Shibari free porn video

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We met at the, Everything To Do With Sex Show, six months ago. She was there to report live for a local television station. I was there to watch friends perform in a BDSM demonstration. The place was packed and noisy. The show sells out every year and gets bigger every year.

The convention is a place for manufactures and stores, to show off and sell their wares. You could attend seminars and stage shows. Meet celebrities, purchase erotic art and kink paraphernalia. It’s advertised as being geared towards singles, couples, and groups looking to spice up their lives.

Mary and Jim, are close and dear friends of mine. They own a string of very successful sex shops. In their bedroom, Mary is a Dominatrix and Jim is her slave. In their business, Jim runs the show. He is shrewd and professional. They are married and very much in love with each other. Both are in their mid-thirties and make a very attractive couple. Mary and I tease and flirt with each other, relentlessly. It is just harmless fun.

“Gil. Over here!” I heard Mary’s familiar voice shout out.

I turned around and spotted her peeking out from a ceiling to floor purple curtain, next to the main stage. I walked to her and she pulled me behind the curtain. Mary was dressed in a white all leather dominatrix outfit. Her jet black hair was up in a neat bun. Her strapless bustier hugged her waist and held her large, firm breasts high on her chest. The flimsy leather g-string openly displayed her firm ass and perfectly curved hips. The thigh high, six inch heeled boots, complimented her slender and shapely legs. In her left hand, she had her signature riding crop. She looked ravishing.

“Thanks for coming,” she smiled, as she hugged me and kissed my cheek.

“I wouldn’t miss your performance for the world,” I smiled back at her. “You look exquisite, Mary, as usual. I don’t think I have ever seen you dressed in all white.”

“You are always the charmer, Gil. Thank you. Jim will be right back He had to use the little boy’s room,” Mary whispered with a wicked smile.

I laughed and asked, “What did you order him to do, you evil woman?”

Mary chuckled and replied, “I ordered him to jerk off in a condom and bring it to me. He was a little nervous about performing. It’ll calm him down.”

Jim appeared from behind the curtain. He was barefooted, wearing a red leather mask, a red leather chest harness and a red leather thong. He greeted me with a hug. Before he could say anything , Mary smacked his bare ass with the riding crop.

“I am sorry, Mistress M,” Jim quickly apologized and lowered his eyes to the floor.

Mary huffed and rolled her eyes. She held out her hand and Jim obediently placed a condom full of his cum into it. She held it up and inspected the contents.

“Good slave,” she sneered, “I suppose you want to greet, Gil.”

“Yes, only if my Mistress M, will allow it.”

They were in session. I quietly observed and waited.

“Permission granted,” Mary replied after a few seconds.

“Good to see you, Gil. Thanks so much for coming, buddy!” Jim blurted out.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Jim,” I replied and slapped his shoulder.

Jim spread his arms and turned around, smirked and asked me, “What do you think of my new outfit?”

I laughed out loud and answered, “I find it unsettling that I have seen your ass more times than my ex-wife’s, Jim.”

Mary laughed and informed me, “It’s one of our new slave outfits. We are officially unveiling them all today.”

“I am impressed. Congratulations to both of you. I hope you do well,” I replied to the news.

Jim leaned close to me and whispered, “The online preorders were enough to purchase the new Porsche 911 Turbo S. I pick it up in three weeks. I’ll take you for a ride in it. We’ll open her up on the highway.”

“And, another sixty inch television, which we have no room for in our house. Boys and their toys,” Mary sighed.

Jim laughed and wrapped his arm around Mary, “I named our line, Mistress M. After my lovely wife,” he proudly declared.

A conference organizer approached Jim and Mary, “You’re on in twenty,” he informed them.

“We have to run, Gil. Enjoy the show,” Jim said.

Mary kissed me on the cheek and said, “You are coming over for dinner next weekend. It’s been two months since we’ve seen you. Both Jim and I miss you, Gil.”

“I will be there, Mary,” I smiled and assured her.

Jim and Mary rushed off to prepare for their performance. I turned and headed to exit through the curtain. As I pulled the curtain away from the wall, a cute brunette bounced off my chest and stumbled backwards. I reached out and grabbed her arms to keep her from falling.

“What the fuck!?” the cute brunette cried out in surprise and shock.

“Are you alright?” I asked, still gripping her arms.

She looked up at me and nodded, “I think so. I thought I ran into a wall.”

“Forgive me. I should have been more attentive,” I apologized to her.

“No, that was my fault. I was rushing to find my camera man. I was to meet him at the main stage ten minutes ago,” she replied.

I turned my head and called out to Jim. I recognized the cute brunette from billboards for a local television station. Her name escaped me. I was sure Jim wanted to meet and assist her, if she was there to report on his new, Mistress M collection.

“Hello Mandy. Thank you for coming out today. Your camera man just went backstage with Mary,” Jim excitedly greeted her.

“I’m excited to be here, Jim. Ummmm, you look a little different than when we met at your office,” she chuckled.

Jim laughed out loud and introduced me to her, “Mandy, this is a very close friend of ours, Gil.”

“Pleased to meet you, Mandy,” I smiled.

She smiled back and replied, “Pleased to meet you, Gil.”

Jim cleared his throat and tapped me on my shoulder, “You can’t have her, Gil. Now, please release her from your grip. She has work to do,” he chuckled.

I let go of Mandy’s arms and stepped to the side. I admired her slender body as she walked away with Jim. The pink, Everything To Do With Sex Show, tank top and tight faded jeans she wore, hugged her slender form and subtle curves. Mandy turned her head and smiled at me, just before she disappeared behind the stage.

Jim’s and Mary’s performance was a hit with the audience. Mary’s confidence, commanding presence and sheer sexual prowess lit up the stage. Their choreographed routine was sexually charged. The music and light show was intense. The women in the audience applauded and screamed, every time Mary pulled Jim’s face into her crotch. They received a well-deserved standing ovation at the end.

I wouldn’t see Mary and Jim till later that evening, at the after party. I thought of Mandy and wondered if she would be attending. I had hoped she would attend.

At eleven pm. that evening, I arrived at the Rosewater restaurant, on Toronto Street, and was escorted to the upper mezzanine. I made my way to the bar, as Mary was coming out of a private booth. She was dressed in a black evening gown which had a slits on either side. Her jet black hair flowed over shoulders and across her chest. Her black stilettos made her breasts jiggle as she walked gracefully towards me.

“Hello Mary,” I greeted her and kissed her cheek, “You look stunning in that dress.”

“Thank you, Gil,” she smiled, “Between you and me, I am exhausted and my feet are killing me.”

“Long day no doubt. Jim is wheeling and dealing?”

“What else would he be doing?” she chuckled.

Jim appeared from the private booth and waved to me. I waved back and said hello him, as he walked to Mary and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Guess who is going to have a strap-on named after her?” he asked and kissed Mary’s cheek.

“Oh, Jim, you spoil me,” Mary smiled.

Jim turned to me and grinned, “Gil, you’ll never guess who’s here and asked about you.”

“If it’s my ex-wife or the police, I’m leaving.”

“Don’t leave just yet, mister solid as a wall. Maybe she’ll run in to you, again,” Jim laughed and winked at me.

Mary turned to me and added, “You made quite an impression on the young and lovely Mandy, Gil. She asked about you after our interview. And, we had a long chat at the bar, while Jim was wheeling and dealing. Your name came up once or twice.”

“She’s incredibly cute. I look forward to saying hi to her again,” I smiled.

Jim kissed Mary and bolted off to greet and sit with other potential buyers and sellers.

Mary slipped her arm around mine and walked me to the bar. I held out a chair for her and she sat down. She ordered a scotch for me and a glass of white wine for her. Mary crossed her legs and pulled her gown off her thigh, fully exposing her bare, shapely leg. It’s who she is. She loves to feel sexy, she had said to me many times.

“Mandy will be back in a few minutes. She is dancing with a bunch of models form the show,” Mary said to me with a mischievous smile.

“Are you playing matchmaker, Mary?” I teased her.

“Jim told me you had that look in your eyes, when he saw you with Mandy. That unmistakable, she’d look lovely in my rope, look.”

“Mandy has the perfect body for rope. She would look stunning, bound tight, suspended and posed.”

“Mmmmmmm, yes she would, Gil,” Mary replied with an exaggerated lustful look on her face. “Did your cock get hard when you saw her, you naughty man?”

I grinned and whispered, “I’ll let your imagination answer that question, Mary.”

“Tease,” Mary smirked and playfully slapped my thigh.

Mary lifted her arm and waved at someone. I turned around to see who she was waving at. It was Mandy.

“Hello again, Gil,” Mandy smiled.

“Hello again, Mandy,” I smiled back and stood up offering her my chair.

Mandy scrunched her lips and asked, “Are you staying for a while?”

“A bit longer, yes,” I answered.

“I will be right back, don’t you dare leave, please. I have to pee so badly,” Mandy replied and scurried off.

I sat down next to the chair I had offered Mandy and took a sip of my scotch.

Mary leaned towards me, smiled warmly and said, “Mandy is a sweet girl. She has been through a very ugly break up. And, she is smitten with you, Gil.” She leaned back and took a sip of wine.

Mary always has everyone’s best interests at heart. She would never betray anyone’s trust. She genuinely cares about people. And, she never states the obvious. Providing me the information was enough. She didn’t add the, “go easy on her,” part.

Mandy came back and sat down between Mary and me. The bartender asked if she wanted a drink. Mandy ordered a cranberry juice.

“What did you think of convention, Gil?” Mandy asked.

“I always have a good time there. I enjoyed it very much. And you?”

“It was my first. I must admit to being surprised though. I wasn’t expecting…how do I say this,” she chuckled.

The bartender brought Mandy’s drink and placed it in front of her. Mandy thanked her and took a long sip.

“As I was saying, I didn’t expect everyone to be so nice and so normal,” she laughed.

Mary chuckled and replied, “Everyone one says the same thing, after their first time,” she raised her glass and added, “A toast, to popping your cherry, Mandy.”

Mandy laughed and turned to Mary, “Next year, if I am not working it. I am coming with a bunch of friends and women from the station. It’ll be a blast.”

Mandy’s cell phone chimed, she swiped the screen and read the text she received to Mary, “Vid is gonna go viral.”

Mary sighed and threw her head back, “Fucking perverts are everywhere. Oh, how I love each and every one of them.”

Mandy laughed out loud and turned to me, “We posted Mary’s and Jim’s entire performance on the news station’s website, with the mandatory mature content advisory, of course.”

“Gil,” Mary called to me, “Mandy has been asked to do a follow up segment. I recommended you as a possible source of information. I am sure she has a few questions for you.”

Mandy looked up at me in silence.

“Ask away, Mandy,” I smiled.

“Really, just like that?” Mandy asked, surprised at my reply.

“Yes, just like that. I trust Mary, almost completely with my well-being,” I grinned.

Mary gasped with exaggerated shock, “Your words wound me, Gil! I would never put you in harm’s way.” She slowly sipped her wine, turned to Mandy and winked, “Except for his gorgeous ass. I have been trying to convince him for years, to put it in my riding crop’s way.”

The bartender and Mandy laughed out loud at Mary’s remark.

I laughed and replied, “Never going to happen, Mary. Being submissive is not in me.”

Mary sighed out loud, “We girls can dream, Gil.”

I turned my gaze to Mandy and asked her, “What has Mary told you about me, which could possibly be related to a follow up segment?”

“Not much. She is very tight lipped about you. She mentioned something about glowering.”

I laughed at Mary’s description of me, “I do look angry when I am focused on what I am doing. When my daughter was four, she cried the first time I worked from home. When I asked what was wrong, she replied that she didn’t like it when I was angry. She wanted me to be happy.”

“Awwwww, that’s so cute,” Mandy smiled.

“Please, ask your questions, Mandy.”

“Thank you for agreeing to this, it’s very kind of you. What are you in to, Gil? And why are your drawn to it?” Mandy asked in her reporter voice.

“Shibari and Dom, sub relationships, are what I enjoy most.”

“Dom, sub relationships, I’ve heard of. I’ve never heard of shibari,” Mandy replied and nervously added while blushing, “Not that I have been in a Dom, sub relationship. I meant that I have read about the lifestyle.”

I smiled at her, “Shibari, is Japanese for, to tie or to bind. It is an artistic form of rope bondage. Think of the model as the canvas and the rope is the paint. The possible combinations of intricate patterns and knots, with rope, body and limb placement is infinite. It can be very beautiful and sexually arousing to look at. Personally, I find the combination of vulnerability and sexual arousal in a woman, extremely beautiful and arousing. That is why I'm drawn to it. I will provide you links to the picture galleries of a few of my favorite artists. You will have to agree to the mandatory mature content advisory, to view them, of course.”

Mandy laughed and asked, “You are aroused by a sub’s vulnerability when she is tied?” as she fidgeted with her glass on the bar.

“I am aroused by her submission, bound or not. She is submitting to me voluntarily, knowing that she can trust me and is always safe. A sub is aroused and enjoys by being dominated and pleasing her Dom. It’s a relationship like any other,” I explained, took a sip of scotch and continued, “I also enjoy tying and suspending someone who is not a submissive. Not all subs like being tied and not everyone who enjoys being tied are submissive.”

“Shibari, it might be a great topic for a segment. Especially, if it’s as artistic as Gil described,” Mandy turned to Mary and informed her.

“Too bad, Gil didn’t bring his rope. He could have given us a demonstration. There is no shortage of willing participants here,” Mary replied and smiled.

“I would be more than happy to provide you a description of a tie, Mandy. There is much more to it than just knots, twists and rope biting into flesh,” I offered.

“I could film a demonstration and have both points of view described by the participants,” Mandy said to herself out loud.

“Mandy, I would suggest you attend a few classes and practice both being the rigger and the rope bottom. A good rigger will experience being tied. It provides invaluable insight, knowing what a rope bottom goes through. I am sure Mary can provide a list of classes available,” I said to Mandy and turned to look at Mary.

Mary sat up in her chair, grinned and replied, “I know of many instructors and available classes. But, none of them glower. It’s your call, Mandy. But if I were you, I would try to convince Gil to give you the full tour and introduction to rope.”

Mary leaned very close to Mandy and whispered loud enough for me to hear, “He has a soft spot for pouts. You would of course relay to me, what it was like tying him up, in explicit detail.”

“You are incorrigible, Mary. But don’t ever change, I love you just the way you are,” I chuckled.

The bartender leaned on the bar, looked at Mandy and said, “I don’t know what a glower is, but I would definitely hold out for one.”

Mandy turned in her seat and asked, “What do you say, Gil?”

My cock stirred and began to grow. Images of Mandy bound in my rope raced through my mind.

“Tell me when and where, and I’ll be there, Mandy.”

“Deal, Gil. I’ll provide you a list of dates and times tomorrow. Tell me more about shibari, please?” she smiled as she asked the question.

“Perhaps, I could provide you a demonstration,” I said, as I loosened my tie and removed it from around my neck.

Mandy watched with eager attention.

“I will need your permission to touch you. Please tell me if you are uncomfortable with anything I do, and I will stop. Oh, and I might slap that cute ass of yours once or twice,” I grinned.

Mandy turned to Mary, looking for advice. No one could have blamed her if she was a bit hesitant and nervous. This was all new to her. I was sure she wasn’t expecting to be touched by a stranger, in front of strangers.

Mary huffed and rolled her eyes as she leaned towards Mandy, “Don’t get your hopes up, Mandy. Gil is too much of a gentleman to embarrass you, or take advantage of this situation. At the absolute worst, he’ll leave you wanting more. Tease that he is.”

Mandy giggled, turned to me and said, “You have my permission to touch me. And thank you for saying my ass is cute.”

I formed two identical loops, by twisting the tie a few inches away from the center. Overlapped them and threaded each loop through the other.

“Place your hands through the loops Mandy, please,” I smiled.

She slid one hand through each loop and I tightened them, by pulling on the ends of the tie. Her wrists were pulled together and cuffed.

I looked into her eyes, grinned and said, “Handcuffs.”

Mandy gazed back at me and nodded her head, as she took a deep breath. I loosened the cuffs and she slid her hands out.

“Please stand with your back to me, Mandy,” I ordered with a little sternness in my voice.

Mandy stood up and turned her back to me.

I gently gripped the tops of her arms, pulled her shoulders and back into my chest and blindfolded her with my tie.

“Safety always comes first when tying someone,” I explained to her, as my hands slid down her arms and onto her waist. “Please lift your arms and hold them parallel to the ground, Mandy.”

She obeyed.

I ran my fingertips from the top of her hips, over her tight, flat belly and stopped at her solar plexus.

“Never tie around this area. The possibility exists to damage a major organ. Only decorative knots and wraps should be used around the soft part of the abdomen. Never, a wrap or knot that is meant to support partial or full body weight.”

Mandy gasped slightly at my touch and nodded her head. I slid my right hand upwards between her breasts and gently wrapped my hand around her throat.

“Always be careful and aware of rope, close to and around the throat, or, any major artery. Cutting off blood flow, to or from a major artery for a long period of time is dangerous.”

Mandy’s breathing quickened slightly, she nodded her head again. I ran my hands over the top of her outstretched arms, gripped her wrists and pulled them to the small of her back.

“Never tie a knot directly on a joint. Damage to ligaments, tendons and the joint itself can occur. Even if the knot will not be used to support any body weight.”

She nodded her head again. A soft moan escaped from her lips when I crossed her wrists, gripped them with my left hand and pressed them into the small of her back.

Her perfume was subtle and sweet. I inhaled her scent deep into my lungs and closed my eyes. My cock was almost fully erect. I imagined her bare breasts, and how taut and swollen they would look, wrapped tight in my rope.

I was focused and aroused. Everything around me disappeared. All I could feel and sense was Mandy.
I lowered my head, my eyes widened and my heart quickened. I felt my lips curl in to a snarl.

I ran my index finger under both her breasts, tracing where the rope would be wrapped on her body, and said, “For a breast tie, the rope would be wrapped twice under your breasts and through the bight of the rope, positioned in the middle of your back.”

I ran my fingers over the top of her breasts. “Then, it’s wrapped twice over the top of your breasts.”

I pressed down harder on the second pass. I ran my finger from the center of her back, over her left shoulder and downwards in between breasts.

“The running ends of the rope would be threaded under the rope binding your breasts. Then pulled upwards and over the rope, cinching the tie and squeezing your breasts tighter,” My voice had a low grumbling, throaty growl to it.

I ran my finger upwards in between her breasts and over her right shoulder. At the same time, I pulled her wrists upwards.

“The tie would be completed and closed around your wrists.”

I stood motionless for a moment. My right arm wrapped around Mandy’s chest and my left arm wrapped around her waist. Mandy let out a soft moan. I released her and took a step back. Mandy stood motionless with her wrists behind her and with her head slightly tilted back.

I looked at Mary and the bartender. They were both glaring at me. Mary had her left hand between her legs and a big smile on her face.

The bartender kept her eyes on me, as she leaned towards Mary and asked, “Was that glowering?”

“Mmmmmmm…yes,” Mary smirked, as she removed her hand from between her legs.

“I want one,” the bartender sighed.

“I know you do, sweetie,” Mary grinned and offered her wet fingers to the bartender.

She smiled and licked Mary’s finger, “Mmmmm…thank you.”

Mary turned her hand and watched the bartender lick the other side of her fingers.

“I think I’ll call you, kitten,” Mary said to the bartender and slid her middle finger in to kitten’s mouth.

“Naughty girls,” I grinned at both of them, as I gently slapped Mandy’s ass.

“Ohh!” Mandy chirped with a start and removed the impromptu blindfold.

Kitten placed two shot glasses on the bar and poured tequila in them.

“Mandy, I don’t know about you, but I need a shot,” she chuckled.

They grabbed a glass each and downed the tequila.

“Do you now have a little more insight to shibari?” I asked Mandy.

She nodded her head and replied, “Yes, thank you. I am surprised at the intensity of the emotions I experienced, just imagining how the rope would feel on my body. You are right, there seems to be a lot more to it than just knots, twists and rope biting into flesh.”

“Good, I am happy to assist you. Now, I must say goodnight to you three lovely ladies.”

I walked to Mary, took both her hands and placed a kiss on her lips, “It was good to see you again, Mistress.”

“Thank you, Gil. Jim and I look forward to having you over for dinner next weekend.”

“Kitten, you are a lovely and charming hostess, it was a pleasure meeting you,” I smiled at the bartender.

“Pleasure was all mine, Sir. And thank you for glowering,” she replied and winked at me.

I turned to Mandy and gazed in to her big brown eyes for a moment.

“Turn around,” I half growled at her.

My voice startled her. She giggled at her reaction and turned around. I slapped her other ass cheek, a bit harder than the first smack I had given her. She laughed and turned to face me.

“You did say, you might slap my cute ass once or twice, and I did agree to it,” she grinned.

I took her hand, kissed it and said, “It was a pleasure meeting you, Mandy. I do hope I get to see you again, very soon.”

Mandy lifted herself up on her toes and kissed my cheek.

“Thank you for being so kind to me, Gil. I am very glad I got the chance to meet you.”

My cell phone chimed and vibrated. I reached to pull it out of my jacket pocket.

Mary called out to me, “Gil, I just texted you Mandy’s cell number. You’re welcome,” and blew me a kiss.

I looked at Mandy and asked, “Are you okay with me having your cell number?”

“Of course I am okay with it. It’s only fair. Mary already gave me your cell number,” she replied with a mischievous smirk.

“Of course she did,” I chuckled.

The following morning I emailed Mandy the links to the websites I had mentioned. She replied a few minutes later to thank me. She emailed me again in the afternoon, to tell me that most of the pictures were beautiful and a few were scary. And that she was more intrigued. While I was typing a reply, my cell phone rang. It was Mandy calling me.

“Hello, Mandy.”

“Hi Gil, I hope you don’t mind me calling you,” she replied to my greeting.

“Not at all, Mandy. I’m off work for the week and was just catching up on some reading.”

“I am so sorry. I am disturbing you on your vacation,” she replied with a little panic in her voice.

“Mandy, I am glad you called. I booked this time off months ago. My kids were to come and visit, but had to cancel,” I informed her.

“I am sorry your kids couldn’t make it, Gil.”

“Me too,” I chuckled, “What’s on your mind?”

“I wanted to give you a few dates and times that I am available to meet with you,” she answered after a short silence.

“Great, I am available twenty four-seven, for the next week. Pick a date and time that works best for you.”

“Okay, so how do we do this?” she nervously asked.

“I tie you up, and you’ll tell me how it was the greatest thing you ever experienced,” I chuckled.

Mandy laughed and sounded a bit more relaxed when she replied, “I’ll hold you to that, Gil.” She paused for a moment and asked, “Would you like to meet tonight, at six o’clock?”

“Perfect, if you are comfortable with meeting at my house and are able to stay a while, I’ll order in food. I am sure you have many questions and will have many more, after our session.”

“I would love to have dinner with you and ask you questions.”

“Do I have to text you my address, or has Mary already provided it to you?”

Mandy laughed and replied, “She did not give me your address, please text it to me.”

“I’ll be sure to text it to you after we hang up. Wear something loose and comfortable, or bring a change of clothes.”

“I won’t be naked?” she asked and laughed.

I chuckled and replied, “No. Think of this as an educational session, with a dress code.”

“I was joking. The models were naked, in most of the pictures I viewed,” Mandy snickered.

“Are there any you saw that you are interested in trying?” I asked.

“A few jumped out at me. They were incredibly beautiful. The facial expressions on the models weren’t being faked,” she replied. Then asked me, “You can recreate all the ties in the pictures, on the web pages you sent me?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“I am impressed, Gil.”

“Thank you, Mandy.”

“Will I be practicing on you tonight?” she asked.

“Yes, I will introduce you to some basic ties.”

Mandy cleared her throat and asked, “Would you tell me a little about yourself?”

“Of course. I am fifty four years old. A divorced father of two. And work in IT. You know my favorite hobbies already.”

Mandy laughed and replied, “Thank you. I am twenty nine years old. Single. I moved to Toronto, ten months ago. And I work too much to have any hobbies. See you at six, Gil. I have a million emails that I need to reply to.”

“See you at six, Mandy.”

Mandy arrived at six sharp. She was carrying a red duffle and dressed in grey yoga pants, a white tank top that exposed her mid-section. Her sports bra was visible through the tank top. She had on white joggers with no socks. Her dark brown hair was in a ponytail.

“Hiya, Gil,” she greeted me with a grin from ear to ear.

“Hello, Mandy. You look perfect, please come in.”

“Thank you,” she replied, as I offered to take her duffle bag.

“I ordered Chinese food, and requested it be delivered at eight,” I informed her as I led her to my living room.

“Great, I love Chinese food,” she cheerfully replied. “Thank you so much for helping me out with this, Gil. I stayed up late, looking at pictures and reading about shibari.”

“It’s my pleasure, Mandy.”

I dropped the duffle bag on my couch and asked, “Would you like to ask me questions, or do you want to get started, Mandy?”

“I’m a bit nervous, but I want to get started right away, if you don’t mind,” her voice crackled a bit.

“Let’s go downstairs, I have set everything up. You have nothing to be nervous about. Any time you wish to stop, just tell me. I do not want you to do anything that you do not want to,” I assured her.

Mandy sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and nodded.

When we got to the basement, Mandy looked around and spotted six red ropes, neatly wound, on a small table.

“May I?” she asked as she walked towards the ropes.

“Of course you may, unravel one. Touch it and familiarize yourself with the texture and feel of it.”

“It’s so much softer than it looks, Gil,” she said with surprise in her voice.

“It’s made of hemp, my favorite type to work with. I hope you approve of the color I chose for you.”

“It’s a beautiful red, I love it," she smiled.

“Shall we start, Mandy?”

“Yes. What do you want me do?” she asked.

“I will need to ask you to remove your bra,” I said to her in a matter of fact tone.

She hesitated a few seconds, then pulled the straps of her bra over her shoulders, and pulled her arms through them. She reached under her tank top and pulled her bra down and over her hips to her ankles and stepped out of it.

She placed her bra next to the ropes and asked, “Will this make the rope easier to work with?”

“No,” I chuckled.

Her jaw dropped, she stared at me in silence for a moment and broke out in to laughter.

“You are horrible, taking advantage of me like that!”

“I do prefer to tie and admire bare breasts. I will confess to being curious as how perky your breasts are, Mandy,” I smiled.

I walked to her and took the rope she had unraveled. I demonstrated a single column tie on her left wrist. I closed the tie away from her wrist.

“Depending on the tie, you are able to move your body freely. If the rope is on a sensitive part of your body, your movement will stimulate it. Imagine the rope rubbing against a sensitive part of your body, with every voluntary or involuntary movement you make.”

Mandy swallowed hard and looked away from me.

“Your turn,” I smiled.

Mandy wrapped the rope around my left wrist. I talked her through the knot. When she closed the tie, she smiled at her accomplishment.

I demonstrated a double column tie next, binding her wrists together. I turned her around to face the mirrored wall. I took the rope and slipped it through the suspension ring on the ceiling. Mandy stared at me in the mirror, as I pulled the rope and her arms rose over her head.

“Look at yourself in the mirror, Mandy.”

She looked at her reflection and said. “Looking at a picture and being in the position are two very different things.”

Her breathing had quickened.

I walked behind her and pulled the waistband of her yoga pants a few inches lower, exposing her hips. Mandy did not move or say a word.

“From here, you can position the clothing, or pose the model,” I grinned, looking at Mandy’s reflection.

She nodded her head and sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. I untied the rope from the suspension ring and untied her wrists.

“Your turn,” I smiled.

Mandy bound my wrists and I helped her slip the rope through the suspension ring. She tied the rope off and stood back to look at her work. She froze, like a deer caught in headlights. She did not know how to react to the situation, or what to do next.

I asked her, “What are you feeling, Mandy?”

She cleared her throat and nervously replied, “I am not sure. I am feeling many different things.”

“What do you want to do now?”

She laughed nervously and asked, “May I adjust your shirt?”

“You may. I will tell you to stop, if you do something I am not comfortable with,” I reassured her.

“Hmmmm, I get the feeling there isn’t much you’re uncomfortable with, Gil. I will stop if you tell me to, I promise.”

Mandy reached for my shirt buttons and undid them all. She hesitated for a few seconds, built up enough courage, opened my shirt and stared at my torso.

“Very nice,” she looked me in the eyes and asked, “May I undo your belt?”

“You may,” I replied.

Mandy undid my belt, unbuttoned my jeans and pulled the zipper down a few inches.

“May I spank your ass?” she grinned.

“No.” I replied calmly.

“Hmmm, what’s to stop me?” she playfully asked.

“The promise you made to me.”

My words triggered something in her. Previously, she had heard and understood what I explained about trust and feeling safe, now she had experienced them.

“You are a good teacher, Gil. It’s also important for a rope bottom to experience being the rigger. It provides invaluable insight, knowing what a rigger goes through,” she smiled as she reached and pulled my zipper all the way down.

“That’s my girl. You are a quick study, Mandy.”

Mandy wrapped her arms around me and squeezed my ass cheeks.

“Nice ass,” she grinned with her eyes locked on mine.

She was getting more comfortable and was visibly more relaxed. She ran her fingertips over my neck and down to my belly button. Then she gently dragged her nails across my chest and kissed the trail she had made with her nails. Her hands slide to my sides and she lowered herself, slowly. Kissing and breathing hard on my torso. She kneeled, wrapped her arms around my waist and nestled her cheek into my lower abdomen.

I was hard, my cock was fully erect. Mandy brushed her breasts against it. Lightly at first, but as she got more excited, she pressed her breasts against it. She tensed up and shook for a few seconds.

“Fuck,” she moaned softly.

Mandy stood up suddenly and apologized, “I am so sorry, Gil. I got carried away.” Her face was red with embarrassment.

She reached for the rope and tried to untie it from the ring.

“Mandy,” I calmly called to her. “You did nothing wrong and have nothing to be embarrassed about. I did not tell you stop. We agreed that this session was to serve as an introduction and provide insight. Emotions are powerful. You must learn to control them when necessary and let them flow through you, when you want to enjoy the moment. What you are feeling is nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“I’m sorry, Gil. I can’t untie the stupid knot!” she began to panic as her hands fumbled with the rope.

I grabbed the running ends of the rope at the end of the slip knot and placed it in her hand. I gripped her hand and held it in place.

“Mandy, look at me,” I sternly ordered.

She looked at me and waited for me to say something.

“If you panic, you are no good to me, if I needed you untie me or cut the rope in a hurry. Relax, I am fine,” I assured her.

She nodded.

“Take a few seconds, calm down and regain control.”

She exhaled hard, took a deep breath and nodded her head again.

“Good girl,” I smiled. “Now, when you are ready, pull the rope hard and it will slip free of the ring. Besides, it looks a hell of a lot cooler and sexier pulling the rope when you are in total control.”

She pulled on the rope and it slipped free. She sighed in relief, brought her hands to her face and laughed out loud. I slipped my bound arms over her and hugged her tight.

“Thank you,” she whispered in to my chest.

“Would you like to stop?” I asked her.

“Would you mind if we took a short break?” she apologetically asked.

“Not at all,” I smiled.

She sat on the couch and I brought her a bottle of water. She twisted the cap off the bottle and took a sip.

“I hope you don’t think I was leading you on, Gil. I got caught up in the moment. It’s been a long time, since I…” she started to explain and abruptly stopped.

“No worries, Mandy. I was caught up in the moment also. And I don’t think your intentions were to lead me on. What we are doing is sexually arousing, I quite enjoyed you touching me,” I replied.

“I am tired of feeling like this. It’s been a long time since I have been intimate with someone, Gil. I am very hesitant to allow myself to get close with anyone. My last relationship ended in a very ugly way and I had to deal with constant harassment, long after the break up. I moved to Toronto, to get away from the bad memories. And I just realized the bad memories followed me here. No more, though, I want to move on.”

I waited a moment to reply, “I am sorry you had to experience that, Mandy. I am glad you are ready to put it behind you. You are a very beautiful, sweet and intelligent young lady. It would be a shame if you did not reach your full potential, and enjoyed your life to the fullest, for any reason.”

“How do you do it, Gil?” she asked.

“How do I do, what?” I laughed.

“When you had my wrists tied to the ring, there was no doubt in my mind that you were in control of me and the situation. Yet, when the roles were reversed, I had no doubt in my mind that you were still in control of me and the situation.”

“That has more to do with who you are, than with who I am, Mandy.”

“I am sure that is part of it, Gil. But, there is something else. Something I can’t put in to words.”

I smiled and replied, “I am sure it will come to you, eventually.”

Mandy stayed silent for a minute, struggling to build up the courage to say something to me.

“I am sure you noticed,” Mandy finally said.

I smiled warmly at her and replied, “Yes, Mandy, I did. It was incredibly sexy watching you cum. Thank you for that.”

“Oh God,” she nervously laughed out. “I am trying not to feel embarrassed, just so you know.”

“Good, I want this to be an enjoyable and positive experience for you.”

“Everything about meeting you has been enjoyable and positive. When I ran into you, you caught me as I was falling. The first words you spoke to me were to ask if I was alright. That was a very impressive way to introduce yourself,” she laughed as she spoke the last sentence. “And now, you are being genuinely understanding and sweet to me.”

“You could have just said hello to me. You didn’t have to throw yourself at me,” I chuckled.

She stood up and asked, “May I ask to be tied up now?” Her tone was serious and needful.

“Anyway you want, Mandy. Just describe the tie me.”

“I will let you choose, Gil. I want to throw myself at you, again.”

Her words aroused and thrilled me. I stood up, took Mandy’s hand and walked her to the mirrored wall.

“Disrobe, Mandy,” I ordered.

She obeyed. She removed her tank top, freeing her firm breasts. Her nipples were pink and erect. She stepped out of yoga pants and thong and stood perfectly still, watching me in the mirror. The familiar rush of excitement shot through me. My cock began to grow.

I picked up a rope and stood behind Mandy. She watched my eyes in the mirror, as they roamed from her breasts to her shaved pussy. I reached around and cupped her right breast in my hand. Firmly squeezed it and watched it as it changed shape. I rolled her nipple between my fingers and pulled it upwards, lifting her breast off her chest. Mandy moaned her approval.

“You are beautiful,” I whispered in her ear.

I placed the bight of the rope in the middle of her back and wrapped it twice, tightly under her breasts. Mandy bit down on her lower lip. I slid the running end of the rope through the bight and wrapped it twice around the top of her breasts, in the opposite direction. My cock strained against my jeans as I watched her breasts swell under my rope. I let out a long, low growl as I ran my fingers over her taut nipples. Mandy shivered.

I pulled the rope over her left shoulder and slid it under the rope wrapped around her breasts. Pulled it upwards and cinched it tight. Her breast swelled from the pressure. Mandy moaned again. I grabbed her arms and bound them behind her back. I grunted, as I grabbed her ponytail and yanked her head back. I tied Mandy’s ponytail, keeping her neck locked and bent back.

Mandy lowered her eyes and looked at our reflection in the mirror.

“Ohhhhhh fuck,” she gasped.

My eyes narrowed, my brow furrowed and a scowling grin was on my lips. I reached for another rope and unwound it.

“Turn around and face me,” the words left my lips in a low growl.

Mandy shivered and obeyed. I reached between her legs and squeezed her pussy. Mandy’s knees buckled. She moaned at my rough touch. I ran my middle finger over her slit, parting her wet folds. Hot, slick juice covered my finger tip. I smeared her bottom lip with her juice and licked it off. Mandy hungrily opened her mouth, searching for my lips. I pulled away from her, denying her the flesh she hungered for.

“Please!” Mandy begged.

I ignored her pleas and knelt in front of her. Wrapped my rope around her hips and pulled the running ends through the bight. Tied a simple overhand knot to keep it place and slapped her inner thigh hard. Her soft skin turned pink where my hand had made contact. Her yelp, turned into a low moan as she squeezed her legs together.

“Turn around and spread your legs,” I growled at her.

She obeyed immediately. I slapped her ass, as I grabbed the rope and pulled from between her legs. She moaned and brought her thighs together. I stood up and pulled the running ends under the rope tied around her hips. I pulled on it upwards, slowly.

“Watch my rope bite in to your dripping pussy, Mandy,” I ordered, the words rumbled from deep in my throat.

Mandy lowered her eyes and strained to look at the mirror. She tried to lower her head, to no avail, my rope held it firmly in place. I pulled on the rope. It slid in between her slit and bit in to her.

‘Uhhhhhnn, Gil!” Mandy screamed out and lifted herself on to her toes.

I bit her neck and nibbled on her ear.

“Move your hips, Mandy. I want to watch you fuck my rope,” I growled.

Mandy pumped her hips slowly. Moaning as she moved back and forth. Her moans grew louder with each thrust of her hips.

“Please watch me cum again, Gil. I am so close. I want to cum just for you,” she panted through gasps and moans.

She stopped moving her hips and screamed out my name. Her body shuddered as she came, just for me.

I let go of the rope, lifted Mandy in my arms and placed her, face down on the couch, her chest on the arm rest. I walked to the end of the couch and stood in front of her. I pulled my jeans and boxers down to my ankles. My cock was throbbing and twitching, inches away from her mouth. I could feel her breath on it. I grabbed my thick cock and stroked it.

“Yes, please, Gil,” Mandy begged me to fill her mouth with my cock.

I ignored her pleas again. I stepped out of my jeans and removed my shirt. I was going to fuck her, once I had her tied in the position I wanted. I grabbed her left ankle and bent her leg till her calf was touching the back of her thigh. I wrapped one running end of the rope around her ankle and upper thigh, and closed the tie with two slip knots. I did the same to her right leg.

I went back to the end of the couch and grabbed her ponytail. My other hand stroked my cock. I slid the head of my cock in to her mouth. Mandy moaned and wrapped her lips around it. Her tongue flicked and licked the swollen head. Deep gurgling moans rumbled in her throat. I released my cock and pushed it in to her mouth, till I felt the back of her throat.

“Fuuuuuuuck!” I rorared through clenched teeth.

I fucked her mouth and throat, slow and deep. It didn’t take long till tears were running out the sides of Mandy’s eyes. She gagged and coughed as she sucked on my cock. Her eyes were glazed over and her breathing was deep and slow. She was ready to be fucked, any way I chose to, as gentle or as hard as I wanted to. She was mine to do with as I pleased.

I lifted her off the couch. I placed her chest on the pillows of the couch and placed her knees spread wide apart on the floor. I kneeled behind her and gripped her hips. Mandy moaned and bucked her hips back. She needed the heat and the thickness of my cock to stretch and fill her pussy.

I pulled her hips towards me slowly. I wanted Mandy to feel every inch of my cock enter her. I pushed her hips away from me, just as slowly. Till only the head of my cock was inside her. I pulled her on my cock again, a bit quicker. I continued pulling her on my cock and pushing her off my cock, increasing the speed and force each time. Soon, her ass was crashing against my hips and filling the room with wet, loud smacking sounds.

“Ohhhhhhh, fuuuuuck, Gil!” Mandy moaned.

Mandy tensed up, stopped breathing and shook violently in another orgasm. I held her tight to my hips, the full length my cock buried in her. I filled her with my hot cum, as her pussy squeezed my cock tight. Her orgasm went on long after I was spent inside her.

It took minutes for her body to go limp. She took a loud, deep breath and moaned. I pulled out of her and sat on the couch, with Mandy’s head between my legs. I untied the rope form her ponytail, grabbed it and snapped her head back. I glared in to her eyes and kissed her hard.

“Clean my cock,” I snarled, as my teeth sunk in to her lower lip.

“Ohhhhhhh, fuuuuuck!” Mandy mumbled with a shiver.

She took the entire length of my semi hard cock in her mouth. Her tongue lapped circles around it. Licking off our mixed cum and swallowing it. When she was satisfied that she had cleaned my cock completely of cum and juices, she kissed it softly.

I stood up, laid her on her side and began to untie her, the rope binding her legs first. Mandy stretched out her legs and moaned. I sat on the floor and lifted her on to my lap. She turned her head and kissed me hard on my mouth. As we kissed deep and passionately, I untied the rope around her waist and draped it over her outstretched legs. I untied her wrists. Mandy wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me harder.

I unwrapped the rope from her breasts and gently fondled them. Mandy moaned at my touch and sent her tongue deep in to my mouth.

I broke the kiss and inspected her body and the rope marks. I traced them with my fingertip. A perfect copy of the tie I had her in. Mandy moaned as she followed my finger caressing her rope marks.

“Beautiful,” I whispered and looked in to her big brown eyes, “Just like you, Mandy.”

“Mmmmmmm…thank you,” she purred softly.

My doorbell rang. It was eight o’clock, the food had arrived.

I threw my clothes on and went to answer the door. I brought the stapled brown paper bags downstairs and placed them on the table. Mandy was standing in front of the mirrored wall, turning her body and looking at the marks the ropes had left on her.

“They are beautiful, thank you for them, Gil,” she softly said to me.

“You are most welcome. Thank you for allowing me to give them to you,” I smiled. “Come and eat, Mandy. You may ask me questions while we eat.”

Mandy turned and walked slowly and seductively towards me.

She cupped her firm, perky breasts with her hands and asked, “Are you pleased with my breasts, are they perky enough for you, Sir?”

“They are spectacular. You are spectacular,” I smiled.

When she reached me, she unbuttoned my shirt again, held it open and placed soft kisses on my chest. She looked up at me and traced my goatee with her finger.

“Mmmmmm…that was the most intense thing I have ever experienced,” Mandy purred. “I can still feel your ropes on me. I can still feel you deep inside me. And the way you glower, it burns my skin when you look at me. You excite me, scare me and make me ache for your touch, all at the same time, Gil.”

I placed my finger on her lips and kissed the corner of her mouth.

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Unexpected Pleasure With Stranger Aunty

Hello, folks, if any girls and aunties in Chennai or Tamil Nadu want some fun email me in this is my real true sex story, whereas everyone says the same but its really true. I tell you about myself, my name is Kalai, from Chennai, 26 years old and height 5 8. I chose the title of this sex story for the benefit of those females who live in Chennai so that they can satisfy their needs easily. Now, come to the sex story. I’m very horny from a very young age, I don’t know exactly since when? But...

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Superheroines and Spaceships Lesbians and Lasers

This is a collaborative story collection. Additions by other authors are welcome. Think Flash Gordon, Barbarella, Barsoom, or the covers of dozens of cheesy pulp magazines. It's space opera with lasers and lesbians and spaceships and space-monsters and most of all super-powered super-hot women in scanty clothing. Readers, please comment. Not just about whether you like or dislike what you've read (though if other authors are like me they crave your validation so please comment). You should...

2 years ago
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Kitty Teddy LLC Ch 01

Author’s note: This story recently received 1st place in the Clitoride Awards for BDSM. If you voted, thanks for your support. If you have not read it, this is a romance in the sense of 50 Shades of Grey. One of the nicest comments I get is that it shows BDSM participants with real lives. My thanks on the editing to clairegerm, who likes it vanilla. * Prologue: 25th Anniversary 20_6 Cindy: ‘I would like to make a toast, to my parents.’ [giggles] ‘This is almost like my valedictorian...

2 years ago
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As If It Never Really Happened

They had been spending too much time together as of late and she knew it was bound to have some sort of consequence. She often thought of what he’d taste like, or feel like… if he so much as crossed her mind she’d feel an electric current that sent a surge of power down her chest, passed her belly button and reached the base of her spine. If she was brave enough to let the thoughts continue she’d feel a twinge that would send shivers across her body, causing her lips to quiver and her nipples...

First Time
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First time with my Step Sister pt 2

First time with step Sister Pt 2 You should read first time with my step sister to keep up with where this story is going. A little re-cap from part one. Me and my step sister had just had mind blowing sex for the first time. She came into my room and seduced me. The rest of the story continues from that. The next day was like every other day around the house. Me and Lori were not around each other much so it was not uncommon for us not to see each other until night time. We went to different...

1 year ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 86 Hanky Panky

Kneeling beside the frame of Tenchi's bed, Mihoshi was 'rocked back' on her heels surveying the dubious bounty of her search. During the last twenty-five minutes she'd gone over every nook and cranny of the room with the proverbial 'fine toothed comb'. Even to the point where Mayuka now rested peacefully on an improvised futon against the room's west wall. Moving the little girl so she could flip the mattress over had certainly paid high dividends. Yielding four safety pins and a...

1 year ago
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Best friend

Last summer our friend colin came to saty for a while as he had just gone through a devorce, and needed some company as he was now living alone, Colin brought his dog with him, both Lucy and I enjoyed having the dog around as he gave us a good reason to go out in the sun for a walk, however this particular day. I had to go to work leaving Lucy and Colin at home, Lucy explained that she had come out of the upstairs bathroom in her dressing gown when Colin appeared at the top of the stairs Lucy...

4 years ago
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An Night to Remember Part II

The coolness of the marble vanity which pressed against her buttocks blended with the heat of his breath against her neck, creating a dichotomy of sensations that enveloped her with unmitigating ferocity.   It injected into her spine a river of tingling electricity that tumbled over nerve endings before waterfalling into her most intimate areas with a thunderous crash.   He was leaning over and into her now, and as his muscled body bridged the last few inches that separated them, her legs...

2 years ago
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Suzanne 1

I stood chatting with some of the other attendees that I had met at other such conferences. A very attractive young woman joined our group, I guessed that she was a student, and so I made an effort to include her in our little group. “Hi! I'm Bill Smith. I'm guessing that you are a PhD student. Am I right?” “Yes. I'm Suzanne Jones. I'm in my first year of a PhD at Adelaide Uni.” I introduced her to the rest of our little group, and we all chatted together for a while, until the...

4 years ago
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Masturbation Survey

Are you male or female?Age?At what age did you start masturbating?How many times a week do you masturbate?How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself?Where do you masturbate:In bed?In the shower?In the bath?Outdoors?At work?Every room in the house?In a car while traveling along the interstate?What do you fantasize about when you play:A significant other?A friend?A friend's spouse?A stranger?A co-worker?A member of the same sex?A member of the opposite sex?A past lover?What...

2 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 47 Sometimes There Just Arent Words

You know how at the end of a bad day you just can't wait to get to bed so you can make a fresh, new start the next morning? I hope it works better for you than it does for me. Allison and I woke together in the glade. I checked my ring automatically and verified it was hers this time. I love waking up with Allison, it doesn't matter if it's in a dream or in reality, it just feels so nice waking up with her cuddled to my side. "We need to talk," Jamie said. Something in her tone...

2 years ago
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My Dream 1

I told her that I hav always wanted to see a female having sex with a horse, and I have always wanted to fist fuck a horse in the ass and fist fuck a cow. We were talking more and told her that I also, wanted to get pissed and cum on by a bunch of men, and women. I also, wanted a transexual to fuck my ass and cum inside me. Jennifer said, that she would make both our dreams cum true. She said, that she would get back to me in a few hours. So, I said okay. A few hours later Jennifer...

1 year ago
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The Married Mans Lament

We met, so to speak, after each of us had given our order to the barristas behind the counter. We did not really meet in any sense that could be called a meeting of anything other than the mind and perhaps, of the will. She was in the line to my left, backlit from the street. She was not a perfect beauty, but in these situations, more beauty is the enemy of enough. She was a woman buying a cup of joe. I was also buying a cup and was planning to savor it before I crawled, like a hamster, into...

Love Stories
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You showered & rubbed your aching limbs, the warm water running over your body, taking your mind off your ordeal of the weekend & what the group would do or expect of you next. You gently washed over your tender pink nipples & inspected the marks the jaws of the clamps had left before moving on to your swollen pussy & massaged where the jaws of the clamps had bitten into your soft white flesh.Clean & feeling exhausted, you moved to the bed where you laid down on the bare...

1 year ago
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Magical Items Mania

Somewhere, in some universe, an omniscient being decided to bestow magical items onto one person who caught their interest. These items could do a multitude of things, such as mind control, to reality manipulation, to changing elements of normalcy. From the outside, they just seem like normal items that you'd find laying around in any household. But inside, they're filled with magic that does things that cannot be explained by science. Why did they do this exactly? They just wanted to sit back...

3 years ago
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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 7

"She came out from her townhouse to my car a few minutes later and it was apparent she had been crying again. She got in and said little on the way to my townhouse. I went the back way through the area so I didn't have to drive by Mary's place. Just my luck she would stalk me tonight. I doubted it because it was a humid night, a good night to stay in the AC. I had changed into just a tee shirt and sweat shorts. I offered Allie my bed, but she insisted that the guestroom single bed would...

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How May I Serve You My Uncontrollable Change from Successful Businesswoman to LowPaid Waitress Chapters 8 9 and 10

How May I Serve You? My Uncontrollable Change from Successful Businesswoman to Low-Paid Waitress By Rachel Rose Parker And this is it! The final chapters of my first ever story on FM and it's been a pleasure to share it all with you! I have been reading all the feedback and taking it all in, both positive and constructive. I hope people have enjoyed it enough to want me to do some more in the future. If you want to support what I've done, please consider checking out the book on...

1 year ago
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Me at Home Wife in Thailand Part One

The days leading up to the Thailand trip was busy, video consultations with doctors in the evening Caver stuff, full body pictures sent, talk to doctors online, they send back photo shopped pictures of the result. If you agree, then the surgeries booked and all you have to do is get there and pay. Going have firmer titties and butt to play with but less to hang on to. The night before the trip, the wife and I managed a vanilla fuck. The wife confirmed again The cleanup crew was going to visit...

3 years ago
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Debbies Family Vacation

Debbie couldn’t believe it. She had the house completely to herself. Her husband was on an extended business trip, and her kids left yesterday for summer camps. She was standing in the kitchen sipping on her coffee when her silence was interrupted by a rushed tapping on the kitchen door. Looking up she saw her neighbor Karen, and she waved her in. Karen was all excited, but for different reasons. Karen’s husband worked with Debbie’s and they would be gone for almost three weeks. For Karen this...

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AmnesiaChapter 5

Nina carefully skirted around the issue with her children about why she wanted to go to the city for the weekend. She mumbled some vague words about looking for their father. Mrs. Martinez would look after them. Nadia was having a sleep-over at one of her friend's houses while Jared was going to a college football game with a neighbor's family. They would be well occupied until she returned on Sunday afternoon. She flipped open her cell phone. "Ton ... uhhhh John, please," she hesitated...

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Damad Ne Ki Sasu Chudayi

Damad ne ki Sasu ki Chudayi Mera Name Rajesh hai aor main shadi shuda ladka hun. Main ISS ka ek regular reader hun. To sabse pahle main aap sab land walo aor chut walion ko apne khade land ka namskar deta hun main pahle bi 2 /3 story likh chuka hun. Aor ek story aor aapki seva main lekar aaya hun. Ummid hai ki aap ko ye story pasand aayegi pahle bi mujhe aap sab dosto ke bahut se mail mile aor aasha karta hun ki aabki baar bi aap mujhe mail jarur karoge to ab main apni story pe aata hun. Ye...

1 year ago
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Sweet Shanna

I was sitting there thinking back; trying to figure out when exactly my feelings for my little sister had changed. Or maybe I should say I was wondering when they had been added to. I still loved her as my sister, but for the past little while, I'd been looking at her in a decidedly different light. As I sat on the back patio watching my little sis and her friends sunning and messing around by the pool, I once again berated myself for my less than brotherly thoughts. I was not happy with what...

1 year ago
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BadMilfs Ella Knox Mckayla Cox Family Love Triangle

Ella Knox pretends to be her stepmom Mckayla Cox and texts one of the local hunks to come over since she is all alone. When he arrives, he is surprised to see Ella there waiting for him. She explains that she had saw him getting a blowjob from Mckayla. She threatened that if he didn’t stop seeing her mom that she would tell her dad. The hunk actually said that her father was the one who organized the whole ordeal. This left Ella confused, but the hunk offered to make keeping it a secret worth...

3 years ago
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Goes Around Comes Around

By Jax_Teller I had done many things in my life to make money but this was going to be different. As a young man, a fighter and ex-military man I was well conditioned and fit so to speak. I had been living life hard and fast and this job was going to be more than just interesting, it was an awakening. I would do just about anything for money as long as my moral compass wasn’t too upset. Sexually, I had been paid to perform privately and publicly. I had sexual encounters with both males...

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Best Real Doll! Let’s face it. Real women are a hassle, and manufactured women who don’t speak are all the rage. Why in the Sam Hell would you go out of your way to coddle some spoiled brat when you could just pay money for a woman who knows her place, to begin with? I mean, the average woman is just going to bleed you dry and leave you for a dude with a bigger dick and a bigger bank account. It’s the natural order of things. Women gravitate to power. Dolls don’t have that problem, though;...

Sex Doll Shops
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Teacher gives 18yearold student a lesson

I read the official note again on the way to my fourth period teacher's classroom: "Come by room 106 for a special lesson. This is for your greater knowledge only." I was not sure what this had to do with me; I thought maybe it was a subject for my next extra-credit project. Whatever the case, I walked into the classroom with the usual friendly greeting: a shave-and-a-haircut knock.He turned around at his desk and looked at me. "Well, I'm glad you could come by." I nodded. "I got this note in...

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Playing Away Part I The Name Game

Playing Away - Part I - The Name Game "This is your entire fault Malcolm," James told his friend. "We've booked the holiday and got all the match tickets and you had to ruin it!" Malcolm had indeed thrown the firework onto the pitch after England scored their last goal. The Police had caught them on CCTV and now James, his girlfriend Helen and Malcolm were banned from seeing England play. Not only that but they were banned from travelling up to two weeks before and during any...

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The Slut and Rapist VirusChapter 4

Similar dramas unfolded throughout every community and every culture. Teen boys were especially susceptible to the charms of women. Teen girls were initially too trusting, raised in a modern culture where girls and boys could mix easily as friends,. The infected were all confident and optimistic, enjoying quick, hot sex with anyone they could. They didn't see any problem. The uninfected, by contrast, were worried and anxious. They retreated into larger household groups for protection. They...

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My sexy 43 year old Aunt seduced and fucked hardco

------------------------------------Sexy Aunt seduced by her Nephew---------------------------------------------Hi, FRIENDS this is Nalini again, Thanks for the wonderful response I got from you people for my story “Blackmailing my lactating maid for milk”, urged me to start my new story. I am a simple house wife residing in Bangalore and newly married having a satisfied sex life with my husband.The story I am going to narrate now is about my Aunt Jaya who is living in Hyderabad, with her...

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No FutureChapter 4

An Englishman's Home Alex 2021 Agnieszka made sure that her final exit through the front door was at least as dramatic as any other during the term of her relationship with Alex. This time, however, she didn't pause to shout up to him from the hallway before she stomped off to her car to drive off to one or other of her many friends and relatives who would soon once again be reminded just what kind of bastard, shithead or cunt Alex was. This omission was a novelty to Alex and probably...

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James and SonChapter 3

We napped away the afternoon on the couch, him lying on top of me. He was still exhausted from metamorphosis from a human being into a member of our clan. At first I didn’t think I would be able to sleep, too excited that I had made my first son. I lay awake watching him sleep so peacefully on top of me, drooling a little in my chest hair. I felt all kinds of instinctive urges welling up inside of me. I wanted to hold him, keep him safe, take care of him. I wanted to wrap him up in my arms...

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Replacement TherapyChapter 4 The Haunted and the Hunted

By the beginning of June, I was pronounced fit by my doctor. I wasn't actually. I had been so careful not to overdo anything, that my real fitness was sadly lacking. But Yolanda had a plan, and when Yolanda wanted me to follow her plan, I had no intention of denying her. We started off with aggressive walks in the morning and after supper. They were an hour long and with the warm weather now bordering on hot some days, I was really feeling the stress of these workouts. She would drop the...

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