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I know there has to be something wrong with this apartment. No one rents out a huge loft like this for one-tenth of the market value unless it's haunted or something. But since I haven't found a steady job yet, I don't really have a lot of options. This is all that I can afford.

I search the place thoroughly, but I can't find anything obviously wrong with it -- no rats, no roaches, no bloodstains, and the plumbing and electricity both work. I go to bed feeling extremely lucky.

When I wake up, though, it's a different story.

My asshole is sore, like I've been ridden hard, but I broke up with my boyfriend months ago and haven't been laid since. There's also this...slime on my skin, almost like snot, but thicker and slicker. It's on my sheets, too. I take a shower and strip the bed, glad to see that it hasn't seeped through into the mattress. I check the ceiling, but can't find a leak. I make a note to call the landlord if it happens again.

The next morning, it's the same thing. I call the landlord and leave a voicemail, and then trek down to the laundry room to wash my sheets, since they're all dirty now. There's a young woman already in there, folding her clothes as she takes them out of the dryer.

"Good morning," she says cheerfully. My ass hurts too much to be cheerful, but I smile back at her.

"Morning," I say, stuffing my sheets into an empty washer.

"I don't think we've met before," she says. "I'm Kathryn. I'm in 2B."

"Henry," I say, "in 4A."

"The loft?" She stops smiling.

"Yeah. Why? Is something wrong with it?"

"I don't know. I just...I've heard things about the place. People say it's haunted, but that's just silly. I do know that there have been a lot of tenants come and go over the past few months. A lot. Most only stay a couple of nights." She finishes folding her clothes, piles them back in her basket, and picks it up. "If you see any ghosts, let me know, okay?" she says with a smile as she leaves.

I do my laundry and go back upstairs. The landlord hasn't returned my call yet. He still hasn't when I finally go to bed. I have trouble falling asleep, wondering what I'm going to find in the morning.

I wake up sore and slimy for the third time. This is getting ridiculous. I call the landlord again, leaving another voicemail. He finally calls back around noon, telling me there's nothing he can do unless I can find where the slime is coming from. That gives me an idea.

Before bed, I set up my laptop and turn on the webcam, setting it to record all night long. I still don't sleep easy, but at least if it happens again, maybe I'll find out what's going on.

I'm not even surprised when I wake up, my asshole aching, my skin glistening with smears of slime. I shower and strip the bed -- gonna have to do laundry again -- and then sit down to watch the video. I fast-forward through a couple hours, watching myself toss and turn in my sleep. Then, just after midnight, something strange starts to happen.

The blankets slide off of me, leaving me naked in bed. The sheet beneath me begins to ripple, almost like water, and I gasp as several dark, slimy arms emerge from the bed, monstrous fingers tipped with gleaming claws. I watch, unable to believe my eyes, as the hands hold me down. The bed ripples and heaves again, and thick, muscular tentacles, almost like long tongues, emerge from the bed, several of them coiling around my thighs and pulling my legs apart while another pushes straight into my asshole.

I cringe as it squirms into me, the girth as big around as my forearm before it stops. No wonder I wake up sore. The me in the video begins to moan, but doesn't wake up. How the hell could I sleep through this? I feel a flush of embarrassment as the me in the video gets hard, cock straining, pre-cum dribbling onto my stomach. After a moment, I cry out, my hips lifting off the bed as I cum, striping my stomach with my cream.

The tentacle pulls out of me and they all begin lapping up the jzim. When the cum is gone, they sink back into the bed, leaving me in peace.

I can't believe this. This apartment really is haunted. I need to get out of here.

But where am I going to go? The rent might be low, but I had to fork over first, last, and a deposit that wiped out my savings. If I leave, I won't get any of that back. I can't afford to move.

Wearing a T-shirt and boxers, I try sleeping on the couch, but it's not very comfortable. I lie on my side, facing out into the room, watching the clock tick slowly toward midnight. I must have dozed off because I suddenly jump awake as the couch shakes. I try to get up, but strong, cold arms wrap around me, holding me still. I try to scream, but a slick tentacle slides into my mouth, muffling the sound.

I'm helpless as the tentacles wrap around my waist, dragging my boxers down. I try to keep my legs together, but I feel the back of the couch ripple and a thick tentacle emerges, flicking the tip against my hole. It feels like a cold, slimy tongue licking me and I shudder uncontrollably. My legs kick helplessly and I scream around the tentacle in my mouth as the one at my ass slides inside me. It's so big and works its way so deep, I can almost feel it squirming in the pit of my stomach.

It begins to fuck me, pressing against my prostate as it moves in and out, and I can't stop my cock from getting hard, pre-cum oozing from the tip. More tentacles appear, squirming against my cock, spreading their slime over my skin as they wrap around the shaft, pulling and squeezing, and oh, fuck, it feels so good I can hardly breathe, my hips rocking with the deep, hard thrusts of the tentacle in my ass, and I cum suddenly, spurting all over the tentacles writhing against my cock.

I sob in relief -- they'll stop now -- but they don't. I moan and struggle, trying to get away, but the thick tentacle just keeps pounding my ass, and the smaller ones lick away the cum from my cockhead, the stimulation so intense it's almost painful, their delicate tips probing the slit and pisshole. I scream, the sound muffled by the tentacle in my mouth, as one of the little tentacles stretches out long and thin, and begins to squirm down into my cock, a feeling like- I don't know what, but it's intense and visceral, pain and pleasure, agonizing ecstasy, and I just want it to stop, but it doesn't, and then I'm cumming again and I can feel the cum shoot out of my cock, my hips jerking as I force one stream after another out past the tentacle in my urethra, and the orgasm lasts for so long that I'm left dazed and shaking when it finally ends.

The tentacles and arms release me, cleaning up the cum that sprayed halfway across the living room before disappearing back to wherever they came from. I lie there, sweaty and slimy, and then pass out.


I spend half the morning cleaning the slime off my couch. I'm even more sore than any of the other times, the times that I slept through, and I can't help but wonder why last night was different. Was it punishing me for trying to avoid it? Would it get worse if I didn't cooperate?

I'm not about to let myself become some demon's fuck-toy without a fight. I lay in bed, wide awake and waiting, my heart thumping in my chest as midnight draws near. This might not work. I don't know anything about ghosts or demons or phantasms or whatever the fuck this thing is. This could just make everything worse.

The covers begin to creep down my body and I squeeze my eyes shut, taking slow, deep breaths until I feel the sheet beneath me start to ripple. My eyes snap open and I choke back a scream as one of the demonic hands rises up, hovering over me. I grip the rope in my sweaty hands, then throw the loop at one end over the arm, tightening it with a jerk. The arm pulls back, trying to disappear into the bed, but I fight it, digging my heels into the mattress as I heave.

I wrap the other end of the rope around the bed knob, securing it just as a second hand lunges up out of the sheets at me. I kick the arm, then grab a second rope I have waiting, catching the arm and tying it to the other bed post. The headboard creaks as the arms flail and jerk, trying to get free. I pick up another rope and wait. There were always three arms before.

It shoots up right between my legs, grabbing at me, and I feel the sharp claws rake my skin, but I throw the rope over it and scramble off the bed, puling until I can tie it to the post at the foot of the bed. The whole bed shakes as the arms thrash, but it can't get free. With a strange, sibilant moan, a mass of tentacles squirm up through the rippling bed, sliding over the ropes, but I was a Boy Scout -- I know how to tie a knot.

"Release us," a chorus of voices hiss, a thick, wet whisper that makes me shiver.

"What are you?" I ask.

"We are (dreams, nightmares, desires, shame, fear, perversions, secrets)," it whispers, the different voices saying different things at the same time.

"What do you want?"

"Your (seed, life force, energy, cum, essence)."

"Why? What do you need my cum for?"

"We need human essence or we die," it hisses. "Release us now. We will not come back here again."

"No, you'll just go **** someone else," I say. "Maybe I should just keep you here and let you die."

"No! We meant no harm. We had no choice. Humans find us (disgusting, terrifying, revolting, ugly, scary, grotesque, horrible)."

I can't believe I actually feel a little sorry for the creature, but I do. Who would willingly submit to being violated by such a disgusting thing?

"You hurt me," I say, reaching out to poke one of the thick tentacles. "That is too big to fit into a human ass."

"We are sorry," it hisses. "We can be (gentle, careful, tender, kind, loving). Let us show you."

I hesitate, and then draw back, shaking my head, shocked that I would even consider it. This thing is so revolting, it turns my stomach. Why would I willingly let it touch me?

But it's not the creature's fault that it's ugly. It was just doing what it had to in order to survive. Could I really let it die for that?

I walk over to the bedpost, the tentacles drawing back as I reach up and untie the rope around one of the arms. Freed, is disappears back into the bed. I release the second arm, and it, too, disappears. Walking around the bed, I stand beside the last tethered arm, hesitating. Should I really do this? If I let it go, there's no guarantee it won't come back, or go terrorize someone else.

"Please," it whispers, its voices plaintive. I reach out and untie the last rope.

The arm stretches out and grabs me by the wrist, and I cry out in surprise as the other two arms emerge, grabbing my hips and pulling me onto the bed, into the midst of the writhing tentacles.

"What are you doing?" I demand. "You said you were sorry!"

"We are. We will show you how sorry."

"You don't have to show me, just let me go!" I struggle, kicking and thrashing, but the strong tentacles wrap around my arms and legs, holding them still. Others work into my boxers and pull them off, and I scream as the cold, slimy hands clutch at me. A tentacle fills my mouth, silencing me.

"Do not be afraid," the voices say. "We will not hurt you."

I shudder as the hands begin to caress my body, but I have to admit, they are a lot more gentle than the other times. I stop fighting, trying to catch my breath around the tentacle in my mouth, and it withdraws, leaving me panting. I consider shouting for help, but it'll just gag me again, and there's no reason for it to give me another chance if I screw this up.

"Please," I say instead. "Please let me go."

"Give us this chance," it hisses. "If we cannot convince you, we will never come back."

Short of having it leave immediately, that seems like the best deal that I'm going to get. I sigh, the sound coming out a shaking sob, and I try not to cringe as it continues touching me, two of the grotesque hands sliding up my chest to pinch and tease my nipples, the third shifting down to stroke my cock. It doesn't take long to make me hard, even though I try not to respond.

I gasp, tensing as something cold squirms against my asshole. I'm still sore from last night. The tentacle doesn't force its way into me, though, it laps at my hole, coating it with slime, the sensation making me quiver inside. I love getting rimmed, and being without a boyfriend has left me severely in need. I can't help but groan and rock my hips, pushing against it, my tight hole relaxing.

The tentacle slips inside, cold and wet, but it's not nearly as big as before. It's barely bigger around than a finger, but so much longer and more dexterous, searching inside me until it finds my prostate. I cry out, my back arching, as it presses into the wall of my rectum, circling that spongy lump and contracting around it, rhythmically squeezing until I feel like I'm going to explode, but not providing enough stimulation to let me cum.

I moan helplessly, my cock throbbing and leaking pre-cum onto my stomach, the tentacles licking it up. I shift restlessly and the arms allow me to turn over, rising to my hands and knees on the bed, my legs spread wide as the hands and tentacles stretch up to caress me.

"Oh, fuck me, please," I beg.

"You want this?" the voices ask, and a new tentacle emerges from the bed, the sight of it taking my breath away. I imagine the slender tip sliding into my ass, the tapered head stretching me slowly, and then the knobs -- like marbles just under the skin -- rubbing inside me, over my prostate -- I whimper with unashamed need.

"Yes...yes...fuck, yes," I gasp, and groan as the tentacle in my ass pulls out, to be replaced by the slick, slender tip of the knobbly one. I rock back against it, trying to fuck myself on it, but it teases me, the tip squirming inside me, but giving me no satisfaction. I groan as the smaller tentacles gather beneath my crotch, stretching up to worship my dribbling cock, brushing against the head and teasing the slit.

Several strong tentacles slither up the insides of my thighs and caress my ass before gripping my cheeks and pulling them apart. I cry out, my back arching, as the knobbly tentacle pushes into me, the knobs catching on the ring of muscle at my hole, stretching it, and then slipping inside with a pop that I can feel echo all through my body. It moves slowly, thrusting in and pulling out, until I'm shaking, babbling, my cock leaking like a faucet as my body tenses, balanced on a knife's edge. The tentacles wrap around me, holding me up as the knobbly one begins to drill my ass, pounding into me. I buck and cry out helplessly as I cum, splattering the writhing tentacles beneath me. The knobbly tentacle in my ass stops moving, except for a slow undulation against my prostate that has me keening as it milks every last drop of cum out of me.

Exhausted, I collapse, but the hands and tentacles catch me and lower me to the bed. I lay there, gasping for breath as the shudders of pleasure echo through me. I'm going to be sore again in the morning, but this time, I don't mind. After a minute, I feel the covers being drawn back up over me, and I raise my head, watching the tentacles and arms disappear back into the bed one by one, until only one arm remains. It gently touches my face, then begins to sink into the mattress.

"Wait," I say and it stops. "You can come back any time."

"Thank you," it whispers, and the hand disappears. I reach out, pressing my fingers to the rippling spot on the bed, and jerk back in surprise when my hand sinks into the mattress. It felt like pushing my hand into a bowl of gelatin. I run my hand over the sheet again, but the rippling has stopped and the bed is solid. I wonder where it comes from, where it goes, if it visits other people, if it will be gentler with them after this. With a satisfied sigh, I roll over and turn out the light.

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Sunni inhaled the marijuana, held it in for a few moments, and then released a puff of smoke in the air. The effeminate white man with a platinum blonde Mohawk pressed the number two button on his phone to listen to the message. He heard a deep-voiced Black man say he needed his dick sucked and would love to fuck some ass. Sunni replied saying they should do a live conference. Moments later they were connected.“Hello,” said the baritone.“Hi there,” beamed Sunni. “How are you?”“I’m good. You...

3 years ago
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Train of Dicks

I stared at my exposed tit, and felt a rush of nerves get me.As I contemplated making a run for the exit, the guys around me circled around what little space we had in the train.I grabbed the broken piece of my red dress and pulled it back up trying to cover up my right tit, but the guy sitting next to me was keeping me by playing with my nipple."Um...listen..." I said as I looked for words to say to him with a devilish grin on my face."Will, My name is Will, sweet sexy foxy baby," he said to...

3 years ago
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I was dicked

Had been talking to a guy on X Hamster for a while. We talked on the phone and on Hamster. and every time we spoke, I got more and more turned on. He had such a nice cock and he seemed like a nice guy. I offered myself to him a number of times but he was hesitant. He wasn't sure about the homo thing but he was curious.Well, one night we were talking on the phone and I asked if he'd consider a blow job. He seemed to be vacillating so I asked what he was saving it for...He, to my surprise, said...

4 years ago
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Fulfilling Fantasy For More Dick

My wife Alicia and I have been happily married for 14 years, and I still think she's the hottest woman in the world. She's a petite, bangin' brunette with a beautiful round face and a little button nose. Making love with Alicia is one of my greatest pleasures in life. She is absolutely fantastic in bed. I love the feel of her ample breasts, and the firm roundness of her perfect ass. My biggest turn-on is giving her orgasms, and she has an astounding ability to cum 20 times or more when we make...

2 years ago
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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

3 years ago
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Suck That Dick

Some guys like to have their cock sucked. Some guys like to suck cock. And then some guys .. like myself .. will take a hard dick down their throat or up their ass. It doesn’t matter if I have to spread my lips or my legs just so I get some dick! But this little story is about an acquaintance of mine .. Stan .. who liked to have his dick sucked .. and me .. Clayton the sissy .. who was always ready to suck on it. The relationship I had with Stan was based strictly on sex. No dinner dates....

2 years ago
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My Gay Story MeNikhil And Amit8217s Big Dick

Hi readers..this is sunny.after a lot of hesitation and inspiration from you all i am here to present my true story. Let me tell you about myself,i am sunny-23 yrs of age,slim and fair.Till the age of 18 i thought myself as straight with no gay feeling until one day. That one day-i was 18 and has just started my first year of other guys i was too busy searching for a good girlfriend to hangout with.Nikhil was my best friend.We were together since school.we used to sit on same...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Daughter and the Dick

?? ? Come on, you fucking whore, crawl to Daddy! Crawl across the kitchen floor to your ever-lovin' Dad. KEEP YOUR FUCKING EYES ON MY BIG FAT DICK, BITCH! You want tht dick, don't you? You need that thick hunk of fuckmeat in your pretty little fourteen year old mouth, don't you? I fucking know you do. Well, you know Daddy's rules. You want my prick, you gotta work for it. Look at this big beatuiful slab of cock just hanging here for you. There is a nice big drop of pre-fuck hanging from the...

1 year ago
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Chapter 1 Dick Savage, full name Richard Fabian Savage, was orphaned at the age of twelve when his parents and sister drowned in a boating accident. Both lots of grandparents lived far away and didn’t hold out an adoptive hand to him because all four were aware of his unruly behavior already had resulted in his four appearances in the Juvenile Court. So much for the saying blood is thicker than water. With his grandparents shedding no tears over his bleak future, skinny fair-headed Richard...

2 years ago
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Mom and son sex becomes a habit for mom and son can8217t escape her constant need for his big dick

I know a bunch of this stuff, probably 98 percent of it, is false about incest. But in email chats with this guy Long Boy Slim, he convinced me to let him post this story I forwarded to him, word for word. It’s true. It’s what happened between me and my mom. I can’t say it’s right or wrong, but it happened. And it’s still happening. I hope it doesn’t offend anyone. But this stuff happens to people sometimes, like it happened to me. If any of you readers out...

2 years ago
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The Girls Play With The Big Fake Dick

“Holy fuck, Paige! You said it was big, but goddamn, it feels like you are splitting me open,” cried out Robin.As Paige continued to push forward, driving the fake dick into Robin, she replied with, “Oh, shut the fuck up. You let Jake take your virginity, and he is bigger than this thing.”****Well, Jake should be honored because they both knew that he wasn’t anywhere near the seven inches in length and almost two and a half inches in diameter this strap-on was. Robin marveled at its size when...

Strap-On Sex
2 years ago
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The Power of Big Dicks

It is strange, the power of a big dick. I remember the first time that I sucked a dick in public. I was sitting in this secluded park. No one else was there. I backed up my car and had the windows down, enjoying the trees, the birds, the peacefulness and quiet! I had backed my car up under this tree and I hear another vehicle on the gravel. This guy in a small 4-door pickup pulls up almost right in front of my car and stops.The next thing I see, the guy – an older Hispanic guy in his 50’s –...

2 years ago
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Taming Dick

Author's Note: I was reading my first few stories again the other day and realized that they were a lot more steamy. This may be because the detective stories couldn't really be very hot. So I've decided to write the current series about Steve and Rob, two friends who spend their weekends as hot young women to get away from work pressures. I'm going to have a lot of fun with this one. As far as this story goes, it brought back some of the thrill I felt writing about Anna and Kate. I...

1 year ago
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Worshipping big dick

I'm a young, Hispanic, athletic guy - 5'10", 170lbs, brown eyes, tan skin, black hair. I wouldn't say I'm bisexual, but I do LOVE dick. That is about all the I am attracted to in men. This is a true story about my one of my regular hook-ups with a guy I met online. It started like usual - a sudden, irresistible urge for dick. Sometimes pussy and tits just won't do it for me. I need a big, meaty, piece of sausage in my mouth. I just love the smell of well groomed cock. I love the taste of warm,...

2 years ago
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Payback is a Dick

Introduction: WARNING… this story contains a lot of rape.. punishment. This story is about one girl that gets to payback those that have abused her Everyone thought they knew me, but they didnt. For as long as I remember I hated who I was. When I was younger it was never an issue. I played with the boys and no one said a thing, but when my body changed, everything changed with it. First the people around me changed. They told me what to do and when to do it, and then the boys around me changed,...

2 years ago
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Payback is a Dick

When my body changed I began to hate myself. When my breasts began to develop that’s when most of the problems came. During those summer months I cursed my body, but there was nothing I could do. It seemed as my cup increased, so did my problems. The boys that I use to play with made constant comments about my boobs. As they kept growing, the comments slowed and the advances grew. When I was a D cup, I was pressured to jack off two guys from the neighborhood, when I was an E cup, I was forced...

4 years ago
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shrinking pills make a limp dick

Go on Love tell me what your deepest Fantasy is? Well I hesitated I want to watch you Fuck another Man! Kate looked at me with surprise. You want to watch another man Fuck me? Kate whispered in my ear while My Cock started to rise. She grab it and it quickly became hard and begin to throb in her fist. “Yes” was my reply. Kate and I had been married for 2 years and she was so hot that no matter where I took her the men would stare at her openly. Slowly I developed a Fantasy to watch these men...

3 years ago
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I was 23 years old, this story happened in June of 2016. After many years of me having sex with old grandpas and grandmas, almost everyone in the village knew that I liked old cock and old pussy. Sometimes grandpas and grandmas would just come up to me and ask me for sex and then I just would have sex with them, it was just that easy. I had nothing to hide, I was open to all of the old people in my village. Old men at the bar would always talk about my ass, I could just walk into the bar and I...

3 years ago
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You have to suck his dick

"What man does not want to get his dick sucked on the regular?" Most men would prefer to get their dick sucked as much during the entire day as possible. So, why make the statement? Simply, on a fair scale (because I have not interviewed or gathered statistics], a man who is with a woman [in a relationship], might, might get his dick sucked once a week, or maybe not even once a month. I have a brother who has not had his dick sucked for over 6 months. I think that is a problem. In fact, he...

3 years ago
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Im Legless Not Dickless

I was trying my darnedest to suck my little sister’s tits, but it was proving to be an exercise in futility. She was bouncing wildly on my lap, and I couldn’t keep ahold of them. They were small to begin with, perky and pointy, small Bs that looked great on her short-petite frame, but when she got close to climaxing all I could do was sit back and watch. “Fuck I’m gonna cum!!” (see? I knew she was close) she yelled, throwing her head back and closing her eyes. “Cindy! Watch your mouth! What...

2 years ago
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"Dick?" Captain Frank Wayne smiled at the man sitting across from him. "Dick's a superstar. The best of the best and if I had a dozen more like him this state wouldn't need anyone else." "Is that so?" The man was taking notes, so Frank decided he hadn't made his point plain. "Best goddamn trooper in the country. Hell, every other month some agency is trying to steal him away. He's got six medals for bravery. Six! And every one of 'em earned too. He doesn't have any rich uncles in...

1 year ago
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Respecting the Dick

Now be a good boy Billy and show my friends here how much you ?love and respect me. No whimpering or crying now. You are not a baby anymore, you are fourteen. Now crawl on over here and show my good buddies how you make me feel good. Don't be shy about crawling naked, my friend enjoy seeing a healthy fourteen year old colt all bare assed. Remember to arch your back when you crawl so those globes are nice and high and that deep hairless boy crack opens to give us a glimpse of your sweet pink boy...

3 years ago
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Solitaires first 13 inch dick

Introduction: This story is paired with the video “Solitaire’s first BBC” During sex, our dirty talk had evolved into big ass dicks fucking Solitaire. She got really wet, she’d get worked up moaning and agreeing to being fucked by monster dicks. A few times I asked her if she wanted to try one, you know dicks that we’re ten inches and up. She’d had nine inches and enjoyed them. But she never had the ones bigger than that. When I brought it up, she’d just say, “You have a big dick, I don’t care...

3 years ago
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My 1st Time sucking a Dick

When I was younger an older boy from the neighborhood that used to take me down his basement where his parents were the super and he would show me porn magazines. He would talk about the girls and what he wanted to do with them and what he wanted them to do to him and he would pull out his dick and jerk off. I would jerk off too and seeing pussy getting fucked and girls sucking cock combined with my age would make my dick shoot about 4-5 feet streams of cum.Especially after seeing him shoot his...

3 years ago
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The making of a slut for black dick

Now it's Monday and a public holiday, I'd invited Emma over for a barbecue because she seemed eager to have some fun with my boyfriend. Paul was in the back garden firing up the charcoal when Emma arrived. I rushed out to meet her and held the car door open. Her long and slender, tanned legs emerged. Wearing lemon yellow high heeled shoes and a matching short dress she looked so elegant and very sexy. She stood, held out a hand and took mine, pulled me towards her and we kissed. ...

3 years ago
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Blondies First Black Dick

My wife and I had been married several years when, looking to ad some spice to our sex life, we began experimenting sexually with other people. Our first experience was with a handsome, Hispanic police officer, whom she seduced in our apartment one night after she’d had enough booze to lose her inhibitions. That night, I discovered how incredibly exciting and stimulating it is to watch my beautiful, blond wife fuck another man. We both enjoyed it so much that we invited Officer Franco back for...

2 years ago
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My love to Indian dicks

I am As a conservative wife, I never initiate to have sex. Having been raised to think that women who asked for sex will be considered a slut. Nevertheless when we had sex, he would expect me to be submissive under his command even if I found it degrading. The things he expected:- anal sex, sucking his huge dick and inserting bananas/carrots into my vagina. Sometimes he wanted to see me masturbate using those things and watched me till I climaxed. He enjoyed watching me do those things and as...

4 years ago
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My First Dick

Then one night we were hanging out at Tommy's house in his bedroom playing video games. Then Tommy asked me if I ever jacked off before. I told him yes I have. He asked me if it felt good and I said yes. Then he asked me if I ever cumed. I was still shoting blanks at that time and didn't know what he was talking about. So I said what do you mean about cum. He explained to me that the stuff that comes out of you dick. Then he locked his bedroom door and told me to pull out my dick and jack...

2 years ago
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A Helping Dick

Hi, I am Niharika. I have explained about myself and my husband Nikhil in . In my last post, I described how I became pregnant. As against my promise, I have not shared all 10 days and night events with you guys. But it is not easy for a housewife to get time to write so much. I am writing again because something happened around 4 months back, which I want to share with you guys. But before anything else, I must inform everyone, while writing this article, I am trying to write my emotions with...

3 years ago
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My first time sucking dick

I’m a 35 year old happily married white guy who just also happens to be addicted to sucking cock. I love to eat cum. That is my favorite past time. I never did get turned on by men or felt feminine at all, I just happen to be in love with nice juices cock’s. I’m lucky I have the wife I do, and we have a great sex life. She allows me to swallow all the dick I want, and she even sets me up with guys who want a blow job. She love’s to watch me suck another man’s cock. So now I’m fortunate and...

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