Bethany Turned 51 Last Night free porn video

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Hi, my name's Mike. Last night my wife Monica and I attended Bethany's 51st birthday party. Her husband David had pulled out all the stops to make sure that it was a party that she'd always remember. Believe me, it's one that I'll never forget!

We had arrived at Beth and David's home at 7:00 PM as David had requested. As we walked in, I noticed that there were already three other couples present, sharing small talk and enjoying cocktails. I recognized Debbie and Jim, Karen and Phil and Leslie and Daniel. We already knew them pretty well from other parties and gatherings that David and Beth had hosted and we liked them a lot. The only person we didn't know was Kevin, a friend of David's from College. David explained that Beth had spent the afternoon shopping with David's wife Janet and that both were expected to arrive shortly.

We gathered around the kitchen island, enjoyed our drinks and the finger foods that had been placed out for us. We engaged in small talk, shared stories, jokes and a lot of laughter. I had overheard Monica talking to the other wives about her old friend from college who had visited us recently. A short while later they were all laughing and giggling over what sounded like a joke about a hotel maid and a missed flight. It was good to see her enjoying herself as she has seemed very distant lately. I'll have to ask Monica to tell me about the joke later, but let's get back to last night shall we?

The drinks and the banter continued to flow freely and it wasn't long before the ladies let out an ear piercing whoop and exclaimed, “There's the birthday girl!!”

We all turned to see Beth and Janet enter the room with bags overflowing with goodies from their shopping trip. Beth was surprised and delighted to see all of us gathered in her honor and she made the rounds to exchange hugs, kisses and well wishes for many more returns.

To my delight, more drinks were poured and the laughter and conversation continued. I had been watching how David and Beth kept close to each other over the course of the evening. They seemed to be all hands, sneaking touches and exchanging light kisses.

I was thinking how nice it was to see them both so happy, especially Beth on her special day when David took her hand and said, “I have a surprise for you.”

She smiled as he led her by the hand to the living room, eager to see the surprise that was awaiting her. The room looked different than when we had first arrived; all of the furniture had been moved toward the edges of the room, opening up the center as if they had planned to use it as a dance floor. Once she was in the center of the room David kissed her passionately. He then stepped back slightly, brushed her hair out of her eyes and gently started to place a blindfold on her.

“Wh... What are you do...”

“Shhh....” he interrupted, placing his index finger to her lips. “It's a surprise.”

A surprise I wondered to myself? I had now idea what was going either. The usual party props that required a blindfold were conspicuously absent. No piniatta, no donkey to pin a tail on. I felt a bit disappointed to be honest as I rather enjoy party games.

Then David kissed her again. This time the kiss lasted a bit longer and she returned his kiss hungrily.

After David broke the kiss, he affixed the blindfold and stepped away from her. Beth was left standing in the center of the room with a blindfold covering her eyes, her hands at her side and a nervous smile on her face.

I looked back to see that Jim, Phil, Daniel and Kevin were all standing side by side and I was a bit startled when they broke into “The Birthday Song” barber shop quartet style. Now I'm not a huge fan of barber shop quartets, but I have to admit they sounded pretty damned good. Beth seemed to agree as she giggled and clapped her hands the entire time. She was the center of attention and was eating it up in typical Beth fashion.

When the song was over, they each walked up and gave her a quick kiss on the lips and whispered a happy birthday to her. She was caught off guard - no startled - by Jim who was the first, but she seemed prepared for the others that followed and smiled broadly as they kissed her.

But it didn't end there. Each one of them took another turn kissing her. Beth was beginning to enjoy herself and began to giggle at the game. I noticed as each of them took their turn, the kisses got longer. By the time Kevin had gotten to her, the kiss had developed a hunger that hadn't been there when it all began. The rest of the men had gathered around her to form a circle. One of them to her right, one behind her, another to her left and Kevin before her. It appeared as if I were looking at a compass rose with the men forming the four points of the compass, and Beth facing north.

Kevin stepped back slightly, ending the kiss and as he did so her body leaned toward him as if begging him to continue. Instead of kissing her again, the compass spun so Jim was once again standing in front of her. It became his turn to kiss her and she leaned against him, her hands reaching up to his side. His kisses trailing lower to nuzzle and kiss her neck, and that is when I heard her sigh for the first time.

It occurred to me at that very moment that this would be no game of Pin The Tail On The Donkey.

The rest of us quietly sipped our drinks and watched. I looked over at Monica and found she was mesmerized, completely absorbed in the scene playing out before her. Perhaps it was the wine, but I had never seen that look on her face ever before. Ever.

While we watched, the compass would spin periodically and Beth would find herself in the arms of another who would hold and caress her while he kissed her. The hands were roaming more freely, over her hips, grazing her breasts and sliding over her ass to pull her closer. Beth's moans and sighs came more frequently, and she greedily wrapped her arms around each of them and ground herself against them.

She remained completely surrounded. She was being kissed as hands sought out her breasts, they slid over her back, grabbed at her ass and legs. It was a slow and controlled grope fest. A gasp escaped her mouth, and she melted like butter as they lavished attention on her. The buttons of her blouse and the zipper of her skirt were soon dealt with in order and the garments cast aside. Only her bra and panties remained as the gentlemen continued their exploration of her. Her chest rising and falling, hips rocking seductively and nipples straining at the cup of her bra.

Then they all backed away for a moment leaving her standing there all by herself. She looked disheveled, her skin was flushed, nipples erect and a low whimper escaped her lips as she begged them to return to her. What she hadn't realized is that while she was left standing alone in the center of the room, the four of them had quietly stripped away their clothing.

“Pin a tail on the Beth,” I said under my breath.

The four of them moved to surround her again and as they did, she realized they were all naked. They pressed their hard cocks against her, and their hands and lips sought after and found flesh aching to be consumed.

“Ohhhhh gawwwwwwd....”

The sound of her desire filled the room as their hands explored her body, teasing her over and under her bra and panties until they too had finally been cast aside. Her hands flailed, fumbled and grasped until she had a cock in each. She wasted no time exploring and stroking them.

It as a bee hive of activity, her nipples were sucked, her mouth kissed and her glistening pussy was fingered endlessly. Her hands were always full, and when her mouth wasn't being kissed it was open and filling the empty spaces of the room with moans and sighs.

A moment later she was gently coaxed to her knees. Without hesitation her mouth popped open and she consumed the closest cock and bobbed her head on the shaft. The others stroked themselves and continued their exploration. Each of them took a turn feeding her their cocks in what could have been a cock tasting contest. She sampled and savored each of them one by one, but being the gentlemen that they are, they were careful not to get too close to cumming. It was her night after all.

Meanwhile, we spouses watched from the sidelines. My hard cock strained against my jeans and I couldn't help but rub my hand over it from time to time. My God, what a show they performed! Believe me, this was much better than Pay-Per-View porn on cable.

I turned my gaze back toward Beth who was surrounded by cock and loving every minute of it. She happily let them take turns with her, eagerly accepting them into her mouth as they moved around her. And for their part, the men continued to fondle and kiss her everywhere they could.

And the racket she made while going at them? My dear lord! I'd never heard such a din in my life! You know how some people eat quietly and others do not? Let me tell you, Beth falls into the latter category. She made Slurping and sucking noises that I never would have imagined coming from a lady, and she never tired. She was ravenous. I wished I had recorded it to playback for you, but you'd probably accuse me of making it all up.

So anyway, while Beth was felating the east cardinal of the compass, the other gentlemen had placed piles of cushions and pillows on the floor in preparation for what was to come next. She was eased onto her back and their hands reached out and parted her thighs. They immediately took turns tasting her. One by one they pressed their faces between her legs and tormented her with their tongues. She would buck her hips and arch her back as her pussy sent “damn, that is so fucking good” signals to the rest of her body. She was kept very busy otherwise as well. Her hands were always employed tugging on someone, or a cock was being slipped in and out of her mouth. It was evident that she was loving the attention and she put on quite a show. Let's not fool ourselves, the men were enjoying themselves too, but they were there for her pleasure and that was their focus.

With a low groan Beth convulsed and had her first orgasm of the evening. Her body contorted, her hips rose and she ground her pussy against the mouth that had just pushed her over the edge. I couldn't hear myself think over the noise she was making. The sound of her alone could cause one to orgasm.

The men paused and backed away from her to give her a chance to settle. She lay with her legs wide open, her pussy glistening and swollen. A sheen of sweat coated her body and she looked completely satisfied.

She was completely unaware that someone had crept between her open legs until she felt the head of their cock brushed over her clit. She let out a surprised gasped and an instant later the head slipped past her lips and he slowly pushed all the way into her. She let out another moan as he held her legs up and apart and started to slowly fuck her. Those of us watching could see his glistening shaft moving in and out of her.

I had been so thoroughly engrossed in the scene and didn't realize that Monica was no longer beside me until she appeared naked behind the man who was fucking Beth. Monica bent and reached around him to rub Beth's clit while he fucked her. Monica then offered her wet fingers to Beth who sucked them clean in an instant.

Monica shifted, hovered over Beth and kissed her mouth, her red hair spilling around them while her hand reached out and tugged and pinched Beth's nipples. She left a trail of kisses along Beth's neck before greedily sucking one of the hardened nipples between her lips. All the while, Monica's eyes were glued to the cock that was sliding in and out of Beth. Occasionally she'd reach down to tease Beth's clit and the cock of whoever happened to be fucking her at the time.

One of them had started to finger Monica and she willingly opened her legs further, but it didn't last for very long. Monica slowly swung a leg over Beth's face, lowered herself to her mouth and slowly rocked her hips back and forth as Beth went to work on her. Someone else had taken his place between Beth's legs, and he had Monica's breasts right in his face. As Monica gyrated against Beth's face, her nipple would be pressed into his waiting mouth.

The room was filled with the sights, sounds and smells of sex. You could capture the fragrance and sell it as an aphrodisiac I'm sure. There were loud, hungry sucking noises, skin slapping together and an endless moans, groans and sighs. A sexual symphony.

Beth had a cock in each hand and was gently tugging on them, their precum smeared on her hands. Monica had found the release she had been looking for, threw her head back and gasped. Her thighs clenched Beth as her orgasm consumed her and then she collapsed forward against Daniel resting her head on his shoulder as he slid in and out of Beth.

It never finished. In this game an orgasm was not a declarative of victory signaling that the game was over. Jim had gotten on his knees behind Monica and slipped himself slowly inside her. As he did so, his shaft slid against Beth's face and her tongue darted out to lick him as he buried himself in my wife. He pushed all the way into Monica and then slowly backed out. He'd then slip his glistening cock into Beth's open mouth, give her two or three slow pumps before he'd pull away and slip back inside Monica.

I was held captive by the scene before me and hadn't realized that the other spouses had reclined on the sofa, their legs draped over each other and all of them were masturbating as they watched the performance. That in itself made quite a sight, the four women fingering and rubbing themselves with David sitting right in the middle! I was suddenly torn as there were now two shows playing out in the living room. Luckily I had tickets for both! It wasn't long before I too had my cock in hand, slowly tugging as I watched

Jim had just pulled out of Monica and was about to slip into Beth's mouth but before he could Monica pressed back and his cock slid between Beth's face and Monica's pussy. Daniel, who was rubbing the head of his cock against Beth's clit suddenly pushed hard and deep into her and as he did so she arched her back with a squeal of delight and was engulfed by another orgasm.

And that was when the wheels came off. It was the first elimination round with Daniel being the first to lose it, unable to hold himself back any longer. His orgasm started as he pulled out of Beth, his first spurt landing on her swollen pussy lips and his cum dripped between them. Monica's hand reached for his cock and as she lowered herself to lick Beth's pussy, another spurt of cum splashed onto Beth's mound and Monica's face. Monica used her hand on him to make sure he was finished and then cleaned him with her greedy mouth.

Beth, grabbed at Jim's cock as it slid back into her mouth and sucked hungrily. He groaned loudly and I could see his cock throbbing and pulsing between her lips. Beth swallowed eagerly as he emptied himself and only released him after he started to soften in her mouth.

Monica, finished with Daniel, turned her attention to Beth and lazily licked the cum that had splashed on her. Her face glazed, and her eyes full of lust. The room remained heavy with the smell of sex.

As Monica rolled slowly off of Beth and onto her back, Kevin and Phil rolled Beth onto her stomach and then helped her up onto her hands and knees. They approached her from north and south with Phil fucking her from behind as Kevin slipped his cock into her waiting mouth. Beth never missed a beat. Her energy level remained very impressive and she wore me out just from watching her. She already looked very well fucked and she obviously wasn't finished yet.

Phil had his hands on her hips and would pull her back as he thrust into her. Kevin altered his timing so he'd slip into her mouth as she rocked forward. Her breasts would sway madly as she was pulled to and fro, her nipples grazing the carpet beneath her. Monica simply couldn't keep her hands to herself; well one of them anyway. She reached underneath Beth and rubbed her clit as Phil continued to go about his business. She was also teasing Phil at the same time letting her fingers snake around his shaft and then up against Beth's swollen lips

I could hear skin slapping skin as Beth was fucked harder and ravenous slurping noises as Kevin fucked her mouth. Then as if on cue, both men started to cum. Phil pushed himself in deep, filling her pussy with his seed. Kevin had started to cum in her mouth and then he pulled out, finishing himself off by hand letting what remained land on Beth's face and hair.

The men who had formed the four points of the compass were now spent and had performed well. Quietly, Monica and the four of them backed away, leaving Beth alone in the center of the room. Her blindfold had been lost sometime during the frenzy, and her eyes had a look of pure satisfaction.

After a moment she got up on her knees, and motioned to me with her index finger.

“You're not getting out of here without playing the game.”

I had not even considered participating in the evening's events but the sound of her voice alone almost pushed me over the edge. How could I possibly resist? As I stepped before her she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me deep into her warm mouth. She wrapped her lips tightly around me and sucked gently. When I felt her tongue press against the underside of my cock I became a lost cause and started to cum. With my hands on her head, I held her face against me and filled her mouth. I could feel her swallowing me as she held my cock there until my spasms subsided and then she slowly released me. She looked up at me giving me a playful smile and gently kissed the head of my cock.

I retreated to the sidelines and slipped my arms around Monica as Beth sat back and smiled, slowly drawing her hand across her lips to wipe them clean. Her skin was glistening from sweat, pussy juice, saliva and cum. Her chest was heaving and she looked completely sated.

It wasn't the sort of party I had expected when we arrived earlier in the evening but it was one that will remain etched in my memory forever. To be honest, I may have been more surprised by it than Beth! I had also discovered a side of Monica that I never knew existed. I think she an I need to talk.

After a short while, Beth stood and lazily made her way toward David and settled into his lap. He wrapped her in his arms as she kissed him sweetly.

I then heard her whisper “That was the best birthday party ever. I can't wait to see what happens when I turn 52!”

Neither can I.

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Bethany's Secret By Crimson -1- By the time my senior year of high school rolled around, I was 18 years old and I'd never had a girlfriend. This fact always bugged me because I knew I was good-looking, funny, and popular, but I still couldn't get girls. The reason was simple shyness. I was terrible at talking to girls who I was interested in dating. I would open my mouth and sputter out something stupid which got me more weird looks than dates. My love life was a constant...

1 year ago
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Bethanys Mix UpChapter 2

Bethany froze at Jared's confession. Jared had a sheepish grin plastered onto his face. "I heard you talking to Dr. Fremont. I was hoping you would come up with that idea, but I just wasn't sure. I never thought it would end up like this, though. It's not like I planned it. When you came in my room and you looked at me the way you always do I almost lost it and jumped you right there. And then you told me we'd be in the tub like when we were little! Do you even remember what we used to...

4 years ago
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The Incredibles 2 Elastigirls New Super Suit

I sighed as I look at my curvy body. My rounded bubbly breasts are perfectly cupped by the suit. It feels thin. Thinner than Edna’s suit. But it does the same trick. It can withstand fire blast, bullets, and radiations. I look down at my thighs, I have thin stocking like materials that a bit see through, where people can see the shades of my skin under the stockings. I sighed realizing how thicker my thighs are since the last time I suit up as an old school Elastigirl. “Helen!! Quick!” Bob...

2 years ago
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Cat Fight 27 The Last0

tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Malant - 2 1/2 months quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres unit - 2 1/2 ccs Tac - 2 1/2 pounds Mayan Terms p'uchik - spank nohchil - Chief Ahau - King k'aat - Claim k’iimil - Death taak’in - gold Characters Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh King Tomco...

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lastmales tale

My name is Jack Lastmale and it seems like I'm the last male in the world. 16 years ago, nobody knows why, but every male vanished from this world. But somehow I'm still here and I want to save the world! I don't think I can get every women pregnant in this world but i want to try it so I'm boarded a caravan to see the world. I came from a little village in the south, my family has a farm there. I lived there with my mother and with my three sisters. I'm the smallest in the family and the only...

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Before I let you in on what happened last Thursday, I’ll let you in on something else: I’m all business. Always have been. As a kid my favorite game was “Business”. In the game “Business” me and my other child friends would sit a few feet away from each other and pretend-work in silence. Every now and then one of us would shout “I’ve made an advancement! This company and everyone in it is gonna be rich!” Then we’d all cheer and then get right back to work. As time went on, the other kids grew...

Group Sex
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Aertheril Geschichten aus dem Elfenpalast

[Allgemeine Infos -Die ganze Geschichte als solches gibt es bei zu lesen! -Bilder und Infos zum Comic erhaltet ihr unter] Die folgende Geschichte trägt sich auf Aertheril, dem schwebenden Kontinent, zu. Aertheril unterscheidet sich von anderen Kontinenten, anderer Welten dadurch dass er sich über der Wolkendecke der Welt befindet. In der Mitte der sternförmigen Landmasse ragt ein hohes, unüberwindliches...

1 year ago
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Entkommen Sie von Inga Palast der Snde

Inga war eine mächtige vollbusige deutsche Frau. Sie war groß und sehr mächtig. Sie war auch ein sadistisches, Nymphomaneherrscher. Kein Mann könnte sie in Bett behandeln. Sie hat Freude aus Zerquetschenmännern und Frauen mit ihrer sexuellen Fähigkeit und Kraft genommen. Niemand könnte sie behandeln. Sie vorbereiten alle eigenes Deutschland und bewegten auf zu anderen Ländern. Sie hat in einem cheesy Karikatur Akzent gesprochen. Sie beherrscht gern Leute und war ein wenig verrücktes. Einige...

1 year ago
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Dolcett Palast Teil 2

Leicht verdientes Geld"So, Mädels, wir werden einen Kaffee trinken gehen bevor wir uns für ein Restaurant entscheiden.Ihr könnt euch also gerne solange umschauen, wenn ihr möchtet" lächelte Maritas Vater"Außer natürlich ihr wollt euch uns anschließen.""Nein, alles in Ordnung, wir sehen uns dann später" antwortete Marita schnell und entferntesich mit Claudia von ihren Eltern."Sei in einer Stunde wieder zurück, Schatz!""Ja, sicher, Mama!" Marita und Claudia ließen sich von den Menschen- und...

3 years ago
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It was a beautiful sunny day and I decided to have my coffee and cigarette outside, as I sat there minding my own business I was looking across the road where the neighbour was having some work done in their house. I saw an older man about 40 plastering a wall and his younger assistant, probably about 20, was helping him.Then the older guy pushed him against the wall and started to kiss him, his hands were somewhere else as the younger man had his arm across his shoulders and his head in the...

1 year ago
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plasterer fucks rich mature lady

this is a true story. I am a plasterer (dryliner) and when this happened i was 29 years old and running my owe business.I went too the job and with my college john (dad who is a lot older 58) the job was i harrogate an expensive part of north yorkshire and when i pulled up outside the house was very old and very big there was a nice car on the drive and the place smelt of money.I went to the door and rang the bell the lady of the house answered the door she introduced herself as Caroline and...

4 years ago
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MailmansLast Day

It was the mailman's last day on the job after 35 years of carrying the mail through all kinds of weather to the same neighborhood. When he arrived at the first house on his route, he was greeted by the whole family there, who congratulated him and sent him on his way with a $25 gift certificate to a fine restaurant. At the second house they presented him with a box of fine cigars. The folks at the third house handed him a box of chocolates. At the fourth house he was met at the door by a...

3 years ago
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Lastnights dream fuck

This is an dream I had lastnight. I do know the woman in the dream. I have wanted her for almost an year. Shes 5 foot 5, her breasts are b maybe c cup, she has black hair, she white and she wears thick black glasses but her still is somewhere between punk and emo.Another guy and I are standing in an large department store when Tiffany comes out of some room. The other man and I talk her and we find an empty room. He and I take turns stripping her down. He takes off her shirt and bra and I take...

1 year ago
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Longlasting Desire For My Neighbour

Hello friends, this is Ajay. This is about how i had sex with my neighbour girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbour is a Orissa family who recently got a baby girl. Since both are working, my neighbour brought her sister to Bangalore. She is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. She is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. Her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had an eye on the girl from the day...

3 years ago
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Plastique Surgery

Master Mold Plastique SurgeryBy Darqside Her blindfold was removed and she could see before her a laboratory with several computer panels and monitoring devices. ?Miss Williams?? a voice from behind her crooned. ?Roger Vaincroft!? Her eyes were now filled with hatred and anger at the sing-song man standing behind her. ?Ah?so you remember me, my dear?that?s good!? I was hoping the very reason my career as a plastic surgeon ended would at least remember my voice, if not my face.? The man...

1 year ago
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Vixen Ecdyslastiates

After meatloaf supper at the local diner, Vixen sat in her rented room and looked at her bankbook. She had pretty much gone through the money she had earned making hard-core porn for her father as a teenager, but she had enough left from the summer job for her tuition and books and probably the rent until Christmas. It was going to be close. She was going to need some income, money to run on. And for food and beer and stuff. She figured that she could live on less than five dollars a day if...

2 years ago
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LimitsChapter 11 The Last Batch

There was no question that we would limit the number of other males who would be brought into our little sex club, in part because it was inevitable that we would have to control other males, much as we did those at the Sunny Tropic contest. Dad and I talked it out. And even though he now generally agrees with me, it was still a nice reinforcement. Having harvested the best of the upperclassmen, we were going to either branch out into the community at large or aim at the next...

1 year ago
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Reddit PLASTT, aka r/PLASST! Have you ever heard about PLASTT? If you are a part of and have been for a while, then you must have run into a subreddit called r/PLASTT/. However, if you have not, I am here to explain all that you really need to know. Starting with what r/PLASTT/ even means, to what it offers, and whether I think that this subreddit is worth your time.Let’s not forget who you are talking to… I am a pro when it comes to talking about porn and telling you what is what....

Reddit NSFW List
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Jav Last! There are currently so many tube sites on the net and more continue to pop up every day. The thing is, though, tubes often don’t focus on specific niche content and instead dedicate their time to availing large quantities of all kinds of content. The result is websites with a little bit of everything that’s often not enough to satisfy your needs fully. So what can you do when you want to jerk off to a fantastic assortment of, say, quality Japanese adult videos (JAV) without having to...

Asian Porn Sites
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Sniffing Sisters Sock Ends in Punishment and Cumblasts

Note: This story is completely fictional. All the characters in this story are of or over the age of 18. This is intended for adults only. And you must be 18 years or older to read this. Enjoy! "Have you seen my pink socks Jon?" Anna shouted from her bedroom. "Those are my lucky socks, I can't win without them" She said as she prepared for her track meet. My sister Anna unintentionally waited for the last minute often before heading out to her track meets. Directly across from hers, I watched...

1 year ago
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Longlasting desire for my Neighbour

100% fiction!Hello friends, this is Ajay. I am from bangalore. this is about how i had sex with my neighbor girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbor is a orissa family who recently got a baby girl. since both are working, my neighbor brought her sister to bangalore. she is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. she is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had...

3 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 49 Rays Secret Nightstick

"Wow, these are just so, ouch, neat!" Christi snapped the shiny plastic clip onto her nipple. It changed colour quickly from dark blue to a bright green as it bit into the blue-eyed brunette's soft pink flesh. "Kathy, you've got to try these!" "What are they?" Kathy answered distractedly as she admired the big black strap-on in the full length mirror. "They're called Mood Clamps. They change colour depending on how turned on you are." She put her arms around Kathy waist and began...

3 years ago
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KEVIN Andrea’s spending the night with my sister. Most girls their age hardly have nipples, but Andrea’s are totally obvious when she’s adjusting her goofy nightcap, a Night-Before-Christmas type, except it’s not Christmas. Katie’s breasts, I know all about from wrestling around. When the three of us play Monopoly, the two complain I own too many hotels, so I make them loans to keep the game going. Banker Andrea in her nightgown has to lean forward to make change while Katie pretends to sort...

2 years ago
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Audition for a Knight

Aug 8, 2011 I tried to get this info into my biography - but couldn't. I've written a paperback book of three of my long stories that I normally sell separately at There IS a great discount offered by the publisher, but only until August 12, 2011 If you're interested go to beastv.blogspot for details. I hope that you enjoy the following story. It's a lot different than my usual. Hugs Bea AUDITION FOR A KNIGHT By Bea The horseman appeared out...

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Bethanys Decision

It was 1956, and Bethany was only sixteen growing up in the small town of Bakersfield, Iowa. It was an idyllic time to be a teenager, in an idyllic small Midwestern town. Bethany had always believed that she was blessed to have been born into such a time and place to what, after a time of trial, would become such a wonderful family. She was born a year before World War II, a year before her father made the hard decision to leave her and her mother to go fight against Germany. She was sixteen...

2 years ago
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A Night With Knight

A night with Knight by Ronde To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Our chat last night I enjoyed our chat last night. Think the other guys did too, if their comments were any basis to judge by. Bet you got a lot of offers after I left the room, but hope I’m the only one who got your email address. Sorry that your husband doesn’t have much time for you anymore. You sound like a beautiful lady, and beautiful ladies should never be ignored. Wish I could do something to make you...

4 years ago
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Girlie Knight

I. The Message Paul Norton sat in his dimly-lit room somewhere in the suburbs of Boston. He looked outside and saw a blizzard pounding the neighborhood. White-skinned and with blond hair, Paul suffered from an overactive intelligence which compelled him to notice things that other people did not. He disliked authority’s instructions, and frequently called people names which they would not otherwise deserve. Fortunately, those same people had been understanding as Paul learned to keep his...

1 year ago
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Heart of a Knight

Jonathan grunted as he pulled himself up onto the stone ledge, his light armour rattling as he steadied himself and looked into the mouth of the cave. Here it was, he thought to himself. The dragon's cave. About six months ago, the young man had turned eighteen. Ever since he was a young boy, he wanted to be a knight. He had grown up idolising them, those armoured heroes who would fight for the king, protect the innocent, strike down villains. Everything that a knight was, everything...

4 years ago
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A Knight

The Knight scowled as he glared at the Succubus sitting before him. His armoured hands were bound above his head, the chains bearing an unnatural purple glow. "My, my, my..." the purple-haired demon teased as she leaned forward, her red eyes running down her captive's body. He was exactly what you would expect of a knight; tall, muscular, and clad from the neck down in metal. She had already disposed of his helmet, exposing his handsome, bearded face. "You're quite the catch, Sir...

1 year ago
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White Knight

Carmine wiped the sweat off her brow with the dirty towel she was using to clean the table. Although it was nearly dark, the heat of the day still had its grip on the land. It was even worse in the dark, windowless inn where she worked. Grunting with the effort, she hoisted the pail of water and sent another splurge of water coursing down the long wooden table, sending several chickens flying out from under the table cackling and complaining loudly that she had ruined their meal of table...

2 years ago
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The Knight

The Knight, from the novel ‘War of the Walkers’ A slow, steady alarm could be heard throughout the complex and the red flashing lights sensors warned every person that the jump team was ready to report to the laboratory sub station immediately. The scramble was chaotic. Meals were deserted, sleep was interrupted, and conversations ceased without proper ending as staff quickly piled into the waiting express elevators. Twenty-six floors below, the team leader awaited his staff. “Ladies and...

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