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Delicious Sacrilege

I was a lonesome traveller, journeying my way across a hot arid desert some 2000 plus years ago. I was walking alongside my pack-mule, approaching a notorious place outside Jerusalem. The road I travelled was marked by doomed souls hanging from crosses. All had died from their gruesome wounds.

...All, except one.

I stopped in my tracks as I stared up at the lonely looking figure, who was bathed in an almost blinding golden aura. He had long flowing dark hair, and a neatly full grown beard perfectly landscaped over the most handsome face. He wore nothing but a simple undergarment around his intimacy. Despite his circumstance, he appeared at great ease and comfort. He clasped his eyes upon me, and smiled warmly.

Like a puppet on a string, I stumbled in awe up to the wooden cross he lay on, as my mule walked off to graze at some nearby dusty shrubs.

"W-who are you?"
I gasped my words.

"My lady, I am known by many names."
He smiled.

"Well... Can you pick one? I'm melting too much in this heat to think straight."
I dabbed a cloth against my forehead.

"I'll be most commonly known as Jesus of Nazareth."
He continued smiling peacefully.

"Oh... Well, Mr. Of Nazareth, I'd love to stay and chat but I am thirsty, and my mule is wandering off with my water, so..."
I was about to turn away, when he suddenly narrowed his eyes in concentration for a brief moment, when suddenly the hot dry air turned into a cool refreshing gentle breeze around me.

"How's that feel, miss?"
He asked me with a certain air of smugness.

"Did... Did you just make the air cooler for me?"
I asked, trying to work out if the sudden weather change was just a coincidence or not..

"I've been known to do many things."
He softly chuckled.

"...I have never seen one so happy on a cross. Just what is your game, mister? Why they'd crucify you?"
I bit my lip.

"I am the Son of God."
He announced.

"Oooh, you're that person I've been hearing about,"
I chuckled in realisation,
"Wait a minute. Isn't every person considered a child of God?"

"That is correct."
He replied.

"...So what makes you so special from the rest of us, then?"
I smirked.

"Well, not to brag or anything, but I've performed many divine miracles."
He stated smugly.

"Name one."
I narrowed my eyes in cynicism.

"I've given eyes to the blind. I've given legs to cripples. I've walked on water. I've turned water into wine. I'm currently in the process of dying for everybody's sins. Just wait 'til you see what I do in a few days after my death!"
He grinned excitedly.

"Uh huh, uh huh, that's cool... But I only asked for one example! Show off..."
I rolled my eyes and folded my arms.

"...I also have chocolate flavoured semen."
He stated smugly.

"No way! ...What's chocolate?"
I stared, confused.

He narrowed his eyes in concentration at a seemingly empty basket near the foot of the cross. He then looked into my eyes while he nodded his head in the direction of the basket. I cautiously bent down, and peered into the basket to see a bar-shaped, smooth brown coloured thing. He just nodded reassuringly at me, and so I broke off a piece and placed it into my mouth.

It was like I was tasting love itself, as this sweet brown stuff melted smoothly over my tongue.

"Wow... And you say your semen tastes just like that?"
I questioned him as I helped myself to another piece.

"Kind soul, I can make it taste however you want it to."
He winked.

I gasped with a playful grin.

"It's true. Just ask Mary Magdalene!"
He replied.

"Hmm... Your parlour tricks may work on simple-minded folk, but I'm going to need some more substantial proof of this claim."
I bit my lip, as I ran my eyes up and down his perfect washboard abs.

"Try me."
He winked.

"...Well, guess I am pretty thirsty..."
I licked my lips, and approached a little closer. Well forgive me for being so advanced in my courtship, but he was a real hottie. No one else has ever looked so sexy, all tied up and helpless on a cross before. His perfectly-toned body just crying out to be loved...

Luckily, people were a lot shorter back in those now ancient times. And at 5' 6'', I was quite remarkably tall for my feminine gender back then, so the height of the cross meant my head was pretty much at eye-level to his crotch as I stood before him.

When I peeled the bright white, remarkably clean, lemon-scented cloth off of his lap, I beheld the most miraculous sight. With a pure white glowing light, his perfectly straight, circumcised cock stood tall and proud. In fact, it was perfect in every way. When I wrapped my lips around the head of it, it just swelled further in my mouth, filling my sloppy wet maw to such a perfect proportion. It just sat so easily comfortable in my mouth.

I sucked, and slobbered, and gulped, and slurped on that godly cock. He didn't say much as I worked on him, he just looked down smiling warmly upon me the whole time.

After a while, just as the thought crept into my head of wondering when he was going to cum, his cock started to throb expectantly. When he came, it was truly the most wondrous thing. It was like I could hear the angels themselves singing into my ear, as every fibre of my being erupted like the crackles of a campfire inside of me. It felt like I was floating high above in the clouds.

I was at such peace, as the most deliciously warm manna oozed excitedly all over my tongue and down my throat. It was the most easiest swallow of my life, like as if I was gulping down pure soft creamy honey.

...And it did taste just like chocolate!

"Wow... You really are the Son of God!"
I gasped with a pleased chuckle after a few long moments of enjoying the refreshingly sweet lovely taste. It was such a refreshing orgasm, that I was no longer feeling any thirst whatsoever.

"I'm glad you believe now."
He smiled reassuringly.

"...But wait a minute. You can perform miracles, and yet you can't get yourself off of the cross and heal your wounds? What gives?"
I questioned, as I wiped my wet sticky lips with the back of my hand.

"Oh I could do that at any time, if I wanted to. But I don't want to. I'm quite enjoying myself up here."
He softly chuckled.

"Why? ...In fact, how did they even manage to get you up there in the first place? Being a magic super-human an' all..."
I continued to interrogate him.

"Ah, it's quite simple, really. Let me show you."
And with that, he narrowed his eyes on me again... And suddenly, like as if I was a spectator watching a dream unfold, he showed me just what had happened.

I saw it all. I saw that it was a few days or so earlier. There was a large crowd gathered around a courtyard. I saw the Roman soldiers. I witnessed Jesus on his knees, tied over a large boulder, with a husky Roman whipping his bare back with all his might. And yet Jesus was smiling. He looked as at peace there as he did on the cross.

"Take this, you bad, bad boy, you!"
The Roman jeered as he cracked the whip off of his back.

"Oooh yeah...! I've been such a bad boy!"
Jesus groaned with a pleased grin.

"Yes you have! You've been a very naughty boy, indeed! And naughty boys like you get punished!"
The Roman continued whipping him.

"Where's your Daddy to save you now, you naughty boy?"
The Roman asked mockingly as he whipped him again.

"Right here!"
Jesus cried out.

"Damn right he's right here! Because I'm your daddy now, little boy!"
The Roman jeered.

"Oooh yeah...!! Whip me harder, daddy! And feel free to choke me a little, too...!"
Jesus cried out orgasmically.

The vision then skipped ahead in time to a couple days later. I saw a large line of people stood in the street, watching and jeering as Jesus was dragging his own wooden cross on his back, as Roman soldiers forced him to march outside of the gates of Jerusalem.

"Keep walking, God-boy!"
The Roman with the whip ordered as he smacked it across his arm.

"Yes, sir!"
Jesus gasped with a determined grin.

A random stone in the dusty pathway caught beneath Jesus' foot, which tripped him, and sent him tumbling to the floor.

"You pathetic dog! Crawl on your knees for me, little doggy!"
The Roman yelled as he whipped him again.

Jesus groaned in pleasure and began to crawl along the dusty path. The cross weighing heavily on his back.

"That's right! Crawl, you little dog! Crawl!"
The Roman kept barking as he whipped him.

"Yes, sir...!"
Jesus gritted his teeth and continued to crawl.

"Now bark for me, doggy!"
The Roman mocked.

"Arp! Arp! Arp!"
Jesus yapped.

The vision then skipped ahead in time again. I saw Jesus was now on the cross, with the baying crowd gathered around him. Roman guards were stood right in front of him, admiring their handiwork.

"Where's your God, now?"
One Roman taunted in mocking laughter as another grabbed a spear.

"I'm going to shove my spear so far up you, you'd think you're a shish kebab!"
The Roman with the spear sneered.

"Oooh yeah, shove your spear deep into me, daddy! I deserve it!"
Jesus grinned with his eyes almost bulging out of his sockets with anxious excitement.

"Oh I will, just you watch me!"
The Roman grinned back, and pierced the tip of the sharp spear into his ribs.

"Agghhhhh yeahh...!! That's the spot! Deeper, daddy, deeper! Oh fuck yeah...!"
Jesus sighed out orgasmically as the Roman twisted it, and pulled it out of him.

"Yeah, you take my spear! That's what you get for being such a bad boy!"
The Roman sneered at him.

Suddenly I was pulled out of the scene. I tried to gather my thoughts, trying desperately to make sense of those images I had just witnessed. I looked up at Jesus, who was still smiling peacefully at me.

"Wow, that was... Wow, OK..."
I furrowed my brows just trying to process it all.

"Pretty intense stuff, huh?"
Jesus softly chuckled.

"Damn, Jesus... you a freak, boy!"
I let out a shocked, awkward laugh.
"But whatever. I don't kink shame. You do you, Jesus."

Suddenly the weather changed again. Almost in an instant, dark storm clouds gathered high above in the sky. The black clouds were then pierced by a strong beacon of blinding light. A booming voice roared like the blast of a volcano from the clouds.

"Jesus fucking Christ!"
The voice boomed.

"Yes, Daddy?"
Jesus looked up at them to answer the voice.

"What in the holy fucking Garden of Eden is going on here?! Are you still getting your fucking jollies on that cross?! Fuck's sake, kid, I told you to just come home already!"
The voice was so loud, I thought my skull was going to explode as it boomed in my ears.

"Sorry, Daddy, but I, uh, I still need to do something down here first..."
Jesus stuttered.

"Bollocks you do, you little fuckhead! Oh I knew this wasn't just a stupid phase you're going through, like what your sweet jailbait piece of ass mother told me. Literally, I knew it, because I am God! And I know everything! Whoever says otherwise is a fucking lying piece of shit and I'll fucking smite them for saying otherwise!"
The voice continued bellowing like thunder.

"Sorry, Daddy, just.. Just l-l-let me finish up here a-and I'll be home..."
Jesus continued stuttering.

"No! You're coming home right now, and I'll have none of your fucking smartmouth with me, you little gobshite!"
The light suddenly glowed bright white over Jesus, and in a sudden lightning flash, his body flopped limply, held up on the cross only by the palms of his nailed hands and feet. All of the colour had drained from his skin, turning it pale grey. He was now just a lifeless rotting corpse.

"And as for you, you fucking little harlot!"
The beacon of light dimmed slightly, as it focused it's beam all around me.
"I saw what you did to my boy! Because I am God, and I see everything! ...Say sweetcheeks, how about I pull a Zeus on your sweet ass, and come down there disguised as a big-dicked bull, and have you give me some of that attention with your slutty holes?"

I just gawped like a mind-melted moron, trying to process what the hell is happening.

"Wait a minute, how old are you again?"
The voice suddenly questioned me.

"Um.. 28."
I answered.

"28?! ...I mean, of course I knew your 28. Who says I didn't know that? I am God! I know everything! ...But still, 28?! Fucking hell, you're practically old and decrepit at 28! ...Now if you was 12 years old, with no tits at all and a virgin, unbloodied, hymenated vagina, well now that'd be much more my kind of sweet thing, yeahhh... That's my kind of sweet bag I'd enjoy, oh yes..."
The voice muttered pervily to itself as I crossed my arms, not knowing whether to feel relief or in very shocked offence.

"Ah well. For the sin of being 28 years old - oh and also for sucking off my son as he lay dying on the cross - I damn you to hell! Yeah, that's right, I'm fucking you up like I fucked your mum! Heh heh heh! Heh heh heh!"
The voice roared like cannon fire and laughed the most gratingly annoying dorky wheezing laugh.

"Wait, what?! But that's total fucking bullshit!"
I protested.

"Yeah, but what can you do, sugar-tits? I am God! It's all part of my plan!"
The voice smugly bellowed.

"What fucking plan?!"
I angrily questioned.

"Um... Well.. It's a very simple plan... Let's see..."
The voice started muttering to itself, and I could hear what sounded like paper rustling overhead in the clouds.
"...Create life... Uhhh, the dinosaurs... Adam and Eve - damn, she had a sweet ass, I'd bite her apple any day! Adam can go fuck off, that fucking fag, I'd fill his bitch's tight holes with my nut... Um, well, ah, anyway, it's a very good plan, it is! No mortal can really grasp such a, um, complex and, er, intricate godly plan as mine. And - oh! - right here, look; send the slutty cocksucking bitch with the smart-alleck mouth straight down to hell! So, uh, there we go! It's all part of my amazing plan, it is! For I am God! My plans are the best plans ever! Whoever says my plans aren't the dog's fucking bollocks, wants smiting!"

"Now wait just a cotton-picking minute! Can't I just ask for forgiveness and let Jesus into my heart to stop me from being sent to hell?"
I quickly questioned in a panic.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"
The voice laughed in what sounded like very derisive laughter,
"You dumb fucking bitch! You let a little something extra of Jesus into you just a short while ago! And look at you, you're still going to hell anyway. Because I am God! I can do anything I want to do! What I say goes! I am all powerful! Much more powerful than any of those other so-called gods. Fucking losers, with their little exclusive loser clubs... What's that Shiva, I'm not invited into your club? Well fuck you, you smelly four-armed faggot! Oh, and speaking of fags - who's the nerd now, Thor?! You fucking hammer-headed thunder-cunt! Look at my awesome power! I am the greatest God ever!"

I just stared up at the light in the dark clouds for a few long awkward moments of silence...

"...Um... I can see you have some issues to work out. I'll just go to hell now then, I guess?"
I sighed.

"Oh, uh, yes, right, hell and damnation... Fucking roast, bitch!"
The voice thundered as the light suddenly burst into fiery hot flames all around me, and I went falling through an opening crack in the ground beneath my feet.

"Damn you, o merciful God!!!!"
I cried out, shaking my fist upwards as I fell down backwards into the deep, hot darkness below...

Will the sexy sinnerful slut survive the sulphurous stream of the Styx?
How will the hellbound hussy handle the heat of hell?

Find out next time, when she returns in,

Hot 'n' Spicy Sacrilege!!!

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    "Yolanda...Regina?" He heard himself say, taken aback at the sight of his daughter Yolanda's face buried in Regina's—her mother's—muff. The two froze upon hearing their names, stock-still, as if they'd forgotten how to breathe. The two looked up to him with guilty eyes.        There wasn't a single word accurate enough to describe the feeling swirling within him. Was it anger? No. Surprise? Perhaps. Jealousy? Just a little. Terry wasn't so sure himself. But despite his mind's torrent of...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 88

"I don't understand, Jack. You knew this was going to happen as soon as I got that check. Why do you need time to get used to it?" "I'm sorry, Jill. There's a difference in knowing it's going to happen some day and actually having it happen. Look, Myra and I have been talking while you were out with the dogs. I'm going to have to have an accountant open a business account for me. I won't be able to legally sign a check from that account. I can't sign my own contracts. I'm almost...

4 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 11 Go Figure

When Melissa and I returned to the house after dropping off the order for the necklace, nothing much had changed. In the cabin I found Lara and Tommy at the table, intently studying a sheet of paper. They didn’t even glance at me as I closed the door. I could hear Muireann’s muffled fiddle playing from the darkroom, the sound of a slow Irish melody permeating the warmed air inside. “How’s it going?” I announced, taking off my coat. After scribbling something down, Lara turned to me, smiling...

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A Game of Lust Chapter One

We are in my marital home. My husband Will and I met when I was 22 and he was 24. Five years later and we have been happily married for three years. Now at 27 and 29 we continue to be a handsome couple who share a high libido and taste for lust. Tonight, Will and I have invited three friends over to join us for games that will thrill us all. I am 5’3′, petite, 32E with a golden complexion mirroring my Mediterranean heritage, waist length wavy dark hair and chocolate eyes with rose lips. Shaven...

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Last Full Measure

Last Full Measure By Ellie Dauber © 2010 This is another story of Jakov Pauli, an assassin who specializes in identity death. * * * * * For the third time, Mike Ryan stared up from his booth at the clock on the wall of the diner. "14:33 hours," he mumbled under his breath. "He's late." "In point of fact," a voice said, "that clock is five minutes fast. I am early." Mike spun around. A tall, slender man - about 40, Mike guessed - stood looking down at him. "Are you...

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Trouble at Dinner

  23 year old Daniel froze when he heard his very annoyed Mum say in her no nonsense tone “I told you to stop, you didn’t, so I am going to put you across my lap and give you a jolly hard spanking Daniel.”   He looked aghast.   “But Mum you agreed you wouldn’t if Francis’s Mum is here.” “I did not say anything of the sort Daniel. I did say so long as you behave you won’t get spanked. That is quite different.” Daniel had to agree. Well he hadn’t behaved. Dinner was going well, Francis was...

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CoWorkers Become More

‘I don’t see the big deal. They are just tits,’ Lucy said as she smiled. ‘Hell, everyone has them. Fat Diane has them. Maria definitely has them. Even you have them! I don’t see what the big deal is. She flipped her straight brown hair over her shoulders with a grin. ‘Yes, I know everyone has them. No one wants to see Fat Diane’s though. In fact, I would like to never think about those again in my life,’ Patrick said back. He shifted in his seat nervously. ‘And Maria? What about hers? I know...

2 years ago
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Uber Driving Slut gets Ass Fucked

Hey Y’all,It’s been too long. It’s not that I haven’t been having naughty fun. It’s just that I haven’t been sharing it with you except maybe on my Twitter. But today I had some fun I just had to share. It was the nasty, naughty type of fun that I love!Since moving up to Kirkland, WA I’ve started to pick up people from Paine Field a bit, as a way to get longer Uber rides. Most people are going to places like Kirkland and Bellevue so it makes for nice long rides as well as great tips.Today was...

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Helped My ISS Fan To Lose Her Virginity

Frankly speaking, this is my fourth sexstory and I write only real stories.This is the story where I will tell you how helped my iss fan to loose her virginity. Feedbacks should be submitted on ””. Hi friends …. It’s me, Kannan. As promised I’m back with my new story, titled “Helped my iss fan to lose her virginity”. Firstly I would thank all my readers for their overwhelming love, response and precious comments which encouraged me to write my new story. And I would apologize for the delay....

3 years ago
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"Sean!" Mum yelled, "Wake up" "Aww" i groaned, loud enough so she would hear. "Whats wrong?" She asked doubtfully knowing that since i had obtained my drivers license i had been trying to get off sick for the last few weeks. "My head, it really hurts" I said, trying to sound sick "You're not just saying this to get out of school are you?" She asked. "No Mum i swear I've got a real bad headache, can i just sleep for another thirty minutes and see how i feel" i asked...

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Vanessas New LifeChapter 9

Saturday December 12 Jon woke me up at 4 o'clock in the morning. When I finally came round he told me to pack a bag as we were going on holiday. It was my birthday on the Tuesday and Jon had decided to 'treat his little slave'. At 8'oclock we were getting on a plane to Tenerife. When we got there it was great to feel the heat as the plane door opened. Walking across the tarmac I had trouble with my dress blowing up. Jon told me that Tenerife was a quite a windy island, particularly in the...

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Brushing Moms HairChapter 2

I didn’t avoid Mom the next day. Not on your life. At breakfast and dinner I tried to send private messages to Mom through meaningful glances but she was oblivious to every one. Not once did I receive an acknowledgement of any kind. Mom didn’t flash me a secret smile or glance, or avert her eyes in sudden discomfort upon interpreting an uncomfortable signal. She was the same mother I had known every day of my life. I hadn’t known what to expect. At first, I was apprehensive because I thought...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 47

Amelia continues the Narrative: "Are you expecting anyone else?" I asked quietly, as Duncan and Connor cast wards around the room as a precaution. "No! Let me go and see who it is," Captain Billy told us, and started for the hall that led to the rear of the house. Connor created an opening in the ward for him. After several minutes, the Captain returned with another man who appeared very reluctant to be seen here. "Tell them what you told me," the Captain directed, without...

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A Friend in Need Part 15 Squaring the Circle

A Friend in Need Part 15. Squaring the Circle March 2013 Thinking back to the day I found out that the man I was in love with, because that is most certainly what I was if I was being honest with myself, was very hard, well it was then but now when I look at my baby girl I feel such a rush of love for her but also for my darling husband. July 2011 Before he started I jumped out of bed and put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the bedroom door, this story was one I...

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A Bride chapter 25

"Pregnant?"I got their deliciously sexy giggles in stereo as mum sat down beside me and discreetly squeezed my thigh beneath the table."Yes darling, pregnant, it's what us women do you know, we make love to the man in our life and he makes us pregnant!"My head was spinning, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry."You mean you're both having a baby?"They looked at each other and burst out laughing, but it wasn't a piss taking laugh, it was genuine laughter full of joy, pleasure, excitement.""One...

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Suzys Story Part 6 Final

(I strongly suggest you read parts 1 to 5 first...)I was beginning to think that maybe I’m some sort of a freak. No other women I have known have ever indicated that they may have the same kink as I have. I have done internet searches and found confessions from women who like sex with older men, but they haven’t been group sex. And most seem to be fantasies. Maybe I’m just lucky, but I have a feeling I’m in a very small minority here. Anyway, I’m having a great time and I don’t feel I’m...

2 years ago
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a familiar stranger continued

Introduction: for some reason it didnt post it all…sorry My day started out as usual with me waking up to ny lab pacing around my room. This was her choice way of waking me up. I groaned a little and got up to take hee outside. I came inside and stepped into the shower. I trembled a little as the warm water began to run over my body. My girlfriend and I had been on a break for the past three weeks due to some relationship problems and being as faithful as I am I hadnt done anything to...

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Ines Bouquet The Five Flowers of Hope

Read Ine's Bouquet first before reading this. This is a true introduction to the first six flower girls that serve her - therefore opening the first doors to writing in this universe - but it means little if you don't even know how this whole thing began. Or the rules if you want to write in it. OK, there is some bad language for one thing. Also, know that the beginning has some racism, including implications of a bad racist word. But do know I'm not portraying those horrible...

3 years ago
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A Super Heros Slut Ch 03

Peter checked out the room numbers as he walked down the hall. When he got to room 914 he wondered if the desk clerk had gotten it right. He knew that he was reasonably close to the right place because his Spider Sense was tingling enough to tell him that Kraven was close by and doing something that he shouldn’t be. But room 914 didn’t look like an office, it looked like the door to any other hotel room. He tried the door and was surprised when it opened under his hand. He walked into a room...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 94

Mary sat looking at the group in front her. She was starting to feel embarrassment about how she had acted. She had considered leaving Subarctic only a moment after she hung up the phone from talking to Celina. "The patent has been given expedited preliminary investigation," Mary said after a sigh. "That means we'll – I'll – have to defend it in the coming months. We can market it now as 'patent pending.' But there is more. As soon as the patent was taken under consideration, a...

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Passions Fury

Chapter 1 My mind wandered too easily these days. I wondered whether you really missed me and still loved me or if I had become an albatross around your neck. There was little for me to think about where you were concerned. I loved you simply and fully. It was not a love that smothered. I could be separate in body from you and still love you deeply as if I knew every fiber of you, as if I knew your smell during passionate lovemaking and when you were shining with sweat after a hard play at...

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both girls are fare and good looking like her mother, soja is verry hot looking and with nice tits i am arjun and i am 21 yrs male i am fantacied about shoba aunty every day ,the incident occurs before 3 days ,my mom and sister gone for a tour and i am home alone ,the time is 8am i seeing my mature prone vedios and i rubing my dick with the sweet dreams of my aunty i heard a door knocking sound ,i suddenly run to the door and open the door ,i surprised it was shoba aunty she look up to...

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The Glen Book OneChapter 2

Though the early Spring morning was still crisp, the young people that exited Savery Hall onto the Quad wore little in the way of warm clothing. As is often the case with the young, fashion won out over practicality. Tee shirts and shorts or skirts seemed the attire of choice. Ending classes spilled students into the crisp air from all angles. Shouts left the earlier peace shattered like thin ice. To the watchers in the shrubs, these young people stood out as brightly haloed human forms,...

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My Desert Angel

The drive between Monahans and Pecos, Texas is a desolate one with ne’er a stop, except an old 1950’s style motel with a blinking “no vacancy” sign hanging out in front of it on a pole. Motels in these parts fill up quick with road weary travelers once dusk sets in.I passed a car on the side of the road, an older model Oldsmobile, with the hood up. Instinctively, I had slowed down a bit as I approached, to see if I saw anyone in need of assistance. Not seeing anyone, I kept on going. I looked...

Straight Sex
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Rooftops Episode 1

Sheila assumed that because her building was the tallest around, no one could see her. She had built her house to remind her of lush Shillong days–not so easy considering her new South Indian home was as dry as a desert. The main house was on the ground floor, but upstairs on the second Sheila had her rooms, surrounded by a riotous burst of greenery. It was her refuge. She tended to her lush vegetation meticulously, a green thumb among Sheila’s less immediate charms. Spending hour upon hour...

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Beyond Full

My Sir demanded me to my knees inthe middle of the room. He disappeared behind the clothes rack by the dresser and dug through the second drawer where the toys were kept. Then he walked back to me, smiling, and held up a large black silicon plug. We had recently purchased a trainer set, and he picked the largest one! Oh, how I had day dreamed about that black plug.  Sir set it on the bedside table and went back to the dresser, this time bringing back the sleek, leather handled riding crop, my...

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Suck It k

Was on my knees last night in the lav of my local boozer giving some well-hung scally-boy a quick blow-job & it reminded me of the 1st time I sucked some bloke off in a public toilet.This is how it went.So there I was,this permanently boned-up 13 year old k** who'd been squirting a pretty decent load of thick,greasy boy-spunk for a few weeks & had learned that I really fuckin' loved swallowing it! Anywho,I'd decided to meet some mates in the park for a kick-about & lob stones at the...

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Something about Sarah

I first saw Sarah when she was 17.She was dating my son. We moved to another state and she moved with us when she turned 18. To describe her, She is 4൓" about 110 lbs. Her body seemed perfect.Long brown hair, a perfectly round ass and amazing C-cup tits. The first time I saw her perfect ass was when I walked by the bathroom and she had her shorts down to go pee. I saw her and she just stood there and let me take it all in. My cock got instantly hard.I went to the other bathroom and stroked out...

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His special secretary Part 6

** Wednesday - Art **Wednesday morning... What do they have in store for me? I had a very bad night thinking at the torment I went through and sadly I'm not expecting it to get any better. I head to the office like a zombie, I change in the car, it's the same sort of uniform as yesterday but this time the skirt is white and the jacket is red, above a white shirt. The lingerie below and the stockings are also bright red! The day will be long I expect, let's start with Sir Vatier's blowjob!Once...

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Igors Adventures in Ginger

Igor's Adventures in Ginger By Legion Many I watched patiently as Dr. Boris Balintoff switched all the castaways waiting for him to see his mistake. Seven people meant only three switches and one left over. He switched them in opposite lines (rich and powerful for weak and poor, big and manly for small and effeminate, cute and simple for smart and handsome) leaving the movie star with no one to switch with. "Take care of her Igor," the doctor barked at me, motioning to the...

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What a Deal Chapter 4

They put their stuff together and were gone in 30 minutes. Jack promised to let me know what happened and made Louise promise to write down everything that they did, with details, and email it to us. Cindy was ecstatic. She loved reading erotica, and now she was going to have a personal interest and reason for reading it. After they left we had dinner, talked, and went to bed. Cindy asked me to eat her pussy because she was still worked up. It was a tough job, but I was up to the task! I...

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DeniseAn adult novel of sexual slavery and service.Written By Miss Irene Clearmont.Copyright ? 1998/1999 Revisions ? 2011Synopsis:Miss Denise Arden Lamont renews her friendship with an old university friend, Kathy. Kathy has always been rather curious in her choice of male friends and indulges herself in training them.As Denise slides into this dark world of sexual slavery she becomes entrapped by the evil Miss Clearmont whose appetites for malevolence and vice know no boundaries.*****This was...

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