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"And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it."

-Job, 1:7


It happened because of the heat.

Five-hundred thousand people sat in traffic while the summer sun burned away the last shreds of their patience and goodwill. James didn't mind the gridlock so much, but he couldn't get away from the heat. He fanned himself with a newspaper in the back of the cab, fantasizing about snow-capped peaks and endless white glaciers and frigid arctic oceans. Anything but this heat. It was Monday morning and the cabdriver was talking but James was only half listening.

"The thing God doesn't understand," the Driver was saying, "is that he made you more like me than like himself."

"Is that so?" James said, as sweat down the back of his neck.

"Number one: We're both his creations, right? You've always got more in common with your siblings than your parents."


"Number two: That whole bit about being cast from paradise for disobeying? I did that way before all of you did. I was the first thing in the whole universe to ever disobey God. So that's something else we have in common."

The driver counted his points on his fingers while they waited for the light to change. James saw wavy lines of heat through the window.

"Third and finally, you're all born in sin, and that's my specialty. Add it up, and the human race can't help getting along better with me than you do with him. It's your nature."

"I've never thought about it that way, but I guess you're right. What I don't understand is—" James stopped, turning his head. "Take a right here. I want to go down Mission."

The Driver glanced at him in the mirror. He wore dark sunglasses with perfectly rounded lenses. "The other way is faster."

"I know," James said. "But take it anyway."

Mission was a long black ribbon in the sun, a throng of half-dressed humanity and concrete buildings with metal shutters and sunlight glaring on aluminum and glass. James breathed it in. It smelled like sweat and burning tar and work. Traffic was heavy, and they soon slowed to a stop. "If you wanted to make yourself late, you've done it," the Driver said.

"Everyone will be late today," James said. "We all have an excuse."

Women with bare arms and legs and men with no shirts passed. An old man pushed an ice cream cart down the street, wiping his brow with his apron. James wanted to leap out and buy an ice cream sandwich, the cheap kind he'd liked as a kid. On the corner, four police officers in uniforms so dark blue they were almost black prodded a derelict on the sidewalk—drunk or a victim of the heat, no one could tell. "I hate this neighborhood," the Driver said.

"I like it," James said.

"It's dirty."

"That's what I like. There's not enough dirt in this city. We used to have more. Where did it all go?"

"Here," the Driver said, grinning.

"I live on this street you know. Way down on the other side of town, but it's still the same street."

"You live in a different universe than this street." The Driver turned around a little. With his shaved head and sunglasses he seemed to gleam all over "What's eating you today?"

"It's hot. The busses aren't running. I'm not—"

"There's something else. There were plenty of other cabs, but you took mine. You never take my cab unless you've got a problem. Spill it already."

James hesitated. "Tell me one thing about yourself first."


"Why do you drive a cab?"

"It's a decent job."

"But why do you need a job at all? What do they pay you in? Souls?"

"No, cash. I can't pay the rent in souls. Look, I'm just a regular guy."

James looked at him.

"All right, so that's not quite true. But I've got to get by just like a regular guy. This job is a good way to meet people, and people always interest me." The Driver shrugged. "But I get it: You don't trust me. I've got a bad reputation. Always have. That's life."

The Driver went to whistling as he maneuvered through traffic. They crawled block by block. James needed to get to 3rd Street and this was still 20th. The heat felt like it was squeezing him. He glimpsed his own balding head in the rearview mirror and then looked away. Someone on the street was playing loud music. He'd never heard the song but he felt like he knew all the lyrics anyway. "It's about Nakia," he said.

The Driver looked at him again. "Oh yeah, you two just moved in together. Trouble in paradise already?"

"No, no, I'm happy. I'm just a little...too happy." He squirmed. The inside of the cab felt sticky; he suddenly didn't want to touch the material of the upholstery. "I've always been a one-woman kind of guy. Except for one incident in college—which I deeply regret—I've never been the type to fuck around."

"Has that changed?"

"No." James sat up a little straighter. "God no." He threaded his tie through his knotted fingers. "But I have been thinking about it. The temptation is there."

"Oldest story in the book."

"It's been on my mind so much that I'm acting suspicious, and she's getting jealous. We fight. The other day I even went onto a site advertising, you know, escorts?"

The Driver whistled.

"I didn't realize how explicit it would be. I must have spent two minutes looking at this one: Two women were advertising a blowjob from both of them for a hundred and fifty dollars."

"Good looking?"

"Not really."

"Why'd you care then?"

James opened his mouth two or three times before finally answering. "It seemed like a really good deal."

The Driver's howled.

"Did you call?"

"No," James said. "But the fact that I could seemed amazing. I had the money; Nakia was at work; I could have picked up the phone and gone and...done it...and no one would ever know. How do you deal with a thing like that? It seems like..."

"A miracle."

James pinched his brow. "Not quite. Jesus, it's hot." He glanced at the meter, and then did a double take. Grabbing his briefcase and tie, he gestured for the Driver to pull over. "I'll just walk the rest of the way. Probably faster."

He passed up a handful of bills but the Driver waved them away. "Keep it," he said. James blinked. A cabbie never turned down cash. It was like a shark deciding it wasn't interested in fresh blood. But the Driver insisted. "My treat. Take Nakia somewhere nice. Somewhere air-conditioned."

The cab rumbled off. James walked to work, his polished shoes grinding the black spots of ancient, discarded gum deeper into the sidewalk. It would have felt nice to take off his jacket, but he didn't dare. In a crowd of naked arms and bare backs, he wanted most of all to be covered.


Wednesday night. Neither the heat nor the traffic eased with sunset. James saw the Driver parked in front of his office, engine idling. He got in. The Driver turned on the meter. "Missed you this morning," he said.

"I walked."

"The whole way? S'not good for you, man. This heat kills."

Sweat rolled down James' temples. The Driver pulled out but before he made the first turn James stopped him. "Don't take me home yet," he said. "Take me here."

He passed the Driver a card with an address scribbled on it. The Driver seemed to eye him behind his sunglasses, then shrugged and turned the other way.

"You know, this isn't that far away," he said. "You could have walked again."

"Didn't feel like it," James said.

It was only a six minute ride. The Driver stopped in front of a narrow building on the edge of Chinatown with a faded marquee reading: "SPA," and beneath that "MASSAGE" in red neon letters. A gate covered the entrance, but a hand-lettered sign taped to it read "Ring bell, then pull." James paid the Driver without saying anything. The Driver put a hand on his shoulder before he got out.

"You know what kind of place this is, right?"

James cleaned the lint off his glasses. "I'm not an idiot."

"Rallying cry of every idiot since the dawn of time," the Driver said. "I'll wait for ya."

"You'll miss other fares."

"Pal, I wouldn't miss this for the world."

James rang the bell but the gate didn't budge. He tried again; still nothing. He looked up and down the block, anxious that the approaching pedestrians would get close enough to see his face. Finally he heard a click and the gate opened. He darted inside and up narrow, carpeted steps. An electric fan propped up on a stack of paperback books blew cool air on him as he ascended. An older woman worked the front desk. She looked him up and down, but only for a second. "Been here before?" she asked. James shook his head. "Sixty dollar," the woman said.

"That's all?" James said, then felt stupid immediately.

"Pay more later if you want," the woman said, and led him to one of a series of small, bedroom-like cubicles, with curtains over the open doorways and black construction paper taped over the exterior window. No one else was here, but he was instructed to undress and lie down, and then the old woman left. James turned away from the mirror as he removed his clothes. Lying face down with a too-small towel covering his bare ass, he sweated and fidgeted. This was insane. He should just leave. He should get up and put his clothes on and maybe even try to get his $60 back, but one way or the other—

Someone walking in soft slippers on the thick carpet came to the tableside. James froze like a trapped animal. A small voice, barely more than a whisper, said, "Hello." James could only grunt in reply. He heard her kick off her slippers but he did not look up. His heart beat so fast it almost hurt. When a hand touched his shoulder he nearly jumped out of his skin. I can't do this, he thought. There’s no way I can do this. With an inward sigh he prepared to leave—

But when he looked up the woman smiled at him, and his legs turned to jelly.


The Driver waited and whistled the tune on the radio. People streamed along the sidewalks as the dark blue twilight faded to black and the yellow tint of artificial lights winked on all over the city. After a little less than an hour James returned. He shut the door with particular emphasis and said only, "Home please." His glasses were in his suit pocket. The Driver gave a jaunty salute and rolled towards Market. The taillights of the cars up ahead looked like a long procession of winking red eyes.

James was relieved that the Driver said nothing most of the way, but a few blocks from the house he pulled into a vacant parking space, stopped the meter, undid his seatbelt and actually got out and sat next to James in the backseat. He leaned in so close that the smell of his too-minty breath (James had watched him gobble breath mints by the handful sometimes) made James' eyes water. His teeth glittered in the dark. "Details," he said.

James squirmed. "I don't really know what to say."

"Who'd you see?"

James mumbled. "Bunny."

"Bunny! Nice gal. Nice body. Been on the job a few too many years, but some guys like that. You like that?"

James blushed. "She was perfectly satisfactory."

The Driver slapped him on the arm. "'Perfectly satisfactory,' I like that. Did you get the special?"

"I don't want to talk about it." James slid down in his seat like a stubborn schoolboy. The Driver plied him.

"Feeling guilty?" The Driver said. "Got the old post-money shot remorse. Better stow that as quick as you can. Can't change the past. I only asked what you did because in my experience most guys want to confess right after, and confessing to your girl is about the dumbest thing you can do. If you feel the urge, get it out of your system now."

They sat for a few minutes as James wrestled to find the right words. Licking his dry lips he said, "When I got into the room, you know, I took my clothes off and laid down, and she climbed up on my back, and she started giving me a massage."

"Right, right," said the Driver. "Then what?"

"That's it."

"...nothing else? What the hell happened?" The Driver pondered for a moment. "You know, Bunny's English isn't that great. Maybe you missed the signal?"

"She made some hand gestures that were…pretty universal."

"So what did you say?"

"I said no. Just the massage, please."

The Driver took his sunglasses off. James cringed.

"Do you mean to tell me," the Driver said, speaking slowly and distinctly, "that you went to a Chinatown massage parlor just because you actually wanted a massage?"

Helpless, James shrugged. "...yeah."

For a second he thought the Driver was going to be angry for some reason. Then the Driver burst into hyena-like peals of laughter instead. James wanted to crawl away and never be seen again. “That," the Driver said, "is the funniest fucking thing I've ever heard. Since the dawn of time, that’s the funniest thing. What in the hell were you thinking?"

"I thought it would be fun to do something secret. It felt dirty, like I wanted, but also like something I couldn't get in trouble for. A backrub isn't cheating, right?" He watched the taillights go by for a second. "And I could have done it, if I'd really wanted to. That's good enough."

"You are a strange little man," the Driver said. "Why'd you pick that place anyway?"

"I looked it up on Yelp. And I've never really been with an Asian woman."

"That a thing with you?"

"No. But it is for so many other guys, and I realized now, with Nakia, it'll never happen for me.” He handed over a mess of bills. The Driver hummed as he counted the fare. "How you going to explain being late?"

James shrugged. "Couldn't find a cab."

The Driver was still laughing as he pulled away.


Friday night. Ten o'clock. The world shouldn't have been able to contain heat like this. By rights the city should have melted or flared up like a struck match by now. James sat on the curb, wondering what to do and where to go, and then his phone rang. It was the Driver.

"I'm the next block up."

James frowned. "I didn't call a cab?"

"Guess this time a cab called you."

James imagined the accusing eyes of his neighbors behind every window he passed. The Driver idled at the corner of Persia. The air smelled thick with rain but the clouds only lingered, sluggish, overhead. When he got in the Driver pulled away without even being told where to go. James studied the back of the Driver's head for a moment. When no explanation came he said, "How did you know?"

"Know what?"

"That Nakia threw me out?"

"She did? Holy shit! Why?"

James swatted the upholstery. "Stupid mistake. Stupid, stupid, stupid."

"Out with it."

"She went through my phone and found the number of the massage parlor. You can imagine what she thought."

"You cannot be serious? Oh, that is rich. Only you, James."

"She won't believe that all I got was massage."

"Of course she doesn’t believe it, she's not an imbecile."

"It's the truth!"

"Doesn't make it believable."

James rubbed his temples. "I can't believe this is happening to me."

"I can. You were asking for it. Of course, now you might as well really have been fucking around on her, since she'll never believe you weren't. But I guess you thought about that already."

James thumped his head against the back of the seat.

"Nothing more tragic than the plight of the wrongfully accused," said the Driver. "Hey, what was she doing snooping through your phone in the first place?"

James blinked. "I didn't think to ask."

"Kind of an invasion of privacy, isn't it?"

"I guess." He looked out the window; they'd crossed a lot of ground in a short amount of time. They were heading uphill, along Taylor Street. "Where are we going?"

"There's someone I want you to meet."

"You can't tell me who?"

"You got anywhere better to be right now?"

James said nothing. The Driver parked outside a rowhouse and dialed a number on his phone. "We're here," was all he said before hanging up, and then he indicated James should wait in front of the building. Before James could again ask what was going on the Driver sped away, leaving him blinking and uncertain in the street. The hill he was on was steep, and the wind pushed against his back, threatening to send him rolling end over end down it. Somewhere overhead, thunder tolled. A strange woman was walking toward him. She asked for him by name and when he said he was who she was looking for she threw her arms around him and hugged him like they were old friends. Bewildered, James let her take him into the building, through the garage. Now in the dark, James suddenly became anxious. He swallowed. "I don't mean to be rude," he said, "but who are you?"


"Right. ...but, more specifically?"

Her smile was almost visible in the dark. "I'm a friend of a friend. He thought we should meet. Didn't he tell you about me?"

"Not a word."

"That naughty boy!"

"Where are we going? he said.

"To my room. Well, not my room, exactly. I call it the parlor. It's where I entertain."

In the back of the garage was something like a tiny, one-room apartment. It looked like a college girl's dorm room; the bed took up about half of the space. A string of Christmas lights provided most of the illumination. Soft music was playing. The woman took James' coat, after asking for it twice. She looked 40ish but somehow still girlish. She wore loose pants and a t-shirt, and her hair was dyed red at the ends and pulled back in ponytail. The strange room made James feel like he'd just stumbled into a tiny, magical kingdom hidden in the back of a closet. "Do you like it?" she said, closing the door behind them. "I built it myself."

"It's...cozy," James said

"Do you want something to drink? Wine?"

"Yes," James said, after deliberating for longer than was probably necessary. She had a glass ready for him.

"Why don't you take off your shoes? Stay a while?"

"Am I staying a while?" James said, taking a sip.

"Your friend told me you were cute."

"Yes, my...friend. Did he tell you a lot about me?"

"Just enough. He told me about him, too. I know who he really is." She guided him to an overstuffed chair with no legs and letting him sink into it. She sat in the legless chair opposite his, drinking her own wine. "It's going to storm," she said.

"Maybe it'll help end the heat."

"Has the heat been bothering you?"

"God yes."

"It'll be a dry storm though. Thunder and lightning, but no rain. So what do you do?"

"I'm a couples’ counselor."

"Are you good?"

"Not really."

"At least you're honest."

"I'm great at figuring out other people's problems but I'm terrible with my own."

"Isn't that true of everyone?"

"Not everyone's professional credibility is at stake."

Amber took her hair down. The red curls clung to her bare neck and collarbone. "So what do you want to do next?"

James swallowed. "I'm not sure I understand?"

Amber put her hand on his knee. "Your friend paid for the whole night. So we can do whatever you want. Don't be shy about asking."

James paused. "I'm seeing someone."

"So am I. We have an agreement. Don't you and your girlfriend?"

"We don't agree on much of anything anymore. Although come to think of it, she probably just dumped me."

"So you're single."

"It's hard to say."

She squeezed his knee harder. "Like I said, we can do anything. I give the girlfriend experience."

"Does that mean you'll get jealous and suspicious, won't listen to me when I explain myself, and generally make me feel like I don't understand anything about you or the rest of the world?"

She burst into laughter, and James laughed too. He realized it had been a long time since he'd laughed at anything. It was a relief. She moved behind him, rubbing his shoulders. "Do you want a massage? Your friend said you liked massages."

James stood, a little shaky, and let her take his shirt off. As always, he flinched at letting a woman see any part of his naked body, but Amber's small, friendly smile made him feel a little better. The mattress was so soft he thought he was going to sink all the way through it. She left the room for a moment and came back wearing a gauzy, rose-colored nightie. The neck was low, and James instinctively looked away from her cleavage but then, after thinking about it, deliberately looked again. She climbed up on his back, straddling him with splayed legs, and he knew, very suddenly, that she was not wearing anything underneath. "You're tense," she said, working her fingers into his muscles. "Do you like it gentle, or hard?"

"I don't really know."

She worked her way up and down his spine. James held his breath as her fingers knitted and kneaded his skin. She was rocking back and forth with little motions of her hips all the while, and now and then he heard her grunt or gasp with exertion. He pictured how her mouth might look while she did and was suddenly glad he was lying facedown. "You have such a sexy back," she said.

"Are you insane?"

"You're not the first to suggest it." The dangling ends of her long hair tickled him. The thick bedspread and overstuffed mattress sank under their combined weight, making him feel like he was floating in a great, lazy ocean. He'd only had a little wine, but it was making him lightheaded even so. Amber leaned over as far as she could and James felt the curve of her breasts. The heat told him that she had pulled her nightgown down. Swallowing, he indicated without speaking that she should sit up a little and let him roll onto his back. She was smiling down him.

"Now was that so hard?" she said.


She leaned in for a kiss. After a few more, he kissed her back; her lips were strange and unfamiliar. Her naked breasts pressed against his chest and he put his arms around her, hands settling rather uncertainly beneath her shoulders. Her hair was everywhere; its scent was familiar and he realized she must use the same shampoo Nakia did. Not surprising really, he thought, it's just the cheap kind that's always on sale at the Walgreens. "This stuff is all the same anyway," Nakia always said, never bothering with the pricy, $40 a bottle stuff with the women on the label who looked like—

His attention swung back to the present as Amber kissed his bare chest. She slithered down the front of him, keeping her eyes on his as she did. The silky fabric of her nightgown slid against his skin; it felt cool. He heard the thunder outside again, louder this time. He imagined the tiny, fake room as a lifeboat in a stormy sea. James fumbled with his belt buckle but and she helped him shimmy out of his trousers. She leaned over again so that her breasts were just a few inches from his face, cupping them for him. "You like?"

He kissed one, just above the nipple. She giggled. He kissed the other, tasting the warm, soft flesh. She pressed his face between them and he tickled the spot there with the tip of his tongue. She shivered in his arms. He let his hands creep down her back; she was smooth all over. The bulge in his underwear pressed up against the space between her thighs, and when she moved she rubbed back and forth over it. A sense of tightness that had long dwelled right in the center of his chest migrated downward and was, he suspected, seeking the most obvious and immediate outlet.

She scooped her head up in her hands, rubbing her naked body over his face, letting his open mouth and tongue wander. The motion of her hips nudged him along, and his hands, explored the curves of her thighs and the sculpted cheeks of her ass. She let out one, honest, genuine moan when he grabbed her there and squeezed, struck with a compulsion that was almost reflexive, and then she was wrapped around him with her mouth on his, her body wriggling in his arms as she pushed into him as hard as she could.

They tumbled over each other, James landing on top, Amber positioned beneath him with her thighs open. "Wait," she said, fumbling for a second with a little tea box by the bedside; it was full of condoms. It had been years since he'd had to use one with Nakia and it felt strange. But once Amber's arms were back around him he forgot all about it.

He hesitated before pushing into her; should he, really? It's too late to back out now, he thought...and then he realized, no, it wasn't. He could if he really wanted to. He could do whatever he wanted. Everything was up to him. Amber gasped as he slid inside; she felt hot. Strange, he thought, to spend so much time trying to escape the heat and now to leap right back into it. But it was a good heat. The curves of her body were soft and inviting. She was open, accepting him in with a gasp and a moan every time he thrust. Slow or fast didn't seem to matter. Grabbing the headboard with one hand he rocked back and forth, in and out of her, letting the bedframe strain underneath them. She half-propped herself up on her elbows to allow him better leverage, and when he slid up further into her she threw he head back and shuddered. His fingers gripped the headboard so tight he worried he might bruise them. But he didn't stop.

The thunder was very loud now. Their faces were only a few inches apart and she was punctuating each moan with a little kiss and breathless words of encouragement. "That's it," she said. "That's it. That's good. More..." She cried out and arched her back again, and James pushed her down underneath him, holding her squirming body tight. Just a little more now...just a little more...just—

And then, outside, they both heard it, very distinctly: the first drops of rain falling on the roof.

Afterwards, she snuggled up against him, stroking his cheek. He didn't catch his breath for quite a while. "I was wrong," she said.


"It rained after all."

"Oh. Yes." He listened to the sound of the rain in the dark outside. "Everyone's wrong sometimes, I guess."


It was almost a year until James saw the Driver again. Passing a park bench in front of St. Peter and Paul Cathedral he noticed that the man sitting on it was smiling at him, but it took him a moment to realize who it was. Startled, he sat down without thinking, and the Driver slapped him on the shoulder once by way of greeting. It was a cool day, with a breeze.

"Where's your cab?" James said.

"Sold it," said the Driver. "I'm going to travel again. See some sights. Thought I'd say goodbye first."

"That was considerate."

The Driver shrugged. "Don't keep me in suspense: How'd things turn out with you and Nakia?"

"Fine," James said. "Actually, not fine. But we worked it out."

"That's great."

"She had an affair."

The Driver choked. "The whole time?"

"Later. A revenge thing. But she couldn't deal with it. Too much guilt."

"Human nature."

James looked at the driver. "Was it your idea?"

"Hey man, I never even met her."

"But still: Did you know? Did you..."

"Make it happen?" The Driver's tone suggested contempt, but James just looked at him, expecting. "Look, I don't make people do bad things, all right?" he said. "I don't have to. You've all got that covered."

"You brought me to see Amber."

"But I didn't make you fuck her. You could have left."

"Yes, I could have. But you know what I realized later? That massage that caused all the problems: The money I used was the fare you wouldn't accept a couple days before."

"How about that?"

James stared at him some more. The Driver took off his sunglasses.

"All I did was take you where you wanted to go. Wasn't that my job?"

James looked down. "I guess."

"But you're right: I was bad for you. I never do good for people even when I try. Been that way since the beginning. But that's life. Gotta take it as it comes."

He held out his hand. After a moment's hesitation, James shook it. "Where will you go now?"

"Not sure yet," the Driver said. "But even when you're as old as I am, there's always someplace new."

James stood. His knees shook. "I wish I understood you. Are you even real? Are we having this conversation?"

"I'm real enough," said the Driver. "And I'll see you down the line. I never forget a friend. Say hi to the Nakia for me. You've got good things coming to you. Don't fuck them up."

And then he was gone.

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Transition to Vikki part six reworked

Transition to Vikki, part six (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next chapter of Steven's change into becoming Vikki, initial steps are taken and new friends made.This is the next part of the story, like those before it has been taken back to the laptop and reworked. Additions have been made, some other parts were removed. Typo's were corrected, grammar has been brushed up and...

4 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part five reworked

Transition to Vikki, part five (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Continuing the story of Steve, Gina and Valerie's sexual adventures after his first encounter. This is the next reworked chapter in the story. Altered, edited and amended to remove typos, grammar errors and story cock ups. This follows the previous parts one to four amended editions.As I've seen from other people's...

3 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part three reworked

Transition to Vikki, part three (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next part of how Steven Jennings became Vikki. A new playmate is encountered and life stories of the main characters begin to be told. Following after the two newer rewrites, this one has also been updated. Typos have been corrected, grammar put straight and plot errors sorted out. Some parts have been added,...

3 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part two reworked

Transition to Vikki, part two (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Continuing the story of Steven Jennings, Gina and his transformation to Vikki. This is part two of the reworked original story. All original scripts have been rewritten to this new format. Changes have been made to streamline the story where I thought it was needed. Typos corrected, grammar put right and story plot...

4 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part one reworked

Transition to Vikki, part one (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.The full story of Steven Jennings and how he left his previous life behind for someone new.This story takes numerous chapters to tell. After most of the original drafts were written well over a year ago, I thought it was high time to take them back to the laptop and look at them again. There they were read through,...

2 years ago
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215 Wendy and Andrew reworked

215 Wendy and Andrew reworked This story has been reworked due to hubby sending me his version of his involvement!They were living in Norfolk it was a nice house, not new but very well appointed, it had a long and secluded garden at its rear fenced to 6ft on all sides. A neighbouring house was the only other home in range so the pretty 38year-old Wendy always sunbathed nude. Her husband Andrew and she being the only ones around except as I said the one next-door neighbour, she tended to throw...

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JacquelineChapter 2 Laura and the workman

"BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG!" Laura Poultney-Davis woke to the sound of loud hammering and rending of timber. "Oh what now! As if that row last night wasn't bad enough I have to be woken up by bloody workmen." She thought back to the argument that had raged the previous evening. She didn't want to marry that peasant from Birchtree Farm. "How can they expect me to even try to seduce such an uncouth slob?" she asked herself. But of course her parents insisted that it would be to her benefit...

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Vanessa and the workmen

The three workmen were slaving away in the back garden, in the hot sun. Vanessa watched them from the upstairs bedroom window, getting more excited by the second. Under her robe she was wearing a beautiful red basque with a red g-string, black stockings and five inch heels. This was topped off with the tiniest lycra red halterneck dress which barely concealed her ass or bulge. She undid her robe and looked at herself in the mirror. Her long blond hair and heavily made up face looked as good as...

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In the hands of my workmates

In the hands of my workmates After moving to L.A. I got a nice new job and of course, new workmates. One of them, a nice guy from my office called Thomas, suggested that we might like to go to a club on Friday evening, in order to meet other coworkers. He said it was a nice place with a small dance floor. Victor agreed, I decided to wear something conservative as I really did not know what the form would be. I dressed in a long flowing skirt zipped up the back, a white blouse, nylon hose and...

2 years ago
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I live with a very handsome guy who works the night shift from 10pm to 6am at a local factory, he leaves for work at 9pm so i am on my own from the time he leaves. He left to go to work one night last week as usual so before he left i was dressed in a sexy g string panty lace bra and i was looking real hot so he could think about me all night at work. About ten minutes after he left i heard a knock on the door so i thought he had forgot something so i opened it without thinking that it was his...

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In the hands of my workmates

In the hands of my workmatesAfter moving to L.A. I got a nice new job and of course, new workmates. One of them, a nice guy from my office called Thomas, suggested that we might like to go to a club on Friday evening, in order to meet other coworkers. He said it was a nice place with a small dance floor. Victor agreed; I decided to wear something conservative as I really did not know what the form would be. I dressed in a long flowing skirt zipped up the back, a white blouse, nylon hose and low...

4 years ago
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In The Workshop

Hey! Thank you for the responses. I’ll get straight to the experience, continued from my previous experience. The driver stopped the bus and we didn’t bother as the conductor was rubbing my vagina by pushing my hips in his hairy legs even after i got an orgasm. I didn’t want him to stop either. It was a strange but good feeling. In about 3 minutes or so the driver came in with another man. The driver asked me to get up. I got up and saw that it was a motor workshop. They asked me to sit on the...

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Transition to Vikki part eight reworked

Transition to Vikki part eight (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.The story continues. Vikki settles into her new surroundings and with new friends. Plans are made for a visit and the club is seen for the first time.As with the others, this part has been heavily revised since first writing. Typo's, grammar and story plot mistakes have been corrected. Best to read these chapters...

4 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part four reworked

Transition to Vikki, part four (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next part of Steven Jennings' tale how he abandons his old life to become Vikki. Valerie and Gina get closer and more life stories are told. This is updated from the original scripts.All original chapters have been rewritten and updated. Typos corrected, grammar put right and plot errors sorted out. Parts have bee...

3 years ago
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Slut Born To Tease Reworked

Slut: Born to Tease (part one). Reworked.I’ve just completed my chosen ensemble for this evening and I'm now standing in my bedroom, looking at my reflection in my full length wardrobe mirrors. I was just about to twirl around to view the full reflection of my pink PVC lingerie clad curvaceous body, when my husband walked into the bedroom, stopped at the doorway and sighed."Are you really wearing that lot tonight?" He said almost despondently."Of course I am!" I replied triumphantly.I was...

2 years ago
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I had a coworker in which I was not too fond of. He called in sick many times repeatedly making everything difficult. Apparently he had some sort of issues in his life, which I understood but it got pretty annoying. Aside from that I didn't really like his attitude either. His responses were pretty snappy. Most of the time he seemed like he didn't even care. I also was not fond of him being bisexual. I mean , no offense, he can do what he wants, but I was cautious when he was around. He was...

2 years ago
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Jaq And The Workmen

It was a nice afternoon; Jaq and I decided to take a stroll. We live fairly close to some building work that is taking place; a complex of industrial units are being constructed.The building site was within view. Being Sunday, the site was fairly quiet but there did seem to be some activity taking place. As we approached we stopped to see how the building work was progressing; the workers were in a prefabricated building obviously having a tea break.One of the guys looked up and saw us. "Get...

Group Sex
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wife shows herself to workmen

We used to go out on "flashing sessions" as we called them over a period of many years, but haven't done it lately, as we seem to have cooled off to how we used to be. A sign of age we presumed. Until this week! We had the use of a friends caravan at a lovely but quiet beauty spot not too far away from our home. As has happened before when this has occurred it seems to make the both of us "fruity" shall we say? One early afternoon we were both sitting on the decking at the front of the caravan...

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Bus Ride Part 4 The Masters Workshop

This is a continuation of the Bus Ride series – Parts 1, 2 and 3. I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected]. Bus Ride – Part 4 – The Master's Workshop “Hey sleepy head!” Gaby aroused from her deep sleep to look up at her new ‘friend’ Mary who was shaking her arm gently. Mary wasn’t really a friend but was the only person she felt she could trust and talk to. She was a former ‘slave’ and now...

3 years ago
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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Four Daisy Training Prepares Her for the Workshop

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Four: Daisy Training Prepares Her for the Workshop Synopsis: Flashing between Daisy's training before the seminar and the seminar's beginning, more is learned about how Daisy trained to be ready as Ms. Rebecca's sissy maid example and how the Sissy Maid Workshop is run to insure the transformation of the submissive male candidates into the sissy maids and cuckolds wanted by their owners. I loved the look on Daisy's face as...

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The Workshop

Evan grew up in a tough environment and was a lot smaller than his two older brothers and large father. Being the runt of the litter life could’ve been far harder for him, but thankfully compassion and tolerance ran in his family. Evan was also the apple of his diminutive mother’s eye, a feisty woman whom one didn’t want to mess with.Like the rest of his family, Evan wasn’t academically inclined. He wasn’t stupid but came from a blue-collar family, where education was not deemed a great...

Gay Male
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Beach Fireworks

The fireworks are hotter inside the condo!I had watched her for several days at the beach resort we both were guests at in Ft. Walton Beach. Her name was Kate, a retired school teacher out for a week of sun and fun with her son and daughter’s small family. There appeared to be two children to each family who were a handful - that’s all I knew until tonight.She was very pretty, wore great fitting bathing suits and carried herself like a lady. Her legs were slender and had that nice separation at...

Quickie Sex
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Kim does strip tease for coworkers

My wife Kim is an exhibitionist. She has never come out and admitted as such, but you only need to look at her face when her tits are exposed to others to know that she enjoys the attention. Sometimes she made it look like an accident. Sometimes she blamed it on an alcohol-induced loss of inhibition. Either way I think she has just wanted to maintain a certain innocence in the process and I figured that was a good thing. It's not like I was entirely opposed to her exposures. They always...

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The bell announced the completion of my second week as a teacher. It was not my intent to teach high school students, but with the times being what they are, I accepted the only job I could find. ‘Miss Parker?’ The voice made me jump. I must have phased out there for a bit. When did the door to my room get closed? Why did the school seem so empty? The voice belonged to Darren Sloop. He sat in the middle desk of the third row. Aside from roll, I don’t think I’d ever heard him talk. ‘Miss...

3 years ago
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pretended he was the boss. I was ok with him telling me what to do though, maybe it's because I'm submissive. It was 11:50Pm, I had counted down my till, put the cash in the safe and clocked out at 12. I watched Kris drive off. It was time to walk home. After being on my feet for nine hours, I was tired. My aching feet made me decide to walk in the grass on the way home. The grass path takes you away from the road. A group of trees blocks the view from the road. I crossed the street and...

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Titcage Chapter 41 continued posted with permission from AllTheseRoadworks

Michael instructed Claire and Kitten to go out dressed like this with one goal: bring him back something to play with. Michael explained (while fucking Claire’s mouth) that some sluts were still unenlightened, and thought they were people, like men. They didn’t understand that they were pieces of fuckmeat to be used and bred, yet. Claire and Kitten were to go out and find a group of some ignorant women and bring them back for Michael and his groomsmen. He showed them some videos of women who...

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Jenny's family are super-rich real estate investors, and as long as I've known her she's sped around town in a flashy sports car. On this saturday morning, Jenny came roaring into the shop. I was just about to leave for the day, when I noticed the sizable dent in Jenny's car. "Mr. Malone!" Jenny hopped out of the convertible without opening her door. Her cute pleated skirt flew up on her thigh as she vaulted the distance. Her breasts rose and fell beneath her sweater provocatively due...

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Candy From Strangers 1 Yardwork

Doctor Higgins sat at his desk in his laboratory in his basement, staring in abject anger and disgust at the papers laid out before him. “ 20 years,..20 years of my life because of food colouring, gelatin and a dumbass that couldn’t keep his mouth shut!” He almost got to his feed but his wife pushed him back into his seat. She knelt under his desk slobbering all over his truly massive cock, slurping and worshipping at his meat . This mildly pacified the good DR. Higgins who...

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Wife Gets Banged By Union Ironworker

WIFE GETS BANGED MY A UNION IRONWORKER My wife Annie and I live in the suburbs of New York City. We are in our late forties, kids are all grown and gone, we each have decent jobs and are starting to enjoy life without worrying about pets or children. A few weeks back we decided to visit the Hamptons for a long weekend. We love the beach and since it was the off-season, the motel rates were reasonable and the weather was fantastic. So we left on Thursday and had until Sunday to enjoy our...

3 years ago
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Candy From Strangers 1 Yardwork

Introduction: The Chesterson twins get their first taste Heavens Cove, one late October night late 1990s Doctor Higgins sat at his desk in his laboratory in his basement, staring in abject anger and disgust at the papers laid out before him. 20 years,..20 years of my life because of food colouring, gelatin and a dumbass that couldnt keep his mouth shut! He almost got to his feed but his wife pushed him back into his seat. She knelt under his desk slobbering all over his truly massive cock,...

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Birthday Surprise Rework

You are stirred awake by the vibrations of a car. You blink groggily, before seeing your gorgeous mother, Scarlett Walker, sitting in the driver seat. She has long, flowing gold hair, wide hips, and perfect melons. All in all, the perfect MILF. She seems like she doesn’t actually know how sexy she is, and dresses fairly normally on anyone else, but she always accidentally ends up looking like a common whore. “Hey, baby!” Mom smiles, and you marvel at her naturally husky voice that may have...

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Youre a Celebrity Reworking

As of now you are a Celebrity to the world, you worked really hard to get to where you are today or maybe you were lucky. With fame comes opportunities, risks and consequences. It is time for you to go experience this life but you need to be wary as you are in the public eye alot and getting caught could put you in a tricky situation, Maybe you will meet other celebrities that you could potentially meet or get with and see where the story progresses from there. Notes: Remember you can modify...

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The doors to Dreamworks

You don't know why it happened, or HOW it happened, all you know is that you were watching a marathon of you favorite Dreamworks Animation movies, when you suddendly fell asleep and when you woke up you find yourself in a strange dark room filled with several doors. You notice that all of them have the name of different Dreamworks movies.

2 years ago
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It was a very warm night at the Litton School for Girls. The school sat on the edge of a small, isolated town that many former students had decided to settle in. The school itself was for women from the ages of 18 to 21. They were instructed on the proper way to behave in society. Though the U.S. was beginning a sexual revolution, the school functioned the same way in 1961 as it had it 1901. The instructors, taking a cue from the school's headmistress, neither discouraged nor encouraged...

Mind Control
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Wet Workdays

Ms. Marietta Miller was a slave driver in the old sense. She tolerated no slacking, didn’t allow breaks and made you redo your work if she found just the tiniest mistake. And all this even though she wasn’t old -- in fact, she was the second youngest in the office, which didn’t make things easier. With her twenty-five years -- ten less that my thirty-five, for example -- she often rubbed us the wrong way, but there was nothing we could do about it. Mr. McCormack was hardly ever in the office,...

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For a couple of months I have been helping an elderly lady from our neighborhood to maintain her garden. Next to this lady lived a woman of, I estimate in her late thirties, who caught my attention because she looked attractive. One day she opened an upstairs window and shouted at me if I sometimes had time to help her. I felt red all the way to my neck, I happened to have just thought of this beautiful woman. I told her that I did have time and that I would ring her a bell when I was done with...

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It was a going to be perfect late spring day in the Northwest. I decided to call in sick. My wife, an assistant teacher, and k**s left for the school at their normal time. I had the whole house to myself. Part of wanting to skip work, was to get an early start on cleaning up the yard, which not only meant mowing the lawn, but weed pulling. FUN!!! As I was picking weeds out of the bark dust, my next-door neighbor Kelly popped out of her house to do some yard work herself. Now Kelly is no beauty...

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the time my wife started sharing me to her coworke

Im sorry I couldnt handle that of having a friend or anyone else fuck my ol lady if I couldnt please her Id have to leave her and not know it was happening before Id let it happen in front of me thats why when I thought I might have a problem some where I read studied learned and practices only to find out that the only problem i would have is wanting to fuck for longer amount of time than she wanted or needed it got to where I was always frustrated from not cumming before she would quite on me...

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Memoirs Back in the Workhouse

We continued the rounds of the workhouse and at one point found Miss Harrington sitting on a chair pretending to be dusting. When I challenged her, she sort to suggest that elderly ladies like her should be treated with respect and not be forced to do menial work. She even tried to suggest that I was already exceeding my role and would petition the vicar for my removal. Seeing the vicar played little part in my appointment, I almost laughed at her but just said, "We will see, Miss Harrington,...

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Memoirs continues New Master at the Workhouse

Chapter 6. New master at the workhouseMargaret sat at the computer again the following afternoon. She was a little tired from the morning’s exertions and Jeremy had given her the afternoon off but she wanted to find out more about Josiah Winsberly. The pair had spent the morning in the punishment room sweeping and vacuuming and looking over the apparatus there. Moving the items around was heavy, dusty work particularly as some of the frames were constructed of heavy timber and wedged in...

4 years ago
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))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) CLOCKWORKS by Laika Pupkino ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) .., )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) PART ONE: HOME OF THE HOMO WAITERS )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Finally, after a long wait, a waiter wiggled up to the middle-aged couple that was seated at table #7. He studied them a while, issued a faint snort of disbelief at their touristy clothing, and with an amused little grin asked, "May I have your...

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In need of Help for Witchlings with their spellworks

Witchcraft is fun for us girls Witchy Spells to gender swap males at your command. Spell#1 Every mans a real sucker for you. Lollipop Effect, lick & suck on an unsuspecting guys manhood, tell him you'll give him a blowjob like he's never had before & it only costs an inch per min. He'll instantly become intranced & the passage of time will slip forward 10mins. She'll have her orgasm & rub her now quite sizable tits while you finish her off. Her Clothes have...

2 years ago
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G12 houseworks

G's 12 housework I had received a message from M, my Mistress, summoning me to her home in her office for her cleaning. I presented myself at the appointed day and hour. As usual, M made me get naked to go about my business and equipped me with bracelets and ankles. Before starting the cleaning, M made me bow down to her and tied my wrists to my ankles. Well open, M whipped me for long minutes with his flogger, insisting on the buttocks, between the buttocks and viciously seeking to reach my...

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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 15 Preparing the Breastworks

Once in his chambers, Judge Rule turned and said, “Roycealee, Peter, Joe Bob, anybody want a drink? Sweet tea? Jack and branch water? Some of Pappy Smith’s ‘shine? No? Well, we’ve got big problems. This smells bad enough to gag a maggot! Y’all get that feelin’ too, don’t you?” Roycealee frowned and told him, “I’ve had a bad feeling for quite a while, but I never could get it to jell. Y’all both think we have a white slavery ring operating - at least sex trafficking, don’t...

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Stiffkey BluesChapter 5 Fieldwork

In Mill Cottage, Angela was looking out of the window at the top of the stairway. The view stretched across the cottage's small garden and beyond to the great, broad, expanse of marsh that divided them from the low ridge of the sand dunes fringing the beach a mile a way. A small group was making its way along the bank beside the ditch that ran from the mill towards the sea. "Who do you think they are?" she said to Krysta, who was coming up the stairs behind her. Krysta peered over her...

3 years ago
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The Devil and the Deep Blue SeaChapter 9 Legwork

I woke up in the warm and secure embrace of my husband and smiled sleepily at him. Last night, I'm not sure exactly when, we woke up to the sounds of someone else in the suite getting very lucky. At least, the lady in question sounded like she was having the time of her life. That sparked a divine early morning lovemaking bout of our own. Afterwards we curled up against each other and went back to sleep. Without waking Ted, I gently disentangled myself, slipped out of the bed and padded...

2 years ago
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RebelChapter 85 Bedwork

Since she seemed such a small, frail, light-boned young woman despite her wild writhing and her almost-continuous moans of pleasure at what I had done with my hands and tongue after stripping her bare, I was extra careful when I mounted her, spread her long legs and got the swollen head of my rigid pintle through her curly fleece and up into her narrow inner lips. She squealed and closed her eyes as I grabbed her round buttocks, lifted her hips, popped my smooth-headed ram forward and sank a...

1 year ago
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What can we find on Adult Work besides UK escorts? Well, this is just in: it is possible to do other things besides just masturbate all day long on the internet. Like what, you ask? Well, you don’t have to always watch porn every time you’re horny, you know. Sometimes you could try to make your own! Or maybe you could browse escorts in your area, see if you can’t land yourself some real-life pussy. I’m sure your hand would appreciate the break anyway. Or you could get real old-school with it...

Escort Sites
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Have you ever wished for an adult social network that you could go to just to enjoy some nice content and have a friendly chat with people and maybe a dirty chat or two with a girl here and there? I know that there have been many attempts to make something like this, but most of those end up being niche sites for some kind of kink. If you’re looking for a broad website that acts like a general adult social network, it’s pretty much impossible to find something like that. However, you can hit...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit SexWorkers, aka r/SexWorkers! One of the things that I’m known for is being a sort of bully towards women. I mean, there are so many people out there who see me like that, but that’s just not true! For example, did you know I support sex work? Yeah, as a matter of fact, when I’m not feeling like giving 100 bucks on a dinner date without being sure if I’m gonna get to stick it in or not by the end of the evening, I just schedule a session with an escort instead! The only thing is that I...

Reddit NSFW List

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