My Lady's Chamber free porn video

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Hanging on the walls in my home are two prints of paintings by Edmund Blair Leighton. 'The Accolade', and 'God Speed'.

The Accolade depicts a man in chain mail being given ‘The Accolade’ of knighthood by a beautiful queen, with flowing red hair, in front of the throne in a medieval castle.

God Speed depicts the same queen waving off another knight, perhaps her husband, to war in some far and distant land, tying her sash around his arm as he leaves.

I love these paintings and, along with the Lady of Shallot, find myself being carried away back into the middle ages. A medieval time of kings and queens, castles and knights, archers and bowmen, but more to the dresses and fashions of the maidens and ladies with their long flowing locks and beautiful dresses of heavy fabrics and precious metal adornments…….


“Yes My Lady?”

“It is time for my husband to leave for war in France. I will return after he has left. Would you wait for me here please as I feel I may need a little company on my return.”

“Of course, My Lady.”

I had only recently arrived at Cottingham Castle to take up a position as Lady in waiting to Lady Isabel. She was a beautiful young woman of just 22 years of age who had been brought over from Bavaria to marry her knight. A man whom she genuinely had fallen in love with, even though he was twenty years her senior.

In the few short months I had known her I had become very fond of her and, I believed, she had of me.

Her English was not good and I found that we spent a lot of time together as I had the patience to help her learn.

There were other ladies and servants at the castle but we had become close and she trusted me.

On her return, some time later she walked into the chamber with her head held high but I could see she was upset. As soon as the huge oak door closed behind her I ran to her.

“My Lady?” I took her hand and looked into her eyes.

“I have to be strong, Anna, but I do not think he will return alive.”

“You mustn’t think like that, My Lady, he will return, I am sure of it.” I held her hand tightly as I reassured her.

“Yes, maybe but he will be gone for many months.”

Lady Isabel was right. He was to be away for nearly two years and in that time she became strong. Her English improved greatly and we became inseparable. Almost like sisters.

After the first winter had passed and spring was beginning to give way to summer, Lady Isabel and I walked together in the woods around the south side of the castle, enjoying the warm sun on our faces and the birds singing in the trees. I particularly liked to see the red squirrels clinging to the trunks and watching us as we passed by.

Soon, we reached a small clearing where the sun shone warm and bright through the leafy canopy above our heads and there we sat with our backs against an ancient oak.


“Yes, My Lady?”

“When we are alone, would you call me Isabel, please?”

“Yes, of course, My L…..Isabel. I’m sorry.” It was difficult. Although we had become friends court etiquette had definite requirements and it was hard to be formal in court and informal when we were alone. I just hoped I would not embarrass either of us with a slip of the tongue at the wrong moment.

For a while we sat in silence which was broken only when I inquired:

“Do you miss your family, Isabel?”

“Oh yes, Anna. Very much, but this is how life is. What about you?”

“Yes, I do. I miss my sisters most of all.”

“You never mention them. Why is that?”

“Because they are dead. They all three got sick and died before any of them reached ten years of age.

“I am sorry, Anna, I did not know.”

How could she know, she was just a child in another country.

“I have no sisters,” she said after a few moments, “but I have two brothers. Both Knights. Older than me.”

I waited but there was no more. She moved closer to me and put her head on my shoulder. I hadn’t thought about my sisters for many years but now I could see them clearly as if it was just yesterday and not twenty five years ago.

Lifting my arm absent mindedly I placed it around her shoulders and held her close to me, resting my head on hers. Over the past year she had become like the sister I no longer had.

After a while, Lady Isabel lifted her head causing me to do the same. I looked into her beautiful green eyes then she leaned forwards and kissed me!

I was shocked! I had never been kissed in such a way by a woman before and the dismay I must have shown stopped Isabel in her tracks. She put her had to her mouth then said:

“Anna, I am so sorry!” She jumped to her feet and ran into the woods.

“My Lady! Wait!” I shouted after her as I too jumped to my feet, “Isabel! Come back!” and I chased after her into the forest.

“Isabel, wait, please!” I shouted as I ran, “Where are you? It’s alright!”

I tripped as my long velvet dress snagged in the undergrowth and I fell, hitting my head on a tree as I went down.

How long I lay there I did not know but as I awoke the sun was low in the sky and the shadows were long. It was already beginning to get dark under the canopy. My head hurt and I had a small trickle of dried blood on my face. I pulled myself to my feet but I felt woozy and sick and had no idea where I was or in which direction the castle lay.

I worked out which way I had been running from the angle at which I was laying and began to walk slowly and carefully back the way I had run.

I seemed to walk for hours but I could not find the clearing and the sun was now dipping below the horizon. I froze. Was that a wolf howling? A rustle behind me made me turn but I could see nothing. I didn’t know which way to go now. I was lost and very frightened!

The throbbing in my head was getting worse and the sound of the blood rushing through my ears was much louder now. The forest around me seemed to closing in, stifling me and the trees swaying and hissing. Darkness enveloped me and I remembered no more.

When I opened my eyes I couldn’t make out where I was. I was laying on a bed of hay, looking up at what seemed to be a canopy made of straw. I looked around and saw that I was in a peasants house. There was a cow at one end and the house was lit with burning reeds.

“Martha, Martha, She is awake, quickly now!” a man’s voice, rough and earthy.

Martha appeared at my side. She looked old but was probably in her forties and wore a brown dress of rough cloth.

“My Lady?” she ventured, “How do you feel?”

“I... I don’t know. Where am I?”

“You are in our home, M’lady. Alfred found you in the forest when he went to collect wood from the forest for the fire. He brought you here until we could send word to the castle. Are you hurt?”

“I don’t think so. My head hurts a little.”

“Yes. It seems you bumped your head when you fell. There was a scratch but I have cleaned that. It is not serious.” Martha smiled benevolently.

“Where is Lady Isabel?” I asked looking around.

“I’m sure I don’t know, M’lady. The likes of her don’t come round these parts, beggin’ yer pardon, M’lady”.

“I must find her!” I cried, struggling to get up but Martha held me down.

“You can’t go wanderin’ around these woods in the dark, M’lady. No, you must stay here until the morning. Now, I have some broth on the boil, I'll bring you some.”

“Thank you, Martha. You are very kind. I will see that you are rewarded.”

“There’s no need for all that, M’lady. You just rest and tomorrow we will get you home.”

After eating the meagre, but tasty broth placed in my hands, I lay back and tried to sleep but I just spent the night staring up at the thatch of the roof and listening to Alfred and Martha snoring and the gentle breathing of the cow, wondering what had happened to Isabel. It seemed a lifetime before the light began to filter through the shutters and I knew that dawn was breaking at last.

As the sun began to climb in the sky Alfred and Martha stirred from their slumber and began to potter about with their daily chores.

Soon Martha came to me and said:

“Good morning, M’lady.”

Good morning Martha,” I replied, “Good morning Alfred.”

“M’lady,” Alfred stammered. Martha spoke again:

“Alfred is just off to the castle to tell them where you are M’lady. He shouldn’t be too long.”

“Is it far?” I queried.

“Gracious me no,” she laughed, “You can see it from here!”

“No! Surely not! I feel so stupid!” I replied, “How could I be lost so close to it?”

“You took a nasty bump to the head, M’lady, you probably didn’t know if you were comin’ or goin’!”

“If Alfred doesn’t mind I will walk with him.”

“Oh, er, of course M’lady, if you feel up to it.” He spoke shyly, as if embarrassed.

“Don’t mind ‘im, M’lady. He is a bit shy when it comes to people who is better than ‘imself.”

“Martha!” I said indignantly. "I may be fortunate to lead a more privileged life than you but that does not make me a better person than you. I consider myself to be very privileged to have been found by the two of you!” I smiled to show that I was not angry with her.

“Ohhh… M’lady, you make me blush,” as she hung her head.

I walked in the morning mist with Alfred back to the castle gate. Martha was right. It took only about half an hour to get there.

The guard on the entrance was surprised to see me. He stood erect when I approached him. I told him to take Alfred to the grain store and give him whatever he needed and someone to help him carry it back. I then turned, took Alfred’s hand and said:

“Thank you Alfred, you have been a good friend. I will never forget what you and Martha have done for me.” He turned quite red and hung his head before replying:

“’twas nothing, M’lady, but you are a real Lady and that’s a fact.”

I released his hand and turned and ran back to Lady Isabel’s chambers.

As I approached her bed chamber I knocked first and heard her voice call:


I opened the big oak door and went slowly inside, not knowing what to expect.

Isabel’s eyes lit up!

“Anna! You are safe! I was so scared something had happened to you!” She ran to me but stopped short, remembering why we had parted and a cloud seemed to cover her face.

“Isabel,” I whispered, “It is fine. You do not have to be embarrassed.” I extended my arms to her. The long cuffs of my dress hanging dirty and crumpled from my hands.

She came to me then and embraced me so tightly I could not breathe.

“What happened to you?”

As we stood, face to face she listened intently to what had happened, her face becoming saddened that it had been her fault, her beautiful eyes, red from lack of sleep, beginning to fill with tears.

“Anna, I am so sorry. It was all my fault. If that peasant had not found you...”

“No, Isabel, please do not blame yourself. You were not to know and as for the kiss, I liked it but it was just such a surprise.” and to prove it I took her chin on my fingers and kissed her softly and tenderly on the lips. She responded immediately and we kissed urgently and passionately until:

“Anna! You stink! Of cattle and hay!” We both burst into peals of happy laughter.

“I know,” I cried, “I need to bathe!”

“I have water here, Anna,” she told me, “I would like the privilege of bathing you myself if you would permit me?”

“It is not necessary , My Lady,” I said but saw the disappointed look in her eyes so continued, “but as it was your fault I smell this way then I would be pleased to allow it…” and with a mischievous wrinkling of my nose and shake of my head, added, “…Isabel.” We both smiled.

Isabel moved round behind me and began to unfasten the gold laces that held the velvet of my dress at the back and as she did so I removed the golden cord with the heavy tassels from around my waist.

The long purple dress slid from my shoulders into a heap on the floor and she then pulled the straps of my chemise over my shoulders and that too slid to the floor. Still standing close behind me, Isabel lifted my hair and began to gently kiss my neck. This time I was not startled and enjoyed the feeling of her hot breath and soft lips touching my flesh. I felt my face redden but also my nipples began to harden and I felt a tingling in my lower regions that I had not felt for so long a time.

I stood still and, with head bowed and eyes closed, I allowed a little moan to escape my lips. The sensations that Isabel was producing were like nothing I had ever experienced before.

I had been married, briefly, but my husband had been killed soon after and as gentle and as caring as any man could be I did not feel at all as I did now.

Isabel moved her arms around me and began to touch my breasts. Massaging them and rolling my ever stiffening nipples between fingers and thumbs as she continued to caress my neck and ear lobes with her lips and tongue., then she pulled me hard against her in a tight, loving embrace. I gasped and stood rigidly upright.

“Anna! What is it?” she cried in alarm.

“Your gold belt, Isabel, it’s so cold!”

We laughed again and I turned to her and took her face in my hands.

“Isabel,” I said, looking deep into her eyes, “I have never been kissed, never mind touched, by a woman before,” and before she had the chance to react I continued, “and it feels wonderful.”

“Neither have I,” she replied, a little sheepishly, “but you are very special to me, Anna, my best friend. My only friend.”

Moving my face towards hers I kissed her and she responded gently, lovingly and eagerly. I put my arms around her and suddenly gasped again.

“Isabel! The belt!”

With that she unclasped the heavy gold chain and removed the belt, placing it in the chest at the end of her bed.

When she stood again I unfastened the laces holding her silk brocade dress and allowed the heavy material to fall to the floor. I then slipped the chemise from her shoulders and that too joined the dress on the floor.

Stepping out of the great pile of fabric Isabel bent and scooped up the dress. She laid it carefully on top of the chest then, turning back, she again bent and lifted my own velvet dress from the floor and laid it on top of hers.

I knelt in front of her and unfastened each of her shoes in turn and took them from her dainty feet then, still kneeling I leant forward and placed a kiss on her mound feeling the coarse red hairs against my lips. Immediately, her hand came to rest on my head, gently pressing me against her, and parted her feet, allowing me access to the place where only her Knight had ever been before.

I allowed my tongue to slowly explore the warm, soft area hidden by those pretty red curls and soon found the engorged flesh of her clitoris. I kissed it and began to flick it with my tongue.

All the time Lady Isabel caressed my hair and moaned softly. Her breathing becoming heavy and her curls becoming be-dewed with the mix of her own moisture and mine.

As I kissed and licked her I ran my hands slowly up the backs of her legs from behind her knees and up her thighs until I reached the soft smooth swellings that were her firm young buttocks.

I placed a hand on each one and spread my fingers as wide as I could then pulled her to me, sinking my nails gently but firmly into the soft flesh and stroking her gently, allowing my fingers to pull them apart and press them together alternately. The heady aroma of her sex was making me very wet and the ministrations of my tongue as it moved around her hot furrow, licking and probing, was producing untold sensations inside of her. Each time my tongue passed over her clitoris or my searching fingers touched that tight place behind, her whole body would quiver and she would moan and whimper in ecstasy.

“Anna, stop!” she said suddenly and pulling me to my feet, kissed me and led me to the bed.

She bid me to lie down and once there she climbed in next to me and began to kiss and suck on my small breasts, taking special care over my nipples which, by now were aching and straining as if fit to burst. My hand, on the back of her head, entwined in her long red hair, losing itself as it tarried among the thick strands and took handfuls, pulling gently as the sensations of her lips and tongue made my breasts so tight and caused my sex to ooze moisture like it had never done before.

Isabel allowed her hand to work down my soft belly until it reached the coarse dark curls that protected the entrance to my innermost self. She played momentarily in the luscious forest of hair before continuing along the crease between my legs and seeking out the small firm button in its soft fleshy sheath that was crying out for attention.

As soon as her finger found it’s mark a shock passed through my whole being causing me to gasp and hold my breath for a moment. I pulled her head tighter to my breast as her finger toyed with my clitoris for a while then moved further down to the soaking wet entrance just below.

The feelings she was unleashing were wonderful, like nothing on earth so with my free hand I began to stroke and play with her in the same way, seeking out the already moist opening behind the coarse forest of her summer bright red hairs.

I turned to lie facing her and raised my leg between hers so that my thigh was rubbing on her sex and she did likewise to me.

I put my arms around her, as did she, and held her tight and we kissed as if we would never see each other again.

Very soon all the rubbing and kissing began to have an effect. My muscles began to tighten and I could not breathe and every single nerve ending felt as though it was being squeezed by some unseen hand. I tensed as I felt Isabel’s body stiffen and, still locked together in a passionate embrace our orgasms flowed simultaneously over us and my moisture flowed out over her thigh.

We lay together that way for some considerable time, gently caressing and stroking each others hair and lips until Isabel stopped and looked into my eyes and said:

“Anna, now we are sisters. Sisters in love.”

“Yes Isabel,” I answered, “We are,” although I could not help but wonder what would lie in store for us in this world where, what we had done, should we be discovered, could kill us.

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Miladys Wiles chapters 14

"Milady's Wiles" by Brandy Dewinter with the invaluable assistance of P.J. Wright Chapter 1 To Arms! To Arms! The stream of humanity flooding into the protection of the castle known as Stalwart Guard could no longer be called an army. In their own minds, they probably couldn't even be called men. They were beaten and they knew it. My brother, Prince Bareth, the commander of Stalwart Guard would have to try and reform them into a defensive force. An errant...

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Miladys Wiles chapters 1316

"Milady's Wiles" by Brandy Dewinter with the invaluable assistance of P.J. Wright Chapter 13 More Than Sleeping Together I truly had inspection duties to accomplish as part of this trip so I spent much of each of the next several days out and about the lands of North Vale. I had become accustomed to the discomfort of riding in the maiden's lover, even sidesaddle, and actually enjoyed the crisp autumn air in the higher elevations of this barony. The logging...

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Miladys Wiles chapters 1722

"Milady's Wiles" by Brandy Dewinter with the invaluable assistance of P.J. Wright Chapter 17 'Tis Better To Give Than To Receive It was so late it was early when we finally retired to bed. After the trial and the discussions afterward that had no doubt included more groupings than our own, no one rose until mid-morning at least. Part of the reason, or excuse, for that was the lack of sunshine. Our good weather had broken and while there was no new snow, dark,...

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Miladys Wiles chapters 58

"Milady's Wiles" by Brandy Dewinter with the invaluable assistance of P.J. Wright Chapter 5 Closer Than Sisters The second day following saw the return of Lyonidas to our castle. He arrived with an entourage of faceless guards, but his attitude showed he didn't fear any of us enough to need them. He wasn't particularly arrogant like his father, just comfortable in the presence of his enemies. It appeared that the High Canyonites didn't care much for formal...

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Miladys Wiles chapters 912

"Milady's Wiles" by Brandy Dewinter with the invaluable assistance of P.J. Wright Chapter 9 All Kisses Are Not Created Equal Bathing the next morning started out as usual. The heavenly feeling of release from my steel guardian, the soothing warmth of the bath were each so desirable I'd never willingly miss an opportunity. Together, I'm not sure even the safety of the realm could convince me to pass the chance. Though it was always wonderful to be released, I was...

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All rights to this story are reserved by the author with the following exceptions. The story may be redistributed by any site that gives it away. It can't be distributed by any site that charges fees for memberships. Just send me an e- mail that you've posted and I'll be happy. Warning: This is an adult story dealing with adult themes. Don't read any further if you're not an adult or don't have an open mind. Waldo ([email protected]) Ladyship By Waldo Chapter 1 - All...

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The Chambermaid

Another boring day cleaning rooms, picking up after the rich and yes even the famous. It’s not a glamorous job in fact it stinks! It’s like cleaning up after children all day long, very wealthy children that leave very large messes behind. There are rare occasions that do brighten my day and this is a story about one of those occasions. It happened recently and I can’t stop thinking about it. “Maids” are supposed to do their job as anonymously as possible, some days that’s not always the...

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Lady Anns Extended Holiday

LADY ANN'S EXTENDED HOLIDAY Original Story by Eric - Expanded Edition by Emma ENGLAND 1908. It seemed to Burt that his life was always spent with his face pressed against the glass. He worshipped Lady Ann Neville more than he did god in church. But Burt was only the stable hand at her father's vast estate. His job was to muck out and groom the horses and perform manual labour around the estate. He was forbidden even from entering the manor house. He scraped an existence in the...

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lady hina

                                Lady HinaThe story begins with prostrated naked humans on ground forming a path from shining marble stairs of a ultra luxurious mansion to the door of a super luxurious rolls royce suddenly heared the click clack sound which gets louder from inside mansion appears the most lovely, soft, pampered and divine feet in very high heel elegent black leather sandals with lots of diamonds studded on its straps complimenting the soft white feet in it and then the full body...

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Lady Kavanagh Part 3

Ecstasy, pure ecstasy! What was more, Lady Eleanor Kavanagh was a blow job extraordinaire. This wasn’t going through the motions; rather a blow job of the type of expertise he hadn’t witnessed before. Truth be told, he hadn’t had many women’s lips around his helmet much less ladies. This particular lady was good. Very good. Even using the words very good understates significantly her excellence in the cock sucking department.What Adams didn’t know, as is common when women marry into money, they...

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Lady Anns Holiday

Thanks as always to the Prince of editors Steve Zink! Lady Ann's Holiday By Eric England 1908. It seemed to Burt that his life was always spent with his face pressed against the glass. He worshipped Lady Ann Neville more than he did god in church. But Burt was only the stable hand at her father's vast estate. Still, he had his dreams. Dreams that one day she would smile at him and say that - no it was too stupid for words. The distance between them was greater than from...

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Lady Caylethorpes Caning

Lady Caylethorpe’s Caning. On a warm day towards the end of July, a month shy of her thirtieth birthday, Lady Caylethorpe, the beautiful but conceited wife of the Fourth Earl of Caylethorpe, received the soundest and most comprehensive thrashing of her pampered and privileged life. It was, in the opinion of every member of the domestic staff of the Caylethorpe ancestral manor, one of the most thoroughly deserved chastisements ever meted out in the history of the household and few would have...

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Lady Vaylethorpes Caning

Lady Caylethorpe’s Caning. On a warm day towards the end of July, a month shy of her thirtieth birthday, Lady Caylethorpe, the beautiful but conceited wife of the Fourth Earl of Caylethorpe, received the soundest and most comprehensive thrashing of her pampered and privileged life. It was, in the opinion of every member of the domestic staff of the Caylethorpe ancestral manor, one of the most thoroughly deserved chastisements ever meted out in the history of the household and few would have...

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Lady Victoria Part 4 The Servants take their Revenge

Lady Victoria's dramatic fall from Baronet's daughter and high ranking society débutante to lowly scullery maid had been swift and decisive. Mr Tannard, the minion Butler who had once served her without question, was now her master whom she had quickly learned to obey without hesitation. Her transformation from Lady to servant was now complete, with many of her lessons having been educated at her former Butler's knee! She had agreed to accept any punishment he decided to give her and, although...

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Lady Tether and the Three Little Discards

Lady Tether and the 3 Little Discardsby A. P. Damien28 paused to pour another cup of coffee. "I really don't think age is important. Looks are. But I think my skin is getting dry. One year, maybe two. Then she'll discard me." The brunette did look a little more mature than the other two. Her only clothes were bright red vinyl boots, gloves, and a bikini bottom. "And your life will be, too. Doesn't that matter to you?" 272 was a brand new slave and seemed fascinated by 28's upcoming death. "Yes,...

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Lady Victoria Part 3 The Ladies Take Their Revenge

LADY VICTORIA PART 3 - THE LADIES TAKE THEIR REVENGE Following her father's ruin the Lady Victoria had been forced to accept a servant's position as a parlour maid at the College where she had reigned supreme. It was ironic that her father had sent her to this College to be educated and prepared for her marriage into aristocracy and instead was being 'educated' to work as a servant. Mr Tannard the Butler had begun her training 'stripping' her of her high-minded attitude and haughty...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Two

The Exchange 1 Burt was shoveling dirty hay from the floor of one of the stable stalls when Ann approached him, a mischievous expression on her face. His sleeves were rolled up past his elbows as he worked. She watched him for several minutes, staring at his rippling muscles; the careless attitude he had in his body language, entirely devoid of decorum. He obviously didn't care one whit about the way he carried himself or looked with his scruffy clothes and deliciously...

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Lady Jena the Goddess Domme

Lady Jena, the goddess dommeJena is a professional domme. I didn't know it when I met her. At the party of a mutual friend where we met, her roving eye caught my roving eye, and I was drawn to her. It may have been her late thirties demeanor that attracted me, or it may have been her blonde hair, parted in the middle and curled under just before it reached her shoulders; perhaps it was the boots she wore - they looked good on her. She had the look of a woman of authority - an executive...

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Lady Catherine Hines

Lady Catherine Hines sat in her chair as Miss Braxton, a woman in her 40s, brushed her long brunette hair. It extended to the small of her back. Catherine was dressed in her night gown. Miss Braxton always brushed her hair before Catherine retired to her bed. "You appear downhearted, Lady Catherine. Did you not enjoy the party? You appeared happy while socializing with your friends." "I alsways enjoy my time with my friends but do you observe how Father does not allow me to socialize with...

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Lady Kavanagh Part 2

The milky whiteness was starting to return to the lady’s buttocks, Adams noted. The ruler would be the next instrument of humiliation. For her part, the pain Lady Eleanor Kavanagh felt was more in the head than on her sumptuous rump. She had endured the hand spanking, almost wincing more when she felt Adams erection on her lower tummy when she was draped across his knees than she had from the smacks from his right hand. She had almost cried out in indignation when the bastard had removed her...

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Lady Kavanagh Part 2

The milky whiteness was starting to return to the lady’s buttocks, Adams noted. The ruler would be the next instrument of humiliation. For her part, the pain Lady Eleanor Kavanagh felt was more in the head than on her sumptuous rump. She had endured the hand spanking, almost wincing more when she felt Adams erection on her lower tummy when she was draped across his knees than she had from the smacks from his right hand. She had almost cried out in indignation when the bastard had removed her...

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LadiesWhoLunch In The Cosmic Bubble

"Ladies-Who-lunch: In The Cosmic Bubble" The second week of August,1961. Summer was coming to a close and fall was just around the corner. The schools were being readied as the grade school kids grumbled, while the college set was spending the last couple weeks with friends and starting to pack up and plan for their coming year. Sitting at the kitchen table the steam drifted lazily up from the coffee cup as Joyce read the short letter sent by the university registrar concerning...

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Lady CharlotteChapter 3

It startled Charlotte when she heard the distant sound of a wagon approaching. Henry was not to be home for another two days, Charlotte anxious for his return, the two month trip too long to be without her beloved husband. Lord Michael had sent him to France for some urgent business, Henry was a much better negotiator than him. Lord Michael loved to win more than reach an amenable agreement. Charlotte looked into the mirror, brushing aside an errant hair from her face, smiling broadly at the...

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Lady Catherines Fall

The Earl Howarth's Butler rushed out in agitation crying "Are you expected sir, only His Grace is away at the whipping Sir." His Grace indeed, as if he was a Prince or Archbishop not a mere Earl. "Oh! Then direct me pray," I requested, in as haughty manner as I could muster. "In the town sir, Allerton, in the square sir, at the whipping sir," he said deferentially whereas by rights he should be ordering us hence. "And the Lady Catherine?" I asked. He paused as if...

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Lady Catherines Fall

I arrived at Allerton Hall unannounced, dressed in the classic style of a landed Gentleman while riding in a tolerably smart carriage pulled by a matched pair of Greys, driven by one Mr Barrington from Devonshire who had become my friend masquerading as a coachman.The Earl Howarth's Butler rushed out in agitation crying "Are you expected sir, only His Grace is away at the whipping Sir." His Grace indeed, as if he was a Prince or Archbishop not a mere Earl."Oh! Then direct me pray," I requested,...

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Lady Victoria Part 2 Her Ladyship gets her just reward

LADY VICTORIA - PART 2 - Her Ladyship Gets Her Just Reward Lady Victoria had been sent to Beddingfield Ladies College by her father Lord John for one reason only, to prepare her for marriage into high society. His phenomenal success had brought him huge wealth and his recent ascent into the House of Lords as a Baronet inspired new ambitions, which knew no bounds. His daughter would not only marry into high society but into Royalty itself and he had the money and the power to see it through. At...

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Lady Mauds Desire

Wilton Hall had been her family's ancestral seat for over five hundred years and the current incumbent family member Lady Maud Hamilton had no intention of that ending on her watch! Time however was getting on and at 36 she was aware that she did not have many fertile years left to produce an heir. Having accepted that her husband, even though he had tried, was incapable of providing what she needed Maud had reached the conclusion that she had to consider other options. Her marriage to...

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Lady Cecelia Ch 03 Pt 03

a continuation of this tale The scene: At dawn Lady Cecelia and her entourage have been led to the palace of Agincourt accompanied by counselors for Lady Cecelia, a counselor for William of Edenbridge to enable a parlay with King Phillip’s apanage and regency of the estate, some knights and servants to the Court. Among them was a Lord of the house surrounded by wards and vassals of the house of Dauphin. In attendance to this audience were Ladies of the Court among them Lady Yvette, niece to...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty One

Bred That Way 1 Burt was snatched cruelly from a deep sleep by Harry's bellowing voice from outside at the front of the stables. "BURT! Get down here now you ignorant fool!" "What? Yes! Sorry sir!" He clambered out from under his blanket and got to his feet. "Burt, you great wazzock! You've overslept! Get down here now and scrape this horse shit up before I tan yer ruddy hide and make ye do it without a shovel!" Burt hurriedly put his clothes on, anxious to get out...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirty Six Swapping Back 1 Burt Harper had a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach when he woke up next morning in Mavis's bed at the Dog & Pony. It wasn't because he was thinking about anything in particular that was troubling him but more like... more like he'd had a night crammed with nightmares that he couldn't now remember. He lay for a while, trying to piece the images he still had together but he couldn't. All he had was a vague sense of alarm; an...

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Lady CharlotteChapter 9

Jenna had masturbated three times last night, each time forcing the ivory dildo between her thighs and each time clinging to the hard rod as if it were a real prick. She had an orgasm each time, but she was left wanting more. She desired to feel a man between her thighs. She barely said anything to Lord Michael, the carriage carrying them off to the mysterious location of the Flagellation Society. But she saw the way he looked at her, his eyes almost able to see through her clothes at her...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Seventeen

One Last Day 1 Ann woke up from a deep sleep on his straw pallet, the sun shining through the crack in the hay barn door and into his eyes. He groaned, rolling over, then brightened and sat up, realising what day this was. It was the last day. Finally. Just one more day as Burt and he would be back in his rightful body. He would be the lady of the manor once again! It gave him such an overwhelming sense of relief to think that... as well as a moment of regret. Being Burt had...

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