Renaissance Of The Heart - Part 3 free porn video

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November had come and gone and December had slipped in unnoticed by the time I was due to go to Europe. It was an odd feeling. A huge task lay ahead when normally I was winding down, ready for the Christmas break. While I would usually be thinking of dusting down the sled, I was headed for one of Europe’s most beautiful cities in all its autumnal glory.

I sent a text to Elizabeth from the airport, a final call to keep her fingers crossed for the hurdles that were to follow. My only regret was that I couldn’t take her with me. I could only imagine the wonderful time we could have together, but we both knew it wasn’t a vacation. The ‘sale’ of the painting had got her out of the immediate threat of bankruptcy and a holiday now would only pile on a profligacy that we could ill afford. I needed to be focused on the task in hand. If I took in some culture along the way, then that would be my reward for a little dedication to my art.

It had occurred to me some time back that I might be challenged over my taking the painting on the plane. It wasn’t exactly big, but with the wrapping it was the size of a decent pizza. I made representations to the Chamber of Commerce and with a little smooth talking got them to issue a waiver. I was fearful of what might occur if it went in the hold, and I had visions of someone’s suitcase cutting it in two. This way, I had the necessary documentation, which said it was ‘valuable merchandise’ and needed to be hand luggage. If I didn’t have enough bridges to cross, stumbling over bureaucracy was something I could do without, but at least the painting would only have to make the journey twice.

I can’t say that I relish flying. It’s a necessity but I do get the jitters from time to time. I was just happy that it wasn’t a long-haul. The flight to southern Italy takes the scenic route, crossing the snow-capped mountains of the Alps and the lake district of Switzerland. I had taken first class for that little extra comfort and because I could afford it. After breaking through the clouds, I was up and away, relaxing in my reclining chair, a glass of wine on my tray and a tub of Pringles on my lap.

The wine and the gentle hum of the engines had a soporific effect. I hadn’t slept well the night before. I never can when something’s going to happen and I nodded off, occasionally experiencing momentary periods of wakefulness as a little turbulence rocked the plane.

I wasn’t entirely surprised to be the only passenger in first class but I was surprised by the Stewardess. As far as I knew Elizabeth was in telesales, so what was she doing working on a plane? I watched as she trundled the drinks trolley up to my seat, her uniform snugly accentuating her hourglass figure. Her skirt seemed to be a size too small, so that her panties bit into her bum cheeks.

“Would you like something else, Madam?” she asked.

“Eh? Elizabeth?”

“I’m your sexy stewardess for the flight. Would you like a little massage?”

“Won’t the Captain mind?” I asked.

“The Captain’s flying the plane, Cindy. What he doesn’t know, eh?” Elizabeth winked and licked her lips.

“I’ll have a glass of Champagne then please. And a punnet of strawberries, like in that film with Julia Roberts.”

“I’ll give you more than strawberries, Cindy. You can have my lips if you like.”

Elizabeth removed her stewardess’s cap and shook her hair, allowing it to flow naturally over her shoulders like a waterfall of silk. She stood in front of my seat and gave me one of her smouldering looks, her brown eyes giving me a little rash of goose bumps and a tingle down my spine. I dipped a strawberry into my Champagne and sucked the sparkling wine through the tender flesh of the fruit as she undid the buttons on her top. I lay back in my seat as she planted a knee between my legs and then she looked into my eyes, as if she was reading my thoughts. I pulled her towards me, my right hand caressing her breasts through her top as my other hand ran around the smooth outline of her sweet derriere

“Yes?” she said, sweetly.

“I…” Before I could speak she planted a kiss on my lips. It was a kiss like honey on my lips - her tongue making little darts into my mouth. I opened my legs and lifted a knee, my thin skirt riding along my thigh as I pressed my tongue into her mouth. I could feel her fingers popping open the buttons on my blouse. I began to draw down the zip on her skirt, easing the material over her hips until I could feel the smooth flesh of her bum under my fingers. I was so wet, so aching for her tongue and her fingers…

I woke up with a start. The seat belt sign was illuminated and the tone of the engines indicated our descent. I looked out of my porthole and the countryside was close enough to make out roads and individual fields in a patchwork of greens and browns. I was aching after the dream, my heart beating hard and in need of some love and affection.


Italy was everything I had imagined. I wasn’t one for winter holidays, but the sunshine in Rome was like a cuddle for the soul.

After going through the formalities at the airport and checking in at my hotel, I made it a point of getting my bearings before I ventured farther. The immediate vicinity was a confusing criss-cross of streets, where everywhere looked the same. It wasn’t until I got onto the main thoroughfare that a meaningful landmark appeared. I was very close to both St. John’s Basilica and the Coliseum. It was as if the latter had been lowered randomly into the middle of an intersection and occupied a space, where every square metre was being competed for by a pillar or an archway. It was hard to believe that there could be so much archaeology in one place. Ancient, crumbling ruins competing for space among mediaeval buildings; museums on the corners of quaint little tree-lined avenues. It was beautiful and humbling.

My first mission was to check out the place on the letter, which had accompanied the painting. Try as I might I hadn’t manage to track it down, so I decided to head for the Tourist Information Centre, hoping someone there would know. I could see from my map that it was only a couple of blocks away but involved the traversing of a couple of arterial roads. Crossing main roads was a nightmare, there being no point to the zebra crossings as far as I could tell. At one place I actually took a longer route to avoid getting mown down by the traffic. The alternative involved my walking through a park, where there was a pond and a few quacking ducks and a forlorn-looking summer house. I could have lingered there, but I began to feel guilty having no bread and walked on, trampling the piles of leaves under foot.

After my detour, I reached the second main road but failed to see a way of navigating my way round. Crossing a busy road, with 200 motor cars bearing down on you in a foreign city was intimidating. Watching a couple of fellow pedestrians narrowly miss a serious accident wasn’t encouraging. I was about to summon up the courage to cross during a slightly less treacherous period when a couple of nuns breezed by and proceeded to cross, causing the traffic to halt. I followed them, in the wake of their holy protection, and arrived at the other side in one piece.

I reached a river and dropped down, taking some steps to the bank where the autumn leaves had been blown into little brown piles and were now being scattered randomly in the breeze. The Tourist Centre was set back, above the east bank of the river. After involving a couple of the members of staff, they were unable to locate my street. I retraced my steps and, in trying to avoid the main road, got hopelessly lost. I consulted my map and somehow oriented my way back to my hotel via a completely different route.

My first big appointment loomed and, taking no chances, I got the hotel to call me a taxi. The painting under my arm, I instructed the driver to take me to the National Institute of Art. It was a huge gothic affair, along a street with other important looking buildings, with the Italian flag waving above each entrance.

I entered through the heavy front door and entered the cool, stone entrance where a guy in a kind of uniform greeted me at the desk. He raised his cap, revealing his slick, black hair.

“Buongiorno, signorina! Come posso essere di aiuto?”

“Oh. Ummm do you speak English?”

“A little bit. How may I help you, please?”

“I’m looking for Elanora di Rosso.”

“Certamente! Second floor, is from the first door and is on the left.”

“On the left?”

“Si signorina. Her name is on the door.”

“Multo gratzie!” I said in what little Italian I had.

Inside, the institute was an odd mish mash of sterile rooms in a crusty edifice, with age worn paintings and old wedding cake ceilings. On the second floor I emerged in one such area, which had a modern appearance, with blank white walls and little stain glass windows at the top of the stair well. It was as if you were constantly reminded that you were in Rome. No matter how advanced the science was, you were nudged in the ribs by culture.

I picked my way along the corridor, noseying through the little, fire-proof windows where white-coated workers were looking through microscopes and using all sorts of cutting edge instruments. At last I arrived at the door marked Dr E di Rosso. I knocked once and entered cautiously. A slim, attractive dark-haired woman of thirty or so looked up from a book that she was reading.

“Cindy Lucina?”

“Yes. That’s me!”

“You’re younger than I had imagined,” she said, offering her hand.

Elanora had long auburn hair, tied in a ponytail. She had a light Mediterranean complexion with sharply defined features, which were relieved by a pair of rimless silver spectacles. They were perched on an aquiline nose that made her look alert and intelligent.

“You have something for me?” she said. She spoke perfect English through a thick Italian accent.

“Yes, it’s here. It’s hardly left my side for two weeks.”

“We will take care of it. Don’t worry.”

“Thank you, it means so much to me for you to do this.”

“You know the odds against it being a Michelangelo…”

“Are a million to one, yes. But when you see…”

“I’m not an expert in art, but I hope for you that is one.”

I unwrapped the painting and placed it on the heavy wooden table where she was working. She raised her glasses and looked at it closely.

“It is a remarkable painting. It is beautifully painted.”

“When will you begin the tests?” I asked inquisitively.

“The carbon dating will begin tomorrow. And then we will see.”

“What’s the accuracy of the test?”

“If it’s an uncompromised sample, then for the last half millenium, about one hundred years.”


“Yes, if there are more recent sources of cross contamination or much older elementals, it can give a false reading.”


“But we will take a sample from behind the frame and it’s prepared specially The preparation is the hard part, the test is an hour. Don’t worry Cindy, we’ll get a good sample, I’m sure. If it’s something that’s been buried in the ground – well that’s tricky.”

“There’s a painting just like this one in the Sistine Chapel. That one is a Michelangelo.”

“Well, the subject was very popular during the Renaiassance.”

Elanora listened as I enthused over my confidence in the painting and then I remembered the letter. Maybe she would be able to throw a little light on the address.

“Elanora, I have something to ask you. About a street in Rome…”

“Go ahead.”

I pulled the letter out of my pocket and read the address.

“Via Azzo Gardino. Do you know where that is?”

Elanora looked blank and shook her head.

“I’ve never heard of it, but Rome is a big place.”

“I know. It’s not on my map.”

“Ah, that means nothing. I will check the directory. May I ask the relevance of Via Azzo Gardino?”

Elanora’s pronunciation of the name, her stress of the syllables made me smile. Her speaking voice was as near as one gets to singing as I had heard.

“Apparently it was in a sale there, in 1934,” I confirmed. “I thought if I could trace the records for that sale, it would add to the provenance. Maybe it had an attribution.”

Elanora ran her finger down the large green-covered A to Z. She looked up at me and held out her hand.

“Let me see the letter.”

“Hmmm… it’s odd there is no street with this name in Rome.”

“There must be!”

“Okay, let’s not give up, but some would say using Google is a last resort, but we will do it.”

Elanora tapped at the keyboard of her laptop as I waited impatiently.



“Oh. No. I can only see one Via Azzo Gardino and it’s in Bologna. Maybe the sale was there?”

“No, Elizabeth’s great uncle was in Rome. The sale was in Rome, I’m certain of that.”

“Well, I don’t know what to say, it’s not in the directory, which is very unusual. Anyway, you can leave the painting with us.”

“Thank you, Elanora. I appreciate it.”

“That’s okay. Oh by the way, if you’re interested, I’m playing in a little recital tonight, if you want to come. A few friends and I are playing some Vivaldi and Scarlatti.”

“Domenico or Allesandro?” I asked.

“Oh! so you are a lover of the music? Allesandro, we are playing. I will give you the address, there is a bar and we have a little following. The atmosphere is good.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, thank you!”

I left Elanora to her work and headed back into the centre of Rome for a coffee, relieved that I had set the ball rolling but feeling more than a little trepidation. Drawing a blank on the earlier sale was a bit of a blow. A text to Elizabeth confirmed what I already knew, that the sale was in Rome, without doubt. Maybe this Vincenzo had written down the wrong street, though that didn’t seem particularly plausible.

I picked my way back to my hotel, now recognizing certain features, which enabled me to build a good mental map of the city. The opportunities to linger around places of interest and beauty were endless. Entrance fees to places were very reasonable. I passed an hour or three wandering around a huge museum that consisted of statues of various Roman Gods. There was Neptune and his trident, Mercury with his winged hat and the boss of them all – Jupiter, who posed reclining, with one finger pointing into the distance, no doubt summoning a bolt of lightning. I was struck by the fact that these and other notable characters like Hercules were sculpted with very small genitalia. Maybe some kind of antiquarian political correctness forbade a realistic anatomical likeness. Who knows?

There seemed to be something to look at on every corner. There was a museum, which was full of every kind of musical instrument from primitive pianos and lutes to guitars and trombones. There were inviting little restaurants and cafes, which I made mental notes of, though I hardly could guarantee to pass the same way twice with the network of streets and alleyways.

As arresting and absorbing as it was, I was missing Elizabeth and couldn’t help think how much more I would have enjoyed it, in her company. It was all the more frustrating now that the painting was out of my hands. All I could do was wait.

The evening brought both entertainment and an encouraging development. I took a taxi to the address that Elanora gave me. It was in a kind of wine bar that was attached to an old hall that had polished floors and intricately carved wooden gargoyles around the interior. She was just tuning up as a few people were arranging chairs and others were mingling at the bar. Elanora came towards me with a look on her face that said she had something important to say.

“Cindy! I’m pleased you could make it. I’ll introduce you to the others in a second. Anyway I have some news!”

“What is it?”

“My friend Giuseppe is a cartographer at the La Comune di Roma and he did some digging. It turns out Via Azzo Gardino changed in 1960 when they did some restructuring of some crumbled buildings. For some reason it was renamed Via dei Greci and the auction house is still there!”

“Wow! Thank you so much. I’ll go there in the morning!”

“No worries. And they open at ten.”

I ordered a white wine and blackcurrant before taking a seat as Elanora and her cohorts struck up a series of Baroque numbers. The acoustics in the hall were amazing. The bouncy, vivacious cords of the harpsichord morphed into the dancing notes of the violins and cello. It was beautiful and relaxing. I was enchanted by the music and totally impressed by how talented Elanora was, having both scientific and artistic leanings.

Afterwards I was introduced to two of Elanora’s closest friends, including Mima. Mima was a petite and cute mousy-haired girl of 21 or so. She had a distinctly impish smile and sparkling blue-green eyes. She was lovely in every way and seemed to take an immediate fancy to me. She was dressed in a brown suede jacket and black leather skirt.

Mima was from Venice but attending university in Rome. She began by competing for my attention with some of Elanora’s circle, who were keen to practice their English but she succeeded in corralling me into the corner by the wooden struts of a staircase.

“You are very blonde,” she said. “You find much attention from the guys in Rome?”

“Nothing I can’t deal with, but I guess there aren’t many Italian girls like me?”

“You don’t look typically Italian,” said Mima. “But fair hair is not so rare.”

She twizzled her own sandy brown locks as she spoke and gave me a look, which was quite overtly flirtatious.

“Are you taking vacation?” she asked.

I explained the purpose of the trip, but gave a sketched run down of the sights I had seen. It was clear I had barely scratched the surface.

“I will give you a private tour if you like,” she said, becoming a little giggly.

She was one of those people who had a habit of tapping your wrist or elbows she spoke. She insisted on buying me another drink and as she drank she talked more and as she talked, she became more touchy feely, the taps turning into delicate strokes of my hand. I think I must have reacted in some way and Mima noticed.

“Ha don’t mind me, after a few drinks I am anybody’s!”

“I bet you are!”

We were both slightly tiddly and we had a giggly moment, just as someone bumped into my back, making me lose my balance. Before I knew it, I was leaning into Mima with a hand on her shoulder and found myself up close and personal. Mima took advantage of the moment, pulling me towards her and we snatched a kiss. She had lovely soft lips, and we extended the kiss but there was something missing. I backed away.

“What’s the matter?” she asked.

“I’m sorry, this is wrong.”

I looked at her once more, leaving her a little dismayed and left my glass on the side. I went into the cool Roman night air and hailed a taxi.

Elizabeth and I had never talked about us being an item or even in a relationship. I guess there had been an unspoken understanding that we were single and free to see who we wished, but when it came to it I just couldn’t. Mima was cute and sexy and would have given me a memorable night I’m sure. But I would have regretted it in the morning. I sat back in the taxi and pondered. For the first time I was contemplating the notion of being unfaithful to Elizabeth. I would never have considered it might be an issue and maybe if Mima had been a guy it would be different. I had to much too cope with as it was and piling on an extra emotional strain was not what I needed.

I decided to take a day out and watch some movies in my room, with a box of chocolates, which I purchased from the local supermarket. Apart from a short walk in the afternoon, I vegetated, giving myself the first proper rest that I had had for well over a month. I was expecting a call from Elanora the following day and would feel better able to face it fully refreshed.



I woke up with the sun bursting into my room. Flying out to Rome and being in different surroundings had almost made me lose track of time, but I was fairly sure that it was a Thursday. I wandered out after breakfast and the neon sign above the nearby café confirmed that it was already 14 degrees and it was only ten o’clock. Elizabeth had texted, asking for a progress report, but I just told her that it was all in hand. It was a chilly two degrees Celsius back in England. I spent the morning writing a few post cards and it was noon before I knew where I was. I was mulling over what to do when I received a call from Elanora.


“Hi Cindy! A good night on Tuesday?”

“Yes, very enjoyable, thank you.”

“Okay, well I have the results.”

“Oh. Okay…”

“Can you come round?”

“Can’t you just tell me!”

“It’s better if you are in person, I think.”

I could have used the exercise but I couldn’t bear the wait, so I took a taxi to the Art Institute, acknowledging the guy on the desk, before flying up the stairs to Elanora’s laboratory.

I knocked on the door and she let me in, her face a picture of inscrutability.

“Good morning!”

“Yes. It’s warm out. Tell me, Elanora, is it good news?”

“We took three samples. All from different parts of the canvas under the frame.”


“I have the date ranges for each sample, but I suppose you want to know the bottom line?”


“From our tests, we are 99 percent certain that this painting was made between 1495 and 1595.”

I paused, absorbing the data.

I looked at Elanora, with my mouth open and a broad smile spread across her face.

“Cindy, there is no doubt that this is a Renaissance painting!”

“Oh thank you so much! Definitely?”


This was amazing. The dates were spot on for Michelangelo. It could hardly have been a clearer result. I gave Elanora a huge hug and ran out into the sunshine and phoned Elizabeth. I sent an SMS ahead, so that she knew to make an excuse to leave the office.

“Elizabeth! Guess what?!”

“Please have good news, Cindy, I need it.”

“The carbon dating came through. It’s a Renaissance painting!”

“No way!”

“Yes, the dates are perfect. It’s totally right for Michelangelo.”

“That’s fantastic, Cindy!”

“I know. Also, I’ve traced the auction that sold it, before Vincenzo gave it your great uncle.”


“Yes, long story though. I’m going there on Saturday. I’ve made an appointment.”

“Wow! This is so good!”

“I know. Elizabeth?”


“Come to Rome.”

“Ha ha I wish.”

“No, seriously. Fly out for the weekend!”

“You’re serious. Why?”

“Cos I need you.”

“Oh Cindy! I’d love to. I’ve never been to Rome. Is it good?”

“Better. It’s amazing, but it would be more amazing if you were here to share it.”

“Well, I could just throw some clothes in a suit case and I guess I can afford it now – sort of!”

“There you go! Did you pay off your cards?”

“Mostly. There’s a bit left on one, and the loan, but my repayments have gone down massively!”

“Good. Anyway, whatever the flight costs, I’ll take it from my budget.”

“Cindy! Are you sure?”

“Yes of course. You’re coming for me as much as you.”

“Okay, well I better get back. I told my boss it was a family emergency. I’ll book the flight as soon as I get in.”

“Okey dokey! See you soon!”


Suddenly I felt that everything was coming together. I was able to relax and enjoy life. I had the sun in my hair and a spring in my step. I’m sure Elizabeth never doubted my judgement for a minute, but no matter how confident I was, I was always haunted with that glimmer of doubt. Terrified that I’d messed up. I think it was because I couldn’t face the prospect of breaking bad news - the tone that I wouldn’t be able to hide, somehow trying to soften the blow. How happy I was that it didn’t have to make that call. Now with the pressure off, I could let go and it felt so good.

Confirmation that Elizabeth’s painting was from the Renaissance was a game changer. It wasn’t just opinion now and that was crucial to its value. Even if we didn’t get anywhere else we now could be looking at a substantial five figure sum in any resale. At the very least it justified all my hard work and the trust Elizabeth had put in me. From hereon in, it was just a matter of how high it would go.

I dawdled around the streets of Rome, treating myself to an ice cream and seeing the great city with renewed vision. I marvelled at the temple of Castor and Pollux and the Basilica of Maxentius. I wandered from place to place until the sun glowed through the peepholes of the great amphitheatre and it was time for tea. I had not long to wait before I could enjoy it with my lover.


I had always wanted to wait at an airport arrivals lounge with one of those hand-written cards that said ‘Jones’ or some other name, which only meant something to their unknown passenger. I knew my Elizabeth, but I still wanted to be that person. I waited by the barrier, all smiles with ‘Miss Sexy Pants’ written on my card. Then there was that period of anticipation as I waited for her to appear. The increased heart rate, the excitement and expectation.

Elizabeth had brought a little suitcase, breezed through customs and before I knew it, we were standing in the sunshine. I wanted to whisk her back to the hotel, but to do that without first pausing to imbue the romantic ambience of Rome would have been to miss a little of life’s intoxication. We skipped off the tube by the Castel D’Angelo, from where one can see over the city. For a few moments Saturn’s clock ceased to tick and we stood hand in hand, just watching the world go by. I took her through a little park, where we fed the Collared Doves and Italian Sparrows with a few crumbs left over from my lunch. We got lost, found our route again and kissed under the canopy of a huge evergreen tree.

We meandered through the streets, doing a little window shopping, fantasizing over ridiculously expensive shoes and dresses. Elizabeth was fascinated by the Coliseum. We leant against one of the the old stone barriers and I imagined all the events that had taken place within its walls. The blood-thirsty voyeuristic spectacles, mock battles and racing chariots. So much history had unfolded there and it was impossible not to be moved by the sheer grandeur of the place.

After a coffee and a shared tiramisu we walked back to the hotel. The sun was setting and Venus was burning, high above the eastern horizon.

I opened the door to our room. I looked at Elizabeth, waiting for her reaction as she was met by the sight of a loose blanket of rose petals on the bed. She squeezed my hand and kissed me again as we moved to the bed, tumbling on to the duvet. Her kisses were all at once sprinkled over my face and neck. We tore at each other’s clothes as the passion between us began to erupt. I couldn’t get her top off quick enough and Elizabeth pulled at the hem of my top. I wriggled out of my skirt as she drew the zip down on hers, and then we rolled together on the bed, dressed only in our bra and panties.

I gathered her hair between my fingers as she kissed my neck, nibbling the soft recess between my collar bone and shoulder. Our fingers were stroking and gliding over each other’s bodies, working up to the random moment when bras were unclipped and panties gently slid over hips and bottom. The feel of her totally bare skin against mine was such a turn on. I rubbed the mound of my pussy against hers as we exchanged ever more passionate kisses. I rolled Elizabeth over and continued to rub against her, the swollen lips of my pussy stroking hers as we moaned with pleasure.

Our lips were locked together, our tongues in a wet embrace and our pussys melting into one sweet union of blissful sex. I had never wanted someone so badly as I wanted Elizabeth. I had a whole multitude of pent up frustrations and desires and I was letting them go. Amid all the uncertainties, trials and temptations, it was Elizabeth who had kept me going. She was my one constant.

I slithered down the bed, kissing her wherever the fancy took me, choosing the softer, most inviting places to plant my lips, which was nearly everywhere. She trembled as my mouth smooched over her tight tummy, each kiss half an inch nearer to her moist little slit. My hair trailed over her skin leaving tributaries of blonde, which covered my eyes leaving me to focus on her perfect body. Elizabeth was reduced to soft whimpers as my lips crossed the sexy stubble of her pubes, a triangular field of womanhood that led to her well of Venus. My tongue tickled and probed, lifting the hood of her clitty and then delving into the sweetness of her girly secrets. I nuzzled her there, lapping and tonguing, until she was writhing among the petals.

Teasing, I worked my way back up her front, rolling my bottom lip along the ridge of her ribs and then up to her breasts. I kissed her breasts and lingered around her areolae, rolling my tongue over the puffy surrounds of her nipples. She cooed with pleasure as her nipples became stiff and wet from my saliva.

Elizabeth had become so worked up, her fingers were quietly seeking out her little nub, but I had a better idea. I lay beside her and she turned towards me, kissing me on the lips as we crossed arms and allowed our fingers to stray between each other’s legs. We were both really turned on and I’m sure I was at least as wet as Elizabeth, just from her gasps as her fingers entered my velvet. It was almost an effort not to slip my fingers deeply into her vagina, she was so silky smooth – her juices coating my curling digits. It was such a beautiful moment, sharing tender kisses as we made each other tingle. I was close to coming from our mutual masturbation, but Elizabeth thought it was her turn to tease as she eased back and kissed me deeply, half climbing on top of me.

Aroused and in a playful mood, I pushed her back on to the bed and straddled her waist, pinning her to the bed, so that she was at the mercy of my whim. She cupped my breasts, weighing them in her palms, and tweaking my nipples between her fingers. As if I needed any encouragement I lay my hands flat by her sides and pushed my breasts into her face, swaying my body gently, so that her nose and mouth were smothered by my boobs. She wriggled beneath me, play biting my boobs, while her hands stroked my bum.

I sat up and shuffled towards her until I was almost hovering over her face. Elizabeth looked up at me with her twinkly brown eyes and licked her lips as her tongue lapped against my labia. I made a circular movement in the air with my finger, and she nodded, interpreting my naughty idea as I had intended.

She lay face down on the bed and her lovely, cheeky bottom rose like two lovely soft hills from the valley of her spine. I traced my finger tips down her back, following each stroke with a kiss until I reached the little dimples above her buttocks. I parted her legs and lay between them so I had completely free access to her sex and her lovely ass. I kissed her, with my tongue parting the sticky crease of her vulva and slid upwards until I was licking her tight little hole. Elizabeth loved it. Her moans were mixed with little notes of anguish, wanting me to continue. Her gorgeous sexy bum was just too good to deny her wish and I rolled my tongue around her most private area as my fingers pleasured myself at the same time.

She turned over and we kissed some more, her body moving against the bed so that our bodies squished together, driving me wild in the process. I swung one leg round, pivoting on the other until I faced the other way and nestled my face between her legs while Elizabeth lapped at my pussy. Having already licked her sweet pot of love, she was lovely and moist and warm. It was sheer joy to continue where I had left off, while receiving oral pleasure at the same time. It was almost impossible to concentrate on the job in hand, and I guess we each became lost to the intimacy of licking and being licked. My body was building once more to a wondrous release as we pushed our tongues deeper, licking and kissing and loving. I was beginning to tremble as my most erogenous zone was stimulated and little spasms of erotic pleasure swept over me. Building to a climax, I was shivering and moaning as I stroked over Elizabeth’s clit drawing muffled cries from her lips as we came together; her body suddenly wracked with her orgasm.

I turned around and kissed her lips, which were damp with my own juices. We snuggled together, my right leg crossed over her left and we kissed and cuddled among the pinks and mauves.

“The best yet?” I whispered.

“Hmmm… maybe," she said with a mischievous giggle.

“I’m hungry, it must be time for tea,” I said, nibbling her ear lobe.

“I fancy some ravioli.”

“Good call. Me too!”

As we dressed, Elizabeth brought the conversation round to the painting.

“So what now? What’s with this sale? You said it was a long story.”

“We’ll go round there together in the morning. The guy there today hardly speaks any English.”

I explained the situation, with the change of the name and how amazing Elanora had been.

“What’s got to happen with the painting now?”

“Right. Well I have an appointment with this guy on Monday. The next test is really expensive. I think they will analyse the paint.”

“Analyse the paint?”

“Yes, it’s to narrow it down further. Certain colours came in and out at certain times, so it will be another way of proving that it could be by Michelangelo.”

“Whoo it’s all so exciting!”

“I know. I’m getting a good feeling about all this.”

“Me too, Cindy.”

I looked out of the window and noticed it had begun to rain. Nothing major, but I hadn’t thought about rain and didn’t have an umbrella. Elizabeth and I wandered out into the street and headed for the nearest restaurant, with our jackets raised over heads. We were hungry, thirsty and happy. I had never been happier and was ready to discover what other surprises the weekend had in store.


Same as

Renaissance of the Heart - Part 3 Videos
3 years ago
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Renaissance of the Heart Part 1

It was a surprisingly warm day for October. I had gone out at lunch for a sandwich and marvelled at the kaleidoscope of colours among the trees along the river. The linden were so pretty this year, the lemon yellow and olive a lovely contrast to the warm tones of the sycamore, which overhung the water’s edge. Had I more strictly artistic leanings, I might have set up my easel and splashed a watercolour of the lovely scene. But art takes many forms and my art was art itself.  Being so clement, I...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Renaissance of the Heart Part 5

Part I   January 31, 1512 Casa di Venuccio de Lambra, Rome Italy It is a particularly cold mid-winter afternoon. A man is sitting by a crackling fire and is fashioning a small figure from soapstone. The light shows that it is nearer supper than lunch. He looks up as his young wife enters the house. “You are late Vittoria.” “Pardon, Venuccio, he made me sit a long time today.” “But he progresses?” “I hope so. He was later than usual. He says he has to be everywhere.” “Yes, sometimes he sleeps...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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The Barbarian and the Wench My First Renaissance Faire

I would bring this girl to climax first, leave her panting in the dirt. Taking two fistfuls of hair, I pulled her head away. My cock popped out of her mouth with a sucking sound. “M’Lord, am I not to your liking?” she asked, looking up at me with genuine concern. “You’re wonderful, my love, but I want to see to your needs first.” “But I only want to satisfy you.” “You’ll satisfy me by doing as you’re told.” Rochelle gave me a puppy dog look. “I’ll...I’ll do whatever you want.” This ravishing...

First Time
3 years ago
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Modern Renaissance

It was late when I arrived in Jersey. I was to meet a friend at a renaissance festival to be held at the Smithsonian in New York the following day. I decided to stop at a hotel near the G.W. Bridge, which crosses over into New York, for the night. I had the vallet take my things up to the room I purchased and headed to the hotel bar for a martini before turning in. I sat at the bar for sometime sipping martinis and chatting with other travelers at the bar. One of the gentleman at the bar caught...

3 years ago
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Renaissance fair leads to a hot woman and her hu

I was at the Renaissance fair. I enjoyed watching the jugglers, the fire eater and was heading over to watch the jousting when I spotted her. She was sitting on the bleachers made of hay bales wearing a skirt and a corset. Her big breasts were pushed up and half of them were exposed above the corset. Her face was beautiful; full lips, shining blue eyes and dark hair. Blue eyes and dark hair always attracts my attention, as do big tits. She caught me staring at her and smiled. I got a beer and...

2 years ago
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Renaissance Faire

Kennedy waited in hungry anticipation. She felt the sweat on her back mixing with the cool air of the air conditioner. She could only hear the soft movements around her, the roar of the air conditioner, or the hum of the butterfly clit stimulator buzz when Lorne pushed the button. Each time bringing her close to an orgasm, but always stopping early. She would fruitlessly hump the air until she felt the sting of the whip across her bare ass, causing her to yelp and whimper. Her wrists were tied...

1 year ago
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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 6 Renaissance

“This is the where the Renaissance began, Colonel Greenaway.” Signora Garibaldi indicated the vista of the Piazza del Signoria with a sweep of her hand. “Such a wealth of talent lived and worked in Firenze over the years. Michelangelo, Leonardo de Vinci, Cellini, Donatello, Galileo, and so many more. This statue is a Florentine statement of their independence and freedom of thought, in art, architecture, science, philosophy, and politics.” It was the day after the dinner at the Monmouths,...

1 year ago
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Renaissance of the Heart Part 4

It was the third Saturday before Christmas and my quest to validate Elizabeth’s painting was gathering momentum. It was a wonderful time of the year and being in Rome and now with my lover beside me, it was especially magical. Being a Saturday, it was Elizabeth’s only real chance to buy what gifts and souvenirs she could carry. In Rome there was no Sunday shopping, with a few exceptions, as the Sabbath is still observed. We had an awfully busy schedule, combining business with pleasure....

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Ravaged at the Renaissance Festival P 1

“I like liquor…”“And lick her!”There was a collective chortle from the crowd as the buxom singer moved her fingers into a v shape, miming oral sex while her sister looked on. The pair of women were dressed in a pair of leather corsets that emphasized their heaving chests, hands rumpling up matching peasants smocks to add a hint of sensuality to the score. The song continued until the chorus rose up past me. I followed Samuel and Nicole, my eyes unable to focus on the flood of colorful costumes...

1 year ago
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The Renaissance of Veronica

Veronica Page had always been what convention described as “faithful” to Ken, and had never strayed from their marital bed; yet in recent years she had, with growing frequency, felt passingly tempted. But never by men; it had always been women for whom she had at first been surprised to feel stirrings of desire. Those feelings had been thrust into dormancy during the few weeks between Ken’s belated diagnosis with terminal cancer and his death and the months it took to sort out his posthumous...

3 years ago
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milf and the renaissance festival boy

My wife loves costuming and going to the renaissance festival was an opportunity to dress up. She still has a gorgeous body and wearing the costumes of the period gave her an excuse to put the girls on display. She looked so sexy in her outfit with a push up laced bra. I was her servant man and followed closely behind her acting the part and always looking down. We went to the puppet show and stood in back overlooking the crowd. opposite us along the far wall was a young man who appeared to be...

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Renaissance Man Completion

I’m Jackson Pope. I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Nine companies interviewed me and made serious offers. Six of the nine had corporate cultures that fit well with my personality and work interests. The benefit packages were all in the same ballpark, so it really came down to where I wanted to live and work.Wanting a new location, I went for the area with the highest female to male ratio, plus was well racially integrated and recognized as a fun, party...

2 years ago
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Renaissance at Greygarth House Part Six

Ron lifted the duvet cover very carefully so that he could feast his eyes on Alison’s still sleeping body. With some regret he reminded himself that they were going to try and abstain from sex for two days; then together unleash a sensual and sexual tsunami of lust on Jane when she returned. He slipped from the bed, as quietly as he could, and went to make a pot of tea. When he returned five minutes later he found that Alison was almost awake. “Good morning darling wife,” said Ron softly. “I...

2 years ago
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Renaissance Man No Sex But How To Be A Guy Women

If you are a nice guy then you are a Renaissance Man. Never put yourself down as average or guy next door. Nothing wrong with being a nice guy. You can role play, but inside women will sense a player vs a man.Women who do play or desire sex here are not sluts despite what they may post. That is just a label...they are still women inside. Just as not all who are on here are perverts, but mostly real men and women who either find it an escape or way to hook up and satisfy their needs. If a woman...

1 year ago
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Renaissance A note at the beginning. This is the start of a long piece. I plan to slowly develop the characters and take them through as realistic journey as possible. If you are from the Northeast and interested, Janskill is modeled mostly after Cold Springs, NY with a bit of Mt. Kisko, NY thrown in for good measure. Redemption Part 1. Introduction: I like Wittmer's Caf?. It can't make up its mind if it is a coffee shop or a restaurant and is conveniently situated in the s...

3 years ago
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Renaissance Festival P 1

“I like liquor…”“And lick her!”There was a collective chortle from the crowd as the buxom singer moved her fingers into a v shape, miming oral sex while her sister looked on. The pair of women were dressed in a pair of leather corsets that emphasized their heaving chests, hands rumpling up matching peasants smocks to add a hint of sensuality to the score. The song continued until the chorus rose up past me. I followed Samuel and Nicole, my eyes unable to focus on the flood of colorful costumes...

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Renaissance Faire

Renaissance Faire Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My parents were into those middle age fairs, the costumes, the pageantry and all that, and had lots of different costumes. My sister was also into it but she left for college, leaving me as their focus. I wasn't into it as much as they were, although I had attended a few events. Then my parents were voted in as the King and Queen of this years event, some eight months away. That was to give them time to get their costumes...

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KennedyChapter 2 Kennedys Renaissance

Kennedy tried to contain her excitement, but when you are eight, nearly nine, excitement is huge and the container is small. Mr. Glastonbury was wearing a friar's robe, something that had raised a few eyebrows when they stopped for gas. Kennedy had thought about getting out of the car herself and seeing what people thought of her Robin Hood costume, but decided that there was too much chance that they would laugh. Now, though, they were in the mountains and it was a nice day; the air was...

1 year ago
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Renaissance Festival

I love the Renaissance Festivals, all the history involved, The Jousting, King and Queen, all the sights and sounds. The Jesters, Turkey legs, drinks in coconut halves, I think it’s a blast going! My wife and I try to take the kids every year. This Years Festival turned out a bit Different, as we walked the acres and acres of the festival having a great time checking out the different acts, juggling, singing, mud and side shows. Me watching the women in the chain dresses, tits exposed, my wife...

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The Murder of Sharon Weathers Slut Extraordinaire

My name is Rebecca. Everyone calls me Becca. I entered the police department right out of college. I progressed rapidly, through different divisions and assignments. I always had my eyes set on Robbery-Homicide and after six years of hard word and dedication, I finally made it. At age thirty, I was youngest female in the division for such a coveted assignment, but I was superb at my job. I made it because of my skill not my gender. It was Saturday. Dispatch called our number just after we had...

2 years ago
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

2 years ago
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Jake Peters and I watched the lady friends of Lynette Peters as they played cards at the kitchen table. Jake's comments about Betty, and how he wouldn't mind a roll in the hay with her, surprised me. Jake always dated girls around his own age. Betty was probably in her mid to late thirties. She was pretty, blond and sported a curvy figure. Not overweight, comfy would be the best description. I did notice that she was eyeing us up a bit more than the other women were.   But first a brief...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Kelseys confessions Chapter 1 Christmas with my stepbrother

Kelsey’s confessions - Chapter 1 Chapter One - Christmas 2013 with my stepbrother – Introduction – How it started  It seems surreal to think a year has passed since that night, Christmas eve, 2013, when my world changed so quickly and dramatically. First let me introduce my stepbrother and myself. In virtually every aspect, Michael and I were normal, typical teenagers. Michael and I were close; we fought; we shared some things and we also kept other things quite private. There was nothing...

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Kelseys Confessions Chapter 6 I give myself to my stepbrother

Introduction In chapters 1 through 5, I told you the story of Christmas Eve 2013, during which my stepbrother and I explored each other, petted, necked and masturbated each other to amazing orgasms. That remarkable evening, nearly a year ago, started a period of intimacy and sexual discovery between my sixteen year old stepbrother and me that we both will always cherish. For the next eight months, Michael and I enjoyed each other, explored each other, and pleasured each other. We enjoyed...

2 years ago
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Im Having Sex With My Stepsister But Fantasize About My Stepmother Part 2

The last few weeks have been very interesting. I can't stop thinking about my stepmother. The urges have been unbearable at times. My stepmother and I have not had sex in a few weeks. I constantly jerk off in her panties. I just dream of sucking her nipples. I loved when I fucked her. Her breasts were so firm and didn't even move. My stepmother is a natural size 38D. She’s so experienced and her pussy was just the best thing I ever felt. It really did feel like I was fucking velvet. I just...

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Naughty Thoughts About My Stepfather

I've been having a lot of wicked thoughts and dreams about my stepfather lately. I’m thinking that this summer, I’m going to try and seduce my stepfather, Michael. I just find him amazingly handsome. My stepfather is very sexual and enjoys sex. I know he likes me because he's always smiling at me and running his eyes up and down my body. My stepfather is 6’2” and has brown short hair. He’s very athletic and has an amazing body. He works out and is pretty muscular in the right spots. I love his...

3 years ago
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Loving My Stepfather Part Two

Things are heating up with my stepfather. He loves to play all sorts of naughty games. He loves for me to wear all sorts of lingerie and has even bought me some costumes. He loves me to be a naughty school girl and he'd be the principal. I'd be a very bad girl and would need a spanking from him. I'd be wearing a short green and blue plaid pleated skirt, white shirt with a white push up bra, white lacy panties, blue knee highs, and loafers. He'd then need to give me lots of discipline. There...

3 years ago
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My Stepmother is Beautiful

I’m starting to believe I might be the only guy in high school that has never had sex before. I always hear chatter in the boy’s locker room about all the girls in my school that are easy. I never have even kissed a girl before. I’m kind of nerdy and really just like to play video games. My one friend mentioned, that last summer he met a girl and they went all the way. I’m not too sure if I believe him though. I do like to look at Playboy magazines and look at the models all naked. I do get a...

4 years ago
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Loving My Stepfather

My name is Lucy and I'm nineteen and my boyfriend is twenty one. We'd been dating since high school and I really believed he was the one I would marry. But, he went to college and met some sorority girl that was wild and crazy, and he wanted to be with her. I was just devastated. I started to lose a lot of weight. I'm not a very big person to begin with. I lost about ten pounds. I'm now down to ninety pounds. My mother and my stepfather were worried that I might get anorexia. I've started to...

4 years ago
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Elizabeths story sexual discovery with my stepbrother

“Elizabeth’s story: sibling love”Background: I am Elizabeth. Today, I am a happily married woman, age 27 with two small children. The story I am about to tell occurred almost exactly ten years ago, during my senior year in high school, within a year of my stepdad’s death in Afghanistan.Events occurred that I did not plan, and I am not necessarily proud of. My husband, whom I adore, knows about these events, and not only understands, but actually finds them stimulating and exciting. He asked me...

4 years ago
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Loving My Stepfather Part Three

I’ve been kind of mad at my stepfather after the situation with Heather. I really thought that I was his princess and now it just seemed like he had two princesses. I’ve been moping around a little and have been a bit unhappy. My stepfather told me to just start living at the apartment. I’m old enough to be on my own. My mother thought it was a good idea to finally spread my wings. I moved into my stepfather’s apartment. My stepfather really had been spoiling me to try and boost my mood. I...

4 years ago
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Im having sex with my stepsister but fantasize about my stepmother

My father recently married my stepmother. She’s a very sexy looking woman. She tells everybody she's a dancer, but she’s really a stripper. I think that’s where my father found her. She’s my father’s third wife. My father is always getting married. He’s a player and loves to have a sweet piece of ass on his arm. My mother left him years ago, because he couldn't keep his zipper up. He cheated on her with his secretary. My mother had a nervous breakdown and was unable to take care of me. I live...

2 years ago
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Losing my Virginity to my Stepmother

Her name was Maureen and she was the most beautiful woman that I’d ever known. She was my stepmother. We were a blended family. My step-mom had three children and my father had five children. I was the oldest of all the siblings. My father was an alcoholic and worked late hours with his job. He'd always stop off at a bar, when he finished his shift for the evening, and then pass out in the spare bedroom. So my stepmother was always alone when she slept. My father was also very abusive to her. ...

4 years ago
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Naughty Thoughts About My Stepfather Part Three

“Wanda, I have a surprise for you come down here.” “I’m coming Michael, what is it?” “We're going to a hotel today. I have a surprise for you there. I have a business meeting tomorrow, so we have all day today and then you can go back home. But, today and tonight we'll have lots of fun." “Your mother will be home tonight so we have to go to the hotel. Dean, will be here also. I have to have your sweet pussy or I’ll go crazy.” “You’re unbelievable. I suppose you really like me, don’t you?” ...

2 years ago
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Naughty Thoughts About My Stepfather Part Two

“Wanda, get your sweet ass down here and suck my cock. You know how you drive me absolutely wild with your slutty mouth.” “I’m coming Michael. You’re really enjoying this aren’t you?” “I don’t want you fucking my son, so I have to keep you busy.” I ran down the stairs to give Michael a blow job. We've been getting together a lot since our first meeting. My mother has been traveling a lot now. She's a Vice President in an Electronics firm and has been doing her weekly visits at some of their...

2 years ago
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My Naked Stepmother Makes A Pass At Me

My father recently married another woman. He met this one on a flight he was on. She was the airline stewardess. He told me, he fell madly in love with her and knew he had to make her his wife. He had to work quickly to put a diamond on her finger. He wined and dined her for about a month and popped the question. She, of course, accepted. He took her on a whirlwind honeymoon to Hawaii for two weeks. They recently came back and my father had to go on an extended business trip. My mother threw...

2 years ago
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Seduced by Catherine one of my students

Another day another lesson... I entered the class and immediately silence filled the room. The waiting students were seated in rows watching me walk in. I greeted the class and sat at my desk at the front. The lesson progressed as usual, I gave instruction, the girls listened and asked occasional questions. I reminded them that their end of term exam was only a few days away and that they should schedule some time to revise the work they had already covered that term.People often asked me how I...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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Katherine Finds Her Mothers Sybian

I just finished up my freshman year at college. I was back at home living with my mother and my stepfather. It felt really good to be back home. I had a great year, however it’s always nice to be pampered by family. I was able to maintain all A’s. Although, I do find school work rather easy. I don’t have to try very hard. I made a lot of friends and had a wonderful first year. My name is Katherine and I’m 5’8” and weigh one hundred and fifteen pounds. I have brown long hair and blue eyes. I’m...

3 years ago
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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

4 years ago
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Ravaged at the Renaissance Festival P 3

I knew enough about their sex lives to guess around the edges of what I might be signing up for. I didn’t want to know the rest. I might back out. And as I told Nicole, it was too exhilarating imagining myself completely in the power of a virtual stranger.Even if it was one I’d gotten to know over a year.But she made it so effortless, continually checking in through the day and night without breaking the mood with a lot of hand-wringing, just showing that she cared. And that she could be in...

3 years ago
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Ravaged At The Renaissance Festival P 2

I beamed at her through the rest of the show, feeling too shy and too flirty to actually trust myself to say much of anything as we were undressed, placing her back into that dazzling bright yellow Belle costume and me back into the Tinkerbell piece that showed off just a little too much of my ass and tits.Nicole’s poured out of the top of her dress, frilly and white at the edges, drawing attention again to that incredible bust. “What bra size do you wear again?” I asked as she clasped it...

3 years ago
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Renaissance Man The Prelude

You see books and articles about "A life in pictures" or maybe "A life in music." That got me thinking about my own life, and in retrospect, many of the most interesting and enjoyable moments seemed to revolve around sex. What follows is my early high school and college days. It brought me out of boyhood and into manhood. I hope you enjoy it even a fraction as much as I have.My first time was totally unexpected and played an important role in leading me down the path I followed.We lived in...

First Time
2 years ago
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Dexters RenaissanceChapter 11 The New Order

It felt quite strange walking into the office on Monday morning. I was expected to inhabit the corner office, the same office John Flannery had occupied. It was a given that John would not be returning from his leave. As usual, I was the first to arrive and that gave me an opportunity to scout his office more thoroughly. I had assumed that much of John's things and files would still be there but that didn't turn out to be the case. At some point the office had been cleaned and emptied of...

3 years ago
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Dexters RenaissanceChapter 6 Smoothing the Waters

It was almost 10:20 when Mr. Flannery decided to make an appearance. He looked decidedly unhappy when he strode out of his hideaway and marched up to my chair in the reception area. "I'll see you now, Mr. McLeod," he snarled and immediately turned and stomped back from where he came. I turned and looked at Brigit and saw her shake her head with a look of dismay. I pushed myself up out of the chair and followed Flannery. His office was in the far corner of the floor with windows on...

2 years ago
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Dexters RenaissanceChapter 14 The Wedding

The day of our wedding crept up on me almost without warning. We had made the changes we decided upon at Billy and Carolyn's that weekend. It would be casual dress, held in the pavilion in the park and it would be a civil ceremony. Michelle had carefully contacted her brothers and sons and let them know of the change and why. There was not a complaint or whisper of disappointment. As far as the other guests were concerned, they simply accepted the change and we had no cancellations. We had...

4 years ago
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Dexters RenaissanceChapter 13 Meet the Family

When I arrived home Thursday evening after my lunch with Michael, Michelle was anxious to hear how it went. "I think you've been deceiving me, love," I began. "Your brother is nothing like you described him. We had a delightful lunch and got along very well. He congratulated me on our engagement and assured me he would be at the wedding with his wife and your son. On top of that, he will call your mother and insist she attend as well. So ... now what do you have to say?" I said with a...

4 years ago
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Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Caroline dumped her books so loudly on the table that it caused Mike to look up momentarily from his laptop.“Hi, Caroline, I take it the tutorial didn’t go so well?”Caroline slumped onto the chair opposite him.“The pompous bitch basically told me to start again.”“Look I know nothing about art, I don’t even know what I like, but I do know that you know your stuff. Why don’t I get you a drink and we can talk about something else.”As Mike placed the two pints of beer down on the table, Caroline...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Renaissance Festival

My name is Jamie and I am a high school teacher, so I put up with a lot of crap, ironically mainly from the grownups. If I could eliminate the “adults” from my world it would be heaven. I got a stupid call from a stupid parent on Friday afternoon and then my stupid administrator sided with the parent. So I was in a fine mood when I got home that night. Luckily for me my perky little sister was waiting for me at my apartment and the sight of her pretty face washed all of my worries away. ...

4 years ago
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Renaissance Part 2

The next morning, after our dinner evening, I decided to clean up the car. When I went out to the garage and saw the car, I started to laugh and laugh. On the car's trunk, you could see the imprint of Dana's ass and hand prints where she positioned herself for our encounter on the dark, lonely, dirt road in the desert. The trunk also showed where my thighs rubbed against the car while I was banging Dana. At a glance, anyone could tell what had happened on the car. So there was only one thing...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Renaissance Part 1

Dana and I have been married for thirty plus years. Now, in our fifties, our sex life was starting to downshift. We used to have all sorts of crazy sexual adventures, but that had faded into oblivion.It was time to get back into our groove again. We were everyone's idea of two people who had never tired of each other. We had talked it over and it was time to make an effort to rekindle the fire. Friday night would be dinner at a nice restaurant and the opening round of crazy sex. Since this was...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Renaissance at Greygarth House part five

By the time Jane and Viv got moving on Friday morning, Ron and Alison had completed their business at the trust office. It had all gone very smoothly; helped, in part, by a phone call from Jane two days before. She had laid some groundwork and the staff were all very happy. Josie Welch had been intrigued, momentarily, at the shared bathroom proposals. However, as far as she was concerned, Ron and Jane still had their room, so the spare adjoining Alison would be simply also benefit by the...

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Renaissance at Greygarth House Part Four

Jane gathered her things together as the train began its final run into Kings Cross. She was still wondering how best to give her daughter the history behind the changes now taking place at Greygarth. The evening before, she had discussed the matter with Al and Ron. She had been all for making a full disclosure to Viv about the suffering she had inflicted on her husband, but he would have none of it. He had made the point that Viv was likely to begin with a highly negative attitude if she...

4 years ago
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Renaissance at Greygarth House Part Three

“Now my darlings, you asked where the idea of a menage a trois came from. Before I begin, shall we all have another super hug together?” asked Ron. The girls gathered on him, with a sigh of relief. Somehow, this loving physical act dissipated the air of tense expectancy which had built up. The three of them spent nearly five minutes in hugs and kisses. “Jane my darling, are you excited about where we are now, and where things are going?” “Very,” replied Jane, “I think you’re leading us toward...

4 years ago
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Renaissance at Greygarth House Part Two

Ron woke, then dozed, and then woke properly. He climbed out of the bed, careful not to disturb the sleeping beauties, and opened the curtains to bring in more light. He did not want to disturb them, but he certainly wished to look at them. It was coming up towards seven o’clock. In his mind he conducted a very short debate. Quickie sex then make a cup of tea, or the other way around? He made his way down to the kitchen and set about preparing a tray, but took his time and laid the table for...

3 years ago
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Renaissance at Greygarth House part one

Ronald Anstruther glanced at the clock on the dashboard – 15.05 – good timing he thought. He had told his wife Jane he would be back around three o’clock, and he was now only about fifteen minutes from Greygarth House. He was feeling good. Notwithstanding the grilling his sister had given him over the last week, he was looking forward to getting home. He was trying to imagine what sort of surprise Jane might have for him; he expected it would be a special dinner together, with a nicely wrapped...

3 years ago
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Dexters RenaissanceChapter 2 Planning

I'm a computer guy as I've already explained. But once in a while when I'm faced with a problem that isn't easy to solve I revert to pen and paper. I was determined to develop a plan that would allow me to extract every last dime I could from my modest wealth. I was going to need it in my new life, whatever that would be. So I began to make a list of things. Date: Mar. 25/07 Home Equity: ± $500k Home Value: ± $600k Debt: $100k Mortgage Term: expires 31/5/07 Problem: Joint...

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