my wife gets lucky
- 3 years ago
- 16
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Part Six
It was a very sore, sorry and completely naked Debra Hutchinson that wasfrog–marched out of the mansion the following morning. Although her muscleshad ceased their spasms – having been freed of the indescribably painfulstrappado that she had spent the night bound within – her entire bodywas a road–map of aches that piled one on top of the other, making eachstep a marked effort. Two guards flanked her, both uniformed in the black suitsthat Debra was fast becoming accustomed to. Neither spoke nor responded inany way to her moans of faint protest. Her hands fluttered uselessly behindher, bound with thin cord that had immediately been applied the second shewas freed from the strappado. Her ankles were also bound, but with steel manaclesthat were linked by nine inches of chain. This ensured that she could walkwith very small steps, but did not leave enough slack to attempt an escapefrom her captors. The tape and packing gag had been removed (along with a notableportion of her hair), and been replaced with a simplistically effective rubberball gag. One of the guards had smugly informed her the ball was four and halfinches in diameter – one of the larger gags favoured by Madame Von Kepp – asit was clear from her outburst the previous day that she could handle it. Debrabegged to differ, but was not given the opportunity to voice her opinion beforethe gag was crammed between her teeth.
The naked woman shivered in the crisp morning air. She wondered for perhapsthe thousandth time how she had gone from accomplished FBI agent to kidnappedslave in less than twenty–four hours. Never had she imagined that shewould find herself in such a position. Even when she considered the worst possibilityof her unusual occupation, it had been a bullet she encountered, not an insaneGerman slaver and her contingent of sadistic guards.
A particular sticking point was that none of this should ever havehappened. She had sent the signal for the reinforcements to roll in as soonas a bound and gagged Katherine had appeared. But no cavalry had arrived! Somehow,something had gone monumentally wrong. And it was now obvious that "something" wasRameriez. The new Agent had clearly been a plant from day one, gathering informationfor Von Kepp and undermining the Operation at every turn.
Debra's attention was dragged back to her current predicament as her captorsled her off the leaf–speckled driveway and into the yellow, red and brownforest surrounding the Von Kepp mansion. She shivered, her skin a screen ofgoose bumps, her nipples rock hard in the cool morning air. Debra wonderedwhat fate was in store for her. Given what she had already suffered through,it did not take a huge a large deductive leap to recognize whatever she facedwas likely to be decidedly unpleasant.
Debra's suspicions were all but confirmed a few minutes later when she wasled through a gap between two large trees and into a small clearing. Two horsedriders, a dog handler, and a small pack of Jack Russell terriers were waitingfor her. Debra instantly recognized Von Kepp and Ramirez garbed identicallyin traditional dressage attire. Red riding jackets with black lapels were buttonedclosed over high necked, white shirts. Tightly knotted black ties adorned thewomen's necks, and were held in place with expertly placed silver tie–pins.Skin-tight cream jodhpurs encased their legs, and were tucked into knee lengthblack riding boots. The riders each gripped a short crop in gloved hands, whilsttheir riding helmets were held beneath the crook of their left arms. The horsesthey rode were both large enough to be intimidating. Von Kepps's was a whitecharger of at least seventeen hands, whilst Ramirez's gray mare was only ahand or two shorter.
"Ahhh, wonderful! Our first rabbit has arrived," Von Kepp announced theatrically.Powerless to do anything except glare at her captor, Debra waited for an explanation.She had to wait longer than anticipated, however, as the German slaver resumedthe conversation she had been having with Ramirez about the beauty of her nativecountryside.
No more than a minute later another pair of guards and their naked prisonerentered the clearing. Debra did not have to look hard to see that Katherinehad suffered through a night equally as intense as her own. Besides being boundand gagged in the same manner as Debra, the other Agent's shoulders were slumpedforward, her eyes half-closed – obvious proof of her similar ordeal ofcaptivity and torture. Debra could not shake the wave of embarrassment thatrolled over her, however, as Katherine looked up long enough to assess hernaked body before again dropping her gaze.
"Ms Wytt, so good of you to join us. Now we're only waiting on … Ah!Here she is now." Debra turned to see a third bound and gagged woman marchedinto the clearing. She was not one of the other Agents that had been capturedalong with herself and Katherine, but was nevertheless vaguely familiar. Shewas of average height with unkempt chestnut hair (on top of her head and betweenher legs, Debra noted with no small degree of embarrassment), large breastswith equally large areole, a flat stomach and well toned legs. Debra frowned,trying to place the woman, but it wasn't until she saw Katherine staring atthe newcomer with shocked recognition, that she realized who she was.
"Ms Bradbury, our final contestant. Good to see that you've recovered fromyour plastering sufficiently well to join us this morning." Debra could seethe high–powered lawyer turned informant was terrified. Her eyes dartedabout the clearing, seeking assistance or perhaps escape, while her nostrilsflared repeatedly as she sucked in shallow breaths.
The dogs, perhaps sensing the women's fear, strained at their leashes, yappingexcitedly.
"You're probably wondering why I've had you brought here this morning." VonKepp gave a signal and the guards on either side of the three bound women proceededto force their elbows together. She kept speaking while Debra, Katherine andHolly endured the discomfort and humiliation of having their upper arms tightlybound together so that their breasts were thrust forward prominently. "We'regoing to play a game to commemorate my last day in your God–forsakencountry that I long ago dubbed 'Rabbit–Hunt'."
Debra did not have time to consider the implications of the "last day" commentas Von Kepp continued with a superior smile.
"The rules are very simple. You will each have a ten minute head start toescape into the grounds surrounding my mansion. As you all know, twelve footwalls border the estate, so escape will be impossible – especially withyour arms bound in the manner that they now are. Your gags will remain in placeto ensure communication is limited." Finished with her elbows, one of the guardsforced Debra's legs apart, while the other wrapped a doubled over length ofrope around her waste. "A crotch rope is also standard for all competing rabbits.Mainly because they hurt enough to impede progress, but also because I findthem aesthetically pleasing." Debra grunted in pain as her rope was pulledup between her legs, hooked over itself at the small of her back, and drawnback down into her crotch. It was tied off at her navel, tightly enough thatshe could feel it crushing her clit. Looking over, she saw Katherine and Hollyreceiving the same treatment.
"Your goal is to remain free for as long as possible. My partner here andI will be hunting you along with the aid of Wolfgang and his terriers," VonKepp motioned at the dog handler and for the first time Debra recognized thewhite-haired man from yesterday's stand-off. "All have been scented with thepanties you wore upon your capture and would no doubt desperately like backnow." Debra reddened at the reminder of her nakedness, before feeling the manaclesaround her ankles moving. She looked down to see one of the guards unlockingthem with a key. A glance again revealed her co–captives were also beingfreed from their chains.
"The winner," continued Von Kepp, "will be rewarded with a relatively comfortabletrip to the Motherland. The loser – that is the first rabbit to be caught – willbe given to Wolfgang to spend the remainder of the day in his InterrogationChamber." Debra shivered when the man's cold gaze focused upon her. She instinctivelyknew that to him she was less than even a slave; nothing more, in fact, thanan insect to be cut open and experimented upon.
Von Kepp's horse stomped the ground nervously. "Yes, my pet, it's past timewe began the Hunt." She turned to Ramirez. "Are you ready?"
"Most certainly, Madame."
The white-haired man merely nodded whilst effortlessly holding the eightstraining Jack Russell's at bay.
"Then let us begin!" Von Kepp pulled up her jacket and cuff–linkedshirt sleeve to reveal a gold wrist watch. "You have 10 minutes from … now!"
For a moment, Debra stood completely still, her mind not quite comprehendingthat the hunt had begun. But then Katherine was moving as fast her tight crotchrope would allow, and Debra knew that she had to do the same. She broke intoa half–jog, careful to pay attention to her footing whilst trying tomaintain her balance with aching muscles, bound elbows and wrists, and bouncingbreasts.
Von Kepp's mocking laughter followed her out of the clearing.
Minutes before she heard the distant yap of the Jack Russells grow in pitchand volume, Holly Bradbury had been ready to lay down and accept her fate.
She had been through too much physical and mental torture in the past weekto endure anything further. Being bound, gagged and then encased in a plastercast from head to toe (with openings thoughtfully left for her nostrils) hadbeen bad enough. But having to remain sealed in that cast for more than a day,unable to control even her own bladder, let alone move a muscle, had drivenHolly right to the very edge of her endurance. Being freed from the cast wasmeant to have been a moment of pure relief. Instead, Madame had ensured Hollywas immediately hosed down in the Cleanliness Room and then suspended by herwrists to drip dry. From there, a procession of ever more inventively sadistictorments had been arranged for her. Some – like being bound spread-eagledin the foyer of the mansion whilst each and every passing guard paused to stareat her nakedness – were designed to humiliate. Others – like havingher breasts clamped in a vice while being flogged from behind – werepure physical tortures from which she still bore the scars.
She staggered on, however. More for the two women that jogged alongside herthan for her own benefit. They had instinctively bunched together upon leavingthe clearing that held the bizarre hunting party, and now Agent Wytt was leadingthe way. Holly was unfamiliar with the other woman, but guessed she was a partof the FBI team that Madame had gloated over capturing. She ran behind Holly,every so often prodding her into movement with her breasts and a muffled "Mppff!" aroundher ball-gag. The tormented lawyer knew it would be better for her fellow "rabbits" ifshe just gave up. It would even be easier for her to just fall to theground, lay on the patchwork quilt of fallen autumn leaves, and wait for theTerriers to sniff her out. She knew the punishment would be bad – she'dbeen subjected to enough of Wolfgang's ministrations to know the man was theliving embodiment of sadism – but she'd reached the point where she couldno longer bring herself to care. Not when the chance to rest her aching muscleswas even now passing her by …
Holly's footsteps faltered, slowed, and then she was suddenly falling forward.A muffled grunt of alarm sounded behind her as she struck the ground face-first,her bound arms incapable of cushioning the blow. A groan of her own followed,half in pain, half with relief that her legs were no longer straining to moveher onwards. And all the while, the yapping of the Jack Russells drew evercloser.
Looking up, Holly saw the gag distorted faces of her fellow competitors peeringdown at her. Wytt looked angry as she tossed her head impatiently, clearlysignaling Holly to get up quickly. The other woman, however, was cautiouslylowering herself into a kneeling position. Holly grimaced in sympathy whenshe saw the way said movement was causing the crotch cord to rip deeper intoher most vulnerable of areas.
"Ew haph fu het hup."
Despite their predicament, Holly had to bite back a hysterical giggle. Gag-talkwas so ridiculously hard to understand.
The barking of the dogs continued to grow louder, her companions proportionatelymore desperate.
"Umm ogn!" Wytt yelled into her gag.
The other woman shook her head determinedly, her eyes never leaving Holly's. "Hethup. Het hup how."
Holly frowned quizzically for a moment and then realized what had been said.Get up. Get up now. She groaned again and forced herself into a sittingposition with all the difficulty that having her arms pinioned behind herwould imply. Wytt was already backing away. The nicer woman was herself standing,her gaze alternating between Holly's progress and the direction from whichthe dogs seemed to be coming.
Moving to her knees, Holly progressed to getting one foot on the leaf-coveredground. Her crotch cord hitched upwards, causing her to gasp in pain as herclit was crushed. Biting down on her gag, she was just about to stand whena wave of nausea rolled through her. For one terrible second Holly Bradburythought she was going to vomit (an easy avenue to suffocation with a ball-gagstrapped into her mouth), but her rolling stomach was not quite prepared topart with the morsel of food she had been permitted the night before. Instead,the world spun wildly. She tried forcing herself to stand, but her knee buckledwith her weight and she pitched over sideways. A muffled screech of dismaymomentarily over-rode the incessant yapping of the dogs, but Holly could noteven tell from which direction it came. Weakly, she raised her head to seethe nicer woman poised between coming back to her aide and running on.
Holly shook her head, signaling her defeat, willing the woman away. She wantedto tell her how grateful she was for her concern, but that she had to escape,had to save herself, before the hunting party arrived. Of course, the ball-gagforcing her jaw wide apart was allowing no such communication, so she had torely upon expression to convey her meaning.
At that moment, over the woman's shoulder, Holly caught a glimpse of Madameastride her horse weaving in and out of the trees.
"EE-IGHHN EWW!" she screamed at her benefactor.
The woman turned just in time to see the Terriers and Wolfgang appear fromamongst a copse of trees, the dogs straining for all they were worth to reachtheir quarry. Madame was not far behind, but as of yet there was no sign ofher protégé.
Holly knew what would happen next. The woman would run as fast as her legswould carry her, breasts slapping against her chest, arms helpless behind her,breath whistling around the gigantic and painful ball-gag. The dogs would quicklysense easier prey and within moments would be on top of Holly, the emotionlessWolfgang perhaps holding them back, perhaps allowing them to bite and tearat her. She would be the first caught and would be given to him for an eveningof his pleasure …
So be it. She had resigned herself to this fate from the moment Madame hadexplained the rules of "Rabbit-Hunt". And it was better she face Wolfgang thanhave him break another woman in her ste-
The woman did not run away. She instead glanced back at a bruised, batteredand exhausted Holly and seemed to come to a decision. Suddenly, she was acceleratinginto an awkward run right at Wolfgang and the Terriers.
Holly watched, aghast, as at the last second a woman she had known for lessthan fifteen minutes sidestepped around the leading dogs … and ran straightinto Madame on her horse.
Ramirez had broken away from Madame as soon as she was able. She enjoyedthe crisp morning air beating against her face as she rode the horse at a gallopalong the main drive, and then at a slower gait through the obstacle coursethat doubled as the estate's thickly vegetated grounds. Ideally, she'd haveliked to discard the helmet, undo the necktie and loosen her collar to betterfeel the caress of the breeze. But Ramirez knew from experience that Madamedid not tolerate sloppy presentation, and as such was not willing to run therisk that they would bump into each other before she could re-garb herselfappropriately. So the helmet remained firmly strapped beneath her chin, andthe tie tight around her neck, as she headed via circuitous route toward themain gate.
Bureau training dictated that an Agent must make the most of any opportunityto escape, and Ramirez was very much aware that there was only one entry andexit from Von Kepp's estate that did not involve climbing over twelve footwalls. Obviously, with her arms bound as they were, Wytt had no chance of escapingin that manner, so Ramirez trusted the highly trained agent to makefor the only remaining opportunity open to her.
Ramirez smiled thinly. They had things to discuss. Things Madame had no needto see or hear.
Katherine could not believe it. How could Debra have been so stupid?Risking your life to save a friend or a colleague was one thing. Stopping tohelp a known criminal turned informant was another.
She had tried to communicate as much to Debra, tried to get her to leaveBradbury to her fate. After all, an afternoon of torture had been all but promisedfor the first woman caught, and Katherine could think of no better candidateamong the three of them than the bitch-lawyer who had worked to keep Von Keppout of jail for several years, thus indirectly contributing to the formulationof Operation Whitedove.
But Debra had refused to leave even when the hunting party was almost uponthem. Katherine had made one last silent appeal – which Debra had shakenher head at – before darting for the transient safety of the deeper woods.
Less than a minute later she'd heard the pitch of the dogs' barking changeamid a series of excited shouts.
And as simply as that, she was on her own.
The main gate was now her destination. She was effectively helpless thanksto the thin cord cruelly biting into her wrists and elbows, so there was noway she could possibly hope to scale the estate walls. Not to mention the crotchcord. She'd had to fight the pleasure she felt as the guard wound the thincord around her stomach and then pulled it between her legs, and the firststeps she had taken whilst bound had proven to be quite stimulating. Katherinehad found, however, that the cord only seemed to tighten as she moved untilit now felt as if it were cutting her in two with every step. Not that givingup was an option. The main gates would obviously be well guarded, but if shecould hide within range for long enough, someone would have to come or go,and that might afford her the opportunity to slip through unnoticed.
Katherine had always been a realist, however, so she knew her chances wereexceptionally slim. Even if the guards were inattentive enough to allow herto pass, she had no doubt that video surveillance would capture her attemptedescape and effectively ensure she was delivered back into Von Kepp's hands.
It suddenly occurred to Katherine that the flash between the trees she'dseen upon driving through the Von Kepp grounds yesterday afternoon must havebeen another "rabbit" just like her. She shook her head at the gall of VonKepp. She'd known a fully armed undercover team of FBI Agents was on theirway to arrest her and she'd had colleagues out hunting one of her slaves whilethey drove on by. Incredible.
Caught in her musings, Katherine didn't see the raised tree root until justbefore she trod on it. Bound as she was, sudden shifts in direction were nearimpossible, but Katherine somehow managed to adjust her step so that she landedjust short of the root and then leapt over it. She came to a quick stop, lungsstraining for air that her mouth could not sufficiently provide due to thejaw-straining ball-gag buckled within it.
Katherine mentally berated herself for not concentrating upon the task athand. She had to be focused to have any chance of eluding capture. Aching musclesand a lack of sleep were no excuses. One fall and she might not be able toget back up again.
She listened carefully. The breeze was brisk enough to goose-pimple her nakedflesh, but not so strong that it masked other sounds. The dogs were still barking,but she was satisfied they were significantly further away. She hoped thatmeant she'd be able to reach the gates before they caught her.
Taking as deep a breath through her nostrils as possible, Katherine set offagain. Although her attention was more closely focused on the trees she wasdodging and the ground beneath her feet, she could not help but imagine howridiculous she must look. A fully grown woman without a stitch of clothing,running through a morning forest with her arms bound behind her back, a crotchrope sawing at her clit, and a ball-gag maintaining her silence. Her sizeablebreasts bounced with every step she took, alternating between springing uppainfully and slapping against the top of her belly.
With all that had happened, it was no surprise to Katherine that this mentalimage of herself excited her.
She just wished it were someone else in her position. Someone she haddecided to punish in this manner.
Katherine jogged on until she reached a high double brick wall of the estate.Without hesitation she turned to her right and moved on. She noted with approvalthat she could no longer hear the Jack Russells with their incessant yapping.Within five minutes the trees had begun to thin out, so she slowed to a fastwalk (for which her clit would be eternally grateful), while keeping a carefuleye out for the first sign of the guarded main gates.
So it was that she never saw any sign of Ramirez until a booted foot appearedfrom behind a tree she was passing and kicked her legs out from under her.
Katherine hit the ground hard – hard enough to blast the air from herlungs and leave her gasping for breath. She scrambled to roll over and sawthe traitor glaring down at her, riding crop in one gloved hand, switch bladein the other.
Unable to protect herself or even scream, Katherine could only flounder helplesslyin the autumn leaves as Ramirez moved forward, her expression cold and unforgiving.
End of Part Six
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Group SexGeorge Whitman was grateful for the window in his bedroom that looked out into a small green space between the rows of buildings. If he looked upwards, over the buildings on the other side, he could see in the distance the very top of the British Museum. Down below there was a small patch of mossy grass fringed with ferns, then tall shrubs and an old, blackened brick wall. It wasn't clear to which building the little plot belonged, but someone must cut the grass from time to time. Most of all...
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Dirty Dan Chronicals #2 To: Serena From: Daniel Subject: All Holes Filled To set the scene. It is in the evening on a hot day. Your car has broken down. I am driving back home and in my car and with me is my sexy mother in law. She's 50 but looks early forties and her red lipstick and blonde hair make her look very Marilyn Monroe. It didn't take long for her to get on to the subject of sex talk in the car and although we haven't done anything yet there is a sexual attraction. That's when...
I am awakened by a knock on my bedroom door."Connie, your mother and I have urgent business with a client in Boston. We will be gone for the next two days."I hear my father make his way downstairs and I hop out of bed. Throwing on my blue pajama bottoms and matching top, I scurry downstairs to the kitchen. Dad is sitting at the table, eating his breakfast and mom is fixing breakfast for us. I go over and kiss mom on the cheek, "Good morning, mom.""Good morning, sweetie. Now go sit, your...
Voyeur“Hello! Anybody home?” Rachel shouted loudly as she pounded on the door to her home. It wasn’t her home actually it was her parents home, Rachel had just forgotten to put her keys in her purse before she took off to her class. She pounded on the door again getting frustrated. Finally after what seemed like hours she heard someone run to the door and unlock it.“I’m sorry it took so long, I just got out of the shower.” Rachel’s half brother Daniel said as he hurried to open the door for her.She...
IncestHey guys, hope you all are doing well. I’m back with the next part of this series. For those of you who haven’t read the previous one, I request you to give it a look to understand what’s happening. Recap: Mom and I reached Canada for Shanaya’s wedding. Selena and Sam, my aunt and uncle, welcomed us into their home. I enjoyed a hot session with mom in the shower. We got caught by aunt Selena on the way out, completely naked and kissing each other. After seeing us, aunt Selena stormed out of the...
IncestMarrying at a young age, 22, during my first year university is something I don’t think i’ll ever understand. It’s not like I asked her to marry me. She asked me and I accepted. Sadly, our marriage was anything other than wedded bliss. She the ex-wife got pregnant the following year. She was 24 at the time and had just received her Master’s Degree. Her family supported us for the most part until both of us were out in the world pulling our own weight. Along came Mehul, our son and I wasn’t...
IncestA Study in Satin by Tigger Part III: Dum Vivimus Vivamus! Chapter 1: Travel to Tomorrow Through Yesterday Irene's clear blue eyes wandered yet again from the spectacularly beautiful scenery back to the equally-beautiful young woman seated opposite her in the private first class compartment. Sherla Holmes deep blue traveling gown contrasted richly with the worn upholstery of her seat, a contrast brought into even sharper focus by the glossy black of her hair. Katrina had...
Ek bacha vikas naam hai uske pariwar me mummy do chachi do mami hai wo ek hi makan me rehte hai sab bache se bahut pyaar kerte hai ek din vikas ko ek bimari ho gayi usko docter ke pass legaye docter ne bataya ki baache ko bahut kamjori ho gayi hai usko maa ke doodh ki jarurat hai sab ghar per pareshan ho jate hai ki ab kya kare docter bolte hai ki ek injection hai usse aap logo ko doodh aana suru ho jayega sabko injection laga deta hai sab ghar per aa jate hai ab raat me chachi maa se bolti hai...
100% fiction! My son doesn't know that his mother wants him to see her naked. Or that I purposely leave pictures of myself almost nude out on purpose. He has caught me peeking in his room while he masterbates to catch a sight of his penis. Somehow I always just miss it though. He also has no idea that I've found his cum after he leaves and I tasted it. Not just tasted either. My heart began to race as I thought of my son milking himself and moaning as he shot his juice all over. My mouth...
IncestThen he began to fuck me. Two men were fucking me front and behind. I became a toast between my husband and black man. They fucked me about twenty minutes. I am Sevil, married with Orhan for 3 years. We make every kind of sex. One night while making love, 'Do you want to go to Sex Club?' asked me. 'How is that place?' I asked. 'You understand when you go,' said.' That will be a surprise for you.' my husband added. I wondered very much. The next day I asked: ' When are we going there?''At this...
GroupSo I spent the night over my good friends house last night. We had a lil bit to much wine. Her husband was out. Later we both got sleepy so she said just get in bed with me. My husband can sleep on the couch. So we both fell asleep butt naked. Later I heard her husband come in. He just got naked and in the bed with us. I paid him no mind. He began playing with his big dick. He rolled over on my friend and was beating her pussy up! it was so quiet all I could hear was the sound of her wet pussy....
Not really sure this is the place to have any kind of blog, but at the same time i like the idea of expressing myself on a site where no one really knows me.Huh...that's kind of cowardly isn't it? Either way, I wanted to talk about sexist people and actions that I've witnessed recently and why they came to be. This should go without saying but i don't think myself as sexist. Yea women and men are different, but does that mean that one of us is inferior to the other? Absolutely not. So why is...
Don’t miss this sensual Penthouse scene with tattooed seductress Chantal Danielle and dark haired hunk Lucky Fae. Clad in sexy black strappy lingerie showing off her big titties to perfection, the pink-haired glamour girl enjoys plenty of oral attention before wrapping her lips around her man’s huge schlong as he gropes her inked ass. Spreading her legs wide the bendy beauty fingers her clit as his thick shaft fucks that wet pussy in doggystyle and cowgirl until finishing with a...
xmoviesforyouAlyana pulled the tight sports top over her young breasts and smoothed downthe material, slowly running her hands over her soft flesh. She waspreparing herself for her daily run in the park. She was her school's bestrunner and loved racing and practising, the feel of the tight clothes overher skin, the toned flesh of her young body and the sight of the beautiful,fit bodies of the other girls she ran with.Alyana was 18 and loved the sight of other girls her age, girls turningslowly to...
Lovita Fate and Mia Trejsi have been hard at work studying for upcoming exams, but Mia is ready for a study break. She goes to Lovita’s desk to set her girlfriend’s work aside and deliver a deep kiss as she pushes Lovita against the wall. Taking Lovita’s hand, she leads her girlfriend to where Michael Fly is also studying so they can include him in their break. The girls begin their threesome with a show for Michael. Stripping each other down to their panties, they exchange...
xmoviesforyouOur first day on the road together starts out less than auspicious. Alice’s lawyer has forgotten to get her check for the sale of her business the night before, so we have to wait until 10:00 for him to arrange it through the bank. Then we have to deposit it with her broker and sign all the papers. It is lunchtime by the time we get on the road. It is coming on Noon. Alice is more upset than I. Her being ticked off keeps my own temper in check. By the time we are a few miles down the road, my...
I am not a virgin anymore. I lost my virginity to my boy friend 3 years ago. When I fell in love with him, I knew that he was the one and I asked him to make love to me. Ever since then my lust has grown gradually but I make sure that anything else entering me beside his cock is just a toy. But this morning that determination also failed.I was walking back home from school late at night. Although I was supposed to remain in school the whole night and work on a project, it got done by midnight...
Friday night and a rare thing was happening for me, I had the house completely to myself for the night. Parents off at a great aunt and uncles 50th anniversary, sisters off at sleepovers, and little brother at our grandparents. Moments like these often seem to end in a story. Of course I considered the usual, having a party, but after a few disasters and me being on my parents last ounce of trust, I opted for just having my best friend, Acacia, over. We decided to have a chill night,...
Hi friends my name is Shantanu from Kalyan near Mumbai, age 25, recently I came across this website and have read many experiences of other people so I also wanna share my true experience with my indian aunty she is my dad’s younger sister, literally it took me years to understand her and spend beautiful and valuable time with her First I will tell few things about her; she is currently 42 years old with one child of 14 years, dark in colour little plump and she has a cute face with dimple...
IncestNOT QUITE DONE YET By Geneva Using a spell from an old book, a women's committee changes a blackmailer to a woman to stop his further activities. START Vera, in the chair, took a quick look over her committee, one by one. She thought, with some satisfaction, that she had done well in selecting them. All of the women were committed, innovative and energetic. "All right, with the 'Old Business' dealt with, let's now look at 'New Business', specifically, something that needs our...
Alexis Fawx is growing tired of Laney Grey’s entitled ways. Her step-daughter is so used to getting everything she wants from her daddy that she doesn’t respect Alexis when she says no. Even today, Laney won’t stop bothering her, wanting to get her nails done or for Alexis to get her a new laptop. Laney even goes so far as to declare that she should get a new car because Alexis’ car sucks! As Alexis’ frustrations boil over, she tells Laney that she needs to grow up...
xmoviesforyouThree days after my meeting with Agnes Seward, I took their shuttle over. I shared the ride with two very hungover contractors and a load of supplies for one of the many departments onboard a mining ship. When I arrived, I met a young lady who told me her name was Mary and she was Grandmother Seward’s secretary. I resolved that I would have to remember the Grandmother title. Mary led me to Grandmother Seward’s office. When I entered, Agnes stood and held her hand out. “Captain Sullivan, I’m...
Natalie Knight is a cute, innocent looking chick with a smile that could make anyone melt. Whenever a guy cums in her mouth, she makes sure to swallow because spitters are quitters after all! She lays across our studs desk and moans as he slips his dick inside her sweet, inexperienced vag. Then she narrates the action, telling him just how much she loves riding the shit out of his cock. The cum in her face is the cherry on top, and Natalie loves to slurp. With cocksucking and dickriding skills...
xmoviesforyouMy wife of six years, Sharon, was a marvelous lover. We had had two children, who were, at the time of this story, ages five and four. She had regained much of her voluptuous, Rubinesque figure. Sex was fun. We tried new things. Even though I traveled perhaps five days out of each month, the days I was gone were rarely more than two at a time, so we had several passionate homecomings plus enough regular lovemaking to average about 20 times a month. We made love in the car, in the living room,...
Group SexThe report was due to be presented to the company's stockholders at 10 a.m. Wednesday, which meant it had to be in my hands at 8 o'clock that morning. It was the start of a steamy Texas summer, a time when the blood ran a little slower. Sighing, I pushed my chair away from my desk, stood up and walked to the window that dominated one end of my large well appointed office. I needed to stretch after being in my chair too long. His office was on the 20th floor of the company's 55-story...
The drive to Austin was even more annoying than Kimberly expected. The aggravation started on the weekend with the news that the announcement had been moved up to Monday morning forcing Kimberly to begin her drive early Monday morning. But she would still miss Tuesday in Houston. Her frustration only increased when she arrived in Austin to find that a ‘legal issue’ had delayed the announcement until late afternoon. Only essential personnel allowed in the building. She decided to go shopping...
NovelsTony has come to Lexi Luna’s apartment to hand her an eviction notice because she and her husband are behind on their rent. Lexi is stunned. Her husband has been telling her that he’s paying the rent. When Tony confirms that there’s no mistake, Lexi turns to begging for him to show some mercy. She isn’t shy about using her body to try to get Tony to give them some time to figure out what’s going on. Tony is obviously hesitant since his dad is the landlord, but Lexi...
xmoviesforyouIt had been a long day, I’d say. Been waiting for almost an hour, for my dream sex lady. God damned, these flights never come on time. An hour late. “It better be good if it’s gonna be this late!” I thought. After an hour more of endless people coming out of the arrival gate, she was wearing a white shirt on jeans and a small bag. She looked even prettier than in her photos. She smiled, and her eyes twinkled when she saw me. “Hi, Sonal! How was the flight?” I asked. “Oh, it was alright. A bit...
Sunday morning came brightly. My bedroom faced the water and the east, more or less. It got some morning sun. I usually woke to the sun and today was no exception. I also woke with a piss hard-on. I pushed Bethany down and said, "Swallow everything you get." She scooted down and began to suck my cock into her throat. The other two woke up. I was fondling Taylor's breasts giving the nipples little twists and pulls. Maxine saw Bethany's position and moved behind her to twist the butt plug...
Michael sat in his chair watching the exchange between the girls. He was happy to see them greet each other with hugs and kisses. Finally they noticed him and sat down their bags by the door and approached him. “Kneel,” he ordered before anyone could say anything more. Each girl dropped smoothly to the floor at his feet. Silk was directly in front of him with Stacey on his left and Syndee on his right. He also noted that each girl had her eyes on the floor as was required. “I am glad...
********** There is no explicit sex in this story. I wish to thank the people who helped contribute to and edit this story, per their wishes, they remain anonymous. This story is totally fictitious, any resemblance the characters might have to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. No part of this story may be published at any other site without the express permission of the author. © January 20, 2010 ********** Dazed and barely conscious, Eric slumped forward against his...
By : Bittu Patel Me aaj ek hakikat ki kahani likh raha hu meri age 19 saal ki he or mera name bittu he .meri friend jinke baare me aaj aap logo ko kahani bata raha hu wo he tina, Tina ek dam mast figar ki hot and sexy ladki he .me uska friend hone ki naate me use mazak mazak me hi bolta tha ki tu bahot sexy ho agar muje mouka diya to fad kar rakh dunga to wo bolti thi koy chance hi nahi mene uske sapne dekne saru kar diye the. Wo jab bhi mere ghar aati to wo saam ke time pe hi aati thi to meri...
I hadn’t stopped thinking about James since we had fucked on his Doctor’s bench. Every time I thought of his sexy grin as his hand had slid down my thigh and his thick cock stretching me wide I felt a damp patch developing in my knickers. Tom, my boyfriend was none the wiser to my cheating and was enjoying my new insatiable appetite for sex. In the two weeks since my trip to the doctors I couldn’t get enough, I particularly enjoyed being taking from behind, little did he know I was...