Vegas Ch. 05 free porn video

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This is my first attempt at writing, having been inspired by a small band of authors whose work I immensely admire, and I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story in tribute to them.

Having completed the novel, I have learnt so much more than I knew at the outset. Two areas of feedback are welcomed:

1. Comments of encouragement that will inspire me to write more… and constructive criticism that will help me improve.

2. Voting that will help me assess the enjoyment factor…. or otherwise.


Daniel’s troubled mind was beginning to settle down. He felt strong pangs of guilt over his actions with Katherine at the introductory dinner and he was only too aware of how despicable those were. Despite the relationship problems he and Grace had been suffering recently, he had genuinely thought that the visit to Vegas was the opportunity for a fresh start. Even more, perhaps it could have led to a return to the magical early days when they seemed to have been so much in love.

And yet he had betrayed her on their first day in the city.

There was no doubt that he felt a strong excitement around Katherine. She was such a free spirit and she simply oozed a sexuality that brought out in him a degree of arousal previously unfamiliar to him. Even just thinking of her now, as he stood on the Strip waiting for the bus to take him Downtown, was having an effect. The way she had looked at him, her soft voice, her fabulous body, their lovemaking. The thoughts brought an instant erection. What was wrong with him?

He glanced around at the half dozen others waiting beside him at the bus stop, wondering what secrets they had to hide. A Hispanic woman openly returned his stare and he pulled his tired eyes away. He realised he had behaved badly and that despite their recent issues, he was committed to Grace. He owed it to her to behave in the proper manner, especially as she had been so faithful and supportive to him.

Then why was he thinking of Katherine, he wondered again, standing back slightly from the kerb as the heavy, yellow bus arrived at the stop.

As he boarded, he realised that whatever sensations Katherine was producing in him this morning, for whatever reasons, he needed to focus instead on both Grace and his poker. And that started with today’s Final Table. He wearily slumped back in his seat beside a group of excited Japanese tourists, who were jabbering away to each other in their own language.

As he tried to drown the sound, he realised it was not just his thoughts of Grace and Katherine that he had to battle against. It was also the fact that he had had less than four hours sleep last night. To say he was tired from the excitement, adrenalin rush and physical exertions of the previous day was putting it mildly. He felt exhausted, to say the very least, and he wearily closed his eyes in an attempt to block out his thoughts and the noise around him.

Although he catnapped for less than ten minutes, curiously enough it had its effect. Once he alighted and slowly made his way along Fremont Street towards Benny’s Bullpen, an invisible hand appeared to lift the tiredness. Whether it was that brief rest, or the fact that he had shaken other thoughts away and was beginning to focus on his poker, a certain jauntiness returned to both his walk and mental attitude.

Even if he was first out today, his winnings would amount to four and a half times his entry fee. And that was a bonus considering the reason he had entered was to gain experience, and to obtain a flavour for what lay ahead. To have achieved what he had done was beyond his wildest expectations.

He decided to set himself a target and as he was currently in fifth chip position, he set his expectations at a top four finish. He appreciated that every other player had vastly more experience than he had, but all he asked for was a fair share of luck. If that came his way, he felt sure he could astound a few people.

And there was one other factor that he had going for him, he realised, as he entered the casino. That was the element of surprise. Others did not know his game, although unbeknown to Daniel, the news of this rookie Brit had started to spread. Before the Final Table commenced, he was both astonished and delighted to be interviewed by none other than Norman Chad, who along with Lon McEachern, co-hosted the television WSOP broadcasts.

Norm was the ‘colour man’ and Lon the analyst and whilst both of them did excellent jobs of providing insight, Norm had made his reputation with humorous comments on player behaviour, and his ability to find some type of common ground to which the average television fan could relate. It had made him a favourite among the many poker aficionados, including Daniel.

Daniel shook Norm’s warm, hairy hand and told him that he had watched him so many times on British television and was a big fan of his. The friendly Chad thanked him and pointed out that the viewers would be fascinated by the story Daniel had to tell. It took a while to record it all on tape, and after completing the recorded telecast, Norm wished Daniel luck. Not only would his progress at today’s Final Table be monitored and reported, he said, but so would his efforts in the forthcoming Main Event.

The interview made Daniel feel even better and he laughingly told himself that whilst it seemed he was becoming a celebrity, it would certainly be no more than five minutes of fame. Enjoy it whilst it lasts he told himself, but do not lose your focus.

But that focus was not helped when a Practically Poker representative found him, having only just discovered what was happening with one of their qualifiers. He insisted on talking to Daniel about his achievements, before gently and not so teasingly asking why him why he was not wearing any of their gear. Daniel found himself blushing as he realised he had left his pack in the Hospitality suite before he and Katherine had commenced their tour.

‘No problem,’ announced his new friend. ‘I’ll have another one, with a few extra goodies, delivered to your hotel.’

He took details of Daniel’s room and hotel, and then produced a black, long sleeved shirt bearing the site name and logo.

‘How about wearing this today,’ he encouraged. ‘Tell you what, as there’s a little television coverage, we’ll pay you five thousand dollars if you wear this and finish in the top four.’


The phone call had taken Grace by surprise, but she was delighted. It was an invitation to lunch, no less. At Samuel Smith’s. It appeared that Samuel was as keen to see her again as she was to be with him. Instead of her mid afternoon ‘rehearsal’, the female on the other end of the line had asked if she could arrive in time for lunch at one o’clock.

Grace dressed in the sexiest lingerie she had brought with her and made a mental note to purchase more tomorrow. It was ten to one when she entered the club and she walked slowly across to the bar area. Her head swung from side to side as her eyes searched among the impressive crowd of patrons, trying to locate Samuel.

Although the bar itself was very busy, a rather attractive young, blonde haired barman at the far end of the counter caught her eye and waved to her. She made her way over to where he was drying a large glass.

His soft eyes followed her as she approached and he gently said, ‘Hello Grace. You were something else last night.’

‘Why thank you,’ she responded, pleased with the compliment.

‘Want a drink?’ he asked, gesturing to the row of bottles that adorned the bar behind him. ‘Compliments of the house.’

Before she could reply she heard a hard voice from behind her.

‘No, she doesn’t.’

She saw the barman immediately stiffen, almost as if he was about to stand to attention. Grace turned and looked at a very young, attractive man. It was Joshua,
immaculately dressed in a dark suit, white shirt and silk red tie.

‘Hello, Grace. I am afraid to say that my dad has been called away on business for the afternoon. He asked me to look after you. So I thought lunch would be nice.’

Grace took his proffered hand and his fingers gently caressed her palm. Before she could respond to his suggestion, he pointed to one side.

‘Come and join me,’ he instructed.

It seemed more like a directive than a question, and she happily complied as he took her slim arm and guided her along the side of the bar. Opening a partially hidden door to the right, he led Grace up a small flight of stairs. Once at the top he stood aside, opening another door and allowing her to walk in ahead of him. His gaze dropped to the smooth interplay of her buttocks as she walked into the medium sized room and he involuntarily licked his lips as his mind jumped ahead to the pleasures that were in store.

As she looked around, Grace’s interested gaze took in the small, intimate table that stood to one side. There were two dinner places set, and several lit candles giving off a deliciously sensual smell of incense.

‘Please have a seat,’ Joshua said, putting his hand in the small of her back.

His thumb rubbed her skin through the fabric of her blouse as he gently guided her to one of the chairs. As she gracefully took her seat, Grace could not help herself from staring at him. He had the most amazing brown eyes, bright and alert, and she could see them shining at her in the white light given off by the candles.

‘I wanted to thank you,’ he said, reaching for the dish in the centre of the table.

Carefully removing the top with the help of a rich, green, cotton serviette, the air around them was immediately filled with the scent of Italian food. Grace’s nostrils took in the smell of garlic, fresh pasta, and rich cheese and thought the aroma was wonderful. After a moment, she thought about what he had said.

‘Thank me. Why?’ she asked, her eyes flicking between his face and the food.

‘For adding such a touch of class last night,’ Joshua casually replied. ‘You were quite superb, you know. We have big things planned for you, Grace.’

‘Really?’ was all Grace could weakly reply, momentarily distracted as she watched his large hands delicately ladle up several small spoonfuls and scoop them onto a plate. He handed it across the table to her with a huge smile.

For a moment there was silence between them whilst he served himself. Then, carefully placing the lid back on the top of the porcelain dish, he delicately poured two glasses of wine and flashed another smile as he handed one to Grace. As he smiled, she could not help but notice the similarity in looks to his father. But this was a younger version. She felt a familiar stirring and crossed her legs.

‘To success,’ he said, raising his sparkling glass. He waited until Grace did the same and then added, ‘To your success, Grace. You are going to be a big star.’

Grace blushed like a schoolgirl, unsure how to respond. But he continued without waiting for a reaction.

‘My father speaks highly of you, Grace. He says you have a unique talent.’

He reached across and enveloped her small white hand in his as he spoke, his piercing brown eyes burning into hers.

‘Well, actually, he said you had more than one talent.’

Grace blushed furiously again. His words resulted in the arousal between her legs increasing in intensity. But instead of responding, she bashfully looked down at her meal and, taking her hand from his, picked up her fork. She prodded the contents, aware that Joshua was watching as she poked at her meal.

He realised her embarrassment and for the moment wondered if he had gone too far, too quickly. He allowed the comment to stay hanging between them and took a small bite from his own plate. But his eyes never left her face.

Grace dug the fork in deeper and lifted out a portion. The scent was overpowering and she had to try it. The food practically melted on her tongue, her taste buds overwhelmed. An edible piece of bliss, Grace thought to herself, wondering as she chewed and swallowed if she was referring to the food or the young man seated across the table. Joshua continued to watch her, approval glowing in his eyes.

‘It’s delicious,’ Grace said, looking at him again as she re-found her confidence.

The flavours still tingled in her mouth and she watched as Joshua also savoured the food. His attractive, powerful neck moved ever so slightly as he gracefully swallowed. Everything about this man was graceful, she thought. He closed his eyes in appreciation at the taste, and then opened them, smiling at Grace.

She wondered if the smile was in approval at the taste of the food, or at the way she had been watching him.

‘You are quite correct,’ he stated with a brief simplicity. ‘It is delicious. Enjoy.’


The world was moving too fast, Daniel thought. He had eventually sat down at the table having changed into the crisp, clean shirt but declined a matching baseball style cap. He eased his solid frame back against the arms of the chair, lifting the chipped, wooden front legs from the ground as he did so. He closed his eyes and attempted to regulate his rapid breathing. Time to calm down, he told his inner self.

He decided that with so much going on around him, his way of dealing with the unfamiliar attention would be to fold every hand he was given until premium cards were dealt his way. He understood that was not exactly a textbook approach, but knew that he had enough chips to adopt this strategy, for a while at least.

As he nervously glanced around the Final Table, noting the serious expressions adorning every face, he hoped that this line of attack would stop him from doing anything silly whilst his head was spinning. Not only that, but with blinds of 2,000 and 3,000, and betting limits of 3,000 to 6,000, he knew there could be dramatic chip swings. He knew he could make himself look a complete idiot if he made a bad move and exited quickly.

However, he attempted to convince himself that if he could allow a few others to take each other out, then he would move up in position by default. He ordered a diet coke and eased forward in his seat, his searching eyes again taking in the whole table as the dealer prepared to release the first hand.

If he was wondering who would be the first to go, it did not take long for him to find out. The short stack was a mountain of a man with a thick, red, beard and it seemed clear from both his demeanour and early aggression that he meant business. After successive all-ins had improved his chip position, he made the same move again and found himself called by another short stack, a young clean cut kid sporting a crew cut.

The Mountain Man somehow found a straight from a losing position to win his third successive hand and reduce the field to eight.

Daniel exhaled slowly. His worst nightmare of being the first to leave the table had not been realised and he allowed himself a long sigh of relief. Three hands later the Final Table was reduced down to seven. Mountain Man continued with his aggressive style and perhaps encouraged by his doubling up, attempted to do the same again, but this time he decided to lock horns with the chunky framed guy who held the chip lead from yesterday’s play.

The outcome was predictable and Mountain Man left, growling as he stroked his beard.

Daniel realised that he had not played a single hand, and yet he was guaranteed seventh position at the very least. He was around par in chips when the blinds increased to 2,000 and 4,000 and it was then he received his first action. The dealer fanned him a pair of aces with rags. The new short stack, an older guy wearing a crumpled light blue Whistling Straits golf shirt, made a raise in early position and everyone folded to Daniel. After thinking for a few seconds, he r

Whistling Straits instantly called and Daniel knew that by calling, his opponent was pot committed. This hand was going all the way. He felt his throat involuntarily swallow and wondered where that had come from. A long swig from the red diet Coke can eased the dryness.

The flop was Jack–Nine–Ace. His heart beat increased. That gave him a set.

Whistling Straits bet. Daniel re-raised and with the call, Whistling Straits was all-in. They turned over their cards and Daniel saw that as expected, Whistling Straits was on a diamond flush draw. He felt the dryness return.

The turn brought a club, as did the river. Daniel’s internal sigh of relief was almost audible. His chip stack had substantially improved and now there were only six players remaining.

A young kid on Daniel’s left, who looked like he needed a shave but did not look old enough to do so, was running low on chips. He had been sitting impassively for a while but now apparently decided enough was enough, and pushed all-in. Chip leader Chunky naturally called and using the method so prevalent in the tournament so far, took him out on the river.

Daniel had made the last five. Only one more and he would have achieved his last four objective – and another five thousand dollars from his site sponsor!

Hell, he could even win the whole thing, unbelievable as that sounded. There was a good crowd gathered now in the Bullpen, straining for the best view behind the velvet cord. Friends, family and admirers all shouted words of encouragement to the players every so often, or at least, all of the players with the exception of Daniel. Until….

‘How’s it going, Englishman?’

Daniel instantly recognised the familiar voice from the rail and immediately an involuntary smile spread across his still dry lips. He slowly glanced around and saw Katherine beaming at him. After folding his hand, he walked over to where she was standing. He could not help but feel a surge of delight, despite his instant recollection of the conversation he had held with himself at the bus stop.

‘I’m doing okay,’ he murmured nervously. ‘How about you?’

‘Oh I’m good,’ she answered, her green eyes mischievously sparkling as she pulled a strand of her red hair from across her freckled forehead. ‘I’ve been thinking about you. Quite a lot.’

Despite his surroundings, and his newfound intentions of being faithful to Grace, Daniel felt an immediate stirring in his loins. Even as he felt the embarrassing reaction, a cheer went up around them. He glanced back at the table to see the tall bespectacled guy who had been sitting to his right stand up, shaking his head. He shook hands with the other players and then came over and did the same to Daniel.

‘Good luck, son,’ he said, his firm hand shaking Daniel’s and then for some reason added, ‘I’m rooting for you.’

Daniel thanked him, patting the man’s shoulder as he turned away. He began to turn back to Katherine, realising just how pleased he was to see her.

‘That was worth five thousand dollars,’ he began to say, and then caught himself. ‘Wait a minute, how did you know I was playing here….’ he began.

‘You told me,’ she reminded him, her sparkling eyes laughing happily. ‘I could not come to find you yesterday because I was working. So I thought I’d try today, though I’m working again and only have a few minutes. But here I am!’

Her bright eyes sparkled at him and he found himself grinning inanely.

‘You better wipe that college boy smile off your face, Englishman,’ she teasingly said.

She whispered slightly so that he had to lean into her to catch her words. He could smell her fabulous perfume as he did.

‘I was hoping that you had not been knocked out of the tournament yesterday, but I had more faith in you than that.’

Daniel smiled again, his tongue flicking across his dry lips.

‘I have to go,’ Katherine continued, placing her tiny hand on his tanned arm. ‘I just wanted to check. Are you going to Samuel Smith’s to see Grace perform later?’

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Masi Ki Sath Hotel Main Enjoy Kiya

Hi, Anu here main ek mnc main kam karta hu.Godgaon main rehta hu. E story 2 mahine ki pehle kit hi. Meri ek masi ka phone aya ki ek conference keliye goodgaon aarahi hai.Pehle main apni Masi ki bare main batati hu unka nam Rina. Who meri choti chachi ki bahen. Main jab 10th stanrd main padti thi to masi Msc karke Govt job keliye tayar kar rahi thi. Meri 10th exam keliye ghar main sab paresan the ki harara gaon main koi achha tutor nehi thhe, tab chachi ne kaha meri bahen Rina to ghar main he....

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The Traveling WizardsChapter 2

Meric woke to his wife's hand on his dick. Her delicate fingers were lightly stroking the underside of his semi-erect cock. His eyes drifted open. Megan's dark red hair spilled across his chest. "Mmm, Didn't you get enough last night?" he asked. "I only got it once, remember?" She lifted her head and her gray eyes flashed. "That lustful little thing got most of it. I want more." "And tonight is not going to be enough for you?" He already knew the answer but had to ask the...

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Forced Into IncestChapter 10

Amanda thought it best if they stay off the road and take a well worn trail down the mountain. Her platform shoes were not the best for this trip, but she didn't have anything else. After several hours of struggling with the slippery ground and rocky terrain they came to a small town. Hiding in the bushes they peered toward the main area of the town. There were several small stores amongst other buildings on the unpaved road that was the main street. "If we can get to one of those stores,...

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Mom Fucks Uncle With My Guidance

Hi I and mom had moved on from first incestuous sex to horny lesbian and bi sex. Now we fucked very often and openly. Sometimes when traveling when people around us were strangers my mom deliberately let me grope her private parts in some pretext or other. This extended even in front of vegetable vendors and others in our door.   Once in a morning a young looking vendor came to sell fruits. I was reading paper outside and mom came out to purchase. There were melons. Now this guy was smooth...

1 year ago
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iCarly iGet Caught In The Middle

"I can't take you two making out in front of me all the time." Carly said, staring at her two best friends making out on the couch in her and Spencer's apartment."You can leave, you know?" Sam responded, pulling away from Freddie long enough to stare at Carly before going back to kissing Freddie."This is my house," Carly retorted, repeating herself from when she and Sam were fighting over Freddie's friend a few years ago."Let's just head over to mine," Freddie said to her, pulling away, feeling...

2 years ago
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Touched by an Angel

Somewhere in the city there was a piece of hardware that could locate the small slice of moon peeking in through the Westerly clouds. No human eyes could have found it, were any looking. In the old days, these final hours before the dawn would've been blacker than death. As it was, street lights lent humanity a measure of control over the darkness. To add to this, a warm, welcoming glare began to spill out through the windows of coffee shops as their owners eagerly opened their doors just as...

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LorettaPart 4

I watched Loretta’s beautifully manicured hand as she lifted the coffee pot. She smiled sweetly and poured me a cup. At dinner the night before she had told me she would be leaving in a week. “Leaving for where? “I asked. “Back home to the oldies I guess,” she shrugged. I had responded by hugging her and kissing her cheek. I was a little surprised but something told me that there was more to this than she was telling me. Still, it was her life. In the month that Loretta had lived...

4 years ago
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The Box A Gift Of Love

Susan and Michael get naked for the last time. A soldier and a fireman experience the real Nude Day celebration. I dedicate this story to Barb, my friend. I gave her the idea for this story and she told me to run with it. Since high school graduation, Susan and Michael’s favorite holiday was Nude Day. Unlike others who celebrated the naked holiday with a crowd of other naked people, this couple always celebrated that day alone and behind closed doors, albeit even if it was only closed car...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Audrey Hempburne Stepsister Cooch Commiserations

Classy chick Audrey Hempburne is the type of girl who likes to spend a lot of time getting ready every morning. She wants to look her best when she sees the guys she has been fantasizing about all night. But she has a dirty secret. One of the guys she likes to think about most when she is touching herself is her stepbrother. She is embarrassed, even a little ashamed to admit it to anyone. But when her stepbrother finally starts to notice her in a sexual way, she cannot believe her dreams are...

2 years ago
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The Milking Boobs

Hello is everyone? It has been a long time since I wrote a story, and its a pleasure to watch that I still get emails from readers who appreciate the story and share their own experiences. For the 1st time readers I am Nitin 30 year old from Bangalore, a good looking charming fair north Indian residing in this IT city. If you click the link at the bottom on this story you would find other stories written by me. And there are quite a few. I have had interesting experiences and like...

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Voyeur Step Daughter

It all started about a year ago. It was a Friday night and my wife and I were sitting in the living room watching a movie – No Way Out with Kevin Costner and Sean Young. Anyone who's seen it will never forget the very steamy limo scene between Costner & Young.Anyway, my wife and I were watching the movie and as the limo scene was playing out I was getting hard and my wife cuddled in close and began stroking my cock through my jeans.As you might imagine, one thing led to another and soon my...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 10 End of Summer Part II

August 1979 — Hovås and Helsingborg, Sweden On the train southward, I spent time watching the scenery and thinking. Joyce’s letter had jarred loose one thing. I wasn’t interested in her advice. She had asked the right question, of course, but her solution just wasn’t for me, not at this point. Even though I had considered it, I certainly wasn’t following it. Had I followed it, I would never have had sex with Pam, never had sex with Freda, though I should not have done that, given what I...

1 year ago
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Love of PoliticsChapter 3 Afterglow

We had become accidental lovers. Only when some fateful turn in the road made it easy for us to crawl into each other's arms did we do it. On those fateful occasions, our lovemaking was rich, inventive and wonderful. I may sound silly to you, but I formed the habit of dressing as if today would be that day. No longer did tattered and worn old panties remain in my panty drawer forever. They were cast out at the first sign of deterioration. Only one exception will probably always remain...

3 years ago
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Vacation TwoChapter 31

Debbie had the report on the charity home building project. It was doing well. Terrell's crew at the hotel for the homeless was coming along and should finish the remodel before fall. The new clinic was in operation with the USF medical school operating it. That part of S&S was working. People were being helped and even more would be helped as the hotel was completed. Sue's training program was attracting many of the people we wanted to assist. If we could expand that to men, we would...

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Babysitter Gets Dismissed Then The Anniversary BreedingTaboo Begins

Introduction: After Kayleen got schooled and dismissed, Jimmy & Beth teaches the twins how to fuck a REAL woman. FROM THE AUTHOR: This is really the fourth & final installment of Babysitter Gets Caught, Babysitter Gets Schooledseries. After Kayleen leaves, thats when the twins decided to help breed their mom. So their dad teaches the pm a lesson on how to seduce an older woman. Be sure you read the EPILOGE at the end of this story. There might be a spinoff, depending on the reviews. Thanks and...

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Lets go Rounds

I get a call from you asking me if its safe to come over yet. You know my parents go to sleep early, but you were excited and just couldn't wait. I told you that they just went to sleep and to hurry and come over so we can have a few nice hours to be as freaky as we want. You roll up and I walk over to meet you at your car door. As you open it ,I jump right on your lap and I'm wearing a skirt with no panties as to make for easy access. I slowly unzip your pants and pause with my hand over your...

1 year ago
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The Kings Daughter Chapter 1

Informed earlier in the day I had been betrothed to a woman of a faraway island, I struggled to sleep. Distressed, I had decided to go for a walk in my grey-blue silk bathrobe, eyeing the servant girls that passed, all as diverse as trees in autumn. They chuckled to themselves, some eyeing the bit of my broad chest exposed by the robe. Our continent had broken off from the world some decades ago, giving us a diverse population (for which I was very thankful) and left us with some modern...

2 years ago
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Reversals Ch04

CHAPTER FOUR AGen Julia took another sip of wine and gently rested the long-stemmed glass back to the table as Samantha smiled at her affectionately. The burgundy liquid looked regal in the soft lighting of the restaurant, sitting upon the pearl-white tablecloth adorning their table. Adding to the ambiance, a single rose rested in a slender, glass vase, infusing the air with a delicate floral bouquet. The tables and chairs were simple wood furnishings made from rich, dark-oak which...

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The New Years Eve Dance I Will Survive

Bill hated this time of year. He kept thinking about how much he hated it as he got himself ready for the dance that evening. It would do him good to get out though. Bill couldn’t remember the last time he had been to a dance. It was his friend Sam who had talked him into going out tonight. There was a New Year's Eve singles dance tonight at a local Sheraton Hotel and Sam thought it would do his friend some good. It had been a while since Bill had been to anything similar and he...

4 years ago
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Little Ones First Steps

AUTHOR'S NOTES: this article is based on real people and on real events. My contact with this family is in fact professional: they are part of a group of families that are taking part in a development project that my university is assisting in. indeed, I struggled with wither or not I should write this for FM at all. I have changed the names of all individuals, avoided the use of any last names, and used letter codes to refer to public individuals. All of this was done solely to...

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Molly May I

I flat out told molly fay of the morning blend i wanted to bleep her."you wanna bleep me?" she asks."yes i do I've been daydreaming about bleeping you since you were married, if i could do a sex scene with you i would and if your ex husband walked in on us i wouldn't stop bleeping you I'd keep it up until i came." I said to her. she was shocked"wow you've got a big imagination" she says"well when a guy sees a older babe like you things just happen in the imagination. anything is possible and...

2 years ago
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A Unique Relationship Ch 01

Ch. 01 Living With a MILFIf you haven't read the prologue yet I suggest you do. I admired myself in the mirror. Ready for my date. My name is Jim and I am a 6'4" college student. At age 19 I have almost washboard abs and large toned muscles. To top it all off I am about to go on a date with a 41 year old single MILF. -----------------------------We had dinner at the nicest restaurant I could think of. Money was not an issue for me, or Lori. She was so easy to talk to, and so beautiful. She wore...

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Wow ThanksChapter 6 Thanksgiving Morning

I rang the door bell and I heard Lissa excitedly call to her mom "It's uncle Jason." She opened the door, and I beheld my gorgeous, exotic, spritelike 14 year old niece. She leaped out and hugged me, and although it was cozy, it was tentative and completely chaste. Then my sister came out and gave me a warmer hug, and I knew right then that at least she hadn't been making everything up, as I could plainly see the shape of the cones and peaks of her nipples through her lovely emerald...

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Sexy Nights With My Loving Mami

Hi…. Readers me is side ka reader jabse hu jabse mujhe chut ka nsha chda he ab me aapko apni stori batata hu bat un dino ki he jab mene nya-nya collage me admission liya tha isse pahle me in sab chudai or uski bato ke bare me nahi janta tha mere sab friends blue ‘film dekhte the par mujhe in sab se nafrat thi sirf padne or khelne se matlab tha me dusri bato me bilkul dyan nahi deta tha me dikhne me bhi bhtut handsome ha hi meri life me ladkiyo ki koi kmi thi par me humesha ladkiyo se dur rahta...

4 years ago
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Shemale Surprise

anal – shemale – transgender – transsexual – oral – pantyhose – first time – stockings – wedding – lesbian"You can stay with Robert if you wish," Mary said on the phone.I looked up from my laptop where I was pretending to be working when, in reality, I was reading, for the hundredth time, the brilliant novella 'Shemale School: a Teacher Seduced'. The story had created a new obsessive fantasy I had never even considered before: to be with a Shemale.I even contacted the authoress to tell her how...

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Stripping for family

My name is Anthony, most of my friends and family call me Anth for short. I am a 22-year-old guy currently studying in college. On the side to help pay for my college and life in general I have been working as a male entertainer. Essentially I am a male stripper for private parties and functions. Now it is nothing as sex crazed as those dancing bear videos you see on the internet where the guy romps around the room and has several women blow him before finally going all the way with one or two...

1 year ago
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BlackValleyGirls Julie Kay Beat Out By The Black Girl

Julie Kay and Candice Dare have been competing to go out on a date with one of the hottest and richest guys in the valley. The day came where they both had a date scheduled with him, and only the baddest, hottest, and most prompt girl would be able to make the cut! Julie and Candice arrive at Nathan’s door at almost the same exact time. There were a few extra seconds for them to talk shit about each other, then Nathan opened the door. His eyes and cock instantly pointed towards his nubian...

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A Piece of Art

       They were sisters. They had to be sisters. That's what she wanted. And she was used to getting exactly what she wanted. Money was never an issue. Her agents had been trucking them for a few months and when the time was right they made sure no one would search for them. The two sisters, 20 and 22 years old, were traveling to their aunt's house in the countryside. Their car was found in a nearby lake, crashed. Car accident, drowned, no bodies found, was the official verdict after some...

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The HummingbirdChapter 4 The Meeting

The Meeting As the ride to the ranch was coming to an end Stan got Angie's attention and said, "Angie, it's just two more miles to the house." The panic Angie felt at the Café had returned in force. What would Scott say? What should she say to him? Angie was still deep in thought when the pickup began to slow to a stop. Stan eased up to the last of the seven push gates and stopped. Angie, who had been in her own little world since Silvia and she had made their pit stop, looked at Stan...

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Couple makes BIM cumslut drink cup of sperm

Dan called and asked me to visit to meet this sexy woman. How could I resist?? Found his old Victorian house in a neighborhood surrounded by warehouses. Pulled into the drive and parked behind a 1952 MG TD. Nervous as I knocked on the door. Dan led me into the living room. This is M. I asked about name, and in a British accent she said like in a bond flick. Short platinum blond hair, wearing a pink ball cap. Bright green eyes, wearing a tube top bursting with boobies. Her top was mint green,...

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The Hand Job

“You want me to do what?" Dawn’s eyes looked like saucers, her mouth fell open and her body froze mid-thrust."I want to see you play with another man's cock. You don't have to fuck him, just make him cum," said Colin, her husband of five years, who was lying under her, cock buried in her thirty-year-old pussy.He added, almost in a whisper, "You know we have fantasized about a stranger fucking you, well all I am asking is you wank one off. Come on babe, just to make your old man happy....

1 year ago
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Dudh Pine Ka Majha

Hello my friend ye yeh meri paheli kahani hai mera naam pravin hai aur meri umar 36 saal hai mene is website se bahut khaniya padhe hai aur padh kar mera bhi maan kiya ki mein bhi ek kahani likhu. Meine abhi tak bhaut sex ka anubhav kiya hie ye kahani real hai. Apko pasand aye to muje mail kare aur koi galatiya ho to muje bata do aap ke reply ke baad mein apni agli kahani linkhunga mera naam pravin hai. Mein office ka kam khtam karke mere office girl friend ke ghar gaya tha uske ghar uska pati...

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Heathers Secret Desire

Heather was nervous as she drove her car towards the tire story that was in the middle of know where.She could not believe that she was actually going through with this. She reflected on how she had first experienced the pleasure she was about to hopefully experience again.Heather was what everyone would call a soccer mom or a PTA mom or just a stay at home mom. She lived a quiet life but a life filled with desperation.Heather reflected that her perverse desire all went back to the. "event"....

2 years ago
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Secret Garden

It was the El Nino season and I was riding my bike in blazing after mid-day sun, heading for my friend’s house a few miles away from where I lived. I was going to collect a book he’d promised to lend me. We were both out of high school a year now, and still job hunting. I was familiar with the area where my friend lived, having spent a few years there myself, so I knew which streets had large overhanging trees that offered sporadic shelter. A short distance before turning into one such street,...

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