Happy Endings free porn video

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For AG, who asked…

The principal protagonist in the tale I have to tell you is a woman by the name of Myrtle Mary Townsend. She prefers to be known as Myr, because the elegant, mysterious and slightly aromatic image that this single syllable conjures up is far more accurate than what you might imagine on hearing her given name.

Her own story is long, complicated and for the most part obscene. It is enough, for now, to say that she is twenty-nine, tall, beautiful, raven-haired and pale and, thanks to an ever-waging war for affection between her wealthy father and even wealthier step-father, has ready access to an amount of money which, if written down, might easily be mistaken for a phone number.

She has three degrees, speaks six languages, plays two musical instruments to a near-professional standard and a third merely excellently.

I know, sickening isn’t it? She’s really nice, too.

Unless you get on her bad side, that is.

You don’t want to do that.

She has been my closest friend for many years - though our backgrounds could hardly be more different - and when we first met... ah, but I digress. Let’s get started, shall we?


Myr sat alone at the bar in the smallest room of the conference-cum-party suite at the Meadway Hotel London, SW1. She wore a long, flowing black dress with a lacy crimson trim at the bust and long hanging red sleeves. Her body was encased and eye-poppingly uplifted by a tightly-bound leather corset. She had discarded the pointy hat with the trailing red ribbon, but was confident she was still pulling off the fairytale princess look.

Maybe a fairytale princess whose formative years had featured a little too much Joy Division, but a fairytale princess nonetheless.

The occasion was an all-singles fancy dress Valentine’s Ball being thrown by a vague acquaintance whose name she had forgotten. She hadn’t wanted to come. It had all been Elena’s idea, and she’d promptly disappeared off to a room somewhere upstairs with the first handsome man to pay her the slightest attention.

The main hall was full of rich, single idiots dressed as pirates and princes and historical figures and celebrities. The music was disgusting pop, as was the wine. All in all the event fell well short of even her lowest expectations.

She had escaped to this smaller, quieter part of the extensive suite, to wait until Elena returned from her giggly humping, or until Myr became too bored and left without her. There was a bar and there were relatively few people. There was no music.

Myr sat on a tall, leather-cushioned stool with one elbow on the bar, swiping text into her phone with the thumb of one hand and taking the occasional sip from a large gin and tonic held in the other. She was having an argument on twitter about sexism in the media, another on facebook about the ethics of taxation, a game of chess with a renowned Pakistani mathematician, and cybersex with someone whose gender she had yet to establish.

None of it was really going anywhere. Just passing time.

After a while she locked her phone - arguments won, game stalemated, sex abandoned - put it away in a tiny handbag and finished her drink. She looked up and saw that the extremely fit-looking barboy she had been flirting with earlier had been replaced by a short, generously and sensuously rounded barmaid with short brown hair. Myr gestured with her empty glass and smiled, and the barmaid came over.

“Yes madam?” she said.

“Please,” said Myr with a grin, holding out a hand. “My name’s Myr, what’s yours?”

The barmaid took Myr’s hand and shook it uncertainly.

“Ren,” she said.

“Pleased to meet you, Ren,” said Myr. “I’ll have another G and T if you’d be so kind.”

Myr leaned forward as she said this, folding her arms and using her elbows to push her breasts together. Her cleavage formed a deep, dark ravine barely separating two smoothly pale mountains of flesh, which drew in the eye and seductively beckoned the face to follow. Ren’s gaze shifted involuntarily, falling into that inviting shadow as though obeying some subliminal command. She was held there for a second or two, until the spell lifted and her panicked expression flicked up to meet Myr’s.

Myr met her gaze, smiled and winked, and Ren’s face flushed pink. She turned away quickly and walked to the back of the bar area, where a wide counter held a bewildering array of bottles.

How cute , thought Myr, staring at the woman’s curvaceous rear as she bent to get a bottle of tonic water from a glass-fronted fridge.

Like all the bar staff, Ren wore nondescript black trousers and a black shirt. It was a professional, unobtrusive and pointedly demure look, which could easily have rendered even the most desirable figure a mere background detail. Not for Myr, though. She had an eye for such things. She could spot a nice bum through a taped-up bin bag.

As Ren crouched down her trousers - a little loose, perhaps - slipped down at the back to reveal a thin crescent of flesh and a sliver of pink cotton. Myr felt a hint of warmth stir between her legs, as she imagined teasing those pink knickers gently downward and sliding her tongue into what lay beneath.

Ren straightened, tucking in the back of her shirt, and their eyes met in the large mirror over the counter. Myr gave a mischievous grin. Ren smiled nervously back, then looked away.

Movement in the mirror caught her eye, and Myr saw a tall, thin man dressed as a prince approach her from behind, staring. He licked his lips, and his throat wobbled alarmingly as he swallowed.

Oh no...

“Oh my dear princess, my lady both sweet and fair,” he began in a reedy voice. Myr rolled her eyes. “Oh! How thy countenance doth reflect the very light of heaven like a still silver mere in the moonlight!”

Myr turned very slowly and looked the man up and down. He was young - about twenty, she guessed - and gangly with it, possessing no chin to speak of. His face looked oily and desperate beneath a dreadfully-coiffured mop of lank brown hair, topped with an expensive-looking silver crown. The whole outfit was quite well done, actually, but it didn’t make up for the contents.

“So,” she said. “My face reminds you of a pond at night?”

“What?” the prince exclaimed, reddening. “No, not at all, I... oh, my lady, please do excuse my lack of eloquence, so stunned was I by your radiant beauty...”

Oh please, she thought, pass me the bucket!

“...please accept my most humble apologies for any, assuredly unintended, offence,” he wittered on. “Allow me to get you a d... oh.”

At that moment Myr’s drink arrived. She accepted it gratefully and rolled her eyes at Ren, who grinned sheepishly back. She took a long sip, finishing half the large measure in one mouthful, pulled a twenty pound note from her cleavage and told Ren to keep the change.

She turned back to the prince.

He introduced himself as Chester, and gradually dropped the prince-charming act as his faux-medieval vocabulary ran out on him. He went on and on and on at great length, about nothing of interest and little of sense. Myr tried to listen at first, out of politeness, but soon found herself fantasising about Ren.

She imagined laying a trail of soft kisses around the luscious curves of the barmaid’s bottom and upper thighs, gently parting her legs, spiraling inward with her kisses, closer and closer, feeling a moist heat press against her face as she extended her tongue and tasted...

She snapped out of it, coming back to the room with a small cough. She straightened herself up on the stool, uncrossed her legs - she felt a little wetness soak out into her underwear as her thighs parted, and briefly pictured Ren on her knees between them, lapping it up - and then re-crossed them the other way.

“...so then when the old man finally pops his clogs the whole thing’ll be mine,” said Chester triumphantly.

“How fabulous,” said Myr, keeping all but a trace of sarcasm out of her voice. She swigged back the last of her drink.

“Another?” he asked.

She nodded.

The bar was deserted. Chester leaned over it, looking around timidly.

“Er, hello?” he said. “Anybody there?”

Like a little boy in a sweetshop , Myr thought, trying not to laugh.

A door at the back of the bar area swung open, and a different barmaid came out. This one was tall, slim and blonde. The standard black uniform hid her figure much more than it could ever hide Ren’s obvious sweeps and swells, but Myr stroked her gaze slowly over the newcomer’s body anyway. Smallish boobs, a flat stomach and narrow hips was all she could really make out.

Well, that and the woman’s shoes - fabulous low heels with intricate silver buckles. Myr meant to ask her where she had got them but, with everything that happened later, never did.

Chester ordered the drinks - an expensive single malt for himself, the usual for her. The blonde woman’s trousers were tighter, her shirt better tucked in, and Myr was denied any tantalising exposure of flesh as she bent down. Nice arse, though.

Their drinks arrived. Chester paid.

“To a fairytale evening,” he said, raising his glass.

“Indeed,” she said, smiling thinly. She waved her glass vaguely towards his, brought it to her mouth and then stopped with the drink centimetres from her full, red lips. She waited until he was taking a sip before adding: “With a happy ending, no doubt.”

He either didn’t get the reference or controlled his reaction well (the former, she suspected) because he did not cough and splutter and spit whisky all over her dress, thus depriving her of a genuine excuse to be annoyed with him.

She could of course simply tell him to piss off, but that would be - to use her father’s phrase - unseemly. Certainly inelegant, she conceded, and she was a princess tonight so it would be elegance all the fucking way.

The door behind the bar opened again, and Ren came out.

“Kerry?” she called.

The blonde barmaid, who'd been leaning against the rear counter looking bored, shoved herself upright with her elbows and turned to look at Ren.

“Harvey’s just arrived with the Roederer for tomorrow. He needs a hand.”

“Oh,” said Kerry. “I’ll go. Thanks Ren.”

Interesting , thought Myr, watching the way Kerry’s face flushed as she all but ran out through the door.

Ren watched her go with a thoughtful look on her face, smiled nervously at Myr and then busied herself with a cloth, redundantly wiping the already-gleaming surfaces beneath the large mirror. Myr watched the woman’s reflection, noting the distracted expression on her face.

Myr’s well-honed intuition kicked in. Somebody, somewhere, was about to fuck. That sounded much more interesting than the evening she was currently having, and she made up her mind to get involved.

She turned to her prince and smiled resignedly.

“Look, Chester,” she said. “I know where you think this is going. I’m a princess, you’re a prince, it’s Valentine’s day - clearly you hope that your gallantry will win my heart. Or some mildly associated organ at least.”

“I, er, well...” he began, blushing.

“But in all the stories,” she cut him off, “the prince completes a quest before he gets the girl, correct? He kills the dragon, ogre, tax-collector, whatever it might be, and somehow this insipid act of violence melts the heart - or other aforementioned organs - of the hapless princess. I don’t see any dragons around here, do you?”

“Well, no...”

“Quite,” she said. “And to be honest I’m really not the sort of girl who fancies being romantically whisked away so that her beau can claim the kingdom and leave his pampered queen in the north tower polishing her unicorn all day.”


“What would really interest me,” she went on, lowering her voice, “is an evening that was about more than just the prince and princess.”

The boy looked confused for a moment, then suddenly got it.

“Oh, er,” he stammered, “you mean, um...”

“Yes,” she said, teasing the syllable out slowly. “I think it would be much more interesting if the royal couple got a friend involved. Don’t you?”

The boy’s mouth opened and closed a few times.

“Yes?” he said at last.

“I’m so glad you agree,” said Myr with a smile. “Perhaps you, my charming suitor, could set forth on a quest to find such a friend. Could you do that? For me?”

“Absolutely,” he said, drawing himself up and jutting out the place where his chin should be.

“Oh good,” said Myr breathily, fanning her face theatrically with one hand. “It gets me so... hot, you know, thinking about it.”

“Me, er, yes, as well,” he said, leaning closer.

“The height of eroticism, surely,” she whispered. “The very thought of it! Pleasuring two dicks at once. Can you imagine?”

“Oh yes,” he said, then jolted as though slapped. “Wait, what? Dicks?” He looked horrified, and lowered his voice. “You mean you want me to find you another...”

“Dick, yes,” she said with a grin, then shook her head suddenly. “I mean man, obviously. Sorry, I always get those two words mixed up.”

From the look on his face she could tell he wasn’t keen. Strange that homophobia could be so rampant among public school-boys, but there you were. She needed to sweeten the deal, and if she’d judged him correctly there was one thing that ought to do it.

“Though you were here first, of course, my brave prince,” she said, leaning close to him, one hand brushing the outside of his thigh. “Which means you get to choose whether to go in front, or...” her eyes locked onto his, drawing him in “...behind.”

His throat wobbled again as he swallowed, and without taking her eyes off his she could see a bulge rising up from the depths of his trousers.

It wasn’t a large bulge. Somehow she hadn’t expected it to be.

Just this euphemistic allusion to anal sex brought on a sudden flash of memory, and she found herself recalling the occasion - some years previously - when a man had first entered her that way. He had also been somewhat under-endowed (that was the only reason she’d agreed to that much-coveted penetration in the first place) but had been skilled enough in other ways for it not to matter very much.

The event was one of those select few entries in her mental log of sexual experiences that she often replayed when she was alone and bored. Usually her masturbatory fantasies were outlandish and unreal, but one or two had really happened. She vividly, and often, recalled how her fingernails had left grooves in the wooden headboard of the bed as she knelt there on all fours, feeling the chap’s well-lubricated manhood fill her tight virgin rear.

Even with a relatively small man it had hurt like, well, like buggery, but she had persisted. Eventually she grew to like it. On occasion.

She shook herself and came back to the room, intensely aroused at the recollection. Chester obviously saw this in her eyes and mistook it for an interest in him. He leaned closer, licking his lips.

I’m afraid you’re not getting near any of my orifices tonight, you little twerp , Myr thought. I wouldn’t let you pick my nose.

“Of course,” she said aloud, drawing back, “if you’re not interested...”

“No, I, er, of course, I...” he hesitated, but she gave him a sweet, almost pleading look, and at last he surrendered himself. “I will do this for you, my lady. I will find another... man... who is worthy to gaze upon you, and, um...” he tailed off.

“Fuck me in whichever hole you don’t?” she suggested sweetly.

He swallowed again - the wobbly throat thing really was quite off-putting - but said nothing. He took a pace backwards, bowed low, straightened and turned. She saw him take a deep breath before walking uncertainly out of the door, headed for the main room.

Well, she thought, that gets rid of him.

She drained her glass and turned to the bar, but there was no one there. She took a quick look around. There were only a few people in the small room, mostly sat at low tables, talking. No one seemed to be paying her any attention.

She clambered up onto her stool and vaulted one-handed over the bar, the many layers of her dress whirling around her as she landed gracefully and made for the staff door. She pushed it open and found herself in a dim, bare-brick corridor. The door swung softly shut behind her, and she waited for her eyes to adjust to the gloom.

There was a T-junction ahead of her. She peered carefully around each corner. To the right was a padlocked double-door; to the left, a way off in the dim distance, she could see a figure. It looked like Ren, and she looked like she was standing with her forehead leaning against the wall.


Myr made her way silently along the corridor - thankful she had opted for appropriately slipper-like footwear instead of her usual heels. As she drew closer she could see that Ren was actually peering through the thin crack of a slightly-open sliding door.

The room beyond was lit only a little more brightly than the corridor, but now her eyes had adjusted Myr could see Ren’s face as she watched, intently, whatever was happening behind the door. From her expression it was easy enough to guess what that might be.

Her right hand was down the front of her trousers, moving slowly in a circle, and as Myr crept along the corridor she heard a cry of pleasure - female - from the room beyond. Finally Myr stood directly behind Ren as she stood there masturbating, transfixed, and could see into the room for herself.

A tall dark-haired man, trousers in a heap around his ankles, stood with his back to them about five metres away. His taut, tanned buttocks rippled and flexed as he thrust into someone lying on a stack of crates in front of him. All that was visible of the other person was a pair of long, naked legs sticking out in a great V to either side of him, but Myr could tell immediately that it was Kerry. She had removed her trousers, obviously, but for some reason was still wearing the shoes Myr had been admiring earlier.

They really were very nice shoes.

The man began to thrust harder, grunting, and Kerry let out a sharp cry of pleasure - not quite climactic but clearly getting close. Ren whimpered quietly in response, her shoulders quaking as her hand moved faster. She was close, too.

Myr grinned wickedly in the darkness, and stepped up right behind the quivering Ren.

“Enjoying the view?” she whispered, sliding one hand around the shorter woman’s waist. Ren nearly jumped out of her skin, swallowing a tiny scream, but Myr shushed her gently and grasped her wrist as she pulled it out of her trousers.

“Don’t be shy,” Myr whispered, drawing Ren’s unresisting hand up to her mouth. “I want to watch, too.”

Myr took two of Ren’s glistening fingers into her mouth and sucked on them. Her eyes rolled back, half closed, and she moaned softly as the woman’s intimate taste melted onto her tongue. She let go of the hand, opened her eyes and smiled, leaning forwards to plant a soft kiss on one flushed cheek.

“Watch,” she whispered, turning Ren’s face gently back towards the room, where the man - Harvey, presumably - was still fucking Kerry into a state of senseless moaning.

Myr pulled herself close behind Ren, theirs bodies touching, meshing, and began to kiss the back of her neck. She slid her left hand down the front of Ren’s open trousers, down inside her pink cotton underwear, through a trimmed patch of curls, down between the full, wet lips of her pussy.

Myr was ambidextrous (though she tended to favour her left hand when she masturbated) and her expert fingers quickly found Ren’s clitoris and began to circle around it. Her right hand stroked gently up the woman’s stomach, over her large, heavy breasts, almost to her neck, then down again. Her left hand circled ever-quicker between the woman’s legs.

“Oh fuck yes!” shouted Kerry from the room in front of them. “Fuck me! Harder! Yes! Oh fuck... ah... ah... I’m going to cum! Fuck me! Yes! FUCK ME! Ahhh!”

Myr felt Ren’s wetness suddenly grow and her body shudder in sympathy as, beyond the door, Kerry shook and screamed with orgasm. Myr started to feel a warmth spread out from between her own legs, and her skin tingled beneath the many layers of the dress.

Kerry’s legs - which had lifted higher and higher as she came - now dropped exhaustedly. Harvey withdrew, stepped back and stood aside as Kerry got to her feet and finally discarded the shoes. She was lithe and slender and entirely naked. Her bronzed skin was sheened with sweat, her long blonde hair stuck in damp curls against her shoulders. Her breasts were high and firm, nipples hard.

Ren whimpered at the sight, and her legs started to give. Her trousers had slipped halfway down her thighs, only kept there by her wide open legs. Her knees were bending more and more, and Myr found she was effectively holding the other woman up by her pussy. She reached her other hand quickly down beneath Ren, down the back of her underwear, sliding her palm over the woman’s smooth, round bottom, gripping and squeezing and taking a little more of her weight.

With some concentration, she managed to support Ren’s weight while also slipping the end of one circling finger into her vagina, eliciting a deep moan.

Inside the room, the pair were swapping places. Harvey, now also naked, was sitting on the crates. His face was tanned and handsomely defined beneath a disarrayed tousle of thick, dark hair. His tight hairless chest looked like it had been carved out of wood. As he lay back his cock - quiveringly hard - pointed up at the ceiling like a rising gate-pole. It wasn’t overly long but it was quite thick - the proportions Myr preferred when Fucking Massive wasn’t on the menu.

Kerry swung one long leg up and jumped onto him, her tanned thighs surrounding his, her firm, perky arse poised over his cock. She sank herself onto him, gasping as his penis entered and filled her. Harvey grunted as she starting bouncing furiously up and down. His large hands reached around Kerry’s waist and grabbed her buttocks, pulling her down onto him harder and deeper with each thrust.

Ren’s pussy was gushing over Myr’s fingers now. She had seemed on the edge of orgasm for over a minute, but now the sight of Kerry’s slim bottom riding up and down on Harvey’s dick tipped her over. She shuddered and shook in Myr’s arms as she came, moaning so loudly that Myr was sure the couple having sex only a few metres away would hear but, locked into their own pleasure, they did not.

It was then, just as Ren was cumming on her fingers, that Myr felt an arm slide around her own waist, and someone draw close behind her. She turned her head, oddly unstartled, and saw that it was Joe - the barboy she had briefly flirted with at the start of the evening, before the curvaceous Ren had caught her attention.

Ren sank slowly to her knees, panting, slipping away from Myr’s intimate embrace. Myr brought one finger to her lips and licked it slowly. It had been an unconscious gesture, almost instinctive, but Joe seemed spellbound by it. She laughed and put the finger to his lips.

“How long have you been watching?” she asked quietly, as he licked her pussy-wet finger.

“A while,” he said, collecting himself and pulling her closer. She felt his erection dig into her bottom, and twisted slightly so that it nestled between her cheeks. Another fat one, but the feel of it.

She smiled.

“Then it was perfectly rude of you not to join in earlier,” she chided softly.

“Better late than never,” said Joe, putting both arms around her and starting to thrust his hips so that his cock slid up and down between her slender buttocks.

Ren turned to face them, still on her knees. She didn’t seem surprised to see Joe standing there, and Myr wondered whether something like this had happened before. The curiosity vanished as the feel of Joe’s cock, swelling and throbbing as he rubbed it against her behind, pushed her arousal to the point where thought became difficult.

Ren shuffled forward on her knees, bringing her face into Myr’s multiply-skirted crotch. Myr closed her eyes and moaned a little, wrapping herself up in the experience of being pressed between the two of them - Joe’s cock rubbing against her arse, Ren’s face between her legs. She felt overdressed for the occasion, and tried unsuccessfully to pull her dress up.

Ren gently pushed her hands away, and reached down for the hem herself. She lifted the many layers of fabric upwards, ducked underneath and let them fall over her so that she was merely a large bulge in the front of Myr’s dress, like some impossibly monstrous erection.

Myr felt a wet mouth kiss its way gently up the inside of her thighs, and parted her legs obligingly. Joe began to thrust harder against her. The trail of kisses passed her stocking tops, now touching naked skin, and then a long tongue slipped around the edge of her underwear to delicately caress her labia. Myr moaned again, louder, and put her hands behind Ren’s head to pull her closer in.

Joe suddenly pulled away, and Myr sensed him drop to his knees behind her. Her dress was lifted again, and she felt more kisses move up the back of her legs and over her bottom. Ren’s mouth continued to pleasure her through and around her underwear, then she too drew back a little. She felt each of them put a hand to the waistband of her knickers and pull them slowly down. She brought her legs together so that they dropped to her ankles, and stepped out of them. She opened her legs again, and felt the thrill of exposing her most intimate parts to both Joe and Ren beneath the dress, as they moved in.

Powerful hands gripped her buttocks and parted them. Faces pressed against her from in front and behind. Soft, hot lips closed around her clit and a tongue began to circle her anus. Myr almost screamed now, and finally Kerry heard. She turned her head to look through the crack in the door, still bouncing on Harvey’s dick, and gave Myr a smile and a wink. Myr grinned back, then closed her eyes and gasped as two tongues entered her at once.

“Holy fuck!” she said, her whole body tingling and quivering as Joe and Ren both fucked her with their mouths.

Joe pulled away, planting one final kiss on each of her bum cheeks, and then stood up, lifting her dress again. She heard him unzip his trousers, and moments later felt his thick, hard cock slide between her buttocks and press wetly against her arsehole.

Straight for the back door, she thought. Cheeky fucker. Still...

Ren withdrew her tongue, then licked slowly up from Myr’s dripping vagina to her clitoris. Myr turned her head round as far as she could.

“Fuck me,” she whispered to Joe. “Fuck me up the arse.”

Without a word, Joe pressed harder against her. Her anus tightened, resisting at first, but she forced herself to relax despite the frantic licking her pussy was receiving. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes as he slipped into her. My he was a big boy! He pushed harder, his cock inching its way slowly up her bum. He pulled out a little, then thrust in again, slowly building up a rhythm as he fucked her, penetrating deeper with each stroke.

Myr grunted and groaned as Joe’s cock slid in and out of her arse and Ren’s tongue flicked in a tight circle around her clit. Then a noise made her open her eyes. The sliding door was wide open, and Kerry was standing there naked. She walked up to stand right in front of Myr, leaned over Ren’s hidden shape beneath the dress, and kissed her fully and passionately on the lips. Their tongues danced, eyes closed.

Myr moaned into Kerry’s mouth as she felt a slender finger gently enter her pussy. Joe grabbed her hips and thrust harder, deeper, into her arse. Ren put a second finger inside her and began sliding them slowly in and out, her tongue still caressing Myr’s clit. Triply-penetrated and multiply pleasured, she felt an orgasm building inside her, like a warm wave building throughout her body, ready to break and crash.

Kerry suddenly drew back and gasped. Myr opened her eyes and saw that Harvey had positioned himself right behind Kerry, clearly just now entering her. She wondered briefly which way he was taking her. It was easy enough to find out. She reached her left hand down between Kerry’s naked legs, feeling the woman buck and jerk as Harvey fucked her. Her questing fingers found a smoothly-shaven and entirely unobstructed pussy. She was dripping wet, and Myr slid two fingers easily into her. Harvey’s large balls slapped against the back of her hand as he relentlessly sodomised Kerry. Myr brought her mouth to Kerry’s again. Their tongues touched and danced once more.

Five people , thought Myr dizzily. Only two fewer than the most people she’d had sex with at one time. Practically an orgy. She hoped Ren, still kneeling beneath her dress licking her and fingering her, was playing with herself as well. It would be a shame for her to be the only one not being pleasured. How amazing it would be if they all came at once...

Myr’s orgasm took her by surprise - creeping up on her all of a sudden and banishing all these thoughts. Her whole body shook, she jerked away from Kerry as a strangled cry came from her lips. The intensity of it overwhelmed her. For a few moments she was barely aware of anything except a blissful, electric warmth shooting through every part of her. Then, slowly, reality came back.

Her convulsions and contractions had clearly tipped Joe over the edge. She heard him cry out, and felt his cock pulse and spasm in her rear as he came inside her.

Well, that’s two, she thought, standing there panting, dizzy and unsteady on her feet. She winced as Joe slipped out of her and fell heavily against the wall behind. Down beneath the dress, judging by the sounds, Ren was just reaching orgasm herself. She had stopped licking, her fingers still deep inside, barely moving, but Myr could feel the woman’s hot breath on her pussy as she panted and moaned. It was an interesting feeling, standing over someone while they knelt masturbating.

Three, she thought dreamily, and then shivered all over, sweat turning cold on her skin.

It had been simply weeks since she’d had an orgasm that good.

Kerry and Harvey were still at it, but she looked in some pain and soon pulled away from him.

“My bum’s sore,” said Kerry with a little laugh. “Your dick’s too big.”

Myr took a deep breath and shook herself. Now she had cum - and very hard, too - she needed what she always needed after an orgasm: she needed someone’s pussy in her face. She gently gripped Kerry’s chin with one hand, kissed her slowly and tenderly on the lips, then withdrew and stared deep into her eyes.

“Go in there and wait for me,” she said, softly.

“Okay,” Kerry whispered. She turned and walked through the sliding door. Myr gave her a playful slap across her bottom as she went, the tight buttocks barely rippling.

Ren extracted herself from beneath the dress, got to her feet and smiled breathlessly. Myr held her face and kissed her as she had Kerry, tasting her own pussy in the woman’s mouth. She pulled back and held Ren’s gaze with her wide, endlessly-blue eyes.

“You too,” she said. Ren smiled wider, and followed Kerry.

Myr turned. Harvey and Joe were standing in the corridor looking awkward. Joe was just zipping his trousers closed. Harvey was naked, still rock-hard.

“Well boys,” she said, with an almost professional air. “Thank you both for your respective contributions. Enjoy the show.” She winked, turned, and walked into the room with a deliberate swing to her hips.

Ren was naked, just removing a white bra and letting it drop to the floor. Her huge breasts swung free of restraint, pendulous and hypnotic, nipples erect. She hopped up onto the stack of crates - which was covered with a thick blanket, Myr now noticed - and sat next to the equally nude Kerry. Both women stared at her expectantly.

She stopped right in front of them and smiled lasciviously, one eyebrow raised. She reached behind her back and quickly unlaced the corset. It loosened easily and fell away. She felt her chest expand and her breath come more deeply. The staggering cleavage the corset had given her dropped and widened like an invitation.

The dress - while being a many-layered, almost baroque extravagance - was easy to get out of. She pulled the zip open, sliding her hand down her spine to just that point where the graceful swell of her buttocks flowed into the gentle curves of her back, where a final buckle released her from the dress. It fell to the floor like a wave, gathering in a shadowy pool around her feet.

She stepped out of her shoes and stood before the two women wearing only her stockings - black fishnets supported by a lacy suspender belt.

Myr’s body curved with an elegant balance of the femininely voluptuous and the athletically slender. She watched as the two women swept their eyes down her body, electric with an exhibitionist thrill as they took in her large, firm breasts - nipples stiffly pink against the pale swell - her toned stomach, slender hips and long smooth legs, slightly apart. Her pussy was waxed smooth except for a tiny dark tuft just above her clitoris - a marker, she sometimes joked, so that boys could find it. She could feel, too, the gazes of the two men behind her, probably taking in little more than the divine, rounded peach of her bottom.

She felt a warm trickle of semen slip out of her, between her cheeks and then down one thigh. Well that certainly wasn’t elegant, but you couldn’t have everything, she supposed.

Ren and Kerry sat on the crates watching her, both naked with their legs wide apart. She let her gaze sweep slowly over these two very different bodies: Ren’s curvaceous hips and huge, heavy breasts contrasting perfectly with Kerry’s toned, slim frame. She wondered which of them to taste first.

Suddenly a hand touched her hip. She turned sharply. Joe was standing there, naked now. His body was nearly as toned as Harvey’s - both gym-addicts, she suspected, as she eyed him appreciatively. He slowly stroked his thick, hard dick with one hand as he ran the other up Myr’s body. She placed her hand on one impressively firm pec and pushed him away, shaking her head.

“No,” she said with a sly smile. “You two are just spectators for this bit.”

Her gaze shifted to the doorway, and the corridor beyond. She spotted something on the floor. She walked over and bent from the waist to retrieve it, keeping her legs straight and treating everyone to a view of the glistening pink lips beneath her parted cheeks. She might have wiggled a little.

She straightened, turned and walked over to Joe.

“Here,” she said, handing him her damp black knickers, saturated with the scent of her most intimate parts. He took them wordlessly. She glanced at Harvey, who was slowly stroking his dick and staring at her tits. “I hope you’ll be good boys, and share.”

She turned back to Kerry and Ren, eager to get on with things, and found that they’d started without her. Their lips were locked together, mouths open, and each had a hand between the other’s thighs, circling.

Well that just wasn’t fair.

She sighed and went over to them. She knelt between Ren’s legs, gently pulled Kerry’s hand away, and moved her face closer. She pushed Ren’s legs up and apart, tipping her onto her back.

Ren’s vagina opened to her like a pink flower, glistening wetly in the dim light. Myr swept her hands along the inside of Ren’s thighs, gently teased her thumbs up her labia - feeling a thrill as the woman gave a long, deep moan - and then ran her fingers through the small patch of brown hair above. She moved her face down, closer, until she could feel the heat of Ren’s pussy against her face and breathe in the musky, feminine scent of her arousal.

Myr extended her tongue and flicked it teasingly across Ren’s tiny pink bud. The woman gasped and her body shook. Myr looked up and saw Kerry caressing one large breast while licking and sucking the nipple of the other. Myr smiled, and took Ren’s clitoris into her mouth.

The taste was beautiful, exhilarating. Myr’s hand dropped quickly between her own legs. She slipped two fingers inside her dripping pussy and began to finger-fuck herself, as she moaned with the thrill of licking up the delicious juices of Ren’s hot, wet cunt.

“Oh fuck!” Ren exclaimed, shuddering all over. “Oh fuck... yes! Oh Myr! Lick me!”

Myr sucked and licked at the woman’s pussy, feeling the overflowing wetness dribble down her chin. She brought her free hand up and slid two fingers into Ren’s vagina, circling a thumb around her anus. Ren pushed against her, bucking and moaning as the thumb slipped inside.

She felt movement above, and drew her head back to see. Kerry was straddling Ren’s face, facing away, just lowering her shaven pussy to meet Ren’s probing tongue. Ren’s hands came up and slid over the woman’s buttocks, gripping them and pulling them apart. Myr stared up as Kerry’s pussy and arse were exposed, open and inviting, and found herself wishing she had a third hand. She looked down again, watching her fingers slide quickly in and out of Ren’s slick opening with a wet sound, then brought her mouth down once more.

“Oh god!” Ren all but screamed. “Oh fuck yes... I’m going... to cum! Ahhh!”

Myr got there first, feeling her cunt throb and pulse around her own fingers as she came, trying not to break the rhythm of pleasure she was giving Ren. It wasn’t as intense as before - when it had been Ren’s fingers inside her, Joe’s cock filling her arse and Kerry’s hot tongue in her mouth - but it went on for longer. Ren started to cum, almost gushing into her mouth, before her own orgasm was over.

Ren lay still, panting, and Myr gently withdrew her fingers and thumb. Now her attention turned to Kerry. Myr reached up to the slim hips now hovering motionless over Ren’s face, and pulled Kerry firmly down towards her. Kerry shuffled backwards, dropped her long legs down to the floor and lay on her front, upper body pressing down on Ren’s, bent over with her legs parted. Myr leaned forwards and began licking Kerry from behind, pressing her face between the woman’s buttocks and sliding her tongue in and out of her pussy.

Myr had never found the right words to describe how a woman's pussy smelled or tasted. Certainly she could not have described the difference between Kerry’s pussy and Ren’s. It was a pheromone-soaked sweetness that electrified her senses, in Kerry’s case mixed with just a hint of Harvey’s spunk. Myr hadn’t even noticed the man cum.

She relished the taste, lapped it up and swallowed great mouthfuls of the heavenly liquid as Kerry grew wetter and wetter. She reached her hands up, sliding them between the women’s sweat-slicked bodies as they writhed against one another. One of Kerry’s firm breasts neatly filled one hand, nipple hard against her palm, while the fingers of her other hand explored the voluptuous expanse of Ren’s soft and pliant bust.

She felt Ren’s hand move downward, her fingers finding Kerry’s clit and circling quickly around it. Kerry came almost immediately, her moans muffled as she kissed Ren full on the mouth. Myr found it difficult to keep her tongue in place as Kerry bucked and thrashed in front of her, and once or twice her frantic licks slipped up to the woman’s arse, flicking teasingly around her tight rear entrance, extending and enhancing her orgasm.

Finally spent, Kerry rolled off Ren and lay next to her, moaning softly, eyes closed.

Myr got to her feet and wiped her glistening mouth and cheeks with the back of one hand. She turned to see both Joe and Harvey masturbating slowly - almost solemnly - breathless, wide-eyed and flushed. Joe was using her knickers, sliding the dark, wet fabric over his thick penis.

You’re supposed to sniff them, you idiot, she thought.

“Perhaps you boys deserve a little treat,” she said aloud. “Come here.”

Myr knelt down again, facing them, beckoning. Both men walked eagerly up to her, their quivering erections about level with her shoulders, shiny with pre-cum. Joe brought his cock to her mouth, but she slapped it away irritably.

“No,” she said wearily, as though addressing a slow child. “That’s been up my arse, hasn’t it?”

“But...” he began, looking disappointed, pleading.

“Nothing that’s been up anyone’s bottom is going in my mouth,” she said firmly. “Just be grateful for what you get.”

Before either man could reply she quickly reached up and took one stiff penis in each hand. They gasped as she began to stroke her nimble fingers gently, languorously along their cocks and circle a thumb beneath each swollen purple glans. She grinned wickedly, revelling in the sense of power, and tightened her grip.

In many ways this was the part she enjoyed most about these occasions, Myr thought as she expertly wanked off the two men. She could sense the pleasure growing in each of them - watching their facial expressions and body language, feeling the pulse and throb of blood through their cocks as she slid her hands skillfully up and down their full lengths. Joe’s was the longer, by almost an inch. In girth there was little difference. Each cock was a satisfying weight in one hand, throbbing as she stroked on and on, faster and faster, watching the skin slide wetly back and forth.

She brought them both to the same point - just one tiny, teasing stimulation short of orgasm - then slowed, holding them there with the most minute strokes and squeezes. She stared closely at the glistening ends of the two penises, each poised over one of her large, pale breasts.

Such a stereotypically male fantasy, she thought - a busty woman on her knees, virtually naked, giving selfless pleasure to two men at once, only a few strokes away from having her face and tits coated in their combined jism.

Myr found no particular pleasure in being ejaculated on, and found the male obsession with the practice genuinely baffling. Misogynistic pornography was most likely to blame, she suspected, though deep down it was probably a possessiveness thing (conscious or not) like cats spraying to mark their territory. That said, having cum on her skin was not something she found entirely disagreeable, and she was happy enough to indulge a man if she liked him enough. She always insisted that he lick his own semen off her body afterwards, of course.

In this case she felt nothing but lust for either of these men - physically impressive though they might be - and so neither one would have the honour of covering her with his territorial love-pissings that evening.

She thought she had probably teased them enough now. Time for the happy endings.

She began stroking harder, faster, and felt each of them tip over the edge. Just as Harvey and Joe closed their eyes and drew breath for an orgasmic exhalation, Myr pushed gently on each penis, swivelling the two unresisting bodies around to face one another, still stroking furiously. They came simultaneously - she was quite proud of that - each man spurting a long, thick jet of white onto the other’s stomach, cock, thighs and balls.

The spurting went on for a while, and there was quite a mess by the end of it.

With the last few post-orgasmic strokes concluded, the two men opened their eyes and looked at one another’s spunk-coated genitalia with a bizarre and, to Myr, utterly hilarious cocktail of expressions. There was horror, embarrassment, curiosity, anger, shock and, in Harvey’s case at least, some hint of desire. Neither man could meet the other’s gaze.

Both men glared down at her. Harvey looked confused and embarrassed; Joe looked hurt, even angry. Both of their expressions melted quickly into submissive humility when Myr returned the stares. She had her best don’t-fuck-with-me face on and, more to the point, was still tightly gripping their dicks.

She raised an eyebrow and tilted her head slightly, glancing at each of them with an expression that said: “And?” They both relaxed, and smiled awkwardly. Joe even gave a little laugh. With a curt nod, Myr let them go and stood up.

After that it was just a matter of cleaning up and getting dressed. Between them they used an entire catering-sized roll of paper towels. The three women giggled at one another; the two men went and had a quiet talk in a corner. Myr noticed them swapping phone numbers.


Myr was the last to be fully dressed, obviously, and she needed Ren’s help to get back into the corset. She didn’t put her knickers back on, but told the men they could argue between themselves over who got to keep them.

She went round the group, giving them each a quick kiss on the cheek before all but skipping out of the room. She made her way back along the dim corridor to the elegant interior of the hotel’s conference-cum-party suite.

The small room was empty, but by the sound of it the party in the main room was now in full swing. There was loud pop music and loud voices, the sound of a hundred single men and women partying, having fun and getting to know each other.

She shuddered, and made for the cloakroom.

She waited patiently at the gleaming mahogany counter, humming to herself, watching the clearly-quite-stoned young man on duty as he tried to find her long, bright red coat among the hundred or so black, brown or grey ones hanging from several long rows of hangers. He had just passed by it for the second time, but she was in no hurry and didn’t feel like spoiling his fun. She turned and took an aimless little wander around the small reception area.

She had left the party suite by a side door, and behind the main, grand double-door she could hear the party in its full, hateful swing. The doors opened suddenly with a roar of sound. Two white-coated waiters held them open while a third wheeled out a trolley laden with dirty plates. Behind them, a way inside the large space beyond, Myr suddenly spotted Sir Chester the Chinless.

Thankfully he didn’t see her. In fact, he looked quite preoccupied. Two tall, handsome and clearly - Myr had an uncanny sense for such things - gay men stood on either side of him. All three were smiling, though in Chester’s case a little nervously. The doors swung closed over the scene, the noise dimmed and the waiters disappeared.

Myr tittered to herself and returned to the desk, where the young man was standing looking confused.

“Sorry, what did you want again?” he asked, blinking.

Myr sighed, vaulted over the counter, retrieved her coat and vaulted back again before the man had even moved. She gave him a wink, turned smartly and walked down the short corridor leading to the outside world. A doorman opened the door for her with a respectful half-bow. She treated him to the cheekiest smile she could muster, and walked out into the cold, sharp London night.

It was a short walk from here to her step-father’s club, where she had a modest suite of rooms, but a quick look at her phone confirmed her suspicions - it was barely ten, appallingly early.

It was Valentine’s day, and the night was young.

She hailed a cab.

Same as

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Same Blouse Revised Ending

Same Blouse, Revised Ending By shalimar There are times when Gabriel and I go out to those dance clubs that we score with the girls, other times one of us gets the action while the other gets to see the girl leave alone, or with another guy. Sometimes neither of us gets the brass ring. Tonight was one of those losing nights. What I don't understand about him is that he is so good looking that all the girls should be falling all over him. As for me, I would be considered an excellent...

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Entrapment Two Sides To Every Story Part 5B Alternative Ending

ENTRAPMENT, TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY PART 5B. THE SAME AS PART 5A UNTIL THE LAST CHAPTER WHERE IT CONCLUDES WITH A HAPPIER ENDING FOR THOSE READERS THAT THOUGHT THE STORY A LITTLE TOO BRUTAL AND UNRELENTING XXX MR WILTON'S PERSPECTIVE I drifted off to sleep after she left, briefly waking at about 9AM the next morning. I sent her a text message with the photo I had taken last night to give her something to think about whilst she was at work that day. I wasn't working until...

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My Happy Ending

Okay, before we got started here, I want to thank everyone who wrote last week to congratulate me about my upcoming wedding. For those of you who were wondering, yes it's true and I think it's right this time. Now this one is a very long story. it's a character study so those of you who hate long stories might want to pass on this one. On the other hand I have been listening to you and I will be alternating shorter stories that will probably be four pages or less, starting with a short one...

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The Blind Girl in the Snow part 4 End

And when you reach that end it's only natural to look back on what was and had been when everything was new and exciting. Looking back at those moments that changed the course of who you were into who you became. That it was love that did this only makes the remembering of it so much more special. *** Heather sat on the end of the bed and eased herself back so that she was propped up on her elbows as she listened to me taking off my tux. I stared down at her as she lay there waiting for...

4 years ago
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A Means to an End

A Means to an End “I don’t know, Bobby… are you sure I’ll like this?” “Come on, Jaime. Don’t leave me hangin’ girl…” “But, I’m not sure what to do?” “It’s easy, babe. Just pretend it’s a big lollipop.” “Okay…” Ever so slowly, Jaime began to stroke the massive cock in front of her. Her grasp was tentative and her hands trembled. She had never done anything like this before. As she began to lick the tip, a million questions and worries entered her mind. What if she...

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Romance of Lust part 14 the end

But to return to our earlier days.Harry and I carried on our intrigue with the Nichols and Ann, aided by our dear friend MacCallum. Also from time to time with the Benson, Egerton, and Count, to which generally the darling Frankland brought her exquisite charms to intoxicate us with pleasure.This delightful reunion was sadly affected by the loss of the Count, who received an amnesty — I think I before have said he was a political exile — returned to his own country, and we never again had his...

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Fantasy Ending

Ever since my wife died last year, I have been on a desperate search for a suitable method of death to join her in the afterlife. She was ****d and murdered while I was away on a business trip. Her death was violent, bloody and horrible from the evidence and as told by the assailant. She must have suffered in agony for many hours and wondered why I wasn’t there to protect her. I have blamed myself ever since and now I must find my peace in the only way I know how.I decided to take my own life,...

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Doing My Husband The End

Please read the earlier chapters. Doing my Husband - The End After the early game had ended Sunday night, I had Andy put on my shortest robe and a pair of plain white nylon panties from my drawer. They were hipster style and although not "sexy" they did make his firm butt look cute. I showed him how to wash his new delicate undies and then after he had laid them out to dry on towels in the laundry room, we put a romantic comedy on the DVD and settled in to do the girlie maintenance...

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Pathways Part 11 Darker ending

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Special thanks to Rezai Balo for helping edit the story and bring it...

2 years ago
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Bullies Extended Ending

Bullies Extended Ending When I originally wrote the story I ended at the last chapter including the epilogue. I left the gender of the protagonist intentionally blank. I didn't have any greater truths for anyone. In general, after years of these tg sex stories (even those without sex) I didn't see a need for a happy ending nor justice. If you want happy endings and justice go to the real movies where the hero always wins and the villain gets it in the end. But after reading the...

4 years ago
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Dr Jekyll and Sister Hyde an alternate ending

I've always thought the Hammer movie was very well done, except for the ending. This is how I would have ended it. If you haven't seen the movie go see it before reading this. Seriously, it's really good and you should watch it anyway. * Dr Jekyll & Sister Hyde - an alternate ending by BobH (c) 2017 When he heard the commotion in the street outside, Dr Henry Jekyll immediately knew what it meant. The game was up. Accompanied by a baying mob,...

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Henrys Long Weekend

Thursday to Friday evening; Henry was feeling completely out of place. It was nine o'clock on a Friday evening, he was at a birthday party and he was all alone in a flat with a bunch of people he didn't know. Worst of all, in one sense, he was the guest of honour. "What in blazes am I doing here?" It had all started 19 years ago, the day he was born. The extended family had been in a dither for a month already for the birth of his Aunt Annie's first child. There had been a baby shower,...

3 years ago
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I Dream of Angels Part 3 ALTERNATE ENDING

It was the first day after vacation, and everyone was following his or her morning routine. Angel and I were trying to figure out how we would survive the day without each other. “The tutor will be here at eight, and he’ll be home-schooling you for a few months while we figure out where you can go for a real education,” I said as I pulled on my backpack. “I’ll miss you,” she murmured while kissing me. We tried to ignore everyone watching us. My siblings, parents, and I...

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Drifters End

It was Monday evening and Jilly was even livelier than usual, giggling like a school girl on the other end of the line as she tried to relate the past few months of her life to me. It had been a long time since we’d spoke and I was looking forward to seeing her again. I brushed my blonde hair across one shoulder and shifted the phone uncomfortably against my ear, absently trying to place the name. ‘Drifters End? I’m sure I’ve heard it somewhere before.’ The computer screen in front of me...

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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk Part 6 End

A short while later.There was a knock on my bedroom door."Come in," I called as I sat there at my computer desk fiddling with my tie. It was going on late morning and the blinds were closed with my overhead light on. I was suited and booted to go. White shirt. Black pants. Black shoes. I looked good enough for church.The bedroom door opened and in walked my first and only patient. "Mrs. Peterson," I said with a smile, "Please take a seat. How may I help you?"After a little hesitation, Mom...

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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk Part 6 End

A short while later.There was a knock on my bedroom door."Come in," I called as I sat there at my computer desk fiddling with my tie. It was going on late morning and the blinds were closed with my overhead light on. I was suited and booted to go. White shirt. Black pants. Black shoes. I looked good enough for church.The bedroom door opened and in walked my first and only patient. "Mrs. Peterson," I said with a smile, "Please take a seat. How may I help you?"After a little hesitation, Mom...

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Summer Swap Alternate Ending

The Summer Swap (alternate ending) Synopsis: With the help of some moonlight magic one summer evening, a guy has a very unique 'first time'. (This is an alternate ending - and quite dark.) [email protected] ********************************************************************** The Summer Swap (alternate ending) It all started as a blessing, a chance to experience the other side. Now, I realize it was a curse. Thanks to that magical moonlit evening so...

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Woman Partner Chapter One Beginning at the End

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 1, Beginning At The End) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

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Woman Partner Chapter 29 The End

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 29, The End?) ********************************************************************* This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive,...

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Fiannas End

Fianna`s EndThey were a strangely matched couple. The first of the pair was Fianna, the Gladiatrix. Six foot of corded muscle, pride and confidence clear in her almond-brown eyes, her strong bronze-tanned body taut as a bowstring. Her fiery eyes were her best feature, many men said, although Fianna`s interest in male opinion was minimal.  The second was Fauna, a cuddlesome bundle of sexy fun. A foot shorter than Fianna, but just twenty pounds lighter. Most men would not debate for long before...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 43 The Top End

Thursday Week 18 Gail was first up and as soon as Dave and Jill were awake asked "good morning you two. Have you got any blood left, Jill, or did Dave suck it all from you last night?" smiling at them both. Dave and Jill laughed as both got out of bed. Jill assured Gail that she still had most of her blood. "If anything I got extra from Dave, though I don't know if it was blood or something else" she added, mischievously. By 9 am Dave was driving back north along the Stuart Highway...

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The story of how this all started and ended

The story of how this all started, and ended.The true story of how I became a "pornstar" thanks to my pervert of a roommate. So how does one go from being a VERY lucky bartender, banging lots of customers and co-workers, to a maker of many many personal porn movies?Well, in my case, it’s simple. My roommate. I'll call him Larry, because I'm sure if he's still alive, he will eventually find me on this site. Larry was the perfect roommate for a guy like me, he was my opposite. If I was...

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The Day That Wouldnt End

I was inspired to this story after watching the movie Groundhog Day. There are other movies and stories using the same basic idea, but I wanted to add a new twist to it. The Day that Wouldn't End by Morpheus It started out pretty much like any other Saturday. I got up late, watched some cartoons on the tube, hung around being lazy for awhile, then finally got myself dressed up and started doing a little cleaning around my apartment. It wasn't a very big or impressive...

2 years ago
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Happy Ending

Happy Ending by Eric Disclaimer, author's note X files belong to Chris Carter 10/13 products and Fox no infringement is intended This story came to me in a dream. With drawn guns Mulder and Scully stood outside a door. Hope and fear played across Mulder's face while Scully stood stoically at his side. " This is it, Scully - the Cancerman's lair. " " If the tip was right, Mulder. " " It's got to be right Scully! It all fits. " A disarming...

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Rocky Horror Halloween part 4 5 6 nice ending

Rocky Horror Halloween Part 4 I stood shaking in the cold October, ok, since it was two am, November air outside the Moonlight club. The high heels where starting to ache. I clutched my arms around my chest and rubbed my arms, my boobs jiggling slightly above my arms. The place was already packed, the line of girls in skimpy costumes, and the guys trying to pick them up wrapped around the block. I was just another one of those girls, except for one problem, I wasn't a...

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Seven Skins of Hallows End

Author's Note: Looking back on this, I can scarcely believe I finished it. Back before Halloween I had decided to try and give myself a challenge. I would write five pages of a story each day and post them, and see if I could make them satisfying both as a whole and as individual chapters. This idea soon grew in both scope and aspirations until each chapter developed into a story of its own, and the metaplot expanded and became much more complex. My idea was to make at least one...

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