There Must Be A Mistake Ch. 25 free porn video

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Note: All persons in this novel are fictitious. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this story is not for you. Those scenes that are included will be evocative rather than just for the sake of sex itself. This story is for your reading pleasure. Its length is undetermined at this time, because I do not know where my mind will take me along the way. I hope you will stay with me during this journey until it reaches its inevitable conclusion.

120. Detonation

‘Hello Anna, why are you calling so late? It’s after 11 PM, is everything okay between you and Cloudy?’

‘Mom, Cloudy couldn’t be more wonderful if he tried. I love him so much, and he loves me. We’d like to set a date for the wedding, but we need to know when you and dad are available. You’re always running around, and dad is always so busy with the project down in Texas. If you want to help us plan the wedding, it would be wonderful. However, we can do it by ourselves if you are too busy.’

‘Have you spoken to his family about this?’

‘Believe it or not, they don’t like me very much. They don’t mind my money, but they think I’m a spoiled bitch. I don’t think I’ve acted that way around them, and neither does Cloudy, but that’s the impression he gets when he speaks to them alone.’

‘Do you want your father and me to speak to them?’

‘Mother that’s the last thing in this world I want to happen. I know how you are, but more importantly, you know how you are. If they say one bad word about the family, you will use your gun on them, without worrying about the charges that will be brought against you.’

‘A lot of people, in high places, owe me a lot of favors, Anna. Don’t worry about the charges, there won’t be any.’

‘Mother, just think about the wedding, do you want to help us or not?’

‘I want to give you the biggest and best wedding ever held in the United States. Whatever you, and Cloudy want you will have. I will try to keep my opinions at bay. I can’t guarantee it will work all the time, but I will try.’

‘Now what about Cloudy, do you think his family wants to be involved?’

‘Mom, I think they look at dollar signs, and don’t want to spend a penny of their money.’

‘Honey that’s fine, heaven knows we have more money than we will ever spend in 100 lifetimes. It also makes the seating arrangements very easy. We will have the wedding in Austin. We will pay for all their travel expenses, hotels, food, and entertainment.’

‘Thank you mom that solves more problems than you possibly can imagine.’

‘I’ve waited since the day the three of you were born to throw a big wedding. After all you did for me, through my terrible years, it warms my heart that it’s you.’

‘Don’t you dare make me cry.’

‘Why not, I’m crying.’

‘Now I have to tell you something else mom, and I don’t know how you are going to take it. You may have to plan a wedding for your other daughter, or it may be her first liaison.’

‘Have you talked to Laura? I’ve been trying to get a hold of her all evening. Her phone is disconnected.’

‘It’s not disconnected mom, she turned it off. She is at a man’s house, somewhere in Fort Worth.’

‘I’m going to ask you this very calmly. Was that man’s name Adam Schiff?’

‘Yes it was.’

‘Did she say what she was doing there?’

‘This is the part I don’t think you want to know mom.’

‘Anna, as God is my witness, if you don’t tell me everything you know, I will crawl through the radio waves these phones work on, grab you by the throat, and beat the shit out of you until you tell me.’

‘Mother, please remain calm. Remember she’s 24 years old. She has the right to do anything she wants with her body.’

‘Anna, stop stalling.’

‘While I was talking with Adam, Laura was undressing him. He was telling me everything she was doing, while she was doing it, piece by piece. As she did it, Adam would say, she just removed my shirt, I am now bare chested. She has my legs saddled, as she’s removing my boots. She’s sitting on my chest, opening my belt and unbuttoned the button of my jeans and is getting ready to remove them… and so on.’

Then Laura took the phone from him. She said, ‘Anna, I am going to be a little busy for the next few hours experiencing many new things about a man’s anatomy. I should have done this year ago, instead of waiting for mom to get me so angry that I’m doing it this way. If mom comes knocking at his door, I will do the same thing to her as did to me the other night. I am turning off my phone just like she did, and I hope she has to sleep on the grass.’

‘I am going to kill that bitch with my bare hands. I brought her up better than that. She just met that man. She doesn’t know what diseases he may have. I’m going to go there and pull her out of his house by her hair if I have to, but she’s coming home with me.’

‘I wouldn’t bet my grandchildren on that mother. Her guards are faithful to her. She pays them not you. I don’t think you want to start a firefight in the middle of the night.’

‘I’ll firebomb his house, and grab her when she comes running out.’

‘Mother, stop this. You are going to do nothing of the kind. She’s going to get laid. I did, and I haven’t changed. It was a very loving, and enlightening experience.’

‘Are you pregnant?’

‘No, but I’ve stopped taking my birth control pills.’

‘I think we should do this wedding in the next two months, don’t you?’

‘Cloudy graduates next month, and his family is going to throw a big party for him. Anytime after that would be fine with us.’

‘I’ll see if I can steal Jemma for two weeks, and we will fly to New York to see Carolina Herrera and get your wedding dress started. I’ll call her and give her a heads-up. She will be thrilled. She did mine, now she’s doing yours. Your sister can’t get knocked up, because she can’t go into space pregnant. I hope she remembers that while she’s fucking him tonight. I am going to ring her neck, and leave her in a landfill, the next time I see her.’

‘Stuff it mother, you are going to do nothing of the kind. If you were going to kill any of us, you would have killed Robert years ago.’

‘That’s true, but Robert still has a job. He’s had it for almost 15 months, and they are still paying him voluntarily. Who would’ve thought that was even a possibility?’

‘Do you watch him when he is interviewed on C-SPAN, or CNBC?’

‘Yes I do. I can’t believe he’s the same boy who lived in our house for 22 years.’

‘The election is in November, can you imagine if she wins.’

‘She’s only behind by four points, and that’s within the margin of error in the polls. Look at the people she has behind her. Her dad can’t go out electioneering for her because he’s on the Supreme Court. However, he’s always on the stage with her, and just his presence means a lot. Julia and Clark are there any time they can be, because of their health, and ages. Robert is there, and apparently, he is giving them good advice. They have a ton of money behind them, between the Atwater’s, their parent’s, and Robert, so they can’t be outspent. They haven’t made one mistake on the campaign trail so far. If the incumbent does, it’s all over but the shouting.’

‘Don’t get angry with me mother, but have you noticed that both the candidate and her sister are always glowing when they’re on stage?’

‘Yes, they both look extremely happy.’

‘Do you ever wonder if Robert has anything to do with it?’

‘That was a horrible thing to say, about a political candidate, and her sister, Anna.’

‘We’ve both seen a lot of women candidates take the stage over the years, mom. They may smile for the cameras, as they are walking to the stage, and away from it.

However, they all looked haggard and gray from the stress and travel commitments of the campaign when they get back to the privacy of their own rooms. Sandy and
Cindy have only five months to go until Election Day, and those two look fresh as a daisy.’

‘Maybe they had a good makeup team.’

‘No makeup man can put apples on your cheeks like that mother, and you know it.’

‘My son has no shame. He is fucking both those women.’

‘It certainly looks that way mom.’

‘Maybe that’s how they’re paying him.’

‘Heaven knows he doesn’t need the money, and they are great looking woman for their age.’

‘What do you mean for their age, they are my age.’

‘That’s why I said it mom. They look as good as you do.’

‘That was a very nice save Anna. They must have taught you that in college.’

‘They did mother. It was the first chapter on ‘Peace Negotiations.’

‘Smart ass.’

‘I love you mom.’

‘I love you too baby. I will call you when I can get Jemma free for a week.’

‘You have a deal. I’m going to get laid now, just like your other daughter is.’

‘Did you have to remind me of that?’

‘You know I couldn’t let you get away free as a bird.’


‘Remember, everything I know, you taught me.’

‘You had to slide a knife between my ribs, didn’t you?’

‘Get laid mother, that’s probably what your triplets are doing tonight.’

‘I don’t like the way this phone call is ending.’

‘That’s because you didn’t win, and nearly lost.’

‘I should never have sent you to college. You are smarter than I am.’

‘No one is smarter than you are mother, especially when it comes to computers. I have watched you work on them all these years, and what you do on them is absolute magic.’

‘Thank you, but I was there, when four little kids nearly started the third world war.’

‘I hope you burned that disc.’

‘No, I still have it. If the Russians piss me off, I’m going to scare the shit out of them, because I upgraded it.’

‘Now I’m sure you’re out of your mind mom.’

‘When the Russians find out that we have Six Cloaked 7000 Gigawatt Lasers in permanent orbit over the North Atlantic, and Four over the North Pacific, they are going to shit a brick.’

‘Mom, you are some piece of work.’

‘Just think baby, your father has put up with me, all the time.’

‘Dad must be a saint.’

‘Don’t you ever tell him I said this, but he is the only man on this planet that can put up with me.’

‘Thank you dear. That was the nicest thing you have ever said about me.’

‘Get out of this house before I kill you Steph. You weren’t supposed to hear that.’

‘Why not, I heard about the Russians. Now get out of your clothes, and into bed. I’m going to fuck you senseless.’

‘Anna, your father just made me an offer I can’t refuse. I’ll talk to you after I speak to Jemma. Goodbye now.’

‘Enjoy getting laid mom. It will relax you. Goodbye.’


‘Did you hear the part about your son, Steph?’

‘Please tell me he didn’t get fired.’

‘No it’s more evil than that.’

‘As long as he didn’t get fired, I don’t care.’

‘Anna and I believe he is screwing Sandy and Cindy Hastings.’

‘Good for him, now get to bed.’

‘Men, you are all a pigs.’

‘Yes dear, let me get rid of these panties for you. I’ve been practicing linguistics all the way home. I want you to tell me if I should start here like this, or here, like this, or here….’

‘Oh, that is so nice, you handsome bastard. I’ve only been talking to Anna for 40 minutes, and she took up most of that time. I don’t stand a chance.’

‘Then shut the fuck up, and enjoy yourself.’

‘I love when you think you have won.’

‘Ouch, you bastard, that hurt.’

‘I believe I told you to shut up Patti.’

‘Fuck you Steph.’

‘I will, when I’m good and ready.’


‘Turn over, and I’ll remind you how much of an animal I am.’

‘No Steff, I don’t want to scream in front of all these people.’

‘You’re going to scream anyway my dear, get use to it.’

‘Show off.’


121. Skiing in May

Lucius walked into Dan’s office with a slight limp.

‘How are you doing?’

‘According to Joe, I’m much better than I should feel. He wants me to stay off of it, but that’s nonsense. I’ve gone into battle feeling worse than this. Did he tell you he wants to clone me?’

‘Did he tell you what I told him in response?’

‘Yes, he told me his life expectancy had been minimized. I’m here to talk to you about him. I owe him a big favor, and I’m going to repay it. I’m going out of town for about a week. What I have to set up is very complicated, because I promised him I would not kill his wife. My way would have been quick and easy. His way is going to be a bitch, and it is going to involve a lot of people. This trip is basically a sightseeing trip to get the lay of the land. If something presents itself, we will take advantage of it. If not, it was not our prime purpose anyhow.

This is part one. I give you my word this is a nonlethal action. It will take place in Montpelier Vermont.’

‘How many parts of this plan are there?’

‘There will be four or possibly as many as five. As I said Joe wants no one killed, so we must be very careful.’

‘Keep to that plan Lucius. We have nothing pressing here. You have 10 days before you have to be back.’

‘Thank you sir that will be more than enough time for what I have planned.’

‘One more thing before you leave, Lucius. It was part of the discussion we were having, while they were operating on Margaret. You said, ‘If Margaret dies, and they don’t sentence this guy to death, I have more than enough money to raise an army to break him out of prison, and put him to death my way.’

Lucius, how much money do you have? I know you said William has you invested all around the world, but what does that mean in dollars?’

‘That’s one question I never thought you would ask me Dan.’

‘I never would have if you hadn’t made that statement about breaking the guy out of prison. I know you would have done anything for Margaret, to avenge her death. Was it you who took that shot?’

‘You know me better than that Dan. I had men all around the area, waiting to follow him to his home. I wanted him alive, not dead.’

‘That’s what I thought. Are you going to answer my question, or not.’

‘In the area of $650.’

‘$650,000 thousand dollars?’

‘No Dan, $650 million dollars.’

‘$650 million dollars. What the fuck are you still doing here Lucius? Why do you do this day after day? Why do you put up with me, and all the other bullshit that goes on around here?’

‘It’s really very simple Danny. This is the only thing in the world I love doing. The day I lie down on a beach, holding a drink with an umbrella in it, is the day I’m going to die.’

‘I put a bullet a quarter of an inch above your head Lucius, and you didn’t flinch. You don’t have an heir. You live frugally. Who the hell is going to get that money, when you kick the bucket?’

‘I have two ex-wives that I’m still friendly with, and I have made some very good friends along the way, while I have been the service, and in civilian life. After they are taken care of, every Army organization you can think of, starting with the Academy is in my will. The biggest chunk is going to Wounded Veterans associations for both the mentally and physically disabled. Think about it Danny, how much money do we really need to live on, if you are single, and at our age. If guys like us have an income of $75,000, $100,000 a year, we are in pigs’ heaven.

You also have to remember, you are the guy that made me rich. You got me kicked out of the Army, when William was looking for close body protection. All that publicity led him to me.’

‘You always were a lucky son of a bitch.’

‘Would you like $50 million to tide yo
u over?’

‘What the heck would I do with it?’

‘It’s the same question I ask myself every morning. I’ll write you a check, and let you decide.’


Lucius called a friend, who always enjoyed hearing from him.

‘Hello ma’am, this is Colonel Lucius Canyon of the 2191 missile Battalion in Black Hills North Dakota. I need to speak with Colonel Jack Daniels immediately please?’

‘My father is babysitting for me. I’m about to leave the house for my afternoon card game with the girls. Is this important?’

‘Ma’am I have 36 Minuteman missiles that I can’t get off the ground, because my command bunker collapsed. We tried to find an engineer who could do the work we need, under the strictest security measures this country has. It went all the way up the line to the President. The President told the Chiefs of Staff to go through every engineer, who had been in the military in the last 20 years, who was qualified under those conditions. General Schwarzkopf remembered how pivotal Colonel Daniels work was for him during Desert Storm. I was told to contact him immediately.

Now, if the Colonel is at home, I need to speak to him yesterday. If he is at home, and you are keeping him from speaking to me, you could be in violation of the National Security Act. You can wind up in jail, for in excess of 20 years, if you refuse to cooperate. If he is not at home, tell me how to contact him immediately. If Colonel Daniels is at home, move your ass, before I call the ‘Military Police’, and have you arrested for obstruction to cooperate in a National Security Emergency.’

Jack Daniels was basically locked in a room, babysitting for his three grandchildren, when his daughter, Gretchen, threw open the door.

Dancing from toe to toe, she said, ‘Dad, there is Colonel from a rocket place in North Dakota. They can’t shoot their missiles, unless you talk to him now.’ She threw him the phone, ran to the bathroom, and slammed the door.

‘This is Colonel Daniels, to who may speaking?’

‘Hello Jack, Lucius, would you like to stop babysitting for a while?’

‘Lucius, what the fuck did you do to my daughter. You scared the piss out of her, figuratively, and literally.’

‘I’ll tell you about that later. Act as if you have to rush like hell. Tell her a jet will meet you at the Memphis airport. They are taking you to the Black Hills on a secret mission. You don’t know how long you’ll be gone, but it could be six months or longer. I know it pains you to hear this, doesn’t it?’

‘It goes straight to my heart Lucius, straight to my heart. I’ll be at the airport in an hour.’

Jack ran to his bedroom, and started throwing his clothes into a large suitcase. His daughter joined him soon afterwards.

He turned, and hugged her. ‘Gretchen, honey, this is top secret stuff. The Colonel said it would be a minimum of six months, maybe even longer. I won’t be able to call you for a while. Just know that I will be safe, because they have more than 300 guards guarding one missile silo. They don’t know why their communications building collapsed, but they are looking into the possibility that someone may have tunneled underneath it. That’s why they need me. Deposit my checks, and use the money like yours. I won’t need money where I’m going. Security will be so tight everything will be brought in by truck convoy or by air. Take care of the kids, and as soon as I get clearance, I’ll give you a call. Be strong honey, I know you have that inner strength to do it. This country’s defense depends on me getting this job done quickly and properly. I love you baby, and I’ll be thinking of you every day.’

Gretchen started to tear up. It seemed the older her father got, the more the country needed him for his expertise. He must be one of the best military engineers there ever was. They kept calling him out of retirement, and back into active duty, when something extraordinary needed to be done. She was so proud of him, proud he was her father, but she could never tell anyone why he went away for such extended periods of time on secret military missions.


The Grumman Gulfstream 550 landed at the Memphis airport and taxied to the general aviation facility. Colonel Jack Daniels walked out to the big white bird, and Lucius was at the stairway to greet him.

‘God bless you Lucius, I love my daughter, and my grandkids, but you can only take so much of them on a daily basis.’

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Honeymoon Gone Wrong 8211 Part 1 My Mistake

Vineet Sisodiya, 29 years old and the eldest in my family with three younger brothers. Being well settled, my parents forced me into my marriage. I accepted and got married to Chaitali. Chaitali comes from a small town and is a graduate of Arts. Chaitali is magnificent beauty. She’s 5’ 7” tall, perfectly shaped figure, 34-sized firm boobs, 28-sized waists, 34-sized huge butts and fair skin tone. She has a beautiful face cut and long hair with pink lips. Though I have seen some bold pictures on...

3 years ago
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Theresa Part 4

I began to think of how to make this a reality and decided that if I ever got the chance I would make this a reality.Having shared her with another man I wanted to see her used and have sex with a woman. However, first I had to think how and with who and after a bit of thought came up with the ideal woman. Denise was a woman who really knew how to stand out. She was beautiful, 5’ 6 inches tall and black, with beautiful, exotic almond shaped eyes and a beautiful smile with her permanent bright...

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Theresa and Beverly Share

I still can't believe the time I had last night. It's now Sunday morning and the sun has been up for a couple of hours. My wife Beverly and I just said goodbye to our new friends Theresa and Craig. The four of us had the time of our lives last night, an experience that none of us will soon forget. To help remember I decided to write down how our evening transpired. Here is the story of what happened. Bev and I had heard about this nice old bar in a neighboring town from friends. The place...

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Theresa and Her Kids Pt X

“Thanks Theresa” Jillian beamed, “of course you look terrific as usual” she laughed. They’d been having this weekly lunch date for the last several months and had become much closer than the casual acquaintance they previously shared due to the close friendship of their sons. Jillian had been divorced for 3 years now and she was finally feeling almost normal as a woman once again. Getting out with Theresa each week had helped in that cause. Luckily the alimony she received from her...

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Theresa My Neighbor Whore Chapter 1

My name is Mark Wood and I work as a Personnel Manager for a large corporation here in Dallas. My job basically is to serve as a liaison between the management and the blue-collar employees that work here. I also have to deal with all the harassment issues, be it sexual harassment, racism, or whatever.Needless to say, I hear a lot of whining, complaining, and outright anger on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes it gets to be too much and I have to find a way to decompress at the end of a tough day....

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Theresa and her dad

Theresa quickened her pace as she neared her home. Almost running now, she reached her block panting hard, the images of the day’s events gathering like a rain cloud in her mind. The day had started innocently enough. Going to school at seven, reporting for flag rising, the usual. But there was where the similarities stopped. Returning to class, Theresa was unable to concentrate. Glancing sideways, she found herself staring at the crotch of her classmate. At the same time, she was shocked to...

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A Mistake

(Everyone in this story of legal age 18+) (This Story Is Purely Fictional. The characters in this story are not real. This story is made up and in no way a re-telling of events. Because they never took place. Thank you and enjoy.) ‘What do you mean I can’t check in to my room? Its’ my room, I paid for it!’ There Lizzy was, bags lying on the floor in front of the front desk counter of a hotel in Vegas and she couldn’t get into her room on a technicality, some one’s mistake. The clerk behind...

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Theresa Part 31

I arrived about 1.30pm. It was late summer, it was a glorious day, very warm and I suggested that she get changed. ‘How do you want me to look?’ she asked. I told her what to wear and twenty minutes later she came back down stairs and stood in front of me. I sat back and checked she had dressed as asked. Normally, Theresa would be wearing a smart jacket and blouse and either a knee length skirt or Trousers. Today was different. She had put on a light blue, short summer dress that buttoned down...

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Theresa The Elder

I was doing what many fifteen year olds do at 11:30 on a Friday night when they're in the privacy of their own bedroom. I was reading through the letters in Penthouse forum and jerking off. I had my towel next to me all ready to catch the load and was reading about a male real estate agent that was fucking two lesbian clients in a prospective house. It was a very well written piece (though not exactly a believable one) and I was heading for the final push when a loud bang against my window...

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My mother in law, Theresa, lived in another state. She was a beautiful lady with a classic figure; wide hips and busty, what Marilyn Monroe might look like at 55 with auburn hair. I knew she was pretty wild in her younger days, but hadn’t had a steady man in her life for a while. Theresa ran into some financial problems after losing her job, so we convinced her to come and live with us. It was cheaper to move her across the country than to “loan” her a bunch of money. She rented a truck, and...

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Mias Service Part 1 A Deliberate Mistake

She heard the heavy wooden door that had admitted the cold wind slam shut. At the end of the corridor, the Beastkin servant that kept the dungeon records looked up from her ledger and gave Mia a sympathetic glance. Approaching footsteps echoed and the girl returned to her work. Mia turned her head to watch the stairs, though she knew who was approaching. It was well known, and a source of some scandal, that princess Liana disciplined her servants personally. Sure enough the princess came into...

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A Very Big Mistake

Tags: MC, MF, FF, MD, GR Synopsis: A woman is transformed in order to pay for her husband’s gambling debts. Notes: This is based on a story called ‘My Big Mistake’ by Jim, an older, unfinished tale. I like it and decided to tackle a re-boot and completion. I was spurred by a request on MC Forums for stories in which the wife is transformed in front of the husband, which seemed like an interesting twist. Adult, erotic fiction. Do not read if illegal or immoral for you. It is fiction in...

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Introduction: He gets his wish but now he wishes that he didnt. Jim and I had been married for six months when he started talking to me about swinging. Six more months later I finally said yes. Little did he know that it was a big mistake. Im Jenny. Im 55 tall and weigh 125 pounds with c cup tits and a nice flat tummy, long dark brown hair and blue eyes. I was a 21-year-old virgin when we got married and Jim was 25. Jim is 6 and weighed 180 pounds and was in really great shape. He still is. We...

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Correcting a young coworkers mistake

I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”, she...

4 years ago
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406 Wendy and the big mistake

406 Wendy and the big mistake Having completed her duties at the collage, Wendy turned the little black sports car homeward, it was Friday, and driving in a stupor she was on the san Diego freeway before she realised, tonight she was in yet another randy and frustrated mood, this afternoon she had spent sorting a student`s problems, as it happened, he was a fit good-looking lad which always turns our heroine on. this one was wearing shorts, with an impressive bulge, was fit, bronzed and hansom,...

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A Big Mistake

Chapter One Medicine Hat, Alberta June, 1978 Neil watched Stephanie leave the school with Joanne and Iris and as they walked down the steps and strolled toward the bus stop. He couldn’t help but feel horrible after what had happened. How could he have acted like such an idiot? He had never behaved in such a manner before this. What had ever possessed him to make such an erroneous mistake? Earlier that day Stephanie had been pretty coy, but he was sure he had interpreted her signals correctly....

Straight Sex
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Grave mistake

Aliquis’ mistake The guards lead me into a dim lit room. I was brought with my hands locked in shackles behind my back, barefoot in jeans and a white shirt, a guard on each arm and two more behind. I was frightened, but I tried to hide it."This is my choice." I said to myself.In the room, a woman waited. She was dressed a conservatively; a white sleeveless blouse and a fitted pinstripe skirt over knee-high stockings: nothing too sexy, although the skirt had a side-split to mid thigh. She had...

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He Made A Big Mistake

My name is Jayson Stephens, Sara is my wife of four years. I’m a Seal Team member whose team is attached to a special CIA Black Opts. Unit. Our deployments are non-typical we would go when called and come back when our mission was accomplished. Sara is a beatiful woman 24 years old, 5’6” tall 118 lbs 36c boobs, long perfectly shaped legs and one tight butt. When I’m off deployment she would train with me some days running up 20 miles a day, lifting and calisthenics. Like most enlisted family’s...

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My First Mistake

My First Mistake I thought I would never be like most dirty men, but I am. This is my story. I came home, it was bad dealing with issues at work and my ex-wife calling me crying and worrying about our daughter. Ami had just turn eighteen and once again having issue at school, so I was going to go get her and bring her home with me. I now how to take her with me, where Ami could at least finish high school, at this moment I no longer give a hoot if she went to college. It was no big deal to me...

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Real Sister8217s Innocent Mistake

Hey, guys, my name is Rishabh this is my first story in ISS this is a real life incident which happened a year back when I was 18 how lucky I was and was able to fuck my own real sister due to her own mistake. Hope you all enjoy and will reach your orgasm. Happy orgasm. As I was getting older I was getting sexually attracted to my sister she is 4yrs elder to me (21) telling you guys about her assets she had a body every guy desires for she is very fair and her assets size is- 36,32,36.we have a...

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Makeup Mistake

This can be posted to any free site. Pay sites are forbidden. Makeup Mistake By Charissa Michelle Copyright 2000 John sat at his mother's vanity for the hundredth time. At 10 he had dressed as a girl for Halloween. The love of the clothes and the look stuck with him. He ate and kept himself in shape, making sure he did not develop muscles and overly noticeable masculine traits. He had snuck into his parents room and played with his mothers makeup and clothing ever...

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Brad Mistake

Bra'd Mistake By Callie Messenger It sounds strange, I know, but I'd never been presented with the opportunity before. The wife and her mother had gone to spend the weekend near London leaving me in peace and quiet to study. It's just that when I got into the shower I saw one of mother-in-law's bras hanging on the dryer. I know that my wife's don't fit me - of course I've tried - but mother-in-law is a much larger woman. Her bra was a 40DD according to the label. So I slipped it...

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Correcting a young coworkers mistake

I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”; she...

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One Fatal Mistake

One Fatal Mistake - By Kimberley De Schiffart My name is Kimberley De Schiffart and I?m a 24 year-old woman. I have a 9-year-old son. Yes, I know, I was only 15 when I became a mother, but he?s the most precious thing in my life. My son is biracial, his father is Black and I?m White. We were young and fooling around, but I haven?t seen him since. He didn?t even know I was pregnant. My son never knew his father that?s why he carries my last name. Even since my parents died when...

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One Simple Mistake

One Simple Mistake By Jennifer Allison It started on my graduation night from high school, twenty-two years ago. Let me tell you about myself back then. My dad was a multi millionaire. I was the captain of the team of every sport I played. I had girls hanging on both arms, and not just because my dad was rich. I had a flaming red Corvette convertible ever since the day I passed my drivers test. I had been accepted at Sanford but before starting I intended to spend a year of fun and...

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My Mistake

My Mistake Copyright 2003 By Jessica81 Chapter 1: The Mistake I looked at my sister who was looking at me. "You look cute." was all that she said. I stammered for words here I was standing here wearing a pink pleated mini skirt and a black turtleneck sweater along with a pair of black tights. I also had on a pair of her 4 1/2 inch platforms. She had one pair that she wore to parties that could be closed with a padlock that was the pair I had on and without thinking had closed...

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Moms mistake

Part 1 Mom's Mistake Even though Sharons my mom, the famous bitch deserved everything that happened toher and more. She had built a world wide following as "Sharon with Tits out" on the internet at was resposible for huge volumes of cum being spilled all over the world daily as i saw when she showed me some of her fans jerking off for her or sending her back pictures of her face and Tits coated in cumThings were fine as long as I fucked her...

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Memories Revisited Fixing Gods Mistake

Memories Revisited: Fixing God's Mistake By Heather St. Claire Diane McMasters poured another cup of coffee for herself and her husband David. The morning sun was streaming into their kitchen and glistened from the stainless steel appliances. The kitchen was big, modern and filled with light?every woman's dream. Diane had particular appreciation for it because David had built it with his own hands. His success as a building contractor had made it possible for their family to enjoy...

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A Very Fortunate Mistake

A Very Fortunate Mistake By Anne Oni Mouse (February 2013) - - - - - - - - My life had never been one of excitement and love was something I saw others enjoying. All of that changed when I decided not to put my shoes on to pick up the milk from my doorstep. - - - - - - - - I had just slipped my stockinged toes out on the doorstep to pick up my milk that had been delivered when I looked up and was stunned to see Paul, who...

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A Stupid Mistake

Author's Note: This is more or less canon/non-canon to my next big story dubbed 'Crimson City'. The first two paragraphs will take place in that story but everything afterwards is just a fun TG tale since CC is going to be very dark. "Again there is nothing that I can do. I could make it so your daughter has either always known she's been a girl or make her somewhat happy with the situation. I sincerely apologize for what happened," Emmi Lams said to the man standing in front of...

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Megans Mistake

Megan's Mistake Prologue This was supposed to be the greatest year of Megan's life. It was her senioryear of high school, captain of the cheerleading team, envy of all the othergirls, and wettest dream of all the boys. Nothing but good times lay aheadfor the prettiest girl in Lakeview High. Sometimes though, life throws youa curve and things don't always turn out the way they are supposed to. It was April now, a particularly cold and rainy day. Megan was sitting ona bus headed to the...

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Forced Mistake

Mina was bored. Her parents were gone on another business trip, and classes had just ended for the term. If she was like her friends she would try to get a job, or go to the beach or even hang out at the mall and shops. But no, Mina was at home, bored and frustrated. By choice. Mostly. By mistake really. A mistake she forced on herself. Mark brought Ruth over for the first time just before spring break. She was a decent girl, pretty enough. But Mina was instantly jealous of girl. Her father...

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Wifes Weight Loss Mistake

My world fell apart several months ago and after I managed to control my hurt and anger I began to retaliate against the cruel, unnecessary attack I suffered through. Like most mid aged persons I (more than my wife) have that roll of fat around my waistline. My wife Ann and I have discussed toning up and losing weight for a couple of years but c'mon. Life is good and we love to eat and drink. Finally, I hit 250 and the crap hit the fan. Ann and I had begun going to the YMCA to exercise and...

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Memories of a mistake

A memory filled her mind and she felt a smile come across her face…. “Mmmmm… Mike…” she thought to herself. She remembered Friday night and it made her quiver just a bit. Her soft hand moved under the sheet… feeling her tender naked skin. She felt her hard nipples… pinching and pulling them gently… wishing it was Mike’s hot mouth on them. It was Monday morning and for some reason Molly was already awake. Rolling her head over to the side, she could see darkness still spilling through the...

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Theresa My Neighbor Whore Chapter 2

I gave Theresa's ass a good smack. "I didn't say you could look at me! Eyes straight ahead, whore!" She instantly whipped her head back straight and looked at the wall in front of her. I placed both hands on her hips as if I was about ready to fuck her and felt her shudder with excitement. Then one hand, I began slowly sliding up her spine and she held her breath waiting to see what would happen next. My hand slid up to the back of her head and I massaged her scalp for a moment."Mmmm..."Then I...

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Theresa Part 1

It started with a phone call when I was at work. The well spoken and educated voice at the other end asked if I would be available to visit that evening at 7pm. ‘Where?’ I asked. ‘Holiday Inn, Maidenhead’. ‘Sure, I charge £60.00 an hour plus travelling expenses’. She asked me what I looked like and a little about my experience. She then told me she wanted some deep tissue and some relaxation massage to finish off. We agreed the price and she arranged to meet me in reception and told me to wear...

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RansomeChapter 13 Punishing A Mistake

“What do you think this is?” David demanded, staring at the mess on his plate. “I’m sorry, Master. It was supposed to be a soufflé but it fell as I took it out of the oven.” “You mean you dropped it?” he asked, knowing full well the answer and thinking, Just the chance I’ve wanted. An excuse to spank her. “No. I didn’t drop it. It just collapsed on the plate. I’m sorry,” she apologised, looking a little fearful. “Did you try to make a soufflé before?” “No. I thought it would be a nice...

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My Passion for Mustang GTs Ch 03

Not all just about writing erotica, this story is about car buff stuff for car buffs. Susan discusses her other passion the automobile. Never comfortable with the Camaro Z28, just my personal preference and opinion, I didn’t feel as in control of the car as I felt in the Mustang GT. A heavier car than the 3,500 pound Mustang GT at the time, comparable in weight then to the much heavier 3,900 pound Mustang Cobra GT 500 of today, the Z28 felt too heavy in the turns and too light with the...

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