To Be Frank Ch. 08 free porn video

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Again, a stand-alone tale, but please read the preceding chapters to get a feel for ‘Frank’ and her life.


I surfaced from sleep early, around nine that Saturday morning. I was lying in my bed, in my flat, but, unusually, uniquely here, there was a body behind me.

I knew it was a male because I could feel the ‘morning wood’ pressing into my back as he lay behind me. Slowly I recollected my thoughts and rediscovered my memory of the previous night.

I’d been to the college ‘Freshers’ Ball’, on a date with Simon, and brought him home. I remembered sucking him off, then getting a really good shag before we both fell asleep in my bed.

I noted a change in the breathing behind me.

‘Hey, sleepy!’ I whispered. ‘How’s the head?’

‘Pretty good!’ came the reply. ‘Your scotch was good enough not to worry the brain cells, and I think I recall some pretty heavy petting going on!’

‘Heavy petting? If that’s all you think it was I wasn’t on form!’

‘Joking!’ came the whisper behind me. ‘Mmmmm.’

The ‘mmmm’ accompanied a shift in Simon’s position, to allow his hard-on to lay snug against the small of my back, not digging in as much.

I giggled. ‘Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?’

‘No pockets in my birthday suit’ came the reply, as Simon’s hand travelled up from across my stomach to caress one of my (to me) small 34B tits.

‘Ooooh, what a nice way to wake up.’ I was almost purring in delight. Simon’s very adept hands kept rolling across my breast, cupping, stroking, squeezing, while his fingers alternately caressed and squeezed my super-sensitive little brown nipples. He started to thrust his hips, pushing his erection up and down my back.

‘That’s so nice, Si.’ I said ‘You can keep that up all morning if you like.’

‘I would’ he replied. ‘but I’m actually really hungry. Sorry’ I could imagine the moue made by his lips and the careless shrug of the shoulders that I felt behind me. Thinking about it, I was hungry too.

‘You got any plans for today?’ I asked.

‘Just an essay. Nothing I wouldn’t put off to spend more time with you!’ Simon responded.

I threw off the duvet and stood up, stark bullock naked, stretching.

‘Now that’s a sight for sore eyes’ was the remark from the bed. Simon was staring at my nude form, appreciation mixed with lust in his eyes. Having thrown the covers off I could see the hard shaft that had satisfied me the night before sticking almost upright as he lay on the mattress.

I threw him my dressing gown, while I grabbed one of my round-the-house shirts, an old work shirt which my father had generously donated to me. Nothing kinky, but what girl doesn’t love her father? Even after a fair few washes it still, somehow, had his scent on it, making me feel warm, comfortable, secure and a thousand other nice things all at once.

We went down the stairs and into my kitchen, where I found some breakfast stuff.

‘cereal or toast?’ I asked.


‘Good. There’s only enough cereal for one!’ I smiled as I stood up from the cupboard, catching Simon checking out my bum, covered only just in the shirt I had on.

I boiled the kettle for coffee, managed to not burn Simon’s toast, dug out the butter and some runny honey, and fixed a bowl of cereal. I stood next to Simon, munching cornflakes while leaning on him, as one of his hands caressed my side and the other held the toast.

He finished quickly. ‘Gourmet breakfast, Kate’ he managed, his mouth still half-full of bread. ‘But I hear the better hotels put on a dessert menu at breakfast!’

‘I see.’ I said. ‘I’ll just have to check with the maitre’d’. I’d just had a naughty thought, and figured I’d go along for the ride (so to speak).

I went to my fridge and found what I’d hoped was there, the last pot of strawberry yoghurt. Picking it up I went to my cutlery draw, opened it, pretended to look, then slammed it shut before Simon could so.

‘Oh no’ I said, in my little girl lost voice. ‘No spoons. What can I do?’

I went up to Simon, gave him a quick kiss, then pulled the dressing gown cords so that he was frontally naked. Kneeling down, I ripped the top off the yoghurt pot and quickly put it up to his semi-hard penis, dipping the end in the sweet mixture. I held his cock and quickly kissed it, opening my mouth to run my tongue around the head and slurp up the yoghurt I’d deposited there.

‘Mmmm! Breakfast dessert, I think.’ I said.

Again, I dipped his rapidly hardening dick and dipped it into the yoghurt pot, more this time as I made room for it. This time I took his whole cock head into my mouth, sucking hard while tasting the heady mix of strawberry yoghurt mixed with a little precum from his manhood.

‘Ohhh’ Was the only noise I heard.

By the time I finished that mouthful Simon was fully hard, and I was reduced to tipping the yoghurt over his hard cock, as there was no way I could bend it to fit it in the little pot I had. His seven inches was hot and very hard, and I was able to go down on him properly, using my whole mouth as my spare hand caressed his balls.

‘Oh, wow!’

Almost finished, I put the pot round the end of his cock, swirling it so that his shaft held the remains from the sides of the container, then went back to work, making sure has was fully hard.

‘Arrrgh. So good!’ came the response. ‘Stop, or I’ll come too soon.’ I was pleasantly surprised to hear that statement of consideration, as (I know now) so many boys would have just held on and let their nuts explode down your throat.

I stood up in front of Simon and his hands went straight to the buttons on my shirt, opening it all down the front then pushing it off my shoulder so that I was again naked in front of him. He shrugged his dressing gown off onto the floor and we both stood as nature intended, my hard, pointed nipples and his erect penis stating our unfulfilled desire.

‘My turn for dessert’ he said. He took my shoulders and pushed me round till my bum was against the kitchen table. Picking up my honey jar he held it over my tits, dribbling the clear brown sweet confection over them, some escaping to run between, down my chest and over my flat stomach.

Bending down, Simon started to lick my front, either side, then on my breasts, centreing slowly to my nipples. My nipples are very sensitive, and this attention had me half way to orgasm in a minute.

‘Ohhhh!’ I moaned. ‘Simon, don’t stop. That feels so good.’

He paused in his oral ministrations. ‘No way am I stopping. You’re too sweet!’

His attention was perfect. He treated both breasts equally, and the one that didn’t have his tongue all over it was treated to a gentle caress from one hand, the other rubbing up and down my back.

As he finished the honey on my front he gently pushed me back so that I was lying on the table. I thought then that I’d finally get to feel him inside me one more time, but I was in for another treat. Grabbing the honey, Simon poured more over my clit, the excess dribbling over my shaven twat.

Separating my legs, Simon knelt between my thighs and buried his face in my snatch. His dextrous tongue reached in between my lips and up my cunt, then withdrew, angling upward to caress my clitoris and send me over the edge. It was an orgasm I wasn’t expecting, but the sudden release was both welcome and invigorating.

‘Aaaaaaaaaaah’ I moaned as my legs clamped around his head. ‘Don’t…. Don’t stop.’ My hands clamped round the bevelled edge of the table, holding me in place as I held Simon, the waves of pleasure overcoming my normal control.

He continued to lap away between my thighs till I’d calmed down, then stood, hoisting my legs over his shoulders and presenting his hard cock at the entrance to my cunt. He rubbed it slowly up and down my slit until I was whispering, begging him:

‘Put it in me,
please.’ Déjà vu, all of a sudden, as I remembered saying the same thing the night before, and the pleasure that had followed led to another rush of moisture within my centre.

I had no control over what happened, as my legs were over Simon’s shoulders, and he was standing over me. He teased me rotten, slowly putting the head of his penis in, then withdrawing, only to go a half inch deeper, withdrawing, and repeating the process. I was whimpering with frustration by the time his whole seven inches was inside me, filling and stretching my love tunnel as he started to fuck me, slowly. I couldn’t help but marvel at his technique. Even though his was only the third cock I’d had, and mine the first real pussy he’d fucked I could tell he was a natural. Instead of giving me a straight in-and-out shag, his cock did figure-eights inside me as his hips rotated, stretching my walls and rubbing past my g-spot.

Simon was teasing me, withdrawing and plunging in, then withdrawing again, when he lost his control and pulled out completely. I was lost in the joy of the sexual sensation, and it was all I could do to mewl plaintively as he tried to find the entrance to my vagina once more. It was then that I felt his penis dip, and then all of a sudden it was at my bumhole.

His head, slick with the juice from my pussy, went straight in. I’d never had a cock up my bum before, but with my legs over Simon’s shoulders and him towering over my reclining form, I wasn’t in a position to argue. I tried to relax, while delicately pointing out to him his mistake, as I wasn’t sure that anal was what he intended.

‘Ummm, that’s my arse, but that’s okay if…’ was all I managed to stutter as he stretched my behind.

Simon’s response was to press harder, burying his shaft up my butt and setting up a quick in-out rhythm with none of his former finesse.

‘Oh God! You’re tight, Kate.’ He muttered. ‘I can’t hang on much longer!’

Faster and faster he fucked my bum until all of a sudden he stopped, rigid, over me and I felt the pulse of his ejaculate entering my bowels. He slumped forward as much as my legs would allow, his mouth open and eyes wide as he absorbed what we’d just done.

‘Wow! I never thought I’d like anal sex.’ He said.

‘Me either’ I replied. I shrugged my shoulders beneath him and smiled at his expression. ‘First time for me too.’

He softened and withdrew quite quickly, then untangled his shoulders and my legs, allowing me to sit up and snog him as his cum dribbled slowly out of my butt onto the table beneath me.

‘That was incredible’ I said as our lips parted. ‘You really are good at sex.’

I could tell I’d really delivered a compliment. All boys are the same in that regard – they stand two inches taller and look really smug!

‘You think?’ he replied. ‘I’m just, uh, going with the flow, so to speak.’

We kissed, my little breasts crushed against his chest, neither of us wanting to break the moment or the mood as we came down from the high of our sexual encounter.

I nuzzled into Simon’s neck.


Yes?’ Quiet reply.

‘I think I really fancy you!’

‘Good, same here.’ Happiness, tinged with lust.


‘Only what?’ Not suspicion, just questioning.

‘I don’t want a boyfriend at the moment.’

‘Me neither.’ Humour!

‘You know what I mean?’

‘Yes. Exactly. We’re young, we’re fresh in town, we’re new, we’ve both got a lot to learn and a lot of people to learn about.’ Understanding, and practicality.

‘Sort of. I don’t want you to think I’m trying to give you the brush-off though’

‘Never crossed my mind.’ Wry amusement – I may have underestimated his sense of humour!

‘I really enjoyed having sex with you, and I was really glad you stayed last night to keep me company. I mean, what I’m trying to say is I’d love to do this again, and often, but without the strings?’

‘Fine by me. What red-blooded male wouldn’t want to be able to sleep with a girl as beautiful and fuckable as you and have no ties?’ I definitely underestimated him!

I hugged Simon closer and the hug turned into another long French kiss.

Eventually, the sticky feeling I had between my legs and beneath me became a little cool and uncomfortable.

‘Shower time’ I said. I really needed to clean up a little. ‘Join me to save water?’

I pushed Simon away as I stood up, then grabbed his hand to follow me to the bathroom.

I turned the shower on, and waited a moment for it to warm up as I fell into Simon’s arms again. I was insatiable. I couldn’t get enough of this young guy with his tousled brown hair, emerald eyes and superb dick. We French kissed again, lips locked and tongues entwined, and almost tumbled into the shower together.

We stood under the powerhead water spray and shared the shower gel as we soaped each other up and rinsed off. Simon paid special attention to my titties while I rubbed my hands over his chest far more than was necessary to remove the soap foam. We washed each other’s genitalia gently, caressing and rubbing a little as we were necking. He pushed one, then two fingers between my wet lips and up my pussy as I tried to get the fingers of one hand round his cock, slowly pumping as I masturbated him.

I felt Simon’s manhood pressing against me as he turned me round to wash my back. I balanced with both hands flat on the shower wall and he washed my back and bum, and I felt his hard cock against me once more.

‘Oh, that feels like it needs a home’ I said, looking down over my shoulder at the erect cock nudging me. Simon pressed a quick kiss against my lips. ‘I think you can help with that!’

I parted my legs and braced myself as his cock parted my labia and found its way into my vagina and the centre of my being once more.

This was a much faster fuck, with Simon’s cock pistoning in and out, faster and faster as he picked my urgency, his balls slapping against my thighs. The feeling was amazing as he stretched my slick pussy walls, lifting my feet almost from the floor of shower with the power of his thrusts inside me, water spraying everywhere as we shagged in our frenzy.

One of Simon’s hands remained locked around my midriff, holding me tight to him as he fucked me, while the other stole upwards to crush my left tit in its grasp, his finger thumb roughly grabbing and squeezing my nipple. This was rough sex, and I loved it! Only Karl had ever got this tough with me, and with him it had always been one-way traffic, sex because he needed release, not me, and I’d always ended up unfulfilled, with his cum slipping off my back as he stepped out of the shower after shooting his load on me, marking me as his. Simon was different, as the urgency and need was mutual.

I was carried away, catching the wave of ecstasy that washed over me and riding it as far as I dared. I heard myself wailing as the orgasm swept over me, and I was only semiconscious as Simon held me up and pumped into me one last time, bellowing as he unloaded his balls once more, shooting his seed up high into my love tunnel.

We slowly calmed down, and ended up yelping and jumping out of the shower as the hot water ran out – our fucking must have lasted longer than the frenzied five or so minutes it seemed like.

I grabbed Simon’s clothes from the drier where I’d left them the night before, and amidst a hundred more little kisses we dressed, he in his clothes and me once more in just my oversize shirt. I was totally sexed out, my poor labia swollen and red, my cunt just a little sore from the fucking I’d received from Simon.

I kissed him out of the door and went straight back to bed, shattered, exhausted, and exhilarated.

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It's a Saturday and we have planned for a nice dinner for ages. It gets close to 5 o'clock and you start with a warm relaxing bath then get dressed but wearing your long flowing dress gives you a naughty idea to leave your knickers at home. At 8 we leave for the restaurant it's dark but warm air so a nice evening we head off through the lanes as its a star covered sky. As we near half way the car starts to slow then stop we pull into a side layby realising its empty of fuel, the petrol station...

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Fall of Satan

'Eve was mighty depressed and was very very hungry. Their Manufacturer (She didn't know that He was God. Nobody told her so yet) has taken Adam out to show him the boundaries of Eden and asked him to look after the fence. They were out for last three days. Eve had nobody to talk to and no fruits to have in the near vicinity. She has already collected whatever edible fruits were available except that beautiful little fruit which was forbidden. She wanted to have it, but no, she cannot...

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Radhika Ko Choda Uske Ghar Pe 8211 Part 2

Hi iss readers mein dev aapne meri pehli story tou padhi hogi agar nahi padhi hai tou zarur padhe Shimla manali ke tour pe radhikako choda iss kahani ka pura maza lene ke liye uss kahani ka padhna jaruri hai Ab mein kahani par aata hu Mein radhika ko chod chuka tha shimla or manali mein ab hamari baat hone lagi thi phone par sex chat bhi karte mein uss se milne jata delhi or ham kafi enjoy karte wo mall waigra jati rahti thi movie dekhte tab mujhe pata chala ki uske paas bahut paisa hai uske...

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How I Started Turning Girls into Lesbians

At the time of this story, I was eighteen and had never been with a woman. Sure, I'd made out with a few, it's the in thing in high school, but I'd only been with boys.I was also a perfect specimen at the time. 5'5", 128 lbs. and the perfect dimensions of 34C-24-34. I had brownish-red hair midway down my back and, of course, I was and still am completely shaved.I learned from my very first seduction and the ones that followed, that I love women. Don't misunderstand me: I'm bi and enjoy the...

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Evil Breeding Cult

You sit in your chamber, recalling all of your struggles and triumphs. The deaths of your rivals, the scheming that placed you next-in-line to be Grand Warlock. Surely, you had to make some sacrifices and betray more people than you can count on both hands, but soon you would wield absolute power within the cult of Grevakhnu. A devious smirk crawls across your face, for you know the demon mother worries not how her children rise to power. Kill or be killed. A cut-throat doctrine, but you...

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Futa Naked In School 01 Futas Naked Temptation Chapter 2 Ginnys Naughty Desires

Chapter Two: Ginny's Naughty Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Ginny Reynolds's Week, Tuesday I trembled as I let the shower spray fall on my rump and pussy, my fingers reaching into my sex to wash out the futa-cum my friend, Candice, fired into me. It was both our first time. She stood nearby me, watching me cleanse my new deflowered pussy of her girl-spunk. It was only the second day of the Program, and I had cheated on my futa-girlfriend, Samantha. People always claimed that...

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The Headmaster

The Headmaster,I am the new gardener/caretaker of an exclusive girl’s school. I was very lucky when my, then boss died. I was promoted at a young age; just 21. I regularly go about my manual work in the summer without a shirt. The female staff and students all take their time watching me work. The girls range from 11 (not interest what-so-ever) to 18.The Headmaster is strict and lives within the school with his wife. Over the short time that I’ve had free range of the school I have found out a...

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Karis Exhibitionism and Beyond

He then stood up, pulled his pants up and said, "your husband is a lucky man." and turned around and left Kari there on her knees. Shortly after marrying my beautiful young wife, Kari, we were out having drinks at a local club when she complained about some guy staring at her. I had to chuckle at this when I saw not one, but several guys around the club trying to subtly check her out. "He's not the only one," I said, "and besides, who can blame them? I'd be checking you out myself if I wasn't...

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A pleasant shower at the gym

Friday evening finally came and I got free from my office.I called my sweet wife and told her I needed some relax at the gym. I would go there right now to work out a bit, or do some swimming.My real routine on Fridays was swimming; I needed it…Ana said she would wait me at home, with dinner ready. For dessert, she had got her pussy full of her Black Master’s semen, so that I could lick her clean with my tongue. I warned Anita that, if I could not get enough relax at the swimming pool, I would...

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Q Who

Frank was 18 and loved watching Star Trek TNG. His favourite episodes were those that involved Q. He loved the idea of being able to change anything or make anything happen. He imagined himself surounded by big chested girls and having them suck and fuck his superhuman cock. It was Friday and Spike TV was having a TNG marathon. Frank settled on the couch with pizza and beer and got ready for an evenings entertainment. Frank had been watching for hours and the empties lay all around him. Out of...

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You are mine now

That day, I had gone to my office using the subway, since my nice old car had denied me to use it...In the warm early autumn, that evening night, I was coming back home walking through a nearer park, just as a shortcut. Sitting on a dark bench, I noticed a woman there, her long legs spread wide and her loose dress pulled all the way up so her thighs were bare. It seemed like she was touching herself.She noticed me coming and tried to get her dress down.The woman apologized, but I told her it...

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1939 The New AgencyChapter 10

Steven leaned back at his desk and pondered some of the recent developments. Peter Hertz had just been hired to play opposite Cornelia. Not confirmed by anyone yet, a rumor had his daughter and Ken split but she had been spotted with Peter. Ron Pratt had been rehired. His mother had talked the producer into it. The previous understudy, Penelope had married. Her new husband was Patrick O'Flaherty, the patrolman at the scene of the fire and then the murder. Another rumor was she was pregnant...

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Amherst Part 3

“What… ugn, ugn… does it look like, ugn… I’m doing, Donnie? …ugn, ugn!” replied Jay to his jaw-dropped biking partner standing at the wide open door. “Really Jay? Again?” said Donnie.Again? What did he mean by again? I thought. Oh my god, how many had Jay done? What number was I?“Ugn… what can I say Donnie? Ugn… I guess I… ugn… really like this shit… ugn… ugn…” Jay loathed with a sick smile on his face. “I mean, I… ugn… was helping… ugn… this sissy, ugn… with some bags, ugn, ugn… he...

2 years ago
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The Farm LegacyChapter 8

Hal came in at half past three, shivering. There was no sign of Diana. She was presumably at the shop. He put the kettle on. Just as it was boiling she came in. "Ooh!" she exclaimed. "You must have extra-sensory whatever. Tea is just what I need. The shop went wild this afternoon until about quarter of an hour ago." "It might do again." "Millie doesn't think so. Apparently it's the Wednesday pattern." "Why? I'd've thought Friday would be the rush with fresh things for the...

4 years ago
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An American War HeroChapter 14

The trouble started the other side of Sheffield. Travel through the valley had been uneventful, and the train made good speed. Even though Sheffield was a prime industrial target, it had received relatively little bombing. Julia was scornful. "The Russians have infiltrated cadres into the area and don't want to kill their own! Very caring of Stalin don't you think?" Their passage through the city took on a surreal feel as they looked out on a city that seemed untouched by the ravages of...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 11 Nottogether

JANUARY 1, 2002, WINTER BREAK After a pleasant day shopping and then making the two-and-a-half hour drive back to the real world, Adrienne dropped me off from our impromptu Big Bear trip. She kissed me goodbye and told me to wish "Happy New Year's" from her to my family, then she drove the next few hundred feet to her house. I watched her garage door rising and turned to walk in through my front door. I promptly entered into what sounded like a war zone. "Sonovabitch! I'll kill him!...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 16 Fighting Blind

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Chapter Sixteen: Fighting Blind By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks toWRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Six: Pink Cunt Princess Ava – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My feyhound body trembled. My wooden cook throbbed and pulsed in Ealaín's asshole, spurting into her bowels. I shivered, loving cumming with a dick. It was so hot occupying the wicker body of the feyhound and using it as my proxy. It sent such powerful...

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MommysGirl Georgia Jones Danni Rivers Oh Mama

Danni Rivers comes home to be greeted by her father’s new girlfriend, Georgia Jones, while her dad is out of the house. She’s surprised to learn that Georgia is only 28, which is pretty young compared to her dad and this makes Danni uncomfortable with this new arrangement, thinking it must be a fling or mid-life crisis for her dad. She gets even more uncomfortable when Georgia explains they’re actually getting pretty serious, and that Danni could even start to think of her as...

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Garage Sales

GARAGE SALES By KK Author’s Note: Once again I want to thank Techsan for proofing this story for me. While fitting in the Loving Wives genre this story, however, does not contain any descriptions of sex scenes. I look forward to your comments. I don’t know what it is about garage sales but they seem to have a calming influence on me. It’s not as though I am out looking for bargains and I don’t go out looking for antiques. I am not sure that I would recognize an authentic antique if saw one...

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House Sitting2

I’m 19 years old, live in a small town in Iowa, USA and while my family isn’t huge, it is safe to say that they take up a fair few of the town’s population. As such I’m fairly close to them all, my cousins especially. I’m an only child but the family kind of owns and lives in one of the suburban streets rather than the individual houses that make it up so I’ve never really felt like I didn’t have siblings. The street in question is a cul-de-sac, starting from the left as you look in is...

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The Sex Swapping Sisters 8211 Part 2

I first thank ISS for publishing my story and to remind my readers that incest and taboo are part of our sex life as our humanity started with this incest and taboo. I, grand mom Honey is observing the sex future in the eyes of granddaughter Honey. We two sisters became are actually best friend and decided to start our sex life with out-side world after passing our matriculation exam and to take admission in Co-ed college to full- fill our desire and passion for sex and now we are only 18+ so...

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Littles LifeChapter 4

Little walked into the constabulary office and up to the desk where a bored looking man sat. Little had come into the city looking different, so he could see for himself what had happened to Martin's place. Part of the stables looked like they had been hacked down and someone had tried to start a fire but failed. Martin was now working to get the area cleaned up so he could rebuild, then Little checked on Mrs. Nomy finding her well and working hard. After clearing his throat, to get the...

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The Bicycle Mechanic

Babua was a poor bicycle mechanic. His immovable property consisted of a small bicycle repair garage and an adjacent small plot of land in which his earthen walled, thatch roofed hut stood. In his hut there was a window and a door made of flattened bamboo sheets. The door had no provision of locking because it was meaningless to put a lock in a bamboo made door. Latching facility was of course there. Cats, dogs and other animals were to be restricted from entering the house because Babua’s...

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My First Big Black Cock

I was a 35 year old white guy at the time. Clean shaven, brown hair, hazel eyes, 5’ 8” tall, and 170 pounds. I carried most of my extra baggage in my butt. I was always getting comments about how much junk I had in my trunk. Being in a relationship with an older white guy had become boring to me. He did really take good care of me, but for some reason he just wasn’t enough for me.One morning I woke up really horny so I took a picture of my nice round ass and my 7” medium thick cock. I then...

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Madam Ke Ghar Behan Ki Chudai

By : Veer_azad Me ek school men adhyapika hum ye matra 12th kaksha tak ka school hai sam ko aksar me nadi-talab ke kinare ghumane nikal jati hum aise hi ek din me talab ke kinare ghum rahi rahi thi. 9th kaksha ki chhatra aur 11th ka ek chhatar mil gaye ye dusare section men the maine unase unaka nam puchha to unhonne apane nam Reeta aur Sanju bataye. Reeta ne school dress yani skirt aur top hi pahane the, lekina uski skirt kuchh Choti thi isaliye jab vo baithi to muje usake gori tangon ke sath...

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It makes sense to start with a description of Bernadette. First of all, she was big – not a BBW, no – solid and strong-looking, with wide shoulders, and muscular arms and legs. She also was curvy, with large breasts and a big booty – not exactly an hourglass figure, as her tummy was well-muscled too, but enough of a waist to make her curviness conspicuous. She was about my height, 5’11”, but probably outweighed me by 30 pounds. She had strong features and full lips, with dark hair and eyes. Her...

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Episode 16 Becki in Chains

Crowded pub in NewcastleA couple sat at table in the pub, when 2 gorgeous chicks walk in, stand hips touching at bar. Man cannot keep his eyes off their long legs and tight denim-clad bums, wife notices his gaze. "Stop drooling, they're much too young for you... wait a minute isn't that blonde Becki from your favourite porn site?"How did you ...?""Easy, just click on your Most Visited page on Chrome; you really should be more careful on the Junior Porn Club site " she said raising her voice...

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BackroomCastingCouch Honey 12082020

Ooooooh Sugar sugar! Honey Honey! This week we have sweet and shy Honey. She’s 19 years old and she’s here to get a job in the jizz biz. She’s pretty, soft spoken, a little awkward, and very very leery about my connections. She kinda reminds me of Zooey Deschanel just a little bit with those cute bangs and coke bottle glasses. You know the routine, we get to know her a little bit, she;s unemployed and needs some money, especially here during the holidays. She loves girls, and...


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