Saturday. free porn video

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It's a Saturday. It's such a beautiful day that I hardly care I have to work. Networking is a huge part of my job. My boss couldn't function here without me. I have all the information on who best to suck up to which is the whole point of this party. Investors. My boss needs them and I know all about them. The only draw back is I have to dress up, to make the best impression I can. Wearing a cocktail dress during the day feels weird. It's gold, long and figure hugging. I can barely breath in it.

 My boss' house is amazing. I really love coming here. It is a huge white colonial mansion. A half mile drive way, pillars at the entrance, a swimming pool and of course a tennis court. The garden area is at least a few acres. With a pond and gazebo, you know, the works. I'd die to live in a house like this. Sadly, PA's don't make that much money. We just help others make it. I'm standing on my favourite balcony watching the people below. I've done the biggest part of my job already, this is my reward. I enjoy watching people. I'm wearing sunglasses so they don't even know I'm doing it. Like the couple who keep making eyes at each other behind their partner's backs. They are slowly edging closer to each other. I smother a smile. My eye keeps getting caught by a guy swimming. He's done about fifteen laps now. His dark hair keeps covering his eyes but he doesn't seem to care. He also has great back muscles. Which is about all I can see of him. My phone rings and I turn my back on the distraction.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Theresa? I need you to tell me the name of Jermeys wife," my boss says. Annoyingly he always calls me by my full name.

"Martha," I answer. God, I could club him one. He's known these people since I started working for him six years ago. But seeing as he's old himself, I'll cut him a break.

"Thank you, Theresa. That's all I needed," he says and hangs up.

I turn back around. The guy I was watching earlier is now doing the back stroke. Now I can see it's not just his back muscles that are impressive. He makes me think of Dean. He has the same hair colour, the same kind of build. But seeing as he's been on my mind constantly it's no surprise.

It's been nine days since our encounter in the office. With a little help from Wendy, who works on the floor below me I've managed to avoid him. She's given me the heads up when he's about to deliver the mail and I've hid in the toilet. I know, hiding from a guy at the age of 27 is such an immature thing to do. But he has this effect on me that I can't explain. Our last encounter left me a little ashamed of the way I acted. I was quite bossy. I begged, pleaded and demanded. Which is not like me at all. There's just something about him that drove me wild.

Anyway, enough of thinking about him. Getting turned on at my boss' party is not what I need.
Someone from below calls my name and asks how I am. I answer that I'm great. I give an award winning smile, sucking up is my job after all and resume my people watching. I spot the couple I was watching earlier. They have come together at the drinks bar. Flirting like mad I bet. I wish I could hear what was going on. I turn back to the swimming pool but the guy is gone. Shame really. I was enjoying watching him. I'm leaning against the railing when I feel someone walk up behind me.

"You've been avoiding me," a voice whispers in my ear. Startled I spin around knocking the glass he's carrying out his hand. The drink spills all over him.

"Damn! I'm sorry," I sputter. I start wiping at him, then realise who he is. I pull my hand back.

"Dean? What are you doing here?" I ask stunned.

"Well I was bringing you a drink," he says wiping the drink from his torso.

I look him over. Damn he looks good. My belly turns over. He is standing there in a pair of shorts, bare chested with his hair wet and disheveled. I realise it was him I was watching swimming. I can't quite believe it. No wonder I was enjoying it so much.

"So... Why have you been avoiding me?" he asks again.

"I'm sorry, I've just been really busy."

The look on his face tells me he doesn't believe me.

 "Okay, fine," I spit out. "I was avoiding you. I was embarrassed by how I acted. It was completely out of character for me. I've never slept with someone I've just met before. Let alone been so bossy about it." I take a deep breath.

"I thought that avoiding you would be best, seeing as I can't seem to control myself when you're around!" My face flushes at the thought of it.

He takes a step closer to me. God he smells amazing.

He smiles his movie star smile. "I see. And there I thought it was because you didn't think I was up to much."

He backs me up against the railing, placing his hands either side of me.

"Oh please," I say. "You didn't think that at all." Despite my embarrassment, I smile.

"Just promise you won't do it anymore, Tess." He runs his fingers down one of my arms. Goosebumps explode everywhere.

"You know my name?" I ask. I don't recall telling him.

"When you started avoiding me, I asked about you. You know, to see if you broke hearts often."

"Ha! Break hearts. Please..." I can barely breath with him being so close. My hands start shaking. He lifts his hand and pushes up my sunglasses till they are on the top of my head.

"What did you find out?" I croak out. I am a bit curious.

"I found that you go to work, are great at your job then you leave work. That's about it. Not many people seem to know anything about you."

"That's the way I like it," I say. My boss is always telling me to involve myself more with the people in the office, but honestly I don't want to.

"I don't have alot of free time," I add.

"And the free time you do get, you enjoy sleeping with strangers," he winks.

The deadpan look I give him has him laughing. He steps back.

"Always so serious Sexy. Look, can I get you another drink or something?"

"No. Sorry. I'm working." Although, to be honest I'd love a drink. Something that has the word double in it would be good.

"Shame. Do you have a time frame for working?" He air quotes the word "working", like I'm lying.

I check my phone for the time. Half four. "Yeah," I say. "About an hour and a half."

"Okay, I'll meet you out front at six o'clock. We'll go for a drink. No excuses!" he steps forward again.

"What, in this dress? Don't you think I'm a little over dressed?"

"No." He runs his fingers from my cheek to my collar bone down to the spot between my breasts making my legs tremble. I grab hold of the railing behind me.

 "In fact, I think you look stunning. I'm hoping you're not wearing panties under that dress," he whispers in my ear. A moan shudders from my mouth before I can stop it.

At my reaction he just laughs. He turns and walks away. Leaving me standing there trembling, holding myself up with the railing and staring after him.


An hour later, and after a few drinks that I shouldn't have had, I'm back in the main house saying goodbye to important clients. I'm considering just running away, not waiting for six o'clock. I'm worried at what might happen if I stay. I could call a taxi now and be gone before Dean even knows. I haven't seen him since the balcony, for all I know he could be standing me up. If only the bloody clients would leave faster. They've been here for hours now. What else is there to talk about? But here they stand, on the front steps, chatting to my boss. I wonder if I could back away. Maybe they wouldn't notice. I take a few steps back when Martha comes up and hugs me.

"Thanks for the wonderful present, honey" she says. The earrings look good on her. Part of my job is to keep investors' wives happy.

"No problem, Martha," I reply, then ask, "I'll see you a week on Thursday at the spa?"

"You will Tess." She kisses me on the cheek then they are gone.

Thank god! I can leave now. I head down the stairs pulling my phone out as I do. I'm about to dial the taxi number when I see Dean leaning against a motorbike. He's changed into a black t-shirt, jeans and boots. He looks dangerously good.

"I knew you'd run," he drawls. He's looking very smug.

"I wasn't." I lie. My blush betrays me.

"Sure you weren't. "

"Okay, okay." I give in. Damn him! What is wrong with me!?

"It'll be great." He winks. "Come on, hop on," he says, sweeping his hand towards the bike.

"You're having a laugh, right? I'm not getting on that! I can barely walk in this dress, let alone get on that."

He hands me a set of folded clothes.

"Somehow, I knew you'd say that," he laughs.

I don't even ask where the clothes came from. I go inside and change. I come back out five minutes later wearing a long white t-shirt and short cut-off denim shorts and my six inch knee high suede boots.

"Damn Tess, you look good in anything," he says.

"I look ridiculous. Seriously, you couldn't get me any shoes?"

He smiles. "I don't know, I like it."

"Of course you do," I sigh. "Are we seriously getting on that?" I look at the bike. I've never trusted things with two wheels. Four is so much more stable.

"Come on, live a little." He is challenging me now. We spend one hot day together and he thinks he knows me.

I hold out my hand for the helmet. He smiles at me and hands it over. Throwing his leg over the bike he holds out his hand for me, I let him help me on the back and put my arms round his waist. This close contact isn't good for me. I try to think of something else as he starts the bike and we pull away. We ride for about twenty minutes along country lanes and towards the coast. I can smell the salt air as we get closer. He turns the bike into a secluded track and follows it till it ends. It's a beautiful spot, a cliff top covered in trees with a great view of the sea. I get off the bike and walk to the wooden fence at the edge of the cliff. The sun is glinting off the water and the leaves are rustling in the trees making it so peaceful here. I inhale deeply. I'm glad to have the space between us. I turn around and ask, "Drinks? I don't see a bar."

"We could go get drinks if you like, or we could stay here a while."

I think about it for a second or two, getting back on the bike isn't an option right now.
"Here is fine... It's a great view."

"Yeah it really is," he says looking at me. He smiles and gets off the bike. As he starts to walk towards me I raise my hand signalling for him to stop. The bike ride was enough for me. The vibrations, holding him -- it's enough to make my head swim. He doesn't stop and in a few strides is right in front of me. I take a step to the side. He mirrors it. He takes a step closer and I raise my hand to his chest to stop him. He takes my hand and bends it behind my back. Taking the other hand, he does the same. Holding them there with one hand.

"Now what will you do?" He raises an eyebrow. With the way I'm starting to feel, jumping off the cliff seems the best option. I don't say this I just stare at him defiantly.

"Well? A control freak like you must hate being held down," he is saying it so softly I hardly hear him over the breeze.

"I'm not a control freak." As I'm saying this, he starts moving his other hand up and under my t-shirt.

"Yes you are! Every time we have been together I may have started it, but you controlled it." His hand is causing goosebumps to prickle on my skin. My legs start shaking and my breathing picks up. I'm lost for words trying to fight the feelings that are exploding all over my body.

"I like it though, but this time I think we could do it differently, don't you agree?"

"I.... I...." God, I can't concentrate as his hand finds my breast. His hand begins to knead as he leans down and kisses my neck. I start to tingle. I'm already wet and if he wasn't holding me back I'd already have shoved him to the ground and fucked him stupid. His hand moves round my side and up my back. He draws his nails down it and I struggle to be set free. My whole body is shaking now and I know he's enjoying this because I can feel him smiling against my neck.

"Dean, please.... " I beg. He smothers my pleas with a deep kiss. I'd give anything to touch him but as I attempt to pull my hands free he only tightens his grip. His other hand has found it's way into the waist band of my shorts. I feel him release the button and pull down the zip. He works them down my hips till they are laying on the ground. He looks down then back up at me.

"Guess you were wearing panties after all." His breathing is deep and his words are heavy.
"Now I'm going to make you come and you're going to stand there and let me. Got it?"

"No... You have to... Let my hands go... ohh, god!" I cry as he pushes aside my panties and thrusts a finger into me. He pulls it back out and rubs my clit. Then just as quickly he thrusts two back in. I moan my pleasure. I'm seriously wet now, and my legs are shaking so bad, I can barely stand. He pushes his fingers in and out, slowly but firmly. I open my legs slightly to allow better access. He uses his thumb to push down on my clit which is really swollen. This spurns me on and I try hard to make him release my hands.

I can't take much more. I already feel my orgasm building. My knees start to buckle. He pulls his fingers out, chuckling at my protest and pulls my pants off in one pull. They don't go down; they just tear right off. He uses his hand to grip my wrists, so now he's holding them with two hands. He then bends on one knee and nudges open my legs more with his shoulder. He lets go with one hand and runs it over my side and round to my bum. He then tilts his head up and licks my pussy from the bottom right up to the clit. He circles his tongue round it and gives it a little nibble. This has me going crazy. I fucking love that! I struggle to get free and almost do when his other hand clamps my wrist.

"I'm not letting go, Tess," he says. He leans back to look up at me.

"Please, I have to...." I don't get to finish because his tongue is now working in and out of my pussy probing it. "Oh my god!" I purr.

He lets go with one of his hands and uses it to open my lips so he can get a grip on my clit with his teeth. He sticks his fingers back in me and starts pumping. He sucks and pumps till I can't take anymore and I climax. Hard. The noise that escapes my mouth is a cross between a moan and a growl. He stands up and kisses me. I can taste myself on his tongue. He still has his fingers working but slows as my orgasm dwindles. Finally he releases my hands.

"Now see, wasn't that... Wait, no... "

As soon as he releases me, I shove him round so now he's against the fence. I grab at the buttons on his jeans opening them easily. I have his jeans and boxers down before he can even finish speaking. I grab his cock and suck it into my throat so deep that I think I might suffocate. I don't care though. He's right, I am a control freak and I've been denied. Now I'm going to take it.

"Oh my god, Tess!" he moans. I suck a little harder pulling it in deeper. His breath catches in his throat. I release it and work my mouth backwards scraping lightly with my teeth. I move my hand up to clasp his bum as I suck it back in again. I push his bum forward to get it deeper in my throat. I seriously want to swallow the thing. His moans are getting deeper. I pull back, I suck it in. Each time trying to get more of it. There isn't any more to get, though. My nose is touching the area just above it. I run my hand up his chest, scraping with my nails. I know it will mark him but again, I don't care. I feel his dick begin to quiver signalling his near orgasm. I use my other hand and cup his balls. I give a light squeeze. His breathing is rapid now and he has entwined his fingers in my hair.

"Fuck yes!" he says as he pulls my head forward and begins to thrust. I suck greadily, wanting it all. I move my other hand round to his bum and push him against me. With one final deep thrust he comes.

"Oh, my fucking god!" he moans. I swallow it all, if I could swallow the whole dick I would have done that too. His legs shake and his knees buckle causing his dick to come out my mouth. I quickly take it back but he stops me and pulls me up.

"Fuck me Tess, it wasn't like that last time," he croaks.

"Fucking you is exactly what I'm going to do," I say as I step up and rub my body against him.

"Woah... hold on." He takes me by the shoulders. "I need a minute."

I look at him, confused.

"Look, seriously. That's the second time you've made me come harder than I've done before." He sucks in a breath before continuing, "I thought you were a fox the last time but now I know... you're a fucking tiger!"

"Don't get attached, Dean. You're not keeping me."

"We will see... I need a drink." He pulls up his jeans, much to my annoyance and walks over to the bike. On the back is a bag where he pulls a bottle of water from. He straddles the bike and drinks deeply. I bend down and pick the shorts up.

"Why is it you pretend not to like me?" he asks suddenly. "I know you do, your words may fool me but your body doesn't."

"Maybe it's my body that's lying." I pull the shorts back on but leave them unbuttoned.

"No it's not. I know you want me. Just admit it."

"I want you to fuck me, that's what I want. It's why you brought me here so why are we chatting like old school friends?"

"Jesus, Tess. You're cold... "

"Actually," I say teasingly. "I'm really hot and wet and if I have to admit to liking you to get you to fuck me, then fine. I like you!"

"You get pretty wild when you're turned on, huh?"

"Mmm," I say as I walk over to the bike. I straddle it facing him. "Wild doesn't quite cover it. I tried avoiding you. It didn't work. I tried being aloof, that didn't work either. Now... "

I slide forward a touch so my crotch is touching his. I lift my legs and wrap them around his waist. "Are we done chatting? 'Cause honestly, I'm not in the mood to talk."

He looks at me for a second before smiling.

 "You're going to kill me," he says before he reaches forward and pushes my t-shirt up. He pulls me up into a sitting position and tugs it over my head. I do the same for him, for once I'd like to see under his clothes. I bite my lip to hide my smile when I see the nail marks running down his chest. He looks down to see what I'm smiling about.

He grins. "Yeah definitely a tiger."

"You have no idea." I purr as I lean forward and kiss him. I run my hands up into his hair, pulling it back so I can kiss under his chin. I give a nibble as he reaches round to undo my bra. He has it discarded in seconds and leans down and takes my nipple into his mouth. I arch back to give him more room. I moan my pleasure as he sucks and nibbles at it. He unclasps my legs from his waist and slides back. Grabbing the shorts he has them up and off me quickly. He looks at me, completely naked except my boots. I love that he clearly likes what he sees. I lean back giving him a good look.

He stands up and kicks off his boots, takes his trousers off and sits back down. He is so hard, so ready I fear it won't last long. He takes my hips and slides me down to meet him. He runs his hands up and down my whole body and for a change I lie there and let him. I don't try to touch him; I don't do anything but watch him. I'm eager to see what he's got when I'm not leading him.

He pulls up my hips and enters me. Slowly. My moan is long and soft. He pulls back and pushes forward. He's being so gentle you'd think it was my first time. He keeps the rhythm going, softly, sweetly. He runs his hands up till he finds my breasts and squeezes them. He starts pinching my nipples all the while slowly moving inside me. I clench my muscles in time with his rhythm trying to edge him on. When nothing changes I clamp my legs round his waist holding him in me. When he can't move back out he looks puzzled. This is new to me. Hard and fast, that's how I like it.

"We're moving postions," I say.

I allow him to move out me and I stand up and turn round. I straddle the bike facing away from him and place my feet on the pegs. I ease him inside me and lower myself down his shaft. I re-arrange his legs so they're between mine and rise up and move back down, picking up the pace as I go. I'm going harder and harder with each thrust. His hands are on my hips, holding on. I lean forward and clasp the handlebars. I thrust down hard and clench my pussy muscles to match my rhythm. There is nothing sweet about it now. Our breathing is ragged and the moans coming from him tell me he likes it like this. His hand moves round to play with my clit as I fuck him stupid.

I can barely breath, I'm moving so fast and hard. I feel my orgasm start to build. The sound of my bum slapping against him is loud, it only makes me thrust down harder. If I'm not careful I might break his dick. My orgasm starts and has me screaming out his name. I keep thrusting through it until I feel he's cumming too. I slow my pace and allow him the final thrust that has him emptying into me. Exhausted, I tumble from the bike and lay on the grass. It's hard to catch my breath but slowly it returns. He's having just as tough a time breathing as I am. I sit up and look around, it's gotten dark. I hadn't noticed.

He looks over at me. "You really like it hard, don't you?"

"Who doesn't? And a little rough. You'll need to take me home. I'm not sure a taxi will pick me up here."

He sighs. "Sure."

The ride home to my house takes about an hour. By the time we get there I am thoroughly exhausted. We pull up at my door and I get off the bike.

"Thanks for the ride, Dean, for all of them."

He gets off the bike and stands in front of me. "Can I see you again? Tomorrow maybe?"

God, he's so cute.

"Sorry, I have plans. I think it's best if this is our last night."

He looks hurt. I don't want to wound him. but I'm way too busy for a relationship. I start walking up to my door and he follows me.

"Are you walking me to my door?"

He leans forward and kisses me. "'Night, Tess."

He turns and walks away. I let myself in and slump on my couch. I feel like a total bitch now. If only he knew how much I'd love to keep him. My doorbell rings and I go to answer it.

There he stands. "Dean?"

"Well, if this our last night and all..." He steps forward and kisses me, pushing me back into the house and I push the door shut...

Here's hoping we make it to a bed this time.

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A New Game

George constantly took me to newer levels in our sex life. But this took me completely by surprise. I got to George’s house and he wasn’t home but again there was a letter on the coffee table with my name on it. I opened it with somewhat shaky fingers. What I read though was nothing out of the ordinary. The letter told me to go upstairs and put on a black garter and thigh high stockings. The only odd part was a new long leather coat. I was to wear it and nothing else. I smiled to myself as I...

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Shrek Fuck Princess Fiona

[Fair Warning: The following may have the potential to “ruin your ch*ldhood.” But since you have managed to find this story, your ch*ldhood is probably already ruined so you should be good.]Shrek Fucks Princess FionaShrek was on a quest to rescue Princess Fiona from the highest room in the tallest tower of the castle where she was held for years. After Shrek entered the castle he was chased by a dragon before being flung across the entire castle by the dragon's tail. He was flung so violently...

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Amateur Milfs

Reddit Amateur Milfs, aka r/Amateur_Milfs! Between the super active gone wild themed subs on Reddit, you’re going to find a treasure trove of medium-sized subs that focus on a particular niche with less frequent posting, but no visible difference in quality. Sure, you could stick to the user-submission themed subs to get your nudes straight from the posters, when available, but that means that there are literally millions of nudes that you’re missing out on. So if you’re in the mood for some...

Reddit NSFW List
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Imagine His Surprise

“Spit or swallow?” Tiffany asked. She and her friend Vickie were doing homework together. As usual, their banter in between solving algebra problems turned to talk of boys and sex.“Neither,” Vickie replied. “Facial. It’s good for the skin.”“Yeah, that’s what boys want you to believe. Seriously? Too gross!”“So, you’re a spitter?”Without hesitating Tiffany answered, “I’ll let a guy do it on my boobs. Not the face. And for the right guy… I’ll swallow. But only if he’s serious about me.”“Serious or...

2 years ago
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Pure Bliss Ch 05

Chapter 5 A long silence ensued after he sat down. He looked at his nails, tapped his foot impatiently and ran his hands through his hair. Shane stared off into space the whole time. Finally Sam stood up. ‘You guys want to play a game?’ He asked suddenly. Chance and I looked at him as if he were crazy. He looked at Shane. Shane looked down quickly. ‘What game?’ I demanded angrily. Sam spun around and glared at me so hard I flinched. ‘A game ok? The rules are simple.’ He snapped. I looked...

2 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 6 The Wedding

Jenny paced back in forth in her room. Her nerves were on edge as she walked in her cabin. All around her room hung the items for her upcoming wedding to Ted. She knew it was supposed to be a day of celebration, but with the casualty count still coming in from Reno, she was terrified that something would go wrong. Jenny stopped as her eyes fell on her long white wedding gown. Even with Jessica and Amy acting as their wedding coordinator, the date had been pushed back a few days due to the...

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Miss KevenJeanne Sissyfag

Mmmmm - lipstick, short skirts, high heels - MAN! I feel like a woman! Ladyboi Queen Keven-Jeanne Sissyfag keeps pushing her hard penis down as she walks to the adult arcade. It's a steaming hot afternoon, and the horny little bitch is already thinking about the hard cock she's gonna suck tonight. Sissyboi is wearing a black halter top, purple butt baring short shorts, high heels, and red lipstick. She has beautiful silky legs, and not a HAIR on that fine sissy ass! Most of the mile walk is...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 62 Abandonment and Knighthood

Alistair stepped into the middle of the trampled grass, holding sword and shield in a defensive posture. I wanted to refuse; I didn't want anything to do with the bastard, and learning from him seemed impossible. But refusing would have opened it up for discussion, and I wanted that even less. I noticed that, purposely I assumed, only Aedan and Tomas were there to witness us. We were a little bit outside of camp, where those at the fire couldn't see. I sighed and went on the offensive. I...

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Crazy Granny Linda

This happened just a couple of weeks ago. I met Linda at a senior citizen party.We both noticed one another because we were the youngest at the party. Linda has jet black hair. It was cut short like a mans except that it was slightly spiked on top.Her face is weathered and a dark complexion,she is small, about 5'-0". Slim body. She was wearing pants that showed her cute little firm ass, a button down shirt, buttoned up just enough to show a nice bit of cleavage and I wasn't the only one to...

1 year ago
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PornMegaLoad Sally D8217Angelo Two Young Cocks For Sally

Businesswoman Sally D’Angelo landed a big deal and wants to celebrate. Her husband is out of town, but he left her something to celebrate with. Actually, two somethings: young studs Levi and Rocky. “Most ladies would like to have a massage or a hot bath,” Sally says, “but not me. I’d rather have a couple of hot, juicy cocks.” The two young dudes take turns fucking this big-titted granny’s tight cunt and dick-hungry mouth until they spray her face with...

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My CD Sissy story and 1st meet humiliation

I recently met up with someone to be a sissy slut for them and wanted to share what happened on my first meet. This is the genuine true story. I use the username indoblu on websites, but my sissy name is Holly so I'll refer to myself from now on as such. I'll mention my history as a sissy before talking about the meet up, skip the first few paragraphs to get to that bit.I have always known I love girls clothes, lingerie, miniskirts, colourful sheer blouses , anything satin or lace, since a very...

4 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 3

cabin tents rented for $25 a day trailer rentals: larger $75 mid size $60 small $50 John Boyd 28yrs old Gabby Boyd 25 yrs old. Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse Edwardo world famous catfish chef (according to mom) Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering Jasper Amos hunter, guide, knife make Sylvia Amos sheriff’s detective lieutenant deputy Angie Davenport Marion davenport Angyie’s mom Clyde Summers suicide victim Edward Gaines suicide victim while serving time with...

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Gathering Fallen RocksChapter 14

The receptionist appeared at the door, her telephone headset cord dangling down the front of her dress. "Atwood, the Deputy County Clerk is on line three. Do you want to return..." "I'll take the call in my office, Emily," he replied before she could finish her question. They could hear Atwood speaking as he walked around his desk to sit down, while Petra was wrapping his hamburger, hoping to keep it fresh until he finished his call. "Hot damn," Atwood's voice sounded like an...

3 years ago
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This is one I wrote and previously submitted under the title Amy. I deleted it from Lit because someone wanted to buy it, but since it also appears on other sites — having been ‘stolen’ from Lit — the deal fell through. So here it is again. If you haven’t already read it I hope you enjoy it. As usual I’d appreciate feedback. GA — Chiang Rai, Thailand — 20th of February 2013. From a letter dated 13th January1979: … although I’m not evil I have committed evil, I have killed three people. The...

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Marriage Divorce or Sex Ch 02 The making of a

Waking up nude cuddling my naked Nicole brought flash backs of the previous evening. My head spun in an alcohol induced haze as I remembered the decadence that occurred in my living room with my wife and her gentlemen callers. My head ached as I lifted it from the pillow pushing my out of shape body to a sitting position trying not to disturb my nasty wife from her dreams of ecstasy. I needed something for my head and time to think before confronting her.Coffee helped clear the cobwebs, but not...

1 year ago
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Meeting Master II His Mark

In the elevator she took the leash out of her pocket and affixed it to the collar, it was a surprise for him, she hoped he was pleased with her offering. She found his door and glanced both ways down the empty hall and removed her coat. He opened the door to her knock and his intake of breath and snapping eyes were a heady turn on. She knelt there in front of him naked, leash in her mouth and hands held bent in front of her. "Woof, woof, my Master." She barked up at him around the...

3 years ago
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First time True Story

Had a memory this morning of my first time. I was never in a rush to loose my virginity, even though all my friends had a hangup and a need to do it, I always wanted to be away from all the stroies they always bragged about afterward. I wasn’t a prude or stuck up I just knew I didn’t need to live up to stories that were exaggerated. I was only turned 18, and had been jerking off at least 3-4 times a day most weeks (again not exaggerating) and got talking to a receptionist in a doctor surgery...

3 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 68 Truth or Dare

The second floor had one of their parties the first Saturday in December. They did this about once of month. There was alcohol around, but their parties were casual. At the beginning of the party, most of the guys on the floor would leave their doors open, and everyone would roam around, chatting and mingling. There was food around, munchies and stuff. Later in the night, some groups of friends would gather in a particular room. This is what had happened, in Warren and Tim's room. Besides...

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A very good view P very good this video :-P also i have had a nice situation like in this video a day at home with my sister. An afternoon i'm at home in my room, it was end summer-beginning autumn, i finish printing several papersheets of the computer and i go out of my room and i call my sister that coming out of her room and she wearing a clear tunic for the house of color yellow-white-cream (but not transparent...

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Sex Pleasure in MalaysiaII

I am back again with new story of my sex pleasure in Malaysia. I am sure you must have read my earlier story of Malaysia encounter and am waiting for the comments. I am back with Linda. This was after two days of my enjoyment we then decided to explore more. We went for a movie and the show was in the evening. She had booked last raw and corner seats. We were seated and the film started it was love film with many nude scenes. The seats next to ours were vacant and we were fortunate that even...

1 year ago
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AssParade Valentina Nappi Keisha Grey Two asses are better than one

Keisha Grey is the type of girlfriend most men dream about. Beautiful, seductive, and a great ass. What more could you want…oh yeah how about a girlfriend who brings you another girl with a fantastic ass to fuck on your birthday. We all need girl friends like Keisha. Keisha and Valentina Nappi proceed to give Keisha’s boyfriend the best birthday threesome ever. The girls shake and giggle and the boy fucks both girls, alternating from one pussy to another. What other birthday gift can compare to...

4 years ago
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Brutal Brothers 8211 Part 8

After getting fucked by many teachers for marks, this story is about my most hardcore experience since I became a slut. Mom was not at home and as usual I was sleeping naked in the living room and suddenly all the four monsters (Raj, Sameer, Dinesh, Rohan) burst into the room from the main door they looked high they had few bottle in their hands, their faces lightened up as they saw me naked in the couch, Rohan and Dinesh went upstairs as they were too high and were not able to stand straight...

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Princess Ransom Ch 02

The warm spring gave way to a beautiful summer. Elle never got tired of the view out of the prince’s windows. It was something even a slave was permitted to enjoy. Three months had passed, the green trees became fuller and fruit was budding in the castle’s orchards. Elle realized that she had changed a great deal as well. She awoke, naked, in the arms of her enslaver. She could not deny her passion for Prince Adam. She loved just about everything about her tall blond captor. He had in fact been...

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Crossover Kitty

Sitting in the driver’s seat of your parked convertible, you lean back and enjoy the view of the sun’s glow over the ocean. Next to you, your new traveling companion is still sleeping. The chloroform her family used on her still hasn’t worn off. You hope she wakes up in time to see the sunrise. She’s young, slim, and blond, with long hair. She was still in high school, but it’s a safe bet to assume she’s an adult, since there are rules about that here at CHYOO. Not that you’ve had sex with her,...

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How I Met Your MILFChapter 7

He did come to my house. Looking back on it now, he had to. By that, I mean we had been best friends for so long, that neither of us could think of a life in which the other wasn't there. Our lives revolved around one another. His choices, from his perspective, were to either go home, or to come to my house. There were no answers at his house. At least that's how he saw it. So he came to mine. I thought about trying to explain it to him myself. I thought we could go off to the woods on the...

1 year ago
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Work Trip Pt1

I met M while on a trip to Israel for work. A group of us had gone out to a local night club to soak up some drinks and enjoy the beautiful women that populate the country.I had chatted up a couple of girls when we first there I was enthralled with their dark hair and eyes and was enjoying their company when a redheaded vision appeared next to us at the bar. She was older than the girls I had been talking to. She had on a tight black dress hugging her curves and drawing attention to her...

2 years ago
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Ritual 3 Defending the ClanChapter 5

I woke the next morning to the pleasant sensations of a warm mouth surrounding my cock. As my head cleared, I revised that to be a hot mouth, and the swirling sensations of a Craxill's tongue filaments winding around the tip of my cock confirmed what the higher body temperature suggested. I opened my eyes to find Priya lying beside me, smiling as Nilwint explained the finer points of oral sex to her sister, whose brown-furred head was bobbing over my lap as she followed Nilwint's...

3 years ago
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Alien Pest ControlChapter 5

The little fleet jumped to an unoccupied area well out on the galactic arm. There was no time during the transit, so they had to plan a course of action after they arrived. No one was so foolish as to believe that just their two small ships were enough to defeat a whole civilization—this was just a scouting mission. A thorough sweep of the volume of space, 100 million klicks in radius, showed one spaceship, but it did not look like the kind that they had been fighting. This ship was moving...

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She was untied and brought up naked to the master. He was a tall and controlling man. He had several slaves in his dungeon. They were all beautiful and obeyed and loved him. He could be cruel or loving depending on his needs and mood. If he knocked them up they gave birth alone chained in the dungeon and the c***d was taken away and sold. Today the young blonde stood before him. He ran his hands over her face and then her tits. He grabbed each nipple and twisted and pulled it. Then he grabbed...

4 years ago
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Happy Birthday

The entire weekend was dedicated to celebrating her 18th birthday and the beach house was full of family and friends, all wishing her a fabulous birthday and the best in the years to come. The group had headed down the coast to Mariano's for dinner, but she started feeling queasy after too much cake and too much wine so I offered to take her back home. By the time we got to the house, she had fallen asleep. Rather than wake her or carry her all the way into the house, I put her on the bed in...

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Spring Break at the MacLeod house

“You good back there?” Julian asked, glancing back at Frank who sat in the backseat of his sedan, playing a game on his Nintendo Switch. “He’s fine, trust me.” Anthony assured him, leaning out the window to look back at the girls car behind them. Julian turned forward to focus on Connor’s car ahead of them. They were on their way down to Connor’s family’s beach house for spring break. Julian Pella was just happy to be invited, as he was a bit more on the periphery of the friend group. The guy...

3 years ago
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A Tortured SoulChapter 16 On The Run

It was thrilling. Hurtling the car that I’d come to adore along the twisty coastal route out west from the town, while my the CD I’d burned especially for driving blasted from the stereo so loud it almost hurt my ears. I couldn’t hear the engine over the music, but I could feel it, rumbling underneath me like an untamed beast in a cage, desperate to be set free, to be unleashed. So I unleashed it. The road started high on the hill, the cliff edge just a stone’s throw to my left, before it...

1 year ago
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A Weekend With Gina and Her Friend Part 3

I had one of the most enjoyable nights of my life with my 52 year-old lover, Gina, and her younger friend, Becky. It was a night that all nights in which my sexual adventures will be compared to but the next day led to more sexual adventures… I woke around 8:00 and both women were gone. I slowly replayed last night in my mind and I soon had a raging hard-on. I couldn’t help but stroke myself. Not wanting to make myself cum I got up and went to the master bathroom for shower. I see towels on...

2 years ago
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Naughty Nerd Lust Sarah and Charles Part 1

Those annoying college classes at 9 a.m. nearly killed Sarah. She was a night owl, but she didn’t stay up till 2 a.m. just studying if you know what I mean. Late nights were one of her favorite things. Early classes weren’t ideal, but college had its perks. She shared a four person deluxe suite dorm room with three other girls she couldn’t care less about. They didn’t bother her and she didn’t bother them. Unlike traditional dorms, these came with their own personal bedrooms, and Sarah was...

1 year ago
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A Drabble Dick and Jane

A few weeks ago, there was exchange which appeared on the Hyperboard which resulted in someone making the suggestion that a rather well known story reviewer try her hand at writing a drabble. Having never attempted one myself, my interest was piqued. The next day I had five. What follows is one of them. Dick & Jane A Drabble by Deane Christopher "Why are you always so critical?" Jane demanded. "You know what they say about how a person needs to walk a mile in somebody else's...

4 years ago
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My Fathers Boss

There was a very important company gala coming up, a formal black tie event, my father needed a plus one. My mother has been away for the past three months taking care of my grandmother across the country. I was the last person he wanted to take to the event, and the gala was the last place on earth I wanted to be. I am more the type of girl that goes to rock concerts and biker bars. I have always felt more comfortable in a black tank top and split jeans. I could never have seen myself in a...

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surprise pick up

This is how I lost my virgin ass.I got off work one day and on the way home I figure I'll stop by the adult book store to try see some peak show. The place was unusually packed. I usually go there an play with my dick.So the place packed so I leave when I leave I notice two girls walk in across the street one had those short shorts and made me honey right away the notice me looking at them. They waived hello and I drive past them and toght fuck it let me see if I can give them a ride. I drive...

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Ek Anokha Anubhav 8211 Jin Ne Jamke Choda

Ramu ek haveli ka watchman tha. Us haveli me kisi ka ana jana nahi tha log kehte the waha jin aur shaitan ka saya vo haveli ko koi todh sakta tha na bech sakta tha. Ek raat ramu haveli ki safai kar raha tha jab use ek awaz ayi..vo use bula rahi thi..ramu awaz ka peecha karte karte ek bandh kamre ke samne akar ruk gaya. Awaz ayi “daro mat. Mai yaha ka jin hu mai tumhe kuch nahi karunga. Tumse kuch mangna tha badle me tum jo mango mai tumhe dunga. Kaho kya tum mera kaam karoge?” Ramu ko...

4 years ago
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Julies Visit

Before I can answer you exclaim, “Julie! She’s in town on business and wants to come over tonight! Dinner’s ready, after you eat you should grab a shower. It should be a very interesting night.” “You think something will happen?” I ask with a raised eyebrow. “Oh, something will happen, even if I have to rape her!” you say and we both laugh. We eat our dinner quickly as you tell me about your day. You tell me that you got the call early this morning and have spent the day...

3 years ago
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Island Fever Ch 01

Chapter 1: Paid Vacation Monday, June 3, 2013 Finally, the time was at hand – the girls were arriving today! This past week was devoted to getting everything on the island ready for the six young ladies who would spend the upcoming six weeks here with me. I worked 20 hours per day getting the mansion ready, installing all of the wiring and video equipment, and finally stocking the supplies for the six women and yours truly with plenty left over to spare for emergencies. The supply boat would...

2 years ago
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While you were sleeping

Your body is a distraction to me.   Throughout the day I catch myself thinking about it.   The way your biceps flex when you stretch your arms above your head.   The way your ass cheeks flex when you walk up the stairs.   Your wonderfully sculpted chest.   Ahh…I could spend hours just touching you, memorizing every inch of your skin.     I watch you as you sleep.   So peaceful.   You breathe deep and even in slumber.   A slight smile on your face, dreaming.   Of what I wonder?   I raise...

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