The Seduction Of Carol... Chapter Six free porn video

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It was late evening before Carol returned from studying. Undecided whether to go out for dinner or just order from room service, I’d waited until she came home to decide. I was showered, powdered and lounging in a chair reading an old book she’d brought from the college library as she walked through the door. Exchanging hellos, Carol walked to the bar and put her book bag on top of the counter before turning to me with a disapproving look on her face.
‘Have you done nothing today? You’re not even dressed for God’s sake.’
‘God had nothing to do with what I did today,’ I informed Carol and turned a page. ‘Although, I probably used his name quite a few times.'
Though Carol didn’t reply, her look of disapproval changed to one of suspicion. She was about to speak when, sniffing, she tilted her head back and, ‘You’ve been smoking a cigar. You don’t smoke cigars unless… What, or rather who!, did you do today?’
‘After you left, I had nothing else to do… So I took the time to change a 15 year old boy’s Facebook status from Virgin to Non-Virgin.’
‘You had sex with a 15 year old boy?’
I thought about it and mused, ‘I don’t think you should call him a boy any longer. We had a lot of sex. It’s unbelievable, really, how easy it is to keep a Not-Quite-So-Virgin teen’s dick hard.’
‘Oh, my God. You’re certifiably crazy! You can go to jail for stuff like that. 15! Jesus!’
‘Oh, please! It’s not like I tied him to the bed and forced my pussy onto his dick,’ I reasoned. I mused again, ‘Although, that would have been fun.’
‘I give up,’ Carol declared. Gathering her book bag, she headed for her room.
‘By the way,’ I called after her. ‘You’ll need to change your sheets before bed time.’
That stopped her in mid-step. Turning with an accusatory look, --It really is amazing the range of ‘looks’ Carol had. In just a few minutes she shown disapproval, suspicion and now accusation.-- she shouted, ‘You fucked him in my bed?!’
‘Well, I could hardly fuck him in mine. Remember how my bed looked this morning? Remember last night and our little mini-orgy that moved from the couch to my bed for quite some time. It would have been rude to ask the poor guy to wait while I changed the sheets and, really? It would have been in very poor taste to take a virgin’s cherry on top of cum stained sheets.’
‘I… You… It…’
I was waiting for Carol to begin using verbs when she whirled and stalked to her room. She stopped in her doorway with a startled, ‘Oh, my God!’
‘I told you we had a lot of sex,’ I reminded her. Before she could speak, I continued reasonably, ‘Ya know, you’re really uptight for someone who got fucked by three men for most of last night. I know it’s not ‘That-Time-Of-Month’ for you…’ Realization dawned on me, ‘Of course! You’re upset because you’ve never had a virgin!’
‘Whether or not I’ve had a virgin is none of your business!’
Putting down the book, I walked over to Carol and wrapped my arms around her for a long, hard hug. 'I’m so sorry, Carol. How could I have been so inconsiderate? I promise… The next virgin I find? I’ll save him for you! In fact… I promise to find you a virgin to fuck before your semester is over. Your choice, of course. Male or female. Never mind, no need to decide right now. Just let me know your preference later.’
Startled, Carol pulled away and with a final, AARRGGHH!, stepped into her room and slammed the door behind her.
Laughing quietly behind the hand I held to my mouth, I ran to my room and shut the door before she heard my muffled guffaws. It was so entertaining and easy to tweak Carol’s nose sometimes. I gave myself a metaphorical pat on the back while I stripped my bed, put the old sheets in a bag and made my bed with new ones. I used sheets that were not provided by the hotel. I’d grown used to a much higher thread count for my sheets than what the hotel had. There’s nothing worse than scratchy sheets.
Another reason was because when Jason visited, it kept the hotel staff from gossiping over how many cum stains I had on my sheets the next day and who may have helped put them there. I’d bought my own sheets, changed them myself and dropped them off at a laundry to be washed outside the hotel.
It wasn’t really my reputation I was protecting. It was Jason’s. No way did I want people snickering behind his back for the rest of his life. It wasn’t i*****l what we’d done (were doing, still, at every chance) but people would remember he’d been fucking his step-mother while his dad was alive and that rep he didn’t need.
With bag in hand I went to Carol’s door and called out, ‘Laundry bag.’
Carol opened her door and gingerly placed her sheets in the bag. ‘Eww, I didn’t even want to touch them. How many times did the two of you have sex?’
‘Let’s just say that...' I put my fist over my heart and spoke in a deep, solemn voice, 'Today, he became a man! Again and again and again an…’
‘Enough. Enough! Sometimes you’re unbelievable.’
‘Why? Because I enjoy life? Because I enjoy sex,’ I asked Carol. ‘I’m young. I’m not bound by the ‘forsaking all others’ clause in a wedding contract. A lot of men think I’m pretty and because of my late husband, I’m very wealthy. Why shouldn’t I enjoy myself?’
‘No reason, I guess. But, Oh My God! 15! Jesus! And why are you still only wearing stockings, panties and a shirt? A shirt that looks really, really good on you unbuttoned…’ Carol said, reaching out to touch a button and to start opening the shirt wider.
‘Hey, hey, hey! None of that,’ I told Carol and swatted her hand away. ‘No touching the merchandise unless you’re a paying customer. The reason I’m dressed like this is because I was undecided whether to go out to a restaurant to eat or to just order room service. Which do you feel like doing?’
‘I’d like to go out. But nothing too fancy and only if you will behave yourself.’
‘I’ve already promised to save the next virgin for you,' I reminded her in an aggrieved tone. 'Jeez, how much more behaved can I get?’
‘You know what I mean! No touching me... Trying to make me horny... Letting everyone in the restaurant think we’re a couple of girls on a ‘walk-the-wild-side’ night out. I still remember that lesbian bar you tricked me into going to after you arranged my fake ID.’
‘You had fun that night!’
‘You announced to the entire bar that I’d just decided to come out of the closet! I had strange women buying me drinks all night. Wanting to dance with me. Touch me…’
‘Yeah, it was pretty funny when that one woman dancing with you slid her hand up your dress and…’
‘No, it wasn’t! I think I scared twenty people when I screamed. She... She surprised me.’
'Alright, alright! I swear,’ I said while holding up my arm and fingers in a Scout salute. ‘I swear to behave myself, Scout’s Honor.’
‘Were you a Scout?’
‘No. But, I’m sure I’ve fucked enough of them at one time or another that it still counts.’
And I did behave myself. That night at the restaurant and for many days thereafter. I gave Carol privacy and time to study. I had breakfast ordered and delivered to our suite by the time she was waking up. I supervised the cleaning staff. I had our laundry sorted and ready to be picked up by the cleaning service. I even put our laundry away when it was delivered back to us clean.
Really? I was quite the domesticated woman those days. Behaving was so exhausting!
Which didn’t mean that Carol and I didn’t enjoy ourselves. We did. Often, and with quite a vigorous appetite. Screw baseball and the World Series… Right up to the October day Carol left for a Halloween Weekend with her family, face sitting became our national past-time. Seventh Inning Stretch took on a whole different meaning after I'd stretched Carol out over the nearest piece of furniture.
For a month I behaved myself, only once satisfying my desire for a cock while Carol was at part-time job. Picking up men in the hotel’s bar was as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. Walk in, sit at the bar, sip on a drink, pick my target and five minutes later go to his room. If I arrived back at our suite after Carol had returned, still stinking of sex with dried cum flaking off my thighs and wet cum making the crotch of my panties slide easily over my pussy lips… Well, Carol didn’t say anything.
Carol also never said anything about my threat to give her ass cherry to a man of my choosing at a time and place of my choosing. Nor did the subject come up of my promise to arrange for six men to gang bang her. Maybe she thought I’d forgotten? Maybe thought I hadn’t been serious? I let her believe what she wanted.
Toys from an adult store had been added to our fun-time. The night before Carol was to leave for a three day Halloween weekend --Apparently Halloween was a pretty big affair with Carol’s family. Everyone dressed up. The house and yard was decorated in a different theme each year and friend, relatives and neighbors were invited to a party.-- I used Carol’s newest ‘best-est friend’ to give her a powerful orgasm. The vibrator was small and thin enough that I could slide it up her slit to almost touch her clit while I still had room to tongue her. Feeling as if my tongue was licking and vibrating her clit set Carol off like a rocket.
Carol had decided to skip classes this day and leave early for home to help with the decorations. She wasn’t the only one skipping school. Three hours after Carol left, Jason called from the front desk.
Though Jason had started getting a separate room in the hotel now that Carol was occupying what had been his guest room when he'd visit from college, I needed to go down in person to verify that, Yes, he's my step-son, and, yes, he had permission to have a key card to my suite.
Though we stopped at another floor to drop Jason's suitcase off at his room, it was still under twenty minutes since the phone call before I was almost naked and stretched out half on and half off my bed.
I'd fallen backwards when the backs of my legs had hit the bed. Sliding down the slick bedspread before Jason had stopped me from hitting the floor. Jason had had me stripped down to my panties before I'd had the chance to do more than remove his shirt. Pinning me with his body. Kissing me even while his hand slid down my stomach, over my mound and under my panties.
'God, Jason. Keep this up and I might get the idea that you've missed me,' I laughed between kisses and then gasped as a finger slid the length of my slit. Jason's fingers pressed harder against my pussy lips, moving them up and down and in circles. Pressing my own flesh against my clit. Even as we kissed and over the sounds of our heavy breathing, both of us could hear the soft, wet sounds from between my legs as my lips opened and closed from Jason's forceful manipulations.
'As wet as you are already, I might get the idea that you've missed me , too,' Jason replied.
'I have. Would you believe I've only fucked one man this month.'
'You and Carol are keeping each other satisfied?' When I nodded, Jason continued, 'I hope you're not about to tell me that you're becoming a lesbian.'
'Not a chance. Besides, even if I decided to become a lesbian, I'd still go straight for you,' I laughed. Then moaned as a finger pushed a short way inside me before pressing against the wall of my pussy, stretching my hole.
Fingering and stretching my hole opened me. More of my grool flowed out until my pussy lips and Jason's fingers were soaked. Everything below my waist seemed to be turning to liquid as Jason kissed my mouth, my neck, that sweet, sweet spot under my ear that always makes me moan. Jason's mouth left my neck and traveled down to suck on one hard nipple and then the other until they ached.
Pinning my arms above my head with one hand holding my wrists together, Jason rose up to watch me, gauging my reactions, as his fingers brought me closer and closer to my orgasm.

I closed my eyes to better concentrate on what Jason's hands were doing to me. One hand pinning my arms to the bed to hold me in place while his other hand continued to finger my pussy. My breathing was coming in short, shallow gasps and moans as I panted to draw a deep breath as muscles in my gut clenched, released and then clenched tighter. One finger in me became two as Jason began to finger fuck me faster, deeper and harder in earnest as I humped my hips upwards as much as I could to meet them.
I groaned in disappointment when Jason pulled his fingers out and left me feeling empty. I moaned in a completely different tone of satisfaction when his fingers moved up my slit to press against and manipulate my clit. I'm not sure how long Jason fingered my clit. Jason certainly wasn't in any hurry. On the second day we'd become lovers I'd told him my rule about eating my pussy. If what you're doing is making me moan, KEEP DOING IT! That same rule applied to fingering my pussy, also. Now, Jason followed my rule without hesitation or hurry as I drew closer and closer until I was quivering under his hand and...
It's hard for me to be quiet in the midst of an orgasm. As Jason's fingers again pushed up my pussy and the palm of his hand pressed hard onto my clit, my cries got louder went on and on until I'd run out of air and I was left gasping as wave after wave of orgasm swept over me as his fingers continued to finger fuck me hard until I was begging Jason... 'Enough. Oh, God, Jason... I can't take much more... Stop. Oh, God, stop...'
Jason did pull his hand from my panties but he didn't stop. I was still quivering from muscle contractions and out of breath as he put me on my knees and bent me forward over the bed this time. Stripping down my panties before grabbing my ass cheeks to spread them up and out to expose my pussy hole to the tongue that began licking the grool from my pussy and ass crack.

Oooh, fuck... My anus isn't that sensitive. Ass fucking does nothing for me except allowing me to show a man I like that I'll go that extra mile for their pleasure. But, there's one spot between my asshole and my pussy slit that is the equivalent to that spot just under my ear that always makes me moan when it's kissed or licked. Ooohfuck... And Jason's lips and tongue were pressed hard against that spot. Ooohfuuuckme... I couldn't stop moaning and my juices didn't seem to stop flowing as Jason kissed and licked and drank from my pussy. Reaching, I gripped Jason by the hair and used that grip to pull his face hard to my ass.
Jason continued to suck and drink from me for some time before he pulled away. Releasing his hair, I bent back over the bed expecting him to strip my panties down further and fucking me doggy. Jason did strip my panties down to my knees. But he didn't stop there, instead taking them all the way off. Jason left them them on the floor as he picked me up and put me on the bed.
Positioning me on my side, Jason laid down behind me and began pushing his cock tip inside me.
'Oh, Jason. That's sooo good,' I managed to whisper as he began a steady fucking rhythm. Slowly, taking his time, Jason worked his cock into me inch by inch until he reached the bottom of my pussy. Pushing harder, his cock began stretching me. Both deep inside me because of his length and outside because the girth of his cock felt like my pussy hole was being fucked and stretched by four fingers. Four big, thick fingers.
Keeping his movements slow, Jason continued to fuck me with long, steady strokes. We both loved this position. Jason could fuck me while at the same time every part of my body was there to be touched and used.
Twisting me to kiss my lips...
Twisting me to squeeze and mold my tits hard because he knew how I liked that.
We continued in that position as Jason began fucking me faster. His cock began to slip out more often and we'd laugh as I put his tip back to my hole and we'd fuck again.
One time too often of sliding out of my pussy and Jason pulled out, laid on his back and pulled me on top of him. Straddling his hips, I positioned his cock between my legs and sighed as I spread my legs wider and impaled myself.

      Jason was done with slow and steady. His hands held tightly to my hips as he began thrusting upwards hard and fast. His eyes following my tits as they bounced in time with his cock. Only slowing occasionally to capture a nipple with his mouth. To suck on it hard as if trying to suck my entire tit into his mouth. Biting my nipple...

Releasing my tit from his hard sucking only to capture them in his hands to squeeze and maul them with her hands. Jason knew how the pain from my tits and the pleasure in my pussy combined within me… God it felt so good... The hedonist and the masochist within me combined...
'Oh, my God. Jason, I'm going to come again. I'm gonna come so hard...' And I did.
Through every moment of my orgasm Jason fucked my pussy with hard, fast thrusts of his cock. Every moment of my orgasm his hands, mouth and teeth brutalized my tits and nipples. And every moment I loved it all... Jason did, too. Right up to the time he released my tits, grabbed my hips and pulled me down to meet his hard, final thrusts as he stiffened under me and came.

Sweaty and out of breath, I collapsed onto Jason. Wrapping his arms around me, he held me as we both regained our breath. Jason's cock softened and I moved to let the tip fall from between my lips followed by the warm flow of his cum.
I was totally drained, happy, satisfied... Yet, already my foremost thought was, 'I wanna do this again.'


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CarolChapter 5

Carol thought about what just happened and it confused her. As she laid in bed, she thought about the orgasms she’s had. For the first time in her life, she went to bed with no clothes on. It seemed villainous and nasty, but why not? This opened her mind to new ideals, but all she could think about was the feelings of Bob’s fingers inside of her, feeling the places that no one has ever felt before. This got her all hot and bothered. She threw off the blankets and started massaging her...

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Oil of Roses Behind the Wall of ThornsChapter 5 Carol

When she listened to her heart, she knew her marriage was solid, the family would be all right. Listening to her head, however, happened far more often, and she was sure all was tearing itself apart, never to be mended. It wasn't just she missed Harry, although his absence was a hole in her sense of self, and her sense of the family. There was so much tension, so much fear, so much anger ... no one was who they should be anymore. Except for Rachel. The arrival of Eddie's little sister...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 80 Repeating My I Love My Sister Carol Speech

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 It was dark when I woke. I eagerly looked at my bedroom clock/radio, to see "2:10am". So just over four hours of sleep then. Cool! I jumped out of bed, and decided that I felt fully rested and energetic. I dressed in my best, impress-the-girls-at-school, speech-making clothes, grabbed my schoolbag and the essential snack ingredients from the kitchen (it was important not to forget those). Seeing as how I was in the area, I snacked on something else I found in the...

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CarolChapter 2 Is This What Carol Needs

As Joe and Janette Daniels drove home from the restaurant that night, Janette placed her cool hand on the back of Joe's neck and lightly stroked it. Joe was the guy all the ladies found cute and cuddly. He had used that attribute a lot as he enjoyed his favorite sport of seduction. Janette, his gorgeous wife, also an MD, was of Italian descent, a dark eyed beauty who exuded sex appeal. Joe and Janette quietly enjoyed a lot of 'extra-curricular' activities, both individually and as a...

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LovingChapter 8 Carol Gets her Way

"Paul I thank you for your honesty and your concern. I wasn't devastated the other night but I did feel strange about it. Don't misunderstand, I enjoyed it very much. You are quite good. As Carol said to me I couldn't tell if the mouth on my cock were male or female. I just felt very out of character." "I understand Dave, as a man who has been through the same thing and as a therapist. We lay pretty strict behavioral patterns on ourselves, stereotypes. If I have any words of wisdom for...

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Angel Carol Ben and ErinChapter 6

They came rushing in the door less than two minutes later. They washed quickly and joined the rest for supper. After supper, Ben said, "Sis, we need to talk." She got up and they went into the living room while Jack and Mike were getting chewed out my Miz Jones. Ben said, "Sis, you have to cool it. You don't' want to be sent home, do you?" "No, Ben." "Then the three of you need to be seen doing innocent things. Their parents will not tolerate our usual activities. The last thing...

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My Christmas Carol Chapter 3

I looked down and took in the sight of her honey hole. I have seen my share of pussies in my time, from high school cheerleaders to college frat girls and everything in between. But the pussy looking up at me now topped them all. For a thirty-one-year-old woman who has had a kid through natural childbirth, she had a remarkable box.The lips were nicely tucked in and just starting to swell, the slit was tight and glistened with her juices, and her clit was standing tall and proud at the top....

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My Christmas Carol Chapter 2

"Okay Tommy, I've heard what you have to say. You talk a good game, I will grant you that much. But let's see if there's anything behind that talk. You say you want to please me and pleasure me, then let's see what you got Mr. Big Shot!"I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing! Carol Thomas, my best friend's mom and the woman who I'd had a terrible crush on for years, was actually wanting me to take her to bed and fuck her! It was my greatest sexual fantasy come true! I gave her...

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CarolChapter 3 My How Carol Has Changed

As Carol and Joe entered the house through the kitchen Joe called out, "Hello, where is everyone?" He stepped up behind Carol and took her in his arms. He kissed her neck lightly and his hands filled with her soft full breasts again thru her blouse as he said softly, "That was to give Bob and Janette warning... just in case." Carol put her hands on top of his and pulled them harder into her fabulous breasts as she laughed deep in her throat asking, "Do you suppose... they did...

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Angel Carol Ben and ErinChapter 7

Erin and Ben woke later. They realized that the other was in the bed and kissed gently. Erin said, "Oh, that feels delightful! I really like waking up next to you." Ben said, "Your parents looked in on us sleeping like this. They smiled." "Wow! Let's get moving. I'm going with you to the hospital. Let's get some breakfast and then cleanup." They went downstairs for a light breakfast. Erin asked, "Mom, did you look in on us this morning?" "Your father and I did. You two looked...

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Reluctant Porn StarChapter 4 Carol Lobegeiger

My next movie assignment both interested me and troubled me at the same time. My co-star was to be Carol Lobegeiger, a 35 year old mother of one, who had run up a gambling debt which she had been unable to pay off. It was interesting because I knew Carol. She was a very sexy looking MILF who stood 5ft 6 ins tall, with a slim body dominated by a large rack of DD-cup tits. She had short wavy black hair that framed a beautiful face which was often smiling. I'd often wondered what she would...

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CarolChapter 2

It Runs in the Family (Please read 'Carol' first. The intro here will make much more sense if you do.) It's been eight years since Carol had given me a blow-job while I drove down an Arizona freeway. Many things have taken place in the mean time, and her family and I have drifted apart. Over time, while the relationship between Carol and I began to grow, I had grown very close to the oldest boy and two girls. I frequently attended their school activities, and they joined me on family...

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CarolChapter 7

The following evening, Bob is at a study date with Carol. He arrives at her door at about 6 o’clock. Edith answers the door, wearing silk robe, with nothing on underneath. She greets him with, “Good evening, Bob.” As she opens the door, he could see that she was examining him. He begins to examine her. While the robe was long and flowing, it revealed little of what was underneath. Her nipples were quite pronounced as they were poking thru the robe. This told him that she was quite aroused...

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CarolChapter 6 School Gets Better A Lot Better

Again Bob smiled and repeated his comment, "You really did it. I wasn't sure you would, I knew you wanted to. Hell the truth is I wanted you to do it too. And you did. You obviously enjoyed the hell out of it. So did the guy, damn he came a lot." "Hmmmm you are right honey... I did enjoy it. It was so exciting. Knowing I was being fucked by some guy not my husband. The sex was great but the idea of doing something so taboo really made it even better. I hope it doesn't bother you too...

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Oil of Roses Behind the Wall of ThornsChapter 10 Carol

She felt Tamara before the knock at the door – a tornado of fear, anger, and despair. So it was Carol who shot out of the bed, and hurried toward the door, scared for her oldest friend. “Tammy?” she said as she opened the door. Her friend, always small, seemed even tinier, drawn in upon herself, struggling under some great weight. “Tammy, what’s wrong?” In reply, Tamara held out the phone, and played the voicemail over its speakers. When it was finished, Carol said, “Candy, wake ‘em up....

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CarolChapter 10 Alexs Party and Sue

Saturday was a very 'normal' day. All morning and into the afternoon, Carol and Bob did their chores around the house, Carol was especially tender with Bob. He had done everything she had wanted him to with the Daniels. He had also revealed a lot that surprised her. Now she slid her arms around his neck and kissed him and said, "Honey... I appreciate what a 'good boy' you were last night. I love how obedient you have become at times. How can I show you my appreciation? Would you like to...

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CarolChapter 2

I was sure that if she were a willing participant initially that I could insure that she would cooperate afterward. "I will clue Kyle," Ray said. We went back out and dropped into our lounges, John took the short one, he looked funny in it and I hoped that it wouldn't collapse under his weight. Kyle and Carol came out of the pool together, his arm was around her waist and he kissed her again before they sat down. Carol resumed her original position; only now you could see nearly...

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Angel Carol Ben and ErinChapter 5

The sun rose on Wednesday just like it always does. The sky looked different. A front had rolled through and it would rain soon. Ben and Erin woke together and kissed gently. It quickly went beyond that bringing on a lot of passion until Ben rolled on top of her and pushed into her pussy. He fucked her tight pussy for many long minutes until they came together gasping from their orgasms. He rolled off her onto his back and she went to suck his cock clean. There was a light knock on the door...

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CarolChapter 5

As I walked past Ray on the way to the kitchen, I smiled, as I noticed that he had managed to put his dick into Carol's mouth. It appeared that she was sucking on it like a baby with a bottle, only her cheeks were moving. The rest of her body was as limp as a sleeping child. I also noticed that Kyle's hands were caressing her body and probing her crevices with his fingers. I went into the kitchen and looked around for something. Yet I did not know what I was looking for. I pulled open the...

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FateChapter 14 Going To Get Carol Peg Screws Up

By John: The time was really dragging, I was eager to go get Carol and bring her home for a few days. That is not to mention all the plans I had made in my head over and over for my beautiful daughter and I to play. I couldn't remember being so eager for anything in a long time. I envisioned her full voluptuous body so ripe for the taking, so perfect at 19 - her plump pouty lips so ready to be kissed passionately - her full firm breasts - that deletctable little ass - her stated love of...

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Nikis Family LifeChapter 18 Carol Breaks the Rules

Niki crawled her way down the stairs, Milo and Cooper following her eagerly, darting ahead and coming back, urging her to hurry up. They had an obvious need to go ‘outside’. Making her way out to the backyard in the cool morning air, Niki gasped a little at the cold grass beneath her knees, as she made her way to her usual spot. Max had not wanted to get up this morning, and he told her to go ahead, he would have her take care of him during breakfast instead. As she parted her knees and began...

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Teaching Carol Chapter 10

That weekend there was a salsa band playing in the town square late one afternoon. Carol and I hadn’t planned to meet but I was passing by and had stopped to listen for a moment when I spotted her. She was standing near the front of the crowd that formed a semi-circle around the flatbed truck where the band was playing. Within the semi-circle a lot of people were dancing enthusiastically and I could see Carol was watching them. She was wearing sandals, a pair of baggy red shorts that came...

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Jackis BitchesChapter 2 Carol Moves Home

"You wouldn't believe how strange it felt," Carol explained to her best friend, Linda, as they sat naked in Carol's room talking about the day's activities. "Here we were, riding across town and headed home for the first time in three months. And Mom was totally naked!" She went on to explain that they had stayed at her Uncle's house for dinner, then packed up her stuff and headed home. Both she and her Mother stayed naked while at her Uncle's house. Then she put her clothes back...

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The Evolution of Carol 2

Carol broke the kiss and sat up looking at Bob as she said, “I love sucking your cock now and the taste of your cum. I love sharing it with you. Do you like your own taste? I love it.” Bob smiled and kissed her and sucked her tongue into his mouth. She knew he enjoyed the idea as much as she did. She had been stroking his bare ass with her hand and now she raised her hand high and came down sharply on his ass. Bob’s eyes popped open wide and Carol winked at...

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The Evolution of Carol

Carol looked around the room at all the bodies in various stages of undress. Now all of them were asleep, or passed out, or for whatever reason seemingly inert. It had been quiet a night…and she had been the Queen of it all. As she looked over the room, she thought back to the beginning of the summer. What a great day it had been, a Saturday of hiking in the awe inspiring Rocky Mountains. Bob and Carol Maddox had met their hiking club at a familiar trail head just west of Boulder,...

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Taking Carol

Taking CarolChapter I The New NeighborCarol Sizemore couldn't think of anything her part-time neighbor would want tomeet with her about. She had known that someone had purchased the house nextdoor six months earlier, but hadn't seen or met anyone associated with it since. She had been satisfied to see the lawn care company keeping it well maintainedevery Wednesday, and didn't much care whether anyone ever lived there. It was odd to have a complete stranger call her and insist that they meet...

2 years ago
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Carol Learns About Spanking

Carol Learns About SpankingChapter One:  Carol?s First SpankingCarol could not believe her ears.  Her Uncle Ray had just sent her a text stating that he wanted to see her in his study tonight at 8 PM about her $400 cell phone bill.  And, she also knew that he was still mad about her bill from last month.  Last month it was more than $200.  Now it was more than double.  When she talked with Uncle Ray then, Ray told her that if it happened again she would have to pay the consequences.  And, she...

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Christmas Carol part 5 Vegas Vacation

Reese had been after us for years to come out and stay for awhile. Now that he was married, Karen felt it was proper. We were going out to Vegas for nearly a month. I hadn’t taken an actual vacation in years, Karen and I never could get our schedules to mesh. Seemingly, the gods intervened, and everything came together. Carol met us at the airport and I loaded the luggage in the truck. I don’t think D-Day needed this much stuff, but Karen wanted to be prepared for everything, so she brought...

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CarolChapter 4

I smiled back at her and repaid her with a sensual kiss of my own. John who was still sitting beside her heard what she had said to me and went to get her something to drink. On the way he asked if anyone else wanted anything and everyone responded affirmative, so he brought out five fresh beers. Carol sat up on the small table and watched John return with the "Bud". It seemed that she could not remove her eyes from his cock. He handed out the beverages and when he turned to Carol she...

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Christmas Carol part 3 Vegas

Finally, June and time for the conference in Vegas. Due to scheduling problems, I would arrive one day before Carol. For the first few days we would be staying with my college buddy Reese. We were frat brothers back in school and best man at each others weddings. Any time I was in Vegas, we’d get together and raise some hell. Reese is a plastic surgeon, so Vegas is a goldmine for him.Boobs, butts, facelifts, you get the idea. He has an estate about 40 minutes out of town. Huge house, pool,...

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Jane and Carol at the Great Slave Hunt

                                             Jane and Carol at the Great Slave Hunt.                                                 CHAPTER ONE     ?You'll enjoy it so much, Jane,? Carol told her enthusiastically. ?Just think; a whole three weeks in role together!?  Jane was dubious. Her cousin's proposal was exciting, but Jane had never role-played before strangers and she inwardly quailed at the very idea of appearing naked in public. But, deep within, a queer little thrill at the prospect...

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Carol Brady decides whether or not to have sex with her daughter Marcia

Carol Brady had a dilemma. While she was in college, she had had a two-year affair with her college roommate. Sandy had taught her the joy of girl-girl love plus the added pleasure of sex with another woman wearing pantyhose. Since then, Carol had had the urge, from time to time, to sleep with another woman. During her first marriage she and her next-door neighbor made love with each other on an on again off again basis. Tracy had also shared Carol’s love of pantyhose. Since marrying Mike...

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Part IJilli, Cassie, Barb, and Abbey were in the small break room of their office, laughing and scheming on their post-work Friday night adventure. They were having such loud fun that Carol heard them two offices away. Carol was far less fun than she looked, and her temper was shorter than her tolerance for those who misbehaved, especially at work.Carol stepped through the break room door, scowling, "Haven't you gaggle anything better to do than to interrupt those of us who actually work for a...

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