Big Cock Fantasy - Part 4 free porn video

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I had reached a decision. It wasn’t easy coming to a conclusion and I didn’t reach it without much heart and soul searching. The step I was about to take was immense but I knew I couldn’t waste the opportunity. The big black cock of my fantasy was no longer a dream. It was here, only a few feet away and available for my gratification.

The monster which I had for so long yearned to hold, taste and have probing deep inside me, was barely an arm’s length away, lolling regally on Justin’s right thigh.

I was hungry for it. I needed to satisfy my curiosity and finally discover exactly how it felt to be impaled by a foot of thick, human flesh. Forget my rigid eleven-inch silicone dong, I wanted the real thing, not a toy.

Such was my overwhelming crazy desire, I was prepared to cheat on my loving husband. Yes, of course I considered Tony and the extremely happy sex life that we still shared and loved after twelve years together. And I knew that I was technically preparing to commit adultery. But this wasn’t an affair, not something to jeopardize our marriage: it was me selfishly planning to feed a craving, to fulfil a fantasy and embark on a journey of sexual discovery. And, afterwards, I would get on with my life again. I would be able to stop dwelling and obsessing about the unknown. One lifetime’s experience, that’s all I needed, and Justin was here, on hand, for that purpose.

As a professional escort, he was an ideal partner and there was absolutely no loose ends to worry about, no strings attached. We both knew what our impending union was all about: he would supply the physical solution to satiate my desire. What could be more simple?

“I’d like something to eat, what about you?”

Justin’s question broke into my thoughts. “Yes, that sounds like a good idea,” I said. “But first I need to powder my nose.”

“Okay,” said Justin and stood up from his lounger. His meaty member flapped inches from my face as he offered his hands to help me rise. Somehow, I resisted the temptation to take him in my hands and feed his glorious plum head into my mouth. Instead, I held his hands and stood up.

“Thank you kind sir. You have perfect manners. Comes with the job, I suppose.”

“I’ve always tried to be polite, especially with gorgeous women,” he said, looking from my face down to my proud breasts and their pink nipples which hardened under his steady gaze. “And yes, you’re right, an escort must pamper his lady friends.”

“I look forward to being pampered,” I said, “and being properly served.” I looked down at his super dark man-tool which hung heavily between his lean thighs and then I turned and walked towards the house. You brazen hussy, I told myself.

Justin strolled at my side and rested an arm across my shoulders. “You know I get all kinds of women to serve, all shapes and sizes and ages,” he said softly. “They want all different kinds of things. But it’s rare I come across a beauty such as you. It’ll be my pleasure to do whatever you desire.”

My heart pounded in my chest and my knees weakened at the thought of his mighty wand working its magic in me. “That’s very gallant of you again,” I managed to say. “You sure know how to make a woman feel desirable.”

“But you are desirable. It’s not just words or flattery, you are a very attractive woman and your husband is an extremely lucky man.”

Oh dear, why did he mention husband? Let’s be honest, what was coursing through my mind and body didn’t make Tony a lucky husband at all.

“You get your food and I’ll pop up to my room and freshen up. I’ll be back in a few moments,” I said and headed for the patio doors, sensing that Justin was watching my wiggling rear end.

The bathroom was cool and I sat wondering and debating whether I was doing the right thing. What if Tony fucked another woman? What if he had a fantasy about fucking a black woman or a woman of any other race? Japanese? Chinese? Or what if he had anal sex with someone, an activity I didn’t fancy at all? How would I react to his infidelity? Could I merely accept it because he’d fulfilled a fantasy? Would it be a test of my love for him? If I let him satisfy a craving would it prove my love was strong? If it made him happy, gave him pleasure, should that be good enough for me, too? Or would I be jealous and feel cheated?

I dribbled a few drops of pee and wiped myself. As I pressed the tissue between my legs, I thought: My pussy has got a lot to answer for, hankering after giant cock and not being content with Tony’s fatter-than-average seven-incher. Many women would love to have him penetrating their channel. Oh dear, what am I doing?

I flushed the toilet and swilled my hands under warm water, looking at my reflection in the mirror above the washbasin. I had a golden tan, my luxuriant fair hair which framed my face and ended at my jaw line was a little lighter thanks to weeks in the sun. My teeth were straight and white and my lips... well I needed to add some colour. I applied lipstick and, buffing up my hair with both hands, said, “It’s up to you, Jen. Now or never.”

I walked into the bedroom to the sound of my phone ringing. Caller ID told me it was Tony.

“Hi, darling, how are you doing? What time is it?”

“Hello, Jen,” he said and paused. I imagined he was checking the time on his wristwatch. “It’s just after 6:30. Are you having a good time?”

“Yes, yes, I am. I got here okay, no problem finding the place. Oh, Tony, it’s a lovely house, really enormous and the garden is beautiful with a pool and manicured lawn. It’s only a small party, about nine of us I think, mostly Gaynor’s and Charlie”s work friends. Fact is, I’ve just come into the house to have a pee. My room is lovely and has a balcony overlooking the pool.”

I opened the door and stepped out and leaned my elbows on the balcony’s outer wall. “Everybody’s getting something to eat now. They’ve got caterers in, none of this do-it-yourself lark.”

“The escort business pays well, then,” said Tony.

“Yes, but I’ll tell you more about that when I get home tomorrow. So, how’s the golf? Are you winning?”

“Not winning, no, but I’m in the leading group. Just a couple of shots adrift but we’ll see what happens tomorrow. But, Jen, I’ve got good news.”

“Oh, what’s that?”

“I played with Geoff Thomas today, you’ve met him at the club.”

“Mmmm, think I remember him, grey-haired with a paunch and a loud laugh. His wife’s as small and quiet as a mouse.”

“Yes that’s them, chalk and cheese, Geoff and Susan. Anyway, Geoff’s the area manager of a big insurance company, covers most of England really, and he’s looking around for lease cars for his main reps. Apparently, he’s not happy with the deal he’s got at present. And...”

“Don’t tell me,” I interrupted, “he wants you to have the business?”

“It’s not confirmed yet. But I’m gonna give him some figures tomorrow and we’ll take it from there.”

“Oh, that’s great Tony, just what we need, isn’t it? How many cars?”

“The point is, I’d have to buy some new ones if we do the deal. But it would definitely be worth it. He’s looking for two-year leases on a dozen vehicles. So, it’s fingers crossed, Jen. This golf lark’s definitely good for business.”

We both chuckled and I said, “Well then, you’d better make sure you don’t beat him tomorrow.”

“That’s not a problem. He had a bad day and is some way behind me and the leaders. Okay, Jen, I’m gonna have a bite here and then got home and work on those figures. I think this could be our lucky day.”

“Yes, it could,” I mumbled, my eyes focused on Justin as he talked with Gaynor and Mr Millionaire Evan at the buffet table. “Okay, honey, I’ll let you go and see you at home tomorrow. I’ll be back before you’ve finished golfing, no doubt.”

“Right, I’m teeing off at two. I’ll see you tomorrow about seven. We’ll eat out, yes?”

“That’ll be good.”

“Okay, you have a good time and remember me to Gaynor and Charlie. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Alright, I know, that gives you a lot of scope,” he laughed. “Love you,” he added and cut the connection as I softly replied, “Love you, too.”

Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! Okay, it’s a common phrase, a cliche even, and one my husband often uses when I go out with my girlfriends. But, boy, was Tony’s timing great this time?

My gaze was still on Justin as I switched off my phone and stood upright, pushing away from the balcony wall. Justin turned, looked up at the house and raised his left arm to wave. Even from this distance, I saw his cock wobble. Oh my, it was magnificent, almost down to his knees. I returned his wave, setting my tits in motion, and thought, “If you were a woman, Tony, I’d bet you’d want a cock like Justin’s banging you.”

The party moved indoors as the evening air chilled slightly and the light faded. Food and drinks were spread out in the kitchen and another table was laid in the lounge. There was more than enough armchairs and sofas to seat everyone and I chose the right corner of a three-seater, sitting back with my wine glass balanced on the sofa arm. I crossed my left thigh over my right leg and jiggled my left foot. I was joined by Mr Millionaire. Evan wore boxer shorts although everyone else remained gloriously naked.

“Everything okay for you?” he asked, the ice in his tumbler of gin and tonic rattling as he settled down beside me.

“Yes, all is good, thank you,” I said, smiling and looking into his pale blues eyes. “It’s a very nice party. Everything is just perfect.”

“Including the company, I hope,” said Evan, nodding towards Justin who stood on the other side of the room talking to the couple from next door. “Justin is a very popular guy. Women adore him, you know, and it’s not just because of his dick. He’s well mannered, knows what to say and when not to speak, and is always considerate.”

“Mmmm, as a matter of fact, I’ve already complimented him on his manners. He certainly makes a woman feel that she’s the centre of his attention. He’s very attentive and a good listener.”

Evan looked at me, thoughtfully, for some seconds. “You know,” he said slowly, “we’ve hardly met but I can tell that you are special lady. Pardon me for asking, and you don’t have to answer, but have you ever been unfaithful to your husband?”

I watched Justin laugh as Mr Next Door obviously supplied the punch line to a story. Mrs Next Door grinned and her head was slightly bowed and tilted, perhaps peeking at the relaxed black baton in front of her. I sighed and said, “No, Evan, never. I’ve never been with another man since the day we married. I’ve had a very good loving marriage for more than twelve years and, to be perfectly honest, we’ve always had great sex and shared many experiences to keep it that way. Variety is the spice of life but it doesn’t have to include other people, does it?”

“Suppose not,” said Evan, his eyes scanning down over my face, chest and left thigh. “These shared experiences, they haven’t involved swinging, then?”

“No, not exactly. Once, we went to a swinger’s club but we only watched. That was fun although, to be honest, it was a bit like being on a naturist beach. Not all body beautifuls, you know.”

Evan grinned widely and nodded in agreement.

“I much prefer the live shows in Amsterdam,” I continued. “Fitter people, more athletic and quite a turn on.”

“Not like me, then,” said Evan, tapping at his waist band.

“Nothing wrong with you, Evan,” I said. “You’re sturdy not fat. And look at your chest, that’s all man,” I said and boldly ran my fingers through his grey hairs, lifted his heavy gold chain and let it drop back with a thud. “Not to be rude, but you’re not the youngest person in the room but you’re still very attractive.”

“Oh, my,” laughed Evan, reaching for my hands and planting kisses on the knuckles. “You could be one of my girls, no problem. You talk about Justin’s way with words, but you certainly know how to make a man feel good. I thank you, sweet lady.”

“My pleasure,” I said and kissed him firmly on a fleshy cheek. “Every word is the truth.”

Evan looked around the room and beckoned to Miranda. She came over and sat beside Evan. He whispered into her ear and she nodded and enquired softly, “Right now, Evan?” He nodded and Miranda got up and walked to where Karen was talking with Charlie.

They conversed briefly, Charlie looked across at Evan and walked off towards the kitchen. Holding hands, Karen and Miranda sauntered, hips and breasts swaying, to the centre of the huge room. Orchestral music suddenly swept all around but not too loud, discreetly enough that we could continue talking without raising voices. 

Miranda, with her raven tresses tumbling down the length of her back, turned to face the taller Karen and put both hands around the blonde’s right tit. Miranda opened her legs, rocked her groin sensually on Karen’s thigh while lowering her mouth to suck on a nipple.

Charlie was back in the room now and she sat beside Evan. He gave his empty tumbler to her and placed his left hand on her thigh as she bent to put the glass on to the carpet. Leaning back into the sofa, Charlie spread her thighs wide open and slipped her right hand inside Evan’s boxers. She pulled his cock through the opening. Although not hard, his cock was in keeping with the rest of his body: thick and powerful. Charlie, using fingers only, slowly caressed Evan to a bulging erection while he pressed two thick fingers into her warm hole.

In the middle of the room, Karen had a hand on Miranda’s pussy and, judging by the arm movement, was working fingers up and down. Miranda stopped sucking nipples and turned her face upwards to Karen, who withdrew her fingers and took her asian lover into her arms and they kissed deeply. They waltzed around to the accompaniment of violins, kissing all the time, hands roaming down backs, around waists and hips, and fondling firm but yielding buttocks.

It was an exotic lesbian display and when they stopped dancing, Miranda held Karen’s hands and lowered herself to the floor where she reclined, fanning out her long locks on the white carpet. Her legs were straight and tightly closed. Karen inserted a middle finger into her own pussy, murmured “Oh yes” and looked directly at Mrs Next Door.

Removing the finger, Karen used it to beckon Helen. The neighbour walked trance-like towards the smiling blonde and Karen immediately fondled both of Helen’s tiny tits, at the same time leaning in for a kiss. Next, Karen offered her bosom to Helen who greedily licked and lapped at the prominent, red nipples.

Across the room, Gaynor moved to stand alongside Mr Next Door, whose cock rose as he watched his wife perform. Gaynor took John’s penis in her left hand and all but the very tip disappeared in her grasp. He put his right arm around Gaynor’s waist and reached across to rub and knead her caramel-tanned globes. She smiled at him and kissed his brow.

I uncrossed my legs and Evan put his right hand on my thigh and started to edge towards my pussy. I grabbed his wrist and said in a hushed, polite tone, “No thanks, Evan.”

“Okay, fine,” he whispered, “I wont cross your boundaries.”

My boundaries? What I had in mind involved much more than crossing boundaries.

Karen motioned for Helen to stand astride the prone Miranda. With her feet either side of Miranda’s chest, Helen squatted, her shaved pussy positioned for tongue action. The first licks prompted Helen to squeal and gasp. I put my right hand to my pussy and ran fingers along my damp slit, watching Karen also stand astride Miranda. She bent at the waist, legs straight with her head at her knees. Her pussy was inches from Helen, who gripped Karen’s thighs and buried her face into the inviting groin.

The final piece of this arousing tableau saw Miranda draw up her knees, feet squarely planted on the carpet. With a hand balanced on Miranda’s left knee, Karen reached down with her right arm and inserted two fingers into her friend’s welcoming entrance, thus completing the threesome. Every pussy was being explored and pleasured.

Under Miranda’s expert fingers and tongue ministrations, Helen was quick to orgasm, abandoning Karen’s pussy and screeching loudly as streams of juice squirted down her inner thighs and on to Miranda’s chin, throat and chest. With that climax achieved, Karen straightened up, helped Helen to stand and Miranda called out, “Are you ready, John?”

Gaynor released John’s cock, which, I now noticed, was encased in a condom. Miranda pulled her knees up to her chest, opened her legs wide, and held her calves, her legs steady. Her moist pink love tunnel was exposed and readily accessible. John kneeled and his cock slipped in easily and quickly. He leaned forward and lowered his head to suck on a brown nipple. With hands at the side of Miranda’s armpits, his arms took the weight of his body and he began his journey up and down. A couple of times, he withdrew too far, slipping out, but Miranda expertly put him back in place. Bless him, gasping for breath and his face reddening, John pumped away stoutly until he exhaled noisily while gasping, “I’m coming, I’m coming...”

“That’s it, big boy,” encouraged Miranda, “ come on, shoot your load for me... yes, yes, that’s it... I’m coming as well... oh yes, oh yes.”

John slumped forward, chest heaving on Miranda’s squashed tits. Her head was turned to one side, eyes open. She looked at me and winked. Job done!

Charlie was still fondling and rubbing Evan’s red member but he had stopped fingering her slit. His arm was draped around her shoulders, his hand resting on the swell of her left breast. “What did you think to that?” he asked, turning to look into my eyes. “As good as Amsterdam?”

“The girls are very good, very good indeed, quite sensational,” I answered. “And it was nice to involve the next door couple. But, I suppose it wasn’t their first time, was it?”

Evan shook his head. “No, John and Helen are regulars here. But they don’t always take centre stage in our little party scenes. If we have a lot of people here, it does tend to turn into a free-for-all. Anything goes.”

“We didn’t think that sort of party would be right for your first visit,” said Charlie, rubbing a thumb over Evan’s helmet and spreading pre-cum. “Anyway, that was just a warm up for you wasn’t it?”

“Warm up?”

“Yes, getting you worked up and ready for Justin.”

“I think you’ve said enough, Charlotte,” said Evan. The emphasis on her full name was clearly a reprimand.

“Oh dear, sorry,” mumbled Charlie, left hand covering her mouth. “I’ve done it again, me and my mouth. Didn’t mean to be rude, Jen.”

“I know, Charlie, don’t worry,” I said. “It’s okay.”

But mention of Justin had me wondering where he was. Watching the action, I hadn’t thought about him and now I looked around to see where he was. Not visible.

“Where’s Justin?” Helen suddenly asked, quite loudly with a slight drunken slur. The question was addressed to the room in general.“We haven’t seen that fucking great cock of his tonight yet. Who’s he gonna bang? Is it your turn Gaynor?”

Oh no! Oh my God, I thought. I hope they don’t expect to watch while I let him fuck me. Oh no, that will not happen, never, ever, never!

“It’s my night off,” said Justin from somewhere behind me. I turned my head and his long, fat, limp cock was directly in my eye-line. He approached the back of the sofa and said, “Sorry if that disappoints you, Helen.”

“Oh it does, you know it does, “ Helen wailed. “I so look forward to these parties to see that big cock of yours grow to its enormous size. And all that cum! Tell me you’re kidding. You’ve got to show us. Bloody hell, I’m wetting up again just thinking about it. Don’t let us down. Tell him, Evan.”

John smiled indulgently at his wife. “Now, now, Helen, we’ve had a good time haven’t we? They’ll be another day, I’m sure.”

Helen shook her head slowly. I half-expected her to stamp a foot like a petulant, spoilt child. “Look, I’m sorry,” and she looked towards Evan, whose cock was still impressively solid in Charlie’s hand. “I don’t mean to offend but, you know, Justin is the best turn on in the whole world. A girl can’t help being disappointed, can she?”

“No offence taken, Helen,” said Evan.

Helen gave a little grin which widened as Justin approached her, his delightful tube swinging gently like a pendulum with each stride. He put his hands on her shoulders, staying at arms length, and she managed to lift her gaze to look into his face.

“Just for you, Helen,” he said kindly. “Go on, take it in your hands. Play with it for a little while.”

Mrs Next Door didn’t need any more encouragement. I had a profile view as Helen used both hands to lift the cock into a horizontal position. She sighed loudly and stroked its length with her right hand, tickling his big balls with her other fingers. Justin was so lengthy it took Helen some time to complete each stroke. No quick tug job with this monster.

I became aware of being opened mouthed as I watched Helen work both hands along the dark pole. I pursed my lips just as Evan grunted next to me and I assumed he had finally ejaculated. But I didn’t look, I was concentrating on Justin.

“Oh my, oh my,” muttered Helen huskily, “that’s sooo good, feeling you grow like that. Oh my,” and she shook her head, her face flushed with excitement.

Helen smoothed pre-cum around Justin’s huge plum end and sank to her knees. She flicked the tip of her tongue at the head, licked round it and then held the mammoth cock upright to kiss her way along its increasing length. I doubted Helen could take his head into her mouth and, at this point, I became a little worried and nervous. Justin was enormous, I mean, really, really, gigantic. Probably bigger than my dildo and certainly larger than anything I’d ever witnessed on screen. He had a whopper.

Helen slowly withdrew her hands, allowing the mighty organ to descend just below horizontal, twitching and swaying like a tree branch in the breeze. She put an arm under her pert boobs, raising them up, puppy noses sniffing the air, and resumed stroking with her free hand. It was clear that she wanted Justin to splash on her chest.

Gaynor appeared at Justin’s back. She reach round him, and her right hand took hold of his helmet. Both women stroked until Gaynor urgently said, “Let go Helen. Stand up.”

Helen stood, hands cupping her perky mounds. Justin turned his head and looked at me. I was struck dumb, absorbed and fascinated by the events unfolding in front of me. When our eyes met, he looked down and nodded, indicating where I should be looking. He leaned back into Gaynor’s torso and she increased the rhythm of her stroking. His hips thrust forward and the veins on his throbbing black beauty were visibly swollen. The thick one on top was really engorged and I thought, "That would excite my clit." Then it happened.

Justin replaced Gaynor’s hand with his own and, after three or four strokes, a huge arc of semen gushed from his magical snake’s one-eye. It soared and splash-landed on the top of Helen’s hair and cascaded down her face. She twitched, a reflex action as the first of the sticky cream hit her skin, and then she screamed, “Oh my God, look at this lot.”

Another three powerful jets had hit Helen, giving her a necklace and flooding her tits. These amazing showers were followed by a couple of smaller eruptions which most men would have been proud to produce. Helen started to lick her tits and swallow Justin’s warm deposits.

And me? My pulse was racing and I couldn’t stop looking at Justin’s cock, which was still drooling cum and yet to return to its flaccid state. And I was soaking down there! What a display! What a magnificent erection! And soon it would be all mine, thrusting high up my body!

Evan patted my thigh and stated the obvious, “He makes a lot of ladies very happy, you know.” And then added, “Well worth the money.”

“Guess so,” I croaked, my mouth and throat dry. I reached for my my wine glass and found it was empty. “Think I need a drink after that. You will excuse me, wont you?”

I hotched forward to the edge of the sofa and stood. My knees were weak and I felt trembly all over. And that’s only from watching, not taking part and being fucked by the purple-headed giant.

In the kitchen, I requested a white wine and wondered afresh just how I was going to cope with Justin plunging into me. If he swells like that when he ejaculates, he’ll split me in half! If he ever enters me in the first place, that is.

I raised the wine to my parched lips and watched over the rim of the glass as Gaynor strode into the kitchen.

“Ah, there you are,” she said, adding to the bar-tender, “I’ll have white wine as well, please.” Then she kissed me on my cheek. “Justin couldn’t get out of that display, you know. He didn’t want to be involved at all tonight and he tried to stay in the background. He’s here just for you. But Evan knows he’s working without pay with you so Justin sorta justified his presence here with that wank for Helen.” Gaynor lowered her voice and added, “She can be a petulant troublesome bitch at times.”

“Evan’s just dropped a non-too-subtle hint about Justin’s cash values. But surely he can’t be that demanding with his employees. Can’t you have sex for your own pleasure? Is it always about money?”

“Yes, of course we can have sex like anybody else. You may remember that from our holiday. I didn’t get paid that day and nor did I want to. I never would with you at any time, Jenny.” She smiled, showing her brilliant white teeth. Quickly she kissed my lips. “But this was a party scenario and we’re here to entertain Evan and his guests. Thankfully, I managed to cut the numbers today so that you wouldn’t get dragged into any messy orgy or some swapping business which sometimes happens.”

I nodded. “I gathered from talking with Evan that some parties get rather wild, so to speak. A free-for-all I think he called it.”

“Yep, well we’ve avoided anything like that.” She took a gulp of her drink. “This party will break up soon, leaving just the three of us.”


“Charlie will be going to Evan’s hotel suite. He never stops here. Miranda and Karen have finished their duties and dear Helen and John boy will return to their nest next door and probably fuck each other senseless. If Helen doesn’t pass out, that is. Which leaves just you, Justin and little old moi.”

“Right, okay then,” I said almost under my breath.

Gaynor frowned. “Are you alright?”

I offered a tentative smile. “Yes, I’m okay.” I drank some wine. “He is very, very big, though, isn’t he? I mean, it’s quite frightening just how large he is and I’m not sure my pussy can take it.”

Gaynor put a hand gently on my cheek, fingers under my chin and lifted my head. We gazed into each other’s eyes. “You’ll have the time of your life, Jen, don’t worry. He’s a kind and gentle young man and knows what to do with that bastard dick of his. He wont do anything to hurt you.” She chortled, shaking her head. “I know enough about you and your pussy. You’ve fantasized about this experience and I know you’ll be just fine. You’ll love that monster filling you up. So, enjoy, stop worrying.”

“Thanks, Gaynor, guess you’re right. But I can’t help being a bit nervous, especially after seeing how long and thick he gets.”

“Yes, impressive isn’t it? But that’s the beauty of it, a really massive cock to give you pleasure that you can’t begin to imagine or describe. Of course you’re a little nervous. It’s only to be expected. It’s your first time and it’s perfectly understandable. But, be honest, didn’t you get excited when you saw Justin in all his glory?”

“Excited! I was in floods and still am just talking and thinking about it.”

“There you are, then, there’s nothing to fear, just enjoy the whole experience.” She flashed those teeth again. “Just think, Jen, in about an hour you’ll be opening wide for that monster cock you’ve craved. Now aren’t you a lucky girl?” She linked her arm with mine, and said, “Come on, let’s go back and start to wrap up this party so you can have your fun.”

One hour away? Is that all? Oh my, is this really happening to me?

Helen and John were last to be escorted out of the door, both clutching a bottle of wine. The caterers had cleaned up, packed up and driven off.

Standing at the closed patio doors, I looked out at the lawn and pool, bathed in soft orange security lights. The sky was blue-black dark with a scattering of twinkly stars. Wish upon a star?

A loud “pop” and the sound of Gaynor’s husky chuckling came from the kitchen. She entered the lounge and Justin followed, carrying a tray laden with a champagne bottle and three flutes. Justin filled the glasses and passed one to me.

“A toast,” said Gaynor holding her drink aloft. “To you, Jen, and may you always have what you want.” She winked.

“I’ll drink to that,” said Justin and we all drank.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“Coming up to midnight,” said Gaynor. “Nearly time for bed, I think.”

“I can’t believe it’s that late,” I said. “It doesn’t seem very long since you brought Justin out to meet me at the pool.”

“Well it is, Jen,” said Justin, “and, do you know, I think you’ve got wonderful powers of restraint.”

“You do? Why’s that?”

“I’ll tell you why,” said Gaynor. “Because in the five or six hours you’ve been here with him, you haven’t once touched his cock. And that’s astonishing. You’ve been so close to him and yet you haven’t even done this... ”

Gaynor reached out with a hand and slowly rubbed her palm down its length, curled her fingers under his helmet and then released him.

“Aaah, well... you, see I... well, I... oh, I don’t know. I wanted to but...”

“You wanted privacy?” said Gaynor.

“Yes, I suppose that’s it.” I drank some champagne and Justin came towards me with the bottle to top up my glass. He moved away to freshen Gaynor’s drink and then said, “I’m going for a shower now, girls. I’ll be about twenty minutes, okay Jen?”

I nodded, spasms of lustful excitement rising in my belly. My voice sounded weak and distant as I said, “Good idea, I know I could do with a shower.”

“That makes three of us then,” said Gaynor.

Justin tipped back the last of his champagne, put down his glass, walked to me and cupped his hands under my breasts. He moved in to kiss my lips, stuck his tongue into my mouth, lapped it around my gums, and then dropped his hands down around my lower back. He finished the kiss, looked deep into my eyes and pulled me towards him. His stomach and the slight swelling of his belly pressed against me. And I felt that cock, thick and cool, against my thigh. Justin smiled, stood back and said, “See you soon, Jen.”

We both watched him leave the room, his pear-shaped buttocks tight and smooth at the base of his long back.

“Breathe, Jen,” said Gaynor and laughed.

I exhaled, not sure how long I’d been holding it in. “Oh dear, look at me, I’m 35 years old going on 36 and I’m acting like a little kid let loose in a sweet shop for the first time.”

“That’s a good summing up,” said Gaynor, finishing her drink and stretching out a hand towards me. “C’mon, let’s get that shower.”

We linked hands and walked up the wide staircase and along the landing to my bedroom where, to my surprise, the dimmed lights were already on, providing a warm reddish glow. A welcome breeze drifted from the balcony.

The shower compartment ran the length of one wall and was clearly designed for two people. Gaynor started the water flowing and it was soon at a comfortable temperature. The powerful jets tingled my scalp and chest: invigorating and just what I needed. Gaynor’s soapy hands brushed lightly over my shoulders, arms and back as I worked shampoo into my hair. With her hands on my hips, she turned me to face her and we proceeded to wash each other’s chest and tummy. Gaynor oh so tenderly rubbed her hand on my crotch before squatting to soap both my legs. Standing again, she kissed my lips lightly and quickly as the warm water cascaded between our bodies.

She stepped away and resumed showering herself. Stretching her arms towards the ceiling, water bounced of her proud, big tits. I watched as she soaped her small black curly bush and between her legs.

I must admit it was one of the most sensuous showers of my life, broken only when Gaynor asked, “All done, Jen?” and turned off the water after I nodded.

We both dried off, using thick bath towels, and I used the electric hair-dryer while Gaynor just rubbed her cropped hair with the towel. She finished first, cleaned her teeth and left the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, all the time looking at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was tousled but I quite liked the wild look. Mouth rinsed, I stared again at my reflection, took a deep breath and mumbled to myself, “Here we go, Jen. This is it.”

In the bedroom, Gaynor had poured more champagne and handed me a full flute of bubbling wine. “Only two glasses?” I asked.

“Uh, uh.” Gaynor finished her sip and pointed to the balcony. “Justin’s taken his drink out there. Shall we join him?”

I could see his shadowy form as we approached the open door. He was looking out over the garden but turned slowly when we came up behind him.

“All clean and fresh now, are we?” he said. “Feeling better?”

“Yes, the shower’s done the trick. I’m suitably clean and refreshed,” I said.

“Good,” he said and placed his glass on the wall top. He took a step to close the gap between us and reached for my glass-free hand. Slowly, his thumb massaged the back of my hand. “I really do think it’s time, you know,” he said, and turned my hand palm up.

Here we go, I thought, here we go. His heavy cock flopped into my hand and I peered down in the semi-dark. Then Gaynor switched on the balcony’s pale night light and there it was, the long and fat plum head nestling in my palm. The shaft bowed in the middle and I knew Justin was still at rest. I closed my grip and the tip of my middle finger barely met my thumb. I stroked right along his length until my hand nestled against his pubic hair. The greater length of his cock drooped and I waggled it, feeling the weight as the huge dome oscillated.

“Shall we go inside?” I croaked and didn’t wait for a reply. I let Justin’s pride and joy rest back between his legs and stepped into the bedroom. I swallowed the last of my champagne, put the glass on the dresser and turned round to face Justin. He wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips against mine. Again Justin’s cock was crushed against me as his tongue explored my mouth.

I pulled away from the kiss, hands flat on his chest, and shook my head. “Sorry Justin,” I said, looking into his eyes. “Don’t be offended but, honestly, I’m not too comfortable with kissing like this. That’s what I do with my husband and not anyone else.”

“I see,” he said but frown lines crossed his dark brow.

“I know it may sound daft to you. Because I want this...” and I took his cock in both hands “ might think that anything goes. But only Tony kisses me properly, like that. Understand?”

“I get it alright,” he said softly and sadly. “I’m just a cock stud.”

“Oh dear no, Justin, I don’t want you to think that. From the short time I’ve known you, I think you’re a very nice guy with genuine feelings. It’s just that I’m struggling a little bit here.”

I gripped his dong and smiled up at him. “I really do want this great cock of yours, I want it inside me and to feel your body pressed against mine as you fuck the hell out of me. Truth is, I’m not even sure you’ll be able to get that lovely head in me, let alone the rest of you. But I want to try. I want to find out what a massive cock like yours can do to me. I’m sure Gaynor explained all this to you.”

Justin nodded and kissed the top of my head, my hair still damp. “Yes, she did, she told me everything about your fantasy. She wanted to help you and I agreed to go along with it. The thing is, Jen, when I’m working my clients usually want the full works. You know, kissing, foreplay, fingering and oral stimulation and whatever they fancy doing to me. They want us to make love. And that’s what I thought you wanted. Not only that, and I’m being truthful here, I do fancy you. It’s a rare occasion when I have more than a fuck.”

I didn’t know how to respond. “Oh dear,” I said and dropped the baton, resting my head on his shoulder and hugging him tightly. “Sorry to disappoint you Justin but I love my husband. Fact is, if he had a cock anything like yours, I wouldn’t be here. But I’ve got this fantasy, this curiosity that’s eating at me. It just wont go away and it needs to be put to bed, so to speak. I’ve had tremendous arguments with myself about cheating on Tony. But I’ve convinced myself he will never know and it will be a once in a lifetime experience never to be repeated. And now I’ve lost that chance.”

“What?” Justin held me at arms length. “Oh no, Jen. I’m a professional escort and I’m not letting you down. You’re gonna get your big cock right now, here in this room tonight. And I’m gonna have the pleasure of fucking you. Okay?”

I felt my legs weaken. I was about to be royally fucked. “Okay,” I said, smiling, “thank you, Justin.”

“Fine, but let’s clear up the ground rules. I accept I will not kiss your mouth but I must be allowed to play with those magnificent tits. What about oral?”

“I’d like to try some with this bastard,” I said, again wiggling his meat. “Maybe just a little from you if I need to get properly wet.”

“Good. I’m perfectly healthy, no diseases, and have regular checks. I presume you and your husband are, too. But, in any case, I’ll wear a condom.”

“Oh, a condom. I didn’t expect that. One thing I was looking forward to was being filled with cum. And I really got juiced up and excited about it after your exhibition tonight.”

Justin said nothing but a husky voice came from the dark balcony. Gaynor was still out there but had switched off the night light. “Go on, Justin, she’s a good clean girl. I can vouch for that. Let her have the works. It’s her one and only time, don’t deprive her of anything.”

“Okay, fine by me. I’m looking forward to it. Anything else, Jen?”

“Yes, please be gentle with me and, if I say stop, you must stop. And no messing around at the back. No anal at all.”

“Agreed to all of that,” he said and sealed the agreement with a second kiss on my damp hair. “Let’s get started then. Why don’t you sit on the edge of the bed and play with this thing of mine.”

I sat, thighs slightly apart and felt my slit. It was, amazingly, quite dry but I guessed that would soon change as Justin stood before me. I grasped his shaft, lifted him and squeezed the huge spheres in his sac before using both hands to masturbate the fat poker. Justin put both hands on my tits, my nipples aroused in his palms. “Nice, very nice,” he whispered.

I pointed the plum at my face and noticed the first drops of pre-cum seeping out of the one-eyed wonder. I licked my lips and then lapped my tongue over his wet end, getting a taste of salty fluid. I kissed the purple dome and Justin said, “If you want me in your mouth, now’s the best time, before I grow too much.”

I stopped rubbing him but kept both hands on his shaft as I bent forward and slid my lips over his huge head. I sucked him, resumed working on his shaft and, in a short while, fed more into my salivating mouth. I rocked my head back and forth until I felt him expanding and I pulled clear, gasping for breath. It was a thrill to feel him filling my mouth but, I thought, at least with Tony there’s room to move and breathe.

The joy stick was growing to startling proportions now. It was not only fatter within my hands but getting distinctly harder. The skin on his head was shiny and smooth and there was no way I could get it back in my mouth now.

“Go on to your back,” said Justin quietly but firmly. I released my hold on his cock and lay on the bed, my feet still on the floor. I looked along my body and put a hand on my pussy mound. My slit and lips were wet and I easily inserted two fingers. I was very nearly ready for his cock. Or so I thought until Justin knelt on the bed, knees either side of my hips. His immense prong was sticking straight out from his groin and the view took my breath away. “Good Heavens,” I murmured, “that’s bloody monstrous.”

“All for you,” he said and lowered his body so that his cock length ran from my belly and up between my breasts. “Hold your tits around me,” he said and I did that, feeling the thick, hot rod squashed between my fleshy mounds. He began a short fucking motion, easing a few inches up and down my body. The head was now absolutely gargantuan as it poked out of my tits. The snake’s one-eye was open and drooling.

My pussy was getting even wetter and I took a shocked intake of breath when I felt a finger intrude. A second one entered and a husky voice from low down said, “You’re getting mighty wet here.”

Then Gaynor’s tongue licked deeply inside me, she withdrew her fingers and pressed her mouth onto my pussy. She began sucking and licking, kissing and rubbing my swollen clit with her thumb. And Justin’s fat cock continued to fuck my tits.

Gaynor put three fingers into my gash, probing beyond the entrance of my tunnel and it took only a matter of minutes for me to start bucking my hips. I erupted, flinging my arms out and tightly shutting my eyes as my juices streamed out.

“Lovely,” said Gaynor. I could hear her licking fingers. “She’s well wet and waiting for you now Justin.”

I opened my eyes to see Justin sitting up, holding his erect organ in his right hand. It was huge and I reached for it. Once again,veins bulged along and around the great black shaft. At the end, the bright purple dome was throbbing and seeping.

“Are you ready, Jen?”

“Mmmm,” I nodded and watched as Justin clambered off the bed.

Gaynor had moved from between my legs and placed a cushion in the centre of the bed. “C’mon, Jen. Get over here and get this under your hips.”

I wriggled across the big bed and Gaynor settled the cushion under me, raising my pelvis in a position ready to meet Justin’s incredible pleasure package. At least, I hoped it would be a pleasure.

“Open wide,” said Gaynor, “and try to relax.”

My arms lay at my sides, fingers gripping the freshly-laundered sheet. My legs were splayed, slightly bent at the knees, and I stared at the ceiling. It’s about to happen! Please God, let me take him!

The mattress rocked as Justin climbed aboard and sat back on his heels between my shaky thighs. “I’ve put plenty of lube on, Jen, especially on the head. Don’t worry, I can see you’re ready.”

I do hope so, I thought, closing my eyes as Justin put a finger into my hole and worked it around. I put my left arm over my brow and waited to be invaded.

Justin removed his finger and suddenly a fat object was knocking at my door. I opened my eyes, looked down my steadily panting tummy, and watched as Justin presented his cock at my entrance.

“Wow, wow, oh God, good God,” I shrieked. The monster head had pierced me, broken straight through with one sharp thrust. Justin didn’t move and my heart beat was surely double the normal.

“Blimey, I take ages to get that fat mushroom head of a dildo into me,” I blustered, “and you’ve just speared straight into me. Good God Almighty... ”

“Yes,” said Gaynor, “but Justin’s cock isn’t blunt at the end. It’s really big and wide but it tapers nicely and that helps with the initial push.”

“Mmmm,” I said, aware that my pussy lips were clinging to the huge dome. I knew that very little of his length was inside.

“Stay relaxed,” said Justin, “and you’ll be fine. Enjoy the ride.”

I felt Justin push a little further into me and he leaned forward, taking the weight on his arms. The big head slid up and down, maybe four or five times, and the lube painted my walls, making the pumping motion easier to accomplish.

Justin asked if I was okay and I stopped biting my lips long enough to say, “Mmmm, I’m ready to try more.”

Now, probably like you, I’ve read umpteen stories and watched porn movies where a big cock is introduced gradually into the woman’s hole. Inch by inch, more slips inside as the cock goes up and down the channel. Eventually, the woman gets all, or at least most, up her and there’s talk of nudging against the cervix and semen deposits in the womb. That’s what I expected. Wrong! Justin’s technique was different.

He rested his forearms either side of my shoulders, but still our torsos didn’t touch. I could look between us and see the vast length of his black love tool poised to squeeze into my hole.

Justin’s dome snaked further up my tight tunnel. It slowly burrowed on and on, deeper and deeper, leading his shaft into unknown territory. I felt him wriggling up my belly, continuing ever onward until I couldn’t help but scream, “Oh, fucking hell,” and I gushed with a shuddering orgasm. Justin stopped for a few seconds, allowing me to resume almost normal breathing, and then more of his great cock penetrated my sopping pussy.

Ever onward, the dome led the way, surely up to my navel by now. I rubbed my tummy with my right hand, foolishly expecting to feel his cock under my warm skin. But no, instead, that plum was now seeking admittance to parts of my channel that I doubted my dildo had entered. The head seemed to be swelling enormously but, in reality, it was probably due to my tightness. God, the plum couldn’t really expand much more, could it?

Whatever, it was a long way into my dark cavern, exploring and nudging ever deeper and I closed my eyes, feeling its progress rousing me to another shuddering orgasm.

Again, Justin waited for my recovery. I could feel my heart beating like a bass drum and sweat formed between my heaving tits.

Here we go again! How much more? Oh this is wonderful but I think that’s about it, the end of my tunnel, no more room. Yet, the swollen pathfinder carried on and on and on until...

“How do you feel, Jen?” came a husky voice.

I opened my eyes and turned my head to look into Gaynor’s smiling face. “Great,” I muttered, licking my parched lips. “Just bloody great. But I don’t think I can take much more. He’s a big bastard.”

“No worries, Jen,” said Justin. “It’s nearly all yours. Just a little more and then we can start fucking.”

“Start fucking? Christ, what do you call this?” and I patted my belly where I knew his mammoth cock was buried.

In reply, Justin thrust his hips forward and I felt his pubic bone crush against me. Shock waves raced through my body. My thighs trembled, I flung my arms wide and thrashed my head from side to side. “Oh what the fuck, what the fuck’s happening?” Torrents of cum washed down my tunnel for the third time and I gasped for breath, feeling light-headed and very faint.

Eventually, I calmed, the storm passed and I wiped my sweating brow with the back of my hand and my cheeks filled as I blew out air. “My God, that was something else,” I managed to mutter.

“Okay, Jen, let’s fuck,” said Justin and, before I could say or even think of a reply, he began to withdraw his monster. The long slow journey back along my passage left me aching, feeling the void of the disappearing fat, long cock. All the way it went until the dome was nestled once more at my entrance, my lips again clinging on to the pulsating girth. As a sigh left my lips, the dome began its march again, quicker this time, dragging the mighty rod behind him, brushing against the walls of my cavern. Pubis against pubis again - and the outward journey began again. And so it went, unbelievable long piston strokes, up and down, in and out, my juices flowing with an almost constant climax.

I lost count of the numerous times the great instrument pushed back and forth in my sodden cave. I didn’t care anymore. I just bathed in the wonder of it all, having this giant mammoth tube of hard flesh creating havoc deep in my being.

And then, just when I thought I’d experienced everything, Justin increased his pace and shortened his thrusts. Perhaps withdrawing only halfway but pumping much, much faster. I screamed, couldn’t help it, as the dome swelled within me, heralding the first of Justin’s massive streams. Cream spewed from him, gushing and splashing right up there. He pounded now, furiously ejecting more and more of his sticky, child-making fluid.

Sorry, I cannot adequately explain how I felt at that moment. But, when I eventually opened my eyes, Justin was still buried deep in me and Gaynor smiled at my side.

“Oh my, oh my,” was all I could muster. Justin’s face was next to my left cheek and I whispered in his ear, “Kiss me, please.”


“Yes, I think you deserve at least that for what you’ve given me.”

So we kissed and I put my tongue into Justin’s mouth, bringing a murmur of delight from him.

As we finally stopped, Gaynor said, “Carry on like that and you’ll be fucking again.”

I looked into Justin’s face and asked him to remove his cock. He propped up on his hands and began a slow withdrawal. He didn’t rush and I savoured the last outward journey, feeling every inch of the rod leaving me until that beautiful plum was again nestled in my entrance. With a plop, he exited, our mixed fluids dribbling out and making a stream between my raised cheeks.

I felt my gaping hole and four fingers easily slid inside.

“Wow, you’re really open,” said Gaynor. “Looks like you’re ready to go again.”

I smiled and shook my head, still fingering my pussy. “No, that’s it for me,” and I turned to Justin’s sweating face. “Thanks Justin,” I said, “for the experience of a lifetime. I’ll always remember it.”

I withdrew my fingers and patted my pussy. “Now I just want to sleep and return to normal, okay?”

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Abigails Choice

January 2018A bolt of lightning illuminated the night sky. Thunder clapped, startling Abigail in the backseat of the Uber.  She was already on edge, nervous about dinner with her husband, Thomas. It wasn’t bad nervous, but she had butterflies in her stomach. She had a good idea about what they’d talk about, and was uncertain what choice she’d make.Abigail, a petite woman with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes, was wearing a black dress, with black heels, stockings, garter, bra, and thong, as well...

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The AllNew McCock Happy Meal

"I'm hungry," his wife said."What are you hungry for?" her husband asked."What I'd really like," his wife said, smiling, "is one of those new McCock Happy Meals!""I've heard of that," he said. He glanced over at her. She looked back, and smiled even bigger."You ASKED!" She replied, still smiling broadly."That's basically a blow job, you know," he said."I know!" His wife said, still smiling.He felt his heart starting to beat a little faster."Deanne and Megan have had one." She added."Really?"...

3 years ago
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Cockhold Fantasy 2

Does this make me a Cuckold? I have always been a premature ejaculator. Following my recent arrangement with my buddy, Tom, and my wife, Susan, to fuck in my presence, I wondered if I was now considered a “cuckholded” husband. I suspected such, and I felt slightly less of a man after their one-time arranged coupling, but Susan and I got along even better now than before. In the beginning, we had both just joked about my quick climax and agreed it was just my passion for her. Our early sex had...

2 years ago
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Pantyhose cocksuckinga fantasy

I am waiting in my hotel room wearing just a pair of my favourite tan sheer to the waist pantyhose. I am wondering if my fantasy is at last going to come true. I have wondered for a long time what it would be like to suck another mans cock, but not just sucking a cock, specifically sucking while we are both wearing pantyhose. I take a sip of my drink and think back on all the times I have tried to make this happen and failed, either because I have had to cancel or the other person has cancelled...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 11

Cockatoo Part 11 I live for feedback [email protected] It was at this precise moment that Areeya looked up, stared straight into my eyes and winked. I staggered back in shock. Areeya must have seen me when she glanced at the door. Either that or she was some kind of a witch. I managed to bang my knee as I stumbled backwards and it was a miracle I didn't scream. I made it back to bed and managed to fall asleep but slept fitfully for the rest of the night. I can remember...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 20

Cockatoo Part 20 I stopped dead in my tracks. "What did you say, Pao?" "Miss Sam, she meet the man. The horrible man. Nin follow him and saw them talking." "Was Nin sure it was Sam?" "Yes, Mr James, she say she saw them clearly outside hotel he staying." I couldn't believe it. What the hell would Sam be doing with this creep? Areeya was now well ahead of me on the way to Cockatoo, I didn't want her to hear this until I go there. "Pao, please don't say anything to Alex or...

1 year ago
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Big Cock Fantasy Part 1

First of all, before I relate this full story, I must explain that I have no complaints about the sex in my marriage. In fact, during the twelve years that Tony and I have been married, the sex has continually improved. And, truthfully, I suppose we’re both sex addicts.I’m now thirty five, a year younger than my husband, and we’ve never hankered after having children. We’ve been quite happy as a couple, thank you, without any additional ties, responsibilities or restraints. We’ve always done...

4 years ago
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Fantasy Party

This story comes from a dear friend’s EX-fiance. He was asked to comply with his ex’s wishes and post his story for all to read. Here is what he had to say:My name is Sean. I am twenty-three year old white dude with a shameful story to tell. My tale begins a couple of months ago as my fiancee, Sarah, and I were preparing our wedding plans. Sarah is five years younger than me and, as a result, pretty naïve. She is the sexiest girl I have ever met, but she has only been with myself and one other...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Party

This story comes from a dear friend’s EX-fiance. He was asked to comply with his ex’s wishes and post his story for all to read. Here is what he had to say: My name is Sean. I am twenty-three year old white dude with a shameful story to tell. My tale begins a couple of months ago as my fiancee, Sarah, and I were preparing our wedding plans. Sarah is five years younger than me and, as a result, pretty naïve. She is the sexiest girl I have ever met, but she has only been with myself and one other g...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 3

Maybe things could have been different, I don’t know, but I found myself in a taxi on the way to Samui airport. I was struggling to come to terms with what had happened and I felt physically sick at what I had heard. I had to get the taxi driver to stop so I could retch at the side of the road. I managed to buy a ticket on the next flight to Bangkok and by mid afternoon I was back in the city. I booked into a hotel close to Nana Plaza and sent a couple of hours stewing in my room, drinking the...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo Part 2

I had no idea how long I had spent under water but I could see a bright light above me and I thought it must be the sun shining through the water as I clawed myself towards the surface. But, I thought, ‘No, that can’t be. It was dark when I fell in.’ The light grew brighter and brighter and I wondered ‘Maybe I’m dead’. I tried to open my eyes but it was so bright I couldn’t f***e my eyelids open. I heard sounds from a long way off and it sounded like voices, but they were muffled and I...

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Cockatoo Part 17

CockatooNikkie SilkPreviously in Cockatoo‘I'm sorry, James. It's Kritsada, he wants a word.’ I took the phone from Praew and she disappeared from the room.‘Hello, khun Kritsada.’‘Hello, my dear James, I hope you've had a good time with Praew?’‘Yes, sir. She has been a most gracious host. Is there something I can do for you?’‘Yes, James, there is. You remember the party I talked about this week? The one you will be coming to?’‘Yes, of course.’‘Well, I have request for you, which I hope you will...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo part 13

Cockatoo Part 13Nikkie SilkJandaeng’s voice came through loud and clear and chilled me to the bone.‘It seems you’ve had some trouble at your bar over there, James.’Bad news travels fast I thought. I hated the sound of his voice. It mademy flesh creep and took me straight back to the bar in Bangkok and whathe had done to me that night. I took a deep breath and tried to keep myvoice as calm as possible.‘Yes Inspector, the mamasan was stabbed in a bar fight. I’m surprisedyou know about it.’‘It is...

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Cockatoo Part 12

Cockatoo Part 12Nikkie SilkPreviously in Cockatoo: Jamie and Nin had made it back to Koh Samuiafter their journey to Bangkok to warn Kritsada. Jamie, Alex and Shanehad sailed to the West Coast for a short vacation where Jamie and Shanehad made love. The trio had sailed back and were in Cockatoo where theywere attacked. Pao had stepped between Jamie and the attacker and beenstabbed.There was pandemonium inside Cockatoo in the moments after Pao had beenstabbed. As I cradled her in my arms I felt...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo part 10

Cockatoo Part 10Nikkie SilkMy heart skipped a beat as I heard Shane’s voice from behind me and felt his hand on my shoulder. It couldn't be, I thought, I must be so tired I was hallucinating. Alex said, ‘Hi Shane, glad you could join us.’ Nin looked as if she had seen a ghost, Areeya was smiling in welcome and I felt like I would pass out. The hand moved off my shoulder and Shane’s massive frame came into sight.‘Hi Nin, Hi Areeya.’ he said, then paused and looked at me, ‘Hi Jamie, how are you?...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 3

Maybe things could have been different, I don’t know, but I found myselfin a taxi on the way to Samui airport. I was struggling to come to termswith what had happened and I felt physically sick at what I had heard. Ihad to get the taxi driver to stop so I could retch at the side of theroad.I managed to buy a ticket on the next flight to Bangkok and by midafternoon I was back in the city. I booked into a hotel close to NanaPlaza and sent a couple of hours stewing in my room, drinking the gutrot...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 2

I had no idea how long I had spent under water but I could see a brightlight above me and I thought it must be the sun shining through thewater as I clawed myself towards the surface. But, I thought, ‘No, thatcan’t be. It was dark when I fell in.’ The light grew brighter andbrighter and I wondered ‘Maybe I’m dead’. I tried to open my eyes but itwas so bright I couldn’t force my eyelids open. I heard sounds from along way off and it sounded like voices, but they were muffled and Istrained to...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 1

Cockatoo Part 1 It's a clich?, isn't it? Man comes home early and finds his wife in bed with someone else. Only slightly less of a clich? in my case, as the "someone else" was my wife's closest girlfriend - closest in every sense of the word. It was a quick divorce; no kids, only a rented flat, so the only squabbles were about books and cds. In the end I told her to keep the lot. I wanted to make it a clean break. I managed to fit all I owned into the boot of my small car. I was 25 ye...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 5

Cockatoo Part 5 I lived for feedback. [email protected] "That's nice, baby," I heard Alex say. Something was wrong though, Alex's voice wasn't coming from on the bed and if she had my cock in her mouth how could she say anything? Her voice seemed to be coming from the somewhere further away. I opened my eyes and saw her sitting in her robe on one of the couches. It took me a good few seconds to process that and as I looked down the bed I saw Areeya, naked, smiling and...

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Cockatoo Part 16

Cockatoo Part 16 I live for feedback [email protected] We decided to have a celebration dinner tonight downstairs and Alex disappeared to the restaurant to organise the dinner. Areeya had to go down to Cockatoo to sort out some issues they were having and so I was left to my own devices for a while. We agreed we would all get together at Cockatoo for a drink before dinner. The first thing I did was to email Sam about how the plan had worked out. I had an email back in...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo Part 23

Cockatoo Part 23 I love feedback [email protected] Twitter @nikkie_silk Jandaeng was wearing a pair of those mirror aviator sunglasses beloved of all Asian movie heavies. It obviously meant I couldn't see his eyes, but even if I could see them, I guessed I wouldn't learn much. He let me stew for a few minutes, hoping that I would say something to fill in the silence following his remarks about Tony. I said nothing, not willing to give away anything that Jandaeng didn't...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 29

Cockatoo Part 29 Nikkie Silk I love feedback [email protected] My heart skipped a beat as I heard Shane's voice from behind me and felt his hand on my shoulder. It couldn't be, I thought, I must be so tired I was hallucinating. Alex said, "Hi Shane, glad you could join us." Nin looked as if she had seen a ghost, Areeya was smiling in welcome and I felt like I would pass out. The hand moved off my shoulder and Shane's massive frame came into sight. "Hi Nin, Hi Areeya."...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 31

Cockatoo Part 31 Nikkie Silk Previously in Cockatoo: Jamie and Nin had made it back to Koh Samui after their journey to Bangkok to warn Kritsada. Jamie, Alex and Shane had sailed to the West Coast for a short vacation where Jamie and Shane had made love. The trio had sailed back and were in Cockatoo where they were attacked. Pao had stepped between Jamie and the attacker and been stabbed. There was pandemonium inside Cockatoo in the moments after Pao had been stabbed. As I cradled...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 32

Cockatoo Part 32 Nikkie Silk Jandaeng's voice came through loud and clear and chilled me to the bone. "It seems you've had some trouble at your bar over there, James." Bad news travels fast I thought. I hated the sound of his voice. It made my flesh creep and took me straight back to the bar in Bangkok and what he had done to me that night. I took a deep breath and tried to keep my voice as calm as possible. "Yes Inspector, the mamasan was stabbed in a bar fight. I'm...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo part 37

Cockatoo Nikkie Silk Previously in Cockatoo "I'm sorry, James. It's Kritsada, he wants a word." I took the phone from Praew and she disappeared from the room. "Hello, khun Kritsada." "Hello, my dear James, I hope you've had a good time with Praew?" "Yes, sir. She has been a most gracious host. Is there something I can do for you?" "Yes, James, there is. You remember the party I talked about this week? The one you will be coming to?" "Yes, of course." "Well, I have...

1 year ago
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Bigtitslut4u dirty lil cockslut

rJust so you know this story isn't true is a story I'm posting for a friend!! Well the story began' s with Laura out shopping for sex toys and she's looking around the place trying to find just the right toy to fit her needs but is having a hard time deciding on which one will do the trick when out of no where comes the sales person of which Laura becomes mesmerized with as soon as she hears him speak as his a very handsome man with a body that looks as if he works out a lot!! He's 5'6 and...

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My Cocksucking Fantasy

It was not to long before Bill arrived and pulled in next to me recognizing my car from the description I had given him. One last deep breath and I opened the door to his car. "Ken," he asked "Bill?" I replied. "Yes climb on in." I got into his car and although I'm not much of a car nut it seemed to be a very nice one, the smell of leather and wood adorned everywhere. "Now I have to be back to my car by 9:00 in order to be home before my wife gets back; that's the deal,...

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Abigails End

Abigail's End In the Presidential Palace, there is a dining room where only the most trustedand honoured of the dictator's guests are ever entertained. Here are the mostdecadent and opulent symbols of his power. Perhaps the most decadent and opulentsymbol of all is the white statue holding a finger-basin by the entrance. On the wall behind the statue, in an arc over its head, the inscription reads, "Tothe twin virtues of humility and obedience." It is a naked woman, and her namewas once...

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Our MMF Fantasy Thats Gonna Cum TruePart

Once the three of them got together, Jordan became a lot more comfortable than she had originally thought she could be. The last hour had gone by in an orgasm filled blur, and she was hoping to keep the juices flowing. Her invitation to be taken into the bathtub had been a bit of a joke at first, but once the words were out she hoped it would be taken seriously. It was a fantasy she’d never had fulfilled-being fucked over and over again in that hot, soapy water. It was something she’d dreamed...

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Based on a March 29, 1916 New York Sun newspaper column and the 1927 book "Archy and Mehitabel," both by Don Marquis This may be archived/posted anywhere. Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Cockroach By Pretzelgirl dear boss, you don't know me but i am andy the cockroach. i live in the wall behind your computer. i thought this might be a good way to introduce myself by writing you a letter. i have meant to do this for a long time, but you never leave your...

2 years ago
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Living in Cockington part5

It was a few days now since we had moved to Cockington and I had seen more strangers fucking in that few days than I had seen in my entire life.That afternoon I was trying to put up some shelves but I soon ran out of screws and decided to head down to the couple of small shops in the village to see if they had any.I strolled into the first shop, the little convenience store and walked the couple of isles looking for some screws after not finding any I approached the till area to ask the blonde...

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Living in Cockington part4

I woke up the next day and wandered down stairs where my k**s were eating breakfast and my wife, who had three strangers and me fuck her ass last night, was busy happily unpacking more boxes.After a coffee i stepped outside and decided to check out my new shed at the bottom of the garden.For an hour or so i unpacked my tools and checked out the few items that the previous owners had left and then i heard voices coming from over the fence.Stepping over to the fence i thought i would introduce my...

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Living in Cockington part3

So we had moved into the village for almost 8 hours and in that time I had already seen two different neighbours having sex, had rubbed one off while watching the second, and now it was early evening and my wife was nowhere to be seen.So I strolled down the lane towards the centre of the village where there was a couple of local shops, seeing the first shop was already closed I strolled into the other, a small convenience shop and asked if they had seen my wife.a rather plump woman with bushy...

1 year ago
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Reddit AmateurGirlsBigCocks, aka r/AmateurGirlsBigCocks! I’m not a fucking photographer or even a cinematographer (but if I get to see hot ass and pussy all day, I may learn how to do both!), but even I know this to be true. There isn’t a better kind of XXX picture or GIF you can snap that’s fucking sexier and will get dudes rock hard faster than a giant cock going inside a tight, wet hole. Take that notion, make the bitch an amateur, and you’ve got an insane, sexual sandwich that would make...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Empire Book 3Chapter 14 Cockroaches

Jason woke earlier than usual, and felt an emerging sense of unease. He knew the feeling, and it was of danger. He waited until he was due to go on his run, which was when the most senior guard would be awake, and alerted him to his premonitions. “This is an emerging problem of some sort. I do not get the sense it is today. The threat is developing towards me. Please inform the Emperor’s guards to be extra alert, and ready for an attack, and for the battleship and Marines to similarly be...

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