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Bait Janet L. Stickney [email protected] What you know, and what you'll do are entirely different. I know that some guys like to dress as girls, but I did not think that I was one of them. I had never in my life dressed up as a girl, never thought of it or had any desire to do it. Then came the day. "Taylor, come in here please." I went in to see what mom wanted. She was standing there with someone I did not know. "This is Officer Janet Stickney. She is the head of the sex crimes unit and wants to talk to you." "There has been,"she said, "a rash of photos taken and posted of some of the girls in your high school and other schools in the area while the girls were in various states of undress. It has to be someone who has access to several high schools. We know that it wasn't you, however we have developed a plan that you can help us with.That makes us think it is an adult. A teacher maybe." "Me? How can I help? I'm not a peeper!" "We know you are not involved, but we have narrowed the list to just a very few people. However, the one person we feel is the main player is being very careful. He only dates girls that he knows are not under the age of 17 and they all look spectacular. We think he does that to prevent them from saying anything about him since they are mostly not eager to have anyone know their true identity. We selected you because of your size, specifically and especially because your expertise in computers. Your computer instructor tells us you are the best he has ever seen. Plus, not only are you the right size and age, you have the right body shape and looks. This is after a long process to find exactly the right person, and we have decided it is you. and using photographs we have determined that you will look simply adorable as a girl. " "Me? You don't have computer specialists? Why me?" "Taylor, He virtually never allows any guy and certainly not a grown male anywhere him and what we think is a sophisticated operation. We can turn you into a very attractive girl and we want you to become his main girl. We want you to find out how he gets the pictures and manages to post them. Hack his computer and find out who his contacts are." "Me?! A girl?! No way! I'll look like a guy in a dress!" "Want to see how you'll look?" She opened her phone and showed me a series of pictures of what she said was me, but the girl looked really hot, especially in those hot pants! "That cannot be me! I mean... I don't look like that!" "Not yet. Can you help us?" "Let Taylor and I talk about this. I'll call you." The officer left mom and I standing there staring at each other. "Well! That was a surprise!" "Mom! Me? Dressed up as a girl? She's been using something!" "No dear. You have the face for this and maybe you don't see it, but I'll bet that she can make you look just like the girl she showed you." "No way! What'll the guys say?" "Oh. They won't know will they? If the police are asking you to do this then you know they have researched you extremely well, which means they have a good idea not only how you'll look, but that you also have the ability to do what needs to be done. The fact that you have never dressed up as a girl doesn't even come into it! And who knows? Maybe you'll like it! I'll call her and set it up." Officer Stickney took me to a small house in a very expensive neighborhood that was set back off the street a bit, and we went in, admitted by an older woman. She looked me up and down and smiled. "Oh yes! She will be simply delicious when I am done with her!" "Taylor, do you recognize her?" "Yeah! From a few commercials!" "She one of the premier female impersonators in the world Taylor, and she is going to turn you into one of the most beautiful girls in the world." "Leave her with me Janet. If she is suitable I will call." As I sat there looking at her, even at her age she is beautiful, and there is not one sign that she is or ever has been a male. "My name is Lauren. You're wondering how I do it, right? Never mind. I know you do. Let me show you something." She picked out a thick album and began by showing me pictures of her as a young boy, moving through her stages of dressing up, then through the years as she became the talented and beautiful woman she is now. She changed from an average young girl to a star of stage and film with very few people knowing the truth. Her gowns were spectacular and she had a figure all women would envy. I looked at her and could see in her face that she was serious. "I am 77 years old and have seen many young men try to look like a female, and in fact some are quite successful, others not a chance. Some males can do it and look very nice, some are very passably nice, while others simply cannot manage it. They may feel the need, yet they lack the size, they are to hairy, the list goes on. But a few can look, and become a beautiful young lady in every way. I think that you are one of the few. Care to try it?" "Here? Right now?" "Yes dear. Right now. Come with me and I'll help you become a doll." She sat me at a vanity and began by handing me some foundation. From there it was powder and blush, eyeliner and mascara and finally, lipstick. I had done it all myself, with her guidance of course, yet the girl in the mirror only faintly resembled me. I smiled and she smiled. I winked and she winked. I was more than shocked that so little was needed to make me look so cute. "The body shaping part is easier now, not like in my day. For now, lets talk about how you look and feel. Okay? Lets have a soda and talk." She did not laugh at me, and in fact told me that I would look wonderful! I tasted lipstick for the first time while looking at her through longer eyelashes. I did not feel dirty of even scared. I felt the same but I was beginning to understand what she was talking about. It was the beginning of the allure of becoming a woman. "When I started, I had to gain my shape using a corset and using a bandage to create the smooth line a woman has. Later I used a flesh colored tape but the result was the same. Ask yourself this question. How many girls in your school wear anything that even remotely shows their boobs? Not many if at all because they are still figuring out their sexuality. Even adult women do not do that very often. What you see on line is all posed by girls who are not teenagers and they are paid to pose that way. Most adult women use their cleavage to their best advantage, which is why more times than not they don't bare it all! They don't need to! Now tell me what you think." "How long have you been doing this?" "Since I was a little boy, but by the time I was your age I was working at a drag club as an opening act. It grew from there. My life partner died of cancer about three years ago. We had been together 50 years, so now I write a little, consult a little, and generally enjoy life. I have helped the police department before, but this is the most ambitious event they have ever tried. My questions for you are quite simple. There is no doubt that eventually you will have to be naked with at least several other girls in order to root this man out. It is my understanding that if they try to put you close to him then it is a certainty that he will want you to... get naked just as any of the other girls would, and if you want to catch him, you'll have to do it. With these kind of guys you won't have to do anything to draw him in because his biological urges will make him go after you. And if he asks you to pose nude you'll probably have to do it. That sounds crazy, but I have a friend that is a magician and she can make you look as natural as any other girl. That only leaves you to decide if you are willing to go ahead and become a girl." "But I'm not Gay! How can I..." "But if you are a girl, and he is a boy, how is it Gay?" "But I'll know that I'm..." "Honey, the moment you see yourself all dolled up you'll know, especially after Madelyn turns you into the fox I know you'll be. And when some boy sticks his tongue in your ear or down your throat you'll know what you'll do, and it won't be what you think. Now then, shall we go see Madelyn?" I knew, and she knew, that I would do it. I had been asked by the police department which presupposes that I would be safe. The fact that I had not ever been on a date, with anybody, hasn't got anything to do with my decision to let them change me into a girl, but that bit about performing on a boy lingered as I pondered the fact that I am about to become a girl, in every way possible. Lauren drove us out of the city and into a small village, then took me to a home just on the edge of the village. The woman that answered the door was about the same age as Lauren and just as pretty. "This is the young man I told you about. He needs your very best." "Lauren! You know that everybody gets my best. Young man, lets you and I talk." She and I went into a small office and sat. "With your permission I will turn you into a fully functioning girl that is beautiful by any standard, and Lauren will train you on how to manage your new identity. Like Lauren, she and I are sworn to secrecy so don't worry about that. Have you ever dressed like a girl before?" "No Ma'am." This is a very big step. Everything you do will change, from how you dress to how you interact with people will change. Are you ready for this?" "Yes Ma'am." Okay then. Please take all of your clothes off and leave them right here. We'll go in the shop and begin your transformation." My body was measured with a laser from head to toe, the image and measurements shown on her computer. She sent some of the info to a molding machine, and as I watched she created a perfect breast! "Lauren and I worked many clubs together before I started working in Hollywood as a makeup artist. I have turned many men into lovely girls, but you have the look and I'm positive that you will be my very best. I'll make the other breast and we can begin." What followed took about six hours, but when she was done I looked like a girl from head to feet. I have a very fine booty and nice B cup breasts with wider hips, and my very own twatsie. One she said will function like any other girls would. I wasn't sure what that meant when she told me that, but I figured that I could have sex and she told me I was right. She used some kind of chemical to remove every bit of hair a girl would not have, leaving my skin silky smooth and soft. You could easily say that I was shocked at how easy it was to become a girl, and just how perfect it all was! "Lauren will take you back to her house honey. You are about to work your ass off!" Lauren showed me my room, then told me what the schedule would be. 12 hour days with two modest meal breaks. I thought that I knew how to sit in a chair, but no. Or walk down the street. Also wrong. Hands and arms, walking and talking, doing my hair and makeup, how to use the bath and why it is important to stay clean. Three weeks later... "You have a wonderfully shaped butt Sara, but you have to give it some rolling movement when you walk. You know what I mean, you have seen enough girls walking to know that. You are close, but work on it please. Tomorrow we are going out shopping, and your mother is going to join us. I did not tell her about the changes. You'll have to do that. Wear that cute red dress." That dress was way above my knees and was very snug through the bodice, low cut and flared out at the waist. Everything would be on display. As I got dressed I realized that it was actually a thrill to look so good. I walked out of my room perched in my black heels, a smile on my face my perfume trailing behind. Lauren smiled at me, then she and I drove to the mall, which my first big test of everything I have learned. I was smiling as we walked into the mall. I saw mom right away and went up to her and touched her arm. "Yes dear? Can I help you?" "Hi! My name is Sara. I was wondering if I can come home?" "Sara?... Oh My God! It's you! But you are a girl!" "In every way possible mother. This is Lauren. She has guided me the entire way." After the introductions Lauren went home, telling me I have one week before I have to be back at her house, leaving me with my mom, who is seeing her daughter for the first time. She and I hugged, then we went home and I took the car to Laurens to get my clothes then back home. In my room, in order to let mom see just how much I have changed, I took off my dress and put on my booty shorts. Everything, including my twatsie was on display. I wore a plain tee and went into the familyroom. Mom took one look and almost fainted. "You look... you have a... is that real? No! It can't be!" "Mother! Everything works just like yours does. I just wanted to show you that I'm now a girl in every way. That detective will be by tomorrow. Lauren set it up. I'll get all new documents. She told me that I could use the same name, but I said no. I'll be using the name Sara." Then I changed into a skirt and blouse with my tennies, and mom came with me. She said that she had a right to see what he daughter looks like, so I undressed and showed her. She could see the tampon string so she knew that insertion was possible. Once I was dressed... "Are you having a period!? That's impossible!" "It wasn't supposed to happen so quickly, but Madelyn said it occasionally happens, and since all girls have their first period without any warning, that's what happened to me. I'll have them for about a year." "A year! But I thought this would only be a few months!" "I doubt that was ever an option mother. I was told maybe a year, possibly more." "But can you be yourself after a year?" "We'll find out I guess." The detective showed up the next day, I was wearing skinny jeans and a loose blouse. She went over every one of the documents from my new Birth certificate to school records, drivers license, credit cards and so on. She finally told me who the target is. "It's Bob Mar******. He has access to all the schools involved, he's single with no known kids, and he likes to be seen with beautiful girls your age. We are certain he is the guy. We have a very small device that will, if you can plug it it into his computer or phone, gather then transmit all the data we think we'll need to arrest him. The FBI developed it and has been used before. The best part is that if he accesses his computer with his phone the bug will migrate to his phone. The tricky part is getting you access to his computer or phone. You only have to plug it in. It takes about four seconds to load, so you don't need long. We will leak that bit about you being a computer expert and hope he will ask you to help. We are going to infect his computer and let you know how to debug it. That will be your in." "What if a guy in school hits on me?" That is not a what if, it's a when. You are free to date anyone you like. You are a normal high school girl in every way. Date who you like." I started high school when the term changed and blended right in although mixing with other girls was very new to me. They had their entire lives to learn how to be girls while I've had about four months. I also gained an admirer. His name is Ethan, and he is very big and even being a 'new' girl, I knew that he is very nice looking. I managed to get his attention and we went out for a slice a few times. I think he wants to kiss me, but so far, has not. And I heard many stories about how some of the girls had been spied on and how it made them feel dirty. A few of them will not even change in the locker room, but about a month later I was approached by the guy who is the target. He found out that I am really good on computers and asked me if I could set up a server for him. "I can do that! Where did you want the server to be?" "Oh! At my house of course, but I am very security conscious, so no clothing is allowed I'm afraid. That way I don't have to worry about anything except the server working." "Naked? You want me to set this up when I am naked!?" "It reduces the ability to hide things." "I'll need my tools, flashlights and pliers and so on, what about that?" "I will supply everything you need." "How do I know that I can trust you? You're not going to attack me are you?" "No my dear. I only want the server. I wouldn't think of being there! I'll give you parameters and you can tell me me what to buy, and maybe where if you know." "I'll think about it, but I'm absolutely not going to be naked! I'll wear my booty shorts and a loose tee with my white tennies. I have to wear rubber soled shoes because of static electricity. One good spark could eat the server. My booty shorts are so tight that I couldn't hide anything in them, and I'm not going to bare my breasts. Don't like that, then get someone else." "I guess I don't have a choice then. I'll think about it." Sleazy bastard thought I would fall for that 'I won't be there' bit. He'll be watching me from every angle with hidden cameras, but if he buys the server where I tell him, the bug will already be embedded. It would not take long, maybe three hours to set it up and give him the codes to access it. I talked to the cops about it before I told him I would do it. They told me where to buy the server. "Okay,"I told him, "but like I said, not totally naked. I'm not ready to display my girl to anyone. That's the deal. Take it or not." "I guess, but the panties have to be tight." "My booty shorts fit me perfectly. Now, what are the parameters." He handed me a sheet that had what he wanted to be able to do. "I'll have to check. Maybe two days, okay?" Sleazebag agreed, and I told the cops what and where I thought he could go to get the server. I also told them that I had to give him at least two options so he could pick. The would lessen the chance that he would think that I bugged him and they agreed to manage it. If they did their part and I set it up, then they would get their bug in place and I would be out of it. I wasn't really happy to be around him anyway, and I mean, he did ask me to do it naked! That was not going to happen. And I was going to ask Ethan to be there to make sure that sleazebag did not get anywhere close to me. Ethan is well over six foot tall and about 240 pounds. I seriously doubt he would try Ethan, unless he had a death wish. I gave him the list of places he could get the server and what I thought it would cost, then told him my boyfriend would be there with me. "No. No boys. Just you." "Get yourself another installer then. I don't trust a guy that insists that a young girl perform simple duties in his house but only while being naked. Ethan is my assurance that you will stay away from me. I'll do the set up and connectivity, but my way, not yours. Ethan stays with me. I do not think that you are stupid enough to try him. He'll tear you apart to protect me." "I see. I'll let you know." He was going to take the deal because he had to, his ego would not let him give up so easily. The prospect that he could get me naked was too strong a lure for him to give up. Two days later he called me and said that he had ordered the servers, deciding that two would be better. The way he sounded was like has had a plan. I mentioned it to Ethan, who grabbed me into his arms and kissed me, not a peck, but a full throated tongue down the throat swabbing that left me breathless. I knew right then that I was his, and he was mine. Sleazebag touches me and he'll have his ego crushed, and I think that Ethan would enjoy it. I showed up on the day he said, and quickly removed my jeans. Standing there in my very tight booty shorts made me feel dirty, especially the way he was looking at me. Like he wanted to lick his lips but wouldn't dare. I went to work right away and within a few hours I had both servers up and running. I gave him the code and created a link for accessing the servers. Ethan watched as I put my jeans back on, took my hand, and we left. "You look really hot in those shorts of yours." "You're a brute." "Yeah, but I'm your brute." "Sleazebag was not happy you were there." "The way he was looking at me I know that he was considering it, but I think common sense got to him and he didn't try me. I was half hoping he would. He was looking at you like a lion looks at a piece of raw meat. I would have liked that if he did try me." "What if I try?" "I don't think I'll stop you!" "Take me home Ethan, before you stop and rip my clothes off!" Sleazebag quickly used his phone to access the servers and transfer some pictures, then he sent links to all his friends, which became a treasure trove for the cops. I had thought that I would have to be stealthy to set the bug, but having the bug already in the server, and be untraceable, was way easier, only now I'm a girl, and I knew that I could not go back to being a guy. Not after Ethan and I became friends. The cops told me they would watch him for a long time, just to get everyone he is attached to and trading pictures with. Then they told me that pictures of me in those tight shorts were posted. I was furious, but they were elated because it was the first tangible proof that he was surreptitiously filming young girls. They also told me that Ethan and I might have to testify, which means that I will have to be a girl for a long time. Gee. I told mom what they told me, but she already knew that I like being a girl. She also knew that I wanted Ethan to take me. "I know that you are thrilled at being told you'll have to remain a girl, but you cannot let Ethan do what you both want to do! You are a good girl and until you are actually married, no fooling around!" She looked at me a bit, then... "Have you spoken to Lauren yet? She called and wants to see us." "I'll call her." She invited mom and I to stop by, so the next morning, wearing a nice skirt and blouse mom and I went to see her. She greeted us warmly, but as we joined her in her family room... "My brother was the executor of my estate, and has been for many years, but he recently had a heart attack and has passed on. I want to make you the executor and only heir to my estate. It's not a lot but enough, and my house is all paid for. I have already changed my will. Here is your copy. You are the very best girl I have ever trained, and I understand that you have a boyfriend now. That's good. All girls need a special boy. Just be a good girl." "Me!? But what about your family? Surely you have family." "I have an older sister, but when I began performing she and her family quit associating with me, even when I gained some notoriety. When I met Stanley and we began our lives together, my sister told me that she wanted nothing to do with me, or Stanley. She is over 80 now and might not outlive me, which is why I have chosen you. You have a big heart, you are very smart, and even though you had never faced a challenge like this one you quickly accepted it to help protect others. You are a caring and beautiful young lady Sara, and I have come to admire your willingness to succeed. I want to be cremated and my ashes placed with Stanley. I really miss him. " "I got the official notification a few days later, then Lauren died a month later. She had terminal cancer but had not said a word about it. I followed her wishes, the funereal attended by many who worked with her. I had turned 18 by then, and as Mom and I went through the house we found many pictures and a wardrobe of stunning gowns. I tried some of them on, and some of them fit! It took us about a month to remove things, sell some, then sell the house. I kept her car because it was newer than mine. Ethan helped a little but he had to work as well. Sleazebag was finally arrested by a swat team that quickly confiscated the servers, his phone and every computer in his house. They also found the list telling where he had installed each camera. I was called in to unlock the servers because I had set them up with what is known as a backdoor with my own password. I worked with their computer guys and we managed to break into his most private files. I saw a few, but they were disgusting and I left that to the experts. But just as they had planned it, nobody knew that I had set the bugs into the servers, until the trial started. I had assumed that with all the evidence he would roll over, but he stood firm, saying he had a right to watch young girls. During the trial I was called on to testify, which was very scary because I was not sure they did not know who I really was. But, it was never brought up. I went through every moment I was with him, his demands that I be naked and my refusal. Ethan also testified. The glare he gave us was something to see. He knew that he had been duped and had incriminated himself. All I did was help him do that. The police also removed around 300 cameras from various places, using the list he had. His fingerprints were on each of them. In the end he was sentenced to 263 years in Federal prison and Life times 36 in state courts. When the word got out that I was the one that set him up every girl in school wanted to hug me. So did Ethan. I wanted that too. He and were at Laurens house cleaning up for the sale when he told me he loved me. It was the first time he said that to me and I melted. When he kissed me I really wanted to do more but we could not. Not there. During my transition from boy to girl I had discovered my destiny. I am a young lady with the same hopes and dreams so many other girls have. A kind and gentle husband that adores me, a few kids to let the grandparents spoil and an opportunity to help my community. And I have Ethan, who is doing his best to secure his place in my heart, and he is winning. But common sense kicked in and we only enjoyed some spirited groping. Then I got the threat. It came via my email and sounded very specific, mentioning the pictures of me in my booty shorts, so I turned it over to the police. It took them about two days to determine that sleazebag managed to have a friend of his send the email. That got him even more time. I turned 19 and made arrangements to become complete, my mom was with me the whole time as was Ethan. After the healing time, which took a while, Ethan and I finally became one and were married a few months later. A baby may be in our future, but not now. We have to become settled in our new house. © 2023 The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.

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You Cant Hurry Love Chapter 9

With Dan’s freshly exploded cock still in Roxanna’s mouth, he moaned, “"Right now, I need to come in your sweet little pussy!" Roxanna remembered that Dan's big, hard, beautiful cock had never had a tight, hot, wet pussy lovingly wrapped around him. And she remembered her earlier resolve to make this night become the very night when Dan would surrender his forty year virginity. Surrender his virginity. to her! And, she remembered her resolve to happily, eagerly accept this most precious gift,...

Love Stories
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My day out in London

The following is a description of my day out in London on Monday 29 March 2011. Everything here really happened, I have made nothing up. For those of you waiting for further instalments to my stories, please be patient, I am working on them. Thank you to all of you who have left feedback to those stories. I have a blog, I plan to post some of the photographs that I took on Monday. Thank you, Sissy Graham. I went in to London catching the 06:48 train. I...

3 years ago
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Our Family Comes TogetherChapter 3

"Do you think I'm someone you might like one of those from?" I asked as I unbuttoned my blouse and opened it. "Do you mean like now?" "I mean like now, Jay," as I pulled open my blouse and reached around to loosen my bra which I then pulled up. "If you do, Jay, I think it might help if you take it out, even better, take your pants and briefs right off." "I can't quite believe all this is happening, Mom, you're sure about all this?" he asked as he began opening his...

4 years ago
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Adrian HunterChapter 2

It had been twelve years since I had been in this town. At that time Sis and I had been living with Dad and Mom on a little side street in West Brattleboro. Today, I had just come over Route 9 from Albany, NY. I was here for a purpose. When last here, we were breaking up our home and Dad said we couldn't take anything with us. Now I was in the state to look at the campus of the Vermont Law School. That was my purpose, but I remembered my childhood and the mother that my sister and I had...

3 years ago
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The Arranger

I placed the ad in an “affairs website”, feeling bored, uneasy, and unsatisfied at home. My husband tried his earnest best to satisfy me, and it was not unusual for me to come twice, three times, even more when he went down on me. He was a considerate lover, but I felt there was something missing. Looking back, it was a sense of adventure, even danger. I wanted something other than the safety, and the predictability of our marital bed. So I placed the ad. And I got the usual responses. Cock...

Group Sex
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After the party2

It had been three weeks since moving into their new house and so she had reluctantly agreed the football team could have its night at their place and enjoy the new bbq and pool. As the evening began she thought it was going well. The house looked fantastic, the decorator had done a fantastic job, and she was the centre of attention in the large kitchen area and most seemed to be taking advantage of the new pool. Jacqui had never had a lot to do with her husbands sports so knew very...

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Double Identity Ch 03

Shawna turned onto a tree-lined gravel drive that wound its way through a mature woods of oak, hickory and maple. A few hundred yards in, the woods opened up to reveal a yellow brick ranch-style house amid an immaculately landscaped yard. Shawna pressed a button on a remote and the garage door on the attached garage opened to reveal a neatly kept garage with space for her Camaro. Also in the garage was a Gator ATV. Shawna parked the car and we both got out. I stretched my legs as Shawna climbed...

2 years ago
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SRU The Welsh Rings

Hi, all. This is the first story I've ever done for SRU and I have to admit it's something of a surprise - I never thought I'd do one. I hope you all like it. Disclaimers: This story is mine, and don't you go saying otherwise (Except, of course, for Spells 'R Us...). I give permission to anyone with a free site to archive this (you could let me know, if you've got the time). If you think this is good enough to try to charge money for it, you'd better be willing to offer me (and...

2 years ago
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How I Raped My Mother and Got Away With It

This is how I raped my mother and got away with it. My parents married early in life, so she was just in her early mid-thirties. She was a natural redhead with fiery red hair and milky white complexion. She also had very nicely shaped full breasts. One day, I accidentally walked in on her as she was getting undressed. She had beautiful breasts with rather large areola and nipples that pointed just slightly upward and outward, yet were looking me right in the eye. She also had a full,...

3 years ago
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My Aunt is a Lesbian Part 3

Part 3I couldn’t believe how confident I had suddenly become. I stepped away from her, and quite deliberately reached behind, and unfastened my bra, letting it drop to the floor and showing her my breasts, my nipples erect with lust and desire. For a moment, I squeezed and kneaded one breast and nipple, never taking my eyes from hers, then I reached down and equally deliberately, I slipped my knickers down over my legs, and down to the floor, and stood completely naked in front of her. I could...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Sister In Law

By : Vibhoreanu Hi, I am Vibhore. I am 36 years old and have been married since last 10 years. I am 5 ft and 4 inch in height and a little fatty not athletic or handsome man. My wife is just simple and does not look like any actress or model. But we had a very satisfying sex life throughout last 10 years and we us to do sex daily night and sometimes twice in the night and use to do all the crazy things to maintain our sex life. We both are sex maniac and on the other hand I am very healthy...

4 years ago
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It Isnt Time Travel

It is a spring evening in 2000.  I am twenty-two years old.We sit across from one another in a restaurant booth.  Meg’s black hair comes just past her chin.  It’s the shortest it’s been since high school.  She’s wearing a white salwar kameez with a green pattern.  Her style is always evolving.   In high school, she was thrift shop chic.  In college she became preppy.  She used to hate traditional clothing.It’s the first time we’ve been face-to-face in years.I am leaving in a few weeks.  After...

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ShockwaveChapter 17

On the day of the first test flight, Carlton wanted to run through his preflight inspection from inside the pilot’s capsule – one more time. The capsule itself is attached to the aircraft, with an ejection device in place for bailout in extreme emergencies. The capsule is also equipped with a self-detonating parachute which will automatically deploy if and when the pilot capsule is ejected free of the aircraft. To enter the capsule, the pilot simply lies face down behind the aircraft,...

3 years ago
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Seit etwa einem halben Jahr lebe ich nun getrennt von meinem Mann, dem Vater meines Sohnes. Ich hatte ihn damals mit meiner "besten" Freundin erwischt. Kurz danach ist er zu ihr gezogen. Da er gut verdiente brauchte ich mir früher nie Gedanken bezüglich Arbeit zu machen und war deshalb nur für ein paar Stunden angestellt. Doch diese Stelle verlor ich kurz darauf. Nun hatte ich Angst, dass ich finanziell abstürzen würde, doch zumindest hierin hat mein "Ex" die Zusicherung gegeben vorerst weiter...

4 years ago
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You Wanted To Know What It Was Like To Be A Man

YOU WANTED TO KNOW... By Mr 20 Inch Biceps "You wanted to know what it was like to be a man; right?" the bodyless male voice said in my dream. "So be it!" I felt myself, my very consciousness collapse; everything in my dream went black. At least I thought it was a dream! "Hey wake up sleepy head; it's almost nine a.m. and you promised to take me to the Farmer's Market!" My eyes opened with a start and tried to focus. Who the hell was that? I didn't recognize the woman's...

3 years ago
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A Ride in My New Car

“It’s all yours,” the car salesman smiled as he flipped him the keys. Leaning into the window the salesman watched Bo grinning in the driver’s seat, ready to roll off the lot, straight over to the one person with whom he wanted to share the realization of his dream: Arielle. “You’re not going to believe it,” Bo practically yelled into his phone. “It’s exactly the car I wanted, down to the colors, options – everything!” Arielle knew how much he’d wanted that car. She was genuinely happy for...

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Mike and Kim

Mike and Kim A “Wittol” is a Confident Cuckold who embraces, shares and will assist.Pure Fantasy inspired by one of my contacts! Hot Wife, Flashing, Upskirts, Exhibition, Mature and Young, Cuckold, Wittol Kim sat glancing young Erik her assistant. He had been permanently hired after his excellent temporary help. She enjoyed the feel of his eyes and the constant innocent blush when she caught him viewing her. Eric was lost in his thoughts, eyes locked on her. It was nearing their lunch hour...

2 years ago
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Annie Third Times the Charm

The third time Annie was contacted to show up for a filming with the porn company that she'd been doing scenes for, she determined that she would give her role even more effort than she had the first two. She even mentioned that to the production person who contacted her and told her where and when to show up. Annie laughed when the person on the other end of the phone asked if she was still pregnant, and Annie assured him that she sure was -- and was only about 3 weeks more pregnant than she...

3 years ago
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TRC Oni and the Farmer Ch 9 Male x Monster Girl

Kal’s mother would look on with bemusement every time he packed his night bag and made ready for his overnight stays. One day she walked in as he was packing one of the runed leather vambraces made with ink from Aradelle’s nectar.  “What’s that Kal?” she asked. Kal jumped, having not heard her walk in, “Um… it’s something Ikuno gave me,” he said quickly stuffing it into his pack. Kal’s mother calmly held out her hand. With a sigh, Kal produced the leather strip and handed it to his...

3 years ago
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Behen Bhai Ka Bachpan Ka Pyaar

Yeh kahani tab ki hai jab mai bout chota tha aur sex jaisi bate mere lie nayi thi. Aur mai us age mai kuch nhi janta tha. Mujhe is sex ki shandar dunia mai lai meri cousin sister yeh tab ki baat hai jab hum itne chote the ki aap umeed bhi nhi kar sakte. Waise to mai aur meri cousin bout close the but kabhi ek doosre ke bare mai aesa kuch nhi socha tha to yeh tab hua jab ek bar mai aur meri behen ek saath chupam chupai(hide and seek) khel rhe the aur kisi aur ki chance thi dhundne ki to mai aur...

3 years ago
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Mandys New Pills 2

Ed was too polite to tell his neighbor, Wendy, to fuck off so he reluctantly stopped He knew what her gripe was going to be. “Ed, I wanted to talk to you about the hedge along our yards. It hasn’t been trimmed in months and it’s becoming unsightly. Can you please take care of it before I have to notified the HOA?” Ed did his best to stay positive, and he knew she was blowing smoke up his ass. She was the VP of the HOA and so who was she really going to report it to. Still he wanted to be...

4 years ago
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Yvonne after SteveThe Plumber the Rugby Team

Yvonne replied "If you'll have me that long." Steve smiled and said "Back to bed with you before you change your mind." Her reply was flippant, "What's wrong with the kitchen table?" She stood up then sat on the table and leaned back on her elbows allowing Steve's shirt to fall open exposing her breasts. Steve stood and grabbed the waist of her panties and pulled them off. Just as he was about to plunge his cock into her wet, waiting pussy he said "Do you mind if I ask you a...

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Puddin Always Gets Lucky

It was just after 4:00 p.m. on an early Autumn Saturday afternoon. A silver 20165 Toyota Camry darted into the parking lot of the parking lot of the Lampshade Inn. The driver brought the car to rest under the portico covering the front entrance. Patrick ‘Puddin’ Glover stepped out of the vehicle and walked into the hotel lobby.“May I help you,” inquired an aging Pakistani man.“I have a reservation for Glover,” replied Puddin producing his license and credit card.The clerk scanned the items...

1 year ago
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Saving My Marriage part 2

****** As I made my way back up to our beach towels, my wife Amy was pulling up the bright blue board shorts over her hips. While I was a little sad to see the sexy bikini bottoms get covered up, the way the slightly damp board shorts clung to her hips and ass was definitely a nice sight to see. I grabbed my towel and began to brush the sand off of the rented surf board as Amy packed up her things. "How about you run your board back to the shop. I will run over and get us a table at...

3 years ago
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The Lady Girl Club part 4

Enjoyed my day off with Bonnie, but now time to get back to work. The girls told me that Friday is out of control, full of sex and even an orgy, all of our staff fucked or got fucked by someone, but we doubled our receipts from last Friday. My club is wild and out of control sometimes but I don't have a problem with d**gs, can't tell you the last time I had a fight and all of my customers leave happy. Saturday is our wildest theme night of the week, it is sheer night people are encouraged to...

4 years ago
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My surprise weekend away part 7

Tom just nodded his approval and as he was closing the door, he told me to enjoy myself, and that he would come back in a short while, I climbed off the bed and hugged him tight while thanking him for being so understanding.As soon as Tom left the bedroom I climbed back onto the bed and had my mouth round Marks cock in seconds, he really was a long stayer, his cock was already on the rise as I slipped my lips around his cock!I felt his hand stroking my thighs as I sucked on his increasingly...

3 years ago
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stupid does as stupid feels what a knucklehead

hey, it's me again, 'mr.-boring-but-safe', & not a cock-sucking, &/or balls-licking homo, hah-hah, heh-heh,, hah-hah, heh-heh, … & now that I myself have got that being of the introduction, &/or preliminaries out of the way for this Friday of the weekend being as it is something like the last of the second month within that being of the new calendar year after the old one had ended for that being of two-thousand, & eighteen, or twenty-eighteen, or what...

4 years ago
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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 12

Sara, Sean, and I had been sitting in the cottage worried about how Annie was doing with her exam. We all felt it when she used the spell the 'Book of Dreams' had taught us, and when she activated her rings to suspend the Panel in the air. We were therefore prepared when she called us and already had our swords in our hands. We instantly spoke the spell to join her. On arriving and drawing our swords, I noticed that the blades were no longer silver in color. Instead they ran with golden...

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Sharing my wife0

About 8yrs ago, diabetes hit me and over the next couple of years it caused me to have ED, Over the next couple of years it became harder and harder to get erect. I finally reached the point that I couldn’t get hard no matter what was tried.. We did oral and manual sex with each other. That eventually reached a point where my wife said that she wasn't really being satisfied even thou she had orgasms. We discussed it for a time and I said that just because I couldn’t have...

2 years ago
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Charlotte part 3

EIGHT MONTHS LATER A gentle knock on my door wakes me from my slumber. With bleary eyes, I stare over at my alarm clock- 8:05am. "I'm good, thanks," I yell through the door. Getting up before 10am on a cold December Sunday morning? I don't think so. "Okay," Charlotte replies, leaving me in peace. I roll onto my back and stare at the ceiling for a bit before swinging my soft, hairless legs out of bed and padding over to my bathroom. I stare at my cute reflection in the mirror and...

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Feeding My Devar And His Friend Part 3Breastmilk

Hi, this is Anitha again. In the previous two parts, I had explained how my brother-in-law and his friends Vimal and Ramesh had sucked milk from me. In this part, I’m going to narrate the actions that took place later. After that weird Saturday night, it was hard for me to sleep. The next day both me and Ramesh acted as though nothing happened the previous night. And at night they left. Days passed by and I completely forgot about that incident. One day I left my baby boy with the neighbors and...

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The Prince Goes to Market

5Prince Jaseth, Bina and an assitant butler sat in an elegantly decorated small auction room. Jaseth was just getting fed up with waiting when a side door opend and an absolutely gorgeouse High Elf woman came in wearing only a golden slave collar."Pardon me Your Highness.""Yes." Jaseth said obviousely anoyed.She gave him a dazling smile. "My Master sends his apology for the delay. Organizing the display is taking much longer than he expected. While you wait, would you care for some...

1 year ago
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AssParade Abella Danger Abella Dangers Anal Afternoon

You know her. You love her. Abella Danger is back, but this time she’s going anal. Abella has a great body, especially her amazing ass. In today’s update you’ll see her showing off and shaking her ass in all of it’s glory. She gets her all natural ass tongue fucked and fingered. Then she gets down to some serious sloppy throat fucking. She does get her beautiful pussy pounded for a bit, but this video is all about the anal. Abella loves getting fucked, especially in her tight ass, and you can...

2 years ago
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A View from the Alley

The summer after college graduation, I got a rather mindless job, staffing a stockroom at the University biology labs.  For a couple of months, it was such a nice change of pace: working 8:30 to 4:30 each day handing out supplies, delivering the mail, applying postage to the outgoing packages, etc.  At the end of my shift, I would cycle back to the 100 year old house in which I was sharing a three bedroom basement sublet with 3 other students: Robby, Mike, and Laura.  To be honest, we hardly...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 39 What do YOU think

December 8, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Abbie!” Matthew exclaimed and launched himself into her arms. “Hey!” she laughed, hugging him tightly. “How’s my buddy?” “Great!” he replied, taking her hand and leading her into the house. “I guess I’m chopped liver!” Jason said with a grin. “Nah,” I said, shaking his hand. “We all love you. Matthew just has a special thing with Abbie. The girls are looking forward to seeing Kristina. Why don’t you bring her into the sunroom? I take it you’re all...

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Jenny Ch 08

This is the final chapter in my re-post of Jenny, a story written over two years ago when I was just starting. I have edited it to improve the punctuation, grammar and, I hope, the readability. * Jenny and Ingrid were enjoying the last minutes of their ‘girls’ night out’ as they sat in Ingrid’s great room and enjoyed a glass of wine. Jenny had told Ingrid of her desire for to become pregnant and she and Tom were hoping they would know soon. She had also shared her concerns over Tom’s...

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Festival Concert With Kelly

It was June of 1991. Not too far from where we lived there was a big annual weekend festival with free concerts. Kelly found out that the headlining act for Saturday night was one of her favorite heavy metal ‘hair’ bands from the 1980s.We arrived early afternoon, enjoyed the beach, ate some festival food, and did some people-watching. Around dinner time we entered the large sandy field which served as the concert venue. We staked out a spot about halfway back, between the stage in front and the...

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Center Piece

Autumn looked out the window into the season that was her namesake, twirled a finger through a curl in her long brunette hair, and sighed. The final leaves falling from the maple tree after a strong gust of wind reminded her of the last few months of her life, as piece after piece of it had crashed to earth. First, her boyfriend of two years had lost interest in sex and grown distant. Her hormones had decided to go into overdrive at almost the exact same time, making it doubly torturous. After...

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Dinner Was Great

Dinner was great. The wine was wonderful. The company was exceptional. I'd known Dave for years. We were both amateur radio nuts, and used each other for regular Morse code practice, but until tonight we'd never met. My company had sent me out of town for work, and I was able to arrange an extra night away. Dave insisted I stay at his house. I had to admit to some curiosity, and accepted without thinking about it too much. Dave was ten years older than me. I knew this quite accurately,...

3 years ago
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Giving brother what he need

It had been a few days since l had given my brother the blow job he had needed and nothing had been said between us, l even wondered if he could actually remember as he was drunk at the time. It was now the weekend, Friday night and everyone had gone out except me. Dad had gone away for the weekend and my brothers and sister were out on the town, l didn’t feel like going out, just to settle down, watch a film with a bottle of wine in my dressing gown. I looked through the videos to see what...

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Making Love To A Mother

All I thought about as I drove was your tall body, fair skin, and gorgeous legs. You had legs that started with beautiful ankles and just rose in perfect proportion guiding the eye and attention upward. Just the thought of your body excited me beyond measure.When I walked in the room you were on the couch, naked. You had apparently just finished nursing. Your head was thrown back, eyes closed, letting little sounds escape with your hand laying between your thighs. Your hand moved slowly but...

4 years ago
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Heather Part 3

My teenage daughter, who made a pornographic video for me last night, was on her way home to perform in front of the camera again tonight. She had known the webcam I installed to watch the baby had fallen, changing it's view from the crib, to directly capture the activity from her bed. Instead of being upset about it, Heather enjoyed knowing I was watching her masturbate.I hurried to the kitchen to refill my glass of bourbon, then decided to just take the whole damn bottle to my bedroom. I knew...

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This is a story about how my young Hispanic Wife and I got absolutely drawn into the web of Witchy Womans Demonic and Satanic cult rituals:: WARNING:: These events are far reaching into absolute Satanic Demons summoned up to fuck my young tiny wife:: Potions of all kinds are involved and may be to much for some of you readers to grasp the horrible outcomes of reading and even trying to use such:: There is no other way to describe the vast stories of my...

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Working Away

Working Away By RopeBinder Part I…Lunch It was a busy week, a busy workweek, yet he'd set time aside to meet her.Now back at his office, a million things to do, he sat, thinking...daydreaming.He should have been concentrating on something else, but his attention wavered.Images flashed before him, her smile when they first met, black knee-highsgripping her lower thighs, her expression as he playfully grabbed a chunk ofher hair. It was no use. He worked halfheartedly. Their time had been...

4 years ago
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Depravity Road

Cat-like eyes of yellow fire bore into me, as I stared down at the pale, almost translucent figure on her knees before me. It was a deathly face that stared back; one that knew my darkest secrets and my living torment, one that enticed and repulsed in equal measure. Each time was the same, but the knowing only served to heighten my fear: her blood red lips would part to reveal an abyss, a road straight to hell, framed with razor teeth. Then would come the banshee howl, and the lunge, as I stood...


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