Thumper Ch. 02 free porn video

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We meet Damian and Abby, and incubus and his mate. Following a visitation, Damian’s victim, a woman whose marriage has fallen apart, unexpectedly thanks him. Damian’s master is none too pleased.


Damian sat in the darkened dormitory room in one of the tri-cities church colleges. On the bed, a girl of nineteen writhed, hair splayed on the pillow and across her face. He hadn’t touched her this time, but his very presence caused her hands to scuttle like spiders to her groin. They hitched up her nightgown to her navel and then resumed their journey to the downy nest between her legs.

Her breathing quickened as her fingers worked.

‘Come,’ whispered Damian after several minutes.

The girl’s movements stilled and she swung her legs over the side of the bed. With tentative steps, she approached Damian.

‘Help me,’ whispered the girl. Damian knew that she was not speaking to him. ‘Please. Save me.’

She knelt before him and trembling fingers unfastened Damian’s jeans and lowered the zipper.

Damian slipped the jeans from his hips and took the girl’s hands. He pulled her towards him until she straddled him.

She lowered a hand to grasp him as her hips descended, her nightgown tenting around their privates like a shroud.

With a muffled cry she impaled herself on his length.

Damian could feel the blood trickling from her.

‘I hope you’re happy, Asmodeus,’ he whispered.


Silence lay like a heavy blanket over the darkened house. It was well into the witching hour — the hour when regret, self-reproach and self-recrimination came out to play, when the memories of carefree youth and innocence clashed against the realities of middle age and guilt.

The woman sat in her darkened office, scrolling through photographs on her laptop. Her husband had long since gone to bed, eschewing the customary good-nights and sleep-wells. She couldn’t blame him.

He probably thought she was going over her company’s accounts, rather than reviewing the photographic evidence of their lives together. Just as well. She didn’t particularly want him to know this maudlin side of her.

She’d arranged the photographs chronologically. She was nothing if not orderly.

There were several photographs of their time at the university, taken by fellow students whose post graduate successes had sent them far afield. She prowled their Facebook profiles and wondered what might have been had her own life’s trajectory not been so predictable.

It wasn’t as though Britt wasn’t successful. She was by any standard. She had the accolades, the money, the car and house. The fact was that she married soon after graduation and settled in the same town where she’d studied. One thing had led to another without those unexpected detours that often provide the fondest of memories. The one ill-considered detour that she had permitted herself had been succumbing to her business partner.

They’d been working late, putting the finishing touches on a business proposal. It was the culmination of weeks of long hours, of huddling together at the computer, of take-out at their desks after the cleaning staff had left. They were on the cusp of their greatest success. Both felt it. The exhaustion left them giddy. A fleeting moment of contact had evolved into a touch, then an embrace, and finally a headlong rush into lust. Then blessed release.

Then embarrassment.

Finally shame and guilt.

And thus it was that one the eve of her greatest success, she had written her single greatest failure.

And that was why she now looked at photographs, as though these frozen moments of happier times might suggest where things had gone so off the rails.

Wedding pictures. Honeymoon pictures.

They’d been so young then, though the notion applied more emotionally than chronologically.

She scrolled. The photographs had long since been committed to memory.

She sensed his presence behind her. After several months, she’d almost convinced herself that she’d imagined that night in the living room, relegating the sensations to the nocturnal imaginings of a needy unconscious. Now she knew it was not so. The hairs on the back of her neck stood and she shivered.

She didn’t turn around. Instead, she clicked the mouse button and advanced the picture.

Just when she thought that perhaps she had imagined the presence, she felt a pressure, light as the tread of a spider, on her shoulders. Her heart raced but something in her welcomed the touch, so reminiscent it was of that night in the office, so needed after the months of physical deprivation.

The sensation moved from her shoulders down her arms and back again, leaving trail of goose pimples in its wake.

She felt a stirring in her loins out of all proportion with the touch that had evoked it.

If the light pressure had been a hint, the weight now on her shoulders was a statement. Her breath hitched and she sat frozen but for a finger that clicked the mouse button.

The pressure — it felt like hands, had to be hands — slid from her shoulders to the slope of her breasts.


She peeked at the picture. The couple smiling in a bar, their white teeth blazing against tanned faces. Her hand rested delicately on his forearm. They’d gone at it like teenagers that night.


The hands moved over the curve of her breasts and pressed flat against them. Her nipples tingled under the pressure, and she could feel them hardening.

She noted with disgust that the hand over the mouse trembled.

Invisible fingers squeezed her nipples, sending a current to her core.

She couldn’t let this happen. Her body had betrayed her once before. Not again.

With a quick movement, she swivelled the chair to face her attacker. Of course, she saw nothing, just like the last time. ‘What are you?’ she demanded, unsettled by the tremor in her voice.

She felt hands on her thighs, spreading them apart. She resisted for a moment and then allowed her legs to part. She cursed herself for her weakness. She closed her eyes and tipped her head forward, hoping to conceal her face behind a curtain of hair.

* * *

Damian sat in his car for several long minutes upon his return to the farmhouse he shared with Britt. The house had sheltered him and Kat for many years before Britt had entered his life. Now Kat was gone, recovering in Europe among members of an ancient demonic branch. For the first time, these four walls and roof provided more than shelter. They were home.

He struck the steering wheel and whispered a curse as the scene replayed itself in his mind.

Damian had absented himself from his polite suburban victim through the rest of the winter months. He had to admit that he’d been disquieted by her thanks and by Rosier’s visit. In answer to the latter, he sought sustenance among the many young and impressionable university students who populated the tri-cities area. Young, sweet, and hormonally compromised, university students never failed to give Damian a satisfying meal. Occasionally, he would claim a girl from one of the church colleges, if only to keep Rosier at bay.

Britt had been justifiably distressed by Rosier’s visit, recognizing in that moment how fragile their lives together were. He’d answered her questions with a calm that belied his own apprehension. Yes, Rosier was a demon, and yes, Asmodeus was his boss, prince of hell and demon of lust. And no, it wasn’t a good thing to have come to their attention.

So Damian had redoubled his efforts to be an agent of discord, sowing the seeds of lust among those whose purity and goodness would be the most tainted by it. He hated himself for it, but Rosier had not returned. After a while, the lives of Britt and Damian reverted to a semblance of normalcy.

Several months after Rosier’s visit,
Damian returned to the wealthy suburb. The woman had been in the back of his mind since then like an unanswered challenge. He decided that he’d gone too easy on her.

He approached the house and noted that the little had changed in the woman’s response to his projections. There was still a need, a barely concealed hunger, overlaid with frustration.

He observed her from the door of her home office. The light of the screen played on the attractive geometry of her face. Her intelligent blue eyes betrayed tiredness and the firm set of her full lips indicated something else entirely — anger tempered by grief.

Wakefulness presented some problems to the incubus, but potentially greater rewards. The approach had to be careful. Some incubi, Damian knew, went in with guns blazing, whether their victim was asleep or awake. Damian preferred subtleness, insinuating himself by deliberate degrees into the consciousness of his victim. It was the difference between bludgeoning a hapless fish and setting a hook. He preferred the latter. Set the hook and play, letting out line and reeling it in. Granting the illusion of freedom before withdrawing it. The end result was the same, but it was an infinitely more rewarding game.

The waking mind behaved differently. It was more difficult to pass off sensations as dreams, for example. Then again, the waking mind produced a more potent fear. It was a different flavor of helplessness.

Damian entered the office and positioned himself behind her. He watched over her shoulder as the woman’s life passed before his eyes. Wedding photographs featuring the woman and her new husband, both beaming. The couple in the Caribbean — their honeymoon perhaps?

A photograph of the couple at the beach at sunset, leaning against a palm tree, embracing. Damian wondered about the photographer. Did he feel like a voyeur while the couple shared this simple intimacy? The couple certainly seemed oblivious to the photographer’s presence.

He placed his hands lightly on her shoulders. Surprisingly, she didn’t flinch, raise a hand to touch the spot, or turn around. He marvelled at her self-possession. Her index finger remained poised for a moment over the mouse button and then clicked.

His fingers traced the contours of her body and her flesh responded to his touch. Her breathing quickened and her heart rate increased. He could sense her fear and confusion, and it was good.

When she finally turned to confront him, Damian was almost taken by surprise. She’d allowed his hands free reign, seemingly content with the sensations that they generated. As quickly as arousal had bubbled to the surface, it disappeared.

‘What are you?’ the woman cried, abruptly turning to face him. Of course, she could see nothing, yet Damian was unnerved by the way she found his eyes.

For several moments he stood before her. The photograph of the smiling couple appeared over her shoulder. More so because of the photograph than anything else, Damian felt like an intruder.

Damian said nothing, content to play out some line. The woman`s breathing calmed.

He knelt before her and placed his hands on her thighs. Time to take up some slack. He pushed her legs apart, overcoming some initial resistance as he knew he would.

The woman suddenly rolled back from Damian, the back of the chair hitting the desk. She stood. With quick, agitated movements, the woman undid her slacks, surprising Damian again. ‘Is this what you want?’

Damian shook his head. There was no fear in the woman now, only anger and despair.

She slipped off her slacks, taking with them her panties. She sat back on the chair, naked from the waist down, breathing heavily. ‘If you’re here to torment me, do it already.’

Nothing in Damian’s experience prepared him for this. Visitations were typically a game of resistance and surrender, a carefully choreographed dance between the extremes of pleasure and dread.

She woman moved her hips forward and hitched up her legs, positioning her heels on the edge of the chair and allowing her legs to spread. ‘Is this what you want?’ she asked icily as she presented him her most private parts.

Damian advanced a tentative finger, splitting the labia.

‘Feel good does it, fingering a whore?’

Whore? With rising anger, Damian realized that he was being played for one. With a violent thrust, he buried three fingers within her, curled them up and pulled her violently towards him, lifting her hips off the chair.

The woman gasped.

Damian drew faint satisfaction from the fear that now blossomed in her.

With his fingers pressing hard against the inside of her pubic bone, her lowered his head and drew her clitoris into his mouth.

He wanted to break her, this woman who dared to command an incubus. Teach her that she presumed too much. Fuck her and be done with it.

He pressed his teeth together, trapping the woman’s tender flesh, and then lifted his head, the tender pearl of her clitoris scraping against his teeth and then springing free.

A pained whimper escaped the woman’s lips. ‘I’m sorry.’

Damian fumed. So incensed was he that he broke his cardinal rule. He leaned close to her face, her hair brushing his phantom lips. He spoke with a voice that was felt more than heard. ‘You dare defy me?’ It was little more than a growl. The woman threw her head back, as though struck with a fist. ‘You will submit.’

‘No.’ The voice quavered.

His fingers, slick with her juices, described a small circle within her.

‘No.’ This time, the voice had some steel in it.

He’d heard the word no before, countless times. It was normally a word whispered timorously, uncertainly, even as lust blossomed and the body spoke a different word entirely. Never had the word sounded so much like the slamming of a door.

He probed her mind for even the slightest hint of desire and found none. Even her fear had turned to anger.

Damn this woman. Damian realized that he had failed. He could sedate her as he’d done before, but felt that she would not submit. Not now. Whatever arousal he had hoped to kindle had evaporated, leaving only an unreasoning defiance that would do nothing to sustain him.

The woman squirmed in her chair, seeking to escape the invisible fingers that still impaled her.

A rage filled him. A small voice in his head told him to desist, that he’d lost. Damn her to hell. He maneuvered himself between her legs and grasped her upper thighs, pinning her to the chair. His cock rose to the space vacated by his fingers, its crown splitting the lips of her pussy.

Already a foretaste of a bitter meal filled him, but he didn’t care.

Her breath caught at the feel of his cold member against her.

His hands left her thighs and eased behind her back. He pulled her toward him as he thrust, violently impaling her.

She trembled upon him and her legs opened to him ever so slightly. Damian felt the warmth of her as her defiance evaporated, leaving something entirely different in its wake. Perhaps, he thought, there was hope.

A figure appeared at the door, backlit by the lights in the hallway. Damian could just make out his features. Haggard eyes and creased face. Careworn and old beyond his years.

It was the look of a man gazing upon the promise of endless solitude. Damian recognized it. He’d seen it in himself often enough.


The woman stiffened at the sound of his voice, closing in on herself.

‘Abby? What’s wrong?’

‘Nothing, George. Nothing.’

‘Who are you talking to?’

‘No one!’

George lingered at the doorway for a moment as though frozen by her icy tone and then silently withdrew. Damian was thankful that the woman’s partial nudity had been hidden by the desk and chair.

Abby. Damian now had a name. Abby and George. Knowing their names made it worse.

Abby buried her face
in her hands and a sob racked her frame.

‘Go. Please go.’

For the first time in eons, Damian had been bested. Hungry and irritated, he left.

He was still hungry, despite the girl at the college. It wasn’t the first time that plans had gone awry, nor would it be the last. On the drive home, the look in George’s eyes haunted him — confused, helpless, and alone. It was a look Damian knew well. Of course, for an incubus, solitude was a fact, but for visitations, demons didn’t exactly figure prominently in anyone’s social calendar. Nor did demons deserve much sympathy, yet Damian reserved some sympathy for the man. Any woman able to spurn a demon as Abby had done would be sheer hell to live with. Damian could imagine the curse of isolation within a marriage.

He quickly undressed and slipped into the bed. Britt lay curled on the edge, naked and blissfully warm. He positioned himself against her, her warmth penetrating him in several ways. He wound his arm around her waist.

Britt stirred and half turned her face to him. She smiled. ‘Howdy stranger.’

In answer, he pressed his lips to the nape of her neck and lingered there, face buried in her hair.

She turned in his arms to face him. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘Bad night.’ He ventured no more information. Britt knew fully what he needed to do to survive and he knew better than to flaunt it.

He pushed his legs between hers and held her more tightly.

‘Is there anything I can do?’

‘Just this. Just this.’

* * *

After the presence had left, Abby returned to the marital bed, albeit on the edge, as far from George as possible while still sharing the same space.

She could tell by his breathing that he pretended to sleep, as did she. It used to be that a hand would reach out to bridge the distance between them, but no more. The time for reaching to each other had passed. Wounded hands could not hold.

Abby was now convinced that she was not going crazy. The presence in the study had been real, and it was impossible to ascribe it to the wild imaginings of a sleeping mind. She’d been awake. She’d felt it. In fact, she still felt the pressure against her breasts and a tingling between her legs. She also felt a stirring within her of something dark, passionate, and unpredictable. For the first time in a long time, she longed to have someone within her. Something alive, warm, insistent. It would be so easy to reach across the bed but her hand remained immobile, frozen by uncertainty and pride.

It would have been easier to allow herself to be taken. She realized with a shock that she’d welcome it.

She longed for George to take her. But George wasn’t the type to use force, to impose his will on anyone, and Abby wasn’t the type to communicate need, even if the end result was what she yearned for.

And she’d somehow managed to turn away that… whatever it was.

She cursed her ability to spurn even those who had no cause to obey her. Whatever the cost, release would have been a blessing.

* * *

‘This woman keeps staring at you,’ said Britt.

‘Really? I hadn’t noticed.’ Of course, Damian had noticed. On entering the restaurant, he’d stood momentarily frozen as the woman’s eyes had met his. While his eyes may have widened in recognition, hers narrowed. He hadn’t a clue as to why the woman would have been able to single him out among all of the other diners. She had never seen him, after all. The recognition unnerved him.

Britt and Damian were in one of the tonier restaurants in the tri-cities to celebrate their first anniversary. Britt looked ravishing in her form-fitting black dress, cut low on the top and high on the bottom, as a result of which Damian didn’t quite know where to look. Seated at the table, he settled on her eyes.

Truth be told, Damian was a little giddy. As an incubus who had been around as long as he had, every day marked some kind of milestone, good and bad. Of course, the passage of time had erased most of these dates from his memory. This date would forever stand out. This was the date on which he’d entered into a real relationship — or as real a relationship that a demon could share with another. The date on which he’d first received the gift of love, of mutual and unconditional surrender.

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It was a boring Saturday night, and Sam had nothing to do. She felt like going out, but wasn't a fan of dressing like a slut. However, she still wanted to be ready for action, just in case. Putting on a little pink g-string and black bra, Sam wore her modest red dress that was full sleeved and up to her neck and a pair of knee-high black boots. Feeling like she accomplished both of her goals, she set out for her nearby bar, The Globe.When she got there, there was a camera crew for Canadian Wild...

2 years ago
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Mama Ki Beti Ko Khub Choda

Hello everyone mera naam aman hai mai mechanical engineer ho aur mai pehli bar apni story aap k sath share kar raha ho so agar koi mistake ho jaye to please forgive me aap sab apne feedback mujhe meri email id par de sakte hai meri email id hai aab mai bore na krte hue apni story par aata ho Meri 1 cousin hai naam hai neha wo mere mama ki beti hai uska figure bohat mast hai i think 36-24-38 hoga aur wo kisi bhi model se kam nhi hai har koi usse patane ko try marta tha aur maine bhi kai bar...

1 year ago
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Private Kris The Foxx Intimate Teen Fuck

Brunette, tattoos and sexy, these only one thing that comes to mind when we hear those three words and it’s of course none other than Private beauty Kris the Foxx who returns today in Private Specials, Adorable Teens 4 for an intimate fuck with her man Willy Regal. Don’t miss any of the action on where this stunner wastes no time getting hot and horny with her man, offering up her pussy for taste before getting on her knees for a hot blowjob and then enjoying an intense fuck...

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Her Sugar Daddy

I thought I’d found my perfect girl in Nell. After being her boyfriend for almost six months, a fortnight after Easter, I was home for the weekend and telling my Mom all about her. Then it suddenly struck me that there was something just not quite right with our relationship. I couldn’t exactly put my finger on it, so I snooped on her the next time she cancelled on us meeting up, and I found out that she was still seeing an older married guy on the side. Damn, how I wished I hadn’t gotten...

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Rita Meta Lita

Hi, Hello All Cute Gals (Umaaaah oly 4 yo galsss) and guys .I’m Ricky 21 yrs old and I have recently completed my graduation…this is a story in which I fuck all the three sexy models named Rita, Meta, Lita, I’m Ricky a professional photographer in Bangalore take many modeling assignments of many models .but the new comer models are afraid to bare too much and only want to act in films so during photo shoots I only get too see very small skin show but one incident changed my life. My friend ken...

1 year ago
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Academic Specializations

“I tell ya, if we play our cards right, we can nail’em.”Rob shook his head, “Japanese women are very traditional. And there’s a real prejudice against it. With us. Black guys.”Cal snorted, “Bullshit. I’ve seen what they do.”“You watch too much porn. Porn is its own world. Doesn’t tell you anything.”“Well, if you don’t wanna, if you’re too fucking chicken, tell ya what, I’ll do’em both and send ya a postcard.”“Ain’t chicken, just realistic. Test the water, play it by ear, see how far I...

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My 42year old neighbour

his is the story about my neighbour when I still lived with my parents house. At the time I was about 22 years old and at the neighbours they had 3 sons, the oldest one, Robert, aged 19 was my good friend. Only their mother was living there as his parents were divorced about 10 years before. She was about 20 years older then me, so a mature 42-year woman. She was quite chubby with a pair of big tits, I guess minimum D-size. She had curly blond hair and grey eyes and always in a happy mood. Her...

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With Cousin In Shimla

Hi.  This story is about me and my cousin (Sonia) name changed. She is my maternal cousin and 5 years elder to me. We both used to study in Chandigarh. While I was doing my engineering, she was pursuing home science course. We both used to stay in our respective hostels and meet often since we were very close since our childhood. I used to find her hot since school days, but never thought of telling this to her since I was scared because we were cousins and she might tell my family. Once we had...

3 years ago
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Death wish

Death Wish Death Wish   1.       The prologue The reverend ended his funeral speech and invited all participants for a coffee in the parish room.? Jim Crowley kissed his wife gently. ?Sorry Jane, I want to stay here alone with HER?. Jane nodded but she was worried. Her husband, an early retired Marines corps officer, who went through the first Gulf war, Afghanistan and many dangerous special missions was an unbeatable character, but now during the last days he didn?t stop crying....

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Kissa Sins Kissa Sins8217 Ass is Open For BBC Business

Kissa Sins is back with BBC in this hot anal scene with Prince! Kissa continues her meteoric rise to the top of the porn food chain as she gobbles up all the cocks in her way. She’s wearing a super sexy patent leather outfit with the ass cut out to show off all her goodies. Kissa makes her way to the bedroom where she finds Prince waiting for her, naked and ready for action. She crawls across the bed and slides that BBC between her lips as she strokes and sucks that big dick. Prince helps...

1 year ago
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The Reunion

The reunion dinner was as light as it could be. John enjoyed the company of his friends but not as much as the company of his soon-to-be girlfriend, Dana. She was avoiding him for the past few weeks, trying hard to get over her ex. She had promised before her withdrawal that she would accompany John to this reunion dinner. Even John did not like her coming only because of a promise but he still let her come. He had not seen her in weeks and missed her dreadfully. So far, things were progressing...

4 years ago
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Cindys first time a wonderful journey of discovery Chapter 3

I awoke the next morning, thinking that the word ‘eventful’ does no justice to the past 24 hours. Yesterday, I kissed Jack for the first time, he felt my breasts, fingered me and tasted me, driving me to a wonderful orgasm. He introduced me to his penis, and ejaculated all over my stomach as we humped together in my bedroom. I could not resist masturbating last night as I lay in bed, recalling the wonderful day Jack and I had shared. I woke around 6 a.m. I went on my normal run and timed it...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part 2

Sweat was pouring down my body. I could feel a drip slide down the groove of my spine under my loose t-shirt, into the waistband of my spandex shorts. Gasping in a breath I pushed one more time, lifting the weight for my final rep, slowly exhaling as I pushed the bar from my chest. Carefully putting the weight back on its rest, I waved to my spotter, a small nod of thanks. Exhausted, I cleaned the bench and grabbed my water bottle and wound my way through the people in the weight room,...

Straight Sex
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TwinsChapter 33

The Hill was crowded that evening with couples coming from the homecoming dance. Alex managed to find a spot in between all the cars there. Everyone unbuckled their seatbelts and moved closer to their respective dates. Alex and Beth started to make out almost immediately. In the back seat, Allie took the lead and kissed Bill. He was as inexperienced as they came about making out. Of course making out isn’t brain surgery and Bill got the hang of it soon enough. Up front Alex was rounding 1st...

2 years ago
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Naked Wet DaughterChapter 9

The next afternoon, Fran and her older son, Greg, were out alone by their swimming pool. The beautiful woman was lying on a lounge chair admiring Greg as he swam laps, his muscular arms rippling beneath his deep tan. When the young boy climbed out of the pool, he stood over his mother, grinning down at her. Fran's eyes moved to his crotch and locked there, her cunt beginning to drool as she saw his cock grow hard beneath his bikini briefs; "Wanna suck my cock, Mom?" Greg asked lewdly as...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 201 Making New Friends

The cupcakes and ice cream weren’t enough dessert? In her room we showered off the smell of sex before she had me on my back as she closely examined, kissed, licked, rubbed, every inch of my dick, before moving to the rest of my body. Her watching my dry dick slide all the way into her and come out shiny in her plentiful juices seemed to be what she liked the most. When she next rode me, she did something that caused her pussy lips to push in with my dick so she could grind her clit on the...

2 years ago
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Party Favors

My getting into Blue Mountain State U., in the early 1970's was a blessing in so many ways. For one thing it got me out of a bad living environment in my little "Hick Town". I got accepted on a Music scholarship, not Football or Basketball, like most Black students there at the time, so I had to make the most of it. Back then no one asked bout sexual orientation, but since I managed to become the Drum Major for our high school band it was assumed, that I was "lite in the loafers", for some...

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Gwens Journey Ch 02

Gwen opened her eyes slowly, the far off sound of her alarm clock confusing her. She was on her little brown sofa in her living room, and it was dark. Sure enough, she could hear her alarm clock beeping away insistently in her bedroom, and when she woke a little more she jumped up and hurried to her bedroom. It was twenty minutes after five, and she was running late. Finding a worn pair of jeans and a clean work shirt, Gwen tossed them onto her bed and ran to the bathroom to take her shower....

2 years ago
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His Pleasure

His Pleasure ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? His Pleasure   ??? It is a beautiful summer evening.? The air is warm and a soft breeze is blowing.? There is a dark clear sky and hundreds of stars a visible. ???? Her Master has been planning this party for months.? There is soft music playing and candles are lit everywhere.? The food has been prepared according to his instructions.? He has also given her the perfect attire for this occasion.? It is a black, see...

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Katie Cooper and the Goblet of Fire Chapter 5

The sun was streaming in through the round windows, and the sounds of birds and the wind rustling through the grass that Kyle normally awoke to, were being drowned out by whispering, and voices. Kyle rolled over, to an unfamiliar pressure on his chest, as he felt an odd shifting, and as he blinked his eyes open, he could she shadowed shapes all around him, and then someone squealed. "She's awake!" a girl said excitedly. "About bloody time," another girl responded with...

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NikNaks and other DoDads

Nik-Naks and Other Do-Dads. By T.G.Frogman Here is a a collection of short stories. Some have references to R.Kanes Nik-Naks, my previous post. I had several stories that were too short by themselves but clumped together with a few new ones they make an interesting collection. By the way there are things in these stories that are anatomically impossible but don't let that stop you because magic gender change is something that is considered impossible by most people. Can you smoke...

1 year ago
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Brian and Aunt Em and the family

Chapter 5 When Sylvia turned 17 he decided that she was now old enough was ready to feed him. He seduced her and she fell pregnant. While all this was happening, Brian’s eldest son, Garth had already been sexually active outside the home, felt that if his Dad was getting his rocks off with the ladies in the family, he was entitled to as well. He chose his step-sister Marie, Rachael’s daughter, who was 17 by that time. Marie had light brown hair, big blue eyes and a curvy but not fat figure....

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Hi dosto, mere naam krish (age:20) he , mail me : Aur me gujarat ke ahmedabad se hu, waise me jaha taha chodne ke liye nahi jata hu, lekin chodne ki meri iccha bahot ho jati he, lekin muth marke chala leta tha. Intro: Ek bar mere papa ke friend unki ladki ko leke humare ghar aye, woh 12 me padhti he aur bahot sexy dikhti he. Us din uski aur meri mulakat hui. uska naam mitali hai. Woh mere ghar ke najdik hi rahte he, maine use pehli bar dekhte hi aankh mardi thi, to woh thoda sa muskurai. fir...

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BFFs Bambi Black Vina Sky Rina Ellis Art Perv

Bambi Black, Vina Sky, and Rina Ellis are some art hoes. They go around having so called artists paint them nude and get paid to do it. All they really have to do is stand around and look hot, so it is a pretty good gig. But our stud is ready to come up on the situation. He poses as an artist to have these chicks strip down and pose for him. And even though the girls do not think his set up looks completely legit, they want to get paid. They line up naked and strike some poses, but instead of...

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Aunt Claudia Pt2

Waking up the morning after the wedding, I ran through the events of the night before. I couldn't process what had happened. Had Aunt Claudia meant it when she said she wanted it to happen again or had she just had one too many to drink? I had no idea what to think, all I knew is that I would do anything to make it happen again. The image of my Aunt on her knees tending to my cock was stuck in my mind. I went to the bathroom to take care of my morning wood and took a cold shower to clear my...

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Why a Bull

But why a Bull when you can have the full gamut of men? Its because a Bull is so seriously in charge and demanding. They take control and know how to be sweet and stern as the situation warrants it. Many Bully boys relish taking over another man's sex, or what tries to be a man and in fact is just a fem boy, making all its choices for it or just dictating its life in general. Fem t-girls should be expected to attract men so why settle for anything but the most Alpha powerful man you can find?...

4 years ago
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The Lesbian Exchange

I couldn’t get the image out of my head.It’d been a week since I’d seen her. Since she’d kissed me. And I still couldn’t get that image out of my head. Us. Together.I’d never been with a woman before. The whole idea seemed absurd. I was married. I was happy. My sex life was great. But the thought of being with her – kissing her, touching her, licking her – I just couldn’t get her out of my mind.I wanted her. I wanted to taste her. I wanted to fuck her. I wanted her to fuck me.I picked up my...

2 years ago
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Mom Daughter Cum Together Part 5

It was the morning after Alice had spent a hot wet afternoon, making love with her neighbor Pam and her hot daughter Josee. Alice’s tight little pussy twitched every time she thought of how the two of them went down on her pussy or of how good their cunts tasted on her tongue.Alice sat on the bathroom vanity clipping her toenails. She loved to sit naked in front of the mirror and look at her young body while she did her nails. Josee had told her that she was very sexy for an eleven year old...

3 years ago
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While in Jamaica

It had now been over a month since our first and only incident of sharing my wonderful and sexy wife Michelle with another man. Although we may have both been a little reluctant to actually plan an evening like that again, we have had the hottest and most erotic sex in all our years together since then. Each time we made love we would always tend to relive the exciting details of what happened that night. We did this virtually every time we've had sex since that night. There was no doubt in...

Wife Lovers
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Providing A Service

Have you ever looked at an alternative newspaper or website and joked about some of the ads? Well, my husband, Dean, just loves to surf them looking for ones he can get a laugh from. A while back, one that caught his eye was from a young man, twenty-one years old, who wanted to lose his virginity to a woman who would teach him the art and skill of love. "Oh, hon, here's one for you, oh, for sure," and he translated the ad for me into regular people-talk. "You are the perfect one. You're great...

First Time
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Blood LustChapter 5

Mia lurked around the periphery of the ongoing investigation at the site of the drug dealer's death, peering into the minds of the few policeman who were left on the scene. When she had awoken earlier in the evening she had been sorely disappointed by the fact that she and her Master continued to exist, despite all of her efforts to lead the police to their lair. Obviously, they were in need of greater inspiration. She decided that she would have to kill one of their own. The logical choice...

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A Stocking Encounter

The man and woman sat at their table in the veranda of the hotel awaiting their food. Both eagerly excited to see what would be concocted from their initial orders from the menu. As she twirled her honey colored Pies porter in her fishbowl-sized glass, bored by her companion and the lack of their conversation, her eyes scanned the restaurant looking from one couple to the next searching for a true match made in heaven. The 5-star Tuscan-based restaurant nestled itself quietly in the center of...

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Art in the Back Seat My Very First Handjob

The first "dirty little secret" that I ever shared with my live-in boyfriend, Ray (not his real name), was a real doozie! It was about how I had lost my virginity in a very unique way, back when I was a young lady. It happened on a hot and sunny summer Sunday afternoon, when I was unexpectedly cornered in a small bathroom at a middle-aged Hispanic friend's equally-small house, and then sexually molested--and ultimately raped--by her teenage son, Freddy, who was so dark-skinned that he...

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Inheritance Envelope 4

Envelope 4 We were napping in front of the TV on opposite ends of the same huge couch when the 5:45 invitation to the clinic came. This time the chosen envelope contained an ominous "Pacifier.," The expressionless clinic nurse went into the back room and came back with a square box about the size of a grapefruit. She opened the top and took out what looked like a giant baby's pacifier with two straps hanging off it. She intoned, "Open up.," Having agreed to the experiment, I opened...

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