Renaissance At Greygarth House Part One free porn video

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Ronald Anstruther glanced at the clock on the dashboard – 15.05 – good timing he thought. He had told his wife Jane he would be back around three o’clock, and he was now only about fifteen minutes from Greygarth House. He was feeling good. Notwithstanding the grilling his sister had given him over the last week, he was looking forward to getting home. He was trying to imagine what sort of surprise Jane might have for him; he expected it would be a special dinner together, with a nicely wrapped book and a classic Malt Whisky. Probably Alison would be there also, and he wondered if she might have got him something too.

At a little after three fifteen he pulled off the road near Kirkby Malzeard, into the lane to Greygarth, and a few minutes later through the gate and into the woodland that surrounded the house. Yes, there was Alison’s car. Well! He thought to himself, it should be a bit jollier around the table than it sometimes was, when it was just he and his wife Jane. Then again, he sighed to himself, if it was just he and Jane then maybe? Maybe just for today? He had stopped in Ripon and picked up a few cases of wine and a few other things, so he drove round to the back of the house to unload through the kitchen door.

“I’m home Jane,” he called, without much hope of being heard along the corridors. After setting down his bags and parcels, he went in search of Jane and Alison.

Ron walked into the large open hall and looked up the double stairway. He could hear them, and he felt sick and weak. Today of all days! Couldn’t they have shown a bit of restraint? The cries of carnal passion echoed. He walked upstairs feeling himself burning, and his heart racing. Even when his wife and her lover spent the night together, in what had been the marital bed, he was rarely subjected to the noise of their love-making. This was extreme. He was jealous; jealous of the passion, and envious of it at the same time.

The bedroom door was only pushed to, and he contemplated a quick look, but he knew this was too corrosive, too self-destructive, and so he retreated quietly down to the lounge to wait.

The hall clock struck four and he stepped out once more. The sounds from the bedroom no longer carried, but his anger and hurt did not abate. It was not simply unjust and unkind, it was thoughtless and cruel. Today would be the day of the conversation. The conversation long planned, in his mind. Not just a conversation between him and Jane; but a three-way discussion, which he had been waiting for the opportunity to bring about. His anger was cool, and his mind was razor sharp.

Ron Anstruther had no fears about engaging with them both, but now but he had to take the initiative and he quickly took the stairs two at a time, until he stood outside the bedroom door. The sounds from within were contented sighs, and of breathing being controlled, along with expressions of amazement at that which had been given, and received. It was the moment to strike.

“Jane, Alison!” he shouted far more loudly than was needed simply to be heard.

From inside the room there were two screams. “Oh my God Ronnie, what are you doing here?” cried Jane.

“I’ve made you a pot of tea, and the three of us are going to have a talk. Pull your sheet up because I am coming in to this room on the count of three,” he shouted, keeping up the pressure. “One, two, three!”

Ron marched into the room and half way to the bed. Jane appeared to be recovering from the shock and preparing to speak but he forestalled her.

“The three of us are going to have a conversation. I arrived home 40 minutes ago, and I am delighted for you that you have enjoyed such passionate sex, and I have been waiting downstairs for you to finish. It sounded too glorious to interrupt, for which I hope you are grateful. But now we are going to talk. Be downstairs in five minutes! That is enough time for you to achieve modesty. If you are not down in five, I will drag you both out even if you are stark naked. Make no mistake Jane, Alison; we are going to talk.”

Ron had spoken quietly but clearly. There was no menace, but there was determination, and before either woman had a chance to respond he was gone from the room. A few moments later Ron called in a voice that might have announced the beginning of the apocalypse, “Four minutes and fifty seconds.”

Jane wondered if Ron was bluffing; but she understood that a reckoning was due. She had known, deep down, that she hadn’t been properly loving to her husband. Alison was mortified that they had been caught, so flagrantly, breaching the unwritten code of behaviour.

At the bottom of the stairs Ron waited to see if Jane would call his bluff. He was very calm and prepared; because he wasn’t bluffing.

Ron smiled as the two women walked into the lounge, trying to look casual and composed, and he walked up to them. He ignored their looks of alarm, and leaned in to kiss them each on the cheek, and give them a gentle smile.

“I needed to get your attention, because we do need to speak,” he said smiling. Inside his anger smouldered as if its oxygen supply was limited, but it would flare wildly if fed. He knew he had to keep control of himself and the situation; so much depended on them listening to him carefully.

“There is tea here, and some biscuits and cake; you might need a bit of an energy rush. Goodness me, but it sounded energetic anyway. And we have wine on stand-by, or something stronger if needed. I’m on mineral water.”

Jane was thrown again by the reference to ‘it sounded energetic anyway’ and she had to admit to being thirsty and hungry. “Actually Ron, can I have some water too please, as well as a cup of tea?”

Ron was relieved with the acquiescence, and passed her a glass.

“Al – how about you?”

“Yes please Ron,” whispered Alison.

“Ron, we weren’t expecting you until tomorrow,” said Jane.

“Check your emails darling. I said ‘looking forward to being home with you in time for Friday, arrive about 3. All my love’. Your reply was ‘OK see you then.’ Not overboard with the excitement, but acknowledged at least.”

“Anyway! Maybe things are better for the surprise. We have needed to talk for a while, and this has catapulted us into it. We are going to talk but, forgive me, I am going to lay out some background. You know it all but I need to set it as a context for some things, which you need to know, but do not at the moment. Is that alright?”

They both nodded, they were not in a position to argue.

“Alison! Please feel safe here. I am not trying to undo your relationship with my wife. You are making each other very happy. You are a stakeholder in this and your voice counts. This is not just between me and Jane, do you understand?”

“Thank you Ron, yes. Thank you for not just throwing me out.”

“Jane, we have been married for thirty years and we have a beautiful daughter ‘Viv’, who holds us up to her friends as the model couple. It was Viv’s idea for your birthday present last year. “Dad”, she kept saying, “she’ll love it, she really will. Go on spoil her.”

“Well, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you Jane. So a week at Brackenthorpe Spa for pampering it was. But it was no good me coming with you. This was a girlie thing of massage, mud and all sorts of improbable things. It was also going to be so much more fun for you if you had someone to go with. Viv couldn’t make the dates; so we agreed that Alison should go with you. Ali, we still miss Ted, and this was an opportunity to spoil you a bit as well.”

“Anyway, I shelled out an extra fifteen hundred so you could take Ali with you.”

Alison gasped, and stared at both Ron and Jane.

“I had no idea it was that expensive,” she whispered.

“This is not about the money Ali. I would lay it out again tomorrow for both of you, without a thought, as long as there was a slightly changed outcome.”

“So, off you both go and have a wonderful time. You discover things about yourselves, and you become lovers. I have no problem with this, truly. Then you return and I greet you, Jane my darling, and I ask if you have had a good time. I ask if you enjoyed your birthday present? I take you in my arms for a kiss, and I move to cup your breast as I always did, and you pushed me away didn’t you?”

Jane tried to speak, but Ron held up his hand.

“Not yet, Jane! This is your time to listen, and for Ali, maybe to learn.”

“We need to talk, you said. So, we did and you told me that you and Ali had become lovers. You gradually explained that this meant that we, husband and wife, would no longer be lovers in a physical sense, at least for the time being. You loved me, you said, but you were exploring something new.”

“So, I was moved into the guest room, and in eight months there has been no sex. I have not seen your body, and we have had no meaningful hugs. Yes, there have been times when you let me hug you, but you have made me feel like a trespasser. I have loved you both, in your joy, but I have always woken to an empty bed. I have not had a warm loving body next to me.”

Alison was looking wretched, while Jane stared at the floor.

“I tried masturbation, but it made me feel so, so much worse. It’s not just sex; it’s human physical contact and affection. The physical contact and love that was once given to me, is being given to you Ali. It is being given to you in what was once my space too. I lie dreaming elsewhere of some small touch of gentleness. Ali, I don’t know if you truly appreciate how little physical touch I have had.”

“Jane my darling, I gave you a very special birthday present last year, but I had no idea that it would bring me so much misery. I came back from my sister’s today, having survived the interrogation as to why you were not with me. I did not say, it was because you wouldn’t share a bed with me. I came back wondering what treat you might have in store for me? I thought you might have cooked a special meal, but there were no seductive aromas in the kitchen, only the sounds of rampant sex in the bedroom.”

“Oh my God! Ron, I’m sorry!” screamed Jane. “It’s your birthday, I forgot. Look, we’ll do something. I’ll make us a meal and we…”

Jane stopped, as Ron held up his hand with a smile.

“Just a minute more Jane, and then we begin our talk, please. Today, was almost too much for me to bear. Ali, if Ted came back to life and walked in this room now, would you want his love? Would you want his touch, his caress and his kiss? Or would you say, ‘No Ted! Go and have a pint, and a wank, with Ron. I’ve got Jane now, so I don’t need your touch or your body.’ Would you Ali? Is that what you would say to your husband?”

Alison looked stricken as she thought of her darling husband, and of how much she missed him.

“Ron, I’m sorry.” Her voice was barely above a whisper and it was breaking up. “You’ve both been so good for me since Ted died. I feel awful. I ought to go now.”

“No Ali, I don’t want you to go. Actually, I would like you to move in with us.”

Both Jane and Alison looked at each other as if they couldn’t believe what had been said, and then stared at Ron.

“The problem at the moment Alison, is that there is no ‘us’ for you to move in with. You would simply move in with Jane, and I would be pushed further to the side. I do mean it though Alison. I would love you to come and live with ‘us’ if we can crack there being an ‘us’ that involves me. If you two want to come out as ‘gay’, I’ll support you all the way, but I can only do that if I am part of both your lives.”

“Do you want to come to bed with us?” asked Jane. “A threesome?”

Ron laughed. “Ha! In my dreams and every waking moment my darling. You just have no idea how this red blooded male is desperate for some sex. Sex, as well as feeling loved. No, that isn’t really what I meant. If you said, “shall the three of us go to bed together; that’s different. I don’t mean a ‘threesome’. I’m talking about a ‘menage a trois’, and that is not simply about sex.”

“I actually have thought about this before now. I was thinking about it before you both went to Brackenthorpe, but without any sexual dimension. I didn’t have the term, ‘menage a trois’ then, but and I want you to think about it now.”

“Ali, you move in here. We, that is the three of us, do up one of the rooms with the south view, and put in an en suite. You have your own space. You would probably spend most nights with Jane. But then in the morning we all have breakfast together. Maybe one morning Jane you say, “Why don’t we all go into Ripon? Ali and I can shop while you hit the book shops, Ron. Then we can all have lunch at the ‘Lockwoods’. Or perhaps, we all go to the theatre. The thing is that each of us is part of everything, even if we are not involved in everything.”

“I want to stop being a spare part, and I want the three of us to live more open lives. I want us to be together in the same place. That is my version of menages a trois.”

Jane and Alison looked at each other.

“Could you really cope with that?” asked Jane incredulously.

“Ron, I think it would be a dream come true for me,” said Alison, “I think Ted’s up there somewhere cheering you on.”

“The thing is Ali, is Ted cheering you on in the set up as it is now? What do you think?

Ali and Jane were quiet again.

“Jane my darling, the answer to your question is yes, I could cope. I could cope, but some things would have to change. I need to touch and be touched. I want you to hug me like you always used to when I come in, because you are pleased to see me. You still tell me you love me. Doesn’t that at least get a hug?”

“Ali, when Ted was alive, and we all met, you used to give me lovely hugs and a kiss. You haven’t laid a finger on me since you both got back from Brackenthorpe. Did I suddenly grow a second head? I want you to stop feeling guilty, and start loving me as the friend I once was, to both you and Ted.”

“Jane, I’m a man and I miss the sight of your body. Will you stop wrapping up so tightly please? Ali, would you really fly into a jealous rage if my wife indulged me in a bit of love-making? When you both discovered your new needs, did you think I didn’t still have mine? Did I become that repulsive, while you were at the Spa Jane?”

“I am not saying that sex is a price, or anything like that. I will cope, if I have to, with celibacy. I will cope with the sounds of your passion. I can’t cope with being treated as if I am so unloved. You are both treating me like a leper. I can’t cope with being an ‘untouchable’ and physically avoided. I like to think I am still loved, and if we can live as three equal members of the house, then I can be happy.”

“Now! The tea has gone cold. I will go into the kitchen and make some fresh, and sing Happy Birthday to myself while you two have a talk.”

“Ron wait!” said Jane, standing up and walking toward him. She took him in her arms and hugged him tight, and then lifted her face to his lips. The kiss lasted twenty seconds and it was soft and loving, and just a little bit sexual.

As Ron carried the tray to the kitchen, Jane turned to her lover with tears in her eyes.

“I have been a bitch to him Al. I have been absolutely horrid, and I didn’t realise it. He’s always so gentle and understanding. I took him for granted. That didn’t drive you into a fit of jealous rage did it? I think I have been afraid to touch him.”

“No Janie my darling, I don’t feel jealous. I find what Ron has said very exciting. If you don’t want to make love to him, would it drive you into a green fit if I did?”

“Let’s tell him to forget the tea. I think something stronger to celebrate his birthday and the future is called for, don’t you?”

“Yes, Janie I think so. What about a birthday treat?”

Jane smiled, “He’s been an awfully long time without. Do you think he can handle both of us?”

“Shall we go and find him then,” said Alison.

“I think a gesture of goodwill is called for don’t you?” answered Jane.

They found Ron just staring out of the window. He was trying not to dare to hope, but that kiss from Jane had felt so real. Then he began to laugh as he heard a duet behind him begin to sing ‘Happy Birthday.’ When he turned around he thought his heart was going to stop. Jane and Alison were walking toward him; both had removed their sweaters and bras.

“You haven’t seen these in a while,” said Jane, taking his right hand and placing it on her left breast.

“I don’t think you have ever seen these Ron,” said Alison treating his left hand in a like manner.

Ron was speechless. Suddenly it was as if a huge weight had been lifted from him. Eight months of neglect had taken its toll, only he knew the tortured black places he had been to in his mind. His lips began to quiver and tears were streaming down his face. Both women closed on him and began to cry also.

“I’ve been a bitch, I’m sorry Ron,” said Jane, “I didn’t realise just how much I was hurting you.”

“I feel as if I let Ted down,” wept Alison.

They held on to each other. The two girls tried to squeeze Ron into the embrace that had been so long denied him. They hugged him, while he regained control.

Then Ron began to laugh, and the two women looked up in alarm.

“My darlings, we’ve just had a ‘menage a trois’ moment. We all shared the same thing, at the same time.”

“We came to tell you to forget about making more tea,” said Alison, and get something else out for us to drink.”

“Then we have to put some things to the test,” said Jane.

“Such as?” enquired Ron.

“All in good time,” said Jane. “I’m going to de-frost some ‘Coq au Vin’ for us to have this evening, and get it into the oven. Ali and I are going upstairs to shower and get changed, and we’ll change the sheets too. If you have a shower also Ron then we’ll set the table and relax, and then we explain what we have in mind.”

It was with a much lighter heart than he had for a long time that Ron showered and changed, and then came down stairs. He had wine ready, and the table set, when Jane and Alison came down, and they both looked gorgeous. Fortunately they were of similar size. Ron recognised both the long Summer skirts and blouses as coming from Jane’s wardrobe. He also noticed that neither of them had put on a bra again, and he was thrilled by their swaying breasts.

“A glass of wine lovely ladies and then I want to show you something upstairs.”

“Ooh! Are we safe, do think Ali?”

“For the moment, yes,” replied Ron leading the way.

He took them to a large bedroom on the south side of the house.

“This is one of the rooms I thought we would convert for you Ali,” said Ron, “and here are some rough plans of how I think it might work. We build you a range of units against that wall there, instead of that small wardrobe; it’s good enough for guests on a short stay, but not long term. This bay window area we convert to a sort of mini lounge with a bench seat, a small table in the centre and two small armchairs. Then with the natural light in mind a dressing table here to the side while the other side has TV and sound system. Look at the plans. Then a new door here to open into your en suite, which we build into the next room. In fact we lose that bedroom altogether because half will be en suite for you, and the other half become en suite for the room I’m in. What do you think? We need proper plans, but this is the overview of what I thought.

“Ron this is going to cost a fortune. I don’t need my own bathroom. I’m just so excited by all this.”

Jane was gazing at Ron in wonder. “You really have thought a lot about this haven’t you?” she said.

“Yes, and there’s a lot more to come, and I hope you’re both going to like it. Ali, you do need your own en suite. I quite understand that you may spend most nights with Jane, and I can be reconciled to that, but each of us needs personal space. It is only right that it’s of comparable standard. My room, and yours, need to be brought up to the same level of Jane’s, which is currently the master bedroom. Everything in this room goes out and you choose the new furniture, fittings and décor, and just what you want in your bathroom.”

“Ali, let me sum it up by saying that if you move in, then you will not be here as a guest. This will be your home and you have a full say on everything that goes on. You might say to us one day “I think it’s time we had new curtains in the dining room?” The most important word in that sentence is ‘we’. I think we would expect some of your pictures around the whole place, including family photos, especially of Ted. Am I right Jane?”

“Yes, Ron absolutely. Alison darling, I can’t wait to have you living with ‘us’. And I mean us, Ron my angel.”

Alison turned to Jane and gave her a soft kiss on the lips, and then she turned to Ron and lifted her hands to his cheeks to draw him in. She opened her mouth and teased his tongue with hers, before releasing him a full thirty seconds later. She winked at Jane.

“I’m looking forward to the tests, Janie darling.”

“These tests again,” said Ron, “when do I find out what you’re talking about?”

“Very soon sweetheart, very soon. Now let’s go and see how dinner is coming along and you can top up our glasses.”

Jane decided that the casserole would need another thirty minutes and suggested they take a walk in the garden, as it was such a fine evening. They walked out onto the terrace, down the short flight of steps to cross the lawn, towards the small oak wood. Ron stopped them.

“You’ve no ambitions to acquire half a dozen horses have you Ali?” he asked as he pointed toward the old Stable Block.

“Certainly not,” replied Alison smiling.

“My Great Grandfather was a keen hunter,” said Ron, “so when he built this place there was stabling for his six horses, stabling for those of his guests, and garaging for four carriages of one sort or another. The structure is very sound. So Alison my darling, as I am apparently to sit some tests I’m going to set you one. Suggest a better use for the building, and what we might do with it in the future. You don’t have to say now, but some thoughts by tomorrow evening would be good. This little test is to see whether you are really taking on board being a fully paid up member of our ‘menage’.”

“I don’t know how much Jane has explained to you about Greygarth, but it’s owned by the family trust. It has funds for the upkeep and improvement. Any work on this building, and on the bedrooms, will be paid for by the trust. The Trust, my lovely Ali, is loaded.”

“Janie love, as he’s set me a test do you think it’s time we explained ours?”

“Yes Ali, I think it is but I think a little preparation is called for. Excuse us a moment please Ron, while we have a girlie conference.”

Ron watched as his wife and her lover walked over towards the patio talking in hushed tones. At one point Alison squealed with laughter and then with huge grins they beckoned him toward them.

“Right Ron darling, your preparation will be in two halves of a minute each. We are going to give you a brief demonstration of what is expected of you, when it’s your turn, so watch carefully. The actions we perform, particularly the hand movements, will be expected of you; though you may embellish them according to your imagination.

Jane and Alison then both put their glasses down and moved into a close embrace, and a deep kiss. It was the first time Ron had witnessed any really intimate behaviour between them, and he felt his heart beat faster. Then he watched as Jane began to caress Alison’s bottom through her skirt, as they ground their crotches into each other. Alison’s right hand moved up under Jane’s blouse to fondle her breasts. Then quickly it was Alison playing with Jane’s bum while her own breasts were toyed with. After thirty seconds they broke apart, giggling.

Jane picked up her glass, and stepped to the side.

“Now then Ron, you have one minute with Ali to kiss, and fondle. Then you will have one minute with me. Enjoy! There will be plenty to follow, we promise.”

Ron was convinced he had died and gone to heaven, but he was fired on by the excitement in Alison’s face. The lust with which his kiss was being met spurred him on even more. His cock was so hard he had to pause the actions to adjust its lie in his trousers, and in that moments break Ali whispered, “That looks promising Ron.” He played with her nipples giving them a gentle squeeze and his excitement found new height when he slipped his hand under the waistband of her skirt to discover she wore no knickers, and he was caressing her lovely naked bottom. He ground his hardness against her for a moment and was actually worried that he might cum.

“Time,” called Jane.

“Oh! We are going to have some fun tonight Ron,” whispered Alison, as they let go of each other.

“Now, my darling, a body more familiar to you. I have kept you absent from it for far too long.”

Once more Ron was in a thrilling transport of carnal delight, but now also of such promise. For a moment he almost quailed in wonder of what was happening. With Alison he had been a touch tentative, but now he was with Jane, his wife, and he was beginning to reclaim what was his. He knew just how to treat her nipples from experience. These were two mouths that knew their way around each other. There was no need to learn new angles, or tilts. He quickly ascertained she was likewise bereft of underwear, and his hand snaked its way down the front of her skirt.

He knew where to press on her labia to exert remote pressure on her clitoris, and was rewarded with her experiencing a writhing shudder. The seal of their kiss was broken for a moment as she dropped her hips down in an involuntary attempt to escape the stimulation. Jane countered his moves by taking hold of his erect cock through the fabric of his trousers, and it was Ron’s turn to retreat.

“Time,” shouted Alison, and with a shared sense of having been rescued, they pulled apart.

Ron was in a dream-like state. He was working to bring himself down and control his breathing. He was un-connected with the quick girlie conference taking place.

“He’ll never last Al, and he’s going to be gutted if he thinks he’s ruined it. We have to take the pressure off, and give him a bit of time to recover.”

“Janie can I do it please? It was something I always did for Ted on his birthday, and at other times, but always on his birthday.”

“Yes, yes my darling but let’s give it a bit of a twist shall we?”

The two women sipped their wine while Ron regained some composure. When he emptied his glass they knew he was back with them. Jane took his hand.

“Come my darling; we’re going to top up our glasses then there is one more thing, before we tell you about the ‘tests’.

Inside Alison poured the wine and they walked into the lounge.

“Ronnie my darling, just go with the flow for a minute,” said Jane.

Alison stepped forward and began un-buttoning his shirt. Jane attended to his trousers and in not many moments Ron was nude. He watched in wonder as the two women pulled off their blouses and dropped their skirts to stand naked before him.

“Sit down on the settee Ron,” said Alison gently. “We planned that we would both deliver bits of the script, but now Janie is going to do it. I’m going to have my mouth full. I will just tell you that the three of us, the three of us Ron, are going to share the same bed tonight. Now I am going to suck you off, because we don’t think you’ll last, if we don’t take a bit of pressure off first”.

“Ronnie my darling, we have to test for some things. We have to test for jealous rage, which we will call JR. I need to watch you and Al fuck, and see if I can cope. Then Al has to watch while you and I fuck. The next bit we need to be careful of, but it’s when Ali and I fuck, and you watch and see if you can cope.”

“We know that’s what has been excluding you, but it won’t anymore, we promise. This will have to be an extended process over several days, of course. For now, I want to watch you fill my lover’s mouth with your creamy spunk. It’s going to happen Ron, don’t fight it. I want to see her mouth full.”

All the time Alison had been working her lips around the head of Ron’s cock. Ron began to roar as he started to pump spunk. Alison held the load in her mouth and teased his cock with her hand, until she was sure he was milked dry. Then she pulled her lips away and showed her cum filled mouth to him. She twirled the sticky man juice around with her tongue. Then to Ron’s shock, and delight, she shared it with Jane’s mouth.


“Ronnie, my darling,” said Jane, “take your time over dinner. You need to recover. It’s going to be a long night.”

Ron stepped over to them, and joined each in a really sloppy kiss, before they began putting clothes back on.

Ron could not remember when he last enjoyed a meal so much. The atmosphere was wonderfully happy and relaxed all round, and yet it was charged with sexual excitement. They made sure they drank water as well as wine to keep up hydration. In the case of Jane and Alison, they had already enjoyed multiple explosions of fluid. They toasted Ron on his birthday, and sang to him once more.

“Let’s just say this is a taster for a real party tomorrow night shall we?” said Jane.

They talked of many things; how soon Alison’s room might be ready and should she move in immediately? What would Ron and Jane’s daughter Viv think? How open were they going to be? What would other family reaction be? Alison’s daughter, Susan, was married and had two toddlers. Susan would want to come and stay, so that Dougal and Katrine could spend time with their English Granny. Then there was Beth, Ron’s sister and her husband Jack.

“Ron, I’ve been a bit rotten to Beth too. I must give them a call and we ought to have them over and while they’re here we definitely need to sleep in the same bed.”

“Perhaps I should delay moving in until the bedrooms are done?” suggested Alison. She was then thrilled that Ron and Jane dismissed the idea in unison.

“You belong here Ali,” said Ron. “What’s gone wrong for us all over the last eight months has been through a lack of openness, and I think some very unhealthy guilt. I’ve been in a very bad and dark place. I’m not going to dwell on it, but I really truly believe that we can make this ‘menage’ work. We need to get working on it Ali my love, and not put it off until this, that or the other, has happened.”

“Ron my darling,” said Jane, “you’ve said some wonderfully sweet things today and laid out some really exciting plans. One thing you said earlier showed a strength in you, that I am ashamed I didn’t have. You said that if we wanted to come out as gay, then you would be right behind us. I don’t think we are gay, do you angel?”

“No, I think we must be bisexual. I want you Janie, and I love you, but I’m looking forward to feeling Ron’s cock inside me as well. When Ted died, I rather assumed it was all over. Now I see that it doesn’t have to be so. I think we should all pass the JR tests.”

“If not,” said Jane with a grin, “we will just have to keep taking them until we do.”

“Jane, as far as the JR testing goes, is it necessary that the third person is simply a spectator? If I fuck Ali, might you play with her nipples? I am looking forward to watching you two together, but would the odd male appendage; cock, hand or tongue be acceptable as an extra?”

“Let’s play it by ear and go with it shall we?” answered Jane. “I definitely think there could be some amazing moments when one of us is being played with by the other two at the same time. How about you Al my love?”

“I think I insist upon it,” she said with a big grin. “I like the idea of you on your back Ron with Jane riding your cock and me sitting across your face while you lick my pussy. But there is one thing I am really looking forward to.”

“What’s that my darling?” asked Jane.

Alison was quiet for a few seconds. “I haven’t had a real cock inside me since Ted died three years ago. I want to feel you shoot your spunk inside me Ron. Janie, my darling, is that OK?”

Jane smiled lovingly at Alison. “I think I want that as well my darling, and now I want to make a suggestion.”

“It’s been a roller coaster sort of day for us all, especially you Ronnie my darling, I think we ought to make sure we save a bit of energy for tomorrow. I think we all go upstairs and get naked and start to fuck. I had thought, Ron, that you might be able to fuck both of us and fill us with your sticky juice. Now I’m wondering if we just all play and have fun. I want your cock inside me as well, and you ought to taste both our pussies, but the main event is tomorrow. For this evening I want to see you get a hard cock, and I want to guide it into my lover’s cunt, and then do whatever I can to help you fuck her brains out. In the morning, maybe you might give me a quickie, but then during the day we do some serious planning for the evening. I have a few wicked ideas.”

“A toast,” said Alison, “to the ‘menage a trois’.

“Okay everybody, let’s clear the table,” said Jane after they had drained their glasses, “then the last one naked in bed has to perform a forfeit.”

Ron knew immediately the dishwasher door was closed, and Jane shouted ‘go’, that he had lost. The two women just dropped their skirts to the floor and ran for the stairs pulling off their tops as they went. As they hit the stairs they were already nude. He didn’t try a running strip, but simply wanted to keep about ten feet behind them. The sight of the bouncing figures was one of the most erotic things he could recall seeing for a very long time. As they took the stairs, two at a time, their thighs parted to give fleeting glimpses of their sex, and he was so distracted that he almost tripped on the final stair.

Walking into ‘Jane’s’ room he found Jane and Alison whispering and giggling.

“OK mister, get ‘em off! And we want to see some swing about it,” they cried and began to vocalise ‘The Stripper.’

Ron was more than happy to oblige. He knew he wasn’t being mocked in fun and he was the rightful loser in a wholly orchestrated plot. When he came to remove his underpants he really teased and kept his back to them at the end.

“Janie my darling, I have to confess to have admired your husband’s bottom for years. Now I get to see it in the flesh, and it’s been worth the wait. Can you touch your toes for me Ron?”

Alison groaned in delight. “Oh Janie, we are going to have some fun aren’t we?”

“Time for your forfeit Ron my lovely,” said Jane.

Ron stood up and turned round, “I thought that was it,” he said grinning.

“No,” said Alison, “we thought of something which might just begin to get the action going. We want you to kiss our bums please.” With that the two women rolled over and got onto their knees with their arses in the air.

“Oh you beautiful, sexy things,” moaned Ron. “Your wish is my delight.”

He climbed onto the bed and went first to Jane on the left. She had a little bit more of an idea of what he was likely to do. She was gripping Alison’s hand, and the two were facing each other. Ron took his time. He was in heaven. After so long he was now feeling and caressing the love of his life, in a deeply intimate way. He blew softly on her flesh and pulled her cheeks apart. Jane tensed, knowing what came next, and she wasn’t disappointed as Ron trailed his tongue delicately along the crack. As he began to lick and suck her anus Jane shuddered and moaned, closing her eyes for a moment. Alison was fascinated. She couldn’t see was happening, but she knew her lover was being pleasured wonderfully. Then Ron pushed his tongue as fast and as far as he could, right into her hole.

“Uhuhuhg, wheew!” gasped Jane, “you haven’t lost your touch Ronnie my darling. Now it’s Al’s turn.”

Alison was both excited and apprehensive as she felt Ron position himself behind her. He began as he had with Jane, but this was new territory and Alison didn’t know what the rules of engagement were, so he thought a little liberty might be taken. He blew as before and trailed his tongue along the crack but as he came to suck and lick her rosebud he pressed the back of a finger up against her pussy lips to send a sensation to her clit. As he felt the reaction to that he pushed his tongue right in.

“Ooooooooh! Agh agh uuuuuuuhh!” she cried as her body shook.

Ron drew his finger away and let his tongue slide out but for a moment he kept his lips pressed to her. He followed her down from her high then blew softly against her flesh again. The three of them were quiet for a moment.

“Forfeit complete?” he asked as the two women collapsed onto their backs.

“For the time being darling, for the time being,” said Jane.

“That was just amazing Ron. Oh, I hope you will do that to me more, but it will never have the same surprise factor again,” said Alison breathing heavily.

“Don’t worry Ali sweetheart, plenty of variations on a theme.”

“Ron my darling we have a logistical problem. We didn’t bring any wine up with us,” said Jane.

“Easily sorted angel. I’ll bring some mineral water back up with me as well, in case anyone needs something in the night.”

Ron felt wonderful walking naked again in the house, something that he once did frequently. He was looking forward to getting back to the bedroom, he suspected he might be treated to the sight of the girls playing with each other. In this, he wasn’t wrong.

Walking back into the bedroom Ron was greeted by the sight of his wife and her lover grinding their pussies hard together, with their legs entwined in a scissor formation. They smiled at him, as he poured three glasses of wine and stood to enjoy the show.

“Time for some wine Al,” said Jane. “we had plenty of fun earlier I think. Ron my darling, I think we are going to enjoy showing you some of the things we do to each other, and we might even do some of them to you. But now we want your cock please.”

“We seem to be doing OK on the JR tests,” commented Alison.

“Mustn’t be complacent about these things,” said Ron, passing them their wine, “we must be vigilant and keep testing.”

“That’s got my vote,” said Jane.

A minute later Jane took hold of Ron’s cock, while he was still standing by the bed, and she began to suck it.

“Come on my darling,” she said edging back on the bed, “my pussy wants to welcome that back inside, but don’t cum, that’s for our darling Ali.”

Ali watched in fascination as Ron’s cock slowly entered her lover’s cunt, and he began an easy pumping, thrusting action. When he lifted her thighs, so that her legs were held high by his shoulders, she was thrilled at the erotic sight. Jane began to moan.

“Oh yess! Oh fuck me Ron.”

Ron was in a transport of heavenly excitement. Just twelve hours before, his life had been full of despair, and now he had his cock back in his beautiful wife’s cunt. He could have just carried on and on until, he fired his spunk, but Jane was keeping her eye on the ball.

“Steady now Ron, time for your next woman. You have to fuck our darling here.”

“First I have to taste and explore,” said Ron, as he lay between Alison’s thighs gazing in wonder. She was already very wet from their activities, but a huge shudder went through her as he played the tip of his tongue all around. When he lifted her up, so he could drag his tongue over her anus she remembered her earlier ecstasy.

“Please Ronnie, please start fucking me. I haven’t had a real cock inside me for so long. Don’t worry if I don’t cum, just fuck me and let me feel your spunk shooting inside me.”

“I’ll do my best Ali darling to keep going, but I think you’re going to feel it very soon.”

Once he had his cock inside her, Ron paused. He wanted some of the intense stimulation of the actual entry to subside. He began alternating his strokes between short and long, fast and slow. He lifted her legs, as he had Jane’s, both to get deeper penetration and reduce the friction. Alison was crying out in pleasure, and it was Jane’s turn to watch in fascination. She thought to herself, that this could have been a real JR testing moment. She saw the wonder and happiness on these two, who she loved so much, and passed the test. She lay down so that she could get her face close to Alison’s.

“Ali my darling lover, you’re being fucked by a real cock,” she growled as she played with her nipples. “You watched that cock going in and out of me – think of it doing the same to you. It’s amazing. Cum my darling, cum for us! Think of the spunk that’s going to flood into you – the first spunk in over three years.”

Alison’s breathing and moans had become louder and more incoherent, until she suddenly screamed, and her pussy squirted explosively. The chain reaction was too great for Ron to resist. With a strangled cry he stopped his pounding, and fired strings of creamy cum deep into Alison’s cunt. A few moments later Ron resumed a very gentle fucking but stopped as he felt his erection begin to wane. He rested.

“Stay in me Ron darling,” panted Alison.

Jane sat silently in awe of what she had just witnessed. She felt a radiant happiness for both Ron and Alison, and she knew her turn would come. For now she just wanted to cuddle them both as they came down to earth.

A few minutes later, nature took its course. Ron’s now flaccid cock slipped from the warm embrace of Alison’s pussy, and he rolled to the side. Alison reached her hand down to feel the sloppy wetness and she gave a deep sigh of contentment. Jane took Ali’s hand and licked it, before going down with her tongue to collect up some of the mixed juices. She then rose up and smiled at Ron, who instinctively moved in to kiss her. Their mouths opened and they swirled their tongues together. Ron tasted some of his own cum for the first time.

“Thank you for helping us both over the edge Jane my darling. That was a very special moment for us all. And now some more wine I think,” said Ron.

“I really ought to shower,” said Alison, “but for the moment I just want to feel all that lovely wetness.”

“Top us up Ron, and both of you come with me,” said Jane suddenly excited about something.

“Lead the way ladies, lead the way,” said Ron.

“Perv!” said Jane, but she still took Ali by the hand and the two of them walked, with exaggerated swaying of their bums, along the landing.

“Right!” said Jane, “this is the room you planned to convert into the two bathrooms. But when you were drawing up the plans, our actual menage a trois wasn’t even a dream in your mind. You have unfolded something beautiful for us all. How about instead of this room becoming two bathrooms it was just one, much larger one, with link doors. Then we could have more and bigger furniture instead of duplications. Over here we have a nice big Jacuzzi on a plinth, here a walk in shower big enough for all of us, double sink unit here and then a loo and bidet behind a modesty screen over here. What do you think?”

“Inspired,” said Alison. “This is so exciting.”

“I am seriously impressed,” said Ron. “It probably makes the plumbing works more straightforward as well.”

“OK!” said Jane, “I think we ought to think about going to bed for some nice cuddles and fondling. What say you go in the middle Ron?”

They freshened up and arranged themselves in the bed, amid giggles and laughter, and it was a long time before all three were asleep. Ron was part of the problem. Having been bereft of companionship in bed for eight months, he now found himself between two naked women in a confined space. Whichever way he lay, he was poking one of them with a serious boner.

Same as Renaissance at Greygarth House part one Videos

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Houseboy for Hire

1        A two part story of a man whose lucrative business evolves into a true vocation.  As with most of my stories it develops slowly, and I hope readers will stick with it into the second part.Houseboy For Hire, Part One        Rory retrieved the key from under the third flower pot and let himself in the back door.  He had a similar working arrangement with most of his clients, so that they wouldn’t have to be bothered letting him in every time, or even have to be home when he was there. ...

4 years ago
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Treehouse Masters Teenage Love HutChapter 4

Pete and Devin stood atop a temporary platform which allowed them to look down through the hollow. The men smiled as they saw water draining away. Pete’s cell phone rang. As Pete answered it, Devin got a knowing look on his face. “Hello?” Pete answered. “Yes, this is Pete Nelson. Yes, Nelson Treehouse and Supply. Your treehouse ... hurting the tree? The side of a cliff!? Uh, yeah, that’s not something I’ve come across before.” The head of NTAS glanced around the work-site. “Um, yeah, I’ll...

4 years ago
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Shift Happens Lionel

Shift Happens: Lionel by Kaitlyn Autofield It had been such a long Friday, and Lionel was eager to get home to his apartment and rest for once. ?He walked up the two flights of stairs just as Silvia was on her way down. ?She flashed a smile at Lionel which sent tingles down his spine. Silvia was obviously dressed for a night out with her friends, making her quite a lovely sight for Lionel. ?Secretly, he wished he would sum up the courage to ask her out, but living...

3 years ago
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Turning a housewife into a slave to prisoners

This is my first story I ever published. The language I?m writing in is not my native language, I learned it in school, please excuse. Nevertheless I appreciate your comments, hints and ideas for improvement. Normally I do fakes (photo manipulation) of the women I know and fakes on request for good friends. I was inspired to write my own stories by different forums and especially by Doctor_Dweeb and his wonderfull monster/creature stories on faustie?s site.The writer PANGAN is seen to be...

3 years ago
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298 Part 2The last atonement

298 Part 2.The last atonement. Sitting on the old leather sofa, wearing just my hold up stockings and shoes I felt somehow relieved. I’d reached this far with little more than a few slaps and a couple of painful punches to my still tender stomach. That poor girl sitting next to me however was in a very different place. Her once wild eyes and her defiance were now reduced to the self-pity and some realisation of what lay in store for her and I watched this poor wretch sobbing uncontrollably...

1 year ago
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An Introduction to the Roadhouse

My name is Lucy, and I own the Roadhouse. So, what's the Roadhouse? Basically, it's a bar, although we also have a not bad kitchen, so we do meals in the evening, and snacks all night until about an hour before closing. I'm ex-military, although you might not guess it to look at me. I was actually a Special Forces commando, in armies that allowed women into combat roles. I can certainly handle myself in a fight, as more than one man has found out at the wrong moment. While I do love a...

1 year ago
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The Making of a Houseboy Anal Initiation

My jaw ached and it was worth it for the exhilaration I felt. I looked up at Xavier and caught the beads of sweat resting just below his hairline. He was panting, flustered perhaps in the manner to which I responded to his rushed announcement.At the point of climax, I was sure that Xavier’s knees weakened. Clasping his thighs, I felt his body tremble leading up to his release. His bucking hips stilled as I struggled to suck his swollen meat. Hot and with a tensile velvet, I eased it from my...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

2 years ago
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GoddessChapter 12 The Rape of Persephone

THE TRILL CAME TOO LATE for me to save Persephone. Early that morning I'd opened my eyes to see Hebe, her face inches away, her smile an open invitation. In answer I rolled onto her and settled myself in the cradle of her hips and entered her with a single stroke. She grunted and locked her legs around my butt. "Don't wait for me, Sam," she whispered. "I'm right on the edge." She was. After I finished I slid down and used my tongue to give her a little vibrato of my own. She shoved...

3 years ago
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The Second School PartOne

In the classroom after breakfast, I sat down as usual with the others as Ann called out the days pairings. There were a couple of sighs when the names were called out, mine being missing until the end. I heard Melanie give a small cry of yes as she knew that it would be us together for the day with her name being the last one called out. She was up on her feet in a flash and was ready for me to take her hand and lead her to the last vacant futon. ‘Oh Will,’ she said as she lay down on the...

2 years ago
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The Second School PartOne

The Second School. Part One. I was proud to stand on the steps of the school and see twenty four girls and boys unload themselves from taxi’s, knowing that half of them would be our first set of young men and women coming to learn about sex at our school. If you’ve read the first book, you will know how I came to be there waiting for them, but as in a lot of cases, you read the second one first not knowing that time has passed and we are into another book. So I will give you a recap although...

1 year ago
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The Second School PartOne

In the classroom after breakfast, I sat down as usual with the others as Ann called out the days pairings. There were a couple of sighs when the names were called out, mine being missing until the end. I heard Melanie give a small cry of yes as she knew that it would be us together for the day with her name being the last one called out. She was up on her feet in a flash and was ready for me to take her hand and lead her to the last vacant futon. ‘Oh Will,’ she said as she lay down on the...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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The Second School PartOne

The Second School. Part One. I was proud to stand on the steps of the school and see twenty four girls and boys unload themselves from taxi’s, knowing that half of them would be our first set of young men and women coming to learn about sex at our school. If you’ve read the first book, you will know how I came to be there waiting for them, but as in a lot of cases, you read the second one first not knowing that time has passed and we are into another book. So I will give you a recap although I...

Group Sex
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The Treehouse

I had watched Misty from afar for as long as he could remember. We grew up next door to one another, but she was everything I wasn’t, cool, popular, and athletic. I sometimes thought I was invisible, I did well in school, but no one but the teachers knew I existed.Misty was a quandary though, she was so popular in school, but I never saw any friends at her house. In fact, I never saw her leave her house once home from school. I had a cool treehouse that overlooked both our back yards, and on...

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The Houseguest Part II

Part I: II: The next morningThe next morning, after very little sleep, I got up quietly and turned off Brenda's alarm. I went upstairs and began making breakfast for everyone, got lunches ready, and then made sure everyone got off to school. Then, her and I remained.I called in sick to work. I rarely do, and it felt to me like there might be an extension of last night. Brenda had been staying over for a few days while her house was being...

2 years ago
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SRU Roadhouse

SRU: The Roadhouse by Corvus corax (Raven) Comma and Asterix looked at each other and sighed. Both of the deliverymen were hot, sweaty and very, very tired. On days like today, when it was 100 degrees in the shade, with 90 % humidity, it didn't pay to be moving around large pieces of magical equipment. Asterix continued to gaze over from the passenger seat of the SRU van to Comma, who was behind the wheel. He slumped down a little further into his seat. "Man! I sure could use...

2 years ago
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Housemaid in my 50s Part 6

HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 6 CHAPTER 16 Monday morning, two weeks later... I was sitting in a back seat of a public transport bus on my way to attend Miss De Laurentis housekeeping seminar. I very much tried to keep to myself, avoiding any eye contact, holding firmly my hand bag on my skirted lap. I was modestly dressed in a blouse and skirt outfit, light green shiny cotton blouse, and dark green...

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The HouseboatThe small inflatable boat glided up to the big Gibson houseboat that was anchored out in the back country of the lower keys. The houseboat had been there for over a month now and a young couple lived on it full time. They had made ever effort to find a home in Key West, but no luck. There just never was anything available in the area that met their price range. The husband, Harry Adams, had equipped the boat with enough solar panels and a wind driven generator to furnish all...

1 year ago
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Accepting My Cuckold Role On A Houseboat Vacation

It was a culture shock moving to Boise, Idaho to attend Boise State University, after being born and raised in a small town in Nebraska, but that’s where I wanted to go to pursue my education for a career in the high-tech industry. I was in the top of my class in high school and studied hard to handle my double majors in electrical engineering and computer engineering.My name is Matt, and I became good friends with Ken and Dave, two boys from small towns in Idaho, since we began college at the...

3 years ago
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Lupe The Colombian Guesthouse MILF Entertains

I continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...

4 years ago
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Josie in Tombstone

After all the noise and smoke and killings of 1881, Tombstone, Arizona began attracting scribes the way a buffalo corpse attracts vultures and flies. It seemed as if every newspaper back East had to have an eyewitness account of the big shootout between the Earps and the Clantons. These overly romantic seekers of Truth and Beauty inevitably ended up sitting across from Big Minnie, buying her drink after drink at the Bird Cage Theater and scribbling furiously in their journals. Minnie had a way...

3 years ago
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Lupe The Colombian Guesthouse MILF Cheats Again

I continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...

1 year ago
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Sunny Leone

Sunny Leone porn, sex, and nudes! Pornstar Sunny Leone is one of few Indian actresses whose career has been very successful. She has also succeeded in founding her mainstream with plenty of works in Desi porn. She has also managed to convince a few of her friends to upload content on her site. Walk with and let’s find out what Leone has in store for us.To start with ThePornDude was very impressed with the fabulous layout, the colors, sexy pictures of Leone on the background and colorful...

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