Enduro free porn video

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Pete carried the busy dining room’s last tray of cleared china on his shoulder, a good 50 yard walk from the furthest private room, through the main dining room, up a ramp, past the cooks, and to the conveyor belt to load for the dishwashers. A couple of weeks into his summer job as a busboy at an exclusive lakeside resort while on break from college, he’d already made the trip countless times; first for breakfast, then for dinner, every day. He was already in top physical condition, swimming for his small Midwestern college team, so it wasn’t the weight of the trays that bothered him. His shoulders and arms were strong and carried the lean muscle of an athlete with thousands of hours in the pool. But his feet were not accustomed to such duty, especially carrying a 40 lb. tray of heavy china and flatware multiple times every meal. He groaned inwardly, reminding himself that this was just breakfast, just the beginning of the day.

He unloaded the dishes, joked a bit with the dishwashers and cooks, loitering about, grabbing a slice of bacon from a tray, and ambled out to the dining room to help finish cleaning up. He was looking forward to his own meal, then a little time by the lake to relax and water-ski, maybe flirt with some girls, before the dinner shift later that evening.

He walked over to his friend Tom, who attended the same school and fraternity, and who’d gotten him the job this summer. Tom had worked at the resort last summer and, at school, spoke glowingly of his exploits there, describing days golfing and lounging by the water, and nights in the bar picking up guests of all ages, the nannies who traveled with them, and waitresses heralding from Europe for the summer. ?What the fuck did you sign me up for man?, Pete complained to him. ?My feet are killing me.?

?New shoes, pussy?, Tom replied. ?And you’ll get used to it after a few more days, trust me. You’ll be in even better shape at the end of the summer.?

Just then, Terry, an older waiter, was walking by. ?Get some inserts?, he advised. ?And, soak your feet at night, until those muscles develop. Or, hey, I used to be a licensed masseur, so I can give them a good rub down for you, if you want.?

Pete glanced at Tom, and chuckled awkwardly. ?Nah, it’s all good man, I’ll survive. Thanks though.?

Terry shrugged and walked off. Pete and Tom cracked up a bit. Terry was a nice guy, early forties, a triathlete, in great shape, very good looking, tall, with thinning blond hair, but certainly gay all the way.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that, Pete knew. He wasn’t threatened, and liked Terry, had talked with him several times about their respective training regimens. In fact, Tom had had a couple of rather mild experiences with other guys before; a drunken hot tub jerk-off session with a fellow swim instructor from last summer’s job after everyone had passed out at a party once, and an impromptu, coked-up threesome while sharing a bed with a guy and girl from school, which really amounted to nothing more than some heavy petting and fingering while they took turns fucking the girl. If either one of the experiences had been Terry in the guy’s place, he would have gladly accepted. He didn’t mind either time, even was thrilled by the novelty and forbidden nature of them, but his tastes ran to women, and women of all ages and nationalities were in no short supply at this place.

Thus, he certainly surprised himself when, while clocking out and walking toward the front door for the ? mile trek back to his room, he spotted Terry climbing onto his bike. ?Hey?, Pete said, ?Man my feet really are killing me; is that offer still open??

Terry smiled and said ?Sure. I’m in Hopkins cabin, by the marina. You know where it is??

?Uhhh, I’ll look at the map and find it, no worries.?

?Around two??

?Great, uh yeah sure, thanks man? Pete replied. ?See ya.?

?Jesus,? Pete thought to himself as he walked back to his own dorm to shower before lunch. ?Did I really just do that? Well yeah, I guess I did, and I wanted to after all, even sober. Weird??

Pete felt the familiar butterflies of anticipation as he returned to his room. He cranked out his pushups and situps, and decided to forgo the walk back to the employee cafeteria for lunch, instead opting for some canned tuna, crackers, and fruit he had in his room.

He then gathered his shower items, slipped on his slides, and went down the hall to the showers.

Pete clipped his toenails, and spent extra time cleaning his sore feet, making sure they were as hygienic as feet could be. He chuckled to himself, picturing poor Terry wearing a gas mask to fight through the freak show that were his smelly, beaten down dogs. ?Might as well trim myself up? he thought to himself while showering. Being a swimmer, he’d already taken care of most of his body hair, and in keeping, kept his cock, balls, and crack shaved clean, leaving only a small patch of trimmed hair above his cock. Most girls liked it that way, and it made his cock stand out nicely. Girls, and even the couple of guys who’d touched it, had always complimented him on it. A little shorter than average, but definitely thicker than average, straight and smooth. He shaved his pubic region clean, rinsed down with soap, and paid careful attention to his asshole, making sure it was smooth and clean. ?Never know? he thought to himself, his cock semi-stiff as he soaped his ass, not resisting the urge to slip in a soapy finger. He dried himself off in the shower, and went to get dressed.

Pete certainly wasn’t sure what this ?massage? entailed, if Terry was simply offering a kind gesture for a co-worker. But, he decided he’d give Terry a thrill in return. He selected a white lycra spandex thong, usually reserved for workouts. He found the stretchy pouch-type thongs worn under shorts kept everything in place while running or doing stairs, and they just felt comfortable and sexy. He sometimes wore them under jeans if he went out to a club to dance, as they made his package look huge. This accentuation was a bonus for this occasion, and the cut left no doubt as to his grooming habits. It could not be any lower rise, with the top just barely covering the base of his cock and the pouch pushing everything out front. He slipped on a performance tee shirt, some loose fitting basketball shorts, and flip-flops. A quick check of the map in the property’s brochure revealed the location of Terry’s cabin, and Pete was out the door, a little late, around two.

Terry’s cabin was situated on a far corner of the property, a little wooded area overlooking the lake. ?Nice?, Pete thought to himself as he approached, and wondered how the hell Terry was able to pull that. As far as he knew, only the wine masters, senior cooks, head waiters, and captains had their own cabins. The rest of the wait and bar staff had dorm style rooms on stilted cabins; small, wood-paneled, poorly insulated rooms that made his own digs at school feel like the Waldorf. Terry answered Pete’s knock, and opened the door with a smile. ?Hey Pete, come on in?, he said. Terry was wearing some bike shorts and riding bibs. He looked like he was ready to get out and go for a ride. ?Uhhh, were you leaving or something? You sure this is a good time?? Pete asked.

?Yeah it’s fine. I actually wasn’t sure if you were coming, and today’s my 40 mile ride, so I was getting ready just in case.?

?Oh, sorry I’m a little late Terry. We can always do this another time.?

?No, no, it’s no problem, I’ve got time now.?

Terry walked over to his dresser as Pete took in the cabin. It was tastefully decorated, and stored a couple road bikes and a mountain bike hanging from hooks on the ceiling. Several trophies adorned shelving on the walls. ?Nice place man, how did you manage to secure this little gem? You related to the Porters or something?? The Porters were the family who owned the old, stately resort.

?Nah, they just give us old guys private places. We need our sleep, and can’t function like you kids up all night?, Terry laughed. ?Actually, I’ve been working here for seven summers now, so I do have a bit of seniority. And, since it looks like I’m not going riding today, I guess we can share this little gem, too.? Terry turned and produced a neatly wrapped joint from his dresser drawer. ?Another perk, one of the groundskeepers keeps me well supplied in some choice home-grown.?

Pete laughed. ?Sweet, I gotta make his acquaintance sometime!?

Terry clicked on some mellow reggae, sat on the edge of his bed, and sparked the joint. Pete sat in an easy chair across from him, and they shared the excellent pot. Terry cracked a couple of cold craft beers from his mini fridge. Conversation turned to work, which captains were nicest to work with, Pete’s swimming workouts in the lake, Terry’s trophies and what races he’d won, and what local races he was entering this summer. ?You should enter the Enduro in August before you go back to school, Pete?, Terry advised.

?Shoot, I’d likely be one of the first ones out of the water, and still finish last, or dead on the road somewhere? Pete joked.

?Nah, you’d do fine. I’ve got an extra bike to help you train.? Terry blew out a thick stream of smoke, snubbed out the last half of the joint into an ashtray, and walked to the small closet across the room. ?Glad I kept this?, he said, unfolding a portable massage table. As Terry began to set up the table, Pete took this as a signal the massage was about to begin. He’d originally planned to simply let the massage happen fully clothed, but, as often happened to him, the high quality pot served a dual purpose: He was now incredibly horny, and his inhibitions were low. He was already a bit of an exhibitionist, and proud of the body he’d worked hard to attain, so without much thought and before he could change his mind, he kicked off his flip flops, pulled off his tee shirt, and stepped out of his loose fitting shorts, leaving on only the small, tight thong, which housed a cock that, although not at all hard, was certainly beginning to stir with some blood at the excitement.  Terry turned around, took a glance at him, quickly up and down, and said, smiling ?Wow, ooookaaay?.?

?Well, you were nice enough to offer to massage my feet?, Pete grinned, ?so I figured I’d give you something nice to look at while you were doing it.?

?Well, in my time as a masseur, I certainly had to deal with a lot of body types and odors?, Terry replied, ?and I’ve seen them all. Bodies like yours made it a pleasure to work on them. You’re in fantastic shape, and, nice touch?, he said while letting his eyes linger an extra beat on Pete’s package.

?Thanks, I kind of like showing it off actually, Pete said. ?So how do you want me to begin??

?Let’s have you lay on your back, Pete.? Terry produced a small pillow, and Pete got situated. He was acutely aware how exposed he was, practically naked, willingly, while Terry was still fully clothed. The thought appealed to his exhibitionist side tremendously. Between his ever-growing excitement and pouch thong, his bulge while lying down looked absolutely huge.

Terry moved to the end of the table, moved a small table next to it, and placed some oils on it. ?Thanks for having some clean feet here, it saves me a step. Now just relax and we’ll get these feet feeling better for the dinner shift.?

Pete closed his eyes as Terry began to work his feet. He had obvious skills, and knew the pressure points well. ?That feels amazing?, he said, as Terry expertly massaged one foot then the other, for what felt like an eternity of bliss, but in reality was about fifteen minutes. From time to time, Pete would open his eyes and glance down at Terry and notice how large he was growing. He now regretted choosing a white thong, as he was pretty sure he was about to start dripping, and any leakage would be immediately visible to Terry. Strangely, the thought served only to excite Pete further.  Once, when he opened his eyes, he saw Terry staring directly at his cock. They locked eyes briefly and Terry smiled. Pete smiled embarrassingly, and closed his eyes again, but not before slightly opening his legs and thrusting his hips up slightly as if to say ?Here’s a little better view for you, if you like what you see so far.?

As if on cue, Terry proceeded to move up Pete’s legs to his calves, methodically and expertly massaging one, then the other. ?Nice shave? Terry said, snapping Pete out of his trance.

?Yeah, you know, well, swimming.?

?Hmmm, you swim naked?? Terry smiled, obviously looking now at Pete’s body, almost examining his bulge. The thong left no doubt that Pete was shaved everywhere.

?Haha, no, I mean, if you’re going to wear this, you kind of have to shave it all, ya know??

?Yeah I was just kidding. I like it though?, Terry said, as he moved his hands even higher, to Pete’s thighs. Pete sighed with pleasure, and noticed he’d been slowly spreading his legs, bringing his feet up a bit to bend his knees, which offered Terry a perfect view of his package. There was no mistaking the fact that Pete was growing hard, and leaking precum into the tight, white thong, his cock straining against the stretchy fabric. He suddenly realized he was involuntarily moving his hips slowly, thrusting in an attempt to create some friction for his cock, which clearly afforded Terry an even better view of his shaved asshole. The whole experience was so erotic; nearly naked, willfully spreading his legs for a clothed man to touch, and now to openly examine every inch of him. Pete was caught up in the moment, and to further strengthen the feeling, he raised his arms over his head and clasped the edge of the massage table, letting himself feel open and exposed.

As if reading his mind, Terry said ?mmm, you’re just letting go, aren’t you? Letting your body feel good??

?Yesss?, Pete whispered softly.

?You like to feel a little submissive, a little vulnerable??

Pete didn’t answer, but nodded slightly and raised his hips. That was all the answer Terry needed.

?Do you trust me, Pete?? Terry asked, as he moved toward the head of the table, while softly taking two fingers, and letting them trace over Pete’s thong, from his asshole, around his balls very gently, and around his leaking cock. It was the first time he’d touched anywhere of a sexual nature, and Pete involuntarily gasped. ?Yesss?, he said.

?Good?, Terry said, ?Can I restrain your wrists??

Pete nodded in assent, clasping his hands together. ?Yes.?

Terry produced a bandana from his drawer by the head of the massage table, and quickly bound Pete’s wrists to the table support bar over his head. ?Now, don’t worry Pete, this won’t be any S/M thing. I just think you might like to feel at my disposal for a bit. If you ever want to stop, and I will stop whatever I’m doing, right away, just say the word ‘Enduro’. You understand??

Pete nodded in affirmation, not hiding the fact now that he was openly writhing his hips, breathing heavily, his cock feeling like it would burst through his thong, the thong which was preventing his full erection, and quickly becoming wet with his leakage.

After Terry had secured his wrists, and confirmed the binds were not too tight, his hands wandered over Pete’s chest. He was now standing off to the side by Pete’s head, and Pete looked at Terry’s crotch. His biking shorts left nothing to the imagination, and Pete could clearly see Terry’s growing cock inches from his face. He felt Terry’s hands move to his nipples. Pete’s nipples were one of his most sensitive areas; it was as if there was a direct line from them to his cock. He loved to have them flicked lightly, squeezed, and pulled during sex. Once Terry began to softly rub them with his fingertips, Pete moaned loudly for the first time. He stared at Terry’s cock through his bike shorts, even opening his mouth and moving his head towards it to try to kiss it. Terry smiled and moved it just out of reach.  ?Hmmmm, looks like I’ve found your hot button.? Terry said. ?That’s good to know?they’re nice and long. It looks like they’ve been played with quite a bit??

?Yes?, Pete gasped..it feels so good, I love it.?

?Hmmm, we’ll come back to those later, I’ve got a surprise for them, Pete. I see you want to kiss me there. Do you??

?Yes? Pete said, straining to reach.

?Ask me.?


?Please what??

?Oh please can I kiss your cock? I want to so bad.?

?Just one kiss Pete, and no tongue?, Terry said, moving his crotch within reach.

Pete moved to kiss hungrily, but Terry moved away quickly, and squeezed Pete’s sensitive nipples hard, causing a gasp. ?What do you say when I let you, Pete??

?Oh, thank you.?

?Thank you for what??

?Thank you for letting me kiss your cock Terry.?

?Mm, that’s better?, Terry said, loosening his grip, and again lightly brushing Pete’s nipples while moving close again.

?Thank you? Pete said again, just to be sure, and kissed the head of Terry’s hard cock, over his bike shorts, letting it linger until he pulled away.

?Now?, Terry said, as his hands once again returned to Pete’s inner thighs, this time standing to the side of the table, ?let’s go over a couple rules for our game, shall we??

Pete nodded.

?You notice I have not tied your legs, Pete, only your wrists. That’s because I want you to have a choice, and that choice will be to keep your legs spread for me. I want you to be fully exposed, open and vulnerable for me at all times, and that means you will willfully keep your cock and ass on full display for me. Do you understand??

Pete said ?Yes? and spread his legs a little wider, as Terry was again softly caressing his balls and cock.

?Good. Now the next rule is, and this should go without saying, Pete, but of course you may not come without my permission. In fact, you must ask me to even ask for permission to come. I don’t want to hear you beg to come without me first giving you permission to even ask. Understood??

?Yes, thank you?, Pete moaned, quickly slipping into the role.

?Good. You’re learning fast.? Terry begin lightly tracing the outline of Pete’s straining cock, lingering around the underside, feeling the leaking pre cum through the fabric. ?It looks like this cock is excited, doesn’t it?? Pete nodded. Terry began to lightly slap Pete’s cock quickly, slowly growing in intensity, until he was slapping it hard and fast. Pete moved his hips back involuntarily after one particularly hard slap. ?Good, that brings me to my final rule? Terry said. ?This cock is mine for the next little while, and when I slap it, you are to raise your hips into it, to fully offer it to me, no matter how hard. In fact, if I lightly slap it, you are to beg me to slap it harder. Do you understand??

?Yessss?, Pete moaned, and Terry traced his cock again, and began to lightly tap it with his fingers. ?Please, please, slap my cock harder? Pete begged. Terry smiled and upped the pressure a bit as Pete raised his hips, submitting his cock to Terry. ?Please, oh please slap it harder Terry!? Terry once again slapped his cock hard and fast, and Pete closed his eyes and forced himself to thrust his wide open hips upward to meet Terry’s hand. After twenty hard slaps, Terry stopped and said ?Very good Pete?, while pressing his finger against Pete’s asshole, over the strap of his thong, and wiggled it slightly. Pete knew what he was supposed to do, and strained to thrust against it, offering his asshole to Terry. The latest round of slaps had made even more blood rush to his cock, and Pete was dying to be completely naked, but he didn’t dare ask, so he just gyrated his hips as Terry picked up a bottle of oil, and, using the lighter they’d used earlier on the joint, began to warm the bottle while admiring Pete’s body.

Satisfied the oil was warmed, Terry moved down to the foot of the table once again, unscrewed the bottle, and held it high over Pete’s cock. He slowly let the warm oil drip all over Pete’s cock and balls, over his thong, soaking it. Pete writhed and moaned in pleasure at the sensations. He looked down and saw that his white thong was soaked, and every outline of his cock was now visible. He could feel the warm oil dripping down to his asshole, which was pulsing after Terry’s finger had teased it.

?Mmmm, isn’t that gorgeous?? Terry exclaimed, putting the bottle aside, and now massaging Pete’s cock and balls, still over his soaked thong. He resumed teasing Pete’s asshole, again over the fabric, but letting the oil permeate and loosen his ass with one hand, while working his cock with other. Pete could feel himself getting close already, and was wildly moaning and thrusting his hips. He wasn’t even naked and was on the verge of coming, but he remembered he mustn’t come.

?Please Terry, can I ask for permission to come, Oh God..?

Terry smiled, removed his hands, and said, ?Oh, not a chance, yet, Pete. It does look like you’re so excited and close though?.let’s fix that, shall we?? Terry slid Pete’s thong down, Pete lifted his hips and enabled Terry to swiftly remove it. Pete  spread his legs wide again, now completely naked and vulnerable, his cock immediately at full attention, so glad to be free, his ass now coated with warm oil.

Terry grasped the soaking thong and teased Pete with it, letting it trail up and down over his cock and balls. It wasn’t enough for Pete to come, just to keep him on edge. Then Terry spread the thong apart, and hooked it beneath Pete’s balls, pushing them up, jiggling them slightly. Pete moaned with pleasure and looked down at his dripping, throbbing cock. Then, in a flash, Terry deftly tied the thong, looped from beneath his balls, tied in a knot at the base of the top of his cock, squeezing his balls up and out. Pete gasped as he watched Terry smile at him, then cinch it tighter, pause, then tighter still. Pete moaned, threw his head back with ecstasy, then looked back to watch. The ends of the knot, the sides of the thong, formed two small loops, and Pete watched in amazement as Terry stretched first one, then the other to fit around Pete’s throbbing cock, pushing them down to the base. He had taken Pete’s own soaking thong and made a perfect cock ring from it, a large tight loop around his balls and the top base of his cock, and two tight loops around the base of it. The soaked knots were not going anywhere either.

Terry sat back for a minute, admiring his work, while gently rubbing Pete’s pre-cum around the head of his cock. ?There, I had a feeling that might come in handy, Pete. Looks like you won’t be coming until I want you to after all, now.? Pete looked down, and realized it was true. His cock, though twitching uncontrollably, was impossibly large, but the blood wasn’t going anywhere, and he was fairly certain he wouldn’t be able to truly come even if given permission. He moaned in frustration as he wanted release, needed it badly, already.

Next Terry went to his dresser drawer, and returned with a small bag. He set it down on the table next to the oils, reached in, and removed a shiny set of clover clamps attached to a chain. ?Do you know what these are?? he asked.

?Nipple clamps?, Pete moaned, writhing in anticipation.

?Yes, I bet you like these, don’t you??

?Yes, I do please?.?

?Please what??

?Oh please clamp my nipples? Pete breathed.

Terry took one of the clamps, and began to brush Pete’s left nipple lightly, watching it harden. ?I know you want this, come and get it?, he said, holding the open clamp above Pete’s nipple, forcing Pete to strain to reach it. He was making him clamp his own nipple, in a way, Pete thought, as he finally gained enough space to let Terry release the clamp. Pete gasped, as he always did at first, as Japanese clover clamps are not for novices. But Terry was expert, and got it just right, just enough nipple to hurt, but enough to not come off. He took his time, tugging gently on it, twisting it, before hovering the other clamp over Pete’s right nipple. Pete knew the drill, and again imposed his own nipple torture, straining and begging for his nipple to be clamped. Again Terry perfectly placed it, and Pete was in ecstasy, his cock oozing and twitching. He had lost all control and didn’t care.

?Hmmm? you DO like those don’t you?? Terry remarked as he tugged on the chain a bit. ?I wonder if you like them too much?? Terry stood up, and grabbed a long bungee cord from a box on the floor, and stood on the chair next to the massage table. For the first time, Pete noticed there was an unused ceiling hook directly above him. Aroused and fascinated, he watched as Terry hooked one end of the bungee cord over the hook in the ceiling, stretched it, and hooked the other end to the chain on Pete’s nipple clamps. The pressure increase was immediate, and Pete moaned in pain mixed with pleasure. His nipples were stretched, and he knew clover clamps don’t come off, but when they’re pulled they just get tighter. ?That’s better, can’t let you have ALL the fun? Terry said. He moved back down to the foot of the bed, teasing Pete’s swollen cock. Once again, he began slapping it, forcing Pete to raise his hips, beg for harder slaps, which in turn increased the pressure on his nipples.

Again, after twenty hard slaps, Terry stopped, and blew softly on Pete’s twitching, oozing cock. ?Now let’s turn our attention to that beautiful little asshole, shall we.? He again reached into the bag, and produced a small bottle of lubricant and a medium sized, tear drop shaped steel plug. He squirted a good amount of lube just above Pete’s asshole, then spread his cheeks, letting it drip. Pete could feel the lube slowly leaking into his asshole. Terry began to rub it, letting the muscles relax. A finger slipped in easily to a gasp, then a few moments later, a second one, to a moan. ?Wow, look at that, two fingers in your ass already? Terry exclaimed? ?You’ve played around before, have you ever been fucked in the ass??

?Not by a guy? Pete moaned truthfully, ?just a strapon.?

?MMM, kinky and dirty, I like it? Terry said, as he removed his fingers, and squirted lube directly into Pete’s asshole. ?Well, you are clean, and that’s appreciated. And I’ll show my appreciation? he said, as he resumed finger fucking Pete’s asshole, circling two fingers around, stretching him, relaxing the delicate rings. With the other hand, he squeezed lube on the head of the plug, and, in one movement, replaced his fingers with the plug. Pete gasped as the plug struggled to fully enter, but forced himself to relax and let it. When the widest part slipped past the inner ring, Pete’s ass sucked it deep, pressing the flared base against him, and causing his cock to let forth a fresh oozing. ?We’ll let that sit and do its job for a minute?, Terry said, and suddenly put Pete’s cock in his mouth. Pete wanted to explode immediately, and would have, if not for Terry’s other hand, which was wiggling and pulling on the bungee cord attached to nipple chain, causing intense pain as Pete’s nipples were stretched to unbelievable lengths. Pete was struggling in that fine balance between pleasure and pain for several minutes as Terry teased his cock and tortured his nipples, and was beginning to wonder if he’d gotten in too deep here, when Terry stopped, and gently flicked his tongue around the head of Pete’s cock. He reached down to Pete’s butt plug, started moving it, wiggling it, causing Pete to writhe in pleasure despite movements stressing his nipples. Terry pulled the plug out, slowly, causing pain, then reinserted it, causing less pain, then repeated the process, a little faster each time. Soon, Pete’s ass was truly being fucked by the plug, and nipple pain be damned, he was thrusting his hips to meet each insertion and moaning.  ?I think you’re ready now, do you want me to fuck your ass, Pete?? Terry asked, leaving the plug in Pete’s ass as he slid down his bike shorts, exposing his own hard, fully erect cock. It was also shaved, longer than Pete’s, but not as thick.

?Yes, oh yes please, fuck my ass? Pete pleaded??It’s yours to fuck!? Terry reached again into the bag and removed a condom, quickly rolling it on. He then reached up and unhooked the bungee cord, bringing a small measure of relief to Pete’s clamped nipples, and pulled Pete’s thighs down to the edge of the massage table, stretching his arms out fully against his bound wrists. Pete felt Terry moving the butt plug, fucking him with it once again, and then replacing the plug with his cock. Pete moaned in pleasure as he felt this new sensation, the length and fullness pressing on his prostate, his male G spot, and now free from the extra pressure on his nipples, eagerly met Terry’s thrusts. He closed eyes, and just gave in, let himself be fucked to oblivion, wondering in amazement how a simple comment this morning about sore feet had led him, just hours later, to be tied up, cock immobilized, nipples clamped, helpless and being ass fucked, yet loving every second. He gradually felt Terry’s motions increase in intensity, and heard Terry begin moaning and breathing faster. He felt Terry’s cock begin to pulsate, as Terry groaned and bucked, forcing the entire length of his cock into Pete’s ass, exploding his load with a grunt.

After a minute, Terry slowly slid out of Pete, unrolled the rubber, and wiped his cock with a towel. Pete was still shuddering from some prostate stimulation, his stomach muscles flexing involuntarily, his cock still dripping. Terry removed Pete’s nipple clamps to howls of pain as the blood re-entered the clamped areas, then placed his palms hard against them to ease the pain a bit before bending to softly kiss each one. ?I think you’ve earned your reward, Pete?, he said, as he slipped the loops from the cock ring thong off, and untied the tight knot. A wave of precum gushed from Pete’s throbbing cock as Terry laughed. Terry poured some more oil on Pete’s cock, cupped his balls with one hand, and begin softly stroking. It didn’t take much.

?Please Terry, can I ask permission to come? Please?? Pete begged.

?Yes, you may.?

?Please can you let me come Terry??

Terry slowed briefly. ?Do you think you’ve earned it today Pete??

?It’s up to you, Terry.? Pete gasped.

Laughing, Terry said ?perfect answer my friend, and yes, you may come.?

The orgasm Pete had seconds later was one he’d remember forever, as it lasted for what felt like a minute, and he nearly blacked out from the power and intensity. It was only several minutes later, after Terry had unbound and rubbed his wrists, and gave him a bottle of water, and they lit the rest of the joint they’d shared earlier, that he was able to speak.

?Holy shit? was all he could muster.

Terry laughed. ?Well, hopefully your feet feel better, hope your ass doesn’t hurt though.?

?To be honest, and I never thought I’d say this, but it might be sore later, however it was actually worth it. That was fucking incredible. But now I gotta go back and shower, and I need a quick nap if possible.?

Pete got dressed. ?Guess I’ll see you at dinner man? he laughed. ?Try not to grab my dick on the way by? he teased.

?Till next time?? Terry said.

?Till next time?, Pete said, and stepped out into the afternoon sunlight.

Pete never went back to Terry’s after that day.Terry never pressured him to, either, and they were friendly all summer. For Pete, he didn’t really have the urge to after that singular occasion. After all, nothing could top that, and, in a way, he didn’t want to cloud that memory. They shared a secret, and it was a thrilling and intimate one.

Pete ended up having a lot of sex that summer, with those girls of all ages and nationalities, and much of it was memorable, but none would he recall in detail like the afternoon of that foot massage.

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Maggie Rodger

It was fall, but I think autumn is a much more descriptive word. There was a chill in the air that required a jacket, or a sweater. I had decided to go out for the day as Danielle and let whatever might happen, happen. I cleaned myself out thoroughly, shaved, showered, and applied my makeup, and perfume. I spent a little while considering various outfits and then decided. I slipped into opaque forest green thigh highs, and a thong, front closing bra, and a waist cincher all in black. I added a...

3 years ago
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Saasu maa ko chudte dekha

Hi Friends Ash is back again par is baar mein apni ghasti saas ki ek kartoot batane ja raha hoon. Aap ko meri saas jyoti to yaad hogi. Apne sasur ki maut ke baad do baar mein use chod chukka tha. Mere sasur ki maut ke 4 baad aachanak mujhe company ke kaam se bahar jaana pada . Kaam khatam hone ke baad jab mei wapis apne ghar aaya to mere ghar par tala laga tha. Meri biwi meri maa ke paas delhi chali gayi thi. Halanki mujhe bhi dilli jana tha par mein apni saas ko chodne ke mood mei tha. Meine...

2 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 22

LEVERIA The previous night had been a sleepless one. I’d sat in my office, drinking wine and contemplating the mirror before me. Its twin was hanging over Elena Straltaira. She was awake, staring up at herself, a thin rectangle of moonlight shining on her face. Though her jaw was swollen, her eyes were bloodshot, and her face was filmed with dried sweat and smeared blood, she shown like an angel to me in her lunar aura. “What the fuck is wrong with me?” She asked herself. I’d been asking...

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Dealing With JessieChapter 6

It was summer, and the days marched on. Jessie didn’t resign, but she turned all the household finances, though none of her money, over to Gary. He took the department head’s job at the high school. He put his house up for sale, and, being in an upscale low property tax suburb it went quickly. He bought a new sofa bed, a clothing rack, and a small bureau for the cellar. There was a small bathroom with a shower and basin so he wouldn’t have to go upstairs for any of that. Jessie signed up for...

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--- Hello Brad... what-s up? --- I was wondering if you heard anything about that fellow who disappeared in Alberta a couple of months back. --- NO! .... We have no idea what happened to Stan... he just walked out the door and never came back. WE are in constant touch with the RCMP though; Canadian police. Bob and Brand move along in their conversation, touching on several business matters before Bob excuses himself. --- I have a meeting to attend Brad; I will certainly keep you...

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Cook In Need Cock In Ass

Hi readers, this is my first story on ISS, a real one. I am Saurav from Chennai. The female lead in this story is my cook Chaya – a 30-32 years old married lady with a dusky complexion and firm breasts, nice ass and juicy lips. This story goes back to the time when I was 22 years old. I had just completed my graduation from university and was at home for about 3 months before my post graduation began. The cook Chaya used to come in the evenings to cook dinner at our place. At first, I did not...

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My Graduation Day

This is the final chapter of the Tia and Mia saga.   This particular part of the story took place during my graduation from college and the summer months the followed. Read the first two chapters before reading this one.   A reminder Tia was my girlfriend and she had an identical twin sister name Mia.   I ended up cheating with Mia on my birthday, thinking she was Tia.   The only way that you can tell them apart was Tia had a small black mole near her lip on the left side.   This story takes...

3 years ago
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Me And my Awesome Indian Mom

visit on www.papahaxx.com to see more top rated stories like theseGuys!To understand this New Fictional Story of mine, U must know the meaning of few Indian words, which will be constantly used herein:-'Mangalsutra'- A necklace worn by women as symbol of her marriage.'Saree'- A Beautiful Dress, which a majority of Indian Women wear.'Blouse'- A Sexy Bra, worn with 'Saree'.'Pallu'- A piece of cloth from 'Saree', to cover blouse.'tilak'- A Red Colored circle, made from powdery stuff and applied...

1 year ago
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Seducing the Librarian

He stroked his bulging member with great desperation, feeling it pulsate and contract in his hand. Carlita licked her lips greedily as she anticipated his release. His passion exploded at that moment, streams of hot white cum landing on her swollen… “Miss? Can you help me find the Dr. Seuss section?” Alice was startled by this sudden voice in her mind- she placed her book down and smiled sweetly at the mother in her midst, clutching the hand of a squirmy toddler. “Sure, right over here,” she...

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The Plumbers Daughter Chapter 4

By Beagle9690 October 2015 Author’s Note: as with the previous Chapters I continue to delve in detail into Marie and Patrick’s past and hint of their future to put their Romance and deep feeling for each other into perspective. Some won’t like the story for its lack of constant vicarious sex. While others will like it for the balance of both in keeping with the Romance that it is. MARIE: IT’S A SMALL MIRACLE; despite the telephone call in the kitchen when Patrick had Dad...

2 years ago
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My new girlfriend is a she male

I had told my beloved hubby this night I would be going out with my brand new friend Alexandra. My girlfriend Helena had introduced her and I had fell in love with the slut.She was nice, smart, sexy and she was a transsexual girlie. Helena had warned me she had a huge nice hard cock and Alexandra liked both ways: to be fucked by a dominant male and to fuck a submissive female.We went alone this night; we met at a local bar for some drinks.Time was getting a bit boring, so Alexandra invited me...

1 year ago
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Bookstore Surprise

One of my favorite adult bookstores was just outside of the town I grew up near. There were two of them, one on each end of town. This was the one that was most active [usually] and, I considered it the best. There was a low end motel across the road…no big surprise there and, another about two miles away. It – this bookstore - was the cleaner of the two choices and, if you’re gonna spend part of the night on your knees, a cleaner floor is a good thing… Bookstore surprise.This one seemed to...

4 years ago
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Dhanya8217s Diary Chapter 7 A Trip With Her Students

Dhanya lay in bed, wide awake, the digital clock on the table on the left side of her bed read 2:20 am. In a matter of hours, she would have to reach the school campus. It was the time of the year when the junior college students were to be taken for their final year school trip. She knew it would a headache, especially with the students who were repeating the junior year. But she knew it would be her responsibility and the principal trusted her. “I might as well get this done with,” she...

2 years ago
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Sexxy RN

I am a 25 year old female, part Latina and part African American. At 5’3 and 128 pounds, I’m 36DD-25-36 and I love sex….safe sex, but I cannot get enough, I am normally always wet and horny. However, my life was getting a little out of control with all my sexcapades and my sexlationships at my current location, I thought I should relocate and start over. I am an RN, so I answered a want ad to care for an aged man for an obscene amount of money and a place to live. I was very...

1 year ago
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Steaminhot 3some

OK,so I’ll have to re-write the whole thing…. It started when you said you’d love to have me watching you two…so here it goes: ‘watching you two get off is close to top of my fantasies list!! And for you who loves visuals, here’s one for you! (and I know you’ll see it!!!) We meet on a beautiful sandy beach! So beautiful, it’s sexy!! You two are on that beach, on a long chair as I walk up and sit on another chair, meters away but still, close enough to you two. I’ve noticed you for a while...

2 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 4 Strays

As we prepared dinner, Alana and her friends pulled up in their car on their way out of the campground. Alana expressed her jealousy at missing the impending meal, Megan griped about the hour, Alana rolled her eyes as she waved one last time, and then they drove off. Just like that, I knew I’d never see her again. There was a feeling of deep relief to that realization. Even if I’d done nothing wrong, I didn’t think it was wise to keep pushing the boundaries. If I made a mistake, I’d never...

3 years ago
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Night At The Drive In

This a true, short, and funny story that involves sexual nature. But no sex within the characters of the story itself. It was the late 70's or early 80's I can't remember which, and I was young. Very young... Definitely before puberty. My sister as well, and she was 3 yrs older than me. Her and I were so excited that day. We couldn't wait for it to get dark. Why? Well my parents were going to take my sister and I to the drive in theater to see the Disney movie, Cinderella. So all day my...

4 years ago
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Dear reader, This story is also in the Dutch language. I'm sorry, but I've no time for translating my stories in the English. And my English is not good enough therefore. I have asked my Dutch readers several times or they will translate the stories, but it is difficult to find anybody. Perhaps later if I have more time. I'm very sorry, louis(e). Lucien en het schildersmodel Lucienne... Hoofdstuk ??n. Ach, m'n moeder had een soort kick. Zij heet Elinor. En zij gebruikte d...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 4

The girls banished me from the house. Usually, I'm in charge of running the day-to-day things and keeping everything straight. It's all part of being the one of us who stays home. However, with company coming, the girls all went on a cleaning tear, because apparently I didn't do it right. Mimi and Geoff had originally invited us to come visit them, but the girls wanted to do it on their own terms and in a place that was familiar to them. So we invited our friends up to visit us for a...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Ember Snow Tiny Asian Pussy

The preciously petite Ember Snow is too cute to be true. She’s just under five feet tall and has the most radiant smile. She’s kind of a late bloomer though. Not only did she grow later in life, but she also realized how much she loved sex later in life too. She loved it so much that she wanted to get paid to do it! We put her through a rigorous QA session, and when it was over we felt like we knew everything about her. Except how that pussy and mouth felt of course. It was time to get down to...

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Claudia IncarnataPart I

- Empedocles of Akragas (5th Century BCE) The first thing that you noticed about Claudia was that she was beautiful. Hers was a refined, sophisticated beauty and at its heart lay, an innate earthiness and a rugged independence that surely came from her Sicilian ancestry. Her dark brown eyes and long, flowing black hair shone in the clear morning light. A smile played upon her full lips, lips that were tinted deep red, almost verging on black; like...

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SRU The Cure

SRU: The Cure? By Neo I exploded. A seemingly never-ending wave of cum burst forth from my body. Incredibly powerful spasms prolonged my orgasm for a near eternity. It was all I could do not to lose consciousness. My eyes reopened and I slowly became reacquainted with reality. As my breathing returned to normal, I took stock of the damage. Except for the smell of semen hanging in the air, it looked like I had contained the contents of my orgasm fairly well in the towel I kept for...

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more pool cock black of course

Ever since I was young I’ve always loved being in and by the water. When I moved to a metro area far from a beach I didn’t get to be by the water as much as I would like to. So when I was looking for a place to move into I wanted to find an apartment complex with a nice pool. And I did. And for the last three years every summer I lay out by the pool and swim every chance I get. I usually lay out in the day time when everyone is at work. But my new job didn’t allow for that. So when I did layout...

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Niharika8217s Fantasy Continues 8211 Part 2

After we reached her mother’s house, we introduced our friends to her mother, and had some tea and snacks. Since we had already had beer and snacks (and sex) on the way, we were feeling sleepy, and so decided to go upstairs, make the beds and have a nap. Her mother rarely used to come up , only when it was absolutely necessary. So we were assured at least of some amount of privacy. We went up, and Niharika came up with us, ostensibly to help use make the beds. As we were walking up the steps...

3 years ago
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Padosan Larki Ne Strapon Se Choda 8211 Part 2

Hum meri car me gaye aur usne car drive ki, ek adultery store me roki. Me us shop me ghuste hi samajh gaya ki hum yaha kyu aaye h. Hum shop me andar ghuse aur wahan ek cute si bahut sexy larki dikhi. Girl: may I help you??? Shilpa: I want some gud toys for my boyfriend. Main shocked tha jab usne mujhe boyfriend bataya Girl : (thora muskurate hue) is taraf Shilpa: mujhe kuch khaas chahiye apne boyfriend k liye… Waha aur bhi log the aur shilpa bahut tej baat kar rahi thi… Me: shilpa yaha sabke...

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Apne Dost Ki Biwi Ki Chudai

By: Arunkkkk Hello dosto or babhiyo or girls mera naam arun h main Delhi ka rehne wala hu meri umar 28 saal h or meri height 6 feet or average body h main aapka jayada time na lete hua story par aata hu ye story mere dost ki wife ki h jiska naam anita h wo abot 26 ki hogi hum teeno ek satth college me padte the hum teeno me achi dosti thi par main anita ko man hi man me chahne laga tha par Anita mujhe chahti thi ya nahi ye mujko pata nahi anita hamari cast ki nahi thi wo pandit thi or Sanjay...

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AscentChapter 12 Of Bad Boys Good Girl Scouting

By the next morning any fear the women of the clan had of me was either gone or ignored. They still acted apprehensive but I think it was more because none of their clansmen were around than because of me. I believe that the confidence and self-assurance that my mates displayed was even beginning to rub off on some of them. Some bustled around preparing breakfast, others taking care of babies or youngsters, while still others remained on lookout, but farther outside of camp now that it was...

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My first experience

Ever since I first told him I wanted to try bondage, I knew he was dying to try it. He was shocked that I wanted to try something like that, since he was convinced that I was innocent. It wasn’t that our sex life was boring, because it was far from that, but this was something new that neither of us had ever done, so it was exciting for both of us. He surprised me one day by buying handcuffs and testing them out on me while we were making out in my car. He cuffed me to the steering wheel and...

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Lady in Red Ch 14

Ted was sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of coffee when Gwen came through the door. ‘Sweetheart! I’m so sorry you had to experience such tragedy yesterday. But, I’m extremely proud of the way you handled the situation. I would’ve come to the hospital with Paula and Lisa, but Kate was here with some of her friends. They were all pretty shook up and your mom and I felt it was important that one of us be here for them. She was very worried about you and Steve and feels terrible about the...

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SisLovesMe Candy White Grass Gas Or Ass

Blonde teen Candy White is looking extra hot in her gold bathing suit today, and her stepbrother pops a raging boner as soon as he sets his eyes on her. She asks him for a ride to a pool party, but he tells her that it is grass, gas, or pass. She does not understand, so she just settles for giving him some ass and titties! A couple days later, Candys stepbrother takes the blame for a bag of herb she left sitting around the house. Their parents are pissed, but all he wants in return is a little...

1 year ago
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A Boy and His Powers III

Grace’s demeanor changed immediately, as her eyes misted over and an expression of lust formed on her face. She was clearly ready to do whatever her master told her to do, as she dropped the book she was holding. Grace had only one thing on her mind as she approached me. Grace’s gaze quickly fell to my crotch, which to her excitement, was already expanding to accommodate my hardening cock. She pushed me into a quiet secluded part of the library.Grace got on her knees and began to remove my...

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Going Out With Amy

It had been almost five full weeks since Amy last visited Ted.  That was the fifth time she had left me at home alone while she met another man for sex.  Like the previous four times, when the sun rose on the day after her last visit, she acted as if it had never happened.  She again returned to being Miss Prim and Proper around me and around our friends.  No one would have ever suspected that this church-going, choir-singing, demure little housewife behaved like she did when she let her hair...

2 years ago
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Favorite Aunt Ch 46

Acting of Lovers She just looked into my eyes with simple contentment. I flexed my still hard cock inside her and as uncomfortable now as my erection had become and painful as it was to me, her eyes opened wider with a look of surprise then bemusement. She pulled her legs tighter around me and I reached around to support her back so she wouldn't go under with the effort. Then she released the tension and tensed again. This gave a slow, short piston motion on my cock which felt...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 63 Is It Better To Be Lucky or Good

Tim Murphy and the nanites in his body had already written the two reports – one for his English class and the other for his US History class. It was just a matter of typing and formatting the report in the proper sets. All in all, the two assignments only took a few minutes to type, save, and email to their respective teachers. When he sent his English paper, he had a flash of remembrance of his short relationship with his English teacher, Julianne Holmes, considered one of the hot teachers...

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Orifice Worker

ORIFICE WORKER By Lisa Lovelace "Aw, that's too bad, honey," my wife said. She'd just gotten home from work, and we were in the kitchen, where I was making a penne arrabiata with spicy chicken sausage. She handed me a glass. "Here, have some Chianti." I took a healthy slug. Some of it went down the wrong pipe, and I choked and coughed and gasped for breath. She thumped on the back, and I managed to breathe again, sort of. It had been that kind of day. I was usually in a good...

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The Room

All I remember is that as I entered the room I was quickly drawn to the mysterious man standing in the corner. A quiet man it seemed, basically minding his own business, his head slightly bent looking down with a shy demeanor. Almost unapproachable I would say. As if intentionally not trying to get the attention of anyone but there I was totally captivated and intrigued. I wanted to speak to him, touch him, kiss him. Although I don’t know why, the reasons for my sudden need to explore this...

Oral Sex
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Mum and I Get Caught

My mum and I lay on my bed breathing heavily after I had just taken her ass for the second time. We looked at each other and smiled. We were having the most amazing time. I had always loved my mum, but now I was in love with her. I put my arm round her and pulled her close. We kissed and cuddled for a few minutes. Even though we had just had sex I couldn't help but caress my mum's boobs. I loved how my touch got her nipples hard. "You are such a horny young man aren't you," my mum said. "I...

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Nude Day What is Nude Day Really

This is a Nude Day contest story. Please vote. Writer ponders Nude Day. Is it just about not wearing clothes one day out of the year? * Nude Day to many is the one day a year that we celebrate being naked in public. Those who cannot bear to wear nothing but skin, but who still want to celebrate the Nude Day holiday, can do so in the privacy of their homes. Then, just as there as those of us who use the holiday to legally expose themselves where and when permissible, there are those of us...

2 years ago
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Towards an Advanced Degree Part One

At age eighteen I had finally made it into one of the best universities in the country, yet my true life lessons and deepest learning would ironically take place for me during the weekends. I’ve had the complicated urge to dress up as a girl since my early teens. Eventually I consciously chose to act on my need to do so. Though I live a mostly normal existence and also do enjoy my male side, I was driven to find out more about the feminine side of my persona. A year ago at age seventeen my...

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Horny Bengali Girl Gives Blowjob To Friend8217s Boyfriend

Hey readers, my name is Deboleena (name changed). I am from Bengal and I got admission in an NIT recently. It took hard preparation of JEE to get in here. Since I spent my 12 in lockdown and dropped a year for online preparation from Unacademy online, I couldn’t get enough sex in the last two years and had to satisfy myself with fingering and masturbation. As for my figure, I am a hot and thin girl with a short height. Coming to the story, I had come to NIT on the 9th. I came on the first day...

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Finding My SonChapter 4

I slept late the following morning and it was almost dinner time when she woke me, a hand gently masturbating my fully erect penis and her heavy breasts pressed into my back. I moaned softly still half asleep and turned to face her, but she slithered down and suddenly my prick was engulfed in the warm wetness of her mouth, "Mum" I gasped as I felt her tongue lapping at my swollen dome and her fingers kneading my balls, I threw the sheet off and looked down into her eyes, they were smiling...

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Introduction: she was a beauty * story # 500, my favorite_____ A true story, I guess by letting my sexual urges just go, little by little they made my sexual desires grow. I liked this a lot. It was so intensely exciting, it makes me wet, just talking about it. Jamie got the benefit of a 24/7 hot and horny girlfriend, and I was constantly made hot by what was happening. I should explain that Tina had always crawled in bed between us in the mornings, for years now. We thought this was cute...

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XRay and the Bone

I was half way through my basic training for the army when I jumped the 6 foot wall and landed like a rock. It felt like a truck had hit me. Winded and hurting I was taken to the camp nurse.“What have you done solider” she asked nonchalantly “Was saving a baby and slipped” I replied, we both laughed. “Where’s it hurt” she said mockingly I explained it was the top of my thigh and without sounding like a baby, it hurt like hell. “well just pull your trousers down a little and ill take a look”...

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Absorbed in all the Pleasure

As I am sitting and watching t.v. I hear a knock at the door. I look at the clock, it is awful late for anyone to be coming over. I get up to see who it is, as I open the door I am surprised to see you there. It has been forever since I last say you. I have missed you so much. I have missed your touch. I invite you in and take your coat for you. I shut the door behind you. As I follow you into my living room. I can’t keep my eyes off of you. I long to be touched by you, my body aches. I leaned...

4 years ago
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Biker Gang Bang

Peter and Tracey had been married for five years. Tracey was a tall auburn haired girl with lovely 32 C breasts and Peter was a six foot mass of muscle but slighty greying of the hair. Peter had always wanted a Harley and this year his dream came true. They had saved for a long time and ordered their bike, a Harley-Davidson CVO Softail Convertible FLSTSE . Peter was in heaven and they started riding every day and hanging out at the local biker bars. They seemed to fit in perfectly with a biker...

Group Sex
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A Friendly Massage

Several years ago I met a woman named Amy through some friends and we hit it off immediately. We shared a love for all things living and the sciences in general. She was quite bored and lonely due to her husband being overseas fighting in Iraq so we started spending most of our days together, she not having a job and I working nights. Our relationship was strictly platonic and our connection was purely mental, at first. As we grew closer our conversations lost all boundaries and we would talk...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 745

These are compliments of Smokey Joe A twin-engine passenger plane has an engine failure and the altitude and speed are decreasing rapidly. The pilot speaks over the intercom... “I’m sorry it has come to this ladies and gentlemen, but unfortunately we are going to have to jettison the luggage in order for the aircraft to remain airborne “. Baggage is thrown out but still the plane’s altitude continues to decrease. Once again the pilot gets on the intercom, “I hate to do this folks but in...

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Revenge pt2

"I'd worship them... Lick them..." I hear my voice speak."...and what else?" The feet curve sensually and rub against each other."I'd suck the toes... One by one... And when I've given them the devotion they deserve...""They deserve...?""I'd wrap the soft arches around my dick... And slowly fuck them..."A moan forces me to look away from the feet. The delicate ankles... The calves... A hint of mouthwatering thighs... Red robe... Up... Her face... Biting the bottom lip. Eyes piercing into me. My...

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PetuniaChapter 20

Damon left the apartment and took the elevator down to the third level. As he suspected, the fucking dolts hadn't packed the bodies in ice. They were sitting on the cart, ready to be hauled up to the service entrance when everyone was gone. Vinnie's smug expression was almost enough to make him want to bash his face in. But not yet. They had to get the bodies to the Islands. "Hey, guys! Looks like you're all set, right!" he said with obvious delight. "Yeah. For a little guy, he weighs...

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Teaching Carol Ch9

Not long after that episode she called and asked me to come over, and when I arrived I found an envelope with my name on it taped to the door, and inside the envelope was a small key. There was no answer to my knock—but when I entered I found her kneeling on the floor, wearing only a pair of bright yellow panties printed with blue ducks with orange beaks and feet... and she had gotten some handcuffs and used them to bind her hands behind her back. She said nothing when I came in—just opened...

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GayEpilogue 2

I noticed immediately that the roof surfaces were now covered by solar panels. I suspected that, in his own style, Mr Kafkasian had already thanked the Calhouns for helping to save his daughter. “Where should I park?” asked Jo. “I don’t think it matters providing you don’t block any building entrances,” I replied. “You could always ask the Calhouns. If you’re really worried, you could leave them your keys.” “They’re not driving my baby!” I was surprised at Jo’s vehemence, but she did seem...

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Erica The Webcam MILF Chapter 2

Erica was dripping with anticipation. Every so often a client came along that would excite her more than others. This was one of those times.Watching this inexperienced young man stroke his cock was turning her on immensely. His cock was rather large. This thought excited her, the thought that someone so young and obviously well-gifted desired her made her feel very sexy. And his dominating her had pushed that to new and infinitely more arousing levels!She didn't hear the car backfire, partly...

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Joans Room Chapter 2

Chapter 2 All I Need Is A Miracle Mom arrived home promptly at six. I did my best to put on a happy face. I hoped that she'd be able to have a "real" conversation with me. I poured her drink for her and delivered it to the table. Unable to control myself any longer, I blurted out, "Mom, we have to talk." She eyed me warily as I engaged in an inner battle over how to proceed. Sometimes, it's better to just get it out and consider the consequences later. She...

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Doctors Incestuous FamilyChapter 6 Hidden Family Passion

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! James Wilson My hand clenched into a tight fist as I fought against my surging orgasm. I sat at the table in our breakfast nook, my mom beneath the table, her mouth engulfing my cock, sucking on it with such a wanton lust. Since last night, when she had sneaked in my room and woke me up with a blowjob, she had been a changed woman. Five years of sexual repression spilled out of her. Since Dad ran out when I was ten to marry his secretary, she...

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Uncle Ne Tander Pass Karna Ka Liya Mummy ko chudwia

Hi again. Abhi tak aap pad chukka hai kis terha meri dharmik aur gharalu mummy ko papa ka dost chood chukka hay. Ub unho ne apna fayda ka lia mummy ka istmal karna shuru kar dia. Kaisa yah aap aagi padhia. Raju uncle building construction ka kam karta thy aur govt. Ka bada bada contract lay kar kam karty thy. Aak bhut bada contract nikla tha jus me nadi per bridge bana tha . 15 caror ka contract tha jisa raju uncle kisi bhi terha sa hasil karna chatha thy lakin usa pass karna ka lia officer 10...

1 year ago
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MylfXTeamSkeet Luna Star Havana Poon Nah Nah

Luna Star is smokin hot with her bleach blonde hair and her bodacious curves. She is practically popping out of her top and bursting at the seams in those tights. And when she opens her mouth, she reveals a sultry, sexy Cuban accent that just makes the blood boil. She shakes her ass and climbs a stripper pole nude to give us a glimpse into her private life. Then she flaunts her tits for us. It is enough to make anyone go crazy. What a babe! She is even flexible. She does a split on the couch...


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