In den H nden der Geheimpolizei german
- 3 years ago
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The Van Den Berg Sanction marks the debut of what will ideally be an international corporate espionage erotic thriller series. Trent Shimada, an American agent of Japanese and Filipino descent, takes the lead as an elite, hybrid detective-consultant action hero deployed on industrial spy cases that pose a global threat.
Berlin. August 3. 1:47PM.
‘Your coat, Herr Shimada.’
An instinctual, irrepressible, ever so slight lick of her lips accompanied the lingering glide of the executive secretary’s hands over Trent Shimada’s coat shoulders. Through the fabric, he perceived the soft yet unmistakably deliberate tracing of her fingertips over the steely contours of his triceps. In the midst of this bustling lunchtime bistro, filled with bland-suited management types talking financial bourses over bratwurst, the secretary took an extra moment to indulge in the simple, sensational delight of helping a man put his jacket back on.
Not just any jacket: a sleek charcoal trench-blazer, athletically cut to drape a lean and streamlined Adonis frame. And not just any man: a charismatically enigmatic, devilishly handsome Asian consultant from America. She had been helpless to extricate her every fiber of fascination from him for the past two hours.
‘Danke, Fraulein.’
The impeccably enunciated thank-you issued politely from Shimada’s lips as he adjusted his coat sleeves and gracefully spun back around to face the executive secretary. His voice, refined with consciously reserved masculinity and controlled with intellectual precision, subtly overflowed with the rarest vintage of concealed confidence and profound humanity. He smiled shyly yet slyly all at once, as if he were both oblivious and telepathic to the all-consuming attraction which had been swelling deep within her for the past two hours.
It had been swelling deep within her from the very instant her piercing blue eyes had locked upon a pair of ultra-masculine almond eyes a hundred times more piercing, two hours ago outside the bistro entrance. As he continued graciously, devilishly smiling his gratitude for the assistance she had rendered throughout the meeting, he briefly held her once again with the very same laser gaze that had transfixed her soul in that immortal moment when he first introduced himself.
Fiercely fighting every animalistic impulse coursing through her comely and craving frame, she simply brushed back her raven locks and girlishly stood by as Shimada bade a round of farewells to the executives. Every single cerebrally articulate syllable from the lips of this Japanese-Filipino phenom, who alternated between German and Italian in his goodbye exchanges, was an aural treasure which engorged her wanting earlobes. And those lips. So edible. So laced with masculine vitality. She feared that even an accidental kiss would paralyze her.
Even the mere act of him shaking hands with her employers, in these banally upscale culinary settings, was a visually delicious little spectacle to voyeuristically cherish. A silent giggle curled one corner of her lips and she looked down to hide her joy, like a schoolgirl with embarrassing secret thoughts about a boy. Her particular joy this moment was Shimada’s stylishly mussed jet-black mane, which belied his impossible wisdom for his thirty-seven years, and made him look even younger than her own twenty-six years.
Power players, dealmakers, other consultants, and investment bankers streamed hourly through her headquarters office at Krueger-Altieri, the largest corporate conglomerate in the European Union. Many were articulate too. Many were handsome too. Many of them made advances on her. It mattered not from this moment forth. This executive secretary was utterly and permanently enslaved to anything and everything Trent Shimada, the only articulate and handsome man who now existed in her universe.
And this time, she wanted to be the one making the advance. But could she, and if she could, how would she make the advance?
Her gaze then happened upon a platter of sausage and sour cream on a nearby serving tray. Her mind raced wildly and she nearly gasped out loud as she felt herself instantaneously moisten. A flash of tongue unconsciously flitted across her lips once again. She indulged in one last extra moment, this time a moment of sinful imaginings, envisioning an entirely different steel-hard piece of Shimada’s physique far south of his triceps.
Today’s two hour business meeting, she sensed, would fuel endlessly long nights of a very different and desperate business: self-gratification in the unbearably uncertain days ahead. The days would be unbearable if she had to interact with him and he showed no hint of interest beyond business. The days would be uncertain because she didn’t know how much or how often she would see him. Shimada would now be consulting for her bosses, which guaranteed he would be around…but would it lead to ecstatic consummation, or to tormented unrequite?
Not since her jetsetting days on the catwalk had she found herself desirous and inspired in her career. Now, today, she was not merely inspired, but ignited. Now, today, she was gluttonously desirous…for more of whatever else would bring more of Trent Shimada into her life.
Prior to now there had been no dearth of worthy companions in her life, or competing for entry into her life. But in one instant, in the course of one business gathering in one bistro, and owing to one man, all those other men had suddenly been rendered permanently unworthy. Sheet-writhing nights entangled with just her own hands and thoughts of Shimada in her mind would outdo the most intimate embraces of any of these formerly worthy men, multiple times over.
Shimada cast her a parting glance which was both innocuously charming and wickedly knowing. It acutely slew her that he might know. And she knew instantly that his beautiful parting countenance was the very face she would forever see, forever be enchanted and haunted by, whenever and however she brought herself to sensual catharsis on desperate solo nights.
The incipient moisture had transformed into a languid trickle down her thigh. She abruptly excused herself to the ladies room, clawing frantically at her collar and unbuttoning for air as she hurriedly stumbled along the way. Minutes later, a startled patron entering the ladies room would ask her if everything was alright, for she thought she had heard a muffled scream.
Delicate beads of brow sweat. Guiltily flushed cheeks. Skirt waist resting disheveled at mid-thigh level. Three fingers glistening with the sensuously stringy mixture of hotly panted saliva and wanton womanly juices.
Yes, everything was indeed quite alright.
THE MAID SANCTION James and Anne Horlick were well matched in their marriage. She had always been a tomboy growing up and still liked to take charge of their relationship, which suited him. He was a kind and gentle man who didn't mind Anne's dominant nature and that she wanted him to be a house husband. She married him because she dearly loved his gentleness during sex and the fact that she was able to bend him to her will. She had a high powered job as chief executive in her...
Isabella bereute gerade nicht zum ersten Mal ihre Entscheidung mit ihrem Bruder Antonius, dessen Frau Maria und deren Nichte Viktoria einen Wanderausflug in den Bergen zu machen. Isabella war zwar sehr sportlich und erfreute sich an der Natur, aber das Problem war ihre Begleitung. Weniger ihr Bruder, der mit 38 Jahren drei Jahre älter war als sie, sondern dessen Frau Maria. Diese war von Anfang an gegen die Bergtour gewesen und ließ dies alle Beteiligten von Anfang an deutlich spüren. Zunächst...
Nun bin ich seit 3 Tagen schon in Alpen unterwegs, und langsam kann ich mich vom Alltag abschalten. So können meine Sinne mehr und mehr die Natur wahrnehmen, die Umgebung als auch Kultur und Menschen. Gestartet bin ich in St. Moritz und mit Ziel in zwei Wochen nach Zermatt zu wandern, übernachten in Hütten in Bergen und teilweise Hotels im Tal, und je nach Lust auch mal einen Ruhetag einzuschalten oder ein Teilstück mit Bahn oder Bus zu machen. Ich war schon öfters in Bergen unterwegs, es ist...
BDSMAn diesem Frühlingstag fuhr ich mit meinem Lieferwagen die letzte Tour, maximal 2 Stunden noch. Hatte schon lange sexuell nichts mehr erlebt, 33 war ich jetzt. Ich hatte mir oft erträumt was wäre wenn man einfach sich mal eine schnappt, es dann aber doch verworfen. Die Sonne schien mir ins Gesicht als ich den letzten Kunden ansteuerte. Einige nette Girls hatte ich unterwegs gesehen, aber nichts machte mich so sehr an wie diese hochnäsigen, überheblichen Polizistinnen. In ihrer blauen Uniform,...
BDSMI n d e n F ? n g e n d e r M u d s c h a h e d d i nKey-words: Male-Dom, military battle, war crimes, kidnapping, slavery, non-cons. breeding, scatology, serious, body-modific.,rtorture, abuse. GERMAN language.Roman von masostud ? 2010 by Masostud Provided by bdsmlibrary.comSummary: Begeistert zieht Panzerkommandant Sergei in den sowjetischen ?Befreiungskrieg? gegen die afghan. Mudschaheddin. Er wird aber gefangengenommen und verschleppt. Zum Tier degradiert erlebt er die hasserf?llte Rache ...
Bei den Mathehausarbeiten hatte mein bester Freund Marco immer Schwierigkeiten und rief mich regelmäßig an. Gerade in der letzten Zeit, in der wir uns beide auf das Abi vorbereiteten, paukten wir oft zusammen Gleichungen und Parabeln. So auch vor ein paar Tagen. Marco bat mich, doch bei ihm vorbeizukommen und ihm mit einer besonders fiesen ganzrationalen Funktion zu helfen. Es war ein heißer Tag und eigentlich hatte ich keine Lust, mich heute mit Mathematik zu belasten aber schließlich war...
Anmerkung: Es ist wie immer besser die anderen Teile zu kennen. Richtig wichtig ist aber nur der Teil XIV, da dort die neuen Charaktere eingeführt werden, um die es hier zum Teil geht. Die Geschichte ist nicht ganz so versaut wie meine anderen, aber ich hatte eine Schreibpause und muss erstmal wieder warm werden ;-)... Hoffe sie gefällt euch trotzdem. Die Woche wollte nicht vergehen. Ich war so gespannt, was wohl an dem Wochenende alles passieren würde. Ich hoffte das Regine auch kommen würde...
Hi friends,i’m Nikhil from Bangalore. i’m 23 now. i’m working in a reputed company. this story is just few days old. i have written few stories in the past and i got response from many of them. to be frank it was not response, but it was guys who were asking for the addresses. anyways let me come back for this story now. your responses are always welcomed. read, dream and enjoy !!!!!!this story happened few days before. it was a long day in office. i left home very early n reached office by...
Titel: "Die kleine Sissy mit den Schwefelhoelzchen" Autorin: Katrin --- Copyright (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld. Danke." HINWEIS: Das nun folgende...
In the 2000’s for the longest time in the city of San Karlomina in California there was a story that was bandied around that was just like that. It was about a plain white van full of masked black men who would abduct unsuspecting white women and while driving around the city, they would gangbang them in the back of the van. The longevity of the gangbangs would vary from woman to woman depending on her own depiction, but every story ended the same way with the hapless woman being returned to...
This story is fictional and there is no such town found in California, or in the United States as far as I know. It's set in the 2000's and it is not true. It's predicated on fantasy, and like all of my stories, it involves interracial sex between a white woman and a group of black men. If you cannot handle such stories, then don't read it. No one is forcing you to. For all others who like my writing... I hope you enjoy. It's something I'm trying so please don't beat me up too much. :)*****In...
My wife and I have foursomes on and off for quite a while. One night that comes to mind was recently when we meet up with a couple off the Internet. It went well, and on are way home the next day, we were high after the sex we had just had. You see she enjoys showing off and getting into some exciting situations and I enjoy watching her show off and meeting new guys. This particular morning Rose was wearing a black mini skirt white blouse, a Lacey black bra, a pair of Lacey black panties, and a...
This is a story about a guy I met while I was dogging in Clophill on the old A6 the main road from Barton to Bedford. The area is a well known dogging spot and is in a long off road lay-by next to some woods. During the daytime it is a rest area from the busy main road and trucks and cars can pull in for a while. There’s even a catering van and picnic area but after dark it is a great dogging spot. Cars are parked up in a long line and sometimes big trucks and vans are there as well, with...
THE DEATH VAN By JASON He was young. He was cute. He was hitchhiking. The perfect combination,AKA thought as he pulled over and waited for the shirtless, mop-haired teenagerto make his way to the side of the van. AKA's Death Van. It had been a giftfrom his parents. Not that they knew about the highly secret use AKA put itto, of course. "I'd really love some wheels," he had responded when his dadasked him what he wanted as a graduation present. He deserved something special,right?...
My wife and I have foursomes on and off for quite a while. One night that comes to mind was recently when we meet up with a couple off the Internet. It went well, and on are way home the next day, we were high after the sex we had just had. You see she enjoys showing off and getting into some exciting situations and I enjoy watching her show off and meeting new guys. This particular morning Rose was wearing a black mini skirt white blouse, a Lacey black bra, a pair of Lacey black panties, and...
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A Van Full of Hooligans Is Rob around? My young next door neighbour asked. No, hes working away for a few days. Why? I told him. Im waiting for some mates and weve got a spare ticket for the match at Burnley, I thought that he might want to come. Why not ask me? I smiled. Are you serious? he said, with a look of amazement on his face. Why not? I laughed. I used to go home and away, before I was married. Really? He still didnt believe me, Its a transit van, full of lads. Mmmmm, all the better!...
What the hell did I just do? I feel like such a dirty slut; like I will never be clean again. But I'm getting ahead of myself.I had this crazy dream last week that I couldn't stop thinking about. I had met an older stranger and he gave me the best sex of my life. I couldn't forget it and it made me horny for days. That's why, out of curiosity, I looked at the personal ads on Craigslist to see if there was anyone out there looking for something like me. I responded to a few ads, mostly just ugly...
Hardcore"Is Rob around?" My young next door neighbour asked. "No, he's working away for a few days. Why?" I told him. "I'm waiting for some mates and we've got a spare ticket for the match at Burnley, I thought that he might want to come." "Why not ask me?" I smiled. "Are you serious?" he said, with a look of amazement on his face. "Why not?" I laughed. "I used to go home and away, before I was married." "Really?" He still didn't believe me, "It's a transit van, full of lads." "Mmmmm, all the better!"...
Group Sex“What did you do today, sweetie,” inquired the concerned father.“I went to school and went to the book fair,” answered the man’s eleven-year-old daughter.“Did anything interesting happen at school?”“Oh, I got a gold star for my math homework.”“That’s fantastic, Alexa! You’re so smart!”“Thank you!”“Anything else?”“I caught three outs in the P.E. kickball game.”“You’re a rock star, sweetie.”“Thank you!”“Alright, I’ll let you get back to your homework. Give mom the phone.”“Bye, Dad!”“Hey,” the...
Let me start by giving you a brief background of my wife and I. My name isRichard and I am a computer professional responsible for the operation of alarge IT department and my wife Lisa is in retail sales. I am 34 years old, 6'tall, and weigh 185lbs with brown hair and eyes. My wife is 28 and absolutelygorgeous, she stands 5'4"and weighs 125lbs with blonde hair and green eyes, shehas a nice set of 38C breasts that are wonderful to behold and likes to keepher pussy clean shaven which I assumed...
Kim Hudson and I met in junior high school and became instant friends. Kim and I shared our dreams and goals each other. One night, when Kim slept over at my house, we began exploring. We taught each other how to kiss the first time. As the weeks and months passed, we became more adventurous. I'll never forget the first time Kim played with my breasts. We had been in my room comparing our chests. I'd bought a few new bras because my other ones were too small. I teased Kim as I showed her the...
The surrounding environment seemed remote. Laguna Mountain was an expanse of elevated areas with only a highway that traveled by it. Initially owned by the Kumeyaay people before being pushed out by the Spanish, Mexico, and ultimately the United States, the land was virtually uninhabited. Except for a small village in one section miles and miles away, nobody lived there. The area was beautiful, though. Located in the Cleveland National Forest, somewhere one of the endless amounts of mountain...
Längst kreisen ihre Gedanken nur noch darum, wie so eine Party wohl ablaufen würde. Wie viele Männer da sein werden. Nackt, angezogen, oder vielleicht oberkörperfrei? Ihre Gedanken formen sich zu einer Fantasie. Sie malt sich im Detail aus wie es sein könnte. In Ihrem Tagtraum ist sie im Sommer bei strahlendem Sonnenschein auf einer Finca auf Mallorca. Sie liegt im Innenhof auf einer Liege nur mit einem ultraknappen Bikini bekleidet und genießt die Sonne. Der Bikini besteht eigentlich fast nur...
Hello friends Puja again . jinhone ne meri pehle wali stories nahi padhi please pehle wo stories padhe (Friends Story Ke Is Part Me Aadhi Story Rinku Ki Jubani Or Kuch Story Meri Yani Puja Ki Jubani Hogi ) Agale din subha mujhe didi ne uthaya or fir hum naha dhokar jaldi se school ke liye ready ho gaye . Or fir bahar jakar school van ki wait karne lage . kuch der me school van aa gai . van ka gate khol kar kale ne pehle didi ko dekh kar muskurya to didi ne bhi uski tarf smile kar di or fir...
Introduction: Grabbed knocked out and rapped in a van. I was heading head of my office building towards the parking garage so i could head home after a long busy day. Today was a longer day then normal it was just before midnight, and i hated leaving the office after dark. I was happy it was the weekend and i was off the next 2 days. I was also happy to be heading home to get out of these heels and this outfit. I wasnt big on wearing skirts but one in a great while i would get out of a pant...
Ana in the back of the van I came very tired from office, but my sweet Ana was waiting for me at home with a very nice dinner.Later on, while I was sipping a perfect glass of scotch, she came by me and told me she was real horny and she needed a good hard dick inside her. Ana also told me she knew I was very tired to fuck her that night; so, she wanted my permission to find out a man who could calm her down…My sweet Ana added she wanted me nearby to watch…She wanted me watching at her spreading...
THE VANWarning: this is a graphic story about rape and murder. Please don’t read if you aren’t into these fantasies.More importantly, don’t mistake fiction for reality. If you are contemplating something like this in real life, you need to take into account that you will be caught and sent to jail, where you will be brutally killed in a manner befitting your victims. Seriously, I don’t ever want to hear about this story inspiring a true killing, it would ruin my life, yours, and your...
I've also got this story on a different site under a different name. I havn't nicked it!!Its my first story. Hope you like it.Van TripWe're heading along the motorway from the northeast of England where we live towards the county of Lincolnshire which is further down the east of the country.My travelling companion is Gemma. Gemma is the eighteen year old daughter of Laura. Laura and me have an open relationship based on two conditions. The first being that when we shag someone else it’s only to...
The Van 2Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine.If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy...Mark had been watching the girl for a couple of...
My travelling companion is Gemma. Gemma is the eighteen year old daughter of Laura. Laura and me have an open relationship based on two conditions. The first being that when we shag someone else it’s only to be for sex, the other being we always tell each other. No secrets. Gemma is entertaining herself alternating between playing with her phone, reading a magazine and rolling and smoking spliffs. I’ve got the windows open. I like to get stoned myself but not when I’m driving. Well...
Introduction: This is not a finished work. It still needs to be fleshed out, and is not very descriptive. I just wanted to see what people thought so far. I was walking through the Walmart parking lot, my mothers prescription in hand. It was so busy when I got here, I had to park way in the back, practically in the office depot parking lot. I remembered being frustrated on the walked into the store that I had to cross the gigantic black top in 110 degree weather. I was wearing a button up dress...
Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy... Mark had been watching...
One evening my wife and I were having dinner, the subject of one of our fantasies came up. We called it the van. It had been a reoccurring fantasy of ours to pick up several guys and have them fuck my wife in the back of a van. This time we decided to do it so we waited for the weekend. We rented a white van for the night and went downtown looking for a few good looking, healthy guys. She was wearing a black low cut mini dress and had a bed made up in the back. We drove along for a bit and came...
Group SexT-girl Van Sex Pulling up to the curb near the bookstore one recent night, I happened to notice a nice looking custom van drive by very slowly. Looking intently at the driver as it passed by, I noticed that the driver was a very sexy looking woman, and she gazed at me intently as she passed by. The van pulled up to the curb in front of my car and parked. Shortly afterwards, the brake lights on the van flashed several times, and I took this as a signal. I opened my door and then made my way...
It was 3:00pm and Amanda was just leaving from work to head home. Her son Tristan was leaving school to head home. He was a sophomore in high school and his mom was a 42 year old blonde bombshell that stood 6ft1 with 42DDD tits and a angel face. Both of them had no idea what was in store for them but it will change their lives forever. As Amanda approached her car she paid no attention to the van parked next to it. When she got her keys out to open the door the side door of the van door flew...
69 Chevy Van - Love WagonBy Wonder_DadStory #4I have always been a hard worker, starting work when I was only 14 at a lumberyard as a helper. Carrying 2x4's, a plywood and 100 lb sack of concrete for customers was my main job. It did not pay well, but I developed a very muscular physique, and I saved every penny I made with a specific goal in mind. My uncle had a custom 1969 Chevy short van, with round porthole windows on the side, a sunroof, and a fantastic paint job. His business was...
I decided to drive to this park that is frequented by bi/gay men looking to hook up to see if I could get a little action the other night. It was 7pm, cold, damp and dark. I pulled into the lower parking lot in a secluded out of the way area hoping to see another parked car. What was there was a black mini-van. The lights were off and I didn't see anyone in the front seat so I figured the dude got out of his car and walked down the path looking for some fun. It was too cold & dark for...
T-girl Van SexPulling up to the curb near the bookstore one recent night, I happened to notice a nice looking custom van drive by very slowly. Looking intently at the driver as it passed by, I noticed that the driver was a very sexy looking woman, and she gazed at me intently as she passed by. The van pulled up to the curb in front of my car and parked. Shortly afterwards, the brake lights on the van flashed several times, and I took this as a signal. I opened my door and then made my way up to...
SEX IN TRANSIT SEX IN TRANSIT They gathered round her in a ring. She was really scared as there was no-one around to help. She should never have gone this way home so late at night. Slowly they advanced, the ring closing around her. She knew it would be useless to try to run for it - she would not be able to break through the ring and she certainly could not outrun them. Her voice froze - she couldn't even scream for help. Hands grabbed her arms then bodies crushed in against her,...
We’re still travelling in the van, Gemma’s smoking another spliff.“Right, I've thought about what you have to do for me.” she says.“So what is it?”.“You have to be my submissive for the weekend”.“Ha sound like Madam Whiplash”.“Well I don’t have a whip, but you have to obey me. Anything I tell you to do, you have to do it”.“Sounds like a doddle, I'm your mothers dogsbody most weekends anyway”.“Aye, but don't think you’re getting away that easily mister”.I thought it was too good to be...
A true and enhanced telling of my first time being had by another man in the presence of my current husband. Raymond and I have been married for thirteen years and have a nice home and family life together. This episode took place about three years ago shortly after our ten year wedding anniversary. Ray has always had some interesting ideas about sharing me with another man. He is very keen on role play and scenarios and I do not mind indulging them sometimes. We have a small collection of toys...
It wasn't that I didn't like my dad, it was just that I thought he was kind of a buffoon. A buffoon that had got real lucky, but he was the kind of guy who never realized it was luck that got him to where he was. It was Dad's good fortune to be at the right place at the right time and by a series of coincidences end up married to a woman who was far superior to him in just about every way. When she was young Mom had gone to an all girl school. One night she met my father at one of those...
This time we decided to do it so we waited for the weekend. We rented a white van for the night and went downtown looking for a few good looking, healthy guys. She was wearing a black low cut mini dress and had a bed made up in the back. We drove along for a bit and came across one guy walking alone. I pulled up next to him and my wife slid the door open and said “hey sweetie, wanna fuck me? Sure! He said with a smirk. He got in and I started driving. As soon as he closed the door, she had his...
Der 19 jährige Sebastian war mal wieder bei seinem Onkel Manfred 55 und Tante Brigitte 41, genannt Biggi zu Besuch. Er sollte die Ferien bei den Verwandten auf dem Land verbringen. Da Biggi gerade einen kleinen Jungen bekommen hatte, sollte er der Tante im Haushalt zur Hand gehen. Für die dick-tittige Biggi schwärmte Sebastian schon, seid er seinen Schwanz das erste Mal abgewichst hatte. Er hatte seine Tante oft heimlich beobachtet. Biggi war die Frau, die seine Wichsfantasien immer wieder...
“Right, I've thought about what you have to do for me.” she says. “So what is it?”. “You have to be my submissive for the weekend”. “Ha sound like Madam Whiplash”. “Well I don’t have a whip, but you have to obey me. Anything I tell you to do, you have to do it”. “Sounds like a doddle, I'm your mothers dogsbody most weekends anyway”. “Aye, but don't think you’re getting away that easily mister”. I thought it was too good to be true. “There's a good shop just opened in town”...
My friend Mitch rang me up on a Saturday night, explaining that he had got back with his ex girlfriend Lucy , as you may be aware, I've mentioned Lucy in one of my previous stories. A quick recap- Mitch is about 5ft11 and well built , being my best friend and gym partner we do a lot together. Lucy was a size 6/8 really toned ass and size EE fake boobs.Anyway as I was saying , Mitch rang me and told me the situation he was in, he wanted to give Lucy an amazing night, and she wanted to be treated...
I stood waiting on the street corner. Waiting for the black van with the mattress in the back and my rapists. I had on an old skirt and blouse in case they cut off my clothes again. My hair was in a ponytail. I felt a mix of fear of the unknown, anticipation and horniness. I flashed back to the woods. The hot breath on the back of my neck as driver held me, suspended on his cock buried deeply in my ass. The rustle of leaves in front of me as the passenger lifted my knees and hooked them under...
We laid naked side by side in silence smoking weed. Rain drops began to pitter-patter the roof and increased in velocity to a steady shower followed by thunder rumbling in the distance and accompanied by periodic flashes of lightening that illuminated the van's interior well beyond the battery powered overhead lamp that was rapidly dimming from over use. "Let's go swimming!" Seth excitedly broke the monotony of silence and was on his feet with me in pursuit, stopping to haul a stirring...
One division of La Force, in which the most dangerous and desperate prisoners are confined, is called the court of Saint-Bernard. The prisoners, in their expressive language, have named it the "Lions' Den," probably because the captives possess teeth which frequently gnaw the bars, and sometimes the keepers also. It is a prison within a prison; the walls are double the thickness of the rest. The gratings are every day carefully examined by jailers, whose herculean proportions and cold...
So I would like to introduce my new friend Lewis he was a farmers son,he was a bit rugged wellington boots and smelt of grass, He was older than me he had just left school so would have been 16 but had a lot of younger friends,he was tall dark and very good looking we had been playing hide and go seek and footy all sorts,I recall it was a warm day I had been home as our garden backed onto the field where we were messing aboutI grabbed some pop and some biscuits crisps etc and headed back to...
The Lion's Den appeared to be much like any other sports bar, and in fact it was in many ways. There was booze and food, a big-screen TV for sports, some pool tables in the back area and a number of autographed pictures on the walls that showed the owner; Charlie, with famous sports stars. However, there was a special quality to the bar, it could allow access to potentially unlimited dimensions where one could travel to and partake of whatever they wish, most obviously the women. The Lion's Den...
This happened back in the Fall of 2016. I don't remember the exact date, but I know it was already getting very cold.-----------------Daddy Jake has a big, beautiful cock. He had been fucking me for over a year now. I craved his big, hard, throbbing cock all the time. It was one of the best cocks I ever had. I loved it.But Daddy is married, so he could only fuck me when ever he could get away. One day, after daddy ravaged me like the cheap whore that I am, daddy brought up one of his...
The final chapter in the ganbang in a van story in the adventures of Diannaromo as she take a gangbang anal pounding and like the filthy big titted filthy mommy fuck whore she really is, she can't get enough of it....Gangbang in a van - Chapter 4: Anal creampies for mommy Diannaromo With those words Dianna found hands all over her, mauling at her, grabbing her hair, big tits, arse, cunt and legs as she is forced over onto her tummy. Dianna is so fucking helpless and could do nothing as her head...
Aus der Reihe: 15-Minuten-Story-Challenge„Chrissie, was zur Hölle hast Du denn da wieder an?“ fragte ich meine neue Freundin, die aussah, als sei sie von einem anderen Stern hergezogen. War sie genau genommen auch, nämlich aus Bayern. „Was ist denn damit?“ fragte sie ehrlich irritiert. „Ist mein Busen zu sehr eingequetscht?“Ihr grässliches Oberteil hatte tatsächlich ein Muster aus blau-weißen Rauten und Rüschen an Ärmeln und Ausschnitt. Es sah aus, als hätte sie eine bayerische...
My Time With Dennis / Denise As many of us are, I was a confused college kid. I was still a virgin coming out of high school and was conditioned by society that boys liked girls and girls liked boys. My first few months were awkward when it came to dating. It seemed if you weren't part of a frat house then you couldn't get dates. This led to many Friday and Saturday nights out with friends rather than on a date. In one of my classes I met Dennis. He stood about 5'7", was slight in...
The parking lot is dark, little light revealing our location. I step out of my car and approach the mysterious van that just parked three spots to my left. The windows are tinted; I am unable to see inside at all. A sticker with the University Of Alabama is on the rear window, just as she said it would be. This is the van I've been waiting for.I approach the right sliding door and grab hold of the handle. Carefully opening the door, I am greeted by a curvy, mid-forties brunette in the back...
CuckoldWhen he got back to Betty's there was a note on the refrigerator saying she had gone over to Martha's to borrow something and would "be back soon." He thought back to a place they had driven by on the way home. It wasn't too far. He'd just walk up there and see what he could do about having his own car. He left Betty a note saying he'd gone on his own errand and might have a surprise for her when he got back. The place he'd seen was the car lot in Circleton owned by "Rascal Rick",...