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It started in the elevator when I was fifteen. All I knew was the name on her mailbox: I. Jacobs. Her apartment was right across from mine in this tight little corner hallway, and every day that summer when I’d leave to go to work, my door would slam behind me, and seconds later as I walked down the hall to the elevator bay, hers would slam too, my heart would palpitate, my back would sweat, and butterflies would furiously try to break out of the confines of my abdomen. The floors were carpeted, but I could still hear her behind me, those perfect, designer high heeled feet never once missing their mark. She never faltered, never stumbled, never trembled in my presence. She was as confident as a big game poacher. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was the game, and she was intent on playing.

The first few weeks of work were exhilarating. I’d been commissioned by the city to spend the summer creating art ... for money! It was a change of pace from my normal jobs during the school year, and I was looking forward to the possible opportunities that getting paid to produce my art could bring. Just as I got to my door that Friday, I realized I hadn’t checked my mailbox all week. Sighing in the exaggerated way that exasperated teenagers do, I turned around, walked back down the hallway, and pushed the button for the elevator. I had earphones in, and I was picking at a cracked fingernail, so I didn’t immediately notice when the doors slid open, or when I. Jacobs herself glided off the lift. Someone tapped my shoulder, and my head snapped up. I could see her beautiful lips moving, but I couldn’t hear anything. Fumbling, I snatched the buds out of my ears and shook my head.

“Sorry, I guess my music was up too loud. What’d you say?”

“I. Jacobs” smiled down at me, and her eyes looked like they were laughing, but it didn’t seem like she was being cruel. She was definitely amused, and maybe interested. Part of me hoped she was more interested than she should have been, but the other part of me was terrified. What would I do with a woman like that? What could I give a woman like that? She lowered her gaze to something in the palm of her hand. At first, all I could focus on were her eyelashes ... real ones, thick like a baby doll’s, but not unrealistically long. They looked soft.

“I think these belong to you,” she purred in a dulcet tone. I looked down, and there were my keys in the palm of her hand. Holy shit. “They were on the floor of the elevator, and I thought, well ... no one else in the building wears their keys on a chain around their neck,” she explained with a chuckle.

“Oh,” I squeaked out dumbly, frozen to my spot in front of the elevator bay. I didn’t make a move to take the keys from her hand. I couldn’t! I could barely even look her in the eye. I glanced up at her for a second, but I couldn’t figure out how to act like an adult and maintain eye contact, much less take the stupid necklace out of her hand and move on with my life. Frowning for the briefest of seconds before closing her fist around the keys, I. Jacobs set down her briefcase and grocery bag, straightened back up, and took the ends of the chain in each hand. Before I knew what was happening, she was at my back and raising the keys over my head. As they touched my chest, I realized they were warm from being clutched in the palm of her hand, and my head began to ache from how hard my heart was pounding. With deft fingers, she fastened the bar connector on the cheap ball chain and took a step back.

“There,” she said. I willed myself to act right, and so I managed to turn toward her and smile, thanking her with a stupid, single nod while clutching the warm keys that were safely on my person once again. She smiled in return, and I could see the amusement was back in her eyes, and maybe, just maybe, a little too much interest. I. Jacobs smoothed those tapered hands down the front of her pin-striped, tailored suit jacket before bending down to retrieve her belongings. As she straightened up, she gave me a little wink, like a secret between good friends, before turning to walk down our shared hallway. At the last second, I called,

“Hey, my name’s Amy!”

My neighbor stopped at her doorway, transferred both bags to one hand, and pulled out her keys. Before she stuck them in the lock, she turned her head toward me and grinned with real interest this time.

“Isis,” she responded smoothly, before giving me a chin-up complete with a lingering gaze that lasted until the door closed behind her.

Monday rolled around, and nothing changed. I left my apartment, she left her apartment, but it was like I dreamed up Friday’s scenario. I thought maybe Isis was standing a little closer to my back while we waited for the elevator, but we didn’t speak. She did cast a knowing little smile in my direction before she stepped off the elevator and clicked through the lobby. All I was left with was the tantalizing scent of expensive perfume encircling me, and I had to shake it off before I could step out into the real world to catch my bus. Luckily work was a distraction, and I could paint, and sculpt, and create to my heart’s content. The rest of the week went the same way, and by next Friday evening at five o’ clock, I’d sort of given up on Isis being anything more than bedroom fantasy fodder. I left work with a friend, and we talked all the way to the bus stop. After my co-worker had boarded her bus, I rested my head against the bus shelter and watched the people in cars whizzing by. When the lights turned red, I got to hear snippets of conversations, and that was always fascinating. The bus shelter was full of people trying to get home, so I was only vaguely aware when someone very tall sidled up next to me. After a few minutes, the stranger leaned in closer and a honeyed voice was in my ear asking me quietly,

“Do you always ride the bus home?” My breath hitched, and I forced myself to do a slow exhale. Isis Jacobs was standing to my right. I turned my head slowly, and ever twinkling dark brown eyes met my grey-green ones. Her mouth twitched, and she gave me a slow smile, showing off perfect, straight teeth. My heart was pounding, and it sounded like violent ocean waves were breaking one right after the other inside my head. I gave the woman half a grin and shrugged sheepishly. “Of course you do,” she laughed. Again, I shrugged, feeling super self-conscious and not really sure what to say. “You want me to give you a ride?” The question hung in the air between us thickly as I tried to process what she’d just implied. Fifteen I was, stupid I wasn’t. She rested her hard sided briefcase on the cheap wooden slats masquerading as a bench that jutted out from the inner wall of the bus shelter. People began moving closer to the curb, and I could see my bus just two blocks down. With her hand still resting on the case, Isis leaned in close once again. “Tick tock, friendly neighbor.” I averted my gaze from the bus and stared straight ahead at the driver of a red SUV who was screaming into his cell phone while leaning on his horn. I took a deep breath in, puffed up my cheeks, pursed my lips, and released a stream of air.

“Okay,” I told her. We stood together, watching the bus get larger and larger as it drew closer, and then watched everyone in front of and around us stream onto the bus when it ground to a stop. After everyone else had boarded, the driver looked at me questioningly, and I held up my hand and shook my head. He closed the doors and pulled away from the curb, and then my companion picked up her briefcase without a word and stepped to the very edge of the sidewalk with her arm outstretched. Almost immediately, a yellow taxi stopped right in front of her. She opened the back door and turned to me with a gaze I couldn’t look away from. I chewed my bottom lip for a few seconds, and the driver got impatient and started complaining to Isis.

“You getting in or not? Jesus Christ, lady, it’s rush hour!” Totally unruffled, Isis ducked her head down to look at the driver and said something to him I couldn’t make out. The driver raised his eyebrows, looked at me, and then rolled his eyes, but didn’t say anything else. When Isis straightened up, she smiled gently at me and beckoned with one finger. Taking a deep breath, I shouldered my bag and walked to where she was standing. Making a grand gesture with one hand for me to enter the cab first, I slid across the backseat and sat with my knees together and my bag in my lap, arms wrapped around it like a shield. Isis followed, shut the door, and the crabby cabby pulled into traffic. The car was filled with a super awkward silence, but luckily the ride didn’t last long. Eight minutes later, I shouldered my bag and got out of the cab while Isis paid the driver, complete with a very large tip. He pulled away, and my neighbor smiled at me still standing on the sidewalk ... a real smile.

“Thanks for waiting,” she said as we walked into the building.

“No problem,” I responded.

We both quietly checked our mailboxes. Not much for me but a bunch of ads, which I stuffed into my shoulder bag. I pretended to be occupied looking at fliers on the bulletin board while Isis thumbed through her stack of envelopes, but I was too curious. I liked the way she flicked each envelope down when she was done, and I really liked the way her gold jewelry glinted in the light when she did it.

“Okay. All done,” Isis said, dropping junk mail into the recycling bin. She turned to smile at me, and it was weird. I almost expected her to take my hand or something, and lead me onto the elevator, but she didn’t. I pushed the button for 20 expecting a quick ride, but the elevator stopped on almost all the parking garage floors to let more tenants on. Isis moved closer to me to make room as the car filled, and my pulse sped up. Her hand touched mine on accident, but rather than pull it away; she left it there. I felt hot ... and it seemed like both of us were breathing way too deeply. People began filtering out around floor 8, but instead of drifting apart, we stayed where we were even after the last tenant said good night and the elevator doors closed. Isis and I rode up from 19 in silence, and I was nervous about what would happen when those doors opened and reality set in. How did this work? Was she going to drag me to her apartment and throw me down and fuck me? Did she want to come to my apartment? All the anxious chatter in my head was stressing me out, and I wanted to scream. Then, the elevator opened up, and Isis stepped out, holding the door for me. I swallowed thickly and pushed off the wall and into the hallway. We walked wordlessly down our little corner hall, and just as I pulled the key out from under my shirt and stuck it in the lock, Isis turned around.

“I thought you were coming over,” she said simply. I froze, and she reached around me to place her hand on top of mine. She was a full head taller than me, plus more with her heels on, and she was pressed right up against my back. Her voice was like an analgesic. “You don’t have to be scared. I won’t rush you into anything. You think I haven’t noticed you paying attention to me these past three weeks? You think me leaving my apartment just after you every day is a coincidence?” She waited to see if I would respond, but I was too busy trying to remember to take a breath. When I didn’t say anything, she continued. “That’s right ... in and out.” Isis chuckled. “You and I both know it’s not a coincidence. You wear your desire on your face for the world to see, and I want so badly to give you what you want. You fascinate me, Amy.” I shuddered, and Isis knew it. She snaked her other arm around my stomach and pulled me closer. She made a point of bringing her mouth close to my ear and breathed, “You can unlock that door if you really want to.” At that moment I forgot to breathe, and I knew I wasn’t going home.

I felt weak, my hand slipped off the doorknob, and I sort of sagged against Isis. Gently, she pulled the key out of the lock, slipped the chain over my head, and slid the keys between my breasts, purposely grazing the skin under my shirt with her fingers. I seriously thought I was going to faint, but I actually managed to follow Isis into her place even though my feet and legs felt pretty weird. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t a carbon copy of my place, that’s for sure. The layout was almost the same as mine. Small one bedroom, with a short, wide, airy hallway that ran parallel to the one between our apartments. Kitchen and living room together, coat closet, linen/storage closet, bathroom along the hall, bedroom at the back.

“Hmph. Looks familiar,” I tried to quip, but it came out sounding lame. Despite my crappy attempt at being funny, Isis laughed as I wandered through her place.

“So, does that mean I don’t have to give you the tour?” she called to me as she poured a drink in her kitchen.

I didn’t answer, but that didn’t seem to bother her. Back in the living room, I took my bag off awkwardly but didn’t put it down. Instead, I sort of clutched the strap in my hand and tried to pretend like I didn’t actually feel weird dropping it on the floor in her pristine apartment. She sipped amber liquid from a pretty glass with little cuts all through the bottom part of it and watched me for a minute.

“I think you know where the closet is,” she said, raising her eyebrows. She motioned toward the hallway with her glass, and I could hear the ice cubes clink. Embarrassed, I blushed and hurried to put my things away. Part of me wanted to hide in the tiny nook and shut the door tightly, but the curious part of me was successfully overpowering the terrified part. I gathered my resolve and closed the closet door. “Sooooo...” I began, as I walked back to the kitchen/living room, “can I have a drink?”

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My Really Big Brother Gay

100% fiction! My name is Will and my older brothers name is Ken and he's 4 years older than me. I worship my brother and he treats me alright except when he's around his friends. His two best friends were a black kid they call JoJo and a wimpy kid named Tommy. We have a clubhouse our dad built for us but they don't usually let me hang out with them. One evening I saw my brother and Tommy go in the clubhouse and they were acting suspicious. I snuck around in back of the clubhouse where there was...

2 years ago
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interracial holiday my white pussy owned

Ok so please go easy this is our first story to share so i am not sure how people explain these things but i wanted to share my horny and interacial holiday experience now before i start if you are offended by racial insults please do not be offended i love racial play and i love paki and nigger dicks i love to fuck them and i love them to racialy abuse me so again please do not be offended. Anyways it all started last year me and my partner decided to take a holiday to tenerife  just the two...

4 years ago
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Punk Slut Sis

"I'm not sure," I shrugged, "It sounds cool and everything but..." "Not scared are you?!" "No!" "Then come on then! Come ooon!" Jenny whined, grabbing my arm, "I hate going there alone, it sucks. I can't go with that twat of a boyfriend anymore 'cos he's not my boyfriend anymore since he met that fucking cunt he's now banging." "So you're dragging me there so you don't look like a sad recently-dumped singelton," I grinned. "You motherfucker," sniggered...

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Wife8217s Colleague Radika Was Deflowered In Her Tight Salwar Part 5

This is continuation from my previous story… Thanks for reading my earlier parts, If not, feel free to click on my username and find my stories.. And, I hope it didn’t bore you with long narration…Please email me at with comments and suggestions, it motivates me for my next part. Might have some typos as I couldn’t find time to review it before i published here I bit her finger forcing her to open her left hand off my mouth… For which, she pulled off her hand but yelled at me… Hemant… u bit...

Gay Male
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Kansas City Rendezvous Day 3 Hump Day

It was about four-thirty in the morning when I felt Linda’s hand caressing my ass as she kissed the back of my neck and my cock reacted to the erotic stimulation. It was a slow and enjoyable way to wake-up on a day that would be full of sexual depravity for all of us. When she draped her other arm over my chest from behind, I held her hand for a few minutes and then moved it to one of my nipples which she began to squeeze gently. I wanted Barb to continue sleeping so she’d be rested enough to...

Group Sex
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The Making Of A Gigolo 11 Renee ZimmermanChapter 7

This was Renee’s first celebration of the 4th of July in Granger. She was a little shy, at first, but then began seeing people she knew. Children ran up to her for hugs, and their mothers and fathers smiled and waved at her. Mirriam also waved, from a line of tables set up on the grass. Lots of women Renee knew were at that line of tables too, and her nervousness disappeared as she walked over and was welcomed. She looked around for Bobby, but didn’t see him. She felt embarrassed, for some...

3 years ago
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Tease No MorebyWayneGibbous©Chapter 1I'll never forget the sexiest girl I'd ever known growing up. How could I? She was my sister.Yes, Tara, my older sister. She was two years older than I was so when I started getting hard-ons, just entering puberty; she was already well along. And well along she was.I remember when I was ten trying to get looks at her boobs which, at twelve, were getting to be quite amazing to this always-horny brother of hers. My sister, always cute, was now turning into a...

4 years ago
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Lang lebe das Knigreich

Prolog. "Erde zu Erde, Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub", es waren die letzten Worte die der Priester vor dem offenen Grab sprach. Die Regentschaft von König Rudolph II. war tatsächlich zu ende. So war es auch für die Trauergemeinde Zeit, endgültig Abschied zu nehmen. Dem Rang entsprechend erwies der designierte König, Ferdinand, als erster dem Toten die letzte Ehre. Ihm folgte seine Mutter, Königin Adelheid. Es folgten die ranghohen Mitglieder der Königsfamilie, Klerikale, ranghohe Militär und...

3 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 11 What the Hell Is Going on

Jessie Harper had only just guessed at what the string of characters at the bottom of Paul Terrence’s Student ID card meant based on only just two other Student ID cards she had seen that afternoon. Those two other cards had character strings that started with C ... O ... N ... and stood for CLOTHING OPTIONAL NUDIST so Jessie was guessing that C ... N ... stood for CERTIFIED NUDIST. This thought produced some immediate confusion in her fourteen year old mind. She just couldn’t bring herself...

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Dads Guide to Surviving a CSection

This is a different type of story for me. It is loosely, very loosely, based on my first son’s birth. However, it is told with tongue planted firmly in cheek. This may be to right time to tell all of you our family motto: ‘Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.’ Large parts of this story are true, though a lot has been embellished and a lot more has been made up. Additionally, I want to state for the record that while I seem to be picking on the nurses in this story, I have the...

3 years ago
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Gay fantasy come true

I had always wanted to play with a cock other than mine. My fantasy led eventually to my being gangbanged. This is what happened.One day talking to a male friend of mine about our wives sucking our cocks it was mentioned how it wouldn't matter who was sucking your cock really, male or female. Your right said my friend Ian, maybe we should try it for real one day. And we did. It started by chance with my calling at his house one evening. Unknown to me his wife was visiting their daughter who...

2 years ago
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Black Magic Genie

"Black Magic Genie" As I looked out of the window at the depressing landscape before me, I could barely hear the weather report on the radio deliver more of the same news as the day before. "A high of 85 is predicted in the valley and the desert". I thought to myself, "It's January, and should not be so goddamn hot" I was uncomfortable and I was pissed of. And as I looked out of the window at the urban blight of the homeless people pushing carts, begging for money, and offering to do...

2 years ago
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My 3 Randis

Dear ISS Readers, I am a regular reader of ISS and thought its time for me to submit my own story. I am a working professional in Mumbai and earn quite well. However, I do not have any family as such and was independent. Whatever sexual experiences I have had were with professionals. And that’s the way I like it- no unnecessary attachments, pay money and do whatever u want. I have always had a fetish for big boobs and I had a gala time. But with time, I started thinking why not get a wife with...

2 years ago
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The Best Job in the World

The Best Job in the World "Jinigga!" I bellowed, "Get your black ass in here, cunt!"? My tall, big-titted? house slavearrived moments later, dropping to her knees in front of me. "I'm expecting a new one, either today or tomorrow.? Get the room ready," I instructed. "Yassuh, Massa," the former attorney Lucille Belle Hayworth, Esquire, responded.? Sheno longer answered that name, of course; not since I'd changed it to Jinigga - a crossbetween jigaboo and nigger - a week after she'd been...

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Raat Me Meri Behen Ki Chudai Mere Samne

Hi friends, mera name manoj hai or meri behan ka name uma hai wo mujhse badi hai or dekhane me cute hai us time sardiyon ka mosam tha or thund b kafi thi. Meri behan ne ghar me pucha ki mujhe mrri friend apne ghar bula rahi b’day parti par to ghar wale mnha karne lage ushe rat ko bhejne to usane bhot mnaya ghar walo ko ki wo naraz ho jayegi mujhe bar bar phone kar rhi pta n kya kya bahane lagaye to last me ghar walo ne bola ki tujhe jana hi hai to manoj ko sath le ja ye soch kar ki mere sath wo...

3 years ago
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Me at Wal Mart with panties and a young Cock Sucke

I took a pair of black snoopy panties size 6 from the womens section as well as a pair of pink Twilight My little pony panties and a matching bra from the girls section and took them with me to the dressing room under a pair of pants in case a clerk saw me walking into the dressing room. I went into the room and took off my pants and shirt and slipped int the snoopy panties. My cock wasnt yet hard so the panties fit me well. I put on the girls bra and that fit me as well. I started looking into...

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The Bartender

The Bartender     by dale10      He was a twink; kind of skinny, small for his age, but with a spectacular ass and because of his slight stature, a dick bulge that looked huge in his jeans. He was not very smart. He was the kind of kid who because of his beauty, got lots of attention, especially in the gay bars, and especially from lonely older men who drool over young meat and have trouble keeping their hands off and their pricks in their pants. He glorified in the attention. Knowing the...

2 years ago
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The Accidental Dogger Part 2

The last time I found myself in the dogging site happened by accident when I was travelling home after visiting a client, Tracy, with whom I get on very well to the point of flirtation. She is an extremely attractive brunette and, like me, I think she is at least bi-curious.I had another meeting arranged with Tracy so I dressed up in my best business suit: a dark blue pencil skirt and matching jacket over a silky white blouse. Tracy always makes me feel very sexy and to enhance that feeling, I...

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Wife has One Condition for a 3Way Gay

Don and I married young - we were both eighteen and I'm not sure if either one of us had ever had another sexual partner. So it was unsurprising that Don, like a lot of men, had a fantasy to engage in a threesome - with another woman, I should add. "That sounds good to me, but on one condition," I told him.His eyes lit up, but at the mention of my caveat, his smile dissipated. "I think you should be a gentleman AND treat this in an equal manner. So I propose we do a threesome with a guy...

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Playtime in Jamaica Ch 02

Day 4 "You sure you still love me?" Marni said as Rob woke. "Yes." "I'm not sure I can resist Mark if he does something like that again." Rob shocked her. "I'm not sure if I want you to." "What the hell does that mean?" Marni asked. "I mean I keep telling you that I don't want to have sex with him. I don't want to break our marriage vows. You are a great husband. I love you." "I know you do. Maybe that's why I'm not all that worried about it. We're on vacation. Mark seems like a nice guy. OK,...

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The Loan Shark in Our LifeChapter 6

Except for my normal housework the only thing I had to do the next day was shop for a slutty dress. I didn't even know where to go to shop for the kind of dress Tommy ordered me to buy. After everyone left for work and school I got ready and drove to the mall. Both Victoria's Secret and Fredericks of Hollywood have stores there. I went to see what kind of secret Victoria was keeping first. I sometimes buy underwear and sleepwear there. This would be the first time I ever shopped at either...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Lena Paul Busty Babe Lena Paul8217s Big Tits Bounce As Manuel Fucks Her Beautiful Booty

Lovely & Lucious Lena Paul brings her big ass and tits to Manuel Ferrara in this scene from “Big Ass Tits”! Lena is draped in violet string lingerie. She teases while facing a mirror and rolls her body in a hypnotic motion. The tease continues outside and luckily there’s a pool. Believe it or not, Lena is even better wet. There’s a moment when she dips her ass in the water and it may cause cardiac arrest… Back in Manuel’s room Lena’s rack hangs in...

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Daughter Confronts Her Cheating Mothers Lover Part III of Lust On The Pier

Jodie rang the doorbell and steadied herself while holding the lasagna dinner. She had all night to think about what she would say to Mister Hunter. Her mind was clouded with mixed thoughts. At one time, she wanted to fuck Mister Hunter, but after seeing her mom come home last night looking embarrassed with messy hair and smeared lipstick, she was mad. She was mad that Mister Hunter made her mom suck his cock and cheat on her dad. It made her so mad that she tossed and turned all night long....

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Wizard Gone WildChapter 4

"General, how are we fixed for stone missiles?" "We have a good supply for a normal battle, but we probably don't have enough for what you are planning. Actually, it is pretty easy to produce the missiles, but transportation is the rub. There are several thousand missiles at the quarry, now, waiting to be brought to the armory. It's ironic, but we can't move them as fast as we can make them. There are two wizards who specialize in making the missiles, but we have to depend on...

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