Re: Office Sex Fantasy: Part 3 free porn video

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It's a good thing my boss was out of town for the day. He is the only one at work that can tell when I am slacking off. I was really struggling with distracting thoughts and so nothing productive was going to get done. My mind kept racing through all that had happened in the last sixteen hours.

Anne had not reacted well to Kathy's heartfelt bombshell and hasty departure. She had been visibly shaken but she did not want to talk about it. She had tried to be nonchalant about it. She had tried to get us to continue with our sexual evening, but her eyes kept returning to the door Kathy had raced out. In her distracted state, the best I could salvage out of the evening was to get her back on the massage table where I relaxed her nearly to sleep.

Anne had apologized as I packed up to leave. She implied that she would be more open about her anxiety after she had a chance to talk to Kathy. Brad and Sandra had enthusiastically thanked me for coming, and they said they were looking forward to the next time.

They hinted at some possible plans that they had wanted Anne to tell me about. Anne smiled and told them we had been too distracted. We let them assume what they wished. Anne walked with me out to my car and although she kissed me good night, I could tell that her mind was miles away. I was not sure that I would hear from her again.

My wife wanted to know how the second date had been. I gave her the stripped down version and I was surprised that she didn't try to find a way to blame me for how it had ended. She did jump to telling me all about how her plans were coming together. She sounded truly happy and I could not help but smile at her enthusiasm.

When I got to work the next morning, I had planned to reach out to Anne at lunch time. Between online chat and cell phones, I shouldn't have had too much trouble finding her. I worried that if I tried too hard, she might feel like I was stalking her. Around 9:15, I noticed a chat pop-up from Anne.


Anne: John, are you there?
Anne: 911 please answer!

Me: Hey, I was away, what’s up?

Anne: Thank you! Have you heard from Kathy?
Anne: Can you check your email too?

Me: no, 1 sec
Me: No email- what’s the matter?

Anne: I fucked up
Anne: I don't know what to do

Me: ok... can you tell me what happened?

Anne: I was stupid

Me: please? I want to help, but I need somewhere to start

Anne: promise me you won't be mad

Me: OK, I promise

Anne: ok
Anne: I called her last night after you left
Anne: I wanted her to explain why she said what she said
Anne: she wanted me to say it out loud
Anne: I was frustrated and more and I said things I didn't mean

Me: and more?

Anne: OK I was scared
Anne: everything is changing and I am getting lost
Anne: something broke inside of my head when she kissed me
Anne: I tasted you and me in her kiss and I nearly came
Anne: and then I wanted to kiss her again
Anne: I wanted her... and then she said those words...
Anne: it scared the crap out of me
Anne: I called her to try to explain and to try to be less scared
Anne: but I ended up lost and angry and she hung up
Anne: and then she called in sick this morning and she won't answer her phone
Anne: I am scared sick that I will lose her
Anne: I need to find her... I need to tell her that I love her too!

Me: Wow, and hugs and breathe!

Anne: how can I breathe?
Anne: a week ago I wasn't sure that I loved anyone, not even my husband
Anne: now my heart is breaking in too many ways
Anne: I'll screw it up and I will lose her
Anne: I'll end up losing both of you
Anne: I don't want to be in love any more if it hurts like this
Anne: OMG. Tell me I did not just type all of that.

Me: Breathe, it will be ok! Let's work on making sure Kathy is ok first

Anne: How can it be ok? She isn't home. I stopped by her apartment on the way to work

Me: Hmmm... my advice is to just give her some time.
Me: I know it will be hard, but I bet that if we wait, she will call

Anne: I feel like I just made things worse.
Anne: I will wait but I won't like it
Anne: one more thing, I am scared to ask...

Me: the answer is Yes

Anne: um... what do you think the question is?
Anne: now I am more scared

Me: I don't know what the question is, but since you know the answer, you don't have to be afraid to ask

Anne: oh. since I don't have to ask,
Anne: I will be there to take you to lunch at 12:45

Me: OK

Anne: ok... have a good morning

Me: you too, see you soon


It's a good thing my boss was out of the office. With all of the thoughts whirling around in my head, I thought it might explode. Finally, I had convinced myself that brooding would not help, and I settled down to get something done.

Of course, that is when my computer beeped to let me know that I had a new friend request in chat. I did not recognize the user name, but I had a hunch and so I accepted anyways. Two seconds later, a chat window popped up.


K: Hi John, its Kathy
K: do you have a minute to chat?

Me: Hi Kathy, I have 10, unless you need more

K: I think it was only 7 1/2 or 8, but that is more than enough

Me: lol, so... what's up?

K: seriously? have you talked with Anne?

Me: Yes- she is very worried about you
Me: you two need to talk!

K: worried? she sounded mad
K: I think she is going to fire me

Me: she was not mad, she was unsettled
Me: please call her!
Me: ok?
Me: ok? (Don't make me ask again!)

K: I might

Me: you might call? or make me ask again? lol

K: both?
K: please I need something first

Me: ok... I will do what I can... just ask

K: can we meet tonite at your office?

Me: yes?
Me: what do you have in mind?

K: I need a lot of things
K: I need to let you punish me for not answering
K: I need to let you seduce me
K: whatever will get you on my side to convince Anne that she doesn't need to make me leave

Me: you do need a lot of spankings!
Me: first for not answering, second for being naughty and third for thinking there are sides
Me: it will be interesting to see how many I can give you when you get here tonite

K: so you will let me come?

Me: yes!

K: ok

Me: Hugs to you, I will see you at 5

K: thank you


It's a really good thing my boss was out of the office! For all of the advice I had been spewing out, I wasn't surprised to realize that I couldn't breathe. With both women on edge, I might have been safer throwing rocks into a mine field than getting in the middle of their mess. I had a lot to think about, and there was no chance that anything productive was going to get done.

I did take a moment to text Anne. She was not online, so I sent a message to her cell phone. It said, "Chatted with Kathy. She is ok but worried. It can wait until we talk at lunch." A while later she answered back, "Thanks". All I had to do was try to look busy until 12:45. Eventually, she sent another short text to let me know she was on her way, and another when she arrived at my work.

Anne had parked right in front of the sidewalk, so I had no choice but to get in the passenger side. She immediately asked about local restaurants, and she avoided eye contact. I tried not to think about land mines as I directed her to a local cafe. As soon as she had parked, I hopped out of the car and hurried around to her side. She had already opened the door, and I waited for her to step out.

"This is where I have to ask if everything is okay," I prompted. When you play Minesweeper, you never know what will happen when you click the first square. Sometimes you get a mine, and the game ends before it starts.

"How can anything be okay?" she asked. She still wouldn't make eye contact. I had her trapped in the open car door, and I waited for her. I saw her realize that I had trapped her, and I saw her ball up her fist. I was pretty sure that she wouldn't hit me. Her eyes were glassy with the tears she was fighting when she looked up at me.

"How can it be okay?" she asked again. "We wanted no strings and suddenly I am saying stupid things and having feelings I don't understand and I seem to be going out of my way to mess up everything and…"

As she stopped to breathe, I mentally clicked another square and I said, "Stop."

My eyes held hers, and tears formed in hers and she had to blink them away.

"First," I continued, "we gave up on no strings the minute we agreed to meet a second time. We lost the rights to go back the moment we told our spouses, and definitely lost it when I met your husband and liked him."

She continued to blink away tears, but she tentatively stepped closer to me, and put her hands on my arms to steady herself.

"Second," I said, "feeling awkward about new feelings, and not being sure of how to talk about them does not mean that your words are stupid or destructive." I gently reached out and brushed her tears from her face. "Having negative thoughts and projecting them as a shield against the uncertainty will make your fears come true. Will you talk with me? Will you let us work through this together?"

She nodded and quietly said, "Yes."

"Good," I answered. "I don't know if we will make every last thing okay, but we can try to make them better."

She nodded again, and then threw her arms around me and just held me close. I held her just as tightly until we both gently released. She still had tears at the corners of her eyes, but the happiness beaming from her smile was infectious.

"Can you teach Brad how to hug like that?" she asked.

I laughed and said, "Of course." After a moment I added, "Although he is nearly as tall as I am, so he and I will have to work out where to put our arms."

Her eyes flared with laughter and she punched my arm. "Goof!" she declared, and then she kissed me. The kiss lingered for several moments, and she and I both knew that things were getting better.

I finally let her out of the trap, and we walked arm in arm into the cafe. We sat in a corner booth and quickly ordered soft drinks and sandwiches. I could tell that she had let go of the tension she had been holding since the night before. She was smiling and much more relaxed as we waited for our food. I thought of the game and I prepared to click on a square.

"So talk to me about Kathy," I started. Her smile faded a bit, and she briefly looked away. Her eyes were clear as she looked back at me.

"I think I could love her," she said. "I don't think I realized that when I called her last night. I was trying to understand myself, but I was demanding answers from her. I think I scared her away and I'm afraid that she will leave me. I've tried to think of what I can say to her to bring her back, and I think anything that I say will make her hate me more."

"Did you think to start with 'I'm sorry I spoke to you that way'?"

She stared at me for so long that I was sure I had clicked on a bad square. Our food arrived, and I was granted a reprieve until the waitress walked away. Hopefully it gave Anne more time to think.

"That might work," she finally said with a half smile. "Unless I made her so mad that she hates me," she added.

"She is worried that you hate her," I pointed out. "She is afraid that she pushed too hard last night and that you want her out of your life."

"That's the last thing I want," she exclaimed.

"Heh. That makes things easy for me," I said without thinking.

"What do you mean?" she asked with a frown. I realized I was still clicking dangerous squares.

"I agreed to meet her tonight. She wants to see if she can recruit me to help her win you over." The truth is usually a good place to go. It could easily be a trap as well. "She wants to convince you that you don't have to send her away."

"I want her to stay, now more than ever. Did she say how she was going to get your help?" I know a loaded question when I hear it, but I had no choice but to click the next square.

"She offered to let me seduce her, or to let me punish her for being bad."

"So she wants a lover or a father, or both."

"I don't know. She never asked in that way, and she was most concerned about repairing her bond with you."

I waited. Finally she said, "So, I don't know if I am ready to talk about bonds, but I think I want to try something for her. I will need your help. Tell me what you think about this idea."

She slowly outlined a plan where she could apologize to Kathy, and then move their relationship forward. I had to remind her that she knew Kathy way better than I did, but I agreed that helping her was a good plan. I agreed to discuss the plan with Kathy when she and I talked later in the day.

We shared a lingering kiss when Anne dropped me off at work. I know I didn't get any work done, but the afternoon flew by. Soon enough people were leaving for the night. I did a walk-through and made sure the building was empty of people. I ended at the front door just as Kathy walked up. I opened the door for her and she greeted me with a casual hug. I had propped the inside security door open, so I led her right inside.

I don't know what I was expecting, but somehow I was relieved to see that she was casually dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Kathy is just a little bit shorter than Anne, but with a slighter build. Her dark shoulder length hair was up in a pony tail. She barely had any makeup on, but her youthfulness made her all the more appealing. I pushed that thought aside. We needed to fix things between her and Anne without me getting in the way.

"Let me show you where my desk is," I said. "That will be a good place to sit and talk."

"No way," she answered. "I want the same tour you gave Anne, and I want to see the boob prints on the glass in the classroom!"

I smiled and shook my head. "If you keep saying 'I want, I want', I may have to give you the spankings we talked about."

She smiled and stepped close enough to put her hand on my chest. "Please?" she begged aloud. I heard more, but it may have been my imagination. I heard, “Spank me? Guide me? Please me?”

"Please give you the tour, or please give you spankings?" I asked with a leer.

"Both," she answered. Then her smile faded, and she added, "But I need to ask a small favor."

"Sure," I said. "Ask away."

"Show me around while I explain," she asked. I smiled and led her through the same route that Anne and I had taken.

"This is hard for me to talk about," she explained. "Anne knows that I have been seeing a counselor to deal with some of my past. The counselor wants to help me, but I just don't trust her. She knows there are things I won't open up about to her."

We had reached the second floor conference room, and Kathy stopped and turned to face me.

"I want to trust you, John. I probably shouldn't, but I see how you treat Anne, and how she trusts you. I shouldn't trust you yet, but I do."

I took her hands in mine. "You are right," I said. "You probably should not trust me, and you have no reason to. I promise to try to respect you and your trust."

She smiled and said, "Thank you." We turned and continued up toward the classroom.

"I have had only one boyfriend," she continued. "We dated for a couple of weeks. I felt that it was time to let things get physical, and although it started out fine, it ended horribly. Is this the window?"

I smiled at the sudden change of subjects, and said, "Yes. You can see our cars and the bus stop, and if you look close, you can see the hand and breast prints are still on the glass."

She took a deep breath and traced the prints without actually touching the glass.

"I can't imagine how hot that was. I wish I could have been here." She smiled and stepped up close to me. Her smile faded, and she focused her attention on my chest. She slowly started to unbutton my shirt.

"We were making out on his bed, and most of our clothes were off," she said. I was desperately trying to come up with a reason to stop her hands. There was a lot of pain in her voice, and I knew we needed to let her keep going.

"We heard a noise, and we realized that his mom had come home early." Her warm hands slid up my bared chest, and there was fire in her eyes when as she looked up at me. "Don't even think to tease me for dating a guy that lived with his mom!"

"Okay," I answered in a shaky voice.

Her eyes flared in wonder and she flexed her fingers against my skin. "You like this?" she asked.

"Yes, very much," I answered. "I may have to tease you the same way when our other talk is done," I warned.

"I don't want to talk about that until you promise to help me."

"I promise you won't need my help."

"If that's true, then I don't need to seduce you," she purred. Somehow, she eased away while pressing her body closer to mine. "If I don't need to seduce you, then there's no reason for me to do this," she added as she pulled her shirt off.

She had the cutest breasts. They were perfectly suited to her slender build. They were lifted up taut as she pulled her shirt off, and then settled as her hands came back to my chest. They were perfectly suited to fill my hands, and I couldn't wait to hold them and lift her perky nipples to my mouth. She pressed them firmly into the hair of my chest and hugged me close. She turned her head onto my shoulder and stayed in my arms.

"Anne was so right," she murmured. After a moment, she said, "I think he was scared more than I was." I really struggled to get my mind back to her story. "He put his hand over my mouth, and he said those words." She was trembling as she held me, and I felt her tears on my chest.

"He couldn’t have known," she whispered. "But why would he say them? Of all the things he could have said, why those words?"

As I held her, I could feel her pain. I could sense her fear. Certainly she was warm and desirable in my arms, but sex could never have been further from my mind than it was at that moment. She wiped her tears and looked up at me.

"I need you," she said. She wiped her eyes again, and said, "I need you so bad."

I brushed some of the tears off her cheek. "I'm not sure I understand what you want."

"Remember the favor?

"Yes, you were explaining. I don't think you have asked yet."

A shy smile played across her face. "It starts like this, but this is not the favor."

Her lips parted expectantly, and she pulled me down. I lifted her and kissed her gently. When she eased away, I was reluctant to let her go.

"I need you to use your imagination," she said with a smile. "I need you to spank me and tease me like your naughty little girl. I need you to take me as your lover, or use me like your own little slut. I will do anything you ask, any way you want."

She saw the skeptical look in my eye. I was not sure that the things she was asking for would do anything to help her deal with the pain in her past.

"I wanted this to win you over to my side, but you said I wouldn't need your help with Anne. I need this for me. Do you know why?"

I shook my head, and said, "Tell me."

"Because of Anne." She saw that I was confused, so she continued. "She and I have talked about sex and love a lot. She always felt safe with her husband. She knew that sex with someone else would be outside of her comfort zone. She was lucky enough to have found you, and you keep taking her so far out of her comfort zone that it scares the daylights out of her. Do you know why she lets you take her there? She knows deep down that she is still safe when you are there."

"I have never felt safe like that. Sex was fear and hurt and I had to run away to get away. And the first time I tried to get past my fears, he said those words and it all came back, and I screamed like a banshee and split his lip and I had to run again."

"I trust you, and I want you to take me and show me pleasure without fear. Please? And you probably know the favor I want. Promise me you won't ever say those words. Promise me you won't say 'Hold still and don't make a sound.'"

"Of course! I promise I will never say that. I give you permission to kick me in the shin if I say something even close to that. But I'm not sure that racing headlong into sex is the best way to move forward in the healing process."

"That shows how little you know about a determined woman," Anne said from the doorway. I had given her my access card to get in the building. The original plan had been for her to meet us at my desk. Nothing in the plan allowed for me to be half naked with Kathy when Anne confronted her to apologize.

"Anne!" Kathy exclaimed as she pushed away from me.

Anne's eyes were boring into me as she asked, "Do you want our little girl to suffer the pain of rejection just at the moment when she most needs love and affection?"

Turning her attention to Kathy, she said, "Baby girl, I am so sorry I spoke to you so badly last night. I hope you will forgive me. I was afraid of the feelings I have for you, and I shouldn't have needed John to make me feel safe in saying that I love you."

Without a word, Kathy ran to Anne and hugged her tight. They separated a bit and then shared a deep lingering kiss. It felt stupid to stand and watch, but I knew better than to interrupt.

With a hungry look, Kathy asked, "So, now what do we do?"

Anne smiled and said, "I told John that I was going to corner you and make you listen. When I realized why you wanted to be up here, I thought I might wait until you had seduced him and then to get you to forgive me while you were feeling vulnerable."

"I so forgive you," Kathy exclaimed. "Will you forgive me for pushing?"

"Gladly," Anne said, and they kissed again. "So, you have your choice," Anne continued. "Either you can accept the spankings that John owes you for being naughty, or you can agree to help me with a few things that I want."

"Or maybe both?" Kathy flirted back. With a smile she asked, "What are these things you want?"

"One thing at a time," Anne answered. "First, I need you two to seduce each other. I need to show you the pleasure you need."

Kathy was going to ask something, but Anne interrupted with, "Get his clothes off, and yours as well. I'll be right back."

Anne quickly walked out and left a stunned and suddenly shy Kathy looking to me for direction. I gently pulled her into my arms and kissed her.

With a smile, I asked, "Is this going to be what you really want?"

She nodded and kissed me. Then she asked, "What is she doing?"

"I have no idea, but I trust her." I kissed Kathy again, but this time my hands started to explore her naked upper half. She moaned into the kiss and her hands started to move across my skin as well.

"I trust her, too," she said between kisses. When her hands started to fumble with my belt, she said, "I can feel you. I want to see you again."

I showed her the trick to my slide belt, and then stepped out of my pants and boxers as she pulled them down. Her hands wrapped around my cock and she stood there studying and caressing it. She licked her lips and I thought she might taste me, but instead she gave me an apologetic smile as she stood. She quickly wriggled out of her jeans. She had not been wearing panties.

She looked uncertain again, so I said, "Do a little dance. Spin and show me."

She blushed, but smiled and started to sway at the hips. Her arms lifted over her head, and she slowly turned in a full circle. As her arms lifted, I could not help but to enjoy the shape of her breasts again. As she turned away, I allowed my eyes to follow the sensual lines of her neck, back and bottom. As she finished the turn, I saw that her thick patch of pubic hair had been neatly trimmed. She waited expectantly for my eyes to find their way back up to hers.

She was blushing again, and she asked, "Okay?"

"More than okay," I responded. "You're beautiful."

"Absolutely gorgeous," Anne said from the doorway. Kathy blushed even redder, but her smile was beaming with joy.

Anne pushed an armless office chair into the room. "John, sit," she commanded.

As I complied, I noticed that she was pulling my camera out of its case. She must have picked it up down in my office.

"Anne," I asked, "may I request two things?"

"You may request, but right now we are giving me what I want. I want Kathy to sit on your lap. Do not take his cock inside, yet. What do you want?"

"Two things. First, please switch to the other memory card in the front pocket there. Second, house rules- you have to be naked to stay."

"Nice rule," said Kathy as she slid onto my lap facing me.

"I think he just made that up," Anne responded. Then she smiled as said, "Okay." Looking at Kathy, she said, "This is how he made me get naked last night."

Anne started to sway and dance, as she had the night before. Kathy tried to twist around to watch, so I pushed her back onto her feet and turned her around before pulling her back onto my lap. She gasped and squirmed against my hardness as it nestled between her ass cheeks, but then she turned her full attention to Anne.

Once again, Anne danced her way out of her blouse, but managed to hold it so that it blocked our view. She somehow managed to dance out of the rest of her clothes, and although we saw her naked backside, she always managed to have the blouse blocking our view of her front side. She danced her way over to us, and managed to slide onto our laps, facing us, but with the blouse trapped between her and Kathy.

Kathy's eyes flicked expectantly between Anne's blouse and her face. Anne smiled, but continued to dance with her shoulders and hips.

"Do I have to say 'Please'," Kathy asked.

"How much do you want it?" Anne purred.

Kathy's eyes continued to flick from blouse to face and back again. "I have seen you naked twice," she said, "but I have never wanted anything as much as I want to see you now."

"Twice?" Anne asked in surprise.

Kathy blushed again, but just whispered, "Please."

Anne leaned forward and kissed her, then stood and danced away, leaving the blouse behind. Kathy stood to follow her.

"Sit," Anne ordered with a smile. Kathy turned and sat back on my lap facing me. Her legs rested on my hips and hung off the sides of the chair.

"It’s your turn. You know he has had other women before. You know that he wants sex. Without leaving his lap, dance for him. Touch him. Find the places he likes to be touched. Make him feel the places you like to be touched. Make him forget there are other women. Make him want you."

Kathy was not sure at all that she could do what Anne was asking. She stared deep into my eyes as if she could find the answer there. My smile of reassurance was the answer she needed. Just to be sure, I pulled her hands from my shoulders to my ribs. I caressed down her sides and cupped her ass as I lifted up and kissed her. I pushed on her hips and she started to move them to dance like Anne had.

She moved tentatively at first, gently touching and caressing without any pressure. For several minutes, I moved with her, enjoying the sensation of her touch. I could have sat back and enjoyed it for hours.

Her fingers slid along my shoulder and I turned my head to offer her my neck. She leaned forward and pressed her breasts into my chest as she kissed down my neck. When her lips found my collar bone, she started to kiss along it out toward my shoulder. Something possessed her and she planted a biting kiss there.

The response was immediate. My cock surged out and she felt its heat press into her folds. My body arched up and my hand buried itself in her hair. She continued to nibble and I couldn't breathe and I couldn't bear to pull her away. She slowly moved further along, and I was able to relax again. I had never felt anything quite like that before.

Before I could tell her any of that, she caressed a hand up my neck and turned my face the other way. I waited breathlessly as she kissed down my neck to the collarbone, and started to nibble along it. Again, my body responded with a surge and an arch and it took my breath away.

When I could breathe again, she was sitting up, waiting for my eyes to find hers. She had the naughtiest gleam in her eye as she turned my face the other way again. Her other hand slipped down between our bodies, and she pressed my cock down. Her hips rolled forward as she kissed her way down my neck. Her knees and hips lifted as she bit my collar bone.

As my cock surged and my body arched, she pressed forward and she buried my cock inside herself. She cried out, but hunched forward onto the intruder. She roughly turned my face and immediately bit the other collar bone. She cried out again as she rode the wave of reaction that rocked my body.

She started actively humping against me as she brought her lips to mine. She kissed me fiercely, then cried out, "Oh fuck, I can't believe I'm cumming." She lunged against me several more times and then cried out, "Fuck. So fucking good!" She bucked against me several more times and then slowed to a stop.

With a tentative giggle, she said, "I don't think that was what we were supposed to do." She turned to look at Anne.

With a smile, Anne lowered the camera and answered, "No, you didn't do as you were told. Your butt is going to be very red after all the spankings you are earning. However, you did do what I wanted."

Anne held the camera aside as she kissed first Kathy, and then me. I don't remember hearing her take any pictures.

"The next thing I want," Anne commanded, "is for you to tell me you are happy."

Kathy blushed, and stammered, "You have no idea!"

"I believe I do," Anne countered, and then kissed Kathy again.

"Next, I want you to taste yourself on his cock. Fill your mouth with your flavors, but do not swallow."

Kathy only hesitated for a moment as she stood and my cock slid out. Then she quickly knelt down and sucked my cock into her mouth. She licked around the shaft as she bobbed up and down. I was really beginning to enjoy it when Anne made her stop.

Anne pulled Kathy to her feet and kissed her deeply. Both women moaned their pleasure as they pressed their bodies together.

As they stopped to breath, Anne said, "That's not all I want to taste."

She directed me to slide forward a bit on the chair. Then she had Kathy face away from me and sit astride my cock. Kathy really liked the feel of my cock sliding inside again, and she begged Anne to let her keep it there for a while.

"We'll see how long it lasts," was Anne's reply.

She kissed Kathy again, and then started kissing her way down Kathy's body. I felt Kathy's pussy jump when Anne nibbled briefly on her nipples. Anne kissed lower. She pushed our legs apart and started teasing Kathy with her tongue. Kathy cried out in pleasure, and then started rocking her hips. I started gently thrusting into her.

We picked up speed and it sounded like Kathy was going to cum any moment. Suddenly, Anne grabbed my balls and the base of my cock and gently squeezed. She also used her tongue to attack my cock at the point where it disappeared into Kathy. Her nose must have been pressing onto Kathy's clit because Kathy quickly rocked into an orgasm. Anne increased the pressures on my cock and I couldn't hold back any longer.

I roared out in pleasure and Kathy squealed in joy every time Anne's tongue pressed up through her slit. Anne was squeezing my balls in counterpoint to the surges of my orgasm, and it seemed to last a long time. Kathy's squeals degenerated into all out laughter. She fell back against my chest and pulled my arms around her body and she hugged my arms as I hugged her.

Anne looked up from between our legs. "What's so funny?" she asked with a smile.

Kathy continued to laugh as she answered, "Nothing. Everything. What you said."

Anne looked puzzled and asked, "What did I say?"

Kathy struggled to control the laughter, but you could hear the happiness in her voice as she answered, "Not now. Last night. This was just so big. It was so big and I can't hold it in and its laughter instead of tears."

"Tell me again that you’re happy," Anne said. You could hear the joy in her voice as well.

"You know it!"

"Good," Anne purred. "Now I can almost get what I want."

Kathy started to ask, "What's that?" She was suddenly breathless and unable to speak as Anne pressed her tongue back into the wet folds where my cock filled Kathy. I had been slowly deflating and the pressure of Anne's tongue had made the head finally pop out of Kathy. Anne quickly sucked my cock into her mouth and milked out the last of my cum.

Kathy had both giggled and moaned in dismay as my cock slipped out. She tried to turn and kiss me, but she also tried to laugh at the spasms that wracked my body as Anne teased my sensitive member. Then it was Kathy's turn to tremble and shake as Anne pushed my cock aside and plunged her tongue as deep as she could reach inside Kathy. After teasing her for several seconds, Anne pulled back and then slid up Kathy's body.

Kathy eagerly sat forward to meet Anne and they shared a long kiss. It started with a frenzy as they shared the wet flavors. Eventually it slowed, and they held each other close.

Kathy suddenly pushed Anne away and asked, "How is that only 'almost' what you wanted?"

It was Anne's turn to blush. "That was the thought that started my crisis," she explained. "When you kissed me last night, and I could taste my flavors mixed with John's. Out of nowhere, I wanted to kiss you again, and I wanted to taste your flavors with his. I wanted almost like now. I wanted you two to share something big, and then I wanted you to suck him clean and then kiss me with your flavors."

Kathy kissed Anne, then said, "We'll just have to try again and do it right this time."

She carefully stood and then turned to kneel between my legs. Watching them kiss and listening to their desires had started to arouse me again, but not enough to be useful. Kathy gently lifted my semi-hard cock and studied it as if it were the first time she had ever seen it. Anne moved behind her and started kissing and caressing Kathy's back.

"It was scary for me, last night," Kathy said. She continued to fondle me, and she licked her lips as I started to swell. She kept her focus on my rising cock. "I have never held a cock before, and last night was the first time I put one in my mouth." She looked up to search my eyes for approval as she took my growing member into her mouth.

"Be gentle," I said as I caressed her face. "I am still very sensitive. It will be that way for several minutes after cumming. You're doing it just right."

And she was. She was slowly licking and teasing the length of the shaft. She smiled as I grew to full hardness in her mouth, and I could tell she was enjoying the moment. She kept at it for several minutes as she experimented with different angles and depths. She started to get a bit more aggressive as the sensitivity waned, but not enough to bring me to orgasm. Anne had continued to touch and tease Kathy, but not enough to distract her from her exploration.

"Is it my turn for 'I want'?" Kathy asked. "It's an unselfish want, if that helps."

"I'm getting what I want without asking," I answered. "You'll have to ask Anne. She's in charge."

She turned to Anne. "Now that he's hard again, I want you to show me how he pinned you to the wall and made you cum. Please?"

Anne chuckled and asked, "Do you want to watch us demonstrate, or do you want to play my part?"

"Both!" Kathy blurted out. "You go first, though." With a grin, she stood from between my legs and picked up the camera. "Go slow so I can get every detail," she instructed.

Anne and I both laughed at her enthusiasm as we stood and hugged. We stepped over to the wall.

"We were overcome with the need to be naked," I explained. "Anne was having trouble removing her heels, and she leaned against the wall here."

"I know," Kathy said. "She said she needed to feel all of your skin on her skin and she pulled you close as soon as you were both naked."

"We both wanted to feel each others’ body. I thought I pressed mine to hers as much as she pulled me close." Anne had leaned against the wall, and I stepped in close, if less urgently than the last time.

"I was blind with lust," I continued. "I lifted her leg and pressed forward." I started to match action to words. "She needed me as badly as I needed her," I added, "and I was able to slide right in." Anne caught hold of my cock before it entered her.

"That only happens in fantasy novels," she quipped. "I did need you just as much, but I made sure your aim was true." She gently pulled and let her hand move out of the way as I slid into her. We both gasped at the pleasure of the sudden insertion.

"Lift her leg a little higher, and pull out as far as you can," Kathy ordered. As my head started to turn toward her, she commanded, "Don't look at the camera, just do what I said."

Anne's eyes opened wide in astonishment as I lifted and moved. She gasped as the camera flashed. A lustful smile spread across her face as the camera clicked again.

"Wrap your fingers around him again," Kathy ordered. Greedy lust filled Anne's eyes as she complied. Her smile didn't waver a bit when Kathy ordered her to use her other hand. The camera clicked several times.

"Now back inside again." I press forward. Anne's hands met behind my neck and she pulled me down for a kiss.

"Nice," Kathy commented. "Now fuck her," she ordered.

I slowly stroked out and back in. On the second stroke, Anne lifted her other leg. She locked her ankles behind my back and I firmly held her ass. I continued to draw long strokes out and back in and we continued to kiss. Even at this speed, I could feel the heat rising quickly inside of her.

"I like it," Kathy said. "That's not how she described it. Make her cum!" Anne broke from the kiss and gave me the slightest nod. Her eyes were burning with lust and need.

If Kathy said anything after that, I must have missed it. I immediately switched to medium length strokes, but as fast as I could pump. I also leaned back slightly so that our bodies separated slightly. I concentrated on the driving strokes and on keeping Anne's nipples just against my chest.

At first, she tried to release her hold around my neck so she could protect her nipples from the intense pleasure we were creating. She felt like she was falling, so she threw her arms around my neck and tried to pull herself up. That may have reduced the rasping on her nipples, but it pushed my cock harder against her pelvis, and she exploded into orgasm. I continued to thrust as she peaked, crested and fell.

Eventually, I slowed, and she tried to stand on shaky legs and kiss me. I held her a bit longer.

Kathy kicked the office chair over towards us. "Use this for support. Show me how he took you from behind," she ordered.

"It's too soon," Anne complained, but she leaned against the back of the chair with her ass raised. Her lust filled eyes were locked on Kathy's as she waited for me to plunge in. I didn't make her wait at all.

"Wow." Kathy simply said, as she watched Anne's face respond to the pleasure of my cock invading her quivering folds. I took a deep breath and prepared to push Anne into another quick orgasm.

"Wait," Kathy commanded. "Pull out again." Anne must have looked distraught as I obeyed, because Kathy leaned forward and kissed her and told her it was coming right back.

With the camera at the ready, she ordered, "Okay, back inside, now." I obeyed. The camera clicked several times to capture Anne’s response. Her pussy pulsed in time with the camera. It was more than just a response to the sound. I would have guessed she was having a mini-orgasm. Her legs started to tremble.

"Please, I need to sit," she begged.

"Okay," Kathy allowed. As Anne pulled away from me and sat on the chair, Kathy said, "But I need to make you cum."

She handed the camera to Anne and quickly dropped her face between Anne's knees. Anne tried to close her legs, but Kathy levered them open and pressed her face to Anne's crotch. Anne cried out, but lifted her legs high. She caught her knees with her hands and pulled them higher, and started making incoherent sounds of pleasure.

Kathy reached under her own lifted ass and used her fingers to spread her pussy open. She was too busy with her mouth to ask out loud, but there was no doubt about what she wanted. I knelt behind her and pressed my cock into her. She squealed in delight. As I started to thrust into her, she moved to meet me.

Anne sensed the rhythmic pressing of Kathy's face grinding on her pussy, and stared in wonder at the sight of me fucking Kathy while Kathy ate her pussy. I think the camera may have been clicking away. I was too lost in pleasure to care.

Kathy's pussy was actively milking my cock for all it was worth. The motion of her body as she pressed back into me and struggled to keep her face in Anne's pussy was very erotic. The contrast of her slight body against Anne's fuller body was intoxicating. The wet noises of my thrusting and her licking filled the room. The wide V of Anne's raised legs served to pull my attention back to Kathy's hair as it bobbed between her legs. My eyes met hers, and I knew she was falling over the edge.

Anne cried out, "Baby, yes!" as she grabbed Kathy's head and pulled it into her need.

I roared out, "Fuck!" as I exploded inside Kathy for the second time.

Kathy cried out into Anne's pussy, and she clamped down hard onto my cock.

I continued to thrust, Anne continued to pull, and Kathy slurped away as we all rode the pleasure as far as we could. Everything rolled to a stop, and we all took a moment to breathe.

Suddenly Kathy pushed back hard against my hips. I fell back on my butt, and she spun and buried her face in my crotch. I tried to stop her as she sucked my cock into her mouth because I was still too sensitive. She ignored me as she coaxed all that she could from my cock.

Just as suddenly, she left me and turned to kiss Anne. Even in her exhausted post-orgasmic state, Anne was eagerly sitting forward on the chair to meet her. Their kiss was long and slow and fulfilling without being demanding.

"I love you," Anne said as her eyes held Kathy's eyes.

"I love you, too," Kathy replied happily. Her eyes flickered away for the slightest moment. "Is that okay?" she asked.

"Yes!" Anne answered. Then her eyes dropped momentarily. "I need you to bear with me when I make mistakes, though. I don't know if I can emotionally handle having my heart split three ways."

"Three?" Kathy asked and Anne blushed.

"It might help," I said, "if you allow yourself to think of your heart as 'filled' instead of 'split'."

I hoped my boss didn't show up for work the next day. I was going to have a lot on my mind.

Same as Re: Office Sex Fantasy: Part 3 Videos

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My Fantasy Sexventure 8211 Part 5 Lesbian Love And My Fantasy

The story is connected, so please read from part 1. Few comments in the comment section will be appreciable for this story of lesbian love. Thank you all for the positive comments/reviews on the previous parts. Hey guys, just wondering, can a lesbian story make your dick erect? And dear girls, I hope you get horny and wet. Imagining or visualizing the story will give you a better feel while reading. The story is just continued from where I paused in the last part. Me (with tears in my eyes):...

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The Game First Time Sex Part 21 Tonyas Fantasy

The Game ... first time sex: Part 21 - Tonya's Fantasy Please read chapters 1 - 20 to get to get acquainted with my friends and me and to get immersed in the story. This is a long chapter, so if you aren't into details, jump to the last half of this story to pick up our usual action. The intro to chapter 18 has the most expanded synopsis to date. The following is a brief history of our group. It's been nearly two years since I met Donna on a Sunday afternoon when I was forced to tag along with...

First Time
3 years ago
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Office sex1

She reached her home and within half an hour there was an knock on my door . My heart beat started to grow there were many things going in my mind she still was a virgin did she now also wanted to make love with me and many more. I opened the door with a very heavy heart she was now very as had seen her pics on the internet .She had perfect body nice ass , hair falling till little lower than neck which were tied by a clip She was now little tan which made her more beautiful. She was wearing a ...

4 years ago
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Meri doodh sexi bhabhi

Hi, ISS reader This is my first story. I am in gujarat. Ye us samay ki bat he jab me 19 saal ka tha. Me samane hamare hi jati ke log rahete the. Unaki nayi nayi shadi hui thi. Unaka nam Virendra tha aur unaki wife ka nam Neeta tha. Vo bahot hi sexi aur hot thi. Neeta ko me pyar se bhabhi jaan kahakar bulatatha aur vo bhi mujese acchi bate karti thi. Magar vo kabhi mera naam nahi bolati thi, jese me usaka pati hu vese muje Aap, Lijie vese shabdo se bulati thi. Vo bahot hi sexi lagati thi. Unaka...

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Campeonato mundial Fantasy Sexfight

Hoy recibimos en este foro a 8 bellezas del mundo. Campeonas en sus regiones en la modalidad de Sexfight Wrestling , han vencido a todas sus oponentes para poder disputar este campeonato dotado con 1.000.000 €. Tenemos a nuestras campeonas: Helga Merk la rubia campeona de Alemania de 21 ańos que cuenta con unas impresionantes medidas de 100-62-92 y un récord de 38 victorias y 2 derrotas. Irina Teleskovich la pelirroja campeona Rusa de 32 ańos que cuenta con unas espectaculares medidas de...

4 years ago
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My Fantasy Sexventure 8211 Part 3 Lesbian BDSM

Thank you all for the positive comments/reviews on the previous parts. Now to make things a little more clear. This story is fiction about lesbian BDSM. The characters and events are fictitious and are not intended to represent anyone or any event in the real world. To some extent, I would also try to avoid using real places. But still, someone somewhere could have had similar experiences. If yes, then let me know in my email. I have made this story such that it completely fits in reality. The...

2 years ago
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Swimsuit fantasy sex 2

Swimsuit fantasy sex 2This one builds more slowly than my last story, hope it is just as hot at the end! My fantasy sex stories are unconnected to each other, are completely made up and are not a series. Maybe some of them might turn into series, but for now each one is a standalone story. This one was inspired by a sexy pic in my favorites, he's not hard to find :) EnjoyI was about 22 when I decided to go camping at a campground far from my home. I wanted to try sunbathing in a tiny...

3 years ago
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Uncoditional Sex With Sexy Lady Of My Fantasy

Hi I am sam(name changed) currently living in pune. A not so tall guy with a penchant to satisfy my partners the way they wish to be. This story is about sakshi (name changed), my best friend from 8th standard and me making my fantasies come true. Any ladies interested in discreet relationships or orgasmic chats can email me at “”. It is a little long and please forgive me for that as the build up to this special moment was long and special. So lets begin. It all began when were in 8th...

3 years ago
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BBC Fantasy Only No Sex Blacken

My fantasy was to meet a muscular black man at a club; dance with him, make out and let him feel me up in front of my husband. My husband and I would live out a fantasy, go home and fuck. I never would have dream't that what ended up happening would ever happen.I am a very attractive, fit, married, white, 38-year-old woman. I am 5'9" tall and weigh 135 lbs. I work out regularly and have very nice B cup titties with "perfect" nipples as my husband says. After several months of talking about...

2 years ago
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Sex With Pallavi Teacher In Picnic 8211 My Fantasy

Hey guys, I am Akhil. And I am here to tell you fantasy stories of my life in. I was thinking about sex since I was in class 12. This is my 1st fantasy story with my Marathi teacher. I am 22 now and a regular reader of ISS now since quite a while. I stay In Mumbai. I have a muscular body with 8 inches of my tool. If any girls aunties of any age wanna do sex with me then you can mail me at Also, give me feedback about this story. So let’s get started. So the heroine of my 1st fantasy Story is...

1 year ago
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My Anal sex fantasy got fulfiled Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I am Samantha and this is the story of that one incident which fulfilled my anal sex fantasy finally. This was during my trip to Florida with my college gang. We were a group of 16 people. Not all of us were first-hand acquainted and were there because of common friends. We had booked a hostel for us all where one dormitory was shared by 16 of us. Sneaking into each other’s bed was not uncommon for the lovebirds in the group but rather awkward for the singles. This was one such day when I got...

4 years ago
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Lost Tribe A new standard in sex fantasy

Sometimes being captured by a group of natives is better than the life you're living...Lost Tribe (A new standard in sex fantasy)As I sat at my desk I was literally counting down the hours. It was only two more hours till the end of the day and the start of my vacation. A well-deserved vacation I might add. I had been working long hours for months now without a day off in my new job. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the work. It was very gratifying and the boss appreciated my efforts. I just...

3 years ago
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Office Fantasy

I watched him get ready for work on that cold winter morning. As he gave me a kiss, I thought about how I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands in appropriate places when I visited him for lunch that day. He just looked so delicious in a suit. Delicious in the sense that I desired to slowly strip the suit off and do dirty things to him. Maybe, just maybe… I woke up a little later that morning. I made my coffee, got clothed and made up nicely. I wore a knee-length leather skirt with buttons all the...

3 years ago
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Office Fantasy

I watched him get ready for work on that cold winter morning. As he gave me a kiss, I thought about how I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands in appropriate places when I visited him for lunch that day. He just looked so delicious in a suit. Delicious in the sense that I desired to slowly strip the suit off and do dirty things to him. Maybe, just maybe... I woke up a little later that morning. I made my coffee, got clothed and made up nicely. I wore a knee-length leather skirt with buttons all...

Straight Sex
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Sexy wife fantasy

I had always had a fantasy of seeing my wife with other men. I had been married before but I had always been to nervous to talk to her about my fantasies. About 2 years ago I met an amazing American girl who not only was small, cute and sexy but who was prepared to talk about everything. For a long while I enjoyed nothing more than the simple things: seeing her slip on a pair of her red lacy thongs in the morning, the sight of her breasts as she took off her bra. But the more comfortable I...

Wife Lovers
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Sexyaana Gutharaiyai Matter Seithen

Naanum enathu nanbanum dress edukalam endru oru maalku sendru irunthom, appozhuthu car parkingil carai park seithu vittu kizhe irukum liftil sellalam endru angu sendru ul ponom. En nanban ulle sendru irukum pozhuthu iru kaathalargal nadanthu vanthu irunthaargal, naan athai paarthu iruvar varugiraargal endru sonnen. Appozhuthu lift operator sirithu neram liftai niruthi vaithu irunthaar, appozhuthu puthithaaga thirumanam aagi irukum iruvar vanthu irunthaargal. Athil puthiya manaivi miga sexyaaga...

3 years ago
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Chennai Girl8217s Sexual Fantasy

Hi to all Indian Sex Stories readers, I am Sujit who works in an IT firm in Chennai.I am also working as a male escort in Chennai.Moreover, I am providing sensual massage and sexual services to girls and women. This sex story deals with one such incident. Any girls, ladies, and women in and around Chennai, if you are interested in getting any type of massages or sexual services, you can contact me on I will be available on both Gmail and hangouts.100% privacy and pleasure are assured.Girls and...

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My Sexual Fantasy And Desires Finally Comes To A Wonderful End

Hi guys..i am 21 yr old Delhi boy. I am 5″8 , lean built and good looking. I like to fantasies lot about having sex with beautiful girls.. and i am quite horny;-). I am a student and doing my internship. So here is my story, you are definitely gonna like it. I used to travel a lot in delhi metro due to my coaching and office can usually see some good looking girls in metro. On a one fine day i was traveling with my friend after taking my coaching class. As soon as i entered in metro...

4 years ago
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Priyavai Kalluriyil Sexyaaga Seithen

Naangal ippozhuthu thaan kalluri muthal aandu padithu varugirom, en vagupil priya ennum kaamamaana pen irunthaal aval parka azhagaga iurkamaatal aanal parka sumaraga irupaal. Priyavirku mulai perithaaga sexyaaga irukum athu matum ilamal ivalin udambu sexyaaga irukum, pothuvaagave kaamam meethu aarvam athigamaaga irukum pengal yaaraiyaavathu naam paarthu vidalam. Priya pasangalai sight adipaal kaama paarvaiyil paarpaal, enaku veru pasangal avaludan kaamam seivathai vida naan munthi kondu kaamam...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Sex With School Girl

Hi SEX STORIES Reader, this is dhruv’lovesx’ here with my nick name rickie in this story and I am going to share my second story with all of u guys. Guys i had the most amazing sex of my life. First to tell about myself, I m 5’11 fair average boy with strong build and good personality. And what to say about my beautiful girl ,she was a sex goddess with figure 36-30-36 and was very fare looking typically Delhi girl with whom everybody wants to sleep and date her. She was very bold and upfront to...

1 year ago
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Sexy Fantasy Uniforms

The sexy lingerie around today. The nurse uniforms say I'm naughty & nice and will be at your beck and call! A sexy nurse costume is a version of the old classic nurse's uniform. The tops are low-cut and eye catching and the skirts are short and revealing. Another popular fantasy costume is the French maid. French maids wear lots of ruffles. Why not try wearing a ruffled white petticoat underneath for that extra added bit of spice. You can even buy little white ruffled panties to wear...

2 years ago
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My Night with Ariana A Sex Fantasy

Ariana Grande was born when I was still in high school. Does that make it wrong that I have a sexual fantasy about her? It’s its wrong, I don’t want to be right. The following is 100% a fantasy I have. It has not happened, though I'd love it to occur. My fantasy goes like this. I’m a music journalist who is set to interview her. Even though her music isn’t my cup of tea, I do it anyways. It’s after yet another concert on a very long tour. She is tired, but agrees quickly to do the...

3 years ago
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Maybe you've heard of FantasySex.Com, maybe not. Maybe you even used their services at one time or another, maybe not. Whatever the case, they sure do a booming business in the sexual fantasy trade. Any sexual fantasy, however wild, however kinky, is within their bailiwick. All anyone has to do is ask for it, pay the steep fees, and their fantasy can become a harmless reality. Their motto is: You dream it, we'll scheme it! Anything goes--as long as no one gets hurt, that is. But, friend,...

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