Wedding Cake Island - Part 2 free porn video

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We both climbed off Spike to let him up and Rupali and I undressed. “Okay, foreplay dummy, on the bench.” Ruplai lay on the yellow board, legs out straight and a big cheesy grin on her face. I climbed around the other side of the board and motioned Spike in so that we knelt either side of her pussy. Spike looked pretty focussed, so I snapped my fingers in front of his face. “This is for your benefit, you know,” I scolded. “You want her to come, don’t you?”

“I made her come before,” he said defensively, but with a bit of a smile. He sensed a game. Everybody loves games. Especially my games.

“You, my horny young friend, rubbed where she told you to and then I guided your hand at the end. Pay attention, you’ll learn something.”

I took Rupali’s leg and lowered it to the ground beside the board and instructed Spike to do the same on his side. Now her thighs were spread wide and we could both see her hairless pussy lips. They were still closed, thank goodness, for this was part of my lesson.

I bent down so that my lips and nose nearly touched her pussy and breathed deeply. “Smell,” I instructed Spike.

“I know what pussy smells like,” he smiled.

“Humour me,” I said.

He bent down just like I did and inhaled deeply, less than an inch from her pussy lips. “Smells like… nothing? No smell?”

“That’s what a clean, dry pussy smells like,” I said. “Give me your hand.” I took his hand and held the back of it to Rupali’s vagina. I raised my eyebrows questioningly to him.

“Cool,” he said. “It feels cool.”

“Right,” I said. “Remember that. Come up here.”

We moved up to her breasts. I looked up at her face and she still had that big grin; she loves it when I play games. I took Spike’s hand again and held the back of it to Rupali’s nipple. He was getting the idea now and not waiting for me to ask. “Soft,” he said.

“See what you can do about that,” I said.

That made him smile. He cupped a hand around the nearest breast and leaned down to take the nipple in his mouth. “Without touching it!” I said.

He looked up at me, not sure whether he was still enjoying my game. He removed his hand and thought about it for a moment. He tried blowing on the nipple to no avail, and then looked at me beseechingly.

I moved up to Rupali’s face and kissed her, gently at first and then more forcefully, running my fingers through her glossy, black hair. My breathing picked up, partly as a result of my own excitement and partly for show; I kissed her hard and pulled away panting a few times, my breasts heaving. Kissing her neck, I worked my way up to her ear. “You are so beautiful,” I breathed. “I want you.” I sucked her earlobe firmly; flicking it with my tongue, and then kissed back down to the hollow of her throat where I tickled with the tip of my tongue, moving ever so slowly down her chest with my tongue, stopping just above her breasts.

I opened my eyes. Thank God, her nipples were rock hard and standing up like soldiers.

“Do we kiss her nipples now?” I asked Spike.

“Yes!” interrupted Rupali.

“Yes?” Spike responded, more of a question than an answer.

“No,” I said.

“What!” protested Rupali.

“She’s warmed up now,” I explained, ignoring Rupali. “But we want her to come so we need her hot, not warm. Follow me.”

I kissed the soft flesh around the edges of the breast closest to me, working my way around the outside, gently sucking with open lips and tickling with the tip of my tongue. I peeked across to make sure Spike was following on the other breast and keeping away from the nipple. I ran my tongue along the sensitive underside, alternately kissing and licking with my mouth, then gently squeezing and stroking with my fingers. I licked closer to the erect nipple, tonguing around the edge but not touching the delicate areola. Rupali was squirming, trying to move her nipple to my mouth, but I kept my tongue just at the edge, licking and teasing.

I backed off to let Rupali concentrate on what Spike was doing. She twisted the other way, moaning softly and trying to get her nipple into his mouth. I brought his hand up to cup her breast and whispered in his ear to kiss her mouth, and if he ever fancied getting a second blow job from any woman he would forget where he just came and make it a good one.

Stroking the underside of her breast with his thumb, Spike moved up and kissed Rupali tentatively on the lips, surprising a gasp from her at first because she had her eyes closed. She kissed back passionately, opening her mouth and plucking at his lips with hers. He must have taken my advice to heart because he matched her intensity, kissing harder and probing between her lips with his tongue. Initially surprised that he wanted to kiss while she still tasted of cum, Rupali caught up quickly and reached out with her own tongue, taking Spike’s head in her hands and stroking his hair, holding him to her as they kissed even more deeply.

I touched the side of Spike’s thumb, moving it towards her nipple, wordlessly suggesting that now was a good time to progress. He brushed lightly over the rigid peak, surprising another moan out of her, and then brought up a finger to circle the areola, feeling the hard little goose bumps there before gently pinching and squeezing the tip. I moved back to the breast on my side and matched his movements with my mouth, circling the areola with my tongue, sucking the whole nipple into my mouth and gently biting at the tip.

Spike came back down and teased her nipple with his lips and tongue while stroking and squeezing the soft flesh of the breast with his fingers. I swapped over to caressing with my hand and kissed downwards over the bottom of her rib cage and on to her flat stomach, once again kissing with an open mouth, sucking little circles of skin between my lips and tracing the lines of her abdominals with my tongue. In a few moments Spike followed and soon we were both kissing around the small shaped and trimmed patch of pubic hair and down to the tops of her open thighs.

I placed a hand behind her knee and lifted all the way up until it touched her breast; Spike copied on the other side, Ruplai’s pussy now raised enticingly in the air but not yet open for business. Together we kissed and licked the backs of her thighs, moving slowly but surely together as we approached her sex. I moved in first; my nose and lips nearly touching Rupali’s shaved labia, taking in her scent, fresh and rich and sweet with the promise of sex yet to be fulfilled.

“What do you smell now?” I asked Spike.

He moved so close he could have tongued her slit, but he kept to my script and behaved, breathing deeply over her ripe loins. “It’s… spicy... sweet… delicious!” he said, surprised.

“That,” I said, “is the smell of a clean, wet pussy that is ready to fuck.”

“So can I…” he began.

“No!” I cut in. “I still have some things to show you.

I took his hand again and held the back to her pussy. “What do you feel?”

“Warm. No, wait. Hot!” he marvelled. “God, it’s hot. You could cook on that.”

I closed his hand except for one finger and touched it to the base of her vagina, just above the anus. Rupali’s juices responded to his touch like a siphon and began running down his finger. Very slowly, I moved his finger upwards, parting her labia over the entrance. When I reached the critical point, her lips opened of their accord, parting like the petals of a flower from the bottom where Spike was touching, upwards to expose her clitoris, now bulging out under its hood.

Spike gasped; I don’t think he had ever seen a woman open up like that before. I wished I could see how his cock was responding.

“Even though she’s ready, that’s no guarantee she’ll come,” I explained. “So what’s next?”

“Tongue?” he ventured.

“Yes, but not right away. I’ll show you…” I began.

“No,” he stopped me. “I want to. Show me on my mouth.”

That was a compromise I could live with; I get plenty of oral sex with Rupali; pretending Spike’s mouth was a pussy would be much more interesting. I abandoned my post beside Rupali and came around to where Spike was kneeling. I placed a knee either side of him and perched on his thighs, his cock, now getting hard again, was just inches in front of my shaved vagina. I felt warmth flood through my loins at the thought of his shaft so close my womanhood.

“Hey,” said Rupali. “Have you two forgotten about me? I won first fuck fair and square, you know.”

“Patience,” I said. “Everything I do him, he will do to you.” And then to Spike, “She has Attention Deficit Disorder; when she’s not getting the attention she gets disorderly.”

I wrapped a hand around his stiffening member and said, “Come with me.” I got up and straddled Rupali’s ribcage, her breasts squeezed together between my thighs. Following my guiding hand on his cock, Spike stepped over and straddled her head, facing me with his balls above Rupali’s upturned face.

“Now, can you find something to amuse yourself while I teach him to eat you?” I asked.

“I’ll try,” she sighed. “Just be quick, OK?”

I lieu of an answer, I used the hand not holding Spike’s dick to tweak a nipple, making her yelp and wriggle between my open thighs. I leaned in to Spike, my nipples touching his hard chest, and tilted my head, bringing our mouths together without touching. His lips pursed, seeking me out; I pulled back a little, “Pussies don’t purse,” I said, giving his cock a squeeze. “Let me do the work.” His lips softened and he tilted his head oppositely to mine, our mouths now at right angles.

I kissed him, plucking softly at his lips with mine, sucking just enough to draw them away from his teeth. He tasted a little bit salty from the soy sauce he had on the sushi earlier and the image of kissing a pussy when I shut my eyes was surprisingly powerful. I felt some movement around his cock, which I still held around the base; I glanced down quickly and saw Rupali’s tongue snaking around his balls. Kissing harder, I sucked his upper lip into my mouth and ran my tongue over the soft inside surface, repeating on the lower lip and then both at once, showing him how to titillate the inner labia before tonguing the vagina or clitoris.

I kept this up for another minute, stroking his cock until it was fully erect again, hard and throbbing under my fingers. Rupali had taken both balls into her mouth, sucking and juggling them with her tongue and occasionally licking out to the base of his cock and getting my fingers instead. I probed into Spike’s mouth with my tongue, gently at first and then more insistently, pushing deeper and searching out his own tongue, my pussy licking lesson now all but forgotten. I squeezed his cock hard in frustration when he didn’t respond; he gasped and realising the game had changed he kissed me back, his tongue twisting against mine, crushing our lips together as he brought both hands up to my breasts, stroking the undersides like I showed him before touching the nipples. What a good student!

I realized that we were getting carried away with each other when at least one of us should have a face buried in Rupali’s pussy. I pulled away from him reluctantly, panting and breathless. “Got it?” I asked, smiling.

“Yes, thank you” he said, stealing another peck at my lips.

“Stay away from her clitoris until just before you fuck her,” I whispered. “Otherwise she’s come all over your face instead of your cock.”

Spike moved to the other end of the board and lifted Rupali’s thighs back to her stomach again, raising her gaping and glistening pussy up to his lips. He began kissing her inner folds, just as I had kissed him, eliciting a deep moan of desire from Rupali. I knelt on the board behind her head and leaned forward to kiss her breasts, bringing my own hard nipples into contact with her mouth. We played a silent game of Simon-Says: I licked, she licked; I sucked, she sucked; I nibbled, she nibbled. I hope she wasn’t losing concentration on what Spike was doing to her steaming pussy; I felt quite invested in his training now and wanted him to do a good job.

Rupali locked her legs around Spike’s head, thighs clamped over his ears and ankles crossed in the middle of his back, using them as a lever to push her pussy into his face and making the slow, teasing pussy licking that I taught him impossible. I felt an immediate change in Rupali when he started to use his tongue, running it up and down her slit and probing inside her entrance. She arched her back and rolled her hips in time with him, moaning encouragement and letting out squeals of passion and surprise as he probed more deeply, forcing his insistent tongue down her love canal.

She broke away from sucking my nipple and gasped “No more! Please, fuck me now.”

Spike chose not to fulfil this request; at least not yet. He withdrew his tongue and moved up to her clitoris, sucking and licking to the increasingly frantic cries from Rupali, who was quickly approaching orgasm. I let him continue for another thirty seconds or so and then reached down to touch his cheek, reminding him that it was time to replace the tongue with dick.

Rupali unlocked her ankles as Spike pulled back and then flipped them up over his shoulders. He moved up, straddling the surfboard, until the underside of his hard shaft rested against her steaming, wet slit. He leaned forwards, resting against her legs and cupped her breasts with both hands, stroking the nipples and soaking up the moonlit view of this naked Indian goddess folded beneath him and offering him complete access to her supple young body.

I moved forwards as well, positioning my own pussy over Rupali’s face as I reached down and took hold of Spike’s manhood, guiding the tip between the gaping inner folds of her pussy lips. As Spike pushed forwards, I pulled his cock away so that instead of sliding deep into Rupali’s core, his length ploughed through her slit and over her engorged clitoris, all the way from the tip to the balls. Rupali cried out in equal parts passion and frustration, arching her back and quivering with the sensation of his hardness rubbing over her clit. Spike pulled back and once again I positioned his cock at her entrance, stirring it around to get it coated in her juices.

Spike looked into my eyes and I tipped him a wink. Trust me. He experimentally pumped his hips forwards a few inches; once again I shifted his cock so that the tip ran through her slit and touched her clitoris. He pulled slowly back and forth, letting me control his cock as he ran it between Rupali’s silky lips and around her bulging clit. After half a dozen strokes Rupali was crying for Spike to fuck her, tears spilling from the corners of her eyes and trickling down her cheeks and over my thighs. On the next back-stroke I squeezed his cock as a signal and pushed the tip back down her lips and over her entrance. Without hesitation, Spike pushed all the way forward, burying his seven inches in her womanhood in a single stroke, crying out himself at the furnace heat as her molten core first parted and then contracted tightly around his iron shaft.

Rupali cried out for him to fuck her harder; the stroking over her clitoris had brought her to the edge of orgasm and now the pumping shaft pounding deep inside her canal kept her on the edge; each stroke coming almost all the way out before slamming back in, crashing into her soaking labia, balls slapping against her backside. I kept my hands on the hard muscles of her flat belly and each time I felt her relaxing and regaining control I moved a hand down to rub her clitoris, taking care to keep my manicured nails away from Spike’s thrusting manhood, and brought her back to the verge of climax, crying and screaming for us to finish her and send her to heaven.

She discovered my pussy over her mouth and grabbed at my hips, dragging me down and mercilessly plunging her tongue into my hole without so much as a by-your-leave, drinking my freely flowing juices and stifling her own pleading cries. Lightning bolts of pleasure shot through my centre; I was so wet and ready that foreplay was redundant. Now the real game commenced: I didn’t want to come until Spike was inside me, so I was trying to prolong her orgasm but at the same time I was trying protect my own climax from the expert ministrations of her tongue, letting her probe my entrance but pulling away each time she sucked my clit between her lips.

Hopefully Spike would never know, but seven inches of cock – more than enough to fill my tiny pussy to overflowing – is simply not enough to make Rupali come. Even though he was in charge of this fucking, I had my finger on the button (so to speak); I was in charge of Rupali’s orgasm and I was ready for her to come. I began stroking her clitoris to bring her back to the edge and whispered to Spike that it was time; could he come now, please.

Not a man to disappoint, Spike closed Rupali’s thighs, squeezing his cock tighter and trapping my finger on her clit. I heard his breathing change as the increased pressure drew him towards climax and I redoubled my efforts on her clitoris. In a few moments Rupali was past to point of no return; an explosive orgasm building up inside her, she forgot all about licking my pussy and began a surprised-sounding thrumming wail. Starting out low, “Oh… oh dear… oooh… oooh” she built up to a single high soprano note and arched upwards beneath Spike’s pounding shaft, her orgasm spiraling out of control as it ripped through her body.

A moment later, Spike thrust into her and held the end of the stroke as he pumped cum deep inside her pussy, pulling out half way only to pound back in as he delivered each creamy jet. Rupali’s orgasm finally wound down at the same time as Spike’s thrusting weakened.

I opened Rupali’s legs and went down to lick up cum that had seeped out around the edges of her slit. Spike pulled half way out to give me more access and I licked around the base of his shaft, savouring the combined taste of his salty cum mixed with the fresh spice of Rupali’s pussy juices. It was like discovering strawberries and cream for the first time, knowing that they are delicious individually, but never imagining that the combination could produce a coupling that surpassed the sum of its parts. I couldn’t get enough; I roughly pulled Spike softening cock from Rupali’s pussy and sucked it greedily into my mouth, stripping the wonderful mixture first from the head and then working deeper until his cock was squeezing down my throat, licking, sucking and swallowing until I had him balls-deep and still I snaked out my tongue to clean the remnants of their combined sex from his balls. When I got it all, I pushed him away and went down on Rupali, licking the hot well-spring seeping from her steaming hole and when it was gone I delved my tongue deep into her womanhood to find more. Here the taste was different: more Rupali and less Spike, but still a sweet combination; both delicious and indescribably sexy, it had both my mouth and my pussy watering.

Rupali crunched her stomach and buried her own tongue in my pussy. Sixty-nine was a position we had never tried before; she is 6’1” and I am 4’11” and three-quarters; the poor girl had to fold herself in half just to reach my pussy. But Rupali had gone way past just reaching; she mashed her face against my melting slit and thrust her tongue deep inside; I could feel her exploring the depths of my love canal, opening me up ready for Spike’s seven inch cock – or so I thought. My tiny, tight pussy yawned wide to accommodate the thick base of her tongue while the slimmer point flicked and licked at my inner core, pushing back against the enclosing pressure, building up a delicious friction and probing in directions that a cock could never replicate.

When I finished all the cum that I thought I could get from Rupali’s pussy, I sat up on her face, allowing her to lie back down flat on her back – another new position for us – changing the angle of entry into my pussy and firing off all new sparks of desire between my legs.

She came up for a breath and called “Spike! Black bag!” Before burying her relentless tongue back in my womanhood. Stroking her breasts and squeezing her nipples and trying not to cry out, I watched through slitted eyes as Spike opened Rupali’s black velvet pouch to reveal (surprise, surprise) a sex toy.

“Funny lipstick,” he said, turning it over in his hands, trying to work out which bit went where, and whether any of it would involve him.

I recognised it immediately and chastised myself for not picking its shape in the bag. Rupali and I had been browsing strap-ons online, looking for something a bit less labour intensive than Rawhide, the communal but largely unused strap-on in the senior girls’ dorm. To the best of our knowledge, Rupali and I were the only ones who used Rawhide, but even though we mostly kept it in our room it was still a killjoy to wait for the interminable buckling and tightening and wiggling when all you wanted was for your girlfriend to fill you up with cock – and living with Rupali’s long limbs, her golden skin, gravity-defying breasts and cascading raven hair every day and night in my bedroom; that was something I wanted a lot!

This newest acquisition was our favourite, but we hadn’t yet taken the plunge to purchase it, or so I thought. It was a strapless strap-on. Ingeniously designed, one end is a thick, contoured vaginal plug pointing straight up, and the other end is a six inch dildo, not quite as thick or as long as Spike’s cock, pointing straight out and curving upwards. In the middle is a flexible U-shaped joint that kind of clamps it onto the wearer’s pubis; the plug sits snugly up her pussy and a thick, hard shaft looks to be growing from a point a couple of inches above her clitoris.

So now I had a choice: wait until Spike was ready to go again, or fuck right now with Rupali. In fairness, I did have to think about it… for a few seconds anyway; but I had already had Spike inside me once today and right now Rupali was the one setting off sky-rockets of pleasure in my pussy.

“Give me that thing,” I said to Spike. He looked glad to hand it over, but a little deflated. Hmmm, two girls and a strap-on doth not a three-way make. I think I read that somewhere in the bible; I needed to make sure Spike wasn’t left out.

I raised my pussy off Ruplai’s face for a moment and looked down at her between my thighs. “Sweetie. Lube?”

“Black bag,” she responded, pulling me back down for more tonguing.

For once Spike was ahead of me; handing me a disposable sample sachet of sex lube. I ripped it open and coated both shafts of the toy. Rupali was so wet and stretched from Spike’s thick cock that I could have shoved the plug-end straight in, but sitting on her face and looking at her pussy in the moonlight made me want to take it slow and enjoy it.

Just as I did earlier with Spike’s dick, I pushed the plug up against her opening, but then instead of pushing inwards I glided up and down her slit, rubbing her clitoris and making her cry out into my pussy, twisting and bucking her hips in pleasure. She was already thoroughly wet, but the extra lube made the shaft slide around deliciously inside her lips. Once I’d had my fun, I positioned it over her entrance and held it there, pressing down gently so she could feel it trying to enter her, but not quite enough to open her up. She thrust her hips upward to get it inside; once, twice, but each time I went up with her, still keeping the same teasing pressure on her pussy. On the third thrust I relented and slid it slowly but effortlessly all the way down her silky canal to the sound of her muffled cries of relief and pleasure. As I went, I pulled on the cock-end to open up the U-shaped joint and then gently allowed it to close again on her pubis once I had it pushed all the way home.

Letting go, I sat back on her face and just stared, not believing my eyes: in the moonlight, my girlfriend had a thick, hard, glistening cock… and it was pointed straight back at me. The illusion was perfect. It sent shivers down my spine and I wriggled nervously on her probing tongue. I almost forgot myself and went down on her; I wanted to suck her cock into my mouth, feel it on my tongue and swallow it all the way down my throat while I licked out around the base at her clitoris making her scream and buck helplessly in my face as she climaxed and pumped load after load of sweet cum down my throat. Phew! I mentally slapped myself and reluctantly got up off her face. I felt thoroughly… explored! …and my pussy was still buzzing with the intensity of her furious tonguing.

“Rupali! Up you get,” I commanded. “Spike, lay down!”

“I’m not sure whether I… ahhh?” he began nervously, probably thinking that Rupali’s toy was for him.

“Hey, if you want Rupali to fuck you with that thing then you can get in line,” I told him. “I’m up next and if you want the best seat in the theatre you’ll lay down when I tell you; otherwise you can wander off and leave us to it.” I try to sound tough, but standing buck naked at my full 4’11’’ and three quarters, with hard nipples standing proud on my pert breasts, I’m more entertaining than intimidating.

“Yes, ma’am,” he smiled, lying down on his back as Rupali got up.

“Good boy,” I laughed.

We both watched Rupali, looking down and admiring herself and then striking a pose in the moonlight, showing off her cock. She was… mesmerising! Don’t get me wrong; I’m a big fan of the male form: thick limbs, hard muscles, narrow hips, broad shoulders and all that… it’s hot; red hot! You don’t need to tell me. But the female body, Rupali’s body, is just… beautiful. No, exquisite! Her long, soft, curves glowed with oil; her full, perfect breasts silhouetted by the moon; and her thick, proud, cock, standing hard and erect before her flat stomach as she stood tall and hipshot before us, stroking its length slowly with her delicate, pink-tipped fingers. I felt a lump of deep wanting rise in my throat and my chest tightened with pure need for her.

I shivered again with animal desire. I wanted her to take me, to dominate me, to lose control and ravage my body. For that moment I wished to be a virgin again, to feel the exquisite pain as she broke me open for the very first time, plundered me, conquered me, to know that I gave to her – and she took from me – that which could never be taken again.

“See something green,” Rupali laughed.

Spike and I had been gawking; I don’t know for how long but I don’t think I would have stopped on my own. She came to me and bent down for a kiss, soft and sweet on my lips, cupping a breast gently as her cock rested heavily against my belly.

“How do you want it?” she whispered.

“Doggy,” I croaked, that lump rising again in my throat. “Don’t hold back.”

“Your wish, sweetie,” she said, kissing me again and tweaking my nipple.

I stood with one leg on the ground and swung the other over Spike’s head, resting my knee on the board beside him and faced back towards his cock. My open pussy was just six inches above his face and he didn’t miss the opportunity to lean upwards and tongue me greedily before Rupali moved in and straddled the board behind us.

“You sure you want this, sweetie,” Rupali asked playfully.

“Mmmm huh,” I affirmed. I was shaking now. I couldn’t see her behind me but it was like I could feel a kind of magnetism as she held the tip of that cock close. I bent even lower; my nipples brushing Spike’s hard stomach as I arched back, pushing my pussy upwards and out, aching for her to enter me.

“That didn’t sound very convincing, Blinny,” she admonished. “I don’t want to take you if you don’t want me to.”

Oh God, I’m sorry I ever teased her. Payback’s such a bitch. “Please,” I choked. “Don’t play with me Rupali.”

“Nope, she doesn’t want it. Spike, lick her clitoris until she screams for it or comes on your face.”

Before I could respond, Spike pulled me down to his mouth. So much for licking; he closed his lips around my clitoris and sucked. Hard! He flicked his tongue from side to side over its sensitive surface as he buried his nose in my pussy. Pleasure exploded through my loins, his mouth so different to Rupali’s; stronger, rougher, more masculine.

It took my breath away and turned my legs to jelly. The knee of my standing leg unlocked and I collapsed on his face, moaning, crying and grinding my pussy against his nose as he sent my clitoris to heaven. Unless he had learned to breathe through his ears, this was going to be a temporary state of affairs, but the sensation was new and explosive and I quickly resolved to enjoy it while I could and then beg for Ruplai’s cock when he pushed me away for a breath.

Thirty literally breathless seconds and my clitoris was on red alert, sirens blaring and lights flashing, needle gauges in the red-zone, all signalling imminent overload. My body was screaming for me to come. Come or die. But somehow I held it at bay; alternating holding my own breath, turning purple, hyperventilating and twisting, writhing on Spike’s nose, but not once did he breathe and not once did he release the orgasmic suction on my clitoris.

Sixty seconds. My other senses started to fade out; the world contracted down a single point of pure, white hot sensation between my legs. I felt the change as my body began to reject the messages I was sending to withhold my orgasm. The battle was lost and I was about to explode.

With one last force of will I pushed away from Spike, screaming and crying “NOOOOOOOOOOO! Oh God, I’m coming!”

I took another deep breath, preparing for the blend of euphoria and disappointment as the orgasm carried me away, when Rupali reached around and twisted my nipple painfully.

“Oh, you bit…” I began tearfully, then realised that she had doused my climax. I turned to her, my vision doubled with brimming tears and the screaming, runaway machine of my sex winding down to a pleasurable tingle. “Oh my God! You wonderful, beautiful… smarty-pants! How did you…?

“Did you think you knew all my secrets?” she laughed.

Spike had taken a couple of deep breaths and now seemed no worse for wear from his near asphyxiation.

“And you?” I glared tearfully down at him between my thighs. “How did you…?”

“Ha! I could have kept going a while longer,” he grinned. If you want to stay alive in big surf then you gotta have lung capacity.”

Rupali reached down and stoked a finger through my incandescent slit, silencing any further questions and recriminations at their cruel mistreatment of me.

“Oooohhh,” I sang in a rising voice as this time my back buckled and I fell forward onto Spike. Like making a dog scratch by rubbing its tummy, my pussy was almost acting independently. At Rupali’s touch my bottom arched high in the air again, offering itself wantonly and shamelessly to be penetrated from behind.

She touched the tip of her cock to my lips and pushed fractionally forward; the lubricated knob slid frictionlessly into the socket. I wriggled my hips to feel it dance around the sensitive edges of my entrance, savouring the anticipation as I waited for her to drive it deeper. An then, finally, my reward: Rupali closed her long fingers onto my hips for leverage and simultaneously pulled and thrust, effortlessly ploughing the six inch shaft all the way home. With an undulating dolphin-like rhythm she rocked her hips, dragging the tip maddeningly over my G-spot on the way out before gliding smoothly all the way back in. Slowly, gently and lovingly; she fucked me – not roughly like a cave-man, which I still wanted – but luxuriously like it was a gift. If day-spas offered fucking, this is what it would be like: a mineral bath, shiatsu massage, then hair, nails and a facial followed by a full hour of lady-fucking.

I still held my bottom high in the air but rested my breasts and head on Spike’s stomach, sighing with pleasure at the pampering my pussy was receiving. I let my mind drift, watching Spike’s cock, so close I could take it in my mouth; it was still swollen from its exertions but soft and motionless. It occurred to me that I knew almost nothing about soft dicks. Every time I encountered one it was well on its way to becoming rock hard, which is pretty much the only way I picture them. Although Mr Gallows likes to play with my pussy after sex, I pretty much leave him alone, trusting that he’ll let me know when he’s ready again.

I reached forward and stroked it, expecting it to rear a bit as a semi-erect cock does when I hold it, but there was still no movement. Taking hold, I gave it a squeeze from the base; it was strange: like play-dough, moulding to any shape I made in my hand, but otherwise completely lifeless. I was fascinated. Rocking forward, I licked from tip to base, expecting my tongue to get results where my fingers could not. I understood that it was a matter of timing rather than intent; it was barely five minutes ago he filled Rupali to overflowing, but for some insane reason I saw it as a challenge to my womanhood: harden this cock or you’re a disgrace to your sex!

I took him into my mouth; his cock was shorter now and so pliant that I didn’t need to swallow any of it. It was totally different to normal cock-sucking: I could stay all the way down on the root of his dick and still breathe – which felt really sexy – but I could also do different things. His dick folded under the pressure of my tongue; it moulded into the shape of my cheek or the roof of my mouth like bubblegum, and most amazingly – and I swear I could do this for hours – when I sucked hard at the base, it closed down to a thin hard rope between my lips while the other end swelled and hardened against the back of my throat. The first time I tried it I thought he was getting hard and prepared to give him a proper blow job, but then when I let go of the suction it returned to its soft pliant state. So cool! I don’t know how guys ever leave the house. If I had one of these I’d play with it all day!

As I was doing this for what felt the millionth time, I released suction and instead of shrinking back down it just kind of… stayed! It was still soft, but bigger! I did it again, pressing my lips down hard onto the root of his manhood and sucked hard, compressing with my lips and tongue. This time the tip pressed more insistently at the back of my throat and the whole thing felt thicker. Spike gave it a weak pump and I felt if flex, straightening out, lining up along my tongue as if preparing for the journey down my throat. The same thing happened, or more accurately didn’t happen when I released again. No shrinkage! He was thicker, firmer, and straighter and this is weird: heavier. A really hard cock seems to defy gravity; it stands up all on its own, defying you to weigh it. Spike wasn’t that hard yet so his cock was still resting in my mouth, and it felt heavy… dangerous, like it was filled with lead shot!

I stopping sucking and just held him in my mouth, concentrating on what was happening to his cock. It was slowly inflating. I could especially feel it thickening at the base, forcing my jaws apart, but it was growing everywhere at once, growing fatter and opening up the cavern of my mouth, but growing longer too; longer, straighter and harder. He was still pressing at the back of my throat, but more insistently now. Before I could easily hold the tip back as it searched for a new hole to invade and it would just flex and bow in the middle. But now it was straightening out and wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Quickly, I hyperventilated a few times and then took a deep breath and relaxed my throat, giving him a new avenue of growth. Immediately his knob moved into the space I had made, sliding purposefully into my throat - just an inch - as his whole cock straightened and cut off my airway. I heard Spike gasp as he twined his fingers in my hair and held me down onto his growing erection – as if I was going anywhere. A heartbeat later he pumped his cock; it swelled and hardened in my mouth as the knob bulged massively in my throat, forcing itself down another half an inch or so.

I wrapped my arms around his hips and dug my fingers into his buttocks, hugging his groin to my face, twisting my face and trying to drag him deeper inside. It had the illusion of working as he continued to grow inside me. My jaws were almost fully stretched around the thick base of his cock and he seemed to be filling my entire mouth as well as my throat. I struggled to hold back the swelling; closing my lips over my teeth, I simultaneously bit down as I sucked and compressed the middle of his shaft him with my tongue, while swallowing to compress his knob, now two inches down my throat. The result was instantaneous and exactly the opposite of my intent: he cried out in ecstasy and bucked his hips in my face; three quick pumps of his cock and it swelled massively inside me, his knob bulging and burrowing another inch and a half down my throat.

He was fully hard now and completely at my mercy… providing I didn’t need to breathe! I figured I was good for another thirty seconds or so before I passed out and the way he was writhing and crying out as I sucked and swallowed on his manhood, I had a chance of keeping him there until he came.

Rupali was still giving me the lady-fuck deluxe. It felt wonderful, but it wasn’t going to make me come. Beyond verbal commands, I flung one hand backwards and slapped her thigh hard: international sign language for “I have a cock in mouth and I want you to fuck me harder.” Dear, sweet Rupali: on the next inbound stroke she drove in harder, her groin slapping hard against my bottom. Her cock touched down inside me, pressing deliciously up against my cervix, setting off a little explosion of pleasure. God, it felt fantastic; goodbye lady-fuck, hello man-fuck! Two strokes later I felt that familiar stirring as my orgasm – held at bay too many times – reawakened and growled menacingly in my groin. It was not to be denied this time.

With Rupali driving hard into my pussy I concentrated back on Spike’s cock; sucking and swallowing, I reached for his hands holding my head and guided them to pull me down harder on his cock. I wanted him to grind it into me as hard as he wanted, to force me down onto him and pump me full of cum. I had a big breath – enough I thought – and I didn’t want him to worry about suffocating me. If worse came to worst, I always had my teeth and I was pretty sure I could get him out at short notice.

Bless him: he knows international sign language as well. He twisted his fingers in my hair and pulled me down hard, mashing my lips against his groin and my nose to his balls. I redoubled my efforts of swallowing and sucking, moaning and crying out for him to come. Hopefully he understood and would do me the favour of coming before my lungs burst.

I heard him begin his build up: panting and writhing. Damn, he was ahead of me! Another slap on Rupali’s thigh: harder, bitch! She didn’t disappoint; with her next stroke her groin slammed into me with a thunderclap, her hard cock detonating an explosion as she tried to ram it straight through me. She pounded me, punctuating each thrust with a word: “You… slapped… me… you… slut… I’ll… ram… this… cock… so… far… up… you… can… brush… your… TEETH… WITH IT!

Each thrust was like an air pump, building up the pressure of my impending orgasm until it burst. About half way through this little speech, Spike lifted off, both literally – hoisting his backside into the air – and figuratively as his cock swelled and bulged and finally rocketed cum down my throat. For each of the last half dozen thrusts, Spike filled me with another cock-load of cum while Rupali arched back and slammed her cock upwards, lifting me off the ground with each pounding blow to my pussy so that I was suspended in the air on two cocks. I started coming on the second last stroke and on the very last one Rupali grabbed my hips hard, grinding into me, standing up straight and holding me off the ground, twisting her hips, stirring her cock in my pussy while I dangled in the air, screaming and swallowing and kicking my legs like a puppet as the orgasm convulsed my body.

Spike finally stopped pumping and lifted me off his cock just as I began to feel faint from lack of oxygen. I simultaneously tried to suck in lungs full of air as well as scream from the ecstasy that coursed through my pussy. Rupali finally lowered me down, panting and heaving and completely spent on top of Spike, my mouth and pussy throbbing with pleasure and pain, arms and legs draped over the sides like an animal skin, completely satisfied from being taken so completely.

“That wov .. ouch,” I began.

“Epic,” Spike sighed.

“Carnal,” Rupali marvelled, straddling the board behind us and running her hands over my back.

“You hurt my lipf,” I said.

“Sorry,” they both replied.

“Not thove ones; theve ones!”

“I’ll kiss these ones better,” Spike said from between my open thighs. “Just in case.” He kissed my pussy softly.

“Ouch. Thove ones hurt too.”

“That’ll teach you to giddy-up on me,” Rupali laughed.

“Probably not,” I moaned.

“So,” said Spike. “It doesn’t sound like you’re up for rescue sex in the surf.”

“Another time.” God I hope so.

After lights-out later that night, I lay spooned into Rupali’s nakedness – which was how we spent most nights until one of us got too hot – when she whispered, “Do you have a clever name for the new toy yet?”

“It doesn’t need one,” I said. “It’s yours. It’s not going into the toy box; at least not until you graduate and bequeath it to the dorm.”

“Still,” she said. “It’s a nice tradition.”

“Did you have something in mind?” I asked.

“I was thinking, Spike.”

I giggled. “Do you think we’ll see him again?”

“Probably not,” she sighed. “He’ll leave Sydney soon on his big quest. It wouldn’t be good to get too invested.”

“Hmmm. No,” I said wistfully, then, “Hey, I owe you a toy. Spike’s not big enough for me to use on you.”

“Yes, that’s right! You do!” she brightened. “But we haven’t seen any big enough online. Do you think your mystery man would make me one?”

“I don’t know,” I said, thinking Mr Gallows’ skills were more electronic and mechanical engineering. “Maybe. I don’t know whether he can work with latex. I can ask if you like?”

“While you’re at it, see if he’ll make the mould from himself,” she whispered shyly, giving me a little squeeze and wondering whether she was asking for too much.

She had already fucked Mr Gallows, of course; but she was blindfolded and still has no idea it was the headmaster. All she knows is that his nine inch cock is one of the few that will bring her to an orgasm. Maybe it was a good idea to get him to cast his own cock. She asks about him a lot; clearly she’s keen for another encounter and it was hard to keep finding excuses.

I felt a bit sorry for her. I come so easily and could use any old cock that was handy; but the one that I do have is also the only one that makes her come. And worse, it doesn’t even all fit in my pussy! It’s not as though any of us were in an exclusive relationship, either. Was I being over-possessive?

“Tell you what.” I smiled. “I’ll tell him to either make you one or he has to fuck you again.”

“Both would be fine with me.”

“I bet!” I snorted. “Night, Rupali.”

“Night, B’lin.”

~~~ THE END ~~~

Same as Wedding Cake Island - Part 2 Videos

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The Island Inhabitants

November 2010 The small independent island nation was at the end of a long chain of Pacific archipelago islands more than 40 miles from it’s nearest island neighbor, 154 square miles in size, large and protected shallow clear blue lagoons surrounding the island with white sugar sand beaches, many isolated coves with similar beaches and a very small stable population of less than 450 natives. Only one very bored part-time policeman and a government of 15 people ran the entire island...

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The Island Inhabitants

November 2010 The small independent island nation was at the end of a long chain of Pacific archipelago islands more than 40 miles from it's nearest island neighbor, 154 square miles in size, large and protected shallow clear blue lagoons surrounding the island with white sugar sand beaches, many isolated coves with similar beaches and a very small stable population of less than 450 natives. Only one very bored part-time policeman and a government of 15 people ran the entire island...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Two

____________________________ A glorious sun-drenched early morning greeted me as I awoke in my bed alongside the lovely brunette “door prize” I had won at the party the previous evening. It had been arranged for me to interview Greg at nine o’clock, so after fucking the young woman just once more I dismissed her from my suite, showered and shaved, and then contemplated what to wear for my appointment with the resort’s Managing Partner. I declined the limited selection of robes...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Two

Introduction: To make sense, start from the beginning…. Chapter Two ____________________________ A glorious sun-drenched early morning greeted me as I awoke in my bed alongside the lovely brunette door prize I had won at the party the previous evening. It had been arranged for me to interview Greg at nine oclock, so after fucking the young woman just once more I dismissed her from my suite, showered and shaved, and then contemplated what to wear for my appointment with the resorts Managing...

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The Secret Island

 The ferry slowly went past the castle to my right and the National museum to my left. It was a quiet Saturday morning; the water was like a mirror and the buildings reflected into it. I shaded my eyes and looked at the castle again. A big brown grey building where the King of Sweden and his family lived and worked. Below it, the traffic flowed with cars and buses making their way to their destinations.Mine was the town of Sandhamn in the archipelago of Stockholm. It was the last major town...

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Island Prey Ch 01

Note: This is another Bennett Law Firm story that follows a similar theme found in ‘Whores and Pimps’, Halloween Party at the Bennett’s and ‘Under the Mistletoe’. There is some mild brother sister incest and detailed lesbian parts but the rest is just a whole lot of playing the game. All rights reserved. Jack Reynolds had heard about the parties and contests that old man Bennett threw but it wasn’t until he got the invitation that it became real. He hurried down the hallway to the office of...

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Island of Love

Island of Love Introduction Eban. With it’s long history as a resort Island where wealthy black businessmen  could come and play with many of it’s gorgeous white women. White couples were recruited around the country with the prospect of making a great deal of money for their two year stay at Eban. Women that were previously married who worked at the resort had to obey the resorts rules. Some of the rules were harsh especially on their ex-husbands. White women were trained on how to please...

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Island Princess Returns

Bree walked back down the narrow aisle of the first class cabin of the airliner, an angry pout on her face.“I haven’t been able to get in the restroom yet and we land in two hours!” she complained.“I thought you went to the bathroom before we left Hawaii?”“I have to change into traditional island clothes before I get off the plane,” my island honey explained. Bree is from a beautiful South Pacific Island group, and we were on the second leg of our trip back to her home.  We’d spent a few nice...

Group Sex
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Cindys Cake

He finished the ghost story and watched as several of the younger campers huddled under blankets in groups of three and four. A wry smile came to his face as he stood and stretched out his legs. Andrzej Charron wasn’t much older than the campers, but he was 16 and had attended Camp Jumping River for eight years, so he filled the requisites to be a ‘Teen Counselor.’ ‘Tell us another one, Andy?’ a young girl asked. ‘Sure, Tammy,’ he said, returning to his blanket. He took a sip from his soda...

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Threesome Cake With Mom And Friends

Hi people, writing story in ISS is always a pleasure. This story is the third part of my stories, “Horny mom seduced and fucked son” and “Threesome with mom and friend”. In this story my mom seduced and fucked two of my closest friends as they were leaving town. Unfortunately, I am not there this time. I was busy watching them from the other room because my mom didn’t want my friends to feel awkward. Coming to the story… My mom and I used to have sex on a regular basis as you would know....

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Selecting the Right GirlChapter 19 Norfolk Island

FRANK WAS SITTING in the Qantas Club in the international terminal at Sydney airport, when he heard his name paged. He quickly stood up and walked to the front desk and there was the tall, athletic and beautiful Sandy, dressed sensibly for travelling, but still looking good. He greeted her with a gentle kiss, showed his membership card to the receptionist and then led her to his table. She accepted his offer of coffee and once she had drunk it they both got up and selected a few things from...

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CHAPTER 1:This is the continuing story (from the RESURRECTION story) of one woman, Annie Linder, who finds herself living a dream she was unaware she wanted … until it was given to her. For continuity, it is recommended that you read RESURRECTION, first. See my post for the cover.Everything still seemed like it was happening so fast. In actuality, it has been three weeks since Sylvia Contreras came to Tucson wanting a meeting with me to discuss her revised resort on the Caribbean island she...

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Thunder Island

Thunder Island is the most beautiful of the coastals. It’s still beautiful, in spite of now being filled with condos, motels, gigantic mansions and tourists ... it’s classy and scenic and just fabulous. You are a lucky motherfucker if you can afford to live there. The foliage is still thick and rich, with red cedar, oaks, loblolly and longleaf pines everywhere. The businessmen that turned the beauty of the island into money were careful, at least, and much of the natural beauty of the place has...

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The Island

The Island The small plane leaped into the air. Roger Kramer watched the dials nervously as his older brother Vince took them out low and fast. Behind him, Dashel Conroy chuckled, running his hands through the money. The armored car job had been perfect. Roger had come home from Iraq with ten kilos of C4 hidden in his bags. He had also spent four years learning how to blow things to hell, and a year disarming IEDs at about two bucks an hour. Vince, his older brother, had been in stir...

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Whipple Island

SEAN: Good gravy it was hot! Oh, sure, there's hot, but then there's the hot you get in the summer in the Midwest. If you didn't grow up here, you wouldn't know what I'm talking about! It's the kind of hot where the humidity is higher than the temperature. Your clothes stick to you. The air doesn't move. You keep hoping to find shade on the trail ahead, but when you get in the shade, it isn't any better. So far, this Independence Day weekend was the hottest weekend of the year. It...

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Janet and Justins Island Affair

The deep, dazzling blue of the Caribbean Sea was like nothing Janet had ever seen before. It stretched out like a soft blanket of azure as far as her eyes could see. Overhead, the bright island sun sailed lazily across the morning sky, occasionally disappearing behind one of a handful of fluffy white clouds that floated carelessly toward the horizon. Each time the sun disappeared behind a cloud, only to reappear a few seconds later, the color of the sea changed. One moment it was a deep...

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Island DelightChapter 15 Haaina Male

Thursday had been an extraordinary day for the Olivers. Following their afternoon anal sex, the couple had needed a long nap to recuperate. Later that evening, they dressed for dinner, and Brenda had put on her new white linen mini dress. She looked at herself in the mirror over the dresser but was even more nervous about the dress than when trying it on in the store. The halter-top was cut low in the back, and had a deep V cut in the front, exposing her almost to the belly button, and the...

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Second Cake

I didn't get a response from Megan or from any of the girls regarding my enthusiastic "cake" question. After I shot my cum into Courtney's pussy, which completed the mutual loss of virginities while her three best girlfriends watched, I only wanted to know if there would be cake at Megan's 16th birthday party which was two months away. I thought it was reasonable to get a reply to my query. All distractions created by sexual activity were now absent, yet none of the girls gave any...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 8 Have your cake and a free car

It was the seventeenth of May 2015. Rome, where I had been only four weeks ago, was but a dim memory. Fortunately Caroline’s face as she toppled over and fell into the drink was still available in my mind in Hi-Res. The weather was lovely for late spring and we had a chance to have ‘Sunday Morning Coffee And Something Nice’ in my back yard. I had baked a chocolate cake, which had turned out rather well. Didn’t look like much, because glazing cakes is actually very difficult, but it tasted...

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Island Royale Epilogue

____________________________ I spent the long flight back to Costa Rica sitting alone and in silence, as did most of my fellow passengers who also appeared equally exhausted following the week of extravagant debauchery. For the return trip I was granted a window seat, and I repeatedly found myself gazing hypnotically out over the vast blue waters of the Pacific Ocean, lost in thought as images of Island Royale flashed before me. My mind kept drifting back to sweet little Alyssa,...

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Marabogo Cuckold Island Ch 01

Prologue The breeze that came in from the Atlantic ocean did not do much to quell the baking sun on the beach of Marabogo. The small island laid approximately one hundred miles of the coast of Namibia, Africa. John Morton and Henry Larsen sat on the beach in their sunbathing chairs looking at all the skimpily clad women and ripped black men. Both men were nude, wearing nothing but chastity belts, something that was customary for white men on the island. John felt his penis strain against the...

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cuckold island

The breeze that came in from the Atlantic ocean did not do much to quell the baking sun on the beach of Marabogo. The small island laid approximately one hundred miles off the coast of Namibia, Africa.John Morton and Henry Larsen sat on the beach in their sunbathing chairs looking at all the skimpily clad women and ripped black men. Both men were nude, wearing nothing but chastity belts, something that was customary for white men on the island. John felt his penis strain against the inside of...

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PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 6A Learning More About The Island You both go and take showers to clean some of the mutual cum off and there is plenty of heavy petting and another round of orgasms. Coming out of the shower was when it got interesting for me reasons. "I can't believe that your makeup stays in place and doesn't have to be reapplied. It's not fair. Especially the deep painted red of those lips. It still looks like they were painted next to an old '55...

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