Lara's Larceny free porn video

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The fetid odour of uneaten pizza lingers in the stale, silent air as the sun slinks slowly over the skyline. The room turns dark for all except the defiant, flicking television in the corner. I swipe a fingertip across my phone, bathing my desk in pale light.

‘No messages. 9 o’clock.’

My fingers drum irritably on the armrest. It’s maddening, yet I can’t stop the relentless torture eating slowly into my brain. At last I leap to my restless feet, pacing the room. Religiously, I check my phone every three laps of the three-piece, mumbling angrily to myself more and more.

‘C’mon, Lara, you’re taking the piss, now…! This is the third time this week!”

Eventually, I snatch up the phone and punch ‘call’, still unable to stop my pacing. The endless ringing in my ears is as torturous as the drumming. I can feel the tension in my jaw, desperate to grind my teeth together. My whole body shakes with a rage I can’t explain.

‘Why does this bother me so much…? For fuck’s sake, answer the fucking phone, Lara!’

I can almost scream. My foot lashes out petulantly – and painfully - at the sofa. I curse just as the ringing stops.



The voice that greets me is male – deep and resonant. His tone immediately halts the impetuous outburst I had prepared. With only one word, he sounds assured - answering my wife’s phone as though it were his own.

‘Who the…’

“Hello? Who is this?” I cringe. My voice suddenly sounds high and whining – impotent. “Where is Lara?”

“You must be Darren.”

He enunciates his words, slowly and clearly.

“That’s me, yes, Lara’s husband. This is Lara’s phone, yes? Where is she?”

My impatience redoubling, my grip on the phone returns.

“You can call me Mr. Fairbanks. I have other names, but I would prefer Mr. Fairbanks.”

 ‘This one rushes nothing, does he?’

“Please, call me Mr. Lions. You’re Lara’s-“

“I’m Lara’s employer at Fairbanks and Sons, Darren. She’s worked here for a few years now, I believe.”

‘Is he playing games, now? ‘Darren’? He cut me off…!’

“Okay, so where-“

His steady stream of consciousness continues, regardless.

“Lara is still here, in the office. She is busy working late – she has a…”

Finally, he pauses for a second and we’re both silent. I hear a quiet sound in the background, but I can’t identify it.

‘Is that a fish tank…? It sounds gurgling.’

“Sorry, Darren, I meant to say…”

My teeth grit and I can’t help myself.

“Mr. Lions.”

It feels good to cut across him and silence that arrogant tone. We seem to sit in solemn, posturing silence for a moment.

“Excuse me?” He sounds challenging, rather than courteous. Stupidly, I feel the need to swallow before replying, like a disciplined schoolboy.

“Mr. Lions. My name is Mr. Lions.”

“I see.” Fairbanks pauses before continuing. “As I was saying, Darren, Lara is very busy at the minute. She has a full load to work on. It could take some time.”

My teeth grate and my eyes twitch slightly, fluttering as I hold back the angry expletive I want to unleash upon this pumped-up prick.

“Can I speak to her, please?”

‘Why am I asking permission to speak to my own wife…?’

“I’m afraid not, at the moment, Darren. She is very busy, as I said. She cannot be interrupted. Is there anything you’d like me to pass on to her?”

I stop for a moment. My anger feels very justified, but to whine about it over the phone, to this man simply feels wrong. I close my eyes and sigh, trying to articulate myself.

“I was simply wondering where she was at this hour. I’m home and I haven’t heard a word from her all day.”

“Yes, I hear you spend a lot of time there lately, Darren.”

His voice is naturally cold, but that one accusation hits my heart with a frozen spike.

‘What has Lara been telling him...?’

“Excuse me?”

Fairbanks clears his throat and I hear shuffling. There’s quiet for a moment, before he whispers a ‘shush’.

“Did you just shush me, Mr. Fairbanks?”

I cannot hide my indignation, my voice almost cracking with veiled fury.

“What? No, no, I did not, Mr. Lions. Perhaps the line isn’t very clear.”

“It seems clear, to me.” I can almost pump my fist in victory at being called Mr. Lions. “Anyway, Mr. Fairbanks, I’d just like to say that I’m not sure Lara should be working such long hours like this. She’s barely home and it can’t be good for her.”

“We all do what we must, Darren.”

He leaves his sentence there, hanging infuriating with that final disrespect.

“What does that mean, exactly?”

“Must I explain myself, Darren? I would say that your wife works the hours she does, because she feels it’s necessary. Money is often a problem for young couples who outstretch themselves.”

‘He wants to comment on our finances, as well as our marriage now, does he…?’ My fist squeezes around my phone so hard I don’t know how it doesn’t break. My whole body strains and I can hear the blood pumping hard in my ears. ‘Who does this arrogant cunt think he fucking is?!’

“Money is not a problem in our household, Mr. Fairbanks, thank you. We are perfectly secure as we are. I do not appreciate the suggestion otherwise.”

He chuckles. He fucking chuckles. If I was angry before, now my whole body wants to spew vile curses in his face, before giving it a good, solid smack.

“Oh if only that were true, Mr. Lions. Don’t worry, your wife informed me of your lack of employment. It cannot be easy on her to support the two of you right now. Things can easily turn desperate.”

“We are not desperate.”

My words are ground out slowly through barred teeth, my tone deliberately steady.

This time, he actually gives a full, barking laugh.

“Darren, please! You haven’t had a job in months. How could she support you, on her puny wage? You poor boy, you’ve no idea, have you?”

His condescending, patronising tone is driving me to turn in tight, rapid circles. I’ve never been so angry in my life – I feel seconds away from tearing down to her office and giving his disgusting sneer a beating.

“She begged me, Darren. She begged, on her knees, in my office, with tears streaming down her pretty face.”

I feel numb. My throat closes and I can’t respond. I can hear the satisfied arrogance in his voice – hear the sneering smirk painted across his face. ‘How dare he talk like this…!’

“Honestly, Darren, I could’ve laughed when she asked for overtime. Overtime! I was days away from firing her and she wanted overtime! I wasn’t sure she had a single talent or redeeming feature. Your wife really is a dumb, talentless bitch, Darren, d’ya know that?”

“How dare you speak about my wife like that, you pompous prick? She’s more than you and your fuckin’ company deserve! I’ll make sure she leaves and never comes back to your fuckin’ office! Just wait until she hears this!”

He laughs, again, and I lash out. A single swing of my fist smashes the mirror hanging on the wall and shreds the backs of my knuckles with glass. I’m pacing in circles, dripping blood from my clenched fist and fuming. His laugh seems to last an age, mocking me, and I only want to replace the mirror with his despicable smirk.

“Darren, do you think she doesn’t know? She heard every word I said just now. She’s right here with me, aren’t you, Lara?”

A pause precedes Mr. Fairbanks’ quiet tut.

“She’s shy. Don’t be shy, Lara. Say hello to your husband, for me.”

I blink and my heart skips as I hear a muffled “hello”.

“Lara? What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

Anxiety drives my heart rate higher and higher. Fear and worry course inexorably through my veins. My pounding ears are almost deaf to his words.

“She’s fine. She’s more than fine – she’s brilliant, in fact. I was wrong, you see, Darren.”


“Yes, quite wrong. I thought your wife was a worthless waste of wages. I was wrong. She really is a gorgeous woman, really.” I frown, confused. “She looks beautiful with a cock in her throat, doesn’t she, Darren? She has a real talent for cock-sucking, it’s true, but over the past few weeks I’ve discovered a few more besides. She holds many surprises, Darren.”

There’s no anger. I’m numb; cold. I collapse into the chair and in the silence I can hear that steady gurgling noise in the background again. I know what it is. My heart seizes, yet I somehow find my voice to whisper.

“You’re fucking my wife.”

That sardonic snigger rings out once more.

“Oh, not at the minute, Darren, no. She’s just worshipping me with her mouth. It’s a favoured starter of hers, I’ve found. She seems to adore lavishing herself on this thick dick. She looked up at me, that day in my office, from her knees. Her eyes were filled with tears, her hair was dishevelled and her blouse was open far more than you’d think decent.

“Right there, I couldn’t help thinking how truly wicked she would look with a cock in her mouth. I wanted to see those big, tear-soaked blues looking up at me, Darren, as I rammed every inch into her throat. I made her an offer.”

He chuckled and I could only swallow, feeling my body hollowing out by the minute.

“Do you know, Darren, she crawled. She crawled across my office floor to lay her head on my lap and begged me to let her suck this cock. I thought about denying her, just to see her reaction. Oh, it was tempting. I’m glad I didn’t, though. I’m glad I exposed those fantastic tits and fed myself into her throat. She knelt there fingering herself through the tears. That mouth is truly majestic, isn’t it, Darren?”

I’m struck dumb. I should just hang up – finish the call and end the torture. I can’t. I just listen, in body-wracking fear and anger. Fairbanks’ tut is patronising.

“Don’t wanna play, Darren? I had hoped we could both agree that your wife is a gorgeous, filthy cock lover. She’s truly despicable, I love it. This whole time we’ve been talking, she’s had two fingers buried inside her cunt, moaning on my shaft like a complete whore. I suppose that’s what she is now, isn’t she, Darren? Your wife is my whore. Every night when I’m done with her, I throw a handful of notes across her cum-soaked body and leave her here to clean up and come back to you. Does she give you a kiss, with the lips I take my pleasure from? I own those lips - and your whore wife, Darren. Isn’t that right, Lara?”

I’m relieved to hear Lara’s seemingly unwilling mumble. Fairbanks sighs, loudly. She gives a whimpered whine and there’s the unmistakable sound of lips smacking, before a breath of air.

“Tell your husband that you’re my filthy whore now, Lara.”

There’s quiet in both rooms for several seconds.

“Come on now, Lara. Say it…!”

My voice returns at last, as I feel her unwillingness to obey.

“Lara, get away from him! You don’t need him! I’ll find us a way out of this, okay? Don’t do what he says, just come ba-“

The words tumble desperately, stumbling and quick, before he speaks, cutting me off.

“You know you need me, Lara. You need this. Just to prove my point…” I can hear the sounds of movement before the crack of a hand on a table. “That’s £1000, Lara. That’s a nice little bonus for you - if you can tell your husband who you are.”

A few seconds of silence are broken by a quiet, mumbled voice.

“I’m your whore, Sir.”

My eyes close and my heart sinks, pressed under further by his narcissistic cackle.

“I said tell your husband, my dear bimbo, not me. Tell Darren, Lara.”

I can hear her sobbing and I open my mouth, when I hear her speak.

“Darren, I’m Mr. Fairbanks’ whore.”

Tears squeeze from my eyes and I silently shake out my anger, hearing the jangling of a belt buckle.

“Good girl, Lara. No, no, stop that. No more cock sucking. God. Your bitch is a truly insatiable slut, Darren. Well, she’s my bitch now, I suppose. I don’t know how you managed to keep her this long. She really needs a strong man to keep her, don’t you, Lara?”

“Yes, Sir,” I hear her intone.

“With a little more enthusiasm, girl…!”

“Yes, Sir, I need a strong hand!”

“Better. Much better. You see, Darren? A good woman needs good training. Now, which of this filthy whore’s holes should I fuck today, Darren?”

I’m incoherent. I can only listen to the sound of his belt heavily hitting the floor.

“C’mon, girl, get me out of these clothes. Not going to play, Darren? I’m disappointed. I do love to hear my whore scream as she gets her ass fucked, but I think I’ll fuck her filthy little snatch today, instead. I can send it back to you filled with cum, can’t I? That will be fun. You’ll enjoy that, won’t you, Lara?”

“Yes, Sir. Please fill my pretty pussy with your cock, Sir.”

Hearing her dirty talk is agony, but I can’t deny the throbbing ache in my loins. I close my thighs together. They’re slick with pre-cum.

‘What the fuck is happening to me…? How can I possibly…’

“Don’t just stand there, girl! Bend your arse over that table and slide those dirty knickers down. I wanna see you strip.”

I can hear the slick sounds of him wanking as she performs for him. He grunts and mumbles his approval as I’m forced to imagine the scene. I can see her long, shining blonde hair cascading around her shoulders. I can see the lustful look in her eyes as she cups her heavy tits.

I imagine her slipping out of her bra and throwing it towards her audience as she tweaks at her nipples, pinching and pulling them gently. She turns slowly on the spot and bends at the waist, hiking up her skirt to show the tight curve of her arse. My hand wraps around my cock and strokes as I can see her shimmying out of her panties and spreading her legs. She reaches one hand of slender fingers between her thighs and spreads herself wide as she shines a grin back between her legs.

“Oh, not the skirt, Lara. Leave the skirt. Good girl. Just the knickers. Oh my, they are soaked, aren’t they?”

I know the skirt he’s talking about. It’s a short pencil skirt with a slit down the side. It perfectly shows the shape of her long, tanned thigh. She wore a hot pink thong this morning; it darkens perfectly when she’s turned on, creating an unmissable damp patch.

“Bring them to me, girl. Oh yes.” He inhales, loudly. “I do love that filthy smell, Lara. We don’t need any more proof of your ownership, do we girl?”

“No, Sir. I’m your whore, Sir.”

“Yes, yes.” He chuckles and I hear my wife’s moan, familiar to my ears, before a wet, slurping noise. “Even so, we’ll let your husband hear how wet your filthy cunt is, shall we?”

They fall silent and the only sound in the room is the incessant, obscene noise of his fingers sawing into her again and again – tinged with her plaintive groans.

He suddenly stops and Lara lets out a mewling little whimper.

“Oh listen to the slut whine because I’ve stopped, Darren! Tell me whose whore she is, now. I just have to taste. Oh. Yes, I love that sweet pussy. Mmm. Doesn’t it taste good, slut?”

There’s a muffled, drawn out moan, laced with excitement. She’s sucking herself from his fingers and the thought gives my cock an almost painful throb in my hand.

“Enough! I need more!”

Lara squeals excitedly, giggling as I hear a squeak of flesh on a polished surface.

“Open your legs, girl, that’s it. Hold this. Make sure dear hubby can hear.”

There’s a fumbling sound and then a clash as the phone lands on what must be a desk. I’m straining my ears to listen, but I can’t explain why. I hate every minute of this and yet a sick part of me wants to hear the sound of his tongue grazing over her sodden pussy.

Lara gives a long, drawn out groan and I know he’s made contact. A second later I can hear a quiet slurp before she whines once more and there’s another squeak from the desk.

“Keep still, woman. God, you are hot today.”

A crack rings loud in my ears and she starts to shriek before it turns to a guttural moan.

“Oh fuck yes, smack my cunt, you filthy old bastard!”

‘She’s encouraging him! She’s enjoying this, the bitch…!’

I hate to admit it, but I’ve never been so absolutely turned on. I can’t help my fist pumping aggressively over my shaft as I listen to every sound. There’s another couple of groan-inducing smacks before I hear him mumble unintelligently.

“Suck that fucking clit, Sir! Yes! Give me those fingers. Fuck that little ho-o-o-ole!”

Her cries drag out and I can hear his mumbling satisfaction against her skin. My eyes are clamped shut, now, and I’m lost. I can’t react to anything except to stroke myself harder and faster, desperately hoping to hear her come.

“Suck it! Yes! Oh, fuck! Get that tongue in that cunt like that, yes! You love that creamy pussy’s taste, don’t you? Lick it! I’m gonna come all over your fucking face!”

Lara squeals and there’s a ringing smack once more.

“I do spoil you, but only because you’re worth it, slut,” Fairbanks snarls at her.

Lara screams. I know he’s dived in once more. He’s determined to finish her off. Her cries become endless and ragged. She lets out one almighty howl and it’s all I can do to not come and coat myself in my own load.

Suddenly there’s a smacking of lips and a man’s chuckle.

“Oh, if you didn’t taste so good, Lara, I wouldn’t be nearly so nice to you.”

A smack rings out and my wife squeals, then giggles.

“Get that ass up. That’s it, face down. Wiggle it for me. Good girl. You still there, Darren?”

I don’t respond, holding my breath.

“Oh don’t pretend. I know you’re there. I bet you’re stroking that pathetic cock, listening to your wife come like she hasn’t in years. Well keep on listening, Darren. I want you to hear this. Ready, slut?”

Lara moans and shrieks. A second later I can hear nothing but a long, happy groan from my wife.

“That’s how she sounds when she takes a real cock, Darren.”

She moans underneath him, crying out in time with his smacking thrust into her. I can hear every thrust and every cry from my wife’s pleasure-ridden body. She squeals and whines, mumbling my name and his as she approaches climax once more.

“You gonna come on this cock for your husband, Lara?” There’s another smack – it must be her ass.

“I’m gonna come all over that gorgeous cock! Oh, Sir! Darren!”

We’re both listening to her cries as she takes him faster and harder. I can hear his desperate groans, holding back despite her incessant need. She tightens up when she gets close and no cock is safe. Her cries become shorter and shorter. Both of our names leave her lips and a moment later, she comes with a shriek of pleasure.

“I love you!”

Her words tumble through my head like bells. She yelps out her final pleasure and I come with her, firing rope after rope of hot come across my bare torso, groaning and squirming on the spot.

I don’t know to whom she spoke and I can’t explain the wracking orgasm firing through me. My heart pounds and I hear Fairbanks grunt. He groans and the cries suddenly turned muffled as Lara screams.

“Oh yes, bite me and fill my whore cunt! Give me that hot load!”

His groans turn louder and I hear him grunt a few times before the silence returns, save a few short breaths. Fairbanks chuckles and I hear Lara slowly groan one last time.

“Worth every penny. I’m done with my bitch for tonight, Darren.” His voice is breathless. “I’ll send her back with a sloppy surprise. I want her clean for tomorrow night, though. Same time tomorrow, Lara. You will have a good night, you two, won’t you?”

Same as

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With Another Horny Aunty Prathima

Hi I’m Raj again. As I explained how I fucked my lower middle class neighbour Meena atha (aunt) who was a newly widowed lady and was happy with my fuck during my holidays ( ). As usually during my holidays and one fine day, me and my atha were fucking like hungry animals n with making sexy sounds and our act was seen by an neighbour lady to my atha’s (aunt) house. In my Meena atha’s compound there are 2 houses and to come to Meena atha’s house one have to...

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Defowering of niece

This is a true story that happened 5 years back between me and my elder sister in law’s daughter. I was 35 years while she was 18 years and about to get married. I had gone to Jaipur from Bangalore to attend a conference. As our families are very close my niece asked her parents if she could go with me to Bangalore to spend 15/20 days leave with my family before she got married off. So we took the flight from Jaipur to Delhi. We were to change the flight in Delhi but due to some technical...

4 years ago
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Forgotten Fragments

One I discovered her in an old robot workshop in the drop-off zone of the city. I would have glanced at the shop banner and passed it by, but I had noticed that such stores were becoming scarcer and rarer as time went by. Since it could be my last chance to see inside a true twenty-first century roboshop - alive as only a history lesson can make it - and since I'm not a person to give up on last chances, I decided to jump in and take a look. I found out later that it indeed could have been...

1 year ago
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WendyAs I drove to pick up my thirteen year old daughter Wendy from School I thought back to the visit from my Wife now my ex Wife who called to clear out her wardrobe and tell me she wouldn’t be home for Christmas or anytime after as she was moving in the her Girlfriend there would be no custody battle as Wendy was an inconvenience and she would be better with me. I work from home as a writer my ex wife worked away and was never home so by default I became a house father.We have always had a...

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Friends Forever Chapter 2

Years have passed since I last saw Ben. He moved from Michigan to Virginia almost six years ago, and the events that happened on that spring day back in 1998 are just a memory that helps get me off from time to time. It seems like every time Ben has been in town, something has come up and prevented me from meeting up with him. Tonight I was determined to see him, no matter what. I was lucky enough to have the weekend off work, but unlucky enough to be stranded at home without a car. I called my...

Straight Sex
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My wife enjoys Jamaica

My wife enjoys JamaicaSeptember came in after a hard busy year. Anita and I decided to take a relaxing one week vacation to Jamaica. The only thing on the schedule for me was relaxing at the pool and beach for a whole week. On the other hand, the only thing my sweet Ana had in mind was the chance to meet a big black guy there; a well endowed black guy.The resort was perfect. Every night after dinner we watched the entertainment staff putting on a nice show. Then we grabbed a glass of wine to...

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Life in the NeighborhoodChapter 2 How Safe is Safe

Things in my house then settled down a little. Cathy got daily calls from the DSS caseworker checking on her welfare. After the calls Cathy would relate to me what they had talked about. I was glad for Cathy's sake that DSS was doing their job quite admirably. Cathy was starting to relax some but several times during the night she would awake screaming and end up in my bed being comforted. I had a great deal of affection for her and did not object to her coming to me with her fears even if...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 11 The Ties that Bind

Our morning of post-coital bliss was disrupted. We’d planned on the Gordons and Prices coming for lunch, but not on my daughter arriving with the surprise announcement that she was engaged. Trust Betts to make everything about her. My head was absolutely spinning and I wanted time to lie in the arms of my lovers and just absorb what we had done. Lovers. I had made love to a woman. I was in love with a woman. And my husband, of course. I had lain next to them and guided my husband’s penis...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 4The Battle for the Space Docks

The Battle for the Space Docks Federation Fleet Captain John Wilkes walked onto the bridge of the USS America and looked at the main screen. The news he had just received about the takeover had him nervous about possible saboteurs or traitors on board his command. Pressing the intercom, he started to address the crew, "This is the Captain speaking. All hands man your battlestations. This is not a drill. Units of the United States Military have engaged our bases on the moon and the Arizona...

2 years ago
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Best cocksucking day of my life

I was new to cocksucking, having only sucked four cocks in my life. Actually the first cock, I only held it in my mouth for a few seconds. Then the guy sucked me. I was so ashamed of what had just happened I couldn’t wait to get away from him. I had met him on a city street where gay men cruised. I got out of my van and waited for someone to stop and offer me a ride. He took me to his home where we did the deed. Well, the shame lasted for only about a week. I wanted to do it again. I went back...

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How i quite my job

when i went in the office it seemed quite comfi and chill. there were 4-5 tables with chairs with computer in the room. an air was cool. there were not anyone in yet . so i turned on my computer and opened files. at that moment i heard door closing next to my room. boss had come in her room and waited for stuff. first in my new job, not a bad position to pretend to be hardworking person i thought. though i didnt know my colleagues yet i supposed to be them very friendly... why not. soon they...

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The Book of DavidChapter 8 Victim

PRE-COLLEGE (September 2001) She was already there when I arrived. It was a glorious morning, with blue skies and the sweet smell of flowers and the trees around me. Life was moving on. Cherys turned from her spot and smiled at me. For a second I hesitated, unsure of exactly how to greet her. There had been no repeats since I took her 'virginity', and I wasn't expecting there to be any either. We'd had our moment together, a culmination of long held fantasies. And yet, we hadn't...

2 years ago
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The Bells of HomeChapter 7

Justin felt his blood turn to ice. "That," Alicia said, speaking for most in the room, "makes no fucking sense." Oh, but it did. It all made sense. Or, it could. The languages. The animal aliens. The ... familiarity, and stupidity, of it all. God fucking damn it, if they were... There'd be no going home. He saw Alicia turn to him, her face becoming disgusted as his expression registered. "Oh, fucking ... please, don't say you understood that. I don't want a kid fathered by...

2 years ago
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Mummy and I in the back of the cab

I once went to a restaurant with my mothers boyfriend, he was in his late 40's, and after a glass of champagne, he called me a wild c***d, when she got up and went to the ladies room.I told him to mind his own fucking business(My exact words), and curtly reminded him that he was not my father.'I would take you knickers down and spank you hard, you're ass would sting for weeks', he retorted, I hesitated then fired back, 'How do you know I am wearing any', trying to shock.It appeared to have...

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First Kiss 9 Fawn 2

Dawn looked down at the blood pooling on the bathroom floor. Her blood. She put the letter opener down on the counter with a shaky hand as more blood spilled from her cuts.She sat down on the bathroom floor, then curled into a ball and started sobbing. She had needed some kind of release from the pain she suffered daily. Everyone around her was always happy, cheerful, and totally ignorant of the turmoil in Dawn's heart. She needed a different kind of pain to drown out the pain she already felt....

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Me My Husbands Boss and His Wife

I had been deeply straight and loyal wife. But to save his job, I turned a slut. My husband Mahesh said to me, " I have to figure out a way to save my job. My boss Mr Arora has clearly explained that I have to be sacked. His intention is bad, darling, he has given hints that if I have to stay on the job, I must make sacrifice. People even send their wives to their Boss, to save jobs. I too have reached this position by offeriung my wife to my Bosses!" I did not understand what Mahesh meant and...

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Tristen My Daughters Friend chapter 1

Jay was an average guy just hitting 40. He was married with 3 kids. Jay realized that the passion he felt for his wife was fading as she got older and her body was not the same as it used to be. Jay's oldest daughter Anna was a senior in high school and she enjoyed her school year as a cheerleader, working part time, and hanging out with her friends in the weekends. Jay never minded his Anna having her friends over. They were always so young and beautiful and he liked to talk and act...

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Train Your Man to Eat Pussy

A lot of women love have their pussy licked as much as or even more than having a cock fill their cunt. And if you have a man who loves to go downtown every chance he can get, great! But what do you do if your man either won't do it, won't do it right or long enough or if he treats pussylicking as something obligatory and a mere prelude to sticking his cock up your twat? Well, don't just complain. As a guy who LOVES to give head, here's some advice about what you can do to get your man to adore...

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My InitiationPart 2

I got to see a lot of really wonderful sights while I was trying to get ready to complete my initiation for the fraternity I was trying to join. All I had to do was get eighteen pairs of panties and one from the dorm or another and I had a week to do it. While I was watching the dorm to get the schedules of the girls, I got to watch things that go on in the sorority One girl I watched undress in front of her mirror. Then she started to play with her tits, but when she spread her legs and...

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Kaise Mene Bua Ki Ladki Ko Apne Ghar Me Choda

Me ek bohot bada reader hu iss ka aur me hamesha padhta hu stories means roz aur aap sabko me mere story se entertain karne ki koshish karna chata hu it’s a real story thodi badi hai par me jayad wait nahi karvaunga me toh apne bareme bata deta hu me average looking banda hu sawla colour hai mera aur mera height 5’8 hai aur average body hai jyada slim nahi na jyada fat. Me Navi, Mumbai (Maharashtra) me rahta hu. Mera naam Nia hai (name changed) mera age abhi 22 hai us vakt me 18 saal ka tha aur...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 90

The next day at 1:00pm, I met with Robert Wells, our new County Agent. He rode with me for two hours, over the Donavan Farm, the part of the Montague Farm that’s in Collins County, and all the land I’d bought from Judge Skelley. I learned a lot from him, and he asked if I would let him and his assistant put in test plots, of seed, new herbicides, and even do a plot where we have irrigation, with a test of non-irrigated cotton in the same field. I told him who I was working with on my seed...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 54 About Face

The rest of the afternoon was a nightmare. Somehow, the blow to my happiness had also been a blow to my stamina, and I felt bone tired despite adequate rest. I kept up with the group, but it wasn't an easy thing. I didn't talk, didn't look around, just put everything I had into putting one foot in front of the other. Tomas, Leli, Aedan, and even Morrigan had tried to bring me out of my shell, but I just didn't have the energy to respond. I stowed my gear on Bodahn's cart; usually I...

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What Happens in Quarantine Part 3

And then afterwards, Daniel had both of his children lick and suck his dick clean. It had felt like heaven, although Anthony had been unsure about doing it. Daniel chuckled a little as he lay there. It was probably the first time the boy had ever done anything with another guy. But, as Daniel remembered from college, other men can make some of the best sexual partners. After he had let them run off, Daniel had heard Lacey and Anthony fucking all afternoon. They had barely emerged to eat...

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Another ChanceChapter 60

Grace unlocked and bumped the wall just so and the solenoids pulled the bars out of the door and jam which allowed her to bump the door with her butt and it swung open ... inwards. She hit the switch on one of the bay doors and the one on the far end rattled it's way up. There was a clean floor, a work bench and several machine tools; a couple of old lathes, three mills, a planer or two, two drill presses, vises, a tempering furnace, a pipe extruder and no crimp bender, an old Miller Falls...

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Owner Magalu

Naanu kannada dalli story baritha idini, nan feelings na english nalli helokitha kannada dalli chenagiruthe antha nan anisike, nan name rahul antha, evaga nanu engineering’s 4th year madtha idini nanu stay agirodu mysuru nalli room nalli idini. E story nan room owner maglu jothe nalli avla hesaru nesara antha, nodoke chrnagidale dappaneya mole galu size 30 irbhahudu avlu bsc madtha irodu, nanu avra mane mele iruva room nalli irodu. Owner mele nan room ge film transfer madkolake bartha idru,...

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Pados Vali Aunty Ki Sister Ko Choda 8211 Part II

Hello dosto kese ho aap sab. I’m Vishal from Gujarat. Aaj me apko ak aur nai story batata hu. It’s real. Muje badi umra ki aurte bahut pasand he… khas kare 35 se 60 year ki age vali aurte Unke sath sex karne ka maja hi kuch aur he aur uje boobs cabana aur chusna to behad pasand he… me ghanto tak boobs chus sakta hu…Ab aate he aaj ki story par. Abhi vacation chalraha he to hamare pados me ak aunty aayi tode din rehne k liye….hamare pados me jo aunty rehti he unki sister aayi hui thi… unki umra...

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Deputy PorterChapter 87

Hugo might not have kicked the guy's ass, but he wouldn't let any of them near me. My cover was blown to anyone with a smart phone and facial recognition software. Odd are none of them did, but I didn't want to take the chance at the moment. I needed time to think without that 'brain on drugs' fog. So when Mission came in and said, "Okay, this has been quite the love fest, but I'm taking her away for a few days at least." "Do you trust this SBI bitch," Hugo asked me loud enough...

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Park Chase James

Copyright 2007 Duelduet all publication rights reserved. All characters are over the age of 18. * The picnic has been fun and I watch you putting away the left over food, gathering the paper plates and generally cleaning up the table. You’re wearing that gauze dress I like so much. You know. The filmy thing that seems like it has so many layers to it. And don’t think I didn’t notice the absence of a bra under it either. As you move around, those beautifully heavy breasts sway slightly...

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Dorm Life on an all Male college

Grants Hall was an older building on campus and was not very well liked by those that roomed there and had to endure the chilly walk to the central showers and toilets on each floor in the winter. Many a nights I suck some good cocks in the third floor showers, and on some occasions had my bottom stretched by a virile young college cock. I spent most of my college time in Grants Hall, each year upon my return I would ask for my old room in the hall. In my later years I shared my dorm room...

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Pygmalion ProjectWeek 8 Early July

Saturday Kathy returned early Saturday afternoon. She seemed to be disconcerted by the enthusiastic greeting from the girls. Ted watched closely as Jordan told her about getting on the softball team. He saw Kathy's jaw clench and her face flush. When Jordan told her about the diving coach, Kathy leaped to her feet and yelled for Ted. She grabbed him by the hand and dragged him up to their room, slamming the door behind them. She turned, red-faced, and opened her mouth to let him have it,...

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Mother catches her son with bondage magizines

Donna was mad as hell as she first scanned the magazine she had found under her son’s bed. It was a bdsm magazine with older ladies being dominated in all possible ways you could imagine. As she continued to ponder through it, she found herself being aroused with the thought and crept back to her room and masturbated till she came. She had been a single mother for over 10 years and it felt so good as she climaxed reading through the novels and admiring the pictures. Excited or not, he...

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Pain and pleasure

As i grab my chordless phone. I walk over to the computer and connect it too my tv. I turn on some bondage porn. While I am talking to you on the phone I start walking up the stairs to one of my many rooms. To grab my toy box. I open it up and there are butt plugs (different sizes), vibrators, dildos, a bullet and a remote vibrator.I start moving things around looking for the remote. I can't seem to find it. I just disreguard the fact that the remote is not there. Right now it doesn't matter....

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AIChapter 47

The car—it was a small limo, I supposed from one of the local services—took me to a rather tawdry restaurant in a tiny strip mall in one of the 'burbs. Other than telling me "good evening, sir," when he held the door open for me the driver had nothing to say. I followed instructions and kept silent, too. "We're here, sir," he told me as he pulled up. "I'm afraid the restaurant seems to be closed, though. Would you like—?" "I'm being met," I said. "Thanks." I got out, and off...

2 years ago
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Truth or Dare

“Come on, Jenny. Spin the bottle already!” Someone called out from the circle. I looked around at the circle of five other people. How the fuck did this happen again? I remember some of us were a little bored at this party my friend Megan was throwing, and someone said spin the bottle, and someone else said truth or dare. So they compromised. Spin the bottle and whoever it lands on picks truth or dare and the group decides. But this game has gone a little farther than I was hoping. There...

4 years ago
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Turning a soccer mom into a hotwife part I

I’m walking down the hallway and stop in front of room 325. Taking out my phone just to verify the number I received by text earlier that day. „Meet us at room 325“ it says, „my wife’s been horny all day“. I knock on the door and hear footsteps. Some few seconds later, the hubby opens the door and welcomes me with a huge grin and let’s me into the hotel room. “Pleasure to finally meet you! I’m happy that it’s now working out”. I barely hear his words as I can hear my heart pounding. The first...

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A Sluts New Fuck Toy

At work, things are completely normal. Ashley knows mine and Emily’s arrangement and is respecting it, both of us capable of being casual. Besides, I think she wants my girlfriend more anyway.Ashley and I are texting back and forth throughout the day, the rest of the office none the wiser. I tell her that Emily wants to try fooling around with her, and she’s ecstatic. I ask her if me being there would be a problem, and I’m glad when she says she doesn’t mind. I also tell her I don’t know how...

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The VaseChapter 5

Things couldn't have been better. Then things couldn't have been worse. Some more of the better occurred when the princess went to the modeling agency. I accompanied her, bringing my past shots. We didn't need to make them presentable, becoming the agency's newest finds. It didn't result in a lot more work for me since the teen model shoots happened far less than the regular models. Greater frequency came in a large part because the princess and I had chemistry and we did shoots...

1 year ago
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He Belongs to Me NowEdited

I will call my friend John, because real names are not important in my dream world. I emailed him today saying, “Hi lover, meet me in my dream tonight. I just know you’ll love the location too; it’s a cabin, deep in the woods, surrounded by snow. It’s supplied with everything we need; food, drink, warmth, a calm atmosphere, serenaded by romantic music. We will have a night filled with lust and desire darling. Naked huggies, Deana.” I wonder when I fall asleep tonight, if I will be the...

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Threesome With Couple No4

Hi all, thanks for all your love to the my previous experiences @ and also few of them joining me in this journey. I have received few threesome requests for my last two postings and i got in touch with them. We shared our details and planned the session. The couple were married for 3 years and had a 8 months old baby. Ravi & Sheena aged same. Sheena was hot with perfect body. I ran the bell and ravi opened the door and we sat on the couch talking about office and other stuff. I enquired...

4 years ago
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The House In The Hollow Part 4 of 5

Painting and decorating are not activities at which any of the kuzkardesh gara excel. It took Gillian and Hilary most of Sunday afternoon to remove the last of the grimy rococo wallpaper left behind on the staircase by the house's previous occupants; their daughters have made slightly more rapid headway this morning coating the living room's skirting boards with emulsion, though if they get much more on their hands and forearms the tin will have run dry well before the task is...

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