BabySitter's Advances free porn video

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My wife, Heather, and I had a rare night out, dinner at a decent restaurant and then on to the cinema. It was nearly midnight when we returned. I'd half expected to find Marie, our sitter, asleep on the couch or in the spare room, but no, she was up, surfing the 'net, and apparently full of beans.

Marie was a new sitter as far as we were concerned. Our old sitter had out-grown the job and one of Heather's friends had recommended Marie. My personal opinion was that she was a little young for the job, the way she dressed seeming to underline her youth, but Heather was quite happy.

One thing that did surprise me was that Heather told me to be careful around Marie. I was rather surprised at being warned off as I wasn't in the habit of groping our sitters. Or groping other women, come to that. I was quite happy with my marriage and didn't need to go looking elsewhere.

Heather told Marie we were having coffee before we retired and asked if she wanted one before we ran her home? Marie said she would indeed enjoy a cup of coffee and a short time later we were sitting at the table in the kitchen, drinking coffee, nibbling on some biscuits, and discussing the show.

Marie had already seen the show and had some decided opinions on what she thought of it. She wasn't backwards about saying so either. Don't think I'm denigrating her opinions. She made her points clearly and logically. She and Heather were having a great time discussing the show.

That was the situation when a hand slid along my leg and started stroking me rather personally. I blinked at this, a little startled. The reason I was startled was Heather was across the table from me, both hands on the table. I flicked a glance at Marie, not really believing she was doing that. It was even harder to believe looking at her, her face sweet and innocent, not even the slightest glance in my direction.

It finally dawned on me that Heather hadn't been warning me off Marie, but warning me to beware of Marie. I was quietly appalled. She'd unzipped me and her hand had darted inside and was gently stroking what was now a fairly hard erection. OK. I'll admit she was stroking what was now a very hard erection.

What the hell was I supposed to do? What I actually did was lift the arm furthest from Marie and make a little waving motion. As soon as Heather looked at me I started opening and closing my hand, while I gave a gentle nod towards Marie and then tapped my chest.

Heather gave a little frown and then her eyes widened a little and she gave a little nod. She actually looked amused. She finished off her coffee, but instead of putting the cup down on the table she stood up, turned, and put the cup on the sink. Turning back to the table, she grinned at me, took hold of the table and jerked it away from Marie and me, revealing me with an erection and Marie's hot little hand holding it.

Marie snatched her hand away so fast that I was lucky not to get a friction burn in a very tender area. Her face was bright red and she wasn't looking at either of us.

"Really, Marie, how could you?" demanded Heather. "Why on earth would you want to grope Nathan, of all people? He's not actually Tom Cruise, now is he?"

"Hey," I protested, feeling slightly insulted. "I'm not that bad. And I'm taller than Cruise."

"So are most people, me included," drawled Heather, "but that's beside the point. Marie had no right to be groping you. And you had no right to get an erection just because she was."

"Bit hard not to," I pointed out. "Biology and all that."

"Very hard, from the look of things," sniggered Heather, and then turned to glare at Marie, who was trying to look very small.

"Well," she snapped. "What have you to say for yourself?"

"I'm sorry," she muttered. "I guess I'd better leave now."

"The hell you will. You need to be taught a little lesson. You unzipped my husband's cock. Now return the favour. Take off you panties."

"Ah, Heather, she might be a little young for anything like that," I quickly pointed out, much to Marie's relief.

"Nonsense," came the quick reply. "She turned eighteen a couple of months ago. Annabel told me so when she recommended her. Annabel knows that I prefer slightly older sitters. Marie just looks young for her age. Probably the way she dresses. I bet once her clothes are off you'll be able to make a better estimate of her age."

Marie was back to looking slightly appalled. Personally, I found myself interested. She was cute the way she was dressed but I was quite sure she'd be a damn sight cuter once she was naked. Heather just looked determined. And amused. I could spot the amusement, even if Marie couldn't.

"Ah, you can't seriously expect me to get undressed," she protested. "I haven't really done anything."

"A matter of opinion," Heather said sweetly, "and if you don't get undressed I'll fucking undress you myself, you little bitch. Strip, now!"

Hesitantly, Marie started taking off her top. Once she started she went faster and faster, wanting to get the whole horrible episode over with as quickly as possible is my guess. In very short order she was starkers, standing there with her arms held in front of her.

"Good. Now put your hands by your sides and turn and face Nathan."

Reluctance showing in her every movement, Marie dropped her hands to her side and shuffled her feet around until she was facing me.

"Very nice," I murmured. "I'll concede that she's older than I thought. She has a very nicely developed figure."

And breasts that were surprisingly large for what I had thought was a small young woman. She hadn't actually been wearing a bra, but a boob tube that had flattened her breasts. Without the tube her breasts stood out proudly.

"I must say that there is more of her than I thought," said Heather, sounding very thoughtful. "Now, why don't we sit down and you can finish your coffee."

"Ah, no, Marie," she added when Marie reached for her clothes. "You can finish your coffee the way you are."

We settled back down at the table. Marie and I finished our coffee. Quite quickly, too. Heather politely asked if anyone wanted a second cup but we all declined.

Now I was sitting next to Marie again, and she was naked, so it would have been ill-mannered of me not to stroke her leg. It turned out Marie might have been keen to touch but being touched was something else. She kept pushing at my hand, trying not to let on as to what I was doing. When I managed to sneak my hand past hers and poke her gently in the pussy she'd had enough and protested.

"Ah, Heather, can you please tell Nathan to stop trying to touch me?" she finally pleaded.

"What? Don't be silly," said Heather, sounding surprised at the thought. "I mean, you groped him, and started giving him a hand job, and then stripped in front of him so he could enjoy looking at you. Why are you surprised that he wants to touch you? Anyway, you're going to have to do something about that erection you gave him. I only take care of erections that I give him."

There was a moment of stunned silence, to which I contributed my share. Surely she didn't really mean that? I gave Heather a firm look and she just smiled and gave me a slight nod. She certainly meant it. Things were looking interesting.

"Just what do you mean by that?" Marie finally asked.

"Just what I said. You caused his erection so you'll have to service it."

"Do you really expect me to give your husband a hand-job with you right there watching us?" Marie asked with an outraged shriek.

"No. I expect him to spread your legs and give you the right royal fucking you've been begging for," came the serene answer. "Isabel warned me that you tried to put the make on her husband. I decided that if you tried any of your little tricks on Nathan then he could have you. Teach you a lesson."

"You can't do this. I'm a virgin. I've never had sex with anyone."

"If you're a virgin," I said quietly, "I'll be very, very, surprised. I'm willing to take the chance."

Marie jumped up off her chair. I took the opportunity to rise as well. As soon as she was standing I put a hand on her back and pushed her towards the table, forcing her to bend forward over it.

"Wrists," I said to Heather and she promptly grabbed hold of Marie's, holding her leaning forward over the table.

I leaned up against Marie, my erection pressing against her buttocks. Reaching around, I cupped her breasts, getting the feel of them. Her nipples, I noticed, were already hard. I rolled them around with my thumbs before pinching them lightly. From the squeals of protest you'd think I'd snapped mouse traps on them.

I ran my hands from her breasts to her sides, down along her flanks, then around until they were cupping her bottom cheeks. To the sound of more protests one hand slipped between her thighs, cupping her mound, lightly massaging it. Marie tried to prevent access by bringing her legs together. I couldn't have that, not could I?

"Marie," I said softly, "You're going to stand with your legs nicely parted like a good little girl. You can do this with or without a smacked bottom. Your choice."

Marie made a growling sound deep in her throat, and I'll swear she gnashed her teeth. She also moved her legs further apart, giving me better access. I took immediate advantage, touching and stroking before gently invading, slipping a couple of fingers past her lips to check her out internally.

I was totally unsurprised to find her hot and wet. She was squirming under my touch, swearing at both Heather and me, but not really struggling. I wasn't sure if she was resigned to what was going on, or eager for it to happen but trying to put up what she considered the correct reluctance.

Whatever, my fingers slid into her quite smoothly. Virgin, she was not. It may not have been a cock that popped her cherry but something certainly had.

I glanced past her to look at Heather, who was still holding her, smiling quite happily.

"Not a virgin," I told her. "Shall we proceed with this little adventure?"

There were simultaneous replies of "Yes" and "No". You can guess who was saying what.

"He's a liar," protested Marie. "I'm a virgin. He's just saying I'm not so you'll let him take me."

"Listen, sweetheart. As far as I'm concerned he has my permission to fuck you even if you were three times a virgin. Just smile and take it. Deep."

By this time I was brushing my erection back and forth along her slit. Her mound was swollen and her lips were pushing out to greet me. I eased the head of my cock up against her, ready to push home.

"Do you want to come and watch this?" I asked Heather. "I don't think she's going to struggle any further."

With a smirk, Heather released Marie's wrists and came around the table to observe.

"Ha," she snorted. "She can't claim that her pussy isn't ready for what's coming. It's doing everything it can to grab you apart from biting."

Heather wasn't too far off with that statement. Marie was most definitely pushing towards me. If I hadn't eased back a little she'd have already speared herself on me. Now it was my turn and I pushed firmly forward.

With one long firm push I slid neatly into place, with Marie squealing another protest but also pushing firmly back against me, taking me. Deep.

"Virgin, my eye," muttered Heather, receiving an angry look from Marie.

"I was," she insisted.

"Just not recently," I said with a laugh. "I wasn't the first."

"The other time didn't count," came the furious reply. "We were interrupted. So you are the first."

"Ah, hold on a moment. You mean that if I'm interrupted and don't finish fucking you, it won't count, and you'll still be a virgin?"

"Right. Are you going to stop?" The last sounded rather hopeful but there was also a tinge of disappointment in her voice.

"I don't know. What do you think, Heather? Should I withdraw and restore Marie's virginity?"

Heather was looking at Marie as though suspecting that she was an idiot. Then she looked back at me.

"That would be so unfair to Marie," she said softly. "Then she'd have the trouble of defending her virginity yet again, when the next husband decides she's gone too far and wants to fuck her. No, you'd better go through with it."

So I'd switched from a punishment fuck to a mercy fuck. How nice to know that I was doing the right thing by Marie. I pulled slowly back and then thrust in firmly, eliciting a loud squeal. With that I got down to some serious fucking.

After the first few strokes Marie was moving in time with me, pushing back hard each time I drove in. She was a voluble little thing, squealing and squeaking and protesting and pleading, all at the same time. (The pleading, by the way, wasn't for me to stop, unless "Oh, please, faster," is a new way of saying no.)

The protesting stopped first, then the squealing and squeaking was replaced by a series of "Ahh," sounds that were timed to match my driving into her. These gasps were interspersed with the occasional "Yes," and seemed to indicate satisfaction with the way things were going.

Things were hotting up as far as I was concerned. My balls were hot and bloated, telling me that it was about time I put some effort into finishing this. At the same time, Marie started squealing again. The difference now was that her squeals were high and excited and eager. I settled down to some serious pounding, ready to blow my load. From the sound of it, Marie was past ready.

I hit her hard and fast, finally groaning and just cutting loose. If she didn't make it, bad luck. I could feel her passage closing around me, clamping down, then while I was helplessly jerking she convulsed and gave a godawful shriek.

Then everything went silent. Marie leaned heavily on the table, taking no notice of the world around her. I leaned on Marie, regarding Heather. Heather was standing with her head turned to the side, listening.

"If she woke the k**s with that scream, I'll kill her," Heather quietly informed me, still listening for untoward sound from deeper in the house. Satisfied that the k**s were undisturbed she relaxed.

I quietly disengaged from Marie and tidied my clothes. Then we just stood and waited for Marie to get her act together.

After a while Marie stirred, then straightened with a jerk. She turned and looked at us.

"My god, I can't believe you did that," she said, sounding shocked. "You ****d me."

"Excuse me," I said in protest, sounding highly indignant. "I did no such thing."

"What? What would you call it? You made me strip, bent me over the table and fucked me. What was it if it wasn't ****?"

"I was merely satisfying your curiosity when you explained to us that you really wanted to know more about sex and would I please demonstrate," I said, all injured innocence.

She stared at me, her face a wonder of astonishment. Then it cleared as realization dawned.

"You're a bastard," she said softly.

"And you're a bitch," said Heather, equally softly. "You're the one who started the ball rolling."

"OK," I said softly. "I think it's time to call it a night. Let's cool out tempers. There's been enough abuse. Next one to call someone names gets spanked, and that includes you, Heather."

Both women looked rebellious but they also both shut up. I had no doubt that Heather would make me pay for that spanking remark, but for now, things were quiet.

"Would you like me to call you a taxi?" I asked Marie. "I'll pay for it. If you'd prefer, Heather or I will drive you home. It'd be faster if we drove you."

"Could you drive me, please?" Marie asked, smiling sweetly, looking incredibly young and innocent again. Odd how she could manage that look, standing there, still naked.

"No problems. I'll take you as soon as you're dressed."

How the hell could she have forgotten she was undressed? She gave a gasp and jumped towards her clothes.

"Thank you," she called, as she picked up her top. "I don't trust taxis and I wouldn't want to put the bitch out," she added, glaring at Heather.

I sighed and sat down, giving Marie a resigned look. Heather giggled, giving Marie an expectant look. Marie looked at us, looking at her.

"What?" she asked.

"You're a slow learner," Heather said softly.

I glared at Heather to shut her up then turned to Marie.

"What did I just say about calling each other names?"

I could see her running back over our last few comments, then she went red.

"You wouldn't," she said, horrified.

I just smiled and patted my knee.

"This isn't fair," she protested. "Heather was calling me names."

"But I stopped when told to," Heather pointed out smugly. Damn it. I wanted to spank her, too, and she knew it. She was going to be on her best behaviour for a while. Photos

I patted my knee again and Marie slowly came over to me. She was still protesting weakly as I put her over my knee. Why the hell she didn't just ignore me and continue dressing is beyond me. It's not as though I was going to tackle her and drag her over my knee.

My hand came down sharply and Marie let out a sharp squeal.

"Ah, Marie," I said, "do try to keep the noise down. We don't want to wake the k**s, now do we? We've already risked this once."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'll try to suffer in silence," she said, sounding slightly bitter.

"Thank you," I murmured, bringing my hand down on her bottom again.

After a few hard spanks to her bottom my hand sort of drifted about. My spanks got faster but seemed to be slapping against her pussy rather than on her bottom. Marie was making little squeaky sounds, hand pressed against her mouth to muffle the noise.

I speeded up the spanking, now concentrating wholly on her pussy, which was flushed and swollen. (More so than when I started.) Marie now had both of her hands pressed against her mouth, trying not to scream, I think.

Marie suddenly shuddered and bucked, and I knew damn well that if she wasn't gagging herself she'd have been screaming as she climaxed again. I ceased spanking, my work done.

Heather, I noticed, was trying her best not to collapse on the floor, laughing. I winked at her, sitting there, my hand resting comfortably on Marie's back. It took a few moments, but she came back to us. She pushed herself up off my lap, face flushed, still slightly out of it.

"Interesting spanking," murmured Heather, watching as Marie finally got dressed.

"One does one's best," I murmured.

"Come along, Marie," I said. "Time to get you home."

"A mad house," she muttered as she went with me. "No-one warned me that this place was a mad house."

"Don't let it worry you," I soothed her. "You fitted in very nicely."

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Senses working overtime I hadn't heard from mum since the last phone call, which I considered a success because I didn't get yelled at. Really though, I was angry with her for not listening. I know by that time I should have been used to that kind of response, but still it hurt. Lily and Dr. Whaite had pointed out that it's often more difficult for the parents to accept the kind of decision I was making, but assured me that given time, she would probably come round. I desperately...

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The rugby team in the showers

I was horny that week, since I was home alone.I had masturbated several times during those days, but nothing seemed enough to me to calm down my craving for cock. I called my beloved hubby who was in a not so far city, telling him I needed his thick cock and I needed it as soon as possible. Victor told me I should be patient, since his boring business trip was taking him more time than expected…On Saturday morning I went to the gym; a bit of workout would cool off my arousal for cock…I had...

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Mom helps injured son Chapter 4

Chapter 4The next morning the doctor’s office called and asked about Tim’s hands. They said he should come in the day after tomorrow and get the bandages removed. I felt a mixture of relief and disappointment come over me. Had I enjoyed this little game I had been playing with Tim? What kind of a pervert does that make me? I decided to concentrate on the relief of this whole routine ending soon.Tim came into the kitchen and I fixed him some breakfast. We sat and ate in total silence, not even...

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BlackValleyGirls Alexis Avery Bellah Dahl Learning To Suck Like A Star

Sometimes we give something our best shot, but we still come up short. That is what happens to Alexis Avery today. She tries sucking her mans cock, but he is not feeling it. Lucky for her, her stepsister, Bellah Dahl, is watching the whole time. She is sympathetic to her stepsisters plight, and wants to show her a couple things about giving some good black girl head. But even after some lessons, Alexis does not pick it up. So Bella takes it into her own hands, and mouth. Once the example has...

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My Maid Caught Me And I Enjoyed Her

Hi to one and all I am new and this is my first post , so I need all of your comments an how did you feel , if anyone else to contact . Contact to mail id at the last of this post. To introduce my self I am Abhi of 21 years living in Hyderabad, about my maid busty boobs and shaking ass and good height too. Coming to the story, I have the habit of masturbating in the bathroom while bathing , and in the bed at night , so one day while no one is at home I started watching porn videos, and...

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Girls in Games

You've always been happy to have gotten all the latest game systems before anyone else you knew, or that they knew, for that matter. But when your local Best Buy offered a special super-limited, one of a kind game system, you HAD to have it! You looked with pity at everyone camping outside for the chance to push past each other to get it. You, however, had played too much Splinter Cell to do that. Instead, you go in through the back way, using the employee uniform you borrowed from a friend who...

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Am I BiSexual or Gay

This is the first time that I have talked about this situation with Tom. It's just a surprise. It was Thursday night after coming back from an out-of-town game and Tom came to pick me up and take me to his apartment . Tom is an older man (44 or 45) and I am a 23-year-old college student at the University of Nobody's Business. I am a pitcher for our Baseball team and it is very hard for me to explain to my teammates and of course my family about these fantasies about having sex with men.On...

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Sexy Muslim Colleague

Feedback contact me: I live in Bangalore alone in a flat and I’m working for a top company. I had a colleague who joined with me and she is a Muslim, but she is open minded and free to discuss any topics. We were working together for almost 3 years now and she recently married a guy from her community. He was a good person and I knew him for a long time. Coming to the story, it happened in March. She came to office and was very dull, noticing it I’ve asked her what happened and then I came to...

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As the plane left the runway of LaGuardia and the lights of NY, NY fell far below and behind her, Karen had a moment of terrible foreboding. I'm never coming back, she thought. And bit her tongue hard enough to draw blood. She couldn't eat or drink a thing the rest of the flight. By the time the seatbelt sign had come on again for the approach to New Delhi, her tongue felt like it had grow too large for her mouth. An image flashed in her mind: The plane crashed, a TV news camera panning...

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The Villa Chapter 1

Chapter One -- The MeetingYou hear about these things in the papers, two people meet in a chat room on line and one thing leads to another. But neither of us expected it or even dreamed of it would happen to us.Over the months and years since our first meeting our circumstances changed to the stage where there was nothing stopping us. So that's what we planned, a meeting. A neutral ground was decided best so a vacation was organised. An island in the Atlantic, private villa, secluded, pool,...

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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 18 Return of the Girlfriend

June/July 1981, Milford, Ohio “Mr. Blanchard, I would like to be able to speak with Kara. I know it’s not the norm for your house, but I’d like to help Kara with the dishes. We can have a conversation while we’re doing them.” “Dad, please let him,” Kara quickly interjected. A look was exchanged between Kara’s parents, and then, with a grimace, Mr. Blanchard nodded. Kara and I went to the kitchen. When we were out of sight, she gave me a quick hug. “Thanks,” she whispered. “We’re not even...

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Center Stage

Center Stage By Melissa Blake He tried to scream out as the process to change him began. Little did he know that within several minutes, the life he led would cease to exist. If only he hadn't held the coin. If only. He doubled up, racked in pain as he felt his body begin to conform to his wishes. His pulse and breath quickened, his chest heaving heavily. His hands reached for the edge of the bed as he stumbled across the bedroom. The pores of his skin began to sweat...

1 year ago
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Soul SearchChapter 2 Family love

At the precise moment that her uncle's throat was sliced, the thin ear-to-ear laceration began sprouting crimson gushers of blood across Karen's face, neck and breasts. It had happened so quickly that her brain took several seconds to react. One minute her uncle was on top of her, his face askew with passion brought on by the pleasurable act he was performing, then the very next moment his face mirrored a look of bewilderment, as if he didn't understand or couldn't comprehend what had...

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Manya Forbidden Lust

While peeing, she let out a shudder of relief as some of the accumulated horniness found alternate release. But only some of it. Stepping out and in the same scant attire she moved to the main door to collect the morning milk. Opening the door, she bent to pick up the milk and in the process her full breasts spilled out to form a delectable cleavage. From the corner of her eye she saw the milkman’s bicycle parked in the compound and realized that he was still around and was perhaps waiting for...

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One Took Over The Cuckolds Bed Part XI

Sue woke me at 5:45 next morning. Perched on the edge of my bed she leant over and kissed me. “Your early morning wake-up call Mr. Cuckold,” she said with a smile.She was naked and I reached up and cupped a breast. “You’ve cuckolded me again haven’t you?”“Three times since I said goodnight to you last night,” she smiled. “Twice before we slept and once again twenty minutes ago.”I had heard them fuck both times after they went to bed but I had slept through their morning one. I had masturbated...

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Dont Miss He Said Ch 04 Pt 01

Greetings again, readers! Your humble raconteur returns with the next exciting installment of ‘Don’t Miss,’ He Said. It’s time again to join Alphonse, Elena, and the rest of the gang for another bit of fun. More conflict with Gospel, and more romance for the couples. Here you are. Alphonse Rosethorne, take command of your story…Carry out the plan of the day! ************* ‘Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.’ Franz Schubert: ‘Ave Maria ...

3 years ago
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Implied Consent

Implied Consent Amy Price was depressed. She had enough insight to know this beyond any doubt. Well that, and the culture at her school made them constantly aware of the symptoms and signs. Posters for "Beyond Blue", "Kids help line", and "Head space" littered the walls of her school corridors. Then there were the frequent wellness classes that were part of the curriculum. So she knew that everything she felt was documented, recorded and universal, but that did nothing to ease her...

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Samia The Slut

She had had enough of young lads and had actually abstained from sex for nearly six months before she got on the local bus to her village. Turning heads everywhere she went, the six foot stunner, with long brown hair, pretty face with a wide smile, great tits, long legs and pert, round ass, heard lads talking about how fit she was as she stood at the bus stop. Hearing their comments about exactly how they would fuck her cemented further that she wanted nothing to do with lads her age. She got...

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HandsOnHardcore Liya Silver Curvy Glamour Babe Needs Cock

Curvy glamour babe Liya Silver needs a cock between her thighs. The brunette bombshell with seductive brown eyes looks like the most attractive and sensual Penthouse model ever! Check out her mouth-watering natural titties and follow her gentle strokes along her silken skin down to her endless legs. The tattooed hottie can’t wait to feel real estate agent Mugur’s veiny dick inside her wet pussy! Get ready for a sizzling-hot “Hands on Hardcore” masterpiece, brought to you...

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More wanking stories with Stan

Stan and I became cock buddies at high school. I have referred to early incidents in earlier stories. We first started by discussing Matron, she was, after all the only woman, in a school of over 1050 + boys and staff. A mature and attractive woman , we would watch her with interest. I started our relationship by mentioning that looking at Matron bending over in her tight white uniform gave me a hard on. Stan then told me he had one as well and moved around to show me the large bulge in his...

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Last week I flew to Tucson upon hearing of my father's death. He'd lived a good life, had been a school-teacher, and had been married for fifty-three years and raised three k**s. Our mother had died six years earlier and he'd continued living in their little duplex in Green Valley, Arizona, surrounded by his books and extensive classical music collection. As neither of my younger brothers could stick around after the funeral, it fell to me to go through and dispose of his possessions and get...

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At Last For Two Friends Ch 6

I awoke sometime later when the sun hit the loungeroom window, I soon realised that Rach and I had fallen asleep after our second round of lovemaking. I lay there behind her with my arm over her hip and my morning erection buried in the crack of her arse. I took a deep breathe and smelled the scent of this lovely woman in my arms, I realised how much I wanted her in my life other than my best friend and I was not prepared to ever settle for anything less than being her lover from now on. I...

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My First Sex Experience With My Tenant

I am Smartguy (Name Changed) aged 28 years from Bangalore working in an MNC company. I am staying with my parents and elder brother we have given 7 houses for rent. I am regular reader of ISS in my mobile. I almost read all the stories which led me to post my story here and also to fuck my tenant aunty. This incident happened to me 4 years ago. This is my first story, so please forgive me if you find any mistake. We had only 1 signal bedroom house left apart from 7 houses we are waiting for a...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 52

The Board meeting in "Trader" several days later was a restrained affair. McCock and the Flock were exhausted. For the past three days, "Vector" was a veritable madhouse. Slow had taken her out to the northeast PRD area and McCock had the Harbourmaster issue a Notam for three days activation of the zone. Denny had fully explored his decoy system and had been somewhat disappointed to find that there was only the one choice of decoy, a single electronic hologram of "Vector" which he...

1 year ago
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making a deal with a demon part 1

I had been trying for weeks to summon the demon. I guess I was doing something wrong. I opened my spell book to make sure I was saying the right words. That’s when thing started to get weird. My spell book was blank!“What in the hell happened to my spells!?”The whole book was empty. I had almost 100 spell in it they couldn’t just vanish off the paper. As I turned back to the first page I saw a word in large demonic hand writing. Stop! Stop what I thought to my self. But the book responded to my...

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Anna Daniels

It was the summer of '02 and I had just turned 15. In January of that year I had taken over the neighborhood paper route from my older brother who had left for college. He had "willed" his paper route to me and I was thankful because it allowed me to earn some spending money without having to do any real hard labor. Jim, my brother, had indoctrinated me into the ins and outs of his route; i.e., which houses subscribed to the paper, which customers complained the most and when and how to...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 15

Avoidance. Yep, that was it. If she dodged the issue altogether, no harm would be done. Ally could leave gracefully without jeopardizing the chance of a lifetime. Then she could take some time to think things over and decide how to handle the situation. Of course with creative writing class just over 24 hours away, her time to think was limited, but it would do. At the very least it would address the current situation, and for the moment, that was all she really wanted. With a warm smile,...

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Sex with my downstairs aunt

Hi my name is Abishek this is my first sex experience at the age of 21. I am a P.G going student we live in a rented house upstairs. In our downstairs a young couple along with there small children live both of them are working. I generally call them uncle and didi some times I call her aunty also she is very young of just 28 medium height fair and very sexy. She just got job very recently and she wakes very early and does all her house work and goes to her office after sending her children...

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Honkytonk HeroChapter 4

On Saturday afternoon, Rita Maude Fricke met with her friends Betty Lou and Ruth again. They met in Ruth’s office at the library, because Ruth was once again filling in for an absent employee. Both Betty Lou and Rita were favorably impressed by Ruth’s dedication to her library and her patrons. Newly divorced Margie Wilcox was also at the meeting. Betty Lou had called her the previous evening, and asked her to join them at Rita’s request. As soon as they all had a cup of tea in their hands,...

4 years ago
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Longing for Australia

~Dedicated to the hard-working, passionate man that is my inspiration. You are always with me, deep in my heart. ~ * After yet another long tiring day at work, I finally arrive home. The cottage is in darkness but I can hear the delighted cries of my pets as the key turns in the lock, and I am greeted by a flurry of little furry faces demanding their evening meal. Despite my exhaustion, I can’t help smiling as I scoop up a wriggly pup and accept her kisses as I dish up for us all. When the...

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SimoneChapter 10

Greg was awakened in a way he had not been for years. He awoke to the delightful feeling of having his penis sucked to erection. He could scarcely believe his eyes when he looked down and saw that Simone had opened his robe and was kneeling next to the couch with his semi-hard cock in her mouth. "Holy shit, Simone!" He exclaimed. "What the hell is all this about?" "Oh, Greg," she cooed after removing his member from her mouth, "After the things you said this morning, I just wanted to...

4 years ago
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A Night out

This story is set in a old country pub. A young woman has arranged to meet her boyfriend There after he finishes work. This is her story of the events from that night. As you walk into the bar, you notice a young man sitting at the bar alone, there are a few groups of older men towards the back of the bar. Your eyes catch the bar tender, "he's cute" you think to yourself. You grab a seat at the end of the bar. After a minute or so the bar tender comes over and takes your order, then returns...

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Learning even more from Grandpa

I had been living at grandpa’s house for a few days, and after that first awkward encounter when he caught me wanking, and our subsequent sex, we had settled into an open and exciting existence. We would play with each other’s cocks, spend most of the day naked, and he helped me to explore my teenage sex drive, and I ended up having two or three orgasms a day and a lot of cock play in-between.He told me that he had to take pills to help get an erection, and could only cum once every day or two,...

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Mike Alex and I

I had always known that I was gay ever since the age of 16. I had dreamt about having sex with another man, but I couldn’t ever find the way to tell anyone. I had been living with this secret for three years. I had just turned nineteen, and my friends took me to the beach for my birthday. We were surfing the waves for a little over two hours. My cock got stiff every time I saw a slight bulge from the swimming trunks of my friends. I mostly hung out with two guys throughout high school. Ones...


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