Fellatrix Training
- 2 years ago
- 37
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Day 13 - 16
I was ready to leave to go to Fort Laramie after we had enough gold to buy what we needed. However, having recovered from one fever, another fever struck Claire and Elizabeth: Gold Fever! We spent the next two days trying to get the rest of the gold out from the quartz face. After half a day of watching the fire, I'd had enough and told them that I was going to catch some fish for lunch. I was disgusted with their greediness. I stomped off and began to kick at the dry streambed with my boot. While stomping around and muttering to myself, I stopped for a minute to think. I had to remind myself that Claire and Elizabeth were women of the nineteenth century and of course they would reflect the outlook of their time, just as I reflected the outlook of mine. I remembered from my history classes that people in the nineteenth century believed that wealth was a sign of virtue and that God had given humans the right and the duty to seek it.
When I got to the stream, I reached in my pocket and found the fishhook I had made from my key ring. It still had the cloth and the string attached. Pulling out a small nugget of gold I flattened it and wrapped it around the hook below the cloth then cut a branch from a nearby willow for a pole. Stepping from stone to stone, I got to the middle of the stream and began to fish. Letting the hook drift downstream of the rock I began catching fish. As I caught a fish, I took it off the hook and threw it to the bank. This worked pretty well but the rock I was on began to become slippery with the scales and water from the fish.
Deciding to return to the shore I tried to jump back to the next rock. Splash! I hit the water face first. Grabbing for a rock I sat up. Disgusted with myself, I grabbed another rock to throw at the bank. I lifted it and was surprised at the weight. Looking at it closer I found I had a piece of quartz the size of a dinner plate. It appeared to have more gold in it than quartz. Getting up and looking around I found several other pieces in the same area. None was quite as large as the first piece but they were large enough. After getting all the pieces to shore I realized that we had almost doubled the amount of gold that we had found before and had over ten pounds altogether. Now I had to figure out how to convince the girls that trying to find more gold was senseless.
Deciding on a plan I went back where the girls were still working on the quartz ledge and borrowed a firebrand. Claire and Elizabeth giggled at my wet clothes when I announced that we were having fish for lunch and to be ready to eat in about an hour. I observed that the gold vein in the quartz was getting smaller rapidly. Saying nothing I returned to the stream and used the gold/quartz pieces to use as a fire ring. Starting a small fire, I cleaned the fish, placed them on sticks and hung them above the fire to cook. I began panning the sand from the dry creek, finding gold in most of the pans but not getting the same thrill that I did with the first pan of gold.
About an hour later I heard them giggling as they came out of the dry streambed. This suddenly stopped when they saw the fire ring. They came forward and sat silently. I was equally silent and handed each of them one of the sticks with fish. They reached out hesitantly, unsure about what I was trying to say with the fire ring.
Claire spoke up, "Alex, why didn't you say something about finding so much gold before?"
I looked at both of them and said; "I think gold is important to you, but is it so important that you'll give up your trip to Oregon? You have to decide. If you stay here and do nothing else but hunt for gold, what are you going to do with it? You can't eat it. And if you do find more gold, what can you buy with it out here? Gold fever is a sickness just like drinking too much whiskey and sooner or later it will kill you."
Both women began to cry. "Why are you so mad at us? For the first time we have a chance to be rich!" Elizabeth cried.
I shook my head, "I'm not mad at you, just disappointed. I have come to care for both of you and I admire the courage that you showed when you decided to move to Oregon. I just want both of you to decide whether it's more important to search for gold or if you're willing to settle for Oregon." I turned away and said over my shoulder, "I'm planning to go to Oregon. I need to keep away from important events so I don't change the future. You can join me or not. It's up to you." I then walked back to the wagon
Two hours later both women arrived back at the wagon. I pretended to be asleep and just listened to the noises. I heard clothes rustling and felt hands on my blanket. Opening my eyes, I saw a kneeling Claire and Elizabeth next to me.
"Please forgive us." Claire asked in tears.
I opened my arms and shortly had a beautiful woman in each arm giving me kisses and crying. "Have you decided what you want to do?" I asked.
"We're going to Oregon with you." Elizabeth cried. "We'll leave all the gold if you say so."
"No we'll keep the gold we found up to now but we need to get ready to figure out how we are going to get to Fort Laramie. Do I go alone or do we go together?" Both women glared at me.
"If you think that we're going to stay here alone, you better think again." Claire stated.
"There is no way you're going away without me," declared Elizabeth.
"Then get together whatever we'll need for a three day foot journey. Just remember that every ounce you start out with will feel like a pound at the end of a long day."
"What about the gold?" Claire asked.
"We need to bury most of it and only take enough with us to buy the oxen and some horses. Everything else can wait until we pick up the wagon."
After discussing the matter between all of us we decided to bury the gold in the stream next to a tree we marked with three crosses. I kept out enough gold nuggets to fill a small sack the girls cobbled together out of an old skirt. We decided to start after a good night's sleep.
I was getting under the wagon on my bed of branches when Elizabeth grabbed my arm, "Come with me." She pulled me toward the back of the wagon.
From inside the wagon I heard Claire call, "Elizabeth, are you coming to bed?"
"Yes, and Alex is coming in too!" Silence answered her.
"Maybe I better stay out here." I said pulling back from Elizabeth's grasp.
Claire poked her head out, "Don't you dare!" She grabbed the other arm and pulled.
When faced with a situation like that what would you do? We spent half the night kissing and exploring each other's bodies. Since we were going to be walking the next day I drew the line at penetration, promising that as soon as we were able to pick up the wagon I would finish the job of making them women. I did give both women several orgasms by eating them out. Both women were amazed about the fact that I would put my face down there. This was something new to both. I talked about positions that I had done or knew of. The women alternatively showed expressions of shock and interest. We talked about what we wanted to do in Oregon and where we wanted to live. We decided that we should live in the Willamette valley as we could get a 164-acre homestead there. Elizabeth wanted to have a farm while I was interested in raising cattle. We decided to wait until we saw the land before deciding. We fell asleep and slept until quite late for us, as the sun was already up.
Day 17
We got off to an even later start than I had planned today. I had the only pack so I ended up carrying the majority of the clothes. I had to tell the women that I was not going to be carrying more than one dress each after they almost came to blows trying to stuff the pack full. Claire managed to find enough punk to keep a coal burning in the small pot, so we didn't have to worry about using one of my few remaining matches to start a fire.
We quickly got away from the tree-covered hills and on to a wide grassy plain. The wagon train had followed the stream most of the way and we did likewise. I saw that they had crossed the stream, so I undressed and checked out the crossing. When I tried I found it to be above my waist. Claire and Elizabeth couldn't swim and refused to take off their dresses, so I had to carry them both on my shoulders over the crossing, muttering to myself the whole time. After all, they were not light; especially with long-skirted nineteenth-century dresses on. Afterwards I had to stop and dry off before we went anywhere. I redressed and we continued on our way.
We crossed several smaller streams but managed to avoid getting wet, until we came to a small river. I again undressed and checked the crossing. This time it was only up to my hips. I returned to the bank and carried Elizabeth across in my arms and gave her my .22. I didn't see anyone, but had the feeling that we were being watched. I went back and lifted Claire onto my shoulders to carry, telling her to be aware of the surroundings. We got across where I again dried off and redressed. I still had the feeling that I was being watched.
We had walked about a third of a mile when I saw a party of horsemen riding toward us. I had the women lay down and had Claire keep her pistol on the approaching party. I thumbed open my holster and stood up. I could tell they weren't Indians but there were plenty of white men who were dangerous enough.
I was relieved to find that the party was from Fort Laramie who had come out to see who was crossing the river and why I was doing it naked. I had been watched as we were crossing the river with a glass. They had thought we were Indians until they had seen my pale skin as I was crossing. After checking to see that we were not being followed, a large portion of the white men of the fort had come out to see if we needed help. I later found there were about 25 white men married to Indian women living in the fort with their children. We were helped onto horses and everyone returned to the fort. I was surprised when we arrived to find the women dressed much better than Claire or Elizabeth. There was a trading post at the fort and I hoped to be able to buy the supplies I needed.
Claire told me that I would do the talking since apparently women were not supposed to talk to strange men. I explained that our wagon had broken down and the rest of the train had left while we were getting it fixed. Later our oxen had gradually died after eating something, so we had to leave our wagon in the hills and walk the last day. We had some gold I had panned while at a gold strike around Quebec some years earlier that I was willing to trade for some oxen and enough supplies to continue our trip. There was a lot of interest in the gold but when I mentioned that this was all that remained from the strike the interest waned quickly.
The men explained that there were only four oxen at Fort Laramie and they had been left by wagon trains after becoming sick. They were willing to sell them as they had no use for them, but provisions were expensive this far away from civilization. They offered to have their wives show the women how to find food on the plains while I went back to fetch the wagon. Other than that they recommended that I buy a woman from one of the tribes and have her teach them on the way. The trading post that had goods for sale to trappers and emigrants but the prices were 10 times greater than in St. Louis. I now was glad that we had brought more than twice the amount of gold that we thought we needed. I decided that I needed more weapons for our party as I was getting tired of trying to kill animals with my pistol.
I was able to buy a Hawken Plains .54 rifle and another Peterson revolver with enough powder, shot and caps to last us until we got to Oregon, as well as the oxen and three horses with tack. This took up almost half of the gold I had brought with me, about 12 ounces. I arranged to buy as much flour, salt, beans, and what few spices that they would sell for the remaining 12 ounces then arranged for the goods to be kept until we returned with the wagon. One trapper offered to come back with us but I declined saying that it was only 12 or 14 miles away. I found the date was May 16 by asking the shopkeeper. I explained that we had lost track while struggling to catch up with our train.
We had our first argument between the three of us at this time. Elizabeth and Claire both stated that they were going to go with me back to the wagon. I was equally determined that only one would go with me. After many hot words between the two, Claire pulled rank as the oldest to get her way. We had spent so much time getting this settled that I begged a place to stay for the night and made plans to leave the next morning. We were offered a room where they had stored furs during the height of the fur trade.
As I was walking around I saw an Indian woman working on some buckskin leggings. I asked the shopkeeper how much it would cost to get 2 sets of buckskins for me and the girls, as I was tired of only having one set of clothes. He asked if we had more gold and I told him that I had some but not much more, since I had spent most of it getting outfitted for the journey to Oregon. He said that I should be able to get a complete set for all of us for about three small nuggets. He also advised me not to let anyone else know about the gold, since this was an area without any law other than what you carried with you. He advised me again to buy another gun and trade for an Indian woman or wait for another wagon train to come through. As I was determined to wait for a train anyway I agreed that this would be the best thing.
May 17, 1847
Claire and I left the fort this morning herding the oxen back to the wagon. We had been gone about two hours when we heard a horseman riding hard behind us. I told Claire to dismount and we readied ourselves for anything. As we waited, Claire worried about Indians attacking us for our weapons. I told her they tended to be more friendly than dangerous to prepared travelers. When the rider came into sight, Claire began to fume, and soon afterwards so did I. There, wearing a wide grin was Elizabeth, whom we had believed was back at the fort.
"Elizabeth, I'm going to tan your bottom for this!" I was really pissed and so was Claire.
Elizabeth drooped and started sniffling, "I'm sorry! I just got so worried about you there at the fort. I had to come!"
Rather than lose another day by returning with her to the fort, we let her come with us. One thing I had rapidly discovered with oxen is that they had one speed - dead slow. I don't think we went faster than 3 or 4 miles an hour. It took us the rest of the day to get to our wagon as we lost a lot of time whenever we had to cross a stream. We had gone further in 6 hours yesterday on foot than in 10 hours today. By the time we got back to the camp we were all exhausted and had just enough energy to fix something to eat and make sure the oxen were secured.
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MatureThings were a bit awkward in our house for a few days after I’d fucked Susie for the first time. I think we were both embarrassed by what we’d done and I felt guilty as hell. She might only be my step sister but it was still wrong, if our parents ever found out what I’d done to her they’d have killed me for sure. So we went around the house doing our best to avoid each other. To be honest I didn’t trust myself to be alone with her, after that session we’d had, and if I was being truthful I was...
Introduction: First story ever hope you enjoy plot: Jen was going to spend the whole week watching porn but now she is stuck babysitting-horny boys Jens first babysitting job part 1 Jen was surprised when she answered her cell and was offered a baby sitting job from the martins,her neighbours across the street asking her if she would baby sit there two sons Brady and Braden she seemed very desperate so Jen said yes she moaned she was really looking forward to spend a night looking at porn and...
The Male Beauty Pageant By Sheila Anne Morgan My wife Julie and I had just moved into this new gated community. We had been married for two years since graduating from college. Julie is a pharmaceutical sales person and I do proofreading and editing of technical manuals from home. Several weeks after we moved in, Julie found out from some of the women that the community held a male beauty pageant and auction every year....
Hello readers Again Sonia is here with a new story sent by Jehha ajay and i am writing story in her own words ,With out wasting ur time straight away to story I am Jehha Ajay(Ajay my husband) i am 35 married lady with one baby girl of 11 .i am 5.6 milkey white ,round face,cute juicy lips and good cute hands and feet my figure is 36.24.38 i got a bid round ass when walking in choureedar ,every body looks at my ass moments am married by 13 years my hubby is in garmnet busniss so many times on...
It all started when I was younger, my mother always wore stockings or pantyhose, and I don’t remember a time when she didn’t. I used to sit on the floor watching T.V. & she sat on the sofa next to me, I would rest my head against her legs and occasionally rub my hands along her smooth and shiny calves, marvelling at the silky feeling. I believe this is where my lifelong fetish for hosiery and lingerie stems from.After a while she didn’t allow me to continue this activity even though she...
June did not have to wait long before the doorbell rang. She crossed her fingers, hoping no neighbors were outside or leaving for work, and swung the door open. Alice and Joan stepped aside and June stepped outside. June immediately noticed the tote and paddle that Alice had in her hands. Alice and Joan looked at June, smiled and walked slowly into Roger’s apartment. June followed them in and shut the door. “Joan and I will have our coffee here in the living room. I like mine black and Joan...
Christabel came continuously. Fountains of foam frothed over her fecund froufrou. Mount Venus ran with rivulets of cuntjuices into the dank delta of the fertile crescent. Yancey tipped the nib of his penis from Christabel's quim. The glans was festooned with cuntcome from the crown to the root. Now that he was lubed, Yancey planned the next moves. He'd break it to her gently. Then get tough. After Christabel was all juiced up from forcefucked bitchrut, Yancey would Frenchfuck...
Brint Cooper, Assistant Manager, the sign said outside his door, and inside the large office Brint sat behind his desk, toying with a sheaf of comparison shopper's reports. He would funnel the information on down to the necessary departments of the store in the morning. Right now the only thing he felt like doing was going home. He'd just come from a long and unpleasant meeting of the Board of Directors of the store, and it had been made clear to the attractive executive that there were...
My stepmom is in that part of her life where she can feel her biological clock ticking. Honestly, it kind of freaks me out, but the lucky part is that she is looking around for anything that will get her preggers. My dad is shooting blanks, though, so her only hope is my fat cock. The thing is, I never asked to be a hero. I was just born with these gifts. Oh well. With great cock size comes great responsibility. And that responsibility today is to fuck my stepmom in the bathroom and cum inside...
xmoviesforyouOnce you open Pandora’s Box there is no turning back; conversely, once you let your son fuck your box there is definitely no turning back. My life was ruined my loving husband had caught my darling son turning me into a submissive woman.My adult son had seduced me completely and I knew from that moment on I was his, and after a long day of lovemaking… where lust overwhelmed common sense… I woke up to the aftermath of my decision.My husband had caught me handcuffed to the bed. Cum all over my...
IncestMonday Afternoon I was back in LA by 3:00 in the afternoon Monday - early rush hour and much earlier than I expected when I left. Between the airport and the Fort I swapped out the Porsche for the C-1500 at the Casa, where I picked up a clean suit for the office - whenever I got there. Then I swapped for the S-10 at the Batcave. I missed my dear Vicky and the freedom from LAPD she gave me, but that was too risky to drive right now with that Mustang on the loose, looking for trouble....
Note: Eric's original story is one of my favorites, and I felt like the characters were developed enough to carry on the story beyond Eric's intended storyline. Many apologies if I have offended anyone. DOMESTIC TANGLE 2: A MADAME OLGA STORY ROB I can't even say how much the last year has meant to me. Discovering life as a man has been a revelation. Everything seems to be easier. With my 6'6" height, everyone literally looks up to me. The men defer to me; (my size as well...
Author: XXXAuthor Kiran had completely cured her feel of guilt of cheating on her husband, was now back in a new bold avatar. In the last episode, she cheated on her best friend and seduced her husband, Arindam, to spend a night of sick fun. Now that she no longer felt like cheating, she was hungry for more pleasure, and also didn’t care any longer for her husband. Gautam on the other hand, was not behind too. He too, was taking full advantage of Kiran’s absence from the city. And was secretly...
Some of this story's inspiration comes from AlsoAshley's Alex to Alina story (which is excellent, and you should read it, and I hope she gets around to finishing it soon). I'm shamelessly ripping off the idea for the initial setup, and heading off on my own path. Hopefully AlsoAshley will take the theft in the spirit of admiration for and inspiration from her story that it was done in. ----------------------------------- "Oh god," I moaned softly. The department store...
June 12, 1848 We have decided to leave tomorrow to buy cattle since we have cleaned out the easily accessible gravel beds of gold. We have found a total of four pockets in the gravel beds holding a lot of gold. After five days of work we managed to find around 15 pounds of gold. Luckily we haven't run into any of the Shasta or Klamath tribe while on the river. This is their territory and they are not friendly toward small parties. We agreed that we would tell no one where the gold came from...
Everyone focuses on how amazing Zoey’s butt is, but nobody pays attention to how talented her legs are as well. She starts off her FIRST GANGBANG by jerking off Scotty and Randy simultaneously with the insides of her legs. Scotty also won “Guess the V” this week, so he gets to take the first dive into Zoey’s pink butterfly. She told us she likes guys to spit on her (and in her mouth), so Scotty makes sure to lube her up naturally first and spit on her hole before going...
xmoviesforyouFor some reason, I decided to go to Queensland...by myself. What a boring holiday I guess, I just figured it would be a chance to relax and hopefully pick up, having just come out of a relationship.My cousin, Stacey, had just turned 18 and her parents, my Aunt and Uncle, had also just divorced, leaving her upset and alone. The suggestion was made for her to come with me, and I thought "Why not?"I should tell you a bit about myself, my name is Dominic, although everyone just calls me Dom. I was...
IncestNate loved his job at Ariana’s. OK, it wasn’t really the job it was Ariana and the “perks” she provided. Ever since he walked into the wrong place two months ago, Nate had lost his virginity to Ariana, and happily submitted to her teaching him about sex. Ariana was a sex fiend and was ready to go at any time. She quit wearing panties to work, leaving her pussy available at any time. During slow times she’d take Nate into one of the dressing rooms to give him an amazing blow job. Frequently Nate...
First TimeFallen Angel Part Two ( A Lovers Conversation) "Sir, you are cold, wet and shivering," my pet gasps. Her soft cheek pressed lovingly into my chest, she tightens her arms around me. "What horrible dream could inflict such cruelty?" Her voice filled with loving concern. "The most terrible of dreams, my pet. A dream so cruel, I want it erased from mind and soul." I do not hide from my pet how shaken the dream has left me. "I dreamed I knew not where you were. The emptiness that filled my heart...
Love StoriesA waitress led Randall to his table and seated him in a booth. He stared at her voluptuous ass as she walked away. Her panty lines were visible through her short white skirt. It was a real turn on to him, seeing the shape of her panties. She had dirty-blonde, wavy hair. Her pointy nipples poked through her violet top. The contrast between her small boobs and big butt was lovely. He imagined nibbling on her supple behind while fondling her perky breasts. If only he could have some of that, he...
It was close to the end of a very eventful summer. I was sitting in the kitchen talking to my ex, Andy, and sharing a pot of coffee. He had just come up to the apartment to talk after his afternoon out with Ron. He just wanted to spend a few minutes catching up and discussing how Ron was doing and if he could help with anything. As our conversation was winding down, I asked how his wife Gina was doing. He hesitated and cleared his throat. “I didn’t tell you before, but we split up a few...