Terminal Affair free porn video

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Ambientchimes. Glimmering green lights. Dream ether consumed distant memories. Grainy sleep crumbled from Kinari's eyes. Gradually details of the stasis chamber appeared.

"Are we there already?" She mumbled while stretching her arms above her head. Life-support tubing dragged across her face.

"Yes," an affectionate digital voice replied. "The ship has assumed orbit over Dhatu IV."

"Really? How long has it been?"

"The ship has been in orbit for three minutes."

"No, that's not what I meant." Fuzzy mission details drifted through her brain. "How long I have been asleep?"

"Three hundred years, four months, six days, in old Earth units."

"Have any of the others been awakened yet?"

"No, according to mission protocol you are the first to be liberated from stasis."

Kinari detached the support cable from the graft below her collar bone. She disliked the presence of the bio-plastic against her pale, blue flesh, although she knew it was a necessity. There was no other way to survive the frozen sleep without circulating precise chemical blends throughout the body.

She slid back the door of her sleeping chamber, then slowly sat up to prevent a head rush. Steam rose from thin gills angled behind her ear buds. Lapses in the ship's microgravity caused the edges of her dark hair to bounce around her shoulders. A shiver stiffened the intricate scale pattern scalloped along her spine. She swept her bangs from her face just as another shiver hardened her nipples.

'Damn, I forgot how cold space can get,' she thought. Despite her desire to close the lid and snooze for another few decades, she knew the entire mission could be jeopardized if she didn't get moving. "But first," she said out loud. "I'm taking a shower."

Kinari wandered through the stasis chamber, mesmerized by the stacks of frosted pods clustered around her. On occasion she steadied herself against the safety railing while the gravity systems continued their calibration sequence. A deep yawn stopped her cold in the center of a junction lock. She stretched her arms high above her slender body again, then cringed at the chorus of cracks popping along her joints.

She pressed her face against a porthole, and her breath was snatched away. This corner of space had never before been explored by anyone. Stars surrounding her were light-years beyond constellations from her known universe. Kinari still couldn't fathom why the Cosmic Senate had approved a mission based solely on data gathered from a probe blasted off course by an exploding pulsar. What was once a cluster of blurred pixels and fractured data now shimmered below. Acidic waves from shallow oceans crashed against metallic shores.

She knew there would be limited chances to shower alone once the rest of the crew woke up. She needed to seize the opportunity while she had it. Anticipation quickened her step, convincing her it was safe to start unzipping her stasis suit. She dumped her clothes inside a hamper droid, then bounced nude across the tile to the closest nozzle. Her fingers slid over the controls.

Heat rained across her athletic physique. Warm lather unwound knots deep inside her back. Kinari dipped her head under the spray of water. A long sigh blew through her lip as heated luxury soaked her scalp.

Steam quickly filled the chamber. Every humid breath rekindled memories from her home world, Umi, in the Aquarius constellation. She pictured double orange sunsets over the rainforest and remembered faces of her friends at the academy. It was difficult to grasp that they had all died generations ago, yet it seemed like she had just boarded the HMS Zenithal yesterday.

Lost in her thoughts, Kinari pumped soap into her hands. Three hundred years locked inside a drifting coffin, devoid of all contact with others, was far too long for an oversexed species to go without pleasure. Hands glided over a flat stomach, and drifted down her thighs. Soap bubbles trickled over fine, translucent scales; fingertips teased fragile skin. Yearning ignited inside her, begging for further gratification.

Her hand slid lower, over the darker scales decorating her mound in a thin strip. Slow circles traced around her clit. Desire throbbed through her, puckered her areolas and darkened their hue.

'I don't have time for this,' she thought. Temptation teased her pussy with dull aches. 'But, I'll never be able to concentrate on the mission if I don't get this out of my system.'

Kinari pumped more soap into her hands. Menthol vapors delighted her flesh. Hands slid between her legs, savoring the gentle burn as froth penetrated every tender fold of swollen pussy lips. One hand rubbed her clit while the other teased the slick opening to her cunt. Pleasure danced about her nerves, tingling her limbs as her excitement built.

Lust arched her back, and curled her toes. She pressed her ass against the shower beam, transferring vibrations from the ship's engines up through her crack. She stretched her fingers wide so she could gently slide her pinky through her tight asshole.

"Oh, fuck yes." Ecstasy's momentum ravished Kinari's senses. A moan gradually escaped her trembling lips, and echoed through the chamber. Her footing slipped against the orgasmic rush. Dizziness overwhelmed every breath. Her knees buckled as she was about to come.

"Oh shit, sorry!"

The voice shattered her euphoria and froze her galloping heart in mid-beat. Kinari's double-membrane eyes popped open as she tore her hands away from her crotch. A human stood just inside the shower entrance. A hand slapped over his eyes once he realized the intimate moment he happened upon.

"Oh, I thought I was the only one awake." Embarrassment seared Kinari's cheeks. Suds oozed down her thighs as she reached for a towel. "I should have known better."

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just barge in, but I could hear you all the way down the corridor." A smile curved along his strong jaw. His eyes traced their way up her body before locking onto hers. "I can give you some more time if you need, or maybe I could join you?"

"No, no. I'm done here. It's all yours." She reminded herself to breathe as she scampered away. She slipped once, but caught her balance on her escape toward the exit.

"Suit yourself." His chuckle echoed through the doorway behind her. "Space can be a lonely bitch sometimes."

Kinari ignored the comment, even though a portion of her thoughts imagined water cascading across his lean, muscular frame. She entered the changing room, and a hover droid floated out from its cubby to meet her.

"Greetings, Specialist Kinari." Its holographic face flickered. "How may I be of service?"

"I need a fresh uniform, and I would like my personal supply pod brought up from deep storage." She toweled moisture from her flesh.

"My pleasure." The droid scanned her with a green beam. "I have dispatched a service droid to retrieve your pod."

Tiny rotors spun along its arms when it reached into a nearby hatch. A moment later it floated over and set a supply canister on the bench near where she stood. "Standard specialist attire. Do you require anything else?"

"Yeah, get me a pair of stabilizing boots. This fake gravity is making me sick."

"Certainly." The droid flew toward a hatch opening in the wall.

Kinari popped the latch on the canister. Stale, antiseptic fumes hissed past the seal. Inside was a pair of grey undergarments, socks, and a naval blue jumpsuit. She cringed at the thought of the coarse fabrics scratching over her sensitive skin. She would rather wear a stasis suit all day, or better yet a traditional leaf dress from home, but neither of those were mission approved.

'Just suck it up,' she told herself while slipping into the suit. 'You have a mission to do, so quit acting like a hatchling.'

Kinari studied her reflection in the mirror. 'So this is what a three hundred year-old looks like? Not bad.' Her breasts were perkier than ever, probably a result of the anti-aging serums pumped through her vessels before the big sleep, but she didn't mind the result. She brushed her hair back and examined her smooth facial features. Her face was still beautiful after all these years.

She always found it disturbing when Earthlings told her she looked Japanese. On her planet, the term japanoo meant ghost. Even after a long search on the galactic web, she was puzzled as to why they always wanted to compare her to something on their planet. 'I'm Umarian, always have been, always will be. Those silly humans, I look nothing like Japanese. They don't even have scales.'

The droid hovered over and set a pair of boots beside Kinari. She was too engrossed with her thoughts to notice. She pinned her name badge above her left breast pocket, ensuring it was perfectly aligned with the seam. After a quick DNA scan, her name and rank illuminated the smooth surface.

The shower had helped ease tension from her muscles, but the stress of her mission continued to mount in the back of her mind. Missing details gradually emerged from buried memories. Some of the finer details remained clouded by her long sleep. Hopefully they would return once she had a chance to review the notes at her workstation.

The stability boots made it easier to navigate the ship. She found her way to her quarters without getting sick, the only side-effect of micro-gravity that seemed to plague her every trip. Her supply pod hovered next to the bed, delivered efficiently as the droid promised.

Kinari locked the door behind her. Time was ticking by. The mission was priority alpha, but after her failed tryst in the shower, she still had something she needed to get out of the way.

She popped open her case and rummaged through it. Beneath her holo-photos and plasma charts, sandwiched between her awards from the academy, and hidden away in an old food tube, was her favorite sex toy. It was a spiraled vibrator powered by a grain of anti-matter, which Kinari fondly referred to as Old Red.

Sweet dew wept from her pussy. Desire glimmered in her sights as her fingers traced over the smooth contours. Kinari dropped her jumpsuit around her ankles, and then laid back on the bed. The power core activated after a quick tap; life rattled through the toy clenched in her hand. Joy soaked her smile. Her eyelids fluttered shut, unlocking a torrent of fantasies to swim through her brain.

Her girlfriend from the academy sunbathed beneath twin suns hovering across the sky. She rubbed bountiful handfuls of tanning oil over her supple breasts. Sunlight glimmered across her lip gloss before she kneeled between Kinari's thighs.

Kinari rested the vibrator over her panties. She lightly tugged at her nipple with slow, twisting motions. Tremors rippled her flesh. Slow strokes teased the dampness spreading through her crotch before the tip of the vibrator settled on her throbbing clit.

Excitement flushed blue pigments through the slick scales skirting her pussy. She squeezed her nipple until pain faded into candied numbness, then she pinched the other one even harder. Her slender tongue danced over her lips, leaving slick trails behind.

Euphoria injected warmth below her stomach. Torrid heat rushed through her nerves, beading sweat between her breasts. Control abandoned her. Soft moans laced the increasing rhythm of her panting.

Kinari reached both hands between her legs, pulled her panties to the side, and plunged the vibrator deep inside her. Supple muscles clasped the smooth spiral shape gliding through tender walls engorged by desire. Two fingers rubbed her clit as she angled the focal point so it channeled all the energy through her g-spot.

She suckled her own juices from her fingers. The flavor drove her closer. Pressure built deep inside her, until precious agony cramped her pulsing clit. She held her breath, lightly biting her lower lip while her bliss increased its momentum. Her cunt clenched down, anticipating the powerful climax building within her.

Like the towering waves on her home world, her orgasm swelled to epic proportions. Just as her pleasure prepared to crest, and she swore she would come harder than ever before, a loud rapping shook her door.

"Specialist Kinari, open up," a deep voice said. The pounding shook her door again.

"Fuck." Kinari rolled off the bed. She tripped from the jumpsuit wrapped around her ankles, and nearly cracked her head against her pod. "I'll be right there," she yelled, rushing to power down the vibrator.

She knew her room smelled like sex, but it was too late. The door shook again.

"We need you on the bridge right away."

"One second!" She bounced to her feet and zipped up her uniform in a flash. Frazzled by orgasmic tingles still haunting her cunt, she threw her vibrator under her pillow before opening the door. "What is it?"

"I've been ordered to escort you to the bridge immediately." Kinari's twisted reflection stretched over the guard's visor.

She followed behind his broad shoulders as they jogged toward the elevator. The door closed behind her, and in the blink of an eye, she stepped out onto the bridge. Artifact flickered across view screens. Lights danced among quantum computers. Power grids surged, overhead lights dimmed, and the ship yawed toward starboard.

"Who's in charge here," Kinari asked. "What's going on?"

A slender officer with tentacles for arms slithered toward her. "I'm Captain Lychee, thank you for coming so quickly." Scissor jaws chattered beneath a veil of smaller tentacles. "We've detected erratic shifts within the planet's magnetic core."

The Captain handed her a holo-tablet loaded with mission data. "I need you to evaluate the energy levels, and tell me if the Thorne Generator will even work under these conditions, or if our whole mission is doomed."

Kinari poured over the information she had been handed. A moment passed where she felt nothing but guilt for stalling to pleasure herself. The numbers were off the scale from anything their algorithms had ever projected. The immensity of the war and the looming threat around them forced her to cast her shame aside. She was the only Gravitational Physicist on board, and operating the Thorne amidst chaos was her specialty. The slightest miscalculation could kill them all.

"Is the ship in any immediate danger," Kinari asked.

"No." The Captain shook his head. "It's a strain on the Bias drive, but once our other two reactors come online, we should be able to stabilize without a problem. The anti-matter cores are already entering their pre-ignition phase."

"Do we have detailed scans of the surface yet?" Kinari envisioned the starting points of complex equations in her mind's eye.

"The probes just returned. Data should be online soon, but feel free to take a look from here."

Kinari walked toward the plasma-reinforced window which spanned the length of the bow. The Captain ordered the blast shields raised. Green energy arcs swam throughout the ship's energy shield before erupting into sparks. The electrical chaos parted, offering a God's-eye spectacle of the planet spinning below.

"There's probably more rhodium down there than we could have ever dreamed of." Her voice trailed off as the majesty of the view overwhelmed her.

"We'll be able to build the strongest warships in the universe." The Captain stretched his tentacles across the glass. "We'll finally be able crush our enemies."

Kinari hated the thought of war, and the only thing that had brought her here was the hope of ending it. The Black Armada had laid waste to her entire solar system. Her home world Umi, the planet she longed to return to so badly, now only existed in her memories.

"Let me get to work." Kinari studied the data again. Her thoughts rambled from her lips. "Once we have the full scan, we'll want to hunt for someplace like a high plains area. That should be able to give us enough room to work, and then from there we should be able to manifest the wormhole near the equator without too much interference."

Worry consumed the Captain's features. "So you really think you can pull it off? This has never been tried over such a long distance before."

"That's the beauty of it." Kinari winked. "Space is space. It's just as easy as folding a napkin, as long as you have two Thorne Generators at opposite ends to stabilize the dark matter."

"I have no idea what you just said." The Captain smirked. "But if you can get it to work, I'm sure they'll award you with a Medal of Merit."

"I don't know about a medal." Kinari shrugged. "I just want the fighting to stop. If you don't mind, I'm going to get started now."

"Make haste," the Captain said.

After a quick salute, Kinari made her way to the elevator. The acceleration was unnoticeable as the pod whisked along at past twice the speed of sound. She entered the airlock just prior to the Special Missions Bay and donned her pressure suit. She left her stability boots behind; they would be useless to her out there. The bay would be without the leisure of life-support and gravity until all of the reactors were online. Lighting would be minimal as well. She strapped an extra work-light to her wrist, just in case. She dreaded what was about to come, yet still found the courage to open the hatch.

Shipping containers dwarfed her profile. Support beams groaned. Erratic field shifts jerked the ship around her. She knew the cargo could snap away at any moment from the strain. Theoretically everything was weightless for now, but there was no telling what would happen if there was another surge from the planet. Heavy things also had a notorious habit of shifting when gravity was restored, and the reactors would come online within the hour.

Her stomach lurched; Kinari cursed the nausea that weightlessness still caused her once in a while. Puking inside her helmet would suffocate her in seconds. She closed her eyes, concentrated on filtered puffs of air hissing with each slow breath, and drifted blindly though the bay. Her nauseous rumbles soon subsided. When she opened her eyes, she was delighted to see she had reached her target without running into anything.

Kinari grabbed hold of the straps securing the Thorne Generator, and used them to climb along the gleaming surface until she reached the control pod. She clamped her safety tether nearby before keying in her access code. The controls folded down, as power lights twinkled on. Pink plasma displays materialized around her. She pecked at the controls while trying not to become too irritated with the restricted movement of her gloves.

Power crawled through frozen circuits. All main systems came online. Sensors measured multiple bursts emitted from the planet's core. Programs determined slip-space coordinates. Simulations predicted stability amidst a multitude of variables.

Kinari's yawn painted a hazy coat of steam inside her helmet. Even with the most powerful processors at her disposal, the computations seemed to drag for hours, while only minutes passed instead.

Alone in the dark, basking in the glow of small bulbs and shimmering plasma, boredom lured her thoughts away. Desires, which had never been fulfilled completely, titillated her with promises of satisfaction. Alone in the dark, nobody would be around to disturb her.

"Stop it," Kinari whispered. She squeezed her thighs together, hoping to dull the ache tormenting her groin. "There's no time for this."

"No time for what?" The sudden voice came from beside her.

Kinari shrieked as she spun toward the shadow drifting into her work light. Instinct clenched her fists in preparation for a defensive strike.

"Whoa there, I come in peace," the man chuckled.

She sighed with relief, until she recognized the face through the visor. Humiliation flustered her stare. Hopefully he wouldn't recognize her from their earlier encounter in the shower, but she was the only Umarian on the ship.

"What are you doing out here all by yourself?" Plasma ribbons shimmered across his dark eyes. "It's very dangerous because the cargo could shift..."

"I'm aware of the risks." Kinari's teeth snapped. Every heartbeat resonated through her chest, provoking her nipples to stiffen. "But there isn't any time. I can do this alone."

"Oh, just like in the shower?" He laughed.

Kinari's lips twitched. Anger rippled her brow. She turned back to her work. Despite her best efforts to ignore him, she couldn't disregard the ravenous desire that thirsted for satisfaction.

"Hey, I'm sorry." He held out his hand. "It's just really stressful around here. I didn't mean to offend you."

She glanced over her shoulder at the vastness of the chamber. As far as she could tell, they were the only two crazy enough to venture into this part of the ship. She attempted to study the data swirling about the displays, but her efforts waned against the scent of her own wetness circulating through her suit.

"I said, I'm sorry."

"Oh, you're going to be sorry." Kinari shifted toward him. "Because if you don't fuck me in about thirty seconds, there's no way I can keep my concentration, and that jeopardizes all of us."

"What?" A baffled flinch drew his head back.

"Shut up." Kinari unhooked her tether before grabbing hold of his suit. "We don't have much time." She kicked off from the generator, dragging him toward the closest airlock.

The door sealed behind them. Fresh air hissed through vents. Kinari looked about her surroundings and smiled. A large window offered a breathtaking view of the electrical storm raging across the planet below.

"Are you sure about this," the man stuttered as she pulled away his helmet.

She silenced him with a kiss. Her slender fingers slid through the silk of his short blond hair. Their tongues swirled between each other's mouths as her fingers traced the contour of his jaw. They floated apart only long enough to tear away their pressure suits.

Searching hands explored each other's bodies as they embraced again. Their silhouettes hovered before the window, spinning along with remnants of gear floating around them. His strong hands massaged her breasts. His lips wandered down her neck, kissed over her collar bone. Moans quivered from her lips. Warm tingling coursed through her, bristling fine scales along her neck.

She unzipped her flight suit and pressed her breasts up to his mouth. His tongue traced the edge of her areola before he sucked it between his lips. Teeth raked her flesh then tenderly bit her rigid nipples. Conflicting sensations of pleasure and pain nearly tricked her into coming. She abstained from the urge to release just yet.

Kinari slid from her suit and panties in one fluid motion. Her wanting gaze absorbed every detail of his stunning looks. Oval pecs swelled beneath his jumpsuit. Desire burned within his steel gray eyes. She grabbed his broad shoulders to direct his mouth toward her slick mound. Impatience trembled through her. He anchored his arms around her thighs, and then softly glossed his tongue over her pussy. Her hands grabbed the safety rail to slow their spin. She writhed against cold metal panels lining the airlock while his tongue swirled around her drenched slit.

Stars floated past and she dreamed of soaring amongst them. His fingers slid inside and caressed her silky pussy walls. Thrills surged through her when the heat from his mouth sucked against her clit hood and his fingers rubbed her g-spot at the same time. Rainbow spectrums of starlight shimmered through the spittle that sprayed between her teeth. Ecstasy gushed through her cunt. Her nails clawed at the storm swirling past the window when she finally came.

Scales along her ribs shimmered while she panted. Echoes from her climax continued twitching through her pussy. She grabbed his zipper and snapped it apart with a quick tug. His surprised gasp echoed through the airlock. She tore open his underwear at the seam. An eager cock bobbed into her view. A final yank cast his underwear adrift. She caressed the velvet smoothness of his erection before wrapping her hands around its shaft. A firm squeeze coerced a grunt from his lips. She twisted her hands gently as her arms worked him with long, steady strokes. She licked her pinky nail then lightly probed the glistening hole in the tip of his cock. Uncontrollable cringes forced him to bite his tongue. Mischief tainted her amused grin.

Kinari drifted down his body, tasting his skin with soft licks, until she reached her target. She licked the tip of his cock, and delighted in the way it flexed before swelling even more. Her mouth glided under his flesh, her tongue trailed over plump veins surging with desire. She grazed her teeth against the base of his cock while she cupped his balls with her hands. His erection strained against her cheek. She pulled her head back, sliding her tongue over the top of his shaft. Her lips wrapped around the swollen head of his cock, examining every smooth contour as she slid him toward the back of her throat. Tears clouded her vision. The greed to taste every inch of him overpowered her urge to gag.

She stared past the muscles rippling over his abdomen and relished in the delight reflecting in his eyes. In hindsight, she knew she should have fucked him in the shower, so now she intended to make up for her mistake.

Kinari pulled his cock from her mouth, and kissed away his pre-cum drooling from the tip. The salty taste fueled her hunger for the rest of his load. She flew up to embrace him; lust forged their lips together.

"I'll tie myself down," she whispered in his ear. "So we don't float around too much."

"Sounds like a plan." His strong hands squeezed the firm contour of her ass.

She grabbed the harness from her suit as it floated past, secured it to the railing, then quickly tied it about her waist. So far her desires were distracting her quite well from the ill effects of being weightless, but she didn't want to continue taunting fate.

Kinari rubbed her slick pussy as he swam into position between her legs. He slipped his fingers under the tether to ensure he wouldn't drift as well. He rubbed his throbbing cock against her clit, teasing the smooth scales around her pussy with its tip. She arched her back; anticipation flexed through her toes.

"Don't tease." Her eyes pleaded. She knew he enjoyed watching her writhe from the delicious torture. She squeezed her breasts together, and twisted her nipples. "Just fuck me."

She craned her neck, eager to witness the moment of penetration. He guided his cock through her tight, wet slit. She bit her lip as every inch of him filled and stretched her pussy. She savored the hint of blood spreading over her tongue. He paused, transmitting his heartbeat through her delicate walls with each throb of his thick cock.

Slowly he rocked his hips against her, driving himself deeper inside her. He fucked her slow at first, so he could savor every twitch when she moaned. She grabbed him by the ass with both hands so she could pull him further inside her body with every thrust. His balls clapped against her ass, yet still she craved him deeper.

Momentum carried their bodies against the wall. They bounced away before the tether snapped them back. Panels dug into Kinari's back, but the intensity mounting in his stare was the only sensation she was aware of. Sweat floated away from their bodies, forming tiny orbs that glistened around the sub-gravity. His musky aroma saturated her senses. His thumb stroked her clit, causing the pressure building deep inside to burst forth. Electricity flowed through her erogenous zones before her frenzy reached its peak. Orgasm blinded her. Ecstasy stole her breath. Euphoria set her free.

Kinari emerged still trembling from her climax. Red scratches swelled across the man's chest. His thrusts grew quicker; his moans more frantic. She squeezed her cunt around his cock, studying him with amusement as he grimaced at the imminent sensation. Warmth rushed through her pussy. Delight enthralled her, driving her to climax again. His cock continued twitching until every last drop had spilled inside her.

They kissed in silence, savoring the heat of their entwined flesh. Bitter sweet sorrow surpassed the moment when he finally pulled out. With her cravings satisfied for the moment, thoughts of the mission at hand once again preoccupied her mind. Depression drifted through her, consuming her joy with a cancerous appetite. Emotion drained from her face when she accepted her next course of action.

"This is kind of awkward," he said. "But I never got your name."

"Kinari." She forced a smile to resurface. "And yours?"

"I'm Sam, nice to meet you." They briefly shook hands. "Do you think maybe we could get together again, when everything settles down around here?"

Her smile vanished. "I don't know about that."

"Really? But didn't we just have a great time?"

"Yes we did," Kinari said quietly. "But now I have a job to do, and I can't allow you to get in my way." She reached over to tap the controls.

Sam's mouth opened to utter another word. A blast of air ruffled Kinari's hair as he was flushed into space. The vacuum nearly dragged her along with all of their gear, but her safety tether had been knotted with expertise.

The hatch slammed shut. Blood boiled from Sam's writhing body. Kinari turned away from the horror. She grabbed a spare rebreather from an emergency panel, and slipped it over her tears.

Kinari returned to the mission bay where she drifted naked through the darkness toward the glowing controls of the Thorne Generator. Her lover's juices oozed between her thighs, further maddening her convictions.

'We'll never prevail,' she thought. 'My entire world is gone, and the Black Armada shows no sign of stopping. The only way to end this war is to just let those bastards win.'

She surged the generator's power. After altering her program, the coordinates for spawning the wormhole were targeted at the ship's reactor core.

Kinari opened the airlock before leaping into the vacuum of space. Her nude body floated toward a familiar face frozen with terror. An Umarian's scaled flesh could only withstand the vacuum of space for brief moments at a time. She tore off her rebreather and pressed her lips against Sam's frozen kiss. Tears crystallized across her flesh.

A brilliant flash vaporized the HMS Zenithal, and scattered the lovers' ashes throughout the cosmos. The stars never looked so beautiful again.

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I joined the company in the month of May year 2005. After a tumultuous time at a BPO – where we learnt that there are no nights to go home, only late evenings and then early morning. Food so pathetic that the taste buds went for a toss. Only thing that kept the eye open were the ladies on and off the floor (standard term for a place where calls are taken) or probably the supervisor shouting after just getting pummeled by an early riser in the States. Ma continuously pestering me to join...

3 years ago
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Charmaines Meaningful Affair

CHAPTER 1 Sitting on a stool at the bar in a rowdy group who’d been to dinner at the Comedy House restaurant-theatre, Charmaine Ross noticed the curly-haired guy about her age studying her, thankfully appearing very casual about it. The heart of the bored woman fluttered. She hadn’t committed adultery for a couple of years. Unless she did it soon she’d forget how good it was. Douglas was losing fitness and these days puffed and even dribbled over her and he performed his beloved bang. Like...

4 years ago
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Lust On The Beach The Start of the Affair

Introduction: Gaynor is a 49 year old mature married woman with two full grown daughters who has gone to the coast for a relaxing few days, a chance meeting with a familiar younger man leads to so much more……… Lust On The Beach (The Start of the Affair) Gaynor Day Out Gaynor Day was in her 40s and had blonde bronze like hair with a slim athletic body which for her age of 49 was impressive. At this present time the office secretary was laying down on the beach reading a book entitled...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates A Complicated Affair

Altered Fates: A Complicated Affair By Theunknownauthor Everything you are about to read is true! Every person, place or thing that is mentioned in this account is real, although I am changing the names and not giving any exact locations. I am doing this so that readers won't try to verify the validity of this story on their own. This isn't an easy story for me to tell, but I feel that I need to get it off my chest. For almost a year now I have been reading various accounts...

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The Affair

The Affair By Margaret Jeanette Tammy Scott was having lunch at a local spot when a handsome young man came over to her. He introduced himself as Dr. William Henderson and said he just had to tell her that she looked beautiful in the outfit she was wearing. When he asked her to join him for lunch she accepted. She didn't know why she had accepted but for some reason she was attracted to this man. They enjoyed a good lunch and she found herself laughing at many of the jokes he...

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An AFFair

Let me give you a background first of all. I’ve been married 12 years and for the past seven, sexual activity between me and my wife (Ritu oviously name changed) has stopped completely. I love her dearly, but she has lost all interest in sex and as time went by, I got tired of being alone. When we had sex, I would make sure she would always climax, most times multiples. She admitted that she enjoyed it, but I found out, if she never had sex again it would be all right with her. Since our...

4 years ago
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My extra marital affair

I am Amit, residing in Dubai for last 13 years along with my wife (Sujata) and parents. I am a businessman, having diversified company herein Dubai, dealing in some 150 items. We usually source material from Mumbai, which in turn sold to GCC countries and also exported to African countries. I have to travel a lot to Mumbai for this reason. Prior to my marriage, I used to stay with my mother’s relatives in Vasai when I was in Mumbai for purchasing. But. Now I always live with my sister-in-law...

3 years ago
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Sauna Affair

Copyright© 2004 There was a young gaucho named Bruno Who said, "Screwing is one thing I do know. A woman is fine, And a sheep is divine, But a llama is Numero Uno." If not for the way my son fucked me in the sauna once a week, the rock hard cock shoving enthusiastically back and forth into my persistently hungry hot wet cunt, I would say he hated me! These last few months my son David would not even look at me, give me hugs or even talk to me. His often absent father even...

3 years ago
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A Torrid Love Affair

Brain and Vickey has known each other since high school. Thirty-three years later, they were still friends but had chosen different life paths. Brian was married and Vickey was divorced but moved back into the area they grew up which was in Northern California. They both had their fiftieth birthdays in February of this year. Back in high school, Brain was a football player and captain of the wrestling team. His dreams were to go to law school and become an attorney one day like his father. ...

2 years ago
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The End of My Wifes Affair

I had agonized about it for weeks, should I open the envelope or not? Six months ago I discovered that my wife of 9 years Sara had been having a long term affair with a man named Steve. I had been able to determine that their relationship had been going on for at least five years and perhaps even longer. When I realized that my son and two daughters might not really be mine it broke my heart. I took the three children ages 5, 3, and 1 to a doctor out of town and after giving him $1,000 for...

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mother and daughter Affair

This story and contains lesbian taboo and everybody is over 18.How did this happen? I do not recall on when it happened, but all I know is that my baby girl, my own daughter Hanna, a nineteen year old beauty has her head between my legs, giving me the best orgasms I’ve ever had. “Mum, did you enjoy you Xmas gift from me?”“Oh baby, I love every time you go down on me. Let me return the gift with a gift of my love for you.” I then put my head between her legs showing my love for her.While eating...

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Hot affair

My name is Rakesh, age 26 and I want to share my experience with you all. My family consists of six members. Father, Mother, Brother, Bhabhis, my brother’s son and myself. We all live in a duplex house. On the ground floor our parents use to stay and on the first floor we have 2 bedrooms, of which one is occupied by me and the other by my brother. Brother, babhi and I are employees. I and Bhabhis are working in the same company and I got the job in that company with babhi’s reference. As a life...

3 years ago
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SeniorChapter 27 Planning an affair

Adeline's rules: 1. No questions about family 2. No public display of affection 3. No questions about past 4. No disrespect 5. Do not lie 6. No head games; I'll let you inside me, but not in my head 7. No mention of the difference in our ages 8. No expensive gifts 9. No cheating 10. No admission of love The telephone conversation with Adeline had gone on much longer than I realized. I opened the door to find the two folding tables vacant. Everyone had left, or so I...

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Yet another office affair

It's all about her cumming for me you know... Don't get me wrong, I love cumming, i love filling a girl's pussy with my cock and feel her walls stretching as I enter her and fill her with my seed... But for me, it's nothing unless I can feel her shake, writhe and moan uncontrollably until she explodes... Only then I know for a fact that I have made a woman mine. Now you all know about office affairs... When a marriage is weak, a pretty lady finally gives in to a guy she found attracted...

4 years ago
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The Country Affair

‘Mary, your hair is fine! The carriage is at the gate, now please stop stalling,’ Elizabeth Beauclerk called upstairs for her sister. The house had been buzzing all morning, preparing for the family’s long journey west from their home in London to the countryside of Worcestershire. With a quick twist of dark wavy hair she pinned the last curl in place and looked at herself in the mirror. She tied her straw bonnet over her hair and smoothed down the folds of her powder blue dress. The color...

3 years ago
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THE AFFAIR (The story takes place in the 1920s in London, England)Henry thought it was Nigel’s idea but he had finally found out, after some prodding, that it was Edith, Nigel’s wife, who had suggested the two wives witness their husbands’ meeting. Although Henry was against it at first, and his wife Barbara seemed quite indifferent, Nigel and Edith convinced them that it would be fun for all and that it could put some spark in a relationship which might need it soon.The two couples were rather...

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A Maternal Affair

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here…My lifelong attraction for her was ignited in one instant. I came home early from school and was going upstairs to change. I passed by my mother’s room and she was standing in front of the mirror in...

4 years ago
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An Early 21st Century Love Affair

An Early 21st Century Love Affair This story was written and dedicated to my firt www.xhamster.com friend, hope you enjoy it. The sound of rain hitting the window was the first thought in my mind as I woke in the dim predawn light. I had slept so soundly that it seemed that I had not moved a muscle, yet I felt as if I had run a race and needed to stretch to get my joints limbered up. As my mind began to clear from the deep sl**p the reality of the changes in my life began to come back to me. ...

4 years ago
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Surprise Affair

My Affair Begins Mostly backstory…but necessary to understand how unexpectedly my affair began. Based on actual events. I really wasn’t looking for an affair, it sort of just happened. All of this started when I met a long lost friend–and I mean really long lost. We knew each other in Junior High, he was in 7th and I was in 8th even though we were exactly the same age by a matter of weeks. We were just friends back then, sit at the same lunch table sort of friends. Now skip 20 or so years...

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BBC Affair

After saying goodbye to my friend Jessica I hung up the phone and finished getting ready for my trip. Little did I know it would be a visit that would change my life in more ways than one. Before I continue I should back up a little and explain a bit about myself. My name is rita. I’m a 25 year old, 5Ś’, pale skinned freckled redhead with blue eyes. I am what would be considered average, fitting between a size eight and ten. I love my legs, strong and well shaped from years of walking and...

2 years ago
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A family affair

This Story was not written by me.I do not know if there is any Copyright. If this is so than please inform me and I will delete it immediatelyA family affair John came in from soccer practice, threw his backpack in the den and went to the kitchen. He saw his mother standing at the sink and, with a large smile, said, “Hey, Mom, what’s shaking?” Anne didn’t look up, but she smiled nonetheless. It was their own private greeting – one which John had used for years every time he got home from ...

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The Oral Only Affair

“WTF??? Your boyfriend won’t give you oral sex? Why?”  The little black box popped up with a reply a few seconds later saying, “I tried to get him to without being pushy but it is not his thing,” she replied. “Get rid of him! Life is too short to waste on a guy that will not eat pussy,” I typed via IM. “I really like him. He is cute and so nice,” she answered. The IM’s continued over the next few weeks, both of us having fun talking dirty and both of us knowing it will not progress any further....

Oral Sex
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Affair by Vickie Tern Jessica introduced me to the new section manager. 'Meredith, this is Bruce' she said. Then glanced quickly at the bar to assure that the liquor was holding up, and moved on to chat with others. Another of her after-work cocktail parties -- she believed a sociable office was an efficient one, and I'd stopped by briefly as I always did out of courtesy. So I nodded at this 'Bruce,' smiled quickly, and was about to turn away when I...

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Sex Diaries The Affair

Adam Davis admired his 22 year old secretary from the doorway of his office. He watched her as she was bent over the cabinet filing away some papers. Her tight black skirt showed no signs of a panty line. Adam ran his eyes down her smooth long legs as her feet disappeared in red three inch heels. She scooped some of her auburn hair around her ear to keep it from getting in her face. While admiring this view Adam started to reminisce to the day Riya walked into his office for an interview. She...

4 years ago
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An Early 21st Century Love Affair

An Early 21st Century Love AffairThis story was written and dedicated to my firt www.xhamster.com friend, hope you enjoy it.The sound of rain hitting the window was the first thought in my mind as I woke in the dim predawn light. I had slept so soundly that it seemed that I had not moved a muscle, yet I felt as if I had run a race and needed to stretch to get my joints limbered up. As my mind began to clear from the deep sleep the reality of the changes in my life began to come back to me.I...

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Surprise Affair

My Affair BeginsMostly backstory...but necessary to understand how unexpectedly my affair began. Based on actual events. I really wasn’t looking for an affair, it sort of just happened. All of this started when I met a long lost friend--and I mean really long lost. We knew each other in Junior High, he was in 7th and I was in 8th even though we were exactly the same age by a matter of weeks. We were just friends back then; sit at the same lunch table sort of friends. Now skip 20 or so years...

Straight Sex
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A Chilling Affair

Hi I am Jimmy Cooper divorced Parsi Male 37 living in Mumbai. I was working at a small restaurant, when I was studying for my Film Editing Diploma in New York , just to make some extra cash I would work at the restaurant being a Diploma Holder of Hotel Management . A hectic place to work, busy as hell during the rush times and boringly routine in between them. It was out of this boredom that I had an affair with a co-worker, or at least the start of one anyway. Diana and I had worked together...

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A Cheating Affair

Pria Anderson was excited because in several hours she would meet her lover, with whom she was having an affair.  They were both married but on the fifteenth of the month, he would be in town for a financial meeting.Pria and Jonathan had been having an affair for the last five years.  They met at a café and have been meeting monthly ever since.  It was not that they loved each other; it was the chemistry that they had together.Their intercourse was passionate and raw.  Together the intensity...

4 years ago
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Casually Dominating Horny Cock In A Hot Affair

Hello, my lusty readers of raunchy tales! I know a scandalous affair gets your horny big cock hot and hard. But what I am about to share with you folks is a naughty hook up within a scandal. One evening, I decided to visit my college friend Nupur before returning home from work. Her house was nearby from my office and a probably planned visit turned into a surprise visit because I couldn’t reach her through her phone. After pressing the doorbell, I had to wait for about over a minute before...

1 year ago
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An Office Affair

I am a 29 year old male and work for a medium size corporation in Long Beach. I am single but have a 27 year old girlfriend that would knock the socks off any man. Mandy is five seven, blonde hair and blue eyes with the most fantastic body ever. She worships me and we get along great. Best of all, when I want it, she never says no. That is why I can't figure out why what happened, happened. In our office, there are a few young women and a lot of women in the 35 to 45 age range. All or most of...

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Revenge Affair

She was so angry with Zach right now; so very, very angry. He had just called to tell her that he was working overtime tonight and then he and the guys were going to the sport’s bar downtown to catch the game. “Don’t wait up,” he had said. She could almost hear the laugh in her husband’s voice, mocking her, asking her if she actually truly believed him, which of course she didn’t. He was having another affair, she thought, her heart sinking. She remembered the first time she found out about...

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It was difficult having affairs with males while serving in the USAF. Back in the 1960s! Oh the affairs Did happen, but the affairees had to be very careful as homosexuals were frowned upon back then. Once or twice I,d managed to get involved in a mutual masturbation orgy involving six men, but that was as close to an affair it got to. The summer of 1966 for some reason saw forty of the air policeman shipped to,another US base in West Germany not too distant. The Technical five striped sergeant...

2 years ago
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An unwanted affair

Life is strange. So many things happen in our lives over which we have no control. Sometimes, these events are so unplanned, so unintentional, that they leave you baffled. I went through some strange events that threw my life into an endless wave of lust and debauchery. I had a nice loving husband who loved me a lot, and five beautiful kids whom I adored. I had everything that a woman needs to call herself happily married. Even in my wildest dreams, I couldn’t have imagined having an affair...

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A Gardening Affair

I had a little demon in me that constantly tempts me, whispering in my ear, ‘Go on, enjoy yourself Sal, no one will know.’ The demon always calls me Sal, and I hate it because my name is Sally. I also had an angel, an annoying little cherub that constantly counters the demon’s temptations, telling me, ‘Even if others don’t know, you’ll know, and your conscience will punish you with the torments of Hades, Sally.’ The one thing I liked about the angel was that it used my proper name. I’d...

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Moms having an affair

Mom is having an affair, its probably not the worst thing to ever happen, dad has had loads of affairs, mom has even caught him on a couple of occasions, but for some reason they stay married. Dad is in a high powered job, and to be honest he’s very wealthy, so mom has always stuck by him no matter what.Several week ago, I was at home one night with mom. We were watching an old film, the graduate, where an older woman seduces a young guy, the movie was a bit racy and I expected mom to make some...

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4 Mrs Wild Denise The First Affair

Dan had the body of an athlete, so tight and ripped; Denise couldn’t get enough of her latest PA.Denise lay on her back, admiring his six-pack and grabbing onto his tort bum, as Dan used all his stamina to ride Denise.He was much smoother than her other PAs, well, in terms of his hair. He was hairless, apart from some hairs on his legs.Forty-five minutes, this extra session had already gone for and Denise still wanted more.With a sly nod and smile, Denise indicated, that she wanted to go on top...

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DadHusband Trevor discovers wifes Jessicas and sons Dylans affair

Dylan and I wake up about an hour later and agree that our bodies need a rest for the night. We lie in bed caressing each other for about 20 minutes, then head downstairs after we both brush our teeth in the master bathroom. I'm wearing my red silk bathrobe and Dylan's only got boxers on. When we reach the bottom of the stairs, I take a second to admire his young body. He's becoming such a good looking man, I look forward to seeing how he looks about 10 years from now. I order pizza for a...

4 years ago
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A Casual Affair

She'd met him once following a bunch of emails on a thoroughly disreputable married person's dating site, and was a little excited by the possibility but still nervous about actually having an affair. Nothing happened and as time passed she forgot about how turned on she'd been by some of the email conversations and fantasies they'd shared. Still, the thought niggled at the back of her mind and didn't quite let go. However, it was not in the front of her mind when she was out drinking with...

5 years ago
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An Assloving Affair

It was over eight months ago since my husband Mark last fucked me. It used to be that he couldn’t get enough of me. He was never adventurous but wanted plenty of sex. These days he always makes an excuse, usually that he's tired from work or has to get up early.My body is still in good shape and I try dressing sexy for him but nothing works. I don’t think he’s having an affair because he’s always at home or at the office.The lack of sex really depressed me. Last week I decided if he wouldn’t...

Wife Lovers
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A High School Affair

**Lindsay**This is a story about a gay girl that discovers she isn't gay… then discovers she is gay… then realizes that she is just bi, but is not really sure. Confused yet? I know I was. That girl was me.I was sixteen years old, and summer break was just about over. A new school year was beginning, yet unlike most people, I was excited. Not for the reasons one could imagine, however.I was a lesbian. At least I thought I was since I had never been attracted to the opposite sex. My room was...

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An Office Affair

I woke up when Alex started stirring in the bed next to me. Sunlight was streaming through the picture window on the east wall warming the bed and causing the golden strands of her hair to glisten. She was slowly sitting up when I opened my eyes. ‘Sorry,’ she said softly. ‘I didn’t mean to wake you.’ The bed sheet fell away from her body as she leaned to kiss me. Her full, naked breasts loomed inches from my feet. Alex rarely bothered to wear anything to bed when she was sleeping over. ...

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My One And Only Affair

I’m divorced now. My ex-wife had an affair which ended our marriage. She doesn’t know that I had my own affair, seven years earlier. We were great fuck mates. I fucked her constantly and I fucked her one day before we split up. But after she had our baby, she changed in many ways, including sexually. She didn’t want to fuck nearly as often as she used to and her pussy was dry almost every time we fucked, before she changed, her pussy got wet just from thinking about sex! I’m patient by...

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Our Hong Kong Affair

“Hey. How’re you doing?” The question was a familiar prelude to our many telephone conversations. “Great now,” I smiled into the phone. It was a luxury being able to talk on the phone in the evenings, but he was on a business trip and my husband was at one of his eternal meetings, so we had a bit more freedom than usual. “It’s so nice to hear your voice.” We never wondered why we bothered through all the restrictions of having an affair. The answer was there in our connection, in the pleasure...

3 years ago
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An Affair

Bernard Tapping smiled as he heard the tip-tap of stiletto heels in the corridor leading to his office. It was Sunday morning and Bernard knew who was making the footsteps. He heard his office door open followed by the click of the lock being applied."Good morning, Mr Tapping.""Mrs Hamilton," he acknowledged politely. "How are you this morning?"“Horny," she said, sweeping the papers off his desk. She perched on the edge in front of him, smiling, legs open, and her skirt raised to her...

2 years ago
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Ians Indiscretions My Secretary Catherine A foreign affair

To many I have a perfect life. A family, a loving wife, 2.4 children and even the bounding Labrador. So why would I want to go and risk it all?Her name was Catherine. She was born and grew up in rural France and, though she'd lived and worked in the UK for the last fifteen years, since moving over here with her French husband, her English was still spoken with a sexy and unmistakeable French accent. She was a petite blonde woman, some eight years my junior in her early thirties, with a short,...

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The Affair

I was going to write about my 1st girlfriend. But my recent postings of S pictures and videos of our affair have made me reminiscent. So forgive the Segway from past to present and back again. I hope you enjoy part one of this true story. “The Affair” I was not happy in my marriage, K had depression illness. A year of it had worn me down to the point of not caring about us anymore. She had bouts of it off and on over the years we were together, but this time was worse and much longer than all...

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My French secretary Catherine A foreign affair

Her name was Catherine. She was born and grew up in rural France, and though she'd lived and worked in the UK for the last fifteen years, since moving over here with her French husband, her English was still spoken with a sexy and unmistakeable French accent. She was a petite blonde woman, some eight years my junior in her early thirties, with a short, trendy 'Pixie' hair cut to go with her cute elfin-like features. She also happened to be my secretary.I 'inherited' Catherine when I joined the...

4 years ago
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My First Affair

Although this is called my "first" affair, to date this has been my only affair but I can't say that I won't have another in the future....Years ago I managed an outdoor sporting goods store in a well known mountain resort town. Being a resort town there was always a constant flow of employees coming and going as this is the nature of life in these places. My second year running this store there was a new applicant, her name is Sara. Sara is five years my junior, has long chestnut brown...

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Our Hong Kong Affair

“Hey. How’re you doing?” The question was a familiar prelude to our many telephone conversations. “Great now,” I smiled into the phone. It was a luxury being able to talk on the phone in the evenings, but he was on a business trip and my husband was at one of his eternal meetings, so we had a bit more freedom than usual. “It’s so nice to hear your voice.” We never wondered why we bothered through all the restrictions of having an affair. The answer was there in our connection, in the pleasure...

Love Stories
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The true story of my naughty affair

The last story I shared I shared with you happened a good year into our affair so we were quite familiar with each other. Remember that we were two virgins at the beginning of our affair so everything went very slowly. In the last half of my senior year at college I began to become somewhat obsessed with my future playmate. He was somewhat like the character Mango from the old Saturday Night Live comedy sketches. A lot of the guys in the fraternity had somewhat u*********s yearnings for this...

3 years ago
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A Mother and Daughter Affair

A Mother and Daughter Affair by Mafia Bitch “Mrs. Lyon, you just don’t understand,” Julie Walker was saying, “I love my mother… we’ve got a really beautiful thing between us, you know?”Julie lay on her back, the young blonde tilted her head lazily, her eyes searching the cloudless sky, her bare toes playing little games with the golden brown grass that covered Mrs. Lyon’s back yard.“I mean, my mother doesn’t try to control me the way some mother’s do. She treats me like an adult, so there isn’t...

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