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Part Six

It was a very sore, sorry and completely naked Debra Hutchinson that wasfrog–marched out of the mansion the following morning. Although her muscleshad ceased their spasms – having been freed of the indescribably painfulstrappado that she had spent the night bound within – her entire bodywas a road–map of aches that piled one on top of the other, making eachstep a marked effort. Two guards flanked her, both uniformed in the black suitsthat Debra was fast becoming accustomed to. Neither spoke nor responded inany way to her moans of faint protest. Her hands fluttered uselessly behindher, bound with thin cord that had immediately been applied the second shewas freed from the strappado. Her ankles were also bound, but with steel manaclesthat were linked by nine inches of chain. This ensured that she could walkwith very small steps, but did not leave enough slack to attempt an escapefrom her captors. The tape and packing gag had been removed (along with a notableportion of her hair), and been replaced with a simplistically effective rubberball gag. One of the guards had smugly informed her the ball was four and halfinches in diameter – one of the larger gags favoured by Madame Von Kepp – asit was clear from her outburst the previous day that she could handle it. Debrabegged to differ, but was not given the opportunity to voice her opinion beforethe gag was crammed between her teeth.

The naked woman shivered in the crisp morning air. She wondered for perhapsthe thousandth time how she had gone from accomplished FBI agent to kidnappedslave in less than twenty–four hours. Never had she imagined that shewould find herself in such a position. Even when she considered the worst possibilityof her unusual occupation, it had been a bullet she encountered, not an insaneGerman slaver and her contingent of sadistic guards.

A particular sticking point was that none of this should ever havehappened. She had sent the signal for the reinforcements to roll in as soonas a bound and gagged Katherine had appeared. But no cavalry had arrived! Somehow,something had gone monumentally wrong. And it was now obvious that "something" wasRameriez. The new Agent had clearly been a plant from day one, gathering informationfor Von Kepp and undermining the Operation at every turn.

Debra's attention was dragged back to her current predicament as her captorsled her off the leaf–speckled driveway and into the yellow, red and brownforest surrounding the Von Kepp mansion. She shivered, her skin a screen ofgoose bumps, her nipples rock hard in the cool morning air. Debra wonderedwhat fate was in store for her. Given what she had already suffered through,it did not take a huge a large deductive leap to recognize whatever she facedwas likely to be decidedly unpleasant.

Debra's suspicions were all but confirmed a few minutes later when she wasled through a gap between two large trees and into a small clearing. Two horsedriders, a dog handler, and a small pack of Jack Russell terriers were waitingfor her. Debra instantly recognized Von Kepp and Ramirez garbed identicallyin traditional dressage attire. Red riding jackets with black lapels were buttonedclosed over high necked, white shirts. Tightly knotted black ties adorned thewomen's necks, and were held in place with expertly placed silver tie–pins.Skin-tight cream jodhpurs encased their legs, and were tucked into knee lengthblack riding boots. The riders each gripped a short crop in gloved hands, whilsttheir riding helmets were held beneath the crook of their left arms. The horsesthey rode were both large enough to be intimidating. Von Kepps's was a whitecharger of at least seventeen hands, whilst Ramirez's gray mare was only ahand or two shorter.

"Ahhh, wonderful! Our first rabbit has arrived," Von Kepp announced theatrically.Powerless to do anything except glare at her captor, Debra waited for an explanation.She had to wait longer than anticipated, however, as the German slaver resumedthe conversation she had been having with Ramirez about the beauty of her nativecountryside.

No more than a minute later another pair of guards and their naked prisonerentered the clearing. Debra did not have to look hard to see that Katherinehad suffered through a night equally as intense as her own. Besides being boundand gagged in the same manner as Debra, the other Agent's shoulders were slumpedforward, her eyes half-closed – obvious proof of her similar ordeal ofcaptivity and torture. Debra could not shake the wave of embarrassment thatrolled over her, however, as Katherine looked up long enough to assess hernaked body before again dropping her gaze.

"Ms Wytt, so good of you to join us. Now we're only waiting on … Ah!Here she is now." Debra turned to see a third bound and gagged woman marchedinto the clearing. She was not one of the other Agents that had been capturedalong with herself and Katherine, but was nevertheless vaguely familiar. Shewas of average height with unkempt chestnut hair (on top of her head and betweenher legs, Debra noted with no small degree of embarrassment), large breastswith equally large areole, a flat stomach and well toned legs. Debra frowned,trying to place the woman, but it wasn't until she saw Katherine staring atthe newcomer with shocked recognition, that she realized who she was.

"Ms Bradbury, our final contestant. Good to see that you've recovered fromyour plastering sufficiently well to join us this morning." Debra could seethe high–powered lawyer turned informant was terrified. Her eyes dartedabout the clearing, seeking assistance or perhaps escape, while her nostrilsflared repeatedly as she sucked in shallow breaths.

The dogs, perhaps sensing the women's fear, strained at their leashes, yappingexcitedly.

"You're probably wondering why I've had you brought here this morning." VonKepp gave a signal and the guards on either side of the three bound women proceededto force their elbows together. She kept speaking while Debra, Katherine andHolly endured the discomfort and humiliation of having their upper arms tightlybound together so that their breasts were thrust forward prominently. "We'regoing to play a game to commemorate my last day in your God–forsakencountry that I long ago dubbed 'Rabbit–Hunt'."

Debra did not have time to consider the implications of the "last day" commentas Von Kepp continued with a superior smile.

"The rules are very simple. You will each have a ten minute head start toescape into the grounds surrounding my mansion. As you all know, twelve footwalls border the estate, so escape will be impossible – especially withyour arms bound in the manner that they now are. Your gags will remain in placeto ensure communication is limited." Finished with her elbows, one of the guardsforced Debra's legs apart, while the other wrapped a doubled over length ofrope around her waste. "A crotch rope is also standard for all competing rabbits.Mainly because they hurt enough to impede progress, but also because I findthem aesthetically pleasing." Debra grunted in pain as her rope was pulledup between her legs, hooked over itself at the small of her back, and drawnback down into her crotch. It was tied off at her navel, tightly enough thatshe could feel it crushing her clit. Looking over, she saw Katherine and Hollyreceiving the same treatment.

"Your goal is to remain free for as long as possible. My partner here andI will be hunting you along with the aid of Wolfgang and his terriers," VonKepp motioned at the dog handler and for the first time Debra recognized thewhite-haired man from yesterday's stand-off. "All have been scented with thepanties you wore upon your capture and would no doubt desperately like backnow." Debra reddened at the reminder of her nakedness, before feeling the manaclesaround her ankles moving. She looked down to see one of the guards unlockingthem with a key. A glance again revealed her co–captives were also beingfreed from their chains.

"The winner," continued Von Kepp, "will be rewarded with a relatively comfortabletrip to the Motherland. The loser – that is the first rabbit to be caught – willbe given to Wolfgang to spend the remainder of the day in his InterrogationChamber." Debra shivered when the man's cold gaze focused upon her. She instinctivelyknew that to him she was less than even a slave; nothing more, in fact, thanan insect to be cut open and experimented upon.

Von Kepp's horse stomped the ground nervously. "Yes, my pet, it's past timewe began the Hunt." She turned to Ramirez. "Are you ready?"

"Most certainly, Madame."


The white-haired man merely nodded whilst effortlessly holding the eightstraining Jack Russell's at bay.

"Then let us begin!" Von Kepp pulled up her jacket and cuff–linkedshirt sleeve to reveal a gold wrist watch. "You have 10 minutes from … now!"

For a moment, Debra stood completely still, her mind not quite comprehendingthat the hunt had begun. But then Katherine was moving as fast her tight crotchrope would allow, and Debra knew that she had to do the same. She broke intoa half–jog, careful to pay attention to her footing whilst trying tomaintain her balance with aching muscles, bound elbows and wrists, and bouncingbreasts.

Von Kepp's mocking laughter followed her out of the clearing.


Minutes before she heard the distant yap of the Jack Russells grow in pitchand volume, Holly Bradbury had been ready to lay down and accept her fate.

She had been through too much physical and mental torture in the past weekto endure anything further. Being bound, gagged and then encased in a plastercast from head to toe (with openings thoughtfully left for her nostrils) hadbeen bad enough. But having to remain sealed in that cast for more than a day,unable to control even her own bladder, let alone move a muscle, had drivenHolly right to the very edge of her endurance. Being freed from the cast wasmeant to have been a moment of pure relief. Instead, Madame had ensured Hollywas immediately hosed down in the Cleanliness Room and then suspended by herwrists to drip dry. From there, a procession of ever more inventively sadistictorments had been arranged for her. Some – like being bound spread-eagledin the foyer of the mansion whilst each and every passing guard paused to stareat her nakedness – were designed to humiliate. Others – like havingher breasts clamped in a vice while being flogged from behind – werepure physical tortures from which she still bore the scars.

She staggered on, however. More for the two women that jogged alongside herthan for her own benefit. They had instinctively bunched together upon leavingthe clearing that held the bizarre hunting party, and now Agent Wytt was leadingthe way. Holly was unfamiliar with the other woman, but guessed she was a partof the FBI team that Madame had gloated over capturing. She ran behind Holly,every so often prodding her into movement with her breasts and a muffled "Mppff!" aroundher ball-gag. The tormented lawyer knew it would be better for her fellow "rabbits" ifshe just gave up. It would even be easier for her to just fall to theground, lay on the patchwork quilt of fallen autumn leaves, and wait for theTerriers to sniff her out. She knew the punishment would be bad – she'dbeen subjected to enough of Wolfgang's ministrations to know the man was theliving embodiment of sadism – but she'd reached the point where she couldno longer bring herself to care. Not when the chance to rest her aching muscleswas even now passing her by …

Holly's footsteps faltered, slowed, and then she was suddenly falling forward.A muffled grunt of alarm sounded behind her as she struck the ground face-first,her bound arms incapable of cushioning the blow. A groan of her own followed,half in pain, half with relief that her legs were no longer straining to moveher onwards. And all the while, the yapping of the Jack Russells drew evercloser.

Looking up, Holly saw the gag distorted faces of her fellow competitors peeringdown at her. Wytt looked angry as she tossed her head impatiently, clearlysignaling Holly to get up quickly. The other woman, however, was cautiouslylowering herself into a kneeling position. Holly grimaced in sympathy whenshe saw the way said movement was causing the crotch cord to rip deeper intoher most vulnerable of areas.

"Ew haph fu het hup."

Despite their predicament, Holly had to bite back a hysterical giggle. Gag-talkwas so ridiculously hard to understand.

The barking of the dogs continued to grow louder, her companions proportionatelymore desperate.

"Umm ogn!" Wytt yelled into her gag.

The other woman shook her head determinedly, her eyes never leaving Holly's. "Hethup. Het hup how."

Holly frowned quizzically for a moment and then realized what had been said.Get up. Get up now. She groaned again and forced herself into a sittingposition with all the difficulty that having her arms pinioned behind herwould imply. Wytt was already backing away. The nicer woman was herself standing,her gaze alternating between Holly's progress and the direction from whichthe dogs seemed to be coming.

Moving to her knees, Holly progressed to getting one foot on the leaf-coveredground. Her crotch cord hitched upwards, causing her to gasp in pain as herclit was crushed. Biting down on her gag, she was just about to stand whena wave of nausea rolled through her. For one terrible second Holly Bradburythought she was going to vomit (an easy avenue to suffocation with a ball-gagstrapped into her mouth), but her rolling stomach was not quite prepared topart with the morsel of food she had been permitted the night before. Instead,the world spun wildly. She tried forcing herself to stand, but her knee buckledwith her weight and she pitched over sideways. A muffled screech of dismaymomentarily over-rode the incessant yapping of the dogs, but Holly could noteven tell from which direction it came. Weakly, she raised her head to seethe nicer woman poised between coming back to her aide and running on.

Holly shook her head, signaling her defeat, willing the woman away. She wantedto tell her how grateful she was for her concern, but that she had to escape,had to save herself, before the hunting party arrived. Of course, the ball-gagforcing her jaw wide apart was allowing no such communication, so she had torely upon expression to convey her meaning.

At that moment, over the woman's shoulder, Holly caught a glimpse of Madameastride her horse weaving in and out of the trees.

"EE-IGHHN EWW!" she screamed at her benefactor.

The woman turned just in time to see the Terriers and Wolfgang appear fromamongst a copse of trees, the dogs straining for all they were worth to reachtheir quarry. Madame was not far behind, but as of yet there was no sign ofher protégé.

Holly knew what would happen next. The woman would run as fast as her legswould carry her, breasts slapping against her chest, arms helpless behind her,breath whistling around the gigantic and painful ball-gag. The dogs would quicklysense easier prey and within moments would be on top of Holly, the emotionlessWolfgang perhaps holding them back, perhaps allowing them to bite and tearat her. She would be the first caught and would be given to him for an eveningof his pleasure …

So be it. She had resigned herself to this fate from the moment Madame hadexplained the rules of "Rabbit-Hunt". And it was better she face Wolfgang thanhave him break another woman in her ste-

The woman did not run away. She instead glanced back at a bruised, batteredand exhausted Holly and seemed to come to a decision. Suddenly, she was acceleratinginto an awkward run right at Wolfgang and the Terriers.

Holly watched, aghast, as at the last second a woman she had known for lessthan fifteen minutes sidestepped around the leading dogs … and ran straightinto Madame on her horse.


Ramirez had broken away from Madame as soon as she was able. She enjoyedthe crisp morning air beating against her face as she rode the horse at a gallopalong the main drive, and then at a slower gait through the obstacle coursethat doubled as the estate's thickly vegetated grounds. Ideally, she'd haveliked to discard the helmet, undo the necktie and loosen her collar to betterfeel the caress of the breeze. But Ramirez knew from experience that Madamedid not tolerate sloppy presentation, and as such was not willing to run therisk that they would bump into each other before she could re-garb herselfappropriately. So the helmet remained firmly strapped beneath her chin, andthe tie tight around her neck, as she headed via circuitous route toward themain gate.

Bureau training dictated that an Agent must make the most of any opportunityto escape, and Ramirez was very much aware that there was only one entry andexit from Von Kepp's estate that did not involve climbing over twelve footwalls. Obviously, with her arms bound as they were, Wytt had no chance of escapingin that manner, so Ramirez trusted the highly trained agent to makefor the only remaining opportunity open to her.

Ramirez smiled thinly. They had things to discuss. Things Madame had no needto see or hear.


Katherine could not believe it. How could Debra have been so stupid?Risking your life to save a friend or a colleague was one thing. Stopping tohelp a known criminal turned informant was another.

She had tried to communicate as much to Debra, tried to get her to leaveBradbury to her fate. After all, an afternoon of torture had been all but promisedfor the first woman caught, and Katherine could think of no better candidateamong the three of them than the bitch-lawyer who had worked to keep Von Keppout of jail for several years, thus indirectly contributing to the formulationof Operation Whitedove.

But Debra had refused to leave even when the hunting party was almost uponthem. Katherine had made one last silent appeal – which Debra had shakenher head at – before darting for the transient safety of the deeper woods.

Less than a minute later she'd heard the pitch of the dogs' barking changeamid a series of excited shouts.

And as simply as that, she was on her own.

The main gate was now her destination. She was effectively helpless thanksto the thin cord cruelly biting into her wrists and elbows, so there was noway she could possibly hope to scale the estate walls. Not to mention the crotchcord. She'd had to fight the pleasure she felt as the guard wound the thincord around her stomach and then pulled it between her legs, and the firststeps she had taken whilst bound had proven to be quite stimulating. Katherinehad found, however, that the cord only seemed to tighten as she moved untilit now felt as if it were cutting her in two with every step. Not that givingup was an option. The main gates would obviously be well guarded, but if shecould hide within range for long enough, someone would have to come or go,and that might afford her the opportunity to slip through unnoticed.

Katherine had always been a realist, however, so she knew her chances wereexceptionally slim. Even if the guards were inattentive enough to allow herto pass, she had no doubt that video surveillance would capture her attemptedescape and effectively ensure she was delivered back into Von Kepp's hands.

It suddenly occurred to Katherine that the flash between the trees she'dseen upon driving through the Von Kepp grounds yesterday afternoon must havebeen another "rabbit" just like her. She shook her head at the gall of VonKepp. She'd known a fully armed undercover team of FBI Agents was on theirway to arrest her and she'd had colleagues out hunting one of her slaves whilethey drove on by. Incredible.

Caught in her musings, Katherine didn't see the raised tree root until justbefore she trod on it. Bound as she was, sudden shifts in direction were nearimpossible, but Katherine somehow managed to adjust her step so that she landedjust short of the root and then leapt over it. She came to a quick stop, lungsstraining for air that her mouth could not sufficiently provide due to thejaw-straining ball-gag buckled within it.

Katherine mentally berated herself for not concentrating upon the task athand. She had to be focused to have any chance of eluding capture. Aching musclesand a lack of sleep were no excuses. One fall and she might not be able toget back up again.

She listened carefully. The breeze was brisk enough to goose-pimple her nakedflesh, but not so strong that it masked other sounds. The dogs were still barking,but she was satisfied they were significantly further away. She hoped thatmeant she'd be able to reach the gates before they caught her.

Taking as deep a breath through her nostrils as possible, Katherine set offagain. Although her attention was more closely focused on the trees she wasdodging and the ground beneath her feet, she could not help but imagine howridiculous she must look. A fully grown woman without a stitch of clothing,running through a morning forest with her arms bound behind her back, a crotchrope sawing at her clit, and a ball-gag maintaining her silence. Her sizeablebreasts bounced with every step she took, alternating between springing uppainfully and slapping against the top of her belly.

With all that had happened, it was no surprise to Katherine that this mentalimage of herself excited her.

She just wished it were someone else in her position. Someone she haddecided to punish in this manner.

Katherine jogged on until she reached a high double brick wall of the estate.Without hesitation she turned to her right and moved on. She noted with approvalthat she could no longer hear the Jack Russells with their incessant yapping.Within five minutes the trees had begun to thin out, so she slowed to a fastwalk (for which her clit would be eternally grateful), while keeping a carefuleye out for the first sign of the guarded main gates.

So it was that she never saw any sign of Ramirez until a booted foot appearedfrom behind a tree she was passing and kicked her legs out from under her.

Katherine hit the ground hard – hard enough to blast the air from herlungs and leave her gasping for breath. She scrambled to roll over and sawthe traitor glaring down at her, riding crop in one gloved hand, switch bladein the other.

Unable to protect herself or even scream, Katherine could only flounder helplesslyin the autumn leaves as Ramirez moved forward, her expression cold and unforgiving.

End of Part Six

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Maid Paid Front Of Husband

Yellorukum vanakam naan vinoth from chennai.. Naa engineering mudichitu work thadidu iruken 5 years ah ava peir sangeetha…Avaluku age 32 rendu pasaga avaga age 5 and 2…Pakka super ah irupa appidiyea balilona mari irupa…Daily enn vettula yella vaiyum ava than seivaa naaappidiyea ava pathutu irupen avala okkanum nu ennaku enn 12th std la irundhu aasai Oru naal enaga vettula yellorum native ku kalpakkam poonaga 3 days ku enn vettula naan mattum tha irundhen ava vandhu vealai pathutu irundha naa...

3 years ago
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Bar Buddies

Bar Buddies Steve was one lucky man, balls deep in his new girlfriend. She moaned and clawed his back in sexual ecstasy. The two couldn't get enough of each other. Ever since that fateful night when his roommate Paul became a sexy blond goddess now named Paula. The two of them had stayed home drinking like any ordinary night. After a few games of drunken chess, the two headed to bed but something stopped them. A magic beyond comprehension brought them together. Paul started furiously...

2 years ago
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BBC cums to stay Part 2

Chapter 2As soon as Gary got to work, he called for Lisa his new assistant to come to his office. Lisa was young, Latino, bright, 21 years old, just out of college and interning with the firm. She was tall, 5 foot 10, dark haired, slim with a very thin waist, small perky breasts but a big round ass and hips. She wore a simple silver coloured blouse and a short pleated black skirt with dark tights and high heels. Gary was mad to get into her pants. He had deliberately had her work through the...

4 years ago
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market reasercher

There was a knock on the door, my wife,Donna, opened it and there was a man stood there saying he was a market researcher doing research on our shopping and were we available to answer some questions? My wife invited him in and he sat on the sofa and took out a laptop and began to explain about the questions.During the Q & A session, we found out he was happily married of 30 years, he was 58 years old and had been doing the job for around five years. I could see Donna had other ideas, she...

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It had been another hot and muggy day in the city. Mike had been through a rotten week at the office and was looking for some recreation on Friday night as he walked up to the steel doors emblazoned with the words "World of Fantasy". There are those who believe that so-called juice bars featuring all nude dancers are only frequented by the dregs of society; On the other hand, there are those that believe they can be a wonderful place to get some affection from the opposite sex, while...

1 year ago
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Love With Aarohi In Chandigarh

Hi everyone, I am back with a new story again. Ye meri 2nd story hai – “Love With Arohi”. Last story jisne nhi padhi wo padh le and please share your reviews with me. Main Haryana se hu or current location Chandigarh hai. Koi bhi aunty ya bhabhi, ladki mujhse chudna chahti hai to feel free to contact me at my mailing address Mere lund ka size 7″ hai. Mujhe bade boobs or badi gaand wali girls pasand hai. I am waiting for your replies. Reply me must Now let’s start the story. Last year chal raha...

3 years ago
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Relaxing Hike and Swim

The mountains and forests of New Hampshire are beautiful in the summer. We had been enjoying the sights and activities of the White Mountain National Forest for the last four days; hiking, exploring, and kayaking on the streams and trails around the little town our  B&B was in. The trip had been somewhat last minute, a week away without any kids or job distractions. The hiking was especially nice up there. Whereas at home, hiking in any location meant crowded paths and not always pleasant...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Sally gets a suntan Pt1

This story goes back to the early 80's. I was living in a small village in the Cotswolds,a small semi detached cottage in a picturesque setting.I was 27 and had been there for 3 years.Next door there lived a couple and their daughter Sally. In the 3 years I had got to know them well and I had watched as Sally grew and developed. At this time it was just after her t@#$^=÷nth birthday and she had blossomed into a very beautiful young woman. She was tall and slim.Long legs,long brown hair and a...

1 year ago
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The Dominant Wife

I love to be sexually dominated, and I am married to a very beautiful young woman who utilizes my obedience to the maximum. She knows that when I am sexually aroused there is nothing I won't do for her. She often makes me go a few days without coming, knowing that I will be that much more aroused and submissive. The other night I arrived home and found her laying on the couch wearing a short satin robe. As soon as I saw her I developed an immediate erection, thus becoming a slave to her...

3 years ago
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You Fuck like a Girl PT2 Gay

I left Atlanta knowing I had made a big mistake.The whole ride home with my parents, I felt ashamed about letting Jim, a man old enough to be my father, ravish my 18-year-old male body the night before.I was especially disturbed because I had loved it so much, being his girl and following his orders. He had called me "Wendy," the name of my ex-girlfriend, and I loved it.I also had loved being naked for him. I loved raising my ass, spreading my legs, and feeling him enter me. And it bothered me...

3 years ago
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Cell Phone Slave Pt 10

For the second day in a row, Amaya spent her time getting ready for sex. The déjà vu was hard to shake as she showered, fixed her hair and chose her clothes. Again, she kept her meals light. She couldn’t help remembering that when she’d done this yesterday, she had expected wonderful sex. Instead, she had sucked off three guys in a dirty restroom. Amaya wondered if tonight would be just as surprising.At least, Amaya would be the one unleashing the surprise. Chris thought tonight was just...

3 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 47 SM03Tau Day 7 continued

The orgy and the meal that followed distracted Steve quite effectively, so his new responsibilities completely slipped his mind until a message from the room monitor forcibly reminded him of his new position. "One of the males of the Tau meta-group is requesting assistance," said the room monitor. "He reports a problem with his relationship with the women of his household, and would like to speak to someone in authority. At the moment, that would be you." Steve sighed, but he'd never...

3 years ago
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Juo te jite bondhur bou ke chudlam

Amra char bondhu-i writers bulding-e chakri kori, seu sutre alap ebong pore bondhotto. Amader sober boyes motamuti 30 theke 35 er modhye. Age keu kauke chintam na, kintu office theke pherer samoy amra sobai krishnagar local-e ek songe phiri tas khelte khelte, asole poisa diye brey kheli. Amra jua khelleo, poisa kintu keu hate pai na, ekta common fund achhe, sekhane joma pore. Ajkal oi tash khela ta amader sokoler nesha te porinoto hoyeche, sadharonoto keu absent hoi na. Ami bishu, ranaghat-e...

2 years ago
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Sandra A Drabble

My reaction to a British television show called "Boy Meets Girl" I just saw about some people crossdressing for the first time. Sandra by Gigi Sandra was crossdressing for the first time and at first it didn't go well. On the shoe after the first night in public he said he wouldn't crossdress again. Despite expert help to make him look as feminine as possible, he had been quickly "read" when he went to a straight bar in London. I would have just died if I were in his shoes....

4 years ago
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Nerds Time To Shine

Now about my personal life, I don't have one. I'm always reading or studying. I've never had a girlfriend, that's probably why I jack off pretty frequently. My dick is 7 and a half inches and pretty thick. I have no clue if that's good or bad, but I'm pretty sure that is slightly bigger then average. My story all started when one of my more popular friends needed help in science class. She was extremely pretty and I had no clue why she even talked to me. I offered to tutor her,...

4 years ago
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The Sexy Story of Leanna Part Four

The two prior days we had started out in the loft to the left but today, Lea steered us straight into the bedroom on the right, again, giving me that vixen smile of hers. “I wore something special for you today, love,” she growled, “something you won’t soon forget!” She pushed me against the bed causing me to sit on its edge and slipped into the bathroom while telling me she’d be right back. I wasn’t sure if she’d want to undress me or not but thinking about how aggressive she’d been acting...

3 years ago
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Sex and the Mature Man

Story edited by 'Techsan'. This is a short story about an old man and his thoughts. No sex other then thinking about it. I have a problem that faces many older men. I don't care if you're in your late fifties or late sixties, you might have this problem also. No, it's not erectile dysfunction but quite the opposite. I want to have sex. My wife tells me it's in my mind but I know better. It might start in my mind but ends up as a hard-on in my pants. I would like to do something about it...

1 year ago
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Fictional fantasy 5 continued

It was my first time ever, with anyone, and it was amazing, almost addicting. I not only loved the way he made my body feel, but I also loved the way I could make him feel. It had only been a day since I was with him that first time. Like before, I'd run home from school. I couldn't wait to let myself into his apartment. He had given me a key earlier so I could come and go and do random chores to earn some money. Mr. Lowes was rarely home.I was so nervous coming through his door. He wasn't home...

3 years ago
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Brush Lady

Brush Lady By [email protected] wife spanks me, but up until this time, it has been kept as our little secret. But my wife surprised me recently when I came home from work. We were having our supper and she said, “Remember the brush man that went from door to door about thirty years ago?”“Yes I do,” I replied.“Well he has been replaced by a woman who sells brushes and other things. Her name is Sue and she dropped by our house today. She told me about her products and her new product...

1 year ago
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Only Yours

Auther’s Note: This is my first attempt at writing a story and it turned out to be a very long one. Please be advised that this is a love story with a little erotica, not the other way around. I really hope that you will like the story. The feedback on this story has been amazing, I really appreciate all the positive comments. As suggested, I have fixed some of the errors, though I know that I don’t have the skill to write such a long story without making a few mistakes. I haven’t used an...

2 years ago
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Introduction: Tale as old as time? I desire, therefore I exist. -Angela Carter, The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman. *** It was agreed: Leona would stay with the Beast for 12 days, at the end of which she would decide whether or not to marry him. Rupin and Leonas father brokered the deal at the Christmas banquet Rupin held for the entire town, at his castle in the countryside. Rupin seemed quite taken with her father, asking him all sorts of questions about his trading with the...

3 years ago
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Pablo Gets Fucked Over

Pablo and I are tight. We are two dudes who have been friends for a long ass time. We know everything about each other, and we’re always hanging out. One day we were spending our night in my basement, smoking a few cigars, a little bud, and playing some poker. Pablo and I were both attending the local community college, so we both still lived at home with our parents. This particular day was my last staying at home. As of tonight, I live in Pablo’s house. My parents walked in on our little...

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A Good Neighbor

I love to masturbate. It isn't a substitute for sex; it's its own event. It's a cleansing, rejuvenating gift I give myself, and it helps keep me sane, energized and motivated. It also gives me something to look forward to each day. But then, you know that from my previous stories. You also know I have a straight jacking-buddy named Mike. Because I love jacking-off, and because I also love men, it’s natural that I also love to jack with other men. I love being in the presence of men, I love...

3 years ago
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My wife with the repair man

My wife's computer had a melt down, I had no clue how to fix it. So we called a repair man. They told us he will send someone out the next day. Next morning, someone was knocking on our door. Linda, wearing nothing but her nightgown, got up and answer the door. It was the repair man, he was 6 foot tall, dark hair, good looking chap. She took him to her room where the computer was at. The repair man introduce himself, his name was Mike. I was still in bed but could hear them talking. Mike was...

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A rough tomboy

“who is a bad bitch?! You are! Yeah, that's right!” Jamie hardly ever lost a fight, and she was a skilled fighter. She hit him one more time except for this time not as hard. “fuck for a girl, you hit like a man. Must be embarrassing to be beaten up by a woman. Shit, you're not a woman. You're a fucking man.” she hits him again and knocks him out and she got up looking over at me. Stares for a few seconds and then she walks away, surprisingly, she hadn't told me anything. I wonder if I...

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Click 20

It started simple enough, while looking for a present for mothers day you were wandering around Bed Bath and Beyond. Well over your head you had no idea what to get or what was good, but didn't have the common sense to ask anyone. It was then that you noticed the Beyond section. Odd that nobody else seemed to notice. Thinking to yourself what the heck why not you head in. This area looks more like a factory then a store, a stark contrast to the rest of the place. So you continue down. "Ah good...

3 years ago
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My moms new daughter part 2

Me and my sister had a day.come firday,We started out the day by her telling me to go and take a bath while she picked out my clothes and so i went to the bathroom and started running my water hen she walked in and started putting some kind of oil in my water and told me she had brung me a razor to shave all the hair off of my legs and all my lower part of my body.I did'nt have much anyway so it did'nt take long to do.while i was doing all of this the whole time my little dick was getting...

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Training Rose

                                                       Training Rose by Angie FRose has become something of a living legend around Saddleworth so I persuaded her to tell me her story for a small, or actually not so small, fee. I had to edit some of it and change a couple of identities but I hope you enjoy it.    Angie.                                                            Training RoseI cowered in the corner protecting my face as best I could as the blows rained down, five, six, I counted,...

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Married To African For The Project 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, this is Sravya again  hope you guys enjoyed my story and also thanks for your response if anyone missed my first part go through my story “married to African for project”coming back to the story when I wake up and went out side of the hut every one is busy with there work I sat and started watching them After few minutes berko came and stand behind me and he gave me a small smile I smiled back later he called me to come with him and we both went to some place where 10 mins walk from...

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Making Yasmin Talk

Making Yasmin TalkIt began in the basement of Security Headquarters. A single tip-off and, under the hot blaze of powerful lamps, a woman was being made to talk?‘Who was the girl??’ the uniformed figure of Colonel Mehmet Behadri, Chief of Internal Security, asked quietly, ‘the name please??’ The naked, middle-aged woman strapped to the seatless metal chair didn’t respond. Her head lolled, mouth open so that saliva dribbled onto her heaving chest. To her torturers gathered eagerly round the...

1 year ago
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My envy for you Confidences of a man has a wom

" My pleasure it is my desire "When I think of you or look at you, my desire approaches, light, between my head and my sex. Nothing still moves, or inflates(swells), otherwise maybe of a cheerful promise. I like feeling on the alert. My pleasure it is my desire. I skip with you and put me, just before affecting(touching) you. Delicious approach, same still chaste. With my fingers on you, everything becomes true. Where to put them? On your stomach? In the hollow of your just size in the birth of...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part one

PART ONE As I sat on the veranda enjoying the warm morning sun and eating my breakfast, I pondered over what the day might have in store for me. My wife had already left for work and I had little that needed my attention today so I just planned to take things easy. While I sipped at my coffee, a flash of reflected sunlight caught my eye. I looked up and saw that it was the morning plane from Sydney banking on to its final approach to the...

2 years ago
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Strictly cum inside me Darcy

First time writing all feedback appreciated but try to be constructive not just mean. If you like it I will possibly start a series. thanks in advance**********Darcy Bussell was pacing back and forth in her dressing room 10 minutes before going out for tonight's episode of "strictly come dancing". "Fuck fuck fuck!!" she cursed to herself running over the recent events in her mind.She had come in to her dressing room to find an anonymous envelop left on her desk. When she opened it she found a...

1 year ago
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The SwirlMovement With Taylor Swift

The Swirl Movement: With Taylor SwiftChapter 1By:Satoshi88Codes: Intro, Interracial, RaceplayDisclaimer: This is completely fictional (unfortunately). This is just some idea that popped into my head that seemed like a bit of fun. Comments are more than welcome, just be constructive if you have any advice/suggestionsTaylor takes a deep breath as she peeks through the curtain, feeling anxious as she sees the huge crowd gathered in the auditorium. Taylor was no stranger to singing, let alone...

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Married women 9 Juliana 3

Let me tell you today about my last meeting with Juliana whom my regular readers already know.It was a summer night on a weekday. In the school adjacent to the house where I lived an event was on, held by a local organizer. It was a concert by a local rock group, and although I was very tired, I wanted to support them, so I crossed the street and went in.Imagine my (silent) joy to see Juliana at the ticket counter! We smiled at each other I congratulated her to her new hair-do, she sold me a...

3 years ago
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Big Cock In Hotel

Me and my partner have decided to write all our experiences down, a bit like photos to look back on. So all True stories My partner wrote this oneI had been to a friends Daughters christening, that day and later that evening she was having a small celebration, , as my partner wasn’t there that night I said I would stay for a hour or so and then I would leave about 9.30 to get home before it got to late. I’d been chatting to Ian for most of the night as neither of us knew many people there,And I...

1 year ago
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Seduction at 36000

The voice overhead said, “American Airlines flight 84 to Washington Dulles is now boarding at gate 55.” It was 10:30 on Sunday night and Spencer was taking the Red Eye to the East Coast. He never liked taking these flights, but getting in early on Monday morning was certainly better than arriving in the afternoon and being totally out of it for the week ahead. He would arrive in Washington around 6:25 local time and be at his hotel by 8:00. He would have some breakfast, check some email and be...

First Time

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