SamChapter 14D free porn video

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The only place left to sit in the corner of the room where we were was on the sofa next to Sue and I wanted to save that for Mrs. Reynolds when she got finished in the kitchen. Bud was sitting in an overstuffed armchair, so I climbed into his lap and curled up like a cat with my butt on his still-swollen cock. He grinned and used one arm to support my back, while stroking my side affectionately. I kicked off my shoes and leaned back on him. When I looked up at his face to see if I was making him uncomfortable, he gave me a brotherly peck on the cheek.

"In that case, I won't ask any of the obvious questions about the things you can do or ask you to bend that fireplace poker or anything like that. I had a very nice demonstration on the way here," Sue said. "I am curious about what you plan to do with these powers."

"'Abilites', please." I said. "'Powers' sounds so comic-book. I don't think I'll ever be able to fly, or command the forces of nature, or shoot laser beams from my eyes, or turn invisible, or have super vision, or super hearing, or super smelling..." I stopped short when I thought of something.

"What?" Jim said, laughing, "You have super smelling?"

"No, silly! Well, maybe it's not so silly. I just thought that some of this depends on how you define it. Like being able to stop bullets..."

"You're bulletproof?" Sue said.

"NO! Hell, no! I mean, I did stop a bullet last week... oh heck, this is just what I mean. It depends on how you look at it. Not the bullet thing. That was just a matter of wearing a bullet resistant suit and being willing to endure a lot of pain. No, I mean... well, flying. Can I soar like an eagle? No. Can I plummet like a chicken? Yes. It's all in how you look at it. My eyesight seems to be getting better. I can see things more clearly and things further away than before."

"That's right," Bud said. "She said she could see Mom looking out the window from clear down the street. She said I needed to have my eyes looked at when I couldn't see the same thing."

"And today I heard the ambulance coming before anyone else."

"At least a minute before I did," Neeka said. "And she's getting stronger."

"Well, maybe she just needs a bath," Mrs. Reynolds said as she walked into the room. We all laughed while she poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down on the love seat on Sue's left. The slit-side of her dress opened as she sat down, exposing her right leg to the hip. She crossed her leg over the other, ignoring the amount of skin she was showing and laid her arm on the back of the small sofa, not exactly around Sue, but companionably close.

Sue looked unsettled. She glanced down at the naked leg and the prominent bust of the stunning woman next to her as though she were trying to resist temptation. Mrs. Reynolds ignored this as well.

"I'm sorry, that was cheap, but I couldn't pass up the chance to get even with Miss LookAtMyNewSwimsuit here. What were you talking about?"

"Sam's abilities," Sue said. "She was just explaining how they've been developing."

"Tearing automobiles in half is a new one, all right."

"I didn't tear it in half. I just tore the roof off it. And if I broke part of the frame, too, then it must have been already weakened by the crash."

"You seem defensive about this," Mrs. Reynolds said. "Why?"

I thought about that for a second. She was right. I had been defensive about it from the start.

"Because it was so easy," I said. "I got all pumped up to do something I thought would be hard, and it was just too freaking easy."

"I get pumped up too, sometimes," Sue said. "I don't tear cars apart."

"All right!" I said, perhaps too sharply. "Because it scares me. It scares me to think of what I could have done with all that power. There, there's something else that bothers me. What I felt today was nothing short of power. Raw, ripping, power. I was soaked in it, saturated with it. I dripped with it. I felt like I could have done... I don't know what.

"Sue asked what I was going to do with it. I honestly don't know, because I don't know how far this will go. I sat in the car afterwards, trying to deal with feeling like I could do... anything. I called it adrenalin, and the first few times it happened, it felt like it, but today... it felt like pure energy. It felt like I could have thrown a lightning bolt if I had wanted to. It's scaring me."

"She's wondering if she's going to be a girl with powers, or powers with a girl," Neeka said, summarizing my deepest fear very nicely.

"Yah. I'm afraid of losing control of it. It scares me to think what could happen if I got really mad and threw a tantrum."

"Have you ever thrown a tantrum? Have you ever smashed anything when you were mad?" Mrs. Reynolds asked me. 'Mom' was beginning to leak through a little.

"Well, no. Not since I was three. I have gotten mad enough to spit. But I've never lashed out and broken things, if that's what you mean. It just wouldn't have solved anything."

"Then you probably won't in the future. We haven't seen anything to indicate that this has changed your personality. It's still you in there, no matter what you are capable of, you are still you."

That made me feel better. It didn't kill the fear completely, but it reassured me.

"Thanks," I said. "That helps."

"If you get up one morning," Bud said, "and have an urge to put on a black cape and a mask and declare your intention to rule the world while laughing maniacally, then we'll know it has gotten to be too much for you."

I looked him in the eye, thinking of what I could do to get even with him for that remark. About the time he began to look uneasy, Sue said, "We've heard the cons. What are the advantages about having these abilities? What do you enjoy about it?"

I didn't hesitate for an instant. "Saving people. Hands down, number one answer. Even with all my... concern about it getting out of control, being able to keep someone safe from harm is reason enough. Especially kids. I found that out during the grocery store robbery."

"You mean the holdup at the Big Star supermarket?" Sue said. "That was on TV. They said the SWAT Team handled that. They interviewed this arrogant bozo... what was his name?"

"Grogan," I said, recognizing the description right away. Lt. Grogan didn't seem to be getting anyone's respect. I made a mental note to try to be nicer to him the next time our paths crossed. I was poaching on his turf, even if he was taking the credit.

"That's it. He said... no, he implied that his SWAT people had captured those robbers."

"That's the deal. I do the work, the cops get the credit."

"That doesn't sound like a good deal to me."

"Heck, I don't want to be on TV. I'd have no life at all. My family would be harassed day and night and some people from the No Such Agency would probably come after me with a tranquilizer gun and a net. Thanks, but no thanks. Besides, the cops could use some saving too. One for sure and there's a good chance I kept a Police Detective Sergeant from a very unpleasant encounter with a man who thinks torturing girls in his garage is a cool hobby."

"The Torturer? You caught him?"

"Yah. Me. That was a very educational afternoon. I got some nice jewelry out of it, too."

"You mean the bells? The rings?"

"The same. He had me tied down tight for most of the afternoon. We both had a lot of fun until he found out I was enjoying things more than he planned."

"You enjoyed being tortured?" She sounded incredulous. I suppose it did come out that way.

"Well, not at first. But once I got over being scared, it was pretty good. Oh, look! I have a trick to show you." I hopped up and went to the sideboard. One of the drawers had a box of big swizzle sticks that were just the right size, so I used one to do my stick-through-the tongue trick. Mrs. Reynolds went completely 'Mom' on me and couldn't watch, but everyone else thought it was cool.

"And that didn't hurt?" Sue still didn't get it.

"Geff, ig hurg!" I took the stick out of my tongue. "Yes, it hurt! It hurt when he poked the hole in my tongue. It hurt when he pierced my nipples. It hurt when he burned off my clit-hood — oops! I wasn't going to say that. Scratch that. It hurt when he electrocuted me. It hurt when..."

"Hold it!" Mom, said. Mrs. Reynolds vanished completely. "He did what to what?"

"This is the part you didn't want to know, remember?"

"Well I know it now, dammit! What did he do to you?"

"It's called a hoodectomy. Or a clitoridotomy, if you want the technical term. He even had the right instrument for it, even if he did use a branding iron with it."

"A branding iron!" Mom was sounding like she was getting close to the edge and I was becoming 'concerned'.

"Mom, I'm OK. I had fun. I caught the bad guy. It's over. I just had some mods done to the bod, you know? It's nothing terrible. His point was that most girls could benefit from the operation, you know? I'm sure that some of them did."

"The ones that are in the loony bin? Or the ones that are still in Intensive Care? I watch the news too."

"OK, I'm not going to defend him. I think he may have been a victim, too. But that doesn't justify what he did to those other girls. He only did three things to me that are permanent, and I think two of them are almost certainly going to heal right up if I want them to. Actually, I'm not too sure about my hood. I'll show and tell if you promise to be calm."

"All right," she said, taking a couple of deep breaths. "I'll try to be calm. I knew this was going to be dangerous. I knew there was always a chance you could be seriously hurt. I promised myself I could deal with it and I will. You just surprised me. I'm OK now, so go ahead with what you were saying."

I wanted to make sure that she understood that I was fine, that I had come out of that homemade dungeon stronger and better than when I went in. I wanted to tell her what I had learned about myself that was the real danger, but that was the part I couldn't discuss. If I told her that the greatest danger to me was the possibility that I might yield to perverse, self-destructive urges, she would lock me in my room and never let me out again, just like Yvette had wanted to do. The opportunity for that sort of thing had to be pretty rare. It might even never happen again. Now that I knew to be on my guard, it probably wasn't a real threat. I was rationalizing again.

"Well, he had this medical instrument. He said he bought it from a medical-supply place somewhere. It looked like a pair of pliers with curved plates for jaws, only the top one was just an outline and... oh, you had to have been there. Look..."

I unzipped my skirt and let it drop to the floor. I pulled my g-string down and stepped out of it as well. I thought of going around to everyone but the light in the room was too dim to see well except directly under a lamp, so I hopped back up onto Bud's lap and put the soles of my feet together and spread my knees apart. This pulled my mons flat and made my exposed clit really stand out.

"You see. He burned right around the edge all the way up. He took the whole thing right off."

Everyone crowded around to see, even Neeka, who had seen it before. Bud leaned around me to get a peek and I turned to put my groin in the direct light of the table lamp beside the armchair. The comments were milder than I was afraid they might be.

"I've never seen one without the hood," Sue said. "It's bigger than I thought. Longer, too."

"That's what I noticed first," I said. "That there is more to a clit than we are used to thinking of. Without the hood, there's nothing for it to hide in, so you can see the whole thing."

"It looks like you've been circumcised," Jim said.

"I think that's a pretty good analogy," I agreed.

"It doesn't look as bad as I was afraid it would," Mom said. "It doesn't really look disfigured or anything, just different. How does it feel?"

"Oh, wonderful!" I gushed. "It's much more sensitive now. I have to exercise a great deal of restraint to keep my hands off it. Otherwise, I'd be playing with it all the time!"

"It's getting bigger," Bud observed.

"Well, everyone is staring at it," I said. "And breathing on it. It's so sensitive I can feel the air blowing out of the vent on it, too. Of course, the bigger it gets, the more I can feel."

I put my hands under my butt to keep them out of the way and to avoid the temptation of rubbing it right there in front of everyone. I thought that was safe, until I realized I had both hands right on Bud's cock. Instead of rubbing my sex, I squeezed his.

"May I touch it?" Sue asked.

"Please do," I said. It was growing like a weed now, and my resistance was fading quickly.

Sue put her hand on it where it rose from just above the hump of my pubic bone. She slowly stroked it down the entire length all the way to the tip. He touch was like velvet and I shuddered involuntarily, it felt so good.

Mom had to touch it as well. She stroked it and then gave it a gentle squeeze as it swelled up to the thickness of a third-grader's fat pencil. I bit my lip to keep from moaning with pleasure. I thought if I let them know how good it felt, they might stop touching it and right then I couldn't bear the thought of that.

"Wow! How big does it get now?" Jim asked. He hadn't had an opportunity to see Sam's Clit Mark II, since he had been well into my best friend the only other time it had been on display.

"Pretty big," I said. "Not as big as yours, though. But it's probably more sensitive."

Neeka had to top everyone. "I wonder if it tastes any different?" she asked, immediately making me flush with a wave of heat as I imagined a tongue gliding along the length of my clit, making it wet and slick.

Everyone backed off and let Neeka kneel on the floor between Bud's legs. She bent over and put her mouth close to my clit, but didn't touch it. She sat there and thought about running her hot little tongue over it, flicking it again and again to make it bounce wobble back and forth, getting harder and bigger all the time.

She stuck out her tongue and licked just the very tip, thinking that if it got big enough, she could suck on it like a cock and make me cum over and over again.

That was too much for me. I moaned loudly and pushed my hips forward, trying to get her to lick more of my clit. I started to pull my hands out from under me to rub it myself, but Bud grabbed my wrists and held on. I could have pulled free, but the idea of being forced to endure Neeka's tongue on me with no control over the situation made me so hot I almost came then.

Neeka kept teasing me until my clit had expanded to its full size of almost three inches long and over a half-inch thick. It curved out and up and quivered when I moved, which was all the time, because it felt so good to wiggle it like that.

"Oh, my!" Sue said. "That is a big one! I bet that feels fantastic."

"Ummmm, it does. It feels absolutely wonderful!"

Neeka kissed the end of it and then sucked it into her mouth all the way, coating it with her saliva and then pulling back off to let it cool in the air of the room. I almost went nuts when she did that. It was like sticking it into Jolene, the same hot, wet, tight sensation. I think I started to cum then, but I was so excited I couldn't really distinguish being so strongly turned on from an orgasm.

Neeka sucked it into her mouth again, and Bud put his hand under my chin and tilted my head back to kiss my open mouth. I started to cum harder at the feeling of having a tongue at both ends.

I broke the kiss and squirmed closer so I could lie back against Bud and have him kiss me without either of us straining our necks. Neeka stayed glued to my clit, sucking it like she expected cum to squirt out of it any second.

I glanced at Mom and Sue out of the corner of my eye. They had retreated to the love seat and Sue was watching Neeka suck my clit with her mouth hanging open and her tongue moving around it like she wished she were Neeka and could taste my flesh for herself. Mom had her hands under Sue's blouse, massaging her breasts and rubbing her nipples. I heard a moan and couldn't be sure whose it was. I looked down and saw Jim kneeling behind Neeka. He had her skirt up around her waist and had his hand between her legs, working her pussy juice into froth with his fingers.

It looked like everyone was going to have fun but Bud. I raised my butt and Neeka unzipped him and pulled his slacks down to his ankles. His big hard cock sprang free and I planted my feet on the arms of the chair and arched my back high so Neeka could shove the head of it into my soaking wet pussy. As soon as I felt it against my opening, I pushed down hard and impaled myself on it. After a frenzy of humping and shoving, I had him in me all the way to the root and Neeka resumed sucking my clit, just as Jim speared her pussy with his cock. I saw her eyes roll and then try to cross as his cock fought its way deep inside her.

With four of us connected like that, if was tricky to get a rhythm going. Since Jim seemed to be the key, we let him lead. He would thrust into Neeka, she would suck my clit into her mouth, I would pull up slightly on Bud and then let my pussy slide back down as Neeka backed off and Jim pulled out. It was something like a cheerleader routine where we had to do things in a particular sequence. I thought if cheerleading had been this much fun, I never would have quit.

I reached a plateau of arousal where the fog parted enough for me to focus on how everyone else was doing. The first thing I did was to check on Sue and Bambi. The elegant dress was in a pile on the floor and Sue's shorts and panties were on top of it. Sue's blouse was open and she was lying on top of Bambi, kissing her passionately as they caressed each other. I was mildly surprised to see that Sue seemed to be the aggressor, but they were both very much involved with each other. So involved that they were missing out on the team-fuck going on across from them.

My attention was drawn back to my own situation when Bud reached around me and cupped my breasts in his hands, pulling and twisting my rings and giving me sensations I had never had before as the metal loops moved in my flesh. The next time I looked at the love seat, it was empty. The only thing left was the pile of clothes on the floor.

Even having to accommodate and coordinate among the four of us, it was majorly exciting to make love in a group. I felt more connected than I had even been, and not just from having a cock in me and my clit in Neeka's mouth. It was similar to how I had felt on the roof Saturday afternoon, when we were all in a pile and no one could tell who they were getting off. It was a group of people who were giving and taking pleasure from each other while each of us conscious of our duty to the others. 'Team fuck' seemed a good name for it. We had to perform as a team to make it work and when we were successful, everyone got the most out of it. It seemed to me to be a good model for optimizing group dynamics, which meant I was letting my attention get too far from the fun of the thing.

I relaxed and let my over-analytical brain take a vacation while I concentrated on more immediate sensual and sexual matters. I tried to copy the feeling of what Neeka's mouth felt like on my clit onto Bud's cock using the muscles in my pussy. It must have worked pretty well, or at least my efforts were appreciated, because Bud started getting very worked up and his cock got very hard inside me and started to twitch like he was going to cum any second.

I tightened the ring of muscle in my cervix around the head of his cock to seal in all his cum and I tried to squeeze his cock.

The feeling of having his cock trapped inside me until he came pushed Bud over the edge. He bucked twice and I felt his hot cum hosing the top of my womb, filling me with his essence. I moaned into his mouth and kissed him hard to thank him for his gift, just as my own orgasm spiked and the fireworks started up.

Neeka's orgasm matched mine and we shared the intense waves of pleasure between us as we twitched and panted and moaned in an orgasmic duet.

Jim came a few seconds later. No male could have held out in the face of our song of lust. He pressed deeply into Neeka and shuddered again and again as he poured himself into her.

When the boys had run down, we all mostly collapsed in place. I dropped my feet off the arms of the chair and closed my legs to savor the feeling of a good cum and a cock inside me. Neeka fell back on top of Jim in the same situation. Neither of us wanted to part with those big cocks. We both wanted to keep them just where they were as long as possible.

"That was wonderful." Neeka said.

"Yeah," I agreed. "I could get used to this. What do you guys think? Does it bother you if we do it together like this?"

"Not at all," Jim said. "It was a real turn-on."

"Fine by me, "Bud added. "I hadn't done any group stuff until this weekend. That was really great and this was, too."

"I'm sorry I missed most of that," Jim said. "But the red-headed minx here had a bad case of hot pants and wouldn't let me up until I made her cum three times."

Same as Sam
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Blind Leading BlindChapter 3

I lay there next to Justine with Diane on her other side and reflected on how my life had made such incredible changes in such a short time. I had been shaken out of my comfortable life as a nobody by an ugly little blind girl. Now in the space of a few months I had taken two cherries and fallen in love. I did love Justine; I knew it after just one date and one time in bed. "I don't know about you two, but I'm hungry," said Diane. "What kind of groceries did you buy today,...

3 years ago
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A 22 year old woman has an affair with a 50 year old married man

For about perhaps the 20th time I wondered if I was doing the right thing. So ok, we had talked on the phone lots of times, sent each other letters and e- mail, but meeting face to face was different, what if neither of us were what the other expected. I knew the basics about him he was 50 unhappily married, fun to talk to, clever with words, wore glasses and w shorter than what I was. He knew I was 22, single, taller than him, also wore glasses and just looking for some fun, and that was as...

3 years ago
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Letting a stranger use my wife Part 2

Charles laughed a little. “Do you think you can handle this Slut?” “Yes! For sure I want her badly.” He replied Charles then spoke up again. “I have control of her for the night, but if it is ok with Bill and you can assure us you are clean and have no STDs, I think you might get to use her for an hour if you have a $1000 cash, on you.” Buddy reached into his pants and pulled out his wallet, he pulled out his cash and started to count it. “Fuck!” he said. “I only have $750 on me.” Charles...

2 years ago
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My horny little German wife

One night while we were fucking she told me she wanted to be my whore which surprised me but I was more than glad to accommodate her because she was fucking every man she knew anyway.After she told me that I told her we were going in town to an adult theater I want to see how much of a whore she could be. The theater is where we live women couldn't get in alone we went in as a couple at the back of theater I let her alone I went to another part of the theater where I could keep an eye on...

1 year ago
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the mind of Mary

I had met most of the people at various functions the firm held every year. So Noone was really surprised to see me behind one of the desk in the main foyer entrance hall. I had to start as a receptionist with a girl named Jill. Like myself Jill was tall blonde and well toned. Her measurements were 35c 29 34. I watched her walk up to and from the filing cabinets everytime she moved there. i am alot like Jill except I am 37c 30 35 ,with a totally shaven pussy because my brother likes it that...

4 years ago
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A Lazy Day At The Office

Candice had met her new love Marcus at the corporate Christmas party. She was just walking through the room conversing with people when this handsome guy, with thick wavy hair, bold facial features, and a smile bright enough to melt an iceberg walked up to her and introduced himself. “Hello, I’ve not seen you here before, the names Marcus Kindcade, business manager.” Their eyes met, and she felt the gaze from his gorgeous blue eyes go clear through her, straight to her clit. Trying not to...

1 year ago
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Mom gets married Part 3continued

Note : This story is completely fictional! My newest lover(my 38 year old mother) has been spending some time at the house with me. The event's I related earlier, occured on the second day of her 10 day visit. Things actually started though, four days before her decision to come home for this visit. Before now, I never knew what a sex fiend my mother could be!!! This is thursday, the first full day of my mother's 10 day visit. Earlier in the day, I had come home from work, for lunch, and was...

1 year ago
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Somebody pushed her brutally against a wall and she was instantaneously paralyzed by terror as a coldness began to run  through her body. Mark kissed her in the mouth and lips… and he did this with so much anger to upset her,  it felt  delicious though! A loud scream was heard through the room as the guy bit her and she believed her soul was abandoning  her body… too many sensations, emotions she hardly could stand. How could Darlene fight back, a vulnerable girl  like this?  As Mark kept...

2 years ago
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The Empress

“The Empress” 1968. Vung Tau. “Party-town.” The main-drag. Broad day light. Dusty streets. Thick, humid, late- summer air. People on foot. People on motorcycles. I was tired, hungry, thirsty, and horny. Spill the Wine was playing loudly in the bar across the street, as I continued my search. Finally, I came to the building I’d heard about. A building with the letters “E.M.K.,” decorated with Christmas lights. I walked through the door and was quickly greeted by a petite, plump Asian woman...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 17

Walt entered the kitchen and looked at me appraisingly. “You okay? I heard you were next door, staring off into space.” I could hear in his voice that he was concerned. “So much weird shit happening today, but mainly I’ve been worried because one of the rescued girls did everything but proposition me in front of one of the shrinks and my girls. Chloe and Marisa told me not to worry about it, they all understood, so I’m fine,” I answered. “I can’t keep one woman happy,” he chuckled. “While...

2 years ago
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My MILF encounter

When I was in High School I was one of the first people to get my license.I started giving rides to school for people and one of them happened to be my good friend Chris. Who just so happened had a really hot Mom.She was shorter, great body, ass and all, blonde wavy hair, pretty face, bright blue eyes. Everybody in my school knew she was hot and would pick on him all the time.The next two school years went by and I was still picking him up.He always said he was going to pay me, but never did....

1 year ago
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Master and slave

He grabbed my arm in a deceptively tight grip. ‘Let’s go….now!’ he growled just loud enough for me to hear it…and feel the simmering anger. I kept a well practiced expression of nonchalance on my face, knowing that to alarm the other guests at the party would not do, and any hint of my pleasure at his reaction would ruin my careful planning.  He had seen the artfully arranged encounter between myself and a striking brunette model a few minutes earlier.  She was an acquaintance of mine, who had...

3 years ago
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A Walk Around the Lake Chapter 10

He was ready, more than ready.  He had been alone, too long, and he loved this beautiful woman, with all his heart.  God, how was he ever going to last, he was sure that their first attempt at lovemaking would be very short lived.  He wanted to bury himself into her, but he also needed to know that she was going to be satisfied.  So for now, he told himself he must be patient.  He told himself, that she had only ever had one other lover, and that was her husband, and they waited until their...

2 years ago
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MoneyChapter 33

I was up early this morning running my medium route that took me by the back of the Holiday Inn, around to the back of the business park, past the special housing area, and then back to the patio. I really pushed this morning because it seemed that I needed to. I had coffee with Steve until he turned the light on and then went inside to get the girls moving. We had an orgy in the shower as I had some invasive fun with every one of the girls hoping it would help make them happy babes all day....

2 years ago
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Natural Neighbors 2 Drew Yazi Mom

[This story is a prequel to NATURAL NEIGHBORS but should be read second. It is about a family’s first incestuous experiences and contains oral, incest, anal, bi-sex and group sex. Don’t read it if any of those are offensive to you.] At first, I was annoyed that mom had invited strangers for a ‘new neighbor brunch’. Now, seated against their beautiful, fiery redheaded daughter Rayna, I couldn’t remember why. Her blonde mom, Maria, was nearly as hot and my twin sister couldn’t keep her eyes off...

1 year ago
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Serving My Sister IX Eileens Fantasy

100% fiction! Life at home had changed, especially since dad was now involved. Complicated, too. Let me try to simplify: I'm a cross dressing to my younger sister, Eileen. At first it was blackmail, but somewhere along the line I learned to love it. Now, every moment I'm home, I live to serve her. I wear what she says, do what she tells me... I'm completely at her mercy. My parents know about this, and pretend to disapprove in front of one another. The truth is, neither of them mind it at all....

2 years ago
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Punishment time for the wife or is it

“fine”, I said. “Let’s see if you really mean that.” I ordered her a few more stiff drinks then we left. She had dressed rather provocatively to keep me interested in her even though she had violated my trust. She knew she had fucked up and was trying to keep her good thing going, but I was pissed off. She’s what a lot of dudes call a bbw. About 5’5 250 pound or so. Long raven black hair, big brown eyes that are so incredibly sexy. Everything about her rocks my world. I don’t tell...

2 years ago
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Kissing CousinsChapter 4

When I finally turned 17, I visited my Granny again for the summertime ... just like always... I was so bitter because all my friends from school talked of how they were leaving to go here and there. I wasn't allowed to leave the Bayou. My parents insisted that I visit Granny's and also learn the value of a dollar. I got a small cashier job at the market in town working for a church friend of Granny's, Mrs. Delacroix. Cousin Hap had come back home for the summer vacation, he'd been...

4 years ago
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A Job In LondonChapter 2

Through glazed eyes I found myself looking in to that mirror again, I knew that me, dressed in the gold bisque and stocking, ring-gagged and bound, fucking myself off on the cock, would be the first sight Fays friend would see. Fay went to the door and I could hear excited voices, "Darling you cleaver girl, where is she,"--?"Jess control your self, all in good time, Bobbie, Josie, come on in, take your things off, here give them to me, ohhh you do risk it, don't you fear getting...

3 years ago
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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 6

I prepared two messages to POTUS. The first to go out over my name as "IO" – the super hacker that has a contract to defend the DOD's computers against attack and a similar agreement with Goldman-Sachs. 1. "Mr. President, Congratulations on your reelection. I assume you have been keeping up with the attempted intrusions on DOD installations. Most have come from Russia – they are the crudest attempts at Denial of Service on the Pentagon servers – and China. The Chinese attacks are more...

4 years ago
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Kennel Girl Part Two

The next day was I woke up early my mind was still racing with everything I’d experienced the night before. It was 6 o’clock and no one was up yet. I lay there for a few minutes covered up to my eyes in warm blankets thinking of what it would be like to have a dog jump up on my bed and for him to start sniffing his way around my body. As my mind raced I moved till I was laying completely on my back I opened my legs and pulled the bed clothes between them making it feel like someone, something...

4 years ago
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Coke Whore

Chapter 1 ‘Can I help you?’ asked Dave Segrove. He was posting a notice on the bulletin board of the Community Center when a pretty young girl came in the front door. She looked very confused and unsure of herself, and Dave also noted that she seemed very scared and sad. ‘Is this where they have the meetings for ‘Lost Partners’?’ she asked quietly, averting her eyes. ‘Yes, it is,’ Dave answered, surprised. The ‘Lost Partners’ program was a support group for widows and widowers the Community...

1 year ago
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A high-pitched shriek splits the sweltering summer air: "Help! Oh, help, help!" Your youngest sister Clara skids to a stop in front of you. "Francisco and I were playing in the barn!" she sobs. "He was showing me spells, and he set the hay on fire, and now–" A breath of wind springs up, and the acrid scent of smoke reaches your nostrils. The barn is some ways away from your parents' villa and the vineyards–there's that. But it is full of hay for feeding the horses, and hay catches fire so...

4 years ago
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The DrifterChapter 4

And the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander... I swear, the women in Kansas have to be the prettiest in the world. Mrs. McBrand looks as young as her daughter, Emily. Both of them are smiling right at me. I hope I don’t make a fool of myself. Damn, Mrs. McBrand is Mrs. McIntyre made over, in her bosom anyway. I wonder if she’s wearing her bindings and she’s still this large? What will I do if she wants to hug me? Seems to me women like hugs more than I ever...

3 years ago
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Cyber Lovers Meet

It all started online. In a chat room. Like the one here on Lush. We met. We clicked. We chatted. We even cybered a couple of times, when the mood was right. We got to know each other, our likes, our dislikes, some of our sexual preferences. Like I said, we clicked. So, when the opportunity arose for me to travel to your home town, we decided to meet. I suggested dinner, letting you pick the place. You told me what you planned to wear, so I would know you when I got there. You said you had red...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Striking Gold

Introduction: This is my first post, Id like some ideas what happens next. Striking Gold. by Zvogel For my last birthday Maggie surprised me by telling me she will fulfil one of my fantasies, shes arranged a for a portfolio of studio photos of her, you know the usual type, given a makeover, dressed in a sexy dress and posed in provocative poses. As it s my birthday treat, if she has the bottle, some topless pics as well, I dropped her off at the studio. Pick you up in an hour, enjoy your...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Hoot MccoyChapter 9

Hoot worked hard the next two days, keeping his mind busy. He and his Dad worked on his little hotrod coupe each night until 9:00 except for Wednesday, when church services were held. By Friday at 4:00, Hoot was smiling outwardly and inwardly, he wasn’t sure what the tonight would bring, but he knew it would be good, whatever it was, this was his and Little Tom’s first ever date. Hoot hurried home and took a long shower, resisting the urge more than once to jack-off into the warm water. He...

3 years ago
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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 55

Honolulu daylight savings time: 7:18 AM Tuesday, October 20, 2044 West Virginia time: 12:18 PM Tuesday, October 20, 2044 (EST Aina baseline) Aina time: 3:29 PM day 173 of 1451 Mayoni grunted softly, lifting her legs up higher so that her knees were almost touching her breasts, providing Keona deeper access into her. Mayoni was lying on her right side, and she lifted her left arm up without thinking. So in tune with Mayoni's desires that he wasn't even conscious of doing it, Keona left...

4 years ago
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Dont Fuck With Me Again

Sorry I haven’t written anything for a while. Some of you have e-mailed and wondered about me. Well I had a few health issues for a while but have been lucky to have good doctors. As anyone that has had major health issues will tell you it can turn your thoughts to be pretty dark. I think that’s where this story came from. To those of you that want some more of the series Horse club it will be coming soon. When I started this story I wanted to write a revenge story. I know it will probably get...

4 years ago
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Leaning back in my comfortable pillows, I watched the two naked women lounging and chatting playfully. They were lying a mat in front of me half turned towards each other, their outer knees raised and an arm behind the others neck. Loni suddenly stole a playful kiss; Caly glanced at me and catching a nod hastily returned the smooch. Spreading their soft fleshy thighs wide, revealing to me the smoothly shaven intersections where thighs converge. Their lower bodies undulated slowly yearning for...

1 year ago
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Sometimes A Little Vacation Is All You Needpart 2

Me: What is this? Alex: Just something that ma wanted me to give you. I took a look in the bag and saw a car book which was the Cadillac. I frowned at this and looked at Alex in the face. Me: Dude. Do not tell me that this is the new Cadillac V Series sedan? Alex: Yep and its outside waiting for you. He handed me the keys and I slowly rotated them in my hand. Alex: Oh can you watch Amber? We’re going to visit April's parents in North Dakota and we want to be there before it...

3 years ago
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SwapChapter 15

Hank Patrick strode down a hall in the hospital toward Nurse Leah Mullen's psych ward. The rapist had been identified, and even with DNA proof, Patrick didn't expect Mullen to believe him. Lieutenant Longacre with the Scottsdale Police Department had called him with the news, and had asked Patrick in his capacity as head of security to move the rapist to the secured area of the hospital where prisoners were held until some officers arrived to read the man his rights, arrest him, and...

3 years ago
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My Weekend Of Happy Torture

I washed the dishes and put the kitchen back in order from dinner. Master said that he was going to show our guest around the house. It was Harry's first time here. I had met Harry a time or two, when going to Master's workplace. He was very good looking. As I stood there, loading the dishwasher, I thought about him. Master and I had an open relationship. He also knew that I liked blond guys. I couldn't get Harry out of my mind. He was tall, blond, deep blue eyes, and had a pronounced bulge...

1 year ago
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Second Chances Ch 15

Naomi and Sarah arrived in town and parked the wagon in front of the general store that also served as the local post office. They climbed down, chatting and laughing as they entered the establishment. A bell over the door tinkled, and the young women sighed, glad to be out of the freezing temperatures. ‘Hello Mrs. Thatcher,’ Naomi said, with a friendly nod to the shopkeeper. ‘I trust you’ve been well.’ Mrs. Thatcher beamed, happy to be the first to see the new Mrs. McKenzie around town. Her...

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my satin shemale evening

It was a usual Friday night. The bar was busy with guys as ever but nothing seemed to stand out this evening. I drank for a while then i got a pat on the shoulder, i lowered my drink and turned to see the most beautiful lady id ever seen. (or least i thought see was a lady)She asked me if i was alone, to witch i replied yes. after a few drinks we were getting along great she said, 'shall we ditch this joint and head for mine' Winking at me. I thought id hit the jackpot. The taxi ride was long...

4 years ago
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Sagging Boobs Ugly Nipples Ch 03

The end of the tale. Thanks for reading. I apologize for the delay, but I’m working with someone now temporarily, to proof and edit my work. I will soon need another editor, any volunteers? …………………………………………. Stella raged, screaming in the car. She raged about the unfairness of life, the choices she made that were wrong. and most of all, she raged about Charley, and the happiness he had found. It was totally irrational, she knew that, but she felt Norma had stolen something that was hers....

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Destiny Cruz Young Anal Badass

Young, blonde Latina starlet Destiny Cruz talks nasty to the camera, flaunting her hot body in a skimpy swimsuit. Destiny fondles her twat through a heated tease session, soon welcoming hung stud Ramon Nomar. Destiny gives him a drooling blowjob, whimpering as Ramon simultaneously probes her rectum with a dildo. Destiny rides his big cock, creaming and moaning as Ramon’s rod stuffs her cunt. She masturbates as Ramon’s rod pries open her sphincter. Ramon sodomizes her hard! The nasty...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Audrina 07062020

Cam met busty, curvy Audrina while she was bartending at a local watering hole a couple weeks ago. She was intrigued to meet a real porn star and wanted to know more. They exchanged phone numbers and began talking. Recently, she lost her job and asked him to get her some adult video work, so we brought her in the next day for an audition. Once she arrived, I convinced her that I could get her a job making $1000-$5000 per day if she followed my instructions, which she did. Her reaction to...

3 years ago
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The Harriss Part 2 the ThreatChapter 5

narrated by Steve Harris I woefully watch the two SUV’s vanish around the corner. I jump in my car and burn rubber back to my house. The place is a wreck. They all but destroyed the contents of our home. They tried to get into my safe, but were unable. I opened it and stuffed all fifteen hundred dollars that was in there in my pocket. Then I raced up stairs and yanked a pillow case off Stephany’s pillow and started stuffing as many of her school type casual close and sneakers into it. I did...

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