Voyage d Etude en Europe The Sexy French Girl
- 5 years ago
- 41
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“Then go fuck yourself!” I yelled as I stormed out of the apartment and slammed the door.
I was fuming. How dare Matt accuse me of “dragging him away on holiday”? I’d done no such thing. Our holiday in France was supposed to be fun for both of us. Huh! Not likely. Matt had done nothing but complain: he didn’t like the food, the beer was too expensive, he couldn’t get a Wi-Fi connection. Whinge, whinge, whinge.
I’d had enough. The holiday had cost me an arm and a leg and I was buggered if I was going to sit around with that moaning arsehole anymore. I wanted to enjoy myself. As far as I was concerned, my relationship with Matt was over, finished. The holiday, however, wasn’t. There was still plenty of time for me to find some excitement.
I stalked off towards the bar, half expecting to hear shouting and see my suitcase and belongings come flying along the hallway behind me. But nothing so dramatic happened. All was silent. I hesitated, wondering if Matt would follow me. He didn’t, of course. Matt was as sick of our relationship as I was, so why would he stop me leaving?
My partner, Matt, and I had been together for five years but the spark had died after two. We should have ended it then but neither of us had the guts. The holiday in France was our last chance to salvage our relationship. Make or break time. Sadly it was the latter.
I swiped at the tears blurring my vision and marched resolutely down the hallway. I didn’t know where I was going but, with money in my pocket, I could stay out all night if I wanted. I could go from bar to bar drowning my sorrows. Hell, I probably would. Getting a drink was certainly a priority after the day I’d had.
Our apartment block had a restaurant on the first floor. There was a small bar attached which stayed open most of the night and offered discounted drinks to apartment residents. The discount wasn’t much but the bar had a friendly atmosphere and the bartenders were lovely. I’d got to know them quite well during the eight days I’d been there.
My favourite was Jacques. Twenty-two years old and originating from Quebec, he was working in France for the summer before embarking on a 'gap year' in Australia.
Jacques was short and stocky, not my usual type at all, but his personality shone through. Always friendly and cheerful, he had the most endearing smile. Jacques had a cheeky, cocky confidence too. He had a habit of gazing at my ass and openly complimenting me on my curvaceous figure. His highly personal comments had annoyed me at first, but I’d grown to like them. My ass was great and Jacques' open admiration for my pert derriere, however inappropriate, was most welcome. I never received such compliments from Matt.
As luck would have it, Jacques was on duty that night. He smiled warmly as I marched towards the bar but his expression changed as I got nearer.
“Oh dear Lisa, another bust-up?” he inquired cautiously.
I tried my best to smile. “Is it that obvious?”
“I can see you’ve been crying, so yes.” His big brown eyes searched mine. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” I sighed. “It’s over with Matt. For real this time.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. Anything I can do?”
“No. I just need to get my head straight and work out what to do next.”
“Well, the first thing you should do is have a beer,” he instructed.
“Yes, you know, one of these?” He poured me a large glass of beer and pushed it towards me. “Drink this, calm down and see if things look different. It’s on me,” he added when I reached into my pocket for money.
“Thanks,” I smiled. “I knew you’d cheer me up. Can I get a chaser with it?”
Jacques grinned. “Planning to get drunk are you?”
I nodded.
“Look, Lisa, I’m off shift at ten. We can talk if you like?”
I shook my head. “I’m not good company tonight.”
“You’re always good company,” he smiled. “If it’s any consolation, he’s wasn’t right for you.”
“Oh? What makes you say that?” I asked stiffly.
Jacques' eyes twinkled. “The fights, the tears, the arguments…”
“Yeah, yeah, okay.”
“No, seriously. Five years together and you’re not married, not even engaged? One of you doesn’t want to commit.”
I knew that was true. I sighed. “He’s a nice bloke really.”
“Nice? Ugh! I wouldn’t want to be described as nice.”
I snorted and leered at Jacques. “Don’t worry, you’re not nice, you’re gorgeous.”
“Am I?”
“Shit! I said that out loud didn’t I?” I stammered, slapping my hand over my mouth. “What I meant to say was you’re gorgeous to most women…”
“Uh-uh, don’t you taking it back,” Jacques teased. “You told me I was gorgeous.”
My face turned a deep, tomato red.
“Anyway, I am gorgeous,” he boasted, “and so are you. Especially your ass. Goddamn, I love your beautiful round ass cheeks. And may I say, that skirt looks stunning on you.”
“What is it with you and my ass?” I giggled.
“Oh, your ass is peachy. I could just eat it.”
I shifted uncomfortably on my bar stool.
“Sorry,” he smiled, noting my uneasiness. “What can I say? I’m turned on by a nice round ass and yours is exactly right. Just enough flesh to grab whilst I stick my-”
I coughed, eyes widening.
“Oops, sorry, I talk too much.”
“Actually, you go ahead." I smiled. "I don't mind. I liked being complimented. I don’t hear it often.”
“Ow, poor Lisa,” Jacques teased. “Look, I have to get back to work but if you find a table I’ll join you soon, okay?”
I nodded and retreated to a table by the window, conscious that Jacques eyes would target my backside the second I turned around. I gave him a wiggle and waited for his reaction.
“Flirt!” he called across the bar.
I laughed.
I found a table next to the window. There, I sipped my beer whilst watching the bustling chaos on the street outside. The resort was heaving with pedestrians, locals shutting up their shops for the night and restaurant owners enticing late night customers inside their establishments. No-one would get any sleep with that din going on but not many would try. Everyone was a night owl in this resort. I loved that.
Jacques served his customers but kept looking in my direction. He liked me or at least fancied me. That was good. I fancied him. He was the total opposite of Matt and I found that refreshing. Matt was tall, slender and took great pride in his appearance. He was fond of routine and rarely let himself go. Jacques was short, on the pudgy side and always looked a bit ruffled. He struck me as a happy-go-lucky sort of person who would go with the flow. That appealed to me. I’d been like that, once.
I suddenly thought of Matt. He hadn’t come to find me. He’d know I was in the bar - where else would I go -and it wasn't a long walk. A lump formed in my throat. The end may have been coming for a long time but it still hurt.
Jacques waved to me from across the bar and held up two beers. Waving back, I quickly composed myself and beckoned him over.
“Hey Lisa, I’m done for the night. Fabien just took over. Do you want to talk?”
I shook my head, nodded then shook my head again.
“Okay,” Jacques smiled, “tell me what's the bust-up over this time?”
“I honestly don’t know!” I shrugged. It was true. I didn’t.
“So Lisa, what would you like to do to cheer yourself up?”
I hesitated. Was that a proposition?
“Well?” Jacques asked softly.
Hesitantly, I reached and gently stroked his arm, to see how he’d respond. Jacques took my hand in his. So it was a proposition. “What’s on offer?” I dared to ask.
Jacques leaned towards me. “Anything you want.”
He raised an eyebrow and nodded.
“What would you like to do?” I said, turning his question back on him.
“Oh, let me see...” He grinned roguishly. “I’d like to remove that tight skirt of yours, feel-up that gorgeous ass and fuck you right here in the bar.”
"You would?" I burst out laughing and slapped my hands across my mouth.
Jacques looked bemused. “Why’s that funny? You like me don’t you?”
“Yes, I do but…”
He shrugged. “But what? Come on Lisa, let me have a piece of that ass.”
“I’m tempted, Jacques,” I giggled, “but I can’t.”
“Why? I think you’re hot and I want you. If you like me, why not fuck me?”
I gazed at him, astounded by his frankness. “Because…”
“Matt? Do you feel guilty?”
I thought about that. “No,” I said. “Jacques, don’t take this the wrong way but you’re not going to tell me you love me, are you?”
Jacques laughed. “No, I’m offering casual sex. If you want more then we should forget all this. We can sit here and talk instead.”
I squeezed Jacques’ hand and flashed a crooked smile. “Casual sex is good. Very good." I paused, panic setting in, "I’m a bit out of practice, though, so maybe -”
“Get some practice?" He smirked. "Let me fuck you, Lisa. I’m very good,” he added with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
I was intrigued but my conscience told me to walk away. My relationship with Matt may be over, but storming off to the bar and promptly screwing the barman was cruel. And I wasn’t a vindictive person.
But what about me? I needed to be happy. I always put Matt first, had done for years. Maybe it was time I didn’t. I sat back and eyed Jacques. He had a good body and clear skin, nicely tanned. And the bulge in his trousers looked promising. He had a big, thick cock tucked away in there. I could do with a bit of that.
“Okay, fuck me,” I whispered before I could talk myself out of it.
Jacques leaned in close. “You’re gorgeous Lisa, and I’m going to make you come so hard, you scream.”
“Really? Can you do that Jacques? Can you make me lose control?”
Jacques flashed that wonderfully seductive smile, “Oh yes!”
“Then do it, Jacques,” I breathed as my pulse raced and my loins caught fire. “Fuck me hard. Bend me over backwards and thrust that cock of yours inside me. I want it. Now!”
Jacques' eyes widened. “Well, Lisa. You're quite a vixen when you open up.”
“Yes, I am," I purred. "So what are you waiting for?”
Jacques shrugged. Rising to his feet, he offered me his hand and I accepted. The decision was made. It was a life-changing moment, one that terminated my relationship with Matt for good. The past five years were over and a new chapter was beginning. Bring it on...
Jacques led me towards the exit. I expected him to take me up to his apartment, which I knew was on the top floor, but he didn’t. Instead, he guided me into a storeroom behind the bar. It seemed that sex with him would not be performed in the comfort of a bedroom. Oh well. So be it.
The storeroom felt cold and was cluttered with beer barrels, crates and all the paraphernalia of a busy bar. Jacques didn’t lock the door and he left the light on. Privacy, it seemed, didn't matter and he was as keen as me to get started. A healthy erection stood prominently against his tight, black trousers, begging to be released. I watched as he unzipped and freed it. Goodness, it was big and fully pumped ready for action. This wouldn’t be a slow love making session; it would be sex - fast and furious. My heart pounded at the thrill of it.
Matt had never been spontaneous where sex was concerned. He liked to make love the old fashioned way with a candle lit dinner, wine and plenty of time in a comfortable bed. It took him a long time to achieve a full erection and hours to achieve orgasm. Sex with Matt was good, but was so laborious and time-consuming, it’d hardly ever happened. How I’d longed for spontaneous sex with him, just a quick fuck before work or a swift fingering at bedtime. I never got it.
I threw back my head and gave in Jacques. I allowed him to yank off my tee-shirt then unzip my skirt and push it to the floor. My panties and bra came off next, leaving me stark naked in the middle of the storeroom. It was so exciting.
I watched Jacques remove the rest of his clothing and marveled at the body beneath. His physique, although stocky, was muscular and the slight paunch didn’t bother me at all. It merely confirmed that he loved life and wasn’t pre-occupied with achieving the perfect six-pack - unlike certain people I knew.
Jacques stood before me, naked, his cock in his hand. It was huge, purple with blood and hard as wood. I gasped as I caught the whiff of pre-cum and saw a large drop emerge from the swollen tip. It glistened in the stark fluorescent light.
“You’re fucking gorgeous,” I whimpered as Jacques advanced towards me.
“And you’re beautiful,” he whispered. His hands slid around my body and grasped my buttocks. I felt him stroking them, kneading them beneath his palms. “Oh God you’re sexy,” he groaned, pressing his hot penis against my flat belly.
“You too,” I murmured, “you’re so fucking hot. Fuck me Jacques. I want to feel you inside me.” My pussy performed an involuntary twinge and I could feel the moisture building inside.
“Turn around,” said Jacques.
Leaning against a tall beer barrel, I braced myself and opened my legs.
Jacques moved close behind me and stroked my ass. “Oh so gorgeous, so smooth,” he groaned.
“Fuck me!” I demanded, my patience waning. I wanted sex. A good, hard fucking.
Jacques positioned his cock against my wet slit. The pressure sent tiny spasms of pleasure rippling out from my longing cunt. Then, gripping my ass, he pushed. I felt the burning squeeze of penetration as he sank his substantial length inside me.
Gone were all thoughts of Matt. The only thing on my mind was Jacques’s huge cock and how good it felt to be filled by it. My wet tunnel contracted, gripping that thick meat as it drove inside me, stroking me with such divine friction. Jacques pushed deep and his cock was huge...
“Oh yes, yes, that’s good,” I gasped. I was breathless.
“Oh fuck you’re hot,” came the answering moan.
Jacques squeezed my ass tighter and began to fuck me frantically. The increased pace stimulated my juices, creating squelching noises to accompany my groans. I pushed back against his thrusts, loving the depth this man could achieve with his long cock. Length and width, no wonder Jacques was never short of female admirers. Not with that in his trousers. Fuck, he felt good
“That’s it… fuck me, harder,” I gasped.
Grunting, Jacques thrust harder. I loved the noises he made and the rough fucking set me alight. Soon the early tingles of an orgasm made my legs tremble. The sheer size of Jacques’ cock and the vigour with which he pumped me, were heavenly… and Jacques knew it.
“You like it a bit rough, eh?” he rasped.
“Oh yes,” I cried. “I fucking love it!”
“Then you'd like it if I fucked your tight little ass, wouldn’t you?”
I gasped. What did he say?
To my horror, Jacques stopped thrusting and withdrew his cock from my aching cunt. “How about it Lisa,” he urged. “Can I fuck you up the ass? That would make you lose control.”
Slick with my juices, Jacques rubbed his cock over my tightly closed ass sphincter, making it wet and slippery. He pushed against my ass hole which immediately gave a little. I felt my whole body tense…then quiver. Fuck me in the ass? My heart pounded. I hadn’t had the pleasure of a good hot cock in my ass for years…I’d missed it. Matt liked clean conventional sex, he'd never do anal. But I hadn’t always been with him, had I? I’d had plenty of boyfriends before Matt and some had been adventurous. More than one had taken me up the ass and I’d loved it…
Jacques was an ‘ass man,’ so of course, he’d want to fuck my anus. It was no real surprise. Well, if he wanted it, he could have it. He could fuck anything he wanted; cunt, ass, mouth, anything - so long as it was rough and made me come. Jacques was hard and hot and I felt like being dirty. Really filthy. Why the hell not?
“Do it, Jacques,” I breathed, “do it.” I leaned over, spread my legs wide and ran a saliva covered finger around my puckered hole. “Fuck it hard.”
Jacques let out a deep sigh. “Oh, you angel. You're going to love this.”
Moving closer, he spat on my sphincter then, gently, slowly, he ran his finger around my opening until it relaxed. Then he pushed until a finger slid smoothly inside. The intrusion felt strange but good, so good. His touch made my whole body shudder with pleasure.
Jacques stroked and teased, encouraging my hole to open. He ran the fingers of his other hand over my wet snatch, rubbing my juices over my sphincter and his own cock, lubricating both. Then, suddenly, he withdrew his buried finger and lined up his cock. Knees slightly bent, he pushed against my sphincter until his penis entered me.
A burning pain shot through me, accompanied by a sensation of fullness. Gasping, I braced myself while Jacques’ long penis caressed the inside of my back passage, sliding deeper. He drove deep, then withdrew until only the tip remained inside me.
“Fuck,” I panted, “fuck, fuck that’s good!”
Jacques thrust again, deeper. He filled me, groping my ass with his fingers and muttering expletives, while his cock drove into me.
“Oh God!” I yelled.
Then the fucking began. Hard. Fast. felt so good. A fucking more intense than any I'd experienced. Mere moments later, I screamed like a banshee as gigantic waves of sexual electricity were unleashed, throwing my body into the spasms.
“Oh yes, you love it. You love my big cock in your hot little ass, don’t you?” grunted my ass-loving assailant.
“Oh fuck yes,” I screamed. “yes!”
Jacques grunts became deeper, guttural as his thrusts gained speed. The pain was intense but the pleasure even more so. I’d never been fucked so furiously.
“I’m going to come, I’m close. Where do you want it?” groaned Jacques.
Where did I want it? I didn't know - in my ass, on my ass cheeks, on my tits? That would be good. What about in my mouth? Yes. If he did it there I could watch the expression on his face as he ejaculated. And I could taste it…
“In my mouth. Come in my mouth,” I gasped.
“Your mouth? Okay. Done.”
There was no time to reconsider my request. Jacques withdrew from my anus and, spinning me around roughly, put his hands on my head and pushed me to the floor. Then, one hand gripping my hair, the other around his cock, he plunged his purple cockhead into my open mouth. He climaxed immediately, pumping his sticky load straight into my throat.
I swooned. I adored the taste of the creamy, salty cum. I suddenly remembered how much I liked it. Matt didn’t like oral. Of course, he didn’t. I did. I closed my lips around Jacques swollen tip and ran my tongue over the smooth, sensitive surface. He tasted divine. I began to suck hungrily.
Jacques expression was priceless. His face crinkled up his face, he gritted his teeth and let out a pained grunt as he shot another thick glob into my greedy mouth. His body shook with his efforts and his fingers dug into the back of my head. “Oh shit yes, that feels so good,” he groaned.
Smiling, I sucked back his load and swallowed it down. It was slick as oysters. I’d forgotten how good a mouthful of cum tasted.
Jacques released his grip on me as his climax subsided. He looked at me with satisfaction and moaned contentedly as I cleaned his softening penis. “Dirty slut. That’s been up your ass!”
I laughed. How filthy!
Jacques proffered his hand and helped me to my feet. He held me gently and kissed my neck with far more tenderness than I had expected. “Well, Lisa,” he whispered, “you surprised me. I never took you for a sex crazed hottie!”
I smiled at that. “I am sex crazed. I’m a total slut. I’ve just been repressed for a long time.”
“I see. So this is the real you?”
I nodded. “Yes, I think it is. Do you like it?”
Jacques raised an eyebrow and nodded approvingly.
“Good, I…”
The store room banged open and Fabien marched in carrying an empty crate. “Merde!” he screeched as his eyes fell upon Jacques and me, stark naked and sweat drenched among the beer barrels.
My hands flew across my breasts and Jacques stepped swiftly in front of me. We stared at Fabien like rabbits caught in the headlights. Poor Fabien, cheeks burning, put the crate down, raised his hands in apology and backed out of the room.
“Oh God," snorted Jacques, "I forgot Fabien would be re-stocking the bar.”
Seeing the funny side, I giggled, “Will he be angry?”
“Na, shouldn’t think so. I’ll apologise later.”
Strangely, the interruption didn't worry me, but time was ticking. I threw my arms around Jacques’ neck and kissed him on the cheek. “I had fun, Jacques, thank you. But I have to go. It’s time for me to face the music.”
Jacques pulled a face. “So soon? Come on Lisa, keep me company a little longer.” He slid his hands around to my buttocks. “I don’t want you to take these away just yet.” Jacques leaned in and kissed my lips. His kiss was tender, gentle.
I gazed into his eyes. “Fancy a walk? It’s a lovely night,” I asked.
“Yes, I’d like that. First, I want you to kiss me again. Kiss me like you mean it.”
My smile widened but my lips touched his, pressing down upon them. Our kiss became deeper, more intimate. Not what I expected from 'casual sex.' My hands trailed down Jacques' back and came to rest on his firm behind. I stroked it the way he was stroking mine.
Jacques moved his body closer to mine. Heat radiated from his cock as it began to engorge with blood, ready for round two. “We can’t do this again. Not here,” he breathed.
“Let’s take that walk then. Maybe you’ll kiss me on the beach under the silver moonlight?”
Jacques stepped away, his mouth gaping.
“Joking!” I laughed. "Or am I?" I kissed him again, long and deep.
“What was that for?” he asked when we broke apart.
I shrugged. “I don’t know. What can I say, you drive me wild!”
“How wild?” he responded with a mischievous grin.
“Show me,” he goaded.
“If you like.”
“Hmm, maybe not, I don't -”
“Too late, you hesitated. Turn around.”
“Lisa, don’t,” Jacques uttered nervously. “Fabien won’t be happy if he catches…”
I placed a finger to his lips. “I don’t care. Right now, all I want to do is fuck you in the ass, like you fucked me! God, you have such a sexy ass!”
“You what? Lisa!”
“Shut up and turn around,” I ordered.
“Lisa, no, I …ohhhh...” Jacques stopped protesting the second my fingers started stroking his tightly closed ass sphincter. “Oh, Lisa.”
“Should I stop?” I teased, retracting my fingers.
“No, no, fuck no. Don’t stop. Fabien won’t come back for a while.”
“I don’t care if he does,” I whispered.
Jacques opened his legs a little and braced himself against the same beer barrel I’d leaned against. The aroma of testosterone emanated from his body filling my nostrils with its tantalising, erotic odour. I breathed in deeply, loving the effect it had on me. My pussy throbbed.
My sexy French Canadian conquest let out a deep sigh as I stroked his fleshy ass cheeks. He grunted when I dropped to my knees behind him and buried my face between those muscular pillows. My tongue found the puckered entrance to his ass and licked it, caressing the delicate skin of his sphincter. Jacques' whole body quivered at my touch.
“God Lisa, you dirty slut!” he moaned. “Wank me, filthy whore. Jerk me off whilst you lick out my ass!”
My cunt contracted when he called me a “filthy whore.” Spasms of depraved longing consumed me. I could smell pre-cum and, reaching through Jacques’ legs, I found his penis. It was fully engorged once more and primed for another climax. Taking a firm hold with my left hand, I stroked it, easing back his foreskin and running my hand the whole length of his shaft. Jacques let out a groan and his ass hole opened, just a little, allowing my tongue access. I slid it inside, running it around the smooth opening of his back passage.
“Filthy whore,” Jacques repeated under his breath.
Filthy? I hadn’t even started...
Licking the fingers of my right hand, I pressed them up against Jacques sphincter. Two of them slid inside smoothly. Jacques, jolted, his body shuddering. Great. I tittered as I began to work them back and forth, stroking the inside of Jacques’ ass and massaging his prostate. My smile exploded into a laugh as I heard him respond with deafeningly loud grunts. Spasms shook him as my stimulation catapulted him towards a mighty climax.
“Oh God!” he gasped. “You’re going to make me come hard.”
“Good,” I declared, increasing the speed of my strokes on his penis and thrusting a third finger inside his ass. I stroked him faster and harder. Faster, faster, harder, deeper…three fingers, four…my whole hand.
“Oh shit, shit!” Jacques gasped.
His body became rigid and he let out a cry of pleasure which must have been audible for miles. I watched, with deep satisfaction, as his penis erupted, shooting a magnificent load of cum onto the wooden barrel in front of him. It stuck there, clinging like glue. Gloopy evidence of our misdemeanours.
When Jacques climax subsided he slowly returned to his senses. “Merde! I was loud. Oh God, I’m going to be in trouble!” Poor Jacques bit his lip but turned to me with a huge beaming smile on his face. “You” he spluttered, “are terrible!”
“I told you I was a repressed slut!”
“Yes, but I didn’t expect that. My God, Lisa, you brazen ass-licking hussy! You’re the woman of my dreams.”
“Ow, stop with the compliments and kiss me,” I giggled.
“No problem. Come here.”
Jacques' lips met mine and it was lovely. I wish that moment could have lasted, but it couldn’t. “I have to go, Jacques,” I sighed, wriggling away from his embrace. “I have to face Matt some time. May as well be now.”
Jacques nodded. “Will you be okay?”
“I’ll be fine. Listen, Jacques, don’t take this the wrong way but I’m not going to tell Matt about you or what we did tonight.”
“No of course not. And I won’t say anything, you have my word.”
“Thank you. You’re lovely, you know that.”
“Yeah, I’m gorgeous. You said so yourself," he said, grinning. "I’ll wait in the bar, in case you need me.”
Need him? Yes, I suppose I might. The prospect of facing Matt terrified me and our initial encounter would only be the tip of the iceberg. We'd be officially separated but I’d have to sit next to him on the flight home, drive back to our flat with him and live with him until I found somewhere else. Hell! What a nightmare. There had to be another way…
“Jacques,” I said. “Do you know anyone looking for a waitress, or a cleaner, or any sort of job?”
Jacques looked uncomfortable.
“Don’t worry, I’m not after you. Not yet, anyway," I winked. "Jacques, I need a fresh start. I can't go back home.”
Jacques looked concerned. “Are you sure?”
“Well, there’s plenty of work here if you don’t mind long hours and poor wages.”
“I’ll need somewhere to stay, but...”
“Stay with me,” he said without hesitation, “until you find your feet.”
Jacques kissed me and patted my bottom. “Maybe you could repay me with a bit more of that ass!”
“Oh, I think I could do that!” I smiled. “I could get used to that kind of attention."
Jacques stepped towards me but I moved beyond reach. "It’s time. I have to do this. Wish me luck.”
“We make our own luck, Lisa.”
How true. My life with Matt sucked and it was time I faced up to reality and made some changes. For both our sakes. Life was an adventure and I needed to take the plunge. Who knew what was around the corner. The world was my oyster and I’d been cautious for far too long.
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Tortured French Journalist By Shabbadew2002 Email me: [email protected] CHAPTER 1 BLANCA ?What do you want me to have them do to her?? Wire her up?? ?Yeah. ?Use the picana.? This cunt needs to have it shoved up her pisshole.? Then broken off.? When she?s pissing and crying like a baby, you call me.....? ?Yes, Senhora.? As you wish,? said General Magante. Blanca was furious.? A foreign reporter had dared to investigate her. ?Journalists were the worst.? She knew how to handle the Philippino...
Wendy Taylor was painfully unhappy.Unhappy in her marriage. Unhappy in her job. Unhappy in her life to a point. She was forty-two-years-old and was watching her second marriage go in the same direction as her first had done, fifteen years before. It had started off so well but after just five years with him, they both realised that they had very little in common and there was absolutely no passion or love there anymore. They slept in separate beds and lived pretty much separate lives in their...
SpankingA FRENCH VILLAGE (A Tale from the War) – PART 1Note: This tale takes place in a medium-size village in France during the German Occupation. The village was only a few kilometers from the city of Vichy were the French government of Philippe Pétain was located. I borrowed the title from an excellent French television series (Un Village Français) but the story has nothing to do with that series. Even with the Occupation and German soldiers marching down the main street, Madame Aubert (from now on...
French Dressing Chapter One: Mr Fox Everything I am I owe to Mr Fox. That is such a strange statement that I suppose I will have to explain it. See, when I went to secondary school I went to a single-sex school. That's slightly odd in its self, I know, but that's how things were organised where I lived. And for the first two years Mr Fox was both our form master and our English teacher. And for most of that time nothing out of the ordinary happened. And as for me, well I was...
Paul & His French Maid by Justin Silk Copyright JustinSilk 2002. All Rights Reserved Chapter One: Moving In Moving to a new city is always exciting. A new country even more so. I have moved country several times. From England to France. Jamaica. The beautiful, mysterious Australia and now the United States of America. I'm here in this large city to set up my American operation. I have an apartment with a pool and furniture, a car and a ten-room office suite. What...
The Next Morning: ThursdayI woke up with half an erection and a pounding headache. I was in a strange bed wedged between two bodies. A woman's hand rested on my chest, and her light breathing warmed the back of my neck. She was spooning me, just as I was spooning the other woman. I had an arm around her with my hand on her tummy, holding her body against mine, my sleepy little rooster nestled happily between her cheeks.The feel of her crack cuddling my cock should have had me a lot harder, but...
FemdomIt was now late October around my 30th birthday and Halloween. My wife and her black lover made plans to get together with one another this coming Saturday night which was also Halloween night. Knowing this he asked her if she could or would dress up like a "French Maid" ready to serve his every need, and that did not mean cleaning the house I assure you. She told him “OK cool, sounds like fun, I think I can do that.” My wife was now on a mission, to go out shopping and hopefully find a sexy...
Last Night For A French WomanIsabelle Fontaine was sat on her sofa, staring at the clock. It was only 3PM. The world was going to end tonight. At 12PM sharp. Everyone she knew left the apartment block. Except for her. And for that noisy family downstairs. A Filipino family.They had a son who was in high school playing basketball all the time. She sent them a note before, telling them to lower down the noise level. They had already become Canadian citizens and their son was a second generation...
Mrs. Taylor turned to her dressing table and picked up the large, white, size ten canvas plimsoll in her left hand. She began tapping it against the palm of her right hand.“Right, bend over and think about why Auntie is doing this to you.” She smiled as she waved the large plimsoll at me.I carefully bent over the pile of pillows at the end of the bed, taking one in my hands and placing my face into it. I breathed in deeply so I could get a good noseful of Wendy’s sweet scent. Behind me, Mrs....
SpankingHer name was Catherine. She was born and grew up in rural France, and though she'd lived and worked in the UK for the last fifteen years, since moving over here with her French husband, her English was still spoken with a sexy and unmistakeable French accent. She was a petite blonde woman, some eight years my junior in her early thirties, with a short, trendy 'Pixie' hair cut to go with her cute elfin-like features. She also happened to be my secretary.I 'inherited' Catherine when I joined the...
My French Maid, My Soul Sister Thanks to everyone for the kind words after my last story. I hope you like this one. By the way - if you are into second life, come and say hello to me - Cindy Seranade - I usually hang out at the Shemale Sex Palace. (PS Second life chose my surname with the wrong spelling ). Here goes the story... I have been cross dressing ever since I was a little boy, pretending to be the little sister with the girls down the road during dress up games. God knows what the...
A Nice Guy, Whoops, a Nice French Woman By Kathy Smith Peter E. Stein is a biomedical engineer in a biotech company near Boston (in Natick, MA). He was a CEO and the Chief Scientist. He has a Sc.D. from M.I.T. and has a MBA from Sloan School. He has medium height, 6'2" and has blue eyes and light brunette hair. He has one different drummer vice; he has long hair (about the length of his belly button). He normal wears it a ponytail. He is very, very skinny (weights 125...
THE FRENCH SLAVE Capitan Omar Aydin, commander of Company C of the Second Battalion of the Sultans Janissary Cavalry stood idly in the antechamber of the Emir of South East France' office. He had been summoned the previous evening to appear for consultation with the Emir. It was very unusual for junior officers to be summoned by the Emir. He was wearing his dress uniform, blue riding pantaloons, black riding boots, white shirt, red jacket, closed at the throat, red fez with gold...
VOLUME-1 Chapter XIII Camille my first French woman. • Lascivious delights. • Harlots by the dozen. • Baudy books. • Tribades. • A grey-haired cunt. I came into my property, and to the great horror of my mother and family, soon gave up my post at the and my intended career and determined to live and enjoy myself. I had been all but posted to a regiment, that commission I resigned, though all my youth desiring it. I lost much money by doing so. What I did between the time that I had the two...
I was kind of a shy guy in school. I wasn't awkward with most girls but I was definitely an introvert. I'm considered latino and grew up speaking spanish at home so when it came to pick classes in H.S. I decided to try to learn French since it was foreign to me and it sounded like the class would be mostly girls. It was. There were only 3 guys in class. Me, another latino that was very effeminate and tried to be a teacher's pet, and a white guy that was not the type of guy girls of that age...
Renee, The French Maid By Renee It was almost 4 months from the first time we met online until now. It happened so slowly; I hardly realized that I would be trained into a slut French maid. I never imagined this would happen. It all started when I downloaded Yahoo Messenger and set up a profile. I did it because I thought I would be able to chat with people about some of my hobbies, such as sports, gardening or reading. And even though I was married, I thought maybe I could...
SRU: Learning French By Demonn Hi, my name is Todd or should I say was Todd. I am, was 5' 10" and maybe just a bit of a geek. I wasn't ugly mind you but I wasn't all that incredibly strong. But that didn't stop me having friends like everyone else. It was a Saturday and like always, I was going to have some fun at my friend's house. I was a simple 15 year old guy, who enjoyed some R&R, when, my high school, Rivers High, was out. I mean who didn't. When I arrived at...
Green Acres 9: Alf and the French Butler's Uniform By Ron Dow75 Sounding as if he were taking off his clothes, Alf said from inside the Douglas's' bathroom, "I didn't know Mrs. Douglas wore a girdle." His sister, a matronly strawberry blonde mop-head was the living room on the other side in just a shirt with wide pin-stripes, "Why don't you talk a little louder, loudmouth! She's right next door in the bedroom!" Calling out from the king-sized bed she was sitting up in on...
Thanks go to Anne Baker for the French help and editing. French Lessons - by Couture (c)2002 After I'd finished my morning laps in the pool, I dried off, walked inside, tossed my towel on the arm of the sofa and proceeded to make myself a healthy shake. Sophie, the maid, walked in tisking to herself and eyeing me dubiously, as she picked up my towel, "?a alors, il ne ramasse jamais, celui-la," she muttered in her heavily accented voice. I used to wonder what she was saying. ...
Tim was Amy’s cousin. Their families were descended from the Navajo nation and they both had light brown skin. Amy and Tim both had thick black hair. Tim grew his hair past his shoulders, nearly as long as Amy’s. Tim had offered to teach Amy how to ‘French’. He told her that that’s how boyfriends and girlfriends kissed. Like in the movies and on TV. She wanted to do that. She didn’t know they were touching tongues. Amy grimaced. “Ugh. Really?” she said. “Yep,” he said. “That’s how...
Sandy looked up from the books broken open on her desk. One hand with spread fingers pressed down two books open at the same time. The books were new and revolting against staying open. Her other hand had a pencil poised in her hand. The way she held the pencil had always seemed awkward to everyone. It was like a fist with the pencil butt going straight into the air."Honey, you have been studying all day on your birthday. Let me talk to my daughter for at least five minutes to wish her happy...
A FRENCH VILLAGE (A Tale of the War) PART 4Geneviève and Annie remained a few feet apart for the longest time. It seemed like neither lesbian was ready to make the first move, although both obviously wanted the other. Annie was expecting that Isabelle had set her up with a friend of hers and that the evening would be filled with sex. She had put on a sexy nightie which Geneviève appreciated very much. “It was Isabelle who told you where I live”, said Annie slowly, as if she had suddenly...
[Early Autumn, 1678] At the print shop, Oxford THE MOST BEAUTIFUL woman in the world. When he reached his majority his parents had insisted he learn French at the small college where he’d enrolled several years earlier. Exceptional promise brought him to the attention of his instructors. For his first years he was among the youngest students at the college. He did not understand the reasons for learning French, but he was used to doing what his parents told him to do and so he set out to...
A FRENCH VILLAGE (A TALE OF THE WAR) – PART 3While Isabelle Renaud, who was certain she was the reason for her husband’s rise in the French civil service, was falling in love with Annie, her dressmaker, her husband Georges had a life of his own which she never suspected. He left her a note on the dining room table of their large house. He had an urgent meeting with members of the German Kommandantur which could last all evening and possibly all night. He grabbed a small travelling bag with was...
MOTHER AND THE FRENCH MAIDThe Royalmount Hotel was conveniently situated in the centre of a middle-size city in California. It was a touristy area, but it was late in the season and the tourists had been replaced by university professors from all over the US pretending to exchange priceless information concerning the expansion and security of wineries in danger of more punishing bush fires.In fact, these specialists were there for good food, good wine and a good time, and some serious sex....
This is continuation of my tour with the french girl. The night of my previous story was so much excited. As I said we made love all night long and had sex for more than 3, 5 times at night and and rested a bit and got up at 11am. When I got up, the next day, I was in bed naked and all bed clothes and everything spread due to too much of sex we had. Everything was scattered all over the places, some blood stains on few covers of bed and some stains of our semens dried out and sticky. And my...
French Maid: There was a song I used to listen to growing up by the Animals called "The House of the Rising Sun". I particularly remember "it's been the ruin of many a poor boy and God I know I'm one". The song came back to me as I was thinking about my career trajectory after leaving university and more particularly how I came to work in our local French restaurant. I had come back from university like most students with a large overdraft. Not only that but my father had passed...
"Suddenly, I'm in the mood for finger food." [ ... hmmm, let me back up to the beginning of 'lunch'.] The mingy, fine-grained blacktopped parking expanse was nearly esurient. To be expected, considering the adjuratory rain had just ceased. Now, the freshly-paved fragrance of the warming asphalt violated my nasal cilia. An assiduous sun sent an increasing number of highly charged photonic javelins thru the reluctantly scattering cloud cover. After momentarily admiring the effect from my...
Oh, look at me, getting way ahead of myself. My name is Will, and I’m a freshman in high school. I’m not that popular, but my friends are. Its sort f weird like that, but it’s because I played football at my high school starting in 7th grade, and that gives you certain credibility at our school. I wasn’t the superstar or anything, but I was noticed for two things: my height and my last name. No, I’m not a giant; in fact I’m not that short, but whatever. I’m 5’6 and 140 lbs, most of that being...
I had been polishing my skateboard on the front porch when my best friend Stevie came by on his mountain bike. He had just finished his paper round. I was gingerly positioning an image of the Cuban flag across the base of the board."Fancy riding downtown? There's something I want to show you in Jake's deli.""Sure, as soon as I've finished this transfer."I fetched my bike from the garage and called out to tell Mom I was going off with Stevie. "So what's up?""Wait and see, Lawrence. But I'll give...
MasturbationEvery day, Bill looked forward to going to school. He was a normal eighteen year old in his final year of High School. But he didn't enjoy his classes - No that wasn't what he enjoyed. Instead, he looked forward to seeing Miss Jones - Cheryl Jones, his French teacher. Miss Jones was every man's dream come true; especially Bill's. About 5' 4" tall, with long dark curly hair that went half way down her back, a French looking face with beautiful dark brown eyes. But it was her body that everyone...
A Rich Filipina and Her Two French SlavesBy Sonya Esperanto [email protected]:It was a wonderful day inside her mansion. Isabelle was a nice and attractive young Filipina actress, at the age of thirty. She had a nice brown complexion, sexy body and had long jet black hair, with specs, resting above her head. She was resting her back towards her armchair, reading Vogue. She needed to know what was the latest fashion. Her mansion was somewhere in Manila, enjoying the extreme...
A few days passed after the beach incident. James hadn't spoken to his family and didn't have the opportunity. He was enjoying being on holiday. It was the first time he had left America. He was staying in his own room within a large warehouse in France. The three men who was producing the movie he was going to be starring in were around but nothing sexual had happened. James had been treated well, given good food and money to spend on new clothes and for his time in France. He was assured...
It was during my first summer holiday since I'd gone to university when it happened. I had gone into town one Saturday afternoon to get some CDs, when I saw walking down the street towards me my French teacher from school. Generally I didn't really like meeting my old teachers, it was always a bit odd being treated normally by people who had been authority figures for me only a short time ago, and even if Mrs. Woodcock (she was French, but had married an English guy) was far more attractive...
Erotic FictionI was inspired to learn the French language as I was completely inclined towards the arts and literature of the European countries. My parents had insisted on taking private French language coaching so that I could focus without any distractions. My French teacher Adam was a young, hot and tall French guy. He was lean as per his height but somehow his features made him look very mature and sexy. I had started developing a crush on him from the beginning of our tutoring sessions due to his...
Real Hookup‘Damn it!’ Jake said out loud, banging his fists against the steering wheel as traffic came to yet another complete standstill. ‘Move you bastards!’ Undoubtedly, Jake would be late for his final exam. Despite his sudden chaotic work schedule, Jake vowed that he would complete the final semester of French class even though it meant going to night school. Jake needed to prove his ability to speak French fluently if he ever hoped to land the position he had his sights set on. Jake knew he had a...
Introduction: A reunion with a former French teacher ends in a new lesson. It was during my first summer holiday since Id gone to university when it happened. I had gone into town one Saturday afternoon to get some CDs, when I saw walking down the street towards me my French teacher from school. Generally I didnt really like meeting my old teachers, it was always a bit odd being treated normally by people who had been authority figures for me only a short time ago, and even if Mrs. Woodcock...
We had been chatting for a couple of weeks until she said she felt happy to meet me. She was in the UK on a business trip and would be able to book a hotel close to me in the West Midlands.I was looking forward to meeting her as she had sent me pictures of her sexy little body, she was only 1m49 she told me which is around 4ft 10 in our language, me being 6ft 2 and very heavy set I looked forward to having such a delicate little lady to use as my plaything for a while.She arrived in the UK from...
(This story is part fact, and part fiction. I won't tell you what is what, you'll have to figure it out on your own…Sorry, I guess it's a little long, but I hope you enjoy it.)I was a highly under-sexed, but extremely horny high school student. This was back in the big-hair days of the ‘80s. I still think some of the best porn came from those days. Beating the cum out of my cock watching a young Ginger Lynn, Nina Hartley, Taija Rae, Barbara Dare (a secret crush of mine back on the day) Christy...
He’d met her at a dinner party, one of those half-business,half-pleasure things for the university that had filled toomuch of his time that summer. The night was hot andMidwest muggy, but for some reason they’d been ledoutside for after-dinner drinks in the bugs and theflickering light of the citronella torches. He first noticedher then, pretty, tall but rounded with light brown hair andhard green eyes, and he had watched her as she leanedalone against a column on the shadowed patio while...
Hi, I’m 29 years old and first time sharing my experience here. I am athletic and wheatish 5.78 ft height. This experience was 2 years back, when I first meet had my experience. Though it was 2 weeks of intense session with a lady from France but it was my life time experience. Still cherish to have. I work as travel advisory agent and joined a small company in Bangalore. It was my first job in Travel since I loved to visit different places but unfortunately I didn’t had opportunity to have a...
...So, This geeky christian-conservative girl with huge swinging tits has been on my mind for like two years of high school at this point. For as long as I've known her it's been hard to get close, some awkward tension between us. Probably because I came on too strong for a girl like that, or not strong enough in equal measure... In any case, it was a new school year, and now I had her in my last period French class. I elbowed my way to a chair one row over and immediately behind her, to...
I first saw the ad on the internet French Lessons I first saw the ad on the internet.? The website was a listing of Dominant Women on the West Coast.?? Since I live in LosAngeles, I was checking out the pictures and information on local dominants.? The one that caught my attention was unique.? Madame Darcy was based in Paris.? Her ad stated that she traveled to LosAngeles frequently and had family here.? She required a slave/servant.? She wanted ownership of a slave who would serve...
A FRENCH VILLAGE (A TALE OF WAR) PART 7 AND LASTNote: This last part of my story is not a history of the fall of Vichy. It was liberated by the Resistance one week after Paris (end of August 1944). This last part will follow certain key characters a month of so before the fall of the city. It’s a story about the relationships of women who love women, and men who love men. Sex continued to happen until the end, but the fate of the characters will remain a mystery....
The black nylon dress of the French Maid was incredibly short. It had white ruffles on the edging. There was a black taffeta petticoat that went underneath to flare the dress out. Black lace gloves matched the black fishnet stockings and the black pumps of the outfit. A small white lace hairpiece and a lacey leg garter completed the accessories. It was a gorgeous French Maid uniform, and it was what James wore most days. He was really required to wear that uniform. He had become accustomed to...
I was thirty-seven that Autumn, a lifelong bachelor who had been slowly becoming set in my ways, and so I found the arrival of Amelie and her continuing presence both a trial and a pleasure. It was a joy to have a teenager in the house, with her youthful view of the world allowing me to experience life through a youngster's fresh eye. But I had to also put up with her immaturity and her arrogance, combined with an anti-Americanism that threatened our uneasy peace almost from day one....
Adolf Hitler – August 1944 “Defend Paris to the last, destroy all bridges over the Seine and devastate the city.” A black and white film titled “Is Paris Burning” is a quasi-documentary produced as a French/American project about the liberation of Paris in August 1944 by the French Resistance and the assistance of Free French Forces during World War II. If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can watch this film for free. There are multiple street scenes of Paris spliced into the film...
In last part (6) you read that while returning back from back on rear seat of car headmaster made Divya to hold his cock and he fondled bare cunt. He also proposed for fuck and offered lot of money. But Divya got down at her favourite tea stall. Headmaster sadly went back to school. When Divya reached at tea stall it was around 1.15 of noon. She saw only Kaki there. She enquired and Kaki said that Usha is getting fucked inside by a police inspector and kaka has gone to bring some materials. She...
Last part, Part 5 of this story was published on ISS on 23-11-2013. You have read that Divya arranged a girl from own school through school peon Nandu for her husband. But before her husband could fuck virgin girl three lady Divya, Usha ( wife of Divya’s colleague at school Vinay ) and Sonia ( maid of Divya) had hard core lesbian with virgin girl. Then in front of all other first Vinod ( husband of Divya) and then Vinay fucked that school girl. In evening when peon Nandu came to pick up girl...
Monday evening a young handsome school boy Shekhar dropped Divya home. He boldly expressed his desire for her but Divya apparently did not give him any encouragement. But when her maid Sonia said that they should take this handsome boy in their cunt Divya assured maid that very soon cock of this handsome boy will be inside their cunt, “ randi, chinta mut kar bahut jaldi, iss khubsurat lawnde kaa lawda hamari choot mey hoga. “ In company of Divya that young widow Sonia also became a slut. From...
Sometimes you meet people that will influence you at the strangest times. I was sitting around the campus with some friends just hanging out when I met the man who would change the way I thought about men forever. We were really just lounging around the couches and chairs in the union when a group of men approached us and asked if they could sit down as well. They looked like they had been walking forever so we didn’t hesitate to let them sit with us. Now when you are sitting down everyone...
Hi, Im Tom, Im your average 15 year old. I have always been quite stocky due to playing a lot of rugby, Im about 6'1 and i have brown hair, brown eyes... Pretty regular guy. I have always had a thing for my French teacher, Mrs Jones. She was a petite woman with huge tits and a great ass. She had redish hair and had a real cute face. One lesson I decided to stay behind to ask about extra French tutoring as i felt that I was falling slightly behind everyone else in the class. As...