Wandering Ch. 04 free porn video

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This is the fourth in a series about the journey of newly divorced Lee Stephenson and his voyage of rediscovery. The time has come to reassess the inexplicable events of the past six days. I am, as always, grateful to ErikThread for his editing assistance and advice. Any errors or omissions are entirely my responsibility.

Chapter 4: Beth

I sat in my car in the parking lot of the convenience store for quite a while. I had long since finished the wretched coffee that they offered and I was lost in my thoughts. A wise man once said ‘never look a gift horse in the mouth,’ but that’s exactly what I was doing. I had left my old surroundings only six days ago and it was as if I had stepped through some portal into a parallel universe. I was living in a fantasy land of willing women and unlimited sex. I kept wondering when this was all going to come to a crashing halt and I would be returned to my mundane existence. The magic that had enhanced my short, new life seemed to continue without any assistance from me. I began to think I didn’t really didn’t need to do anything but hang on for the ‘ride.’

When little kids misbehave, parents often give them what they refer to as a ‘time out,’ a little private time alone to think about their behavior. I was pretty sure I needed a ‘time out.’ I certainly needed to think about my behavior. I also needed to try and figure out just who Leighton Philip Stephenson had become. I was certainly not the man who married Jocelyn Campbell ten years earlier. I may have been the guy who had the responsible and generally interesting job as an insurance investigator. I wasn’t a virgin when I married Jocelyn but I certainly didn’t have the skills and experience that I had picked up in the past six days.

When our marriage petered out and was put to a merciful end, I made the biggest decision of my life. I quit my job, ‘cashed in my chips’ and took a sabbatical from my old life and went looking for a new one. In my back pocket I had a job offer from Orca Investigations that would be at least as interesting as my old job and probably more so. My old friend, Pete Dennison, had been pestering me to join them, but because he understood my need to escape for a while, he was holding the offer open indefinitely. You just can’t lose when you have friends like Pete.

But back to my problem. Now I realize not every guy would think of the last six days of my life as a problem. In fact, they would probably think I was paranoid, or at least mildly psychotic for complaining about what I had experienced. But the truth is, my life during this past six days bears no resemblance to my life for the previous 34 years. I had lived a pretty plain-vanilla existence and I acted as any normal working husband would. I got up, shit, shaved, showered, had breakfast, brushed my teeth, drove to work, came home had dinner, watched some TV or read a book and went to bed. Once or twice a week I would make love to my wife, and other than the weekends, that was pretty much my life every day.

When I broke that bond with my routine, everything changed. Maybe it hadn’t all happened this week, but the really weird stuff had. My encounters with Constance, Glynnis, Sophia and Anna were sequential and almost, it seemed, inevitable. It was as if they had been preordained. Now, I know this sounds goofy, but that’s how it seemed to me. So to save my sanity and try to find an answer to this conundrum, I was going to abstain from interaction with females for at least a few days. I hadn’t decided on how many, but I had decided it would be more than two. I also decided I would start to keep a diary of my travels and experiences. It would be a way of recounting this strange voyage and give me something to keep me occupied at the same time. Decision made, I headed for my next destination point, Fairmont Hot Springs.

Mountain Meadows B & B was an Alpine style home with three guest suites in the loft, each with an ensuite. When I phoned that morning, there was one room available and I immediately booked it. I was a bit surprised at how busy they were, but I remembered that the area was known for corporate retreats, and nestled right in the heart of the Rockies, the skiing would last considerably longer than nearer the coast. I arrived in mid-afternoon and checked in with the hostess, Sandra Melling. As usual, this was a family business, and while they preferred I didn’t check in until four o’clock, I was given a break since the room was ready and they were almost finished with their chores. I dropped my bag and laptop in my room, surveyed the facilities, grabbed my digital camera and left to explore the area.

It was a fairly cloudy day and the mountains were somewhat obscured with a low overcast, but it was easy to see the attraction of the area. The Rockies are majestic at any time and the magnitude of the rock faces and upheavals from so many millions of years ago is always spectacular. I felt pretty insignificant in these surroundings.

I drove around the little town and found a couple of likely restaurants. I had booked my room for three nights in anticipation of my hiatus from hedonism. The town was pretty small and I hoped I could find enough things to fill my time. Just before five, I headed back for Mountain Meadows to start my diary and record some thoughts. It didn’t take long to get going, and when I looked up at the clock on the wall it was almost seven. I took a break and headed off toward town. I ate by myself, pen and notebook by my side to record any thoughts or remembrances of these past few weeks, and more importantly, the last six days.

I was oblivious to my surroundings in the restaurant. I was seated by a young lady of nondescript features and my waitress was equally forgettable. Good! I wasn’t distracted and neither they nor I were likely to fall under whatever spell that had been cast. I finished my meal and as I was savoring the remains of a nice Chilean red, I looked around at the other patrons. Besides the nearby young woman, there were two older couples at different tables and another table of four younger people and that was it. There was nothing to command my attention. I finished the wine and signaled the waitress for the check and prepared to leave. Then, as I looked up, an absolutely stunning young woman walked in, looked around, saw me, nodded and smiled.

As Jack Nicholson so aptly put it, ‘I was just inches from a clean getaway.’ I sat frozen in place. I felt powerless to move, certainly to leave. She was a dazzling redhead of about thirty years and she was tall. Very tall. Her hair was long and very curly, her face was that perfect oval shape every woman wishes for, and there was a lovely sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her long, aquiline nose and the tops of her cheeks. She was lean, yet still very voluptuous. A nice hip flare that was accented by a tight, long, grey wool skirt while her more-than-adequate breasts were snugly confined in a dark forest-green sweater. A wide black belt and black low heels were the only accents on this beauty and they were more than enough. On top of all that, she looked vaguely familiar.

She was by herself and she sat at a table that was directly in front of me, giving me a complete view of her in profile. It was now a battle of wills. Could I simply pay the bill and leave, or would I be tempted to introduce myself and see what effect my new powers would have on her. Incredibly, my waitress chose that very moment to bring my bill and stand directly in front of me, blocking my view of the mystery woman. Damn! Well, it was the excuse I needed. I pulled out some bills, left a reasonable tip and walked to the exit. I turned briefly to look back at her one more time, sighed, and left. I had managed a small but important victory.

I returned to my room in the loft and opened my laptop. I reread my musings from the afternoon and thought for a moment about where to continue. There was so much to say and the only path to take was to record it all and edit fr
om there. I set to it and by ten I had fifteen pages of notes, comments, remembrances and observations. Mountain Meadows was equipped with wireless and I surfed around for a few minutes, gathering the news and checking my e-mail. I signed off for the night and went to bed. I was asleep in seconds.

I awoke with the realization that it was Saturday morning and my one week anniversary was upon me. I had finally put one night behind me that had been free of sex or involvement with a woman. One down, two to go. Go ahead, laugh! Everyone has to have a goal in life. Mine was to avoid having sex for three nights in a row. Doesn’t sound like much, does it? Well, we’ll see.

I joined the other three guests for breakfast, and as usual, ate more than I was accustomed to. The food was great and irresistible, so I didn’t resist. I went back to my room and resumed my diary where I had left off the night before. I banged out my thoughts on the almost silent keyboard for an hour or so and then hit save, picked up my jacket, and headed out to the car.

I slipped into the seat, started the engine and then just sat there. I had no idea where to go so I pulled out my topographical map of B.C. and had a look at where I was and where I might go. I found a back road up a valley to what appeared to be an open area, and since the weather was good I decided to try my luck up there and do a bit of hiking. After all, I needed the exercise. I’d had enough breakfast to last me until supper time, so there was no need for anything but water and I could pick that up along the way.

When I got to the end of the narrow, rough road, I noticed I wasn’t alone. A mid-size SUV was parked off in the grass and I parked my Outback nearby. I grabbed a couple of water bottles and started to walk up the incline of the meadow. There was no one in sight, but since it was a big meadow, that wasn’t surprising. I walked for a half hour or so, stopping now and then to take some pictures of the marvelous scenery with my digital camera.

It wasn’t a few minutes later that I came over a rise and spotted a figure ahead of me. At first I couldn’t tell if it was coming or going, but soon I realized it wasn’t moving at all. As I got closer, there was something familiar about this person, and a couple of minutes later I was sure of what it was. I was also sure of who it was. The tall redhead was standing in a field of alpine flowers and looked to be making notes on a pad. I was pretty sure it was the woman from the restaurant, and as I got closer, that was confirmed. I realized she wasn’t making notes, but sketching with a pencil. I made enough noise so that I didn’t startle her and continued to approach.

She looked up in surprise as I came toward her from the side. That same big smile broke out on her face as she apparently recognized me as well.

‘Hi,’ I said with a smile.

‘Hi … you’re a long way from home,’ she said casually.

I wasn’t sure what exactly she meant. My old home was certainly a long way away. Other than last night, I didn’t have any sense that I had met her before. I was confused.

‘I’m sorry … have we met before?’ I asked.

‘I’m not surprised you don’t remember, Lee.’ She held out her hand and I took it. ‘I’m Beth Jorgenson. I’m Brian Tennyson’s P.A.’

‘Oh, Beth … of course. I apologize for not recognizing you,’ I offered. Brian Tennyson was my former employer’s executive vice president. I saw him seldom in the course of my work and would have only seen Beth Jorgenson in passing.

‘No apology necessary,’ she smiled as she seemingly examined me. ‘You’re a bit of a celebrity around the office.’

‘How so?’

‘You quit a great job just before they were about to promote you to department head. You just told them you needed some time and space and that you likely wouldn’t be back,’ she said with a rueful smile. ‘Not many guys have the guts to do that.’

‘Well … there were special circumstances,’ I suggested.

‘You mean your wife?’ she asked with a raised eyebrow.


‘I’m sorry, that was thoughtless and inconsiderate of me,’ she said.

‘Not a problem. It was a bloodless parting.’

‘And then you vanished.’

‘Well, I don’t know about vanished. You found me,’ I laughed.

‘True. When I saw you at the restaurant last night, I was surprised. I thought you might have headed for some glamour spot like Las Vegas or the Riviera.’

‘Why would you think that?’ I was curious about what she was thinking.

‘A handsome, available young man with great prospects, looking to forget? Maybe it’s what I would do in the same circumstances.’

‘Uhhhmmm.’ It was as non-committal as I could be. I was beginning to sense that strange feeling again. Where was this encounter heading? She was such a commanding presence. She was very tall, perhaps three or four inches taller than me, but she was undoubtedly very feminine. Was she coming on to me? Was it starting all over again?

‘Cat got your tongue?’

‘Yah … I guess.’

‘Well … I’m used to it. I usually intimidate the men I meet.’

‘It’s not intimidation,’ I said bluntly, and perhaps with a bit more force than I had intended.

‘Oh … so … what is it then?’ She challenged me without hesitation.

‘Long story … no … that’s not right. Short story … six days long.’

‘Good. Short stories are easy to remember.’ She was grinning during this banter.

‘Sorry … not for public consumption,’ I said, turning away. ‘You were sketching. Is it your hobby?’ I asked, turning back to her.

‘Yes. I sketch and then I paint.’

‘Here, or at a studio?’

‘Here … if the weather allows. Otherwise, I take a picture and use that to help my memory.’

‘You’ve walked a long way for a painting.’

‘I didn’t realize how far. I just kept moving until I thought I was in the right place to get the image I wanted. I guess I was dazzled by the scenery and forgot where I was.’

‘Well … I’m here to help. What can I get you?’

‘Nothing … except … Uhhhmmm … I could use a drink of water,’ she said, eyeing my two bottles.

‘Of course. Please help yourself.’ I passed one of the bottles to her. When her hand touched mine, I felt that tingling feeling again. Shit! Here we go again!

‘Why are you so … wary of me?’ she asked out of the blue.

‘Same short story … same reason for no answer.’

‘Bullshit!’ she spat without venom. She had my undivided attention.

‘What’s the matter, never heard a woman swear before?’

‘Nope … I mean yes … I’ve heard women swear before. I’m just wondering what the big deal is.’

‘I think I intimidate you. You think I’m too big or too pushy or too … something,’ she said, not looking at me as she resumed sketching.

I laughed out loud. ‘Lady, I’m an investigator. I see the seedy side of life way more often than you would realize. I am definitely not intimidated.’

‘Not the same,’ she said simply, continuing with her sketch. ‘Some men are overwhelmed by some women. It’s an ego and comfort thing. Trust me … this I know.’

‘Well … for the record … you don’t frighten me or intimidate me,’ I stated flatly. ‘You can take that to the bank.’

‘OK … so let’s say I believe you. Why don’t we get together tonight for a drink?’ She was still concentrating on her sketch.

I hesitated and she turned toward me. ‘See … I told you so.’

‘No … No … tonight’s fine. I’m sorry. I can’t explain why, but I’m being very cautious right now.’ It wasn’t a lie. It just wasn’t all the truth.

‘The divorce?’ She had gone back to her sketch.

‘Something like that.’

‘Cheer up, Lee. You’ll get over it. The statistics are in your favor.’ She said it with a smile in her voice.

I was pretty sure I was sunk. My plan for three days of celibacy looked pretty dim. She was coming on
strong and she wasn’t in the mood to take no for an answer. On the other hand, she was gorgeous. I had often fantasized about tall women and here one was being delivered to me. It was that ‘gift horse’ thing again. Ah, what the hell. Who was it going to harm?

‘So … how long are you up here for?’ I asked.

‘A week. It’s one of my vacation weeks and Brian is away on business, so I get a week of peace.’

A week with this woman would be a challenge. ‘Where are you staying?’

‘I’ve got a time share that I use for a month each year. This is week two.’

‘It’s a lovely area. I can see why you’d like it.’

‘What are you doing for dinner?’ she asked. Nothing like being direct and to the point, I thought.

‘Ahhhh … nothing special. I’m here on my own.’

‘Good … why don’t you let me feed you?’

Well, I thought in resignation, I might as well just surrender. ‘That’s very kind of you. I’d love to join you,’ I said without really realizing my double entendre.

I thought I heard her snort, but I wasn’t sure. ‘I’m just about done. We can walk back to our cars together if you like.’


She packed up her little kit and put it in a small backpack and slung it over her shoulder. She was wearing a light cotton t-shirt in pale green with an art design on the front. Her lovely breasts made sure I couldn’t see all of the design. Her shorts were snug and the long, lovely legs that fell from her fabulous hips were on full display. She had a slight tan from somewhere. Although today was an unusually warm day for this time of year, the tan wouldn’t have come from here.

We strolled together down the meadow toward the cars. She seemed to be happy to be close to me and I didn’t discourage her. I was going to bask in the company of this woman just as I had relished the company of the others I had met this past week. If I couldn’t control it, I might as well just surrender and enjoy it. If it was a fantasy, it was my fantasy, and a damn fine one at that.

When we reached the cars, she told me where her condo was and suggested I come over at seven. I smiled my agreement and told her I would see her then. As I slipped into my car, I realized I hadn’t touched her other than the brief handshake when we met. I had a suspicion that would be corrected this evening. I began to imagine just what this woman would look like naked and in my arms. I had reason to believe I would find out tonight.

When I arrived at Beth’s just before seven, I was surprised at how nice her condo was. It was clearly a cut above the ordinary. I wondered how she could afford something this elegant. From our conversation this afternoon, I got the impression she didn’t have anyone as a steady boyfriend.

When she opened the door, I’m sure my jaw dropped. She was wearing a low cut, black top sprinkled with small reflecting bits that would be dazzling if it weren’t for the competition from her cleavage. Her was the same tightly packaged gray wool from the previous evening. She was barefoot and I wondered if that was for me or just for comfort. She looked fantastic. The hair, the eyes, the freckles, the breasts and the long legs. It was damned unfair. She had her share of looks and a few others’ share as well. I was getting that swell feeling in my pants. You know the one — the one that sometimes you try to hide and other times you try to show.

She had that lovely smile and I felt very welcome. I followed her into the living room and my opinion of the outside was reinforced by the inside. This was one classy place. The finest in modern furnishings. Hardwood floors with what appeared to be Persian rugs. The decorations included crystal and various objet d’art as well as paintings hung in strategic places. In other words, high rent! This didn’t seem to be the playground for a personal assistant, but what did I know. This was out of my league.

‘I’m impressed. This is quite the spectacular place. Not what I would have expected,’ I said in admiration.

‘Well, it’s not mine. I just get to use it. It belongs to a guy who has the hots for me,’ she laughed.

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Barbara (Babs, first cello lesson)I had been teaching Babs piano lessons for a few years; she was now 16, full figured, nice breasts, blonde and wore glasses. She was preparing for Music College she needed to learn another instrument, as I also teach the Cello, and that’s what she chose.The first lesson started with how to hold the Cello. I sat her down on a stool, with no back to it, and then said that she should hold the Cello between her legs with her thighs. She was wearing her school...

2 years ago
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Quest For KnowledgeChapter 27

"Did he say what I think he said?" Nil demanded as he turned to Makro and Lavender. "Soldiers? Where could they be from and why are they here?" "You don't think Father sent some to support us, do you?" May asked. "It wasn't planned that way," Nil answered with a shrug. "I suppose it's possible, but I'd be surprised. I guess that makes more sense than somebody following us. Who else would even know we're here?" "Maybe they're not here because of us," Fobie interjected....

4 years ago
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finding moms toy

Me voila je m'appelle John j'avais 18 ans au moment des fait j'avais déjà eu des rapprochement avec ma mère mais jamais je n'aurais pensé un jour pouvoir me glisser aussi profondément dans sont intimité. Ma mère est une femme qui a su ce conserver assez bien car elle a aujourd'hui une quarantaine d'année et elle a toujours de jolie formes, elle s'habille bien et prend soins d'elle pour rester... attirante ou du moins jolie je pense. Elle n'a pas de gros seins mais ses fesses elle sont un...

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Fantasy ballbusting

Awakening in new land you take stock of scenery around. Groggy from whatever magics brought you here, you notice the trace carvings of a sigil glowing faintly, dimming as the magic wears off. Atop a large hill, you have a clear view of the land around you. To the north the smoke of a nearby town drift towards the sky. To the south a dense forest stands tall, it’s thick trees shrouding what mysteries lay within. The east of the hill leads way to a looming mountain, the shadow of a cave can be...

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My Sisters and MeChapter 6

All four of the Jordens wuz big hits when they came ta visit us on Sunday. My wives liked the adults, an' the kids all got along well together. I had been a little concerned 'bout the Jorden's reaction ta Wildflower because of her Muscogee heritage, but they never batted an eye. It looked like we wuz gonna git along well with our neighbors. They wuz in greater need than we wuz, so I offered our help ta build the new cabin the Jordens needed. Isaac thanked me kindly an' said that he would...

3 years ago
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Marions Story Chapter Seventeen

Thank you to my dear friend Marina Kelly for her help with the story, for keeping me motivated and for her wonderful editing skills. With Molly gone I sat down, drew a deep breath and sighed. I wasn't serious about the road trip or taking Kim with me but sitting in the solitary vacuum she left behind as she raced to the airport I had time to think. She was right, our life did always seem filled with drama but, damn it I felt it was mostly of her making. All I wanted was my fianc?e b...

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Margaret Lost From Her MindChapter 8

I awoke alone, as I had for the past week. The sunlight was pushing its way into my bedroom without any regard to my privacy, lighting up the dark recesses of my room. I groaned I don't know when I went to bed... Then I realised, I didn't know when I went to bed! I thought back to the last memory I had of yesterday. I spoken to Elizabeth yet again - The council had already accused me of disposing of Margaret and there was talk of withholding Billie-Jo and Pauline, but Elizabeth had...

4 years ago
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The Bet Chapter 44

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 44 (Sunday - week 7) Fear! Fear and heartbreak! Fear and heartbreak... and humiliation! That's what he felt. In his dream, he was sitting at his desk, while person after person came by and berated him for what he was. Over and over again, someone new came into his cubicle to tell him in no uncertain terms what a disgrace he was... how disgusting he was. The only one who didn't was Robin. He could clearly see her standing back in...

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My friends aunt

Hi this is red I am very big fan of iss. I am a regular reader. I am very much excited on read the stories about aunt and neighbor. I have a close friend named Nemali (boy). He has two aunts but the younger one is looking so sexy. I have salivates on seeing her. He is away from his parents and stayed with them only. I am regularly gone to his house to see her. I speak with her some times only. His family members are very close to me because Nemali is studying with me from nursery to 12th class....

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Stopping By the Woods On a Balmy Afternoon

We met in a grocery store, where he was working as a cashier. When I first laid eyes on him, there was an instant spark. He had dark hair and dark eyes and a gorgeous smile. His name tag announced he was Alex. He smiled at one of my comments, and my heart skipped a beat. I am not sure if he felt it, but I felt a strange compulsion to make a move. He was handsome and my attraction to him was intense. I was passing through his state, I was bolder than I would have been if I was in my home state....

1 year ago
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Lustful Proposition

This is a story about a man who let his lust drive him to do something that will make one question, how far would you let lust take you? Robert was a pretty standard man all things considered, worked a normal, 9 to 5 job that paid the bills and put food on the table. He didn't have a whole lot of ambition beyond just working and enjoying the occasional TV binge watching with his wife, Helen, when time would permit. Helen is a lovely woman in her early thirties, long, wavy auburn hair and a very...

4 years ago
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Sorority Slumber Party Part 1a

If you will recall Mercedes and myself were just finishing up our awkward "first shower"  and were slipping into our panties and bra.  I had a black lace bra and panty set from VS.  Most men love my large breast, size 34CC.  After staring at Mercedes in the shower I would guess she was like a 36DD.  We were instructed to come downstairs where the other girls were all waiting.  We stood in line and the "big sisters" went by and checked us all out.  We were then told that we were going to play a...

Group Sex
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Poor Little Rich GirlsChapter 5 Not To Be Out Done

Unfortunately, after no more than a few moments, Sam regained contact with the real world and practically tore himself out of Alice and bolted upright with little regard for the gentle, giving creature beneath him. He, no doubt would have regained his feet and run out of the room, but for two things... his enormous cock was still rigidly at attention, he never could have managed his pants over that thing, and Sue was aroused. The former did not enter his mind as he was struggling up, but the...

3 years ago
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WeusallChapter 9

Alice surprised me and all the others as well when she told us that she was also a Lawyer, Corporate, but still a lawyer, and we needed to do something about the changes that were occurring with all of us! That ended lunch and we headed back to Alice’s office. Since Ben had retired the office staff all retired as well since they all started together when Ben opened more than 30 years ago. Alice had a ‘temp’ working with her and she was sent home for the day when we returned. This gave us the...

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The Making of a CocksmanChapter 7

I probably should have felt bad. It was clear that Claire, when Donna hadn’t come over like she had promised, had been worried about where her friend was. The funny thing was that she reacted to seeing us like a parent does whose kids have been missing. “Where the hell have you two been?” she yelled. “I was about to call the police because I thought you must be dead!“ Then she saw our swimming suits, which we were still wearing, and our clothes bundled up in our towels. “You went swimming...

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Do orgasms slowly kill men

It is well known that the average man ejaculates in the life of around a trillion sperm. Experts want to determine whether it is true that a man in his mouth sperm lose vigor and therefore do not live as long as women?New York Times in 1992 reported a study with an astonishing and frightening at the same time results. Dr. Wyne Van Voorhies of the University of Arizona studied a simple and useful Trichinella worms that have the same genetic and biochemical processes such as humans and other...

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Winner Take Nothing

Life’s ironic. You live your first few years thinking you’re special. Then you spend the rest of it finding out how ordinary you are. There are people who never get that memo. Those are the guys who spend their entire life as self-important assholes. I envy their ignorance. The war between our high opinion of ourselves and the actuality of our day-to-day existence might bother some folks. But all it did was turn me into a pragmatist. You know the fable about the pessimist and the half empty...

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That Was Unexpected

"Oh c'mon Tracey - Tom's a professional, or at least he could have been. He was well on his way to being a Certified Physical Therapist/Sports Trainer until I got a hold of him. That's how we met. He's very good with legs and hips. Besides George doesn't mind - do you?" Kim chided her friend's husband. Tracey looked at her husband who tentatively nodded his head. "OK - Tom can do it. It's been bugging me for weeks and it's been difficult for George and me to... to be together since...

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Anal Pleasure for Him and Her

It started years ago, when I was in my early teens. One night I was lying on my side running my hands over my ass and in the crack and over my anus. I always was repulsed by the thought of male anal sex or even exploration that could lead to it, but curiosity got the best of me. I had taken a shower so my anus was clean, and I started prodding it with my finger. I had heard of rim jobs and a friend of mine said his girlfriend gave him one once and said it was awesome. But as my anus was dry...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 34 Runins at Practice

The sunny skies and warm air were attracting more and more people to the park as the day wore on. After lunch, Ashley, Lenore and I decided to avoid the growing lines on the slides and spend several hours in the wave pools and on the endless river. We woke Angelique and spent the next three hours splashing each other as we explored the park. We stayed at the park until the setting sun and diminishing light signaled that it was time for the park to close. Morgan gathered everyone up and led...

1 year ago
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AssParade Rose Monroe Peeking In On This Juicy Big Ass

In todays AssParade we got Peter Green getting creative to peak in on Rose Monroe and her great big ass. She slowly starts playing with herself and we see her glorious big ass as she rubs on her pussy. Peter Green gets a bright idea to drill a hole at the bathroom door to see her. Lucky for him she’s using her headphones so she doesn’t notices him until he puts his dick through the hole. Horny Rose smiles when she sees his dick and walks toward it to give it a great sucking. She opens the door...

2 years ago
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Best Cinema Experience

Hello everyone! This is my first story on ISS. If you find some grammatical mistakes then please forgive! Well this is not a story actually but a very experience of mine that I hope you will enjoy! It was summer of 2008, when I was on my summer vacation getting bored! So I thought of going to a cinema for watching a movie but unfortunately my friends denied! Their parents were not allowing them to go out but on the other hand my parents agreed in a minute! So I decided to go alone to cinema...

1 year ago
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The teen dream

I couldnt stop thinking about it forever, ow bad i wanted to fuck a girl. The very thought of it made me wet. I needed to fuck a girl bad, a wet juicy pussy was all i needed. "Jen" my mother screamed, "were leaving tonight, u may have one friend sleepover but that is it." This was my final chance to have a girl over and fuck her. i thought, who could i invite? I ended up inviting dee, She was tall,blonde and slim with perfect breasts. Now how to get her into bed? "Jen, i think we should go to...

1 year ago
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Android OmnibusChapter 12 Cousins

Michael discovers for the first time that he's not alone in this Universe. Unbeknownst to him, Dr. Carson had been working on two additional androids, designed to look, act, and be teenagers. "Hey," he said, greeting them. "So what's the emergency?" Michael sat down next to Julie at the dining room table. "The man you know as Dr. Carson ceased to function at 5:44am this morning," the boy said. "We were instructed before-hand to come to this address," the girl said. He...

3 years ago
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My Lesbian Lover And Mother

Hello everybody this is Rohit and I live in Jamshedpur. I am an enthusiast and love to do a variety of things like playing badminton, table tennis, cricket, swimming. I am a hardcore lover on sex stories and fantasies. This is the story of how I met my current girlfriend Anjali name changed way back in 2008 at that time and I was active on Orkut and we met in a community in a forum named what you would like to do with the above person. I am a bit humorous by nature my statements started amusing...

2 years ago
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Into Sister Into IncestChapter 4

The three men were so busy gathering and chopping wood that the blizzard took them by surprise. At first the flakes softly fell. Then, all of a sudden, neither boy could see anything but each other through the swirling snow. "Jeez, where's your dad?" Marty asked his cousin, as the storm got worse. "Probably not that far away," Ron answered. "Went to drag back some more wood. But in this shit, a hundred yards could be the same as a hundred miles if we don't hurry up and get out of...

1 year ago
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Teaching my neighbor

Tyler was keen to learn about gay sex but had never been with a man before and at eighteen, I felt it time that he paid me a visit for some instruction. As a thirty year old devotee of cock my reputation as a bit of atutor had gone before me and I was lucky enough to have a supply of willing trainees. I had removed all my clothes apart from my white lycra briefs and I had instructed Tyler to do the same. He was a little nervous of course but his nerves made him look even more attractive....

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Craig MccallisterChapter 2

What can I say? Riding for hours along an otherwise deserted road can get boring real damned fast! I even tried counting jackrabbits and rattlesnakes for a while just to keep me awake. The problem was, I kept nodding off and forgetting the count. That shows you how important it was. The problem with going to sleep was that my horse would stop and would not move again until I ordered him forward. Maybe he was a bored as I was. The one bit of excitement on the road that day was when a...

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My first time fucking Tyrone

My old time girlfriend Maura had invited me to her home. The excuse was having a few drinks, but she wanted to introduce me her new boyfriend.We sat around a low table, just a small group of good friends. My loving Victor was sitting close to my side,The brand new boyfriend Tyrone wasn’t what I was expecting. Maura usually went for men in their late thirties, blond bachelors mostly, with blue eyes and owners of a nice car…But this guy Tyrone wasn’t like that, at all. He was athletic, muscular,...

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The Royal Family

The nobles of the kingdom gathered hastily, as news of the Queens labor spread through the capital city. This was Queen Daphne’s first child and all of nobility had to be present to witness the birthing of the heir to the throne. Dressed in their finest silks and jewels the Nobility of Esturania flooded the throne room, a murmur of excitement and arousal in the air. Seated at the front of the room was both King Fredrick and Queen Daphne. Both were dressed in the official ceremonial garb of the...

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Pierwsze starcie z peggingiem

Pewnego dnia, gdy weszłam do domu, M. mówi:- Mam dla Ciebie niespodziankę.Jej forma przekroczyła moje najśmielsze oczekiwania.Było to pudełko wypełnione seksualnymi gadżetami.Wśród nich znajdowało się pudełko z dildem i silikonowymi majtkami.- A to.. co to jest..?! - Wspominałaś ostatnio, że chciałabyś kiedyś zobaczyć, jak to by było pieścić mnie wibratorem. W takim razie będziesz mogła mnie tym naprawdę przelecieć - wyjaśnił z szelmowskim uśmiechem. Byłam w lekkim szoku.Oprócz tego w pudełku...

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Fallen Angel 7 True Colors

Chapter 7: True Colors Hopping into the jeep, Cal started it and then unlocked the doors. Miranda hopped in the back while Althea figured out how to open the door and jumped in the front passenger seat. Careful not to hit any of the surrounding cars, Cal slowly backed out of his parking space and drove down the parking lot to the exit, and then to Dark Star Lane, right next to the marina. This, Cal recalled by straining his memory, was where Jeri lived, or at least where he thought she...

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Here cums the train

This is my naughty story and I'll start from the beginning:l was on my way to Nottingham this morning to visit some family and thought this was the perfect time to start this series for you guys! So I was on the train, l'd managed to get a seat with a table and the train was quite busy. I'd bought my lil black love egg and I'd got my phone out to watch a couple of vids and read some stories to get inspired! I was watching one of my favourite videos of a library masturbation and I was getting...

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Sharis WeddingChapter 7 Twentyseven days to Wedding

The next day was a rush for all. Even pa had to help with the social arrangements. Benjamin had a long day with his Australasian staff in preparation of his tripartite takeover meeting in a day's time. The evening entertainment dragged on and all slept late. Kathleen was treated to a quickie from her husband that lasted over an hour and produced five orgasms out of her. As she slept cocooned in her giant husband's arms, she felt a pang of guilt, as her father was alone in his bed under the...

2 years ago
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My Doted Line Boss

By : Luvubuddie29 Hi, well after having read all the confession by both guys and girls I felt ashamed if I don’t open up and confess my Pre & Post marital affair with my dotted line boss. This relations ship actually started on an off beat. She was just about 5’ small make but fare and tiny lips that looked sexy when she smiled. My direct reporting manager was a good friend We joint the company on the same day and lived in the same apartment. So it was only normal to take work back home and...

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Elderly Great Grandmother Needs Help

It was a Thursday morning and I was working from home when the phone rang.“Hello” I answered. “Oh, hello dear, sorry to bother you, it’s Dorothy from next door, is Sandra home?” She sounded distressed.Sandra is my wife and was at work. “No she isn't Dorothy. Is everything alright?”Dorothy is an 83 year old Great Grandmother and has lived in the house next door for 60 years. She is a widow of 20 years, has white curly hair and looks like your typical elderly English lady, short, overweight and...

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