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Ray couldn’t believe his eyes. It had all happened so quickly; in the blink of an eye really. Except Ray hadn’t blinked and now, behind his sunglasses, he stared wide-eyed at the rear end of the white convertible as it opened up distance between them.

I must be mistaken, he thought, recovering from the unexpected and sudden blur of the car which had overtaken him. Ray, in truth, had not been fully concentrating on his driving. This road was familiar and he was on auto-pilot, his mind on other matters. Otherwise, a glance in his rearview mirror would have made him aware of the rapidly-approaching vehicle.

Ray wriggled in his seat, wiped the back of a hand across his brow and plucked at his sports shirt which, despite the air conditioner, was sticking to his seat. The heat’s got to me, I’m hallucinating, he mused, shaking his head even at the very instant he pressed down on the accelerator.

His speed increased from thirty-five to fifty, which was more than fast enough on the winding two-lane beach road. On his right, as Ray sped along, hedgerows and open farm fields dotted with cattle and sheep flashed by. And, to his left, there was a cliff top with occasional parking areas and zig-zag walks down to the beach.

Ray narrowed the gap on the open-top Mazda. He was close enough to make out auburn hair crowning the driver’s head, a few strands blowing in the breeze created by the car’s speed. The left-turn indicator started flashing and Ray recognised that the car was turning into a lay-by area which was designated as a panoramic viewing spot. It was a good vantage point for taking photographs of the sweeping bay and it had parking spaces for six vehicles.

Ray also indicated and followed the white car as it eased to a halt at the kerb. He pulled up behind, switched off his engine and opened the door to exit his air-conditioned vehicle. The heat was immediate, blast furnace hot, and sweat began to form on his tanned brow. The lens of his sun glasses misted over and a wet spot quickly developed on the chest of his sports shirt. Ray sauntered towards the white vehicle. In this heat, sauntering was fast.

He stopped at the side of the driver’s door and removed his misted-up glasses. He used a forearm to again wipe away sweat on his brow, squinted at the driver and said, “Hi.”

“Hi yourself,” she said, turning her head and looking up at him. Her coppery hair was pulled back into a bun and secured by two side combs. Her eyes were hidden behind dark glasses.

Ray gulped, repeated his brow-wiping exercise, and stared at the woman. More accurately, he gazed at her bare chest. Her top, like that of her car, was down.

“That’s a mighty cool way to drive,” he said, pointing his sunglasses at her bosom. “But you could cause an accident, you know, with those on display.”

She smiled and released her seat belt, letting it run through her palm and between her generous twin mounds. “No, never... not these old things.” She looked down at her sun-kissed orbs. “Who would get excited about these?” she said, cupping them in her hands and wobbling them up and down.

Ray’s reaction was in his shorts. “Well,” he said, sliding his glasses back into place, “I was certainly distracted when you flashed by me. You might call them tits old but, hey, they certainly had an effect on me.”

“Really?” she said and looked at Ray’s groin. “Hmm, I see what you mean. I’d better do something about that, then.”

And she swiftly pulled up her lilac-patterned top, covering her breasts. But that simply accentuated her hard nipples jutting beneath the soft fabric.

“Is that better?”

It was Ray’s turn to smile. He reached out for the handle and pulled the door open. “Come on, you sexy madam, get out. Are you leaving the top down?”

“What? You’ve just seen me cover up.”

“Not your top... ”

Ray was cut short by a sexy giggle. “I know what you mean, Ray,” she said and swung her jeans-clad legs out of the car. “I’ll just drape a blanket over my seat and leave the top down. It’s safe enough out here, don’t you think?”

Ray nodded. “Okay, love, I think you’re right. On a sweltering day like this, they’ll not be many venturing out or stopping up here.”

“I’ve only brought a few things,” she said, delving into the small area behind the drivers seat, her peachy cheeks stretching the denim as she bent. Without turning, she stretched out her right arm behind her and offered Ray a blanket. “Take that, please. It’ll do to cover my seat.”

“Hmm,” said Ray, admiring the roundness of her rear.

“Not that seat, you sex-mad fiend,” she said, still without turning. “Here, grab a hold of this.”

Ray took the proffered bottle of wine and watched as she straightened up, producing another blanket and a small wicker picnic hamper. “Got some bread and cheese and fruit. And another bottle of wine,” she said, turning to face him. “Should be enough to see us through the afternoon.”

Ray nodded. “Okay Helen,” he said. “You seem to have everything covered.”

Helen laughed, a throaty almost raucous sound. “And you just can’t wait to get me uncovered, can you?”

“No, I can’t,” he answered, a grin spreading across his tanned features. Although three months from his fiftieth birthday, Ray had an impressive frame with only the slightest beginnings of a tummy bulge and his cropped fair hair contained very few strands of grey.

“Okay then, my love,” said Helen, having protected her car seat from the sun’s burning rays, “lead the way.”

Ray picked up the picnic basket in his right hand, tucked the blanket roll under his left armpit, and held the wine bottle in his other hand. “Have you got everything?” he asked.

Helen grinned. “Yep, it’s all here,” she said, opening her arms wide and shimmying her curvaceous body. “Lead on, maestro.”

They stepped over the knee-high metal barrier and carefully made their way down a path which was not official but had been created by the local residents' regular use. Threading between gorse, spiky grasses and hillocks, they reached the soft white sand of this deserted section of beach. Sweat ran down Ray’s face, dripping off the end of his nose and chin.

“God, I’ve never known it so bloody hot,” he said, placing his cargo on the sand.

Helen, with only a few beads of perspiration on her top lip and throat, smiled at him. “Yep, this is some summer we’re having. C’mon, let’s cool off in the sea.”

“Great idea,” said Ray, peeling his damp shirt over his head and stepping out of his shorts. He was left in swim trunks and trainer shoes.

Helen, meanwhile, sat on the blanket to remove her open-toed pumps and slide her jeans down toned and bronzed legs. It had, indeed, been a summer for getting a spectacular tan. Standing, she flipped off her little top and was left wearing a tiny, white bikini brief.

“Crikey,” she declared, hopping from foot to foot, “this sand is bloody hot. C’mon, race you to the water.”

She set off, running and leaping, trying desperately not to let her feet touch the burning sand for more than a mini-second. Ray laughed, eyes focused on Helen’s jiggling buttocks and the occasional side flash of swinging breasts. She splashed into the water and paddled out until the gentle waves washed against her midriff.

Ray walked slowly, a smirk on his face. No burning sand problems for him - he still wore his trainers. Just a few yards from the water’s edge, on damp sand washed by the sea, he stooped to slip them off and then strode rapidly into the cooling sea.

“Bastard,” said Helen, as he approached. “And you didn’t even bring my shoes with you.”

Ray put his hands on her soft but hot shoulders, grinning as he gazed into her blazing hazel eyes. “Never mind,” he said, “I promise I’ll fetch them for you when we get out. But you did look a sight, jumping about like a puppet with tangled strings.”

“Ha, ha,” said Helen sarcastically and scooped up water, splashing it into Ray’s face. He spluttered, shook his head like a wet puppy and then submerged into the sea.

Helen squealed as Ray, circling behind her, tugged down her briefs to mid-thigh before emerging at her back, reaching round to fondle her breasts. His thumbs rubbed her prominent, aroused nipples as he kissed wet and salty shoulders and the nape of her neck. Sliding his hands below the water level, he grasped Helen’s hips and revolved her to face him.

Arms wrapped in a wet embrace, the meeting of their flesh somehow cool and hot at the same time, they gazed into each other’s eyes and smiled. The tip of Helen's tongue rolled along drying lips and they meshed mouths in a hungry kiss, tongues dancing and flicking, sucking and licking. Both were oblivious to the waves rippling and tumbling onto the beach.

Ray’s hands brushed down Helen’s spine until he clenched her buttocks. She sighed heavily and took a sharp intake of breath when a hand came over her tummy and slid down between her legs, cupping her pussy. Fingers pressed along her slit and she clasped her hands behind Ray’s neck, her knees sagging as a digit parted her labia and sought her opening.

“Oh, Ray,” she whispered, almost whimpered, into his ear. “What on earth are you doing to me?”

He nuzzled her neck, sank his middle finger knuckle deep, and pressed his growing hardness against her right thigh. Helen responded by unclasping her hands and reaching down with her left hand. She tugged at his waistband, slid into his trunks and circled fingers around his shaft. It was Ray’s turn to sigh, his cock hard in Helen’s palm and climbing up her inner wrist.

“My, that’s a big boy,” she said, leaning back to look into Ray’s face and thrusting her pelvis against his probing fingers. “I need my pants taking right off.”

“We both do,” said Ray and they reluctantly but necessarily separated to wriggle out of their skimpy garments.

Ray wrapped both pairs together in a ball, soaked them in the sea water and then hurled them towards the beach. They landed with a splat close to his trainers.

“Good shot,” said Helen, clapping and smiling into his face before again taking hold of his proud erection. “Don’t think you’ve ever been this hard. And in cold water, too.”

“Told you,” he said, bending to kiss her brow, “when you drove past me, all topless like that, I just couldn’t believe it. Getting flashed like that... well, I was so excited, I got a hard-on straight away.”

“Hmm, did you now,” said Helen, her hand making long strokes along his pulsating shaft. At the same time, she glanced along the beach and couldn’t see anybody for hundreds of yards. “Let’s go a little deeper,” she said.

Still grasping Ray’s erection, she led him further out to sea until the water was lapping and swilling around her breasts. “This will do,” she declared and, with both hands again clasped behind his neck, kicked up her legs and wrapped them around Ray’s waist.

Ray placed his hands under Helen’s buttocks, the buoyancy of the sea making her easier and lighter to manage. Releasing one hand from his neck, Helen guided Ray’s cock to her open pussy. Slowly, gently, she took in his mushroom head and sank onto his full length.

“Goodness me, Ray,” she gasped, “you’re really big, really filling me up.” She shook her head and nestled into the crook of his neck and shoulder. She nibbled his ear lobe and said, “It does feel strange... in the water, I mean. Not sure I want to fuck in here."

"Oops... ” she said, as a surprisingly larger wave staggered Ray.

He quickly regained his balance, his cock still in Helen’s dark depths, and agreed. “I know what you mean. Somehow we don’t seem to be lubricated, do we? It’s a different experience but... well, it’s not like doing it under a shower is it?”

“Uh, uh,” said Helen as another wave rocked their balance. “Nothing like it. Think we’d better finish this over there.” She nodded to their picnic set up in the shade of the cliff.

“Okay... but I sure hope nobody sees my cock when we get out.”

“Nah, you’re okay. Nobody anywhere near us,” said Helen, kissing his cheek. “Besides they’d need binoculars to see your thingy.”

“Oh yes, is that so? How come a minute ago you were saying how big I was, how I was filling you up? Now they need binoculars to see me, do they?”

“Ah, silly, that’s all relative. It’s not that you’re enormous or anything... just that I’m dainty, tight and delectable.”

Ray laughed and locked on to Helen’s lips, sharing another passionate, smouldering kiss during which his tool twitched and surged, expanding again within her depths.

“Mmm, okay,” murmured Helen in appreciation, warm breath percolating into his mouth. “You win. I need you to fuck me and I want you now, big boy. Ready?”

Ray held her firmly as Helen uncoupled and slid down his body until her feet settled on the wet sand. Side-by-side, they waded towards the shore, her hand tight around his proud cock until they were only ankle-deep in the briny.

They looked at their wet pants and Ray’s shoes laying in the sand. “I’ll pick those things up,” he said. “If we make a quick dash we shouldn’t be bothered by the hot sand. My feet feel quite chilled at the moment.”

Helen nodded and set off immediately. This time she didn’t need to hop about and, scooping up their clothing, Ray was soon trotting at her side again, his erection swaying almost in unison with her bouncing breasts.

Standing on the blanket in the shade, Ray dropped his shoes on the sand and spread out their pants. “They’ll dry quickly enough in this heat,” he said, turning to watch Helen wiping away the surface drops of seawater with a small towel.

“Doesn’t matter,” she said, handing the towel to Ray. “I probably won’t bother wearing them to go home in. Anyway, enough of that... this is all I’m concerned with right now.”

Again she curled the fingers of her right hand around his shaft. She stroked the underside, coming up from his balls to the tip of his mushroom head where she rolled her wrist and rubbed down the topside.

“Slow down, girl,” said Ray, “or I’ll be done before we start.”

Helen stood on tip-toes and kissed his lips, briefly but firmly. “Not a chance,” she said and pointed at the blanket. “You lay down there on your back and we’ll get started. First, though, a drink of water.”

She fished a plastic bottle out of a cooler in the picnic basket and they both savoured the cold liquid swilling around dry mouths and cooling parched throats.

Laying down, Ray’s cock rested on his stomach, long enough to almost reach his navel. Helen, facing his feet, stood astride him and squatted, her moist pussy inviting Ray’s tongue to get busy. He eagerly obliged, immediately licking the length of the succulent slit before flicking at her clit which peeked from under its hood. Helen tasted slightly of sea salt but, as he lapped and probed, her juices soon coated her puffy lips and wet his broad tongue.

“Hmm, I could let you do that all day,” she murmured and watched a drop of pre-cum seep from Ray’s bulging cock head. “But I need you inside me.”

Helen stood and shuffled her feet until they were alongside his hips. She squatted again, reached down between her spread thighs to lift his throbbing meat and used a thumb to smear the seeping liquid over his swollen end. Without delay, she eased him between her pussy lips and gasped loudly at the searing moment of penetration.

“O wow,” she mumbled, continuing to sink slowly onto Ray’s rigid pole until the entire magnificent length was snugly encased in her tunnel. She contracted her vagina muscles, squeezing the palpitating penis deep within her being. “Oh Ray, oh Ray,” she said, gripping his thighs with her hands and settling into a rocking rhythm.

Ray looked down his torso. Helen’s swollen pussy lips clung to his thick cock as she rode him: up and down, in and out, sighing and panting. He reached out and placed his hands on her soft hips, assisting her up and down motion, helping to maintain the unwavering, steamy pace.

“Here it comes... oh my... oh yes... oh yes, oh my god,” Helen cried out, shaking her head and soaking Ray’s cock, leaving it glistening and sticky as her rhythm slowed and stopped.

“Oh wow,” she gasped and found the strength to stand on shaky legs. “Take me from behind,” she said, looking over her shoulder at Ray and getting down on all fours.

“Of course,” he said and knelt on the blanket between her legs, his powerful organ ramrod stiff and pointing at Helen’s gaping hole. Ray entered swiftly, burying his length and pounding against her buttocks, his big balls swaying in their ever-tightening sac.

“Oh my heavens,” uttered Helen, prompted by the pummeling cock’s wickedly increased girth, a warning of Ray’s imminent ejaculation. It came, spurting and pumping in abundance, and Ray grunted and groaned, pulling Helen back against his stomach as he unloaded deep within her, shuddering and gasping to a strength-sapping conclusion.

Breathlessly, their chests heaving and sweat-covered, they collapsed on the blanket, Ray’s wilting cock slipping, squelching out of Helen’s sopping passage. They lay recovering for some minutes until Helen stirred and, hands on her damp inner thighs, said, “I think I need another trip to the water.”

“What, now?” said Ray, propping himself on one elbow. “Right this minute?”

Helen nodded. “Yes, then we can have some of the bread and cheese and a slurp of some wine, if you like.”

“That sounds a plan. Wonder what time it is,” he said, reaching for his shorts and taking his wristwatch from a pocket. “Jeez,” he exclaimed. “It’s nearly three-thirty. What time are we supposed to get back?”

“I told Gordon we’d be home by five,” Helen said, getting to her feet. “So, we’re okay for another hour.”

“Right,” said Ray. “But I’d better not eat too much of the bread and cheese. You know that Mary wants to start the BarBQ by six. We’ve got a lot to talk about, haven’t we?”

“Hmm,” said Helen, shoving her feet into her pumps. “I wonder how they’re getting on. Do you have any idea where they’ve gone on their date?”

“No, not at all.” He shook his head and then smiled. “All will be revealed tonight, won’t it? But, as it was Mary’s choice this time, I wouldn’t mind betting that she took your Gordon to some cool, shady forest or a wood somewhere. Yeah, she’d like that, fucking him in the shade of tall trees with a blanket spread on damp, mossy ground.”

“Hmm, you make that sound interesting. Perhaps we should try that next time,” Helen said and arched her back, hands on hips, thrusting her pelvis forward and making circular movements. All she needed was a hula-hula skirt.

Ray clambered to his feet. “You carry on doing that and we’ll be reporting back about two fucks on this date.”

“Oh no we won’t... I’m just getting a few kinks out of my back,” she said. “Anyway, don’t you think we’ll be having some more fun back at your place tonight?”

“Oh yes, most definitely,” said Ray. “I love it when we start swapping tales, telling what we’ve done. I’m getting quite horny just thinking about it.”

“I can see that,” said Helen, nodding at Ray’s fat dangler and then turning towards the sea. “C’mon, in the water and then we’ll have a quick bite.”

Ray watched her retreating back as he pulled on his trainers. “Hmm, I’d rather have another fuck,” he said quietly to himself, eyes focused on Helen’s wiggling rear. “But, there’s always tonight.”

With that, he ran naked along the soft sand to rejoin his neighbour splashing about in the sea.

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‘We have to have sex, Jimmy, otherwise…’ Copyright @ All rights reserved, 2011 * Christmas Evening, 1931 Rather than fall down and look foolish, she waited for her eyes to adjust to the dim light still present in the room from the moonlight. Bethany slid out of her slippers and sat on the edge of the bed. ‘Jimmy, I’m sorry that Lizbeth brought back sad memories.’ He moved over on the bed to give her more room. ‘No, Bethany, they weren’t sad memories, they were good memories. I needed...

2 years ago
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Giving Retired Guy His First BJ In 10 Years

Alan's knobby, smooth penis slid into my mouth easily, the veins in his shaft passing slowly across my tongue as I took the time to lavish his cock with the warm wetness I knew he craved. It had been 10 years since his wife had been open to having sex with him. I didn't judge. I just thought, "This guy deserves an epic blow job for staying married to this woman." So, I invited him over, watched as he pulled his shorts and undies down to his ankles, sat on my couch, then went down on...

1 year ago
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Chapter 5 Janets sin whats next

Previously in Chapter four… I started to cum and I fucked my son. “Oh, I am cumming again.” I screamed. “Eric Cum with me.” I urged.Eric then pulled me forward, bring our faces together and kissed me. And he held me tight, leaning forward against his chest and he began fucking me with a vengeance. He was arching his hips and pounding my pussy with powerful upward thrusts, forcing wave upon wave of orgasms across my core.He fucked me violently like this for about 45 seconds, and then he...

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Lucky Josh

Still sore from the 16 hour flight despite travelling first class, he yawned and stretched trying to get some more sleep. The noise was too loud to ignore and after a few moments he gave up and got up. He navigated his way through all the boxes and unpacked furniture to the bathroom. One of the few good things to come out of this Trans Atlantic move, he thought, that and the huge house his father had bought. Relaxing a bit under the steaming shower he glanced around, taking in his new...

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12th GradeChapter 24

When I got done with talking to my Dad, about borrowing the plane, I went right up to my room and called Emily. This was the second, and the most difficult part of the plan I'd been hatching in my mind. I doubted I'd be able to pull this off, but I wanted to try it, because it might help with something else that I wanted to have happen. What I was really hoping for was that Emily would realize that my calling her with this had constituted that much improved offer that she'd warned me I...

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Hey, y'all, what's up, and how's your Game going? Have you had the chance to play a little since the last time we've heard of each other? Have you started to have the expected results in the process of generally improving your life? Well... I hope you have, from the bottom of my heart :) Anyways, today we'll get deeper in the Game and we'll learn more of how to play it the right way. So no more intro chit-chat, and let's start today's...lesson :) Among other things about the Game, in my last...

2 years ago
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Younger cousin and I

Introduction: this is my first story, so please be considorate, and leave constructive comments so i know how to improve in future It was a long journey, travelling to a member of the familys place for my annual yearly holiday. I was particularly looking forward to it this year because, being a particularly enthusiastic horse rider, I would be competing in my first ever equestrian contest. I was understandably nervous, but also excited because I was almost certain Id do well. After 6 hours of...

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A black male flight attendant

I was sent to New York for a quick business trip; so I invited my sweet wife to join me; so she could visit old friends living there.We were resting in our seats during the flight and I could notice that she was looking in a persistent way at a black male flight attendant. He was a tall young man, handsome, but I thought he could be gay.I asked Ana if she would like to have that man inside her.She smiled and replied:“Shut up, I know what you are thinking… he is not gay” she hissed.I smiled and...

4 years ago
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My Mature Neighbor Sheri

I moved into my new apartment a little over a month ago. It is on the third (top) floor so I got to meet most of my neighbors. There was one who stood out. Her name was Hilary and she lived directly below me. She is very athletic, tall, blond, drop dead gorgeous, and about my age. I caught her as she was leaving for work as a nurse. I flirted with her a bit and she flirted back, so I figured it wouldn't be long before I would get to see under her scrubs and see the large breasts she was hiding...

1 year ago
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On a whim

100% fiction! Life had never been easy. Childhood had been rough and over time my , dad and I all grew our separate ways. Between the cheating, the drug use, and the fights, I just had to escape, so I disappeared on a bus when I was 18 and didn't talk to them for 4 years. Life was an adventure, all over the world falling in and out of love. There were times when I even ended up with other guys or with couples. None of them lasted long but every one was left one good note. Life is too short to...

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summer at home

Note:this is a fantasy all characters are fake! Hi I'm Dallas an I am going to tell you about my amazing summer I had at home! So I finally got to go see my family for summer break I have been so busy between college and baseball I haven't had the time to go visit them for about three years now. They live in Florida and I go to college in Texas so it's kinda hard because traveling is so expensive. So when I finally got home I was greeted by my stepmother and stepsister which I was so happy to...

4 years ago
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What the Hell Am I Doing Chapter 1

--------------------------------------------------------------------Author’s Note: This is the beginning of a new series of stories, all of them holding at least a kernel of truth, if not more. Not all will have full-on sexual contact and/or encounters, at least as I have it planned, but I hope the reader will enjoy the feelings, and emotions, that went through my mind. That being said, there is going to be a lot of interracial sexual relations, sex with strangers, and even some v******e. ...

2 years ago
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The day with the Paramedic

I’m ready to start a new me, by painting a few rooms in my house. I’m up on the ladder my phone rings. I reach into the pocket of my paint shirt to get my phone. I answer to “Hey Shelly, what’s up?” She goes on to tell me how she’s coming into town this weekend and wants to get together. I tell her about this hot new club that I’ve been going to. She asked about the atmosphere and if there’s any hot men. I laughed and told her that I’ve picked a few up and had some hot sex.“Shelly, I’m...

1 year ago
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The Yankee Belle

The Yankee Belle By Anon Allsop I was captured last week near the city of Beaver Falls, Tennessee. It almost seemed that the whole damned Reb army had wheeled on themselves and swarmed our unit from both sides. We gave them hell for awhile, but those Confederates were on us so fast that most of us only got off one shot. By the time the smoke had cleared, 156 of our unit had been killed and 16 of us captured. The first thing they did was to take our rifles and shoes, passing them...

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Pokemon the right way

Welcome to the world of pokemon! A land full of adventure and mystries... and creatures who happen to have the ability to kill if the mood so took them. ANY WAY, your journey is about to begin but first things first... which region are you in any way?

3 years ago
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Stranger Gets Closer

Hi Guys & gals. I am a regular reader of ISS. But this is the first time I am writing here. I have had a few encounters with women and 2-3 of them are in regular touch for enjoyment. I am going to relate one such encounter I had about a couple of months back in in Mumbai.First about me. I am 40 yr old married working in company in Delhi and my work requires me to travel to few big cities in India like Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Chandigarh and some more frequently. Most of the women I have met...

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Emma WatsonA lesbian fantasy

One day I bought a woman's magazine from the news stand on my way home. After entering my apartment, i showered. I used to live alone those days as I hadn't found someone to share with me yet. I came out of the shower wearing just my towel and nothing else. I had wiped my body but had left my hair to air dry. I always used to keep the windows closed to protect myself from prying eyes, as most of the time I wore negligible attire. I started browsing through the magazine and stopped myself...

3 years ago
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P I and Magic Book II The Gods ReturnChapter 23

The trip back too and through the Ancient's gate, was fairly quick and straight forward. I changed into dragon form, and flew back towards the demon's lines. I found Shaitan at one section of the line, and landed not far from him. "Paul! We thought you lost!" Shaitan exclaimed, as I transformed back into my normal human self. I quickly filled him in on what happened. He thought that it was a trick, but contacted his father. Morningstar appeared instantly. I repeated the story of my...

3 years ago
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All in a Days Work

All in a Day's Work By Julie O Chapter 1 "Mr. Rose; Keith and Teri would like to see you." Forty-six-year-old Matt Rose leaned forward at his desk. He was the owner of Rose Services a company that provided personal assistants to the rich and famous. "Thank you Roxanne," he replied. "Please send them right in." A thin young man and athletic looking woman with short brown hair...

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why me

Jen couldnt have been more excited, after 5 years she finally receaved the promotion and raise she desrved along with a nice bonus, She had commited herself totally to her job. working late and weekends, she only had 2 dates in the last 5 years, a relationship wasnt high on her priority list, she knew she could have advanced sooner if she had played the game or at least those were the rumors, but she wasnt prpared to trade sexual favors for advancement. To be honest she wasnt all that...

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Fun with frozen cum

Since I have been super busy with school (masters) and really just have 2 fuck buddies that I see its been a slow couple months for me. A blk guy that my husband has sucked off before is a nurse at a local hospital and when he found out I had a serious creampie fetish he had a fun idea. He asked all of his friends if they wanted to jerk off into a condom and take a picture. He would then get all of the condoms together and get me to make a movie of me sticking it in me. I was game because it...

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One Hot RushChapter 2

Meagan drove her motorcycle the garage of her two story lemon yellow house with dark green trim and shutters at about 2:45, her fiancé Collin did not arrive home from the late shift until about 3:45 or so. As far as time was concerned it couldn't have been better. She set her helmet up a shelf and greeting her yellow lab Mix before walking into the kitchen and pouring a huge goblet of red wine. She absolutely had to have something to calm herself down after her excursions. She put...

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Primus PilumChapter 5

Lady Emogen stood in the accused's box facing the Judicator. Her chin was held high, but her eyes betrayed the anger and resentment she felt. The Praetor sat in the high throne, watching the proceedings, not speaking. His eyes ever moved over the assembled crowd. They were here to witness the trial, to see a noble brought low. Such was great entertainment for the commoners. Even if that noble was one very popular with most folk, always some few wished to see someone else's...

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Illegal Orgasm 8211 Part 1 Legally Wet

Mumtaz stood at the entrance of Bay Pride mall, staring into the abyss of the uncountable number of people moving around like ants. She could stop this right now. She could turn around and walk back. But something twitched inside her, a potential soulmate, maybe a man who could satisfy her wet dreams. Mumtaz stood frozen. Maybe he would be the storm in her dry desert. A month back, Mumtaz Khan was sitting in her office, glancing through the case files she neatly racked in her cupboard after...

1 year ago
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Getting used in a porn store Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Ever since my college days, I had realized I have an unsatiable urge for sex. But it took me some time to realize I find men and women equally enticing. At first, it felt dirty but porn store experience was real dirty. I would suppress that side of me and hide it away. Maybe all the suppression drove me crazy and I started getting interested in very twisted fantasies. Even after marriage I could not give up my ways and ended up cheating on my new wife. She never indulged these twisted fancies...

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Persephone Nine

Persephone Nine Chapter 1: Crash Story by All These Roadworks (2022). If you enjoy this story, please support its creation with the purchase of an e-book or membership from! (Click here to view the shop.) My kinks aren't my politics - I support respect, equity, and positive enthusiastic consent. (Check out more about my content policy here.) === The swathe of crushed alien vegetation was half a kilometre wide, and stretched all the way to the horizon. Here and there small...

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In autumn of 1961 Maria Bellucci and I just couldn,t keep our hands off each other. My first serious sexual affair at age sixteen I loved and lusted after her tight pussy and she couldn,t seem to get enough of my cock. Having gone pheasant hunting with me she suggested we go fishing before the season finished November 1st, but basically she wanted a remote spot to fuck undisturbed and I was Up for it in All ways. Being a chilly damp day I packed my two man tent with it,s waterproof floor, an...

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The Woman I Desire

I had always had trouble with women. It wasn't that I was scared, its just?what do I say? Throughout high school, I had no girlfriends. Well, I mean, I didn't really have any before then or after to speak of anyway. I would usually stare from afar, but not too much to seem creepy. There were a few that I fell in 'love' with. I can't really say that I'm in love with them, as they usually have to know me to at the very least appreciate such a jester. But, alas, nothing ever amounted to me...

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If You Were Here

‘What if I were there?’ If you were here? I look around at my apartment. If you were here, I would take your hand and lead you into the bedroom and close the door and turn off the lights. Your back against the wall and my hands on your soft t-shirt feeling heat of your skin seep through the cotton and warm my hands. I’d pause there for a second and look at your blue, blue eyes and sweep the bangs off your forehead and press my cheek against yours so I can feel your sexy, scratchy stubble. We...

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Carnival EroticaChapter 2

The two young Americans sat nursing cups of coffee at a small sidewalk cafe. Both women were exchange students who had come to Romania, one to study the language, the other its culture. Kristy Anders' passion for the culture of Eastern Europe had its origins in American vampire movies and her youthful fascination with Transylvania. She had scrimped and saved since a sophomore in high school and along with modest help from her not-well-off parents and a generous grant, she was now spending...

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MissionsMission 19

Note to Readers: A lot of the facts in this one are true and also a lot of what is described actually happened. The VC were cruel and hated the hill tribes with a passion. ARVN troops were almost as bad as the VC and it created a lot of tension with the teams working in the bush. LZ Hardtimes was a firebase and thus the VC gave it hell every chance they got to do so. I had just come out from putting on my camo's to go back to my hooch when the tail end of a conversation between Chief and...

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Sharis WeddingChapter 6 Twentynine days to Wedding

Melissa slowly opened her eyes as the storm of her orgasm settled. Her father was stationed between her thighs with his monster cock buried inside her sore cunt. He showed no sign of holding Melissa in his arms with love. Melissa had lost his virginity to her father who stood poised to continue to plunder her cunt with no overt expression of tender love or affection. Melissa saw him pull his monstrosity out of her tender obscenely dilated cunt. It was covered with a smooth coating of her...

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Catching her Masturbating

I Caught Her Masturbating!I had an ex-girlfriend, Elise, who claimed to have never masturbated. She said she didn’t believe a real “Lady” should EVER masturbate! As a guy, totally into watching women get themselves off, this was disappointing; VERY disappointing. I decided to try to test Elise, to see if she was telling the truth.Elise was a cute little package, standing about 5'1". She slept in thin nighties and lacy lingerie. Our first night together, it seemed like she was presenting herself...

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Hard And Pure Satisfaction

Hi, this is Hrishi again from Bangalore. I am an average Indian guy with a height of 5ft 8 ½ inch. I am 32 years old and living alone. I will appreciate all of your feedbacks. Please keep me posted at Recently my first story was published in ISS and I am glad people love it. I am taking this opportunity to thank all my readers. If you guys have no read the story yet, you can find the story in the below link. This story is not related to the first one, but your feedbacks are encouraging me...

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Sanjana 8211 The Hot Saree Claded Lady

Hello fellas , once a very wise man said that ” a female looks the best when wearing a saree and even better while removing it ” . So as you have guessed it I am going to tell you people a real tale yet again happened with me before one year. Firstly for all my first time readers , I am 29/doctor from pune and you can find my all the written experiences by clicking on my id docshavoc which is below the name of this story. All the negative/positive feedbacks plus any females or couples who want...

3 years ago
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A Most Unusual RomanceChapter 6

I’d spent my first night in America at an airport hotel recovering from the flight and the night before. At nine the next morning, I stood outside of the dealers with my backpack and suitcase at my feet, watching as the temporary plates were fixed to my darling new car. I placed the insurance, car papers and my international driving license in the glove box and locked it. The bags went in the boot, shit I needed to remember they called it a trunk over here. I had treated myself to the bags...

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