Chris and Nena s Big Day Chapter 8
- 3 years ago
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Pete carried the busy dining room’s last tray of cleared china on his shoulder, a good 50 yard walk from the furthest private room, through the main dining room, up a ramp, past the cooks, and to the conveyor belt to load for the dishwashers. A couple of weeks into his summer job as a busboy at an exclusive lakeside resort while on break from college, he’d already made the trip countless times; first for breakfast, then for dinner, every day. He was already in top physical condition, swimming for his small Midwestern college team, so it wasn’t the weight of the trays that bothered him. His shoulders and arms were strong and carried the lean muscle of an athlete with thousands of hours in the pool. But his feet were not accustomed to such duty, especially carrying a 40 lb. tray of heavy china and flatware multiple times every meal. He groaned inwardly, reminding himself that this was just breakfast, just the beginning of the day.
He unloaded the dishes, joked a bit with the dishwashers and cooks, loitering about, grabbing a slice of bacon from a tray, and ambled out to the dining room to help finish cleaning up. He was looking forward to his own meal, then a little time by the lake to relax and water-ski, maybe flirt with some girls, before the dinner shift later that evening.
He walked over to his friend Tom, who attended the same school and fraternity, and who’d gotten him the job this summer. Tom had worked at the resort last summer and, at school, spoke glowingly of his exploits there, describing days golfing and lounging by the water, and nights in the bar picking up guests of all ages, the nannies who traveled with them, and waitresses heralding from Europe for the summer. ?What the fuck did you sign me up for man?, Pete complained to him. ?My feet are killing me.?
?New shoes, pussy?, Tom replied. ?And you’ll get used to it after a few more days, trust me. You’ll be in even better shape at the end of the summer.?
Just then, Terry, an older waiter, was walking by. ?Get some inserts?, he advised. ?And, soak your feet at night, until those muscles develop. Or, hey, I used to be a licensed masseur, so I can give them a good rub down for you, if you want.?
Pete glanced at Tom, and chuckled awkwardly. ?Nah, it’s all good man, I’ll survive. Thanks though.?
Terry shrugged and walked off. Pete and Tom cracked up a bit. Terry was a nice guy, early forties, a triathlete, in great shape, very good looking, tall, with thinning blond hair, but certainly gay all the way.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that, Pete knew. He wasn’t threatened, and liked Terry, had talked with him several times about their respective training regimens. In fact, Tom had had a couple of rather mild experiences with other guys before; a drunken hot tub jerk-off session with a fellow swim instructor from last summer’s job after everyone had passed out at a party once, and an impromptu, coked-up threesome while sharing a bed with a guy and girl from school, which really amounted to nothing more than some heavy petting and fingering while they took turns fucking the girl. If either one of the experiences had been Terry in the guy’s place, he would have gladly accepted. He didn’t mind either time, even was thrilled by the novelty and forbidden nature of them, but his tastes ran to women, and women of all ages and nationalities were in no short supply at this place.
Thus, he certainly surprised himself when, while clocking out and walking toward the front door for the ? mile trek back to his room, he spotted Terry climbing onto his bike. ?Hey?, Pete said, ?Man my feet really are killing me; is that offer still open??
Terry smiled and said ?Sure. I’m in Hopkins cabin, by the marina. You know where it is??
?Uhhh, I’ll look at the map and find it, no worries.?
?Around two??
?Great, uh yeah sure, thanks man? Pete replied. ?See ya.?
?Jesus,? Pete thought to himself as he walked back to his own dorm to shower before lunch. ?Did I really just do that? Well yeah, I guess I did, and I wanted to after all, even sober. Weird??
Pete felt the familiar butterflies of anticipation as he returned to his room. He cranked out his pushups and situps, and decided to forgo the walk back to the employee cafeteria for lunch, instead opting for some canned tuna, crackers, and fruit he had in his room.
He then gathered his shower items, slipped on his slides, and went down the hall to the showers.
Pete clipped his toenails, and spent extra time cleaning his sore feet, making sure they were as hygienic as feet could be. He chuckled to himself, picturing poor Terry wearing a gas mask to fight through the freak show that were his smelly, beaten down dogs. ?Might as well trim myself up? he thought to himself while showering. Being a swimmer, he’d already taken care of most of his body hair, and in keeping, kept his cock, balls, and crack shaved clean, leaving only a small patch of trimmed hair above his cock. Most girls liked it that way, and it made his cock stand out nicely. Girls, and even the couple of guys who’d touched it, had always complimented him on it. A little shorter than average, but definitely thicker than average, straight and smooth. He shaved his pubic region clean, rinsed down with soap, and paid careful attention to his asshole, making sure it was smooth and clean. ?Never know? he thought to himself, his cock semi-stiff as he soaped his ass, not resisting the urge to slip in a soapy finger. He dried himself off in the shower, and went to get dressed.
Pete certainly wasn’t sure what this ?massage? entailed, if Terry was simply offering a kind gesture for a co-worker. But, he decided he’d give Terry a thrill in return. He selected a white lycra spandex thong, usually reserved for workouts. He found the stretchy pouch-type thongs worn under shorts kept everything in place while running or doing stairs, and they just felt comfortable and sexy. He sometimes wore them under jeans if he went out to a club to dance, as they made his package look huge. This accentuation was a bonus for this occasion, and the cut left no doubt as to his grooming habits. It could not be any lower rise, with the top just barely covering the base of his cock and the pouch pushing everything out front. He slipped on a performance tee shirt, some loose fitting basketball shorts, and flip-flops. A quick check of the map in the property’s brochure revealed the location of Terry’s cabin, and Pete was out the door, a little late, around two.
Terry’s cabin was situated on a far corner of the property, a little wooded area overlooking the lake. ?Nice?, Pete thought to himself as he approached, and wondered how the hell Terry was able to pull that. As far as he knew, only the wine masters, senior cooks, head waiters, and captains had their own cabins. The rest of the wait and bar staff had dorm style rooms on stilted cabins; small, wood-paneled, poorly insulated rooms that made his own digs at school feel like the Waldorf. Terry answered Pete’s knock, and opened the door with a smile. ?Hey Pete, come on in?, he said. Terry was wearing some bike shorts and riding bibs. He looked like he was ready to get out and go for a ride. ?Uhhh, were you leaving or something? You sure this is a good time?? Pete asked.
?Yeah it’s fine. I actually wasn’t sure if you were coming, and today’s my 40 mile ride, so I was getting ready just in case.?
?Oh, sorry I’m a little late Terry. We can always do this another time.?
?No, no, it’s no problem, I’ve got time now.?
Terry walked over to his dresser as Pete took in the cabin. It was tastefully decorated, and stored a couple road bikes and a mountain bike hanging from hooks on the ceiling. Several trophies adorned shelving on the walls. ?Nice place man, how did you manage to secure this little gem? You related to the Porters or something?? The Porters were the family who owned the old, stately resort.
?Nah, they just give us old guys private places. We need our sleep, and can’t function like you kids up all night?, Terry laughed. ?Actually, I’ve been working here for seven summers now, so I do have a bit of seniority. And, since it looks like I’m not going riding today, I guess we can share this little gem, too.? Terry turned and produced a neatly wrapped joint from his dresser drawer. ?Another perk, one of the groundskeepers keeps me well supplied in some choice home-grown.?
Pete laughed. ?Sweet, I gotta make his acquaintance sometime!?
Terry clicked on some mellow reggae, sat on the edge of his bed, and sparked the joint. Pete sat in an easy chair across from him, and they shared the excellent pot. Terry cracked a couple of cold craft beers from his mini fridge. Conversation turned to work, which captains were nicest to work with, Pete’s swimming workouts in the lake, Terry’s trophies and what races he’d won, and what local races he was entering this summer. ?You should enter the Enduro in August before you go back to school, Pete?, Terry advised.
?Shoot, I’d likely be one of the first ones out of the water, and still finish last, or dead on the road somewhere? Pete joked.
?Nah, you’d do fine. I’ve got an extra bike to help you train.? Terry blew out a thick stream of smoke, snubbed out the last half of the joint into an ashtray, and walked to the small closet across the room. ?Glad I kept this?, he said, unfolding a portable massage table. As Terry began to set up the table, Pete took this as a signal the massage was about to begin. He’d originally planned to simply let the massage happen fully clothed, but, as often happened to him, the high quality pot served a dual purpose: He was now incredibly horny, and his inhibitions were low. He was already a bit of an exhibitionist, and proud of the body he’d worked hard to attain, so without much thought and before he could change his mind, he kicked off his flip flops, pulled off his tee shirt, and stepped out of his loose fitting shorts, leaving on only the small, tight thong, which housed a cock that, although not at all hard, was certainly beginning to stir with some blood at the excitement. Terry turned around, took a glance at him, quickly up and down, and said, smiling ?Wow, ooookaaay?.?
?Well, you were nice enough to offer to massage my feet?, Pete grinned, ?so I figured I’d give you something nice to look at while you were doing it.?
?Well, in my time as a masseur, I certainly had to deal with a lot of body types and odors?, Terry replied, ?and I’ve seen them all. Bodies like yours made it a pleasure to work on them. You’re in fantastic shape, and, nice touch?, he said while letting his eyes linger an extra beat on Pete’s package.
?Thanks, I kind of like showing it off actually, Pete said. ?So how do you want me to begin??
?Let’s have you lay on your back, Pete.? Terry produced a small pillow, and Pete got situated. He was acutely aware how exposed he was, practically naked, willingly, while Terry was still fully clothed. The thought appealed to his exhibitionist side tremendously. Between his ever-growing excitement and pouch thong, his bulge while lying down looked absolutely huge.
Terry moved to the end of the table, moved a small table next to it, and placed some oils on it. ?Thanks for having some clean feet here, it saves me a step. Now just relax and we’ll get these feet feeling better for the dinner shift.?
Pete closed his eyes as Terry began to work his feet. He had obvious skills, and knew the pressure points well. ?That feels amazing?, he said, as Terry expertly massaged one foot then the other, for what felt like an eternity of bliss, but in reality was about fifteen minutes. From time to time, Pete would open his eyes and glance down at Terry and notice how large he was growing. He now regretted choosing a white thong, as he was pretty sure he was about to start dripping, and any leakage would be immediately visible to Terry. Strangely, the thought served only to excite Pete further. Once, when he opened his eyes, he saw Terry staring directly at his cock. They locked eyes briefly and Terry smiled. Pete smiled embarrassingly, and closed his eyes again, but not before slightly opening his legs and thrusting his hips up slightly as if to say ?Here’s a little better view for you, if you like what you see so far.?
As if on cue, Terry proceeded to move up Pete’s legs to his calves, methodically and expertly massaging one, then the other. ?Nice shave? Terry said, snapping Pete out of his trance.
?Yeah, you know, well, swimming.?
?Hmmm, you swim naked?? Terry smiled, obviously looking now at Pete’s body, almost examining his bulge. The thong left no doubt that Pete was shaved everywhere.
?Haha, no, I mean, if you’re going to wear this, you kind of have to shave it all, ya know??
?Yeah I was just kidding. I like it though?, Terry said, as he moved his hands even higher, to Pete’s thighs. Pete sighed with pleasure, and noticed he’d been slowly spreading his legs, bringing his feet up a bit to bend his knees, which offered Terry a perfect view of his package. There was no mistaking the fact that Pete was growing hard, and leaking precum into the tight, white thong, his cock straining against the stretchy fabric. He suddenly realized he was involuntarily moving his hips slowly, thrusting in an attempt to create some friction for his cock, which clearly afforded Terry an even better view of his shaved asshole. The whole experience was so erotic; nearly naked, willfully spreading his legs for a clothed man to touch, and now to openly examine every inch of him. Pete was caught up in the moment, and to further strengthen the feeling, he raised his arms over his head and clasped the edge of the massage table, letting himself feel open and exposed.
As if reading his mind, Terry said ?mmm, you’re just letting go, aren’t you? Letting your body feel good??
?Yesss?, Pete whispered softly.
?You like to feel a little submissive, a little vulnerable??
Pete didn’t answer, but nodded slightly and raised his hips. That was all the answer Terry needed.
?Do you trust me, Pete?? Terry asked, as he moved toward the head of the table, while softly taking two fingers, and letting them trace over Pete’s thong, from his asshole, around his balls very gently, and around his leaking cock. It was the first time he’d touched anywhere of a sexual nature, and Pete involuntarily gasped. ?Yesss?, he said.
?Good?, Terry said, ?Can I restrain your wrists??
Pete nodded in assent, clasping his hands together. ?Yes.?
Terry produced a bandana from his drawer by the head of the massage table, and quickly bound Pete’s wrists to the table support bar over his head. ?Now, don’t worry Pete, this won’t be any S/M thing. I just think you might like to feel at my disposal for a bit. If you ever want to stop, and I will stop whatever I’m doing, right away, just say the word ‘Enduro’. You understand??
Pete nodded in affirmation, not hiding the fact now that he was openly writhing his hips, breathing heavily, his cock feeling like it would burst through his thong, the thong which was preventing his full erection, and quickly becoming wet with his leakage.
After Terry had secured his wrists, and confirmed the binds were not too tight, his hands wandered over Pete’s chest. He was now standing off to the side by Pete’s head, and Pete looked at Terry’s crotch. His biking shorts left nothing to the imagination, and Pete could clearly see Terry’s growing cock inches from his face. He felt Terry’s hands move to his nipples. Pete’s nipples were one of his most sensitive areas; it was as if there was a direct line from them to his cock. He loved to have them flicked lightly, squeezed, and pulled during sex. Once Terry began to softly rub them with his fingertips, Pete moaned loudly for the first time. He stared at Terry’s cock through his bike shorts, even opening his mouth and moving his head towards it to try to kiss it. Terry smiled and moved it just out of reach. ?Hmmmm, looks like I’ve found your hot button.? Terry said. ?That’s good to know?they’re nice and long. It looks like they’ve been played with quite a bit??
?Yes?, Pete feels so good, I love it.?
?Hmmm, we’ll come back to those later, I’ve got a surprise for them, Pete. I see you want to kiss me there. Do you??
?Yes? Pete said, straining to reach.
?Ask me.?
?Please what??
?Oh please can I kiss your cock? I want to so bad.?
?Just one kiss Pete, and no tongue?, Terry said, moving his crotch within reach.
Pete moved to kiss hungrily, but Terry moved away quickly, and squeezed Pete’s sensitive nipples hard, causing a gasp. ?What do you say when I let you, Pete??
?Oh, thank you.?
?Thank you for what??
?Thank you for letting me kiss your cock Terry.?
?Mm, that’s better?, Terry said, loosening his grip, and again lightly brushing Pete’s nipples while moving close again.
?Thank you? Pete said again, just to be sure, and kissed the head of Terry’s hard cock, over his bike shorts, letting it linger until he pulled away.
?Now?, Terry said, as his hands once again returned to Pete’s inner thighs, this time standing to the side of the table, ?let’s go over a couple rules for our game, shall we??
Pete nodded.
?You notice I have not tied your legs, Pete, only your wrists. That’s because I want you to have a choice, and that choice will be to keep your legs spread for me. I want you to be fully exposed, open and vulnerable for me at all times, and that means you will willfully keep your cock and ass on full display for me. Do you understand??
Pete said ?Yes? and spread his legs a little wider, as Terry was again softly caressing his balls and cock.
?Good. Now the next rule is, and this should go without saying, Pete, but of course you may not come without my permission. In fact, you must ask me to even ask for permission to come. I don’t want to hear you beg to come without me first giving you permission to even ask. Understood??
?Yes, thank you?, Pete moaned, quickly slipping into the role.
?Good. You’re learning fast.? Terry begin lightly tracing the outline of Pete’s straining cock, lingering around the underside, feeling the leaking pre cum through the fabric. ?It looks like this cock is excited, doesn’t it?? Pete nodded. Terry began to lightly slap Pete’s cock quickly, slowly growing in intensity, until he was slapping it hard and fast. Pete moved his hips back involuntarily after one particularly hard slap. ?Good, that brings me to my final rule? Terry said. ?This cock is mine for the next little while, and when I slap it, you are to raise your hips into it, to fully offer it to me, no matter how hard. In fact, if I lightly slap it, you are to beg me to slap it harder. Do you understand??
?Yessss?, Pete moaned, and Terry traced his cock again, and began to lightly tap it with his fingers. ?Please, please, slap my cock harder? Pete begged. Terry smiled and upped the pressure a bit as Pete raised his hips, submitting his cock to Terry. ?Please, oh please slap it harder Terry!? Terry once again slapped his cock hard and fast, and Pete closed his eyes and forced himself to thrust his wide open hips upward to meet Terry’s hand. After twenty hard slaps, Terry stopped and said ?Very good Pete?, while pressing his finger against Pete’s asshole, over the strap of his thong, and wiggled it slightly. Pete knew what he was supposed to do, and strained to thrust against it, offering his asshole to Terry. The latest round of slaps had made even more blood rush to his cock, and Pete was dying to be completely naked, but he didn’t dare ask, so he just gyrated his hips as Terry picked up a bottle of oil, and, using the lighter they’d used earlier on the joint, began to warm the bottle while admiring Pete’s body.
Satisfied the oil was warmed, Terry moved down to the foot of the table once again, unscrewed the bottle, and held it high over Pete’s cock. He slowly let the warm oil drip all over Pete’s cock and balls, over his thong, soaking it. Pete writhed and moaned in pleasure at the sensations. He looked down and saw that his white thong was soaked, and every outline of his cock was now visible. He could feel the warm oil dripping down to his asshole, which was pulsing after Terry’s finger had teased it.
?Mmmm, isn’t that gorgeous?? Terry exclaimed, putting the bottle aside, and now massaging Pete’s cock and balls, still over his soaked thong. He resumed teasing Pete’s asshole, again over the fabric, but letting the oil permeate and loosen his ass with one hand, while working his cock with other. Pete could feel himself getting close already, and was wildly moaning and thrusting his hips. He wasn’t even naked and was on the verge of coming, but he remembered he mustn’t come.
?Please Terry, can I ask for permission to come, Oh God..?
Terry smiled, removed his hands, and said, ?Oh, not a chance, yet, Pete. It does look like you’re so excited and close though?.let’s fix that, shall we?? Terry slid Pete’s thong down, Pete lifted his hips and enabled Terry to swiftly remove it. Pete spread his legs wide again, now completely naked and vulnerable, his cock immediately at full attention, so glad to be free, his ass now coated with warm oil.
Terry grasped the soaking thong and teased Pete with it, letting it trail up and down over his cock and balls. It wasn’t enough for Pete to come, just to keep him on edge. Then Terry spread the thong apart, and hooked it beneath Pete’s balls, pushing them up, jiggling them slightly. Pete moaned with pleasure and looked down at his dripping, throbbing cock. Then, in a flash, Terry deftly tied the thong, looped from beneath his balls, tied in a knot at the base of the top of his cock, squeezing his balls up and out. Pete gasped as he watched Terry smile at him, then cinch it tighter, pause, then tighter still. Pete moaned, threw his head back with ecstasy, then looked back to watch. The ends of the knot, the sides of the thong, formed two small loops, and Pete watched in amazement as Terry stretched first one, then the other to fit around Pete’s throbbing cock, pushing them down to the base. He had taken Pete’s own soaking thong and made a perfect cock ring from it, a large tight loop around his balls and the top base of his cock, and two tight loops around the base of it. The soaked knots were not going anywhere either.
Terry sat back for a minute, admiring his work, while gently rubbing Pete’s pre-cum around the head of his cock. ?There, I had a feeling that might come in handy, Pete. Looks like you won’t be coming until I want you to after all, now.? Pete looked down, and realized it was true. His cock, though twitching uncontrollably, was impossibly large, but the blood wasn’t going anywhere, and he was fairly certain he wouldn’t be able to truly come even if given permission. He moaned in frustration as he wanted release, needed it badly, already.
Next Terry went to his dresser drawer, and returned with a small bag. He set it down on the table next to the oils, reached in, and removed a shiny set of clover clamps attached to a chain. ?Do you know what these are?? he asked.
?Nipple clamps?, Pete moaned, writhing in anticipation.
?Yes, I bet you like these, don’t you??
?Yes, I do please?.?
?Please what??
?Oh please clamp my nipples? Pete breathed.
Terry took one of the clamps, and began to brush Pete’s left nipple lightly, watching it harden. ?I know you want this, come and get it?, he said, holding the open clamp above Pete’s nipple, forcing Pete to strain to reach it. He was making him clamp his own nipple, in a way, Pete thought, as he finally gained enough space to let Terry release the clamp. Pete gasped, as he always did at first, as Japanese clover clamps are not for novices. But Terry was expert, and got it just right, just enough nipple to hurt, but enough to not come off. He took his time, tugging gently on it, twisting it, before hovering the other clamp over Pete’s right nipple. Pete knew the drill, and again imposed his own nipple torture, straining and begging for his nipple to be clamped. Again Terry perfectly placed it, and Pete was in ecstasy, his cock oozing and twitching. He had lost all control and didn’t care.
?Hmmm? you DO like those don’t you?? Terry remarked as he tugged on the chain a bit. ?I wonder if you like them too much?? Terry stood up, and grabbed a long bungee cord from a box on the floor, and stood on the chair next to the massage table. For the first time, Pete noticed there was an unused ceiling hook directly above him. Aroused and fascinated, he watched as Terry hooked one end of the bungee cord over the hook in the ceiling, stretched it, and hooked the other end to the chain on Pete’s nipple clamps. The pressure increase was immediate, and Pete moaned in pain mixed with pleasure. His nipples were stretched, and he knew clover clamps don’t come off, but when they’re pulled they just get tighter. ?That’s better, can’t let you have ALL the fun? Terry said. He moved back down to the foot of the bed, teasing Pete’s swollen cock. Once again, he began slapping it, forcing Pete to raise his hips, beg for harder slaps, which in turn increased the pressure on his nipples.
Again, after twenty hard slaps, Terry stopped, and blew softly on Pete’s twitching, oozing cock. ?Now let’s turn our attention to that beautiful little asshole, shall we.? He again reached into the bag, and produced a small bottle of lubricant and a medium sized, tear drop shaped steel plug. He squirted a good amount of lube just above Pete’s asshole, then spread his cheeks, letting it drip. Pete could feel the lube slowly leaking into his asshole. Terry began to rub it, letting the muscles relax. A finger slipped in easily to a gasp, then a few moments later, a second one, to a moan. ?Wow, look at that, two fingers in your ass already? Terry exclaimed? ?You’ve played around before, have you ever been fucked in the ass??
?Not by a guy? Pete moaned truthfully, ?just a strapon.?
?MMM, kinky and dirty, I like it? Terry said, as he removed his fingers, and squirted lube directly into Pete’s asshole. ?Well, you are clean, and that’s appreciated. And I’ll show my appreciation? he said, as he resumed finger fucking Pete’s asshole, circling two fingers around, stretching him, relaxing the delicate rings. With the other hand, he squeezed lube on the head of the plug, and, in one movement, replaced his fingers with the plug. Pete gasped as the plug struggled to fully enter, but forced himself to relax and let it. When the widest part slipped past the inner ring, Pete’s ass sucked it deep, pressing the flared base against him, and causing his cock to let forth a fresh oozing. ?We’ll let that sit and do its job for a minute?, Terry said, and suddenly put Pete’s cock in his mouth. Pete wanted to explode immediately, and would have, if not for Terry’s other hand, which was wiggling and pulling on the bungee cord attached to nipple chain, causing intense pain as Pete’s nipples were stretched to unbelievable lengths. Pete was struggling in that fine balance between pleasure and pain for several minutes as Terry teased his cock and tortured his nipples, and was beginning to wonder if he’d gotten in too deep here, when Terry stopped, and gently flicked his tongue around the head of Pete’s cock. He reached down to Pete’s butt plug, started moving it, wiggling it, causing Pete to writhe in pleasure despite movements stressing his nipples. Terry pulled the plug out, slowly, causing pain, then reinserted it, causing less pain, then repeated the process, a little faster each time. Soon, Pete’s ass was truly being fucked by the plug, and nipple pain be damned, he was thrusting his hips to meet each insertion and moaning. ?I think you’re ready now, do you want me to fuck your ass, Pete?? Terry asked, leaving the plug in Pete’s ass as he slid down his bike shorts, exposing his own hard, fully erect cock. It was also shaved, longer than Pete’s, but not as thick.
?Yes, oh yes please, fuck my ass? Pete pleaded??It’s yours to fuck!? Terry reached again into the bag and removed a condom, quickly rolling it on. He then reached up and unhooked the bungee cord, bringing a small measure of relief to Pete’s clamped nipples, and pulled Pete’s thighs down to the edge of the massage table, stretching his arms out fully against his bound wrists. Pete felt Terry moving the butt plug, fucking him with it once again, and then replacing the plug with his cock. Pete moaned in pleasure as he felt this new sensation, the length and fullness pressing on his prostate, his male G spot, and now free from the extra pressure on his nipples, eagerly met Terry’s thrusts. He closed eyes, and just gave in, let himself be fucked to oblivion, wondering in amazement how a simple comment this morning about sore feet had led him, just hours later, to be tied up, cock immobilized, nipples clamped, helpless and being ass fucked, yet loving every second. He gradually felt Terry’s motions increase in intensity, and heard Terry begin moaning and breathing faster. He felt Terry’s cock begin to pulsate, as Terry groaned and bucked, forcing the entire length of his cock into Pete’s ass, exploding his load with a grunt.
After a minute, Terry slowly slid out of Pete, unrolled the rubber, and wiped his cock with a towel. Pete was still shuddering from some prostate stimulation, his stomach muscles flexing involuntarily, his cock still dripping. Terry removed Pete’s nipple clamps to howls of pain as the blood re-entered the clamped areas, then placed his palms hard against them to ease the pain a bit before bending to softly kiss each one. ?I think you’ve earned your reward, Pete?, he said, as he slipped the loops from the cock ring thong off, and untied the tight knot. A wave of precum gushed from Pete’s throbbing cock as Terry laughed. Terry poured some more oil on Pete’s cock, cupped his balls with one hand, and begin softly stroking. It didn’t take much.
?Please Terry, can I ask permission to come? Please?? Pete begged.
?Yes, you may.?
?Please can you let me come Terry??
Terry slowed briefly. ?Do you think you’ve earned it today Pete??
?It’s up to you, Terry.? Pete gasped.
Laughing, Terry said ?perfect answer my friend, and yes, you may come.?
The orgasm Pete had seconds later was one he’d remember forever, as it lasted for what felt like a minute, and he nearly blacked out from the power and intensity. It was only several minutes later, after Terry had unbound and rubbed his wrists, and gave him a bottle of water, and they lit the rest of the joint they’d shared earlier, that he was able to speak.
?Holy shit? was all he could muster.
Terry laughed. ?Well, hopefully your feet feel better, hope your ass doesn’t hurt though.?
?To be honest, and I never thought I’d say this, but it might be sore later, however it was actually worth it. That was fucking incredible. But now I gotta go back and shower, and I need a quick nap if possible.?
Pete got dressed. ?Guess I’ll see you at dinner man? he laughed. ?Try not to grab my dick on the way by? he teased.
?Till next time?? Terry said.
?Till next time?, Pete said, and stepped out into the afternoon sunlight.
Pete never went back to Terry’s after that day.Terry never pressured him to, either, and they were friendly all summer. For Pete, he didn’t really have the urge to after that singular occasion. After all, nothing could top that, and, in a way, he didn’t want to cloud that memory. They shared a secret, and it was a thrilling and intimate one.
Pete ended up having a lot of sex that summer, with those girls of all ages and nationalities, and much of it was memorable, but none would he recall in detail like the afternoon of that foot massage.
Lucien.Get up. Time to go— Seth growled in his mind. His eyes flew open. It was still dark since he had his lights set to activate only on command. Hot breath fanned his chest and his legs were tangled with… Oh, God. He teleported himself in a surge of power into the hygiene room. His legs almost gave out beneath him making him need to clutch the entrance to the hygiene unit to steady himself. Everything around him seemed to swirl and distort. He closed his eyes with a groan and muttered...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“Okay, Dad. Here it is.” Toni handed her father her tablet with the list of webpages already loaded. He took it with a sense of dread. The listing of references seemed impossibly long. “Some of those are commentary, press releases or notes,” she explained. He scanned the list, searching for videos. He’d dreading finding a couple, instead there were quite a few. Clicking on one—the filenames didn’t specify the physical locations—he immediately recognized himself in Grand Central Park...
Introduction: Brought to you by Penetration Publications. Thank You. Evan was walking on the southern California beach. It was a hit day, and the twelve year old boy wanted to go to the beach. The small genital bulge was seen pressing against his tight speedo. The beach boys saw it, and got aroused. There were five boys of the beach. The beach boys were a gang of dreamy blonde Californian homosexuals in their twenties. When they saw the bulge in Evans speedo, they knew what they had to do. When...
This was another of my wife's fantasy's as a very young girl and the name she chose was Diane, one of her alter ego's she uses a lot in her fantasy's She calls them My Girls never her! This fantasy is about excepting a ride with an older man that plays into her fantasy of being raped by a man like him! As a young girl Diane had always been fascinated with the attraction of parking with a boy in a secluded romantic spot, and then be helplessy taken advantage of. You know, the...
30 Days to Jenny: Days 10-20 By Monika Ikon Day Eleven Well, Alison, thought, Jeff had been listening to the 30 Days to Jenny tape for ten days already and the changes in his character were dramatic. He was sweeter, more helpful around the apartment, and even more satisfying in bed. He'd started a diet, been exercising, and had taken a renewed interest in his appearance. If the changes stopped there, Alison would have to consider her money well-spent. But she found that...
The pastel pink satin of your panties is taut over my straining erect penis. The soft smooth cloth snuggles my penis and scrotum like your gently caressing hand. The thin cloth shows the outline of my semen-filled sack and my erection-stiffened shaft in perfect detail. Your panties are so tiny that in the wall mirror of our bedroom I see my purple lust swollen penis head poking high above the top hem up my hairy belly almost as far as my navel. I finger my hard penis through the thin cloth of...
Masturbation" ... Peter ... I first met Peter at a conference. I was there for my job; I was running an information booth. Peter was there for his company. We got to talking when things were slow and we hit it off; he was nice-looking and he smelled nice – his smell made me think of hickory and pine, like an old forest. We had supper together in the hotel after the show closed for the night. I ended up in his hotel room, that night." "It was wonderful ... He was care-full ... he made me feel all...
The LayoffMy stories are all based on real life experiences although I may take artistic license with some of the details.I’d been working for this company for close to a year now and getting close to my year’s eligibility for Employment Insurance but I still wouldn't qualify. Monday the rumblings started going around the shop that with times being tight that the manager was told to cut our plants budget. I was very nervous that would mean layoffs and there was no way I could manage that. I’d...
Hey guys. my name is max and I am 28 years old now. I am a 6'2 guy with an athletic body and an average member. The incident I am about to share with you happened when I was 25 and during the final year of my college.Sandhya was her name. The maid, who had been with us for about 3 years. deleted
Becoming AmyBy I had been dressing up in women’s clothes since I was a k**. Started with my sister’s clothes, I loved her school uniform. I used to prance around in it when I was lucky enough to have the house to myself, which wasn’t often. I loved pretending I was a school girl, and a rather naughty one at that. I’d pretend I was flirting to a guy, usually an older guy. I’d slip my hand up those pleated skirts and rub myself through her cotton knickers while imagining it was his hand until I...
The evening of the day on which the Count of Morcerf had left Danglars' house with feelings of shame and anger at the rejection of the projected alliance, M. Andrea Cavalcanti, with curled hair, mustaches in perfect order, and white gloves which fitted admirably, had entered the courtyard of the banker's house in La Chaussee d'Antin. He had not been more than ten minutes in the drawing-room before he drew Danglars aside into the recess of a bow-window, and, after an ingenious preamble,...
For years I passed and adult bookstore going to and coming back from school. One day I decided to go in and see what was inside. I went in the front door and looked around. It seemed like any other bookstore I've been in with newspapers and magazines. I noticed a door at the back of the room and looked in. I saw adult magazines of all kinds, and a glass case. Feeling brave I walked in and went up and down the isles looking at the magazine covers. Some I recognized, others I wasn't aware of. I...
Story number 1First seduction of a woman to be my sex toy.This is my first attempt at writing some of my past experiences down so please forgive me if I’m a bit amateurish in my writing.A little about myself I’m a retired Navy Explosive Ordinance Disposal Officer. I’m 6ft and 200lbs with a 46in chest and a 34in waist though since I retired it’s been slowly creeping up towards 36inches as has my weight increased by some 10lbs as well. At the time of this story I weighed 190lbs and had about 7%...
Good Neighbors, Part 1 "You should really go check in on Martin," my wife said. "When was the last time you dropped in on him?" "Just last week," I said. "You were at your Women's Club that night. I told you, remember?" "Still," she said. "It's the least we can do since his wife left him. They were such good neighbors to us when we moved in." "But the ball game...," I started to say. "No," she cut me off mid-excuse. "Grab a six-pack and go see him. Watch the game over...
Sitting in traffic, on this Wednesday. "Ugh, Amy, everyday, the same thing" I say to myself. Traffic moving slowly as it does every afternoon on my way home from work. I love my job, I teach at the local high school, and I feel its rewarding, teaching young minds. Though I have my fair share of trouble students. Some didn't respect me, at 26 years old I'm not that much older than my students, and some make rude, suggestive comments to me. I get my fair share of attention. My short 5'2" frame, I...
my father re-married and i went to live with him cos my mother decided she didn't want me she wanted to move away and start a fresh?? well that's what my dad tells me..when my dad re-married i was 7 and i was 18 when i seen Jane having fun with a friend of my dads. Ged was a work mate of my dad and he was always round here helping out cos dad was useless at DIY so Ged always offered to come round help out and stay for a few cold ones after plus get fed as well. Jane really liked Ged cos he was...
I took her to my real house, dropped her off, now completely passed out, and left her in the special basement room that I had set up for her. I started the video, turned up the volume and left. I returned to my play house, as I call it, and waited for her bothers to wake. While I waited, I went upstairs, and began editing the remaining tapes. Chuck awoke first. At about 4:30 A.M he woke his brother, and then came to find me. I had seen them get up, and made sure that they saw nothing that I...
Just to recap, we met Mike & Julie on our first visit to the club we go to fairly regularly now. They were almost exactly the same age as us and also of similar builds too - I am a large ex-rugby playing guy and so is Mike, and my partner is petite with some very nice curves a great tits - and so is Julie. We all seemed to get on together and certainly had 'fun' the first time we met them.Although we hadn't been able to join them at the club again in the few weeks after, we had kept in...
“Edepol nunc nos tempus est malas peioris fieri.” (Now’s the time for bad girls to become worse still.) —Plautus, Miles Gloriosus, 1218 DONNA FOUND CINDY AND ME cuddled up naked and asleep in her bed. Her response was to undress and crawl in with us. Next to Cindy. “Are you okay, sweetie?” she whispered in Cindy’s ear. “Um-hum.” Cindy wiggled a little so she could turn and kiss Donna. “It’s a little sore but I really liked it.” “Jacob is a thoughtful lover.” “I didn’t really give him...
By the time I was 17, I had probably had sex with over 50 guys, most of them were at least 5 years older, but some were in their 40’s. I started hanging out in a bar where a lot of lawyers, doctors and other professionals went. When I decided to dress up, I looked old enough to be in a bar. I would go there with my cousins, one of them got me a fake ID just in case, and it looked just like me. On occasion, I would make dates with some of the men there. Guys like that know how to take...
Ariel had an awkward amount of time. Even after she took a much-needed bath, it was still early morning in game. Yet because of time compression, it was in the middle of the night in the real world. Sleep in game was refreshing, so David didn’t need her to log out and sleep. However, she doubted the Whores Guild were early risers. She had picked up Elemental Water Magic at level 6 and learned Ice Shard. She decided to spend some time practicing her new magic along with stealth. Ariel made...
Welcome After a nasty divorce, in which my wife got to keep the house and most of the money, I decide that I don't have much else but family to fall back on. i called up my brother, and am embarrassed to ask if you can crash at his place for a few weeks ... at least until I get back on my feet. I pull up in my old Mustang, the only thing I got to keep from your failed marriage, and walk up to the front door carrying a beat up knapsack which contains half of all my stuff. I ring the doorbell,...
IncestFor two entire weeks, you, John Doe, have researched tirelessly on a place that historians and philosophers have secretly called... The Labyrinth. A special location that links the psyche of every living being on Earth. The place where you can traverse in people's dreams and do whatever you've wished. Out of sheer luck, you've managed to find a way to enter this place through your dreams after two whole weeks of trial and error. Giddy at the seams of all the possible things you could accomplish...
FetishHi my name is Akash (changed). I am 31 years old and married happily. The story that I am presenting on this site is not a made up story just for the sake of reading, but it is a true story that happened in my life soon after my marriage. My wife is 27 years old. We have a very happy sexual life. We have a son also. The story begins when I went to see the girl that I would marry i.e. my wife. I went to her house and was introduced to all her cousins and aunts and uncles. I think I was more...
Every other Friday night the club I bartended would host a “Teen Night”. It was open to all ages from 15 and up. We didn’t serve alcohol, but I had to be there to mix virgin drinks for the kids. I hated it. I had decided a long time ago that I was lucky that I had never had children because basically all teenagers were retarded. I loved kids, but they all grew into teenagers. I was 36 and single. Like I said I had no children. I had been married once, but that was back when I was a retarded...
Straight SexIt was the dumbest, and best thing I had ever done, all rolled up into one. I was thirty at the time, an up and coming office manager, over a small group of employees. Two young men just barely out of high school who mostly ran errands and did all the heavy lifting. There were also three other women in the office, two young girls, one married, one single and very flirtatious. There was also another woman, closer to my age who basically acted without title as the office supervisor whenever I...
I tried, really tried, to write frequently and send little 3 inch audio tapes at regular intervals. However, on January 21 ‘68 Khe Sanh started the six month siege and on January 30th the Tet Offensive began. The main offensive lasted two months, but so-called mini Tets were also launched in May and August. We were flying 18 hours a day and remained on station off the coast of Viet Nam for 60 day line periods separated by five days in Cubi Point for R and R. The sailors called it S and F for...
The kiss It was a typical alcoholic night out. It started with you listening to music and drinking wine in your house. Then you got dressed and went out heading to DADA (1). You found a stool on the bar, ordered the first beer and took out the tobacco to roll a cigarette. You took the first drag in the same time with the barman giving you the glass. You thanked him and took the first sip. The music was good, dark with not a hint of the typical Saturday night metal shit (2); at least...
The summer heat lingered in the air as Marco and Roger sat on the pool deck to Roger’s home quietly drinking a 17 year old single malt Scotch. This was their way to celebrate and wind down at the end of the week, no wife and no husband, just two old friends drinking together. They had known each other since college, been roommates for a year before Roger finally came out about being homosexual. Marco had suspected it since they first met because girls, young women, preoccupied his mind and he...
We had arranged to meet Mike and Sally at a country pub close to our local swinging club. They had made the first contact and to be honest we were not sure that we wanted to meet them, as their pictures were a bit blurred and it was difficult to get a feel for what they actually looked like.You might think that that sounds a bit shallow but in the years that we have been swinging, we have discovered that things have to start somewhere and that is normally with attraction. When we meet we hope...
HardcoreSammi glanced up when there was a short rap on her partly closed bedroom door. She knew it must be her dad; mainly because there wasn’t anyone else in the house, unless someone had snuck in. As she had expected it was her dad, he was standing just outside of her room.“Sammi, can I speak with you?” He asked in his usual gruff sounding tone. “Sure Daddy come on in,” Sammi said cheerfully.“I understand you’re going out tonight,” he said as he stepped into her room.“Yeah,” she said with a smile,...
The Captain slowly regained consciousness and realized she couldn’t breathe. Her body was pinned beneath something which was covering her face, suffocating her. She shifted position to free her arms, and instinctively struggled to get out from under whatever was crushing down on her. With a desperate shove, she extricated herself from beneath something warm, and gasped for a deep breath, feeling aches and pains all over her body as her lungs filled with air again. Shaking her head to clear her...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt all started about half a decade or so ago. I'm not really sure exactly. See the thing about it is that while I'm now sure that I probably could have done it at any point but never really had any reason to try anything like this and I'm now at the point where doing something like this seems natural enough not to question it. Err, rather it's a bit like "When was the first time you could lick the tip of your nose?". Nobody really actually tries to do that. Or not anyone of sound mind and body...
Mind ControlYoung sex starlet Samantha Reigns wears fishnet stockings and skimpy swimwear in a sassy opening tease. The pale vixen flaunts fleshy tits and a round rump, stripping and posing to start. Samantha shows off for co-director/kinky MILF Francesca Le, touching her twat as Francesca frisks her from behind the camera. When co-director/stud Mark Wood enters view, Samantha opens her mouth widely for his big cock, drooling and choking as she gives a nasty blowjob. Raunchy cocksucking leads to intense,...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: my first series ill need comments for pt2 This is pointless, grumbled Aaron as he stood with his twin brother, Mark, outside the newsagents. We should keep trying, Mark insisted. Yeah, but weve asked three people already. It aint gonna work, insisted Aaron. It will. Eventually. I dunno. Maybe were wasting our time. Aaron and Mark were both eleven-years-old. They were identical twins, both charming little boys, barely five-foot tall in height, slender and with cute freckled...
Ponkert's temper had cooled to cold determination during the two weeks it had taken to plod along on foot to arrive within the fortified walls of the city-state Lindakar. While the city rivalled Hort in size, its streets were littered with trash and the people didn't display the joviality of Hortians. However, they were friendly enough to explain to an ignorant stranger with certain pride that their ruler, Rololf, had managed to capture the daughter of their most feared enemy--Tomar. That...
Vineet Sisodiya, 29 years old and the eldest in my family with three younger brothers. Being well settled, my parents forced me into my marriage. I accepted and got married to Chaitali. Chaitali comes from a small town and is a graduate of Arts. Chaitali is magnificent beauty. She’s 5’ 7” tall, perfectly shaped figure, 34-sized firm boobs, 28-sized waists, 34-sized huge butts and fair skin tone. She has a beautiful face cut and long hair with pink lips. Though I have seen some bold pictures on...
Hi, my name is Rahul. I am 21 years old, doing my bachelor’s degree. This is a story about a recent and first sexual adventure I had. It had been a year since I got introduced to world of gay sex. It all started when I accidentally clicked on a wrong shemale porn site. Since then every day I used to fantasize about guys pounding my ass and different other kinkiest fantasies. One day through one of the many groups I joined on KIK I found a guy; he was 25 and was looking for a bottom. I private...
Gay MaleTodos los personajes son MAYORES DE 18 AÑOS. En este mundo de My Little Pony los personajes tienen apariencia humanoide más parecido a Equestria Girls pero conservando sus características de animales así para hacerlo divertido. El Elemento De La Lujuria. Es un elemento especial totalmente diferente a los demás, con una magia mayor a cualquier cosa vista en Equestria incluso los Elementos de la Armonía, podrá desaparecer casi de toda la historia cayendo en el olvido por todo el mundo HASTA...
Mind ControlIt was about four weeks after Tami's induction into full womanhood that we had our next big adventure. This one was not fun at all, but it did prove a point. It was in the middle of the week and school was just letting out. Susan came boiling down the stairs with a lot of other kids. As usual, she was talking a-mile-a-minute and not paying enough attention to where she was placing her feet. This time, it truly was an accident. Her foot slipped on that damned steel step lip and she sat down...
Meeting a Dickies Girl By Peg Thebois I had never heard of Dickies before, let alone been there but when I asked the cabbie where to go for a wild time this was where he dropped me off. He even gave me his personal number for a pickup when I was done. This was clearly a hook-up bar, I could tell by the atmosphere but it took me a while before I realised the truth of what made this place so special. After getting a drink from the bar I noticed one of the girls standing by the wall....
Sarah looked at me pityingly, stood up, and took me gently by the arm."Come on," she said. "I'm due a break. Let's go and get a coffee somewhere."Over coffee, actually I drink tea, she told me that Jim had seen my car pulling into the car park and had gone out through the back door, as I'd come in through the front. He'd told her we'd had a big bust up, but not why, which made me sigh with relief."He won't discuss it," she said. "He's in a terrible state. Do you want to tell me what it's...
Lori Brown and her husband John were a married couple of one year. Life was grand except for the fact that Lori didn't like to partake in oral sex. She didn't want any foreplay, which angered her husband. She also wouldn't let her husband make love to her bottom.She said the idea of sucking his cock made her gag, and the thought of him licking and kissing her private parts made her feel very uncomfortable. She thought he was nuts for wanting to make love to her butt. She would ask him why...
Mind ControlBoxes in the hall and sweaty workmen moving them into the apartment across from mine. This is what I find on a Saturday morning when I go outside. A new neighbor. Hope he or she is better than the last one. An old hag who was always complaining about everything. Finally kicked the bucket. I turn to walk away. “Hi, you must be my new neighbor.” Certainly doesn’t sound like an old hag, sounds quite nice actually. I turn around and see that the voice is surpassed by the visual that greets me. A...
TransThe jet was too loud, too cold, too small. We were always flying, it seemed. We waited to fly and flying was just waiting to land. It made no sense and I tried not to think about it. "Cindy! What a pleasure to fly with you again!" one of the flight attendants said to me, but I didn't remember her. "Fuck off," I whispered. What a pleasure to wait with you again. That's what she should have said. I might have smiled at her then. She looked tired beneath too much make-up, and her...
She was very wet and hasn’t had a good cock in months .. right now anything and anyone that will do her husband said just get next man she sees... and then....... True story A horny wife gets what she wants. It started like any other weekend in a resort town before summer crowds come streaming in. It was a Saturday evening sun was going down the owners of their shore house were cleaning getting ready to rent out to vacationers. I was local 20 yr old walking to a party in town. As I pass this...
MILFAuch wenn man aufpasst... (Romantische Variante) Autor: Elana Adra Dist.: Diese Geschichte darf von jedem der es will, auf welchem Medium auch immer gelesen und vervielfaeltigt werden, solange der Inhalt inklusive dieser Erklaerung unveraendert bleibt. Diese Geschichte darf niemals als solche verkauft werden, oder andersartig kommerziell vermarktet werden ausgenommen von der Autorin selbst.Erwachsenenchecks die im Internet gebraeuchlich sind und ueber Kreditkarten funktionieren oder...
Hi. I’m a Stud. That’s not a boast. It’s a job description. When I say “stud” I mean it in its original sense: a male kept for breeding purposes. That’s why we spell it with the capital “S” ... it’s a job title, and I look at it as a job ... a really great job, in some respects, but a job all the same. My name’s Geoff, but that’s not important. In fact, most of the women I sleep with ... and those number in the thousands ... never learn it. And I don’t learn their names, either. I’m just the...
Characters Me - Alex - 16 Dad - Barry - 47 Mom - Emily - 42 Sister - Kris - 17 Barber - Eli - mid 60’s Left Neighbors Tom & Marge mid 60’s kids only occasionally Right neighbors Mike and Shaunna mid 40’s Son-Drew 15 Back neighbors Anne and Dianne - lesbians Barber customers John and Brian (15) Waterman Rob - Kris spanker - 25 Dad and I had the exact same routine every Saturday morning. Up at 8, bicycle shorts and tank-tops, and bike to the barber shop. Rain didn’t stop...
So what exactly is a PervCity chocolate-dipped cream-filled vanilla cake? It’s the latest and hottest interracial anal creampie scene with the ever gorgeous and always amazing London River. This busty big ass blonde loves BBC like no other. She starts off with a sexy tease, then submits “hole-heartedly” to every inch of that big dick after she gets her big ass worshipped with a tongue-licking. Wet and horny, the pornstar falls to her knees and devours that throbbing cock with...
xmoviesforyouA number of the Program's headquarters employees had teenaged children. Most of those kids were plugged into the usual teenaged spots on the Web. For whatever reasons, none of them had said anything to their parents about the 'Surviving' and other anti-Program sites. When the ads began to appear, they were placed on general-use pages, not those aimed at teens. Thus, just before midnight Friday, Summer received the first panicked call. Her call to Ben was her immediate reaction. "Summer,...
It was a Saturday night and my wife said, “I want you to take me to one of those movie/peep shows with you. The ones where you jerk off while you watch the movie. I want to go with you.” “Why?” I asked. “Because I want to see what you like about them. You could watch a porno movie here and jerk off, why do you go there?” She had asked me about them before and had always wondered. “I just like to.” I said.“Do you ever see other guys there, you know other guys jerking off also?”“There are...
She needed a bath, her uncombed tousled hair stuck up every which way and she was goddamned pissed at the world in general and Lyman, her old man, in particular. Her sandy reddish hair and freckled complexion showed hints of an ancestry originally found in the north of England. Her stocky, only a little chubby young body was, as Lyman affectionately put it, "Built for th' long haul." Her young pussy showed evidence of "long haul after long haul." That dam' Lyman had just about "long...
What a difference a couple miles make, living in the suburbs versus living in the city. Instead of open roads to run on where everyone was polite, running in the city was anything but polite as people were constantly cutting in front of my sisters and me and that was Sunday morning. Monday morning we decided to head to school and do our exercising there, due to the idiots that cut us off going to church would be cutting us off heading to work. It was just not worth it to get hit by a car....
Chapter 1 I suppose there's a certain pleasure in seducing a woman into sucking your cock and spreading her legs so that you can shoot a load of jizz up her steamy cunt. Flowers and booze along with charm and effort can probably achieve this. Money helps of course. But if you've got money, there's no pleasure like using it to corner a woman. There's nothing like putting a bitch in a position where she will do anything from fear of the alternatives. She will strip herself naked. She will...
I didn't start liking girls until i was about 15 and at this point i was only interested in my older sister Emily who just turned 19.At the age of 15 i was the same height as her but Emily's tits were at least a D size where mine are only about a c. A couple of days before her 19th birthday she asked me if i wanted and of her clothes since i could fit most of them now besides her bras.I instantly replied with a yes and grabbed the pile she left for me and carried it into my room(which...
Say Thanks to Alan for the following. “Poetry is about the grief. Politics is about the grievance.” - Robert Frost A. Want some iced tea? B.I don’t drink tea. A.Want some iced coffee? B. I don’t drink coffee. A. Whiskey and coke? B. I don’t drink coke. Those who want to be loved, get dogs. Those who want to love, get cats. Hamsters have a different role. Their purpose in life is to demonstrate death to the kids. What happens when you play ‘Bolero’ backwards? You become unRaveled......
The railway station was mass confusion but everything seemed to be running on time. There were little groups of clergy going into a conference in Vatican City, gatherings of tourists clustering around their mother hens of tour guides and even some groupings of American military types catching the train to visit the popular tourist centers including Venice just a few short hours away. Olga and I sat in the center of the surging crowds relaxed in the knowledge that our train to Venice on track...