How Lieke Became Mistress Ginger free porn video

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A throbbing burn spread across Mike's chest, stomach and thighs, as he emerged from a groggy twilight and felt a strain in his shoulders and hips. Through his eyelids he sensed the blazing light that filled the surrounding space – utterly silent except for the hum of fluorescent tubes. Blinking at the glare, he forced his eyes open and confronted the brilliant reflection of his splayed form in the mirror on the grey concrete wall opposite.

A wide black belt cinched his waist tightly against the padded center of a St Andrews cross that was tilted back slightly, while suspension restraints anchored his hands and feet to its ends. His nibbles were distended by weights that hung from twine that ran through pulleys to their rings. Weights also dangled from a leather cone that enclosed his scrotum and painfully stretched his testes' cords. A plug filled his anus and there was the glint of a small chromed lock hanging from his pierced foreskin.

His nakedness was all the more apparent by the fact that he had been shaved from waist to mid-thigh of the thick grey hair that covered his chest and lower legs. Seeing the welts and bruises that were beginning to color his skin and feeling the weight of the flogger that had been draped over his right shoulder, he suddenly recalled its whir and slap during the previous night.

The evening had begun in his study. Seated by the fire, he had been sipping a drink while looking at the swirling snow in the darkness just beyond the window pane. Lieke's trip to South Africa occupied his mind. Since her reported success several days before, he had been considering how he would proceed with the IPO for his new client, while also wondering about her mood upon her return. Suddenly the door opened behind him and Su Lin spoke firmly:

"Michael, Mistress Ginger just called from the Bangor airport and instructed me to ready you to receive her!"

The names and tone triggered an immediate response in him. He rose from the chair and sank to his knees with lowered eyes. As he waited, he heard faint steps about the room until Su Lin's black slippers entered his vision.

"Stand and strip."

Her slight figure stood before him, dressed in her uniform – a thin white blouse and short pleated black skirt with white stockings. She held a hood and leash as she gazed down at him. Mike stood and quickly removed his shoes and socks, then his tie, shirt, and pants, before finally dropping his briefs around his ankles. Now bare except for his nipple rings and silicone cock cage, goose bumps formed on his skin as he felt the radiating chill of the plate glass window.


She stepped behind him and he felt his underwear pulled from about his feet. The hood was seated over his face and buckled tightly. His teeth were forced open as a ball gag was pushed into his mouth, followed by a blindfold that was cinched in place. Rendered deaf, dumb, and blind, Mike's sole reality was the smell of leather, as he carefully took breathes though the small nostril holes. A tug on the leash pulled him up and pressure of a hand on his hip led him to a door.

"This is the bathroom, empty yourself, for you will be in restraint for the night!"

Afterwards, halting steps carried him to the secret panel, down spiral steps, and into the chamber. Su Lin switched on the lights and pressed a hand against his chest to indicate that he was to stand in place while she arranged the scene. She rolled the kneeler bench out from the wall into the room's center, oriented its rear towards the door and locked its wheels in place, Having directed Mike to its foot, she pressed down on his shoulder and his knees and chest settled onto the pads. Foot restraints spread his legs somewhat, while his hands were loosely shackled by his head. There he rested, buttocks raised, and waited.

Several times he thought he sensed Mistress Ginger's approach, only to be disappointed. Then he felt a gentle caress of his ass and nails scratched the top of his hood. The bench rolled and its front elevated slightly; his hands were unshackled and the gag was removed. He worked his jaw, trying to ease its ache. His breathing became much easier and his hearing increased a little, but he still strained to gain a fuller sense of her presence.

After entering the room. I removed my jacket, blouse, bra, and boots, then moved and sat on a chair before Mike and remained quiet, studying his hooded head and naked body. I sensed his efforts to locate me and his vulnerable desire stirred me. But still I waited until I slowly leaned forward and rimmed his exposed lips with a finger nail, noting his quickened awareness. Knowing that the gag had dehydrated him, I helped him drink slowly from a water bottle. Then I sat back again and let the tension build again, until I touched a toe to his lips. He tentatively extended his tongue, recognized my gesture, and ventured to speak.

"May, I, Mistress?"

Yes, Michael, you may," I replied loudly, so he could hear, "but with the care that I deserve after my long trip!"

Mike ran his hands over my foot, savoring its slim structure, smooth surface, and smell. Holding the heel in one hand, he extended the other behind my knee and ran his hand over the swell of my calf in an exquisitely tender way. He then pressed my foot against his leather cheek before beginning to nibble at its heel and suck each toe before I pulled the foot from his grasp.

"Wonderful, Michael, but let's attend to you!"

I leaned over to re-shackle his hands, then rose and moved to his side. I lifted the chain with the key from around my neck, crouched, and unlocked and removed the cock cage, freeing Mike from a week-long restraint. Walking to the instrument wall, I selected a flogger and began to loosen my body as I returned. Rotating my shoulders and hips, my long skirt swirling about my legs, I stood silently behind him. Then I stepped forward and placed one hand on a buttock while I let the flogger dangle from my other hand. Spinning the handle, I moved the fanning tails slowly up his body from the soles of his feet to his back, before laying the handle on his lower spine with the tails hanging between his cheeks. I waited and watched the tension build in his body before I took it up again and began a steady back and forth.

After several minutes his skin's surface warmed and reddened, and a series of dragon tail snaps followed. I enjoyed how Mike's body began to quiver in anticipation of the intermittent pops that were upping his pain. Finally, with my breathing rapid and armpits moist, I stepped forward, bent, and spoke loudly by his ear.

"Michael, where are you and do you desire more?"

Mike was on the edge and wanted to step over, so he felt the pain build as Mistress Ginger began to flog him more quickly and powerfully. Gradually, although he continued to feel the blows, their pain faded behind a warm floating sensation of subspace. He spoke his safe word and, when Mistress asked again if he was okay, he said yes, as she touched him lightly and he drifted.

As I looked down on Mike, I felt our sexual needs rise as the connections of the relationship were reestablished. I picked up a thin leather glove from an adjacent table and pulled it over my hand as I walked to a refrigerator. When I removed the stainless steel wand, my hand felt its chill. Returning, I sat behind the kneeler and looked at Mike's muscular buttocks with their smoothly shaved cleft. Having applied some lubricant to the wand's small knob, I touched it briefly to his crinkled rosebud, laughing at his gasp and jerk and saying loudly:

"Shockingly cold, isn't it, but you're going to feel so good while I drain that warm milk from you!"

I inserted a nozzle and lubed his channel, before letting the ball glide up and down his cracks several times. I pushed it against the sphincter, forcing and holding it open at the ball's widest point. I watched him wince, before pushing it as deeply as possible. Then I let go and let the weight of the external ball dangle and lever the smaller knob toward his lower belly. After I scratched my nails across his buttocks, I slapped the outside ball downwards several times, before grasping it again and slowly running the ball back and forth over his swollen prostate before popping it out.

I saw that Mike's balls had begun to retract and, moving to his side, that his thick prick was now fully erect, curving up with foreskin peeled back so that the swollen purple bulb almost touched his stomach. After using my hand to run the foreskin over the glans several times, I just watched it twitch before deciding that I wanted it flaccid. So I stretched an elastic band over his balls to keep them exposed – plump, bulging, and shiny through their sack. I slapped the penis sharply and repeatedly until it softened and the glans withdrew, then inserted my small chrome lock through the holes that I had pierced in the foreskin.

Returning to the ass, I lubed the larger ball, making sure that the ridged side was up, and pressed it against the wrinkled hole. Mike expelled a teeth-gritted grunt as the muscular ring resisted, to only slowly open and then close quickly on the smooth shaft. I wanted to find the sweet spot as fast as possible, so, as I moved the ball up the channel, I listened and watched him carefully. When I heard him groan and saw his anus tense and buttocks twitch, as if wanting more, I knew the ball was well placed and stopped, just letting the wand's weight and ball's bulk exert constant pressure on the gland.

The sudden icy touch to his anus instantly snapped Mike from his endorphin-induced reverie. For a time he just gave himself over to Mistress Ginger's skillful orchestration of sensations, enjoying what was happening in his ass, but also his cock's release from restraint. It had filled almost immediately and begun to throb, a sensation that triggered a vision of it bobbing, unseen, under his belly like that of a horse or dog. Thus, his pleasure was completely interrupted when Mistress spotted its engorgement and brought it under control.

Now, he was left to focus entirely on the cold mass that pressed up behind his penis, a completely different type of pleasure. Whenever Mistress had fucked him with a dildo and levered its head up against his prostate there had been an electric, somewhat chilling, tingle. This frigid intruder, however, felt massive and produced a shiver that rose and fell, came and went. It was like a nerve bundle deep inside his body, the root of his penis, was filled with icy mercury, whose constancy was a tingle that ran from root to glans.

There was also a continuing sensation of his channel churning about the ball, slightly clamping and releasing from it. But periodically there would be a sudden shutter and a thrill would rise step by step and then recede. While this was a little like starting and stopping rubbing his penis, it was fundamentally different in that the rising and falling trills felt more like small orgasms that were deep inside him and it seemed that they could go on forever, particularly exciting because it was beyond his control. As it continued, he began to feel like he was peeing slightly and soon afterwards the pressure changed as the ball began to move ever so slightly.

Now the trills climbed higher and an ache began to swell along the root that the ball's ridge stimulated. Mike's focus centered more and more on that elongating ache that yearned to pitch over. During each five or six second ride the ridge would urge the ache up and up, until finally it spilled, releasing into a remarkable, slowly expanding bliss. It was completely unlike a penile climax, that rushing explosion and quickly receding buzz; this was like the bottom of a column of warm water had opened and flooded through and beyond his body, only retreating by lazily spinning and draining into nothingness. As his body recovered its boundaries, he gradually became aware of the increased pressure on his chest and knees as his weight collapsed completely onto the kneeler.

While watching the wand twitch when Mike's body trembled, my panties began to dampen from excitement over his growing pleasure. When I saw a drop of clear pre-cum begin to form on the lock that dangled from his foreskin, I felt a tingling fullness as my clitoris and labia swelled, leading me to decide that it was time to start the milking.

Sitting to the side on my stool, so that I could watch Mike's penis, I reached over and began to move the wand ever so slightly, just letting the large ball slip slowly under the gland. Suddenly, a gasp turned into continuing moan as a milky stream of cum began to ooze from Mike's penis, a protracted pleasure apparently, since both the verbalizations and the stream of cum continued over the four or five minutes that it took to drain his prostate. When the last drop fell and his quivering subsided, I pulled the heavy wand out and let it fall, bouncing in the puddle on the soundproofed floor.

As I sat and stroked him while he emerged from the internal focus of his milking, I languidly rolled the bead on my piercing's ring against the upper surface of my engorged clit. Wanting my own satisfaction, I quickly rose and slipped out of my panties, wheeled the kneeler so Mike's ass faced the mirror, and seated myself on a high chair that I placed before his hooded head.

For a several minutes, while fingering myself, I just enjoyed looking at our reflected images. They were delicious, my creamy torso and head surrounded by a wild mane of red hair rose above this kneeling male, whose essence having been fully and lovingly drained by me. As Mike strained to located me again and anticipate what was to happen, my attention turned to his head. I considered releasing his hands as well as the bindings of his eyes and ears, but decided to just focus our sensations on the contact between cunt and mouth. Pulling up my long skirt and bunching it about my waist, I reached forward and rolled him closer. Dipping my fingers into my wetness, I extended them and said loudly:

"Michael, do you know what to do?"

It took several seconds for the scent to rise and mix with that of the leather, but he said "Yes, Mistress, now I do!" and his mouth began to search. First he turned and gave my left thigh a tentative lick that took my breath away, not so much because of the sensation, but because the action revealed a deep need to please. Overwhelmed, I grabbed his head and forced his mouth against my sopping cunt, but, hearing a tender moan of protest, I relented and let him explore.

He moved higher and, knowing how I loved initial pressure on my mound, pressed his head hard against my thick bush for several minutes. Then he pulled my hair gently with his teeth before moving all the way to my perineum where he lapped at the juices running from my cunt. I raised my hips and directed his head further down. As he circled my anus, flicking and darting his tongue at the hole, I moaned continuously, before he suddenly licked up my entire slit and pulled back to look at me with blinded eyes. I caught a glimpse of the glistening mucus that coated the leather around his mouth before he quickly descended to the opening of my vagina. To assist I pull my lips apart to give him better access and jerked with pleasure when blew softly before running his tongue around the sensitive outer part of the walls.

The sensation went right to my clit, which swelled even more and began to throb with my heart beat as I kneaded and thumped my nipples. Mike knew my clit wanted attention, but he built my tension with regular licks up my lips that stopped just short of it. Finally, finally, he moved up, flicked my hood ring several times and blew on the clit before touching it with his tongue tip and blowing again. Several heartbeats passed before he began a regular sucking of it, upon which I released a throaty moan that filled the concrete chamber.

It was like his wet pursed lips were pulling and releasing my entire being , in rhythm somehow with the nub's throbbing pulse. Circling, flicking, sucking hard at its core, establishing a regular sequence that built a swelling wave that would slide back as he would stop briefly, only to resume and build it higher, over and over, until he continued the hard sucking and my clit flit like a fuse, sparking and sputtering toward someplace deep inside me. Grabbing his head and clamping my thighs, I screamed like a banshee as an orgasm exploded through my body, snapping bursts like a string of firecrackers. Then, floating in a cloud, there was just my breathless pants and his contented mummer as I stroked his hood and he nuzzled my lips as we returned to the chair and bench.

We were tired, but needed to complete the scene, so I considered the possibilities as I regained focus. "The cross, finish it there!" I decided. I pushed the chair back, descended, and began wheeling the apparatus about. Pushing the kneeler to the side, I centered the cross and brought it to a horizontal position before helping Mike transfer to it. After selecting a nicely cupped, three-foot-long bamboo stave, I tapped Mike's nipple rings with it and left it resting across both while I detached the ear pads from the hood. After the blindfold was removed, squinting in the glare, he looked up and smiled.

"Michael, you may speak!"

"Mistress, I missed you so much!"

"I know, sweet, it was hard for me as well, but, get ready, we need to finish and go to sleep."

I began with light, quick percussions of his chest, then each arm, stomach, thighs, and the soles of his feet. Moving to the side, I slowly increased the force and speed, moving back and forth between torso and thighs. Sweat began to run from his face as gasps broke through his gritted teeth and welts began to rise on his skin. Finally his safe word, the whistles and pops stopped, leaving just his whimper in the chamber as I stroked his head again, kissed his lips, and poured the soporific down his throat.

His consciousness was fading, as I raised the cross toward the mirror. Wanting to underline the fact that he was totally mine, I plugged him, rigged weights to his nipples and balls, draped a flogger over his shoulder, and walked from the room.

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My heart pounded fiercely as I stood at the door to Mistress's house. I did not expect to be so nervous at meeting her again. After all I had known her for quite a while now. Mistress Sarah had been gracious enough to allow me back into her world. I was fortunate to fall under the control of such a dominant woman. She had moulded me into an obedient and submissive slave through the use of e-mail, texts, and online chat sessions. At the insistence of Mistress Sarah, the time had finally come to...

3 years ago
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A Mistressslave Beautiful Relationship

Desde edades tempranas de mi adolescencia recuerdo tener fantas?as sobre una mujer ejerciendo poder sobre m? CHAPTER 1Since the early ages of my adolescence, I recall having fantasies about a woman exerting power over me, both psychologically and physically. She?d tie me up and immobilize me to have me at her complete mercy, without my being able to do anything to prevent what she was about to do to me. She?d use me at her own will and for her own pleasure. She would humiliate me and insult me...

2 years ago
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Mistress By Mail

Mistress by mail? I would like to tell you an interesting story of sorts. My wife requested that I accompany her to a marriage counselor in an attempt to save our dwindling relationship. "Of course" I said I would be glad to go if she thought it would help! She had selected the counselor, the time and even the place. All that I had to do was show up with my willingness to participate and the check book of course. After several hundred dollars and many wasted hours it was decided...

4 years ago
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Teased and denied by my Mistresss Feet

Teased and denied by my Mistress’s FeetMy wife always knew I had a foot fetish. She loved the attention I would lavish on her feet, allowing me to provide her with long intimate foot massages when ever she wished, dutifully giving her a pedicure each week, to ensure her toenails were always perfectly painted, and that her soles, heels and toes were soft and supple. She would often indulge my insatiable fetish by allowing me to kiss her bare feet during sex, knowing just how much it would turn...

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Mistress May I

It was a Thursday evening and I just got off of work. I came home to a quiet house. As I walked into the bedroom I found my wife standing just inside the door. She was wearing nothing but a long t-shirt and a pair of sexy black panties Ann is the love of my life but also my owner, I am slave to my mistress and I obey her. *“Come here you dirty slut,”* Mistress Ann commanded, I obeyed and came toward her unknowing of what she had planned, my body trembled with excitement. She had a chair setup...

3 years ago
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Serving Mistress

Mistress steps back from the St Andrew's Cross I'm secured to, and I hear her moving across the studio and then rolling one of her toy chests towards me. She takes hold of my cock which is still bound by the cord. "Hm, I suppose I should untie this. Its head is looking very purple and swollen. If I don't release it soon it just might fall off," Mistress muses. I feel her untying the knot in the cord and disconnecting it from the nipple clamp chain, then she pulls the ends of the cord rapidly...

2 years ago
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Mistress Emmas Revenge

Mistress Emma's Revenge By Brenda Hi I'm Ken. Well I was, now I'm called Brenda. Here's a bit of my story for you. I hope you don't make the same mistakes I did. Because until I got caught misbehaving by my mistress, life was pretty good. At 38, I had a great job as an office manager in charge of 25 or so employees, mostly women, a really good salary, a nice office and plenty of job security. I was only 5'7" but made up for it with my good looks & great personality. Seriously I...

3 years ago
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Settling down with Mistress

As you might expect from a little girl, Claudette threw a tantrum at being uprooted when her ‘father’ took the job at the veterans’ hospital, but that was the only tantrum. Even at her age, she understood just important it was to her ‘dad’ that she became a nurse. We asked what she thought would make the transition easier, and we very were surprised when she said that having a sister might be nice. There were still a number of war orphans in institutions, so within a couple of months of us...

2 years ago
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Mistress Cocos School for Wayward Boys

Mistress Coco's School For Wayward Boys Where Boys Become Girls, Whether They Like it or Not by Mistress Tawny Suede assisted by slave Holly Introduction In Which We Meet Rich Bitch Kimberly and Domineering Mistress Coco Kimberly Caldwell's head thrashed about on the silk pillows; a cry of ecstatic pain escaped her luscious lips as she cupped her heavy breasts, her crimson fingernails raking her taut nipples. Kimberly arched her back, thrusting her sopping cunt hard against...

3 years ago
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Rich Mistress In Goa

Hello Friends. My name is Sameer. I am 28 years married guy from Mumbai. From teenage, I started feeling different thing about girls. That is not only sex. I like sex also but I like this thing more. I used to feel like sucking pussy, drinking piss of beautiful girls, licking white cream which comes from their pussy and so many things which is not related to the sex. I used to think that only I have this kind of feeling but You will be shocked when I will say that I recently came to know about...

2 years ago
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Meeting Mistress

My first meeting with Mistress was in the horrible, cold and dirty cell I got thrown into, on arrival. Pardon my vulgarity, but they hadn’t even given me the proverbial ‘pot to piss in’. I thought I’d been in it a few hours, wetting myself, and panicking as to what was going to happen to me. I’d been trained in England and I had a fair idea of what sort of treatment I could expect from the Gestapo. To be fair, I was a little surprised that I hadn’t yet been raped; which was the first...

1 year ago
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Mistress is Pregnant

Mistress is Pregnant by Tigger (c) 1996 Part 1 It was painful to watch as she struggled to lift herself out of bed. Sighing inwardly, I moved to help her and was rewarded by the expected angry glare, which I ignored. She didn't even try to stop me as I supported her back and took the off center weight of her body in my arms. Once she had gotten her torso upright, she slid her feet to the floor. She rested a moment, gathering herself for her next effort, while I sat beside...

1 year ago
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Mistress Traceys Delight

A Session "I'm imagining 6 or even 12 implements of punishment… whips, paddles,floggers, dildos, gags, human riding equipment, slappers……. mydear Michael" said Mistress Tracy reaching for her wine glass. The afternoon light shone though the break in the curtains. It was the kindof light which made it easy to see the slightest cigarette smoke or dust, thisafternoon light was brushing my Mistress Tracey's torso and legs and the exquisitelytiny hairs on her sinuous belly shown magically. Mistress...

4 years ago
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Omegle Chat Log with a Mean Mistress

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!You: want to watch?Stranger: okayYou: okStranger: Doesn't it hurt?You: yesStranger: do you like it?Stranger: Do you like being in pain?You: yesYou: do u like?Stranger: Okay then hit yourself harderStranger: I like to order around people like youYou: im your slaveStranger: then act like itStranger: that's itStranger: goodStranger: It's what you deserveStranger: is that cum what I see?You: spitStranger: thanks godStranger: I don't remember...

1 year ago
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Mistress Vera and her slave part 1

Mistress Vera and her slaveIn the dungeon the slave kneeled and wriggled slightly in her bonds to again feel the pleasure of her imprisonment. Her whole body was encased in leather, a black cat suit stretched from her ankles to her jaw with a single zip down the back to release her when the time came. Black leather boots, which reached nearly to her knees covered the cat suit on her legs, as did the steel collar which covered the leather around her neck. The tag on the zip was clipped to a ring...

2 years ago
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Mistress Sarah plays mind games

I woke up at 7am when my alarm went off, I was wrapped up in a pink quilt, Mistress Sarah had obviously thrown it over me as I slept. It was soft and comforting despite the fact that I had been sleeping on the floor in the hallway. I had been banished from the bedroom after I had cleaned her strap-on. I had stayed close to the door listening to the sexual tones of Mistress Sarah. I unravelled myself from the quilt and admired the black silk negligee I was wearing..It was a short and simple...

4 years ago
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Mistress Jennifer

My training as a she-male servant began when I rang the doorbell of mylady's home. She greeted me wearing along, tight fitting red leather gown,which covered her from neck to foot except that it exposed her prominentand luscious breasts; her long auburn hair flowed over her shoulders. Shewas also wearing 6" spike heels and black stockings. The dress had a slitfrom her thigh to her ankles, which showed off her stocking clad legs whenshe walked. She demanded that I call her nothing but Mistress...

4 years ago
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Mistress Jennifer

My training as a she-male servant began when I rang the doorbell of my lady’s home. She greeted me wearing along, tight fitting red leather gown, which covered her from neck to foot except that it exposed her prominent and luscious breasts, her long auburn hair flowed over her shoulders. She was also wearing 6′ spike heels and black stockings. The dress had a slit from her thigh to her ankles, which showed off her stocking clad legs when she walked. She demanded that I call her nothing but...

3 years ago
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Mistress Stephanies World

The Morning of the PartyI was kneeling in the kitchen, shining Mistress Angela’s boots, when she appeared in the doorway, frowning. ?Didn’t I tell you last week to lay down newspapers before you do that?? she asked.?I’m sorry, mistress, I forgot,? I said.My anxiety dissolved when she smiled.?This is your lucky day,? Mistress Angela said. ?I’m in a very good mood.?She was wearing a black T-shirt and matching running shorts that left her smooth thighs exposed. Her dark hair fell loosely over her...

2 years ago
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Visit to Mistress LadyJulia

below is a real account of a visit I had to a professional Mistress. It was a bitter sweet memory that I will treasure for the rest of my life So here at last is the account of my first visit to a Mistress. That being Mistress LadyJulia. It is not as eloquent as I would have liked but I was trying to capture the emotions I was feeling. It has been read but not censored by my Mistress as I may have stated in my diary. She did not want to change my words but was concern I may have given...

1 year ago
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Esaping with Mistress

I had never liked guns, which was why I’d volunteered to be a pianist, but I knew that there was a chance we might need that machine pistol in the near future. I’d been trained by S.O.E. to handle weapons, so when Mistress handed me a pistol for self protection, she didn’t need to instruct me on how to use it. I didn’t ask where the pistol came from; it probably came out of the stores where Mistress worked, which meant that she must have stolen it for me. If it hadn’t been so serious, it...

3 years ago
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Finding an Older Mistress and then spending three days with her

But here I was, driving to HER place and thinking how wild this long weekend would be, so wildly fucking exciting. My mind drifted from one thing to another. I did not know how a switch could be a Dominate one day then a submissive the next. I am pretty sure of my thoughts that a Dom is a Dom and sub is a sub, it is in their nature to be one or the other, and any attempt to cross over would just end up in the realm of role-playing. Even though I said I would take a “submissive role” for...

4 years ago
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My Aunt My Mistress

My Aunt, My MistressI had just turned thi....teen that summer, when Aunt Susan came to look afterme, while my parents went on a 3-week trip to Rodrigues Island, in the Indian Ocean. I liked Aunt Susan. She was unmarried and led a life filled with friends, mostly unmarried women like herself, and seemed to spend her spare time going to the newest shows,visiting all the clubs, or going off skiing or on extended holidays. She was somewhat older than her sister, my mother, but although she was...

2 years ago
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Mistress Sarah fucks Evie Chapter 4

I knelt by the door, anxious for the arrival of my Mistress. I could feel my arse pulsing around the butt plug in anticipation of what was to come. As I knelt and waited I could smell the pretty floral scent of the perfume that I had sprayed on my neck earlier. I felt soft and girly from all the day's events. I was in a prime mode to be fucked like a sissy. Even though I was not touching my cock, it was pulsing and hard with arousal. I was both excited and nervous about being fucked. I heard...

1 year ago
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The Continuing Pleasures of the Mistress

The Continuing Pleasures of the Mistress *at the humble bequest of ?slave2isis?* The Mistress smiled lay on her luxurious bed as she had myriad slaves parade her new wardrobe before it was to be organized by her personal suite staff.  Of course the robust healthy white males kept their eyes downcast and their penises flaccid.  The ready whips of her personal bodyguards were eager to touch their tender skin in punishment.  The slaves were performing against a losing battle as the Mistress had a...

2 years ago
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Second Visit to Mistress LadyJulia

My appointment with Mistress LadyJulia was at 11 again and I arrived on the dot flowers in hand. It was a strange feeling to be standing there again. All through the previous week I had berated myself for wanting this. I had even talked myself out of coming a couple of time, but I so much wanted this! So now as I stood waiting I felt calm and ready, tinged with anticipation of what was to come. I knocked at the door and stood back head bowed as ordered. Seconds later Mistress answered the...

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Mistress Mine Chapter 3

After Mistress Madison said goodbye to Alexa, promising to talk more about her order, Madison took the bedraggled, cum-covered mother to her office and handed Kim her paycheck and a second envelope. The paycheck was more than she had expected, and the other envelope contained an additional one thousand dollars. Kim was confused, "This money is for me?""Of course dear," Mistress said."But I thought I was about to be fired! I mean this is wonderful, but I don't understand," Kim said puzzled....

4 years ago
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Little Sissy Of Mistress 2

There he was in a barely covering Maid dress and in stockings. This was very humiliating for him but all this humiliation was making him excited and he was thinking what she wanted next.“let’s complete the attire of this slut” Mistress said and motioned to open the second box. There were high heel sandals in the box and all pink in color. “Put these on” Mistress said “and model for me”The process was repeated again. All the sandals were ultra-high heels. He slipped couple of times as he had no...

1 year ago
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Mistress Demi Part 3

4. Not in Kansas Anymore The morning sun was streaming through the window when I woke up. Mistress was still asleep and I smiled as I watched her sleep. I had a serious case of morning wood. Who could blame me? I was lying next to a beautiful naked woman who had awoken something in me I never knew existed. I was still trying to figure out how all this had come to pass when Mistress began to stir. She opened her beautiful brown eyes. “Good Morning Mistress, I hope you slept well” “What...

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Mistress Stormys Lil Bitch

It was finally the weekend and this slave, Little Bitch had time to sit downand start writing his story. He had Mistress's preferred toys laid out andhad just gotten done getting himself cleaned up and dressed. Mistress had requestedthat Little Bitch wear a little lace white thong. It took some time to shaveall the private places and that is only after a couple quick enema's to makesure Little bitch is clean inside and out. Little bitches instructions wereto write as much as possible until...

3 years ago
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Mistress Jasmine Made Me a Slave Forever

Mistress Jasmine made me a slave forever By Greta Since long I haven't written a story so maybe I am a little rusty, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. There are some autobiographic parts in it but most is fantasy, which part is real and which is fantasy I leave to you. Like any other author I do love comments too, whether they are good or bad. So please leave some words of praise or critics. Those critics which help me to become a better author are the...

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