CarolChapter 3: My... How Carol Has Changed! free porn video

As Carol and Joe entered the house through the kitchen Joe called out,
"Hello, where is everyone?"
He stepped up behind Carol and took her in his arms. He kissed her neck lightly and his hands filled with her soft full breasts again thru her blouse as he said softly,
"That was to give Bob and Janette warning... just in case."
Carol put her hands on top of his and pulled them harder into her fabulous breasts as she laughed deep in her throat asking,
"Do you suppose... they did anything? I would love to peek."
"Janette will share with me when I ask her and I will let you know if things got interesting between our spouses too. When it happens you will have your chance to 'peek'."
After a couple of moments they heard Janette and Bob's voices as they obviously were coming to join them in the kitchen. The four of them chatted for a while longer over coffee, said their goodbyes and Carol and Bob took their leave.
As Bob drove homeward Carol literally inspected him, looking for some sign. Was that a damp spot on the front of his trousers? Was he a bit flushed? He seemed to be talking faster than normal, a sure sign he was nervous. Carol smiled, enjoying the little game immensely. Then she wondered, 'What would it be like to have a lover, to know her husband was with another woman, even a foursome?' She found all of the ideas extremely exciting.
She smiled as she asked Bob,
"Did you and Janette have a nice... discussion?"
He coughed nervously and answered,
"About the usual... and you?"
"I enjoyed Joe but nothing worth mentioning really."
But she thought, 'I only gave Joe a blow job.'
As Bob pulled into their driveway, Carol yawned and stated she felt like taking a lazy afternoon nap. After Carol headed for their bedroom, Bob paced around the house for a few minutes obviously very distracted. He went to his study to consider all that had transpired that morning. His head was still whirling. He had fantasized about Janette's fine body often before. But this morning as they had discussed a particular case of Bob's, this husband who couldn't seem to resist any available female. When his wife had learned about his affairs she raised all kinds of hell. Janette looked at Bob with a sultry smile on her face and said,
"Why don't you tell her she should join him, do it too."
Janette then espoused a solution where the couple could both have other sexual partners, whenever they felt like it, alone and/or together. Bob had asked if she were serious and was surprised when Janette had admitted that it had been the solution to her problem, between she and Joe. When she had learned that Joe was sleeping around she had confronted him and then she had suggested they work it out that way. Now they were both free to take as many lovers as they liked. They both had been pleased with her solution, it had worked wonderfully for a couple of years now.
Bob had a million questions and found himself terribly excited over her announcement. He bashfully asked Janette - what was it like, any problems, did they watch each other, how many, how often? She calmly answered all of his questions and then she had smiled and asked,
"Bob... I think I would like for you to... be my next lover?"
Bob stared at her as if mesmerized and realized how hard his heart was pounding, how erect he had become. It was like he heard someone else's voice answer,
"I would love that."
Janette leaned toward Bob and kissed him, letting her tongue explore. Bob's hands had touched, then cupped her soft breasts. His heart was really pounding now. Unfortunately they were interrupted as they had heard Joe calling...
Now at home Bob leaned back in his study chair and looked out the window. What was he going to do? Was he really going to be unfaithful to Carol? He ached to explore things with Janette. He was sure she would be clear in what she wanted. Demanding of Bob. Then he shook his head as if that would get rid of the ideas. When that didn't work he decided he needed to get busy with something else, to drive to the fitness center to see if he could put the final arrangements on a personal trainer. He figured he would be back long before Carol woke up. As he drove, his mind kept returning to Janette and her offer. Then he began to wonder what Carol would do if she found out.
At the fitness center Charley introduced him to Alexandria. She was working out with dead weights, more than Bob could lift. She, indeed, was a commanding presence. She stood as tall as Bob and looked into his eyes as if she were angry with him, as if he had offended her somehow. All of a sudden Bob felt like a child as Alexandria looked him over slowly from head to foot. He obeyed immediately when she told him to turn around, somehow needing to please this lady. As she asked him all sorts of questions about he and Carol, even about their sex life, Alexandria ran her hands over his trim body like she was judging a dog show. She slid her hands around, pressing and squeezing, his legs, his tummy, his ass, as she made brief expressions like 'Hmmm' and 'loose' and 'needs work'. Then to Bob's surprise her hand brushed lightly over his limp cock. Bob couldn't believe she had done that. Was it an accident? He looked into her eyes and saw a twinkle he thought. Neither of them mentioned it but Bob's mind was again in a whirl, broken when Alexandria spoke.
"Not bad Bob, you have real potential. But there are some conditions for me to work with you. First I prefer being addressed as Alex. Second I will brook absolutely no arguments about training technique. Either you and your wife will do exactly as I say or forget it. Third I will train your body and your mind a bit. I am unorthodox and demanding. I will change your lives if you work with me... but I think you may be the kind of people that will respond to me rapidly. I think you will eagerly bend to my ways."
Bob's mind was racing. His eyes ran over her amazon-like body in her skin tight, sweaty wet exercise suit. Her body was extraordinary and every detail was clearly outlined through her thin outfit including her nipples and even her labia. Bob felt a strong sexual attraction to this lady. He felt his tool growing as he wondered what might come from her 'training'. He looked at her and softly said,
"I think we should give it a try Alex. We will abide with your terms. If possible we would like to start tomorrow, Carol at 4:00 and me at 5:00, three days a week?"
Alex responded,
"That should work fine, be prepared to work hard. And Bob, I have no patience with false modesty or lack of discipline. We are all adults."
Bob stammered and then said,
"Whatever you say."
"Good, I think this will be interesting for all of us."
Carol woke to the jangling of the phone. She wondered why Bob didn't answer it. Finally she was alert enough to pick it up.
"Hi Carol, Joe here, where's your husband?"
"I don't know, he must be gone or he would have caught the phone."
"Good I wanted to talk to you privately, I just called to tell you how much I enjoyed this morning. What you did with your mouth was fabulous."

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