My Fiancé Ex free porn video

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My fiancé, April and I have been together for 2 years. We both are divorced and have c***dren with our ex's. I have 2 k**s one boy 10 and one girl 8, she has 1 daughter that 15. She had been married about 17 years I had been married 13. e met on a website, and quickly realized we had a strong connection and wanted the same things in life.

April's daughter was turning 16 and she wanted to throw her a sweet sixteen party at our house. Unfortunately this meant she would be inviting her ex Jason to the party. I was confident in myself so I was not worried that he would be there. He was more of a redneck who got physical with her when he drank, which was almost every night. That ultimately lead to the reason she left him. And wouldn't you know it that's exactly what happened at this party, He got drunk. He was very hands with my fiancé trying to hold her hand or touching her ass whenever he had a chance. April did a great job of pushing him off and scolding him for doing such things. But I did notice as the night wound down and she had a few more glasses of wine she would let his hand rest on her ass a little longer before brushing it off.

As that party started to wind down and people started to leave, I walked into the kitchen where Jason was holding her face trying to kiss her. She moved her head back and forth preventing him from actually making contact. But, to my surprised he grabbed her by her ponytail and held it back. He pushed his lips against her pushing his tongue into her mouth. This time she did move away, her arms actually dropped to his waist and just held him there. He finally loosened the grip on her hair and moved his hands down to her ass cupping both cheeks and pulling her dress up and causing her groin to push into his. Her hips met his as she grinding back on him. He bite her lip and pulled back.

"Tell me don't you miss this big cock!"

This caused her to snap out of his trance and push him away, kneeing him in the balls and storming out of the kitchen cursing at him.

"Your a fucking asshole."

I was filled with anger and was going to bust in and punch him in the face, but I was proud of my wife for not succumbing to his advances. I watched her clean up the tables and joined her. The scene I just watched made me angry, but as angry as I was, it had also made me very horny for her at the same time. As I started to help her clean up I told her how I couldn't wait to get her upstairs and make love to her. April responded by rubbing my cock and telling me she couldn't wait either, and that she had gotten incredibly horny by drinking all those glasses of wine. Suddenly her daughter yelled from the kitchen French doors, with a frustrated tone.

"Dad is passed out on the kitchen counter."

The two of us shook our heads and went inside.

"Mom what are we going to do with him, I can't believe he did this today. My friends are going to see what a drunk he is."

Pulling her daughter in for a hug she turned to me and asked

"Can Jason sleep in the spare bedroom?"

I wanted to say no and just throw his ass out the front door and leave him on the road, but not wanting to ruin her daughters night completely I reluctantly agreed

"Sure. Let me help you get up there."

I grabbed one side of him and she grabbed the other side and we walked him upstairs. And put him on the spare bed. We then went back down finished cleaning up. The girls went to the basement where we set it up for them to sleep, three friends plus our two. April and I had a few more drinks, and were being very sexual with her, rubbing her ass as I walked by, or lightly breathing on her neck as we talked quietly. April was washing the last of the grilling stuff and I decided to go up stairs and get ready for bed. I lit a couple of candles around the room, put some soft music on and got undressed to my boxers. I then pulled down the comforter and laid in the middle waiting for April to come up. After a few minutes I must have dosed off, and woke up fuzzy 15 minutes later. The candles we still glowing but April was not in the room. I sat up in confusion and decided to go look for her.

As I walked down the hallway toward the stairs, I noticed the light coming from the guest room and shadows on the hallway wall. I creeped closer to the door and froze as I heard April moaning softly. Blood rushed to my head and I started to get angry, but at the same time my cock sprung to life. I peaked in the room and I saw April's head toward the foot of the bed in a 69 position sucking Jason's cock, her legs were toward the head of the bed as he was eating her pussy out. Her clothes were in a pile hanging off the bed, while his were thrown all over the floor. Again I was going to bust in and push her off the bed and punch him in the face, but that's when I noticed the size of his cock and I stopped. It was like something you see in a porn film , or hear about on black men. He was easily 10" long and as thick as a beer bottle from what I saw. I watched as she expertly lowered hear head all the way down deep throating him. She let out little gags every time she got to the base of his cock. She then surprised me as she lifted his balls and her licked around his anus teasing him, before pushing it inside him. She had never had even come close to doing that with me. Hell I was lucky if I even got a few licks on my cock. He was moaning in pure pleasure not worrying about keeping quite. After a few minutes she pulled her tongue out of him, and lowered her mouth down his shaft one last time apologizing for it taking her so long for her to get him all the way in, she hadn't sucked suck big dick, since they broke up. He responded that she still had expert skills and he that is the one thing he missed most about her, even though his current girlfriend does a pretty good job it wasn't as good as her and she won't go anywhere near his ass. She then got up and swung her legs around and mounted him with her back toward the me. She reached under her and aligned his monster cock to her pussy. She slowly started to lower herself on to it. As his head pushed her lips apart she let out a loud gasp, followed by and "Oh God" She lowered herself slowly more and more until she had his entire shaft in her.

"Jason I had forgotten what it feels like to be so filled. "

"Really Ape? I missed how good your pussy feels. And how wet it gets from my cock pushing deep inside you." He grabbed her hips and started to bounce her up and down at a quicker pace. "I can actually feel that you have gotten tighter since the last time we were together.

"I might have. But lets not talk about that. Just fuck me hard and deep, before I change my mind"

Jason moved his hands to her 32c Breasts. April sat herself up so she could control how far down she could get on him. Her hips started to gyrate back and forth, as her hands pushed down on his chest Her back arched causing her long black hair to cover the view I had of them being connected. Her moans were getting louder and louder. Subtle UGHs and AHHs to Oh My's to Yes Yes Yes, as she started to cum, she completely sat on him taking him fully into her. She stayed like that until her orgasms subsided.

She collapsed forward onto him allowing me to once and again see his cock, he now was moving his hips pushing in and out of her. She was making out with him as his hands went to her ass. He spread her checks revealing her rosebud. She moved slowly kissing his neck to his ears, slowly sucking his earlobes. I loved when she did this to me, it always sends an extra jolt to my cock. And from what I saw it was having the same effect on him, as Jason raised his ass and thrust deeper into her. With all her teasing he suddenly sat up wrapping his arms around her, and in one fluid motion rolled her onto her back. Jason then moved his mouth back to hers and started to kiss her passionately, their tongues intertwining in it's own very sexy dance. He broke this kiss, arching his back, and picked up his trusts in and out of her, creating loud smacks every time his crotch met hers. She wrapped her legs around his back just above his ass trying to slow down his pounding. He looked down on her kneading her breasts.

"You fucking little tease, tell me you miss me. Tell me how much you missed me fucking you, how much you missed my cock."

"Ughhh hunnnn ooooh uhnnn"

Shaking her head no at first. He took his hands and wrapped it around her neck and squeezed down. Her eyes opened wide with slight tears forming, and her left hand moved up his back to his right shoulder blade, where she gently tapped it. Jason the released the pressure in his hands as a smirk formed on his face.

"You want to answer my question now bitch?"

"Yesss I miss you fucking me, You fuck me like no-one else ever has. UHHH and Oh MY GOD YES! I DO miss your cock."

"Is it bigger than Jerry's?"

"Please don't make me answer these questions"

His hands started to squeeze again, when she quickly yelled out.

"You know it is! Jason your cock is biggest I have ever been with, I always long for it when I have sex."

"Ape do you think of me while you fuck your fiancé?" Jason picked up the pace causing his hips to hit hers, making loud smacks

"Oh fuckkkk oooh yes that feels so gooood please don't stop. Yes I think of you when he fucks me, Its the only way I cum, Uhhhh your Big cock! Fuck me fast fuck me harder"

"That's my girl You'll always be my girl! You can have this cock whenever you want!"


Jason's hips drove deep in her and his breathing increased as he started moan I could see his sweat on beading on his back .

"I'm going to cum Ape"

"YES! Please cum for me, cum deep in me Ohh FUCKKK"

Jason's ass clinched as he drove deep into her. He was shooting his cum into her, his hips trusted harder and harder, until he collapsed on top of her. Her toes curled tight as her legs squeezed him, pulling him closer. She used her finger nails to trace up and down his back following his spine. That's when the true jealousy flooded me. I loved when she did that to me when had sex. Sadly enough I was still rock hard and my mind still flustered with what I just watched.

Just then I heard giggling coming from the staircase and footsteps creeping up the stairs. The girls obviously heard the sounds coming from the guest room and were curious to see what was going on. I quickly made my way back to our bedroom and jumped under the sheet. I left the candles lit, but were getting very low. I looked at the clock and realized I watched them have sex for over an hour. . As I laid there my mind was torn jumping from pure jealousy, to pure anger, to complete horniness and complete lust. I tried to rationalize everything but my head wouldn't get the imagine of April cumming on her ex's big cock. As my mind was racing on how to handle this, I heard April creep into our room and I suddenly pretended to be asleep. She let out a small sigh as she saw the candles and the romantic setting I had setup. I had opened my eyes very slightly and noticed she was holding her clothes covering herself. She walked over the closet and tossed them in the laundry basket. I pretended to stir which caused her to quickly tip toe back to the bed. She then very cautiously moved in to the bed and under the sheets. She gave me a peck on the cheek and rolled away from me.. I acted like I was in a sleepy daze and rolled toward her. I wrapped my arm over her and pressed my groin into her ass.

"mmmm hi baby sorry I must have dozed off. I had set the room up for us I hope you like it"

I leaned toward her neck, where I could smell Jason's cologne and fresh sex on her.

"Yes hunni I do. It was very thoughtful of you too bad its so late."

I pulled her close to me, and kissed the back of her neck. I could taste her sweat mixed with his. That only got me harder as she tried to stop my advances.

"Not tonight hunni its too late."

But I wanted her more then ever. And I proceeded to kiss her neck, my hand went to play with her breast and nipple. That combination was one she never could resist. I could feel her body relax as I kept at it. Her naked ass started to push back into my crotch. My hand moved down her from her breast over her stomach to her pussy. I felt the heat from her pussy even before I got to it. My fingers slowly slide over her pussy lips, which were soaking wet. She weakly tried to push my hand away but I increased my kissing and traced her ear with my tongue weakening her even more. My warm breathe whispered in her ear.

"Oh baby you are so wet. You must be very horny! I can't wait to feel you"


I rolled her on to her back, and moved my kisses to her mouth. Even there I could taste him. I knew what I was tasting was more than just his lips but his cock, and even his ass. This seemed to turn her on even more because she grabbed the back of my head hold it tight as her tongue played with mine, She was kissing me more passionately than she ever before. Our bodies started to grind, and I reached down to remove my boxers. As I did this I broke our kiss and looked down on her glistening body in the candle light. Not only could I feel how sweaty she was from her activities in the next room but now I could see it. Memorized I leaned down and took her breast in my mouth. I alternated from left to right in the same manner I saw Jason doing. Then when I focused in between her breasts. I felt her hand on top of my head giving it a slight push down. I knew how much she loved oral sex and was always the first thing I did before we had sex, I always seemed to make her cum orally. I learned quickly in our relationship that if I didn't give her oral before sex she wouldn't cum from just penetration. And tonight I found out why. She pushed my head further down her, kissing the mixture of sweat on her body, however it was getting salter and salter as I got closer to her radiant pussy. Just before I reached it she placed her other hand on the other side of my head and held it there, probably feeling guilt and not wanted to expose me to her be trail. The heat emanating from her pussy was intense. I could smell the sex inches from my face and it was acting like an aphrodisiac. My mind was trying to tell me to stop. It didn't want me to go any further, but my throbbing dick wouldn't let me think straight. Finally I heard her whisper with a shaky voice

"Please hunni…..pleassseee I need your tongue on me today. Pleaseeee"

That put me over the edge. And I took my tongue and traced her right on her inner her pussy lips. I was immediately greeted with a flood of tastes and emotions. I got a taste of hot salt stickiness. The cream was thick and distinct. April pulled my head toward her as her hips pushed into my head. I slide my hands under her ass lifting her pelvis into my mouth. April started moaning louder than ever before. Her legs wrapped around my upper back as I felt her start having the most powerful orgasm she ever had with me. Her juices flowed pushing all of Jason's cum out of her and into my mouth. After what felt like forever her grip started to losen allowing me to breathe again.
I moved up her body and was met with the sexiest kiss she ever gave me. I could tell she wanted to taste what I had tasted in her. As we were kissing my cock slipped in her with ease. He pussy was wet and I could not feel any pressure from her walls. She broke the kiss

"MMMMMM Hunni that was amazing. I needed that orgasm. Please fuck me now."

With that I pushed all the way forward until my pelvis hit hers. She let out a slight sigh and grunt

"Oh you are in me. uhh I'm so wet from your oral skills."

With that I slammed into her again, causing her to grunt again. I was onto something. If she couldn't feel me inside her, she was going to feel me slam my pelvis into her. Too bad with all the excitement and prolonged excitement, this caused me to cum in just a few strokes. I went soft very quickly and slipped out even easier that I when I entered her. I could see the disappointment in April's face in the flicking lights of the candles. I decided to rum my now fully softened cock on her clit. I rubbed it up and down pushing very hard against her. I leaned down an started to kiss her neck. She responded by leaning into it. When I got closer to her ear I whispered.

"I love you so much! I hope you enjoyed tonight night as much as I did."

She responded by grinding her clit into my faster.

"MMM I did enjoy this night very much! You have no idea! I needed it more than you know."

Still playing dumb

"I could tell! I've never felt you so wet before!"

Grinding a little quicker

"You have no idea. I felt bad having you go down on me,….so messy"

I felt her body staring to stiff a sign she was close to cumming.

"You know I love going down on you, though tonight you tasted so much"

April started breathing very very heavily

"Oh really?!? soooo?

"I don't know. I guess you tasted much more salty. Oh and your cum was much thick..."

Without finishing my sentence she started to cum hard. Probably just as hard if not harder than she did a earlier with Jason down the hall.
After her orgasm subsided she kissed me passionately.

"Thank you for being the best fiancé ever. I can't wait to marry you!"

"I can't wait to marry you to April"

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Julie did a good job of keeping any expression off her face as she listened silently to my report on the intelligence I had received from teenaged Eva on her sister Gloria’s little tricks to stitch me up for a long stretch in prison. I knew I had shamelessly taken advantage of Eva’s crush on me at the beginning of her sexual development, but I mollified my guilty conscience with the argument that it was she that came to me and I didn’t do anything to set her up to pump her more ways than...

3 years ago
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The night before my Wedding

Introduction: I took pre wedding jitters to the extreme. This is the story of my wedding day. Like most brides I had that mixture of emotions ranging from excitement, to nervous, to fear I was doing the right thing with the right guy. I was driving everyone close to me crazy, especially my maid of honor Amy. She kept telling me I just needed a good fucking to settle my nerves. I had no idea she was serious. After the rehearsal dinner we split into two groups, the three groomsmen took me out...

1 year ago
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HeadacheChapter 7 Future Plans

The next couple weeks were great; we fixed up the house to suit Virginia and myself. Uncle George was now called "Pop" a compromise on all sides. He also started eating all his meals with us. Virginia remarked that it would be real hard on Pop when we left. Later that day she also remarked how much she enjoyed living on the ranch. I took these as hints but made no reply to her. On our third Monday there we received a phone call from Mr. Simon that both excited us and made us more alert for...

2 years ago
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1994Chapter 25 The gate is open

In addition to touring the building, seeing the progress being made, and visiting with Victor and Zelda, two significant things happened while I was in Denver. First, Barney let me know why he had not applied for the Vice President of Sales position. "You tailored the job description to fit the way you view the job. It reads like your own résumé. I wouldn't have a chance if you're vying for the job." Naturally, I denied that I had ambition to step into such a senior position in the...

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lara the milf

i came back from my jog feeling good, all sweaty. as soon as i opened the door i could smell it. i could hear them talking and laughing, my son trent and someone else in his room, hanging out and listening to music, partying like school k**s. his door was open so i went to say hi. you guys having a party? i said as i stood at his door, oh, hey mom! trent said all casual, his friend's eyes opened real wide as he checked me out in my little runner outfit, super tight, little shorts, tight tank...

4 years ago
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How much longer he wondered, how much longer he would be locked up like a savage animal for a crime he didn’t commit. But the prosecutor made sure to get him out of way, it was just as well he had been in a short unhappy marriage. When he first met Patricia it was all fun and life was good but not too soon after Patricia’s darker side appeared. Jay knew there was something amiss when Patricia slowly withdrew and stopped being intimate with him. The weird phone calls and how it got setup to make...

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TotemChapter 5

Caroline and Joan showed up bright and early the next morning to take Sam home. An orderly wheeled him out to the curb in a wheelchair. Sam was a bit embarrassed at this, but he still did feel strangely weak, so he didn't protest too much. When they got home his mother installed him on the sofa with a blanket and a pile of pillows to prop him up. Both she and his sister were particularly nice to him all day, fetching him things to read, drinks, and meals on a tray. Sam was pleased to...

4 years ago
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A Wolf and D

Having just arrived in town I found a bar and bought myself a drink. It didn’t seem a place I would pull, English accent or not, but I could move on later. “Hi you’re the Wolf, I know you,” I felt a hand stroke my thigh. OK it was not my first trip to the states, in fact at one time I lived there, but to be known? “You know me as Pussy.” The coin dropped. “Sexier in person than on the net,” comes from my mouth before I can think.

3 years ago
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Pricking Massage

I have read several great stories over the years and this inspired me of sharing an encounter that happened with me a few months ago. The incidence is completely true other than the names which I have changed to conceal the identity. My name is Rahul -30 years old I am 5’6’’ tall and have a slim body and I am based out of Mumbai. I met Neha at a common friends place at my home town about 12-14 years ago. We became very good friends and applied to various Universities after passing out of...

3 years ago
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Ed and Aastas Weekend

Ed and Aasta’s WeekendI, having booked a flight to Reno, arrive early and pick up the hotel key Ed reserved.  As he is driving and dealing with an old Porsche’s lack of reliability and of bad drivers to meet me,?I have no real idea of what to expect.? As if I needed more tension in the adventure, I am meeting a man I have never met and know very little about.  Will he chase me around the room with his riding crop or push me down hard on the rug, ripping the expensive clothes I bought for the...

4 years ago
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A Favorable Season

Terry stood thinking of leaves and falling snow. Leaves that could bunch under his neighbors wire fence. Snow that would turn to wet, grey, mucky slush and then find its way somehow into his laced snow boots. Snow that might be rolled together to make a pseudo person. A person... who only has weeks to live... Terry frowned. *What does a snow man think about before he inevitably turns into boot slush?* He puzzled that thought behind his grey eyes; staring simultaneously at the palm trees growing...

1 year ago
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Iam the Neighborhood Cock Sucker Gay

Knoxville is a great city to raise a family, with conservative, religious values, and I was fortunate to have lived there all my life. My name is Jason, and my life was typical I suppose, having met Emily, the girl who would become my wife, when we were juniors in high school. We dated for the rest of high school and then through college at the University of Tennessee.We got married right after graduation, and both worked, living in an apartment for four years while we saved for a down payment...

1 year ago
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Eat Out With The FamilyChapter 2

Jan Marlow had been letting her son Brad fuck her since he was old enough to fuck, and as the years passed and his cock grew bigger and bigger, the horny woman enjoyed it more every time. Waking up alone in bed one night when her husband was hauling a load of produce to the city in time for the morning wholesale buyers, Jan was in an extremely horny mood. Aware that her handsome son Brad was just down the hall in his room, she decided to go and see if he was in the mood for a fuck or a...

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The Beckwith Affair Chap 5

Alan picked up the phone and called the front desk and told them he was checking out and asked if they could send someone up right away with the bill. He began throwing his things together almost frantically, his mind racing as he packed. “If they don’t know I’m on to them they won’t be expecting me to leave right away,” he thought. His plan was to pay cash when the bill was brought up and avoid the lobby when leaving the hotel.   Then he remembered Savanna.   He ran to the door, opened it...

2 years ago
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Gender Swap Aphrodisiac previously Reverse Viagra

Gender Swap Aphrodisiac - Volume 1 Copyright 2013 Ben Schrodinger Note from the author ################################################## This was the first gender swap story I wrote back in 2012, previously titled Reverse Viagra. About a year later I started publishing my stories on Amazon including this one but fixed the errors that were in the original version and also removed all references to 'Viagra' (don't want to get sued!). This story will remain on Fictionmania for...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Jennifer White Vanna Bardot Lesbian Massage Heaven

When Penthouse Pet Vanna Bardot decides she wants to become a masseuse, who better to get training from than brunette stunner Jennifer White who teaches in a very hands on sort of way. Watch this steamy premium Penthouse lesbian porn scene unfold as the two hot ladies take turns rubbing oil up and down each other’s bodies. They take time to finger and lick each other’s juicy pussies meanwhile to get even hotter and wetter to prepare for Magic Wand masturbations that take them to...

3 years ago
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I’m 25 years old, 5’9” tall, 190lbs, average to muscular build, smooth chest military haircut and clean shaved with brown hair and eyes. My story is just to share an experience. Look at the tags before you continue to read. If you don’t want to read man on man then stop here. I am currently serving in the military and was at a field exercise when it happened. We go out to the field for training purposes to simulate being deployed and getting used to everything. We trained all day long and...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Chloe Temple Massage Ends in Creampie

It’s spa day for blonde babe Chloe Temple, and being as horny as she is, she is sure to want more than a standard massage from masseur Brad Newman. The naughty vixen asks the stud to remove her towel and work on her inner thighs, and he proceeds to give her much more with his tongue to provide expert pussy licking services followed by hardcore fucking instead. Watch the Penthouse starlet ride his huge cock in cowgirl until he cums inside her juicy trimmed pussy for a dripping creampie...

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Sex Students at Professor Peter 3

Kinky Karin, smart slim student at Technical University Delft, applies at the of Professor Peter in Amsterdam. She successfully takes first few tests on paper in her application form online and later in a private chat with the Professor himself. However, it scares her quite a bit, as he tells her endurance of pain in spanking is one of many exams to take during her intake initial long warm weekend. So she confides in her younger s!ster, who still lives at their folks in Rotterdam. Which is...

2 years ago
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The handsome, 25-y/o Abdul and his 24-y/o wife, Fatima, had immigrated to Montreal, Canada, from Saudi Arabia 2 years before the present Friday night in July, with one reason they'd done so being the couple would've shamed their families had their parents been aware that she was promiscuous. And they were watching TV in the living room when someone knocked on the door.She opened it and was surprised to find 2 white men she'd never seen before.Abruptly, the shorter guy slapped her lovely face...

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My wife the Entrepreneur Part Three

As I now stand inside the door to Jon’s office, completely invisible to the very excited crowd starring at my beautiful and naked wife (his hands feverishly groping her chest and mid section) he announces in a predominate voice, “Boys let me introduce you to the best slut I have ever known, who is going to make all your fantasies come true”, to the immediate roar of the anxious and extremely horny crowd he was addressing. As I heard those words and the response they garnered, I could only stand...

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Movie Night8

After dinner the movie was about 15 min in was slow starting movie. I sat down on the reclining couch she said she would be back in minute. She walked back in carrying a blanket, and dropped it she stopped turned a round and bent over to grab it. She had changed into a Tshirt and had a cute little pair of board shorts on. I was wearing board shorts and that was it. But when she bent over I could see right up them little shorts she was wearing and liked what I seen. She came over sat next to...

2 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 144

That day, Sharon and Julia had gone to a fast food place and ordered salads, and, since it wasn't THAT hot, had gone to a park nearby, and took a table under a large willow tree. With the breeze blowing past them, it was more than comfortable, AND private. There were some k**s playing on the playground, and a woman walking her dog, but nothing, or no one, else.They sat eating and talking. "Now that we're alone, and not likely to be eavesdropped on, what's the story?" Sharon asked. Julia paused...

4 years ago
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Jupiter Has Landed Ch 02

Zia dreamed of a naked man kissing and sucking her. She felt her nipples tightening again and the wetness in her pussy had started again. This was not normal, she thought quickly before she felt her body heating yet again. She gasped. She wanted the man to take her hard, and she tried to reach for him, to hold him closer to her, to have a hard cock inside of her body. Suddenly she felt a weight on top of her and she gasped as she realised this was no dream after all. A large man was lying...

3 years ago
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the wrecker moves on

My upstairs flat looked out onto a new housing development that had been built on some reclaimed retail land just across the road from me, I had noticed a pretty brunette that had moved in a few months earlier with her “partner“, I would have guessed that she was perhaps in her early thirties, very attractive about 5ft 6inches tall with a slender waist and a nice round ass, and her tits looked well proportioned too, so I had made a point of saying hello to them at every opportunity and...

2 years ago
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Mom And Babu

Hey, I hope everyone is doing fine with their dicks and pussies. Life is short. Fuck more pussies and dicks, as many as possible. It’s a great feeling getting and giving pleasure to someone. ‘Sex is the ultimate expression of love/lust.’ so don’t waste your time, keep rocking. Today I am going to narrate the real-life incident of one of my friends, Nisha. She contacted me and asked to write her real-life incidents on behalf of her. So here I am, for our horny readers. I am adding some more...

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Jock TalesInk Cash and a Sore Ass

Jock Tales---Ink Cash and a Sore AssThe pounding on the door was flying through my head like a rocket. The throbbing, searing pain between my temples prolly would have made me black out, except I just woke from being passed out. As a sat up in bed, and jumped out to head for the door, Confusion set in, as I had no idea where I was. I trip on my own big ass sized 12 jock feet, about half way, adding to the throbbing in my head. Getting up was pretty hard, as I was foggy, and vision was a bit...

2 years ago
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Sex Energy Transmutation

Hello guys, I’m Santosh (name changed) after long time I am posting this sex story which recently happened after my past 2 experiences. This story is very different from my past sex stories, through my common friend I met one woman from Hyderabad, she is a cosmic healer her name Divya (name changed), we met in sujana fourm mall, kukatpally. We discussed about our professions and I was excited about her cosmic healings, so I asked for her number and she gave it without 2nd thought. I was also...

1 year ago
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My Secluded Parking Lot

Recently, I was checking out some local walking tracks looking for a good spot to go out in my short shorts and pantyhose. The idea of finally going out in public in pantyhose gave me butterflies just thinking about it. I was searching hard ( no pun intended ) to find someplace safe with only adults likely to be present.While looking for a "safe" spot on Google maps, I noticed an abandoned parking lot that caught my eye. I am always on the look out for a good outdoor place to "play" and take...

4 years ago
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The apres ski virgin

Shortly after my 16 th birthday my father took me on a ski holiday to Austria. To keep me company my 20 year-old cousin, Victoria, came along. We stayed in a chalet along with around twenty other people. Amongst them was a family with a son just a little younger than me (but over 16 years of age). Although of similar age to me, Giles was slightly built and seemed a little shy. One day towards the end of the week we teamed up with the family for a day on the ski slopes. Around lunchtime the...

First Time

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