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Just a little outside of my Jr. High School in Ormond Beach was a small trail that led to a clearing where the less reputable students would often gather in the mornings. The spot was simply known as The Rocks because of the three large coquina rocks where everyone sat. For those that aren’t familiar with coquina rocks, they are mostly small shells that are cemented together with fine sand, the Spanish built a large fort in St. Augustine, Florida with the stuff. The fort has survived the centuries and it’s very cool. But I digress, I’m sure that you’re not on this site looking for a geology or history lesson. In fact, avoiding lessons was one of the main reasons that I found myself at The Rocks one particular day back in 1982.
It was a beautiful day in central Florida, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and I had a bag of decent pot. It certainly wasn’t the type of day that you spend listening to Ms. Lopez go over the proper structure of a sentence. Still, I had almost made it to school, the PE field was just visible through the scrub palmettos that lined the trail to my right as I sat down on the large coquina rock. I lit a cigarette from the pack that I had stolen from one of my neighbors and started to roll a joint. Just as I finished, I heard footsteps coming from the other end of the trail and quickly stashed my bag into my shorts pocket. It turned out to be Rob and Steve, two of my classmates who also frequented The Rocks. Rob was a tall skinny surfer and Steve was short and kind of fat. He was more of a redneck. Me, I was a nerd, tall and skinny with thick glasses. They weren’t really what I would call friends, but we all knew each other from hanging out before school. We exchanged greetings and they took their normal spots.
A few minutes later, just as we fired up the joint, Emily Johnson came around the bend and took a seat next to Steve. Emily was tall and blonde but certainly not a beauty queen. She wasn’t ugly, just not pretty She did however have good sized boobs for an eighth grader. She took a seat next to Steve as the rock that he sat on was the only one big enough to share.
We smoked my joint and then one from Rob, who always seemed to have good weed. By now we were all pretty stoned and were laughing and joking about school. Steve looked at his watch and said that he had to go since he couldn’t afford to skip another day. Rob said that he was in the same boat and they got up to go to school. I said, “fuck that”, and kept my seat thinking that I just might go hang out at the beach. Emily announced that she was just waiting for her parents to go to work, so we said our goodbyes and watched the two guys head on down the trail.
I told Emily that I would hang out with her until she was ready to go so as the first bell rang, we kept our spots at The Rocks. We talked about the classes we hated and which of our classmates were fucking idiots. I had never really hung out with her before, and maybe it was just the pot, but I found her very easy to talk to. When the first PE class took to the field we laughed as we watched them run the track while Coach Wormer yelled at them. We were really just enjoying the buzz from the two joints and the fact that we weren’t in school.
“Fuck”, the tall blonde swore and jumped up from the rock swiping at her leg.
“What”, I asked, afraid that maybe she saw someone coming.
“There was a fucking tick on me”, she explained as she frantically inspected her legs for any more of the little blood suckers. She satisfied that there weren’t any she sat back down but after a few minutes she began looking again, this time pulling up the legs of her loose running shorts to check the crease at the top of her thighs. I felt bad for her but was enjoying the view of her purple panties as she pulled the crotch of her shorts aside. “I keep feeling them on me”, she cried, “It even feels like there’s one in my butt crack!”
Maybe it was the pot, or possibly the fact that she’d been flashing me her panties, but I asked, “You want me to take a look?”
I expected her to tell me off, or at least call me a pervert. I didn’t expect her to get up, turn her back to me and pull down her shorts. “Please”, she cried as she bent over with her panty clad ass inches from my face.
Suddenly I was nervous as I told her that I’d have to pull her panties down to see in her crack. The whole situation had gotten very weird. She responded by hooking her thumbs around the waistband and yanking them down to the tops of her thighs. Her tan-lined ass was now directly in front of me and I instantly began to get hard. Gently I put one hand on each cheek and spread the firm globes apart. Sure enough, I spotted another tick getting ready to latch onto the soft flesh of her ass. Without thinking I pulled it off and crushed it with my thumbnail.
“Oh my God”, she gasped, “Make sure that’s the only one!”
I spread her cheeks again, enjoying the view of her puckered little asshole and the sight of her blonde-haired pussy below. I felt a little guilty for checking it out but, it was the first pussy that I’d seen that wasn’t in one of my dad’s playboys. I carefully inspected her ass, taking far longer than was needed to verify that there weren’t any more ticks and then being careful not to touch her pussy I used my thumbs to pull on the skin of her upper thighs and spread open her lips.
“What are you doing”, she asked as she felt her pussy being opened up.
“Just making sure”, I lied. I took a good look at her exposed pink treasure and then let go. “That was the only one”, I assured her as she pulled up her shorts.
“We better make sure that you don’t have any on you either”, she suggested. I tried to refuse, knowing that if I moved from my current position my erection would be instantly revealed but she insisted. Finally, I relented and quickly turned as I stood up, hoping she wouldn’t notice how hard I was. I unbuckled my belt, k**s actually wore them back then, and pulled down my shorts and boxers for her to inspect my ass. It felt weird to have her hands spreading my cheeks as she looked for bugs, there weren’t any. Suddenly her hands were on my balls, shifting them left and then right. I almost came in my underwear which were still covering my throbbing hardon. She giggled as she was still holding my sack and declared me to be free of ticks. I stood up and redid my shorts, making sure that my t-shirt covered the fact that I was still hard.
“You want to go back to my house with me”, she asked with a grin, “We could go swimming in my pool.”
Going swimming with a girl who just showed me her pussy sounded much better that striking out with the tourist girls at the beach. “Sure”, I agreed.
We left our little hangout and walked the mile or so back to her house. Her parents obviously made a lot more money than mine and their house showed it. The lawn was perfectly manicured, and the house was gorgeous. The inside was even nicer, with actual art on the walls and furniture that actually matched. She led me through the house to the kitchen where she got us each a coke and then showed me through the sliding glass door to the pool deck. She left me there while she went in to change into her swimsuit. The clear blue water looked refreshing under the hot Florida sun and that’s when I realized the flaw in our plan. I had originally figured to go back to my house to grab a bathing suit before going to the beach, I now didn’t have one. Oh well, I figured I would burn another joint with her and then head for home and then hit the beach as I’d originally planned.
Emily came back out wearing a sexy yellow bikini that left little to the imagination. She caught me checking her out and did a little pirouette, “Like it?”
“Hell yeah”, I whistled, it looks great on you.” I lit the joint and took a deep toke before handing it to her. As we smoked, I explained that I didn’t have a bathing suit so I couldn’t go swimming with her.
“Don’t be silly”, she said with a wide grin, “Just go in your underwear.” I thought about that for a minute before she added, “It’s not like I haven’t seen them.”
She did have a point, less than an hour before we were checking out each other’s butts for ticks. “That could work”, I agreed.
We smoked the rest of the joint and she dove into the pool, not coming up until she was in the middle. She looked back at me expectantly and called out, “What are you waiting for?”
Here goes nothing, I thought as I dropped my shorts to the deck. It was still awkward to be standing in just my loose-fitting boxers in front of this girl that I barely knew aside from school. I ran to the edge of the pool and launched myself into the air. The cool water felt great as I plunged in headfirst and that’s when it dawned on me that boxers make a poor substitute for swim trunks. By the time I emerged from the water a couple of feet from Emily my blue striped boxers were floating several feet away having been immediately ripped from my narrow hips by the force of the water.
Emily noticed my predicament before it registered in my d**g addled brain that I was naked. She giggled, “Or we could just go skinny dipping.”
“What do you mean “we””, I gasped as I noticed my boxers floating by. “I’m the only one here that’s bare-assed!”
“Well, that’s not really fair is it”, she said with an exaggerated frown and big puppy-dog eyes. With that she reached behind her neck and suddenly her yellow bikini top fell free.
Her tits were glorious, maybe a b-cup, but most importantly was the fact that they weren’t in a magazine. These were real-life titties! Next she reached below the water and seconds later her bottoms bobbed to the surface. This girl who I thought of as plain an hour before was now the most beautiful woman that I’d ever seen. It’s funny how nudity will do that to your perception. “Wow” was the only word that would form, most likely due to the blood rapidly draining from my head in order to fill my dick.
She waded the few feet between us and wrapped her arms around my neck. I could feel her rubbery nipples press against my chest as she closed her eyes and puckered her lips. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her tighter as we kissed. Her lips tasted of pot and cherry lip gloss and I could feel my erection rubbing against her downy pubes as our tongues danced in each other’s mouth. As our kiss lingered, I let my hands slide down to cup her firm ass and pull her hips tighter against mine, grinding my hard shaft against her mound. Even through the cool water of the pool, I could feel the heat emanating from her sex against my balls. When she pulled her belly away from mine, I was more than a little disappointed but when her hand left my shoulder and her soft fingers wrapped around my shaft, I got over it.
“Mmm, is this for me”, she asked huskily.
“All yours baby”, I breathed between kisses stunned by the feel of a woman’s fingers on my prick for the first time. Honestly, I was afraid that if she kept it up, I was going to cum right there and then. As she idly stroked my dick, I began to explore her tight teenaged body. I played with her soft yet firm tits. I caressed her hard nipples with my thumb while my left hand slipped below the water along her taut belly until my fingertips found her patch of soft blonde hair. Being the early eighties, the only reason girls shaved down there was a case of crabs. I let my fingers comb through her bush and between her thighs. I cupped her full lips with my hand and massaged them for a bit before pushing one finger between them. Slowly I let my finger glide back and forth along the inside of her slit, not totally sure of what I was doing.
“Ooh, right there”, she cooed and held my finger in the spot she wanted. It was right at the top of where her inner lips seemed to come together, and I could feel a small bump right at the junction. I focused on rubbing that spot and soon she seemed to get a glossed over look on her face and squeezed my hand harder against her pussy. “Oh yeah, don’t stop”, she sighed, “You going to make me cum!” She was now holding my hand in place as she ground her clit across my fingertip. Her hips seemed to convulse, and she hung onto my shoulder when she came. You don’t see that shit in Playboy!
Knowing that I had just gotten her off did away with my resistance and I stiffened and began to shoot my seed into the clear water of the pool.
“That was cool”, she exclaimed, “I could feel it when you shot your stuff!” We both noticed the first evidence of my eruption floating to the surface between us and backed away from it. “I hope the skimmer sucks it into the filter, otherwise it’s going to be hard to explain to my dad.”
We both laughed at that and moved to the other side of the pool as more clumps of semen floated towards the surface. With her back to the rail she pulled me in for another passionate kiss. As we kissed, she snaked her hand between us and again began stroking my still hard cock. This time she pulled her hips back and pushed down on my shaft until the head was pressed against the lips of her pussy. I felt her rise up a little and suddenly something hot and wet was pushed down over the bulbous knob of my cock head.
Holy shit, my mind screamed, I was inside of her pussy! I was actually fucking a real girl and not my fist. She lowered herself onto my cock a little more until slowly I was buried to the hilt inside her. I began to doubt that I wasn’t her first, weren’t girls supposed to scream and cry the first time, and there was no blood like everyone said. When my buddy Jim had told me about his first conquest, he had made it sound like it looked like a murder scene. Then again, Jim was probably full of shit.
In the end it really didn’t matter if I was her first, she was certainly mine and the sensation of being in her tight pussy was all that mattered. I knew that jacking off would never feel the same, which kind of sucked because it was my favorite pastime. I began to slowly pump my cock into her because that’s what the stories in my dad’s Penthouse said that you did. As I began to fuck her, she brought her left leg up around my waist which rolled her hips and allowed me to poke my dick into her a little further. Being a gentleman, I hooked my hand under her knee and held it up for her. Soon she raised the other leg and I grabbed it too and took a step back, achieving an even better angle as my hands and her natural buoyancy allowed her to basically lay against my thrusting hips with her arms d****d over to side of the pool. Eventually I moved her legs up onto my shoulders as it allowed me to play with that little nub in her pussy that seemed to get her off before.
“Oh shit”, she moaned, “You feel so good inside me.”
I could tell that she was getting close, but then so was I. I began reciting the periodic table in my head in an attempt to keep myself going. It was a losing proposition. As she neared her climax, I could feel it rippling stronger through the muscles of her cunt and the stronger the ripples the more it seemed to draw the seed from my sack.
“I’m gonna cum”, she hissed through clenched teeth.
“Me too”, I grunted as I fought back the rising flood.
“Uhgg, I wanna feel it inside me”, she moaned, “Cum inside me!”
At that moment her eyes rolled back like in that scene from The Exorcist and her body seemed to enter a seizure splashing water over the side of the pool. Her pussy clamped down on my dick and drove me over the edge. I slammed my cock into her tight cunt and my vision seemed to dim as I pumped her full of my cum. Weak and a little dizzy, I let her legs slip from my shoulders. I didn’t know at the time if I was in love or just in lust, it didn’t matter as all I knew was that I never wanted to let this beautiful girl go.
My dick slipped from her pussy as she stood up to kiss me but still remained mostly hard. We decided to get out of the pool to smoke a cigarette and finish our Cokes. Watching her beautiful ass climb the ladder in front of me is still a sight that I replay in my mind all these years later. The twin fleshy globes jiggling with each step and the way her swollen lips peeked out from between her thighs, damn! We arose from the cool waters of the pool and into the noontime Florida sun and it was hot. It wasn’t as hot as the girl leading me onto the pool deck, but hot none the least.
We each claimed a chaise lounge near the pool and sipped our sodas as the tropical sun wicked away the beads of water from our youthful flesh. “That was incredible”, she commented, “I never knew that a real dick would feel like that.”
A real dick, I asked myself silently, then asked her out loud.
She looked a little embarrassed at my question but, she explained that her mother had bought her a dildo after catching Emily borrowing hers. She further explained that it had been her uncle to first penetrate her pussy with his fingers some three years prior, her father caught them before he could fuck her and whipped his ass. Since then she had been obsessed with putting things inside her, starting with her fingers and then her hairbrush and anything else that would fit. That was also when her mother put her on birth control pills.
Hearing her describe the various items that she’d stuffed inside of her pussy was a little weird but also had me as hard as steel. “Can I see you do it”, I asked.
“Fuck my dildo?”
“Sure, that would be so cool.”
She got up from the chair and took my hand, leading me into the house. The air conditioning felt cold on my naked skin after being out in the hot sun. She led me down a short hallway and into her bedroom. I’d never actually been in a girl’s room before, but I would say that it wasn’t much different than mine. Where I had posters of exotic cars, she had posters of horses. She let go of my hand and sat on the edge of the bed. From her nightstand she pulled out a pink plastic vibrator that was maybe six inches long. “I can’t believe that I’m going to do this”, she giggled as she lay back on top of the comforter and spread her sexy legs.
I pulled the chair from the corner of the room to a spot at the foot of the bed where I had a good view. What a view it was, her legs spread and her perfect little pussy on display. I watched intently as she teased the vibrator along her slit before pushing just the tip inside her. The hum of the small motor inside the toy became more mumbled the farther it was buried inside her. I idly stroked my aching cock as she slowly pumped the toy in and out of her cunt.
She was lost in the sensation of the humming toy and rolled onto her belly, holding the toy with one hand and rolling her hips fucking it. It had to be one of the sexiest things that I’d ever seen and one of the most erotic that I’ve seen since. As she fucked herself with the toy her pretty little asshole winked at me from between the tight cheeks of her ass. Going strictly on instinct, I spit on my fingertip and rubbed it on her puckered brown star. She moaned loudly at the added stimulation. I spit on my finger again and this time pushed it into her tight ass.
“Oh fuck”, she groaned and pushed back harder against my finger and her toy.
My finger was fully inside her ass and I could feel the vibrations emanating from her toy. It was like nothing that I’d ever imagined. After a minute I slipped a second finger into her ass and she responded by fucking my hand and her toy even harder. By now my dick was so hard that it actually began to hurt. Seeing how turned on she was made me a little bolder and I told her to roll over onto her knees. “Have you ever put your toy in your butt”, I asked as I applied another glob of spit to her puckered little hole.
“No”, she answered with a groan. As I climbed up on the bed behind her, she knew exactly what I was thinking. She reached over into the nightstand from where she’d taken out the vibrator and pulled out a small plastic vial. “Use this, it came with the dildo.”
I took the vial and read the label, “Love Lube.” I flipped up the top and squirted some of the clear liquid onto her asshole and a little more onto my dick. I spread the slick fluid all over my cock and moved up behind her shapely ass. I rubbed the head of my prick around her pretty little hole and started to push it in. It took a little effort, but the head popped in and slowly I penetrated further into her virgin ass. It was tighter than her pussy had been, and I could feel the vibration from her toy humming along my shaft.
“Oh fuck”, she moaned as I bottomed out in her ass, “Go slow.”
I did at first, not believing that she was letting my fuck her in the ass while she fucked her pussy with the vibrator. Watching my dick pumping into her and feeling the toy vibrating against my shaft I believed that I was in love with Emily. I grabbed hold of her fleshy hips and began to fuck her a little harder.
A fine sheen of sweat spread over the tanned skin of her back and she buried her face in the pillow as she began to cum. “Oh shit”, she hissed through her clenched teeth, “Fuck me, fuck me harder!” Her body shook and her asshole seemed to grip my cock even tighter as she whimpered unintelligently into the pillow as she came. Completely overwhelmed by her climax she let the vibrator slip from her cunt and collapsed down onto her belly, which also pulled her ass off my dick.
I urged her to roll onto her back again, and when she did, I leaned over and kissed her as I slid my cock into her sopping cunt. As I fucked her, I scooped up the abandoned vibrator and used the tip to tease her clit. That seemed to re-energize her orgasm as she just moaned and cried out each time my balls slapped against her gaping asshole. I fucked her through another body wracking orgasm before the pressure building in my sack grew to be too much. I slammed my throbbing shaft into her a few more times before burying myself to the hilt and filling her young womb with another load of my seed. Exhausted I collapsed on top of her, my dick still twitching inside her swampy cunt. We lay there for a while like that, just kissing and holding onto each other in post coital bliss as my dick grew soft for the first time in hours and slipped from her cum filled pussy.
We finally got up cleaned ourselves off. She made us a couple of bologna sandwiches while I rolled up another joint. We ate and smoked on the back deck, still completely naked before jumping in the pool for one last swim before I had to head for home. As I got ready to leave, we exchanged phone numbers and kissed again. I asked her to be my girlfriend, that was important back then, and she said yes! Stoned, tired and extremely happy I walked to the bus stop and rode back home.

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JFK, New York: Sunday 11th February 2018The cup of coffee was a life-saver. Strong, black, Grande. Full of the flavors of Africa.There are very few friends I like enough to get me out of a warm bed at six a.m. on a New York winter’s morning. But Francis, especially in his current state of mourning was one of those few friends.But without that steaming cup of Ethiopian black, I’d have been little use to him as I helped him with his bags. He gave me the length of hug normally reserved only for...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Detention with Miss Chasterty

Hi, my name is Megan Tuck and I'm studying my A-levels at college. Last week was my eighteenth birthday and, until then, I had been a virgin. However, I loved to masturbate and would often do it three or four times a day. Anyway, my story begins on the day after my birthday. It was a Monday and I was back at college. My first lesson was double biology. I've always enjoyed biology, especially the reproductive organs, but the subject really started to grab my attention when we got a new teacher...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Becoming My Best Friends Personal Cocksucker

When I was just a teenager, I remember discovering sex and as most boys do an incredible urge for all things sexual. Not long after this my neighborhood friend (same school but he was 3 years older), introduced me to porn movies one day when hanging out at his house. He was sneaking out movies from his older brother's collection and one day while I was over at his house hanging out, he let me watch one. I was amazed as the mystery of sex was revealed in front of my eyes. Only having a few...

4 years ago
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Possession Christmas Vengeance Chapter 3 The Naughty List

This story gets VERY disgusting and brutal. I use extreme taboo themes and consider my stories "horror". These niche things appear in THIS chapter. If any are not your thing, just back out now. You’ve been warned! Rape/Abuse/Violence toward women Torture/Pain/Crying/Sadism Incest Young girl Bondage Gross bodily fluids tastes/smells Queefing Squirting ---------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMERS: This is a work of fiction. I do not condone any of the things I write...

4 years ago
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Summer Seminarpart 1

The mid-sixties found Travis and I in Chicago for a six week training seminar. About the same age and single, we’d worked together in Denver for about eighteen months, during which time we gradually became good friends.I’d seen him around for a few months, nodding greetings and exchanging occasional small talk, before I got my first glimpse of his dick. I was taking a piss one morning when he came into the washroom, said “Hi,” and stood at the adjacent urinal. That’s when I saw his dick out of...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Child MagusChapter 15

We arrived at Brazos House and Leanne ran inside. I sat in her car, worried about the state of my apartment. Jordan and Danielle could still be there, waiting for the beds to be delivered, or they could be packing up more stuff to take over to their place. Barring those issues, there was the fact that the place would probably be a mess. There was even the possibility that they had convinced the delivery men to move not only Jordan's bed, but the furniture in the living room too, which would...

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Alucard Mia and Her Unfortunate End1

I opened the envelope and pulled out the paper that was folded inside. The letter was from a wealthy gentleman north of town named Mr. Ettington, I didn't know his first name. I began reading the letter. Dear Mr. Alucard, I hope this letter finds you well. I would like to request a special breed and I understand you are quite skilled in such matters. I would be delighted to have a female women bred with a horse that would produce a, not sure how to say it, horse woman. That is, the...

3 years ago
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Apocalypse BluesChapter 50

Friday, 27 June, 2014 The War Room, City Hall Roanoke, Virginia “This appears to be it, then. The Nazi bastards have sundered the Winfield Scott Line in six different places with their early pre-dawn assault. We had to withdraw to more easily defended perimeters. Of course, that’s precisely why I ordered a defense in depth, in layers like this. Anyway, we’ve already lost several dozen towns, albeit none of great size yet, to this offensive of theirs. May God help whoever lived in those...

2 years ago
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Granny Surprise

I was searching for older woman on the net and found an attractive 62 year old lady but she said she didn't want to date youner men. I was 39 at the time but I was focused. I kept in touch with here and over time she finally agreed to meet me. We met at a diner to have lunch, she was wearing a black dress, her hair all gray and in a pony tail. She was 5 feet tall 95 pounds.We talked for a while over lunch then I walked her to the car. She gave me a hug and held on for a minute or two. I kept my...

1 year ago
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wife in college 8

So here’s my wife’s latest story. She was out of college and She went out with a guy on a blind/double date. It was right before Easter and the guy asked her to attend the Easter Service with him at his church. My wife, who is not very religious, agreed. They would go to the service and then go have lunch somewhere. My wife went out and bought a nice, frilly, pink dress. She drove her car to the guys house and knocked on his door. He opened it and was wearing a light colored sear...

2 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 10 New Friends

Jennifer, Dave, and Jana talked all the way to the dinning hall. Jennifer asked what courses Jana was taking and she explained she was studying sciences and planned to be a doctor like her mother. She explained that her sister was also taking sciences but Kyra hadn't decided exactly what she wanted to do after she had her degree. Jennifer peppered Jana with additional questions but didn't offer much information about Dave or her in the process. They continued to chat as they got their...

2 years ago
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My Name Is EdChapter 54

It was almost midnight before the gym was empty. The day workers had stayed late, but not so late that we had to throw them out. They were all regulars, so they knew the rules. “So Marge, how do you feel about a midnight breakfast, my treat,” I suggested. “Well it is Friday night, and my daughter Sandy is at a sleep over. Why not?” she asked. “Indeed,” I replied. “It might be best if you didn’t leave your car here. I’ll follow you to the Steak and Egg. It’s claim to fame is they are open...

4 years ago
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Schoolgirl GamesChapter 5

Lisa was in the kitchen, reading her tablet. She looked up at us and her gaze settled on Simone. A sinking feeling came over me. Shit. For a guy who’s supposed to be intelligent I couldn’t believe how brain-dead I’d been. At her age Simone obviously had ‘freshly fucked’ all over her face: excited and flushed after her first time. A bit guilty. Standing a bit too close to me. “You bastard!” Lisa opened fire on me. Lisa is not someone who spends a lot of time wondering if she’s right. She...

3 years ago
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Real Time

"Real time" Anger; deep and burning anger. There was also pain. Pain of a kind I'd never felt before. I wanted to kill or be killed. I had never been this angry before in my life. Some might say I was pretty young yet and that life would have other situations that would bring out anger like this again. I don't think so. My anger is a kind of anger that nobody should have to deal with. Any kind of anger that makes a person feel a need to take another individual's life is not good. I...

1 year ago
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I remember Bethany

By the Piano Man I don’t think we liked each other at first. Even though I thought Beth was pretty, I assumed she was a dumb Midwestern redneck and she thought I was some Uncle Tom because of my white dinner jacket and my smooth demeanor. The first time I saw Beth she was working as a waitress in the Denver bar where I played piano on the weekend. She was from Iowa and you might describe her as ‘perky’ and hardworking and you’ve seen a thousand like her every four years when the media descend...

4 years ago
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In the pool 2 girl fixed and fucking a men

In the pool, fixed and fucked.I was with friends at the pool, and looked at where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown into another pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again abe to get out of the pool, r that did not work. Finally, 2 lifeguard came, jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive.The lifeguards took me out of the water, laid me on the stretcher and took me into a locked room. They are civil servants me until I was again accessible. They fixed me...

4 years ago
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My wifes friend Rae

I was always suspicious about my wifes weekends away with her friends. One such weekend her and her friend Rae went to a cabin for a fall weekend get away. I suspected some girl girl play may happen, since they had always played around the husbands before when we got together. But after calling her the day they arrived, I heard them walking in the woods, rustling leaves, and a deep male voice say two words then go quiet. At that point I suspected more. The weekend passed and they were on their...

2 years ago
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Pandemic Boredom Ch 6

After having two different men in my bed all in one day, you’d think my fun was over, right? It should have been, but then I got a phone call from another fuck-buddy, Big Boy Brad. I call him that because he has an eight-inch cock that is about as thick as my wrist. He said he was horny and thinking about me. He has a good way with words, he stirred up my juices and my carnal cravings for him and his sensational cock.I told Brad to give me an hour before knocking on my door. Thoroughly hot,...

Straight Sex
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Kawaii Girl 100 103000

She's a "Kawaii_girl" and you would be wise to call her as such. Anyone familiar with Japanese anime or who would consider themselves among the "otakus" of the world would know that this is a pretty sweet title. It plainly means "cute girl." The bisexual Latina behind the account's real name is Lily Camilla — still a cute name. Her Twitter has over 107K followers for her specific brand of pornography. And, to be honest, her tastes bend and flow like water.This girl loves sex and it's pretty...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Princess Diana and Alexander the GreatChapter 7 Dianas Enjoyment Reaches New Heights

As Princess Diana slept, on Themyscira Princess Erica was having dinner with her mother, Queen Hippolyta. The Second Princess of the Amazon, only behind Diana in line for the throne, had requested an audience with the Queen to discuss her sister and been refused. She was told to join her mother for dinner in the Queen's private chambers instead. "Mother, Diana has been gone over four months," Princess Erica was saying. "Should we not take the army and march to India to join the Indians,...

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After the first time we began to turn up she would help me fuck her friends I mean literally for example she would have her friend come sleep over we would be in the room smoking and she would start sucking my dick in front her friend her friend would be in shock but watching at the same time she then would put her friend and in my dick and make her suck it then I ate the friend out I can’t say the friend name so we gone stick to calling her friend but yea so am in there treating them both...

1 year ago
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Double or Nothing

This story is about when Teddy and Lance meets! Like I said in my other stories, these events I write about are all true. I try to write detail information as it happens to me and I hope that you are enjoying Naughty Nikki's life stories!!Tired! Thirsty and hungry! I sat in the TV room wondering what mischief I was going to encounter today. I wanted to go out to the Jamacian restaurant for some spicy food since that is what I was craving. I went upstairs to my bedroom and made preparations to...

Straight Sex
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A new spark part 2

“Dude, seriously?” “Yup,” I say, while taking a sip of my beer. Jerry is very enthusiastic about my weekend transgression. I told him what happened because, I couldn’t hide the stupid grin on my face. “And you spend the whole night with this chick?” “I did.” “I never thought you’d have it in you, man. Congrats!” “Thank you,” I say, still smiling like an idiot. “So what now?” “Going to see her again, two weeks from now.” “Jesus! That good, was she?” “You have no idea.” “And what about V?”...

2 years ago
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A Twilight KnockoffChapter 9

I slept through till about six the next morning, took a steamy bath full of oils and Epsom salt and soaked most of the aches out of my body. Claire gave me a ride to school since my jeep was still in the parking lot. Everyone at school, even the teachers, proceeded to help me relive the previous day. Jake had to spend the night at the hospital because he had a concussion. He also broke his arm and nose. I felt bad for him, but not sorry; according to all the spectators, he'd pulled into the...

1 year ago
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Innoncent Cum Slut

So little about myself. My name is Becca. I am 19 years of age. I have long blond hair, light brown eyes and a tiny little body. I'm roughly 5'2" tall, weighing 103 lb. At first glance I may seem like a pretty innocent girl, but the inside is a whole different story. I have a 34C chest, 25 and half inch waist, and a few body piercings. Over the summer, I got my nose studded, barbells on both my tongue and my nipples, and a dangling belly ring. Oh wait I almost forgot, I also had my inner labia...

Group Sex
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BlacksOnBlondes Haley Spades 01252022

Haley has just arrived at the private dorm facilities on campus and the resident advisor shows her to the room she will be staying in. It’s quite nice. But he warns her these facilities are for studying. No drugs, alcohol or boys. No problem she says as she is here to study. Well turns out the RA is a pantysniffer and she catches him a few weeks later in her drawer sniffing and whacking off onto her undergarments. What kind of pervert does that? But when a girl is deprived of cock even a...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1I guess I should start by telling you something about my Mom.From what I’ve been able to piece together, Mom’s always been kind of a free spirit. My aunt Jenny, who’s a few years older than my mom, told me that they’d [Her, my mom, and my uncle Ronni] had a “less than happy” c***dhood. “You’re lucky you weren’t raised by your grandfather…” I’d heard a thousand times growing up; from both my mom and my aunt. I didn’t see my grandparents very often, but it was relatively easy to see what...

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xdresser foxxiroxxi fucked by daddies poker buddie

So I have finally got my men doing what ive wanted for a long time now and I have never been so horny . John is licking and fingering my ass while im getting marcuses tounge shoved in my mouth all the while my daddy and his buddies are outside . Fuck me im so fucking horny these guys could do anything they wanted to and I wouldn't stop them. Johns fingers start at one then two big black fingers slowly stretching my virgin ass then he slipped a third in and out licking and sticking his tounge in...

2 years ago
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Rock N Roll Fantasy Ch 3

Rick was in his usual agitated state before a show. He thought that it would be better tonight after the great pre-show fuck he had with Alicia. However as usual he felt like his skin was crawling. He had to get out of the dressing room even though he had over an hour before show time. He opened the door to his room and stepped into a surprisingly empty corridor. He decided he would watch the opening act from the wings. In his agitated state he turned the wrong way and headed away from the...

2 years ago
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Met An Indian Lady In Australia

Hello, everyone… I’m 35-year-old Indian currently staying in Australia… I’m a big fan of IndianSexStories and this story is my first to the readers, she is also a fan of the site. This happened in Sydney. Comments and Critics welcome at I regularly play tennis in a club with my friends. One evening, I was sitting alone as my partner could not come at the last minute. I was looking at other courts to ask someone to play with me. But there were no extra players. I was just hitting the ball...

3 years ago
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Masturbating in front of taxi driver

I’ve been out partying and my inhibitions are lowered. All night I’ve been out wearing a dress which is too tight to wear any underwear. Its also quite short and being almost exposed like that is really arousing. I get into a taxicab, its at least a 20 minute ride home. I catch a look at the driver in the rear view mirror, he’s watching a couple of girls go by, I can figure he’s kind of sleazy. I start imagining how he’d react if I flashed my pussy or my tits and I get instantly wet and turned...

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Undercover RoseChapter 61

While we worked on getting the houses sold and the Artist Village up and running, I also had a sort of life to live. Summer had brought a new sense of well being to me. I had so many things that needed doing it was hard to know where to start. For one thing I put the trike into the shop. I thought as I loaded it into the bed of my truck, how could anyone who lived any life at all function without a pick up truck. How the hell would one get a tricycle to the shop without at least a pickup? It...

4 years ago
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My wife and my buddy Pete

We had finished dinner and had been drinking way too much. My best friend Pete had been up staying with us for the weekend so we had made the night of it. We were in the lounge and my wife Karen was dozing off on the couch next to Pete. She definitely had been drinking way too much of the looks of it and pretty soon was fast asl**p way out of it. I also hadn’t been aware of it, but Pete had noticed her – also the fact that she was showing quite abit of cleavage. Pete suddenly chimed up and...

2 years ago
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Halloween Is the Season for SpankingChapter 2

The village was in anticipation of the arrival of the famous witch-hunters with almost twenty witch cunts as trophies of their ability to sniff out a witch even when they were suffering from a cold. The entire female population of almost eighty souls was fearful that they might fall victim to false accusations. Include in that mix were the thirteen true witches in the village that were spitting with outrage that they were being harassed when in their logical perspective they were only doing...

1 year ago
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Protect and Serve

Chloe groaned as she saw the red and blue lights of the police car illuminate in the rearview mirror behind her. She'd been in such a rush to get home she hadn't even realized she was speeding, but just her luck, she'd been caught.She pulled her car over to the side of the road and shielded her eyes from the bright headlights of the car as it pulled up behind her and the police officer stepped out and began walking towards Chloe's side."I'm sorry, Officer," Chloe began "I didn't...""Do you have...

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The story of John once a cannibal

Once a cannibal Introduction Men and even women, have you ever been walking down the street just minding your own business while casually dodging the cracks in the sidewalk, as we all must do, when you suddenly look up and see that woman of your dreams, the one that stands out in the crowd to such an extent that you nearly walk into the lamppost. A Beautiful face that might have been carved by an angel, hair as fine as silk and a body that was cloned from the very mould of Aphrodite’s...

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a jog in the park true

I took up running in the summer so 3 days a week off i went anyway one day i was joined by a good friend of mine it was a hot summers day when we set we had been going for about 25 mins when she got cramp she lay on the ground and held her leg up for me to stretch when she had her leg up i could see right up her shorts and she had no panties on this got me instantly horny i had perfect view of her pink pussy wich i must add looked very moist i could also smell it i'll never forget that scent,...

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ChroniclesChapter 14

Back to Dave, at least for a while... Say what you like about hospitals but the one thing they always are is deeply boring. Well, aside from A&E, perhaps, but I bet even the people who work there find it tedious from time to time ... and I wasn't in A&E, I was in a sort of cubicle off a surgical ward, just ill enough – or at least immobile enough – to need to stay a while longer ... but not actually at death's door. They'd also stopped giving me significant amounts of opiates, so...

2 years ago
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Water Water Everywhere

From our Correspondent in the Front Line. Lake Victoria. How can our navy attack the Swarm? We all know that the Sa'arm avoid water and mostly stay in their tunnels. What can a lake-bound naval force do to help resist the invaders? As Vice-Admiral Kolekile, commander of the African Union's Lake Victoria Naval Assault Force explains, "Since the Swarm will not come to the water we have to take the water to the Swarm. "In the years before the Swarm landed humanity prepared a number of...

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Lose Control Secret Misconduct

Miss Kerry Jensen had been teaching history at Ashville Senior High for well over a year. Well loved, respected and renown throughout school, the whole issue about her being an out-of-towner had long been forgotten. She was no longer considered an outsider among the locals. She was now one of them, a true blue resident of their lovely and somewhat peaceful suburban town. Even if few people could catch her sweet and astonishingly beautiful smile outside of school days, she had earnestly earned...


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