Tales From Paradise Apartments Chapter 2 free porn video

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Anna awoke to an alarm clock going off the next morning. She realized it was in an adjacent room as she heard it shut off and footsteps down the hall. She laid there thinking of all the things that had transpired the previous day and decided to get up and dressed. She walked out of her room and down the hall to find Everet in the middle of cooking something.

“Morning.” he said as he continued cooking.

“Need help with anything?” she asked.

“Not right now,” he said as he smiled at her.

She smiled back at him as she sat on the lazy boy Everet usually sat in.

“Not wise darling,” Arianna said to Anna as she came in the room.

“Why’s that?” Anna asked.

“That is Everet’s favorite chair,” Arianna said.

“Ohhhh,” Anna said.

“She’s fine, Arianna,” Everet said as he flipped the omelet he was cooking.

Arianna smiled at her master as she walked to the rocking chair and sat. Angela and Evelyn soon joined them in the living room, and the four women began talking girl talk.


Everet finished his omelet and began making breakfast for the girls when he heard his phone going off. He gave the food to Arianna to finish while he answered the phone.

“Ladies I have to head in early,” Everet said as he rushed getting ready.

“Bye Master,” Arianna, Angela and Evelyn called in unison.


Angela and Evelyn left soon after their master, which left Arianna and Anna alone at the apartment.

“Do you have a job, Anna?” Arianna asked as she finished getting ready.

“I’m afraid I don’t,” Anna told her

“Have you ever been a waitress before?” Arianna asked.

“Yes, I have,” Anna replied.

“Then go get changed into a tank top and jeans,” Arianna said

Anna smiled at Arianna and went to go get changed. Once she was changed, she rejoined Arianna in the living room then both women left the complex, and drove to Arianna’s work, where Anna was given her first job in a long time. She smiled at Arianna wanting to help her.


Everet sat at his desk in the Texas Department of Public Safety building, Staring hard at his computer, reviewing case after case, looking for any that matched the one he was working on. He never even noticed his co-worker Steve Lambert (a sadist in his off-duty time) until the envelope Steve had tossed landed on the desk.

“Just open it and look,” Steve said when Everet looked at him.

Everet opened the envelope and pulled the pictures from it. He began looking at the pictures one at a time. With each new picture, ee got more and more angry. They were pictures of Evelyn, some dressed in a black tank top and black skirt, others she was missing one of the two items.

“Where were these taken?”

“A sado-masochism convention. Six weeks ago outside Fort Worth.” Steve tells him.

“Can I keep these?” Everet asks as he points to the pictures.

“Yeah bud and don’t worry those are the only copies," Steve says.

“Thank you,” Everet tells him sliding the pictures back in the envelope and shoving it in a drawer.

“Your welcome brother,” Steve says walking away.


Evelyn finished pulling her hair into a ponytail and got out of her judo gi. She walked with Angela out of their personal changing room onto the main floor, where Evelyn noticed her office light was on.

“I could swear I shut that off,” Angela said.

“I’ll get it,” Evelyn said starting for the door.

“I’ll come with you,” Angela said

“Angela, it’s just the stupid office light,” said Evelyn starting to laugh.

“Hey you never know, some psycho could be waiting in there to anally rape you,” Angela said.

Evelyn laughed as the women approached the door, only to have it bang open and a very unhappy Everet, dressed in a black tank top, black jogging pants and black wrestling shoes, emerge from the office, a small envelope clenched tightly in his hand.

“Angela, take Evelyn’s keys, drive her car home and put her keys on the counter,” Everet said sternly.

“Yes Master,” Angela said taking the keys from Evelyn and leaving the studio.

Evelyn stared at her Master in fear. He looked really angry. Everet tossed the envelope at her feet.

“OPEN IT!” he roared.

Evelyn lifted the envelope with shaky hands. Slowly she opened the flap and removed the pictures inside, then her heart sank. Someone had photographed her in compromising positions at a convention She’d attended without her Master’s knowledge or permission. Everet stared at her with those steel blue eyes, disappointment and anger dancing in them. Everet assumed his stance.

“Master, I don’t wanna fight you,” Evelyn said submissively putting her hands up.

“I can’t find any of the masters who were touching you without my permission so unfortunately, you are next in the line for getting your ass kicked,” Everet told her coldly

Evelyn’s anger took over and she charged, that however was a bad move. Everet caught her in a sacrifice throw and ripped her shirt off. Slowly and gingerly, Evelyn stood up, her back sore from the landing. She attacked Everet with her arsenal of kicks, only to have him catch one, trip out her support leg and tear her pants off. He could probably see the wet spot developing on her panties.

Even though she was being dominated on the mats she was the master of, she was loving every second of the pain, the soreness of her ass and ribs was driving her wild. They faced off again, Evelyn finally managed to get her Master on his back and in an arm-bar, only to have him escape it and tear her panties off. He had her folded in half and slapped her ass very hard As he held her legs with one hand and undid his pants with the other. Evelyn smiled as the violent fucking began.


Angela walked into the apartment, tears rolling down her face. Whatever was in the envelope could not have been good. The fact that her master had wanted Evelyn alone sank her feelings even further. She unlocked the apartment door, shed her shoes and coat, tossed Evelyn’s keys on the counter and sank on the couch praying her friend came back with her master.


Arianna and Anna came into the apartment laughing and talking about their day until they discovered the crying Angela on the couch. They each sat on either side of them and wrapped their arms around her.

“I’m really worried about Evelyn,” Angela told them.

“Why?” Arianna asked.

“Master surprised us today at the studio. He had me take Evelyn’s car home.” Angela replied through her sobs.

“That’s not a bad thing,” Anna said.

“It is when he looks ready to beat someone’s ass black and blue” Angela choked out.

“I wonder what Evelyn did” Arianna said.


Evelyn walked out of her personal changing room for the second time, this time only in a towel and flip flops. She found her master leaning against the corner nearest to the door and joined him. They walked outside and suddenly Evelyn found herself nude except for her flip flops.

“Your punishment begins,” her master said coldly as he slung her towel over his shoulder.

Evelyn hung her head in shame as she followed him to his Dodge Charger convertible, fearful the top was coming down. She stepped in, strapped her seat belt on and was relieved slightly when her Master draped her towel over her legs and tucked it under them.

“Your shame will be great but not that great,” Everet said smiling.

“Yes Sir,” Evelyn said keeping her eyes down.

As the car began rolling, Everet’s iPod began beeping with a facetime request.

“Hey Ari,” her Master said, accepting the request.

“Hello Master, Angela, Anna and I wanna see ur passenger seat,” Arianna said Everet smiled as he aimed the iPod at Evelyn.

“Hi girls,” Evelyn said smiling.

“Jesus Eve, what happened to you?” Angela asked.

“A rough sparring session with Master,” Evelyn replied.

“My gosh,” Anna said

Evelyn was smiling reassuringly at Anna when she felt the roof of the car opening.

“Ladies, what drinks do you want?” Everet asked.

Each lady took turns telling him what sodas they wanted, and Everet drove to the drive through window. Everet ordered their food, and they drove up to the pickup window.

“Is she okay?” the girl at the window asked.

“Yes, she is,” Everet said as he took the food

They drove home in silence. Evelyn handed her towel to her Master as they got out of the car and walked toward the building. she followed him in silence, her head hung in shame. The walk through the building was the longest of her life. As soon as they arrived at the apartment, Everet waved off the other girls and walked into his study, grabbing Evelyn’s keys as he went

There go my driving privileges for a while, Evelyn thought, as she watched Everet walking away with her keys.


Everet tossed Evelyn’s keys into his desk drawer and locked it.

“Anna come here please” he called down the hall.


Anna sat frozen in her seat. Had Everet just called her into his office?

“Get a move on and get in there,” Arianna told her, breaking her from her daze.

Anna walked down the hallway slowly and nervously. She entered the office and started to approach Everet’s desk.

“Close the door,” Everet told her

Anna softly pushed the door until it latched.

Everet stood up from behind his desk, came around the front and leaned against the edge. Anna approached slowly

“Sit,” Everet told her, pointing to a chair in front of him

Anna sat down nervously. She could tell something important was about to happen.

“You mentioned wanting to become one of my girls last night, is that still the case?” Everet asked.

“Yes, it is,” Anna said grinning slightly.

Everet handed her a clipboard and pen

“Fill that out for me please,” Everet told her.

Anna began filling out the questionnaire as she watched Everet walk to a picture of Evelyn and stare at it for a long while. she wondered what was going through his mind.

“I’m finished,” Anna said

Everet came around his desk, collected the paperwork and pen then leaned against his desk reading it. Anna sat there, silently admiring the man before her. The only thing she did not like was the tattoo on his left forearm, what looked like a bowie knife through a skull with 100th on the skull’s forehead.

“Okay Anna, stand up and strip down to your underwear,” Everet ordered her.

Anna slowly took off her tank top and jeans. She watched as Everet looked her up and down then made a circle motion with his finger. Anna prayed he did not notice the tattoo on the inside of her left calf. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain right where the tattoo was

“Care to tell me why jar heads are pussies?” Everet asked her.

Anna hung her head in shame as she replied, “I had an ex-boyfriend who was an ex-Marine, he did some fucked up shit to me so I got the tattoo to piss him off”.

“Okay, come Wednesday, you better have a cover up tattoo in mind,” Everet said.

“Yes Sir.” she said fighting back tears


Even though her back was to him, somehow Everet knew Anna was about to cry, so he reached out, grabbed her bra and gently pulled her backward into his arms. She turned, buried her head in his shoulder and began sobbing softly. Everet held her, gently rocked her and began speaking soothingly to her.

“Master?” Arianna said, poking her head into the room.

“Give me a few,” Everet told her

“Your Mother is on the phone,” Arianna told him

“Come here and hold Anna then.”


Arianna smiled as she traded places with her master and handed him the phone.

“I feel so ashamed.” Anna cried into her breast.

“It’s okay sweetie it will pass,” Arianna told her soothingly.


“Everet I love you but this living with multiple women and not really being tied to any of them has to stop,” Everet’s Mother told him

“Allow me to remind you of something,” Everet told her sternly.

“What?” his Mother asked.

“You have no business telling me how to live,” Everet said

“Bullshit, I don’t! I’m your Mother!” She replied hotly.

“No, your the dumb hippie bitch who refused to speak to me for over a decade because I became a marine for 12 years and who barely speaks to me because I became a cop,” Everet told her

“Everet Anderson Earp how dare you!” His Mother hissed

Everet snapped his phone closed and walked back in the apartment.

He handed the phone to Angela and motioned to a now clothed Evelyn.

“Yes, Master?” Evelyn asked him as she came to his side.

“Come join me in the shower?” Everet asked

“Yes Sir,” Evelyn said smiling

Everet smiled as he entered the bathroom and lifted his arms


Evelyn smiled as she lifted her Master’s tank top off, revealing the heavily muscled back under it. Everet turned around, she began untying the drawstring of his pants while he unbuttoned her blouse. Soon her blouse was on the floor and his pants joined it. Evelyn smiled as her shorts became unfastened and slowly slid down her legs. She placed her hands on her Master’s shoulders as she stepped out of them. She unclasped her bra and held her arms out so her Master could slide it off. His boxers came off and her panties weren’t far behind

“Master I am so glad I did not lose this,” Evelyn told him as they stepped in the shower

Her Master kissed her as they began washing each other


Angela stood in the kitchen cleaning the counters when she felt the loving arms of Arianna around her

“You doing alright,” Arianna asked her.

“Shaken but okay,” Angela replied

“How bad did Everet lose it in the studio?” Arianna asked

“I dunno about after I left but he was plenty pissed while I was there,” Angela replied, setting her washcloth down and turning in Arianna’s arms

Anna suddenly appeared and Arianna motioned her to join their embrace

All three women embraced and Angela wondered what her master’s verdict on Anna would be.


Everet stood with his arms away from his side and his feet spread as Evelyn dried him off. His thoughts were on the day’s events. All but the phone call with his Mother. Evelyn finished and disguised squeezing his cock as holding the towel in place while she wrapped it around him.

He kissed her lips and playfully slapped her ass. She smiled at him, wiggling her ass as they left the bathroom. Everet walked silently into the living room, sat in his chair, and lifted the foot rest. Angela sat on his lap, and he wrapped his arms around her slender waist. Arianna sat in the rocking chair while Anna and Evelyn shared the couch.

“Anna, I have decided to take you on as a slave,” he told Anna.

Anna took a breath of relief before responding, “Thank you, Sir”.

They had all begun relaxation time before a loud knock on the door interrupted it. Angela got off Everet and went to answer the door.

“Master, there’s a man here that wishes to speak with you,” Anna called to him

Everet walked to the door.

“Everet Earp?”

“Yes,” Everet replied.

The man handed Everet and a black envelope and walked away

“Arianna, go get the substance scanner please,” Everet said, as he carried the envelope to the kitchen.

Arianna returned quickly, the small gun clutched tightly in her hand. Everet took it, pulled the trigger and waved the scanner over one side of the envelope then the other. When the scanner came back with no chemicals other than the glue that held the envelope closed, Everet opened the envelope revealing an invite to an upcoming BDSM convention.

“We going?” Arianna asked, resting her chin on his shoulder and wrapping her arms around him.

“I don’t see a reason why not,” Everet replied.

“Don’t you have to work?” Arianna asked him.

“No, I am on administrative leave,” Everet told her.

Arianna kissed his cheek.

“Who gets to sleep next to me tonight?” Everet asked.

“It’s Angela I believe,” Arianna said,

“Add Anna to my bed,” Everet told her.

“Okay,” Arianna said smiling.

“Bedtime ladies,” Everet said walking toward the bedroom


Angela smiled as her Master got close to the bed, and she jerked his towel off. He turned around, lifted her arms and lifted off her top, untied her pajama pants, and pulled them to her ankles. She stepped out of them and into bed, as Anna entered the room looking nervous and scared. She watched Everet crook his finger at her, undress her when she got close and guide her into the bed with him. Angela smiled as Everet laid on his back, her on his right, Anna on his left. She looked over to see Arianna and Evelyn fast asleep in the nearby bunk bed.

Continued in Chapter 3.

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Patriarch Paradise 1 Eve

Private Paradise with six sexy fine females found in India, intimately initiating five tasty teens.Probably the prettiest pervert period of my mighty long love life I experienced in Southern India.Plucked five fine fresh flowers to build my most beautiful bouquet of pink pretty tulip love lips.Philosopher Peter Poet meets Eve and her dear daughters and his meat meets all their cute cunnies.At age thirty-two, thirty-two years back, I travelled overland with a friend from Amsterdam to India.As a...

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Prem Paradise 8211 Episode 57 8211 Season 1 Finale

Written by: AMIT (To read all the previously published episodes, ) Everyone in Prem Nivas was getting ready for the party that evening in celebration of Sowmya’s modelling success. Although they didn’t know what exactly she was doing, but everyone, including her mother and sister, were happy for her. While people were getting ready for the party, Gautam was hurrying out of his house. “Urgent work”, he explained to his wife, “Client seems to have attempted suicide, I’ll be back before midnight...

2 years ago
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Changes In Paradise

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgendered or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Changes in Paradise By Patricia "Damn it's hot," Patrick said to no one in particular. He stretched out his back, stiff from bending over the mess of electronic parts spread out on the tarp in front of...

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ParadiseIt was the fourth time they had met and the undercurrent of attraction was just as strong as it had been the very first time. The look was unmistakable in his eyes as she looked up into them shyly and looked down quickly blushing, yet smiling to herself in excitement as they reached out and hugged each other laughingly. They both knew what would happen this night; there was no doubt in either of their minds that a sexual encounter was destined to happen after the conversations that...

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Another Piece of Paradise Chapter 1

Another Piece of Paradise By JJ This is a work of fiction (unfortunately). It may also contain themes and opinions that some may find objectionable. If you underage, then stop now. I'm writing in the universe of Patricia's "Changes in Paradise," If you have not read her magnum opus, and are interested in mermaids, then you should go right over to the Mermaid Stories group on Yahoo and read them post haste. This...

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Sissy Sisters Paradise

SISSY SISTERS PARADISE? by Throne The three feminized husbands had been left in Penny's bedroom, which was a study in pink and white, with bold splashes of magenta here and there. Penny had been sissified by his wife Marge over the past few years. She had met other women who had done the same to their husbands and they all formed a loose network for shared activities. Penny asked Flo, "Did your wife tell you why they have the three of us here tonight?" "Not really," Flo answered...

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Swinging Paradise

I am Huma, with a new kind of group sex experience of a couple who have already tasted the pleasure of swapping. Hope you like it. ” Swinging Paradise offers you the best atmosphere to swing and enjoy in the lap of Mother Nature. Do you swing? Do yoy wish to swing? The best time has arrived to enjoy love to its fullest. We will take care of your needs, fetishes, dreamas and even whims and fancies. Contact us online or phone us to mail you entry forms and other literature” So read the...

1 year ago
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An Urban Latex Paradise

Welcome to the city of paradise! A vibrant new city located off the pacific coast of North America. It’s a bright, neon soaked urban jungle full of opportunities and exciting experiences! There’s just one catch... it’s... how do we put this.... kinky. It’s been called the kinkiest city in the world, even. It’s so overtly sexual, they passed a law only 18 months after the city opened that you need to be of legal age to even reside there, forcing parents and children to move out. We also have a...

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Another Piece of Paradise Chapter 5

Another Piece of Paradise By JJ This is a work of fiction (unfortunately). It may also contain adult themes and opinions that some may find objectionable. If you are not of the age to be able to view such things, then stop now. I'm writing in the universe of Patricia's "Changes in Paradise," If you have not read her magnum opus, and are interested in mermaids, then you should go right over to Fictionmania.tv and read them post haste. This story assumes that you have some...

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Tales of Ancient Rome 2 Salidia and Lydia

Synopsis: Using her lethal skills, a young, beautiful slave       rises to power in ancient Rome.  Tales 2 is a        character study of a complex and murderous femdom.        109 pgs.                Tales of Ancient Rome 2: Salidia and Lydia                                                by                                                TG                                          Chapter 1                                   Laying in Supplies        "Oh, this feels so good," Salidia...

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Tales Of Androgyny

If you have ever played a turn-based RPG and thought to yourself, “this, but with chicks with dicks,” first of all, splash some cold fucking water on your face. After that, consider yourself a porn prophet of debauchery, because that’s exactly the kind of game you are going to find in Tales of Androgyny. You won’t find any teenage male heroes here like in your favorite animes. This is all about exploring a world full of androgynies people that are as horny as they are hung.Before you jump into...

Free Sex Games
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The Fall of Paradise Chapter One

The Fall of Paradise Chapter One: The Seed of the Future Avriel ran through the corridors of the Pallace, her golden blonde hair streaming behind her and her pristine white wings held slitghtky dispended from her body to maintain her balance at a dead run. Her sword clenched one one hand and her son, Azriel, cradled firmly against her side. He had not cried since she picked him up and told him he had to be silent. He just cuddled against her and stared up into her face in silence,...

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Springtime At The Paradise

In May 1975 I gave my girlfriend Michelle Hanley a tour of my hometown of The Bronx. We were both sophomores at the City College of New York and we had a Wednesday for ourselves. We decided to take her car for the trip back and forth and for part of the excursion within the borough; I would drive because I knew my way around and she could be free for sightseeing. I went out by subway to Long Island City on a sunny morning to meet her around eleven AM.She met me outside her house and I noticed...

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The Way to ParadisePart 2

When we last left our story we had discovered how Jean d’Langham a young country boy from France had joined the French Imperial Army as a naïve and wide-eyed blond seventeen-year-old “to find his fortune”. Posted far from the center of power in Paris the young lad had, at first, been downcast. Soon Jean learned that living on the edges of an empire had its own unusual advantages. Jean was taken under the wing of a certain demanding young woman named Apolline Descartes and educated in the art of...

3 years ago
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Paradise Valley 2 Homecoming

Introduction: Banished for chosing the white mans ways, they choose a life with the white men. Paradise Valley 2, Homecoming Tall Elk rode warily, with one eye on the sunset, the other on the canyon ahead. They were minutes from home now. The nearby canyon protected Paradise Valley from outsiders arriving from the south and it was a bad time to be approaching the canyon. With most raiding parties riding south, that is the direction of the greatest threat. Any pursuers would be ambushed there...

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Destination Paradise

Congratulations! Thanks for taking an interest in being one of five testers for our newest concept resort. We are pleased to announce that you have been selected! What does this mean for you? Well, this means that you will get an all-inclusive 5-day vacation at our newest resort: Destination Paradise. Everything you could imagine is available for your pleasure. This is our 5th all-inclusive resort and we are so thrilled to have you helping us in this soft launch, to make sure everything is...

4 years ago
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Threesome in paradise

Threesome in paradiseAna had been advised that Seychelles Islands were a real paradise and of course it was right.We arrived later in the afternoon after two long leg flights; Boston is really far, far away from here. On that first night were both were a little bit tired from waking up so early; so we just went out for dinner and came back early to our hotel room.In the morning everything was quite different. Anita was the first one in the shower. She shaved her sweet pussy. She liked to keep...

2 years ago
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Take Her Down to Paradise City Pt 1

Lena sat on her couch, excitedly opening the package from her aunt back home. Her birthday had been a month ago, but there had been some issues shipping this "mystery present". As Lena carefully extracted the hand-wrapped gift from within the bubble-wrap-lined box, she smiled."Thank you, Aunt Margaret..." she said to no one. She lived alone since breaking up with her fiancé, Collin. Due to this, she felt a bit lonely sometimes, but her family back home had really come through for her. They had...

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With Ann in Paradise

I was still in a half sleep, laying on my back but I was very aware of Ann curled against me, her face on my bare chest, her right leg wrapped over mine, just brushing my groin. I was on my back. I could feel her soft hair brushing my chin and heard the steady breathing of her sleeping. I could also feel the softness of her pubic hair pushing against my thigh. My God, this girl was perfect! How in the hell did I get so lucky?It had started with an email about a year ago. Ann read some erotic...

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The Way to ParadisePart 2

When we last left our story we had discovered how Jean d’Langham a young country boy from France had joined the French Imperial Army as a naïve and wide-eyed blond seventeen-year-old “to find his fortune”. Posted far from the center of power in Paris the young lad had, at first, been downcast. Soon Jean learned that living on the edges of an empire had its own unusual advantages. Jean was taken under the wing of a certain demanding young woman named Apolline Descartes and educated in the art of...

2 years ago
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A Fortnight in Paradise Parts 1 and 2

part 1As she boarded the plane, she couldn't help but feel excited. She'd saved a whole year for this trip and was still in a bit of disbelief that it was finally happening. A whole fortnight in sunny, tropical paradise.She settled into her seat and pulled out the book she'd brought to read while travelling, Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. Why not, eh? Just as she was turning the page, a person sat in the seat next to her's. At first she didn't bother to look. She figured she'd let the...

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Changes in Paradise Two Daniels Story

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ? if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission to post on any free site. While it isn?t necessary to have read ?Changes In Paradise,? it might help. Thank you (to those of you who deserve it) for the comments, suggestions, and encouragement on...

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Woman Partner Chapter Twentyfour Last Day in Paradise

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 24, Last Day in Paradise) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback. Enjoy! WARNING - No bestiality described...

4 years ago
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Changes in Paradise 07 Sharks Submarines and Salvage

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. You really must read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 6," if you haven't already. This story has grown far beyond what I expected, and now the narrative threads...

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Changes in Paradise Part 10 Readjustments Reprisals and Revelations

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. You really ought to read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 9", if you haven't already. Those narrative threads must be held in memory or many parts of what follows...

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Changes in Paradise Chapter 13 MADmers CHEW and Polymers

Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is definitely adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 12," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment or send an email. Permission granted to...

3 years ago
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Changes in Paradise Chapter 15 Camouflage Connections and Chesapeake The Saga Continues

Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read, "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 14," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment to the site on which this story appeared, or send an...

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Changes in Paradise Part 16 Science Sons and Sirens the Saga continues

Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes in Paradise, Parts 1 - 15," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment to the site on which this story appeared, or send an...

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Changes in Paradise Part 17 Waiting Wondering Worrying

Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading (and stop drinking, while you're at it). If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes in Paradise, Parts 1 - 16," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment to the site on...

2 years ago
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Island paradise for Jane

Island Paradise for Jane I hope you enjoy this latest tale. I just sit and write in one go before I turn myself on too much! Hopefully it all hangs together and you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. I was about to get onto the small twin engine plane for the last leg of my journey to the overseas conference. My best work mate, Clark, was boarding with me and the only other body on board was the pilot and captain who went by the name of Johnny. Clark and he could have...

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