Paige's Sting free porn video

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It all began when Azalea popped home at lunchtime to put some washing in and get something out of the freezer for dinner. Jared had been loafing about all morning but obviously he couldn't be trusted to do anything like that. When she got home he had managed to climb into a pair of boxers and an old singlet, and he was triumphantly waving a travel brochure.

"You know that week's holiday you've got to take in August?" he cried, "Well, I've booked us into this lovely little resort on the Tuscan coast."

He thrust the brochure at Azalea. She looked at him, and it, in utter astonishment.

"Oh Jared, you angel! What a surprise."

"I'll even buy you a new bikini," he continued,"but you've got to promise to go on the beach topless, in fact you've got to go nude as much as possible."

Azalea began to sense part of his reason for being so unusually active this morning.

"Oh, don't be silly!" she said, "I don't suppose they'll allow anything like that. Anyway, I'm thirty-six, not twenty-six."

"Oh yes they will!" Said Jared gleefully. "Listen."

He read from the brochure. "Mrs Wilson from Doncaster writes: 'A lot of the ladies on the beach had forgotten their bikini tops, in fact quite a few were travelling so light they hadn't packed their cozzies at all, and some of the men were the same.' "

She giggled and gave him a big hug.

"I'll pop into Wonderpharm and buy some sun cream this afternoon."

"Azalea, you're mad. We're not going for months!"

Azalea was a Wonderpharm junkie: she found a reason to visit Wonderpharm at least two or three times a week to buy various female requisites and toiletries.

So weak at the knees was she that she felt herself melting into him. Then with a start she remembered work. 

"Ooh, we can't do this, I've got to go back to work!"

He ignored her, pressing his lips to her neck while he deftly unbuttoned her top.

"Oh no, Jared, please, I haven't got time.."

He pulled her top off.

"Jared, please don't crumple it all up, you know what Mrs Jameson's like."

Mrs Jameson was Azalea's boss. At 32 she was a few years younger than Azalea. She terrified the younger girls and the few young men who worked in the debt recovery section. And the older women, like Azalea and her friend Paige, were very wary of her.

Jared threw the garment on the floor before turning his attention to her bra. This followed Azalea's neat office blouse. Despite her good intentions she couldn't help herself reaching down tentatively.

She giggled. "Ohh darling, you're really big today, are you thinking about those bare girls on the beach? Oh no, we mustn't, honestly, I've got to go, oh please don't, be careful, don't crumple my skirt or get anything on it, you know what Mrs Jameson's like... Oh no Jared ....Ohh! Jared, NO!"

Roughly, Jared pushed her over a chair, flipped her skirt up over her back and simultaneously tugged her knickers down . Both of them, for different reasons, were glad she'd opted for stay-up stockings that morning.

"Owww! That really hurts, Jared! Stop it! Let me put some of this on."

Reluctantly he withdrew while she delved in her bag for some lube.

"Here we are," she said, "cherry, my fave flavour.."

She administered a generous handful to each of them, and hostilities resumed. He took his time, building slowly to the inevitable..

I hope he doesn't do one of his mega-cums, she thought, anxious about afternoon panty ruination.

"You'll look lovely...Aahhh!! With an all-over.. Ohhhh!"

Her worst fears were realised as 140 million spermatozoa, give or take a few million, spurred on by visions of seaside loveliness, made a successful bid for freedom .

"Tan.. Ohh my... OHHH!"

Another 130 million or so followed them. Further smaller contingents came in their wake.

"Ohhh...That feels so good, mmm, Azalea, oh I love you, babe..."

For the next three or four minutes Jared continued to rock back and forth as he savoured the feeling of Azalea's ever-tight, hot pussy around his contented and ever-so-slowly softening willy.

"Have you nearly finished, Jared?" said Azalea plaintively. "I really must get back to work."

Reluctantly, he withdrew. She turned around and wiped the last few droplets of cum from the end of his half erect member. Then, gathering up her clothes, she scurried off to the bathroom. Returning a few minutes later she asked for a clean pair of panties. He fished around in her undies drawer and produced the sort of garment that isn't designed to be worn for very long.

"Not them, silly!" she said, "Sensible ones, for work!"

Eventually he found something suitable, which she threw into her bag, and then she was gone.

Twenty minutes later she was back at her desk, next to Paige. The office was open-plan, but Paige and Azalea shared a small recess at one side.

"Sorry I'm late back," said Azalea, "has Mrs J said anything?"

"Hasn't noticed, as far as I know." replied Paige. "Anyway, where have you been?"

"I just popped home", whispered Azalea, "and I found Jared had booked us a lovely holiday in Italy! I was so overcome, I gave him a big kiss and a cuddle, and before I knew what was happening, we were, well, you know..." Her voice tailed off .

"Azalea!" squeaked Paige. Her mouth opened wide in mingled horror and admiration. "You don't mean to say you got laid in your lunch hour?"

Azalea nodded guiltily. Paige put her hand to her mouth and giggled gleefully.

"I shall probably have to go to the ladies' in a minute," said Azalea, "I expect I'll have to have a change of knickers."

Paige squealed with delight.

"Keep an eye out for the old witch and make sure she doesn't catch me."

Azalea was uncomfortably aware that several million spermatozoa, having failed in their mission, were equally unsuccessfully trying to make their way back to base. And as she had anticipated, Azalea was beset by soggy panty problems. Discreetly signalling to Paige she slipped away to the ladies'. There she found to her relief that the end cubicle, which had been out of order, was back in use. Quickly removing her wet panties she rolled them up in the little pink Wonderpharm bag she had brought with her, had a much-needed wee, mopped, dabbed, dried and generally restored order as best she could, put the clean undies on and stepped outside.

Once outside she suddenly felt a little weak at the knees again. Her firm, which provided billing and invoice services to a large energy company, was American, and no doubt inspired by the transatlantic concept of the 'rest room', somebody had squeezed a chair in next to the wash basins. Gratefully Azalea sank into it for a minute's rest .

Then the trouble started. The door suddenly opened and in came, of all people, Mrs Jameson.

"Are, there you are, Azalea," she said. "I wondered where you were. Are you all right? What are you doing?"

"Oh, um, I'm feeling a bit faint.." said Azalea feebly.

"Hmmm!" said Mrs Jameson, "Well, let's hope you buck up quickly, we're very busy this afternoon and we need the Gallimard reconciliation as soon as possible."

She moved closer to Azalea.

"I had to get building maintenance in about that end cubicle last week," she said. Her eyes narrowed.

"It was blocked," she continued.

"Er, yes, I noticed," replied Azalea.

"Do you know what was blocking it?" said Mrs Jameson, her voice faintly menacing.

"Oh dear, I shudder to think.."

"Condoms, Azalea," said Mrs Jameson. "Not a condom - half a dozen. And what's more, Azalea, building maintenance said some of them were large ones."

Azalea squirmed in the chair, coughing and spluttering as she tried to suppress a giggle. Why on earth was building maintenance, aka Doug Jones, comparing the sizes? Was he planning to re-use them? And if so, she wondered, would he be using the big ones or the regular size? She thought she knew the answer to that.

"Who do you think might have been responsible, Azalea?"

Anxious to find favour with Mrs Jameson Azalea was about to speculate that the culprit might have been Courtney. Or perhaps Leah. Courtney, a seventeen year old student from the local college, had recently been on work experience. She had relieved the unbearable tedium of her placement in the debt recovery unit by cutting a swathe through the young men on the second and third floors. It was rumoured that all of them had succumbed to her charms. Leah, on the other hand, was 18 and a permanent employee. She too had wrought havoc among the young men, but had been slightly more discriminating; she had also (for a bet) seduced one of the junior managers, who was in his early forties ("Yuk!" was her verdict, "I hope I'm not interested in sex anymore by the time I'm his age!")

But Azalea thought better of it. She would stand shoulder to shoulder with her comrades and let none of them down.

"Oh dear," she said again. "That's awful! Who could possibly have been doing, well, you know..." 

"Well Azalea, if you hear anything, you must let me know. I shall take steps with a firm hand. Meanwhile, the Gallimard figures, please. Put them on my desk.. I'm in a meeting now with Mr Williams and Mrs Granby-Smythe. I'll be at least an hour" And with that she was gone.

Feeling slightly dazed, Azalea made her way back to her desk.

"Are you all right?" queried Paige, glancing up. "You look pale."

"Oh Paige, you wouldn't believe it, the old hag caught me in the loo. And you know the end one's been out of order? Well, apparently it was blocked with... condoms, would you believe it, and what's more she all but accused me of putting them in it. Who do you think could have done that?"

"Azalea NO!" squealed Paige, "I can't believe it! I bet it was that Courtney, you know what a little minx she was. Or perhaps it's Leah, she's the same. Little beasts! But you can't really blame Mrs J," she added archly, "when people she's in charge of go off having sex all over the place in their lunch breaks."

Azalea fixed her with what she hoped was a withering look.

"I shall ignore that. And anyway, before I forget, the old cow wants the Gallimard figures, you know, the ones they sent in the post, they didn't do them online. You had them, didn't you? She's going to be in a meeting for an hour with Feeble Willy and Luscious Lucy, but if I was you I'd get them over to her now, before you forget, you know what you're like."

"Ooh help! You're right, I had forgotten them!"

Paige scrabbled among the junk on her desk, finally pulling the required document from under a half-eaten banana. The afternoon was beginning to become too much for her. "I'll take them now."

Azalea sat back, contemplating her computer screen and allowing herself to relax a little, for almost the first time that day. However, the tranquility was quickly interrupted. Paige was back, and her eyes were shining.

"I've just taken those figures over to crow-face," she gasped, "and I couldn't help seeing something on her computer, you'll never guess what it was..!"

"Columns and columns of boring figures?" ventured Azalea.

"Well, yes, of course, but what do you think I saw apart from that?" Paige was out of breath, gasping with excitement.

"How should I know? A three-toed sloth?"

"Don't be silly!"

"Well, what then?"

"I couldn't help seeing a little box at the bottom of her screen and it looked like, um, well, to be honest, a naked man, so as I knew she was in that meeting I bigged it up, and would you believe it, it was a naked man, a bit yummy too.."

"Paige, you're bonkers!" interrupted Azalea, "You're just imagining things now, I think it's all getting too much for you, just because I've got a boyfriend and Mrs J's found thingies in the loo."

"No, no, honestly, you must believe me!" countered Paige. "It was a message to her from a guy on a site called Bravelove, and from what I could make out it's a sort of dating site only it's for people who want to have sex with other people in risky places..." Paige was completely out of breath now.

"What, you mean like Iraq?" said Azalea, puzzled.

"No, no, silly," responded Paige, "I mean like places where you could get caught, like, well, I don't know, like behind the bike sheds at school or something.. I mean, how can she be using the firm's computer for that? It's awful!"

"Are you sure you saw that? Are you sure you're not just imagining things, with you not having a boyfriend or anything?"

"No, no, def. Her profile name's Hot'n'Hungry Cowgirl."

Azalea giggled.

Paige had got her breath back now.

"We could sting her!" Her eyes were shining even more brightly.

"Sting her?" said Azalea. "What do you mean, Paige? We're not wasps."

"No, no!" said Paige, "I mean, we could do a sting on her. You know, entrapment! And we could use it to make her treat us better."

"Oh dear, I don't know," said Azalea, wishing that it would all go away. She knew Paige and her little projects all too well. "Perhaps we'd better have a council of war after work in Julie's."

Azalea hoped that would be the end of it. But five past five saw the girls seated in Julie's Olde Tea Shoppe in the High Street. For some reason Paige had invited Leah (she of the loose knicker elastic) to join the planning committee. And Paige had no intention of abandoning her project. She had been allowing her over-heated imagination to run riot during the afternoon.

"Jared could sort it out for us," she was saying, warming to her theme. "He used to be in industrial espionage, didn't he?"

"Well, yes, covert surveillance actually.." said Azalea.

"Before he got sacked," continued Paige, "and sent to prison."

"Prison?" squealed Leah. "Why was he sent to prison?"

"I do wish you hadn't mentioned that, Paige," said Azalea, "It was just an awful misunderstanding."

"He was secretly filming in the ladies' changing room at the leisure centre," went on Paige.

"He was just testing some new equipment in field conditions, you know, tropical, hot and humid," protested Azalea.

"Unfortunately the jury didn't see it like that, though, did they?" replied Paige, smirking.

"Azalea!" cried Leah, "I can't believe you could let a man like that anywhere near your bum!"

"It was all a terrible mistake," insisted Azalea, "and it got blown out of all proportion."

"Well, anyway," said Paige, "what I thought was, we could get Jared to set up some equipment, and invite her to an assignation, and then we could film her, you know, well, you know what I mean.. Then we could show her the recording and use it to blackmail her to be nice to us. We could find some hunky man and set up a new profile and he could send her an invitation. Leah could write it, you'd be good at that, you know, text speak, gr8 and everything.."

"Why me? It's not a young person's website, is it?" snapped Leah, "It's obviously for sad, pathetic middle-aged old women and disgusting dirty old men!"

Paige and Azalea shifted uneasily in their rather uncomfortable chairs.

"Well, anyway," replied Paige soothingly, "you'd definitely be good at it."

"Besides which," continued Leah bad-temperedly, "where are we going to find a guy who Mrs J is likely to go for?"

Spurred on by her fevered musings, Paige's productivity during the afternoon had soared to almost zero. But she was in her element now and to her friends' alarm, had the plan all mapped out.

"As it happens," said Paige rather smugly, "my brother's wife has a cousin who used to go out with this guy who's apparently got a really big, you know, and she says usually when he, you know, finishes, it doesn't go down, if you know what I mean.."

Azalea frowned. She had no idea what Paige was talking about. Which was not unusual.

"You mean he's got a big dick and it stays hard after he's cum?" cut in Leah.

"Well, yes," said Paige, "that's just what I've been told, I haven't actually met him or anything."

"Of course not.." murmured Azalea.

It was Leah's turn to wriggle in her seat

"Ooh, well, I suppose we could think about it," she said, her face slightly flushed.

And Paige was not to be diverted.

"What I thought was, we could send her an invitation to meet this guy Tony in the disabled loo at the Gardener's Arms. Leah could do a message for him, like, 'You will be my Lady Chattterley in the Gardener's Arms', gardener's arms, geddit, her fella Mellors was a gardener..."

"The Gardener's Arms!" shrieked Leah and Azalea in unison, "That's a dump! Mrs J wouldn't be seen dead there! And the disabled loo, why there? It's probably awful! Surely she wouldn't expect anything less than soft music and scented candles?"

"Because," riposted Paige, "There'll be enough room in there to swing a cat, or rather a big willy, and she would go there, nobody knows her in that part of town 'cause she lives out at Carr End. She'd love it, rough sex, pinioned against the wash basin while Tony wreaks his Herculean will on her, remorselessly... well, anyway, I think she'd go for it. Leah, you'd better pop into Wonderpharm and buy some condoms for them.."

"Why me?" demanded Leah. "Why not you or Azalea?"

"It would look a bit funny someone of our age going in to buy things like that. Girls your age need them all the time," said Paige.

"You'd better buy large ones, dear," suggested Azalea.

"Oh, all right, I'll buy extra-large-bloody-ultra-maxis," snapped Leah crossly.

"Yes, I expect they'd be okay," purred Azalea.

And so the plot was hatched.


Saturday lunchtime saw Azalea and Jared, clad in grimy overalls and with dirty baseball caps pulled down over their eyes, sidling into the Gardeners Arms.

"Pint o' lager an' an orange juice, darlin'," called out Jared in an exaggerated cockney accent. They took their drinks and slunk over to a corner table.

"I need a piss!" said Jared loudly.

"Back in two shakes, then," replied Azalea. "More than two means yer playin' wiv it!"

She shrank down into her seat and pulled the grubby cap further over her face. What if someone saw her? She was prepared for this - to some extent: "Oh, sometimes I help my boyfriend at weekends if he doesn't have his usual man."

"Oh yes, and what does he do?"

"Oh, you know, just general repairs and building and things like that..."

But luckily nobody was paying them any attention. And a few minutes later Jared was back.

"Have you fixed it?" whispered Azalea.

"Yes", said Jared. "Should be OK as long as they don't give the place a thorough clean. Doesn't look like it's been cleaned since about 1991 though."

They drank up and left. Back in Jared's van they opened the laptop. An interior view of the disabled toilet came into view. Jared fiddled with the settings; the image sprang sharply into focus.

"Good," he said. "Now we just have to wait for Paige and Leah to do their bit."

At that moment the door of the toilet opened and a young girl of about 18 walked in.

"Wonderful!" cried Jared, "We can do a field test!"

"Oh, Jared, " protested Azalea, "we can't watch the poor girl having a wee!"

Jared ignored her. Feeling guilty Azalea watched as the girl hitched up her denim skirt and pulled her panties down round her cheap white boots. The hidden micro-cameras offered two views - one showed a side image while the other captured a frontal view, which allowed Jared to revel in a brief glimpse of the blonde curls between the girl's thighs. She sank down onto the toilet and Jared adjusted the sound settings so they could just hear her almost inaudible sigh as she relieved herself copiously into the basin. The loud splashing enabled Jared to refine the settings to perfection. 

"Excellent!" he proclaimed.

The girl stood up and made herself decent. Using the capacities of his equipment to the full Jared enjoyed watching her wiping herself in close-up.

"Jared!" protested Azalea, "How can you? Poor girl! Why is she using the disabled loo anyway? There's nothing wrong with her."

But her question was to be answered a moment later as a knock on the door signalled the arrival of another customer. The girl opened the door and Azalea and Jared could see a large, rough-looking man in profile. He locked the door behind him and took a small bag out of his pocket which he placed on the lavatory cistern.

"It's a drug score!" gasped Jared.

The girl took a purse out of her bag and handed him some notes.

"That's short" he snarled.

"Only £5," pleaded the girl, "I'll pay it next time, I promise, honest I will..."

"You know the deal," growled the dealer. "Cash on delivery. OR..."

Jared and Azalea heard the noise of a zip being undone.

"Oh, no!" pleaded the girl, "I'm only £5 short, don't make me do that again, not for five pounds, please, please!"

Azalea and Jared could clearly see what the dealer had unzipped. Savagely he grasped her thin shirt and pulled. Azalea and Jared heard the sound of buttons giving way as he wrenched it open. The girl burst into tears.

"I'll give you a wank then, please let me just give you a wank!" she wailed.

She undid the remaining buttons and pulled her shirt off. She had no bra and Jared and Azalea could clearly see tiny boobs with big, pink nipples.

"Oh Jared! This is awful," whispered Azalea.

The girl curled her fingers around the man's half-erect member. Expertly she pulled and caressed it, licked and sucked it, till it was fully erect.

"There," she sobbed. "I'll give you such a lovely cum, darling, I'm so sorry, it won't happen again, I promise. Oh babe..." She was purring now, in an ingratiating way. "You know I'm your favourite girl, it's just your willy's a bit big for me, you know I'm only 17... Mmhh.. Mmmpphh! Uurllk!"

Her wheedling tones were replaced by slurping noises as she energetically sucked what was in her hand.

"Doesn't look that big to me!" said Azalea tersely.

"She's just saying that to pacify him," replied Jared.

"Anyway, what's she doing in the pub if she's only seventeen?" continued Azalea.

"She's probably lying about her age. And the size of her twat."

There was no further conversation from the toilet, just a series of gagging noises as the dealer pumped sperm into the girl's throat. Spluttering, she came up for air, gooey rivulets running down her chin and over her bare chest. She sucked for as long as she could, until his limp member slipped out of her mouth.

With a grunt of satisfaction the man zipped up and they saw him turn away.

"Make sure it doesn't happen again!" he snarled. He unlocked the door, slammed it behind him, and his footsteps receded into the distance. The girl started sobbing again. She walked to the door, locked it and wiped her mouth, breasts and neck with toilet paper. She fastened the two buttons that remained on her shirt, put her purchase in her bag, and then she too was gone.

"Oh, poor girl." Sighed Azalea. "That was awful!"

"Still," said Jared, "at least we know we'll get a good product! I think I'll take the film to the cop shop.. on second thoughts, perhaps I'd better not."

Azalea looked at him with distaste.


The following Sunday, Leah was tasked with road-testing Tony. Wearing skinny jeans, heels and a cute strappy top she had been introduced to him by Paige. Giggling more tipsily than she really was she'd sat much too close to him, occasionally patting his thigh affectionately. Once, when Paige went up to the bar, she'd accidentally put her hand on the very top of his thigh.

"Oops! Sorry!" she said, permitting herself a none-too-discreet fondle of something in his chinos that was straining and twitching. It was soon clear to Paige that Tony was more than willing to submit to the undoubtedly rigorous test programme that Leah had planned for him. She made her excuses and left.

Monday morning Leah was late in.. When she arrived she looked pale and exhausted.

Paige texted her: "U OK darling?"


"Whats matter?"


"U tired?"


"Ur puss sore LOL?!"


"Hope u told him no sex till Thurs"

"No need to worry he was up for more this morn!!"



D-Day. The girls were in Jared's van. Despite his offers of help, he had been firmly excluded from the mission.

"What's he need this grubby mattress for?" asked Leah, poking the offending item with her foot.

"Well," said Azalea, "I suppose sometimes these, um, stake-outs take quite a long time, so I suppose he has to have a rest."

"Hm..." said Leah. She wasn't convinced. "What are these nasty stains, then?" she continued.

"Well," said Azalea, "I think he likes to have a thermos with him so he can have a nice cup of tea, perhaps sometimes he nods off and spills it or something, how should I know, anyway, what does it matter?" She was cross with Leah now.

"Stop it, you two!" snapped Paige. "Come on, we've got to concentrate on the plan."

Just then a crackle came from the huge set of headphones which were clamped to her ears. Inside the pub was Tracey, a friend of Paige who had been introduced to Tony and provided with a photo of Mrs Jameson.

"Condition green!" Tracey intoned into her wristwatch, passing her hand casually in front of her face.

"Condition green!" squeaked Paige in the van, hopping from foot to foot.

"Calm down dear," said Azalea, "that just means visual contact has been established with the mark."

"Condition green ultra.." murmured Tracey in the pub.

"Condition green ultra!!" shrieked Paige.

"Paige, calm down! The target's arrived, that's all."

"Condition RED!" went the earphones.

"Ahh, now then, that means we're go!" said Azalea. "Action stations!"

On the monitor the girls saw the toilet door open. In came Mrs Jameson. Leah, Azalea and Paige gasped in unison. Mrs Jameson was wearing the sort of mini-skirt that a girl ten years her junior might have had second thoughts about. Above it she had a cutaway blouse that looked faintly cowgirl-ish. Between the two garments two or three inches of admittedly well toned midriff could be seen. On her feet Mrs J sported a pair of boots, which also had a Wild West air and resembled the last pair of boots Azalea had seen on the screen, only brown and about four times as expensive.

"Condition red ultra!"

A knock on the door, and in came Tony.

"Mellors!" cried Mrs Jameson in mock alarm. "What are you doing in one's boudoir?"

Tony rose to the occasion. Assuming a fake rustic accent he delivered himself of the less than immortal line: "Oi've come to see to your ladyship's garden, if you please."

"Oh yecch! Who told him to say that?" groaned Azalea. Leah looked sheepish and shuffled from one foot to the other.

"Oh Mellors!" giggled Mrs Jameson school-girlish-ly, "One's garden is in quite desperate need of attention!"

Azalea put her hands over her ears. "I can't listen to any more of this!" she wailed. "Make them stop!"

She needn't have worried. The script-writer had run out of inspiration at that point and dialogue was replaced by action. Eagerly the mismatched twosome grappled with each other, Mrs Jameson tugging at Tony's trousers and he swiftly removing her blouse. Her lacy, barely there bra followed, affording the conspirators an excellent view of her small but still perfect breasts, which strained upwards towards her Lothario's hirsute, barrel-like chest, now also bare. Finally her fumblings with Tony's trousers were rewarded, and the sound of his zip being undone was succeeded by a gasp from Mrs Jameson. With trembling hand Azalea adjusted the focus, and she and Paige gasped too. Open-mouthed, they turned towards Leah, who was now looking smug.

"I can't bear to watch!" cried Paige, her eyes glued to the screen.

Azalea adjusted the shot again, the camera zooming in on Mrs Jameson's immaculately manicured fingers which were coaxing Tony's already formidable member to even greater lengths.

"Oh no! He's going to come, he's going to come! Help, help!" squealed Paige.

Mrs Jameson had evidently come to a similar conclusion as with one hand she tugged her expensive but almost non-existent panties down and with the other accepted the condom which Tony had produced from his back pocket. Expertly she snapped it on and unrolled it.

"I don't think this is going to be big enough."

"Don't ee worry, purty lady, Mellors is allus careful with his dibber..!"

"Oh no, he's opened his mouth again, can't bear it!"

Mrs Jameson ran her hand over the tight-fitting love glove.

"Mmmmm.." she murmured. "Don't be too careful.."

On her mission to Wonderpharm Leah had bought a packet of six suitable condoms. Three she had used on the test flight (mindful of resources, not to mention her happy but sore puss, she had reluctantly denied Tony his creature comforts when he awoke with a majestic morning glory), and the others were reserved for his assignation with Mrs Jameson.

"I've given you three of these," she'd said firmly, "so you've got one if she wants you to do it again, plus a spare in case of accidents."

Paige had the empty packet. "Piacere Maxxi XXL", she read aloud. "Wider and longer condoms for men who find regular products too short or tight. Length 210 mm, width 65 mm."

She looked up at the screen. Leah was now at the controls and for some reason had one of the micro-cams focused on Tony's gardening tool, which Mrs Jameson was fondling while he slurped enthusiastically at her boobs.

"These things are 21 centimetres long," she sighed, "and they're still two or three centimetres too small for him.."

Things were coming to a head, though, no doubt because the lovers were conscious of the dangers of being caught. Roughly Tony pushed Mrs Jameson onto the toilet cistern. She whimpered as Tony eased an inch of his dibber into her. Teasingly he withdrew, which triggered a louder whimper and a dribble of something onto the cistern. Of all those present, only she knew that what had just violated her was nearly twice as big as her normal Saturday night squeeze. Although it wasn't much bigger than the Rabbit which she kept in her undies drawer and to which she resorted on the other six nights of the week.

"Dirty mare!" snorted Leah, "Look at the state of her! I bet she was playing with herself in the car all the way here!"  

Azalea and Paige giggled, while meanwhile Tony roughly turned Mrs Jameson round and bent her forward over the cistern. With one big, spade-like hand he slapped her slightly chubby bottom. The sound rang round the van and a red mark appeared on her creamy flesh. She yelped and something splattered on the floor.

"She's wet herself!" gasped Paige.

"Oh no, please...!" groaned Mrs Jameson.

Tony did it again and this time the camera captured the resulting little spurt. But there was no time to lose. Mrs Jameson uttered a loud yelp as he thrust three or four inches of himself inside her, quickly followed by two or three more. She groaned with helpless ecstasy, her eyes rolling as he rocked back and forth. Then, all too soon, there was a growl of animal enjoyment as Wonderpharm's finest latex was tested to near destruction. She moaned with despair and frustration as he withdrew. He tugged at the condom, swollen with sperm,and roughly shoving Mrs Jameson's leg to one side threw it in the lavatory pan.

"Oh no, not in there, please..."

Her voice tailed off as she looked over her shoulder at his still hugely engorged member, jerking and throbbing with passion. His epic ejaculation had done little to reduce its size or stiffness. Paige, Azalea and Leah whimpered in unison and Paige sank helplessly onto the grubby mattress. Mrs Jameson turned round, her legs as wide apart as she could manage while Tony fumbled for the second condom. Her hand shaking, she snatched it from him, tore off the wrapper and with practised fingers slipped it into place.

"Oh please!" She gasped, "Please, please, Ohhh! Quickly, I can't wait..!"

He needed no encouragement. Caution thrown to the wind she gasped and moaned ever more loudly as he thrust harder and harder, faster and deeper. His audience marvelled at his strength and stamina while Mrs Jameson clawed at his back, spurring him on to greater efforts. Paige and Leah had also shed their inhibitions, and in Paige's case her knickers (Leah wasn't wearing any), and both were rubbing themselves frantically. Azalea didn't notice in the darkness of the van, so entranced was she with what was happening on screen.

Paige was the first to cum, closely followed by Mrs Jameson. Sighing with satisfaction of a kind she had not felt for nearly ten years, she pulled away from Tony.

"WAIT!" she commanded, in a voice which Paige, Azalea and Leah knew all too well. She smiled, and took her mobile phone out of her bag.

"Smile please!" she said, but it wasn't Tony's face she was pointing the mobile's camera at. Then, the evidence secured, she simpered fetchingly.

"Would Mellors like to cum on her ladyship's face and boobs? I bet that nasty condom feels SO tight..."

"No!" growled Mellors, and he thrust determinedly, deeply, into her ladyship's hot, wet and aching flowerbed. His orgasm coincided with Leah's, while Paige anxiously smoothed her skirt and furtively tucked her damp panties under Jared's mattress, hoping nobody had noticed her guilty self-pleasures.


The encounter having concluded satisfactorily for all parties, equipment was hastily tidied away in both the toilet and the van, and the dramatis personae made a prompt exit.

That evening Jared ws rewarded for his part in Operation Sting. As a result many millions of his spermatozoa were released from their cruel confinement. Joyously they set out on the mission for which they had trained and prepared, only to discover - too late - that they had taken quite the wrong route to the wrong part of Azalea's tummy.

"Well," said Azalea, wiping her chin, "mission accomplished. Tomorrow you'd better go back and get your cameras, and please clean that van, it's disgusting."


On Friday morning Mrs Jameson opened an email from Paige. Leah and Azalea were copied in. There was an attachment. It all looked innocuous enough.

'Hello Mrs Jameson,' it read, 'I've noticed an unusual performance recovery profile on this file, do you think we could pls have a look at it together in the boardroom this morning?'

The blood drained from her face as she opened and hastily closed the attachment. Watching from the other side of the room Paige picked up her phone.

"Shall we go to the boardroom now, Mrs Jameson?" she purred.

Mrs Jameson sank into one of the boardroom chairs. She was trembling and ashen-faced. Behind her Leah shut and locked the door.

"It was the worst mistake of my life, oh, please don't send it to anyone else, please, I beg you, please, tell me what you want and I'll do it, anything, oh God, I'll lose my job if it gets out, I'll be nice to you all, I'll put you forward for promotion, anything..." She burst into tears.

"Well," said Paige, "that would be nice for starters.. We could all get along so much better."

She leaned back in her chair and motioned Mrs Jameson to her knees in front of her. She parted her legs. She was wearing sheer stockings and ultra-high heels. Languidly she draped one leg over the arm of the chair. Eager to please, Mrs Jameson shuffled forward and buried her head in Paige's lap. Having left her panties in Jared's van the previous day, Paige had foung she liked the feeling of not wearing any and hadn't bothered to replace them. Still sniffling, Mrs Jameson settled into a rhythm.

Paige sighed with contentment. "Mmmh, I think you've done this before, haven't you, Mrs Jameson... And by the way, do you mind if I call you Karen?"

"Ohh.. Slurp! Of course not...Shlup! Anything you want..."


A week later Azalea, Paige and Leah and their colleagues were summoned to the boardroom. Mrs Granby-Smythe awaited them. She was accompanied by Mr Jones, the junior manager with whom Leah had had her encounter.

"We've, ah, had a bit of a change around at the top." she said, "From now on Geoff here is going to be looking after your section."

"Haven't we met somewhere...?" murmured Leah.

"I , ah, yes, well, I think we might have done," stuttered Mr Jones.

"Ooh, looking forward so much to working with you...Geoff," simpered Paige. She moved unnecessarily close to Mr Jones. "Anything you want, we're a team, me, Azalea and Leah, just ask, anything at all..."


Frowning, vacuum cleaner in one hand and a sponge in the other, Jared raised the mattress. Hastily glancing over his shoulder to check that the overseer had taken her eyes off him for a minute or two, he retrieved two pairs of ladies' panties and shoved them in the pocket of his overalls. A smile replaced his frown as he remembered how the pastel blue ones came to be there. Then the frown returned. He could not, for the life of him, recall the owner of the other pair...

Same as Paige's Sting Videos

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I launched Porn Dude Casting recently, but I’ve been holding off on reviewing it for ThePornDude. It’s kind of hard to be an impartial smut reviewer when you’re the one banging the babes, filming the action and uploading it to the web. I didn’t want to seem like too much of a big-dicked braggart, but then again, I ain’t a stranger to tooting my own horn, typically after dipping my hairy palms into this bucket of lube I keep here in the masturbation chamber.I usually spend these reviews talking...

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Wing Night at Stingers

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Bee Stings

Shit, I'd forgotten Kim was still home. She usually went to church with my parents, but she had just returned from a Christian summer camp yesterday, where she had been working as a counselor for the last 4 weeks. She'd been really upset when she got home. "Um," I hesitated, trying to think of an excuse to stop her coming in, but came up short. "Hold on..." I began, but the door had already clicked and was swinging open. I had grown complacent during her absence. Luckily the muscle...

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Paige On The Beach

When I happened to go over to the beach, I decided to take my yellow lab with me, and was I ever glad I did. Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to a family set up just off the beach entrance, and as I walked past the family, an older lady stepped out of the “Easy up” sun shade and remarked, “She looks like a good dog.” I simply acknowledged her by smiling and saying thanks as I moved down past where they were to set up. After quickly setting up my umbrella, a beach...

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Paige mall slut

Paige stood frozen in place as she felt his breath on the back of her neck. "What's your name little girl," the man asked as he ran his hands up her arms to her shoulders. "P...P...Paige," she stammered as she shivered from the man touching her. "Did you like showing me your naked pussy at the food court Paige," he asked as he ran his hands back down her arms, and moved her hands up so she was holding one of the shelves before her. "I ... I ... please mister," she began to...

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Paige From Her Diary

Michael unlocked the door with a sigh, knowing that he had to go through with this, no matter how little he wanted to.The place still felt – even smelled – like home.  He’d grown up here, after all, and upgrading to new apartments every time a promotion made it possible meant that he had never really gotten attached to anywhere else.He had to let it go, though.  After much soul searching, he and his sister Paige had decided that it was ridiculous to keep paying property taxes on a house that...

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Paige And The Old Guy

“Mr. McDougal!” Cassidy yelled, while running up my driveway. “Can you help us?”The lively seventeen-year-old daughter of my neighbor was frantic, almost to the point of panic. Thinking something terrible had happened, I jumped up from the rocking chair on my front porch.“What is it?” I asked.“My mom's car won’t start, and I’m going to be late!” She said in a teenage panic. “I’ve got a meet in half an hour, and her stupid car won’t start, and…”“Easy now,” I reassured her. “Let me see what I can...

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Paige Pockets Arnie

I’m one of those guys who can’t pull a date: Babes who don’t know me don’t want to go out with me and babes who do know me fob me off with the same excuse. It’s pathetic, really but I get to watch a lot of TV which pleases my mom as she likes to have a shoulder to cry on when the hero chooses the slut over the really nice babe. Later in the movie I feel like bawling when the hero boringly realigns true to type and dumps the slut with the big tits and goes dozy on Miss Flat Chest who cutely...

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“Daddy, can Paige stay over tonight?” I heard my daughter Simone call from the other room.“Sure, why not?” I yelled back across the house. “You just need to clean up while I’m at work.”“Thanks, Daddy!”I grabbed my lunch out of the fridge and headed off to work. Any time my daughter asked if one of her friends could stay over, I would always say yes. Honestly, it’s not that I’m that nice. It’s more that I like to look at the girls, and of all of Simone’s friends, Paige was my favorite. I spent...

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Paige From Her Diary

Michael unlocked the door with a sigh, knowing that he had to go through with this, no matter how little he wanted to. The place still felt — even smelled — like home. He'd grown up here, after all, and upgrading to new apartments every time a promotion made it possible meant that he had never really gotten attached to anywhere else. He had to let it go, though. After much soul searching, he and his sister Paige had decided that it was ridiculous to keep paying property taxes on a house that...

5 years ago
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Paige had tricked me

I do know that she does turn tricks , I never thought she could support herself as a whore but she seems to have. She has been doing me now for the last 6 months for free and has shown she has improved her skills greatly.It was just the other day when she expressed an interest in doing anal sex. Of course I agreed to break her in so to speak. It has never been an interest for me because I myself prefer a wet pussy, and Paige’s was what I liked. “Why would like doing anal “ asked her “while...

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Homemade Frosting

My wife is an enthusiastic baker and is always interested in making complex desserts.  So when I came home the other day to her baking I was not surprised.  I walked in the door shouted, “Hi" to her in the kitchen and went to take a shower.  I had no idea that she was cooking up something more than cupcakes.  When I got out of the shower I dried off, threw on a pair of shorts, and went to give her a kiss in the kitchen.  When I walked in my jaw almost hit the floor, she was rolling out some...

Straight Sex
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Revision with a Sting

I had always enjoyed spanking stories but never imagined I would be spanking Jenny naked or that soon afterwards she would be spanking me. We were off school with ‘study time’ and I was supposed to be revising for my end of year exams - the mock A levels, as the teachers were keen to point out. I was no worse at revising than everyone else but that didn’t make my guilty conscience any easier. The phone rang and it was Jenny, a beautiful girl but like me she needed to work hard to get results....

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Paige Owens 900 299000

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The Battle of Hastings

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The Girl From The North Country 3 The Sting

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Revision with a Sting

I had always enjoyed spanking stories but never imagined I would be spanking Jenny naked or that soon afterwards she would be spanking me. We were off school with ‘study time’ and I was supposed to be revising for my end of year exams – the mock A levels, as the teachers were keen to point out. I was no worse at revising than everyone else but that didn’t make my guilty conscience any easier. The phone rang and it was Jenny, a beautiful girl but like me she needed to work hard to get results....

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Bee sting

It was a snowy winter night in Pennsylvania, Mike was visiting Laura and the snow was getting deep. Laura's parents suggested that Mike spend the night on the couch they didn't want to worry about him driving home in such bad weather. Mike agreed and smiled at Laura, he had more on his mind than sleep. This could be his lucky day he thought, the day he would finally get into Laura's pants and make her a woman. Laura was so in love with Mike she thought he was the best looking guy she had...

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EllenChapter 20 The Sting

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A Handfasting

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Ball Busting

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Its not about loveteasting

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Ballbusting or Cuntbusting

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Fantasy ballbusting

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Big booty Ballbusting

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Sexy Friend Ballbusting

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Compulsion ballbusting

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Big Booty Ballbusting

Kadin is a 22 year old white male, standing at a height of 5'2. For being so short, he is pretty good below the belt, his penis a somewhat solid 7 inches. He is having a friend over named Willow. She is a 23 year old white female who stands at 6'3, she has Triple D titties, and an ass that can kill. She is coming over to with Kadin. They have been friends sense 7th grade. Somewhere around that time Kadin found his ballbusting fetish. He tried to get some girls to do it with him, but they all...

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Weekend Ballbusting

"Wake up, bitch-boy!" are the first words you hear this Saturday morning. You look to your doorway and see your step-sister, Bridget. She looks extra sexy today, and you take a moment to study what she looks like. You see her long legs go up to her shorts, her tight white top being pulled at by her braless, erect nipples, and finally you get to her lightly freckled face, big, blue eyes, and long, red hair. "What do you want?" you respond. "I'm in charge starting now. Shower up, get dressed, and...

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work isintersting

i was at work today and a pretty middle aged women came in. she was around 30 or so and was wearing a fairly short flowing skirt, which revealed her sexy curvy creamy thighs. i had a quick glance over and she gave me a smile. i carried on working, thinking nothing of it.when i next looked up...well i wasn't expecting what i saw!The lady was bending over, her skirt way up over her big curvy arse. revealing her lacey, black french knickers. i couldn't beleive it!! i just stood there, staring at...

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Fist time ballbusting

In the first place, I wish to appologize for my poor language. My mother language is Dutch, so I will give it a try in English. But I can't guarantee no mistakes.So, punish me for every mistake if you like.I'm a male of 40 years old, looking younger than I am. For the first time in my live, I wish to experience an extreme hard ballbusting session.I look on regulary basis on the bdsm-video's, looking for men who get ballbusted by beautifull (or less beautifull) women, sadistic women.And damned,...

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Aztec Feastings

Aztec Feastings By RotnebSynopsis:  Human sacrifice was an important element in the ancient Aztec culture. This story is a modern version as Tanya and her friends are experiencing. The price for the losers in the competition to get a husband is that the losers will be sacrificed to the Aztec gods in the impressive old Chichen ltza area created by the Mayan.The story is only fantasy.The Aztec BeachTanya was not entirely sure that she was ready to follow her friend Patricia to the nearest Aztec...

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Ballbusting vs Cuntbusting

Somehow you spent all Saturday long researching Trajan. You’d planned to just find a few sources and type up a few paragraphs, but somehow you couldn’t stop yourself. As the paragraphs turned to pages, the day turned to night. You look around the library, surprised to see the once-filled chairs suddenly empty. Or maybe not so suddenly. Between trying to type an eloquent enough paper to impress Charlotte and daydreaming about her, you didn’t really pay much attention to your surroundings. Oh...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 31 Handfasting

I stiffened. And not in a sexual manner. My daughters were too young to be preparing for marriage. I was going to sit them both down... “They’ve both taken home economics in school to learn to sew and cook. That nice Mrs. Abernathy actually teaches a little about managing a household. You should be proud that our girls are preparing for a future husband and home.” “I thought you meant...” “Oh, I’m sure Lexi is pure as the driven snow. Our little puttana, though ... I’m sure she is sexing...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 197 Handfasting

We had a great time. After dinner, Dad led us all out to the fire pit. He must have taken the whole day off because there was a new addition. He had a kind of tent like thing set up that looked like a Navajo hogan. He'd slipped out earlier to light the fire and it was blazing when we got out there. We just sat around for a while telling stories about how life was going after the first full month of school. The guys were excited about basketball season coming up and were bummed that my class...

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Reddit BurstingOut, aka r/BurstingOut! Ah, tiddies, tiddies everywhere! That is what I love to see, and I am sure that is why y’all are here as well. Reddit is a wonderful place filled with all kinds of shit, and I am pretty sure that you will enjoy everything they have to offer. I mean, what is there not to enjoy? Especially when talking about a section called /r/burstingout/.As you can see, the name says it all, or does it? Well, if you do not know what to expect from this subreddit or just...

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Casting Porno Tube! If you are not some fucking greenhorn with no experience of porn, then you must have watched at least one casting video. If you have not, what the fuck have been you been jerking off to? Luckily for y’all thankless toads, today I’m in a generous mood, so I’ll give you a low down of this popular and recognizable niche.It is actually based on a simple premise; a young woman hoping to break into the porn industry enters a room outfitted with a coach. From there, the casting...

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Just Casting Porn! If you’ve been around the porn industry and you’ve looked through several porn sites, you might have noticed a very niche and specific category of casting porn. Why is casting porn popular? Well, that’s something that I’ve been looking into a lot and I think I have the answer to that question. More importantly, I have the answer to the question of where you can find casting porn in its full-length. Many sites out there try to sell you the idea of casting porn videos only to...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Ice Porn Casting! I can’t get enough casting couch porn. Heck, I even started my own site,, where I interview and fuck sluts just to get more of it. That should be proof enough that I love sitting babes down, hearing about their crazy lives, and then watching them get plowed right then and there. But don’t you wish that you could flip through and fap to all of your favorite casting couch scenes in one place? Well, me fucking too. That’s why I went out searching for a hot...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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A Little Stinger

A Little Stinger By Miss Anonna It was a beautiful day down at the river but I had soaked up enough sun and gathered my things to head back to the car. I opened the door, tossed my towels in the passenger seat and plopped down to head home. “Ow! Shit!” I hollered and jumped up so quick that I bumped my head really hard on the car. “Dammit!” I hollered again and nearly cried. I was so pissed off and figured that I had sat on a bee so I frantically searched for the little bugger but to no avail....

2 years ago
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A Little Stinger

A Little StingerBy Miss AnonnaIt was a beautiful day down at the river but I had soaked up enough sun and gathered my things to head back to the car. I opened the door, tossed my towels in the passenger seat and plopped down to head home. “Ow! Shit!” I hollered and jumped up so quick that I bumped my head really hard on the car. “Dammit!” I hollered again and nearly cried. I was so pissed off and figured that I had sat on a bee so I frantically searched for the little bugger but to no avail....

Group Sex
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Through The Years Reposting

I am reposting this story as I’ve found that an important piece of it was not included in the original posting. This story sort of falls into the ‘What If’ genre. I’m at a loss as to where or what genre I should list the story. It could fit in Romance, Non erotic, or Science Fiction. There is a romance involved and some Sci Fi but the crux of the story isn’t about either one, I chose Non erotic. According to the description of that category, this is a fictional story without a focus on sex. I...

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Paige And The Old Guy PtII Cassidy And The Hole In The Fence

I had just finished mowing my lawn when I saw Cassidy waving to me from her back yard. She was looking very nice in her two-piece yellow bikini.“Hi, Mr. McDougal,” she said, waving to me.“Hello, Cassidy,” I said, waving back.There’s a wooden fence about five feet tall that runs between our yards. It hasn’t been stained in a while so some of the boards were starting to show signs of heavy wear. I had the wood to replace it, stacked off to the side, just hadn’t got to doing it yet.Cassidy trotted...

4 years ago
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Paige the Hipster

Paige Harris had grown up as the popular girl. She'd been captain of the cheerleading and volleyball teams, and loved the attention and acclaim this got her. When she moved to the city to attend college, she noticed that what was cool changed. Now the in thing was dramatic irony, grungy clothes and a focus on obscure bands. So, wanting to stay popular, she adapted to her new setting. She started listening to indie bands instead of pop, dressing in trendy hipster clothing and working at the...

2 years ago
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advices before posting

- Don't write your story directly into our system. There's a server timeout, after few minutes of inactivity, you will be disconnected and you will lose your work. - The best solution is to write and save your work into your computer and copy/paste it here. - Don't forget to check your story before posting it. With some text editors, there could be some problems like formating text or inapropriate characters. - Please, don't abuse with themes. No need to add all of them. - Your story...

2 years ago
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This story, and the one's that follow, have a grain of real life experiences in them, but I've elaborated on them significanty so they really are little more than fiction. But I hope you enjoy reading them.The usual warnings apply. This story involves sex between consenting adults. If you're not over 18 or it is i*****l to read this where you live, then please do not continue any further. You have been warned.Fisting. The word alone seems to instantly divide gay men into two camps. Those who do...

4 years ago
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Big Apple Fisting

This is a story I found about 15 years ago and haven't seen since so before it was lost forever I thought I would post it here... What a night Last night! Ouch! My whole body aches, but it's the kind of ache I crave. No work today, that's for sure. I can just imagine the shocked looks on the faces of the girls in the office if they knew how I get my sexual pleasure. The reserved, prim and proper public relations specialist, whom everyone thinks is so delicate and sweet. I'm only 25-years old,...

3 years ago
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Movie Listings

Silver Cinema 16 listings and showtimes for Oct 31 - Nov 6 DEALING WITH IT (Drama - Rated R - 125 Minutes - Starring: Yvonne Catzin, Chris Oldenbach, and Rachel McElder) When a strange illness causes one third of women worldwide to suddenly develop male genitals, a young married couple faces challenges that were never really mentioned in their vows when the wife becomes functionally a man during the course of their two week honeymoon. When they return home, not only does Jerry...

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7 Broadcasting

Friday night tended to be couples night at the pub and a couple more of my mates turned up with wives / girlfriends in tow – the guys remembered Lisa from her last visit and we made the usual introductions and pretty soon Lisa & Liz were chattering away with the other lasses like they’d known ‘em for years. We left about eleven, Liz invited us back to Rob’s house but I think Lisa had other plans and we didn’t bother. Walking home Lisa was telling me about Ally and her boyfriend Dan going on...

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African Casting is an awesome African porn site that features exclusively chocolate babes with the juiciest booties that are determined to prove to the world that you ain’t got to be white to make it in the adult industry. While it’s pretty much of a casting based on a false promise that the white dude is an agent on African Casting looking for black babes to be models, I can tell you that the scenes are nothing like the porn you have watched before.It's definitely pure bliss made even more...

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