Mrs Malcolm free porn video

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My next door neighbors Mr and Mrs Malcolm were good neighbors, in every sense of the word. They were polite and courteous, they kept to themselves, minded their own business, and when my mom had just returned from hospital after having surgery, Mrs Malcolm went out of her way to help. She brought us food and went shopping for us and even helped with the housework one day.

Mr Malcolm was a bit of a cold fish and not as personable as his wife Annette, but he was very handy around the house and he and dad had several different projects going and would help each other in the fall and winter with the yard work and general maintenance.

Annette Malcolm was something different. She was something else entirely. She was the hot girl next door, except she wasn’t a girl, she was all woman. As a horny teenager I used to fantasize about us being together and her doing the dirtiest things imaginable to me. I started having longer showers because of her, as well as having to wash my bed sheets every day. My mom thought that I had relapsed into my childhood habit of wetting the bed, which in a way I was, except it was different this time.

She thought that I was under stress at school and being bullied, which I was a little bit, but every kid is bullied at some point of their life. She spoke to Mrs Malcolm about it, much to my mortification. I saw them from my bedroom window, speaking in the Malcolm’s front yard, and I was certain that Annette knew the truth, that I wasn’t a bed-wetter but was having horny dreams about her. Every time she looked at me or greeted me when I skateboarded past her house, I was certain that she knew the truth.

For three years Mrs Malcolm graced my dreams. Even when I was dating her daughter Farah, I still dreamed of Annette. I felt awful guilty one night after having sex with Farah, really getting into it and then seeing her mother’s face, imagining I was doing her instead. Of course I never told Farah about this. I’d be the world’s biggest jerk, as well as the world’s biggest idiot.

Farah and I split up when it came time to go to college. I stayed local and went to Ohio State whereas she went to California, though it was always fun during the break when we were both home. She informed me one night after we’d had sex that she had a boyfriend back in California. I was shocked and horrified at first but quickly got over it when she started sucking me back to life.

Farah didn’t come home the following summer, which was a shame because I had spent nearly the whole semester looking forward to screwing her again. The second day I was back I went next door to see Farah. Mrs Malcolm answered the door and I inquired after her daughter.

“Oh sweetie,” she said apologetically. “Farah’s engaged and staying with her fiancé’s parents for the summer. Did she not tell you?” she asked. Clearly I hadn’t been informed because shock must’ve registered on my face. “It’s all very hush-hush actually. We didn’t even know she had a boyfriend until two months ago. And then last week she tells us she’s engaged,” Annette laughed. “Oh well, would you like to come in anyway? You can tell me all about your college life.”

She ushered me into the house and we sat at the kitchen table for a couple of hours. She was asking me questions which I was politely answering, yet it was hard to ignore the sudden blood rush to my pants region. Sitting across from me was a very attractive women wearing the tightest pair of yoga pants and a little singlet, of which I could make out the curve of her breasts against the fabric.

Two painstaking hours later and Mr Malcolm had arrived home, grunting at me in greeting. He didn’t much like me to begin with, but he started liking me less and less when I was involved with Farah throughout High School. Secretly I think he was glad when Farah and I went our separate ways after school had ended.

Mrs Malcolm stood and walked with me to the front door, hugging me goodbye. It was great to have her pressed against my body and to feel her tits against my chest, but it was hell at the same time.

“Pauly, wait,” she said, walking to catch up with me as I headed to my house. “I know you and Farah were close. Well, of course you were close,” she said, laughing a little. “I spent three years of my life listening to you two going at it. I can tell that I shocked you when I told you of Farah’s engagement. If you want to talk about it or your feelings, you know where to find me.” And then she hugged me once more, pressing those great tits of hers against me again. I was in heaven.

I almost ran across the front lawn to my house after that, gunning it upstairs to my bedroom where I rubbed one out thinking of Annette and how it felt to have her tits pressed against me. It didn’t take me long to cum. It never did when Mrs Malcolm was involved.

Truth be told, I was slightly scared to take her up on her offer. Apart from my wild crush on her, our relationship wasn’t very strong outside of the perfunctory neighbor relationship. We greeted each other when needed, asked politely about the other’s life and chatted when necessary, but that was it. Not even when I was dating Farah did the relationship flourish. It never could properly flourish because every time I was in Mrs Malcolm’s presence, all I could think of was her naked and the dreams I had of her. It was really awkward.

And then two weeks later, after I had been very carefully avoiding her during the day and dreaming of her at night, my mom told me that Mrs Malcolm had asked after me.

“What did she want?” I asked.

“She wanted you to help with something around the house. Mr Malcolm has a bad back so can’t do it,” mom explained. Mr Malcolm was about ten years older than his wife, and while it wasn’t anything major or radical, it was starting to become more apparent now as he left middle age behind. His wife was blossoming in her maturity, while he was being left on the side-lines. Part of me felt sorry for him, but then the other part of me was too busy laughing at him. Mrs Malcolm was forty-eight and looking better than ever, while her husband Doug was nearing sixty.

“Okay,” I said. “I’ll go over after lunch.”

I couldn’t exactly refuse to help her, that would be rude and then mom would know that something was up. I wasn’t exactly subtle with my admiration of Mrs Malcolm, especially when she went power-walking past our house in tight leggings and a singlet. I liked to watch her from the kitchen window. One day, dad joined me, but that was the only time. He got an earful from mom after that. Mom liked Mrs Malcolm, but disagreed with her choice of attire, and told dad and I about this often.

So, after lunch, I headed next door to see what Mrs Malcolm needed help with, getting myself into the right head-space, trying to force her tits and hot body out of my mind, trying not to remember how it felt when she hugged me. Anytime I felt as if I was losing focus and thinking of Mrs Malcolm in a sexual way, then I’d just think about physics or chemistry, the least sexy things in the world. It was going to be tough, but I was confident that I could control myself.

I was confident right up until she answered the door. When she stood there in the doorway, wearing tight leggings and a tank top, my confidence diminished. I hoped that whatever problem she had would be a quick solve because the way my thoughts were racing through my head and the blood was rushing downstairs, I wouldn’t make ten minutes.

“Hi Pauly,” she greeted enthusiastically. She hugged me again and pressed her tits against my chest. I was now down to five minutes. “How are you?” she asked.

“I’m good thank you Mrs Malcolm,” I managed to answer, hoping that I didn’t sound like a slobbering idiot. “What d'you need help with?”

“There are a couple of light-bulbs that need fixing, and then I was wondering if you could fix the bathroom cabinet?” she asked. “Doug would normally do it, but he’s got a bad back.”

“I’d be glad to help,” I said. I went into the house and Mrs Malcolm showed me the light-bulbs that needed replacing, nothing major. Their house was fairly modern and had high ceilings, so Mrs Malcolm went and got a ladder from the garage and held it steady while I was up there fixing the light-bulbs. She had all the supplies ready, it was just a matter of taking the old lights out and putting the new ones in. “Where’s Mr Malcolm?” I inquired.

“At the doctor, getting his back seen to. He had to go out of town to see a specialist,” she said.

Mrs Malcolm chatted away, telling me what Farah was up to and telling me about other kids I'd gone to school with. Several of mine and Farah’s classmates she still saw around, telling me that she always made a point of greeting them and asking how they were. Mrs Malcolm always was very popular with the boys. I finished replacing the light-bulbs and then Mrs Malcolm showed me the bathroom cabinet that needed fixing. It had fallen off its hinges.

“So Pauly, do you have a girlfriend?” she inquired as I took out some screws, kneeling on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor.

“No I don’t. Not right now,” I replied. It was easier to ignore Mrs Malcolm from down here. While I was up on the ladder, every time I looked down to get the light-bulbs she handed up to me, I got a great view of her tits.

“You’re a great catch,” she said. “What about Farah’s friend Nina, she always had a bit of a thing for you. You should give her a call.”

“I don’t think I’m Nina’s type,” I replied. Well, not anymore I wasn’t.

“What do you mean? You’re every girls’ type,” Mrs Malcolm said. She didn’t understand what I was getting at.

“Nina and I play for the same team,” I answered, hoping that that would throw some light on it, but Mrs Malcolm returned my statement with a blank stare. “She’s a lesbian.”

“Oh right,” Mrs Malcolm said, nodding in understanding. She gave a little nervous laugh and then quickly changed the subject, asking me about other kids from school, and if I was still in contact. It would have been easier for me if she wasn’t there, her incessant nattering was starting to get on my nerves a little, and my plan of thinking about chemistry wasn’t working. All I could think about were her great tits.

I finished the tasks she gave me and was keen to get out of there, but Mrs Malcolm had other ideas.

“Please stay for coffee,” she said. I saw a pleading look in her eyes so I agreed. I had to. I couldn’t refuse. I sat down at the small round table in the kitchen while Mrs Malcolm put the jug on and got two mugs out, filling them with coffee granules. Once the jug had boiled she filled the cups with hot water and sat down opposite me at the table.

She didn’t say anything for a while, but I could tell that she wanted to speak to me, she just couldn’t find the words. “This is nice,” she said after a while. I thought it was incredibly awkward, but each to their own I guess. “I have very few friends and no one I can really talk to.”

“I always thought you rather popular,” I said. Her sudden confiding in me had caught me off-guard and I wasn’t entirely sure what to do. Giving advice had never been my forte.

Mrs Malcolm gave a small smile. “You’re sweet to say so Pauly, but I mean people I can talk to, friends I can trust. I don’t have very many real friends and women tend to not like me, but I can trust you though, can’t I Pauly?” she asked. I nodded my head.

“When Doug and I first started dating, I never noticed the age gap. Well, ten years isn’t that much of a gap, and we got along great. We were two kids in love. He was coming out of a bad first marriage, but when we met I was twenty-two and I made him feel young and happy again. He forgot all about his first wife and what she had done to him. He used to love the way I dressed and acted. Every day he told me that he was the luckiest man alive.”

She sighed before continuing her spiel. “But now, with Farah all grown up and off at college and Doug thinking about retirement, he’s grumpy all the time and short of temper with me. We had a pretty big argument last week. I went to a work function with him and he told me that he didn’t like the way I dressed and that it was embarrassing for him when I paraded in public dressed like I was ten years younger.” She was very clearly emotional about the subject and I felt a slight pity for her.

“Doug turns fifty-nine soon, which isn’t that old, but I find myself seeing the age gap between us more and more now. I like to be active and social and put myself out there, try new things and go to new places, while Doug would rather stay at home and watch sports or do a crossword. If we go out to dinner with friends or go to parties, we’re usually always home by nine. Doug has the same routine, he hasn’t changed his routine or been spontaneous in fifteen years,” Mrs Malcolm said. I just sat there, not saying anything, taking this all in. She needed to release her pent up emotions and frustrations and I let her.

“You know?” she said. “It’s the same thing day in day out, the same hum-drum existence. In bed by nine thirty, up at six. For breakfast he’ll have plain, bran cereal and a cup of weak, milky coffee, read the morning paper and complain about the state of events and then he’ll go to work. He rings me every day at one o’clock when he’s on a lunch break, gives me a brief overview of the day’s events while he eats a tuna salad sandwich. He’ll finish work at four thirty, be home by five, have dinner at six thirty.and then afterwards he’ll have one glass of wine, which is always red. He'll settle down to watch television and then it’s off to bed, to do it all over again the next day. 

“When we first married, I loved his routine and natural organisation. It worked great because I was such a scatter brain. He tempered out my natural chaotic side but now I find it so boring. And yet Doug is content. He wants for nothing, he told me so the other day when I asked him about it. But he can’t be entirely content if he’s picking fights with me for no reason.” She took a deep breath and leaned back in her chair. Her unloading of her personal life was over, it seemed, and I could see the look of relief on her face. It seemed that she really needed to talk to someone.

“Have you talked to Doug about it?” I cautiously suggested. I’ve never been good at this advice thing.

“Several times,” she admitted. “But it always ends up in an argument. Doug’s very narrow-minded and set in his ways. I need fun and excitement. I can’t stand not doing anything, while Doug’s fine to sit around for hours watching television or doing a puzzle. I love Doug, of course I do, but our marriage is very trying at the moment.”

“Do you think he’s frustrated? Perhaps he sees himself as the old man and you as the young, attractive wife?” I offered awkwardly. The last time I had given someone advice it had ended in a breakup, I just hoped that what I'd said to Mrs Malcolm was helpful.

She smiled at me, reached across the table, grabbed my hand and stroked the skin across my knuckles. Her fingers were so delicate and her touch so soft, I was aroused. “You’re kind to say that. Perhaps Doug is frustrated, but he never talks about his feelings. He’s your typical, Midwest blue collar worker. He works hard, he loves his family and his house, but he never talks about what’s going on behind the scenes. He thinks that if a man breaks the barrier and talks about feelings then he’s weak,” she said.

I understood, of course I did. My grandfather was the same, it’s a generation thing. My grandfather was a man’s man. Work was completed to a high-standard, beer was drunk cold, women prepared the food and feelings were rarely touched upon. But I didn’t voice this comparison for fear of upsetting Mrs Malcolm. Comparing someone’s husband to your grandfather isn’t the best idea.

“And,” Mrs Malcolm said, not finished with her emotional unloading, “we haven’t had sex in ten months. Ten months Pauly. I have needs, I am a woman. Every time I try to initiate something he either ignores my signals or turns me down.” She sighed and ran a finger around the rim of her coffee mug. “You must think I’m a terrible person,” she said.

“No, no I don’t,” I replied. She squeezed my hand gently and I felt my cock pulse inside my shorts. She continued to hold my hand across the table for the rest of the short conversation while we finished our coffee. My plan of thinking about chemistry and physics was long ago abandoned. It was hard to do that while she sat there, looking incredibly hot in her workout attire, stroking my hand with her long delicate fingers.

And then I had the image of her delicate fingers wrapped around my cock. I had to get out of here now, to save us both some embarrassment. I stood up abruptly, perhaps a bit too abruptly. “Thanks for the coffee Mrs Malcolm, I should probably be going now,” I said, speaking fast. It didn’t even make sense to me, so I can only imagine what it sounded like to her.

“Pauly wait,” Mrs Malcolm said. I had nearly made it to the front door and to freedom when she caught up with me. I decided that I’d rather face the embarrassment of having Mrs Malcolm see me with a hard-on than leave so abruptly and rudely. “Why are you leaving? Oh,” she said when she saw the bulge in my pants. I looked sheepishly at the floor, unable to give her eye contact. “It’s okay Pauly. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“Well it’s nothing to be too thrilled about either right now,” I replied.

“Why not?”

“Because you’re the neighbor, my mom’s friend and also the mother of my high school girlfriend,” I replied.

“So?” shrugged Mrs Malcolm. “Nobody else needs to know apart from us.” And with that she took me by the hand, leading me away from the front door and sitting me down on the sofa in the living room. My head was spinning. Is this leading where I think it is ? When she pulled my pants down, and then my boxers, my dick breaking free of its confines, it confirmed that yes, this was leading where I thought it was.

She was enthusiastic, that was for sure. She set to the task with such zeal, licking around the head of my dick and then licking up and down the shaft. She gently trailed her tongue over each of my balls and an involuntary moan escaped my lips. She licked the underside of the shaft and gently sucked on the head of my cock. She looked up at me with those sweet light brown eyes and I was in heaven. This was better than any dream I’d ever had of Mrs Malcolm.

She sucked gently on the head with her warm tongue, her brown gaze never leaving my hazel eyes. She eased her mouth off me, licked up and down and all around the shaft and base. She licked my balls again, gently rotating the tip of her tongue in little circular motions across each of them, which made me shudder. She sucked me once more, taking more and more of my cock into her warm mouth. She put her hands on my hips and tried to force herself further down on me.

She bobbed her head up and down, suctioning with her mouth, her tongue, every now and then moving around as best as it could. I started thrusting my hips into her mouth and at first she started gagging but then she managed to find a rhythm, taking my cock all the way. She moved her right hand from where it rested on my hips and swept it down until she found my balls, rubbing them and fondling them, gently squeezing them. I wasn’t going to last much longer, and I think Mrs Malcolm knew that. I had been holding off cumming ever since she first touched my dick, but now I knew that I wouldn’t be able to hold off for much longer. If I had it my way this would have lasted forever, but my cum was boiling in my balls and I needed that release.

I lasted another minute or so with Mrs Malcolm sucking my dick and playing with my balls, before she squeezed them gently.

“Oh shit,” I said. I tensed and twitched and with that, I shot my load down her throat. She kept her mouth wrapped around me and sucked me dry. When I ceased to cum she leaned back, her gaze never leaving mine, and she swallowed. She sat back on the floor, a grin on her face.

“Well, that was quite fun,” she said. I nodded my head, spent for the moment. Mrs Malcolm grinned. She stood up and slowly started undressing. She had a great body for her age. She was fit and toned and clearly took great care of herself.

Her tits, though not as perky as they perhaps may have been in her youth, were still great. She would have been a D cup. Her areola was dark and her nipples were hard and pointy. She then took off her sports leggings and stood in just her plain blue panties. She took them off and stood in front of me, in all her naked glory. My eyes roved over her body, from the great tits to the light covering of red hair between her legs. Despite how spent I was I felt myself start to stir again and Mrs Malcolm noticed, giggling like a schoolgirl.

She sat down on the floor in front of me, except this time she lay back on the carpet and spread her legs so I saw everything. She was wet and glistening, her labia spread slightly and her clitoris only just visible. She sat up and looked at me, motioning for a couch cushion. I gave her one, neither of us saying anything. Apparently the fun was far from over. She put the cushion on the floor and then rested her head on it. With her now slightly elevated instead of flat on the ground, I had a better view of her chest and face.

She started playing with her tits, rubbing and grabbing them, moving them in large circular motions. Her nipples stood erect through her fingers and I heard her sigh. She pulled on her left nipple, and then her right, mashing them between two fingers, pulling them and rolling them. I was hard again in no time, as I watched the live show. While her left hand was playing with her nipples, her right hand trailed down to her pussy.

She rubbed her clitoris first, very gently, taking small strokes, moaning a little and sighing every now and then. She dipped two fingers inside her and then pulled them out. She raised her head slightly and smiled when she saw my expression. This apparently was encouragement enough as she pushed the two fingers inside again and gently worked them back and forth. It was so hot as I watched her play with her nipples and finger herself. Her moans were getting louder and louder and I realized that it must have been a while since she last had an orgasm because she was building up fast. She stopped playing with her tits and used her now free hand to swirl her clitoris round and round while her other two fingers moved in and out of her.

Her hips started rolling with the motion and then she moaned loudly and I knew then that she had reached her peak. I got down on the floor with her, gently pulling the fingers out of her pussy and replacing it with my cock. It slid in easily enough, Mrs Malcolm being well lubricated. I held her hips and slammed into her and she kept on playing with her clit while I screwed her on the living room floor. It wasn’t long before we were both cumming for a second time as I shot my second load deep into her.

I pulled out and lay down next to her on the carpet.

“Thank you Pauly,” she said. “You had no idea how much I needed that.”

“You needed it a lot, I could tell,” I replied.

“Yes,” she breathed. “I did. Thank you.” She stood up and started to dress again, a smile across her face. She was beaming, very happy and satisfied. I also dressed, glad that I'd decided to come over and help Mrs Malcolm, and not just with the odd jobs around the house. “Your payment,” she said, reaching for her purse on the side table.

I put my hand up to stop her. “I’ve been paid enough, thank you Mrs Malcolm,” I smiled.
She led me to the front door, but before opening it she kissed me fully on the mouth and rubbed me through my pants. “I may have some more work for you around the house in the future, if Doug’s back problems persist,” she said, her light brown eyes daring and seductive. I beamed in response and then went back next door to sleep. It seems my dreams had just come true.

Author's Note: Please check out my other stories, and my profile page.

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It was during my first summer holiday since I'd gone to university when it happened. I had gone into town one Saturday afternoon to get some CDs, when I saw walking down the street towards me my French teacher from school. Generally I didn't really like meeting my old teachers, it was always a bit odd being treated normally by people who had been authority figures for me only a short time ago, and even if Mrs. Woodcock (she was French, but had married an English guy) was far more attractive...

2 years ago
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Good Breeding

Jess strode into the school’s auditorium flanked by her two sisters. The other women in the room parted as she passed, quick to make way for her and her sisters. She scanned the room. Finding nobody of note, she and the two other women of the Crason family took their place at the corner of the expansive room. May, the middle sister let the women who previously occupied the corner see her brass knuckles. Her cute face no matter how stern could not intimidate others by itself and so she often...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Cousin Sister With My Friend8217s Help 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, my name is Rohit (name changed). I am from Kolkata and I am 5 ft and 3 inches with a fat 5-inch dick. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories for almost 8 years. This is the story of 7 years ago when I was 21 years old. This is a real story not makeup. I used to watch a lot of porn and then jerk off almost every night and at the same time, I was searching for real sex in Yahoo online chat and other online chatting sites. One late night, I was so horny and was looking for...

2 years ago
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Cranberry Bog

Cranberry Bog One of my mother’s friends arranged for me to go to Cape Cod, Massachusetts to work for the summer. It didn’t pay much but mom insisted that it would be good for me. She said that it would teach me to become a better person. So just having turned sixteen years old I was off. The bus trip took close to twelve hours and was just about the most boring thing that had ever happened to me. Gretchen met me at the bus stop. She was there to pick me up. I wasn’t hard to find...

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the Night Whispers Index 4

I don't remember returning to bed that night, but I woke on my back, naked with no covers. My daughter's pleasant moans rang in my ears as I tried rouse myself. It took me many minutes and a few idle strokes of my fingers between my legs to force my body from the bed and into my robe.Kira was still in her bedroom, so I crept down and made coffee. Before I'd finished my cup, she joined me at the table, eyes averted."Kira..." I said, trying to remember what I'd planned to say to her the night...

1 year ago
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What Dreams Are Made ofChapter 8 Curing A Performance Problem

I couldn’t believe it, I had lost control, my harem was now in control of me. Well not me exactly, but close. Something had changed in the 25 new clones they had made of me. Oh yes, they were me, looked exactly like me, had all my knowledge, even acted like me, but they were different. They were like the Hive. They were one, an entity. Each one knew what the other one was doing, thinking, even feeling. They really were ONE ... born and bred that way. Ann and the other Girls should have known...

1 year ago
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Fucking The Most Beautiful Girl

Hi all, This is my sex story. I am Vijay from Bangalore, I work in an MNC and I’m a normal looking guy who dresses decently in my 20’s. Well coming to this sex story which happened a few weeks before. I n my friend had decided to go out for dinner on weekend and luckily some his friends were in town so we went for a dinner together. His Friend had come to meet his girlfriend so she also accompanied him to the dinner and two more girls who were friends of the girlfriend. So, all in all, we were...

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The neighbors dog0

Christie had spent a lot of time reading sex stories about dogs fucking women. She had masturbated countless times in the past month to those stories. At first she had been afraid to watch videos, but eventually she gave into the temptation. The websites were difficult to navigate. It took a few days before she found one that was reliable. Watching the videos of women getting fucked by dogs satisfied her for a while. After a few weeks though she grew to want the real thing again. The...

4 years ago
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Trans girls first public sex with a stranger

I just had an amazing, and accidental public sex experience.I was traveling home from an out of state Thanksgiving weekend with friends, and I had to go to the bathroom. So I pulled off the highway. I always hate public bathrooms because they are usually dirty. So I found a pull-off on the side of the road next to a swimming area. It was just about to get dark so I decided to get out of the car quick and scurry into the woods. There were two other cars parked there with people just loitering,...

3 years ago
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Glory Hole Surprises

My name is Dan; I am 23 years old, 6' 1" 175 pounds of rock hard muscle due to my construction job. I was never very popular in school, probably due to a really bad case of acne as a teenager. It's now cleared up nicely but I have no confidence with girls due to hundreds of times being turned down when I asked them for dates as a teenager. I make great money for my age, just over $25 an hour and I average over 45 hours per week.Since I never had a date in high school, I grew quite good at...

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Jimmy P8

After such a good day i decided to have a quiet night in, and was happy sat on the sofa watching whatever football game my father had found to watch, until half time came around, and i headed upstairs for a piss.As i came out of the bathroom afterwards though, i heard a noise coming from my eldest sisters room.It was a low buzzing noise, and some soft moaning, and i kind of knew instantly what it was, but just out of curiosity, i moved to her bedroom door and then gently pushed it open, to see...

2 years ago
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Elder Sister8217s Hungry Pussy

Hello ISS readers, I am Sujon (30) from Bangladesh. I am too much interested to read Indian Sex Stories. I want to describe my first sexual encounter with my elder cousin sister in Bengali.Ghotonata jokhonkar tokhon amar boyos 16. Kono meyer sathe sex korar ichcha sob somoy amar mathar moddhe ghurto. Ami 12 bochor boyos theke masterbate kori. Amra Dhaka thaki. Amader basay 4 jon manush. Baba, Maa, ami ebong amar soto bhai Turjo. Ghotonata ghotlo amar class 10 exam er pore.Examination sesh hobar...

1 year ago
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Lottery WinnerChapter 28

Beth and I fixed a light supper and watched TV. We went to bed and I fucked her cunt and ass before we drifted off to sleep. I woke later to being sucked. I looked and it was Heather. Her mother was between Beth’s legs sucking her holes. Beth’s clock radio started making noise as Beth orgasmed. I pissed Heather’s mouth after shooting a load of cum down her throat. I saw Beth’s face and knew she had pissed into Dawn’s mouth. Both of the receivers of piss swallowed. Beth and I started moving....

1 year ago
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Caleb 27 Back again

Dianna led us into a room, holding the painting I had given her. I could see she had tears in her eyes, and I knew they were happy ones. I was pleased that I had managed to repair at least some of the damage I had done at the farm when I’d been so angry over the attack. She walked to one side of the room, and I saw the photograph the painting was based on on the wall. It was yellowed and faded, in a small frame, and was about half the size of the painting. Dianna took down the photograph and...

3 years ago
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My GF Broken Me In Part 3

I hadn't seen Dean at work since our encounter until a Monday morning the following week. I was sat at my desk when I saw him coming over. "Enjoy the other night?" he asked, winking slyly at me."You know I did," I replied, feeling my face redden."Me and Tyler were wondering if you and Katie would like to come over to the apartment on Saturday, have a few drinks, a bit of fun?" he asked. "Was she okay with you when you got home?""Let's just say I didn't need to go for a shower, her tongue done...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 26 Open Mouth Insert Foot

October-November 1978 On Saturday, Jennifer joined me for lunch at work. Melanie had called her on Friday night. “So, she asked. She told me she agreed to the ground rules you set. She told me she had written Pete as well, and that he wrote back.” “Then it’s up to you, Jen.” “Do you want to do this?” “I agreed to it. It’s really a question of you and what you need. Is inviting Melanie to share us something you can deal with? Will it hurt our relationship as you see it? Do you think she...

1 year ago
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Erotic Massage

I am Rajesh, about 45 years old and my wife is Pooja who is 40 years old. We have been married for about 20 years. We are very healthy persons and exercise daily. I am tall, slim and fair. My wife is beautiful, well endowed and very fair. We are from middle class family and live comfortably. We are from orthodox family and do not drink or smoke. We are vegetarians. Our sex life is fantastic and we make love about three times a week. We have never had sex outside marriage. A few years back, as...

3 years ago
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College lady proffesor

Jr. College se Degree college mein jaane ka excitement that apne aap ko ab senior aur matured samajhne lage the hum (Main aur mere friends). Mumbai mein mostly colleges co-ed hain to ladkiya bhi sath thi aur ek accha group ban gaya tha. First year to aise hi hansi mazak ghumne firne mein nikal gaya. Group mein couples bhi ban gai. Baat second year ki hai jaise hi college start hua hame pata laga ke hamari ek favorite professor ne college chhod diya hai aur uski jagah koi nayi professor aa rahi...

2 years ago
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CharlieChapter 16

I was talking to Henry about our plans to go to the circus. We were all going to meet at a restaurant afterwards for dinner. He had met Janice at the gym and liked her. The morning of the circus, I met with Ann and Janice on the fairway. Jack and Henry spent five dollars seeing who was strongest by swinging a sledge hammer at a lever. It shot a weight up a pole and rang a bell. Both of them managed to ring the bell but Henry's was the loudest. Jack won a Teddy bear for Ann by throwing darts...

2 years ago
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My Godmother and a Fairy Princess

A Godmother and the fairy princess Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Mom, what are you going to be this year, for the party I mean?" "I was thinking that I would go as the fairy godmother, why?" "I can't think of anything." "I knew it would come to this! You always wait so long to decide!" "Yeah, but..." "And, since I figured you would do this, I decided to be prepared this year! I already have your costume!" "You do? That's great mom! What is it going to be...

1 year ago
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Sparticus A mothers demise

SPARTICUS … A mother’s demiseChapter 1Monday evening‘Yes Dominus’ Helen laughed as she responding to her son’s request to switch off the light before she took her seat next to him on the couch.‘Hurry up slave… it’s about to start’ the teen grinningly quipped backAs it has been for the past six weeks both mother and son sat down on a Monday night before the television to watch the latest episode of Spartacus. Helen’s husband had to leave for work each day at 6am as it was a two hour commute each...

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I have booked a ticket in bhubneswar rajdhani for my tour to cuttack.I met a married lady on train & have enjoyed physical relation for night. Hello ! I am on train going to cuttack to meet my uncle's family.I am in AC-1 coach looking to a married lady.a 35 yrs.married lady is sitting on opposite berth.she is sexy.....wild .......having white complexion........some parts of her boobs are visible in transparent saree. we are having snacks with coffee .In my coup two passemgers are missing & when...

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Speechless with Teeth Ch 02

The next morning I woke in bed alone, the sound of the little droplets of water running in the shower beginning to fill my ears. I sat up and looked around, wondering if the night before was just a dream. I looked down and saw the dried cum on my legs and the torn black teddy on the floor and smiled to myself. With a new confidence, I walked out of bed and over to the shower in the bathroom. James was in the shower. When he saw me come near, he opened the door to let me in. ‘Good morning,...

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Me with Husband

“Priya, Did you suck his cock?” my husband asked me as he pinned me to the bed.“No”, I answered truthfully.“Did you want to?” he questioned.I hesitated. I had wanted to suck that man’s cock with every fiber of my being. Kneeling in front of his naked body had taken me to the edge of self-control. But I, I was a good wife. A wife who was grateful for the gifts given to her. A wife who knew her place.“Yes Dear.” I answered, hoping that my response did not anger him.Instead of angering him, he...

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Phir Ek Bhabhi Chudi

Bhabhi se Pehla Ikrar My Bhabhi, Nisha came to our home during vacations. Waise maine unko bhaiya se chudte huwe to unki shaadi ke teen din baad hi dekh liya tha lekin unki jawani ka pura jaam nahi pee paya tha. Waise Nisha Bhabhi mujhe bahut pyaar karti hain,aur mein unke sunder, komal hathon ko apne hathon mein lekar ghanto baitha baatein karta rehta tha. But iske age kabhi kuch nahi hua. Is baar jab woh ai to surya-grahan tha aur panditji ne bataya ki mujhe aur meri Nisha Bhabhi ko yeh...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Two Grandmas

Hi ISS readers. This is Sri Charan once again back with another sex story. This story is about how I seduced one grandma for sex and other asks me out directly to fuck her. Here is how the story starts. I was 18 when this happened. And it was my summer vacation where I had 2 months of holidays. For the 1st whole month I spent with my maids i.e; shoba, krishnaveni, kanchana, rajeshwari and bhagya aunty. Then I was bored of fucking them even though we used to do it with enthusiasm. Then I...

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Lindas Lay on the Thames Part 6

Day 8 TuesdayI woke up to find Angela was not beside me in bed and all the covers turned down from the portholes, including the one above my side of the bed. Meanwhile daylight streamed in through the now re-opened skylight. I got up and stared back at the war zone that the bed had become. I could make out the dry patches from our bodily fluids and took to the bathroom. I had a very nice, warm shower, standing in the bath tub and returned to the main cabin, towelling myself down. I found...

3 years ago
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My Sister Meg Ch 21

My watch said it was 10:04AM, and I was alone in my bed. It seemed like Meg had never even been in my room, let alone fucked in my bed. I through on a shirt and some gym shorts and headed downstairs. My Mom and Dad were sat at the table, drinking juice and exchanging stories. Sure enough, Meg was home, she was sitting on the couch watching TV and eating a bagel. I sat next to her and began to watch the TV as well. "Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed last night." Meg turned to say...

2 years ago
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Bahan blue film dikha ke choda

Bahan blue film dikha ke choda Ye baat hai mere taya ki ladki yaani meri chacheri bahan ki jo mujhse umer mein 2-3 saal badi thi, aur uske mumme to haaye toba itne bade bade the k main kya koi bhi baccha,bda aur buda bhi dekh kar paagal ho jata. Inhi mummo ki wajah se wo bahut kamsin aur sexy lagti thi, uske bade bade eke k mumme ka wajan kam se kam 5-5 kilo hoga. Wo koi bhi kapde pahnti thi to uske mumme ooper se saaf-saaf dikhayi dete the itne bade the wo. Wo kisi bhi naa mard ko bhi apne...

1 year ago
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BFFS Jada Kai Brenna Sparks Ember Snow Whoriental

Brenna Sparks, Ember Snow, and Jada Kai are in a heated competition for one lucky bachelors heart, and to make his decision, he brings the sweet Asian babes out to Las Vegas. The bachelor gives his first rose to busty Brenna, probably because she choked on his cock in the kitchen earlier. He gives the second rose to Ember, remembering the time she joined in on a seductive threesome with him and Brenna. Jada is pissed, especially when she finds out that she did not get a rose because she refused...

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AxemanChapter 2

Carhartt overalls, thermal underwear, backpack, rope, hammer, pitons, rolled up wetsuit, dried food for a week, water canisters and the rest including a first aid kit. I had searched the net to make a list of what the soldiers took with them when exploring the Portals. There wasn’t much real information on the net, but some did filter out. Gear being one of them. Since I couldn’t take a set of regulation army protective gear, I settled for football and soccer pads over sturdy winter...

1 year ago
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How I lost my virginity to an older man continued

I was so young and naive and thought it was really great that this busy guy was taking such an interest in me. I wonder how many teenagers have felt the same way about an older, sophisticated man...I kept on cutting his lawn every week and afterwards we'd have talk and he would spend a lot of time showing me things about computers. One day when I knocked on the door he called out and told me to come in. He was sitting in the living room watching porn. I was just staring at it and he asked if I...

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The Office the Job Review

The Job ReviewI call you on the phone I ask you Becky to come to my office. I Robert inform you that I am thinking of firing you. I remind you that your job is at will. I am an older man that likes to use my power to control and dominate women.You ask me if there anything you can do. I inform you we can have a private agreement not job related but state I would be better off just to give you a letter of just a medium recommendation as you have make serious spelling mistakes and other serious...

3 years ago
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Ralphs ObsessionsChapter 2

I had a hard time concentrating at work as I thought more about this girl and the fantastic blow job she gave me. I had a hard on most of the day. Luckily I could stay at my desk and no one would see it. I did manage it somewhat if I absolutely had to get up and move around. I stood up and faced the window so I could adjust the hard in my pants. Just then my secretary walked in and spoke to me. Not thinking I turned around. She took one look at my tented pants and said, wow who is the lucky...

1 year ago
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Breaking the MoldChapter 8

It was the first Monday in November when Mary looked out the front window, watching her daughter Madison drive away in the Toyota Tercel that Lee had driven when he was still in high school. As the dented, red car belched a plume of smoke she blurted, “Yep, I’ll talk with Arthur about it.” The conversation started at the breakfast table when Madison said, “I can’t wait for Christmas when Lee will be home again.” Mary looked at her elegant teenage daughter and muttered “Christmas. She will...

2 years ago
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The Naughty Receptionist Part Two

She woke up Saturday morning needing him, wanting him, her body aching for him. Her fingertips traced over the skin of her bottom, her ass was still a bit sore from her weekly spanking on Wednesday, and that had been the last day she’d been allowed to come. Of course, he had let her suck his cock, naked and on her knees, Thursday and Friday morning. Remembering the taste of him, the feel of his cock invading her pussy, and the wicked burn of the crop across her cheeks, she ground against the...

3 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 35

Janet and Lillian had been listening in on my comments through our link, so when I said I was not alone, Janet came crashing through the window that investigated the atrium. Lillian would make herself known when the time was right. We needed to keep him off guard if we were going to succeed. Seeing Janet nearby brought me a sense of relief, though I was worried about leaving Ingrid up on the second floor alone. ((Do not worry, Davik, I sent the two with me up to make sure she got to us okay...

4 years ago
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A journey of the mind

a journey of the submissive mind She takes his hand and leads him up the winding staircase,as she looks over her shoulder at him she flashes her wanton eyes showing the fire within and the plans she has conjoured.At the foot of the bed she forces him face down burying it into the mattress.She takes the handcuffs and places them around his large wrists almost unable to click the catches into place,these handcuffs were only designed for use on her and now it was his turn to see what she had...

3 years ago
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He sent me a faceless, cockless message on Adult FriendFinder, and I was apprehensive to reply. Being new to the site, and posting some of the pictures and video I had, I had become accustomed to emails of this ilk. Most of them said things like "I love the way you suck that dildo, wish it was my cock" or "I'd love to blow my load on those big nipples". It was obvious to me that none of them had bothered to even take a glimpse at my profile. Once in a while, a message would strike me as funny,...

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Sex at Work

I encourage comments and voting on my stories, I am new at this type of writing, and would appreciate any feedback.  I feel it would help in refining the stories I feel the need to write.  Thanks   I have been working for a large retail corporation for about four years in one of the smaller outlets in the Midwest .  I am a middle aged married guy, my wife even works at the same store, but would never dream of me getting it on at work with a coworker.     Mimi, a...

Straight Sex
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hotel fun

Hi I'm Nat...took Conrad for a birhtday treat to k-west in horny hotel. We spent the afternoon fucking and watching the xxx dvds I'd bought in london the previous week...all white girls getting done by nice hard black cocks. We were in a club in town when a black guy starting hitting on me before Conrad got back from the bar. When he returned I said I'd like to "hit the sack" and pleasure you both. In the taxi conrad and rob finger fucked me and called me a slut . The discussions we...

1 year ago
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First time and what great fun

My name is Jakub, or Jake as my friends call me. At the time this little adventure took place, I was 20 years old and I guess I was a pretty lonely guy. Overall, I am a pretty average dude: 6 feet tall, slim body and average looks, the only thing about me that’s a bit different than most people I know is that I am very shy. I suppose that this was the reason that made start looking for companionship over the Internet. I was just hoping that if I can impress someone with my personality, then I...

She Males
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RL Adventures Her Perspective

* Note : As per in my profile section, this is the beginning of my real life adventures entries. These are possible, have happened, or happen often type of stories. They may be past experiences or fantasies. I want to write showing both partners' perspectives, excitement, etc. ENJOY !*** Her Perspective. The music had a fast beat, Spanish with heavy drums, screeching guitars, and a very deep voice with a German accent. The song was about feasting on the fleshy parts of a woman, but he couldn’t...

Straight Sex

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