With Help From Michael O’Leary Pt. 06 free porn video

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Chapter 26 ‘Gabriella, Gabriella, Gabriella.’

They wheeled Shannon Kelly-O’Day out as Michael was leaving the bank. He held the door for the coroner and spotted Gabriella, as soon as he exited the bank. He had not seen her since the hardware store when she told him about accepting the job with the Post Office. The excitement of seeing her gave him tunnel vision and, even though she stood within a crowd of spectators, he saw no one else but her.

She ran to him. He did not move, could not move. She threw her arms around his neck and, pressing her body close to his, kissed him hard on the lips. Suddenly, he forgot about the bank robbery and Shannon Kelly. He returned her kiss with passion allowing his tongue to probe hers. Finally, he got his wish, she was his.

Michael surrendered standing with his arms slightly raised from his sides, immobilized by the sweetness of her lips. When he composed himself to put his arms around her waist and pull her closer hoping to prolong the kiss, she pulled back and whispered in his ear.

‘I’m so glad you are safe, Michael, my darling. I am so glad you are here. When I saw the coroner’s car, I thought the worst. Thank God you are okay. Thank God for you.’ She wiped her tears on his shoulder and held him tight in her hug. ‘Thank God.’

He held her close feeling all of her body without moving his hands. His brain screamed, she kissed me. She called me my darling. Her words echoed in his head, I am so glad you are safe, Michael, my darling.

‘Gabriella,’ was all that he could say. Still, he loved saying her name. Her name was music. He said it, again, ‘Gabriella.’

‘Oh, Michael, Michael, my darling,’ she said in response.

He swooned at the sound of his name coming from her voice and her lips followed with my darling emphasizing his place in her heart and in her mind.

‘Tonight, you come to my house,’ she whispered her sweet breath that tickled his ear with promises of things to come. ‘I’ll cook you dinner…we’ll have wine…’ she paused, ‘we’ll make love.’ She pulled away from him, folded a piece of paper, and placed it in his hand.

Her words, we’ll make love, endlessly echoed his excited anticipation of the thoughts of finally being with her. He threw back his shoulders, puffed out his chest, and seemingly grew 2′. He unfolded the paper she put in his palm and stared through it. It read, Gabriella Pagliuca, 109 Charter Street, 617-227-5533.

‘No,’ he said not believing that he was saying no to her, ‘I can’t, not tonight.’ Again, he could not believe his ears that he was turning down the chance of a romantic evening with the woman he loved. ‘I’m sorry, Gabriella.’ He met her gaze and said, ‘I have thought of no one else but you and nothing else but making love to you, and I would love to come to your house for dinner…for wine…’ he paused, ‘for love, but I do not think that I can after…’ He watched as the coroner’s hearse drove off with Shannon Kelly-O’Day’s lifeless body, her black attire now covered with a black, plastic body bag. He made the sign of the cross, mumbled some words in Latin, said, ‘Amen,’ and crossed himself, again.

‘Of course, Michael, I understand…another time…I just thought…how awful this is and how terrible you must feel. I did not want you to go home alone.’ She dropped her arms from around his neck and took his arm, holding him tight.

‘I’ll call you tonight.’ Michael looked deep in her eyes, kissed her lightly on the lips, and said, ‘I love you.’ Finally, he said the words. Finally, he told her. ‘I have loved you since the first day I saw you at the hardware store. You left me speechless.’

‘That was just from the drain brammage,’ she rubbed her head, ‘when we bumped heads.’

‘I love you,’ he said, again, pulling her close and kissing her.

‘I love you,’ she said breaking away.

‘I’ll call you tonight.’ He kissed her, again.

‘Ciao,’ she waved her little hand and disappeared through the crowd.

Chapter 27 Charlestown

Michael decided not to go home from the bank. Instead, he walked across the bridge that separated the North End from Charlestown. Although he felt safe in Charlestown, he did not feel as comfortable roaming their neighborhood streets as he did as a boy. Much like all the neighborhoods of Boston, Charlestown did not escape the evolution of a metropolitan big city experiencing the sprawling land development growth of a booming northeastern economy. A city in transition from the biggest construction project in the history of the modern world, the Big Dig, the local politicians enjoyed the money that flowed in their economies from the construction of it.

Unfortunately, the people who lived in Charlestown for generations fell prey to those real estate developers and land speculators who realized early the value of the old neighborhoods that were so close to Boston’s booming businesses. These deep pocket people descended upon the neighborhoods waving their cash beneath the noses of people who had nothing, sometimes, not even a job, but their houses, houses that were passed down from generation to generation. Homes that the people who lived there, lived there their entire lives were homes that the elderly, not getting by on fixed incomes, hung on to long after they no longer could afford to pay the water bill, the taxes, and the repairs. Developers and speculators bought entire blocks of homes for fair market value or below fair market value, gutted them, remodeled them, and resold them as expensive condominiums or exclusive townhouses.

Young, affluent city residents replaced the elderly, poor neighbors. Cement sidewalks and asphalt streets replaced the old brick and cobblestone removing the charm with the modernization. New, black, iron fences replaced old, wooden, white ones. Foreign cars and SUV’s from Germany and Japan replaced American cars and station wagons. French restaurants and coffeehouses replaced ethnic sub shops and taverns. Robotic ATMs and self-service gas stations replaced friendly tellers and chatty mechanics that pumped your gas, checked your oil, and filled your tires while filling you in on the neighborhood gossip. The Wall Street Journal and the New York Times replaced the Record American and the Boston Globe. Convenience stores owned and operated by foreigners from India, Pakistan, and other Middle Eastern countries replaced Mom and Pop corner stores that had been there as long as the neighborhood. The neighborhood changed from a warm, friendly, and familiar environment to a cold, unfriendly, and unfamiliar place.

The changes made the few familiar faces that remained feel like outcasts in their own neighborhoods. Those undeveloped properties that remained, whose owners refused to sell and held out against the inevitable, homes that once were the neighborhood landscape, looked starkly out of place. Now, a two million dollar, three story, 4,500 square foot condominium stood alongside a dilapidated three-decker house. Eventually, through legal ramblings and money to grease hands, the city council declared those houses that remained unfit to live in and razed them, making more opportunities for developers to make more money and put more of their imprint on the neighborhoods.

The composition of the neighborhood population changed from a collection of lower, middle class ethnic segregationist to upper, middle class integrationist. Those unfamiliar faces that left early for work and returned late replaced those familiar faces that sat on their stoops or hung out their windows. By displacing the poorest residents of Boston in favor of developing the skyline to attract the more affluent segment of the world population, the grapevine that fed the neighborhood its gossip suffocated and died.

Yet, the politicians embraced the change. The Mayor and the Governor gave their speeches that Boston was changing for the better and moving along with the times. Only, no one took the time or had the interest to look at those lo
yal citizens who were no only left behind but who were banished from the neighborhoods that they had grown to love. For those who grew up there and who lived there, it was not a celebration but a funeral.

Chapter 28 The Cliffs of Dover

Michael sought a familiar place. The Cliffs of Dover Pub was the lone establishment left standing where the owner had refused the generous offers of developers to sell his land. They wanted to level his business to give the new breed of Bostonians moving into the neighborhood a skyscraping condominium complex with unobstructed and panoramic views of Boston Harbor. Spitefully, they squeezed two high-rise apartment buildings on either side of him and bridged the skyscrapers with an annex that hung low over his roof. The twin towers created a cyclonic wind tunnel around his building and cast such a shadowy gloom over the street that the pub looked like it concealed itself in a darkened doorway waiting to leap out at any passerby.

No longer could the pub owner illuminate his tavern with the same green, neon map of Ireland sign that had guided the neighborhood patrons to its door for over 30 years. The city council vetoed that advertising display voting that it no longer represented the new neighborhood. Now, the weathered, hand-painted signage over the door of the pub was the only indication that the establishment was a bar and not someone’s house. If you did not know that the pub was there, you would not see it until you walked by it. Business fell off drastically, but the owner riled against the unfairness that the developers had leveled upon his shoulders with the city’s politicians in its deep pockets and, so long as he had his liquor license, he swore to stay in business, even if it meant losing money.

Yet, because the sun no longer found its way to the Cliffs of Dover Pub, a musty odor permeated the outside of the establishment. No sunlight filtered through to warm the roof of the tavern and the sea breeze that blew in from the harbor played havoc with the front door and rattled the windows. Whatever trash lined the streets made its way to the pub’s front door, littering its sidewalk in a tornado of papers. The city’s inspectors, blaming the litter on him and his customers, wrote the owner trash violations daily.

The regulars hardly noticed the blustery disturbance out front but for those strangers who happened in for a drink, they feared after downing a couple of Irish brews that they might fall off the real Cliffs of Dover as soon as they exited the front door.

Michael entered the darkened tavern for a late lunch but an early supper, a chicken salad sandwich with a double shot of rye, straight up. Except for his two pints, which he nursed all Saturday night at O’Malley’s, Michael did not drink. Too small to hold his alcohol, he did not like the lost sense of control that he experienced when he drank too much. Today, however, he needed a drink.

He removed the white envelope from his pocket after the waitress left the table with his order and covered it with his hand when she returned with bread and water, and uncovered it, again, when she left. He reached inside the sealed envelope and pulled out a Massachusetts state lottery ticket back dated several months and remembered what Flaherty had said about Mrs. Enunzio cashing in stolen lottery tickets. He had no doubt that the ticket that he held in his hand was a winning ticket but for how much. He wondered about the payoff. He hoped the prize was enough to buy new tires of his Mustang. When he saw the waitress approaching the table with his order, he returned the ticket to the envelope and pocketed it, again. He downed the rye, wrapped the sandwich in a napkin and stuffed it in his jacket pocket, and placed $20.00 on the table and left.

Michael walked the five miles home, keeping one hand in his pant pocket the whole way with his fingers in constant contact with the envelop and with his other hand holding the sandwich and eating it as he walked. The double shot of rye that he downed at the tavern calmed his nerves and long walks always made him feel better. His mind seemed clearer, better able to focus on what he needed to do.

He thought about driving to lottery headquarters to cash the ticket, but worried about the FBI, the Massachusetts State Police or the Boston Police arresting him, as soon as he did. He looked to see if anyone followed him and, noting the cars around him, changed his route to see if any of those cars near him now were still there later. He noticed a car lingered, a dark blue, Ford Crown Victoria, the universal, undercover cop car. He dumped his half-eaten sandwich in a trash barrel, dashed down a one-way street, cut across an alleyway marked private, no trespassing, and hooked through a backyard and over a fence to remake his original route. He turned to see if he could spot the car. Gone, he had lost it. Reassured that he was alone again with his thoughts, anxious to develop a plan of action for cashing the stolen lottery ticket, he doubled back to continue the way he had come. Suddenly, the car pulled up in front of him and stopped.

He froze. He stood watching the rear door of the car slowly open. His fingers grabbed the envelope ready to pitch it away. His heart pounded. Sweat appeared at his hairline. He watched impatiently waiting for someone to exit the car. The seconds that passed to see who would exit the car were almost as excruciating as waiting for the bank robber to fire a bullet in the back of his head. He knew that this was not a normal reaction but, after what he had been through, panic was his only reaction.

An elderly woman with hair as blue and as puffy as cotton candy emerged from the back seat. ‘I’ll call you when I’m done,’ she said to the white haired gentleman behind the wheel, probably her husband. She passed in front of Michael, glared at him for staring at her, and disappeared in the beauty salon behind him.

Michael quickened his pace walking fast until he started running and did not stop running until he reached home. He thought about calling the police and surrendering the lottery ticket, but figured that they would arrest him for taking the envelope, for taking evidence from a dead woman’s hand, and for interfering with the ongoing police investigation of an armed bank robbery and a murder.

Home, finally, he stood by his kitchen phone unable to decide if he should call the police, surrender the lottery ticket and turn himself in or call the Massachusetts state lottery, ask how much was the prize, and cash the lottery ticket.

The image of Shannon’s dead body flashed across his mind. For so many years, the love he had for her had burned deep within his heart like molten lava rock within a volcano. New feelings smoldered for the anticipation of a long life with his true love, Gabriella. He erupted into action.

He removed the envelope from his pocket and the lottery ticket from the envelope. He sat on his sofa staring at the ticket, curious about the payoff. He picked up the telephone and dialed information for the number of the state lottery agency.

Chapter 29 The Lottery Ticket

‘Welcome to Verizon,’ said the familiar prerecorded voice of James Earl Jones.

‘What city and state?’ This time, it was the prerecorded voice of a woman.

‘Woburn, Massachusetts,’ he said.

‘What listing?’ Again, the same prerecorded voice.

‘Yes, may I have the telephone number for the Massachusetts State Lottery?’

‘One moment, please,’ said a live operator.

A fourth recording gave him his requested telephone number. He dialed the number.

‘Massachusetts State Lottery, how may I direct your call?’

‘May I speak with someone to verify a winning lottery ticket number?’

‘One moment, please.’

He listened as the telephone rang. A man’s voice answered on the third ring.

‘Mass state lottery, Bill speaking, may I help you?’

‘Hi, Bill, I think that I may have a winning ticket.’

Which game, Sir?’

‘Mega Millions.’

‘What is the date of the drawing?’

‘June fourth of this year.’

‘Read the numbers that appear on the ticket, please.’

‘6, 7, 8, 14, 26 and with a bonus ball of 27.’

‘Please hold.’


The man’s voice disappeared and reappeared just as Michael was having second thoughts and was about to hang up.

‘Hello, Sir.’


‘Please read me those numbers one more time.’

‘6, 7, 8, 14, 26 and with a bonus ball of 27.’

‘And that was a Massachusetts Mega Millions ticket for June fourth of this year?’


‘Please hold.’


It was several long minutes before the man returned to the phone. The wait was excruciating.

‘Hello, Sir.’


‘Please read me those numbers one more time.’

‘6, 7, 8, 14, 26 and with a bonus ball of 27.’

‘And that was a Massachusetts Mega Millions ticket for June fourth of this year?’


‘Please hold.’


Again, it was several long minutes before the man returned to the telephone.

‘Hello, Sir.’


‘There are a long sequence of numbers that appear below the date of the drawing but just above the bar encoding information. Can you read those numbers to me, please?’

‘Two, one, double zero, six, one, double zero, two, seven, one, dash, zero, five, four, five, nine, double six, four, zero, dash, one, seven, nine, five, one, and zero.’

‘Please allow me to read that back. Two, one, zero, zero, six, one, zero, zero, two, seven, one, zero, five, four, five, nine, six, six, four, zero, one, seven, nine, five, one, zero.’

Michael followed the numbers with his finger.


‘Is those the numbers as it appears on your ticket?’


‘Please hold while I confirm this information.’


The time that lapsed between the conversation and the confirmation took even longer.

‘I do show that ticket as the winning lottery ticket for the jackpot prize on that day for that drawing.’

‘That’s great.’ Michael suppressed his emotion. ‘And that is for the jackpot prize?’

‘Yes, Sir.’

‘Now, when you say Jackpot, you mean like first prize, I mean, the biggest prize for that drawing.’

‘Yes, Sir.’

‘Now what do I do?’

‘You can either mail it to us or come down to lottery headquarters to collect your check.’

‘I think I’ll come there instead of mailing it.’ Michael assimilated the information. ‘What are your hours?’

‘We are open Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm.’

‘Oh, and can you tell me how much was the jackpot payoff for that ticket?’

‘Yes, Sir. Please hold.


Another few minutes passed before the man returned to the phone, only this time, Michael did not mind the wait because he was daydreaming about all the things that he could buy with his lottery winnings. Maybe, there’s enough to buy a new car, he hoped.

‘Hello, Sir.’


‘The amount of your payoff is three million, one hundred, forty-three thousand dollars.’

‘Three million, one hundred, forty-three thousand dollars? Wow!’ Michael sat and switched the telephone receive to his other ear. ‘Three million, one hundred, forty-three thousand dollars, and how much is that after taxes?’ Forget the tires, thought Michael, I can buy myself a brand new car.’

‘One moment, please.’ He heard an adding machine in the background. ‘Sir.’


‘Approximately, two million, three hundred fifty thousand dollars after paying state and federal taxes due.’


‘It is a lot of money. Congratulations.’

‘Thank you. One more question, please.’

‘Go ahead.’

‘How much does that work out to per year over what is it, 25 years?’

‘That is the yearly payoff, Sir. Two million, three hundred fifty thousand dollars after taxes, is your net amount that you will receive each year for 25 years.’

‘I don’t understand.’

‘The jackpot total is for seventy-eight million, five hundred seventy-five thousand dollars. The two million, three hundred fifty thousand dollars is your yearly payout.’

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Michael And Chelsea Chapter One

Ever since they first met at Wisconsin Dells, Chelsea and Michael had been dating and enjoying every day of it. However, after six months, dating long distance was wearing at them. It was only a six-hour drive, but they both knew in their hearts where their future would be. After talking about their options, they agreed the best solution was for Chelsea to make the move to Wisconsin.They had spent time with each other over the last few months, and each other's kids, and Michael's grandson....

Love Stories
2 years ago
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SurrenderPart Seven Michael And Suzanne Settle A Grudge

 Michael sat in his car, parked in front of Dominique’s building, mindful of the time. She had demanded his presence at 11:30pm and It was 11:27pm. Last night, he learned the consequence for being early was almost as severe as the one for being late. The three minutes he had left were spent wondering why he was being summoned two nights in a row.Dominique sent him home last night with a plug stuck up his ass and said he would be called to return this evening. She also gave him permission to...

2 years ago
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Naked in School Michael Carver

“Michael, breakfast. Time to get up!” Mrs Carver’s call was unnecessary as Michael had been laying awake for ages. In fact he had scarcely slept a wink the whole night. He had twisted and turned trying to think of something, anything, that would take his mind off the fate that lay before him on that bright sunny morning. The sun streamed into his room through the half open slats in the blinds beckoning him to get out of bed and enjoy what life had to offer. Michael groaned and pulled the duvet...

2 years ago
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We changed for school, and found Katie in the kitchen fixing breakfast. She heated up a plate of noodles with a couple of chunks of chicken for me while they had bacon, eggs and toast. As much as I enjoyed it, I realized that I needed to eat healthier. I guess I can start that next week sometime. As we readied for school Jan and Ally came out of her room... “Sorry kids, we overslept.” “No problem, Janice. I took care of them,” Katie said. Jennifer asked, “May I drive this one time?” “OK...

3 years ago
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I got to the middle of the piano seat, saw two of the nicest butts I could remember and fell over... I woke up in the same ER I had been in before. Dammit. I had on a mask with oxygen. At least I didn’t have that stupid tube down my throat. My eyes fluttered open... “He’s awake -- Michael is awake!” That was my Jennifer. “Michael, can you hear me?” a doctor asked. I took Jennifer’s hand as I clumsily answered, “Yes.” She squeezed my hand and said, “I love you, Michael.” “I know,” I...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit and Consequences Michael

A loud, thounderous knock on the door distracted Michael from the action on his TV screen. He hit the Pause button on his PS4 controller, slid his cordless headset off his ears to rest on his nape, and granted his roommate entrance by shouting out the permission. Nathan, Michael's best friend and longtime roommate, opened the door, and started talking in a seeming hurry: “Listen, bro, I gotta hit the road. I won't be back till, like, nine or so. I know this comes on short notice, but it's...

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Breaking Michael Myers

Copyright© 2006 by Wolf Goddess Sharing stories is by far the closest one will get to making love to another person's mind. You might wonder how, or you might have already done it. Just in case you may not be getting my point, I see writing stories as my arousal creating a sensual atmosphere, a tool of seduction. When you come along, you are drawn into it. As you read, my words slide their way into your subconscious, igniting a sensuous impression within your mind, which in return, arouses...

3 years ago
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AS WE NEAR THE HALFWAY POINT OF THIS EPIC STORY, LET’S RECAP: Michael Robert Thomas (Jr) was born in the early summer of 1998, learning during the WINTER season of 2002 that his father had died under semi-mysterious circumstances. Near the same time as his death, Michael developed a love for music, dancing around whenever it came on the radio, TV, or his mother giving musical lessons to students throughout the area of Vincennes, Indiana. Besides that, she sang, professionally before Michael...

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BOOM! (More Lightning?) I was flipping through the ‘Bible’ and a number caught my eye. “Don’t worry you guys, a little lightning can’t hurt you,” I said to calm down some of those who were reacting a bit nervous. “Rose and Izzy, your turn. Number 136. It’s from the movie WHITE CHRISTMAS. There is some tight harmony. Do the best you can.” “We’re taking a break after this number. Settle down everyone, please?” “Ladies are you ready?”... BOTH Sisters, sisters There were never such devoted...

4 years ago
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Michael Impresses Two Young Women

When Michael Green was a young boy, he was fascinated with card tricks and math games. He loved to be the center of attention and have people think he was really smart and amazing. Whenever he was at family gatherings, he’d always take his deck of cards and show his family these really cool card tricks. The funny thing was, the tricks really were amazing and his family could never figure out how he did them. He had a few that you could probably figure out, but for the most part they had no idea...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Michael Michelle

BRAT.TXT MICHAEL MICHELLE By Marcia Sampson Poor Karen. As if life wasn't hard enough for her, having to get up an hour before the sun to clean her landlady's house in exchange for rent, followed by a business day of taking care of two baby boys, one of whom was an uncontrollable antisocial brat, followed several nights a week by two or three hours cleaning someone's house after her all- day baby-sitting job...by...

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Michael Makes a Point

Michael sat up in bed reading, waiting for his wife. The dog was up on the bed with him, trying to nose the book out of his hand and get attention.Fucking obnoxious dog. Hadn't he made it clear to the mutt that he didn't like it? To leave him alone?It was all his wife's fault. Somehow their household wasn't complete without some yipping little creature running around. Michael had been outvoted threeto one by her and the kids. But the fucking thing, some sort of little rat terrier, had...

3 years ago
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All of my performers showed up on time and dressed like they were going out on the town afterward. Some of the older girls like Nancy Newman, Emily Clarke, Joan Prefontayne, and Olivia Wright, and of course Jennifer Guthrie were dressed in beautiful dresses. Not to be outdone, Isabel, Paula Scott, and the Michael’s twin sisters were dressed to the nines as well. I got to pick Isabel’s dress for the evening. We should have had a red carpet put out front as they arrived. I was back in my...

2 years ago
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Michael8217s Odd Job Part ll

Michael had already removes his shirt earlier in the day as the sweltering heat made it stick to his sweating torso, giving the girls the added incentive to stay and help longer. “Wanna join us?” asked Jessica. “We have loads of hot water.” Michael smiled. “Only if one of you will scrub my back!” he said, jokingly. “We can do better than that,” suggested Beth, “we can wash each others.” He could see with the looks on their faces and excitement in their eyes, they weren’t joking. Michael took...

4 years ago
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Phone Sex With Michael

The phone is ringing, as I grab it, I flop over onto the bed..."Hello?" A deep, sexy voice on the other end of the line says "Hello Jackie, this is Michael." "Ohhhh my!" I say. Thinking, Oh my God he has such a deep, wonderful voice. And I can feel my pussy contract, already becoming wet. "Hello Michael! My goodness, this is the first time we've talked." "Yes, it is. I just wanted to hear your voice. I've wondered with you'd sound like." Michael purred. And for the next few...

3 years ago
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Answers for Michael Chapter 02

“Did you mean what you said? I can talk to you about anything. Ask you anything?” He asked evenly. She moved to the corner of the couch, leaning her weight against it. Without noticing, she pulled the light robe she wore a little more tightly around her. “What happened tonight?” she asked softly. He held out his right arm and patted the open space on the sofa beside him. “Sit next to me.” She wasn’t sure why this alarmed her, but it did. Sit? Fuck. Waking her up in the middle of...

2 years ago
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Beth Michael The Road Ahead

The morning sun just began piercing the east-facing blinds in Michael’s bedroom, and a bright ray splashed across Beth’s face. She opened her eyes and put her hand up to block the harsh light. When she did, the flawless diamond, nestled in the setting on her left hand, sparkled. She smiled and moved her hand for a few minutes watching the dazzling array the sun created for her. She looked over at Michael, still sound asleep. She brushed his hair lightly and kissed his forehead. He stirred...

4 years ago
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Janice helped me tag the songs I needed with numbered post-it’s from one to twenty-three. We hadn’t worked on a project like this together since before Jenn and her mom, Ally moved in. Mom could sing from each of them except the La Boehme aria. I have such a cool mom ... talented and beautiful. I hope her beau, Brian knows what he has and doesn’t blow it! Ally and Jenn yelled “DINNER” and we got up and walked hand in hand to the dining table. My girl wanted to get more involved in making...

2 years ago
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Becoming Father Michael Pt 2

========================================================= Becoming Father Michael part 2 It was a wonderful night so it was, that first one at the Convent, I was allowed a candle so I could see to have a shower and then the mother superior sent me to my room where Sister Martha and Sister Mary waited for me and around nine o'clock I was snuggled down in that wonderful soft bed with a wonderful soft warm nun each side of me. I must have slept an hour before I woke with Mary's hand...

3 years ago
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  Cleaning up the storeroom was without a doubt the most boring part of Michael’s job, and he seemed to spend all his time doing it. In fact, looking back he felt like he’d spent the best part of his working life in this cold and dark little room and he had often thought long and hard about leaving. He had worked at the university for twenty years, and hadn’t got a shred of satisfaction out of it. He had no wife, no children, just a dark and lonely house on campus. The only reason he had taken...

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Michael Bev chapter 3

I slept like a log that night to be woken at 6 am in time for breakfast. Nothing was said by anyone although looks were exchanged between me Michael and Beverley. Aunt Debbie looked none the worse for her drinking last night and was very polite and friendly. We caught the bus, slept most of the way and had a terrific time at the sea-side. Bev hung around with me and Michael even though there were girls of her age on the trip. For boys our age to have a girl of her age in tow would normally have...

2 years ago
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Chapter One My name is Michael. I spent my school years as an object of ridicule. I am so very small. The boys and girls all had a growth spurt at about fourteen, but alas not me. The boys made fun of me and girls were off the radar because I was such a small person. I longed have a social life. I was a geek and computer nerd. I had wonderful grades, but nothing more, no real friends of either sex. I was raised with strict Bible belt rules and had been the only son to a father I never...

3 years ago
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Michael Part 1

Behind the shelf of towels there was a small hole in the wall, just big enough that Michael could peer through it. Through it he could see into the room adjacent, and what a room it was. The storeroom was right next to the women’s changing room, and Michael could see straight into it. It was very late in the day and he hadn’t expected to see anybody, but his luck was in. Just coming out of the shower was one of the most beautiful women Michael had ever seen, his cock instantly hardening....

4 years ago
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Michael and Ellen A New Beginning

He always kind of knew what he liked seeing on a woman once she entered a room. That never seemed to change. Michael, having moved up in his company two years later, was still single at the age of 31, but in truth he did not care that he was. He’d had his share of women, not that it was his goal, but to be with a special woman such as his cousin Ellen he told himself was something rather different. There were others. He remembered them all. There was Sarah. There was Elaine. There was Amanda....

4 years ago
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[Disclaimer: This story reads best in LANDSCAPE MODE on a smart phone or any other mobile device.] The next morning, we did our new routine and met Janice and Alice downstairs. We got there early, so Jenn and I listed the people we wanted at our house after school and printed four originals. I put that in my conductor folder and walked back into the unique fragrance of fruit and scrambled eggs. The moms were looking at us wondering what might have happened last night. “No, mother ... we...

3 years ago
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MICHAEL the HUNKI first met Michael on the street, he was dressed in a white body fitting hunk shirt with no sleeves and blue faded skinny jeans. We exchanged greetings/pleasantries as we passed.We greeted each other this way over several weeks as we passed on our ways to work.I was beginning to warm to this guy who seemed to have control of his destiny. Till one day I met him going into my local supermarket, we exchanged greetings, then I extended my hand introducing myself & I got to know...

2 years ago
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Michaels Prom Night A Chrissie Conway Story

Micheal’s Prom Night (A Chrissie Conway Story) Kelly and I are home for a few days and were staying at Kellys' mom’s house as usual. All week long all her brother Michael can ramble on and on about is the senior prom coming up this Friday night. He andTwo of his buddies decided to pool their money and talked Kelly into renting them a Cadillac for prom. When any two of them are together all then talk about is how they arefinally going to laid on Friday. They been waiting the entire school year...

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Michael and his aunty Sylvias panties

When Michael’s aunty Silvia first moved in with him and his mum he wasn’t particularly pleased about it. But after a short time he realised that she always wore stockings. Often in the evening as they watched television we would often be able to see the tops of her stockings as she lounged about on the sofa. She wasn’t aware she was exhibiting herself and even if she did she wouldn’t have been bothered as Michael was part of the family.Michael always made sure he sat opposite his aunty so he...

3 years ago
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Father Michael

Synopsis: Based around the true story of the Colt Family, a totally inbred family of 48 who were discovered by authorities in 2012 living in a commune in the Australian outback. Everyone was fucking everyone and none of the kids knew who their paternal fathers were - there were so many possibilities! (Google it) Father Michael It was a sunny and hot Tuesday afternoon. Father Michael parked his car at the end of the track, behind the barn as instructed. There were a few other vehicles there,...

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I surprised everyone by my sister and I fixing Pork Chops a la Misabel! We found and quick-thawed ten nicely sized pork chops, cooked in a mix of herbs, mustard and pancake syrup. I tried it before I put the first chop in it and the combination of flavors was very different, but not fighting each other. I increased the mustard and only used one half tablespoon of syrup for the whole meal, so it wouldn’t overpower the other flavors. Alongside that, Isabel made some creamy mashed potatoes,...

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Michael and Chelsea Chapter Two

"Anyone want more waffles before we leave?" Chelsea asked the family. She had great pride in the blended family her and Michael had created, and continuing to create. Even though his daughters were her age, and his son was also closer in age to her, his children accepted her as an important figure in their dad's life, for Corey it was a mom figure, for Jamie and Gracie, it was a sister or aunt type relationship, but still very close. Nobody took her up on her offer for more food. Everyone...

Love Stories
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Teegan and Michael A Chance of Fate Part 2 of 2

When Michael woke on Sunday morning, he put the coffee on and went outside to retrieve the paper. Soon the aroma of fresh coffee permeated the kitchen; he poured a cup and settled into his favorite chair to relax and read the paper.He found thoughts of Teegan sneaking into his mind. Normally after an encounter like last night, he rarely gave it much after action thought. It was what it was, he enjoyed it and then it was time to move on. Even with his semi-regular benefit friends, it was just...

4 years ago
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Catherine and Michael

Catherine was a guest lecturer at a small, southern, community college. She had been in town for just under three weeks. Her lecture on that fateful day had lasted a little longer than usual. On top of that, her students had asked many more questions than they normally would have asked. This pleased Catherine because it indicated they were paying attention. However, by the time she left the classroom it was getting late. She hoped she hadn't missed her ride. To add insult to injury,...

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