Therapist Ch. 01 free porn video

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She named him John Edgar Hoover after watching a documentary on television about the famous director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation while she was pregnant. His father is also a distant relative of his, or so her mother-in-law told her.

Edgar is a freshman attending Louisiana State University on a four year science scholarship and has come home several days early for the Thanksgiving holiday. It is Monday afternoon. He is having lunch with his mother. They are sitting at the kitchen table.

He tells his mother about a girl he met who is helping him with his English literature. She is pretty, he tells her. But his mother will have none of it, even though he tells her that they are not serious, that he is only using her to help him with his studies. But she insists that he not see her again. He tells her that he won’t see her, that he will get another study buddy from the dorm. But she doesn’t believe him.

Edgar can live with his mother not believing him. He has lived with it for eighteen years. He can live with her beating him, belittling him, even molesting him. He has also lived with that for as long as he can remember. But it is when she threatens to take him out of college that he snaps. It is when she threatens to take away his only refuge from her that he fights back — for the first time in his subservient life to her.

Donna, sweet lovely Donna, has that much influence upon him. She is the first girl that has ever taken a romantic interest in him, tells him how strong he is, how beautiful his long blonde hair looks. She is the only girl that he has ever kissed, the only girl that he has ever loved. She is the only person who has ever loved him. They held hands walking from the library.

It is when his mother threatens to take that away from him that he finally acts in his own defense.

‘You’re not going back to that school to fuck some whore who’ll only give you some kind of disease,’ she yells at him.

‘She’s only a friend mother. We haven’t had sex. I’m still a virgin mother.’

‘Don’t you talk back to me, you little bastard.’ She slaps him hard across the face, leaving the imprint of her hand on his cheek. ‘And don’t you lie to me. Don’t you tell me that you’re still a virgin, because I know you’re not. I know you’ve fucked all those high school whores you went out with. I ought to cut it off. You’re just like . . .’

‘Mother you know I never went out with . . .’

‘Don’t you interrupt me when I’m talking to you, you little bastard.’ She hits him again. He puts his hand to his cheek and cringes away from her. ‘You’re just like your father. He was always interrupting me when I was talking to him, till I threw him out.’

‘I wasn’t interrupting you mother. I was just trying to remind you that you wouldn’t let me date any girls when I was in high school,’ he says to her. ‘And I thought dad left you because he couldn’t stand your hollering at him and belittling him any more?’

‘What!’ She screams at him. ‘Did that whore in college tell you that? Did that college bitch tell you to talk that way to me? Now I know you’re not going back there. You’re not going to talk like that to me and get away with it you little bastard.’

She grabs him by the hair — the way she has always done — and drags him down the hall to the punishment room. The combat boots she is wearing make a loud thump with each step she takes.

The room is bare of everything except a large picture of her hanging on the wall, a set of leg manacles with a two meter chain that is attached to another chain that is bolted to an eyebolt in the baseboard and another pair of wrist shackles with a fifty centimeter chain that is fastened to a cable running through an eyebolt in the ceiling. This latter cable runs across the ceiling, through another eyebolt and then ties off near the entrance door.

There is an old, dirty sheet covering the only window. The room is dirty, not having been swept or cleaned in about nine years. There is a thin coat of dust on the floor except for a small circle surrounding the chains and a path leading to the entrance door.

Finally, there is her Whip, her precious leather Whip with a brass handle. It’s lying on the floor coiled up like a snake waiting to strike.

He thinks of fighting back. But he has a small frame, is shorter than her by at least fifteen centimeters and only weighs 150 pounds, no match for her large frame, 210 pounds. Besides, he knows it will only make her angrier. He knows too what his punishment is going to be for his insolence. It is what his punishment has always been when she is angry at him. He resigns himself to her brutality.

Through his thoughts he asks, begs, ‘Donna, where can you be? I’m left all alone. I need you. Sanctuary of my life, love of my life, help me, tell me what to do.’

But Donna might just as well be on the moon. She cannot help him now. Nor are his thoughts of her going to help him now. He resigns himself.

She drags him across the punishment room to the sets of chains. Then she punches him hard in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him and sending him to his knees.

She stands over him. ‘You know the rules. Take off your clothes you little bastard or I’ll rip them off you.’

She has always referred to him as her little bastard. In his entire life, whenever she is angry, he can never remember her referring to him by any other name.

‘Mother, please.’ He can barely whisper. He is on his hands and knees, trying to catch his breath.

She kicks him in the side, her combat boots leave an ugly bruise. He falls face down on the bare floor. ‘I said take off your clothes you little bastard.’ Then she stomps across the room and picks up the Snake.

‘Mother, please. I’m too old for this.’

‘Shut up you little bastard,’ she barks.

Then she hits him on the back with the Whip. He can feel the welt rising across his shoulder and down his back. She strikes him two more times across his back, tearing his T-shirt.

He tries to get up but she kicks him down again. This time the blow lands on his left temple, knocking him unconscious. Then she grabs his T-shirt at the collar — the LSU T-shirt Donna had bought for him — and rips it from his back, revealing three deep red streaks running diagonally from his left shoulder to his waist.

When he comes to he is lying naked on the floor, two old, healed small scars can be seen on his left buttocks and another one on his right thigh, just below his cheek. There is another old ten centimeter long scar just below his right shoulder blade.

His wrists are shackled with padlocks to chain that is attached to the cable hanging from the eyebolt in the ceiling. His ankles are manacled with padlocks to the chain that is connected to the eyebolt in the baseboard.

His left eye is closed and swollen. His head is swimming. It is dark and the room is empty. Through his good eye he can see by the moonlight filtering through the sheet on the window that the Snake is laying on floor on the other side of the room where she threw it. It lies where she has always thrown it — just beyond his reach.

The LSU T-shirt that Donna had bought for him is in shreds lying next to him. He does not know where the rest of his clothes are, they are not in the room. His back hurts.

He has no idea what time it is or how long he has laid here. He figures that it has probably been just a few hours. His side aches. He is hungry. But he knows better than to call out. He knows that he must sit in silence and wait for her to bring his food to him. He learned that lesson when he was only in the first or second grade. Or was it earlier. He can’t remember, it has been too many years.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

‘What do you mean asking me to fix you something to eat? Can’t you see that I’m watching television you little bastard?’

Seven-year-old Edgar looks across the room at hi
s mother. He is standing in the doorway to the living room. Suddenly he is scared. She called him a little bastard and she only does that when she is angry. She calls him a little bastard whenever she hits him.

He tries to think if there is anything he has done to make her angry. He can think of nothing. He has stayed in his room all day quietly playing with his toy dinosaurs . . . staying away from her.

She hasn’t come out of her bedroom all day. Not for breakfast, nor for lunch. She has stayed in her bedroom watching television. She has been watching her video of a woman tying up a naked man and beating him. Every now and then she would moan and yell out. Whenever she is in her room watching her video, moaning and yelling out, he knows better than to disturb her.

He also knows better than to fix his own meals because she beats him whenever he does. He cannot ask his daddy to fix him something to eat. His daddy left early this morning to go deer hunting, saying he would be back tomorrow night. So, he has gone hungry.

When she finally did come out of her bedroom, she went straight to the living room to watch the evening news. Edgar heard the television on and walked toward the living room. As he walked down the hall past her bedroom, he saw a large flesh colored object lying on her bed. It looks just like his penis only much larger. He does not know what it is. Upon coming to the door leading into the living room he told her he was hungry.

Edgar just stands in the doorway into the living room. He does not know whether he should repeat his statement or remain silent. He is scared.

‘Come here to me you little bastard! Get over here!’ She is sitting on the sofa. The only thing she is wearing is a torn slip. He can see her large right breast through the tear in it. Her legs are open wide. Edgar can also see her dark pubic hair.

‘Are you going to hit me?’ he asks timidly.

‘Now why would I hit you Johnny Boy? The only thing you did was to tell me that you’re hungry. I’m sorry I yelled at you. Would you like some milk?’

She calls him Johnny Boy when she has a treat for him. Seldom are the times though. He wonders what the treat is. ‘Yes Ma’am,’ he says hesitantly and nods his head.

‘Then come over here and sit in mommy’s lap.’

He cautiously walks over to her. When he gets near enough, she picks him up and sits him on her left thigh. She smiles at him and says, ‘Here, mommy has a lot of milk for her little Johnny Boy.’ Then cupping her exposed right breast she shoves it into his face. But he jerks his head back, looses his balance and falls to the floor between her legs. He looks up at his mother in fear and astonishment. He does not know what to do.

‘I said suck my tit you little bastard.’ She grabs him by the hair and pulls him into a standing position. She wraps her large legs around his little body, holding him in a vice-like grip. While holding him by the hair with her left hand and cupping her right breast with her other hand, she shoves her nipple into his face. She again orders him to suck her tit.

He dare not disobey her. As he begins to suck her she closes her eyes. His eyes are wide open, watching her face. He continues to suck her nipple.

She lets go of her breast and grabs his left wrist. She puts his hand between her thighs. He can feel her hair, her wetness. She rubs his hand against herself and begins to moan. It is the same moan he heard coming from her bedroom several times earlier today. After several minutes her moans become louder and she begins to thrust her hips against his body. Then she screams out, scaring Edgar.

He stops sucking her and pulls his hand out from between her legs. He then tries to wriggle out from between her legs but she is too strong. She yanks on his hair.

‘I thought I told you to suck my tit you little bastard. Now suck it!’

He again begins to suck her right nipple, keeping his wide open eyes fixed on her face. He dare not disobey her.

Through two newscasts and a game show which followed them, she holds him between her thighs while her left hand clutches tight onto his hair. For an hour and a half she forces him to suck her nipple.

When the game show is over she drags him by his hair into the punishment room. Once there she throws him across the room and pushes a love seat in front of the door, blocking his escape and revealing an eyebolt driven into the baseboard.

Next she does what she has always done when she is angry at him. She rips off all his clothes. Then she takes some leg manacles out of the closet and shackles his ankles to the eyebolt. Next she ties his hands in front of him with a cord. Then she holds him by the hair and beats him with one of his father’s belts. She beats him until he has numerous welt marks on his back, buttocks and thighs.

Then she leaves him lying on the bare floor and crying. She takes his clothes with her when she goes.

The next afternoon she comes into the room and takes off the shackles and unties him. She drags him to the bathroom and orders him to relieve himself, she watches him the whole time. When he is finished she sends him to his bedroom with a warning that if he tells his father about anything that happened she will kill both him and his father. Just before his father comes home from hunting, she brings him a cold bowl of oatmeal to eat. It is the only thing he has eaten in two days.

That is the way it has been all of his life. The only memories Edgar has of his mother are of her sexually molesting him, ripping his clothes off, tying him up and beating him.

His father left the day after his ninth birthday, telling her that he had had enough of her nagging and hollering at him. The following day she removed the love seat and a sewing desk and chair from the punishment room. Next she fixed up the chain, cable and eyebolts in the ceiling. That’s also when she bought her Snake.

Then she beat him and fed him cold oatmeal for three days.

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The next afternoon she comes in with a large stainless steel chamber pot. She says nothing to him. She just stands over him . . . waiting . . . waiting.

He has been sitting on the floor in the fetal position with his arms wrapped around his legs, trying to keep his naked body warm. The torn T-shirt is lying on the floor next to him. There is neither heat nor air conditioning in the room, she closed the vent years ago.

But he knows what she was waiting for. He feels ashamed. He silently hopes that she will just drop the pot within his reach and leave. But she does not. She just stands there and waits.

After several minutes, he opens his legs so that she can see him. He is embarrassed. He closes his good eye, he doesn’t want to see her face.

‘The doctor made a mistake when he circumcised you,’ she says in a belittling tone. ‘He should have cut your weenie dick off you little bastard. Maybe then you wouldn’t be running after every whore you meet.’

He does not answer her. He knows from experience that it would only get her angry again and lead to more insults, more beatings. He bows his head and silently prays that she just goes away.

‘I guess you didn’t lie to me after all. I can see that your dick isn’t big enough to fuck anyone.’

She throws the chamber pot at him. But her aim is bad. It hits him a glancing blow on the shoulder and bounces to near the wall. Then she drops a roll of toilet paper within his reach and walks out of the room, closing the door behind herself.

He is glad when she leaves. For when he is alone he can regain some measure of dignity for his naked body. Now too, he can relieve himself in solitude. He knows better than to soil her floor, the floor that is stained with his blood.

She doesn’t return for several hours, by then it is dark. She puts a bowl of oatmeal on the floor just out of his reach — the only food she has ever given him after chaini
ng him up. Then she gets her Whip and stands over the bowl, the toe of her combat boot is just a few centimeters away from it.

After several minutes, she nudges it forward with her toe and waits. Edgar waits too. He doesn’t know whether to reach out for the bowl or to wait for her to leave before retrieving it.

Sometimes she orders him to retrieve the bowl. Sometimes she doesn’t, she just leaves. Sometimes in the past, she would allow him to get it without incident. At other times, she would hit him with the Whip when he reached out for the bowl of food.

What she would do now he does not know. So, he waits. She stands there for thirty minutes with her arms folded and the Whip in her hand, looking down on the naked young man. When the oatmeal gets cold she throws the Snake across the room and leaves.

Edgar retrieves the food and scoops it out of the bowl with his fingers. Then he licks the bowl clean so as to get every morsel of food. He knows from experience that it might be a long time before she brings him anything else to eat.

He is there for several days. Once every evening she has brought him a bowl of oatmeal. Each time she has stood over him with her Snake in her hand and waited in silence until it is cold before leaving.

She has picked up the chamber pot only twice and returned it without incident. Now it is nearly full and it stinks, but he is thankful that she has not whipped him any more.

His back and side no longer hurt but his eye is still a little bloodshot. The swelling has gone down and he can see through it. His wrists and ankles are raw from the shackles.

He has no idea what day it is — and dares not ask — but he is sure that the Thanksgiving holiday is over. He guesses that it is either the Friday or the Saturday after. He has to get back to college. He has to get back to his studies. He has to get back to Donna, his precious Donna.

She comes in early in the evening and puts the bowl of oatmeal on the floor. As usual it is just out of his reach. She stands over it . . . over him. Then after several minutes she nudges it forward a few centimeters with the toe of her combat boot and waits.

Edgar only wants to get back to college, back to LSU and his precious Donna. He is crazy with fear that he will never see her again. He is afraid that his mother will never let him go back to school. But he has to see the love of his life again. He cannot let his mother take his only protection from her brutality away from him.

He is sitting on the floor and looks up at her. He looks at the keys. They are dangling from her waist. Her precious Whip is in her hand. He lowers his head, looks at the floor and shakes his head in resignation. He knows what he will do, what he must do. He knows too what her response will be. He has been thinking about it all day, contemplating and planning every movement, every action . . . and reaction.

He slowly gets to his feet so that she can see him . . . all of him. He stands up to face her, arms at his side, the palms of his shackled hands facing her. He raises his head and looks her in the eyes. He tilts his head slightly to the left.

She is puzzled by his actions. He has never done this before. He has never before shown himself like this to her. But his actions catch her off guard and that is what he wants, that is what he has been planning. Before she has time to contemplate what he is doing, he acts.

‘Fuck you,’ he says to her in disgust.

‘What!’ she screams at him in shocked disbelief. ‘Why you little bastard.’

She kicks the oatmeal at him and lashes out with the Whip. But that is exactly what he expects her to do and he is ready for her. Instead of bowing in submission to her blows, he grabs the Whip with both hands, ignoring the pain it inflicts across his shoulder and down his back. That is the sacrifice he must endure. He knows from his studies in chess, that in order to capture the enemy’s queen you must sacrifice one of your own pieces. He sacrifices his back in order to win his freedom.

He yanks hard on the Whip, pulling her off balance. Caught off guard, she lets go of the Whip and falls forward onto the floor. She is on her hands and knees. He swings at her with the Whip with all his strength, its brass handle hits her in the back of the head. She falls flat on the floor. He hits her again and again and again until she lies lifeless on the floor. Her skull is cracked open, her brains are oozing out and her blood is spreading out in a large circle across the cold hard floor.

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imagination and fantasy by nmdwji

The ten amazons form a circle around me. They are huge and my mouth is at the same height as their asses. One by one they demand that I clean their asses with my tongue. "We ran out of toilet paper", one says, "and we need you to clean our asses. Now get that tongue in there deep slave." I place my hands on one amazons muscular thighs and begin to probe her ass hole with my tongue and the others laugh out loud and mock me in a humiliating tone. By the time I'm done cleaning the last one my...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 368 Northrop Grumman Integrated has a Bad Day

Friday, June 8, 2007 It was 12:40am and I had a long way to go: south past Florida; west across the Gulf of Mexico, across Mexico itself and a hundred miles out into the Pacific; then north to LA. It was about 3,800 miles by my reckoning. Sunrise off LA was 5:30am, giving me five hours. That was an average of 760 mph - exactly Mach 1, which I was NOT going to attempt. I changed my intended route to cut across Florida and estimated that reduced the journey to 3,400 miles, giving 700 mph as...

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Pegged for Eternity Jack goes to hell

Jack looked up in shock as a huge flow of lava barreled toward him. He attempted to run away but stood helplessly, accepting what he thought was death, but felt the lava pour over him. Chains burst out from around him and grabbed him as the lava seared his skin off and rendered his muscles from his bones. Jack never lost consciousness though, and soon realized he was in hell as he screamed for mercy. After about an hour of being burned alive, a female demon came down to check on Jack and...

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Gigolo From Rourkela 8211 Part 3

Hello to all the reader of ISS. Hi Girls / Ladies / Housewives of Rourkela Odisha, I am Bapi from Rourkela, Odisha. I am back here to share one more incident which took place recently. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi,age 32, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. I am working in a private firm and serving as part time gigolo (male escort) for unsatisfied females. If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your sexual life or just for...

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Sensual Fun With Landlord8217s Wife

Hello, Readers, I am going to share a wonderful incident in my life which happened around 2 years back. This is my real sex story. I was working in an MNC and was staying for rent in an apartment near the company. The room I was staying was a single room with just a small kitchen and bathroom. The room was on the roof with no other rooms around, the remaining area on the roof was covered with ropes for drying the clothes. My landlord was the local guy in late-30s staying with his wife and kids...

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Enathu Aanmai Penmaiyaaga Maariyathu

Vanakam enathu peyar Senthil vayathu 18 naan chennaiyil ulla palliyil 12aam vagupu vadithu varugiren. Ennaku pudavai anivathu migavum pidithu enathu ammavin pudavaiyai naan veetil yaarum illatha pozhthu athai naan aninthu paarpen. Enathu mulai onjam perithaaga irukum naan aaan than aanal enathu mulai konjam perithaaga irukum. Ennaku pengal meethu avalavaaga virupam irukaathu ennaku pasangal meethu than athigam virupam irukum. Enathu arugil irukum nanbanin kaiyil enathu mulaiyai vaithu...

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Go For Broke

‘Do not write for the wrong reasons—marketplace reasons that crush your true identity. Give yourself permission to believe in the validity of your own narrative.’ William Zinsser. My deepest thanks to SA PennLady for her editorial comments and suggestions. Of course, any errors, misstatements or stupidities are solely my responsibility. Some background for this story will be found in my stories ‘Easter’ and ‘Trust’. However, this is a stand-alone story. * Shortly after I had gone back to...

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"I'll just leave you here for a bit while I go and get something from the shop then," Rachel stated, smiling back over her shoulder as she left the bedroom."Hang on, you can't do that," Devon replied, his voice pitch rising as she left the room. He craned his neck in a futile effort to see where she was going. The blindfold and handcuffs prevented any success. He called out a couple more times as the sounds of her passage through the house receded, but eventually had to accept as he heard the...

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My Strange Life chapter 1 and 2

INTRO Hello my name is CJ Snyder. After reading many of the other stories on this site and others like I decided to write this story to document my life while we wait for the delivery of our twins. We decided we did not want to know the sex of our children until they were born. Now about me I am the youngest of seven children born to Bill and Robin Snyder. We live on the outskirts of two small towns in New Hampshire not far from Salem, Massachusetts. My ancestor first arrived in...

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my wife

the wife and i had been married for over ten years and had three c***dren,I had been the only one she had ever been withand i was the jealous type,I owned my own business a home remodeling co.although i was the jealous type i wanted to seemy shy wife with another guy,i used to ask her while we were in bed while we were hot and horny if she would fuck anotherguy for me,i remember the first time i asked her she was shocked and quickly said no,as i kept fucking her i would stop justbefore she came...

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Im Gonna Need a Yank

And I'm not talking about a yank on my tits (though I enjoy that), nor am I describing a yank of my hair (though I reallyfucking enjoy that!) I am, instead, speaking about nationality: This Canadian gal needs an American stud to give her what she needs!Men here in Canada are very nice, gentlemenly, respectful of women. And that's the fucking problem! I don't WANT gentlemen who respect me! I want a fucking BARBARIAN to forcibly take me without bothering to argue the point!Despite what we've all...

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Moving to a Retirement Community

Chapter 14 All I could do was stare. I thought I was imagining it, but there it was, a cock! Barbara has a cock between those beautiful legs. "I guess you hate me now, don't you?" she asked. While I'd been staring at her crotch, she'd raised up on her elbows and was looking at me. I could see sadness on her face. I found that I wasn't mad at her though. I could feel the pain she was in and I reached out to touch her cock for the first time. "Don't!" she said. "Buy why?" I asked. "Because...

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Interstellar War

A short story of one officer’s last battle and the aftermath. “The galaxy is a very unfriendly place.” I was remembering what my number one drill instructor, sergeant Crabs had said on my first day of basic training. You know what? He knew just what he was talking about. I have learned that the hard way over the last 10 years. You see I am Major Mike Miller, Sardonic space defense forces. And this is the story of my death. Well for all that is practical it was my death and then again in a way...

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MomIsHorny Ally Cooper Diamond Cock For Step Mom

Johnny’s step mom was fed up with him always being home and doing nothing but jerking off. So she told him to start working with his father. Johnny, completely lost at first, began investing in some stocks right away. With the value sky rocketing, he quickly started making bank. Once he showed his diamond hands to his step mom, she all of a sudden became insanely attracted to him. From there, she pulled his pants down and started sucking on his diamond cock. Johnny fucked his step mom all over...

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vegetas dragon balls

Vegeta had told bulma to give him the dragon ball detector she gave it to him. and he wint out to find the dragon ball's it took him all day and night but at last he had all seven dragon ball. vegeta summoned the eternal dragon. the dragon asked what is you're wish vegeta. vegeta said i wont the power to have eny girl i wont win ever i wont. the eternal dragon said done just say dragon ball's and any girl will do what you wont and win you are done with them just say it again. they will not...

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Bi Hubby Busted at Bookstore part 2

Bi Hubby Busted at Bookstore part 2Disclaimer: All events and persons in the following story are fictitious. End of part 1-The voice was my wife's. She walked out from the crowd, and pointed at the still hard, black cock in front of me. "Suck him fag-boy. Then, thank him for filling your ass with his cum." she said. Immediately, I knelt down and took him in my mouth. I licked up from his balls to the tip of his dick, then sucked the whole thing in my mouth. "Thank you for fucking me and...

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Birthday Night And A Cheating Girlfriend

Hello, readers! After a long time have posted once again. So before beginning, I would like to inform that please do not drop any vulgar emails, only feedbacks are invited. This post will tell how I spend my birthday with my boyfriend and how I ditched him after my birthday.Let’s begin the sex story. So coming to the days before my birthday, my boyfriend was damn excited for my birthday and we were planning to do something but could not decide. He asked me what I want to do? I said him let’s go...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Alexandra Rose 11142019

When we first laid our eyes on 18 yr old Alexandra, we thought there must have been some sort of mistake because this girl appears to be way too young to be showing up to some random hotel to fuck a stranger for cash. Didn’t your parents teach you about “stranger danger” dear? So after triple checking her ID’s we were relieved that this unbelievably innocent looking newbie was legal and ripe to get her fuck hole exploited and show everyone she’s not so goody to...

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Fraudsters Punished 1832

May 27th 1832. Percy and Dilly married in Pennydelset church.Chapter27. Sheila a*****ed and abused"What have you been up to Jeremy?" Margaret called, "The police have arrived." They’d been together for two years and the west end of the old workhouse was converted into three spacious flats, two occupied by middle aged couples and one by a single lady of about Margaret’s age. Margaret and Jeremy decided to keep the entire east end of the house in as near original condition as possible in keeping...

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The Middle

Being anxious to get abused takes a lot out of you, and at the same time has your body, your mind and your nerve endings going a mile a minute. Getting into a groove of being used, takes mental preparedness. Knowing how to sit, stand, kneel, talk and look. Knowing that when I meet him, I have to be bra-less and be wearing no underwear. Coming from work was no problem, sitting in traffic, I would simply remove them, one time getting the attention of a bus driver. But always arriving wet. Wet...

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my anal slut

The last two days were amazing, what do I do for an encore? I thought as I woke up on Sunday morning. I felt something on my lower body. I opened my eyes to see Ella sucking on my cock. “I wanted to pay you back for the fucking yesterday,” she said, looking at me with lust in her eyes. I told her to keep going and she started sucking me like her life depended on it. After enjoying it for a few minutes, I sat up and pushed her off of me. “Let’s review: Friday I ate you out. Saturday I fucked...

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515 Ernests story

515 Ernest`s story The next few days passed without much to write about, oh they had sex, but it was sadly her week, oh Mary was no longer properly fertile, and was on the change, but it was still occasionally a pain in the belly that threw plans into disarray. So…it was not really till the next weekend when she declared herself available once more. Each day during the dry season, he had dutifully called in at 2pm and had spent the meeting, dolling out jobs and answering queries. Each man in...

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Apartment For Rent

"Apartment For Rent" Summer was over and I was finally back in school starting my sophomore year. I had gone back early to find a new place to say and really lucked out. I found an out of the way, off campus apartment through an ad in the college paper then went to check it out. It was near the edge of town in an older section at the end of a long dead end drive. There were plenty of trees between these large properties to offer a nice quiet seclusion and with the street ending at...

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Heart of the Sunrise Ch 06

VI ‘He is in Russia, near Moscow. The name of the village is Shchyolkovo.’ ‘I don’t understand,’ Anna Podgolskiv said. ‘Russia? Moscow? Why?’ ‘We tried to get him out of the, well, trap that had been set, but this was the best we could do. Apparently when the Red Army took Peenemunde they took custody of many scientists and engineers. Most have been moved to this village. The Soviets are building a community near there, a community of people involved with rockets. Tomas is one of the most...

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Mami Aur Papa Ka Piyaar Lahore May

Hi How r u all..I hope that u r fine..Nd enjoy ur life with excitements,Mai abhi tak ISS pe 3 stories publish karwa chuka houn aur mujhe apka bohat acha responce milta hai i’m highly thankful to you..!Mera email hai ,Koi bhi girl anuty,sister mujh se frndship ya sex enjoy karna chahti ho pls mail me pls i’m waiting(only Pakistan Girls). Mera naam Bilal hai aur Lahore(pakistan)me rehta houn age 17 hai colour normal body type slim normal hai dekhne mai 1 acha larka houn 1 achi family se belong...

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Boning Sis

She heard him come in and clomp up the stairs so she followed, hoping to get what she wanted, what she felt she needed, actually deserved. His door was open a crack so she stepped in and leaned against it. He turned when it clicked. "Hi, Sis, why are you looking at me like that?" "I talked to Ginger at lunchtime today, Ginger Wilson. Did you know she was a 8th grader when you boned her?" He blinked at her and blushed. "All this time you told me I was too young, that we couldn't do it,...

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My master wants more

I am sorry it has taken me forever to post but finally have a chance to give a quick update. Let me just say, I love this new phase of my life and although a couple of things surprised me I love being with Dave.So, what happened since my trip? Dave and I had behaved like we were a newly married couple for a while. We snuggled next to each other each chance we get and end having the most incredible sex. At his request I don’t use any panties or bra so he can play with me when he wants.I get...

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Would you like to fuck me asked Hina. Huh, what did you say I asked shocked by the blunt and unexpected question? Well, we have been working on this damn project for 3 days straight, 12 to 14 hours a day. We have breakfast, lunch and dinner together and have spent more time together this week than we have with our spouses, she said. She was right. Monday morning at 6 we had started on the preparations for the Sales Conference. 2 late sittings on Monday and Tuesday, clocking 14 hours a piece...

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WebYoung Veronica Rodriguez Jojo Kiss The Spanish Tutor

As the sexy JoJo Kiss attempts to perfect her Spanish, she enlists the help of bombshell Veronica Rodriguez. Veronica is confident she’ll have JoJo speaking Spanish by the end of their lesson however, JoJo is not convinced. Veronica decides it’s better to show JoJo what she’s saying so she can better understand the language rather than just recite words for her to repeat. With this, JoJo is told to sit on the table, while Veronica recites erotic sentences for JoJo to repeat....

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Chris BeakerChapter 18 Brain Damage

Marcus Anthony was shocked when Chris Beaker spoke to him from the air but his mind worked fast, in the first few seconds of the attack he realised that he was outmatched. He quickly ran through the options and realised that his best defence was to vanish. Creating a solid copy of himself he quickly faded into the wall of his office and watched the battle take place. He only gave his copy enough power to fight back, but this was only to make Beaker waste power until he couldn't fight back...

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Jayne Part2

Jayne arrived at the cafe which was just across the road from the park gates. She felt hungry so ordered a buttered muffin with four slices of crispy bacon and a fried egg, a large tea and feeling naughty a large cherry Bakewell.She paid and stood near the window watching people hurry to work on such a sunny day. Jayne took her compact from her bag and looked in the mirror. She licked her lips and could still taste the guys stuff on them. She reapplied some red lip gloss and as she reached to...

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Club Gomorrah Part 8 What is a Fuckpig

*Everything here is fiction.*Title: Club Gomorrah.Chapter Seven: What is a Fuckpig?Before we start let me just apologise for the long absence, I moved house, and started a stressful new job so I haven't had much time to myself to write.It’s a bit of a struggle to get back into writing Club Gomorrah when you’ve 70% forgotten everything you wanted to make happen so sorry again if this one is a bit slow but I needed to get back into the swing of things.“Belle, Belle, Belle… After everything I gave...

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The Interview

My real interview begins now the first one whose name is Sharon is quite experienced and though she has a regular boyfriend who fucks her quite often she also gets screwed by other guys whenever she finds a nice guy and she was screwing her previous boss, I now ask her to show me her boobs and her cunt, she comes near me asks me undress her myself, I first open her shirt and then her bra, her breasts are quite big and sagging a bit I squeeze them and then I lift her skirt she is wearing a...

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22 And Still Virgin

Hi, guys, this is raxxx(name changed) since the people I know are regular visitors of this site. I have been reading stories from ISS since 5 years. But this is the first time I am sharing my experience so if there are any mistakes please excuse. Before I begin with my sex story let me tell you about myself, I hail from North Karnataka with a dick size 5inch. I am currently doing my Masters in Bangalore. Without wasting your time I will come to the sex story.This is a real sex story which is...

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New Life in Rianate 5

Introduction: Im so sorry for the wait!! The beginning of the month was crazy with the holidays, then my birhtday, and I was super busy with work. For all the people who freaked out about the story being discontinued, I would never do that because I would so hate for you all to be confused! Enjoy reading. The clock was ticking at the same beat of my fingers tapping on the desktop. Tick, tock, Eris. Tip, Tap, Eris. Youre gonna ace this testhopefully. And right now was one of those times that I...

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Why Irsquom a Slut Haleyrsquos Story pt1

I’ve always wanted to write about who I am and why I am who I am! This started from a doublelist post, as I wanted to explain why I was looking for who I am looking for! Story is true, and it gets better in chap 2!Bob,Thank you for sharing with me. It’s difficult to sort thru the BS on a “looking for sex” site...imagine that! My story is long, many twists and turns, like yours I suppose.My story starts very young. I was always a chronic masturbator, remember my mother taking me to the doctor...

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Chalk Down Farm

Chalk Down was the smallest farm in the Meon Valley. This was partly due to the ancient chalk quarry that bordered our top field, forming a natural barrier. They reckoned that it’s location would’ve been a site for ancient cave dwellers. The farm had been in Pa’s family for generations; he’d married Mam who’d lived in the village. Although Chalk Down was not big enough for grazing livestock it could accommodate a few horses alongside producing some grain and ground crops but local folk...

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