The Girl In The Window, A Tale Of An Amsterdam Night free porn video

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It’d been six months of happy masturbation. Since my return home I still hadn’t gotten any closer to pussy than the wank mags at work. So when the boys’ trip to Amsterdam came up, I decided to give the other side of life a go. I needed to laid, I was noticing myself that I was becoming more unattractive to the opposite sex by the day.

It’s like when you’re with a partner and getting laid all the time, chicks can smell it and they want some of that too. But once you become single, they can smell that too; that stench of desperation. So that was it, I was gonna shag one of those women in the window in Amsterdam, I was gonna become one of those weirdos that do it. But then again I’m pretty certain I’m not the only man to fuck a hooker in Amsterdam. Apart from my illicit encounter in Bangkok it would be a new experience for me.

I’d heard the working girls of Amsterdam could be quite bullying once they’d gotten the money off you before you started. The common one was they’d get you in there – fifty Euros for fifteen minutes – they’d take the cash off you, tuck it away somewhere. Then the smile that got you through the door would disappear and your angel would turn into a she-witch and turn back and scowl at you, ‘Well you’ve only got fifteen minutes left, hope you’re hard enough! You’re not too wasted are you?’ And from the stories, most men would quiver and die inside, and in general, walk out of there fifteen minutes later with their confidence around their ankles, fifty quid poorer; back to their hotels to jerk off.

I was already feeling sorry enough for myself, and the idea of that happening made me believe it definitely would. So I thought, well hey, might as well cheat then and scored some Viagra off one of my friends, make the most of it you know.

At the time I was earning about seven hundred pounds a week unblocking toilets and shit like that. It was nasty work but it paid well, what could I do?

Six of us went back to the Dam, Cousin Paul and his mate Cam, Big Greg, normal Greg, my brother Scott and me.

Whoever had booked the accommodation had not really tried hard enough, and the only hotel they said they could find was one fifteen minutes away from the airport. Basically a taxi ride back to the airport and then a half hour train ride to get to Centraal Station.

But anyway the hotel was swish as fuck and we had loads of ketamine on us. We brought k instead of coke for one simple reason. Five guys on the lash in Amsterdam would on average consume at least one gram of coke a day each; more than likely two. And that would have turned our cheap trip into costing a near small fortune. Besides when you run out of coke all you want is more, and ‘cause ya’ in Amsterdam you might make the mistake of caving in to the ‘Coke, Coke, Charlie’ guys that harass you everywhere you go; give them fifty Euros for a gram of talcum powder or some shit.

So we resisted temptation and saved ourselves the cost and risk of taking an ounce of cocaine to Amsterdam, and settled on four grams of ketamine instead. It made financial and logical sense. You can only do so much k at a time, whereas cocaine...

So I was silently psyching myself up to sleeping with one of those girls in the window. I didn’t wanna say anything to the other guys, didn’t wanna jinx my special occasion.

We hadn’t come to the Dam to sit in a hotel – although it was fuckin’ plush as – so we dumped our shit, everyone had fat bump, I took a small one on the sly, then got a cab back to the airport and then the train into Amsterdam Centraal.

We started off at Hill Street Blues, you can’t go wrong, it doesn’t have the best dope in the Dam but I like the atmosphere of the place, it’s quite big, but it’s dark and dingy, and there’s graffiti all over the walls from the people who have been there over the years. It’s a smoky dive bar with good beer, comfy couches and awesome music, what more do you need? We sat around and drank, the boys bumped the k and it got messy quick.

After an hour or so of that we ducked out again and went for an innocent stroll through the red light district. There was every type of girl, for every type of need. We pulled up at the Bulldog and I let Cousin Paul know what I was up to then slid off.

The mistake I think too many guys make when they’re walking ‘round the Dam is they window shop too long and psyche themselves out of it. So I stopped off at the first hot chick I saw and with a nervous flutter in my stomach, knocked on the glass door with its red light reflecting out from above.

A blonde woman just short of six feet smiled and stepped up off her stool. She was wearing scant purple lingerie that frilled up around her C-cup breasts. They were a good handful each. She opened the door halfway and said, ‘Hullo,’ in a sweet voice that was tinged with a Dutch accent.

Now really fuckin’ nervous and wishing I had kept on walking around the block and then back to the boys in the bar, but feeling like it had gone too far to take the embarrassment of backing down now, I asked her, ‘So um, what’s the score like? Um, you know.’

She smiled at me and said, ‘You get to fuck me for fifteen minutes for fifty Euros,’ and touched her bottom lip with her thumb. Sweet I had hundreds on me, it was put up or shut up time, so I sorta nodded and then took the hand that she offered me. My girl had dark stilettos to match her dark lingerie, and the red bulb in the corner of the room lit up the place when she drew the curtain across the door.

‘Ok, the money first,’ she said with a ruthless finality, the glamorous and seductive curl of her lips only returning once the cash was in her hand. She leant forward with one leg straight and the other one just bent as she tucked the money in a draw. Then straightened out and picked up the receiver on a phone sat beside a mirror, and made a call.

Once she hung up my girl looked back at me and said over the blonde hair hanging across her smooth shoulder, ‘Your fifteen minutes start now. Come with me.’ My Girl reached out a hand and led me up a small staircase – my face two inches from her tight and muscled ass, her pussy just there – and brought me out into a bedroom with oval mirror, toilet, a single chair, a double bed and several vibrators, dildos and a variety of other sex toys.

I gulped on a dry throat, and checked the nerves still floating around, in the meantime she’d kicked off her heels, unstrapped her bra and was now sliding off her silken panties.

‘Aren’t you going to take off your clothes,’ she said in that seductive Dutch accent. ‘You’re not too high to do this are you?’ Ha ha, I had her there. The Viagra I’d taken just as we’d landed was going full strength and this five foot ten-eleven blonde super model, with perfect page three breasts and oh so smooth shaven pussy, wasn’t about to get away with that ol’ bit of urban legend. She was so fuckin’ hot with her dark eyes and full red lips, and with my hard-on pushing through my pants, I got outta those clothes faster than Superman in a disaster zone.

‘I got no worries there love,’ and grinned an, I’m-gonna-get-laid-with-this-hot-chick grin.

‘Well, well then, so I see that is the case young man,’ (she was my age) ‘but you must know there are a few rules. No kissing me on the lips, no touching my pussy with your hands, and anal sex costs more. If you break the rules, it’s over and you don’t get your money back. Hassle me and some very big guys will come in here and beat the shit out of you.’

Damn her little bullying-seductive speech had sorta taken the romance out of the occasion. I could see how most of the guys that I’d talked to about coming to the whores in the window in Amsterdam, couldn’t get it up. Even found it, all in all, to be a most frightening and humiliating experience. I’d cheated though, I’d taken enough Viagra to give a hippo a hard-on, this was looking like it was gonna be a fun experience.

My Girl, laid me down on the soft double bed and took my cock in her hands. She sucked on him, going up and down slowly while cupping my balls, and tweaking on them here and there.

One hand reached up and grabbed my nipple, so I followed her lead and put my hands on her. I massaged my way across her velvety back and then ran my fingers through her soft hair. I hadn’t been told off. So I continued, toughing her left ear as softly as I could, before slowly stretching around under her armpit to finally take one of those amazing breasts in my hand.

My Girl’s breast was firm and as I stroked my fingertips towards the centre her nipple hardened to my touch.

She looked up and smiled, ‘This looks like it may be fun. If you don’t go getting all carried away, I’ll let you touch me. As long as you do it softly like you are. Now lie down on your back. I want to see what your cock feels like inside me.’ She pushed me down on to the bed and then straddled across me.

My cock was wet with her spit and she took me in one hand and rubbed the tip of it on her clit and lips a few times, before guiding me in an inch or two. I could feel how hot she was on the inside; much warmer than the air around me. The air around me now felt cold enough to make the goose bumps stand up on my arms. The hairs stood out like static electricity. ‘Wait,’ she said, ‘don’t get too excited on me now. This is my game.’ Then she started swishing her hips in wide circles, keeping the end of my knob just inside her in a practiced motion.

I had a hand on each of My Girl’s thighs and looked from each of those to the wondrous vision in front of me of her fuckin’ amazing pussy. And my cock mostly outside of her, starting to grease up as her heat began to pour down. Then I absorbed the whole sight of her; of the smooth curve of her sun-tanned skin. Up to her hands, which were now holding her breasts and guiding themselves over her nipples. She kept her rotating going as I tore my gaze away from that living pornographic sight, up passed the angularness of her jaw. Up to her deep brown eyes, hidden behind stark, black lashes.

Then; she slid all the way down. I was nearly done right there and then. In a normal situation any man would have been finished and quite happy to do so, but I had a bit of k running around in my system, had had a few beers and was on Viagra. So to both mine and especially her surprise I didn’t cum. In fact I smiled a cheeky, ‘Ah ha!’ tricked you, smile. She came down towards me, our faces barely apart, and began to ride up and down as those sweet firm breasts of hers brushed against me, leaving warm trails as they passed.

Just above a whisper she said, ‘You smell clean, have you just showered?’ as she kept up a steady rocking motion and her hot breath lingered in my ear.

‘Of course, I could show that much respect at least yeah?’

‘Why did you pick me?’ in such a husky Dutch accent.

This was gonna be an easy one, ‘‘Cause you were the most beautiful girl in all of Amsterdam.’ Bazinga!


Now who’s leading the show love?

She looked at me; with those eyes so deep you could feel the whole world in them. Then leant down and kissed me on the neck. It was so unexpected. With the feeling of euphoria her lips sent through me, I thought, well this has been WOW but it’s gonna be all over real soon. But yet the V and the K held me off from blowing.

It was like I’d had the most amazing orgasm ever, but no cum had come out. I was stuttering for breath and had to regain my composure so that I could sink my motion with hers once more.

She kept her body moving with mine, and what felt like eternity, turned out to be fifteen minutes, when yet another phone rang.

My Girl looked at me with a, ‘Well time’s up.’

I may have undressed like Superman, but I moved like the flash when she said that. Before she’d reached the ringing phone I’d passed over another fifty Euros. She had a quick talk with the thug on the end of the line, tucked the money away and slid back on top of me.

My Girl took both my hands in hers and stretched them above my head. Her breasts came up to my face and the smooth skin was hot and soft on both sides of my cheeks. She took up the rolling motion with her hips; again her pussy was slick and tight on my cock. So I leaned over and took her right nipple in my mouth. It was hard and with a flick of my tongue, pulsed a little. I couldn’t keep control of her breast as My Girl let out a gasp, and told me to carry on.

She started to buck back and forth more frantically as whimpers and groans escaped her. Changing from breast to breast, I tried to catch them as they passed my eyes and battered into my cheeks. I wanted to cum but I couldn’t, everything in my body and hers said we should cum together, the hairs on My Girl’s arms stood on end, and with a stifled cry her pussy started to convulse and squeeze on my cock. Sweat mingled amongst us on and trickled onto the bed.

‘Oh my god,’ she said, and slowed down. She sat up a bit, let go of my hands, took my face with her now free hands, and looked me in the eye once more.

Her hips still moved, but with less intensity and meaning as before. She held that gaze, grinned a cheeky grin then said, ‘Have you got fifty more Euros. I think we’re gonna need a bit more time.’

We swapped money, it was fair trade. Then she got on the phone again.

I was half lying, half sitting on the bed and My Girl says, ‘Well I wasn’t expecting this but let’s keep going. I’m gonna need a second though so what I want you to do; and now hey, I’m trusting you, no touching my pussy ok?’

‘Okay.’ Nodding, hardly able to speak.

‘Now what I’m going to do is use this vibrator to get my pussy nice and ready for you again,’ And picked up a small purple one that had been the same colour of her lingerie; then switched it on. It made the most comforting soft humming sound. I want you to lie down on your side, and rest your head on my ankle just here,’ and slid on to the bed beside me, placing one foot under one ear and then the other foot on top of the other.

‘I want you to picture and try to feel how good this is going to feel inside me. Don’t worry it’s clean see. I’m just going to rub it on your balls for a second so you know how great this is going to feel for me.’ As she touched her vibrator to me, the sensation of it was as welcoming as the sound it made.

‘Look me in the eyes,’ My Girl said. I did as I was told and she took the vibrator up to my cock, then over my belly and let it burrow it’s way into my soul through my nipple.

‘Ok,’ she said, ‘my turn now.’ and moved it up her leg all the way past her smooth thighs, to the sweet crevice of her pussy. My Girl, stroked it up and down each of her lips, and then just sat the vibrator near the top of them, and let it rest there for a moment.

She pressed it to the left and then right, gently opening the fold of them and exposed the bump of her clit, ‘Ohhhh,’ she said as she sat the soft purple gel of the vibrator just above the centre of her nerves, and then began to work her way around it. ‘You can take your cock if you like, and please yourself too if you want. Think about how amazing this makes me feel, think about how great it was when it was touching you.’

I did and I could, the feelings sweeping through me became even stronger and intense with the practiced use of my own hands. I knew exactly what it was that I needed to do. I kept up my jerking motion and she eventually started to work the vibrator inside of her. As her pussy wettened again and she took her left breast on her hand and started to tease her nipple, I copied My Girl and did the same to me. I was lost between the depths of her shining eyes and the wonders of her pussy. She bit her bottom lip, and my pulse quickened whilst my breath began to shake once more. As I came nearer to finishing my task, with the unseemliness of the whole affair now gone and with only me and My Girl all that mattered in the universe I came like an all-star winner at a sporting event. I roared with my victory and my crowd of one cheered me on too.

Short of breath and locked in an embrace of legs, My Girl held me there as I watched from between her feet as she too came under the power of her favourite purple play-toy.

‘WOW,’ was all I could say for a moment or two.’

‘Yes, that was nice yah?’ she purred back.

‘Wow. Have I got enough time for a fag?’

‘You still have a few minutes, now get dressed and clean up.’

She took to washing the vibrator in soapy water using a soap bottle that had an antibacterial label on it.

I lit a smoke, and offered one to My Girl, who turned it down.

‘They’re very bad for you, you shouldn’t smoke, or do those drugs you are on. You’re a really nice guy, and hey best one tonight, so you shouldn’t do them, they’ll fry your brain.’

We were still in fairy tale mode and she hadn’t said it like a lecturer, but as like someone who actually cared.

But hey, she was a hooker in Amsterdam, so who the fuck was she to lecture right? But it was no time to ruin the moment. So I smiled a warm smile back at her and explained that I’d worked six, sometimes seven days a week to save up for this experience. I asked My Girl about herself. She was working her way through university and this was the only way to pay. So who was worse off here? We were both victims of humanity’s greatest desire. The want of more from life… It had been great and she agreed on that. ‘The best so far tonight!’

The phone rang again and I took my cue. She answered it, and then took my hand. With a kiss on the cheek, My Girl led me down the stairs and pulled the curtain on the glass door to let me out. As I stepped out into the fresh air of the night I didn’t look back. A crowd of young guys, yelled and clambered their way over to me.

‘So what was she like bruv? Good fuck?!!’

I wanted to respect her more than that, but hey, My Girl was trying to pay her way through uni’, ‘High five mother fuckers! She is awesome!!’ and silently wished her luck.

The fulla looked over to his mates, ‘Wait there boys, I’m first, you all can queue up.’

And with what felt like it should have been a broken heart I walked back up the alley to find my boys still outside the Bulldog, minus a couple. My brother on his hands and knees in the street puking his guts out. It only took a few minutes for us all to reconnect, and we decided to call it a night. It looked like we’d have to carry Brother Scott anyway.

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Michael’s plane landed this morning, and we checked into the Grand Hotel Amrath in Amsterdam this afternoon. I’d like to say we’ve toured Amsterdam already, or at least eaten dinner. We’ve been naked since we got into the hotel room. Michael didn’t even wait for the bellhop to leave. His hand was under my skirt and in my panties while he handed the man his tip. He was good looking. If he’d shown more interest, Michael might have invited him to stay. The moment he left, Michael had me bent over...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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My ExFiles pt2 The Stoner in Amsterdam

Names have been changed to protect the guilty. The innocent can count on God. =========My first serious long-term relationship was when I was a student. I’ll call him Mike. He introduced me to smoking weed and quite a few other vices along the way. He was also responsible for one of the sluttiest, sleaziest things I have ever done. Well, partly responsible – most if it was down to me. Let me explain. One Easter break we caught a cheap flight to Amsterdam for a long weekend, spent the nights in...

3 years ago
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Amsterdam part 1 Anette

I lived in Amsterdam I had a small place at the 3rd floor of an old apartment building. It was clean but everything was almost broken and the wall paper certainly cold do with a little freshening up. I left my home town back East after I finished my bachelors to pursue my career in Information Technology at the University of Amsterdam.One day in January I met up with a few friends in the local cafe - a bar you'd say in the States - and after a few drinks we got the idea for a house party. Two...

2 years ago
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At a gay cinema in Amsterdam

It had been a while since I last fucked a girl, maybe 4 months, and I really needed to get back in the game. For some reason I was stuck in a rut. I was wanking a lot at home though. I’d get a couple of grams of coke and stay up all night watching porn and wanking. As always, it was big tit porn. I’ve always been a tit man - the bigger the better. I loved playing with massive tits in real life too.After a while in this rut my thoughts would eventually turn to the few times I’ve played with...

1 year ago
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At a gay cinema in Amsterdam

It had been a while since I last fucked a girl, maybe 4 months, and I really needed to get back in the game. For some reason I was stuck in a rut. I was wanking a lot at home though. I’d get a couple of grams of coke and stay up all night watching porn and wanking. As always, it was big tit porn. I’ve always been a tit man - the bigger the better. I loved playing with massive tits in real life too.After a while in this rut my thoughts would eventually turn to the few times I’ve played with...

2 years ago
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Amsterdam Stripper

Anyone that has visited Amsterdam knows the Red Light District..I visited there with my girlfriend and we were up for a weekend of experimentation and exploration of the sexual offerings in Holland.During the evening we would walk through the neon-lit district, and all of the alleyways and watch the horny men of all ages engage in negotiations with the window hookers, oblivious to the watching public or passing folk. I suppose when a guy's desire for hot pussy is so strong all else is...

2 years ago
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Hotel Amsterdam 8211 Part 3

Hi this is Nithya back with another story about Vicky Singh and his sexcapades in his hotel Amsterdam. The last time we left off Vicky he had just fucked his maids and cook Ava, Kim, Jill and May in his New hotel Amsterdam. At 10 am Vicky woke up to Kim calling to him. K: Master! It’s 10 am master. Here is your breakfast. Vicky wakes up to see his red head bitch of a maid with a tray in her hand wearing her French maid uniform. Kim has killer ass. Her figure is 34 26 40. Her ass is more worked...

3 years ago
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Ginaacutes Gyno Club in Amsterdam 0

Internet is so fast. Soon the news reached Europe and a second club got erected in Amsterdam. No wonder, with its name as the lesbian capital of Eurasia! ;-)PDirect relatives of the founder eagerly proposed the first member. We were pleasantly surprised. Look how she looks: tall and slender. Blonde, but smart. Beaufiful face. Blue eyes. Broad smile.Build like an athlete. Her breasts are hardly more than her erect nipples.Both our eldest niece and the girlfriend of her father agreed: together...

2 years ago
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Hot BDSM in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is definitely the city for sex in Europe. Prostitution is legal and many beautiful Women ply their trade there. For centuries the Women have sat in shop windows in alluring lingerie or totally nude to attract clients. The Women are absolutely gorgeous! I went to one of the B&D clubs in the sex district. They had a number of dominatrixes there who were finishing up putting a few guys and girls through their paces on the club stage. I sat at a table with two American Women who...

2 years ago
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Wasteland in Amsterdam Welcome to the world of B

You know the feeling.You've been looking forward to a big night for ages and ages, and the best fetish party in Europe looks and sounds as though it's going to live up to all your dreams and expectations.You know where this is going don't you?Actually Wasteland is great. But in many ways, getting there was actually more fun than being there.For a start, we got a great deal on a fantastic hotel - the Pulitzer on the Prinsengracht, right in the centre of the city.And we had a night in town before...

3 years ago
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Welcome to Amsterdam

Despite being mid-February it is pleasant on the streets of Amsterdam and the nightlife is taking advantage of the relative mildness for the time of year. I have you on my arm, holding you close as I guide you carefully over the cobblestone back-streets where doorways are lit in red and bright coloured lights illuminate the scantily dressed prostitutes advertising their bodies for sale in the shop windows. Along with other tourists we gawp at what’s on offer. Young girls with small breasts, fat...

2 years ago
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My wife and I had flown over from the states to visit with her parents who lived there. I had been there once before, for a quick brief visit so I knew a little of the touristy area. On this trip however, I got to see a lot more of the wilder side of Amsterdam, which for me was an eye opening experience. Mieke, my wife was a fiery redhead. Great tits, the kind you could get lost in, and play with for hours. Something she didn't at all mind my doing either. Self assured, confident and...

3 years ago
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Totally Chesty Tales ndash Tale 03

Totally Chesty Tales – Tale 03 – Strolling Around(Featuring Linda, Robert Cortese and Ruth)TAGS: M/F/F, oral, 69, anal, facialDISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story; save if they are original characters (OC). These characters belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor do I intend to cash on it. This...

2 years ago
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Our visit to an upmarket Amsterdam sex club

Infact, it just encourages people to fuck full stop, as we realised from it's website which contained the warning: "We are not a club where you will watch a staged performance, we actively encourage visitors to mount the stage and perform and do not bar audience members from active sexual enjoyment, which may include sexual intercoarse, masturbation and other acts that you may feel uncomfortable with. If you feel this is not for you, please do not enter as no refunds will be entertained....

3 years ago
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Welcome to Amsterdam

Despite being mid-February it is pleasant on the streets of Amsterdam and the nightlife is taking advantage of the relative mildness for the time of year. I have you on my arm, holding you close as I guide you carefully over the cobblestone back-streets where doorways are lit in red and bright coloured lights illuminate the scantily dressed prostitutes advertising their bodies for sale in the shop windows. Along with other tourists we gawp at what’s on offer. Young girls with small breasts, fat...

2 years ago
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Sex with 2 Trannys in Amsterdam

Thanks for reading my first ever story I hope you enjoy it. This story is 100% genuine and describes my first ever experience with 2 sexy and naughty TV’s. I am a 25 year old bi male 5’11” normal build, good looking with a 7” cut cock. I’m usually straight but after a few drinks and poppers, men and especially TV’s get me so horny. A few weeks ago I went to Amsterdam with a straight friend, it was not my first time so I knew that sexy trannys were available and had been with them twice before...

2 years ago
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A weekend break to Amsterdam

The drone of the jet engines had a soothing effect on me and finally I felt myself relaxing. We, my hubby and I, were taking a weekend break and Amsterdam was the destination. I had been toying with the idea for the last couple of weeks and decided it was now or never. My workaholic husband was driving himself into an early grave due to a ridiculous deadline set by his newest client, and things were so bad, it seemed like we were living separate lives lately. Enough was enough, I said during...

2 years ago
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Amsterdam pt 1

We arrived at our hotel excited as we had been looking forward to our tip to Amsterdam for ages we had been before but as now liberated swingers we were here to have a lot more fun than before. The clubs bars and cabins all held a new sense of fun for us and we intended to enjoy them all.We quickly unpacked in the hotel it was early evening and the place was jumping as it always is on a Friday night, you eased in to a nice short skirt and a boob tube with nothing underneath just the way I liked...

3 years ago
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My Amsterdam trip from last year x

Yesterday was very surreal, I had a lot of first time experiences. I've never been that wasted in a public place, I was surrounded by strangers and soaking wet...turns out it wouldn't be the only time that day...afterwards I went to a daytime live porn show, I can't say I've ever watched porn in a theater with 5 Indian guys lol. The show wasn't great, the strippers were good but the live sex not so much, I almost asked if I could replace her and show her how it's done. After that, another smoke...

1 year ago
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Amsterdam Sex Shop

During my visit to Amsterdam I discovered that sex is not looked upon as it is in the UK. It is much more open and viewed as a natural part of living. In fact this is a "clothing optional" country. I did not realise what this meant until later on during my visit.As I explored though the city streets I noticed that there were quite a few "sex shops" in a certain area. I had always wanted to visit these shops, but I have never been brave enough.I chose one that looked very "business like" and...

3 years ago
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Frankfurt Amsterdam Sauna

Some years ago, in 2010 exactly, I met a gay couple from Germany.They are living near Kassel city, in Hessen land.First periods, yes, we had sex, but after a time, no more. We are just friends now, no sex anymore.In one of my holidays at them (yes, they would pay my flights and all), we went for a day trip to Frankfurt.Usually, I was home alone, or going out, in the city. well, you can imagine, I was alone in the city but not quite alone.before I left home, I was talking with guys online and...

3 years ago
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First time in Amsterdam

A few years ago I moved to Amsterdam. It was a crazy change of pace from the sleepy town I’d been living in. I’d had some friends come stay for the first couple of weeks whilst I got settled. On my first night alone I found myself bored and decided to search a trans dating site for some fun. I got myself all dressed up so I could send some pictures. I started by shaving every bit of my body to make sure I was smooth, I did my fake nails and threw in my wig. A nice pair of underwear, with my...

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First time with a prostitute in Amsterdam

After finishing up my grad school I had some time left to start my job, I was bored and had not visited many places , also student loans had sucked all the money out of my back account,somehow I saved up some money to travel. I didn't wanted to spend majority of my money on transport so I decided to travel somewhere nearby. I had already visited France and Belgium as a k**,the only closest place to the UK was Holland.So I packed my bags and set off.Having just broken off with my girlfriend I...

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Scottish Wife at Swinger Club in Amsterdam

Whilst on a trip to Amsterdam, hubby and I spent an evening at a swingers club called ParadiseClub. After we paid in we had to strip off in the locker room and were given a towel each. We wrapped the towels around us and ventured into the club.There was a small swimming pool, so we dropped our towels and naked we waded into the pool. The water wasn't deep and barely covered my bare pussy. So standing there with my tits in full view, we were quickly approached by a guy, handsome looking, and had...

3 years ago
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Day to In Amsterdam

The prior night in Amsterdam, I was awaken to the joys of getting my cock sucked at a glory hole. The next morning from the time I woke, all I could think about was going back to the arcade and sucking cock.Around lunch time, I decided it was time to go back to the place I was the night before. I paid the cover charge and went upstairs and milled around. There were not quite as many guys up there as the night before, but there was enough to make it interesting. I picked a booth and went in and...

2 years ago
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First Trip to Amsterdam Theatre and first ever Gl

When I was in my 20s I had a chance to go Europe for a 6 week stint with my company. While there, I decided to explore a bit and took a long weekend in Amsterdam. After enjoying the coffee shops and getting a light 420 buzz, I walked around a bit and came up on to an adult cinema place. I must have looked lost as the guy there asked if I needed directions. I asked what is this place, he said in a heavy accent. Floor one, man-woman sex movie, floor two are gay sex movies, and floor three are...

3 years ago
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My friend Mary takes on a stag night in Amsterdam

Mary [] told me all about how she celebrated her 70th birthday. Sadly I couldn't make it but I'm sure I would have joined in. A friend of hers, Sarah [], had arranged for a party in a hotel in Amsterdam. She had booked a small dance room and around 20 guests. Well into the party her friend came up to Mary and told her there was a football stag party in the hall just down...

3 years ago
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Amsterdam Fantasy

Fantasy, or not? You decide!There I was, wandering about in Amsterdam, a little stoned, and a lot horny. Walking past the red-lit doorways was such a turnon. Long-legged women, blonde, redhead, brunette. Stockings, innocent-looking. Corsets, like a Mistress. Whores, made-up with cocksucking lips.I wandered confused, stoned and horny. I really shouldn't have had that third joint. But hell, I loved the feeling of being stoned. The ground was squidgy beneath my feet, propelling me on. I stopped at...

2 years ago
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Spanking in Amsterdam part 2

It had been 2 weeks since young Jennifer arrived in Amsterdam, met up with Peter and was introduced to a new wonderful world of sex and spanking. Every waking minute Jennifer had her legs wrapped around Peters waist with his erect penis buried deep in her vagina while she smothered him with wet kisses, when he wasn't deep inside her he was adding a fresh coat of red color to her bottom. Peter was becoming exhausted and needed to get control of this young nymph, she was everything he...

2 years ago
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Amsterdam sex club

I was in a sex club in Amsterdam a couple of years ago with my wife who was slightly drunk. She is a bit submissive and I enjoy showing her off. She was wearing a short dress, low cut with stockings and a suspender belt underneath. She is petite and slim but has big firm tits (5' but 32E)and keeps her pussy close shaved. Her clit is pierced with a gold bar. We had had a few drinks before we got there and the entrance price included 2 or 3 more.As the night wore on we watched the live show and...

2 years ago
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Sex with 2 Trannys in Amsterdam

Thanks for reading my first ever story I hope you enjoy it. This story is 100% genuine and describes my first ever experience with 2 sexy and naughty TV's. I am a 25 year old bi male 5'11'' normal build, good looking with a 7'' cut cock. I'm usually straight but after a few drinks and poppers, men and especially TV's get me so horny. A few weeks ago I went to Amsterdam with a straight friend, it was not my first time so I knew that sexy trannys were available and had been with them twice before...

2 years ago
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FOREWORD: The author wishes to make it crystal clear that he actively condemns real-life paedophilia. At what age it can be definitely classed as that, is for lawmakers and judges to decide. UK law is clear but not always a realistic guide. For reasons of shame or guilt many gay or trans youngsters have found that casual sex with much older adults was the only discreet way of exploring their own sexuality, before they felt ready to step into the more familiar minefield of emotional...

3 years ago
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Little Amsterdam Slave

This is a fiction.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My hand hit his face and he went sprawling. I hit him hard, square in his left cheek, It was open handed, so it was more of a slap, but the force told him in no uncertain terms that I was not fucking around. I am secretly afraid that if I had been my fist it would have broken his jaw.God, I hate being this angry.He was on the ground, moving to get to his knees, I strode the two steps to him; towering over him, my hands clutched into fists now.I...

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Jenny and Tanya in old Amsterdam part 2

Both beautiful young ladies ended up bent over comix containers in the basement of an old and weird bookshop in the sexy part of old Amsterdam, with their big bums exposed and panties pulled down, at the end of part one.Luckily for them, their elder gentleman host was an able man with both hands.Peter Peterson took position right between them and spanked the ladies in a swinging rhythm, helped by the now a bit louder raggae music from upstairs."A belly full, but(t) we´re hungry" ... Left smack,...

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