Sacrilege free porn video

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For this slumber-party-like event she is dressed comfortably in a tight white tee and small pink elastic shorts that have the name of the youth group written across the back, where it’s impossible to read without admiring her very shapely albeit slightly disproportionately large ass. We are laughing and playing with the other kids in the van, jumping around and poking and tickling. Nothing that couldn’t be interpreted as completely innocent was going on. Until she leaned over the seat in front of us to look at some pictures another girl, Jamie, was showing. I was staring at Ashley’s tight pink shorts that seemed to be painted on her ass; the white thong underneath readily visible. All her jumping about had caused the shorts to ride up into her crack and the definition of her ass was incredible. The bottom of her cheeks was barely visible, peeking out from the bottom pink shorts making it seem so dirty. The degree that she was bent made it obvious that the crease wasn’t just in her ass but also slightly in her pussy also. She has the type of ass common to the black girls in the school. It was very full yet obviously tight and firm. I want so much to grab her cheeks or run a hand up her crack.

The writing across her ass slightly distracts me for a moment, “Crusaders of Christ.” It’s laughable to me that the church would allow clothes like this for sale, but the girls of the group were so innocently excited about having a hand in church apparel. Anyone in a position to pose any objections was far too conservative and trusting of their children to entertain the idea of any of us being lewd or lustful.

As the van turns she laughingly falls into my lap. I wasn’t even fully aware that I was partially hard until I felt my dick smashed up against that divine ass of hers. I wondered somewhat nervously if she felt my dick up against her, it was so unmistakable to me. In my nervousness, I quickly attempted to make a joke.

“Are you trying to crush me?” I didn’t really consider any female driven weight implications that accompany a statement like that. Not like the little 5’3” 110 lbs blonde should really have to worry about it.

“I can’t believe you. Are you trying to say I’m fat? I’ll show you. I’ll really crush you.” She began bouncing on me and laughing.

My dick was getting so hard I knew she had to feel it. I’m afraid if it repositions in my pants it will easily stand strait up and directly poke her. I’m both relieved and disappointed when we stop in the parking lot. I know if she hasn’t yet, she won’t notice my erection, but it felt so good grinding against that tight ass.

As we are getting out she is standing in front of me waiting for the others to get out. She has her body bent at almost a 90° angle because of the van ceiling. Not only now do I have that same great view, but she is again bouncing. She is obviously excited, so was I, but I had no idea how girls could be just so generally bubbly. Her knees pressed together she was bending slightly at the knees repeatedly as I watched her buttocks bounce up and down. At some point she took notice of her shorts riding into her crack, because she reached back with one hand and began pulling right at the spot I would imagine her asshole was. While this was going on, I repositioned my penis so it was pointing strait up. The head was extended past the waist of my pants but it was covered by my shirt, and this way my bulge wouldn’t be overly obvious when I stood.

After putting away our sleeping bags, everyone gathered in the dining hall and we had an invocation before we all ate. When the pastor asked that we “gather hands to pray,” my friend Jeremy take one hand and Ashley take the other. Her hand was so nice to the touch. As the pastor was relaying our thanks and worship, I was thinking about that same soft skin and it touching me; imagining what it would feel like directly against my cock. I then got a series of rather unwelcome squeezes from Jason’s hand. I opened my eyes to look at him rather angrily when I saw his eyes directing me towards Ashley. She was breathing heavily, her bosom rising and falling, shrouded in only thin bra and the white cotton shirt. Her nipples were erect, probably due to the strong air conditioning in the building. I admire her breast, about a large B-cup. Everyone but my friend and I are standing there reverent and oblivious. I can almost make out the discoloration of the areola, but I’m sure it’s just my imagination. I don’t know if it was the intensity of my staring or the fact I was unconsciously increasing my grip on her hand but she opened her eyes directly looking at me and smiled. She undoubtedly saw me ogling those wonderful tits.


Things went on rather uneventful for a while, until we started playing a game called “Christian Guard.” I was basically a hide and seek type with a few extra rules and obviously a Christian connotation. This building of the church had two floors and lots of classrooms and main halls so there were plenty of places to be alone. Of course when I say alone, I really meant alone with Ashley. When the 30 or so of us kids went to go hide, Jeremy and I made it a point to follow Ashley and Jamie. When we saw them ducking into one of the rooms we followed asking if we could hide with them. We were all sitting together in the dark room. The figures were just barely visible in that light. We were carrying little small talk very quietly, when one phase particularly caught my ear.

Ashley said rather out of the blue. “I wonder how fucking long we are going to hide?”

I was rather taken aback because I had never heard her speak with foul language, and I had never heard anyone say fuck in a church before. Evidently, Jamie was shocked also, either that was just being playful.

“AHHHHHHH, Ashley! I can’t believe you would say that. Bad.” She said as she jokingly slapped Ashley’s behind like she was spanking her.

I was thinking of earlier and how much I wanted to feel her ass. As Ashley continued to speak I knew I’d have my opportunity.

“Say what? Fucking? I like saying Fucking. Fucking, Fucking, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. What you don’t like to say Fuck?” Ashley replied in a childishly cute tone.

“You obviously didn’t learn your lesson from Jamie.” I said, “I won’t be so light.”

I began slapping that luscious ass I had been admiring for so long. Her ass was just like I thought it would be, so firm and plump. Between several of the slaps I let my had cup her cheek and grasp it for a bit. While I was slapping her ass she was repeating the words, “Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck…” I was more than happy for the approval and she was really turning me on. Before long all three of us were taking turns slapping her ass and trying to laugh quietly. The continual “Fuck, Fuck, Fucking, Fuck, Fuck…” was interrupted when the words “Fuck me.” slipped out of her mouth. Ashley couldn’t even believe what she said. She immediately caught herself and she stopped speaking to burst into laughter.

“I really didn’t mean to say that.” She said through her laughs.

Someone heard us! We could hear them coming. We all scrabbled to hide at different spots of the room. Hopefully they didn’t actually hear what was going on. Two of the “guards” came into the room and were looking around.

“I know I heard someone laughing in here.” One said to the other.

Good we weren’t in any trouble, just people playing the game. When one of them found Jamie, she said she just ran in that room laughing when she saw them. The two guards took her away accepting her story, and leaving the rest of us where we were. After they left Ashley, Jeremy, and I began laughing again.

“My ass is so sore. You guys were beating me hard.” She said snickering.

She went over to the window where there was more light and she lifted up the bottoms of her shorts so she could see the redness of her ass. We both quickly went over to look also.

“You just want to look at my ass.”

“No, we want to see how red it is.” I replied.

I know she didn’t believe me. But she turned her ass towards us anyway, standing on her tip toes and leaning against the wall as we both admired her ass with ours eyes and hands. After a couple of minutes of groping and my dick being rock hard, she stopped us.

“OK that’s enough playing with my ass for now, I should really go get Jamie.” She said.

One of the rules of the game was a prison break type scenario that can recover people that are caught. Jeremy and I both knew we didn’t want her to leave, but then again neither of us did either. Ashley was just too much fun. We decided that Ashley would pick a number between 1 and 10; whichever of us was farther away was the loser and had to try to go get Jamie.

After Ashley names me the winner, Jeremy goes off rather reluctantly. As soon as he is gone she tells me that she lied for me.

“You know you really lost right?”

“You cheated for me!?”

“I’d rather you stayed here with me. I know you like me. I know you were looking at my boobs earlier when we were praying.”

“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help it. You were breathing so heavy and your nipples were sticking strait out. It was really sexy and I couldn’t help myself. You do have really nice boobs.”

“Thank you. It’s ok, I don’t mind you looking at my tits. What did you think about while you were staring at me?”

“I thought they looked great and I really wanted to feel them.”

“Do it.” After a one second pause she repeated, “Do it.”

I grabbed both of her tits in my hands so excited. I was squeezing them soft at first, but then firmer. I could feel as her nipples started popping out under my fingers.

“Here let me take this off for you.” She said removing her own bra.

I felt her through her shirt a bit more before I placed my hands underneath it. As I felt her bare breast, I could feel the back of her hand as it grazed across my rock hard penis. I was unsure if she was checking to see if I was hard or it was just an accident; either answer was a possibility, and I was too horny to dwell on it. I considered Ashley a good friend, but obviously I hadn’t known her very well at all, this was all so unexpected. When I put her left nipple between my lips she spoke again.

“You know I felt you earlier?” she said as her hand brushed my crotch again.

“I didn’t know if you were trying to or your hand did it accidentally.”

“No I mean I felt you in van pressed up against me.” She said and she took a firm grip of my penis through my pants.

It felt so incredible. She was stroking my cock somewhat roughly through my jeans. The pain and pleasure of it was unbelievable. I wanted so bad to spray my load at that very moment. My cock had been teased for so long and for her to actually stroke it was almost more than I could take.

“You got to suck on me, now I want to suck on you.”

My ears must have been deceiving me. This was the level of my shock. But sure enough she was going down on her knees. She pulled my cock out and continued stroking it but now using two hands.

“It’s kinda like I’m praying to you.” She said.

I could hear her smile by her tone. But was completely unsure how I should feel about it. As my head passed her lips I knew exactly how to feel about it. It felt just as she had implied: Divine.

“Oh yeah, that’s how you pray to me. Worship that cock.” I said lost in complete euphoria.

And worship my cock she did. Every inch of my dick was wet with spit and precum. She was switching at regular intervals between stoking my cock with both hands while sucking the tip and playing with my balls and putting as much of dick as she possibly could down her throat.

“Oh fuck yeah that’s so good, show me how you worship my dick. Treat it like you can’t live without it. Oh fuck that’s good, oh fuck, oh fuck.”

At that moment I blow what must have been an enormous load down the back of her throat. The entire time I’m cumming, she is sucking continuously harder. I actually believe she is getting off on me getting off in her mouth. My absolute ecstasy was brought to a screeching stop just as fast as my heart.

The voice from behind me is like a knife. The words “Oh my God!” paralyzed me.

I can’t turn to look. After a second, Ashley spouts in a hushed tone “Be quiet.”

After another second I get a bit of relief. Before I turn I conclude that Jamie and Jeremy must be back. I put myself back into my pants and turned, exclaiming my utter terror a few seconds prior. Jamie and Ashley go back and forth playfully for minute exchanging names like “slut” and “whore” which was countered by “prude” and “tease.”

“Oh we were just having fun,” Ashley explained, realizing that a little of my cum was still on her lips. She wiped it onto two of her fingers and extended them towards Jamie saying “You have to taste it.”

“Oh my God you are sick I’m not going to drink cum from your mouth!”

Ashley retorted with “You better do it or I’m never going to be your friend again,” the way that only girls of that age can possibly say it still sound believable.

“Ashley! Awe! Are you really going to make me taste that?”

“Yes, I promise you will like it.”

Jamie took Ashley’s two fingers into her mouth. The visual immediately reminded me of Ashley on my dick only moments earlier. Jamie made playfully spiteful eyes at Ashley she sucked on her fingers.

“She that wasn’t so bad was it?”

“No, but I still can’t believe you made me do it.”

At that moment Jeremy jumps in with a great contribution “Why didn’t anyone ever lock that door?”

All of us laugh feeling kind of stupid. We feel our way though the room, that end being almost completely dark. After locking the door, Ashley still clearly horny turns to Jamie.

“Do you want to see his dick?”

“You want to show her my dick?” I jump in.

“It’s really big,” she says to Jamie, then facing me to me, “I just took your sperm in my throat, I want you to show it to her.”

I ask Jamie, “Do you really want to see it?”

After a half second pause, Ashley jumps in with “That was a yes.” as she moves for my crotch.

She takes out my still swollen yet not fully erect penis and holds it up with one hand. She uses the other hand to get a little bit of cum from the tip and put it into her mouth laughing.

Jamie says “It’s so dark I can’t see it well.”

“Here.” Ashley says grabbing Jamie’s hand and wrapping it around my shaft.

“Oh my God! That is big!” Jamie exclaims, much to my liking.

Jeremy now with another serendipitous moment says, “Hey I know a good game.” After a brief pause he continued, “Since it’s so dark in here anyway, we should all get naked and we won’t be sure who or what we are touching.”

Ashley was of course very excited by this proposal. “Yes, that sounds like a great idea. Everyone take your clothes off.”

The peer pressure from the three of us was more than Jamie could handle, and soon we were all completely naked in the dark. It was so much fun I even closed my eyes to completely feel the effect. There was flesh on flesh everywhere.

I was feeling very sensuous yet comparable tits that were on two different bodies at the same time not knowing who owned which set. As one of the girls turned away, my now completely erect dick slid between her ass cheeks. She pressed her ass into me grinding my cock into her comforting ass. Soon after she pulled away, hands were all over my cock, tugging and rubbing.

I reached over to feel a random pussy. It was soaking wet with little beads of dampness collected onto a tiny tuft of hair. I slid my fingers inside to wet them before I began rubbing the clit in a circular motion. The gasp that came let me know it was Jamie. I definitely liked the idea of knowing I was playing with her pussy, but at the same time I was curious about Ashley’s little fuck hole also.

As I was feeling around about waist level for Ashley I instead ended up with large erect cock in my hand. Instinctually I released, but as a warm moist mouth covered my own solid dick, I gripped the cock firmly again with a sense of abandonment.

While I had my bearings now of who was where I liked the idea more that it was simply a mouth sucking my dick and a pussy in one hand and a dick in the other, rather than thinking of these parts belonging to actual people. Soon I felt a tongue in my mouth and this added to the overload of sensations but again clearly I knew it was Jamie.

Wanting to get completely lost again, I moved about intentionally losing my bearing of who was where. The next ass I found I got down on my knees and began to bite it. As I spread the feminine cheeks, I could feel the patch of skin closer to the asshole that was so much softer than the already soft ass. This area drove me wild and I began licking the tender patch. She tilted her hips so her ass and pussy were completely exposed to me. My tongue and face was everywhere on the delicious cunt and ass. I licked everywhere, but I made sure to pay particular attention to the hole that was gushing juices and the hole that was so tight I could barely force my tongue inside of it. She began cumming in my face. Twitching and thrusting she actually knocked me backwards in the process.

She found my cock while I was still on my back, and guided it into her geyser of pussy. While she was bouncing on me I grazed a leg in the darkness. I reached up to grab a hold of a penis again, and curiously pulled it towards me. I never thought I would do something like this but I felt so good I really didn’t care to think of the moral implications. I took the hard cock into my mouth. It was trimmed nicely which made the process easier on me but the size was something I was hardly ready for. It was actually kind of hard to suck, but the thick hard meat sheathed in soft flesh in a way felt good in my mouth.

It was excruciating when the pussy lifted fully off my cock. But thankfully a new one was soon encasing my throbbing stick. This girl used distinctly more circular gyrations, than the previous who mainly stuck to hard up and down bounces on me. These new motions made it feel like I was probing every inch of her insides. I could feel her being rubbed in so many different places. I had to let the penis out of my mouth when she began cumming. She was still gyrating with the same speed and rhythm she always had but the pressure she was grinding my dick with was so much harder. I then became very aware of the smell of her pussy juices which I’m sure must have always been there, but now they were intoxicating. It was everything I could do not to cum at the same time she did. But I wasn’t done yet, I wanted this to last.

After her sloppy display of approval, I stood up and stumbled slightly against a wall. As I leaned up against it a series of mouths took turns sucking my dick. I never could tell who was who, but I’m very certain that all of them took multiple turns while I was there.

After the sets of oral gratification, I turned someone around so she was facing away from me and thrust my dick back in her pussy. While railing her from behind I realized both her and the other girl were sucking the dick in front of them. With two asses so close, I took turns fucking both the girls while they shared a dick in their mouths.

The bouncing back and forth idea made me so hot and I threw my head back in pleasure. My head hit something on the wall that I reached up to move with one hand. I soon realized I was actually holding a crucifix. The surface was finished and felt polished. The edges were relatively smooth, and I immediately knew what I was going to do with it. I took the cross by small end used the long end like I dildo on the exposed pussy beside me. Fucking one pussy while violating the other with a cross was so intense, I had long since bothered with worrying about morals.

Just then I felt a jet stream hit me once then twice across the chest. By the sound of things Jeremy had just cum and girls were on each side of his dick when he started. The girl I was fucking turned to lick the cum off my chest. My cock was still aching and couldn’t stay outside a hole for long.

I straddle the crucifix that I still had lodged in the other girl’s pussy. My dick was still so wet from the mouths and pussies it’s been in I was able to slide in the other tiny little fuck hole she had granted me access to. As I slid inside her ass I thought to myself, “This is so much tighter than any of many holes my cock had tried tonight. The cum was now gone from my chest but now both my nipples were being licked. Perhaps it was narcissism, or the fact it felt so good I had no choice, but I thought to myself “Everyone wants me to cum in her ass.” No sooner than those words crossed my mind I started to spasm. I began shooting all inside the tight asshole. Teeth came down on my nipples, my dick was now being held firm inside her ass as far in as it could possibly be pushed. Reveling in the last few moments of complete satisfaction I carefully removed my now sensitive cock, and the cross from the girl I had been fucking.

We tried to wipe down most of our bodily fluids and then make our way to a bathroom. When we got there, we locked that door while we further clean up. The three bodies I had been fucking looked amazing. And the smell in the air was also equally arousing. Once we were relatively certain that we were adequately clean, we got fully dressed and go back into the main hall. We found the game was over and most everyone was laying down to watch a show and go to sleep.

We lay down among the group like nothing ever happened. I looked over at Ashley who was now lying on her stomach; that beautiful ass that I love sticking up into air. As I lied there, admiring her ass I noticed a bit of cum that began to leak through her little pink shorts from her asshole. I smiled knowing whose ass I had been inside now, and I thought to myself “I have never had so much fun at church.”


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Mmas Sorority Part 3

After the 'lesbian orgy,' as we came to call it, we were allowed to clean up, redress, and compose ourselves before we joined the others for more drinking. We really needed it now!But surprisingly, I didn't feel nearly as self-conscious about what had happened as I had before. I had even more reason to, though, as I had done those actions myself - it wasn't inflicted upon me as when the dildo had been rammed up into me. Perhaps there was some truth to the idea that we would get used to a...

4 years ago
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Everyones Noticed but Nobody Cares third day

DAY 3, TUESDAY I never did quite get back to sleep. But that was okay. It was already 6 AM, there wasn't much point in trying to doze off again. Besides... Not knowing what else to do with it, I'd hidden the Boy's Spirit, Catch! manga in my pillowcase. I eventually weakened, fished it out and grabbed my phone, curling up inside the sleeping bag and using my phone light to illuminate the pages. It was not a comfortable way to read, but I really didn't want to wake the others. ......

1 year ago
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Me and my Saali

I am leading a quite healthy and happy married life with my wife Nalini. I was well settled in my life. I was well educated and holding a high position in a large reputed company. Ours was an arranged marriage. We both aged 45 and 40. Our sex life was also very satisfying. However, after a year or so, suddenly my wife started loosing her interested from sex. Till now, she was cooperative. Though she had never liked sucking of my lund but used to suck for my pleasure. But now, she started...

1 year ago
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Mummy Sy Pyar Our Chudai

Hi dosto kesy ho ap mera na surmand hy or mjy ghar main sb sono kehty hn meri family main meri mummy 43 year papa 51 year jo ky usa main rehty hain or 2 ya 3 saal bad aaty hain mummy house wife hi our main ny abi mumbai sy mba kya our our ghar shift hwa hon To dosto meri mummy mery ghar jany sy pehly apny sath apni badi behan ko rakhti thi jo k apny pati sy talak ly chuki thi us ky age 48 year thi us ka figar bi thora plus size tha but mummy ki trah bohat hot dikhti thi. Lekin mery jany ky bad...

3 years ago
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Lifes Pleasures3

I met her on one of those dating sites, which by this time I had all but given up on. I had had a couple of dates with women and chatted to a few more, but like with all of them there had been something missing. That spark you always look for, if it really exists, was not there. Some had issues that I really could not comprehend, let alone deal with, hardly surprising they were on a dating site. And so it went on, an endless sea of 2 dimensional faces and profiles, and bullshit. You...

2 years ago
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A Pirate Quest Chapter 3 Voyage to the unknown

Sabina stood on the deck of the ship. The day had finally arrived and they had set sail for the Caribbean. Sabina watched as the coast of England got smaller. She smiled to herself as she walked along the deck towards the stairs to the lower decks.She walked along the corridor meeting a few of the sailors along the way. They all nodded their heads at her. Everyone knew that Sabina was the one in charge of the ship for the next few months they would be working. They knew that they were going on...

2 years ago
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A Walk in the Park Part 3

Again, Just a warming there is sex in this part and cruising but also some anti gay hate speech and slurs. Not much to actually say, I again try to keep my stories like a real life situation trying to picture how someone would feel or react in the situation and how others might. So I hope everyone will enjoy it! A Walk in the Park - Part 3 by Kris K ([email protected]) Chapter 04 That week I actually had dinner with Alice twice and invited her over to my place once, I...

3 years ago
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A night to remember

Me and the girls were getting ready for a night at usual, you know how it goes. Friday night time to go clubbing It was a fancy dress as school girls, and I was dressed the part… White blowse with my top buttons open Black Miniskirt Fishnet tights and loosely worn tie We arived at the club and had a brilliant time, wild challenges to win free champagne, wet t-shirt competitions. In the mist of all this excitement and getting a little d***k i lost my friends, I wasnt perticularly bothered...

1 year ago
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Bathtub Inspirations

Bathtub inspirations By Leslie Josette Gill [email protected] The truth is funnier than fiction, and yes, its out there, way out there. (Please note: There are several reverences to "Queen B" and "Elvira" in this work. These are registered trademarks of "Queen B" productions and are being used without their permission. But in this case, it is a description and not a use of their trademarks for anything hinky. Hey, I like Cassandra Peterson. I am certainly not going to...

2 years ago
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The Coffee Shop

Mia stood in line at the coffee house, waiting her turn to give the anxious barista her drink order. Each time a new caffeine-seeking customer walked through the door, a gust of wind burst through the entrance, leaving a damp chill lingering in the air. It sent a shiver down Mia’s spine, diverting her attention from daydreaming of laying on a warm beach, cocktail in hand, and back to her jittery need to consume that hot, dark liquid, filled with the energy she needed to get through the...

1 year ago
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Swim Buddies

The whistle blew loudly inside the pool. A total of seven buff, hot 19 year olds dove into the water, swimming back and forth. Jason Weisherst was the fastet at everything: swimming, running, biking. You name it. He was also a sex-addict. The 19 year old bronzed buff man had a boyish physique, which made him irresistable. He had a 10 incher, which he always proudly displayed in front of his team mates. He knew every position known to man. Jason reached the end. He made first place as usual....

3 years ago
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Chris Evans The Meet And Greet

Title: The Meet And GreetRating: NC17Summary: A lucky fan wins a meet and greet with Chris Evans. I had been trying to get a meet and greet with Chris Evans for months now.Such a hot man.It would be unthinkable NOT to have wild passionate sexy dreams about him.Imagine my yell of victory when I finally scored that meet and greet.I would get a set visit on Captain America 2.And of course I would see Him.I wondered if I had the nerve to tell him that I make manipped pictures of him.That and that I...

2 years ago
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Shellys Vacation

I was so bored. It seemed nothing was happening where I lived. During the summer it hadn’t been so bad with lots of boat activity on the lake. But, after that, nothing. It’s a dull life.  I was restless and knew I had to do something or I would scream and go mad. A light came on. I decided to take a vacation. I had no idea where I would go but I knew I had to get away from this dead zone. So I packed a suitcase and, the next morning, I told my room-mate I was going on a vacation. She asked...

Straight Sex
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Frigid to Slut

This is entirely fictional. It is an adult story about sex, cheating, exhibitionsism and cuckolding, so if you don’t want or like reading about such stories, then I suggest you close this and move along to something else. Like all of my stories, it starts a little slowly, setting the mood but, or so they tell me, my stories are well worth the time it takes to read them. This is fictional, and as such, I can write it however I like. If it doesn’t make sense to you, then we simply don’t think...

3 years ago
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Ten Year College Reunion Ch 2

Saturday evening, June 3, 2028Adriana suggested I shower first since she’d probably take a little longer in the bathroom than I would. After I toweled off, shaved and brushed my teeth, Adriana had laid my clothes for the evening out on the bed. The shirt was a dark lavender, striped lavender tie, and black dress pants. They were nice, but not exactly the colors I would have picked. I laughed, looking at the bright shirt and told her, “I guess you want to be able to pick me out of the crowd in...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Go on BoyGood Old Santa

"Go on boy, Good Old Santa!" Cindy, a precocious eighteen year old in her twelfth grade at high school, smiled sweetly at her mother and assured her that she would not stay out late. Clare, her best friend, also had school in the morning, so they would not leave it too late leaving the city centre. They would watch the movie, grab a McDonald’s and catch the bus home before the riff-raff, drinking themselves silly in the bars and clubs, spilled onto the streets and caused their usual mayhem....

3 years ago
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in the office

He delivered the mail every day and always looked at her huge tits. She liked that. When it was time for him to be there, she would unbutton her blouse to give him a show. This day she lowered her bra so it cupped her tits and he could see all of them with the big nipples. He slowly set the mail down admiring her tits. She arched her back giving him a great view. He started to leave but shut the door and came back to her. He reached over and rubbed her tits. They were round and firm with nice...

3 years ago
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Sexy mom and me

My mom’s name is Swapna.she s 44 now.i m 21 now.she s an average figure bt her structures and assets are just massive and tempting. I first saw her nude when i was 10 yrs old.At that time we belong to a middle class family and used to live in a small rented house.We only had a single bedroom for us n v three used to sleep in d same day after sleep i suddenly felt something touching my hand and i opened my eyes and it was my moms ass.she was totally nude at dat time and i was watching...

3 years ago
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Learning to Submit

Learning to Submit By Christine I got married almost one year ago today. I have always owned my own business and have been in complete charge since it's inception. Jackie and I had dated for sometime before marrying, but it was after the marriage that she asked if she could come and work at my office. I said I didn't think it was a great idea but reluctantly agreed. After working with me for about a month, Jackie took me aside one day and told me that I was very dominating...

2 years ago
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Anjali 8211 My Mountaining Experience

Hi, I am Rajveer from Indore with another gr8 story . Kindly revert back with your comments on He’d been for a walk in the mountain and was taking a rest on a roadside bench and enjoying the spring sunlight. Across the road he noticed a young girl walking down towards him. Very sweet he thought… yes.. very very sweet indeed!!..Her name was Anjali , Later I came to Know Anjali strolled, almost skipping, down the mountain path towards the road where he sat. She reached the road and paused for a...

Gay Male
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Incredible ChangesChapter 40 Crystal and Annie

I had already forgotten that Crystal and Annie were supposed to come over to meet me. I was just putting away my cup when there was a very solid knock on the door. Being really careful, I turned on the place in my head and made me not see the door anymore. Outside there was a very big muscular man standing next to a girl in a karate uniform that was holding two plastic grocery bags. I recognized that the girl was either Annie or Crystal, but not which since they both looked so alike. I made...

1 year ago
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the sixties

I don't know what it was, but this entire week that has made me so very horny. The only real salvation was in a swinger’s party planned for Saturday. It had been a typical work week and home life was nothing special. I then realized that we wouldn't be going to the party on Thursday. The Patriots have a playoff game. I told a few of my play friends that I was miserably horny, with no relief in sight. Lately, Joe has been there for me and came through again. I actually think he's in love with...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Roommate Obsession

In my undergraduate years a group of friends who I got to know freshmen year all decided to split an apartment near school. Well, it was more of a house than an apartment. I lived with 3 other guys and 4 girls. At the time I was an overambitious young man who ended up with fantasies and desires for all four of my female roommates. One of them I fantasized about more than any other, and her name was Carrie. I can't really tell why I focused so much on her for my fantasies. She was...

1 year ago
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Fucked By A Waiter In A Singapore Restaurant

There’s nothing sexier than (like I enjoyed at the Singapore restaurant). I mean, isn’t it just a dream scenario. Think about it; he came from behind, fucked my pussy, and then walked away, never to be seen again. No emotional attachments, no commitments. No stupid drama of the guy bending his knee and proposing to me at a hotel dinner table. I didn’t need to imagine the look on his face when he realized that there was a guy under the table pleasuring my pussy at that moment. Believe it or...

1 year ago
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I Know What You Did With My Panties Daddy

Hey, daddy. I know it’s late.I... I just needed to tell you something. It’s been on my mind for a while now.I thought it might go away when I went off to college, but… it’s only gotten more intense since I’ve gone.At nights, especially, I toss and turn and try not to wake my roommate. Some nights, I can’t sleep because I’m obsessing over it.Like tonight. I couldn’t sleep. And then I thought… if I could never bring myself to talk to you about this face-to-face, well… maybe I could tell you like...

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Cry Little Sister Ch 02

Like last time, a big thank you to SoCalCynic for editing this. Hope you guys enjoy, because I think this is where the fun really starts … as always, comments and votes are all appreciated. * Jill stirred next to Rory, effectively waking up some parts of him before his brain followed. He held his breath as she exhaled a soft sigh and fluttered her eyelashes. Jill rocked her body slightly until she was snuggled even further into his arms, then stilled as her breathing slowed and grew...

2 years ago
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Positively Glowing 3

"You're taking this the wrong way, Stevie," Taylor was riding in the passenger seat and trying to explain what she meant before her best friend and sister-in-law got too angry. "Now, remember, I love Gerry, too and I am not happy that my mom pushed him so far so fast or that she changed the rules of the game after he'd already made a deal with her - BUT - I was watching him before he left today and I didn't see a boy in a dress." "Jesus, Tay, you're getting to be as bad as your mother....

2 years ago
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Help Part 2

*** Jake’s big blue eyes were glued to the floor. His heart raced like a steam train pounding out of a dark tunnel at full speed. His emotions were all over the place. He tried to look up at Daniel who was still stood in front of him in silence. Jake wondered what he was thinking as he tried desperately to make sense of the situation. The truth was Daniel was stunned at his own words. He had been trying to say that very sentence of months but he never could. He felt like a huge weight had...

4 years ago
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The New Neighbor Girl

My fascination with her started with one glance, one small smile. I had seen her around before, but never really noticed her. One day it changed. I had gone to the corner store for some snacks before the game that night, and she was visiting her dad, who lived downstairs in my building. As I got home, she was sitting outside on his front step, listening to her music player. I glanced up as I turned down the driveway, and she looked up enough to see me coming. She tilted her head ever so...

Straight Sex
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Sold into a night mare Part 2

"NO!!!" i screamed, pulling myself out of his grip with one quick movement. Before i could move away from him further he quickly yanked so hard on my leash that i stumbled and fell against the table. He rolled up the rope around his hand until his fist was next to my neck. "Well, looks like we have to secure you a little better, now that you're a flight risk..." he whispered softly into my ear. he stood behind me, pushing my body into the table and then - with a very quick movement - he...

1 year ago
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Park Bench Adventure

I work in an office in the centre of a small town and, at lunchtimes, I like to get out of the office and go for a walk. I like to go down to the nearby park, picking up a sandwich on the way and sit on a bench till it's time to get back.Now, I admit that I can be a horny bitch and from time to time I get those feelings. This is especially true when its a hot day and my mind has been wandering as I watch people go by. I think about how people look without their clothes (men and women) and how...

3 years ago
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I had been away for a few days and my flat mate, Victoria, wasn't expecting me back yet. I let myself in to the flat, and went to my room to unpack, feeling tired I lay myself down on my bed and fell asleep.I was woken to the sound of a running bath. I rub my tired eyes and raised myself off my bed, and left my room to say hello to Victoria. By now the noise of the running water had stopped.I walked down the hall, towards the bathroom to shout through the door, to tell Victoria I was home. I...

1 year ago
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The witch and the Dragon Part 6

Chapter Eleven   “This is ridiculous,” Remi spat. “I can’t believe how stupid most of creation is. To think that in this day and age, BDSM is still misunderstood.” He and Anniel watched images projected within a glowing orb toward the front left corner of Anniel’s living room. Alluna sat at a glossy white table that slid out from one of the walls. Anniel had set out one of her fuchsia and metal chairs so Alluna could sit comfortably and taste the array of food Zak had sent up for her. A...

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sexy moms taste part 1

knew it was wrong but I have had so many erections that I couldn’t control it. I was looking at her huge breasts and I would be in my room or the bathroom masturbating. I know almost everybody has fantasized having intercourse with his mother. It was the same with me until that lucky day I had. I was eighteen. I came home from school a few hours earlier for reasons that don’t really matter. I walked normally to my room and I heard the shower in the bathroom running. The door...

1 year ago
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P I And MagicChapter 3

I woke up with a splitting headache. I was puzzled, then I remembered! I was eating supper with Lauder when I felt ill. Damn, drugged! I sat up and immediately wished I hadn't. Nausea swept through me. I silently willed myself better. Slowly at first, then quicker, I started to feel better. I took stock of myself. I was sitting on a bed. Someone had removed my shoes, socks, and other clothing. I was sitting only in my boxer's. I got up and went through the rooms. It was the same suite they...

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Komal Bhabhi Ko Khoob Choda

Hello dosto ISS padne walo ko mera bahut bahut namskar…sabse pahle mai pana introduction de dun mera name vinod hai ….aur mai 29 saal ka young aur bada lund wala lounda hun …muje sex bahut pasand hai sath hi bhaut sare position men muje sex karana bahut pasand hai, to dosto yah baat us time hai ki jab mai 2 saal pahle Delhi rahane time meri new job lagi thi call center men as a Manager maine MBA kiya tha so bahut jaldi hi acche job par lag gaya. Dosto meri life ye hassen they mai jis...

3 years ago
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Exploring My Unsatisfied Mom

Hi people. For all those people who have or wish to drill your mothers, this is just another instance of one of those successful mother fucking stories. My name is Shashank and I stay in Mumbai. I am 26 years old. However, the focus of this story is my mother. Her name is Prabha. She is 53 years old, fair in complexion and has a very lusty and a busty figure. Her figure is 36-32-36. She has mid length, black hair, just above her buttocks. She is very attractive and good looking. My father and...

2 years ago
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BecChapter 20 Early Friday Morning

I kind of half-woke when Dan rolled over. I kept myself back out of his way as he wriggled and turned. I waited until he finally settled, lying on his back. Then I wrapped my arm back around him and moved my head so it was resting on his chest. I snuggled back in close beside him and sighed contentedly. Half asleep, I vaguely thought that I understood why Dan wore so little clothing to bed. He was putting off heat like a furnace. It was like sleeping with a large man-shaped hot-water bottle –...

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