinguished from other men only as the husband of Gloria, thirty-six, and the father of Robert, age twelve, and Anna, age eight. A very satisfying family situation but having a weighty set of obligations. To meet my obligations as a husband and...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 4 Sex CampChapter 15 Toll Bridge

At around 2 in the morning, after several hours of partying in the Riverdale cellar, most of the guest as well as the Riverdale occupants themselves started heading for bed. The Riverdale boys had in fact been able to convince the Navaho boys to visit them, and on finding themselves with their girls for the first time in days had gone fuck crazy for hours before they even said hello to the girls (not that the Navaho girls were looking to talk either). Only four couples remained past 2...

4 years ago
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Gangbang at the Cement Bridge

I think back, from time to time, about my years in high school. It was Texas, the 60’s and many of us were beginning our sexual awakening. Fucking your girlfriend wasn’t something that happened on a regular basis, but there were girls that liked to fuck and didn’t mind sharing their bodies. Pat and Marie were two of these girls and were best friends. They may not have been the most beautiful girls in our school, but they weren’t ugly either. I remember back when we were Sophomores in High...

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Camping at Ayers Naturel Bridge

I had to go on business trip to Sheridan WY. I asked my wife Allison, if she wanted to go on a road trip, she always does. As we were travelling along I-25; Allison noticed a sign for historical site on the old Oregon Trail. The name for the site is Ayers Naturel Bridge; she asked if we could stop, I told her on the way back we will. As promised we stopped on our way home. Ayers Natural Bridge is a beautiful oasis in the middle of the high desert of Wyoming. After driving five miles down a...

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The Bridge

true story unique Experience Today at the super hot day buzz me the whole time so nasty things through my head, my husband is in five days at work and today he comes home at last. Normal case I him. Around his neck and we have the same sex after such a long time but today I'm going to let him annoyed and fidget something I pull me in sexy underwear, a nearly transparent bra and thong with slot, thereby Think about how I like to dance him on the nose well. A mini and an upper part where I have a...

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The Bridge

It was late at night. Very late! She and Tom were walking home after a great night of drinking and dancing in town. Giggling they made their way up Frankton Street up towards the overbridge. The night around them was quiet, most people were sound asleep, but as they reached the overbridge she could see the lights of cars rushing past beneath it. It was surprising the number of cars considering the time, but this was a big city, it was always on the go. As they walked Tom placed hand on her...

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Under the bridge

The passing traffic looked like a blur to Keyaron's eyes, fuzzed lights in a sea of glare. Anything beyond that was just a foggy haze of looming shadows, and blackness. The sound of passing cars and trucks were hard, but nothing hit him as the constant shock of the cold. Bradford was bitter some nights, and it wasn't even snowing. It was the type of cold that cut straight through whatever you were wearing.Not much further and maybe he could forget a bit of cold for a while. Keyaron kept his...

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