A Hairbrush ! free porn video

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The sun shone through a gap in the bedroom curtains when I woke, and after the few days of rain it was a nice surprise to see such a sight. The fact we were in autumn meant the trees outside were a beautiful array of colours as the leaves prepared to drop and the air crisp. The recent wind had even dropped which meant that it looked promising to be a nice weekend. And considering the date it seemed a good omen that things should finally fall into place as the previous few months had been a bit of a nightmare.

As I lay listening to the quietness of the house, enjoying the fact I didn’t have to rush around to get ready for work I had a twinge of remorse that I was laying alone. After sharing a bed with someone for so long it took a bit of getting used to having to sleep alone. Sure, in the early days it had been good just like it is when you have the whole double bed to yourself the odd night rather than someone encroaching on your space as you sleep. But after 16 years of marriage and sharing a bed with my wife I missed the closeness of having someone there warm to snuggle up to. As well of course as missing the physical side of a relationship.
With my mind in a thoughtful mode it made me jump when suddenly there was a knock on the door and it swung open with a sight for sore eyes of my daughter entering with a steaming mug of tea.

“Morning Dad, I thought I would bring you a nice cup of tea on this fine morning and your divorce papers that the postman has just delivered, so we should celebrate in style the fact you are now officially free of my cow of a mother!”

Kate had never forgiven her mother for having the affair which finished our marriage, made worse by the fact that it had been her that found her out in the first place. She had been brought home by one of her friends mum from school after the school was closed mid-morning due to a burst water pipe. As her own mum hadn’t answered her phone and being mature for her age Kate always had her own key in case of emergencies. Having been dropped off at the top of the drive she had made her way past her own mum’s car which was in the driveway along with a white van. Seemed a little odd for a start, especially as she hadn’t answered her phone but Kate thought perhaps she had just been busy vacuuming or something and hadn’t heard the phone. And perhaps the van was a workman that had been called in to fix something like the washing machine or the like. But on finding the door locked Kate used her key to enter and was met by the sound of her mother screaming. Thinking the worst Kate had grabbed an umbrella next to the door as a weapon and ran through to the kitchen where the noise had come from to help her mother who had sounded in distress.

Time seemed to stop for Kate then as she entered the kitchen. Her mother had indeed screamed but not because she was being attacked. Well not in so many words. Kate guessed that the van belonged to the man that stood behind her mother with his trousers and boxers discarded on the floor as he had hold of her hips and was pounding against her arse as she was bent over the worktop of the island in the centre of the kitchen, her negligee up around her waist and her bare breasts squashed against the marble. Kate had seen enough clips on the internet to know exactly what was happening in front of her and couldn’t then remember whether she screamed louder than her whore of a mother!

The phone call I received from my daughters mobile was one of the worst I had ever received. Through uncontrolled cries and sniffles I had just about made out the gist of the situation and where to find my daughter who had ran out of the house having first used the umbrella as the weapon she had intended and hit the man on the back of the head who had been fucking her mum.

By the time I had picked her up she had just about stopped crying as we pulled onto the drive, now minus the van. My wife met us at the door trying to apologise to Kate but our daughter was having none of it. In fact Kate calmly walked up to her mother and slapped her round her face asking how she could do such a thing to me before picking up her school bag which was where she had dropped it earlier and disappeared into her room. That left a very awkward situation as we stood opposite each other, tears welling in both of our eyes knowing that all we had worked for over the years had just been undone in a moment.

Turns out the visits from our friendly ‘repair-man’ had been a regular occurrence and the next time his van came onto our drive was to pick her up with her suitcase, a tearful Kate watching from her bedroom window as it pulled away leaving the two of us to get on with our lives minus a wife and mother!

So a messy few months had passed while we sorted out the divorce details as well as my daughter's Birthday. Unsurprisingly her mother had not been invited to our family gathering, and even though I tried to put aside my anger I was unable to change my daughters mind and even though I felt she still needed her mother’s input into her life now and again, Kate was having none of it. We had always had a very good and open relationship where any questions she had were answered honestly and that had only got better since her mum left and I was very proud of the young lady she was growing into. Her school work had not suffered and she had continued to mix with her circle of friends as before. The only major issue was that I kept having to remind her that she didn’t have to keep mothering me as I was big enough to look after myself, but because she was so big hearted she did all she could to make my life easier.

“Morning Kate” I had replied sitting up in bed and accepting both the envelope and tea with thanks. “Let’s open this then and make sure it says what we want it to say”.

As I tear the envelope open Kate plonked herself down on the bed by my side, her blonde hair still ruffled from sleep which she brushed from her face and smiled at me.

Having read my decree absolute I passed it to Kate who took it from me and put it on the side having read the title too. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, her arm wrapped around my neck and she gave me a big hug saying that she knows I must have mixed feelings over it as it was the end of what had seemed a happy marriage to me tainted by the fact my wife had been unfaithful. I held Kate close as I re-iterated that it was also a shame she had lost the mother she had once had and that if ever she wanted to rekindle the relationship with her then I would respect her wishes. But Kate was adamant that she was quite happy not seeing her.

“And anyway” she stated uncoupling from our hug, “I don’t need anyone else as you fill both roles quite well” she said.

As she lay next to me she picked up the solicitors letter and started to read it, crossing her feet as her legs stretched down the bed. As I sipped my tea my eyes took in her full length, suddenly surprised at how tall she seemed with her feet not far from the end of the bed. I glanced over her frame and was drawn to her chest which was rising and falling with each breath, but the thing that made me take note was her nipples were fully erect through the tight material of her top.

Over the months I had noticed she was growing into a fine young woman, her shape changing slightly as she grew and her boobs had seemed to have a growth spurt as she had dragged me shopping not long ago for new underwear. I had always looked at my daughter in the fatherly way but suddenly as I drank in the view of her heaving breasts I felt an involuntary twitch as my cock came to life. Slightly embarrassed at my own thoughts and the effect it was having on me I suggested she go and shower so I could get out of bed without her seeing the bulge that had appeared below the quilt. As she swung her legs round and stepped off the bed, the shorts she slept in had shifted into her crack and her bare buttock was in view for a few seconds before she adjusted herself disappearing out of the door towards her bathroom.

Thankful of her now not being in the room I swung myself out of bed with one of the hardest erections I could ever remember. It took me a while before I could even pee, even getting to the stage that I thought I may even have to have a swift wank to calm things down. The worrying thing for me though was the manner in which I got hard in the first place. I know it had been a long time since I had some real lady attention as there had been no-one since my wife left, but I had been a regular observer of internet porn on my laptop being someone with quite a high sex drive. But I had never thought of my daughter in that way – until this morning!

After I showered I managed to calm down a little and let the water wash over me as if trying to cleanse my thoughts as well as my body. As I now stood in front of the mirror in my bathroom I took in the sight of myself and was quite pleased that I was still pretty well toned from regular trips to the gym as well as the odd cycle ride or walk that Kate and I took together. Not that I was so obsessed to be rippled with muscles, but I knew I had to take fairly good care of myself if I wanted any chance to find someone new. Pulling on my boxers I walked out of the en-suite into my bedroom to get dressed. At just that moment I heard Kate shout me from her bathroom and as we were used to seeing each other walk around in our underwear I went to find out what she wanted. As I approached the door it was slightly ajar as it normally was as we always respected each other’s privacy and so on hearing the shower running I shouted back asking her what she wanted.

“Be a Love and pass me one of my new razors from the cabinet” she called back, “I forgot to grab one before I got in here” she continued. “And close your eyes” she added!

As I made my way into the bathroom I opened the cabinet and took out one of her new razors, turning my body towards the shower but not my head. I exaggerated not looking by holding both arms up in front of me walking like a zombie would from the films, waving my hands around as if I was completely blind in a room I had never been in.

“No need to be facetious” Kate said as I heard the door open slightly just before the razor disappeared from my grasp. “Thank you, you may go now” she had said as if balking orders at a servant.

“Thank you Ma’am” I added, playing my part. It was as I headed back towards the door that I glanced in the mirror and saw the reflection of my daughters naked form in the shower, her body outlined against the wet glass of the cubicle, not enough to give me a clear view but enough for me to see her naked breasts and small patch of dark pubic hair between her legs. I must have stood for half a second too long as I was mesmerised by the sight as on looking back up her body our eyes met via the mirror. As I turned my head and exited the bathroom quickly I was sure I saw a slight smile across her face.

Having not made any plans for the day I just pulled on some jogging bottoms and a T-shirt before making my way downstairs to prepare some breakfast. I had decided to just act as if nothing had happened in the bathroom and go through our normal routine of making some scrambled eggs and grilled bacon to go with the muffins I had bought the day before. As I got on with my tasks Kate breezed into the kitchen in her usual youthful way and put the coffee machine on. As she reached up into the cupboard to get the cups she stood on tip toes, her bare feet looking so cute at the bottom of her freshly shaved legs. She wore a short pleated white skirt with a tight purple T-shirt that had colourful swirls around the front. As she reached up I was surprised at how high the skirt rose and was sure I could see the bottom of her buttocks and had to look away and concentrate on the eggs before my mind returned to the way I was thinking about her earlier. For a millisecond it passed my mind that she had done it deliberately after seeing me checking her out in the shower, but I dismissed it as nonsense and served up breakfast.

As we sat beside each other Kate looked across at me and suddenly asked; “Dad, do men prefer women to shave down below or to leave it natural?”

I was a little taken aback by the question but as we had always been open and honest with our discussions I tried to answer as best I could.

“Well Kate, I suppose it comes down to a matter of personal preference” I said as I sipped at my coffee.

“Some men prefer the natural hairy look where the woman never trims or shaves right through to the other end of the spectrum where the woman shaves completely bald”.

I was pretty sure I had gone red with embarrassment but I continued to eat breakfast as normal and I continued; “Just like some women prefer to trim or shave for hygiene reasons as well as looks”.

The next question was unexpected.

“Well which do you prefer Dad?” Kate asked as she fed some bacon into her mouth.

“Kate I’m not sure it’s appropriate that you ask me that really, do you” I replied seeing that slight smile again on her lips.

“Oh come on Dad, you can tell me” she continued, smiling wider this time.

Now seeing as we had openly discussed sex in general in the past I asked myself what harm could it do to go along with her questions, so I told her.

“Well Kate, my personal preference is either a well trimmed patch on the top but most definitely smooth around the vagina” I replied trying to keep it as ‘professional’ as I could.

“Ooh vagina” she said almost in a mocking way.

“Well what do you want me to call it?” I asked?

Now it was Kate’s turn to go red as I deflected the question back at her.

“Pussy!” she said out loud as she smiled back at me, pleased at herself for saying the word.

“Well in that case” I exclaimed, “I like a bald pussy all over!” And I forked the last of the egg into my mouth pleased that I had met her on her words.

What she did next almost made me choke on the mouthful I had as suddenly she pushed her chair back slightly from the table and swung one of her legs round at the same time as lifting her skirt.

“Like this?” She asked as we both stared down at the baldness between her legs as she wore no underwear.

Time seemed to stop for me as I was confronted by the sweetest looking pussy I think I had ever seen. And as I said earlier, I have seen quite a few over the years with the benefit of the internet, but never one as beautiful as what was a few feet in front of me in the flesh. The freshly shaved mound almost shone as the light bounced off it from the halogen bulbs in the ceiling, and the lips were slightly red around the sides from the recent attention they had had from the razor. The lips were still nicely closed, although with the angle of her legs stretched slightly they were threatening to part and open like a flower coming out from bud. Talking of which the sweet bud of her clitoris hood stood proud at the top of her slit finishing off the beauty that sat before me.

I was at a loss what to do or say at this point, and as if it had been the most natural thing in the world to have done, Kate returned her skirt and leg round under the table and finished her food.

I just found myself looking deep into her eyes and said “Exactly like that! Although that’s the best looking pussy I have ever seen” I continued as if in a daze reliving the picture now embedded in my mind.
“Why thank you Dad” Kate said, smiling again. “I’m glad you approve”.

As I sat in my chair I was pretty glad I was close to the table as my cock was threatening to rip through my joggers at just having seen such a sweet pussy. To make things worse it was now I noticed that Kate wore no bra underneath her shirt as her stiff nipples were pushing against the material. As Kate was between a B and a C cup her breasts were just a perfect shape which hardly needed a bra being so pert and they looked mighty fine now pressed against her top. Again my hesitation to look away obviously made me guilty of staring at her chest and I chastised myself again for thinking bad thoughts about my innocent teenage daughter sat next to me.

Kate broke the silence.

“And do you approve of my boobs too?” She asked pushing her chest out slightly further which only accentuated the fact her nipples were rock hard.

“Kate, you are growing into a beautiful young woman” I heard myself saying, “and have a fantastic figure with a lovely pair of boobs. I can also tell you that you have a great looking pussy too and the fact you have shaved it is very nice.” I tried to continue in my fatherly role; “Your body is growing fast and your hormones too which means that you will start to have sexual feelings more and more if you have not already done so. I appreciate the honesty with which we speak and long may it continue, but it may be best if you start to perhaps dress a little more around me now that your body is changing so much.”

Kate almost looked horrified. “Why do I have to do that Dad, do you not like the clothes I wear?”

“It’s not that at all Kate. I love the clothes you wear, the only problem is that you are my daughter and when I see you dress like this it affects me like it should affect any man, only it is wrong for me”.

“You mean you get turned on?” she asked.

“Well yes” I said, “I suppose I do”.

“And is that so wrong?” she asked.

“As I’m your Dad, yes it is” I replied.

“Well I won’t tell anyone if you don’t” she said as she sipped her drink.

“Well it’s not quite as easy as that honey” I said trying to ignore those gorgeous nipples that seemed to be staring at me. “A man has urges and I would hate to be in a position where I took advantage of that for my own pleasure” I said trying to be as diplomatic as I could.

“well girls have urges too” she replied.

“Indeed they do” I said, “and I appreciate that but you will have to try and keep them in check until you are older and find a nice boyfriend”.

“But you told me to steer clear of boys because they just want one thing!” she had said, which I could hardly argue with because I did!

“I know, but when the time comes and you are ready then as long as you are careful then things should be OK” I said.

With that she stood up from the table and took her plate to the sink before disappearing upstairs to her room. Thankful for the space I too stood up and my hard-on was like something I had never seen before. It was so hard it physically ached and so I knew that the only way I was going to do anything with it was to actually have a wank, so I made my way up to my room to do the deed.

As I got to the top of the stairs I heard the music coming from Kate’s room as her door was half open. I had to pass her door to get to my room and as I started to walk across the landing I heard her moan above the music. I knew in my head that she must be feeling how I was and that she was perhaps masturbating just like I was planning on doing. I know I should have walked straight past her door but I glanced in and sure enough she was laid on her bed, her skirt was up around her waist and her fingers were busy playing with her clit. As I watched I saw her pressing her hairbrush against her lips which seemed to open and welcome the plastic phallic handle in as she continued to moan. My cock was rock hard against my jogging bottoms and as I stood in the doorway watching my daughter masturbate herself with a brush I rubbed my hand along my shaft. With her head thrown back against her bed, her fingers were circling her clit faster and faster as the handle was pushed in right up to the head and she moaned louder as her orgasm neared.

Trying to keep out of sight I found myself with my joggers around my thighs and my cock in my hand, pre-cum already oozing from the glans. I could hear the wet sound of Kate’s pussy as it devoured the hairbrush just wishing it was my cock instead. Kate pulled the handle from within her and whilst she continued to rub around her clit she brought the brush up to her mouth and started to suck on it, tasting her own juices. I very nearly came there and then, but stopped short just as she looked directly at me through the gap in the door. My heart almost stopped but my legs wouldn’t work to move me away and then I heard her speak.

“I hope you aren’t going to waste that” she said nodding at the erection I held in my hand. “I suggest you get over here and do what you need to do” she continued, still without stopping her clit action.

Like a scolded schoolboy I did as I was told and entered her room, drawn to her open pussy like a moth to a lamp. It looked so damn tasty and as I kicked off my bottoms I was on my knees and between her thighs tasting her juice in no time. Her skin was as soft as ever and her gorgeous pussy lips were wet from her own secretions, glistening in the light. The taste was exquisite and I lapped hungrily at her lips from bottom to top of her freshly shaven cunt. I slipped a finger into the warmth and felt the tight hole grasp my digit, licking it each time it reappeared covered in her liquid. Pushing a second in I heard her gasp with pleasure, obvious that her hymen had already been broken at some point by herself, probably by the hairbrush she was still sucking.

“Let me suck your cock please Dad” I heard her say as she leaned on her elbows. I looked up from my feast, my face covered in wetness and saw the longing in her eyes.

“But Kate this is just so wrong on every level” I said, fingers still buried deep inside of her.

“A bit too late to worry about that I think, don’t you?” she asked now rubbing those sweet breasts beneath her shirt.

Although I had broken the rule already about sexual activity with my daughter, it wasn’t too late to stop. But she seemed like a d**g which had drawn me in and I wanted more. I stood up and removed my shirt as she removed her own and lay before me with just her tiny skirt on around her waist as her beautiful tits and nipples came on show for me. I couldn’t resist reaching down and taking each one in hand, feeling the nipples harden further against my palm, a contrast with the softness of the fleshy mounds. I watched in awe as her delicate hands took hold of my manhood and guided it into her open mouth, her tongue getting to work on my knob as she fed herself. Her small hands made me look bigger than I perhaps was, having a further sexual affect on me and I had to concentrate with all my mind so as not to explode down her throat.

Her sweet pussy seemed to be calling me back and so I straddled her body and lay above her in the 69 position. It had been years since I had done that and so I savoured the feeling of having my cock sucked whilst my mouth licked away at her juicy sex. I toyed with her tiny asshole too as it had become well lubricated from her being so turned on. I didn’t push a finger in at this stage as I didn’t want to rush things, but I knew she was getting pleasure from having her hole stroked. I felt her hands on my hips as she gently thrust me in and out of her mouth, careful enough not to push too hard to make her gag, allowing her to take things as slowly as she wanted. She must have practised many times on her hairbrush as she was certainly making an expert go of sucking me off.

I felt her hands push me away and to the side and so suddenly we had changed positions with her on top. She continued to grind her pelvic bone into my face, her lips leaving a slick mess all over my mouth and I continued to hungrily accept it. Her head bobbed up and down my shaft, her throaty moans vibrating deliciously against me. I heard a rip and then felt the condom being rolled over my length and I knew that I was about to act out the ultimate sin.

I looked down as Kate removed her final piece of clothing just before spinning round and straddling me. I was about to tell her how mature I thought she was with regards the condom but before I had chance she lowered her face to meet mine and our mouths met in the most erotic kiss I had ever had. Our juices flowed between us as we tasted each other, our tongues mingling as one. I could feel the head of my cock pushing gently against her opening as her hand slipped between us and guided me into her. I lay completely still, suppressing the urge to thrust into her at this stage, still wanting her to do this at her own pace. She raised her head and looked me straight in the eye as she lowered herself onto my shaft, her pussy hungrily accepting me, enveloping me with that beautiful warmth that comes when your cock is buried into a sweet cunt.

I reached up and cupped her breasts, the firmness of her youth adding to the visual pleasure I was getting from seeing her grind herself into me. My hands ran down to her hips and I held her as I started to gently rock with her to meet her thrusts which were starting to get faster. She smiled at me, still staring into my eyes as we fucked together on the bed. The beat of the music pounded in the background, mixing with our own sounds that we were making. As our bodies slapped together harder and faster I knew she was nearing her first real orgasm with me and unable to stop myself now we joined together in mutual pleasure as our bodies came with an intensity that I couldn’t remember enjoying in the past. Her screams filled the room and her body shook as she ground herself into me over and over until we were both spent. She collapsed on top of me and her sweet breasts pressed against my own chest, our heavy breaths now competing with the music.

Minutes passed as we lay in each other’s arms, our bodies returning to their natural state. As Kate slid off me to lie by my side I felt my cock slip out of her wet hole and rest on my thigh.

“Thanks Dad”, I heard her say. “I’ve been waiting ages for that to happen” she added pressing her body against mine. “I was getting a little fed up with my hairbrush and needed the real thing” she concluded as she kissed me on the cheek.

“But Kate, that was just so wrong of us to have done what we have just done!” I said.

“Oh give over” she said, her breasts now pushing against my side. “You always told me that the first time should be special and with someone who I love and who loves me. Well it was!” she added giving me that gorgeous smile again. I couldn’t help but smile back as I felt a twinge again between my legs as my cock reacted to the beauty that lay beside me.

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I live in a really isolated, rural part of the country as I work for a forestry company. I love my job, but I've come to dread the weekends. I am the only single guy working here so I start feeling very lonely as soon as Friday afternoon arrives. It's a good hundred miles to the nearest town so I always think twice about driving in. I'm not that crazy about bars but what I miss most is the sex. I think I have a repetitive strain injury in my right wrist from jacking off so much. But the good...

1 year ago
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A College girl trades sex for money to buy the necessary books for her next semester at school

I believe in variety, lost of variety. That’s why I frequent whores, and places where whores hang out. I guess you could call me a coinsure of prostitutes. I’ve probably been with more than 100 different women who sell their bodies to both men and women. Anyway, I ran across a real sweet amateur last Saturday night. On my way home about 10:00 PM I stopped at the corner of El Cajon Blvd. and College Drive. I was the first car in the left turn lane and had my driver’s...

2 years ago
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Great Sex

This happened about 15 yrs ago when I was in my 20’s. I had been seeing Donna for 3 weeks. I met her in a nightclub in Devon. She was about 5ft 8in, slim figure, ginger hair but not freckly skin, she was a stunner. It was amazing how much we had in common. I used to go visit her at her flat she lived in with her 2 k**s, she was a single mother and I was her fuck buddy for the next few months. We had some amazing sex. This is a brief description of the sort of things we did. I turned up at her...

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The Bar Ch 02

Authors note: Okay so first I apologize for the long forward. I’d like to start by all thanking all of you for the comments you made, the votes you submitted and for just generally reading part one! It was a lot easier writing chapter two knowing you wanted more! (on that note i advise you read chapter 1) Like before, it is a bit slow but it does pay off at the end! Okay so something that should be noted for consistency: I was watching tv at 1:47 am the other night and a stroke of...

1 year ago
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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 5 Wednesday Morning

Robin - Wednesday morning before school I had gotten used to sleeping in two adjacent and connecting rooms for several years before we had moved here to Abilene. It took me a few moments to remember why both of my bodies were in the same bed last night. When I remembered that Pat was sleeping in my other bed, I was glad that I had woken up before the alarm had gone off. Pat and I would have to share a bathroom in getting ready. While I did not mind sharing a shower with Pat, I wanted to...

1 year ago
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Upside Down Again

Note : This story is completely fictional! “Gotcha again.” Trisha said with a smile. Trisha sprung up off the bed and the sisters wrapped each other in a loose embrace. After a series of soft kisses, the two girls smiled warmly as they stared into each other’s eyes. “Oh my God … this is so fucking weird!” Rachel said with a nervous laugh. “What is?” her sister asked coyly. “Oh, come on! This whole crazy thing, you and me, this is nuts!” the blonde responded incredulously. Trisha’s smile slowly...

3 years ago
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Kiss My Ass

It had been a good night. Although I generally dislike being the third wheel, I usually enjoy going out with my roommate Kyle and his girlfriend Shannon. We always have fun, even if we do tend to drink a little too much and this night was no exception. "I'm telling you, she wanted you!" Shannon said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder. "You should have talked to her! "Whatever," I answered, fumbling with my keys. "Hurry up and open the damn door!" Kyle slurred impatiently. "I think I'm...

3 years ago
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Course of Treatment

A few months ago, I would not have dreamed that I would be in this situation. Not that the situation is necessarily bad, but the utterly blatant ethical breaches that I have committed sometimes weigh heavily on my conscience. Were they to ever be revealed to the licensing board, my career as a clinical psychologist would come to an abrupt end. I had settled into middle age cruise control. At fifty-four, I had been married nearly twenty-five years and practiced my profession from a small,...

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Early Years 4

It has been a couple of years now since my first adventures, as time had passed,my babysitter Mary, would come around less, my aunt had found a older more mature aunty type of lady who was able to watch over us k**s as they were out working. But on weekend, they would still hire Mary to watch us as the new lady had a family of her own. We loved those weekends, I was about 13 years old now and my cousin Jenny was just turning 11 and she was developing nicely. Her little tits was so perky and...

4 years ago
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My First Video

Hi. I'm Olivia; basically I'm the average blonde; streaky, muddy blonde hair, straight as corn silk and long to my elbows. I have side bangs and I look like a model with a heart-shaped face, a slender, shapely body with small but firm breasts and a tight little ass. I'm not a slut; in fact, I'm still a virgin, embarrassingly. I'm seventeen and unlike most slutty girls my age, I care about my grades. I usually get A's or A+s, and most boys know me as the "sexy nerd". Really I've only had five...

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A Day Of Awesome Love

Hello, my all Indian Sex Stories friends. My name is Pyara Prince- Happy to help. I am from Delhi and for the work purpose quite often visit entire Haryana, Chandigarh, and Rajasthan. On 25th march, I was in Karnal and stayed at L. Grand hotel. I wanted to drink so I thought to bring a whiskey bottle. I found that wine shop is quite far so asked one battery rickshaw fir to and fro and moved to shop. When I reached there I purchased Black Dog premium. I sat in my rickshaw and only then a girl of...

2 years ago
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 7 Fireflowers and Screamers

Every year the town where we resided threw a big party for the Fourth of July. When the holiday fell on a weekend, like it did that year in 1981, the community put together enough events to fill the entire weekend. A traveling amusement park set up, the firehouses had water hose fights, there was live music and a food fest, and, of course, fireworks. Almost everybody in town attended something in the park by the lake over the weekend, and the place was always packed for the fireworks. That...

2 years ago
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Sex With Beggar Worker In ATrain

Hi Friends I am Tanvi. I am here to narrate my real life experience which happened me in a train journey (Excuse me for my English in this story) .I am engineer by profession and a keen reader of Sex stories. It is evident that we all have some kind of sexual experience which does not fit the normal criteria. I have born in Delhi and belong to upper middle class family. When I was 8 yrs. old I was sexually abuse by my cousin. I was unaware of such things and he took advantage of my innocence in...

1 year ago
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True story

My ex-boyfriend enjoyed having me in little to no clothes while at his house. He lived with his parents but had no problems having sex with the door open. Infact he enjoyed letting his friend watch us have sex. My ex also enjoyed spanking me and his friend got to watch that as well. His parents knew and heard that he spanked me and were fine with it although I didnt enjoy it much.Oneday while his parents were out the ex began to spank me. I was standing up, leaning over the bed completely...

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Lockdown Daughters Story 4

I thought that the best way to do this would be when I was on the Forum one night chatting to Robertbi getting all horny, having Patch lick my wet cunt, then see how it progressed from there. I could always blame Robertbi for suggesting it although I know it was myself who wanted this. Anyway, one night Dad was on the computer, I presumed on the Sex Forum chatting to Robertbi when I saw him starting to stroke his cock. He had only previously done this before when I encouraged him. He noticed...

4 years ago
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The Royal Genies Chapter 03

Harson pulled away from his sister, and looked down on her. Large amounts of his cum remained on her skin, as the remnants of a good night’s work. Harson sat on the edge of the bed, and looked down at his erection. He concentrated, and he felt relief as it softened. His wish was working perfectly. Harson picked up Lexia’s lamp from Sofia’s bedside table, and rubbed it. Clouds of yellow smoke poured out, and Lexia formed on her knees, with her head bowed. “Oh good, you’re learning,” Harson...

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          Terry           Chapter 1            by roccodadom44           [email protected]     " Jesus I really despise him," Terry thought as she watched her husband ineptly trying to fix her car. She knew he was totally lost and was just pretending that he had any man skills. Terry felt pity for him and this in turned fueled her hate for him, she really felt like going outside, where Dan was trying to get her tire changed, kicking his stupid ass. While she continued to think bad...

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A or B Part two

Gritting my teeth, I gave the wax strip a sharp tug and gasped as a stinging pain shot through my pussy lips. I turned to the mirror to inspect the results, yes those last few hairs had gone and other than a little redness there was no damage.Taking a generous squirt of aloe vera, I smoothed the gel into my pussy feeling its coolness seep between my lips as my long fingers spread my petals, gently working the slick gel into my hot crevice.Already horny with anticipation at my upcoming night out...

3 years ago
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While my Boyfriends away Hmong

By: Lisa.LrHey Yawl, So I was browsing online last Friday night and come across this Hmong website and decide to share a bit of my experience. Everything written here is 100% true, although the names are changed just to make sure nobody I know or those that know me come stumble upon this little confession of me been a slut, then again, I live in a city and state where the Hmong community is relatively small.You probably want to ask me "Why?".Why? b'cuz I feel so guilty about it and wanted to...

4 years ago
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The AccidentChapter 22

It wasn’t a reunion. Timm had been on the bad guys side and nobody was sure if they had just changed masters ... gone from bad to worse. But they helped. There was loot stashed all over the place. Since nobody listens to slaves ... or pays attention to slaves ... the slaves knew where everything was. Including the new girl in the root cellar. “The boss brought her back from Bridgetown,” Timm was told ... and she told me. “Seems the big boss went to Bridgetown to settle a dispute about the...

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My Nightmare5

Oh, I don't feel so good. I open my eyes and see nothing but white. Look he is coming around, an indistinct female voice announced. You are one lucky young man. We found you and have brought you to our facility. I felt someone move past me. It was then that I realised I was completely naked. I couldn't move. I was being held down, restrained. I tried to sit up. A hand was placed on my forehead and a female spoke softly, calm down, there is nothing to fear here. You are...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 9

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter IX The Second Week Wednesday - Nails Thursday - A Trip Well, I've met the other bridesmaids and it went well. I think that they were all shocked when they first met me and full of questions. But I was quickly accepted as one of the girls. And one of them even said, "You should have been born a...

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Hotel Service Was Excellant

We were down in the city for a few days as I had some meetings to attend. We had been fortunate to have an upgrade to a suite at the hotel which had a small settee , a TV and a fridge which we used to cool the wine and keep a few snacks. The first night there we had watched some TV in the suite and as they had videos available we had watched a movie. After the movie I had a quick shower before bed. While my wife had her shower I had found some porn videos available and had one playing when she...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 57 Happy

It was a month after Warren's first encounter with Alexa, just before Halloween, and she had kept her word. It had been a whirlwind. Four different girls, besides Alexa, and all had left raving. Warren had thought about that. He supposed he should be getting a big head by now. He wasn't. He was glad about that. He enjoyed it. He liked to see the lady he was in bed with satisfied. It wasn't any big gift, it wasn't any secret. It was just caring that his partner enjoyed herself....

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A Nice Distraction

    Ann knew Pearl had been working very hard in school. It was Pearl’s second year in college and she was feeling a little overwhelmed with everything. Too much to do and not enough time to do it, she heard Pearl say more than once. Ann hoped she could take her mind off of school this weekend. Ann was a few years older than Pearl and already out in the “real world” as Pearl called it. She was a teacher so she was off on the same days as her lover was.   They were able to spend most of their...

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Julies New JobChapter 6 Jon continues with his version

Now I had a new cock that looked nothing like what I had grown up with. I was discouraged for a while after the operation; I would never have done anything like this on my own. I had grown up with it and was happy with the way it had been. Now, well, it was beginning to feel 'right'. Mary had been pushing me for sex on a daily basis, several times a day. I had to pretend that I was starting to 'love' her, and when Joan brought Julie over one day I had to ignore the one true love of my...

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Joe was sixty years old and he loved fucking the young street whores behind a bush in the park. He had the young blonde's shirt undone sucking on her nipples and her panties were around her ankles as he three fingered her cunt. He unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out and put her hand on it and she began stroking him as he then put three fingers in her ass and fucked both holes. Joe had a seven inch cock that was thicker than a pop can and he loved ass fucking. Shoving his thick meat in a...

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Letters from Mom

I met Lisa when I was twenty-two and it was love at first sight for me.  I had broken my ankle in a mountain biking accident and she was the nurse who helped put the cast on for me.  She was blond, gorgeous and had a captivating personality.  I loved her despite the fact that she was a widow who was five years older than me and had a ten-year-old daughter, Jackie. Lisa had become pregnant with Jackie when she was sixteen. She had married her rich college boyfriend rather than give up Jackie.  A...

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Brians Power Part Two

Thanks for all the support!  I did want to point out that Gillian is only the leader of the Black Ogres, he's still a human, sorry for the misconception.  Oh and while I'm at it, the Black Ogres is just the name of a group, so no one's an ogre.  This is the second part of my Brian's Power Chapters, and in this chapter, Brian returns to his real home.  He meets his mother, and gets a taste of what being royalty is like.  No sex, and possibly no sex until he is done with his training....

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Naught but a Fantasy

You feel your tousled hair stir as a lock lying over your face is brushed aside and a faint soft touch upon your forehead, almost like a lover’s sweet kiss... The pseudo-warmth of the almost-kiss travels, unhurriedly down your cheek, across your jaw, edging closer to your lips, an amazingly erotic kiss half on your lips and half on your cheek making the sensation blaze like a firebrand, a feeling so real you can practically feel my pulse beat against your skin. But only for the briefest of...

1 year ago
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Zamiemy si rolami

Miałam kilka celów wysyłając około godziny 14 wiadomość do Pana A. Zrobiłam to aby Go zaskoczyć, zdziwić, zbulwersować, podniecić, zniesmaczyć, zakłopotać i rozpalić do czerwoności. Już samo wyobrażenie sobie Jego miny, Jego wykrzywionych ust, zwężających się źrenic, przyspieszającego oddechu i nerwowo trzęsących się dłoni powodowało, że moja krew krążyła szybciej a na karku czułam rozkoszne mrowienie. Wiedziałam, że się zdenerwuje, zdawałam sobie sprawę, że wstrząsnę Nim do głębi ale nie...

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A nice Caribbean cruise

Hubby had booked tickets for a nice cruise around the Caribbean Sea.Two days before embarking, Victor was called by his boss and informed he had to fly away on an emergency business trip. He could not refuse to do it. I claimed we could not take the cruise on the next week and hubby told me that I could go alone by myself. I still could enjoy it.I took my hubby to the airport for his flight and later I boarded the ship.By the third afternoon on board, I was working out in the gym when I spotted...

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Beas PonyChapter 3

It was in the middle of the day. I was seated at a vanity in Helen's bedroom brushing my hair. I hadn't had a good chance to brush it out since arriving, and the brisk strokes tugging at my scalp felt good. My hair was longer than it had been in years, the thick brown tresses reaching down to just below my shoulder blades. It seemed like an awful lot of hair as I watched it move with my head in the mirror. I picked the mass up with both hands and held it atop my head for an instant. The...

4 years ago
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The escort 3 A surprise assignment

A few days had passed since my first assignment for Marchmont Ladies, the elite escort agency run by Rosie out of her tenement flat. It had been exciting for me to act out a role for the client, Ian, so that we could make his business contact, Geoff Granger, mellow enough to sign the contract which would send a lot of work Ian's way. And all I'd had to do was flirt a bit and give the old man a blow-job; what could have been easier?You may wonder what it's like to suck off an old man for money...

Group Sex
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Neighborly bst

As a preface let me tell you that this story certainly did not end up the way it started. Now I have to introduce myself. I am Marjorie, married to Paul my husband of 22 years. Initially in our marriage like many others, my husband wanted sex more than I. At this point I wish I had given him more of what he wanted. We both got to find out what that one president was talking about when he started marketing stuff for E.D. My hubby developed erectile dysfunction and now sex is no longer an option,...

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ExxxtraSmall Freya Von Doom Poke Man Go

Seans son little Tony has been obsessed with this new augmented reality game. Its starting to become a problem so he decides to confiscate his phone for now. After that, Sean went to go do the dishes. As he was washing them, he got a notification that there was a Pikahoe nearby. He wonders what this could mean, until his eyes changed focus to outside. There she was, super hot and extremely tiny. This should be an easy catch. Sean decides to try and be the very best, like no one ever was. He...

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K T and FamilyChapter 9 Flame meet Foam

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: Dad will never talk about the press conference. No one will talk about it. Mom just smiles. Whatever was said, it was done strictly off the record. As bad as their reputations are, journalists pay attention to that kind of thing. All we know is that everyone came out looking like a cat with canary feathers in its mouth. Mom and Dad had only known each other a couple of weeks. That had to have raised some eyebrows. Dad says that he only introduced Mom,...

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Always Finding TroubleChapter 22

Morning found me forming some Tae Chi, finding my inner peace. Bobby surprised me and showed up naked to follow my lead. Jan and Marie showed up soon, also naked. I was moving slowly, when I spied a naked Wanda coming from the house and wondered, "Now what?" When I felt perfectly arranged within myself, I stopped and walked back inside the cage to take off my leg and clothes to swim. The girls did a few more moves, and came in. They all dove in and swam with me until it was time to either...

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LoveHerFeet Cristiana Cinn My Husbands Friend Stopped By Today

My husband left his wallet at a friend’s house the other night after dinner so his friend dropped it off today. I was tanning by the pool in my new hot pink bikini when he rang the doorbell. His wife used to tell me he is a great fuck and he can make her cum by sucking and licking her feet and toes. I don’t know if it was the sun and the hot steamy weather or just the little slut in me, but I got so wet thinking about it when he showed up I knew I can’t let him leave without fucking...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Savannah Siren The Traveling Nympho

Juicy ? newbie Savannah Siren makes her industry debut today ? and we paired her up with our good friend ? Oliver Flynn for what turned out to be a ridiculously hot scene ? After we get to know a little about the 1st timer, Oliver steps in and lubes up ?? Savannah’s lovely all-natural body, focusing on her ?? Double-D boobies and bootyliscious backside ? As Savannah twerks for us ? Oliver slides his head underneath and gives her plump pussy a good tongue lashing ? flipping her over and...

4 years ago
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The Girl Who Passed Me A Note Part One

It was early Tuesday morning and all I could think about was how badly I wanted it to be 10:30. The anticipation was building; Every single second seemed to take hours to go by and the hands on the clock didn't even seem to move at all. I was anxious, and a little nervous, too, but I guess that's normal. She told me I would feel this way. Scared. I didn't fully understand why until about 10:26, when I looked at the clock nervously and almost wanted to say nevermind and forget about the whole...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Ten The Choice

Friday June 4th, 2027The diminutive blonde-haired eighteen-year-old sat nervously on the expensive leather sofa in reception. She still couldn’t quite believe the way that her Form Mistress had reacted that morning and, now, here she was sitting awaiting a meeting with Miss Marks, the Head Mistress. It was so unfair. Others had done far worse things during her near seven years at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College, but it seemed to her that her teachers and her House Mistress had marked her card a...

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Memorable Early Morning

Hi everybody …. This is SIVA from Andhra.. Most of d times i read stories in ISS and get satisfaction.. I like TELUGU.. telugu people can feel, satisfy very much with telugu words.. so i’m sharing my incident in TELUGU.. Graduation complete chesi Present nenu hyd lo untunnaaanu.. nijam cheppaalante naaku first nundi ladies ni Dengudaamane aalochanalu thakkuvaa.. Andhukante naku ladies ante Gowravam.. naku kuda konthamandhi girl friends unnaaru.. baaguntaaru koodaa.. kontha mandhi SALLU...

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Our Stories After Party

Saturday was two nights before Halloween. Our friends, Lisa and Jason, who had us over a few months earlier for their house warming party, were throwing a costume party for a small group. Sheri hated Halloween, but I always enjoyed it. Even though, she did enjoy planning our costume ideas. We decided on going as Tony and Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie. Sheri looked incredibly hot in the skimpy costume.As we drove to the party, Sheri told me that her friend Ana would be there. The last time we...

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