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Delicious Sacrilege

I was a lonesome traveller, journeying my way across a hot arid desert some 2000 plus years ago. I was walking alongside my pack-mule, approaching a notorious place outside Jerusalem. The road I travelled was marked by doomed souls hanging from crosses. All had died from their gruesome wounds.

...All, except one.

I stopped in my tracks as I stared up at the lonely looking figure, who was bathed in an almost blinding golden aura. He had long flowing dark hair, and a neatly full grown beard perfectly landscaped over the most handsome face. He wore nothing but a simple undergarment around his intimacy. Despite his circumstance, he appeared at great ease and comfort. He clasped his eyes upon me, and smiled warmly.

Like a puppet on a string, I stumbled in awe up to the wooden cross he lay on, as my mule walked off to graze at some nearby dusty shrubs.

"W-who are you?"
I gasped my words.

"My lady, I am known by many names."
He smiled.

"Well... Can you pick one? I'm melting too much in this heat to think straight."
I dabbed a cloth against my forehead.

"I'll be most commonly known as Jesus of Nazareth."
He continued smiling peacefully.

"Oh... Well, Mr. Of Nazareth, I'd love to stay and chat but I am thirsty, and my mule is wandering off with my water, so..."
I was about to turn away, when he suddenly narrowed his eyes in concentration for a brief moment, when suddenly the hot dry air turned into a cool refreshing gentle breeze around me.

"How's that feel, miss?"
He asked me with a certain air of smugness.

"Did... Did you just make the air cooler for me?"
I asked, trying to work out if the sudden weather change was just a coincidence or not..

"I've been known to do many things."
He softly chuckled.

"...I have never seen one so happy on a cross. Just what is your game, mister? Why they'd crucify you?"
I bit my lip.

"I am the Son of God."
He announced.

"Oooh, you're that person I've been hearing about,"
I chuckled in realisation,
"Wait a minute. Isn't every person considered a child of God?"

"That is correct."
He replied.

"...So what makes you so special from the rest of us, then?"
I smirked.

"Well, not to brag or anything, but I've performed many divine miracles."
He stated smugly.

"Name one."
I narrowed my eyes in cynicism.

"I've given eyes to the blind. I've given legs to cripples. I've walked on water. I've turned water into wine. I'm currently in the process of dying for everybody's sins. Just wait 'til you see what I do in a few days after my death!"
He grinned excitedly.

"Uh huh, uh huh, that's cool... But I only asked for one example! Show off..."
I rolled my eyes and folded my arms.

"...I also have chocolate flavoured semen."
He stated smugly.

"No way! ...What's chocolate?"
I stared, confused.

He narrowed his eyes in concentration at a seemingly empty basket near the foot of the cross. He then looked into my eyes while he nodded his head in the direction of the basket. I cautiously bent down, and peered into the basket to see a bar-shaped, smooth brown coloured thing. He just nodded reassuringly at me, and so I broke off a piece and placed it into my mouth.

It was like I was tasting love itself, as this sweet brown stuff melted smoothly over my tongue.

"Wow... And you say your semen tastes just like that?"
I questioned him as I helped myself to another piece.

"Kind soul, I can make it taste however you want it to."
He winked.

I gasped with a playful grin.

"It's true. Just ask Mary Magdalene!"
He replied.

"Hmm... Your parlour tricks may work on simple-minded folk, but I'm going to need some more substantial proof of this claim."
I bit my lip, as I ran my eyes up and down his perfect washboard abs.

"Try me."
He winked.

"...Well, guess I am pretty thirsty..."
I licked my lips, and approached a little closer. Well forgive me for being so advanced in my courtship, but he was a real hottie. No one else has ever looked so sexy, all tied up and helpless on a cross before. His perfectly-toned body just crying out to be loved...

Luckily, people were a lot shorter back in those now ancient times. And at 5' 6'', I was quite remarkably tall for my feminine gender back then, so the height of the cross meant my head was pretty much at eye-level to his crotch as I stood before him.

When I peeled the bright white, remarkably clean, lemon-scented cloth off of his lap, I beheld the most miraculous sight. With a pure white glowing light, his perfectly straight, circumcised cock stood tall and proud. In fact, it was perfect in every way. When I wrapped my lips around the head of it, it just swelled further in my mouth, filling my sloppy wet maw to such a perfect proportion. It just sat so easily comfortable in my mouth.

I sucked, and slobbered, and gulped, and slurped on that godly cock. He didn't say much as I worked on him, he just looked down smiling warmly upon me the whole time.

After a while, just as the thought crept into my head of wondering when he was going to cum, his cock started to throb expectantly. When he came, it was truly the most wondrous thing. It was like I could hear the angels themselves singing into my ear, as every fibre of my being erupted like the crackles of a campfire inside of me. It felt like I was floating high above in the clouds.

I was at such peace, as the most deliciously warm manna oozed excitedly all over my tongue and down my throat. It was the most easiest swallow of my life, like as if I was gulping down pure soft creamy honey.

...And it did taste just like chocolate!

"Wow... You really are the Son of God!"
I gasped with a pleased chuckle after a few long moments of enjoying the refreshingly sweet lovely taste. It was such a refreshing orgasm, that I was no longer feeling any thirst whatsoever.

"I'm glad you believe now."
He smiled reassuringly.

"...But wait a minute. You can perform miracles, and yet you can't get yourself off of the cross and heal your wounds? What gives?"
I questioned, as I wiped my wet sticky lips with the back of my hand.

"Oh I could do that at any time, if I wanted to. But I don't want to. I'm quite enjoying myself up here."
He softly chuckled.

"Why? ...In fact, how did they even manage to get you up there in the first place? Being a magic super-human an' all..."
I continued to interrogate him.

"Ah, it's quite simple, really. Let me show you."
And with that, he narrowed his eyes on me again... And suddenly, like as if I was a spectator watching a dream unfold, he showed me just what had happened.

I saw it all. I saw that it was a few days or so earlier. There was a large crowd gathered around a courtyard. I saw the Roman soldiers. I witnessed Jesus on his knees, tied over a large boulder, with a husky Roman whipping his bare back with all his might. And yet Jesus was smiling. He looked as at peace there as he did on the cross.

"Take this, you bad, bad boy, you!"
The Roman jeered as he cracked the whip off of his back.

"Oooh yeah...! I've been such a bad boy!"
Jesus groaned with a pleased grin.

"Yes you have! You've been a very naughty boy, indeed! And naughty boys like you get punished!"
The Roman continued whipping him.

"Where's your Daddy to save you now, you naughty boy?"
The Roman asked mockingly as he whipped him again.

"Right here!"
Jesus cried out.

"Damn right he's right here! Because I'm your daddy now, little boy!"
The Roman jeered.

"Oooh yeah...!! Whip me harder, daddy! And feel free to choke me a little, too...!"
Jesus cried out orgasmically.

The vision then skipped ahead in time to a couple days later. I saw a large line of people stood in the street, watching and jeering as Jesus was dragging his own wooden cross on his back, as Roman soldiers forced him to march outside of the gates of Jerusalem.

"Keep walking, God-boy!"
The Roman with the whip ordered as he smacked it across his arm.

"Yes, sir!"
Jesus gasped with a determined grin.

A random stone in the dusty pathway caught beneath Jesus' foot, which tripped him, and sent him tumbling to the floor.

"You pathetic dog! Crawl on your knees for me, little doggy!"
The Roman yelled as he whipped him again.

Jesus groaned in pleasure and began to crawl along the dusty path. The cross weighing heavily on his back.

"That's right! Crawl, you little dog! Crawl!"
The Roman kept barking as he whipped him.

"Yes, sir...!"
Jesus gritted his teeth and continued to crawl.

"Now bark for me, doggy!"
The Roman mocked.

"Arp! Arp! Arp!"
Jesus yapped.

The vision then skipped ahead in time again. I saw Jesus was now on the cross, with the baying crowd gathered around him. Roman guards were stood right in front of him, admiring their handiwork.

"Where's your God, now?"
One Roman taunted in mocking laughter as another grabbed a spear.

"I'm going to shove my spear so far up you, you'd think you're a shish kebab!"
The Roman with the spear sneered.

"Oooh yeah, shove your spear deep into me, daddy! I deserve it!"
Jesus grinned with his eyes almost bulging out of his sockets with anxious excitement.

"Oh I will, just you watch me!"
The Roman grinned back, and pierced the tip of the sharp spear into his ribs.

"Agghhhhh yeahh...!! That's the spot! Deeper, daddy, deeper! Oh fuck yeah...!"
Jesus sighed out orgasmically as the Roman twisted it, and pulled it out of him.

"Yeah, you take my spear! That's what you get for being such a bad boy!"
The Roman sneered at him.

Suddenly I was pulled out of the scene. I tried to gather my thoughts, trying desperately to make sense of those images I had just witnessed. I looked up at Jesus, who was still smiling peacefully at me.

"Wow, that was... Wow, OK..."
I furrowed my brows just trying to process it all.

"Pretty intense stuff, huh?"
Jesus softly chuckled.

"Damn, Jesus... you a freak, boy!"
I let out a shocked, awkward laugh.
"But whatever. I don't kink shame. You do you, Jesus."

Suddenly the weather changed again. Almost in an instant, dark storm clouds gathered high above in the sky. The black clouds were then pierced by a strong beacon of blinding light. A booming voice roared like the blast of a volcano from the clouds.

"Jesus fucking Christ!"
The voice boomed.

"Yes, Daddy?"
Jesus looked up at them to answer the voice.

"What in the holy fucking Garden of Eden is going on here?! Are you still getting your fucking jollies on that cross?! Fuck's sake, kid, I told you to just come home already!"
The voice was so loud, I thought my skull was going to explode as it boomed in my ears.

"Sorry, Daddy, but I, uh, I still need to do something down here first..."
Jesus stuttered.

"Bollocks you do, you little fuckhead! Oh I knew this wasn't just a stupid phase you're going through, like what your sweet jailbait piece of ass mother told me. Literally, I knew it, because I am God! And I know everything! Whoever says otherwise is a fucking lying piece of shit and I'll fucking smite them for saying otherwise!"
The voice continued bellowing like thunder.

"Sorry, Daddy, just.. Just l-l-let me finish up here a-and I'll be home..."
Jesus continued stuttering.

"No! You're coming home right now, and I'll have none of your fucking smartmouth with me, you little gobshite!"
The light suddenly glowed bright white over Jesus, and in a sudden lightning flash, his body flopped limply, held up on the cross only by the palms of his nailed hands and feet. All of the colour had drained from his skin, turning it pale grey. He was now just a lifeless rotting corpse.

"And as for you, you fucking little harlot!"
The beacon of light dimmed slightly, as it focused it's beam all around me.
"I saw what you did to my boy! Because I am God, and I see everything! ...Say sweetcheeks, how about I pull a Zeus on your sweet ass, and come down there disguised as a big-dicked bull, and have you give me some of that attention with your slutty holes?"

I just gawped like a mind-melted moron, trying to process what the hell is happening.

"Wait a minute, how old are you again?"
The voice suddenly questioned me.

"Um.. 28."
I answered.

"28?! ...I mean, of course I knew your 28. Who says I didn't know that? I am God! I know everything! ...But still, 28?! Fucking hell, you're practically old and decrepit at 28! ...Now if you was 12 years old, with no tits at all and a virgin, unbloodied, hymenated vagina, well now that'd be much more my kind of sweet thing, yeahhh... That's my kind of sweet bag I'd enjoy, oh yes..."
The voice muttered pervily to itself as I crossed my arms, not knowing whether to feel relief or in very shocked offence.

"Ah well. For the sin of being 28 years old - oh and also for sucking off my son as he lay dying on the cross - I damn you to hell! Yeah, that's right, I'm fucking you up like I fucked your mum! Heh heh heh! Heh heh heh!"
The voice roared like cannon fire and laughed the most gratingly annoying dorky wheezing laugh.

"Wait, what?! But that's total fucking bullshit!"
I protested.

"Yeah, but what can you do, sugar-tits? I am God! It's all part of my plan!"
The voice smugly bellowed.

"What fucking plan?!"
I angrily questioned.

"Um... Well.. It's a very simple plan... Let's see..."
The voice started muttering to itself, and I could hear what sounded like paper rustling overhead in the clouds.
"...Create life... Uhhh, the dinosaurs... Adam and Eve - damn, she had a sweet ass, I'd bite her apple any day! Adam can go fuck off, that fucking fag, I'd fill his bitch's tight holes with my nut... Um, well, ah, anyway, it's a very good plan, it is! No mortal can really grasp such a, um, complex and, er, intricate godly plan as mine. And - oh! - right here, look; send the slutty cocksucking bitch with the smart-alleck mouth straight down to hell! So, uh, there we go! It's all part of my amazing plan, it is! For I am God! My plans are the best plans ever! Whoever says my plans aren't the dog's fucking bollocks, wants smiting!"

"Now wait just a cotton-picking minute! Can't I just ask for forgiveness and let Jesus into my heart to stop me from being sent to hell?"
I quickly questioned in a panic.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"
The voice laughed in what sounded like very derisive laughter,
"You dumb fucking bitch! You let a little something extra of Jesus into you just a short while ago! And look at you, you're still going to hell anyway. Because I am God! I can do anything I want to do! What I say goes! I am all powerful! Much more powerful than any of those other so-called gods. Fucking losers, with their little exclusive loser clubs... What's that Shiva, I'm not invited into your club? Well fuck you, you smelly four-armed faggot! Oh, and speaking of fags - who's the nerd now, Thor?! You fucking hammer-headed thunder-cunt! Look at my awesome power! I am the greatest God ever!"

I just stared up at the light in the dark clouds for a few long awkward moments of silence...

"...Um... I can see you have some issues to work out. I'll just go to hell now then, I guess?"
I sighed.

"Oh, uh, yes, right, hell and damnation... Fucking roast, bitch!"
The voice thundered as the light suddenly burst into fiery hot flames all around me, and I went falling through an opening crack in the ground beneath my feet.

"Damn you, o merciful God!!!!"
I cried out, shaking my fist upwards as I fell down backwards into the deep, hot darkness below...

Will the sexy sinnerful slut survive the sulphurous stream of the Styx?
How will the hellbound hussy handle the heat of hell?

Find out next time, when she returns in,

Hot 'n' Spicy Sacrilege!!!

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    "Yolanda...Regina?" He heard himself say, taken aback at the sight of his daughter Yolanda's face buried in Regina's—her mother's—muff. The two froze upon hearing their names, stock-still, as if they'd forgotten how to breathe. The two looked up to him with guilty eyes.        There wasn't a single word accurate enough to describe the feeling swirling within him. Was it anger? No. Surprise? Perhaps. Jealousy? Just a little. Terry wasn't so sure himself. But despite his mind's torrent of...

2 years ago
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Sneaking into a shower

I take my time making sure no one is coming down the street and that no one is watching through a window. I slowly stand up from my crouching and slip my finger tips into the bottom of her window. I pull up slightly and to my surprise I find it to be open. I wonder if she always keeps it open, or if this is just a recent thing. I slide the window up more and more slowly trying my hardest not to make a sound. I climb through the window, carefully stepping over her night stand. I finally get...

4 years ago
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Stargate SG1 Rebirth

Stargate SG1: Rebirth Hintaar was a pre-industrial human civilization under the rule of the Gou'ld known as Nir'Ti, who was widely known for her efforts to perfect a perfect human host. Recent intelligence reports had uncovered some startling evidence that Nir'Ti had located some highly advanced DNA resequencing technology from some unknown source on the planet, possibly Asgaurd. The target, in the heart of Nir'Ti's base on this primitive world, was the brig. Several SG1 and SG6...

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My Wife her Ex and Friends 2

Cole snapped several photos of his beautiful sexy wife sitting between his two best friends. Telling the three of them how hot the photos were. He asked Sue to pull the top of her dress open for the next photo."All of my boobs are almost showing now Cole and you want me to pull my dress open more, are you sure?" Sue asked as they had planned."Yes, I want Sandy and Geoff to see your perky tits babe!!" Cole replied.Sue unhooked the clasp on the dress a few inches below her tits. She glanced at...

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Im Dreaming of a Gray ChristmasChapter 5 Gigging and Hogmanay

Two days later and Robbie was getting ready to rehearse with 'Riff Raff'. He didn't think it would be too difficult, as he knew virtually all of AC/DC's back catalogue, both music and vocals. Amanda dropped him off at Jake's house and he could already hear sounds of jamming coming from a large garage at the side. He left his amp in the drive and went to investigate. There was an up and over door in the front of the two-car garage but it was down and Robbie found it was locked when he...

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Connecting with Mother Ch 6

Chapter 6 The idea of Gillian being in London for a weekend without the children appealed to me, particularly the notion of taking her to the club. We managed to park our children with their aunt for the weekend. I decided as this was a new departure for Mum that it should be a short weekend, from Saturday afternoon till Sunday evening. Mum had not gone all tight and jealous and I put this down to my new relationship with her. I knew implicitly there was a risk but decided to live with...

4 years ago
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A little bit of fun after gym

It was just like any normal Thursday – gym day. After a rough workout at the gym, my legs and lower body felt weak and I found it hard to support my self. I just about managed to drag my sweaty body in to the changing rooms, and laid myself down on the bench to rest. After listening to a faint sound, I could make out what sounded like two females moaning and groaning in the showers. I couldn’t help but to move my stiff body closer as the sweet innocent groaning made my pussy slightly wet. I...

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The MetaStory

(Doe will be used as a name for a female character in one part of this) I have long been annoyed by two things: stories that are in second person, that tell me that I'm some 6'4" 200 pound Fabio, and these "meta-stories" that don't ask for gender or anything like that. Because of this, I will make a "meta-story," where before anything happens, you can select your gender, age, appearance in general, and so on. Due to the fact that this might involve some celebrity stuff, and this is a fan...

3 years ago
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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 18 The Morning After

The next morning, when the early risers in the Embassy went for their accustomed dawn jogging session, held very early because of the heat during the day, they were surprised to see four members of the Kobekistani army outside each entrance, standing impassively looking inwards. Odder still, each man at every entrance was apparently a corporal. When the Military Attaché saw them he was somewhat surprised, as he recognised one of the men at the main gate as a Colonel with whom he had spoken...

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Movie Night

When my friend, Dave, invited me and my wife over to watch movies (on his new 80 inch, 4K flat screen) and have a few drinks, I knew he had broken up with his girlfriend a few months ago. I also knew that if it wore a skirt, he would be after it. I just never considered that Dave would be after my wife!~~~It was getting late when our host, Dave, excused himself and headed for the bathroom."You just don't give a damn! Do you?" my wife angrily huffed as soon as she heard the bathroom door close....

Wife Lovers
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A Chat With Maxine

‘Fancy a drink at lunch time?’ Max asked, as she flopped into her chair. ‘I can’t, I’ve got a lunch meeting with a client.’ I answered. ‘After work then?’ Max suggested, ‘I need to moan at someone and you’re a good listener.’ ‘You’re buying then!’ I smiled packing my laptop and heading for the door, ‘Back at three.’ The meeting went on a little longer than I thought and I didn’t get back to the office until 5pm. I expected Max to have left as her working day ended at 4:30pm but she was sitting...

2 years ago
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JulesJordan Adriana Chechik Performing Magic Butt Tricks With Jules Jordan What Will Disappear In Her Ass

Dirty Diva Adriana Chechik goes to Slut School with Jules Jordan! Adriana’s dressed in her sexy schoolgirl outfit and makes her way around the house as she shows off her perfect body, stopping to give us little peaks underneath her skirt to entice us to keep following her. She climbs on top of the counter to expose her tight ass then pulls her panties to the side to show off all of her amazing holes. Jules jumps in an gets right to worshiping her pretty butthole with his tongue before...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 15

I grinned to myself as I heard Eric's whisper. Now this I just had to see. I was not surprised; I had known that Larelle would shake Eric's world from the first day I had met her. I also knew that Sammi wanted Larelle to show him the ropes. Sammi had always been a little nervous about being too experienced for him. I didn't understand it, but it's what Sammi wanted, and usually what Sammi wanted Sammi got. I wanted to watch for a couple of reasons. First, Larelle was just as cute, sexy,...

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Pool Shack Girl Part 2

After our first night together, Tracy and I had a lot of fun over the next few weeks. Even though neither of us told anybody at work about our fling (I didn’t want to my boss to find out and get pissed/jealous), everybody knew. I had two real good friends that were also pool boys and were hanging out the night at the marina. One of them, Mark, said ‘I knew you would get some by the way she was hanging all over you.’ Our flirting made it obvious to those who were in doubt. Since some of our...

3 years ago
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Lucian Ch 2

Lucian, Chapter Two. Why do we think in absolutes so often, like good and bad, fire and water? Why, for instance, do we insist that there only should be men and women, and call that the natural order? Isn't that just a lack of imagination? Lucian sat on a bench in the shadow of a big tree with a crown of flaming leaves - a sycamore, maybe? He loved the word, but he knew nothing about trees. It wasn't an oak, surely - there were no acorns lying around. He looked across the vast...

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CivilityChapter 7

I spent a leisurely Friday night and Saturday with the Conroys. It was as pleasant an experience as I've ever known. We lounged around the house, watched a movie and took a short walk around the property. We had settled down to a board game — which Janet and Lila had the foresight to bring with them — Saturday afternoon. I was in the process of getting abused in my third consecutive game when my cell phone chirped. At the time, I viewed the interruption as a welcome respite from my losing...

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Donna and My 8 Inches

So....right after leaving home, I had no money. So I moved into the rent controlled apartments (projects). You know the places. There's no drywall. The walls are either cinder block, or wood wall paneling. And since there's not a lot of money, for fun there's a lot of group parties. So one Friday evening, at the parking lot soiree and food sharing festival, this woman caught my eye. Attractive but in a interesting way. Not classically beautiful, but put together well. Nice body. And an aura of...

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Secret worship

It’s got to be secret hasn’t it? You can hardly go up to a girl and tell Her, can you? The conversation would go like this:“Hullo Miss, you don’t know me, but I‘ve been worshipping you for some time. I’m not making a pass, that’s not what I do. I’m just a wanker, I only look at girls, I don’t do dating or anything like that, in fact I’m amazed I’m talking to you as usually I’m too bashful and tongue-tied, specially when it comes to girls I worship so much, like I do you.“I’m not sure what else...

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Mausi Ki Ladki 8211 Mera Pehela Pyar

Hi Indian sex stories readers . Mera naam Papu hai . Umar 26 saal . Bhubaneswar ka rehene wala hoon . Ye kahani mera aur meri cousin ki hai . Umeed hai ki aap ko meri ye story pasand ayegi . Aur waqt na barbad karte hue direct story pe ata hoon . Meri cousin ki naam hai Shruti . Jo ki umar main mujhse 2 saal choti hai . Uska figure 36-32-36 ki hai . Uska boobs aur gand kisike v Lund se pani nikal sakta hai . Wo bahut khubsurat to nanhi hai , lekin fir v mera pehela pyar hai . Main use Sus...

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PornWorld Natasha Nice Busty Natasha Nice Opens All Her Holes Sucks Fucks Eats Ass to Pay for Car Crash

Although Natasha Nice isn’t the best driver, she is excellent at sucking and fucking. So, when she gets in a car crash on her way to work, she takes the man whose car she wrecked back to her place where she proposes an alternative to getting the police and the insurance companies involved. Hungry for a bit of action—and not low on cash—the man agrees and Natasha opens up all her holes to him. After eating his ass, sucking, and fucking him, the bill is considered paid when he empties his balls...

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Cocknar the Barbarian

Black, frizzy hair clumsily hangs over a long, warm face. Hooded amber eyes, set far within their sockets, watch impatiently over the spirits they've sought solace in for so long. A tattoo resembling a lion paw is displayed just above the side of his right eye leaves a satisfying memory of forbidden adventures. You are Cocknar the Barbarian. You are confident, coarse and versatile. Which isn't out of the ordinary for someone with an ugly past. You was born and grew up in a small family in a...

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A Lonely Father

You wake up about 9 in the morning, for a short moment thinking that you must have overslept, before you realize that it's saturday today. You still don't want to stay in bed all day so you get up, get your morning robe, and head for the shower. You take your time in the shower, shaving and then just stand there and feel the hot water run over your body. Finally turning off the water, you start drying yourself with your towel, looking at yourself in the mirror. The man looking back at you looks...

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The First CommandChapter 12 Introducing the Ship

"Our" freighter AIs were confident that the warship's AI understood our environmental needs, and we would find breathable Earth-normal air at 1000 millibars pressure: about 21% oxygen, about 2% water vapor and other minor components, the rest nitrogen. We should have a 1 g gravity field, Earth-normal lighting and 25 degrees Celsius ambient temperature, radiation levels below a standard that they had come up with for several of their species, and a noise and vibration level below some...

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A New Beginning Chapter 2

I brushed my fingertips across the wet spot, feeling her swollen pussy lips under the filmy material. Amy shuddered and I felt her waver a bit. I ran my fingers up and down the front of her panties, lightly tracing the outline her pussy made and pressing just hard enough that she could barely feel my fingers. "Ohhh..." she moaned, putting a hand on the dresser as her knees got wobbly. I pushed her back against the dresser so she could lean against it as I increased my teasing. I spread her legs...

Straight Sex
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Missy Brother and Dad double incest

My name is Sean, I got stuck helping out at a Prom for girls and boys. My sister Missy was inside dancing, and I was checking out all the young girls. They were all so hot looking in their fancy gowns. I sat with my dad outside who was drunk. Dad started telling me about how I ought to get me a girl. He went on and on how hot they were. Finally he leaned over in his whiskey breath and said: “Your sister is hot son. I’m gonna tell ya someth‘in, and you must promise never to tell anyone...

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The ride home

The weather forecast for this past Saturday was a mix of ice and snow starting in the afternoon. Mom called asking if I could stop at the store and get her a few things before the weather set in. Of course I would so I quickly cleaned up putting on light makeup, pantyhose, my skinny jeans, bra, black knit sweater and tan boots. My 3/4 jacket of course. Went to the store picked up her things and dropped them off to her. When I got there she was sitting at her makeup table wearing only a...

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LeslieChapter 6 Recuperation

The next few days were spent on getting my body back to where it belonged. I got better and better at going up and down the stairs. By Saturday, I could take them one at a time, my right foot on one step, my left on the next, all the way up or down. No need to rest at the end. My hand slid down the banister as I walked but I didn't need it for support. I spent a lot of time out in the backyard. I just lay out as long as I could, working on my tan. I even spent some time without my bathing...

4 years ago
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Swimming Pool Fun

Introduction: Jade has some extra fun in the pool… Jade swam every day to keep herself in shape and from the view of her poised at the diving board in a two piece it was paying off. She bent her knees and bounced twice on the board, the heavy weight of her breasts slapping against her chest and then leapt forward. Her athletic body twisted into a somersault and she entered the water without a splash to disturb the surface. She believed herself to be alone in the public pool since it was rather...

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Savagely Sexed in School3

After almost thirty minutes of him pounding my butt, Bruce rammed as far into me as he could and grind deep into my butt. I felt his cock harden and twitch and erupt a stream of fluid that struck the walls of my rectum. His stream of baby making juices was powerful and strong and caused my bowels to spasm around his cock head. Bruce exclaimed 'I'm coming and this bitch is coming too, damn it's good'. Bruce grind deep into me for another five minutes before he finally pulled from my butt. I...

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My Wifes Slumber Party Part 1

Other than a few clandestine kisses and fondles, though, this was the limit of our physical contact up to that point. We HAD communicated nearly constantly on Facebook, however, and our relationship had deepened significantly. Thanks to our smartphones, we shared numerous photos and videos with each other, many of them without clothes, and we would video chat as often as possible… which was basically whenever both Natalie and Steven weren’t around. Although these video chats were always in the...

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The magic of Brownies

The school holidays had been a drag, just me and my brother at home with nothing to do. But in the middle weekend of our two week break an exciting event happened. Daniel, my brother had been making brownies, he offered me one and it was scrumptious as usual. I insisted on helping him clean the dishes, mainly out of boredom but also because I enjoy the alone time with Daniel. I grabbed a tea towel from the cupboard and as I turned around to start drying the dishes Daniel blew the bubbles from...


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