Thrice Loved, Ch 1 free porn video

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They say that when you’re dying, your life will flash before your eyes. That’s bullshit! Here I am, just a few weeks over 65, haven’t even drawn a single damned social security check and I know my end is not far off. I have tubes and sensors stuck in me or on me, all over my body. That kinda sucks!

Well, I can’t say I haven’t had a full life, nor can I say it was a bad life either. I did what I did and that was that.

Thinking back I was a young stud, just full of piss and vinegar. When I finished high school I just wanted to get out in the world and show them just who the hell I am. Stand up world, here I come! So I joined the Marine Corp. Very rapidly I came to the conclusion that I was not the center of the universe, and not even the center of my own world.

After a tour in the corps I got out and decided that maybe college was the way to go. So off I go to a non-prestigious school in the mid-west.

I was in my junior year having gotten the first two years of credits from my time in the Marines, taking some by-pass testing and free credits granted for my other life experiences, what ever that meant. Then whole damned thing exploded.

This little tiny blonde tornado sat down at my table.

At first I was simply annoyed. Then I thought to myself, self, what is going on here? As I looked up, probably the cutest, sassiest, sexiest woman I have ever laid my eyes on seated herself across from me and my reading.

She must have been all of five foot one or two inches tall and may have weighed all of ninety-five pounds when dressed and soaking wet. To her benefit, her hair was cut down to an adorable pixie style, if a man is qualified to pass judgment on a woman’s hairdos.

She had the cutest nose that peaked up much like a ski jump, and a nose crammed full of freckles. I was also understandably attracted to her chest. She was wearing a semi-tight sweater since it was fall-ish outside. My eyes could not leave her perfect boobs. It nearly made my mouth water just thinking about nibbling on her nipples. I’d have to bet her nips were like the headlights on a 1965 Caddy.

I do understand the commons in the Student Union is usually a neat meeting place for people. But I was really rapt into my Management for Middle Sized Manufacturing text. I had an exam coming up and really needed to get a few fine points down pat before then.

Reaching across the table she extended her open hand to shake mine. And then she really floored me. The next words out of her mouth totally changed my life. She said, “Hi, I’m Michelle Anne Davenport, but you can call me Shellie. All my friends do. ” And to make matters worse, her next sentence shook me to the pillars. She told me that she’d made up her mind that I was her perfect man and that she had decided to marry me, and was just waiting for me to make up my mind and propose.

With that, she strode over to my side of the table and planted a lip lock on me that nearly made my ears wiggle. I remember thinking this girl could suck the cover off a golf ball the way she kissed. Her tongue was all over my lips and teeth. She was pushing to get to my tongue. To say she turned me on was perhaps the understatement of the year.

Then as quickly as she attacked, she backed off. She was blushing like the side of a new fire truck. She took a deep breath and gently said, “Ok Don Severin, that’s it for starters, if you want more of that then you’ll pick me up at 7:30 tonight, we’re going out tonight to show all my slutty girlfriends. I’m in Handly Dorm, room 432. Oh and here is my business card, it has my phone number of course.”

I was somewhat flabbergasted that this sassy little lady already knew my name and all my other personal stuff I suppose. But then again I guess a lady should know her fiancé’s personals.

Now, what red-blooded kind of man could say no to a lady who had so completely made up her mind. God only knows what else she’s capable of. Then she strode off just as sexy looking as when she had stormed my table.

Do you really think I could go back to work after that? Besides she had given me a serious boner as well. Shit! I couldn’t go after her like I wanted, my jeans were stretched to their limits as well. All I could do was sit back down and stare off into space like a moron for the next half hour.

Needless to say, I was at the visitor desk of Handly Women’s Dormitory sharply at 7:30. I had already picked up the phone and called room 432 to announce that I was indeed on standby in the lobby.

Shellie stepped off the elevator and looking like a million bucks. She casually strolled over to me with her high heels doing things with the shape of her hips and ass that no man should have to endure without the right to touch. So I did! Shellie just smiled up at me and told me, “Well seems like you’re going to get the hang of this.”

With that she got up on her tippy toes, puckered up and gave me the most chaste kiss I have ever had. My mother’s kiss would have had more passion. I guess the Dorm Mother sitting at the desk may have had a thing to do with that.

Shellie announced that we were going to the Steak and Stein restaurant for dinner, since most of the girl friends she wanted to impress worked there for tuition money. Girls being girls we wouldn’t even finish dessert before every girl on campus who knew Shellie would know we were “engaged.” Since it was a classy place, she said she would pick up the tab with Daddy’s plastic.

After dinner, she was done doting on me, or had finished showing off her affections to me to all the catty waitresses. Aside from her having rubbed her foot up the inside of my calf during dinner nothing of note happened.

As we were walking home, she stopped and looked up at me with eyes so blue the sky was jealous. She said, ”Don, honey, can you spring for a motel room? I want to be with you really bad, but Daddy probably won’t like the motel on my card.”

Of course I could, and we walked hand in hand to the local inn. We checked in as Mr. and Mrs. Don Severin. The place was not exactly a no-tell motel, but it was the place where a lot of the couples from campus went to tryst. And we did too.

As soon as we were inside the room this little tornado seriously jumped my bones. I could still hear the snap of the door lock when Shellie was grabbing for my zip. She was as good as her word as her knees hit the floor, she had my jeans open and was eyeing the one eyed snake.

She just smiled and looked up at me and told me,” I do love you, you know. I’ve been in love with you since you registered for classes. Darling, I will do anything for you, anything you want," staring into my eyes she then proceeded to show me how much she meant that.

Now I remembered where I’d seen her before, she worked in the registrar’s office. Later I was to discover that her “Daddy” was in fact The Registrar and worked immediately under the Dean of Students. That he Was a serious campus mucky-muck had never entered my pointy headed brain.

I, to this day do not know how she did it, but she was naked and still sucking on my dick when she finally got me off. That girl never missed a drop. She took my hand and led me to the bed. She lay down, and never taking her eyes off of me, pulled me on top of her. Then she really shocked me the most when she said, “Don, I’m a virgin and I am giving my gift to the man I love, and the man I want to eventually marry.” My dick swelled to a size and hardness I didn’t know I possessed.

I immediately changed my game plan, instead of going for the TD, I lay beside her and gently caressed her hair, slowly I fondled her temple and her neck. I thrilled as she leaned into me when I kissed her cheek and gently nibbled on her ear lobe.

My free hand slowly began to roam up and down her side taking care to not fully touch her sweet boobs, but just graze them on the side, along her rib. My hand also took the trouble to caress along her hip and across to the inside of her gorgeous thigh. She let out a soft moan and raised her hips to me in invitation.

I was not ready to accept that invitation just yet. This little vixen certainly deserved a whole lot more foreplay and teasing before the show proceeded to the main event. I slowly licked my way south to her modest breast, perky nipples awaited my avid attention. I ever so gently applied butterfly kisses to her already taut nipples. She moaned as if in pain, but I think it was pain of the good kind.

Slowly I worked my way south. As I approached her mons I could feel her heat and smell the pleasant aroma of a fully aroused woman. The signs said, “Come, I’m ready” but I was not. I owed her a serious dose of oral orgasm and I was not about to go elsewhere until I had witnessed her cum on the tip of my tongue.

I dipped my tongue into the folds of the most beautiful pussy I had ever seen, tasted or smelled. I was laying on top of my cock and it was positively aching to get down to business.

Suddenly Shellie went stiff as a board, It scared the shit out of me. Then her thighs began to tremble and she started screaming, Damn it Don…Fuck me, Fuck me now!!! With that she began to cum. I mean I have been with a few women in my life, but this was entirely new for me. I loved it. I loved it knowing that I had brought my lover to a climax so strong she actually squirted. I think that was when I began to love Michelle Davenport.

Shellie pulled me up for a kiss that must have lasted half an hour. Well, at least it seemed that long to me. Once we broke our embrace she held me away from her at arms length. She smiled and told me it was the time for her to give her virginity to her future husband. I am to this day totally gaga over the way she said it and the look of love and passion on her face right then. I knew at that moment that we were a couple. This is the woman I had been waiting for all those years, high school, military and all. This was it. There would be no other.

I entered my love as slowly and carefully as I could not wanting to hurt this wonderful woman in any way, even if my passion fired blood demanded I ram it home. We went slow and careful. Shellie told me later that when her hymen did finally break it was only a sting and that lasted only a second or two she was so overcome with passion to feel me inside her.

We were a couple, there was no denying that. We spent all our free time together. We ate together, we studied together, even though we were on different programs. And, of course, we slept together.

Then one afternoon, all hell broke loose. I was on my way back to our apartment, just kind of walking along minding my own business, when a black Mercedes 500 class pulled up next to the sidewalk and the back door was flung open. In the back seat sat a man with fire in his eyes and the obvious stature that shimmered of confidence and power.

My first thought was “Oh Shit!” What else can you say! A mellow voice rang out from a pair of eyes that seemed to be aflame. He only said, “Get in son.” He followed that up with a, “Do you know who I am, son?” I was still deciding just how much trouble I was in.

The next thing out of his mouth was,” I’m Dean Davenport and you are Don Severin.” Since I was already identified, I had to admit the truth. “And you are seeing my daughter Michelle?” Right on again, I admitted to him. He then floored me. “Look, he said, My wife and I are used to Shellie coming home for at least Sunday dinner. She has been taking a pass on family Sundays since she has been seeing you. Now, son, If you ever intend to win over Shellie’s mom’s heart, you better figure out how to get my daughter to the table on Sunday afternoons."

Sundays it was, ever after that. Shellie’s mom, Mary was an absolute sweetheart. There were times when Mary took better care of me than I did of myself.

I am not particularly smart, but it didn’t take too long for Shellie and Mary to hint about proposals and rings and things . Dr. Davenport and Mary simply made me a member of their family. Not having a family of my own that was pretty cool. As such, I had the responsibility to make their daughter happy. I was more than happy to oblige.

The first day I could afford it, Shellie and I went to shop for an engagement ring. She got the ring she wanted even if it was a grand above my budget, I loved her and wanted her to have everything her heart desired. Then right there in the jewelers store, I got down on my knee and proposed marriage to Shellie.

She just looked at me stupidly and told that she had already told me once before that she intended to marry me and this proposal thing was just redundant. I simply took her little butt home and we had wild assed sex for the next two days. My graduation was still a few months off, and hers was over a year and a half away.

We announced to Shellie’s mom and dad that we intended to marry.

Shellie and Mary just dug in with the wedding plans. It was like the plans had been already drawn up for the last ten years or so.

I felt like a fifth wheel, apparently these two had been planning weddings since before that fatal day when Shellie made her charge at my table in the commons.

The wedding went off just as Shellie and her mom had planned. If something wasn’t just right or they couldn’t get what they wanted, when they wanted it, they just threw money at it until they did. Talk about business managers, there isn’t an MBA out there that can rival these two. I’m surprised the Dr. was able to survive in that household with these two conspiring.

It was Shellie’s dream and I was happy to do what I could do to make it happen for her. I loved her with all my heart and that was that.

With the ceremony and reception aside, we snuck out the side door of the church’s social hall for our honeymoon. Shellie had slipped into the ladies and changed into street clothes, leaving her wedding gown for her maid of honor to take back to our apartment after we returned.

I hadn’t even pulled out on the street and Shellie was lowering my zipper and fishing around in my jeans for Mr. Winkie. Having successfully removed him from his hiding spot, she started to stroke him gently. She suddenly stopped what she was doing and with those great big baby blues wide open she said. “Don, I know that husbands that get everything they want at home have no need, or no desire to eat at restaurants. I am going to make sure you never have an appetite to eat at some strange restaurant.”

With that she lowered her lips to the head of my cock and proceeded to give me the most substantial mobile blow job of my life. She huffed and she puffed and she blew my ass away!

Since we were not rich and she was still studying for her degree the honeymoon was an overnight to a really nice hotel a couple of cities over.

Once we were in the room, I had barely slid the chain into the door bolt, as I turned, I could see Shellie (now Mrs. Severin) was already naked and on the bed waiting for me. She very huskily told me, politely, to get my ass over there and eat her box. Shellie was dripping as I could see from across the room. I jumped up on the bed and proceeded to demonstrate to her my oral techniques, which by the way she had been improving on over the last couple of weeks before the wedding.

The next day, of course the honeymoon was over and we went back to our everyday routines. I had a pretty good paying job and had just been promoted. The pay raise hadn’t kicked in yet, but the workload sure as hell had. But life was good to us and like all newlyweds, we fucked like rabbits at every chance we got. We only grew closer, becoming more and more like just one person for the most part. I was in heaven. We were truly soul mates as well as husband, wife and lovers

About seven months into our life together, Shellie called me at work. She was very blunt about it too. She simply said, “I just called my mom to tell her that I’ve missed two periods now, and the campus gynecologist says you are going to be a daddy if you like it or not.” I was floored like a kid with a new toy. I was in heaven. I was laughing like a man insane, my happiness was spilling out of me and onto the floor. I couldn’t wait to get to her. I had to hold her in my arms.

I called my boss and told him the news and asked for the rest of the day off. I did what I needed and drove like a man possessed home. I held her for I don’t know how long before I realized her fragile condition, and stepped back. She just laughed. I mean, she is just a tiny woman in the first place, and pregnant with my baby!

Before I knew it, it was our first anniversary. I had been planning this for some timed. I had made us reservations at the swankiest, most expensive restaurant in town, then we went out dancing. We danced and partied till the wee hours of the morning.

She was on that night the most beautiful woman on the planet. My woman, my wife, the soon-to-be mother of my first child. How could I not be this deeply in love with my Shellie

Since it was late, and I had to work in the morning we decided to stop at an ATM near home for some cash. It was really warm that night, we had the windows of our car down. Shellie opened the car door and turned to let her legs dangle out to bask in the summer breeze while I went to the machine at the now closed convenience store.

I had my back to our car, when I looked up I saw it happen in the reflection of the store front . I saw my life end. Out of nowhere a bright yellow sports car careened into the side of my car; my car where the door had been open, where my beautiful wife had been sitting. The door now hung at a crazy angle and the front end of car that hit us was still within inches of my car. It was going nowhere as steam seeped from the now bent open hood.

I raced to Shellie. But Shellie wasn’t there. What I saw was the end of my world. Shellie lay across the front seat from bucket seat to the console of our car. One leg hung by just a thread of skin just below the knee. The other leg also hung and a crazy angle. Her beautiful hair was matted with blood, and her eyes, her eyes just stared straight up at the sky. I knew that the love of my life was gone. Her dress and her beautiful baby bump were soaked with red gore. The wonderful baby bump was now flat. Everything in my car was either covered with her blood or splattered with droplets.

I was in shock. Finally, I thought to look at the man who had done this horrible thing to me and my Shellie. This idiot animal who had destroyed me. As I went around my car to see if he was hurt I saw him slumped still in behind the wheel moaning. What I saw next was the cause of all this.

On the seat and on the floor boards were at least a dozen empty beer cans, and next to him a still open half pint of whiskey. My blood ran cold. This was not a traffic “accident”. This was homicide. As a Law Enforcement major at school, I knew the difference.

And this asshole was there in his front seat, passed out with minor bumps and scrapes. He did have a spot on his forehead where his head rammed his windshield and left a spider web of safety glass.

Now I had been at a softball game earlier that week with my work associates and had a old duffel bag full of baseball mitts, balls and bats back there. I calmly walked to the trunk of my car and withdrew a bat from the now sprung open trunk. I looked around to see if anyone had seen the accident. Not a soul in sight. I just as calmly returned to the driver side of the killer’s car and took a swing that would have been out of that park in any major league ball park.

Looking around again, still no one in view.

I walked around to the back of the C-Store and tossed the now bloody bat into the dumpster that stands behind almost every store in the country.

As I returned to the front of the shop, I carefully dialed 911. Only seconds had passed since the money had come out of the ATM machine.

In fact it was still in the slot where I left it turning around to see what had happened.

I was cold and empty inside and guessed that feeling was not going to go away anytime soon. I then called Shellie’s parents as I heard the police approaching.

The funny part was, tears would not fall. My life was just simply over.

To Be Continued:

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My Aunty Is My Beloved

Hello, Indian sex readers this is my first story which a fact that happened back in 2012 between me and my aunty(chachi). In my point of view nothing is best as that of an incest relationship that too with your aunty. This incident changed the way we both look at each other from that day onwards. Let me start without wasting any time. I am Sonu, age 26(now) and have a nice 6inch thing with apt thickness to satisfy any lady. My aunty is leena, age 35(now) and with figure of 36c-32-36. The figure...

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Me My Beloved

Hi friends! I am a regular reader if ISS. This time I thought to put my own story happened last year(2009). I am a good looking, tall guy working in and Indian private bank in Delhi. I was a good performer in my team and had many friends. I got a girlfriend too. She is too fair and having sexy assets (34 28 36). We fall in love & one day she asked me for marriage. I replied affirmatively yes. And then the story begins. We started talking whole night, roaming whole day, sitting in various parks...

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K T and FamilyChapter 23 Dearly Beloved

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: Mom was fashionably late—something to to with Aunt Francine's hair. Everyone mentions the bobbing bridge, between the end of the dock and the houseboat, but no one fell in. The ceremony itself went off without a hitch. Mom was radiant. The published images manages to capture some of it—Justin won awards for his photography—but you need to watch the video to really catch it. Mom never missed a step, even though her eyes never left Dad. Sean: When the...

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Love to be loved

Hey hi to all iss readers.dont wanna boast here that my story is real and all.its all on you to decide.Let me start with myself i m a engineering student from mumbai 21 years of age with a good physique have a tool of 7 in with a pleasing personality due to which i m center of attraction in my friends circle…about me as i told u abt my education i loved to read and above all i love to go on morning walk..and above all i like womens…my sexperience start here as u all know mumbai its crowded city...

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Widow Relives Her Love Life Loved

Hi guys. My name (let it be), I am back with another story which happened in the very recent past. I got very positive responses from readers for my last story “fucked widow aunt after 10 years” and “Bhabhi the sex goddess”. Ladies in East Delhi and around can mail me at privacy is respected. Read the story , am sure you will get wet. So coming back to the story. After I fucked my widow aunt and my Bhabhi, I was on look out for something fresh and hot. I generally prefer married ladies, as...

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A Tortured SoulChapter 24 She Was Loved

I packed up and left the library shortly after Chloe. I just couldn’t concentrate. Maybe I’d be better working on the essays with Imogen during the week anyway—we’d become something of a team in that respect. I went back to Wintersmith, flopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling. It was just before lunch and I expected that Mark would be banging my door down any— “Fancy a burger in town?” He said as he entered the room without knocking. I shrugged. “It’s got to be better than the shit...

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Virgin Girlfriend Loved

Hi, this is my story of how fucked my virgin girlfriend Priya(name changed) for the 1st time and took it to 8th time on same day I’m 5,6′ with an athletic body with 6 inches cock and 3 inches thickness. And Priya is of height 5.2′ with a beautiful pair of boobs and sexy vagina. The girl was little dark but very beautiful and hot with a figure of 34-28-32. Rest of the story will be in Hindi.   Hum 1 saal se jada relationship me hain aur main priya k lye kafi serious hoon aur humne decide kara...

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the surprise I loved

I never had never heard the term shemale or transexual. Didn't know anything about it. I joined the military right out of high school. Ended up in the far east and started out on the town. I saw a great looking girl in a bar and started to chat her up. I bought a few drinks and we were both starting to loosen up. Then out of the blue she asked if I wanted to get out of there and sme place more private. Now I had a few girlfriends in high school and had sex with a few of them but i had never had...

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Tough love

    I would like to thank Echa724 and Kinkyashley347 for their editing of this story, I’m so happy there are people interested enough to help. Again thank you.                                                                                                                                                                           TOUGH LOVE                                                           By   Graymangazer.                                                                  Part...

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All for Love

Here's another conversation story (two people talking). I've added an epilogue that can be thought of as optional, for those who prefer happier endings. The story is to be read and enjoyed if you want to and can, and not if you don't or shouldn't. Either way, it would be nice to know what you think ([email protected]). All for Love by Vickie Tern How do I love thee? Let me...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 9 Chapter 1 Bound Up Love

Book Nine: Blossoming Danger Chapter One: Bound Up Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Bebhinn the Twinborn Witch – The Haunted Forest The dark, foggy canopy of the Haunted Forest stretched out before me, an endless sea of foreboding that stretched to the horizon in all directions. Even above it, soaring in the form of a mighty eagle, the sun's light was wan and pale, like it couldn't shine as strong over this cursed land. The very...

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Siblings Discover True Love

Introduction: To prelude the story, Ill start off by saying that it is indeed a 100% true story. Names of all of the people except for my brother and I were omitted to protect their identities. Our last name is also omitted to avoid legal or familial ramifications. This story is written from my point of view. However, it is a collaborative effort that was authored by both my brother and I equally. We mostly did this story as a bit of a recap of just how far weve come, and it was originally not...

2 years ago
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Siblings Discover True Love

Where should I start… well, I guess I’ll start at the VERY beginning of it all. My name is Jessie, short for Jessica and my brother’s name is Alex. I was born 4 and a half minutes before Alex to a single mother in a small village outside of Palermo, Sicily on February 14, 1992 (Valentine’s Day!!). I was born with various different conditions, some hereditary and some from just plain bad luck. I am autistic, albeit very mildly. I show no functional issues aside from executive functioning...

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His Love

Sometimes I think it's only my love for her that brought me through. Every time we went down range, when every step could be your last, all I could think about is how I have to get back to her. And I made it. Only a couple of scars to show. On the outside that is. But it makes you appreciate what you have. I got dealt a plate full of serious. I don't fuck with life the way I used to. She's everything to me. I'm more in love with her than ever. And love does heal things, over time. I can tell...

Love Stories
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Dr Valentine a Specialist in Love

This is a Valentine’s Day contest story. Please vote. * A man with a unique talent and a romantic ability, hypnotizes people for love. He wasn’t always called Dr. Valentine. His real name was Stephen Miller. He wasn’t even a medical doctor nor did he have doctor of philosophy initials in some discipline after his name. He was just a regular guy, a successful salesman by trade, that is, until he retired from that for this new gig of delivering love to couples by hypnosis. Eventually, once he...

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Affirmation of Love

Before the day progressed further, her heart compelled to once again view the video tape. As she pushed it into the machine she said to herself, ‘I must transfer this to DVD before it gets ruined.’ Though she had viewed the video eight times over the last five months, she viewed the ceremony as if it was her first time. Each time she noticed something new. The camera zoomed past the bride and groom to focus upon Ken, the bride’s brother, a local judge and elder in his church. His baritone...

2 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 15 Heavenly Love

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Sixteen: Heavenly Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies “Steve...” Linda stared at me with this look of painful awe. “You were going to give it all up for me?” I nodded. Tears streamed down my wife's face. She stumbled towards me, her dark-red hair spilled down her shoulders. She collapsed into me. I held her as she sobbed into my chest. Her large breasts pressed into my torso....

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Divine Love

Sister Divine took her faith very seriously. The Lord God had given everything, His love, His dignity and His life, for His people and it was only right that she should give up everything for Him in return. And so she had chosen sisterhood in the Convent of the Blessed Mary, in the very ascetic order of the Damascene Nuns. Here there were no soft options in her dedication to her faith. Her possessions were left behind in the secular world beyond. Her hair was shaved off her head and off her...

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Untold Love Part 12 Mom8217s Love

When I reached home after completion of my final examinations from the States, mom was really missing me. It had been over six month since our last passionate love when she came to see me in Washington D.c. I knew Papa was away for the last two weeks and mom was anxiously waiting for me. I had decided to give her surprise and kept my arrival itinerary secret. When I reached home, the security guard at our farm house was surprised to see me. He told me that mom was present whereas my dad was...

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Two Steps Into Love

John: I guess this story starts almost five years ago on the very unpleasant afternoon that my father came home early and caught our mother in bed with another man. It really did split our family and the ensuing divorce was bitter. I have two brothers, each older, and, at the time, Russell was fourteen, Dale, twelve and I, John, was just ten. It was so clear which parent was at fault that it took no effort for any of us to decide who we wanted to live with; it was our dad. Mom got...

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A Different Kind of Love

The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one electric candle burning in the kitchen window."He hasn't forgotten," she thought. "He promised he'd always leave a light in the window for me."She knew how hurt he had been by their fight. She...

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Two Moms Two Sons 16 Gia Accepts Sandra And Petes MotherSon Love

POV Sandra"So, tell me what you think? You'd love to be a grandma, wouldn't you?" she asked, as we walked down the hallway. "Yes, London, but are we ready for that now?" "Maybe, maybe not, but we just have to get them on board, with getting with another woman first, remember? They didn't even want to ask out Keisha and Gia, even though we encouraged them to do it," she mentioned it before we made it to the door, and she took my hands in hers. "Let's hang out with our sons, fuck the...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 147 What I Love

I had a lot of work to do to get ready for my internship in Kokomo. My departure was still a week away, but I needed every minute. Not the least of which would be spent with my friends. Rhonda slid to a stop in our driveway on Monday morning at six-forty-five. She parked her bike and newspaper bags by the breezeway door and walked into the house. She'd been coming to my house for almost two years now and knew the back door was always open. If by some chance it wasn't, she knew where the...

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Editing Reailty Book 2 Chapter 12 Taboo Love

Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Twelve: Taboo Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies I was shocked that my daughter had figured out that I had powers. That I had changed her. Sam trembled, her green eyes spilling with tears. Her nostrils flared as she swayed. My stomach clenched. This terrible pit opened up, yawning through me. Acids gurgled up my throat, burning me. I never wanted to hurt her. I had to think. I had...

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A Sweet College Girl In Love

I went to college in a beach town in California where all of the girls wore their little thong bikinis to the beach and showed off their asses for boys with very friendly results. I noticed that when the girls were bending over while playing volleyball in their little thong bikinis, the boys all looked at them with hungry eyes that I liked a man to have for me.  The sweet little college girls would have their asses tan, even in winter. The hot girls in school all went to tanning salons and got...

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A Tale of Forbidden Love

(A passionate family relationship)My name is Shannon, and I work for an affluent college just outside of Chicago. I recently turned 30 years old, and have been single for the majority of my life. Admittedly, it's been an easy way to go for me and my finances since my parents were well off ever since I can remember. In fact, their large, charitable donations to the college landed me the job five years ago. I didn't see the point in working since money was never an issue for us, but now I clearly...

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True Love

True Love By Margaret Jeanette Mary Simons was babysitting her fifteen year old brother. She was seventeen and their parents were gone on another one of their week-end retreats. They often took three-day week-ends. Her mother told her to make sure to clean the house well while they were gone. She was picking up the living room and wondering why she had to do it all by herself. She wondered why Jimmy, her brother, didn't have to help. All he did was sit in his room and play...

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A Tale Of Forbidden Love

A Tale Of Forbidden Love My name is Shannon, and I work for an affluent college just outside of Chicago. I recently turned 30 years old, and have been single for the majority of my life. Admittedly, it's been an easy way to go for me and my finances since my parents were well off ever since I can remember. In fact, their large, charitable donations to the college landed me the job five years ago. I didn't see the point in working since money was never an issue for us, but now I clearly enjoy...

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A Different Kind of Love

The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one electric candle burning in the kitchen window. “He hasn't forgotten,” she thought. “He promised he'd always leave a light in the window for me.” She knew how hurt he had been by their...

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Being There For The One I Love

"Fuck you, prick, leave me alone!" I heard her yell in the living room as I was lying on my bed. My feet immediately met the floor and I ran to the living room. My eyes got view of her sitting on the couch, with her face buried in her hands. "Shit, again?" I asked myself. I scratched my head while I thought of what to say exactly and walked towards her. "That bad huh?" I asked, sitting down on her left side and putting my right hand on her back. She threw her phone at the wall and then wrapped...

Love Stories
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True Love

True Love by Vickie Tern Don't read this if you aren't legally entitled to read this. It contains explicit sex. Mostly right at the outset, and mostly gentle, but still, you aren't supposed to know about such things. There are characters who use obscene language too, nothing you haven't heard before, chances are, but nothing you're allowed to read here. Your parents and your legislators want their thoughts about you to remain pure. If the events in this story seems to...

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Twin Love

Twin Love by Pappy27 Copyright© 2008 by Pappy27 Chapter 1 This story is fictional and any resemblance to any living person is purely coincidental. The author does not condone Incest this was written for your enjoyment only. This is my first story so please let me know what you think. I have a sequel planned for this story but only if you want me to continue. Hi my name is Hank and several years ago after I had become widowed, the following incident...

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Public Incestuous Passion 5 Little Sisters Exploding Love

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Little Sister's Exploding Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Melody Samuels I burst from the pool room reeling. Behind me, the student body of my college were shouting and screaming. My bare feet slapped on the floor. My naked breasts bounced and heaved. All the pleasure, all the exhilaration, from having my pussy licked by Becky while the entire student body, including my half-brother and lover...

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Being There For The One I Love

"Fuck you, prick, leave me alone!" I heard her yell in the living room as I was lying on my bed. My feet immediately met the floor and I ran to the living room. My eyes got view of her sitting on the couch, with her face buried in her hands. "Shit, again?" I asked myself. I scratched my head while I thought of what to say exactly and walked towards her. "That bad huh?" I asked, sitting down on her left side and putting my right hand on her back. She threw her phone at the wall and then wrapped...

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Spanked for Love

I just stayed in bed the next day crying mostly. I felt so guilty over what I had done. I felt even worst because I had enjoyed it so much. I also was not feeling very good, as my pussy was more than a little sore from the fucking I took. However, that big black cock had felt good deep in my pussy after I got used it. I finally pulled myself from the bed. I took a long hot shower trying to wash away my sins. I cleaned the whole apartment twice. It was spotless by the time I was done. I sat...

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Two Moms Two Sons 6 Pete And Sandra Discover Their Own Incestuous Love

I ran out in front of him. "Stare at my butt, I don't mind," I pointed out, walking to my room.I didn't see him peek back at me, and I entered the room. It took him a few seconds to come in there with me, but I wasn't sure what to make of it at the time.As he made it in there, I pulled him to me and closed the door. "You're about to have sex with your flesh and blood mom," I spoke before I kissed him. "The one woman that literally loves you most in the world. The one that will never...

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Spanked for Love

Introduction: Chapter 17 I may be in trouble for my fun I had when John was away. I last left you with finding out that the fishing trip John took with his dad was really a visit to Las Vegas for some gambling and a visit to the local whorehouse. I was hurt over it because he had not told me the truth. If not for DeRonda, I never would have known. You would be better to read my last story Fishing for Trouble as this chapter picks up where I left off. I just stayed in bed the next day crying...

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