I'm Sorry free porn video

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There's no sex in this story, so if that's all you're looking for, and it probably is, then don't read on. Go back and read what I have written before, you should be able to find something there. This one is just the conclusion.

This is my last.


Cait left with her mom. Just like that. She left me.

And I was alone, somewhere between Cait and Lucy and this big ugly secret that wasn't even my secret and so it shouldn't be mine to keep but it was, and that was so unfair and the world had ended and Lucy wanted to know why and I couldn't tell her and so I just stayed away, and she called me all the time and at first I picked up when she did and she cried every time and she would say things like “I miss Cait too, you know” and “She's gone but I'm not” and “Why don't you love me anymore?” and “What did I do?”

And I had nothing to say and so after a while I didn't answer when she called anymore, and she kept calling and every time she did and my phone showed her picture and it said 'Lucy calling' it hurt so much and it made me cry every time and finally I had to text her; 'Please don't call me anymore.'

And she stopped.
But that just hurt more.

And the way I was with Lucy was the way Cait was with me. I called her but she didn't pick up, and I texted her but she didn't answer. The only times she did was when I texted her and asked her if I could tell Lucy, and she just wrote 'No', or I texted 'I'm telling her, I can't take this anymore' and she wrote 'No!' or 'Don't you dare!'

And then one day Lucy's boyfriend came over, alone. And I wasn't at home when he did and mom wasn't either, and when I came home he was sitting on the steps in front of the door even though it was raining and when I saw him there I stopped, maybe twenty feet away and just stared at him and he was smoking a cigarette, trying to cover it from the rain with his left hand, but when he saw me he put it out under his shoe and then he stood up and walked towards me and I wanted to run away but I didn't and instead when he was close to me and he opened his mouth to say something, I whimpered and I said “Please don't be mad at me'.

And he said “I'm not” and he put his hand on my cheek and he smiled, and I threw my arms around him and put my face in his chest and I sobbed.
I cried so much and he just held me and let me cry, and then we went inside and I was still crying when I took my jacket off and we went into the living room and I was shaking and he took my hands and he said “You're cold, I'll make us some coffee”.
And I said “Thanks” and he looked around for the kitchen and then he saw my blanket on the couch and he gave it to me and he said “You should get out of those wet clothes too” and so when he came back out with the coffee I was just in my underwear under the blanket and he sat down next to me and gave me a cup and then he said “How are you doing?”

And I shrugged and shook my head and I said “I don't know” because I didn't really. Every day was like I wasn't even there, like I was just an extra in a movie or something, just walking by in the background. The sun came up and then it went down again, over and over and I didn't care. I went to school and then I went home and then I went back to school again, and nothing was important.
Then he said “Look, I've tried but I can't figure this out and I'm not going to ask you to tell me anything, but I'm begging you to come with me so you can talk to Lucy, I'll just drop you off and leave you two alone for however long you need” but I was already shaking my head and he said “She's hurting really bad” and I howled and I sobbed again and I said “I can't”.

And he said “Of course you can. She loves you, she's always loved you and nothing you can say or do will change that. And when someone loves you, you can tell them ev...” and I jumped up and I spilled all my coffee and I was standing there shaking my finger at him and I shouted “NO! Fuck that! Fuck that, because you don't tell people anything because it fucks everything up! It ruins everything so you don't tell people anything because they don't need to know so it's just evil! And everyone is fucked up and everyone has secrets and no one needs to know and I don't want to know!!” and now I was just crying and I sat down on the floor and I said “I don't want to know. I didn't need to know.”
And he got up and sat down on the floor next to me and put his arms around me and I sobbed and I said “It's not even my secret. It's not fair. I want to go back. I just want to go back.”

And he held me and suddenly I was so horny. Maybe hornier than I've ever been in my entire life and I wanted him to fuck me. I needed him to fuck me, I needed to feel him inside of me again so bad and so I kissed him and he kissed me back and I rubbed his cock through his pants and he let me for a little while but then he took my hand away and he said “No, not like this” and I said “Please” and I kissed him again and I said “I need you” and he said “I should go” and he stood up but I grabbed his leg and I said “Please don't go” and he crouched down to me and held my chin and kissed me and he said “I'll be back” and then he smiled and he said “We'll work this out, I promise” and I said “I love you” and he said “I love you too” and then he said “Do you have Cait's new address?” and I said “She's her sister.”

And I don't know why I said it. I just did, the words just kind of fell out of my mouth.
And he said “What?” and I said “Cait. She's Lucy's sister. Her dad is... was... her dad too. She didn't know.”

And he said “Oh”. And then he stood up and he said “Oh” again and I looked up at him and I said “I'm sorry” like it was my fault. And sometimes I think it was, because I kept Lucy in my life even when it was supposed to be just Cait and me and I was the one that kinda brought them together because I really never could choose between them and that's why they hated each other and that's why they had to fall in love because maybe they both felt that the only way they could be with me was if they were just as messed up as I was, and before me Cait wasn't even into girls and before me Lucy was pure and I didn't want them to be like that and I held them like prisoners in this haze that Cait's mom had told me about, but she had been wrong, it wasn't like just a haze, like something that was just there. It was like a spider's web and people got stuck in it, helpless and unable to get away, just waiting for me to come and poison them.
And the poison, it consumes the spider too. Slowly, from within and the more people it devours the more the poison works on itself until it's just all rotten on the inside and maybe that's what happened to Cait's dad.

“You can't tell her” I said and he said “But...” and I said “It's not your secret” and he said “It is now” and I said “I'm sorry” again.
And before he left I gave him Cait's address and he kissed me again and he said “It'll be alright” and I nodded but I didn't believe him.

Then the next day I was at home with mom and there was someone at the door and mom went and opened it and when she came back I heard her say “I'll leave you two alone” and I turned around and it was Cait.
And it was so good to see her after all this time and for a second it felt as if everything was the way it was before again and I jumped up and I ran to her and I thought she smiled but it wasn't a smile at all and before I could get to her she said “You bitch!”
And I froze and she said “You selfish bitch! You had no right. I told you not to tell her but you did anyway and now you've ruined everything. You always ruin everything!”
And I said “Cait, I'm...” and she said “Sorry? Are you sorry? Of course you are because you're always sorry. You ruin everything and then you're sorry.”
And I said “I know. I'm sor...” and she said “It had to be me, I had to be the one to tell her. So I cold fix it, so I could make her see that it's okay, that I don't care. So I could go back to her, to them. So she would take me back. So you would take me b...” and her voice failed and her lips quivered and she was crying, and again I said “I'm sor...” and she shouted “Stop! Oh my God, just stop!!”
And she looked down and then quietly she said “Just stop, okay?”

And we just stood there, I was staring at her and she was staring at the floor for what seemed like forever. She didn't say anything and I didn't say anything, and the words she had said was ringing in my ears, like an echo that just wouldn't quit; You always ruin everything!
And I wanted to run away again, just run through the door and down the street and far away and just run and run until I was in another world, until my tears had dried up, just run until I forgot why I was running. Just run forever.
And Cait stared at the floor and she was sobbing and her shoulders jumped up every time she caught her breath, but then she raised her head and she looked at me and then she slowly lifted her arms to me and she just said “Baby?” like she just now realized it was me, and now I ran all the way to her, I ran into her arms and we held each other, I held her and I didn't let go, I'm not ever going to let go.

I whispered to her “Let's just go. Just you and me, let's just run away from here, from everything” and I stroked her hair and she nodded in my neck.

But we didn't of course. We sat down and we talked, and mom stayed away and Cait said “I don't know what to do. He's gonna tell her and she's gonna hate me. She's gonna hate me because I didn't tell her and she's gonna think I knew the whole time, that I'm a freak. I am a freak!”
And I said “You're not a freak” and she said “I am. It's in my blood. Holy shit!”
And I said “So it's in her blood too” and she said “Aargh! Seriously?? You're not helping” and I said “Sorry” and she said “If you say sorry one more time I'm gonna break your neck, I swear” and I said “I apologize” and she actually laughed, just a little.

I picked up my phone and Cait said “Who are you calling?” and I said “Tobey.”
And when he picked up he said “Hey” and I said “Did you tell her?” and he said “No. I haven't made it home yet.”
And I said “Please don't. Please let Cait do it.”
“When?” he said and I looked at Cait and she was shaking her head so I said “We'll come over, right now” and Cait shook her head hard and he said “That's great. Thank you so much, we'll wait up for you.”

So we went, and it was the middle of the night when we got there, and this time I knocked on the door.
And Lucy opened and she was still so beautiful but now she had these black circles under her eyes and I hated myself for doing that to her.
And she just looked at us for a while and then she said “I've made coffee.”

And we followed her into the living room and she sat down on Tobey's lap and he put his arms around her and she hid her face in his neck, and Cait and I sat down and Lucy said, still with her face in his neck so we could barely hear her; “I hate you.”
And I said “Lucy...” and she said “You don't do that to someone. You don't just leave.” And Cait said “Lucy...” and Lucy looked at her and she had tears in her eyes and she said “I'm sorry your dad died, I am, but I was here for you. Why did you just go?”
And then she looked at me and she said “And you. Fuck you! I did nothing wrong so fuck you for not loving me anymore. Fuck you for loving Cait more. And fuck you because I still love you and I don't want to.”

And Cait said “Lucy, listen. My dad...” but Lucy was still looking at me and I said “I couldn't...”
And she said “'I just don't love you anymore, Lucy'. See, it's not hard. Just say it.” And I said “No, I...” and she said “Because you say that to people, you don't just disappear” and I said “I know, but...” and she said “You don't just put people through hell like that” and I said “I know, I'm sorry.”

And Cait said “Lucy...” and Lucy said “I don't love you. Say it!”
And I said “No! It's not true! I love you!” and she shouted “No you don't! Because if you did, you wouldn't have done that!”
And then she jumped up and ran out of the room.

And Cait ran after her and I almost did too but Tobey said “Don't” and so I sat back down again. And we sat there for almost an hour and then they came out, and Lucy came to me and sat down next to me and she put her arms around me and she held me so tight for so long and then she said “I don't hate you” and I said “I know”
Then I said “I love you so much” and she said “I know.”

And then she said “So... we're cousins?” and my head exploded.


And from then on it was the four of us again. And it still is. And it always will be.

Because Lucy made us promise, “No more secrets” and Cait said “I promise” and I said “I promise” but I lied. And I told Cait one time, when it was just her and me. I said “I still have secrets” and she said “I know.”
And then she said “Just tell us” and I said “I can't. Some of it is really nasty” and she said “Baby, nasty is what we're all about” and I said “You'll hate me. All of you will.”
“No, we won't. You know that.”
“But I can't. I'm no good at stuff like that. I'll ruin everything. Again.”
"You know what you're good at?” she said and I said “What?”
“Telling stories. Remember?”

And then she said “You should to that. Write it down. And you'll make it sexy. We'll read it. And you can just take your time, we'll wait.”
And I said “You mean like, just write you a letter? Like a diary?” and she said “No. I mean like a blog or something. You know, tell the world.”

So I did.

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The Birthday Present

My wife and I are in our fifties now and started dating in high school. I’ll refer to us as Doug and Megan. We were the stereotypical football player/cheerleader couple. I quickly started realizing Megan was very different than any other girl I had dated. Her appearance to me, in the beginning, as well as her friends and family, was very straight-laced and intellectual.Her sexual side, however, was totally different. From the beginning of our relationship, I was amazed at her craving for sex....

2 years ago
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Idin NoahChapter 9

Now. My first stop after leaving my apartment is Murray's, if something is going on in my city he is bond to know about it, the problem is Murray's forays into the supernatural have left him ecentric at best. I open the door to the antique shop, I instantly get the sense of power pushing back, it tingles across my skin as I push further into his shop. Magic doesn't like me, I have never figured it out but for some reason the powers involved are simply a bad match with me. "Murray you...

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The Harem

Deep in the land of Terem, in the grassy hillsides of the Gel'ant Fields lay the secret estate of the Lady Haydia. She was a respected member of the Kings Court, and although her title was inherented from her deceased parents, the real reason for her importance had to do with the estate which remained a secret from the people. Whenever young King Faedyn found his duties becoming too burdensome, Lady Haydia brought him to her castle where he could release his stress through sexual...

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Whats in a Name

What's in a Name It's a funny world, isn't it? Everything has a name or a title or a description. What's more, whenever some "thing" runs outside the "norm", it is discussed and labeled and explained. That's where I come in. I'm not "normal". I was born a male, but want to be a woman. So I am a transsexual. But, I don't feel the all-consuming need to have my penis turned inside out into a vagina, so maybe I'm a transvestite. Or a crossdresser. I love having breasts and live full-time...

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Brittneys Boast

We met at church. She was 20, short, cute, had Asian plus Latino features, and flashed a great smile. I’m 60 and fit from an active hobby but currently unattached. Our deep discussions after service led to dinner followups which we both enjoyed. It’s fun to make cross-generational connections. As I talked about the many challenges I’d taken on in my decades as an adult, Brittney was fascinated since all that was ahead of her. She kept saying, “I could do that!” and would relate whatever she...

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Sex With Classmate From School

Hello ladies, a short intro about me before my story of sex with classmate. I am Gagan Gowda. I am from Bangalore. I am 25 years old and 6 feet tall, with a muscular and athletic body. I hit the gym every day (not now because of COVID-19). But now I work out at home. I am dusky-colored. I work in an IT MNC firm. I will be narrating a true story that happened in January 2021.  So ladies, shut off the drapes, dim the lights and pull out your panties and get ready to sense the tingle down...

1 year ago
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The Affectionate Watch DogChapter 3

A visit by Kate Barrett to the three-story department store that bore her married name was always something of an occasion; not, perhaps, to the hundreds of customers who milled about in search of bargains, but the word spread like brush-fire among the various clerks and cashiers and floorwalkers. Kate Barrett is here in person! Dozens of sales were briefly interrupted as employees glanced up for a furtive glimpse of the woman who effectively controlled their working lives. One word from this...

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We fucked out near the beach area

My mom married her father when i was 19 and out of the house already. I knew her when i was in school and she was on the cheerleading squad. When our parents got married we kidded around some about getting together and going out. It never paned out for her father was a real bastard and made sure we always had someone around if i took her someplace. He knew my reputation of fucking anything that moved or not. One weekend we decided to get around her father and get out, she told her father she...

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From Cocktease to Fuck Toy

Things have been going well for me since I fucked Tracy's shoes and panties. I got a new job and am making a lot of money plus I came into a fortune through an inheritance. I can't say the same for Tracy. She got laid off from her job and has been having trouble finding another. She's burning through her savings and piling up credit card debt. Despite not having a job, she can't stop buying things. I'm taking her out for her birthday today to the most expensive restaurant in town. When I get to...

3 years ago
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Fun In The Train

Hi All, this is Sundar and I am a big big fan of ISS. My favorite sections are Incest, Maid Servant and Office/Teacher. I have been following this site since last 4-5 years and always wanted to share some of that hot sessions that I have experienced. I am 27 years old, moderate height of 5’6″ with fair complexion. I have a very athletic body with broad shoulders, good biceps and moderate waist. My eyes are the most beautiful part that has helped me get so many chances. I am an expert foreplay...

3 years ago
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American Dad Problems With CloningChapter 2 Birth of Stephanie Smith

Thursday - Langley Falls’, Stan’s Home: It was a few hours later since he learned about the problem with his son’s clone being a female, whilst it distorted Francine, Stan had other thoughts on his mind. Sure part of him was upset that his son was going to become a female now, but that part was small, thanks to the pills that he had taken over the weekend, he was mainly turned on by the idea. It meant there was another female member of the family that he could fuck once the time was right....

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 3

Jacob Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, Captain of the Flying Dutchman, 2:34 pm, October 28th 2006. I sat on the bench watching Kevin do incomprehensible things with the game. We were nearing the end of the second half and I think the opposing team just received some sort of penalty. That meant Fred got to kick the football. It went through the goal posts. Even I know that meant we got 6 points. Touchdown I think that move is called. When I remarked on this, I was informed that a penalty...

2 years ago
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Maa Beta Chudai Se Bane BFGF

Hii.. Mera name vaasu ha.. Meri age 20 ha.Mera luund 8inch lamba ha. Agar aap ko meri help chahiye to Email and facebook – faadu.King.31 Aap ko pura maja mile gaa..Kisi bhi woman,girl,aunty, sab ko sukh du gaa paka … Hi mera naam arun hai aur meri mumy ka pooja .Ye meri pehli kahani hai jo bilkul sach hai aap ise mane ya na mani ye bilkul sachi ghatna hai.Ab main story par aata hoon.Mera naam arun hai,main avi engnring college ka student hoon.Ye kahani aaj se do saal pehle ki hai jab main ne...

4 years ago
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Stork Land Asylum

A great plague came. The poorer parts of the world were wiped out entirely and the treatment for the disease scarred the organs of many leaving most women infertile. After there was a major population crisis and many of the large cities had to be abandoned altogether, the survivors had to consider how they would survive with so little population growth. In Europe, they began cloning and genetic engineering. The remaining parts of Asia turned toward geriatric science, trying to repair the damage...

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Vide King! If you fucks are anything I think you are, then you probably love jerking your dicks to amateur and professional videos of Desi whores getting plowed. I’m right there with you, fappers. These babes know who to suck and fuck like nobody else. Unfortunately, there are only a few places on the internet where you can find a treasure trove of Desi content. But these underrated sluts need some attention too. So, I went out looking for a new, hot Desi porn site that featured horny Desi,...

Indian Porn Sites
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Villa in Spain0

Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was a brave decision to make as I’d applied for the job after seeing the job advert in a BDSM magazine that someone had left in the hairdressers where I worked. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but I...

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Becoming a Kissogram Girl Parts 1 to 4

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are based on a very good friend of mines adventures. Though the story is based on truth the characters are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)PART ONE---------------------------------The start of My Adventure -------------------------------I ran away from home at almost 17 with a cowboy from a circus. I was left abandoned in a...

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Lessons From Boss

Hi friends; I am a regular reader of Stories posted on the net and would like to share my story of sex with ex boss. Let me introduce myself once again I am Ajay, 29, married from Bangalore India. I am 5’9” with good physique and shape. Lets come to my story now. This was 6 Months back in Mumbai, India. I was working as an analyst in company, under a cute Punjabi Boss Mrs Anita. She was 36, 5ft 6 inch, with perfect curves. No one would think of having sex with her. She was so aggressive, very...

4 years ago
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Kelli and the Masseuse pt3

Her fingers traced the profile of the girl's breasts as she watched Kelli breathe softly. She kissed her softly and brushed Kelli's hair out of her face as she revelled in what she had just done. The sweet girl was now hers and she knew that she could have this girl anytime she wanted, boyfriend or not. She laughed to herself as she thought how easy it had been to seduce Kelli. The girl's eyelids fluttered a bit as Earlene realized Kelli was coming to. The girl started to speak but the big...

3 years ago
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My Wet Dream Consumes Me

My Wet Dream Consumes Me... Jason Meyers is the star QB of the local high school. He is a local celebrity, and the fame goes to his head. His arrogant attitude leads him to make an advance on a new, sexy TA, not realizing she is a powerful witch. After using some crafty magic, Ms. Harper decides to teach Jason a lesson; by turning him into his very own wet dream... "Get off me" screamed the attractive young women, as she pushed off a good-looking man. "Aw come on Daphne,...

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The Adventures of Anna Clarke Pt 2 Daves House

A week had passed since Anna had sex with her favourite student, Adam. He had not turned up to any of his lessons that week. His excuse being that he was ill but Anna knew it was because he was embarrassed at his lack of endurance. She was worried about him so she decided that she was going to pay him a visit after she finished work. Once arriving home she headed straight into the shower, dried herself and began to get dressed to go over to Adam’s. Tanned nylon stockings, her favorite, were...

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Snuff TV

It was a Sunday afternoon and my girlfriend Emily was hanging out at my place, watching TV with me. We hadn’t been going out for very long, but it was long enough for the spark to have faded from our sex life. At the moment, I should’ve been fucking her on my couch. But instead, we were just catching up on our shows together. I felt a little guilty about that, because Emily was easily the hottest girl I’d ever been with! Way, way out of my league. She was tall and slim, with perky little...

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Milan Ki Zabardast Chudai

Hi dosto. Mera naam Vicky Sharma hai aur mai indore shehar me rehta hu. Mai MBA final year ka student hu aur apni padhai ke liye Indore aya tha, to yaha akela hi room le ke rehta hu.Mere maa baap yahi paas hi ke ek shehar me rehte hai. Aaj mai apko apna pehla sex experience batane ja raha hu. Apko kaisa laga mujhe bataiyega zarur. Meri e-mail ID hai – Ab kahani pe aata hu. Baat un dino ki hai jab mai semester break ki chhuttiyo me ghar gaya hua tha. Mere ghar se kareeb 3-4 ghar chhod k ek ghar...

2 years ago
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A Wilderness OrdealChapter 4

(Day 3- morning, the cabin on Neil Lake on the Deshka River) Grif was awake before daylight, and packed his gear back into the Cessna. After the pre-flight inspection, he and the dog took off and headed to Talkeetna to refuel. It was a quick stop, grabbing some coffee while the plane was being serviced and the dog visited the local shrubbery. Shortly they were back up and climbing past Mount McKinley. They were cruising north at 8500 feet, the better to avoid any migrating waterfowl. Barney...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Martina Smeraldi The Squirt Champion Does Anal

Martina Smeraldi was an amazing girl. She loved to squirt. Best place to squirt was the bathtub as there wouldn’t be a mess. She cuddled in the warm water, her fingers went for her g-spot and there came the fountain. She closed her eyes to relax. When she opened them again there was Freddy! With her in the bathtub! With a giant cock smiling at her. She was horny anyway. She grabbed the cock and started to suck it. Then Freddy fucked her. Still in the bathtub. She squirted at him. They went to...

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Brad the painter

Could this day get any worse?? First my heel broke on my way into work, at lunch I lost my bank card and the salon was running late so I was late getting back to work from my waxing. Then on the way home my dam car died…ok I know the engine light came on a week ago but it’s been crazy and seriously if it was that important the light should flash and have an alarm!Now I have 20 minutes to get ready for my date with Brad and no idea what to wear! Ok maybe not the end of the world but I wanted...

3 years ago
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Jen Teases Her Husband Into Panties Part VI

Chapter XVIII "Time to wake up, sleepyhead." Tom opened one eye to see Jen standing over him wearing a towel. She had already showered and now it was Tom's turn. He groaned and looked at the clock. It was already ten in the morning. Yesterday had tired him out more than he'd thought. He pulled the covers off and was once again self-conscious. The nightgown he was wearing reminded him that Jen was in charge; as she had so aptly proven yesterday. More girlish training was in store...

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Camping with Stepdaughter 24 Bonnies husban

We had laid there all cuddled up in the van for some time. I decided that it was time to get things ready for supper. They both grabbed at me as I got up. I knelt down and gave them each a kiss and left. I grabbed a beer from the cooler and set about my tasks. I visited with a few of the men as they would pass by from time to time. Bonnie walked up she was in her little silk robe and had a towel in her hand. She told me that we needed to talk. I thought oh shit to myself. She started telling...

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Shelter From the Storm

The wipers swished back and forth, not even making it to the end of their travel before the heavy, wet snow once again obscured the view. If anything, it was starting to come down harder. As he had climbed higher into the mountains, it first seemed that the snow was becoming a little thicker, less mixed with rain and more with sleet. But, then again, that may just have been his imagination. Now the snow was definitely harder but there was still a lot of sleet and freezing rain. Anyway he looked...

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