Layers Ch. 03 free porn video

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My alarm startles me awake. I don't normally sleep so solidly but this time, I did. No dreams to remember at all, either. Just pure solid sleep. I feel really good and relaxed. Until I sit up. There's this dull ache way low in my stomach. It's not terrible but it's uncomfortable as hell and almost feels like the leftovers of being kicked in the balls. I grimace against the pain and rub under my balls gently. Too much masturbating and being hard almost all day yesterday, probably. I ignore it and take my shower. In fact, I ignore a lot of what happened yesterday. The memory of the night before last is there but easier to shove away. And the other stuff? I just kind of put it into this little mental box and bury it.

I feel like toasted crap but the shower works wonders. Turned up almost all the way, I just stand and turn this way and that to let the hot water wash over my body. Luxurious. Usually my showers are short but the hot water is working my muscles, relaxing them. Loosening them. I hadn't noticed how stiff I was from everything. Mmmm... my skin feels especially sensitive at the moment, in a good way but also in that crazy almost-too-much-to-bear tickling sensitivity. Definitely going to change my detergent.

When the water turns slightly colder, I grab the soap and lather my hands. Wow. I am sensitive. And my skin is really smooth. Crazy smooth. I guess I hadn't realized what losing my body hair meant because my hands just glide over my ches- OH SHIT! My nipples feel really good right now. Could it be? I look down but, no, they're just my nipples. Small with the little, barely quarter sized aureole around them. Erect, sure, but I'm playing with them. It's much more noticeable - the jolt to my balls. Huh. It also makes the ache less... ache-y. I lean back against the shower wall, out of the stream of water, and rub both nipples. Fuck, yes. I'm rock hard from the feeling but not even thinking of touching my dick because my nipples feel so ... different. Left over response from the other night but, unlike the confused imagery from yesterday, I'll gladly take it.

I don't notice my right hand going down to my thigh. My left middle and index fingers are rubbing and tweaking my tiny left nipple while my right hand has settled on the crease between my inner thigh and balls. My eyes are closed, not imagining anything - just losing myself in the feeling of the live nerve running straight from my nipple to my dick. I'm pressing the fingers and flat of my right hand against the side of my balls and inner thigh - rubbing the area in a down and forward motion over and over as if massaging myself. If I were noticing it, I'd say it felt good in an odd way. But, I don't notice it and I'm not doing it on purpose. All I know is the - FUCK! I buckle and fall on my ass, thankful there's some padding there. 

Shaking. I'm sh... shaking and.... Jesus, it's hard to breathe. My dick is pumping, cumming against the walls. Pale glops of sperm hitting here and there and being taken down by the water. I can't seem to control my body. My hips keep jerking and my legs are like a pair of snakes fighting in a bag. I won't ever admit it but that small part of me that's coherent through the orgasm and shaking is faintly sad that the cum is gone to where I can't get it.

My body settles after a little bit of the strange jerkiness. I have my arms clenched around my chest and lower stomach and I'm breathing hard. I have, never in my life, ever cum without my dick being involved in some way. Ever. My dick is flaccid against my balls and that ache is back deep in me. I curse myself for getting worked up and making it worse but what's done is done and the shower's going cold. I go to my knees, ignoring the image of the she-wolf on her knees, and, but no, I can't stand. I can reach the shampoo bottle from where I am so I quickly clean my hair and turn off the cold water.

So, I sit. Kneel. With my hands on my thighs and my eyes closed. Breathing. Wiggling my toes. When I'm sure I can stand, I do, leaning on the walls for support. I'm careful with the towel as I dry off since I'm still sensitive and my nipples feel painful from me messing with them. 

There's barely time to brush my teeth and grab a protein bar to eat on the way to work so I rush through it. The tags come of off my new clothes really easily and I'm pleased to feel the silk cool and soft against my chest. No irritation for the skin like my other shirt and even my sore nipples aren't bothered. The pants are a little tight in the seat and sides but I'm sure I'll ease into them the more I wear them. I do a quick glance in the mirror to make sure I didn't miss any tags, turning to the side to see the back and... huh. My ass looks good in these slacks. Reaching back, I check and feel a plumpness that wasn't there before. I think the tightness of them are pushing at the skin and making it seem like I actually have an ass. Like those bras that make a lady seem to have more cleavage than she actually has. I twirl a bit to see both sides but my other alarm goes off so I head out.

It's a gray day but I feel oddly cheerful. I can't figure out why but I'm tapping the steering wheel and humming some half-remembered song as I drive along to work, singing out the wrong lyrics off-key. I'm even grinning at random people during the stop-and-go part of the traffic. Why shouldn't I be happy? I turned into a fucking werewolf the other night! Why haven't I stopped to think about it and be amazed? A goddamned werewolf! Sure, I barely remember it but it happened. And, okay, as a woman too but still a werewolf. I almost feel like laughing out loud suddenly. Who'd believe it? It's something I'll remember until the day I die. Even the dull ache under my balls isn't enough to dampen my good mood. Everything just seems so much brighter. It's crazy.

I call out good morning to different people as I make my way to my desk at work, humming as I go along. Tea, protein bar, email. Done. I settle into it and time passes. Things are starting to feel more routine. I check my mail for credit references, new customer forms and anything from my boss. There's a nice stack of things for me to deal with so I get started and time passes.

"You probably want to get that checked, man." The voice startles me badly. I get sucked into work easily. The easy monotony of paperwork and the combination of living alone and not having a TV means I'm not surrounded by people and noise constantly. Add in what happened the past two nights and me being on edge in general and I find I'm way jumpier than usual.

"Get what... Oh." I've been scratching my chest again. I hadn't even noticed myself doing it. Slow, long scratches. "Yeah, just not paying attention. What's up, Ed?" I ask.

"Did you see my email about Aquatica? I really need you to open them up in the system. I've got a $20,000 order waiting to go through." Ed looks like he could be on drugs. Skinny, twitchy, eyes darting here and there and this strange energy. I keep waiting for him to try to borrow money from me for some fake reason while actually going out to buy cocaine or meth or whatever druggies use. I know shockingly little about drugs and I'm okay with that. That's why god invented vodka.

"Yeah, I did. And you know what they did the past two times. We had to fight them to pay us back," I tell him. It's true, too. They're a terrible company. 

"Come oonnn, man. I know their sales rep and she swears she'll pay on time." He looks like he's about to pee himself. The company gossip (I hear it second hand by snooping on conversations) is that Ed has a problem with money - a boat, car and a house he can't afford. And probably a heroin habit. Or cocaine. Whatever.

I shrug. "Ed, I can't do it. It's-"

"Rebecca said they'd pay it! I talked to her myself. Yeah, they had problems before but they need our engines for some of their new boats. They'll pay. She said. They have guaranteed work." His cheeks are flushed. He's mad. I can feel my heart speeding up. My previously cheerful mood is evaporating.

"My boss has the file, Ed. Talk to him if-"

"Fuck. Seriously? Can you talk to him? I'll send you the emails."

"Ed, I explained everything to him but-"

"Jesus. Same damn thing every time. Why do I even ask? I'll talk to your damn boss." He leaves in a huff and I can feel my heart hammering. Stupid. Stupid. It's not my fault! I can feel tears starting at the corner of my eyes and I rub at them to try to keep them away. My face feels hot to the touch. I turn my head away from the other cubicles to stare at the palm of my hands. Why the hell am I crying? I'm fine. I was happy. I... a tear squeezes out to fall on my hand. I can almost feel my breath hitching, threatening an actual crying fit. I'm breathing fast and shallow and another tear creeps out, rolls across my flushed cheeks and falls. What's wrong with me? Ed's an asshole but that wasn't a big deal. I just... I squeeze my eyes shut and feel the tears leak out. I can't catch my breath properly. I haven't cried since my dog died when I was a kid. Not a full blown cry like this.

It takes five minutes before my breathing is back to normal. My face is still warm and my eyes are watery but I don't feel like I'm about to have a crying fit over some stupid little-! Argh! I can feel it starting again just at the thought of Ed and his problem. No. No, no. More deep breaths. Slowly. How stupid is this? I know it's not my fault. There's no way this should upset me like that. I want to go home. I don't want anyone to look at me. I just want to be home under covers. In the dark. Goddammit. I can feel my throat hurting from needing to cry but I shove it down yet again.

My computer's clock lists the time at a little past 11 - nearly lunch time. I clear my throat a few times until I'm sure I'm okay. I sniff once, yell at myself mentally and then blow my nose. I still feel like crying. I hate this. I hate this feeling. I need a vacation. I knew there would be a breaking point from the stress of dealing with assholes at work but this is too much. I look stupidly at the form in front of me, trying to will myself to work. Trying to make the thing make sense.

I don't jump at the voice this time but it takes a second to recognize someone is talking to me. "Are you all right?" The voice asks. I nod my head, cough a little and rub at my eyes. 

"Allergies," I say. My voice is hoarse and it hurts to talk. I rub at my throat a bit but it doesn't make it feel better. "What's up, Sarah?"

"I just emailed you some forms for a new customer and I need them all approved in an hour. I can have their references in ten minutes but it's a new place and they're big and promising some nice orders if we hustle." Sarah is one of them. One of the bitchy ladies. You can tell it by the bitch creases at the corner of her eyes and by the way she opens her mouth and the bitchiness just rolls off her tongue. Snap to it. I'm more important than anything else, etc... etc...

I'm growling deep in my throat because it seems to help a little. Like a little massage. A simple little 'rrrrrrrrr' sound that's very quiet. I think. Sarah doesn't seem to notice. I can feel the stress starting up again. I hate it. "I can't. I have three other things Ed needs right now. Anyway. did the GM sign off on it since it's a rush job?"

What was it? What finally does it? The way she grimaces? Or the way she rolls her eyes? Simply the way she talks? Her tone? The heavy, over-dramatic sigh? She starts to talk but I don't let her. I can feel this sudden anger. My whole body flushes with heat and I just feel a sudden rage. Face still hot and the tears threatening to come back, I feel mad. My voice is scratchy and I'm probably crying but I don't give a flying fuck. Words just start pouring out of my mouth. Louder and louder. "Stop. Don't say anything, Sarah. Don't say another word. I'm tired of the shit. Tired of you coming over here and giving me attitude that I don't deserved. D..." My voice stumbles and squeaks, changing pitch for a moment. "Don't come over here giving me bullshit just because I'm doing my job and making sure we don't get fucked. JESUS!" I stomp my foot and I can feel my hands trembling at my sides. I'm so damn angry and tired right now. And, yes, I can feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks. My chin would probably be trembling if I weren't clamping my jaw so tight.

Sarah is astounded. Her mouth is open and her eyes are wide in shock. Is this what I looked like yesterday at the department store? She tries to talk for a moment and I stare back, as hard as I can. My mouth is a thin slit of anger. Everyone is pointedly not looking our way but still listening really hard. "I... I..." And then she walks away. She just turns and leaves. I stare at her back until she's out of sight.

The men's bathroom is only ten feet away. I'm there in seconds, locking the door behind me. It's a small one person bathroom so I thankfully have the whole thing to myself. I collapse onto the toilet with my arms wrapped around my chest, crying as quietly as I can. It's a hard cry. I probably look like a fool with snot and tears running. I taking great gulps of air with each sob. I can't seem to stop it happening. The weird thing is that, mentally I don't exactly feel like I should be crying. Logically, I know I'm fine. I just can't stop it.

And then I'm laughing. And crying. Quietly. No, I don't know why I'm laughing, either. I just ride it out. I decide if I can't control my own emotions then I'm just going to mentally sit back and let it happen. Now I notice my pants are actually digging into my sides a bit - definitely tighter than I thought they were. It's making it harder for me to catch my breath. I'd do something about it if I could stop crying. And by degrees, I calm down. Slowly. From quiet gulps of air to hiccups to sniffling and little bits of fragmented laughter. My stomach is in knots and my head is pounding.

Toilet paper doesn't make good for good tissue paper but it's better than nothing and I go through half of a roll cleaning off all the snot and tears. My face hurts. From all the crying. Just aches from my jaw to the sides of my face and up. I toss the toilet paper in the trash and go to the mirror to survey the damage. My eyes are all red. Naturally. Something else is off but my head hur... What the fuck? I stare. I stand up straight and stare with my hands on the edge of the cold ceramic sink.

Nipples. The silk shirt I'm wearing is a fairly simple medium-sized red short-sleeve design. No pockets or anything like that. I don't like pockets on my shirts. My nipples are pressed against the shirt and they're very obviously there. And large. Like a woman's nipples. Now that I see them, I can feel them against the shirt. I bite my bottom lip at the feeling of how they glide against the fabric. It's sensuous and I can feel the throbbing in my pants from both the feeling of it and simply seeing them pressing against the shirt. As if hypnotized, my hands go to the buttons of my shirt and undo them. Slowly, I pull the shirt open.

Fat dark brown nipples. I can feel the air moving against them. The aureole is way larger, slightly puffy looking and also a darker brown color. My chest is flat. Well, no, that's wrong. Let me rephrase - I used to have almost man-boobs. When I lost the fat yesterday, I had some semblance of pectorals. Not quite but still there. Except not any more.

I have budding breasts under the nipples. Barely anything but I can see the swell. A little girl's breasts. I grimace at that thought but I'm not a little girl. And the nipples are certainly not something that belong on a child - I've seen grown women with smaller ones. My hand reaches for one of them but stop just an inch away. My heart is pounding and the hand near the nipple is shaking slightly. I lean into the mirror to see better and then touch the nipple. The jolt is immediate and I bite my lip again, moaning slightly. The skin around the nipple shrivels slightly as if gathering up and I can feel a slight pull as the nipple hardens.

I can't help it. I push harder against the nipple, rolling it around. My head goes back - the feeling is intense. I can't hold back the "Ohhhh godddd" moan that escapes my lips. My breast is small but soft and I feel the softness against my fingers as I push the nipple in and around. The shock of the feeling goes straight to my feet by way of my balls. Way worse than what I experienced in the shower this morning. And by worse I mean "Holy Jesus Fuck that feels amazing." My hand automatically cups the small breast while I pinch and roll the nipple with my fingers. It's different being the lady rather than the man in this position but it works. I can barely stay standing. My legs keep wanting to buckle and it's hard to concentrate on anything other than this delicious itching/tickling/electrical thing that's going on in my body. My nerves are alive with it and I can feel the pressure building for me to cum.

It's hard to stop but I do. After double-checking the lock on the door, I make my way back to the toilet. My shirt comes off and goes on the little hook nearby. I unbutton my pants and have to struggle to get them off of my hips - they're wider now. I can see the difference because they flare out slightly. I run my hands from my sides down to the hips and I think I could just stand there touching myself like this for hours. My whole body is smooth and sensitive to the touch. And I have an ass now - it bubbles out slightly and is nearly as soft as my tit feels. I knead the flesh of my ass cheeks and moan again, louder this time. Pulling and kneading and massaging... my balls are aching from all this torture. I need to cum badly. When I sit on the toilet seat, I can feel the way my ass squishes slightly. And then, I notice my dick. It's smaller. Completely hard but maybe four or five inches instead of the seven inches it should be. I should be scared but I'm not. At all. 

My left hand goes to my left tit. It's bigger now. Slightly bigger. I massage the breast over and over, twisting my feet at the feeling. My right hand automatically goes between my thigh and balls again, rubbing and kneading the flesh there. My thighs are thicker than before but I don't especially notice. What I do notice is that I'm very sensitive in the spot my right hand is playing with. It's an interesting counter-point to the way my nipple feels. A localized thrum of pleasurable pressure right to my balls versus this jagged bolt from my nipple. I'm moaning and twisting my feet, rubbing my crotch while pinching and rolling my nipple. Moaning and gasping and mewling, my voice changing slightly, pitching higher. I subconsciously notice the dull pain in my throat for a moment before it goes away. My dick is throbbing with each heartbeat. I should've cum already but it's taking longer and I don't really care.

A very feminine "Haaahnnnn!" sound comes from my mouth over and over while I play with myself. I can't... I can't... can't think... too much... too much pressure, too many sensations, like my brain is a live wire humming with electricity. The orgasm hits me like a sledgehammer and I have to bite my lip painfully to keep from screaming out loud. I muffle it and taste blood as I bite deeper. My hands fly out, left hand hitting the wall as I shake from the waves of pleasure. This fiery wave of pressure releasing throughout my whole body. I can feel my dick spasming but I can't keep my eyes open. They're fluttering as I gasp out muffled screams and my feet drum the floor.

Finally, I collapse into myself, hunched over. I can smell my cum. My brain buzzes at the remembered taste and I can feel the saliva working in my mouth, like a dog trained to drool at the ding of a bell. I want to taste it but I can't move. I'm holding myself tight and still shaking a little from the orgasm. I grip tighter and lean into myself more but that's a mistake - my nipples rub against my legs and then FUCK! FUCK! I scream out loud this time because I wasn't expecting it. As a man, I cum once and I'm done for a while and there's no screaming. A grunt, maybe? Not... not this... Jesus! I'm shaking again. Why's it... why's it so much? Why...? Fuck. Every nerve in my body is alive and I'm still moaning. My right leg starts jumping with a weird nervous tic and I can't make it stop.

I focus on the leg in hopes it'll distract me. The skin of the thigh is so smooth and I can see the outlines of muscles as it tenses and releases over and over. I want to touch the leg and trace the muscles but I know that'd be a bad idea. Why the fuck won't it stop tapping and jumping? Oh shit. I came all over the walls. Ignoring the leg, I look around and see multiple spots of cum. Normally my cum is pretty thick and fairly opaque. This stuff... now it's way more of a liquid and nearly transparent. Smells different in a way. Slightly different. Sharper. My mouth is watering at the smell.

Shit. I'm wriggling my ass on the toilet seat and I don't even remember doing it. I have to go. When my leg finally calms down, I find my phone in my pants pocket and, with shaking hands, shoot off a quick email to my boss to tell him I'm leaving. It takes a little bit of time to clean the cum off the walls. With toilet paper.

Pulling my pants on is a struggle and I have to leave them unbuttoned. My ass is straining the fabric but I'll be gone in a minute and could care less. Thankfully, I forgot to buy new underwear so they're still sized for when I was fatter. The breasts are bigger. My breasts. I don't know cup sizes but they're definitely bigger than when I looked in the mirror. I want to touch them again. Badly. I really really want to play with them and touch them and hold them but I need to get the fuck out of here. The shirt is tighter when I put it back on and you can see my breasts... Jesus. MY breasts. You can see the outline of them with the shirt. The nipples press hard against the fabric. I can't stop from moaning when I button the shirt.

Looking in the mirror, I don't know what to make of myself. My shirt is straining against my chest. Thankfully, it comes down enough to cover the fact that the pants zipper is only half-way done up and the not buttoned. 

Oh. That's what I was noticing earlier. My face is softer. Subtly softer. And a tiny bit more narrow. My chin is a little more pointed. The nose is a little smaller. My cheekbones are higher. My eyes ... I think they might be bigger? It's hard to say right now. The blond in my hair is mixed with brown. Again, as if hypnotized, I can't stop from touching the side of my face. It doesn't stop there. My fingers are more slender and a little longer. Smoother. I can feel the smoothness of my cheek against the light touch of my finger. Moles are missing. My complexion is clearer. My overbite is gone. The femininity of the face looks odd with my lips - they're still my old thin lips and it makes me look slightly severe.

It takes 30 seconds for me to get from the bathroom to my car. Thirty seconds where I hug my arms to my chest, ignoring the alien feel of my soft breasts. Thirty seconds where I talk to no-one and hide my face. My bright red face. My pants are rubbing semi-painfully against the inside of my thighs as I fast-walk. I can't hear what anyone is saying over the loud pounding noise my heart is making.

The car feels like sanctuary. I barely hesitate before jamming the keys in and roaring off. Well, as much as my little car can roar, anyway. My dick aches the entire trip and the balls feel like they're being crushed by the combination of the tight pants and thicker thighs. I keep shifting in my seat in hopes the pain will go away. It's a dull ache straight from my balls to the back of my head - nearly nausea inducing.

When I try to run to my front door, I find I can't. The pants are too tight. So I shuffle, gritting my teeth the entire time. I lock the door as soon as it's closed and I have my pants off faster than a virgin on prom night. The relief is incredible. I can actually breathe without too much pain.

Something is off. Something... I slowly take my boxer-brief underwear off. Oh. That's why my balls were aching. They're gone. The area below my dick is covered in wrinkly ball-sack skin. I both want to touch it and don't want to touch it. Afraid of what I'll feel. It hurts. It's that same ache I was feeling in the morning only worse. Deep inside. My dick is pathetic looking. It's hard again but only a few inches long and barely thicker than a pencil.

"Ohhhh..." I moan. I can FEEL my breasts moving against my shirt. I fumble to unbutton the damn thing and get it off of me. My breasts are now a decent handful - the nipples point up and very slightly to the sides. They itch like hell. I'd watch them but a sharp pain near my dick jerks my eyes down. The skin where my balls used to be has... pulled in. My dick has shrunk even smaller in the seconds I looked away. The head of it is pulling into the skin around the shaft as I watch. It's not a pleasant feeling at all. Bearable but it turns my stomach and the ache in my gut pulses painfully. There are crunching noises. Bone crunching noises.

I'm hyperventilating now. I can't help it. I can feel a tugging sensation as skin is pulled INSIDE my crotch. Other skin is puckering up as my dick is completely pulled in above the new hole. Lips. Pussy lips. I lean back on my legs, kneeling to watch it happen. I'm watching the tail-end of it now. The head of my dick is tiny and wrapped by soft looking skin. The clit. Obviously. There's no pubic hair down there. Smooth skin. There's ... there's something that happens inside me and it's this pinching/pulling/ripping thing that makes me go down to my forearms, hunching over and feeling my soft breasts against my smooth, slightly sweaty thighs. The goddamn nipples ache at the touch.

The strange pain goes away and I feel something else relax. Some muscle. A smell hits me hard. Pussy. I'm smelling my own pussy. I wriggle a little at this sudden feeling deep inside of me and I smell myself even more strongly. It's an erotic smell and if I were a guy, I'd be ripping off clothes to get my mouth on the girl's cunt. I lean back slowly to my knees and spread my legs. The smell intensifies and I can see how shiny my pussy lips are in the light.

I'm fucking wet.

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December 7, 1991, Mason, Ohio “Are you going to say anything? Or just sit there with your mouth hanging open?” I took a sip of my Jack Daniels and swallowed. “Sorry, that just kind of came out of left field!” “Your wives haven’t cracked down on you, have they?” “No, but there’s an issue.” “I have rubbers,” she smirked. “I didn’t expect you to bring any.” I chuckled, “Not that. I had a vasectomy a couple of months ago.” “Oh, hell yes! Sex without a rubber? Finally! Get your damned...

3 years ago
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One Very Hot Night

I come into the bedroom, finding you asleep, on your stomach. I slide the covers back gently so not to wake you, revealing your body.Y ou are wearing only a white thong.I stand there a moment, looking at your legs and ass. My cock rapidly growing. I gotta have you. Slowly and silently I let my shorts drop to the floor. I reach for a bottle of body oil on the dresser and pour a line on my cock, rubbing it in all over my head and shaft. Like a cat stalking its prey, I gently climb onto the bed....

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e4 Carolyn 50 journalist from London

Series 3, Episode 4: Carolyn Kings Place, London. The large, modern home of The Guardian newspaper – arguably the UK’s most balanced news publication. We’re not going inside, our next subject has asked to meet us just along York Way at Pret-A-Manger for a vegetarian wrap (or two) and an organic coffee. She’s a curvy, middle-aged woman with long wavy dark hair flowing down over her shoulders. You might call her fat, but not obese. Her face is dominated by a huge smile that indicates she is...

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Delights In TimeChapter 3

Roz sat back down and seemed to wait for the Reverend to speak. She made no effort to be polite, instead looking almost resigned to this interruption in her world. "I just wanted to see how you were and if I could be of any help. Is there something bothering you?" She looked at him with an expression of what appeared to be pity. She smiled briefly before she answered him. "Nothing that you can help me with. I made a very bad mistake and betrayed my husband and now I have to live with...

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ChangesChapter 9

Cole walked towards the cellblock and could hear music playing and girls laughing out with joy. He couldn't wait to see the girl of his dreams and hold her in his arms as he made passionate love to her. As he opened the door, he saw girls dancing with each other and more joy on their faces than he had ever seen before. He walked in with a very rare smile on his face and felt a soft touch on his shoulder. 'Care to dance?' A voice that Cole knew very well whispered in his ear as she walked...

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School daze Taming Miss MacDougall

I went to school in Scotland during the 1950s. All the staff at the primary school were female. They had families of their own, some of whom were pupils at the school. In contrast, there were only four women teachers at the large secondary school I later attended. They were excellent educators, but crabby and hard on pupils, particularly the boys. It must have been demanding for them to compete and survive in that male-dominated environment. They were all spinsters and Miss Clara MacDougall,...

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In the Vineyard Ch 03

The doorbell rang at a few minutes after seven on Monday morning. Ana rubbed her eyes, she was feeling some effect from the margaritas last night. When the Stones returned, they were still celebrating. As expected, Chris’ father announced his retirement, and that, as of the beginning of next year, Chris would be in charge of the business. There were a few more pitchers of margaritas, then some coffee as Ana prepared to drive home. She didn’t arrive home until after midnight. The bell rang...

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Mother and Daughter part 2

Ellie smiled as she woke up on her comfortable single bed. It had been one of the most turbulent weeks of her young life, if not THE most turbulent, but it had finally ended, and for once, Ellie had a reason to feel positive about her future, all thanks to one person- the woman who was, unsurprisingly, already awake when Ellie emerged from her room, glad only in a knee-length t-shirt. "Good afternoon," Janet teased, chuckling as the teenager rolled her eyes. "Can't blame you for...

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Too Much LoveChapter 9

There was a line waiting to get into Carnavale Soho when Cat and Hall arrived even though it was just before seven on a Tuesday evening. Standing outside the front door, looking in, Hall said, “It looks popular.” “Good thing we have a reservation, then.” Cat laid a hand on her husband’s shoulder. “How do I look?” “Ravishing,” Hall gave her the charming, faintly self-deprecating smile that had first attracted her to him and opened the door. The muffled music they’d been hearing from outside...

5 years ago
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A Lift 02

A Lift – 02 It’s better if you read the first part to better understand the plot and characters. Thank you all for your very positive and encouraging feedback. Do you think the story is good enough to move on to next chapter? I’ll wait for your comments, feedback, email or all of these. ——- “It is oozing out profusely Jane. It’s making my cock so wet, so slick, as if someone has poured juice on it … colorless, thick, sticky juice. You wanna taste it sexy girl? You wanna taste my cock...

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His Best Friends DaughterPart II Consummation

His Best Friend’s Daughter-Part II: Consummation When we last left John he had arrived at his best friend’s private villa in Alcudia, Majorca. His good friend Patrick’s sixteen-year-old daughter Gabby had subjected John to days and days of teasing and flirtatious play leading up to this family get-away. Patrick and his stunning wife Katherine, together with the beguiling efforts of Gabby, had enticed John to join them for the holiday since they had an available guesthouse. John was lying on the...

4 years ago
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Claires Awakening 3 Anticipation

It was Tuesday night and Claire was in a state. Tomorrow was Wednesday, the alleged day of ‘Lesson 2’. She had thought about nothing but Scott all week. Her pussy ached; she was in a constant state of arousal. After her disappointment in the shower she was reluctant to masturbate again. It wasn’t fair – how dare Scott give her the most wonderful orgasm she had ever experienced? Before her first ‘lesson’ she had enjoyed her small tingly orgasms. Now she longed to feel the waves rushing through...

2 years ago
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Night at The Cabin

Brigette, John's mom, a small blonde, with nice legs , medium chest, had acceptted her retirement award from her ex boss Jim Rogers. She had worked several years as a legal secretary for a top accounting firm and decided she wanted to hang her hat after 50 years and retire down to California near Laguna Beach. John was bored with all the festivites , the shaking, wine toasting, he had only come to see his mom off, and then go back up to college. He was 21, had short clipped hair, big chest,...

2 years ago
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Sushmais an unforgetable lesson

Hi vincy here once again this happened like this sushma is a friend of my wife from her town,she was nurse and had come to my home in search of a new job.sushma was nice with good boobs and average build up.and me also with average buildup but with a good dick 7.5 inches length & 3.5 inches width. Ours is one BHK house she used to sleep in the hall & v in the bedroom. I and my wife used to have sex atleast thrice a week & she would hear our mornings & get heated up.this continued for many...

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Confusion of Tongues

‘The grub wasn’t always too bad, when it wasn’t spoiled and the creepy crawlies weren’t busy making their nests between bites. You know a few days worth of field rations can buy quite a bit on the streets of _______. & If there’s one thing you didn’t go lacking for, its entertainment. You’d be tickled to see the ease in which family men whore their nearest & dearest when the tables are bare- it’s back to god given commodities at such times, believe you me. I went several days without in...

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Questions of the Heart Ch 02

Have you ever wondered, what it would feel like, to hold a total stranger, and want her with all of your soul? Can you live up to her expectations? Will you make her as happy, as your words have lead her to believe? Does the longing in your heart quit making it hard to breathe, or does it just continue, stronger than before? The big question still needs to be answered. Why would she ever consider allowing you any where close to her? Will she see, that you are there, because your heart won’t...

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RigbyChapter 5

After a couple of weeks, Rigby had figured some things out and fell into a routine of school activities. And he never forgot his lunch again. There were things he did at his locker every morning and things he did at lunchtime because the lines in the cafeteria were so long that some kids only got five or ten minutes to eat. He had gotten into the habit of skipping the showers and changing quickly at the end of gym class to get an early start on lunch. He was not the only one doing that. For...

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BangBrosClips Melody Foxx The French Maid

The maid, Melody Foxx, showed up at a new home to clean. After having some trouble with one of the blankets, she accidentally covered herself. However, fortunately for us, the only thing sticking out from the blanket was her perfect ass. The owner of the house walked by and noticed this. He thought that his wife was the one under the blanket. Believing his wife was just trying to roll play, he walked up and pulled her underwear to the side and quickly inserted his cock. They fucked for sometime...

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Love in the New Zed Order

When my husband decided to write a post-apocalyptic novel called ‘Survival In the New Zed Order’, I wanted to write a tandem story my own way. His characters, John and Sara, are based entirely on us so their actions and their sex is very much like ours. I’m very open to reading comments, both emailed and public. Enjoy! * ‘Don’t worry… about a thing. ‘Cause every little thing is gonna be alright.’ She smiled as she sang, washing dishes in the sink using collected rainwater. It’s not like she...

4 years ago
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The hunter pushed through the undergrowth, his rifle raised as his keen eyes scanned the treeline, alert for any movement or tracks that might betray the beast he was trailing. He steadied his wide brimmed hat, decorated with the claimed fangs and claws of previous kills. Those hunts had been challenging, but this creature was different. He had to be meticulous, it had already killed the private security personnel who had been hired to protect the compound. At their wits end, the company had...

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MilfBody Sofie Marie Spying On Some Thighs

Sophie Marie is a banging hot MILF stepmom, so you can not really blame her stepson for being a horndog when she is around. He sneaks over to her room to peek in and spy on her while she is getting dressed. Then, when she makes her way down to the gym, he watches her work her body from a distance. The way her long legs move, her huge tits, her fat ass, all make him go crazy. Finally, when she is all sweaty and glistening, she lets him know she is aware of his spying. He comes out, and she...

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She Wouldnt Again

The baby, the baby, the baby... that is all she thinks about these days. Of course I don't blame her, our daughter is the cutest thing around and I love talking about her too. It wouldn't be so bad, but she broke her promise to me. She promised me, more then once, that our sex life would not change after the baby was born. I knew that it would of course, but I expected her to at least try to keep that promise. Its like after Jessica was born she forgot, completely. It wouldn't have been so...

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Beckys First Year

Becky Freeman couldn't believe her luck. Here she was, an eighteen-year-old girl visiting a sorority house at the college she planned on attending in the fall, stuck sitting bored on a couch instead of exploring campus or checking out any of the weekend parties. As part of the school's orientation program she was paired up with one of the current students as a chaperone of sorts. In this case it was a girl named Dorothy, who unfortunately for Becky was in one of the back rooms of the sorority...

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Ohana 2

In 2001, my grandfather died at the age of eighty. His name was Miguel Martinez, but everybody called him "Mike." That's what people call me, too, and always have, although my own given name is "Michael." I didn't know Grandpa Mike well, but since I was his closest surviving relative, I was named executor of his estate. You've met Mike if you've read the story "Ohana," which was taken almost verbatim from his memoirs. I didn't even know about these memoirs until I went through his...

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The Overlords GambitChapter 12

The water surged against the large rocks below, sea mist rising from the breaking waves and making the foundations of Duric's palace glisten in the bright morning sunlight. High up from the water's edge, where the sound was muted to a gentle roar, Duric stood at the ornate metal railing that rimmed the wide patio. The patio traced a path around the curve that was the outer wall of his suite, where it lay near the back of his palace. Duric was a lover of the outdoors, and being sequestered...

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SequelChapter 8 Elizabeth and Ryan

So there I was, sitting on the toilet, wiping my pussy dry after a relaxing pee. Except that once I was dry, I didn't stop wiping. Instead I was savoring the gentle touch of tissue against my sensitive pink lips. It took only a few seconds for me to realize that I was no longer cleaning myself up, I was masturbating. I had never realized how much fucking I really need. I mean, Artie can take care of me pretty well, and regularly, even though by now I'm pretty sure that he's fucking that...

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Private Venera Maxima Goes Wild For An Interracial Gangbang

Venera-maxima may be married, but it doesn’t stop her from being a nympho. This wild babe needs at least one gangbang a day, and today in Private Specials, Cheating With Black Cocks, she’ll get just that! Be sure not to miss a single minute of this incredible slut in action on as she takes on three hung black studs and gets her daily dose of guilty pleasure. A phenomenal interracial gangbang that includes gagging blowjobs, hardcore anal and DP, a creampie, a couple of facials...

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RebelChapter 61 The Young One

During one of our stays in a regular camp, Lieutenant Foster had comely visitors, two of them. A pretty. blonde woman of twenty-five or so, that he rogered regularly during their stay, and her willowy younger cousin, carrot-haired and freckle-faced, barely nubile from the look of her, who resisted every subalterns' overtures but did dance and flirt with a few. We regular soldiers, of course, had no chance with either of them. When the time came for us to move on, the lieutenant sent for...

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I Watched My Young Niece Masturbate Part 3

I Watched My Young Niece Masturbate Part 3From Shy to Brazen: Witness the TransformationBy billy69boy(At the end of Part 2, Hailey talks Uncle James into showing her his cock. She was quite impressed, and asked him if she could touch it.)I was flattered, sure, but I didn't want to admit to her that there were a lot of cocks out there bigger than mine. After all, she had no other cocks to compare with mine, so I just let it be."You can touch it if you want. It won't bite," I laughed rather...

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NSFW Cosplay

Reddit NSFWCosplay, aka r/NSFWCosplay! I’ve come to appreciate the fact that Reddit can serve as a very good option when it comes to exploring different porn content. The fact that users can create subreddits dedicated to a specific category or genre of porn makes it a wonderful platform to explore specific porn niches, genres, fetishes, and kinks. I recently stumbled upon Reddit/r/nsfwcosplay/ in my quest to find something different to jerk off to, and I felt the site surely deserves a...

Reddit NSFW List
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Gregors Uncle

I never thought anything like this would happen, certainly not with my friend Gregor's uncle. Gregor and I went to the local Parochial High School. Because I opted to to walk home after school and we took the same route we began walking together. If I wore my school colors the Cops would give me a pass, if not inevitably someone would call about some Black k** wandering through their neighborhood. Gregor walking with me usually made it okay but occasionally we got stopped. My neighborhood...

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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 9 Mindy

Dragon Lady # 2 called me, “Cyrus wants dinner.” Cyrus Vandenberg. One of my Irregulars, the oldest one. In his mid-80s, creaky, cranky, but his mental acuity seems just fine. He’ll have some rumor to pass on, some gossip, some hearsay. “When and where?” “What am I, your bitch?” Click. Good point. When you’re part of the Bulldog Bannerman infrastructure, a measly private detective is several rungs lower on the accomplishment ladder. I called Cyrus, “Hi, it’s Winter.” “No...

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PornKTube Teen

I never thought there was a good thing as a ‘positive burglary’ until I walked into my home a few years ago. I caught some teen bitch stealing my shit, crying to me that she needed the money for college. Fuck that! I’m not giving anybody any handouts, no matter how fucking hot she may be. And let me tell you, she was fucking smoking.So I decided to do what any rational man would do: give her a high-dollar piece item and fuck her brains out. That's exactly what I did! I gave her a gold necklace...

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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 6 Second Timothy Oh My God

Poor David, Wendy decided to flip a coin between two movies... HEADS: "Swiss Family Robinson", a Disney adventure as cheesy as the book, TAILS: "Psycho", an Alfred Hitchcock super horror thriller. Tails it was and they headed downtown to the Majestic to watch Alfred's main claim to fame. For 1960, it had all the necessary ingredients to guarantee David a severe case of the hee-bee jee-bees: ... Murder with sharp objects; much more painful than bullets. ... dual personalities; too...

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easy lift home

I thought to myself, "this could be the only time that I am to able to see or even stare at Lizzi'e's boobs and she would know about it". I quickly sprinted up the school drive way and stood next to the car, I was rehersing the line as I saw her skinny hot body with her C- cup boobs poking out either side of her bag strap. "Thanks for the lift home" lizzie said just before we got into the car, straight away I set the mood into my train of thought with, "Do you have any money?" "No...

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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 13

2082 a.d. – the next morning Little White Lies It was morning. Jake opened his eyes and gazed at the ceiling in his bedroom. Béla hadn't haunted him last night. Often, his dreams of Béla were of them making love in the sand, like on the night she revealed to him that she was a vampire. Sometimes, in his dream, they would be floating in a bright white room, swimming through the air doing silly summersaults and making love in crazy, impossible positions. A couple of times, several years...

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Two couples and Mum

Some time later my parents were away for a few days and we all settled down to an evening together with a few drinks and a pack of cards. I suggested a game of strip poker and we commenced taking our clothes off. The girls were somewhat shy about it but with some encouragement their tits were soon on display. I couldn’t help myself and bent down to suck Linda’s tit, she didn’t want me to but I insisted and persuaded until my lips were caressing her pink nipple. I noticed that John was...

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1994Chapter 22 Looking forward to number fifteen

Two days of investors' meetings wiped me out. Remembering who was invested in which trusts made my head spin. Some were invested in all six trusts, while others were only invested in two or three. It may have been a mistake to assemble all thirty investors in the same room for two days, but having a separate meeting for each trust would have been a scheduling nightmare. As John said, "There are no secrets here. Everything said here can be found in the quarterly reports." My job was to...

1 year ago
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Showing herself to this young guy

but this time, this exhibitionesm sex story was veeery hot Im 31 my girlfriend is 33, she is a hot blonde beautiful boobs, and a tight ass. She loves running so her body is in very good shape. She is a very open minded woman, sexually we have really had fun. but this time, this exhibitionesm sex story was veeery hot, We decided to travel for 4 hours to this city close to the beach, we have never been in that place before.We decided to stay in this small lodge Managed by this cool old man and...

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POW Prisoner Of The WidowsChapter 4

Fatima's pronouncement that she wanted to make love was more than fine with me. I was already hard just from her talking dirty to me. That it was fine with me caused me a moment's pause, as I am normally a pretty straight-laced guy. Yet here I was raring to go with a second woman in two nights. My new horniness seemed to go hand in hand with a general feeling of well being that I'd come to accept as the prisoner of the Hassan widows. I rationalized that maybe I was returning the favor for...

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Katie My Love

I first met Katie online a couple of years ago when she showed interest in some photographs I posted in a photography site. It was pictures of oil well fires in Iraq and she contacted me and we exchanged a few emails and hit it off immediately and became friends. She introduced me to messenger so we began chatting direct and got closer and closer and then began talking to each other by phone a few times each week. As we got closer we talked about personal things in our lives and I learned a...

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Nisha the nymph maid

It was a hot summer day. I had taken leave from office for some personal work. When I returned home it was around 2.30 pm. The summer sky was like an invisible dragon breathing out fire from its nostrils. The road was almost empty. Our apartment was also looking lifeless. I was relieved after reaching the inside of the building and started my way up thru the cool semi-dark stairs. My apartment was in the 2nd floor. When I was approaching the landing of the first floor, suddenly I heard the...

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The Return of Red Blade

This is the fourteenth story set in my Legacy Universe and like the others is a stand alone story. You don't have to have read any of the others to understand this one, but it might help to have read Glamour Girl and the Infiltrator. This story is shorter than any of the others in this universe and was originally intended to be a bit of a quickie inspired by the powers of a character from Glamour Girl, though it did end up a bit longer than originally intended. The Return of Red...

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Wilbur Sees It DifferentlyChapter 9

Our family had a good life. As the winter drew to a close, our mares began to foal. Fireball was a good sire and due to his medium size all our mares had their foals without trouble. Brownie had a sorrel filly, Sis had a Dun colt, War Bonnet (the appaloosa) had a roan filly, Knothead had a dun colt, and Toots had a dun filly. Mothers and babies were happy and healthy. That spring we had a lightning fire on our place. A thunderstorm came through and lightning set a small tree on fire, it set...

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Isabella and Evelynn

Isabella and EvelynnBy billy69boyI was in my room taking a break from studying, surfing the net. I was kind of tense, preparing for my upcoming finals. I needed a quick rub off, so I looked for a porn video that would help me get there. The weather was hotter than normal, and I only wore a t-shirt and thong. It was quiet in the house, considering it was Saturday night. Our parents were away for the weekend, and weren't due back until late Sunday night. The only other sound came from my...

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Two Roads

Authors Note: This is my first attempt at a story. Thanks to my wife for her patience in adjusting my commas. Two Roads By Kristine Roland "Surprise!" shouted the crowd as Kevin and Terry walked into the living room of their son Bill's home. Kevin surveyed the room with pleasure as he saw all of his family. He smiled as he looked at his children, their spouses, his grandchildren, and of course Terry, his wife of 50 years. My goodness, could it really be that long? It hardly seemed...

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The Reward Ch 3

He slowly put one finger in my ass, which was all it took to push me over the edge. My body shook, I bit my lower lip, I moaned, my eyes closed and I lost control. He kept his finger buried in my ass as he tasted my juices licking me and scooping more out with his tongue. I opened my eyes and saw that his were closed as he lapped away. Just seeing the joy on his face brought me right back to hovering on the edge again. When his eyes opened and saw mine I smiled and blew him a kiss. He kissed my...

4 years ago
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My First Love Was Lust

Hi friends I’m Rohit and I am from Delhi 25 year old and a well educated guy. I got the huge response from my previous stories published at My Stories are: Got a chance on my friend date Mere Friend K Premarital Honeymoon (1 and 2) How I Seduced My Virgin Girlfriend Thanks for the great response and some of friends wants my story in English because they are not comfortable with Hindi so I”m writing this story in English. Now directly come to stories When I was a...

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