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I have a fan. She's16 years old and she was a regular where I work, and she's the smartest person I know, like a real genius. I mean I bet she could debate Einstein about whatever he knew and you could ask her anything about anything and she'd know, whether it was about fixing something on your car or the capitol of whatever tiny little country somewhere or anything, she'd know all about it. But she learned it all from books and she couldn't really fix your car if she had to and I doubt she had ever even left the city.
Her name was Emma, and she couldn't get enough of me. She was a kind of stalker really at first, staying till I finished work and then following me, walking fast behind me until she caught up with me just so she could say “Hey, we're going the same way” and walk with me and we'd talk. But I liked her and she was cute and fun and her glasses made her even cuter and gave her that 'hot nerdy girl that doesn't know she's hot' - look, and we became friends and sometimes we'd have coffee together, or ice cream or something, but I had to keep a distance too so she wouldn't get the wrong idea.
Not that I didn't want to fuck her. I did, and I thought about it a lot. But I just figured that would complicate things way more than it was worth and more than she deserved and so when she suggested anything that I thought could lead to anything, I always made up excuses.
Like the times she invited me to her place, and always with a “My parents are away”, I was always busy. Or the times when she said “Can I come inside for a minute maybe?” I always had things to do.

But even though that must have happened a couple dozen times, she was never bummed out about it and always understanding and smiling, even when she must have known I was lying she just said "Sure, I understand".
And I did feel bad about it. And one day when she was walking with me I had accidentally let it slip that I was home alone for the whole weekend.
Cait had gone to be with her mom and Lucy and Tobey had gone to “have a weekend alone”, and Emma knew I lived with two girls and a guy but not at all what kind of relationship we had and she figured we were just room mates I guess, and she said “Oh cool, I can come in and stay with you a little maybe? You know, just so you wont be lonely” and she said it like she knew I was going to say no, and I automatically said “No, sorry, you can't” and then I couldn't come up with a reason.
So that's why I said “But you can come over tomorrow”, and I thought she was going to pass out and she said “Oh, wow cool thanks, that's... Really? Wow yeah okay”.

And then later that day I was out of the shower and just in my polka dot one piece pajamas watching TV and eating popcorn, when Veronica called. And she said “Hey, darling. Guess what” and I sat up and I said “You're here!” and she laughed and said “Not yet, but at the airport. Ten hours so it'll be real early in the morning...” and I just said “Don't care, come right over. Like, run!” and she laughed again and said “Or you could pick me up?” and I told her I was home alone and didn't have a car and she said “No worries, I'll flash my boobs at a taxi driver” and I said “Sorry” and she said “See ya'” and then we hung up.

Veronica would do that sometimes, just suddenly decide to come all the way from London but it had been like three months or so since last time. And so just like that I had forgotten all about Emma.

And that meant that when the door buzzed the next evening, I was asleep and Veronica was too and we were both naked in the bed because when she had come just after five that morning I had made an omelet and then she took a shower and I went in the bathroom with her just to chat with her while she did, and when she was done she took the shower head and turned on the soft jet and pointed it at her pussy and just kept it there while we talked, and she came several times and when she did she would stop talking or just interrupt me and say “Hold on a sec, darling” and then “Hnngh... hnnghhh... haaaahhh...” and then after a short break and Veronica taking a few deep breaths, we just picked up where we left off.
Then finally she stepped out, and found a bottle of body lotion in her toiletry and threw it to me and said “Would you? It's 'intimate area friendly' too”.

So of course we spent the day in bed together, and when I walked to the door I wasn't even fully awake really, and it was only when I pushed the button and it made that 'click-beep' sound that I thought 'Why didn't you pretend you weren't home, stupid?' and then I said “Who is it?”
And what sounded like the happiest girl in the world said “It's me, Emma! Hiii!” and I thought 'Oh no. Fuck!'
And I thought about what to say, that something had come up, that I had someone over, that it was a bad time after all, that I just didn't want her here right now because Veronica was amazing in bed and I wanted more. And I pushed the button and said “Cool, come on up.”

Then I ran to the bedroom and picked up my pajamas from the floor by the bed and quickly put it on and Veronica was still asleep and the air in there smelled like a mix of lotion and sweat and pussy juice, and so I shut the door and when Emma came in I was making coffee and I said “Hi. Want some?” and she said “No thanks. Were you sleeping?” and I said “What? No of course not” and she was looking at my pajamas and I hadn't even zipped it up in the front and so I did that and said “Just my 'Stay home and do nothing' – outfit” and she said “Okay, cool.”
“Well, this is mine” she said and did a little twirl and she had obviously dressed to be sexy, with a pleated skirt and a white blouse with a black bra under it.
“Nice” I said.
Then she looked around at the apartment and she said “Wow, this place is great” and I said “Thanks” and “Are you sure you don't want anything?” and she said “No thanks” and I sat down at the kitchen table and she did too and all I could think about was what excuse I could come up with to make it as short a visit as possible and then she opened the bag she had with her and pulled out a bag of Doritos and a bottle of Pepsi and then a big bag of some kind of chewy sweets and she said “I thought we could watch a movie or something” and I said “Oh. Look... Emma, I...” and she could hear it in my voice of course and she quickly said “We don't have to. If you don't like movies. We can do whatever you want to do”.
And I said “No, it's just...” but she cut me off again and she was talking so fast and she said “We can just talk. Like we do. I like that. Maybe I'll have that coffee after all. I don't really like this stuff anyway I just thought maybe you liked it. I mean, not that I think you eat this stuff all the time or anything. I know you don't, because you're so beautiful and...” And when she had said that she bit her lip and her face went bright red and she started putting the snack back in her bag, but this time the Pepsi bottle didn't fit and she struggled with it almost as if she was panicking or something, even just trying to pound it into place, and then she gave up and put it back on the table.

“You want me to leave, don't you” she said quietly, staring down at the table and I said “What? No, no I don't”
“Yeah, you do.”
Then none of us said anything for a minute or so and then I said “Look...” and that's when Veronica walked in.

And she just said “Oh” when she saw us, and she was still naked and Emma's jaw dropped.
“Uhm...” Veronica said. “I'm...”
But then she smiled and shrugged and said “So, any coffee for me?” and she pattered over and sat down with us, putting her feet on the corner of the table. “Sure” I said and got up. “And... you know, clothes maybe?”
“Nah, I'm good” she said. “Who's this?”
“Emma” I said, and Emma was still staring at her with her mouth open. “Emma, this is Veronica” I said.
And now she looked at me and said “But... you invited me” and I sighed and said “I know. I just forgot. I'm sorry.”
“Is she your girlfriend?” she said.
“No” I said but Veronica said “Well, I'm not not her girlfriend either”, probably just trying to be funny and I said “Come on, Roni”.

Emma grabbed the Pepsi and then quietly and maybe even a little bit angry, she said “Can I have a glass, please?” and as I opened my mouth to say yes she unscrewed the cap and instantly like half of the soda just shot out of the bottle and all over her and she tried to put the cap back on but that just made it worse and it threw foam everywhere in the kitchen, and she dropped it and it fell over on the table and spun around until it pointed at Veronica and squirted all over her feet and legs, and Veronica shouted “Ah fuck!” and kicked the bottle neck so it spun around again back to Emma and there it just went “glugluglug” at the edge of the table as it emptied the last drops in her lap.

And everyone was quiet for a long time, Veronica and I were just staring at Emma and she was just staring down at herself and then she said “I'm... I'm sorry” and I said “It's okay”.
“Come on” I said. “I'll show you where the bathroom is and you can take a shower and we'll find some clothes you can borrow.”
“Okay” she said.
“And then we can all watch a movie together” I said, and she said “Okay” again.
So I took her hand and led her to the bathroom and I handed her a towel and then I said “I'll put your clothes in the machine right away” and she said “Oh okay” and she hesitated a little but then she started to undress.

She gave me her clothes and I said “So just shout when you're done, okay? I'll find something for you to wear” and she just nodded with her hands on her tits, covering herself.
I turned around to the door, but then she suddenly said “Don't go” and as I turned to her again she jumped at me and kissed me.
I grabbed her arms and pushed her away and she looked down and said “I'm sorry” and I said “Look, Emm...” but she lifted her head and tried to kiss me again and I pushed her away again and said “Emma, don't”, but she took my hands and put them on her tits.
“Why?” she said and tried to kiss me for the third time and I pulled my head back. “You said you don't have a girlfriend” she said.
“That's not what I said.”
“Please” she said and put her lips on mine again and this time I let her and I think it was because I thought maybe she would be satisfied with that and that would be it, but then she pushed her tongue in my mouth and I let her do that too and her tongue swirled around and my tongue met hers and followed it into her mouth like it had a mind of its own and I still had my hands on her tits and now this young girl that was naked and in love with me was turning me on and I couldn't help it and then Veronica walked in with clothes she had found for her, and she saw us kissing so without even stopping and without a word she just made a 180 and headed out the door, but then she turned around again and said “Don't mind me” and put the clothes on the chair before she turned to leave again and Emma really didn't mind her and just kept kissing me and so I pushed her away again and said “Okay, so... you have what you need, so...” and then I almost ran after Veronica.

And Veronica and I were cleaning the kitchen, and she was still naked and watching her like that turned me on more but I didn't tell her that and instead I said “Shouldn't you put something on?” and she said “Why?” and I said “Come on, she's 16” and then I told her everything about Emma, how I met her and what was going on and we both laughed a little at it all.
And then Emma came out and I thought 'Oh Roni, why would you do that to me?' because now Emma was wearing what Veronica had gotten her and it was my black see-through night gown and under it all she had was one of my see-through panties, and I could tell she didn't seem to care too much about shaving down there.

“Oh, you should let me do that” she said when she saw what we had been doing.
“Yeah” Veronica said. “That's true. But we're done anyway. What movie are we watching?”
“Anything,” Emma said. “Anything you want. Really.”
So we walked over to the living room but then Veronica said “Yuck, my feet are so sticky” and I said “Go take a quick shower” and Veronica said “Yeah, okay” but then Emma turned to her and, kinda timidly said “Or... you could let me take care of it.”

“What do you m..?” Veronica said, but Emma just dropped down on all fours and started licking Veronica's feet, from her toes up to her ankles, like a kitten lapping.
“Oh fuck” Veronica gasped as Emma went from one foot to the other and then kept going up to her knees and back down again. Then when she was done after maybe a minute or two she sat down, with her butt on her heels and looked up at Veronica.
“I'm sorry you had to clean up my mess” she said. “I've been bad.”
Veronica looked down at her wide eyed, but then her face changed and she got that naughty, crooked smile of hers, and she said “You want to be punished, don't you?” and Emma nodded slowly.
“Turn around” Veronica said and Emma did as she was told, and stood on all fours again, facing me this time. Veronica lifted her right foot and put it on Emma's pussy, rubbing it with her toes, and Emma reacted with a long “Mhhhmmm...”
“You deserve to be spanked, don't you think?” Veronica said and Emma said “Mm-yess I do”.
So Veronica squatted down behind her and lifted the night gown away from her ass and started to spank her and Emma had her eyes closed and was clearly enjoying it. “But I'm not the only one who had to clean up after you, am I?” Veronica said.
“No” Emma whimpered and looked up at me and her glasses were fogging up and I walked up in front of her and I knelt down and pulled the gown off of her and then I stood back up and lifted my foot and pushed my big toe in her mouth and she sucked it eagerly.
“There you go” Veronica said and kept on spanking her, and then she pulled her panties down and off and Emma went “Ohh...” with my toe in her mouth and then Veronica stuck her thumb in her mouth and covered it with spit before she put it right on Emma's clit.
And that was all it took to make her cum.

She had my toe in her mouth and she bit down on it as she screeched “Aaa-eeeehh...!” and her body shook and Veronica rubbed her clit till she fell down on the floor between us and rolled over on her back, panting.
So Veronica and I let her be and walked over to the couch, and she laid down and I took my pajamas off and laid down on top of her with my head between her thighs and my pussy in her face and it didn't take long for both of us to cum.
Then we sat up and looked at Emma, but she was still laying on her back on the floor with her eyes closed, and we were sure she had fallen asleep.

“Emma!” I said, a little harsher than I meant it to be and she jolted up and looked at us like she had thought she was alone. “What?” she said softly and covered herself, with her left arm across her tits and her right hand in front of her pussy as if she was suddenly embarrassed about being naked.
Veronica giggled. “Did you fall asleep?” she said.
“No” Emma almost whispered.
“Do you want more?” Veronica said and Emma looked down and then she nodded slowly. “Yes please” she said, and we never got around to watching a movie that night.

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Chapter – 1 The Beginning Day one of their journey through school they met, Kim Driver one of prettiest girls, the most athletic and the toughest kid in kindergarten, Ron Clark squirt kid afraid of nothing, tried anything but always got hurt and Lori Ferst little princess, teachers pet and didn’t like to get dirty. They hit it off and became friends. Ron loved doing everything that Kim was interested in and Lori was curious about why they did the things they did. The three carried on that way...

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Hannahs Secret pt 2

PART TWO: Two years later I hadn’t seen or heard from Hannah since the last time I was in New York to do a poetry reading at the public library. That was two years ago and now I was back to do a reading at Barnes and Noble from my recently published book, Morning Songs. Hannah had been careful not to tell me where she lived or give me any information about her, so I had no way to let her know. I try not to have expectations and have learned that when I don’t have expectations, I am never...

1 year ago
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An Ordinary Movie Date

His car came to a stop in front of the house making that horrid rattling sound that it did. Before he could even turn the ignition to kill the beast, she came walking out of the house with a skip in her step. Lucas watched eyes agape as his new girlfriend Kristina made her way to his car. She was so beautiful, way out of his league and he knew it. “Hey babe,” She stuck her head through the driver side window and gave him a kiss. “What took you so long? I thought we were gunna miss the movie...

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The Worlds First Futa 01 Transformed into a Futa Chapter 2 Futas First Taboo Menage

Chapter Two: Futa's First Taboo Menage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 April 17th, 2047 “So your boyfriend just caught you fucking his step-sister right after you two had sex for the first time,” Adelia, the talk show host, said, leaning close to me. “What happened next?” My futa-dick throbbed in my panties as I sat cross-legged, facing the world as I talked about the intimate details of my life that happened thirty-years-ago. But I could still remember the events so clearly. I...

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Miss Jones Part One

When I was growing up back in the fifties, our family lived in a small Kansas town where everyone knew everyone. Besides the Catholic School, it had only one elementary school, one junior high, and one high school. Corporal punishment was a given, and my parents had signed papers allowing my teachers to punish me by spanking me. I didn't necessarily liked being spanked, but that was the way the school was run. This incident happened when I was eighteen years old and was in high school. I was...

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The Spinning Watch

Myths About Hypnosis People often fear that being hypnotized will make them lose control, surrender their will, and result in their being dominated, but a hypnotic state is not the same thing as gullibility or weakness. Many people base their assumptions about hypnotism on stage acts but fail to take into account that stage hypnotists screen their volunteers to select those who are cooperative, with possible exhibitionist tendencies, as well as responsive to hypnosis. Stage acts help create a...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 859

This one is compliments of Joe S. A father had three teenage daughters and tonight they were each going out on their first date. To convey the right impression, the concerned father decided carry his shotgun when he met each young man at the door. The first date arrived and said, “Hi! My name is Joe. I came for Flo. We’re going to the show, is she ready to go?” The father decided Joe was OK and the couple left. The second young man knocked and said, “Hi! My name is Eddie. I came for...

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i knew this was going to be a good day, right from the start... PING! morning glory, i start stroking my cock hard and ferociously, slapping my balls. then i hear the voice of a deprived sex deamon... 'rebecca'. so i lept out from my bed and towards the window, and when upon opening it i catch a glimpse of her. her hair blowing in the wind, her lucious feet and black painted toenails and her and her tight ass suffercating in her tight short jeans. as i continue to stare, she see's me and smiles...

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Valentine visit in blue jeans and black belt

My favourite friend made much impression last year with her last minute message to my granddadThe slender sexy yummy young blond beauty begged him for his congratuations on Valentine's Day!Not only because of friendship to a favourite female friend but because of her birthday that dayGranddad got very fond of the shy sexy sweetheart but I knew she was mine as we are both lesbiansSoon I sneaked to the laptop of my old man when he was asleep to talk to the tasty fresh friendSoon I sneaked into...

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PenthouseGold Africa Danger Blonde MILF Africa Danger Takes BBC Anal

Blonde vixen Africa Danger is a hot MILF who is longing for a humongous black dick in this hardcore Penthouse film. This BBC-loving babe gets on her knees to work Black Prince’s cock with her hands and mouth before he bends the horny siren over to fuck her from behind. After riding her man cowgirl on the kitchen counter, the racy glamour girl slips his dark man meat into her ass, taking his long thick shaft as he pounds her hard then finally finishes him off with a naughty ass to mouth...

3 years ago
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Sex confessions

*When I was very little I discovered that pressing my cock against my thigh felt good and would do it, apparently while others were there. I was rebuffed for that so did it in private, but Mom could hear from the other room. She would yell out, "Peter! Stop grunting!"*When I was much older, but had not yet discovered masturbation, I was home sick for about a week. I was all alone. My cock would get hard and I had always been intrigued by that. During this alone time I tied string around...

1 year ago
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A first meeting for Web Lovers

‘Hi, you must be Kelly?’ said the tall guy as he approached the woman alone at the table. She looked just like in the pictures. ‘Yes, I guess that means you’re Alan, right?’ She said, thinking those photos don’t do him justice. ‘Right! Can I sit down?’ He asked politely. ‘Please do…’ She said waving to the seat opposite. Feeling his leg brush hers as he sat down, sending a tingle through out her body ’…oops sorry’ she apologised, not meaning it, but not wanting to seem too tactile. ‘No, I’m...

2 years ago
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XSFGCChapter 22 Religious Zealotry

The man kneeled in the back garden away from peering eyes. Rising from the ground in front of him were eight headstones. The man had only known one of the eight individuals engraved on the stones but he prayed for all of them. When the man was troubled or upset, praying helped him but this was also the time he set aside for his daily prayers. "Brother Kurt?" "Yes my child?" Kurt Wagner had been many things in his life. Mutant, believer, freak, gypsy, lover, circus star, hero and...

3 years ago
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Giving a blowjob on the beach

I love being naked whenever I can, in the house, on the beach or in the car. The feel of being naked is simply the best. but in Hong Kong it is not so easy to get naked outdoors but where there is a will there is a way, and a place. I love the sight of naked people too whether it be male or female and there is always the thrill of getting hard and having a little fun too, especially if it is quiet. Walking around with a hard-on getting looks from everyone is an exciting experience which always...

3 years ago
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Letters from Sky Part 8

Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 8 © 2008 by Jan S ____________________________________________________ Sunday, May 4th (morning) Hi there, Marsh!! OK, I'm all rested up, had my Cheerios (Honeynut, course), and ready to tell you all about Kaezee. That's from her initials, but she spells it out like that but sometimes puts a capital Z in the middle, and she says the boy in her...

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Into It repostChapter 8

It was Monday afternoon and we were talking again and I said, "This coming weekend, I need to take you to meet my parents." Karen looked excited. I continued. "Love, they are as different from your parents as night is from day." I shrugged. "They are different from me, too. I'm considered the black sheep but not because I have been accident prone. They don't like it that I go to church. I made that decision in early middle school. It was popular with my grandparents but not my...

2 years ago
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Dream Rose fucked

My name is guru name changed i am from pune and this is my real story that happened 9 onths ago i am working in wipro and have a girl who is working with me on the same floor her name is rose. This is the girls real sudo name.we are from delta floor. Now comeing back to the story.rose is a very beautiful girl and her figure might be 34/26/30 the whole floor was mad for her big boobs but she was in love of a guy named steven paul the real sudo name .they both were going around for 4 years but i...

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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 12 The Dying Of The Light

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...

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HindsightChapter 11

When Drew was out of sight, Dana moved next to her still very excited friend. She smiled when she didn't resist as she pulled her into her arms. Their lips pressed together. It was Dana's turn to moan when she tasted Drew's sperm in her mouth. When she pulled away she said, "Your mouth tastes sweet. Giving a blow job is fun isn't it?" Her hand slipped under the water and between the younger woman's legs. "Yes," Mary Ellen answered. Suddenly, her eyes opened wide and she gasped....

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Lindas Medical Nightmare

Linda?s Medical NightmareBy the Bitchfinder GeneralPart OneFor the next couple of days things went quiet. Michelle managed to control herself and behave properly both in class and in a counselling session she had with Linda. Hoping the troublesome student had learned her lesson, Linda relaxed.Then her world was turned upside down. Under the terms of her contract while she remained on her three months probationary period she had to go through a monthly medical assessment. With her somewhat...

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married my young son

Hi, am Zizi, am 35, am not what you'd call a natural woman, am quite fake, by that I mean am a very fake bimbo, blonde, blue eyes, high cheekbones, incredibly busty "fake 38DDD" and I always wear ultra padded bra, unless am fucking someone.I always wear shiny or glittery short dresses and super shiny pantyhose, I never wear heels less than 6"...and nothing of this is painful as I take steroids and had this lifestyle since I can remember along with my friends; we used to compete who can get the...

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A Picture to Paint Part One

I was at my easel, failing yet again to create something beautiful when I heard a knock at my front door. I looked at the clock and my eyes popped wide open: it was four o'clock and I realized that it must be my buyer standing outside my apartment. Panic set in. I slammed my paint brush down onto the table and called out, "Just one moment,” as I rushed to the kitchen. I dampened a paper towel with water and tried to wipe splatters of paint off my face and hands before meeting the man interested...

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Auntie Mabel Ch 01

JOHN. John woke up late, but it was no problem as it was a Saturday and he didn’t have to go to work this weekend. He had overslept a bit because last night had been his eighteenth birthday and he had been out with a few friends celebrating. Luckily he never suffered from hangovers so although a bit tired he was otherwise ok. Feeling the now familiar ache in his cock he resigned himself to his morning wank. He had tried often to ignore his cock’s demands but if he didn’t see to it then he...

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Omg Iv only had sex with one guy as was with the same guy for four years and he never once made me orgasm.. I thought maybe it was me that i wasnt as sensitive down there as other girls or something..anyway I know now that he just wasnt doing it for me because last night I had a really naughty cam session with a guy from manchester..he was really fit and in great shape especially for his age(59)He said he had a thing for school girls so i put on an old school uni that fit me when i was 14 but...

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hotel main chudia

hi dear readers. thanks for response to my earlier stories. silkman again here for new readers; i am a 42 years old business man oftenly travelling to jammu, ludhiana, chandigarh, delhi and bangalore. i enjoy lot on tours either taking girls from escort agencies or seducing lonely girls/ladies in restaurants/bars and taking them to my room for a good time. i like all varieties of girls aging 18-35 years, virgins, blondes, housewives, working women , students etc just the girl/lady should be...

3 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 27 Bridges Built and Rebuilt

Elizabeth Burbridge and her escort approached the city walls with trepidation. Jonathan and Elena had given her time to consider the facts they had provided about her mother’s actions. She still hadn’t come to a conclusion but her anger was no longer spread to the entire world. As it was, the one person she didn’t want to see was the one who spotted her at the entrance to the city. King Joseph, flanked by half a dozen soldiers, walked toward her and she cringed. There was a part of her that...

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A decent lady and her daughter my best companions

I was in marketing job with a multinational and was having a big area to cover. After one of my colleague left the job, my company added a portion of his area with me until a fresh candidate could be appointed. I visited this place for the first time and was surprised to find out it was one of the most backward place in terms of lodging and food. There was only one hotel, a very dirty one, small rooms and no facilities. The place itself was far away from my native place, a 6 hours journey. A...

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IHaveAWife Cassidy Banks 22671

“Give me what I need, and I’ll give you what you need.” Charles hasn’t heard that in a LONG time, especially from a horny, busty chick like Cassidy Banks! He stops by her house asking her to sign a petition to keep the city from replacing a local park with a strip mall. But the thing is, Cassidy likes strip malls…but she also likes dick! Charles has the cock that she wants, and she has the signature that he wants, so…boom! Cassidy accidentally spills water on her top, so out burst her big...

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The Lonely Night

I lay on the bed in our spare bedroom, whilst my wife and her ex-boyfriend were next door in our marital bed. We’d just had dinner and some fun downstairs and Linda had suggested that Christian sleep with her overnight, as he was our guest and because I got to do it every night. Before I could think about it, the words, that’s fine, had spilled from my mouth. That was a few minutes ago.Thoughts were rushing through my head. What were they up to? How did I end up in the spare room? What would...


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