New Discoveries Pt 2 free porn video

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After getting my face rammed at the shack I made my way home through the woods. It was made much more difficult than I remembered in my younger years because I walked through the heavy brush in skirt and not pants like I was used to. My skirt got caught up on vines and other thick shrubs as I made my way home. Finally, I was able to see my apartment complex and I headed for the back door.

When I opened the door I could hear my mother getting ready for her day waitressing. I skipped into my room and quickly took off my girl clothes. I threw my skirt, bra and panties into the hamper just when the door flew open. I wasn't startled by my mom barging into my room because we lived in close quarters and she had done it many times throughout the years. I looked back at her with my bare ass exposed. She looked upset.

"Yeah, mom?"

"Where have you been? I was worried sick," she said.

"Oh, I just went out exploring in the woods... For old time's sake."

"You could have at least let me know. I'm heading off to work. Do you need me to pick up anything before I come back?"

"No, mom, I'm fine. Thanks."

"Okay. Put some clothes on, honey. You never know who's watching. I've been seeing this red truck drive back and forth through the neighborhood lately. Gives me the creeps."

"Sure mom."

She did a quick turn and headed out the front door but she didn't bother to close mine. I continued to examine myself in my mirror and enjoyed my naked body. After that last guy stole my underwear I knew I needed to get some more. But again, I didn't have any money. Anything extra I made when straight to the rent or the bills. I made my way to my doorway to close it but out of the corner of my eye I saw that red truck sitting out front of the complex. I walked closer to the window and found my mom stood by the driver's window and speaking with the driver. I couldn't see the driver because my mom was blocking them.

Mom turned around to look back at the complex and I ducked my head down behind the wall. I waited a short while before I poked my head back up. When I did my mom had opened her car door. She shut it, started the car and began to back out of the driveway. When I looked at the truck I saw that guy from before! The one who gave me a ride home from the party. Had he been scoping out my home?

He stared at my mom's car as she pulled away. He didn't even look up and I saw him try to start his truck.

"HEY!" I yelled without thinking.

He looked up and a smirk crawled across his face. He waved at me to come down. I held up a finger to let him know I would be a second. I ran into my room to get a change of clothes. I threw on a shirt, boxers and a pair of pants. Just before I made it to the door I looked at myself in the mirror. FUCK! I was dressed as a guy! Idiot. I took the clothes off and looked for something girly to wear but all my skirts and panties were dirty. And my dirty girl clothes were at the bottom of my hamper so I knew that I shouldn't even bother trying to pull them out.

I panicked. But then I thought, 'I'll just go grab some of my mom's clothes!' She has slightly bigger hips than me but I've tried on a few things and I knew some clothes would definitely fit. I ran to her dresser and pulled open her panty drawer. I grabbed a black mesh thong and closed the drawer. I looked through her other drawers and found some skinny jeans, and a spaghetti stap shirt. I quickly threw them on and gave myself a once over in her mirror. I still looked good even if I didn't fill out her D-sized stretched out shirt.

I ran downstairs to open the door. Just when I turned the knob and yanked on the door I heard a slight knock. As I stood there in my mom's clothes the man stood in front of me at least a head above me. I was silent. I hadn't expected him to be at my door.

"Hey there, missy," he said and placed one of his hands on the door jam, "been looking for you."

"Hi. What are you doing here?" I asked exasperated.

"I was in the neighborhood and thought I would stop by to see my favorite little hitchhiker."

"And that's me?"

He leaned in and said, "Couldn't get you out of my mind."

"I must have done something special but you shouldn't be coming by my place," I said, "You've got my mom all worried."

"She's fine. She just knows what some stranger's would like to do to her little girl," he said as he looked me up and down.

I blushed. I looked down at my feet and mumbled, "You think so?"

He stepped though the doorway and placed his hand on my hip. He pushed me against the wall just inside the door, leaned down and kissed me. I held myself to the wall and raised my arms over my shoulders. He stepped inside and kicked the door shut. Part of me panicked. He was in my house, he was stronger than me and he could do whatever he wanted and no one would ever know because my neighbors were all working in the middle of the day.

His other hand came up to my neck and he put his thumb over my throat. I held the outside of his hand and grabbed the back of his head like I had seen in the movies. It started out as an act but as soon as I accepted his tongue in my mouth I felt at ease. His hand glided from my hip and around my ass. He squeezed it firmly and pulled me into him. His cock was semi erect against my leg. I swooned.

Next, his hand moved up my ass and under my mom's shirt. He pushed his hand across my back and up around the back of my neck. I let my hands fall to his waistband. I grabbed him by the belt and pulled him against me so I could feel his cock against me. He was harder now. I could feel the heat radiating off his manhood.

We were breathing heavy as he pulled my shirt up. I raised my arms and let him undress me. He looked into my eyes for a brief moment then dropped his face to my chest. He grabbed the skin around my left nipple and held it tightly before he put his mouth over my nipple. I squealed sharply. He rolled his tongue over my nipple and flicked it in his mouth. He sucked so hard that I had to grab onto his hair to release my pent up energy.

"Fuck yeah baby girl," he said so close to my nipple I could feel the hot air escape his mouth. He sucked and played with it so much it stood erect. I was so surprised by the sensation that my cock didn't even register it and was sitting quietly inside my mom's panties.

Suddenly he turned me around and pressed me against the wall. He held me by my hips and the back of my neck. Then I felt him push himself up against me. His cock swelled behind his jeans and sought shelter against my ass. He kissed my neck and played with my ear. Now, my dick knew it wanted some of this action. He pressed against me and drove his dick up and down the crack of my ass.

"You like that, bitch?" he asked in a deep voice that barely registered over a whisper.

I could only nod. I was too aroused to use my words.

"Come here then," he said. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me backward. I fell on all fours right in front of his widened legs. I tried to look up at him but my eyes strained and I could barely see his face through my hair. "Suck my dick," he said, "it's been missing you."

I straightened up and look at him briefly before my gaze came to his tight pants. My hands, without instruction, went for his belt. I struggled to get it undone but once I did his pants loosened. I grabbed his pants by the ass and pulled both his jeans and his underwear down. I was hungry for his dick. It flopped out and thudded against the underside of my chin.

I was almost too eager to find it with my mouth. I chased it down with my open mouth before he grabbed it by the hilt and held it out in front of me. "Go get it," he instructed.

I held my tongue out before I pressed my face to him. I got the familiar sensation of dick once again and I about lost my mind. His dick was hard and my jaw still hurt from the fucking my face got from that man in the shack. He wasted no time putting his hands on the back of my head and forcing me down on his meat.

"God damn, this feels good," he screamed.

I felt just as good. My mouth was being assaulted by a man in my own living room; where I watched TV and played games. The whole room moved so fast as he thrusted me back and forth on his dick. The only thing I could get a focus on was his pubes that looked like they were going to smack me in the eye. I was a slave to his control. He took no time getting me as far down his dick as I could take it.

He must have had his fill of fucking my face so hard because he started long and slow strokes. I was able to take more cock in my mouth but my throat let out sounds I had no control over. My eyes watered uncontrollably. He pulled me so far down onto him that my nose actually touched his belly.

"That's it bitch, take it all. Take my cock in your fucking throat!"

I couldn't breathe. I pressed against his legs for relief but to no avail. I tried to close my throat but all it did was squeeze the tip of his cock.

"You want some air? Ask for it!"

I tried to look up at him. I smacked his legs and tried to yell but it was stifled by his thick cock planted against my vocal cords. He pulled me off a little and I thought I was going to catch a breath but he forced me back down just as far and I felt his pubes again on my nose. My face felt hot and I tried to scream but I couldn't make a sound.

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted the mailman as he walked outside. He looked in and saw me choking on this man's dick. I don't know if he recognized me. Just then I was released from his grasp and I fell onto my hands. Spit and slobber drained from my mouth onto the floor. I glanced at the mailman, through the stranger's legs, who had a concerned look on his face. I nodded to him that I was alright and not to bother us.

"Now that's how you suck dick!"

I felt a sharp pain on my ass and realized he had spanked me. My body jolted when he did it. My ass felt like it was on fire. I couldn't hardly breathe as he grabbed me by the neck and pushed me onto the coffee table.

"Pull the pants off. If your pussy is half as good as your mouth I'll be pleased baby."

Holy shit! This just got too real. He wanted to fuck me now!

"NO!" I shouted.

"Excuse me?" he asked and knelt down next to me. "Is a little slut trying to tell me 'no' right now?"

"You can't fuck my pussy," I said.

"Why the hell do you think I'm going to listen to you?"

"I'm saving it," I said.

"You're a virgin and you expect me to stop now?"

"Please, just-"

"I know just the thing," he said to interrupt me, "Show me that ass."

My hands went to the button on top of my mom's jeans and opened the fly. I reached in and pulled my dick and balls forward against my lower stomach. Then I undid the rest of the buttons and put my thumbs in the belt loops. He stood over me and watched the jeans slowly slide over my ass and down to the back of my knee.

I heard movement behind me and he took a deep breath. His hands grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled them apart. The mesh material stretched over my asshole and gripped hard against my burgeoning cock. His thumb rubbed the skin just under my asshole and I felt the panties slide sideways over my ass cheek.

"Your ass looks just good enough to eat," he said. Without any other words I felt his short whiskers against the inside of my ass cheeks. His tongue rested on the crack of my ass, his mouth puckered as he kissed my asshole and I felt the warmth of his breath in my tight hole. I gasped and sucked on my forearm. I was wholly unfamiliar with this sensation.

He kissed my asshole and gently breached it with his tongue. It swirled inside me and spread my little hole wider and wider. He used his tongue like a small dick and pumped against my asshole with his face. It tickled a little bit but the warm and slippery muscle he had in my ass was driving me wild. I wanted his dick! I wanted him to take me.

He pulled his face back and exclaimed, "Shit, that tastes like virgin asshole!"

"It's all for you daddy," I said in a hushed voice just loud enough for him to hear.

From the corner of my eye, I watched him stand up, grab his cock so it was full then he squatted down behind me. Here it is: the moment of truth. Could I really take it? I had practiced but I was always in control. I'd never had someone have their way in my ass before.

It happened: the mushroom of his cock rested against my virgin ass! I felt him tease it and try to press it into me. I freaked out in my mind but I just laid there like a good little bitch as I waited for him to make it fit. A warm glob of spit landed on top of my ass crack and I felt it run down over my wanting hole. His finger rubbed over my slit and I believe his thumb pressed the spit just inside me. I couldn't believe the rush!

He pulled out his thumb and I shook. Again his cock found it's way back to me and it rested on my hole. Then he pressed harder. My ass was not wanting to cooperate and denied him despite my efforts. He didn't give up. My asshole finally gave. His cock head pulled me open and crept inside. It was huge! My body begged for me to get up and run away but I made myself sit in my submissive position. He pushed on and it opened me wider before the tip fully breached inside me. I squirmed and fought back against the pain.

"Ohhh, fuck," he grumbled.

"Go easy on me," I requested.

"Don't worry. You're getting all this dick."

He pumped his tip inside me a few times before he slid it in further. I almost screamed. It felt like a broomstick was in my ass and he was trying to pull me apart. He pulled it out slowly but my ass didn't want him to leave. It hurt as he moved away from me but then he pressed back against me. I could feel every little bit as it squeezed and prodded me open. I was no longer a virgin. This man had taken my anal cherry and I knew I would never be the same. I was happy that the first man I had ever kissed was now taking my ass. And how he did it seemed so polite; he took his time and realized I was in unfamiliar territory. I was willing to wager that he had done this before (taken someone's ass cherry. Not necessarily a young boy's ass but how was he to know?)

I felt him go in even deeper. My body was at a breaking point. I wanted more of him but I just couldn't take it. I held my hand down to my side and grabbed at his leg to hold him at bay. He now had a steady rhythm and had gotten over half his cock inside me.

"Please, no more. I can't take it," I said.

"No, honey. I came this far. I'm not going to let you turn back now."

And with that, he pulled me to him and I felt all of the rest of his cock get sucked into my ass before his pelvis struck against my ass. I screamed. I was in pure agony. It felt like someone had just stabbed me with a knife, blade all the way to the handle. I tried to stand or move but any movement other than laying there hurt more than just accepting the full length and girth resting inside me. I wanted to cry but the pain started to subside. Pleasure filled the cracks the pain had left in me.

I laid there too stunned and too wounded to move. He pulled himself back and the pain made a slight resurgence. But he filled me once again. He rocked me back and forth on his dick. He picked up tempo and I tried to match him. I wasn't as talented as he was so I decided to just lay there and let him have his way with me. It felt like a crazy roller coaster ride as he was finally able to move almost all the way out and back into my ass.

On one of his longer strokes he actually pulled himself completely out and I squealed as I fell to the floor. I felt empty and it pained me. Before I could register a thought, his cock head was back inside my newly used hole. I backed into him and felt him slide nice and deep. I really enjoyed the feeling this time. I even flexed my asshole to show my appreciation. He returned the favor with a firm slap then a grip on my ass. He picked up tempo again. I could feel the inside of my ass try to hold onto his cock and savor the moment.

He started going so fast that finally I could feel his lap smack my ass and the sound swelled inside me. His hands were tightly gripped around my waist. He groaned and thanked god for this.

"You like this cock in your dirty ass, don't you?" he asked.

"I fucking love it!! You are a god!"

"Damn right baby! Take this dick like a champ."

I bounded against him. His cock swelled and I was possessed.

"Ohh fuck, I'm going to cum baby. I'm gonna cum in your ass!"

"I want it. Give it to me! Please! Cum in my ass," I cried to him.

He held me tight and pressed his cock in as far as he could. His body shook or maybe it was mine but I felt his dick expand and shake inside me. It pulsated then suddenly I felt a warm flood fill my asshole. He came in buckets right in my ass. He shuddered against me for a moment then laid himself on my back.

I laid on the floor and tried to catch my breath. Cum ran out of my asshole and down into my crotch. Our sweat slicked our skin and it felt like the only barrier I had to him. He straightened himself back up on top of me and asked how I felt.

I said, "That was a very new feeling. I've never had someone inside me before."

"Was it good, baby?"

"It was incredible," I said breathlessly.

"We should do it again soon."

His dick lost all its' girth and started to slide out of me. I wanted to keep it in me and still enjoy the moment but I couldn't. Eventually, it plopped out of my ass. I felt empty. Then I thought I should finally ask him, so I rolled onto my back with my legs still covering my penis and asked, "What's your name by the way?"

"Oh," he chuckled, "I guess we never got to that part. It's John. It's fitting."

"What do you mean?"

"Because you blew me for money when I first met you. You know, like your 'John' or something."

"I guess so," I said and guffawed. "Are you going to be paying me this time?"

"I didn't know that was going to be the deal."

"How about this," I propositioned him, "you give me some money and whatever you give me I'll use to get some slutty clothes to wear the next time I see you?"

He looked like he was lost in thought then he scanned the room. He reached for his pants and dug into his pockets. He pulled out his wallet and fished out two $100 bills. He looked at me and said, "Is this enough to keep you to myself or do you have some other guys out there you're trying to impress?"

"Baby, men are going to stare when they see the clothes you get me. Do you want a boy- a boyfriend girlfriend relationship?" (I almost slipped up.)

"Well no but I would like to keep seeing you," he said.

"So how about we keep this thing casual? You have your fun and I have mine but you bring those big balls my way whenever you want?"

He pulled his shirt on and said, "I can live with that. Am I going to have to pay you every time?"

"I think it would be easier if we kept money involved. Ya know, sorta like a professional relationship."

"Fine by me babe. But I really want to see you in some pink and black underwear. Be sure to pick up some thongs and g-strings. The tighter the clothes, the better."

"Whatever you want."

"And call me daddy," he demanded.

"Daddy," I said and blushed.


I put my dirty clothes and my mom's clothes, including the cum soaked panties, in the washer and waited around the house. I was so aroused but I didn't want to masturbate just yet. I wanted to be in MY clothes. I wanted to dress like the girl Ryan and put a dildo in my ass and masturbate while thinking about John giving it to me in my living room. My mom would get back home around 10 that evening so I had plenty of time to wash the clothes, get them dried and folded before she got home.

I was too eager to dress like a girl again so I went back to my mom's room and looked through her underwear drawer again. I found some deep red panties that looked astounding on my ass then picked out some workout shorts and a tank top. After I put them on I felt so good about myself. I checked out myself in the mirror and wondered if I really had what it takes to have John come by and take me whenever he wanted without my mom getting suspicious.

Then I remembered the mail had come. I knew no one in the neighborhood would see me walk to the mailbox and back so I just hopped outside in my tight little outfit and sauntered to the mailbox. I opened it up and found bills and local shopping coupons. As I organized the pile on top of the mailbox I noticed something in my peripheral vision. I looked over and saw the mailman coming back my way from his route. He smiled and waved so I returned the gesture.

"How are we doing today?" he asked.

"I'm doing lovely. How are you?"

"Oh not too bad. Say, did Miss Langston (my mom) move out?"

"No. Why?"

"I've been doing this route for a while and I haven't seen you before," he said and stopped on the other side of the mailbox from me.

"She still lives here," I said.


"What is it?" I asked.

"I know her son lived here but I didn't know she had a daughter too."

"No," I tried to force a laugh, "I'm her niece! I'm just visiting for a few weeks."

"Seems you already found some company in the neighborhood," he said with a wry smile.

"Oh that? Sorry, I didn't know that you'd be coming by. I would have pulled the curtains if I knew better."

"It's nothing I haven't seen before. Matter of fact you'd be the second couple I saw on my route today having a little fun."

"We aren't a couple, he just gave me a ride," I said.

"I saw that," he said with a genuine older man's laugh.

"That's not what I meant," I tried to correct him.

"What did you mean then?"

"He just- I met him-" I couldn't think of how to put it and continued to stammer but never fully formed a sentence.

"You don't have to explain. I can keep my mouth shut."

"Thank you! I can't have my m- my aunt knowing I fucked a stranger in her house. She'd kill me."

"That man was a stranger? He was really taking you to town," he said.

"What I mean is... I mean I know him but like... ugh. I'm sorry. I'm all flustered after all that."

"You should get some water," he recommended, "I know it does wonders for me."

"I'll try that."

There was a pause and I started to notice the sweat on his brow, his short uniform and how soft the hair on his legs looked.

"Would you like a drink of water?" I offered.

"That would great," he smiled. "It would really help me get through today. I already drank my stash."

"Come on in. I'll grab you a bottle," I said.

"Lead the way."

As I walked in front of him I could feel his eyes on my ass. I felt giddy and excited. He was much older than me, probably in his late forties, as I thought about his greying hair and the sun kissed complexion I guessed he had to at least be a little older than my mom. I opened the door and heard the washer going. He stepped in behind me and closed the door.

"You can have a seat if you want. I'm sure you're tired from walking all day."

"I don't want to get your couch all sweaty but thank you. I'll just sit on the table if that's okay," he said.

"Yeah, that's fine," I said as I made my way to the kitchen to get a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. I glanced back at him and saw he was still staring at my as just before he sat down. I bent down to get the water out of the bottom shelf and pulled myself back up. I walked back to him and circled in front of the table to hand him the water. I noticed he had unbuttoned two buttons on his shirt and a decent amount of chest hair crept out of it.

"Oh thank you," he sighed and grabbed the bottle. He then applied it to his chest, then his neck and finally his forehead before he cracked it open and took a swig.

"Hot day?" I asked.

"I've had worse." He took another swig and it was more than half empty.

I wanted to sit down too because I was worn out so I plopped myself down on the floor in front of him. "So you see a lot of crazy stuff out on your route?"

"What, like two strangers fucking in the living room? Yeah, a couple housewives have some pool boys and random other men that definitely aren't their husbands," he said with a dirty laugh.

"And you never tell on them?"

"Why would I? I enjoy watching it and no one gets hurt. Some of them have even caught me looking. A few I'm sure have even done it when they know I'll be by. It always seems to happen at certain houses when I stroll by. I think they get off on it."

"How about you?"

"Do I get off on it?" he asked.


"I do. It's better than porn. I've even been invited a few times."

"Have you ever done it?" I asked and sat up on my knees. I was so intrigued.

He finished the bottle then said, "Only once. I have a tight schedule to keep but she grabbed me when I had just finished."

I glanced down at his empty mail bag. "Are you finished now?"

"Are you asking to be nice or are you asking me to stay for a minute?"

"I mean you might as well rest up if you are finished," I put my hand on his warm, sweaty knee. "Right?"

"As luck would have it, I am finished but I am rather tired."

It sounded like a rejection. I didn't want him to go.

"But..." he sighed and let his hands drop to his lap, "if you want to do all the work I will be happy to let you..."

I raised my eyes to meet his. He could see the excitement in my eyes. I smiled at him while he placed his arms back on the table behind him. He opened his legs wide and let me kneel between them. I placed my hands on his belt and quickly tried to get the belt off. I fumbled around with it and he chuckled.

"Excited?" he asked, "Here let me help you."

He stood up in front of me, unhooked his belt, unzipped his shorts and let them drop to his ankles. He stood there in his underwear and said, "I'm going to let you do the rest, but remember I saw your work earlier and I expect that same effort."

I reached for the elastic band of his tight underwear and wrapped my fingers over the top. They were wet with his sweat and had a sweet musky smell to them. I pulled them down to his knees and let them drop to his ankles. His cock hung in front of me. It looks just as damp as the rest of him. I giggled, opened my hands and wrapped them over his dick. I kissed the tip a few times then licked the underside of him.

"Give my balls the attention first," he said.

I followed his orders and dropped my face down to his sweaty, hairy ballsack. I raised his cock up to his stomach so I had better access to his undercarriage. I sucked one into my mouth. It tasted salty from the sweat and smelled like dirty clothes but that only turned me on more. I played with them and smashed my face against his hanging fruit. I couldn't tell if I was making them any more wet so I spit on the base of his cock and watched the spit fall over his girth and back down his balls.

"Damn girl, you are a freaky little thing," he said.

"You have no idea," I said with a wink.

He placed his hands on my head and pulled my hair to the back of my scalp. I held his meat to my face and opened wide. I made eye contact with him and dipped the tip into my hungry little hole. He moaned quietly while I made work of his manhood. My dick was rock hard and I loved the domination I experienced.

His dick was also salty but I didn't care. I loved the feeling his soft flesh made inside my mouth. I could feel his veins crest over my lips and I tasted his tip as it rolled over my tongue and back into my throat. He worked hard to fuck my face quickly. He pressed me so far down my nose was smashed against his pubic bone. With my nose buried deep in his bush he reached under my chin and held me by the throat.

"No hands!"

I held mine out to my side and let him have his way with my face. His nuts slammed against my chin and I gagged uncontrollably. My nose massaged his bush while my tongue danced along the underside of his tube. I growled and snarled at him. My face was red hot and I could feel the vein in my forehead strain under the pressure.

He pulled himself out of my face and I gasped for air. Spit hung from my lips to his member that waited to be satisfied by me. The mailman held my head back and grabbed onto himself. He smacked me across the face with his dick and spit caked to my cheeks.

"Tongue," he demanded.

I held out my tongue and he bounced his dick off it like a basketball.

"You are an obedient little slut aren't you?"

I nodded slightly in agreement.

"You want to try something a little different?"

"I'm all yours," I responded.

"Here," he said and pulled his underwear and shorts from around his ankles. "You ever sucked on a man's asshole before?"

"Not yet!"

He turned around and said, "Then get to it."

He leaned over the table and his balls stared me in the face from between his legs. I grabbed onto the back of his legs and peered into his dark starfish. It was just as hairy as he was. I put my nose just above his asscrack and lowered my lips to his puckered hole. I kissed it at first. His ass tasted wonderful. I licked from his balls to his asshole then tried to poke my tongue through. It was too tight so I placed my tongue against him and massaged the hole. My hands reached for his ass cheeks and instinctively opened him up wider.

"Yeah, get in there," he told me. He reached back and palmed my head and pulled me into him. My tongue finally broke through the seal of his manly ass and he moaned. He told me I was a good little girl and he was a lucky guy.

I pulled one hand from his ass and dropped it to his hanging meat. I curled my fingers around it started to milk him. He encouraged me and told me to keep going. I worked hard to manage sucking his asshole and still jerking his dick. I pulled on it and it seemed to constantly flex in my hand. Slobber ran down from his taint and over his balls. It slicked my hands and fell to the floor.

"Fuck, I'm ready to explode. I want to see it on your tits," he said as he turned around.

I pulled the straps of my mom's top to the side and let it fall around my waist. I put him back in my mouth. I could tell he was close. He grabbed my head and took control once more. Instantly, he was back in my throat and I gagged and gasped for air. I didn't care if I could breathe, I wanted him to cum first.

His cock quivered, his eyes shut and his face looked like he was ready. He pulled it out of me just in time for a blast to crash over my mouth. He aimed himself down at my chest and a thick rope of cum sprayed my sternum and arched out in every direction. Another wave of jizz escaped from him and landed all over me. Then globs of it pooled and dropped down onto me. He stepped closer to me and let it drip down my chest.

I wanted to taste him again so I reached my mouth out and sucked the tip clean of his remaining semen. I sucked on the tip till I knew every drop had been drained from him and rest was in my mouth or on my chest. I presented what was in my mouth before I swallowed it. He dropped to the table and let out a husky sigh.

"I didn't know how much I needed that. Thank you," he said.

"Anytime," I giggled.

"I'm going to make sure this is my last stop from now on if that's the case."

"Please do. I like sucking your sweaty cock. It tasted so sweet."

"Maybe you can wash me up in the shower some time," he suggested, "I'd love to get home to the wife nice and clean after a hard day. Saves me from showering at the gym."

"You're married?" I asked. I didn't really care but this was new information. I had never seen him with a ring.

"Have been for a few months."

"Congratulations, in that case. Does she mind you busting your nut on random girls you meet through your work?"

"She would probably kill me if she knew what I just did to you but she won't toss my salad so I have to get it done one way or another," he explained.

"I can do that," I said happy to help. "Your ass is wonderful!"

"Can't believe you don't have a boyfriend yet," he said and stood up to put on his shorts.

"I'm more into men at this point in my life," I said with the double meaning he couldn't know.

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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 9 Discoveries

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 9 Discoveries She makes discoveries about herself and the future becomes clearer STILL rather stunned and excited by her new apartment, Mandy decided she needed to get two things fairly urgently: her own new mobile phone and a new computer. She locked the apartment and, taking advantage of a lull in the rain, walked up to Chesham Place where she...

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Editing Reailty Book 2 Chapter 13 Voyeuristic Discoveries

Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Thirteen: Voyeuristic Discoveries By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Sam Davies Confusion billowed through me. Daddy was talking to someone that wasn't here as he stared at his phone, his cock throbbing as it thrust before him. Frowning, I wanted to understand all of this. I grabbed his cock, fresh from my ass, as I knelt. “What's going on, Daddy?” I purred then licked the tip, tasting the sour...

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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 4 Shocking Discoveries

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Four: Shocking Discoveries By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Sam Davies Courtney's mouth felt so hot on my lips as we kissed. I trembled on the bed, squirming in my college's school uniform. My heart thudded fast with my excitement. It was Friday, the weekend was before us, and my friends and I were having fun. Her tongue thrust into my mouth as my fingers fumbled at her blouse, working to open her...

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The Neighbourhood 05 20220616 Dinner and Discoveries

Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal, BDSM, blowjob, BDSM, bondage and restriction, cheating, discipline, domination/submission, first time, group, humiliation, incest, lesbian, oral sex, pregnant, romance, teen, threesome, toys, voyeurism, virginity, wife, young. XNXX doesn't...

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When The Sleeper Wakes Part 3 Discoveries

Men are from Earth. Women are from Earth. Deal with it. This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then get out of here before it's too late. You've been warned. Permission is granted to archive or repost this story as long as the...

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The PuzzleBox Discoveries

What happens when Robbie has problems adjusting to her new life with the PuzzleBox. The PuzzleBox: Discoveries By Talonhunter It had been about a week since Robbie had solved the PuzzleBox, and both he and Sarah and many discussions about their future and that of the PuzzleBox. During the week Robbie learned what it meant to be female. Although given the ability to chose and form what she wanted, she was still not quite comfortable about the nuances of being a woman. Sarah...

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Differences 2 Fridays Discoveries

Chapter 2: Friday's Discoveries After a very peculiar, albeit restful night's sleep, I rolled out of bed like always and made my way toward the bathroom. One swat at the wall turned on the lights. Down went the panties, followed by my plump, rounded ass onto the toilet seat. For the briefest of moments, it occurred to me that there was something a little off about me sitting to go pee, but I quickly dismissed this thought as the stream of urine blasted from between my legs, straight...

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Yankee Swap Chapter 2 Discoveries

Yankee Swap, Chapter 2: Discoveries The next morning Ken went out for his morning walk at 7:00 sharp. His internal clock seemed to have decided at some point in the last 15 years that he was supposed to wake up at quarter of seven each and every day. Only rarely did it let him sleep any longer. So he had decided to make the best of it and get some exercise instead of sitting around drinking too much coffee. He had run cross country one year in college, but his knees complained if...

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JOALTChapter 2 discoveries

JOALT - Chapter 2 - discoveries Thru the years of growing up I discovered the Sears and Montgomery Wards catalogues and perused its pages until I found the young teen girls section and went directly to the teen bras and panties section to check out the offerings to those of the fairer sex. How lucky, I thought of them, having the ability to wear such exquisite clothing and underwear to select from, I was so jealous that boys had only two items in that category, boxers or briefs. Well...

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Unexpected Discoveries

? ? STANDARD DISCLAIMER                                 The following story is fiction is intended as ADULT material.  This story has been submitted to an adult group on the Internet.  If the story is found in any other location, it is not the responsibility of the author.  All characters in the story are fictitious; any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. The author does not condone or endorse any of the activities detailed in this story, many of which are dangerous and or...

4 years ago
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Gender Bending Investigations Part 4 Distractions and Discoveries

Gender Bending Investigations Part 4 - Distractions and Discoveries By Farleven I hated to admit that I was glowing. Not only had I managed to work my way on to one of Patrick Oswald's special projects, but I'd also gotten him into bed or at least close enough. For all the sex I'd had over the last few weeks, I had to admit my time with him had been the best. It was hard to explain exactly why. He'd started off as considerate as anyone, but the way he took command, the way he ravished...

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Dudleys DilemmaChapter 6 Mutual Discoveries

Mutual Discoveries When they arrived at the car Luna handed her car keys to Dudley and said, "You drive, for you know the way, and there is no need to worry, I am insured for any driver over 25." Surprised, Dudley accepted the keys and folded himself into the driving seat of her little Mini Cooper. Adjusting the seat for his much longer legs he turned out of the car park and made for his daughter's school. As they drove, Luna turned to him and asked, "Is this going to be a problem for...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 38 Startling Discoveries

Charlie’s POV: (Cont.) With Rex, Jeremy and Willie all being called away to Chicago, and CJ seemingly trying to ‘help Willie’, I told the Family I needed to pay a quick visit to Zeus. I needed to see just how much and exactly what kind of ‘help’ Zeus had actually given my son. Since I’d only be gone from here for a few minutes, Mary was going to just tell everyone that I was going to my cabin for a bit. Bill, Sally, Emmy and their kids would be arriving shortly, so they needed to set...

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New Discoveries

When I was growing up my mother raised me by herself. She had always wanted a daughter so we did a lot of things together. She taught me how to do makeup and style my longer hair. A lot of people frequently commented that I looked a lot like her. It probably didn't help that I had blown out hair and some foundation on during my adolescent years. I was called gay and fag a lot but I never let it bother me. I knew that I liked women and I was getting plenty of attention from girls my age anyways...

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 4 Dark Discoveries

Chapter 4 ‘Were you successful in your mission my Lord?’ asked Draco concernedly. ‘Of sorts Draco,’ replied Voldemort calmly, sat as usual in his high throne like chair in the impressive living room of Malfoy Manor, ‘Gregorovitch did once possess the Elder Wand, but it was stolen from him many years ago. From what I extracted from his tortured mind before I killed him; it was stolen by a young, blonde haired wizard.’ ‘Not a lot to go on my Lord,’ commented Ron, who was sat near the fire...

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 4 Dark Discoveries

Introduction: Harry and Hermione find out more about the Hooded Man from some old friends. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 4 Were you successful in your mission my Lord? asked Draco concernedly. Of sorts Draco, replied Voldemort calmly, sat as usual in his high throne like chair in the impressive living room of Malfoy Manor, Gregorovitch did once possess the Elder Wand, but it was stolen from...

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New Discoveries

My name is Damien, by the way. So yeah, mom’s gone and I’m alone in the house with my jerk of a brother. Like always, I was in my room playing my games when I heard my brother bumping around in his room so stupidly I went and checked what he was doing. I cautiously walked down the hall and found myself standing at his door - a place I shouldn’t even be 5 feet from or he'd kill me. I’d never actually tested that theory out because sometimes he seems like he would actually kill me. I then took...

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Gifted Book 2 ChemistryChapter 13 Discoveries

The next seven months were very busy for the people living in Tah’s house. Prue worked on the business side as required. For the most part, she left it up to the team she had put together to get things up and running. It was their town and their people, so they knew who was who, where the best places to build were and where to get the resources that they need. Lyle had turned out a godsend, and he ran the office. Tah and Raghu looked after everything that needed to happen out of the office....

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Secrets and Discoveries

Kat left work half an hour early. It was a Friday after all... and in any case, her boss hadn't been in all day meaning she'd had to teach his undergraduate tutorial class. The poor life of a 30-something university researcher. There was another reason she was leaving early. She almost broke out in to a run as she was approaching her car. She wanted to be out of there as quickly as possible and she didn't want to be seen doing it. The reason for leaving a little early was simply so she could...

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A Family Man Part 4 Discoveries

Melanie embraced this new dynamic instantly. Although she had always been a submissive, our relationship had opened so much more inside of her that she never realized before. She had told me that she would often imagine what other women might look like pregnant with my child and it excited her. She had mentioned her desire to see me with other women so she could see what she felt, as it happened, but she couldn't answer why. After I brought Audrey and Bonnie into our family, she finally...

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Dares and Discoveries

Cooper was one of Jet's best friends, a seemingly eternally relaxed boy who despite being a bit short and always dressing in dark colors had a pretty powerful presence wherever he went. Part of this was the fact that despite multiple comments informing him of this, he insisted on wearing far too much body spray. However, most of this was attributed to his powerful sense of observation and his willingness to weigh in on the personal matters of friends and strangers alike, offering advice to...

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Summer Discoveries

i was startled out of my deep thoughtsas a shiver ran through me. see, i sleep either nude or in just boxers every night. as my room tended to get hot during the lon, hot summer months. i always had my fan on, and usually set it on low before i fell asleep, but had forgotten to turn it down last night. the shiver ran through me again, this time more around my midregion. i looked down, and realized that i had a boner. "must have been a good dream," i thought. "if only i could remember...

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We take a leisurely hike through the woods after a short drive. I can see in your eyes how happy you are to be free of all distractions of your every day life. It is just you and I walking quietly deeper into the woods taking in the scenery along the path. I can’t help but watch you as we continue on in silence. Graceful and fluid, you seem so at home here in the forest. A rustling in the brush off to our right catches my attention as I stare trying to see what created the noise. I wonder in...

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Dares and Discoveries

Introduction: I wrote this story for my own entertainment, but due to my girlfriends positive response to it, Ive decided to post it here. Though it isnt specified in the story itself, all characters are either eighteen, nineteen, or twenty years old. There are many scenes containing both gay and lesbian sex, so if this doesnt interest you, I would warn you not to proceed. However, if you do continue, I hope that you enjoy. It was late, just after two in the morning, and the thudding music...

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Sibling Discoveries

Introduction: This is a gay story that includes two minors, one aged 17, one aged 11. If you have any problems with that please do not read any furthur. It was late June and my sister and me were outside playing Cops and Robbers. I was eleven and a half at the time. I had short light brown hair, bright blue eyes, a cute, boyish face, full red lips, a nice fit, but pale, body, and, as I would soon learn, a very nice butt. My sister and I soon became bored with the game so we decided to go...

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Sultana Chapter 6 Discoveries

YounosThe Sultana sat down next to her husband, and cleared her throat. Everyone in the room was paying attention, including her ‘lord and master’.“They are using some manner of battle tactics,” she said. “Even a cursory examination of their sheer power will tell any of us that they could decimate our kingdom if that was their purpose. This means one of three possible alternatives. One. Someone inimical to our kingdom who has designs on its resources has managed to control them. Two. These...

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Aaralons Discoveries

Aaralon was nervous; he was not only disobeying conventional wisdom by attempting a summons but he was flaunting the strict rules of the boarding school by doing so. He was twenty years old and had been in College of Light Shadow for the last fifteen of them, he couldn't really remember what his parents looked like and all that really seemed to matter about them was that they'd given him to the college the very week he'd first shown the spark of magic. He was the brightest pupil the College had...

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Big Womans Anal Discoveries

Everyone has a Dark Side. No matter what they say. Throughout history, we have been bombarded with the message that the Dark Side is to be feared. Well, some of us embrace it. I am such a man. My name is Raphael. Society would call people like myself every name under the sun. Sociopath. Psychopath. Freak. Amoral. Remorseless Individual. Embodiment of the Antisocial Personality Disorder. And you know what? They would be absolutely wrong. I'm very much a social person, and I have a lot of...

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Young Discoveries

by Dutts StadlerThis is a true story I WROTE about growing up and discovering your body a itchanges and matures. This is an innocent and awkward experience I had along the way, not unlike what most of us might have experienced; When I first started to learn how to jack off I would lock myself in thebathroom and jack off on the floor. The first time I shot sperm from mycock was when I was only nine years old and in the 4th grade! I'd been growing a small patch of coarse dark pubic right above my...

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Ute Trucking New Discoveries

Ute Trucking, New Beginnings By: Malissa Madison It had been one hell of a party with her friends who were like herself, but she'd not been there to actually party. She just wished that she could find someone that really cared about her that wanted to treat her like the girl she wanted to be. She was bisexual, liking both boys and girls. But she didn't consider herself gay. She could never use her 'clitty' to screw some guy, she had tried that and...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 46 Celebrations and Discoveries

March 19, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “There’s a call for you on line 2, Steve,” Kaitlin said late Thursday morning. I picked up the handset and before I could even say a word, Jessica shrieked almost incoherently that she’d matched with UofC. “Congratulations!” I said. “We’ll celebrate tomorrow night! I assume that Doctor Barton knows?” “He should. The hospitals get their match information sometime between Monday and Wednesday. I’m sure they told him, or that he called the administration...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 139 More Discoveries

Liz Cushman arrived back from the rink after another day at practice. She walked into her apartment and stumbled into the kitchen. There she found Crash hunched over a pan. "Hi, honey," she said, walking up and kissing him. "Wait a minute, you're cooking?" "Yup," he grinned. "I can, you know." "Wonders never cease," she grinned back. "Whatcha making?" "Galumpki." "Scuse me?" "Galumpki. Polish dish--stuffed cabbage. You'll love it." "I'll take your word for it,"...

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Editing Reality Book Two Sultry Fantasies UnleashedChapter 13 Voyeuristic Discoveries

Sam Davies Confusion billowed through me. Daddy was talking to someone that wasn’t here as he stared at his phone, his cock throbbing as it thrust before him. Frowning, I wanted to understand all of this. I grabbed his cock, fresh from my ass, as I knelt. “What’s going on, Daddy?” I purred then licked the tip, tasting the sour flavor of my asshole. It was such a naughty treat. My asshole ached from being fucked, his cum leaking out of me. We were in a side room in my Christian high school’s...

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Editing Reality Book One Naughty Fantasies CreatedChapter 4 Shocking Discoveries

Sam Davies Courtney’s mouth felt so hot on my lips as we kissed. I trembled on the bed, squirming in my school uniform. My heart thudded fast with my excitement. It was Friday, the weekend was before us, and my friends and I were having fun. Her tongue thrust into my mouth as my fingers fumbled at her blouse, working to open her top. Rita’s rump rubbed on mine through my pants as she moaned behind me. She was kissing Tammy. The four of us had been friends for years and years. As our bodies...

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Love and CourageChapter 8 Dark Discoveries

School was finally out and my work took on a complete new set of routines. I called it “Operation Mop-Up.” All the windows had to be cleaned and the floors polished in every classroom and hallway. The bathrooms had to be thoroughly disinfected from top to bottom. The little scribbles and graffiti was the toughest part to get rid of, especially in the girl’s bathrooms. There were the usual smiley faces and the declarations of love, such as ‘I Luv Jimmy’ or ‘Mindy likes Kevin.’ I was surprised...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 57 Rendezvous and Discoveries

July, 1985, Chicago, Illinois On Saturday morning after breakfast with Bethany, Kara, and Stephanie, Kara, Stephanie, and I went to karate. Kara had returned on Friday evening, and because I’d been working, I hadn’t had a chance to talk to her. Her mom was doing well and it was looking like she’d be getting married sometime early in ‘86. After karate practice, we went home, showered, and had lunch. While cleaning up, my phone rang. It was Magda calling to say that she and Bengt had...

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The CatalystChapter 50 Planning and Discoveries

[Bob said, Yeah, I had to carry them out of there and it took 2 days before they could even walk!”] Becky looked downtrodden, “So there’s only a very limited number of people that Charlie and Linda could ever heal?” Mary patted our cheeks, “Yes, as much as they’d like to save the world, it’s something they just can’t do. Our friend and resident expert on these matters warned them that eventually, they could die if they tried to do too many. This ability needs to be their MOST guarded...

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Ships in the NightChapter 4 Discoveries

The next morning, they opted out of a morning run, feeling like they'd more than made up for it with their overnight calisthenics. As they sat across the table from each other crunching their granola, Adam asked if she'd had a chance to inspect the contents of the trunk, knowing she hadn't. "Oh, gosh! You know, I completely forgot about that. I guess I must have been distracted. What do you think is in there?" A shoulder shrug. "I wouldn't have a clue. She was your...

2 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 19 Multiple Discoveries

Mary flashed on our private channel that she just had the same discussion with Rex that I’d just had with Joni. She noted that Melody’s ‘proclamation’ somewhat reinforced Rex’s fears. Before I could even kiss Joni, I felt HER insecurities flare back up too. “Do you want to have a meeting with everyone to talk this out before we continue?” I asked firmly. “I think so ... can I see how Sheila and Jeremy feel about it?” I grinned and nodded, “Sure. Go ahead and mentally call them.” She...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 20 Planning and New Discoveries

We decided to start at the present, since only a few minutes had passed since we ALMOST managed to drown Akbar and Viktor. Rex was eager to see Viktor’s reaction. Viktor was still dripping on the floor and apparently having a mental conversation with someone. Rex asked me to ‘back it up’ until Viktor ‘re-materialized’. We all laughed when Viktor and Akbar appeared laying on the floor looking like two drowned rats. Rex asked, just to make sure, “They CAN’T hear us, right?” I laughed, NOPE....

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 5 Discoveries

Michael sat with Jon'a-ren and another masi'na (male) in a private chamber, a rather large one that he would expect to serve as an exercise or workout area if he were in an Earth building. "Michael, I wish to introduce a good friend and a shipmate, one of us that you rescued with the T'shu-niach. May I introduce Berl'ahan. During your time with us on Earth, he was a masi'mem, a swimmer. He bore a form resembling a penguin, which suited him quite well for sea-harvesting and other work....

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Second ChancesChapter 9 Discoveries

Sandy then went in and swapped out the cans and I saw her every step of the way. Well okay, it worked with Sandy too, but then, I was in love with both girls. I wondered if it would work in other circumstances. I had to try it out so I went out front of the house. I saw a young boy riding his bike down the street. There was a delivery truck coming up the street the other way. I watched the boy and did not lose sight of him even when the truck should have blocked my view. I went back to the...

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Newport Adventures

This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...

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RenewalChapter 2

“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...

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Newlywed Husband Learns the Truth

Newlywed Husband Learns the TruthLisa is a very large woman in her early twenties. She is about 5'6" and weighs about 380. She is definitely what you would call a SSBBW.John is a skinny, dorky white guy in his twenties.Pastor Lamont is in his late fifties, with gray hair and a gray goatee.John and Lisa had dated for almost two years before he proposed. They had a great relationship, but she told him she was going to wait until marriage to have sex with him. Lucky for John, she allowed him...

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Newport Naval Academy

My dick grew semi-hard even before we got out of the car.I knew I wanted to attend the Newport Naval Academy even before my father set the DeSoto's parking brake. Beyond the car window, about twenty feet away, three good-looking boys stood talking. Their tight white uniforms hugged their lithe teenage bodies rather provocatively. My parents insisted on a military type school. I was on my way to becoming a little punk and strict school discipline would "straighten" me out. Well, the "out" part...

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Newlyweds A Halloween Story

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any...

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Newlyweds A Halloween Story

 How do you explain to your fiancé that there are dark secrets – even ghosts – in your family history? And that some of those ghosts are not fully relegated to the past.It was a crisp, but not cold, end of October evening in the “middle ground” just north of Vidalia, Louisiana, when Shelly stepped out of the woods and walked across the harvested cotton patch toward a small square of grass and weeds that stuck out almost like an island into the empty field. If you looked closely at that square,...

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Newlyweds A Halloween Story

 How do you explain to your fiancé that there are dark secrets – even ghosts – in your family history? And that some of those ghosts are not fully relegated to the past.It was a crisp, but not cold, end of October evening in the “middle ground” just north of Vidalia, Louisiana, when Shelly stepped out of the woods and walked across the harvested cotton patch toward a small square of grass and weeds that stuck out almost like an island into the empty field. If you looked closely at that square,...

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Newcastle and the age of consent

Sorry if the title is misleading, but young sex and i****tuous sex are the turn-ons for girls like myself and horny guys wanting a dirty female for fun. Of course as a girl on the legal limit, getting a man inside you is just a nod or a wink away. Drinking from a beer bottle and noticing a guy eyeing you, is fun when you give the bottle an extra push into your mouth and withdraw it with a lip sucking extraction, slow and deliberate, to get the message across that this could be your cock and...

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Newcastle and the age of consent

Sorry if the title is misleading, but young sex and i****tuous sex are the turn-ons for girls like myself and horny guys wanting a dirty female for fun.Of course as a girl on the legal limit, getting a man inside you is just a nod or a wink away.Drinking from a beer bottle and noticing a guy eyeing you, is fun when you give the bottle an extra push into your mouth and withdraw it with a lip sucking extraction, slow and deliberate, to get the message across that this could be your cock and what...

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© Copyright 2006, 2007 Dear Readers, The following story is a sequel to the very first one that I wrote, ‘Remembrance’. It is possible to read and understand ‘Renewal’ without reading the earlier work. If you could do so, however, it might enhance your enjoyment of this story. Thank you for choosing my work for your reading pleasure. Whichever you decide, I hope that you like it. Autumn Writer *********** George glanced at Helen as she dozed next to him, her sweater draped around her...

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Copyright© 2006, 2007 George glanced at Helen as she dozed next to him, her sweater draped around her shoulders. He envied the way she could fit comfortably in the space provided by a seat on an airliner. He was on the aisle, she sat near the window. Even in First Class, his long legs were constantly searching for the right place to be. He refolded them as best he could. He was glad to be on vacation with Helen, but getting there was not 'half the fun'. The flight attendant refilled his...

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RenewalChapter 3

“And she said Marlasion has the information as well?” Desdra Zardow asks from the monitor. “That is what she said,” Regina confirms. They are just hours from reaching Earth to begin their mission. Regina and Greiss have spent much of the time coming up with a solution as well as other activities. “I’m not sure what actions we can take here on our end,” Desdra says. “Marlasion is the second cousin to the emperor, so that can get tricky. I’m sure I’ll have the board on my side just because...

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RenewalChapter 4

The small crew consisting of Regina, Greiss, Marion and one other Extroneon landed the small secondary craft just under the canopy next to a little expanse of open field in the middle of forest land. The smaller craft has a large enough cargo bay to store captives until they return to the much larger ship that awaits them back on the opposite side of the moon. Greiss and the other Extroneon are merely with the ship to ensure if anyone stumbles upon the space craft, they won’t be leaving to...

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Newlywed Game

My friend, Nick, and I had always been good friends. We met Freshman year of high school and somehow managed to stay friends for the next ten years without ever getting romantically involved, which is rare for a girl and a guy during those years. That’s not to say there were never rumors. People always suspected that there was more than we were letting on, but we honestly treated each other like family. For whatever reason, it just never happened. We had each other’s backs through our...

Group Sex
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Newlywed Slaves

Newlywed Slaves By billy69boyWe had a spring wedding, and we couldn't be more in love. Our bliss was extended when we quickly found our first apartment. But it wasn't just an apartment: we were now the proud renters of half a duplex house that was attached to our dear elderly landlady's half of the house. Edna had lost her husband a few years back, and she seemed pleased to have a newly married couple as her next door neighbors. We became fast friends, and even though she had relatives living...

4 years ago
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Newlywed Suzy Part 3

Anyone who has read Newlywed Suzy Parts 1 & 2 will know she is obsessed by sex and will always try to push the boundaries. Our arrangement had now been running for about six months with me sharing Suzy with Steve (her husband) fairly regularly on a weekend, sometimes as a threesome and sometimes just me and Suzy with Steve in the spare bedroom. Suzy had always been obsessed by my cock and commented on it constantly but her next suggestion completely stunned me. We were laid together in bed...

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