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She swam the Pacific Ocean day after day just to look at him. He was tall, lean, with broad shoulders, short brown hair, big blue eyes, sun kissed skin and a killer smile that displayed perfect teeth.

She watched him in the morning and sometimes around the time the sun was fading into the clouds. She should have hungered for him but she didn't. Well ... she did in a way but not in the fill her belly up kind of way. She hungered for him in a way a woman of her species should never crave a human being. But there was something about him...

Lost in her own thoughts, she felt the creature behind her moving towards her a million miles an hour. She was glad she'd learn to swim faster than him. His sharp teeth were coming right towards her. She splashed in the water and swam away from the ferocious creature.

She swam towards her little island which she often used to get away from him. He'd been after her ever since ... well she didn't want to get into that. All she could explain is that he was mean and vengeful. He wanted to eat her up and kill her. Never, she vowed would she ever let him get to her.

She waddled onto the island and sure enough the creature poked his ugly head out of the water. She snarled looking him right in his fishy eyes. The creature could only take so much time out of water. He sunk down and she watched his fin float away. A wicked grin formed her lips when she realized her victory over the other sea life. She could actually be above water longer than any of them. She'd seen her fellow sea creatures flop violently on land as they struggled to breath. Not her. She was stronger than the rest.

She flapped her fish tail on the sandy floor. Her hair had gotten longer. It was a mess of knotted dark curls. She saw her breasts had grown bigger. They felt heavier. She slid her hand down her big breasts and examined the color of her areolas, a soft brown color and her nipples, size of a thimble, the color of dark coffee. Her skin, a milky smooth glowing radiance.

She lay on the sand and let the cold wind brush her naked skin. She hummed a song or something of a tune she would hear the humans hum. Something about sunshine, my only sunshine. She didn't know the words but knew the tune. She heard words but couldn't speak them.

Her tummy started to rumble. She sat up and from miles away; she could see a couple of humans in the water. She licked her big lips and felt her teeth get sharp. She plunged into the water and swam fiercely. Her need had grown each day. Seems like the humans weren't sharing the water with her as much ever since she went on frenzy one day and had a feast. But what were these humans doing here now? What was it they were floating on? It wasn't a device like her human love interest. It was something bigger.

Her fish tail flapped slapping the water to the side as she got closer to her need. She heard the voices get louder as she approached. She climbed up for air and saw the human's faces go blank. It was two of them. None looked liked her human love interest.

One had gray hair and scared green eyes. The other had no hair on his head but had hair on his chin. He smirked slyly like the wicked creature that stalked her in the waters. The human's teeth were yellow and he smelled like smoke.

"Hey look what we got here Billy..."

She raised herself above water giving the creatures a good look at her breasts.

The gray hair human spit out the liquid he was drinking. "Holy shit! Look at those!"

The human with no hair licked his lips. "You are one ugly girl but fuck, look at those tits!" His eyes widened to the size of saucers.

She didn't comprehend what they were speaking of. She just felt her tummy growl louder than the ocean's waves.

"What the fuck was that?" The gray hair human asked his friend.

"I don't know, but I like what I'm seeing!"

She ran her tongue on her teeth and felt the sharpness.

She hummed sweetly and smiled not showing her teeth. The men got closer to the water. She easily pushed the plateau that the humans were on with her strong fish tail. It tipped over sending the men into the cold water.

"Shit! I can't swim!" The human with no hair yelled. His gurgles only excited her more!

"Hold on Jimmy, I'm coming," the gray hair human assured. She grumbled angrily and saw the gray hair man open his mouth to scream. Before he could even get a sound out, she had bitten into his neck hard. The taste of copper filled her mouth. She licked the dark red liquid that squirted from his neck. Her long tongue lapped up the warm liquid.

The gray haired human waved his arms frantically while his friend splashed in the water desperately trying to keep his face above water. She wanted the hairless human to struggle while she finished his friend. He would easily sink down to the ocean while she finished feeding on his friend. Then, he would be dessert waiting for her.

She continued to chomp down on the man's neck, then onto his face. His skin was rough but tasted good. His blood wasn't the tastiest but it was edible! She hadn't had a good meal since the young humans she ate the week before.

She slid down and sank her teeth into the gray haired human's belly tearing it open and sucked on the strings that dangled out. As she bit into them, she saw the fin again. She pushed the human aside and cursed silently.

The other human was still struggling to keep his head above water. He was crying loudly begging for some type of aid. She narrowed her eyes at the fin. The creature raised his big head from the water and exposed his sharp teeth. The man saw the creature and screamed louder.

"Help! Help! Please! Someone!" He called out.

She scowled at the creature and dove into the water and sped away as she always did. She swam back to her island and watched as the creature miraculously pushed the plateau back to the way it was and saw the man with no hair climbing it. Even from far away, she could hear him coughing and screaming.

She heard a loud noise and realized the human with no hair was quickly leaving the waters on the plateau. She felt her jaw clench. This pesky sea creature would never let her have peace. He didn't eat the human just to piss her off! She licked her lips and tasted the faint taste of the gray haired human's blood. She was left hungry and very angry.

The smell of the salty sea, the sound of the roaring waves, the warm California sun beating down on him, Elton couldn't imagine a more ideal day to go surfing. He'd waxed his surfboard and walked towards the icy water. He shivered as his feet touched the blue sea.

Elton dove right in with his surf board taking control of the thunderous waves. He climbed on his board and walked on water in his own way. Elton felt free surfing. The blue waters splatter all over his legs. He smiled knowing he had the whole day to surf.

The wind guided him to the direction of the big long waves. He stood firmly and then bent slightly as he rode on a huge wave. He fell into the water and held on to his board. He laughed and climbed back on his board. If only life could be as perfect as surfing he thought.

Elton had always loved the water. Ever since he was a small child ... a child in his parents pool ... holding his breath underwater...


He heard a faint voice calling him. He squinted and looked towards the land. He smiled. There she was hopping around like a little frog and waving her arms.

Elton paddled the water with his hands and once he caught a good wave, he surfed towards the land. She rushed over to him and giggled. Putting her arms around him warming him up. He shivered from the cold.

"Hey I didn't mean to interrupt," she apologized.

He held her tight. He knew he was getting her soaked but didn't care. He hadn't seen her in over two weeks because she'd decided to make something of her life and go to college three hours away.

"Your cousin told me you'd be out here."

He held her tight. "I'm glad you're here."

She pulled away slightly to look him in the eyes. Her soft brown eyes radiated under the warm sun. Her golden hair was shorter, just under her ears and swayed with the wind.

"You look beautiful," he said and leaned down to kiss her.

Brandy was her name. He'd known her since they were kids but didn't become romantically in love until the summer after graduation.

"You need to be careful out here. Haven't you heard about those killings?" She asked as she fingered his sharks tooth necklace she'd bought him many years ago. Her eyes were filled with concern.

He stroked her cheek with his hand. "I don't believe those rumors. This man said a mermaid killed his friend? What a crock! There are no such things as mermaids you know that."

She bit her lower lip. "I don't know babe. I mean his friend was found and was pretty mangled up. He died you know."

"Yeah and then he went on to tell the police that a shark saved him. What a loony bin!"

She laughed. "It did sound a bit ridiculous."

"Yeah of course! I mean the dude probably threw his friend off the boat and a shark got to him. The police are still questioning him you know. They might put him away with the crazies."

She got serious. "Well, what about the other people that have died? You don't think they were killed by a mermaid? The forensics said that the teeth marks looked somewhat human. It's really scary babe."

He rubbed the sides of her shoulders. "Don't worry about me honey. I'm part fish remember?"

She nodded. She remembered he was captain of the school's swim team. He was a hell of a swimmer!

"Just be careful." Her eyes scanned the beach. "There's no one out here after all those reports. Why do you have to be the only brave soul out here?" She teased.

Elton pulled her closer to him. "Let's not rehash all of this ok? I just want to be with you now." He softly kissed her soft lips.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you Elton, you know that?"

"I love you Brady. More than life itself."

"So are you going back to the water or you want to go back to your place and..." she blushed... "you know."

He leered evilly. "You mean fuck?"

She gently pushed him. "Make love would be better, jerk."

He laughed and pulled her towards him again. "That's what I meant. It's just that you're so..." his eyes scanned her body. She wore a short blue jean skirt with flip flops and a tight top that gave him good look at her small cleavage. She wore no jewelry except her black opal ring on her left middle finger hand. A gift that Elton had given her for her birthday. "so ... hot."

She sighed. "Ok whatever you say. Make love, fuck, do the hokey pokey. I just want to be with you."

Elton kissed her hard and long. Their tongues pressed against each others until Elton broke their kiss. They both took a long deep breath.

"Let me get my board. Follow me up to my place ok baby?"

She nodded and the two young lovers walked the sandy beach happy to be with each other.

She, on the other hand watched from afar. Something was hurting her. It wasn't her tummy. It was her heart.

Elton buried his face in her neck and kissed her softly. Brandy stirred and opened her eyes. It'd been two or three hours after they'd made love and Elton was ready for more. He loved the way she smelled like roses.

"Hey you," she said sleepily.

"Mmm hello there. You sleep well?"

She giggled. "I sure did. I needed that. I've been staying up late studying so much that I needed a good nap."

"And a good fuck," Elton added crassly.

She groaned. "Elton, don't be a jerk."

He held her closer to him. "I just love you so much that I tend to get nasty with my words. Sorry."

She turned to face him. She kissed his nose. "You can be a bad boy. I think that's why I fell totally and helplessly in love with you."

She touched his face and studied his eyes. "You ok?"

He pressed his forehead against hers. "I just miss you. Did you have to go to school so far away?"

She sighed. "I didn't, but that's where my scholarship was. I'm sorry. I can always transfer next year."

He ran his fingers through her silky short hair. "No. Don't do that for a jerk like me. I just miss you when you're gone."

She kissed his lips gently. "I miss you too, but remember we can make this work. You can visit me and I can visit you every other week and we'll make it work. I want to make it work."

He stroked her hair and then her face. "I kNOW we'll make it work."

She snuggled up with him. He lived near the beach sharing an apartment with his cousin James. She could faintly hear the waves and the seagulls. She wanted to be with him everyday of her life. She didn't tell him that of course. She only hoped he wanted the same thing.

"Ok so instead of staying in and bumping and grinding, we're going to the beach with James and his new flavor of the month?" Brandy asked.

Elton's mouth flew open. "Did you just say bumping and grinding?"

Brandy laughed. "Maybe I did. I want you."

Elton laughed. "Ok that was just ... unexpected."

Brandy smiled shyly. "Is that so bad?"

"Not bad at all, but I had already promised James we'd all go build a bonfire and sit around telling stories."

Brandy glared at him. "You're not going to be sitting around are you? You're going to go surfing. I know you love to surf at night."

"It won't be night time when I'll surf. It'll be sunset. So it's not going to be dark," Elton said defensively.

Brandy crossed her arms and pouted her lips. "Ok I guess. But promise me we'll be back early so you and I can have some alone time before I leave back to school tomorrow afternoon."

Elton put his hands on her shoulders and kissed her. "I promise. I'll make it worth it too." He assured and ran his hands slowly from her shoulders to her breasts over her bikini top.

Brandy turned red. "I'm going to hold you to that promise Elton."

It was early evening time when they arrived at the beach. Only a few locals remained. Brandy spread out her beach towel. She put on a long sweater over her bikini top and covered her legs with the extra blanket she brought.

The guys set up a bonfire and James' new girlfriend Lily, brought marshmallows, chocolate and graham cracker cookies to make s'mores. Brandy found Lily to be nicer than James' other girlfriends. She was actually smart and could carry a conversation.

The guy readied their surfboards. The girls sat around and relaxed. Lily wore a short sweater and short shorts. She was shivering. Brandy felt reluctant at first but offered her some blanket space.

"We're going out to the water for a little while ok? I promise to be back as soon as I can," Elton leaned in and whispered into Brandy's ear.

"Ok honey. Please be careful."

After the men went out to surf, Brandy and Lily talked about school and the men in their lives.

"So how long have you and Elton been together?" Lily asked while eating one of her s'mores.

"Hmm about six months now."

"That's not too long."

"Yeah, but I've known him forever, so I like to count the other years I've known him," Brandy replied.

Lily giggled. "Well that's really cute. I've only known James for a two months and he's already driving me crazy."

Brandy laughed. "I'm crazy about Elton," she admitted openly.

Lily looked towards the water where the men happily surfed. "I like James, but it's too early to determine if I'm crazy about him. Do you want to marry Elton?"

Her question was too direct. "Um ... I-I."

Lily raised a brow. "I'm sure you've thought of it."

Brandy looked over at Elton surfing. He rode the waves like a pro. "Ok, honestly, I have. A lot."

"I knew it. Elton is really into you, you know that?"

Brandy was taken back. "Why do you say that?"

Lily shrugged. "Because I see the way he looks at you. You know James and I took him out last week to this pool hall, and he never once looked at any other girl. And it's not like the girls were nasty looking, they were hot, and no I'm not gay, but I figured he'd at least look and he never did."

Brandy beamed. "Really?"

"Yup. He's totally into you."

Brandy's heart fluttered.

An hour later, the men rushed back. Elton was soaking wet and never looked hotter. He was shivering though.

"Come in here with us," Brandy offered.

"Hey, you're going to be in the blanket with two hot chicks? I don't think so. Give me some room," James chimed in.

They all laughed and huddled underneath the warm blanket.

"Brrr freaking cold out there but the water is awesome!" Elton exclaimed.

"You want to go home?" Brandy whispered in his ear.

"Let's go for a swim!" Lily suddenly shouted out before Elton could respond to Brandy.

James and Lily ran over to the water. Elton eyed Brandy. "You coming?"

Brandy sighed. "I suppose. Just a quick dip in the water and then we'll go, promise?"

Elton nodded.

The four hit the icy water. Brandy gasped as soon as the water engulfed her. "Holy shit! Fuck this is cold!"

Elton rushed over and put his arms around her. Even in the cold water his body felt warm and comforting. "Better?" He asked.

Lily whispered something to James and James laughed.

"What's so funny?" Brandy asked puzzled.

"Elton, this girl thinks you're the one. She is crazy about you and I know you're crazy about her. You think you two will get married?"

Brandy felt her heart racing as she waited for Elton's answer.

"Married? I'm only 20 years old! How can you expect me to even THINK about marriage? Silly."

Then everything got quiet. Brandy floated away from Elton. Lily cleared her throat. "I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

"Come on Lily. Let's give them some privacy," James said and the two swam away from the couple.

Brandy felt tears streaming down her face.

Elton felt like an asshole. He swam towards her. He put his hands on her tiny shoulders but she flinched and moved away.

"Hey I'm sorry." He began apologetically.

"Just forget about it Elton," Brandy sobbed.

"You really want to be with me forever? I mean we're so young to even think about that right?" He wasn't so sure himself now.

"Yeah, if you say so," Brandy moved away from him more.

"Brandy, please talk to me. I didn't know you thought of me that way."

Brandy finally turned to face him. "How else would I think of you as? You think I just say to myself that you're a phase and I'll probably meet someone else? Do you know that I don't even THINK about any other guy but you? Do you know that I love you with all my heart? Do you know that I want to be with you everyday and it hurts like hell when I can't?"

Elton clenched his jaw. "I'm sorry Brandy. I'm an asshole." He moved towards her and was surprised when she let him hold her.

She sobbed softly in his arms. He began to warm her up again. "I'm glad I got all of that off my chest. I'm glad you know how I feel about you."

Elton kissed her forehead. "I'm glad I know. It feels so good to know how much I'm loved by you. I'm such a fool, Brandy. I promise I won't let you slip away. I've got a good thing, the best thing ever and I'm not letting you get away. I love you."

Brandy hugged him. "I didn't mean to overreact. I can see your point of view of not thinking about marriage. Just knowing you love me is enough ... for now."

"Aww look at them." Lily squealed.

They both broke their embrace and looked at Lily and James. "Aww yeah ... so cute," James mocked.

"Shut up. You two go mind your own business," Elton joked.

The foursome continued swimming out on the cold water. They splashed around laughing and joking. Elton felt his life was perfect. Brandy came around and started kissing him. They kissed in the water. It was so romantic kissing in the beautiful water underneath the moonlight.

Lost in their kiss, Elton and Brandy heard everything get quiet. Brandy hesitantly pulled away from Elton's sweet kiss. "Where's your cousin and Lily?"

The two scanned the beach and the other couple was nowhere to be found.

They hadn't realized but the beach was completely deserted now. Only the flames of their bonfire could be seen.

"They were just here," Elton stated. "James! Lily!" He yelled out.

Silence. Only the rough waves could be heard.

"Lily! James!" Brandy helped Elton calling out the couple.

Elton dove underwater and tried his hardest to see with the only help of the moon's light. He dove back up. "I don't see them." He cursed. "Lily! James! Come on guys! Answer us! Lily! James!"


Brandy began to panic. "Sweetie, what if-"Brandy was suddenly pulled underneath water.

"Brandy!" Elton shouted.

Brandy's arms waved above the water. Elton dove underwater and saw Brandy's legs kicking as she was being dragged away by something ... someone. Elton swam as fast as he could and grabbed a hold of Brandy's ankle. He was being pulled along with her! He could feel her trying to escape but it was no use. This creature that was dragging her was powerful. Elton could only see a fish tail. A big fish tail. It was no shark. It was something else. He couldn't feel Brandy move anymore. He still refused to let her go. It wasn't until the creature gave Brandy a strong tug that separated Elton from Brandy.

Elton raised himself above the water and gasped for air. "Brandy!" He bawled louder than he ever had in his life. "Brandy!" Tears rolled down his eyes. He cried in the cold water for a long time. He swam back to shore, traumatized and alone. His cousin was gone, his cousin's girlfriend was gone and now the love of his life was gone. What did he have to live for? He reached the sand and let his body fall. He cried uncontrollably, like a man who had lost everything he ever loved.

"So it wasn't a shark? What was it?" The police officer asked a shocked Elton. He sat at the police station with Brandy's blanket wrapped around his shivering body. He hadn't even had time to put on a shirt. He only wore his wet board shorts.

"I don't know what it was. It wasn't a shark. It was something else," Elton murmured.

"Don't tell me ... a mermaid," the one tall cop said mockingly.

Elton glared at him. "I said I don't fucking know what it was!" Elton snapped.

"Ok, ok buddy, no need to be rude," the red headed officer said calmly.

"Will you two quit interrogating me and go and find them!" Elton shrieked.

"We got some men working on that right now," the red head cop assured. He offered Elton some coffee which Elton refused.

"Just wait here young man," with that, the two officers left him in an office. Elton sobbed. Maybe they'd find Brandy, James and Lily and they'd all be ok. Maybe a strong tide pulled them into the ocean? Who was he kidding! There was something in that water. Why didn't it take him too and let him be with his loved ones?

She coughed up the ocean's water. She began to shiver from the cold California night's wind. The rough sand stabbed her skin. She moaned. Her eyes fluttered opened. The moon's light shined on her face.

"Oww," she said when she tried to move. Her entire body hurt. The roar of the ocean's wave and the soft wind was all she could hear until she heard a slurping kind of sound.

She quickly sat up with pain and all and spotted a long haired creature, a woman sitting at the edge of sand. Brandy looked around and realized she was on an island. Very small island.

"Hello?" Brandy called out softly.

The woman raised her head but didn't turn around.

"Um ... who are you? Do you know where we're at?"

The woman said nothing.

Brandy struggled to sit upright. "I'm Brandy. Who are you?" She said trying to engage with the woman.

The woman was breathing loudly.

"You ok?" Brandy asked desperately searching for the woman's face.

The woman slowly turned to face Brandy. When she did, she had an eyeball between her teeth as she flashed Brandy a smile. Brandy began to shake and screamed when she saw the woman was holding James' head in hear hand. His face was gone and now she was chewing on his eyeball. She swallowed it easily and began to crawl ... no, began to waddle! Holy fuck!

Brandy yelled at the top of her lungs. "Help! Help! Ahhhhh!"

The woman waddled towards Brandy. Brandy could see her bloody teeth and huge fish mouth smiling at her.

"Please don't kill me. Please! Leave me alone! I didn't do anything to you!"

The woman sniffed Brandy. Brandy squirmed and trembled feeling the woman's cold breath all over her. The woman screeched loudly making Brandy cover her ears.

"Please leave me alone. What are you?" She asked in a shaky voice. Just then she spotted the woman's fish tail. "Mermaid," Brandy barely whispered. It was the last word she said before she felt the mermaid's teeth tear into her face.

Elton must have fallen asleep because when he opened his eyes, it was morning time. Early morning. The bright California sun slipped through the blinds.

"Good, you're awake," The two cops from last night walked in frantically.

Elton stood up holding Brandy's blanket around him. "Did you find them? Did you?" He asked anxiously.

The two cops look at each other. "We did."

Elton felt relieved. "Thank God! Can I see them? Are they ok?"

The cops looked away. The red head cop cleared his throat. "They're dead."

Elton's heart sank. "Dead?"

"Yes son, I'm sorry," the other cop said sounding quite apologetic not the jerk he was the night before.

"No ... you've got to be wrong. They can't be dead! They can't!" Elton ran out the cop's office. The redheaded cop caught up to him and held him back. "Son, you've got to calm down. This isn't easy for anyone but please you cannot leave. You're in no shape to drive. Let one of us drive you home."

Elton's bottom lip trembled. "I want to see. I want to make sure you're not lying to me!"

The redheaded cop hesitated but the tall cop said, "You really don't want to see it Elton. They are unrecognizable."

Elton gulped. "I want to. I need to. I'm not assured that it's them!"

A few minutes later, they took Elton to the lab where the bodies were for examination. He should have listened to the cops because as soon as he saw the bodies, he knew it was indeed them. He fainted from the horror.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Morris. Mr. Morris." Elton went to hug Brandy's parents.

They were at Brandy's funeral which was closed casket. Brandy's bones were the only thing in the casket and Elton didn't dare want to see that. No one did.

"Elton, I miss her already. I miss her so much," Mrs. Morris cried into Elton's shoulder.

"Me too. I miss her," Elton cried along with her.

The funeral service was somber and quick. They buried Brandy near her grandfather's grave. Elton left before everyone because he couldn't bear to stay there a minute longer. The sad thing was he then had to attend James and Lily's funeral too.

He drove home in his jeep and watched the ocean as he drove along the coast. The water so beautiful and blue. The water was home to the fierce creature that killed people he cared about. He angrily hit the steering wheel and looked away from the ocean. The ocean had once been his playground, now it was a death trap. He vowed to stay away from the ocean forever.

She'd been swimming and swirling the waters for days? Weeks? Months? It seemed like forever and he had not shown up.

Where was he? She'd made sure to get rid of the yellow haired girl and his friends so she could have him all to herself. Now they could be alone she just need to have him be alone to capture him and live with him forever.

She got excited every day hoping she'd see him and grab him but it'd been so long she she'd last seen him. She was starving but had held off on human feed for a while. She'd seen the blue and red lights and every time she saw those lights that meant the humans stayed away. The ocean had become a deserted sanctuary.

Even her fish friends were living more. None were being captured by the nets or lured into sharps hooks and taken away from the ocean. They were content but SHE wasn't. She missed him. As hungry as she was, she was going to hold off on the humans. Maybe then, the humans would come back and she'd have a feast.

She was heartbroken and not thinking right, because she failed to miss the fin that usually followed her. The sea creature banged its sharp nose against her pushing her across the ocean. She shrieked in pain.

The sea creature looked at her with piercing eyes. She was angry because she was hungry. She was sad because her human love interest was no where to be found. She was mad as hell because she felt alone and now this fucker was trying to push her around.

Her heart that was part human thumped loudly. She turned her hands into fists and felt her teeth get sharp. She would make him her meal. Instead of swimming away from him like she usually did, she rushed towards him and he rushed towards her. Just before she reached him she turned and hit him hard with her heavy fish tail knocking him down into the ocean floor.

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Joy sets her cup down on the table after chugging it. She looks up at me and has a look in her eyes that I have never seen before. A look that tells me that things are about to go to the next level.I feel a pair of hands touch my shoulders, and a similar voice whispers in my ear, "I hope you enjoyed the show that your wife and I put on just for you. Joy says I can take you for a private dance." I look at Joy; she is smiling and nods in approval.Destiney grabs my hand and pulls me away from the...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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HorseHungry MotherChapter 2

Natalie reined in and quickly jumped off Stormy's back. She left her pony out by the barn and rushed up the back stairs to the porch. "Sandy!" she yelled as she pounded on the door. "Sandy!" Sandy poked her head out the window. "Is that you, Natalie?" she called form her bedroom. "Yeah!" She tried the door. "I'm coming up!" She went inside and raced through the kitchen to the stairs. "Whatcha so excited about?" Sandy asked as Natalie rushed into her bedroom. "I did it,"...

2 years ago
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Fucking my English teacher

It was now November of my junior year and I had been going to Mrs. Jone’s classroom since the start of the year and staring and flirting. To my surprise she gave it back. After a few weeks we started getting serious. One day I was hanging out in her room after school and we were the only people there. She called me over to her desk and asked, “Garrett I think you have a little crush on me. I’m not imagining things am I?” I blushed and started to say “Mrs Jones I...” when she hooked her...

4 years ago
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Twice in one night

I once had profile on a gay contact site. One night I posted a status that i was going out for a drive and that i would be wearing black crotchless panties and barely black stockings. It wasn't long before guys were mailing asking where i would be and would i be up for meeting.One guy in particular sounded really interested in meeting and suggested a quiet location if i fancied it. He seemed really interested in the fact i was wearing stockings. When I arrived at the location i noticed a car...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Lola Fae Squirts On Herself And Continues Fucking

Petite bad girl Lola Fae is ready to do some waterworks and show you all just how much she loves to fuck! Indiana Bones is in for a real treat today with this wild hottie. Lola starts the show off strong as she masturbates and squirts an arc right onto her own face making her laugh and continue to masturbate wanting more to cum! Indiana jumps in the fun burying his face in that wet pussy loving how sweet she is. He can not get enough of that tight pussy! Lola puts her legs behind her head while...

4 years ago
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My Sex Goddess Salma 8211 The First Sexperience Part 2

Hello folks! It’s been a long time since my last story here. Thank you all for the love and encouragement. I received quite a few lovely comments from the horny bunch. To quickly recap, in my previous story I had narrated how I came to know Salma and instantly fell for the voluptuous vixen. After the rather awkward first day, I slowly began to settle into my job. Anu turned out to be a total slut. She was brazenly seductive with her clothing and always dressed for the kill. Her usual attire was...

2 years ago
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Interview With The Tentacle Demon Chapter 8 Convict

The guards escorted her in and made her sit down at the table, across from Claire. "Who the fuck are you?" she demanded. "I'm Dr. Claire Thompson, I work for the government, and I think we can help each other," she answered. She read from the file in front of her, "Lauren Mayes. Convicted and sentenced to death at 24, incarcerated for 17 years. You're approaching your last appeal, which isn't expected to go any better than the previous ones, then you'll be executed. What would you...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 The Warning PRESS RELEASE: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California NASA's Near Earth Object Program Office February 3, 2005 4:23 PST (GMT-8) Radar observations taken at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico on January 27, 29, and 30 have significantly improved our estimate for the orbit of asteroid 2004 MN4 and changed the circumstances of the Earth close approach in 2029. On April 13, 2029, the predicted trajectory now passes within 5.7 Earth radii (36,350...

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Blurpees Before Lights Out

The scrawny, balding man with a pointy nose and large ears cleared his throat. He was seated up on the dais wearing his black robe. He spoke in a low tone. “Will the jury foreperson please stand,” he half asked, half instructed.A bronze-skinned woman wearing too many bangles and a lot of bright purple hair weave stood.The judge inquired, “Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?”She puffed out her already voluminous chest and said, “We have, Your Honor!”Frankie Kimble rolled his eyes. He’d...

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The Are All It It

There is so much political stuff going on this emerged. All fictitious segments of my warped imagination 7.30pm, Thursday, 18th May 2017. Mansion House, London “Oh my God ... are you OK maam?” Doug asked, trotting forward and helping the middle aged lady up. She’d fallen on the long polished marble flight of stairs up inside the grand entrance hall of a large building. He waved away two other badged, tough looking men. An elderly looking man came down the stairs to help, leaving behind four...

4 years ago
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The HealerChapter 42

‘They return,’ a detection intelligence reported. ‘Inform the Masters. Ready the fleets,’ a senior intelligence ordered. ‘It is done,’ the communication intelligence responded. ‘Readiness at full. Defensive positions in place.’ ‘This time we will crush them!’ ‘Such hubris!‘ A cold, chilling, mental message that was both everywhere yet had no discernible source echoed round the control chamber. ‘Master!’ the control group almost crooned in ecstasy. ‘You appear to have fallen into the...

1 year ago
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My Good Deed

My Good Deed By C.J.B.B. Introduction: It all started on one of those days where you think nothing can go wrong especially what had happen today. My name is William "Willie" Colors and believe me I know that's a strange last name. My friends know me as Willie, I am 18 yrs. old, have short brown hair, have hazel colored eyes, is about 6' "5 tall, has average muscle tone and weights in at 200 lbs. My mother had to go on this business trip and would be gone for a week and because she...

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Sex Ed 1021Chapter 6 Lesson Four Midterm test Little did I Not Know It Was a Test for Me

Got up and had breakfast and went right out and mowed the grass. It really grew with that rain. Came in and took a nice long shower. Little did I know that I would need a cold shower after this afternoon. Had a light lunch, grab my camera bag and was off to my waiting class. When I got there, as the gate opened, there was this ting-a-ling of a bell. Something like the one on the bakery door to let them know they had customers. I hardly got through the gate when girls grabbed me, one on each...

4 years ago
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AUNT JUNE COMES FOR CHRISTMAS As a sixteen year old boy my testosterone was on a rampage. My crushes on pretty girls and endowed women were unbridled. My main crush, was Aunt June, sexy, stacked, around thirty, great legs, and best of all single and fooled around. Or, so the family stories went. Once, when dad was asked by mom;”what should we get June for Christmas?” his reply was; “get her a gross of rubbers she’ll need them.” These type of statements were building blocks for...

3 years ago
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1st time with a Transwoman

My first time with a transwoman was a very unique experience I must say. Having explored my options on the internet wasn't an easy one. I was nervous and curious about my first experience having sex with a transwoman. I only had sex with biological women throughout my entire sexual life and this was a new experience for me. I checked for several months on Backpage and Craigslist on the dating classifieds ads for transwoman.What I was looking for is an mature erotic, sexy and beautiful...

2 years ago
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Oh but It Does Work

Chapter 1 This last summer was especially eventful because my parents didn't send my little sister off to camp like they had the last few years. Before she started going to camp, they hired a woman to take care of us as they both worked. Then, when Megan, my sister, started going to camp, they let me stay home on my own. So this year, I was sixteen, now had a driver's license and Megan was thirteen and they figured they didn't need Mrs. Hopkins any longer. Well, it did mean that I had to...

4 years ago
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Robin Hoods DaughterChapter 8

The retinue of the small contingent of Knights Templar numbered slightly less than a score of individuals. They were mostly male but some were of the female persuasion without the guise of femininity that would tempt dedicated warriors of Christ from their appointed tasks. Judging from their demeanor, Rowena suspected the females were displaced former nuns similar to her own situation. They all appeared noticeably literate with quills, ink and scrolls forever in their sphere like the...

2 years ago
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James Goes WestChapter 8

It looked like a good home place to me, also. There was a good house site that backed up to a stand of Pines that would keep the north wind from getting a straight shot at the house. There was a good flat place for a garden near the house and a good place for a field of maybe 60 acres straight across the creek from the house. There was a good place for a pasture above the house, and a good flat place for a field or for hay near the pond. Up the hills from the house all around was a good...

2 years ago
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A Shot In The DarkChapter 8

Mike and Jennie sat at the small dinette in the kitchen, and, between the two of them, they ate a whole large pizza. While they worked on their lunch, they discussed their American History class, and the test that loomed for the following Wednesday. If someone had been eavesdropping, their conversation couldn't have sounded more innocent. The fact that Jennie was topless and had been casually tweaking at one of her nipples, pulling on it, then squeezing it, before massaging all around her...

3 years ago
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Lifeguard 5

From the Lifeguard 4 Story After she was finally done cumming, she pulled her now flaccid penis out of my mouth and proceeded to give me a big French kiss and started sucking the remainder of her cum into her mouth. We started hugging and kissing and kissing and hugging. That was even fun.After a few minutes of doing this, we just laid there giggling and laughing about what we had just done.Caley then said, “You are one sick boy.”I then said the only sensible, normal thing an eighteen-year-old...

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Surprise Graduation Fuck

Surprise Graduation Fuck “Slap my ass Jake! NOW! HARDER!” ordered Lucy, as Jake spanked her curved ass cheeks, leaving a red mark where his hand had made contact with her flesh. The couple had found themselves seated at a 5* restaurant in Manchester quays. They were back for Jake’s University Graduation that morning, both dressed in black tie from the big day. As they waited for the ‘Amuse bouche’, Lucy ran her foot up Jake’s trouser leg, thinking there was nothing funny at all about Jake’s...

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Claires Journey into Submission and Torment

Claire's journey into submission and tormentClaire was a simple girl, attractive and ambitious.  Little could she guess on that first day at work that it would lead to pain and suffering beyond her wildest imaginings.Part one - first dayThis was it - this was the day!  Finally she was going to be her own boss - a real job, her own flat and freedom at last.  When Jarvis and Co had offered Claire the job she could hardly beleive it, but now here she was, getting ready for her first day.  OK the...

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HandsOnHardcore Candice Dare Ball Sucking Beauty

Blonde college cutie Candice Dare is destined to get your dick hard in this 4K Hands On Hardcore triple-X premium porn masterpiece. The glamour model who is notorious for her puffy nipples and pouty lips gives her friend Logan Pierce a fuck he won’t soon forget. Join the duo in the dirty brown-eyed babe’s dorm room and witness a romp in the sheets that will get you stroking. After Logan is treated to a blowjob that takes his shaft and balls into the depths of her throat he buries...

3 years ago
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The Wife and the Woman Next Door

My wife Terri has changed since making friends with the woman next door. She gone from being a once a month girl to sex every evening. It all started a few weeks ago when she told me what happened and how it is still going on. Terri is 38 and pretty reserved and shy when it comes to sex. 34 b tits, long sexy legs and long dark brown hair. We’ve been married for 7 years and have 3 kids between us from previous marriages but none between us. Anyway, one evening laying in bed, Terri starts...

3 years ago
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Pages of a Day Ch 02

[Writer’s note: This story contains several Hebrew and Yiddish words that should be defined or explained: Mohel: Highly skilled Jew who performs circumcisions. Can be a rabbi or an M.D. Kabbalah: mystical writings, should only be read by men over 40 years of age. Brit milah: circumcision ceremony for eight-day old boy. Meshuga: Crazy. Aufruf: a Yiddish word meaning ‘calling up’ and refers to calling up the bridegroom and bride to the Torah before their wedding day, at a synagogue....

2 years ago
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Players Trick Book1

Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He was the creator and founder of Playa Industries. His start as a womanizer led him to incorporate his flair for writing in with his keen sense of business. He started writing self-help books for guys looking to "get the girl". His play boy life style often flaunted in the pages making those who read even more of believers in...

3 years ago
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She really loved the summer weather, she mused, as she stepped through the doorway of the health club into the picture perfect late afternoon. A warm breeze, heavy with the sweet aroma of the azalea bushes planted beside the walk swirled around her, gently stirring her shoulder length blond hair and giving her a rush as it caressed her bare thighs and curled under the hem of her tiny nylon skirt. She looked down at her stiffening nipples pushing against her thin cotton tank-top and wondered if...

2 years ago
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Ring in my nose

"Come, Snothead", Miss Luslayla commands me. I go on my hands and knees obediently, naked as usual. Reaching the black girl, who is relaxing comfortably in an armchair, i kiss her feet. She kicks me slightly in the face, and i kiss her kicking foot again. She is smoking thoughtfully. "Listen, Snothead."The humiliating name Snothead used to be just mockery, but now it is my official name. One-word names are allowed since Wimbian legislation restored slavery in the country. After that i got...

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Ass to Mouth Servant to the Aristocracy

'The fall air is crisp this morning,' Brad thought to himself as he walked briskly across the leaf-littered mall of the campus. Dawn was only just breaking, and he saw just a few students wrapped in fashionable fall coats, walking whisper-quiet to their early morning classes. Brad smiled, enjoying the sheer idyll of this place. It was like a living poster, so idyllic as to seem unreasonable. But sure enough, classic old brick classroom buildings with stone gargoyles regularly inhaled and...

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AlohaTube Facials

There is a question that haunts me every single waking moment of the day. I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat crying this question out to the gods. In the silent moments when I have nothing but my thoughts to keep me company, it's this question that comes to mind: Where should I cum next?So Many Places to Cum, and So Little TimeThere are just so many options. The world is my oyster, and it wants to be covered in as much of the Porndudes cum as he can manage to produce.Of...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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The Pickle Lady

I love pickles. Sweet, dill, big, small, I have a passion for pickles. Therefore I was overjoyed when I met the pickle lady. I chanced upon a farmer’s market one Saturday morning in a new part of town. At least it was new to me. There was the obligatory table displaying jars of pickles in various shapes, sizes and flavors. There was a small hand-made sign saying The Pickle Lady and, behind the table the pickle lady herself. She appeared to be on the far side of 50, like me. She had blonde...

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Caught MasturbatingPART 7

It's really only a great story if you start at the beginning:Part 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: thus, the forbidden desires of a husband and his sister-in-law continues...

1 year ago
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Adventures of the Brick Jonson Part 1

Rick Johnson was a freshman in college and still lived at home with his mother, father, sister, and aunt. He enjoyed living at home because he saved money on rent and bills (plus, he could keep a close eye on his hot mom, Katie, his gorgeous sister, Patti, and his buxom aunt, Jessica ). The strange thing about Rick, was that, when he was twelve, and started looking at jack-off books, he realized his cock was much fatter than the ones the guys had. He didn't really think nothing of it, and just...

1 year ago
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Gonna Rock the Night

Took her by the Hand she Took me by my HeartTogether we ignited with the Dancing stars aboveShe was sending me to Places never explored beforeI was Ascending up beyond the CloudsDeep within her garden holding on to her tiny but firm hillsI wanted more and more to reach together the Dream of delightSoaring with a Scream of pure DesireRock this Night Gonna Rock this night awayGonna Rock this Night Dreams are on DisplayHer Garden of Beauty Her Cave so TightGonna Rock this night forever till the...

3 years ago
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mom cleans up after me

I would clean everything except his room he told me not too. One day while cleaning the house i kept passing his room a complete pig sty, i couldnt bare it any more i decided to go in and clean his mess , he wouldnt mind i thought h'e'd appriacated it I thought. Rite as i enetered the room i could smell a aroma, i didnt know what it was exactly it was a clamy damp smell, it smelt mild. I didnt know why i liked it as much as i did i couldnt recall the smell for some reason. I quickly...

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Naughty Things With My Husband8217s Brother

Hi my name is chitra I am going to my sex experience with my husband’s brother rishi. He is hot but I dont know his intension towards me but I like him very much. My husband works in a private company with good package and we have our own house and ours is arrange marriage. We live in tamilnadu, rishi came to stay with us because my husband needed him to do some office work. He used to do work daily but he will finish in 2 hrs and always be with me. He was nice and I too didnt feel bore in he...

3 years ago
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Encounter at the Movies

© 1996 - 2002 LaffWithMe Press - All rights reserved. Originally written in 1996 and revised in 2002 It had been a pleasantly warm spring day, the kind of day that provides a nice hint of the warm summer weather that will soon arrive. It was the kind of day that encourages women to once again wear short skirts and revealing blouses. I had spent the day taking care of personal business and now faced the prospect of a two-hour drive home. It was about five-thirty on Friday afternoon and I...

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The Next Rose

Adrienne was new to the city, and didn't know anyone. After a few weeks of stifling solitude, she had decided to visit the local equivalents of her old haunts. Part of her hoped that the city would change around her, spitting out her old friends and familiar environs. The corner pub had been nearly deserted, and it was hard to make new friends at the mall, so Adrienne found herself alone at the gay club. She wasn't expecting to be alone for long. With her shock of long blonde hair and cute...

2 years ago
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Pussy Flashing

This is a true story which happened a few years ago, before we married and she was still keen to play.I'd already persuaded her to go out and about without panties, her tits were too big for braless, but it was a turn-on knowing her cunt was bare and available.We went into the city for a walk around and we got peckish, so I suggested we go into the McDonalds for a burger which she agreed to. Now this particular shop has an upstairs and there's a table right at the top facing the stairs and it...

1 year ago
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A Corrupting Influence

You are fundamentally a good person, not many people would deny that. You are generally kind, perhaps even more so than the average joe. But inside there is a seed, a seed of something darker. Perhaps fantasies you are ashamed of, thoughts you wish you didn’t have, and certainly would never act on…or would you? Corrupting influence is about giving such people access to a little power, the ability to subtly control people, and nudge them in directions more to their liking. The catch to this...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Ass Whore Part1 the mother who worships her son

"Bzzzzzzz", my cellphone vibrated. I rolled over and grabbed it to look at the new text message.I knew who it'd be from. I was expecting it almost an hour ago."How was it? - Mom" Her face on the top right corner beamed back at me with a broad smile.I smiled and typed with one hand, while propped up on elbow of the other."Ok. I guess." I sent it."Ok? What do you mean okay? - Mom""I am tired" I typed back trying to end the conversation."Tell me, you asshole. - Mom""You can ask her.  I am too...

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Caroline Ch 1302

Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! This chapter (and the next) is a rather longer non-erotic chapter but very necessary for the development of characters and plot so, if sex is the only reason for reading Caroline, you will have to wait until a bit later. Here Caroline manipulates Mike and Gianna into renewing...

3 years ago
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Reality TV

Reality TV By Fargrace Chapter 1 the Contestants In this new day and age of American Television becoming more and more prude,a new kind of director has entered the world. The director calls herself Fargraceand she made a revolutionary new TV series called Reality Fetish. RF pushescommon everyday citizens further than any normal reality television show couldever do. RF makes men and women do things they would never dreamof doing. It opens the worlds eyes to the gruesome underbelly that real...

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My daughter Taylor Pt2

The one designated as the guest bedroom is the largest with its own private bath. That’s the one we let Taylor move into, because it was originally hers before she got married. The other two bedrooms are smaller and are connected by a common bath. I use one room as my office/computer room. The other is just an extra bedroom. Up until 2 years ago I slept down stairs with Karen, but my snoring got so loud she begged me to start sleeping upstairs so she could get some restful sleep. So I...

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Bait and Switch Ch 05

============================== Standing in the cool white light, in the featureless room, I examined the alien in front of me. Her eyes looked white tonight, with a hint of blue around the edges, and light seemed to ripple around her nude frame while her fingers pressed invisible buttons in the air. I wondered briefly how she made the light do that. It actually looked like the light covered her in places, but didn’t actually touch her, as it flickered and shifted around her curves. I...

2 years ago
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Officer Mercer

There I was sitting in my favorite hole in the wall coffee shop scanning the sports section. I was not on duty today but I visited this place daily. I was as much a fixture here as the worn table that I was sitting at. I see Mindy walking over and am sure that she has some quick witted comment ready for me. She always seems to know when my guard is down and catches me totally in a defenseless position, always springing it on me at a total random moment. “Why hello officer Mercer will it be...

2 years ago
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Giving the boss a raise

I then suggested she come inside and call him to say she was on her way home. She does and while she did this I went to the kitchen to get myself a drink, and to offer her one as well. Before I could get back to the living room where the phone was I could hear my phone being slammed down and her saying, “That son of a bitch.” I walked in and said, “What Deb what did he do?” She then tells me that she called their house and he wasn’t home and he usually was at that time since he had to be at...

1 year ago
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Sex feels good when it hurts

Annette was raised in a strict Catholic home. She was eighteen years old. Her father and mother took delight in her religious instructions, Father John had taken her bra off and sucked her . She knew that it was wrong and told her mother. Her mother called her a liar and told her husband. Her father came to Annetts room to punish his lying daughter. Annette was horrified that they did not believe her. Her father was in his boxer shorts and angry. He grabbed a wire coat hanger, tore the clothes...

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A Letter to My Lover Epilogue

I read this letter written by Snowmomma some time ago. It stuck in the back of my mind for a long time and then I thought — what changes might have occurred in this woman's life over time. This is my take on it. I tried to contact Snowmomma by e-mail but I never received a response. If this epilogue offends her, I apologize but I did try to let her have first right of refusal. I precluded my letter with hers so that there might be some sense to it all. Thanks. Seawarrior61

1 year ago
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The Inventors New Clothes

Elizabeth Ridings is an esteemed inventor and mechanic, known for her peculiar inventions and even more peculiar lifestyle. Ever since she became an inventor, she's always been seen wearing male clothing, with her trouser legs rolled up to the top of her leather boots. One other thing to note is the multiple dirt patches all over her arms and face. Not that there's anything wrong with it. If anything, it's a sign of willingness and efficiency. She was a short girl, 19 years old, with long...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 900

This is compliments of pig41 An Arab had spent many days crossing the desert without finding a source of water. It got so bad that even his camel died of thirst. He crawled through the sands, certain that he was breathing his last breath, when suddenly, he saw a shiny object sticking out of the sand several yards ahead of him. He crawled to the object, pulled it out of the sand, and discovered that it was a Manischewitz wine bottle. It appeared that there may be a drop or two left in...

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